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essen.org teachings

Table of Contents
Doctrine One:..........................................................................................8
Doctrine on the Ancient Nasarean Essenes......................................8
COMMENTARY ON DOCTRINE ONE.............................................9
Doctrine Two:........................................................................................15
Doctrine on Essene Church of Christ...............................................15
COMMENTARY ON DOCTRINE TWO..........................................15
Doctrine Three:.....................................................................................22
Doctrine on Our Founder................................................................22
COMMENTARY ON DOCTRINE THREE.......................................22
Doctrine Four:.......................................................................................48
Doctrine On Our Mystery School....................................................48
Doctrine Five:........................................................................................58
Doctrine on Our Holy Scripture.......................................................58
COMMENTARY ON DOCTRINE FIVE...........................................58
Doctrine Six:..........................................................................................66
Doctrine on God and Goddess........................................................66
COMMENTARY ON DOCTRINE SIX.............................................66
Doctrine Seven:.....................................................................................84
Doctrine on Lord Christ and Lady Christ .........................................84
COMMENTARY ON DOCTRINE SEVEN.......................................86
Doctrine Eight:....................................................................................129
The Rejection of Magdalene and the Divine Feminine ................129
by Peter, Paul, and ........................................................................129
Their Mainstream Form of Christianity.........................................129
COMMENTARY ON DOCTRINE EIGHT......................................129
Doctrine Nine:.....................................................................................171
Heavens, Hells, Reincarnation, .....................................................171
and the Eternal Life of Your Soul...................................................171
COMMENTARY ON DOCTRINE NINE........................................174
Doctrine Ten:.......................................................................................197
Introduction to the Nasarean Spiritual Practices..........................197
Collectively Called, Essene Yoga....................................................197
COMMENTARY ON DOCTRINE TEN.........................................198
Doctrine Eleven:..................................................................................249
Nasarean Vegetarianism...............................................................249
COMMENTARY ON DOCTRINE ELEVEN....................................252
The Book of Doctrines
By Day of Greenleaf
About the Author ..................................... iv
Some Other Books by Day of Greenleaf ........... vi
1. Doctrine One: Doctrine on the Ancient Nasarean
Essenes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. Doctrine Two: Doctrine on Essene Church of Christ . . 7
3. Doctrine Three: Doctrine on Our Founder. . . . . . . . . 14
4. Doctrine Four: Doctrine on Our Mystery School:
of Higher Learning”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
5. Doctrine Five: Doctrine on Our Holy Scripture . . . . . 48
6. Doctrine Six: Doctrine on God and Goddess. . . . . . . 56
7. Doctrine Seven: Doctrine on Lord Christ and Lady Christ
with Commentary on Magdalene’s Teachings on
‘Three Forms of Salvation’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
8. Doctinre Eight: The Rejection of Magdalene and the Divine
Feminine by Peter, Paul, and Their Mainstream
Form of Christianity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
9. Doctrine Nine: Heavens, Hells, Reincarnation, and the
Eternal Life of Your Soul: Nasarean Teachings on the
Spiral Ladder of Being and Spiritual Evolution. . . . 159
10. Doctrine Ten: Introduction to the Nasarean Spiritual
Practices Collectively Called, Essene Yoga . . . . . . . 184
11. Doctrine Eleven: Nasarean Vegetarianism . . . . . . 235
About The Author
well-known environmentalist and peace activist, Day of Greenleaf
– Day Owen – has for several decades served as the High Priest of the
Nasarean Religion of the Essene Way, a
form of mystical Christianity that grew out of ancient Nasarean
Judaism. Based on an alternative – and far more ancient – version of
the Bible than that used by mainstream Christianity, Nasarean
Christianity is the only form of Christianity to teach that there is both
a God and Goddess, and that there is both a Lord Christ (Jesus) and
a Lady Christ (Magdalene).
Day is the chief instructor in the Nasarean martial art called
Zahyen, as well as the chief instructor in Essene Yoga. He serves as
the hierophant of the Nasarean Mystery School called Essene
Mountain of Peace, by which he offers home-study courses on the
Nasarean religion to students all over the world, as well as offering
in-person instruction to those students that attend his church
services and classes at Essene Garden of Peace Monastery and Retreat Center, home of the Mother Temple of Nasarean Christianity,
where he resides.
Day is the Maggid – High Wizard – of an order within Nasar-ean
Christianity called Green Wizards of the White Rose; that order
studies, practices and teaches Nasarean White Magic and Green
Wizardry. The Hebrew word Yidde’oniy means Knowing One and is
translated into English as Wizard. The Nasarean Wizards were the
teachers within the ancient Nasarean Religion.
Note: the symbol below indicates the beginning of a new paragraph
in instances when that would not otherwise be clear: ~~~
Some Other Books by
Day of Greenleaf
Soon to be Released or Already Available
Nasarean White Magic Book One: Roots and Teachings of Nasarean
Christianity of the Essene Way and Green Wizards of the White Rose
Nasarean White Magic Book Two: The Hermetic Teachings of The
Kybalion and Nasarean ‘Emerald Tablet’ Scrolls
Magdalene and Essene Jesus: A Cosmic Love Story
Essene Book of Elves, Unicorns, Dragons, Fairies and Other Magical
Creatures! Nasarean White Magic Book Four
Wizards and Wizardesses of The Holy Megillah: Nasarean White
Magic Book Five
Essene Solar Illuminations of Day of Greenleaf, Featuring: The Solar
Rituals of the Magdalene! Nasarean White Magic Book Six
Nasarean White Magic Book Seven: Ask a Green Wizard! Lessons One
Through Fifty on Nasarean White Magic
Essene Jesus in India According to The Holy Megillah
Essene Childhoods and Young Adulthoods of Jesus and the Magdalene
Essene Tree of Life Teachings of Day of Greenleaf
The Golden Path of Healing of The Essene Way: Holistic Wellness
Practices of Jesus and Magdalene for the Tribe of Healers!
Prophetic, Mystical, Green Wizard Poetry
Sacred Sex: Magdalene’s Teachings on Tantra
Teachings of Essene Jesus on Yoga and Meditation
Nasarean Children’s Stories Featuring Ezra the Frog and
Magdalene’s Fables
The Red Rose: Teachings on Zahyen by Day of Greenleaf
Write to the author for the current list of books, courses, videos
and upcoming gatherings:
Day Owen/Essene Church
Box 516, Elmira, Oregon, 97437
Webpage: essene.org
Email: esseneinfo@aol.com
Doctrine One:
Doctrine on the Ancient Nasarean Essenes
he Nasarean Religion of The Essene Way was the original religion
established by God and Goddess in the Garden of Eden. After the fall of
humankind due to a Luciferian attack on the Garden of Eden, the Lord
Christ and Lady Christ arranged that the Nasarean Religion of The Essene
Way would survive as an esoteric minority religion, a bright light in the
midst of a dark world. Thus, the ancient Nasarean Essenes were the
spiritual elders of the human species, practicing, preserving, and passing
on the teachings of the Lord Christ and Lady Christ according to the will
of God and Goddess. The ancient Nasarean Essenes were the practitioners
of the earliest and most spiritual form of Judaism, and, as the first
followers of Lord Christ and Lady Christ, became the first Christians.
That form of Christianity is called Nasarean Christianity or Nasarean
Christianity of The Essene Way. The modern-era string of congregations
of Nasarean Christianity that I [Day of Greenleaf/Day Owen] have
founded also refers to itself as Essene Church of Christ; in that name, the
word “Christ” is understood to refer equally to both the Lord Christ and
the Lady Christ, as well as the state of “Christ Consciousness” to which
all members aspire. It is only when we actually experience Christ
Consciousness that we are also members of the Universal Spiritual
Fraternity that is called “The Christ Family.” The word “Essene” means
“healer(s)/healing” and when paired with “Way” to form
Essene Teachings
Doctrine One
the term “Essene Way” means “Healing Way,” which refers to the
Way of holistic – body, mind, emotions, spirit – wellness/healing
that is the Nasarean lifestyle.
“Nasarean,” as will be explained in the following Commen-tary
on Doctrine One, means “Ascension,” “to rise in spiritual el-evation
on the Spiral Ladder of Being,” which is linked to receiv-ing and
giving forgiveness and trying to do the best we can to put into
practice the good things that we know, always in the context of the
“Nod of Wisdom to Love” since the central precept of the Nasarean
Religion of The Essene Way is that LOVE IS THE
called “The Highest Wisdom” and leads us to join Arche-type
Wisdom in the decision to “give the nod to Love.”
In The Nasarean Book of Genesis (that book is titled
Mattanah and is the first section of The Holy Megillah:
Nasarean Bible of The Essene Way) we learn that our
planet is only one of countless worlds in a vast universe.
We learn that long before our planet was created, the Lord
Christ and Lady Christ, following the instruc-tions of Jah
(God) and Jahlah (Goddess), established a spiritual
fellowship called The Christ Family. With branches
throughout the universe, The Christ Family is the
fellowship of Beings who have joined the mission of Lord
Christ and Lady Christ to be Hands of Mercy. Known by
various names in various worlds, on Earth The Christ
Family established and oversees the Nasarean Religion of
The Essene Way. The Nasarean Religion of the Essene Way
was established in the Garden of Eden, and has always
continued to exist, though often forced to work behind the
scenes due to the violent conditions of this fallen world. It is
important to note that this religion uses a different version
(far more ancient) of the Bible than either mainstream
Judaism or mainstream Christianity and
Essene Teachings
that the ‘Garden of Eden’ story is far different (way better!) than the
account given in the mainstream Bible.
The word Nasarean stems from the Hebrew root Nasa and means
to rise up as in spiritual ascension. The word Essene stems from the
Aramaic word Assaya which means Healer. The religion itself is
called Nasarean, and the way of that religion is said to be Essene.
This is due to the fact that Nasareans achieve spiritu-al ascension
(‘nasa’) by practicing the Essene Way (the “Healing Way”). Wherever
the Essenes lived, the common people referred to them as “The
Healers.” For example, in Egypt they were called the Therapeautae,
which means Healer and is the origin of the word Therapist. Philo of
Alexandria, in a book written two thou-sand years ago, wrote that the
Essenes were not only healers of the body, but of body, mind, and
soul. In other words, they were holistic healers. And they were
amazingly effective: the Jewish His-torian Josephus, also writing two
thousand years ago, declared that many Essenes reached the age of
100. And that was at a time when the average age of death was about
Essene Jews (Nasareans) had a vegetarian version of the He-brew
Bible that was far more ancient than the bloody version used by
mainstream Judaism. The Essene Jews refused to have anything to do
with the animal sacrifice religion of mainstream Ju-daism and were
therefore severely persecuted. They were an out-lawed religion, not
only for their repudiation of animal sacrifice, but for a variety of
reasons. The orthodox priests were angered that the Nasarean Jews
worshipped both God and Goddess. They were angered by the fact
that the Nasareans used different scriptures and had different
teachings. Most of all, the main-stream Jewish priests were
outraged by the fact that the Nasarean Jews permitted women to
enter the priesthood.
It is written that an angel appeared to the ancient Nasarean Essene
Jews and told them that, in fulfillment of ancient proph-
Doctrine One
ecies, the Lord Christ and Lady Christ would come to Earth through
them. But first, said the angel to the Nasareans, they must prepare
themselves. The angel gave them instructions on how to purify
themselves to prepare for the coming of the Lord and Lady. For
seven generations the Nasarean Essenes followed the instructions of
the angel. And then, in Israel, a Nasarean Essene woman gave birth
to the Lord Christ: Yahshua (“Jesus”). And the same year, at the
Essene encampment in Ethiopia, a Nasarean Essene woman gave
birth to the Lady Christ: Miri-am the Magdalene (“Mary
Magdalene”). From this time on, the Nasarean Essene religion has
been a form of Christianity, since a Christian is a follower of Christ.
Thus, modern Nasarean Es-senes, while considering ourselves to be
the heirs of the most ancient form of Judaism, are Christians
because we are fol-lowers of Christ. Even so, as stated above, we
use a different version of the Bible than does mainstream
Christianity and have many different teachings. (For more
information on the ancient Nasarean Essenes read my (Day of
Greenleaf) book, Magdalene and Essene Jesus: A Cosmic Love
Story. That book, available from our church, explains in much more
detail many of the topics briefly mentioned in this Commentary on
Doctrine One.)
Although the word “Nasarean” sounds similar to the more-familiar word “Nazarene,” they are two different Hebrew words. The
word Nasarean comes from the Hebrew root Nasa. The following
meanings of the root Nasa are given in The Strongest Strong’s
Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible: “Lift up,” “Lifted up,”
“Raise,” “Lift up another,” “Lift up oneself,” “Forgive, For-given.”
The concordance also states that the various meanings of the root
Nasa come “… from the base meaning of rise in eleva-tion….” The
concordance also states that the meaning of forgive/
forgiven in the context of Nasa is “… the removal of guilt and its
Essene Teachings
In The Holy Megillah: Nasarean Bible of the Essene Way, we read:
And this religion is “Nasarean” for we “Lift up” ourselves
and others in holy ascension upon the Golden Ladder,
giving and receiving forgiveness.
Thus, as a sectarian name, Nasarean means: To raise oneself and
others to higher levels upon the Golden Ladder (of Be-ing) by
forgiving and being forgiven. This “raising” can also be called
“ascension.” (I wonder if the person who created the acronym for the
American space program – N.A.S.A. – knew the meaning of the
Hebrew root Nasa?) Indeed, ascension by raising oneself and others
into higher and higher states of heavenly con-sciousness is the main
topic of the Nasarean Bible. [To obtain a copy of The Holy Megillah:
Nasarean Bible of The Essene Way, contact the author of this book at
the address provided at the front of this book.] This “raising” is
accomplished by living and sharing the “Essene Way”; that “Way”
constitutes the practices of the Nasarean Religion. Those “practices”
together, considered as a whole, are referred to as “Essene Nasarean
Yoga” or, for short, “Essene Yoga,” and are described in detail in my
book on Essene Yoga. Essene Yoga will be briefly described in
another section of the book you are now reading, Essene Teachings:
The Book of Doctrines.
Because they have no ancient source that directly defines the
word, many mainstream scholars have advanced various educat-ed
guesses as to the meaning of the word “Essene.” Some espe-cially
astute scholars, although not many, have suggested that the word
comes to us from the Aramaic word Assaya, which means Healer
(plural: Assayim/Healers). I agree with them, since that is what is
stated within The Holy Megillah: Nasarean Bible of the Essene Way.
We read:
And the name of this Way is the Essene Way, which
Doctrine One
is the Healing Way of the Dove and the Lamb. For, an “Essene”
is a “healer of body, mind, and soul.” And behold: those who
accept the invitation of
the Dove and Lamb to take initiation as disci-ples of
the Essene Way shall be called Nasareans; for “Nasa”
means to “Lift up,” and we are Nasareans when we reach low to raise those in distress. Yea, and by so
doing, we ourselves are raised up to the summit of the Essene
Mountain of Peace where stands the holy Tree of Life.
As I explain in more detail in other books including Cosmic Love
Story, in the New Testament era there were several differ-ent
groups that used the word Essene. Not all of those groups are
similar to the Nasarean Essenes. That is because the word “Essene”
simply means “healer,” and various religious groups at the time
referred to members of their “healing order” as “Es-senes.”
Doctrine Two:
Doctrine on Essene Church of Christ
ssene Church of Christ hereby declares that the blessed day of the
restoration of the true church and true teachings of the Lord Christ and
Lady Christ has NOW COME! We believe we are that church, and that
we are the authorized custodians and chief disseminators of the true
teachings of the Lord Christ and
Lady Christ.
n the ancient Nasarean Essene manuscripts used by our church,
Yahshua (“Jesus”) predicted that, after his crucifixion, his ene-mies
would fiercely persecute his true church, set-up a false church, and alter
his teachings. He was right. After Jesus was crucified, his true church was
attacked and his true disciples executed as “her-etics,” first by the
mainstream Jewish authorities and then by the Pauline Roman Catholic
Church. Mainstream Christianity became a State-run religion, run by
corrupt kings via their puppet-popes. The primary founder of this altered
form of Christianity was Saul of Tarsus (“Paul”), who never even met
Yahshua. Paul and his cohorts threw out the vegetarian teachings of
Yahshua, as well as his teachings on the Divine Mother Goddess. The
Pauline Roman Catholic Church threw out almost all of the sayings of
Miriam (“Mary Magdalene”) and branded her as a reformed prostitute,
when in fact she was the wife and eternal consort of Yahshua and
Essene Teachings
Doctrine Two
had never been a prostitute. They altered the New Testament,
replacing many of the teachings of Yahshua and Miriam with the
teachings of Paul. The Pauline Church that gave birth to both
Orthodox Christianity and the Roman Catholic Church led the world
into what historians call The Dark Age. The Catholic army nearly
exterminated all of the surviving Nasareans, forcing the few
survivors to take their precious scrolls and go into hiding. Yahshua
predicted all of it. But he also predicted an “Age of Light” in which
his true church would return and his true teachings would be
Essene Church of Christ hereby declares that the BLESSED
DAY of the restoration of the true teachings and true church of
the Lord Christ and Lady Christ has NOW COME! We believe
that we are that true church, and that we are the authorized
custodians and chief disseminators of those true teachings.
Please do not misinterpret the above statements. We DO NOT
believe that we are the only “good” church or that other churches are
“bad”; in fact, we study wisdom wherever we find it – even in other
churches and religions. But we do believe that we are the
authorized custodians and chief disseminators of the authentic
version of the teachings of Yahshua and Mir-iam. WE TEACH
WHAT THEY ACTUALLY TAUGHT! And we do believe the
Lord Christ and Lady Christ are responsible for our church becoming
manifest at this precise point in plan-etary history – THE CUSP
BETWEEN AGES. And we believe many of the members of our
church are reincarnated Essenes; they worked closely with the Lord
and Lady in the New Testa-ment era, and have now returned to help
prepare the world for their second coming. Also, we know that the
Lord and Lady are in ongoing contact with us, providing guidance,
Essene Teachings
only “good” church; but, quite literally, WE ARE THE ACTUAL
Yahshua and Miriam have revealed to us the reason for our
manifestation at this particular point in planetary history:
We are on the cusp of a New Cycle on Earth, a New Age. The
New Age will be an age of relatively advanced spirituality, an age in
which the group consciousness takes a quantum leap forward. The
New Age will be a SOLAR CIVILIZATION, mak-ing profound and
creative use of the energy of our Sun. It will be a civilization
dedicated to ECOLOGICAL HARMONY. And, as indicated by the
prophet Isaiah, it will be a nonviolent, VEG-ETARIAN
CIVILIZATION, returning to the original non-flesh diet given by
God and Goddess in Genesis. Truly, a NEW DAY is about to dawn!
But before the bright sky of the New Day dawns, a dark storm
shall rain down. In other words, THERE IS GOING TO BE A
depends on us!
Enough damage has already been done to the ecosystem of our
Earth to ensure some degree of ecological collapse. That ecological
collapse will cause an economic collapse and that eco-nomic collapse
will lead to socio-political chaos and war. Even if profound ecological
wisdom were implemented immediately on a worldwide scale, some
degree of the above scenario would still occur – enough damage has
already been done to the ecosystem to ensure some degree of collapse
and chaos.
