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Adobe AD0-E458 Certification: Exam Details, syllabus and Questions

Adobe AD0-E458
Certification: Exam Details,
syllabus and Questions
Adobe AD0-E458 Exam Guide
Get complete detail on AD0-E458 exam guide to crack Adobe Audience
Manager Business Practitioner Professional. You can collect all information on
AD0-E458 tutorial, practice test, books, study material, exam questions, and
syllabus. Firm your knowledge on Adobe Audience Manager Business
Practitioner Professional and get ready to crack AD0-E458 certification.
Explore all information on AD0-E458 exam with number of questions, passing
percentage and time duration to complete test.
Introduction to AD0-E458 Adobe Certified
Audience Manager Business Practitioner
Professional Exam
The Adobe AD0-E458 Exam is challenging and thorough preparation is essential for
success. This exam study guide is designed to help you prepare for the Audience
Manager Business Practitioner Professional certification exam. It contains a detailed list
of the topics covered on the Professional exam, as well as a detailed list of preparation
resources. This study guide for the Adobe Audience Manager Business Practitioner
Professional will help guide you through the study process for your certification.
AD0-E458 Adobe Audience Manager Business Practitioner
Professional Exam Summary
Exam Name: Adobe Audience Manager Business Practitioner Professional
Exam Code: AD0-E458
Exam Price: $125 (USD)
Duration: 100 mins
Number of Questions: 50
Passing Score: 31/50
AD0-E458: Adobe Audience Manager Business Practitioner Professional
● Schedule Exam:
○ Adobe
○ Pearson VUE
● Sample Questions: Adobe Audience Manager Business Practitioner
Professional Sample Questions
● Recommended Practice: Adobe AD0-E458 Certification Practice Exam
Exam Syllabus: AD0-E458 Adobe Certified Audience Manager
Business Practitioner Professional
- Identify ways to utilize first-, second-, and thirdparty data for targeting and analytical purposes
- Describe the basic process for the activation of
Segment Creation and
business or campaign goals
- Differentiate the methods for segment
- Identify the different types of destinations
- Identify the different types of sources
- Given a scenario, identify signals, traits,
Trait Creation
segments, and audiences
- Identify the uses of different types of traits
- Given a scenario, generate reports to measure
Reporting and
activation or campaign goals
- Given a scenario, compare audiences on the
basis of match rates
- Given a scenario, troubleshoot inbound data
from different sources and source types
- Validate format for inbound data files
- Determine the appropriate structure to create
traits and segments that utilize a clear and
consistent nomenclature
- Determine the correct technique to maintain an
organized platform using a clear folder structure
- Organize user traits into a single unified profile
Profile Merge, ID Sync, and
to create household- or device-based audiences 14%
Audience Marketplace
- Identify activation using Audience Marketplace
AD0-E458: Adobe Audience Manager Business Practitioner Professional
Adobe AD0-E458 Certification Sample Questions and
To make you familiar with Adobe Audience Manager Business Practitioner Professional
(AD0-E458) certification exam structure, we have prepared this sample question set.
We suggest you to try our Sample Questions for Audience Manager Business
Practitioner Professional AD0-E458 Certification to test your understanding of Adobe
AD0-E458 process with real Adobe certification exam environment.
AD0-E458 Adobe Audience Manager Business Practitioner
Professional Sample Questions:01. What are essential considerations when using Audience Marketplace for
(Choose two)
a) Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of data sets.
b) Ensuring data compliance with privacy laws.
c) Maximizing the number of data providers.
d) Focusing solely on international data sources.
02. Given the following signals: "visited product page", "added item to cart", and
"purchased item", which trait would be most appropriate to define a high-intent
a) Users who visited at least three product pages.
b) Users who added an item to cart but did not purchase.
c) Users who purchased an item.
d) Users who visited a product page more than once.
03. For what purpose might a business use Audience Marketplace to enhance
audience segmentation?
a) To acquire specialized data sets that provide deeper insights into consumer behavior.
b) To reduce the overall expenses on data management.
c) To phase out the use of organizational data.
d) To share proprietary data with other businesses for a fee.
04. Examine the following scenario for segment activation using first-party data:
(Choose Two)
a) A retailer using purchase history to recommend products.
AD0-E458: Adobe Audience Manager Business Practitioner Professional
b) A service provider using geographical data to send localized offers.
c) A B2B company using only third-party demographic data for prospecting.
d) A marketing firm using non-consent based cookies for re-targeting.
05. Identify the types of destinations involved in segment syndication.
(Choose Three)
a) Data Management Platforms (DMPs)
b) Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems
c) Content Management Systems (CMS)
d) Social media platforms
e) Ad exchanges
06. What is the benefit of using a DMP in segment creation?
a) It exclusively stores third-party data
b) It allows for the integration of diverse data sources
c) It replaces the need for a CRM system
d) It is primarily used for offline data storage
07. Which of the following best describes a "trait" in digital marketing?
a) A specific user behavior tracked across digital platforms.
b) A broad category that includes various user actions and characteristics.
c) A user's demographic information such as age and gender.
d) A segment of users who have similar interests.
08. Which scenarios demonstrate the use of Profile Merge correctly?
(Choose three)
a) Combining browsing history from a laptop and smartphone to create a
comprehensive user profile.
b) Creating separate profiles for each device type to enhance device-specific
c) Merging online shopping data with offline purchase history for a complete purchase
d) Linking sibling user accounts under a single household profile.
e) Segregating user data into anonymous and known profiles for targeted campaigns.
09. How does ID Sync help in improving audience segmentation?
a) By providing real-time data updates.
b) By ensuring consistent user experience across devices.
c) By increasing the speed of data processing.
d) By enhancing the accuracy of targeted advertising.
AD0-E458: Adobe Audience Manager Business Practitioner Professional
10. In segment syndication, the process of ______ is critical to ensure that the
right audience is targeted effectively.
a) Budget allocation
b) Data cleansing
c) Audience identification
d) Channel selection
Answers:Answer 01:- a, b
Answer 02:- c
Answer 03:- a
Answer 04:- a, b
Answer 05:- a, b, e
Answer 06:- b
Answer 07:- a
Answer 08:- a, c, d
Answer 09:- d
Answer 10:- c
AD0-E458: Adobe Audience Manager Business Practitioner Professional
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