But we – the “we” who have “ears to hear” and “eyes to
Doctrine Two
see,” can work to make the degree of collapse and chaos less se-vere
than it otherwise will be. “We” are the “Way-pointers” of the New
Age. “We” are the “Called-out” ones. “We” are, in the words of
Yahshua, “the meek who shall inherit the Earth,” the “Ripe
Harvest” of the closing age and the “New Seed” of the age to come.
WE ARE THE NASAREAN ESSENES. And long ago it was
ordained that we help ease the transition from one age to the next.
How can we help ease the storm that is about to rain down? First,
let us look at the storm. What is the storm? It is mere-ly the
consequence of deviation from the physical and spiritual laws of God
and Goddess, the laws of the universe. There is but one antidote for
the painful consequences of deviation from the physical and spiritual
laws of God/Goddess: HARMONY WITH THEM.
The Lord Christ and Lady Christ have repeatedly made known
those laws on Earth. But humankind has, as a whole, re-jected those
laws. The coming storm is the karmic consequence (law of cause and
effect) of that collective discord.
But God and Goddess are not only “LAW”; they are also
“MERCY.” And they long ago called into existence the Nasar-ean
Church of The Essene Way, also called Essene Church of Christ, a
church given the responsibility of preserving the SA-CRED
TEACHINGS. Toward the end of each Earth Cycle, the Essene
Church manifests itself in a more public manner to help ease the
transition from one age to the next. Such a time has again come! The
ancient Essene Church of Christ has re-turned! AND WE HAVE
We are now entering the cusp between two ages. Essene prophecy
states that the ancient Essene Masters will reincar-nate at this time to
prepare the way for the return of the Lord
Essene Teachings
Christ and Lady Christ. These are exciting – and challenging
– times! You can be at the forefront of this BLESSED WORK via
affiliation with Essene Church of Christ. (Of course, there are nonEssene groups and individuals working to usher in the NEW DAY; we
Essenes are not working alone! However, the angelic hierarchy led by
the Lord Christ and Lady Christ has indeed set apart the Essene
Church to perform certain specific duties, some of which can only be
revealed within the context of our Essene Mystery School Lessons.)
Also, let us make this clear: We are optimists, not “prophets of
doom.” The “rough transition pe-riod” mentioned above is similar to a
Spring-cleaning: it will result in a purified, spiritually-elevated
environment for all inhab-itants of Planet Earth. Those souls that help
bring this about will ascend to whatever heavenly abode that their
thoughts, words, and deeds most vibrate in harmony with, and regardless of physical location are LIVING IN CHRIST as long as
they resonate with that vibrational actuality rather than simply
believe that it exists in some other place and time than HERE
AND NOW. The state of consciousness just de-scribed is very
centered in thoughts, words, and deeds of Merciful Love expressed as
Kindness and Forgiveness, since that is what “Christ” is all about!
When disciples of Christ attain that level of spiritual development – by
persistent diligence in Nasarean Essene spiritual practices called
collectively, “ESSENE YOGA”
– they are said to have attained CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS.
If you continue to study in our Essene Mystery School, you will
discover that within our church there are various levels of
involvement. You will discover that there are various orders with-in
the church, and that those orders have names. By the term “order,” I
mean a sub-group within the larger group. For example, within the
Catholic Church there are various orders such as the Franciscans, the
Benedictines, the Carmelites, etc. But no matter which order a
Catholic might belong to, he or she always remains a Catholic.
Likewise, within Essene Church of Christ there are
Doctrine Two
various orders – each with its own name – but each member of each
order remains a member of Essene Church of Christ. In other words,
none of our orders is to be considered a sepa-rate church; rather, each
order is a sub-grouping within the one church called Essene Church
of Christ/Nasarean Church of The Essene Way. The three main
Orders – each of which has subdi-visions and auxiliary orders – are
each symbolized by a differ-ent color rose: Order of The Blue Rose,
Order of The Red Rose, Order of The White Rose. The “White
Rose” trains the teachers that serve in the “Blue Rose” and “Red
Rose.” More information on these three Orders symbolized by Roses
will be given in a subsequent doctrine that describes our Essene
Mystery School in more detail.
We are aware of some individuals and several modern groups
that have adopted the word “Essene” as a label for their organizations and activities. Some of them have chosen names that sound
similar to ours, and some even have taken material off our webpage
and posted it on theirs, including articles written by our founder.
Some of these individuals and groups are nice folks attempting to do
good work. On the other hand, some are actually crazy and teach
very wrong things in the name of the “Essenes.” Both the nice folks
and the crazy folks have the legal right to use the word “Essene.” We
simply ask that you be aware that none of these individuals or groups
are legally connected to our church and we take no responsibility for
their views or activities. Essene Church of Christ is directly linked
by apos-tolic succession to the actual ancient Nasarean Essene
Church established by the Lord Christ and Lady Christ. In that, we
feel that we are unique.
Legally, anyone can adopt the word “Essene” and use it in
whatever way they wish. But Spiritually, not every individual or
group who adopts the word “Essene” is actually an “Essene. ” The
ancient Nasarean Essene Church is an actual organization
Essene Teachings
that has survived through the centuries. It has initiation rituals and an
apostolic succession. One becomes a member of THAT church in a
specific way, and the leaders of THAT church are quite aware of who
has – and who has not – entered their church. Essene Church of Christ
is linked to THAT ancient church via direct apostolic succession.
When you become a member of Es-sene Church of Christ you become
a member of THAT church. That may not be the case with other
groups using the word “Es-sene.” Nowadays, in the age of the
internet, a supposed “Essene Church” that you discover on the internet
may in fact be a single person sitting behind a computer screen. There
may be no actual branches of the church where people meet together.
In fact, at the time of this writing, the only Essene Church that actually
has a string of congregations is ours. All others are simply Web Pages.
Doctrine Three:
Doctrine on Our Founder
he founder of the modern-era Nasarean Church of The Essene Way
(and the related mission called Essene Church of Christ) is Day Owen, a
noted environmentalist and peace activist known
by his pen name, Day of Greenleaf. Simply called “Day” (the nickname his father gave him, short for “David”) by the members of our
church, he was initiated into the living stream of Nasarean apostolic
succession at age seventeen – in 1975 – by an elderly Nasarean
Essene teacher from Alexandria, Egypt. Although Day is the
“founder” of the modern-era manifestation of Nasarean Church of
The Essene Way (and various related missions includ-ing Essene
Church of Christ), having been trained for that work by his Nasarean
teacher, he stresses that the true founders of our church are the Lord
Christ and Lady Christ. Day was simply willing to help!
ay wishes to stress the fact that he does not consider himself to be
any sort of “Perfect Master”; rather, he is a fallible human being
working on self-improvement by practicing Essene Yoga. He considers
that the only merit he had worthy of his being given such a significant
assignment is that he truly loves the Lord Christ and Lady Christ and
sincerely wants to help them in their mission of mercy. Day insists that
he is to be viewed simply as a
Essene Teachings
friend and brother who, if you are sincere and diligent, will try his
best to teach you what the Lord Christ and Lady Christ actually
taught and practiced. He considers himself to be a perfect master of
but one Nasarean Essene teaching: Loving the Lord Christ and Lady
Christ will all of his heart. He hopes that by doing that he may
someday master the other teachings.
Day wishes to acknowledge his primary Essene teacher, Malachi. Malachi, an Essene Master of Lebanese heritage who trav-eled
all over the Middle East and lived many years in Alexandria, Egypt,
was Day’s mentor. Born in America of Lebanese parents, he spent
much of his time in Egypt and Iraq, as well as Lebanon, Syria, and
Israel. He said that he, Malachi, was merely the mes-senger of his
own teacher, a man named Abdiel. Abdiel (known in some Middle
East countries as Abdul) was a member of a sur-viving Nasarean
sect in Baghdad but had disciples in Egypt and all over the Middle
East. Abdiel initiated Malachi into the living stream of Nasarean
Essene apostolic succession. Because Mal-achi had been born in
America, Abdiel asked him to return to America and initiate a
disciple into the living stream of Nasarean Essene apostolic
succession. He was told to train that disciple to found a modern
Essene Church to serve as an above-ground outlet for the teachings
of the underground Essene Church. By the time Malachi returned to
the United States in the late 1960’s, Abdiel had made the transition
to the next world. But Malachi carried with him the traditions,
teachings, and texts of Abdiel; even the name he carried – “Malachi”
– was a gift from Abdiel: the name was given to him when he was
initiated into the living stream of Nasarean Essene apostolic
succession. The name Mal-achi means My Messenger, and, indeed,
he considered himself to be the messenger of Abdiel to America.
For various reasons, Malachi chose to enter America with-out
alerting the authorities to his presence. He flew to Mexi-co and then
walked across the border with a group of “illegal
Doctrine Three
aliens.” He crossed the border near San Diego, California, and began
walking the streets of hippy-era America (this was the late 1960’s
“peace and love” anti-Vietnam war era, and the streets were full of
longhaired youths smoking marijuana and searching for spiritual
meaning.) With his long hair and beard, the elderly Malachi was
embraced by the hippies, who gave him various hippy-names. One of
the hippy-names be-stowed upon Malachi was “The Poet.” That
name was given to him because of his habit of peppering his
“sermons” with lots of mystical poetry that he seemed to compose
In the mountains east of San Diego, Malachi found an old
abandoned hotel that had been condemned. The land was owned by
an out of state real estate tycoon. Without permis-sion, Malachi began
camping on that land. He took the old ho-tel apart piece-by-piece
(though elderly he still was a very good carpenter and occasionally
earned a few dollars with that skill) and then built a cabin. He then
took the old, cracked parking lot apart piece-by-piece, and planted
beautiful gardens. He turned what had become an ugly junkyard into
a paradise of natural beauty. When the real estate tycoon visited the
land, he was so impressed that he agreed to let the old man stay as
caretaker. (The real estate investor was planning to hold onto the land
for some years and then sell it for a tidy profit. Some years later, the
land was sold to a development company; they bulldozed the
beautiful paradise and built an apartment building. Like the old Joni
Mitchel song laments: “They take paradise and put up a parking
lot!”) By the time Day came to that land in the middle 1970’s, it was
the closest thing to a physical manifestation of the Garden of Eden
imaginable: There were vegetable patches in the shapes of various spiritual
symbols, oriental-style rock gardens, fruit trees, flowers in bloom
everywhere, and a beautiful stream of bubbling water.
Essene Teachings
Day helped Malachi build some additional simple cabins and they
started an Essene monastic community called Essene Garden of
Peace. There, Day and a constantly changing assortment of traveling
hippies studied with Malachi. While Day does not think that he was an
exceptional student, he had one thing going for himself: he was
persistent. While Day stayed for seven years, the other hippies that
passed through usually did not stay long. Two reasons: 1) The day
began at dawn and included many hours of hard work in the gardens!
The traveling hippies loved to listen to The Poet talk about spiritual
things but most did not want to get up that early and work hard for
hours in the gardens without pay; and, 2) There was no electricity!
After seven years, only Day had been persistent enough to have
accomplished the entire course of training offered by Mala-chi.
Nobody else had even come close, as they never stayed long enough.
Thus, only Day, from amongst the hundred or so hippies (yes, Day
was definitely a “hippy”) that came and went, was ini-tiated by
Malachi into the living stream of Nasarean Essene ap-ostolic
succession. Thus, the torch of Nasarean Essene apostolic succession
had been passed to an American in fulfillment of the wish of Abdiel,
Malachi’s teacher.
Shortly after Day completed his seven years of training with
Malachi, the land was sold by the real estate tycoon owner to a
development corporation. Malachi and Day were evicted, and an
apartment building replaced Essene Garden of Peace. At that time,
Malachi predicted that, when the time was right, Day would remanifest Essene Garden of Peace in another location. That pre-diction
came true: Day re-established Essene Garden of Peace Monastery
near Greenleaf, Oregon, and, at the time of this writing, has lived there
for about two decades. That is where the “Mother Temple”
(Headquarters) of the modern Nasarean Religion of The Essene Way
is located. Weekly Essene Church services are held, plus special
classes, events and initiation rituals. This second in-
Doctrine Three
carnation of Essene Garden of Peace is located in a natural para-dise
in a beautiful coastal mountain range in Oregon.
When that first incarnation of Essene Garden of Peace Monastery ended when it was sold to a developer, Malachi, knowing his
work was complete, soon afterward made the transition to the next
world (while in South America).
Day feels very humbled to have received this great blessing of
initiation into the living stream of Nasarean apostolic succes-sion at
the hands of Malachi, and to have been named as his successor. Day
honestly acknowledges that it was not due to any great merit on his
part; he simply liked getting up early and honestly enjoyed working
in the garden and studying spiritual things. And, most importantly,
he loved the old man, Malachi, and wanted to help him help the Lord
and Lady. Other than these simple things, he had no special merit
that would be de-serving of such a blessing.
Day wishes to thank Abdiel, known in Baghdad (in the 1960’s in
Nasarean circles) as The Prophet, for being the hand that moved the
pieces on the cosmic chessboard that resulted in the founding of the
modern-era Essene Church of Christ. Although Day never met him,
he has always felt his presence. [Note: the names “Malachi” and
“Abdiel” figure prominently in the Nasar-ean “Old Testament.” This
does not mean that the “Malachi” and “Abdiel” of our era were
reincarnations of the former Essene prophets known by the same
names. Of course, that is possible, but we have no reason to assume
such a thing. Many people to-day are named “David’,” “Daniel,” and
“Samuel,” but that does not imply that they are reincarnations of
those Old Testament prophets.]
The story of Day’s seven years of training with the elder-ly Essene
teacher, Malachi, is provided in much more detail
Essene Teachings
in the first section of his book, Magdalene and Essene Jesus: A
Cosmic Love Story. That section includes old newspaper ar-ticles that
document the peace work that Day launched im-mediately after his
training with Malachi; because he used Gandhian nonviolence
methodology in his peace work, the local media at the time dubbed
Day: “the Gandhi of San Di-ego.”
The following Appendix to Doctrine Three is an excerpt from
Day’s book, Magdalene and Essene Jesus: A Cosmic Love Sto-ry, that
describes both an early childhood experience with “Jesus” and a brief
account of his initial meeting with, and subsequent study with, the
elderly Nasarean teacher Malachi. This informa-tion is pertinent to
Doctrine Three in that it explains why and how Day founded the
modern reincarnation of the ancient Nasarean Religion of The Essene
Appendix to “Doctrine Three on Our Founder”:
A Childhood Experience with Jesus and a Prophecy
Related to My Life Work Including the
Founding of the Modern Nasarean Religion
That Is Based on My Translation of The Holy
Megillah: Nasarean Bible of The Essene Way
hen I (Day of Greenleaf) was a young boy, an incredible, wonderful
thing happened to me. Because that experience is directly linked with my
writing of this book, I will share it with you. To receive it, you must become
like a child.
I was eight years old. It was Christmas Eve, 1966. My family and
I were watching a television movie about the life of Jesus. As I
watched Jesus heal the sick, feed the hungry, and hug lit-tle children, I
fell absolutely in love with him. He was so nice! But when the movie
reached the point where Jesus was tak-en prisoner, savagely whipped
and nailed to a cross, my joy
Doctrine Three
turned to tears. I ran from the family room into the privacy of my
bedroom and threw myself down on the bed. With my face buried in
my pillow, I began to cry a river of tears. I cried and cried, and then,
for the first time in my life, I truly pray ed.
I prayed that God would bring Jesus back to life. I had not seen
the last part of the movie where Jesus did come back to life, and so I
thought those mean people had killed Jesus forever! And so I prayed:
“Dear God, please bring Jesus back to life! He was so
nice! He helped everybody! Please, God, bring Jesus back
to life so I can join him and be one of his disciples!”
I prayed those words fervently, from my heart, with one hun-dred
percent conviction. And then something incredible hap-pened! I felt
the presence of someone in my room. I lifted my face from my
pillow and turned expecting to see my mother. But it was not my
mother. It was the presence of Christ! The first thing I “saw” with
my “third-eye” – a term for that within us that is capable of “seeing”
subtle energies and having intuitional vision or insight – was a ball
of pure, white light. And then that white light became for my
physical eyes the semblance of Jesus. So much pure love was
radiating from Jesus that I could actually smell and taste it with the
senses of my subtle anatomy. Can you imagine what pure love would
smell like? It smelled like a field of celestial flowers in blossom! Can
you imagine what pure love would taste like? It tasted like honey
from heaven!
After comforting me with words of love, Jesus spoke the following words of prophecy about my life and ministry:
“Beloved friend, listen well. You shall do a special work for me.
Indeed, you will be a bright sun by which my true teachings
shall be illuminated. You will cast light on
Essene Teachings
teachings of mine long suppressed by the merchants of
death. Your life will be a blessing to many beings, human
and non-human alike. But first you must be trained: When
the time is right, I will send a holy one to train you. You will
know him when you see him: The eyes are the windows of
the soul, and his eyes will reveal a gentle soul. He will
radiate peace. When your training with him is through, you
and I shall again embrace: This time I came to you; next
time you will come to me.”
When Jesus spoke the words, “… you will be a bright sun by
which my true teachings will be illuminated,” a vision of a blackskinned woman being revealed by the rays of a bright sun ap-peared in
my mind. Though, at age eight, I knew her not – except as the
wonderful woman of unknown name that occasionally ap-peared in
my childhood dreams and visions – I know her now as the Magdalene.
As Jesus smiled serenely, his body once again became a ball of what,
for lack of a better term, I am calling “white light,” though to call it
“radiant brightness” would be just as good.
Who would be the “holy one” that Jesus would send to train me? I
spent the next few Sundays watching famous television ministers
preach. I thought that one of those famous ministers might be the one
to train me. But as I watched them preach, I was greatly disappointed:
Jesus had said that the eyes of the one to train me would reveal a
“gentle soul”; but the eyes of the tele-vision ministers revealed only
dollar signs! Rather than “gentle souls,” their eyes revealed “greedy
I then began to visit the various churches attended by my friends.
My own family did not attend a church. I hoped that, by visiting a
number of these congregations, I might meet the “holy one” destined
to teach me about Jesus and his lost teachings. I thought it might be
one of the pastors or priests of these con-gregations. But again I was
disappointed: The ministers of these
Doctrine Three
churches did not strike me as “holy”; rather, they seemed “plas-tic,”
more similar to salesmen in vibration than to spiritual dev-otees. I
decided to quit searching for the one who was to train me. I told
myself, “Jesus will send him when the time is right.”
I Meet My Teacher: The First Sweat Lodge Ritual:
“I AM!”
hough we might not be aware of it, we are perpetually engaged in
the process of spiritual training. The entire universe is a cosmic school
system for the training of souls, and even our bad experiences contain
spiritual lessons. But there is a special type of spiritual training called,
Intentional Spiritual Training. Inten-tional Spiritual Training occurs
when we are aware of the fact that we are being trained and choose to
participate consciously in that training. When a being makes the
decision to participate consciously in his or her spiritual training, that
being is said to be “on the spiritual path.” It was that type of intentional
training that Jesus was referring to when he told me:
“But first you must be trained: When the time is right, I
will send a holy one to train you.”
My intentional spiritual training began when I was seventeen.
One night, I was camping in the mountains behind my home. Instead
of sleep, for much of the night I lay awake contemplat-ing the
seemingly infinite canopy of luminous stars, awestruck. Within
myself, I exclaimed: “What an incredibly vast universe!” As I lay
there in rapture, many profound questions of philosoph-ic and
religious significance impinged upon my consciousness.
The chief question, the one that most thoroughly occupied my
consciousness, was: “Who am I?”
I pondered that question for several hours; I was unable to
Essene Teachings
satisfactorily answer it. Was I a soul or just a body with a brain? In
prayer, I asked Jesus to help me answer that question, and then I fell
asleep. The very next day, Jesus sent someone who helped me
discover the answer to that question. Jesus sent the holy one destined
to train me for my life work.
I met my teacher on the freeway. I was driving my car, and I saw
him sitting in the lotus posture (a meditation posture) on the side of
the freeway ramp. He did not have his thumb out but I assumed that
he was hitchhiking. At this point in my life, I had never picked up a
hitchhiker; I was afraid to, due to prudent pa-rental warnings. But
something about this particular hitchhiker seemed different. He
seemed safe. His eyes were soft and gentle, and on the front of his
white tunic were the words: “BE KIND TO ANIMALS, DON’T
EAT THEM!” I figured that an old man who would not hurt an
animal, would not hurt me. I pulled over.
The hitchhiker climbed into my car. He said, “Thanks, Broth-er!”
The way he spoke the word “Brother,” I knew he actually meant it. I
asked, “If you were hitchhiking, why did you not have your thumb
out?” His answer seemed rather mysterious: “Be-cause I was waiting
for you!”
It was obvious that this man was some sort of sage. His white
beard nearly reached his waist, prayer beads hung from his neck, and
in his hands he cradled a spiritual book as if it were a pre-cious
jewel. But it was not the long beard, prayer beads, nor spir-itual book
that caused me to conclude that this man was a sage. It was his aura
of holiness. He actually radiated peace! He had a “glow” about him.
You have seen those old paintings of saints with golden halos around
their heads. Those halos are not only symbolic of holiness; they are
the spiritual light – the nimbus – that radiates from such saints. As I
looked at this holy hitchhiker, I sensed a subtle light emanating from
Doctrine Three
I asked, “Where should I drop you off?” He replied, “I am going
to a vegetarian restaurant in El Cajon.” I was seventeen at the time,
and not yet a vegetarian. And so I asked him, “Does vegetarian food
taste good?” He laughed a deep belly-laugh, then said: “It tastes
much better than the carcass of a murdered cow!” He issued an
invitation: “Come to the restaurant with me and I will buy you lunch.
You can judge the taste of vegetarian food for yourself.” Pleased at
the prospect of continuing our con-versation, I said: “Sure!”
For lunch I ordered a vegetarian version of a hamburger, a grainpatty called a “Sunburger.” And I had to admit: It did taste better
than the body of a dead cow! But even better than the food was the
conversation: every word this man spoke had the proverbial ring of
truth! I asked him about the spiritual book he was carrying. He said,
“It is an ancient manuscript that includes many teachings of Jesus
that have long been suppressed by his enemies.” And then I
remembered the words of prophecy that Jesus had spoken to me
when I was eight:
“You shall do a special work for me. Indeed, you will be a
bright sun by which my true teachings shall be illuminated.
You will cast light on teachings of mine long suppressed
by the merchants of death.Your life will be a blessing to
many beings, human and non-human alike.
“But first you must be trained: When the time is right, I
will send a holy one to train you. You will know him when
you see him: The eyes are the windows of the soul, and his
eyes will reveal a gentle soul. He will radiate peace.”
I suddenly realized that I was eating lunch with the holy one sent
by Jesus to train me to reveal his long-suppressed teach-ings. I asked
him, “What teachings of Jesus were suppressed by his enemies?” He
smiled and said, “Three of the chief doctrines
Essene Teachings
of Jesus that have been suppressed by his enemies are vegetari-anism,
reincarnation, and the feminine aspect of God. The whole list of
suppressed teachings is much longer.”
He was very elderly so I doubted that he still had any sort of job,
but I wondered what had been his life path. So, I asked: “What is your
occupation?” He said that he still earned a few dol-lars doing
carpentry, but that was not his true occupation. When he told me his
true occupation, I thought he was joking; he said: “I help people find
the way home.” Later that day, I learned that he was not joking!
His birth name was Thomas. His background was as follows. He
was born in America to Lebanese parents. They lived for some years
in the midwest, and then moved to the east coast, always according to
his father’s employment. His father was an engi-neer in the early
American oil industry. When Thomas was in his teens, his family
moved to Egypt because his father had taken a lucrative job there.
Thomas spent most of the remainder of his life in the Middle East.
Most of those years he lived in Alexandria, Egypt, where he became a
member of an Alexandrian branch of Nasarean Essenes, but he also
spent considerable time in Bagh-dad, a city in Iraq, since that is where
the head teacher of that order lived.
The Nasarean religion was “underground” in both Egypt and Iraq, as
both the Muslim majority of the population and the main-streamChristian minority of those countries have for many cen-turies
murdered and persecuted Nasareans. Thomas was in his late teens
when he became a student of this Nasarean Religion of the Essene
Way. Though, for short, we refer to members of the spiritual order of
Thomas (a.k.a., “Malachi”) and his teacher (Abdul, a.k.a., “Abdiel”)
as “Nasarean Essenes,” the proper full name is: The Nasarean
Religion of the Essene Way. The name of the religion is Nasarean
(raise up/ascend), the way of the religion
Doctrine Three
is Essene (healing way/healer).
When I refer to my teacher, Thomas (his Nasarean initiatic name
was Malachi), as having met and studied with a “Nasare-an Essene,”
I am talking about the vegetarian, anti-animal-sacri-fice religion that
worshipped both God and Goddess, raised both Jesus and the
Magdalene, and had their own version of the Bible that was very
different than the mainstream “Old Testament.”
Malachi arrived in the United States in the late 1960’s, some
amount of years after the passing of his teacher. He carried with him
not only the teachings and traditions of the Nasarean Re-ligion of the
Essene Way, but also copies of ancient Nasarean scrolls. Some he
could read, others he could not, as some were written in ancient
languages that he had never studied. Malachi was very saintly, but
not particularly scholarly. He was not ca-pable of translating the
scrolls into English himself. That work would be for others to
accomplish. [That work was given to me at the end of my seven
years of training with him.] He was the Messenger, the link, the
carrier of authorized copies of Nasarean scrolls that had never been
translated into English and were com-pletely unknown to
mainstream scholarship and worldly author-ities.
For various reasons, Malachi chose to enter America with-out
alerting the authorities to his presence. He flew to Mexi-co and then
walked across the border with a group of “illegal aliens.” Many of
these so-called “wetbacks ” were sick or had wounds on their sore feet.
Malachi healed them with herbs, love, and the healing touch. They called
him Medico, Spanish for Doctor. That was the first of many nicknames he
would be given in America. That first nickname was very appropriate, since
Medico is like saying Essene, sense they both mean Heal-er.
Essene Teachings
He crossed the border near San Diego, California, and be-gan
walking the streets of hippy-era America (this was the late 1960’s
“peace and love,” anti-Vietnam-War era, and the streets were full of
longhaired youths smoking marijuana and searching for spiritual
meaning. With his long hair and beard, the elderly Malachi was
embraced by the hippies, who gave him various hip-py-names. One of
the many hippy-names bestowed upon Mala-chi was “The Poet.”
In the mountains east of San Diego, Malachi found an old
abandoned hotel that had been condemned. It was condemned because
the buildings were rotted, collapsing, and thus danger-ous. The land
was owned by an out of state real estate corpora-tion. Malachi began
camping on the land, an illegal “squatter.” He took the old hotel apart
piece-by-piece, and then built a cab-in. Likewise piece-by-piece, he
dismantled with a sledgehammer the old, cracked parking lot, and
planted beautiful gardens in the newly exposed soil. He was old but
still strong. He turned what had been an ugly junkyard into a paradise
of natural beau-ty.
The day I met Malachi he had been hitchhiking into town to eat at
his favorite vegetarian restaurant. And now, here I sat with him,
enjoying my first vegetarian burger! He smiled as he listed for me the
many names he was called by various hippy friends. Each of the names
seemed to fit him perfectly. I told him that the hippies were pretty
good at choosing names! He laughed. (I used to call him by the hippy
names – after all, I was a young hippy, with long hair and a “back-tonature” philosophy. But over the years, as I came to realize the
spiritual significance of the name given to him by Abdiel, I settled on
Malachi. For, indeed, Mala-chi was the Messenger from the
underground Nasarean religion to modern America. By passing to a
young American – me – the teachings given to him by Abdiel, Malachi
served literally and effectively as Abdiel’s “messenger” to America.)
Doctrine Three
The First Sweat Lodge Ceremony: “I AM!”
fter lunch, I accepted Malachi’s invitation to visit his home. He
lived in a cabin in the mountains east of San Diego. The land he lived on
was the closest thing to the Garden of Eden imaginable. There were
vegetable patches in the shapes of var-ious spiritual symbols, oriental
rock gardens, fruit trees, flowers in bloom everywhere, and a beautiful
stream of bubbling water. The wild rabbits and birds that lived on this
land had no fear of Malachi: The rabbits bounced happily around his
feet; the birds greeted him with sweet songs. Nothing I write can
adequately describe the Eden-like atmosphere that surrounded Malachi’s
cabin. Truly, it was beyond words!
Behind his cabin the holy man had built a sweat lodge out of
wood and clay. After an afternoon spent learning the rudi-ments of
yoga, I experienced my first sweat lodge ceremony. You will recall
that the night before, while camping, I had asked the question: “Who
am I?” During this sweat lodge ceremony, I dis-covered the answer to
that question.
We entered the lodge, spoke some words of prayer, and then sat
in silent meditation. From time to time a question would come to
mind and disturb my meditation. Each time, the holy man answered
the question, before I verbalized it. It seemed that he could read my
thoughts! After our silent meditation, we began to chant mantras.
Mantras are sounds or words of spir-itual significance, sound
vibrations of great spiritual efficacy or words of transcendental
import. After a long period of chanting the sacred mantra “Om,” the
holy man asked me a question:
“Who are you?”
“David”, I replied. [“Day” is a short nickname for my birth
name “David”]
“Who are you?” he repeated.
Essene Teachings
“A high school student,” I answered.
“Who are you?” again he asked. “An
“Who are you?” he persisted.
“A body with a brain.”
“Who are you?” he asked yet again.
“The brain.”
“Who are you?” he demanded.
All of a sudden, I felt like a heavy weight had been lifted from
me. All of my “veils” were lifted: I was not “David”; that was just a
name I wore. I was not “high school student”; that was my occupation but it was not my basic self. “American” was not my basic
self. “Body” was not my basic self. “Brain” was not my basic self; I
have a brain to use, but the very fact that “I” am using the brain
indicates that there is an “I” that is not the brain. Only one thing was
left. Only “I” was left. And that “I” was pure awareness, pure spirit. I
looked into the eyes of the holy man and said, “I AM.” Malachi
smiled and said, “Welcome home!” He then said, “Class is
I had not even realized I was in class! And in regard to the words
“Welcome Home,” I now understood what he had meant at the
restaurant when he described his true occupation as help-ing people
“find the way home.” Having experienced myself as “I AM,” I had
found my true home….
That first sweat lodge ceremony was a major turning point in my
life. Having experienced myself as a spark of spiritual I AM, I chose
to become a conscious participant in my spiritual develop-ment. I
began Intentional Spiritual Training. I dedicated my life to spiritual
practice. I soon learned that as great as “The I Am Re-alization” is,
there is an important next step. That next step was linked to my
second sweat lodge ritual with the old sage.
Doctrine Three
The Second Sweat Lodge Rital:
Sister Bug and Brother Wino:
“We Are!”
uring my first sweat lodge ceremony with the old sage, I learned a
profound truth: I Am a Spark of Spiritual I AM!
Our second sweat lodge ceremony led directly to a related, very
significant, second spiritual realization: WE ARE! And that “we” is
inclusive of even non-human beings, as you will learn shortly when
introduced to a ladybug I once met! All beings are sparks of spiritual
“I AM.” All beings – even bugs and lizards and winos
– are our Brothers and Sisters in I AM. If the Key Realization of the
first sweat lodge ritual can be called, “The I AM Realization,” we can
call the Key Realization of the second sweat lodge cere-mony –
which I am about to describe – “The We Are Realization.”
A couple of days after that first sweat lodge ceremony, I ea-gerly
returned to the Eden-like organic gardens of Malachi. Re-member, I
was a seventeen-year-old high school student and lived at home with
my parents, a long but doable walk or a short drive from Malachi’s
organic garden paradise. (My mom was an avid organic gardener and
so came to have a good connection with Malachi based on that
shared interest; as the seasons be-came years, my mom and Malachi
traded garden wisdom that benefited each.) Like my first visit, on my
second visit to Mala-chi’s “Garden of Peace” again he invited me to
participate in a sacred sweat lodge ritual.
Inside the mud and wood sweat lodge, we prayed potent prayers,
chanted cosmic chants, and sat in sacred silence. And then he asked
me a question.
Whereas in the first sweat lodge ceremony he had asked me,
“Who are you?”, this time the question was slightly different. This
time he looked deeply into my eyes and asked, “Who am
Essene Teachings
Well, the answer was not real difficult. The reverence I already
felt for this sage caused the answer to flow freely from my heart:
“Like me, you are a spark of God, a spark of spiritual I AM.” “Good,”
he replied, “you are centered. Stay centered as you fol-low me out of
the sweat lodge.”
I followed Malachi out of the sweat lodge and, after briefly
bathing our sweaty bodies in the cool, crystal-clear mountain creek
behind the lodge, we again entered the lodge. We repeated that cycle
for a total of three “rounds.” Now, at this point in our story, the three
rounds had concluded and Malachi had instruct-ed me to “stay
centered” as we exited the sweat lodge, rinsed, and then walked to a
circular vegetable patch.
Attempting to remain centered as Malachi had advised, I followed
him to the edge of a vegetable garden patch that was shaped like a
circle. (As previously mentioned, the 35 Eden-like acres tended by
Malachi had numerous vegetable and flower patches, many of them in
the forms of various spiritual symbols and geometric shapes: a flower
patch shaped like the Taoist yin-yang symbol; a patch of corn shaped
like the Christian cross; tri-angular patches; etc.)
As we stood at the low archway entrance to the garden patch
shaped like a circle, Malachi, with a voice very reverent, said: “This
garden is the universe in microcosm; enter it with rever-ence.” And
with reverence sincere, I entered as he waited. To do so, I had to bend
down low; for the low archway entrance would permit only one with a
bent-at-the-waist position that evokes a sense of humility to enter the
circular garden. As I stepped through the entrance into the circle, I
nearly stumbled over a strangely placed – or strategically placed –
rock in the path but regained my balance in I AM/We Are. Malachi
remarked, “Good, you are still
Doctrine Three
centered; you are in balance.”
But then he did something that almost caused me to lose my
centeredness! Malachi pointed at a lizard sunbathing in lazy splendor
on a warm rock and asked, “Who is he?” Truly, I al-most lost my
center; but only almost. I exclaimed: “Well, he is certainly wearing a
different body-type than myself! Yet even so he is my brother in I
AM; he is a spark of God, a spark of spiritu-al I AM, as are you, as I
AM!” I did not merely offer that answer because I thought it was the
answer my teacher wanted to hear; rather, as I gazed at Brother
Lizard with the eye of my spiritual center, I truly did recognize the
spark of life and light, the spark of spiritual I AM, even within this
scale-clad reptile!
Then, with a smile that declared his amusement, Malachi pointed
at a red ladybug perched on a green leaf and asked, “Who is she?”
The answer was now quite obvious, yet still pro-found: “She is my
sister in spiritual I AM! Sister Ladybug, like myself and yourself,
and like the lizard, is a spark of spiritual I AM housed in a body, a
bug body!” Malachi said, “Good! You are centered!” So far, I had
made great progress: I had recog-nized myself as a spark of God but
had also transcended myself enough to recognize my teacher as
being equally a spark of God, even recognized a lizard and a bug as
manifestations of spiritual I AM. But the hard part of the lesson for
this day had not yet presented itself!
I will now describe that hard part. A moment after my recognition of the ladybug as my sister, Malachi declared: “Now we will
get into your car; we are going for a drive.” As we climbed into the
car, he said: “Drive to the skid-row section of downtown San Diego,
down to Horton Plaza.” As I absorbed his words, my knees knocked,
stomach quaked, and my mind rebelled… but I managed to keep my
mouth shut! I drove down the dirt drive-way that led off the
mountain and away from Malachi’s garden
Essene Teachings
toward the skid-row section of downtown San Diego. We were
heading to the one place in the county that I always had tried to avoid:
the hell-pit known as “skid-row.” (In subsequent years, the city of San
Diego redeveloped much of this area and cleaned it up; in the 1970’s,
it was pretty bad.)
The dictionary defines “skid-row” as “a district of cheap sa-loons
frequented by vagrants and alcoholics.” That is accurate, but too
skimpy on details! Such details as: the disease-laden prostitutes
unable to compete for business in better parts of town; the guncarrying muggers lurking in nearly every shadow late at night and
often in broad daylight; the newly-tattooed teenage sailors that come
looking for the cheap prostitutes but are very likely to also meet the
muggers; the emaciated heroin addicts that make no attempt to
conceal themselves as they pierce with deadly-dirty needles what little
flesh remains stretched over their bones; and, of course, an abundance
of alcoholic “wino” bums like those that grace similar downtowns.
Such were the mental images that I contemplated during the one hour
drive down the mountain to skid-row.
No alarm bell rings in our head to warn us when we lose our
center! Thus, when we lose that place of inward “centeredness,” we
usually are not aware that we have lost it. I am referring, of course, to
beginners on the yogic path. Fortunately, as we prog-ress on the
spiritual path, we become more stabilized in our spir-itual center: We
lose it much less often, are quickly aware when we do lose it, and
know exactly what to do to regain it. At that stage of spiritual
progress, we are said to be “living at the level of the soul.”
It is possible to reach a level of spiritual development at which we
never lose our center, or at least very rarely. Jesus was inward-ly
centered even while being nailed to a cross! How is that for not losing
your center in an intense situation? But in the story at
Doctrine Three
hand, I was seventeen and only just beginning my intentional
spiritual training. And though I had been centered while in Malachi’s beautiful garden, I had lost that center the moment he told me
to drive to skid-row. I was now so thoroughly engaged in the process
of running previously recorded mental “fear-tapes” that I was not
aware I had lost my centeredness.
As we entered the skid-row district, my fearful eyes searched the
streets for a relatively safe place to park. Malachi’s peaceful eyes
smiled playfully as he pointed to a relatively unsafe place – directly
in front of a biker bar – and said, “Park there.” I pulled up and parked
beside a row of Harley Davidson “choppers.” Standing on the
sidewalk near my parking place were several burly bikers, their
greasy Levi jackets proudly adorned with the logo of their club:
“Hell’s Angels.” The biggest of the bunch truly looked like a red
demon: His stringy red hair was bound by a red bandanna with the
word “DEATH” printed on it; his rust-red beard was shaped into the
type of goatee worn by Hollywood movie versions of the Devil. His
cruel eyes were bloodshot red. And, to top it all off, each of his redfreckled arms (his Levi jack-et had the sleeves cut off at the
shoulders to reveal the arms) sported a devil tattoo. The biker’s right
arm was tattooed with a dagger under which were the words,
“SATAN RULES!” His left arm featured an upside down version of
the Christian cross with a devil-figure standing atop of it. I sat very
still and stared at this devilish biker for several silent moments.
Malachi’s com-passionate yet strong voice interrupted my reverie:
“Follow me.” I almost launched a protest but instead bit my tongue
and de-cided to act brave.
As I swung open the car door my mind was full of thoughts about
trying to look as rough and tough, as lean and mean, as dangerous as
those bikers!
Full to the brim with such false bravado, I strode menacingly
Essene Teachings
from the car… and promptly tripped over my own foot! I fell flat on
my face on the sidewalk, directly in front of the black-booted feet of
the big red biker. So much for my attempt to look macho! While I
sheepishly picked myself up, the bikers had probably their biggest
laugh of the day. My bruised ego hurt more than my bruised knee.
As I followed Malachi down the sidewalk, I asked, “Why did
you want to come here?” He replied, “I am here to visit some
relatives.” I silently marveled that this sagely man could have
relatives residing in such a sick environment. The worst people in
San Diego County lived here. Such were my un-centered thoughts as
we walked down the sidewalk of this filthy street. I noticed that the
people we passed seemed to have dead eyes. And dead skin. The
buildings were equally corpse-like. Most of the glass win-dows were
long since broken and replaced by boards and jail-like metal bars.
Across the street, strutting her skinny stuff, was an obvious
prostitute. Her short red skirt revealed the boniest, am-phetamineemaciated legs I had ever seen. As I gazed upon her with obvious
disgust in my eyes, Malachi asked, “Who is she?”
I replied, “She is probably a prostitute. And she’s so skin-ny, she
is probably a speed-addict, too.” We continued walk-ing.
After a while, we came upon the most disgusting human be-ing I
had ever seen. He was sprawled across the sidewalk, face down,
passed out. An empty gallon-size bottle of cheap wine lay next to
him. He was an old wino, an alcoholic bum. But not just a typical old
wino bum, but the worst you can imagine: his tattered shirt was
coated with vomit, some fresh, some old and hardened; his filthy
trousers were torn in the seat, exposing his rump. Both rump and
trousers were covered with feces. And the smell!!! In the midst of all
my negative thoughts was one positive (sort of!) affirmation: “Thank
God, I am not this guy!” And then the bum
Doctrine Three
rolled over onto his back, exposing his face. The evil biker at least
had a semblance of power – albeit false power – but the wino
epitomized only weakness. Truly, this bum was the poorest excuse
for a human being that I had ever seen – or smelled! I wanted to step
over him and walk away, fast. But Malachi did not walk away. He
pointed to the bum and asked, “Who is he?”
I was about to say that this disgusting bum was exactly what he
appeared to be: a disgusting bum; but then Malachi tapped me firmly
on the forehead with a sagely finger, like a Zen mas-ter bopping a
student with a bamboo wand. And I was again awake… I was again
I looked upon the wino with new eyes. I said, “He is my brother
in spiritual I AM. Like me, like you, like the lizard and ladybug, he
is THAT which WE ARE. Certainly, he has not been living wisely,
and clearly he is suffering the consequences. But he is still a spark of
spiritual I AM. He is my brother.”
Malachi smiled and said, “Welcome back! You are centered. You
are home.” I replied, “How do I stay centered?” Malachi an-swered,
“To be established in the Crown Chakra in a stable way
– which is to ‘be centered’ – you must master yourself. Master yoga,
and you master yourself.”
He then said, “There is a detox center around the corner. We will
take our brother there to get cleaned up and dried out. Then we will
continue visiting relatives.”
Later that night we returned to the Eden-like atmosphere of
Malachi’s home in the mountains. While he built a fire, I went to the
garden to pick our dinner. I was very hungry. In fact, I had not had a single
bite of food all day, as I had chosen to fast. As I picked the vegetables, I
reflected on the lessons learned this day. It had been easy to acknowledge
that my teacher is my brother in I AM.
Essene Teachings
But to acknowledge my kinship with the prostitute and wino had been
harder than acknowledging my kinship with a lizard and a la-dybug!
When I returned to the cabin with our salad makings, Mala-chi
was sitting in front of the fire with two books on his lap. He handed
me one titled Light on the Path and said, “Sit and place your hand
over the front cover of this book.” I did so. He said, “Say these words:
‘Jah-Jah, reveal to me that which is my les-son for this day. Let that
revelation be my bread.’” I repeated the words. Malachi then said,
“Now open the book with a certainty that whichever page you open to
is the very page that Jah-Jah has selected for your lesson this day.” I
opened the book randomly, and with the requested certainty. The page
that looked me in the face was certainly appropriate for this day; it
Do not fancy you can stand aside from the bad man or the
foolish man, they are yourself…. Remember that the
sin and shame of the world are your sin and shame; for you
are a part of it; your karma is extricably interwoven with the
great karma…. Therefore remember that the
soiled garment you shrink from touching may have been
yours yesterday, may be yours tomorrow…. When you
have found the beginning of the way the star of your soul
will show its light; and by that light you will perceive how
great is the darkness in which it burns…. Be not
appalled and terrified by this sight; keep your eyes fixed on
the small light and it will grow. But let the darkness within
help you to understand the helplessness of those who have
seen no light, whose souls are in profound gloom. Blame
them not – shrink from them not, but try to lift a little of the
heavy karma of the world; give your aid to the few strong
hands that hold back the powers of darkness….
Having received this spiritual “bread,” I was too full to eat
Doctrine Three
any salad. I sat by the fire while
Malachi munched raw zucchini
and romaine lettuce. Thus ended the day of my second sweat lodge
ceremony with the elderly Nasarean Essene Master. The words I
contemplated that night in bed were: WE ARE! The at-tainment of
The “WE ARE” Realization makes possible a mature expression of
The I AM Realization, an expression that honors the truth that all
other beings are Sparks of God, not only our-selves or those of our
species or those of our religion. It is the re-alization of the Universal
One that some mystics call THE ALL, the interconnected whole that
is all-inclusive. You can mean the same thing when you say I AM,
but only if your definition of “I” includes THE ALL.
END OF EXCERPT from Cosmic Love Story.
NOTE: The story of Day’s seven years of training with the
elderly Essene teacher, Malachi, is provided in much more detail in
the book that we just excerpted from, Magdalene and Essene Jesus:
A Cosmic Love Story.
In more recent decades (since moving to Oregon in the 1980’s),
much of Day’s activism has been related to defending the forests of
Oregon from over-logging by the timber industry and opposing the
related practice of aerial spraying of pesticide on the clearcuts, a
practice that has resulted in the poisoning of humans, animals, soil,
and waters in Oregon and everywhere else that the timber industry is
Doctrine Four:
Doctrine On Our Mystery School
Essene Mountain Of Peace
“The Essene Academy of Higher Learning”
s did the ancient Essenes, the modern Nasarean Church of The
Essene Way operates a “Mystery School.” The name of our Mystery
School is Essene Mountain of Peace. Our Mystery School is the context in which the members of our church – and
prospective members – study the teachings of our Nasarean Religion
of The Essene Way. We offer an introductory course for sincere
seekers that are not yet members, but most of our Essene Mystery
School courses are open only to members of Essene Church of Christ.
To become a member of our church, a student must complete the first
few assignments of a study course titled, The Forty-Nine Petals of The
Blue Rose.
Those who become members are not required to continue tak-ing
study courses but may be eligible to do so. Although most of the
Mystery School courses are offered as home-study-courses via the
mail, members are encouraged to visit the Mother Temple for inperson Mystery School classes whenever they can.
Every student works at his or her own pace. He or she may take as
much time as needed to complete a home-study course. When all the
assignments for a particular course are completed,
Essene Teachings
Doctrine Four
that course is done and the student may be eligible – but not
required – to take the next course. The content of each course is a
bit more “advanced” than the previous one; the “higher mysteries”
are revealed only after the “lesser mysteries” have been understood.
Our Mystery School is divided into three main sections, and each
of those sections has various levels, initiations, and em-powerments.
The three main sections are: 1) “The Blue Rose Study Course” which
is linked to participation in an order within our church called “Essene
Order of The Blue Rose”; 2) “The Red Rose Study Course” which is
linked to participation in an order within our church called “Essene
Order of The Red Rose”; and,
3) “The White Rose Study Course” which is linked to participa-tion
in an order within our church called “Essene Order of The White
ssene Mountain of Peace is subtitled The Essene Academy of
Higher Learning. Although many courses are offered via mail, inperson classes are also offered at our Mother Temple currently located
at our beautiful natural-paradise Essene Retreat Center and Organic
Farm called Essene Garden of Peace. Located on 35 acres in a coastal
mountain forest of Oregon, our Mother Temple at Essene Garden of
Peace offers weekly Sabbath Services, various classes on topics such as
Essene Meditation Practices, Essene Yoga, Essene Herbology, and has
for some decades been the location of our Annual Summer Essene
Gathering that is
attended by members of our church from all over the world.
We are accurately labeled a “Mystery School” in that, like
the ancient mystery schools, our teachings address the esoteric
“mysteries” of life in school-like fashion: on a gradient scale
Essene Teachings
which is ladder-like, the completion of one level being prerequisite to the beginning of the next level.
But don’t let the term “Mystery School” scare you away: There is
nothing less scary than LOVE, and LOVE is the GOLD-EN
THREAD that runs through EVERY LEVEL of our Mystery
In the following appendix to this Commentary on Doctrine Four, I
provide an excerpt from an article I wrote that gives a bit of
information about each of the three “orders” mentioned in Doctrine
Four. Those three orders are: The Order of The Blue Rose, The Order
of The Red Rose, and The Order of The White Rose. [Note: A diligent
student will not skip reading the following appendix; every appendix
that I have included in this Book is important and should be read!]
Appendix to the Commentary on Doctrine Four:
An Introduction to the Three “Roses” in
Our Essene Mystery School
s was the ancient Nasarean Religion of the Essene Way, our modern
church is organized in the manner of an historic “Mystery School.” The
name of our Mystery School is Essene Mountain of Peace. Our Mystery
School is the context in which
our members study our teachings.
We offer several introductory courses for the general public within
our Mystery School but most courses are open only to members. To
become a member, a student must complete the first few assignments
of a course titled, The Forty-Nine Petals of the Blue Rose. Those that
become members of our church are not required to continue taking
courses in our Mystery School but may be eligible to do so. Most of
the Mystery School courses are offered as home-study-courses via the
Doctrine Four
Besides the home-study courses, we offer in-person classes at our
Mother Temple located near Greenleaf, Oregon. That land-base is
where I (Day of Greenleaf/Day Owen) maintain my office and
oversee the Mystery School and other church ministries. That landbase is called Essene Garden of Peace (in Hebrew, that is: Gan
Shalom). Our Mother Temple at Essene Garden of Peace features a
small organic farm and offers courses in or-ganic homestead farming
skills, as well as courses in Nasarean spiritual practices such as
Essene Yoga and Essene Meditation. We are a legally recognized
monastery and, from top to bottom, are a Living Mystery School that
goes beyond the written study course materials. Everything that
happens on this land is part of the Mystery School. That includes
obvious things like initiation rituals and baptisms being performed
on visiting members of our church at the yearly National Gathering,
but also includes sub-tler things like how a person acts when they are
on our land and how they perform on special assignments and, as the
years roll by, how they live life as a Nasarean Essene initiate and
member of our church family. Our scripture – The Holy Megillah:
Nasare-an Bible of The Essene Way – makes clear that the progress
of the student in the Mystery School is linked not only to the “Scholarly Path” – the actual written assignments in the courses – but also
to good behavior on the “Social Path” which, obviously, is
something that unfolds as the months and years roll by.
Essene Mountain of Peace – our Mystery School – is of-ten
subtitled “The Essene Academy of Higher Learning” to indicate
that we are a sort of school. We are accurately labeled a “Mystery
School” in that, like the ancient mystery schools, our teachings
address the esoteric “mysteries” of life in school-like fashion: on a
gradient scale, ladder-like, the completion of one level being
prerequisite to the beginning of the next level, just like the Mystery
School of Life, The Spiral Ladder of Being that is expressed as:
BEING. Our school is pat-
Essene Teachings
terned after THAT “Cosmic School of Life!!!”
Within the garden of Essene Mountain of Peace, there are three
main “orders” – here the word “orders” simply means a “group of
initiates that are at the same general level of initiation within our
church” – that are symbolized by roses of specific colors. You are
likely most familiar with The Order of the Blue Rose, since that is
where all members of our Mystery School – all members of our
church and all prospective members – begin. You may not be as
familiar with the other two: The Order of the Red Rose and The
Order of the White Rose. The reason that you are probably not as
familiar with The Red Rose and The White Rose orders is that they
are more esoteric, less in the public eye. Many members of our
church – the big majority – take the main Blue Rose Course – The
Forty-Nine Petals of the Blue Rose – but do not go on to do Red
Rose courses or White Rose courses, being content to be a general
member of the church and, for life, continuing to study our teachings
by receiving the month-ly membership teaching called Omnah,
subscribing also to our quarterly journal Essene Path, and continuing
to study the Me-gillah and any new books and videos we make
available. Never-theless, a minority of our members will continue to
do additional courses of study and rise in level of initiation to Red
Rose and, for some, even the White Rose level of studies. Some of
those students will continue their studies and eventually receive an
invitation to serve as ministers, priests/priestesses, and teachers
within The Order of the White Rose.
It is important to note that The Order of the Red Rose and The
Order of the White Rose are NOT OUTSIDE of The Order of the
Blue Rose. Rather, they are esoteric orders WITHIN The Order of
the Blue Rose. I will explain.
Every member of The Order of the Red Rose and The Order of
the White Rose are also members of The Order of the Blue Rose.
Doctrine Four
But not every member of The Order of the Blue Rose is a member of
The Red Rose or The White Rose. That is because The Red Rose and
The White Rose are esoteric orders for those that have com-pleted the
assignments of The Blue Rose. The leading initiates of the White
Rose are generally the teachers of the Nasarean Religion of the
Essene Way; not outside of the Blue Rose, the White Rose initiates
are the teachers within both the Blue Rose and Red Rose. The
teachers of The White Rose have earned the degree of “Wizard”
(Hebrew: Yidde’oniy), as will be explained.
Having made clear that everyone begins their membership in our
church in the Blue Rose, let us also make clear the fact that there are
various levels of initiation within each of the three ros-es: a student
that has completed thirty petals (assignments) in the Blue Rose is at a
higher level of initiation than one that has done, say, seven petals.
That same principle is true within both the Red Rose and White
The reader new to our religion may wonder: “What the heck is a
wizard?” That same reader may also be wondering: “Did the ancient
Nasareans really use the word ‘wizard?’” In fact, I pre-dict that some
readers may be a bit concerned about the word wizard, believing it to
be scary or evil or linked with magic. So, let us now address those
Because the word wizard is English, and because the ancient
Nasareans did not speak English, they did not use the word wiz-ard.
However, they did use a Hebrew word that scholars translate into
English as “wizard.” That word is Yidde’oniy (pronounced yid-deho-nee), which means: A “Knowing One.” The word Yidde’oniy stems
from the Hebrew root yada, which is pronounced yah-dah and
means to know. Although the word Yidde’oniy literally means a
Knowing One, in the mainstream “Old Testament” that Hebrew
word is used as a designation for Conjurers. In the mainstream “Old
Testament” the word Yid-
Essene Teachings
de’oniy (“Wizard” or “Conjurer”) is used in a negative sense, but that
scripture was written by the animal sacrifice cult, the avowed
enemy of the Nasarean religion. In the Nasare-an scriptures, the
word Yidde’oniy (Wizard/Wis-ard/Wise One/Knowing One) is
used in a positive sense as a designa-tion for those in our Mystery
School that have achieved the most advanced levels of spiritual
training and demonstrate it in their life activities in merciful
service to the Lord and Lady and all of creation.
Of course, the Nasarean religion recognizes that there are evil socalled “wizards,” just like there are evil priests. But the fact that there
are some evil priests does not mean that there are no good priests!
Likewise with wizards: there are good wizards and bad wizards.
Nasarean wizards are good wizards. They are “Knowing Ones” that
conjure good things.
We are surrounded in life by good wizards and bad wizards. Since
a wizard (Yidde’oniy) is a Knowing One, a good wizard is one who
knows good things and uses those good things in good ways. A bad
wizard is the reverse.
Again, if the word wizard bothers you, remember, it is sim-ply the
accepted (by scholars) English translation of the Hebrew word
Yidde’oniy, which means Knowing One and is used in The Holy
Megillah to describe the “Wise-Ones” of our religion. And if the word
magic bothers you, remember, The Holy Megillah in-forms us that:
Nasarean magic flows from our special knowledge.
Our special knowledge is our higher knowing.
To some degree, all of us, even those who are uncomfort-able
with the word wizard, practice wizardry every day. Our thoughts,
words, and deeds are our wizardry and conjure
Doctrine Four
things into manifestation that affect not only our own lives, but the
lives of those around us. Your beliefs, and the words and actions that
stem from those beliefs, are your magic (your con-juring), and your
magic is only as good as your beliefs, thoughts, words, and deeds are
What separates obvious wizards from the rest of humani-ty is
simply that they are aware of the above, and are working with it in a
formal, conscious way. That includes gaining more knowledge, but
should (if one is good) also include the gaining of more wisdom.
Knowledge and wisdom are not the same thing, though they are
indeed related. It takes knowledge to know how to build a nuclear
bomb, but it takes wisdom to understand why that is a bad idea. Bad
wizards may have knowledge, but they have little wisdom. Because
there are people who would misuse special knowledge, the Green
Wizards of the White Rose – the order I represent as Yaiyr – does
not teach anything that could be harmful and is very selective in
regard to who it accepts – and keeps – as students.
As revealed in The Holy Megillah, this order – Green Wiz-ards of
the White Rose – was the one that the Lord Christ and Lady Christ
participated in their entire lives. They are the ulti-mate, cosmic
wizards! Once more, I remind the reader that the Hebrew word that
scholars translate into English as wizard is Yidde’oniy and simply
means Knowing One. Certainly, the Lord and Lady are the ultimate,
cosmic Knowing Ones! They used Words of Power to conjure into
existence Light when, long before the creation of this planet, they
chanted the affirmation Yehi Aur (which in English means Let there
be Light) AND THERE WAS LIGHT! Now, that is some conjuring!
And when Yahshua and Miriam walked on water, they were certainly
performing an act of great wizardry! Likewise, turning water into wine was
no easy trick! And how about raising the dead as a great example of
powerful wizardry?! All of these examples absolutely fit the defi-
Essene Teachings
nition of wizardry. So does the example of healing lepers by word or
touch. How about the example of Magdalene, as a little girl, healing
people and animals with the power of her voice? PURE
It is important to remember that such acts of wizardry flow from
our Special Knowledge, which is our Higher Knowing. In oth-er
words, such “miracles” (i.e., “magic”) are not performed out-side of
the laws of the universe, but flow from a PROFOUND
AVERAGE PERSON IS NOT AWARE OF, at least not at their
current level of awareness.
The Megillah makes clear that the highest knowing is aware-ness of
the Way of Love, and the highest knowers are God and Goddess
Immanent and Transcendent, Crowned in Yah. Thus, Jah-Jah and
Elohim are the ultimate good wizards, even as de-monic entities are the
ultimate bad wizards. Wizards are knowers, and depending on what
you do (i.e., conjure) with your knowing, you are either on the dark
path or the path of light. Nasarean Priests and Priestesses are trained
Nasarean White Magic practi-tioners, advanced Essene yogis, and
serve the cause of Love. Our church is an affiliated ministry of the
highest teaching-order of our religion, an order called Green Wizards
of The White Rose, also called Green Wizards of White Magic, in
which both Yahsh-ua and Miriam served (and still serve).
Doctrine Five:
Doctrine on Our Holy Scripture
he primary holy scripture of Essene Church of Christ is The
Holy Megillah: Nasarean Bible of the Essene Way. We also study
other scriptures and spiritual books – including those of other religions –
but the one that our religion is entirely based on is The Holy Megillah.
The reason that we also study other scriptures is that the Megillah
encourages that sort of study as part of Essene Yoga! But the one
scripture that we actually base our lives on is The Holy Megillah:
Nasarean Bible of The Essene Way.
e believe in studying the holy scriptures of all spiritual tra-ditions. In
fact, within the context of our Mystery School, we systematically study
various scriptures of other spiritual
traditions, including such “holy books” as The Bhagavad Gita, The
Tao Te Ching, The Srimad Bhagavatam, The Dhammapada, The
Upanishads, and The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Indeed, we are open
to Love and Truth from all sources! However, only
The Holy Megillah is treated as our personal “Bible,” the source
of our teachings and practices. AFTER ALL, THE PRIMARY
those authentic teachings are found in The Holy Megillah: Nasar-
Essene Teachings
ean Bible of The Essene Way. No person is accepted for membership
in this version of the Nasarean Religion of The Essene Way unless
they enthusiastically and joyfully make clear their sincere belief that
the Megillah is, by far, the superior spiritual scripture that they have
ever read! No others need apply for membership!
Yes, we believe that The Holy Megillah is the authentic record of
the teachings of the Lord Christ and Lady Christ, the record as it
existed before alteration by merchants of death. (These persons are
referred to as “merchants of death” because they earned their income
via the enslavement, pain and death of other beings.) As Yahshua
(“Jesus”) predicted, these merchants of death perse-cuted to the point
of near extinction the early Essene Christian church, formed a false
Christian church that became a State-run religion, and altered the
scriptures. But Yahshua also predicted that at a certain point in
history – the cusp between ages where we now stand – his true
teachings would come to light. AND THEY HAVE!
Although we believe that our Nasarean Bible contains the
unadulterated, authentic teachings of the Lord Christ and Lady
those who have “eyes to see” and “ears to hear,” quickly recognize the Megillah (Nasarean Bible) to be true due to the obvious fact
TRUTH than the adulterated, mainstream Bible. Those who are
spiritually evolved enough recognize spiritual truth when they see it;
no argument is needed. Even individuals that are not very evolved
in terms of spiritual understanding, but are at least sincere in their
dedication to progress on the spiritual path, will intuitively perceive
the BLAZING LIGHT which radiates from the pages of The Holy
Megillah. Rather than argue about it, WE
Doctrine Five
We believe that an unbiased comparison of the spiritual teachings
of our Nasarean Bible with the teachings found in the mainstream
Bible will lead many true spiritual seekers to em-brace the Nasarean
Bible of the Essene Way. We also recognize that many people – the
majority – are not yet prepared to make such an unbiased
comparison, being programmed to believe that the mainstream Bible
is the literal Word of God. Rather than argue or debate with such
persons, our time and en-ergy is devoted to sharing our teachings
with those that are sincerely interested.
In that regard, please read the following excerpt in its
entirety. In it, Miriam the Magdalene speaks on the topic of only
sharing our Bible, The Holy Megillah: Nasarean Bible of The Essene
Way, with those that you believe are sincerely interested. This
excerpt is very powerful and was spoken by the Magda-lene at what
mainstream Christians call “The Sermon on the Mount”; in the
Nasarean version, Magdalene and Yahshua take turns giving
teachings. The Nasarean version is titled, Sermon on The Cliffs
Above Ein Gedi; it appears in Chapter Seventy-Four of the Megillah
and includes prophetic information that directly speaks to YOU/US:
246. Having concluded Her reading from Nasarean Genesis on
the different forms of salvation linked to different rela-tionships
with the Lord and Lady, Miriam continued speak-ing to this
gathering of the Nasarean Companions of The Lord and Lady
and the former Aaronites trained by John, the two circles that
would serve in the outreach mission of The Lord and Lady to
Essene Teachings
247. Miriam said to this assembly on the cliffs above Ein Gedi,
“Behold: We are not ignorant of the false beliefs that are
common to this stage of the development of humankind.
248. We understand that those false beliefs include the patriarchal beliefs that uphold the domination of women by men.
249. We are not ignorant of the truth that such deeply ingrained cultural beliefs die slowly, not quickly.
250. Wherefore, We will provide that some limited measure of
truth be given unto those not ready to fully receive Us.
251. And that ‘limited measure’ is whatever portion of Our
Way each can receive now, with the prayer that it prepare each
to receive Us fully when We come again at the end of the Last
Days, or whenever that soul is ripened enough to receive Our
full gospel.
252. But We do not, and you should not, share the Megillah with
those unready to receive it.
253. For, if you speak pearls of wisdom to those of violent-pig-consciousness, why be surprised when they act like
violent pigs and trample you?
254. Speak not of the Lord and Lady to those with unripe ears,
and share not The Holy Megillah with those that desire to argue
and debate about Our religion or the authority of Our Nasarean
255. Bless them, smile compassionately, and move on to one with
ears ripe enough to hear.
256. “Hear this: We only authorize you, Our True Disciples, to
share The Holy Megillah – Our Written Yoke – with those that
you sense are ready to receive it with joyful thanksgiv-ing in the
mode of an empty cup fit to be filled with Living Water.
257. If you share the Megillah with one that you believe is in
that category, and then, by their reaction, realize that you
Doctrine Five
were wrong in that assessment, do not debate or argue or
attempt to convince them of anything, just disengage and
move on.
258. Rather than attempting to change a person’s less-thanpositive reaction to Our Written Yoke – The Holy Megillah:
Nasarean Bible of The Essene Way – in-stead seek to identify
persons that have the eyes to see the high-level of spirituality
that is within that text.
259. The Megillah is the highest expression of spirituality
ever written for the eyes of humankind.
260. But many – even most – have not yet reached the level of
spiritual awareness to see what, for those of higher spiri-tual
awareness, is self-evident.
261. The only proof of the spiritual validity of any scripture is
the level of spirituality that it expresses.
262. How could it be otherwise?
263. Trust Me on this: The time that you might spend debating with scoffers is much better spent looking for those that
will joyfully accept the Megillah and Our Nasarean Religion
Of The Essene Way.
264. Now hear this: Only those that joyfully accept the Megillah should be invited to Our secret Church services.
265. Our secret services are held within the homes of Our
Circle of Nasarean Disciples of The Essene Way, or in predetermined locations in nature where privacy is avail-able.
266. That secrecy enables Our Initiated Disciples to have
joyful fellowship with one another, without being easily
infiltrated by secret police or others of ill intent or disharmonious vibrations.
267. Help everyone else – all Non-Nasareans – as best you
268. One day even the unripe apple will become ripe for
269. “We send you, in a sense, like gentle lambs walking
Essene Teachings
homeless in a land of many wolves.
270. Even so, I say: Be wiser than the serpent-worshiping
wolves and remain gentle like a lamb.
271. Return words of kindness for unkind words, and return
blessings for cursings.
272. For, to be bitten by a wolf harms not the soul, but to
behave like a wolf is to become a wolf.
273. “Behold: those that are ready to receive the Holy Spirit,
will recognize the truth of The Holy Megillah; no debate or
argument or proof other than its own Profoundly High Vibration is required.
274. Share the Megillah with the wrong person, and they will
trample you like a running horse tramples grass!”
Besides Miriam’s sharing about being selective when choosing who
to share the Megillah with, the above excerpt included her strong
defense of the importance of the Divine Feminine. That topic is
addressed in the following Doctrine Six. But before mov-ing to
Doctrine Six, I (Day of Greenleaf), want to share with you
– in the form of an appendix to this commentary on Doctrine Five
– the information on the source of our Bible that appears in the form
of a “Note to The Reader” at the front of The Holy Megillah:
Nasarean Bible of The Essene Way. Since that note (provided as an
appendix below) was written for the first-ever English edition of the
Megillah that I published in 1997, I have since let it be known that I
was/am the head of the translation team. I have fi-nal choice on
every single word in the translation process, though I do have
assistance from experts in the field of several biblical languages
including Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek, and also have much-needed
support from a talented and dedicated team of helpers made-up of
trusted church members.
Doctrine Five
Appendix to Commentary on Doctrine Five: A Note to the
Reader on the Source of the Nasarean Bible of The
Essene Way
he Source of this Bible is God and Goddess.
Yes, there were human beings involved in the process, but the
ultimate source of this Bible is God and Goddess.
We wish to acknowledge the long line of men and women who
have served our God and Goddess by preserving and pass-ing on the
teachings herein recorded. Their loving work and personal sacrifice
has made it possible for the current genera-tion to receive and enjoy
these ancient yet timeless teachings. These Nasarean Essene
teachings have long been suppressed by the worldly powers and
thousands of men and women lost their physical lives in the effort to
preserve these teachings for our generation. Our gratitude to our
Nasarean forefathers and foremothers is immense. This Bible would
not exist were it not for those dear ones.
More than one person in our generation was involved in the
preparation of this manuscript. None wishes to receive person-al
acknowledgement. Spiritually, that sort of acknowledgement does
not feel appropriate. The primary translator of this scroll was simply
a servant of his teacher. And his teacher preferred no personal
acknowledgement. Also, each person involved in this project –
which includes various specialists in ancient languag-es, graphic
artists, and others – is fully aware that the hounds of hell will attack
anyone associated with this project. And though some among us
would happily confront their negative energy, our guidance from the
chain of command which we serve (the source of which is God and
Goddess) is not to do so.
Rather, our strategy is as follows. We will distribute copies of
Essene Teachings
this Bible all over the world. Many will oppose it. Most will ignore
it. And some will love it. It is for the latter group that these teachings have been preserved through the ages. Exactly how they have
been preserved, where they were hidden, who hid them, how the
current translation team accessed them – our oath demands we
remain silent on these questions. And so we shall.
Our silence in this regard will cause some to mock. However, the
Holy Spirit has informed us that She will Herself reveal the
authenticity of this manuscript to each soul whom has eyes to see
and ears to hear. And they who mock this Bible have neither.
The Holy Spirit has told us that the following will happen.
Though many will mock or ignore this Bible, some will receive and
rally around it. Over the years, the numbers of those who re-ceive
this Bible will grow and become a flock awaiting the return of the
Two Good Shepherds, the Lord Christ and Lady Christ. And that
flock will prepare the way for the coming of the Lord and Lady in
person. And then this world shall again become a garden paradise.
Mock or receive. Doubt or believe. We are instructed by the
Holy Spirit to offer no proof or evidence or explanation other than
Her testimony within the heart of the reader. Yea, this is a part of the
universal Mystery School and each reader is hereby enrolled.
Love in All Ways, Always in Love….
Blessed Love!
Doctrine Six:
Doctrine on God and Goddess
e worship God (Jah) and Goddess (Jahlah), both of whom are
extensions of Yah, the Undifferentiated Oneness of Universal Being that
includes All. [We also worship both a Mas-culine Christ and a Feminine
Christ, but that will be the topic of
Doctrine Seven].
We believe that religions that worship only the Divine Father or
only the Divine Mother, or present either the Father or the Mother as
superior to the other, are seriously flawed, being in-herently out of
balance and not in harmony with ultimate reality.
Our understanding of God and Goddess is based primarily on
The Holy Megillah: Nasarean Bible of the Essene Way. A fairly
detailed description of our understanding of God and Goddess is
provided in the following Commentary on Doctrine Six, which
includes key excerpts from The Holy Megillah.
he original state of the Godhead was UNDIFFERENTIATED BEING.
By the term undifferentiated we mean that there was no “other”; there was no
“me and you,” no “he and she,” no “we.”
There was just ONE BEING. The Hebrew word for the One Being
is YAH. Yah is a Hebrew word that literally means Am. Yah is
Essene Teachings
pure IS, pure BEING, pure EXISTENCE. We read in the opening
verses of The Holy Megillah: Nasarean Bible of the Essene Way:
1. Being IS.
2. Without beginning Being IS.
3. Without ending Being IS.
4. Being is Yah.
5. Yah is that which IS….
We skip some verses and then pick up the account of the unfoldment of Deity and the creation of the universe; this is from the
Nasarean Book of Genesis, the first section of the Megillah:
11. This is the story of the Divine Way of Yah.
12. The name of the Divine Way is YHWH.
13. To feel the truth of this name, chant it in Ancient Vibration.
14. Yea, chant the Holy Name!
15. This Name is HaShem, for this Name contains every
16. Praises be to YHWH!
In regard to the Hebrew term HaShem, it literally means The Name.
Above, it refers to UNIVERSAL YHWH, which is the All. The
“All” is exactly what the word implies: EVERYTHING. All of the
worlds, entities, deities, realms – the entire interconnected whole –
is UNIVERSAL YHWH. In fact, UNIVERSAL YHWH is not only
everything that currently IS, but includes everything that WAS, IS,
or WILL BE. Clearly, to give an adequate name to THAT WHICH
INCLUDES ALL NAMES is not easy; thus, the term HaShem –
The Name – which implies The Name of Names. Universal YHWH
– the ALL – is created in the Image and Like-ness of FIRST YHWH,
which consisted of the first four extensions of Yah, all Crowned in
Yah: Jah (Divine Masculine), Jahlah (Di-vine Feminine), Jahday
(the Masculine Christ that later came to
Doctrine Six
our world as Yahshua/Jesus), and Jahnah that later came to our world
as Miriam the Magdalene (the Feminine Christ). FIRST YHWH
(also called “The First Family”) is the Creative Way that unfolds as
Self-consciousness arose when Yah asked THE FIRST
QUESTION – “Who am I?” – and realized THE FIRST ANSWER: “I Am.” In Hebrew the term “I Am” is “Eh Yah,” so at this
point of the unfoldment of Deity the Undiffer-entiated “Yah/Am”
has realized, and declared, “EhYah/I Am.” With this First Knowing
came the First Feeling: BLISS. We read in the Nasarean Bible of the
Essene Way:
21. Being contemplated, and The First Question arose:
“What am I?”
22. Being considered, and The First Answer arose: “I Am!”
23. And then Being knew itself to be Being.
24. Being knew, “I am I.
25. I am Being.
26. I am EXISTENCE.”
27. And with this First Knowing, Being realized CONSCIOUSNESS: Being realized, “I Know!”
28. And with the First Knowing, Being felt the First Feeling:
29. And this Bliss was that of Great Appreciation.
30. Being realized, “I Feel!”
31. Yea, Being felt Great Appreciation for the fact of Existence: “I feel grateful that I be!
32. I feel ecstatic that I exist!
33. I feel blissful that I am I!
34. I love that which I AM!”
35. And Being knew: “I exist eternally; I consider the facts of
my existence; I feel profound feelings.
36. I am Existence, Consciousness, and Feeling.”
Essene Teachings
37. And that which is Conscious is the Divine Mind.
38. And that which Feels is the Divine Heart.
39. And that which is the Source and Crown of each is
Yah the Omen. [Day: “Omen” here means Absolute Faithful
Truth, that which Most Truly Is.]
In the above verses, Being has realized itself as Existence, Consciousness, and Bliss. It is worth noting that in the Vedic tradition of
India, Deity is described in Sanskrit as Sat-Chit-Ananda: Sat
(Existence), Chit (Consciousness), and Ananda (Bliss/Feeling).
In the next verses, we learn this Triune Oneness of Exis-tence
(Yah/Sat), Consciousness (Divine Mind/Chit), and Feel-ing
(Bliss/Divine Heart/Ananda) began to expand:
40. The First Question was motivated by Interest.
41. And through The First Question, Consciousness had
been realized.
42. And a name for Consciousness is Divine Mind.
43. And Divine Mind was interested.
44. Yea, that which was first interested was the Divine
45. And Divine Mind remained interested.
46. Lo: Divine Mind realized, “I am interested.”
47. And so Divine Mind continued to contemplate and
48. And with each subsequent knowing, Divine Mind expanded.
49. The First Feeling was the Bliss of Appreciation, which
was Profound Self-Love.
50. “I love the fact that I exist, and I love that which I AM!
51. I love Being!”
52. And a name for the feeling nature within Yah is the
Divine Heart.
Doctrine Six
53. And the Divine Heart continued to feel feelings in
union with the thoughts of Divine Mind.
54. And with each feeling, the Divine Heart expanded.
The second chapter of Nasarean Genesis is titled, The Gracious
Wish, which is the wish by the Triune Oneness (ExistenceConsciousness-Bliss) to share the gift of life with others. Another
term for “The Gracious Wish” is “The Creative Wish,” the wish to
create others so as to share the blessing of Existence, Consciousness,
Bliss; we read:
1. Behold: time, as we know it, did not yet exist.
2. But for fathomless duration of Eternal Now Yah Mind and
Yah Heart did think and feel as ONE BEING ALONE.
3. And then arose within Yah THE GRACIOUS WISH,
which is also THE CREATIVE WISH, the wish to share
Existence, Consciousness, and Feeling with ANOTHER.
4. Yea, this Gracious Wish was the child of The Realization of
Possibilities within Divine Mind and The Desire within Divine
Heart to Share the Bliss of Love with Another.
5. Yah thought and felt: “Being is bliss!
6. I love being!
7. I wish to share this bliss with another!
8. I wish to love another!
9. Yea, I wish to love many others and to give them the
bliss of being.
10. Yea, to give Existence, Consciousness, and Bliss to Another, to many others, would be The Gift of Life and is The
Greatest Gift I can conceive.
11. My Heart desires to give this gift.
12. My Mind contemplates how it may be possible.”
In verse twelve of the above excerpt, Yah ’s Divine Mind began to
contemplate how to actually go about the act
Essene Teachings
of creation. In the following verses, we learn of the plan:
18. Yea, Yah contemplated and Yah knew that within Yah
was Ain Sof, the Unmanifest Realm of All Possibilities.
19. And Yah knew that whatever Yah wished to create, Yah
could create from Ain Sof, the realm of Unlimited Possibility
within Yah.
20. And Yah knew that Yah wished to share the Bliss of
Being with another, yea, with many others.
21. For no greater gift could Yah conceive, than the Gift of
22. And Yah, the Great Giver, wished to give the greatest
gift, The Gift of Life, which is The Gift of Being.
23. And Yah knew that Yah would create; for this was the
desire of the Divine Heart.
24. But the Divine Mind of Yah wished to create in Wisdom; for,
within The Realm of Infinite Possibilities, were infinite
possibilities; and not all of the possibilities were equal in
Wisdom, one to the other.
25. And not all of the possibilities were as beautiful and joy-ful
when compared, the one to the other.
26. Thus, for unfathomable duration of Eternal Now, Yah
27. Behold: the fruit of this contemplation was a great plan
conceived in profound Wisdom: The Divine Plan of Yah.
The above excerpt from Nasarean Genesis began with a reference to
Ain Sof. Literally, that Hebrew term means Without Limit. It re-fers to
the realm of Unlimited Possibility. I wish to make note of an
important distinction between the Nasarean concept of Ain Sof and
that of the orthodox Jewish philosophers of the middle ages. The word
Kaballah means Tradition and implies the mystical spir-itual
tradition passed down from teacher to student through the ages. It is
important to note that the Kaballah tradition of ortho-dox Judaism –
which is the Kaballah that most people have heard
Doctrine Six
of – is based on the orthodox Torah used by Judaism. Nasare-an
Kaballah is NOT based on the orthodox Torah but on the Nasarean
scriptures. Thus, there are some similarities but also profound
differences. One example is the concept of Ain Sof. In the orthodox
Jewish Kaballah, Ain Sof is actually senior to Yah. But in the
Nasarean Kaballah, Ain Sof is WITHIN Yah and subject to the
will of Yah. In the orthodox tradition, Ain Sof is the highest Deity.
In the Nasarean tradition, Ain Sof is an imper-sonal realm of infinite
possibility within the Deity.
Next follows one of the longest verses in the Megillah; this verse
amounts to a list of many of the key elements of that Di-vine Plan, a
plan that would unfold over fathomless duration:
28. And The Divine Plan of Yah included: The
Great Goal that is The Great Why, which is I and I; The Way of
Sexuality: The Lover and the Beloved; Tzimtzum: SelfConstriction to Make Space; God and Goddess Transcendent:
Jah and Jahlah; God and Goddess Immanent: Jahday and
Jahnah; The Golden Ladder of The Tree of Life; The Great
Dance of Elohim;
The Great School, which is The Mother Ovum; The Great
Divine Justice: The Laws of Being; The Great Danger;
Divine Mercy: The Means of Intervention;
The Beauty of Diversity: Countless Ovums;
The Unity of Diversity: All Crowned with Yah; The Ring of
Return: Back to Godhead; The Blessed Play of the Great
Friends; and, The Great Work: Initiation into the Christ Family.
The description of The Divine Plan of Creation continues as fol-lows:
Essene Teachings
29. Yah said, “I Am Yah, Being.
30. And my personal name shall be Jah; for I shall be the first
of many Beings.”
31. “Behold, I know why I shall create, and I know how I
shall create.
32. I will create because I love Being and wish to share the
bliss of Being with another, yea, with many others.
33. I wish my children to love me, and know me, and desire me,
and to fellowship with me, yea, even to play with me.
34. “But, behold: they shall be free to choose this; yea, they
must choose this of their own free will.
35. For, lo: I do not desire to force my children to love me, or
know me, or desire me, or to fellowship with me, or to play with
36. For I have contemplated infinite possibilities and have
perceived the Wisdom of Free Will, even the freedom to reject
the Love and Wisdom of Jah.
We realize in the light of the above exactly why it is a natural instinct
for us to LOVE GOD/GODESS. We are the recipients of the greatest
gift that could possibly be given: the GIFT OF LIFE! We did
nothing to earn our existence. We exist due to the grace of Yah! Also
in the light of the above, we realize that the goal of some religions –
to merge back into Original Undifferentiated Being and cease to exist
as a personal Being – IS NOT WHAT GOD WANTS! Yah wished
for playmates! Friends! Children! Yah wished for other Beings with
which to have relationships: others to love and interact with. And this
wish was not a selfish desire on the part of Yah; rather, scripture calls
it: THE GRA-CIOUS WISH. We are told that Yah so loved Being,
that Yah wished to share this Bliss with others. We are those others!
God’s goal for us is NOT that we return to the primordial state of
undifferentiated being (the predominant philosophy in India, the
Doctrine Six
philosophy of Shankara; rather, God’s goal for us is that we BE
PERSONAL BEINGS (this is the minority philosophy in India,
represented by some Vaishnava sects such as the Hare Krishna
The third chapter of Nasarean Genesis is titled, The Lover and
the Beloved: Jah and Jahlah. It is here that we learn that the Creative
Plan is sexual in nature, and that it will involve both the Divine
Masculine and Divine Feminine principles:
1. “Lo, I know how I shall create; for I have looked deep-ly into
Ain Sof, searching for the most beautiful, the most wise, and the
most blissful way to create my children; and behold: As I
looked deeply into Ain Sof, I found the answer looking back at
2. Yea, the answer to the question asked by Jah – “How will I
create my children?” – was revealed in the face of Jahlah.
3. For when Jah looked within Ain Sof and asked, “How will I
create my children?” behold: the face of our Goddess, our
Divine Mother, Jahlah, did appear.
4. Lo: prior to gazing into the face of Jahlah, Jah had been
neither male nor female.
5. And prior to gazing into the face of Jah, Jahlah had been
neither male nor female.
6. Behold: at the moment Jah beheld Jahlah, Jahlah became the
Divine Feminine, and Jah became the Divine Mascu-line.
7. Jah reached into Ain Sof and touched the face of Jahlah, and,
lo: She whom had existed in Divine Possibility, as the Most
Beautiful Possibility, now existed in Divine Actuality, as the
Most Beautiful Actuality.
8. And in Her face Jah beheld, simultaneously, the faces of
every female who will ever exist.
9. And in His face Jahlah beheld the faces of every male
who will ever exist.
Essene Teachings
10. Jah and Jahlah knew this Truth was Their Truth, the
Truth of Yah, which is Omen.
11. Then Jah desired to embrace Jahlah, and Jahlah desired to
embrace Jah.
12. And behold: Jah and Jahlah embraced; yea, They became entwined.
13. And the body of Jah was in that instant every male body that
will ever exist; and the body of Jahlah was in that in-stant every
female body that will ever exist.
14. Lo: the bodies of Jah and Jahlah were not physical but
spiritual; neither were Their bodies confined to a time or place
or shape or structure or condition.
15. Behold: exactly what Their bodies were, and are, cannot be
fathomed by the human mind; neither can the bodies of Jah and
Jahlah be drawn by the human hand.
16. For who can fathom or draw this mystery: the body of Jah
not only was every body of every male of every species that will
ever exist, but was even every phase of every body, from birth to
old age, from rebirth to rebirth.
17. Yea, and Jahlah was likewise but female, containing the
bodies of every female who will ever be.
We are told in the excerpt above that, prior to gazing into the face of
Jahlah, Jah was neither male nor female. But gazing into her face he
took on the masculine polarity and she the feminine. We are told that
the answer to the question posed by Jah – “How will I create my
children?” – was revealed in the face of Jahlah. Thus, the way of
creation would be that of interaction between the mas-culine and
feminine aspects. In other words, SEXUALITY IS THE WAY OF
CREATION. The universe is sexual. In fact, it can be accurately
SEXUAL. (Note: We are not saying that they have human bodies or
engage in physical sexual intercourse; we are saying that in some
transcendental manner the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine
interact sexually.) God (Jah) and Goddess
Doctrine Six
(Jahlah) are sexual Beings. And it is lucky for us that they are sexual,
as we would not otherwise exist!
We skip some verses and then pick up the account:
22. And within the bodies of Jah and Jahlah are every body that
will ever exist, even of mountains and stars and trees, for even
within such things are hidden the feminine and masculine
principles; for, all things are the fruit of the em-brace of the
masculine and the feminine.
23. And Jah knew that Jahlah knew Him.
24. And it was so; for, when Jahlah had waited in Ain Sof
for Jah to find Her, She had been privy to His every thought and
feeling; for Ain Sof was within Jah and She was within Ain Sof.
25. Now Ain Sof was also within Her; for, like Jah, Jahlah
was now outside of Ain Sof.
26. And Jahlah felt that Jah knew Her.
27. And it was so; for, when Jah found Jahlah within Ain Sof,
He recognized Her as the beautiful voice that had ever spoken
within His heart.
28. And Jah knew, “Jahlah is mostly like me, but a bit differ-ent
in a complementary way.”
29. And Jah rejoiced in the similarity between He and
30. And Jah rejoiced in the difference between He and
31. Yea, the difference was not only useful, Jah knew, being the
Way of Creation, but also playful and fun.
32. And Jah is playful, indeed.
33. Which is why Jah chose this way from amongst the
infinite possibilities.
Essene Teachings
34. And Jahlah knew, “Jah is mostly like me, but a bit differ-ent
in a complementary way.”
35. And Jahlah rejoiced in the similarity between She and Jah.
36. And Jahlah rejoiced in the difference between She and Jah.
37. Yea, the difference was not only useful, Jahlah knew,
being the Way of Creation, but also playful and fun.
38. And Jahlah is playful, indeed.
39. Behold: from the beginning She had sung this song with-in
the Heart of Jah, even before Jah found Her in Ain Sof.
40. Yea, the difference between Jah and Jahlah, is the difference between the Masculine and the Feminine principles.
41. Truly, this difference is cause for celebration: for this
difference makes possible creation.
42. Yea, it makes possible the Gracious Gift, and the bliss of the
Lover and the Beloved.
43. And Jah knew this and rejoiced.
44. And Jahlah felt this and rejoiced.
45. Jah and Jahlah are the Two that are One, and the One that
is Two.
46. In Their transcendental embrace They reasoned and felt and
intuited together, as I and I.
47. For Yah was no longer One Alone, but was now I and I, the
One Another, the Lover and the Beloved: Jah and Jahlah.
As the scripture stated: “Yea, the difference between Jah and Jahlah,
is the difference between the Masculine and Feminine principles.
Truly, this is a cause for celebration: for this difference makes possible creation. Yea, it makes possible the Gracious Gift, and the bliss of
the Lover and the Beloved. And Jah knew this and rejoiced. And
Doctrine Six
Jahlah felt this and rejoiced.” Let us also rejoice!
Together, Jah and Jahlah conceived their plan for cre-ation. We
read in the fourth chapter of Nasarean Genesis:
1. Together They considered the Divine Plan of Creation.
2. Yea, together They conceived this plan.
3. Jah and Jahlah said: “We will create a universe of space,
time, number, letter, form, elements, and principles; it will be a
place of play, learning, and work, for Our children.
4. This universe will be the Em Beytsah, which is the Moth-er
Ovum, and will enfold countless ovums.
5. And each species will evolve within a Group Ovum.
6. And each individual of each species will evolve within its
own Beytsah haAur, which is an Ovum of Light.
7. “And Our universe will be governed by Law that is Just and
Merciful; yea, the Justice of Jah-Jah shall be tempered with
8. “And We will grant The Great Freedom to all Beings, which
is Freedom of Choice; yea, even the freedom to make unwise
choices; for, We desire friendship with Beings who choose Our
9. “But with The Great Freedom comes The Great Responsibility.
10. Behold: by the thoughts, words, and deeds of each Be-ing,
each shall rise or fall upon The Golden Ladder.
11. And that ladder is The Ladder of Being.
12. “Yea, each thought, word, and deed in harmony with the
laws of Jah-Jah, shall result in the expansion of consciousness and bliss.
13. But lo: the reverse is also true; for just as one may climb
Essene Teachings
The Golden Ladder with thoughts, words, and deeds in harmony with the laws of Jah-Jah, one descends the ladder with
every thought, word, and deed not in harmony with the laws of
14. “Some laws of Jah-Jah pertain to every ovum, some pertain only to specific ovums; yet, in each ovum, the laws that
pertain shall be readily ascertainable; for, behold: As one lives
up to the light one has, one shall be given greater light.
15. And each shall be responsible to live up to the light they
16. And the light they have is that portion of law that has
been revealed to them.
17. And these laws are within each Being, for they are encoded into the very fabric of being.
18. And when one has learned the required lessons of one
ovum, one will graduate to the next.
19. “And when one of Our children pierces the shell of the
Mother Ovum, that child shall have returned to Godhead,
which is Heaven Most High.
20. That child shall see Jah-Jah face-to-face, outside the shell of
the Mother Ovum.
21. That child shall be Our friend and companion in a new and
special way; for, that child has made the Ring of Return, and is
now Our Playmate and Co-worker.
22. Yea, that child shall enjoy a time of bliss and fellowship
with Jah-Jahlah.
23. And such a child is never more REQUIRED to return to the
Mother Ovum, but may CHOOSE to return, as a Worker of JahJah, which is a Hand of Mercy.
24. For the harvest shall be great but the workers few.”
25. Jah and Jahlah deeply contemplated Their plan.
26. They realized that The Great Freedom could result in
Doctrine Six
Great Pain; for, not every Being will choose wisely.
27. Yet, They also knew that without freedom, there would be
no opportunity for Their children to learn and grow.
28. And so, They agreed, “We must remain outside of The
Mother Ovum; for it is We who will give life to the Mother
29. Yea, We will give life to the Mother Ovum by surround-ing
it, at its circumference, that it may expand into Us.
30. Lo: if We abandon the circumference the Ovum will
surely die.
31. “Therefore, We will remain at the circumference in Heaven
Most High, and each Being who pierces the shell of the Mother
Ovum will enter Heaven Most High.
32. But We who make the decision to grant The Great Freedom
realize that Great Pain may result and desire to be with Our
children even within the Mother Ovum.
33. And though We cannot abandon the circumference,
neither shall We abandon Our children.
34. Thus, Jah and Jahlah will each emanate a portion of
Ourselves to represent Us in The Mother Ovum.
We often wonder how, if there is such a Being as God, can evil
exist? We see many examples of violent, terrible behavior in our
world, and we ask: How can God permit such evil to occur? The
answer is provided in the above passage from Nasarean Gene-sis.
The answer: THE GREAT FREEDOM. God and Goddess, our JahJah (the short term used by Nasareans to refer to both Jah and Jahlah at
the same time is Jah-Jah), chose to bestow the gift of freedom of choice to
all Beings. This includes the free-dom to reject the way of Jah-Jah and to
make unwise decisions. Though making freedom of choice a universal right
has led to many negative experiences, to have done otherwise would have
been to create a race of mere robots.
Essene Teachings
We also learn in the above passage that, though we live in a
universe called The Mother Ovum and that Jah and Jahlah are outside
that Ovum in a realm called Heaven Most High, we can make THE
RING OF RETURN. Beings who climb THE GOLD-EN
LADDER, which is the center branch of the Tree of Life, can pass
through the shell of The Mother Ovum – this universe
– and enter Heaven Most High, thus making THE RING OF RETURN. The Golden Ladder is The Ladder of Being, and we climb it
by having thoughts, words, and deeds in harmony with UNIVERSAL LAW. Although there is a realm outside of The Moth-er
Ovum – outside of our universe – called HEAVEN MOST HIGH,
even within The Mother Ovum there are countless heav-enly realms.
As we ascend The Golden Ladder we ascend to pro-gressively higher
heavens, eventually reaching the realm of Jah (God) and Jahlah
(Goddess) called Heaven Most High. There, according to the above
scripture, we enjoy a time of bliss and fel-lowship with Jah-Jah, as
their playmates and co-workers! Though not required to return to The
Mother Ovum, we may choose to return as workers of Jah-Jah.
The section of Nasarean scripture quoted above included Jah and
Jahlah agreeing that, “We must remain outside of The Mother Ovum;
for it is We who will give life to the Mother Ovum.” Remem-ber, the
word Ovum means egg. And just as an egg will die if the Mother Hen
does not remain outside the egg giving it her loving care, so would
our universe die if Jah-Jah did not surround it and give it life through
the center branch of the Tree of Life. In a sense, the center branch is
an umbilical cord, through which the energy of life flows into not only
The Mother Ovum, but into the Crown Chakra of every Being within
the Ovum. Though Jah and Jahlah have stated that they must remain
outside The Mother Ovum, the last verse of the above excerpt hinted
at their solution:
Doctrine Six
they would each emanate a child to represent them in the Moth-er
Ovum! The emanation of the First Son and First Daughter of Jah-Jah
– the Lord Christ and the Lady Christ – is described in the
forthcoming Doctrine Seven.
Doctrine Seven:
Doctrine on Lord Christ and Lady Christ
with Commentary on Magdalene’s Teachings on
“Three Forms of Salvation”
lthough Jah (God) and Jahlah (Goddess) remain outside the
circumference of the Mother Ovum (the “Mother Ovum” is the
Universe), they birthed – by direct emanation – the Lord Christ and Lady
Christ to represent them in the Mother Ovum. Because he is the only
Being directly emanated by Jah, the Lord Christ is referred to as the Only
Directly Begotten Son of Jah. Likewise, because she is the only Being
directly emanated by Jahlah, the Lady Christ is
referred to as the Only Directly Begotten Daughter of Jahlah.
The transcendental personal name of the Lord Christ is Jah-day,
though he is known by countless names in countless worlds. He is
also called Immanuel, which means God Immanent in Cre-ation. In
Nasarean theology, Jahday is in fact considered to be God Immanent,
because he was directly emanated by Jah to rep-resent Jah in the
Mother Ovum. Jah is called God Transcendent for he is the source of
God Immanent and resides outside of the Mother Ovum in a realm
called Heaven Most High. Another He-brew name by which the Lord
Christ is known is ‘Oholiy’ab, which means Tent of His Father. And,
two thousand years ago on earth, he was called Yahshua, though that
name was altered and came
Essene Teachings
Doctrine Seven
down to us in English as “Jesus.” (“Jesus” is a Greek-English
corruption of the Hebrew name Yahshua.)
The transcendental personal name of the Lady Christ is Jahnah,
though she is known by countless names in countless worlds. She is
also called Immanuelah, which means Goddess Immanent in
Creation. In Nasarean theology, Jahnah is in fact considered to be
Goddess Immanent, because she was directly emanated by Jahlah to
represent Jahlah in the Mother Ovum. Jahlah is called Goddess
Transcendent for she is the source of Goddess Immanent and resides
outside of the Mother Ovum in a realm called Heaven Most High.
Another Hebrew name by which the Lady Christ is known is
‘Oholiybah, which means Tent of Her Mother. And, two thousand
years ago on earth, she was called Miriam of Magdala, though that
name came down to us in English as “Mary Magdalene.” (“Mary” is
an English corruption of the Hebrew name Miriam.)
The first two children of Jah-Jah (“Jah-Jah” is a Nasarean term
by which we conveniently refer to both Jah and Jahlah at the same
time) were given the assignment of creating the countless children of
the Mother Ovum (the “Mother Ovum” – Em Beytsah in Hebrew –
means “Mother Egg” and is the Nasarean term for our universe).
Thus, Jahday (the Lord Christ) and Jahnah (the Lady Christ) are the
Children of Jah-Jah, but they are the Moth-er and Father of all
other created Beings.
Besides their role as creators within the Mother Ovum, the Lord
Christ and Lady Christ were assigned the role of Saviors. The work
of Salvation is a manifestation of Mercy. The Lord Christ and Lady
Christ are the Hands of Mercy of Jah-Jah, and those who join the
Lord and Lady in this work also become
Hands of Mercy.
Beings who join with the Lord and Lady to help them in their
Essene Teachings
mission of mercy become “christed,” which is to enter the Christ
Family. The Essene Church of Christ is a manifestation of the
Christ Family, established by the Lord and Lady via the assis-tance
of human beings whom have affiliated with them. Thus, Essene
Church of Christ is a circle of disciples of the Lord Christ and Lady
Christ. We worship them and study their teachings, that we may
better serve them. We are their Hands of Mercy on Planet Earth. In
their role as Saviors, the Lord and Lady establish such circles of
disciples all over the universe, for our world is but one of countless
n the following excerpt from the fourth and fifth chapters of Nasarean
Genesis, the plan by Jah-Jah to emanate a Son and
Daughter to represent them in The Mother Ovum is described:
29. “Yea, We will give life to the Mother Ovum by surrounding it, at its circumference, that it may expand into Us.
30. Lo: if We abandon the circumference the Ovum will
surely die.
31. “Therefore, We will remain at the circumference in Heaven Most High, and each Being who pierces the shell of the
Mother Ovum will enter Heaven Most High.
32. But We who make the decision to grant The Great Freedom realize that Great Pain may result and desire to be with
Our children even within the Mother Ovum.
33. And though We cannot abandon the circumference, neither shall We abandon Our children.
34. Thus, Jah and Jahlah will each emanate a portion of Ourselves to represent Us in The Mother Ovum.
Moving from the end of Chapter Four to the beginning of Chap-
Doctrine Seven
ter Five, the excerpt continues:
1. “Yea, Jah will emanate a portion of Himself, which will be the
First Son of Jah, and Jahlah will emanate a portion of Herself,
which will be the First Daughter of Jahlah.
2. And the First Son of Jah will be the only Son of Jah directly begotten by Jah.
3. And the First Daughter of Jahlah will be the only Daugh-ter
of Jahlah directly begotten by Jahlah.
4. “For the First Son and First Daughter shall be the Mascu-line
Archetype and the Feminine Archetype through which all other
Beings shall be created.
5. Thus shall the First Son of Jah be Father of All within the
Mother Ovum but Son of Jah in Heaven Most High.
6. And thus shall the First Daughter of Jahlah be Mother
of All within the Mother Ovum, but Daughter of Jahlah in
Heaven Most High.
7. “And the Name of the First Son who is the Father within the
Mother Ovum shall be Jahday [meaning: Jah Guide].
8. And He will also be called ’Oholiy’ab [meaning: Tent of
(my) Father], for He is the ‘Tent of His Father’.
9. And He shall be called Immanuel [meaning: God Immanent], for He is ‘God Immanent’ in Creation.
10. And He will be called many names in many worlds.
11. “And the Name of the First Daughter who is the Mother
within the Mother Ovum shall be Jahnah [Nasarean term for
Dove of Jah-Jah].
12. And she will be called ’Oholibah [meaning: My tent is in
Her], for She is the ‘Tent of Her Mother’.
13. And She shall be called Immanuelah [meaning: God-dess
Immanent], for She is Goddess Immanent in Creation.
14. And She shall be called many names in many worlds.”
Essene Teachings
Yes, she will be called many names on many worlds. Unfortu-nately
for our world, most have called her a reformed prostitute though she
never was one. (The details of how that came to happen will be
provided later in this commentary.) And yes, I am hinting that the
name of the Only Directly Begotten Daughter of Jah-Jah, when she
walked our world, was in fact: MARY MAG-DALENE (her actual
name was: Miriam of Magdala).
Most Christians and Jews are familiar with the biblical proph-ecy
that, when the Christ-Messiah came to our world, he would be called
Immanuel. That Hebrew word means: God immanent in creation.
Though Jesus (Yahshua) was not named Immanuel upon birth,
millions of people have come to believe that he was in fact God
immanent in creation. Thus, that prophecy came true. Now I will
declare another prophecy: I declare that, with the distribution in our
world of The Holy Megillah: Nasarean Bible of the Essene Way
(which has never before been widely distributed; in earlier centuries
it was banned and those who possessed it were burned as heretics), a
group of disciples of both the Lord Christ and the Lady Christ will
gather together, AND IMMANU-ELAH – which means Goddess
immanent in creation – WILL BE WORSHIPPED AS
MOTHER, not branded “former pros-titute!” This group of disciples
of the Lord and Lady will be small during my lifetime, but will grow
as the years roll by: for, there is nothing as powerful as an idea
whose time has come! And the time has come for the Mother to take
her place alongside the Father in the throne room of your heart….
Yes, the Son of Jah and the Daughter of Jahlah, are the Chil-dren
of Jah-Jah, but, in relation to you and I, they are Parents. The reason
they are called the ONLY directly begotten children of Jah-Jah, is
that they are the only children DIRECTLY EMANAT-ED by JahJah. Thus, in relation to Jah-Jah, they are children. But those first
two children of Jah-Jah were given the assignment of creating the
countless children of The Mother Ovum – us!
Doctrine Seven
Thus, Jahday and Jahnah are the Children of Jah-Jah, but they are
the Mother and Father of every other Being ever created!
Now, if you wonder whether or not the above constitutes incest
– Jahday and Jahnah, the only directly begotten children of Jah-Jah,
having transcendental intercourse to create us – the following
passage from Nasarean Genesis will disabuse you of that concern:
15. And because the First Son is directly emanated by Jah, and
the First Daughter is directly emanated by Jahlah, and They are
not the fruit of intercourse of Jah-Jah, the Son and the Daughter
are eligible for intercourse with each other; otherwise such
intercourse of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine would
be incest and would be unlawful.
16. Which is why Jah Himself emanated Jahday without
intercourse with Jahlah, and why Jahlah Herself emanated
Jahnah without intercourse with Jah.
17. And that is why Jah said: “When Jahday, the Only Directly Begotten Son of Jah, has union with Jahnah, He will take
within Himself the feminine element of Jahlah, and will then
always be of both Jah and Jahlah.”
18. And that is why Jahlah said: “When Jahnah, the Only
Directly Begotten Daughter of Jahlah, has union with Jah-day,
She will take within Herself the masculine element of Jah, and
will then always be of both Jah and Jahlah.”
The above passage is likely the origin of the various legends in world
religions of a VIRGIN BIRTH. The latter portion of the above
excerpt is important because it illuminates the fact that though
Jahday was emanated by the Father and Jahnah emanat-ed by the
Mother, each will be of BOTH THE FATHER AND MOTHER
once they have union (spiritual intercourse). At that time, Jahnah will
take within her the masculine element, and Jahday the feminine element.
Essene Teachings
In the next passage from Mattanah: Nasarean Book of Genesis
(the opening section of The Holy Megillah: Nasar-ean Bible of The
Essene Way), the twofold purpose of Jah-day and Jahnah is made
clear. They are to be both Cre-ators and Saviors within the Mother
Ovum (Em Beytsah):
19. And Jah and Jahlah agreed: “They will be Creators and
They will be Saviors; for, They will create Beings and They
will save Beings, according to Our will.
20. Yea, They shall be Hands of Mercy that will reach out to
those who have stumbled upon The Golden Ladder.
21. For, lo: Not all will choose wisely within The Great Freedom, and We desire to reach out from Heaven Most High even to
those in the Most Low Hell.
22. Yea, We shall reach out to every world within The Moth-er
Ovum, and Jahday and Jahnah will be Our Hands.”
Next we are treated to a beautiful passage describing the First Family:
23. Jah and Jahlah agreed, “We are the Two that are One, and
the One that is Two.
24. And with Our only begotten children, Jahday and
Jahnah, we become Four united as One.
25. The Four are the First Family, and within the First Family are
Two Gods and Two Goddesses: Jah is God Transcendent and
Jahday is God Immanent; Jahlah is Goddess Transcen-dent and
Jahnah is Goddess Immanent.
26. “Yea, We are the First Family.
27. And the First Family is an Expanding Family.
28. For the Four expand to become the All.
29. And the name of Our family is the name of the All.
30. And the name of the All is YHWH.
31. And that name is the name that includes all names;
Doctrine Seven
therefore that name is HaShem.”
The Hebrew term HaShem means THE NAME and implies The
Name that includes every name. That term is linked to the tetragrammaton – YHWH – because that is the term for THE ALL. Each
Being – including God and Goddess but also including you and I –
simultaneously enjoys two truths: 1) We are each an individual
Being; we do not finally merge with God or The All in such a way as
to end our existence as a personal Being; 2) We are each also a part
interconnected whole which is THE ALL. The terms HaShem and
Universal YHWH refer to the Universal All. When we use the term
“First YHWH,” then we are referring to the “First Family of
YHWH”: Jah (God Transcendent), Jahlah (Goddess Transcendent),
Jahday (the Lord Christ/God Imma-nent), and Jahnah (the Lady
Christ/Goddess Immanent); all four are Crowned by/in the
Unnumbered Yah, Undifferentiated Orig-inal Being. The First
Family of YHWH expands to include all Beings that come into
existence, and that expansion is the “All” called “Universal YHWH.”
In the following excerpt we are told that there were infinite ways
by which God (Jah) and Goddess (Jahlah) might have creat-ed the
universe, but they chose THEIR WAY. Then we are given an
account of their setting Their Plan into motion. This excerpt will
culminate with the actual “birth” of Jahday and Jahnah, the Only
Directly Begotten Children of Jah-Jah. We read:
36. Lo: within the Infinite Field of All Possibilities, there
were countless ways by which creation might have been
37. But from amongst all those ways, Jah and Jahlah chose
Their Way.
38. Yea, this was The Way of Jah and Jahlah, our Jah-Jah.
39. And they knew it was good.
Essene Teachings
40. And they felt it was good.
41. And it was good.
42. Having conceived Their Plan, Jah and Jahlah activated
Their Plan.
43. Yea, in transcendental embrace, Jah and Jahlah, our Jah-Jah,
set in motion Their Plan.
44. And Their Plan was Their Way.
45. And Their Way was good.
46. Behold: Jah-Jah created the Mother Ovum to be the
House of Learning, Work, and Play.
47. Yea, even the House of Choosing, for all must be free to
accept or reject Jah-Jah.
48. And within that House are many houses.
49. Lo, in the following manner Jah-Jah created the Mother
50. Jah-Jah was All.
51. There was no place that was not Jah-Jah.
52. So that there would be Space for others to Be, Jah-Jah
performed Tzimtzum, self-constriction.
53. Yea, Jah-Jah self-constricted, condensing to a point of
54. And the space where Jah-Jah had been before Tzimtzum, the
space from which Jah-Jah had withdrawn, was a void of empty
55. And this was according to the will of Jah-Jah.
56. Jah-Jah was now One Point at the center of a void of
empty space.
57. The One Point was the Oneness of Jah and Jahlah in
58. Lo: the One Point was the merging of the Two that are
One and the One that is Two, for the purpose of Creative
Doctrine Seven
59. For though the Original Condition of Yah was One, One
was always pregnant with Two, and Two with Three, and Three
with Four; and this is YHWH, the All that is Many and One,
One and Many.
60. At the center of the void Jah spoke one holy word, “Jahday”, and Jahday came forth as The Word of Jah.
61. And, at the center of the void, Jahlah exhaled one holy
breath, “Jahnah”, and Jahnah came forth as The Breath of
At the end of the above excerpt from Nasarean Genesis, Jah-day (the
Son) is called THE WORD of Jah, and Jahnah (the Daughter) is
called THE BREATH of Jahlah. We know that ear-ly Christianity
affirmed Jesus (Yahshua) to be the human incar-nation of THE
WORD, and also THE SON OF GOD. But what about the
Although it is a lost tradition, traces remain in the orthodox
Judaeo-Christian scriptures of the Nasarean worship of the Di-vine
Feminine. Consider the following facts. The Hebrew word for Spirit
in the term The Holy Spirit is Ruah. That word is in feminine gender,
ending with the feminine ending ah). When the feminine Hebrew
term Ruah was translated into the Greek Old Testament (The
Septuagint) and Greek New Testament, is was put into neuter
gender. Then, when the Greek Bible was trans-lated into English, the
Holy Spirit was referred to as He. Thus, the Holy Spirit went from
being feminine in the original Hebrew, to being neutered in the
Greek, and then made masculine in English!
But there is even more to consider. The literal meaning of the
Hebrew word Ruah is not Spirit but Breath. Thus, a literal translation of the Hebrew term that comes into English as “Holy Spirit” would be Holy Breath. And that ties in perfectly with the
above passage from Nasarean Genesis wherein the Only Begotten
Essene Teachings
Daughter (Jahnah) is called THE BREATH of Jahlah. Jahnah is
called The Holy Breath because, as the above scripture declared:
61. And, at the center of the void, Jahlah exhaled one holy
breath, “Jahnah,” and Jahnah came forth as The Breath of
To take this even further, the Biblical Hebrew word for Dove is
Jonah, and the Nasarean name Jahnah means Dove of Jah-Jah. In the
Hebrew, Greek, and English versions of the mainstream Bible, the
Dove is associated with the Holy Spirit. Even in reli-gious artwork
through the centuries, the Dove has symbolized the Holy Spirit. Thus,
the origin of that symbology is NASAREAN GENESIS, in which
JAHNAH (the Dove of Jah-jah) is referred to as The Holy Breath
(i.e. Holy Spirit). Before we end this Com-mentary on Doctrine
Seven, we will see that in the same way that Jesus (Yahshua) was the
human incarnation of THE WORD, so was Mary Magdalene
(Miriam of Magdala) the incarnation of
In the following passage we are treated to a profoundly beauti-ful
account of the anointing of Jahday and Jahnah as Lord Christ and
Lady Christ:
81. Before leaving Jahday on the Throne of Masculine Light at
the Center of Empty Space, and before leaving Jahnah on the
Throne of Feminine Light at the Center of Empty Space, to
ascend Their own Thrones in Heaven Most High – which heaven
is outside the Mother Ovum and surrounds the Mother Ovum –
Jah-Jah anointed Them with the Water of Life, which is of the
Tears of Jah-Jah.
82. Yea, these tears were shed because Jah and Jahlah so loved
the world that They gave Their only begotten children as Hands
of Mercy, who are Christ-Messiahs even knowing that They
would be crucified again and again, repeatedly
Doctrine Seven
and in diverse ways, upon the countless crosses of count-less
realms and worlds of endless space and time by those who,
within the context of The Great Freedom, would make unwise
choices resulting in fathomless pain and sadness, resulting in the
Merciful Intervention in the Darkness of Ignorance by the Word
and Breath of Mercy, which are the Lord Christ and Lady Christ.
83. Lo: the Water of Life is of the Tears of Jah-Jah, which are
the Tears of Compassion shed not only for Jahday and Jahnah,
but for all Beings who will ever experience pain for any reason,
deserved or not, in all the realms and all the times of fathomless
duration within the Mother Ovum.
84. Yea, but the Tears of Jah-Jah are also Tears of Joy, shed in
the awareness that the Great Pain of Evolution will be
transcended by countless Beings who, over the course of
fathomless duration, will pierce Ovum after Ovum, eventu-ally
piercing even the Mother Ovum, joining Jah and Jahlah in
Heaven Most High, as friends, co-workers, and play-mates, and
joining Jahday and Jahnah as Christ-Messiahs, for the salvation
of all sentient Beings.
The above passage is one of the most touching sections of scripture we will find anywhere! Several comments must be made. In
order to understand the above verses, we must realize what the
word Christ means. The English word Christ is from the Greek
word Christos which means Anointed. The Greek Christos is a
translation of the Hebrew word Mashiakh which means Anointed. The English word Messiah is from the Hebrew Mashiakh.
Thus, all these words mean the same thing: ANOINTED. In the
ancient days, when a King sent a messenger or representative on
a mission in his name, or consecrated a person to a high office, he
Anointed them – usually their head – with oil. Thus, any person
sent on a mission by the King was a Mashiakh, as was anyone
else who experienced this sort of anointing ritual. However, when
we use the term with great emphasis – THE
Essene Teachings
Mashiakh – we are speaking of a special messenger of a special
King: We are speaking of the Messenger of King/Queen Jah-Jah. In
the Nasarean tradition, we are speaking of the Only Begotten Son of
Jah (Jahday) and the Only Begotten Daughter of Jahlah (Jahnah). In
our tradition, they are the Lord Christ and the Lady Christ. They were
anointed not with ordinary oil, but with THE WATER OF LIFE.
In the above excerpt we find the origin of the famous verses from the
Gospel of John that millions of children in Sunday School classes
have been required to memorize: “For God so loved the world that he
gave his only begotten Son….” But in the original
Nasarean version, it is not only God but God and Goddess do-ing the
giving, and it is not only the Son but also the Daughter that is given.
And they are given not only to this planet, but to all worlds. [While it
might seem impossible for two Beings – the Lord Christ and the Lady
Christ – to cover all that territory (all worlds of endless space and
time), making appearances on countless planets, the answer to that
objection is given in a later section of the Nasarean Bible: the Lord
Christ explains that he and the Lady Christ can appear in more than
one place at a time, in various bodies in various worlds,
In the next excerpt from Nasarean Genesis, the center branch of
the Tree of Life is created when Jah and Jahlah as-cend and pierce the
Mother Ovum, leaving Jahday and Jahnah as Creators and Saviors
within the Mother Ovum:
123. Jah-Jah ascended from the center of the Mother Ovum to
the circumference, piercing the circumference and sur-rounding
the circumference.
124. Lo: outside and surrounding the Mother Ovum, Jah-Jah
established Heaven Most High, the Ultimate Paradise.
125. Behold: with Their ascension from the Center of the
Mother Ovum into Heaven Most High, Jah-Jah left behind
Doctrine Seven
a trail for all to follow; and that trail is The Golden Ladder.
126. And The Golden Ladder is also The Center Branch of the
Tree of Life.
127. Yea, the Center Branch is the path of ascension that leads
from the center of every ovum to Heaven Most High.
128. And this path must be walked in the Word of Jah-Jah,
which is Jahday, and in the Breath of Jah-Jah, which is Jahnah.
129. Yea, this path is The Center Branch of The Tree of Life,
that branch that passes through the center of every ovum and
touches and pierces the outer shell of The Mother Ovum.
OUR UNIVERSE! Remember, the Nasarean term for our universe
is Em Beytsah, which means Mother Ovum. Jah and Jahlah are now –
at this point in the Nasarean Gen-esis creation story that we are
studying – outside the Moth-er Ovum in their realm called Heaven
Most High. They have left their Only Directly Begotten Children,
Jahday and Jahnah, in the center of the Mother Ovum to be Creators
and Sav-iors. Now that creation begins! We read in Nasarean
132. In the Center of the Mother Ovum, Jahday and Jahnah
embraced in ecstasy.
133. Lo: The Word of Jah-Jah and the Breath of Jah-Jah
were united as One.
134. Yea, Jahnah felt, and knew, that The Word of Jah was
within Her, and Jahday knew, and felt, that the Breath of Jahlah
was within Him.
135. Yea, they are the Two that are One, and the One that is
Two for Creative Expansion.
136. And a name for Their Oneness is Kether, which means
Crown; for the King and Queen are One in Their Em-brace….
Essene Teachings
Skipping some verses, we pick the account up in Chapter Six of
Nasarean Genesis; that chapter is titled, The Great Dance of Jahday
and Jahnah:
1. It was ordained by Jah-Jah that Jahday and Jahnah would be
Saviors of the children of the Mother Ovum.
2. For, it would be through the merciful intervention of Lord
Christ and Lady Christ that Jah-Jah would intervene in the pain
of evolving Beings and worlds.
3. Yea, for this purpose Jah-Jah anointed the Lord and Lady
with oil from the Tree of Life, which oil is the Water of Life.
4. But, behold: it was also ordained by Jah-Jah that Jahday and
Jahnah would be the Father God and Mother Goddess of the
children of the Mother Ovum.
5. And it was ordained in the plan of Jah-Jah – which was
engraved within Jahday and Jahnah – that the Mother Ovum
would be a universe of space, time, number, letter, form, elements, and principles, in which the Children of the Mother
Ovum would play, learn, and work.
6. Thus, the first duty of Jahday and Jahnah was that of
7. Yea, the Dance of Creation was Their Dance!
8. Before the beginning of Their Dance, the Mother Ovum
was Bohu, a dark void of desolate emptiness.
9. And this void was Tohu, without form.
10. And this void was dark because there was yet no Aur
haBahir, no Light of Illumination.
11. And this void was desolate because the Spirit of Yah was
with Elohim in Tzimtzum.
Quick note from Day: Bohu is a Hebrew word that means void or
emptiness. Tohu is a Hebrew word that means formless. The Hebrew
word Tzimtzum means constriction and here implies self-constriction.
We now continue the excerpt from Nasarean
Doctrine Seven
Genesis Chapter Six:
12. Then, bursting outward in ecstasy from Tzimtzum into
Bohu, the Spiral Dance of Creation began.
13. Behold: Elohim Karim!
14. Which is to say, Elohim Dances!
15. Elohim danced the Karar HaAur, the Dance of Light, a
whirling motion with the sound of a hum.
16. And the hum of the Light Dance is the music of Their
17. And the music of Their Dance is one with the lyrics of
Their Song.
18. And those lyrics are the words sung by They Who
19. And They Who Dance are Jahday and Jahnah, our God and
Goddess Immanent, Elohim.
20. And the lyrics They sing while They dance the Dance of
Light are The Words of Light: “Yehi Aur!”
21. Which is to say, “Let there be Light!”
22. Lo, Elohim sang “Let there be Light!” and there was
23. And Elohim knew that the Light was Good.
24. And when the Light entered Bohu, the darkness of the
void, the Light comprehended the darkness, but the dark-ness
comprehended not the Light.
25. And the Spiral Dance was the Sa’arah, the Whirlwind.
26. And the Whirlwind was the Breath of Yah upon the
void, the Air of Being blowing upon the void of Non-Being.
27. And from the Sa’arah came forth Sparks of Light, Nitzot
28. And each Spark of Light is a Seed of Light, a Zera‘
Essene Teachings
29. And each Seed of Light is a Soul, a Nephesh, a Spiritual
30. Behold: Elohim created each Being in the embryonic im-age
and likeness of Elohim, male and female, each wearing Yah as a
Crown of Glory.
31. And the image is manifest in the Attributes.
32. Yea, Jahday and Jahnah danced Their Dance of Creation!
33. In the balance of Their embrace, They danced.
34. And always the center of Their Dance was Yah, which is I
AM, which is Their Oneness, which is the Crown of Glory.
35. Lo: Their Balance was not without motion; it was bal-ance
in motion: He spun around Her, and She around Him, and
always They were centered in Yah.
36. Lo: Yah is the center of the All and of every aspect of the
37. Yah is the center of the Masculine Aspect and the Feminine Aspect; for, behold: those aspects exist for the expan-sion
of Yah and the bliss of Yah according to the Gracious Wish.
38. And this is YHWH.
39. Yea, YHWH is The Great Dance of Creation.
40. Jahday and Jahnah danced in ecstasy!
41. The Dance of Jahday and Jahnah was according to the
Divine Plan of Jah-Jah.
42. Jahday and Jahnah knew that the Mother Ovum was to be a
Sphere symbolized by the Circle; and They danced that dance.
43. Lo, the Void of Potential Space became the Sphere of
Actual Space.
44. And They knew that the point at the center of the sphere, the
point symbolized by the yod, which is the Crown of Yah, would
be the center of every ovum within the Moth-
Doctrine Seven
er Ovum.
45. And They danced that dance, and it was so.
46. And they knew that the Expansion of Being, which is
YHWH, is symbolized by the Sacred Triangle in which the First
Point emanates Two Points – a Masculine Point and a Feminine
Point – forming a Trinity that will birth countless Trinities, each
Trinity in the image and likeness of the First Trinity, each
centered in Yah.
47. And They danced The Dance of the Sacred Triangle.
48. Lo, the motion of Their Dance wove a tapestry of
geometric shapes and numerical patterns, and shapes and
patterns within shapes and patterns; and all shapes and
patterns were within the Sphere which is the Mother
In regard to WHY Jahday (the Son) and Jahnah (the Daughter) would
take incarnation on Earth, their roles as Lord Christ and Lady Christ
demanded it. You see, our planet suffered a Luciferi-an attack at its
very inception. Negative entities called Saraphim came to Earth in
what the Nasarean scripture calls Skyships (spacecraft?) and began
interfering with the natural course of evolution on this planet. Among
other negative activities, the Luciferians launched hideous genetic
experiments, introducing their seed into the human genetic pool.
Worst of all, they taught early humanity to kill and sacrifice both
animals and humans, and to eat animal flesh. The intervention of the
Lord Christ and Lady Christ was necessary to counter the negative
activities of the Luciferians.
The initial Luciferian attack, in which they attempted to pre-vent
the planting of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden, is described in
the following excerpt from the eighth chapter of Na-sarean Genesis:
1. Yea, as had been revealed to Abraham and Sa’arah
Essene Teachings
during Shabbat, Lucifer, the servant of Satan, attacked the
Garden with his soldiers, fallen angels of the Luciferian Rebellion.
2. And these soldiers are called Seraphim [‘fiery serpents’];
for, they spit fire from their serpent staffs.
3. Lo: Luciferian Sky Ships dropped gourds of poisoned wa-ter
and poisoned fire over the area of the Garden; for, Satan had
ordered Lucifer to prevent the planting of the Tree of Life on
this world.
4. But before the gourds of poisoned water and fire landed on
the Garden, Abraham and Sa’arah protected the Holy Seed;
for they had been warned in a vision that this attack would
18. Behold: the Luciferians were dismayed that they had not
prevented the planting of the Tree of Life on this world, but
they had a second plan.
19. Though they could not destroy the Tree of Life, they could
plant their own seed and try to deceive the creatures of this world
to eat from their tree instead of the Tree of Life.
20. Thus it was that outside of Kush, near its border, the
Luciferians planted their own tree: the Tree of Evil Disguised as
Good, called Balal, which means confuse.
21. Lucifer said to his soldiers, “Behold: I will plant my own
seeds beside their Garden, near their tree I will plant my tree.
22. And I will appear to Adam and Eve and tell them I am
their God.
23. And I will command them to obey my angels and me.
24. Lo: I will forbid them to eat of the fruit of the Tree of Life
and will command that they eat only from the tree that I plant.”
25. And the Tree of Evil Disguised as Good was not only
Doctrine Seven
evil; rather, it was a cunning mixture of good and evil, of
truth mingled with falsehood.
26. For, Lucifer knew that the young souls he wished to
ensnare would not knowingly choose the dark path.
27. Yea, darkness must be mixed with enough light to make it
28. Neither would these young souls knowingly worship
Lucifer and Satan rather than Elohim and Jah-Jah.
29. Therefore, Lucifer would pretend that he was God; he
would call himself Yahweh and tell them that he was their
30. He would establish the Priesthood of the Serpent on this
world, which is the Satanic Priesthood of the Dark Path.
31. Lucifer communed with his Master, Satan, and, behold: the
Voice of the Serpent spoke within Lucifer, saying: “Let my
Priests mix good with evil; for it is in robes of good that I shall
dress my seeds.
32. And only one thing is truly needful to enslave mankind: he
must be made to eat the flesh of animals.
33. For then we can enter his body and enjoy his senses.
34. Yea, and we can whisper in his head and he will believe that
our words are his own thoughts.
35. No matter if his scriptures declare
‘Love one another’, as long as he eats flesh
he will be unable to follow those words.
36. And yet, because we mix those good words into his
scriptures, our religion of blood sacrifice is made more palatable to the young souls we wish to ensnare.”
In regard to verse one of the above excerpt, astute Bible students will
wonder what the heck Abraham and Sa ’arah are doing in the Garden of
Eden! In the mainstream Bible, they appear much lat-er and perform very
different deeds than in the Nasarean Book
Essene Teachings
of Genesis. For example, one of the most disturbing stories (to those
who have ears to hear, and eyes to see) in the mainstream Bible is the
one in which Abraham prepares to obey the command of “God” to
murder (human sacrifice) his son, Isaac. In that awful story (loved my
millions!), Abraham is willing to thrust a knife into his son’s chest to
prove his faith in God. Fortunately, the Abraham of the Nasarean
Bible is much saner! The Nasarean Abraham recognizes the
command to murder his own child as coming from a demonic entity
masquerading as God and refuses the evil deed. In the Nasarean
version, the only way in which Abraham “sacrifices” his son is by
sending him on a mission from a heavenly abode to do loving service
in this lower world.
In Nasarean Genesis, Abraham and Sa’arah are angelic Be-ings
(Cherubim) in service to the Lord Christ and Lady Christ. For this
solar system, Abraham and Sa’arah are the chief overseers of the work
of the Lord and Lady, having been appointed by them to serve as the
High Priest and High Priestess of our star (the Sun):
24. Yea, the Stars and Worlds are countless!
25. The Living Beings are countless!
26. The Eternity of Eternities is unfathomable!
27. The world we live on is but one of countless worlds,
some higher in spiritual perfection, some lower.
28. Lo: the story of the creation of our world follows.
29. Each Living World is under the dominion of a Temple
30. And the Prince of the Cherubim of each Star is an
31. Lo: the name of the Abram of our Sun is Abraham, which
means Father of a Multitude.
32. Thus he is called, Abraham the Abram.
33. And the Princess of the Cherubim of each Star is a Sarah
Doctrine Seven
34. And the name of the Sarah of our Sun is Sa’arah, which
means Whirlwind.
35. Thus she is called, Sa’arah the Sarah.
36. Behold: Abraham and Sa’arah were sweet souls whom had
previously pierced the Mother Ovum and enjoyed a Blessed
Day of Play with Jah-Jah in Heaven Most High.
37. Now they had returned to the Mother Ovum to serve as
Hands of Mercy under Lord Christ Jahday and Lady Christ
38. And Jahday and Jahnah gave to Abraham and Sa’arah a
Great Work: the planting of a new Star Seed, and the seeds of its
Heavens and Planets and Creatures.
39. And though Abraham and Sa’arah would plant and nur-ture
the seeds, lo: only Jahday and Jahnah were to create such seeds.
40. For, behold: those of the Luciferian Rebellion had begun
violating this and other precepts and had thereby spread
much evil and pain in many worlds.
41. Yea, Lucifer, under the inspiration of Satan, had be-gun
creating his own seeds, not of stars or worlds, for he had not
that power, but of evil life forms that he seeded as weeds upon
many worlds.
42. But Abraham and Sa’arah were righteous and violated not
The Precepts of our Lord and Lady.
43. Lo: they joyfully and willingly followed the instructions of
King Jahday and Queen Jahnah, and planted only the seed
given to them.
44. Yea, Abraham and Sa’arah, disciples of the Lord Christ and
Lady Christ, were made Overseers of the new Star we call our
Sun, and they were given good seed to plant.
45. When Abraham and Sa’arah came to this realm to as-sist
the Great Work of Elohim, the realm was bohu, a void.
Essene Teachings
46. And they chanted the Great Invocation of Elohim, which is,
“Let there be Light”, and they planted the Star Seed, which was
the Seed of our Sun.
47. As they watched the seed grow they said: “It now emanates Spiritual Light into this darkness.
48. It is good seed!”
49. And the birth of The Spiritual Light was during The First
Great Day of the Creation of our World.
Due to the Luciferian interference with the evolution of this world,
Jahday (the Son of Jah-Jah) and Jahnah (the Daughter of Jah-Jah)
intervened. In the Nasarean “Old Testament” they appear numer-ous
times, side-by-side, in the form of a Lamb (the Lord Christ) and a
Dove (the Lady Christ). As the Lamb and Dove, they gave spiritual
counsel to various “Nasarean Old Testament” prophets, but did not yet
incarnate as humans. But it is prophesied in the Nasarean “Old
Testament” that the Lord Christ (Jahday) and the Lady Christ (Jahnah)
will take human embodiment in the future, as it would be necessary to
counter the work of the Luciferians. The Nasarean messianic
prophecies make clear that the Lord Christ and Lady Christ would not
come as a God and a Goddess, but as a perfected man and woman. We
read in the Nasarean Book of Malachi:
66. Behold: I bring a message from Elohim!
67. I declare unto you a mighty work that shall be accomplished in Yisra’el.
68. Because you listen not to the voice of God and Goddess
within you, They have sent Nasarean prophets in bodies of flesh
to speak the truth to you.
69. But you have not listened to those prophets.
70. Yea, you have slain them.
71. Thus it is that our Lord and Lady Themselves, our God
Immanent and Goddess Immanent, shall come to you in human
Doctrine Seven
72. Yea, Elohim shall come speak the truth to you.
73. They will not force you to listen.
74. Little will They exercise Their transcendental powers.
75. They will appear as humans and speak as humans.
76. What powers They do exercise will be only that of
which all human beings are capable.
77. They will plant heavenly seeds in fertile ground.
78. Yea, they will not reveal Themselves to the world as
God and Goddess, but as Perfect Children of God and
79. Only to the elect shall the full truth be revealed.
80. For They come into the world to be patterns for righteous conduct, examples for the sons and daughters of
81. Yea, They will be rejected by many.
82. But each soul who accepts Them will be saved.
83. The saved become part of the Eternal Family, which is the
Body of Christ.
84. Yea, and the saved will minister unto this world.
85. And before the day that this world is rolled up like a
scroll, the saved will ascend with the Lord and Lady unto
other worlds.
86. For, behold: Those that are not saved before the day that
this world is rolled up like a scroll, fall into the Deep Sleep.
87. Yea, they will become dormant souls, unaware of anything, able to do nothing.
88. For ages they will sleep, falling down the spiral into the
Great Trap.
89. Yea, all the worlds and Beings that do not ascend will fall
into the Sleep.
Essene Teachings
90. And all who fall into the Deep Sleep will descend for
ages until they reach the Great Trap.
91. Lo: The Great Trap is like unto a Black Pit.
92. Even now this Pit swallows’ stars in a single gulp!
93. But that is a great mystery.
94. And here is another mystery: The Lord and Lady will be
born and die as humans that They may enter the subtle regions
of this world and cast out parasites.
95. Behold, here is the sign that will precede Their birth
in this world: The Prophet Elijah shall return to announce
Their coming.
96. He will be called John [which means ‘mercy/gracious-ness’],
for his coming is an act of mercy and graciousness of Elohim.
97. Yea, Elijah will reincarnate in Yisra’el and prepare a remnant to meet Jahday and Jahnah, our Lord and Lady.
98. He will come as a voice crying in the wilderness, ‘Make
straight a path for Elohim’.
99. He will bring a baptism of repentance.
100. He will invite the nations of Yisra’el to join with the
Nasarean remnant of Yesar’el in preparing to meet our Lord and
101. Behold: the Sun of Righteousness comes with healing in
its seven rays.
102. And this Sun shall be planted as a seed within the
hearts and minds of all those who receive our Lord and
103. And the Kindom [‘family’] of Heaven in Christ shall
dawn for all those who live in the world but are not of the
world, taking the vows of the Essene Way.
104. Yea, this remnant will be saved at Their First Coming,
joining the Family of Christ.
105. And that family is eternal and immortal, being nour-
Doctrine Seven
ished by the Tree of Life.
106. And this remnant of Their First Coming will prepare the
world for Their Second Coming in flesh, which will be at the
time of The Great Harvest.
107. I, Malachi the Nasarean, messenger of Elohim, have
spoken the words given me by our Lord and Lady.
108. The powers of hell will suppress this message for a
time; but truth cannot be suppressed forever!
109. In whatever time and location this message reaches you,
act on it as though it were just spoken.
110. Prepare yourself to meet your God and Goddess!
111. I beseech you to treat him or her who brings you these
words of prophecy as though they are agents of God and
Goddess; for in truth, they are.
In both the mainstream Bible and The Holy Megillah: Nasarean
Bible of the Essene Way, the last book of the “Old Testament” is
called Malachi. But there are major differences in the two ver-sions
of Malachi. For example, in the mainstream version Mala-chi
prophesizes a messianic Sun of Righteousness that will burn the
wicked to ashes. Nasarean Malachi prophesizes a messianic Sun of
Righteousness with healing in its seven rays that kills no-body.
Later, in the Nasarean “New Testament,” we learn (from Mary
Magdalene) that the seven rays are the seven parts of the Sevenfold
Peace, a Nasarean lifestyle practice.
Many of the famous “Old Testament” prophets of the mainstream Bible, including Malachi, Moses, Isaiah, and Elijah, also
appear in the Nasarean “Old Testament.” But in each case, the words
and deeds of the prophets differ from one Bible to the other. In the
sacrificial cult version (that is the “mainstream ” version), the prophets
are often very violent and, in several in-stances, murder people. And their
words seem to lack wisdom. But in the Nasarean version the same
prophets are nonviolent
Essene Teachings
and wise. It is important to realize that THERE WAS NOT TWO
MALACHI’S, TWO MOSES’S, TWO ISAIAH’S, etc.; rather, the
sacrificial cult ALTERED THE TRUE SCRIPTURES to make
them support their own bloody activities. When one reads the
sacrificial cult version of the Book of Malachi, one sees quite clearly
the main theme of the mainstream Malachi.
Despite the heavy alterations of the mainstream Book of Mal-achi,
like the Nasarean version quoted above it predicts that the messianic
age will begin with the return to Earth of the prophet Elijah. But
whereas the mainstream Malachi prophesizes that Eli-jah will return
to prepare the way for a male Christ only, the Na-sarean Malachi
prophesized that the reincarnated Elijah would prepare the way for the
Lord Christ AND LADY CHRIST. [Both the mainstream New
Testament and the Nasarean version make clear that John the Baptist
was the reincarnation of the “Old Tes-tament” prophet Elijah.]
Other Nasarean “Old Testament” prophets likewise spoke of the
future coming of both the Lord Christ (Jahday) and the Lady Christ
(Jahnah). One of those prophets, Micah, even used a He-brew term for
the Lady Christ that is the exact equivalent of the Englishized term
THE MAGDALENE. Before we quote those verses from the
Nasarean version of Micah, I wish to point out that a trace of this
messianic Magdalene prophecy still survives in the mainstream
Bible’s Book of Micah. However, that Magdalene reference in
mainstream Micah can only be detected if you read the key term in
Hebrew. For all these centuries, Greek and English readers of the
mainstream Bible have missed the following messi-anic reference to
the Magdalene. In Micah 4:8 we read in English:
Doctrine Seven
As for you, O Watchtower of the flock, O stronghold of
the Daughter of Zion, the former dominion will be restored
to you; Kingship will come to the Daughter of Jerusalem.
In English, one does not notice any reference to the Mag-dalene
in the above verse from mainstream Micah. But the En-glish term
Watchtower of the flock in the above verse is, in Hebrew:
MAGDAL-EDER. The most common meaning of the word
MAGDAL (it can also be spelled Migdal) in Biblical He-brew is:
WATCHTOWER. The word is also used in the Bible for “High
Pulpit,” a tall platform from which royalty or priests could address a
crowd. The word Eder means Flock and is usually used in reference
to sheep not cattle. It is from the word MAGDAL that the Biblical
town of MAGDALA takes its name, probably from the fact that the
town featured a tall watchtower. Although watchtowers are not in the
forefront of the minds of we modern humans, in ancient Israel they
were prominent and meaning-ful. In an article by Hershel Shanks in
Biblical Archaeology, he reports that most towns and even large
homesteads in ancient Israel featured large watchtowers:
These manor houses were usually well placed for protection and each had a conspicuous fortified tower. As
literary sources amply illustrate, brigandry and robbery
were endemic in Judea at this time. In case of attack, the
family and household… could take refuge in the tower….
But it had [another] function as well: It was
an architectural expression of the owner’s command over
his land.
Thus, in ancient Israel, a Watchtower (MAGDAL) was viewed
affectionately as a place of refuge from violence, as well as a Lordly
symbol of ownership or rulership over a region. And, as previously
stated, the same word was also used for the High
Essene Teachings
Pulpit used by royalty or priests to address the people.
In the light of the above definitions and explanations, the amazing
thing about the way the term MAGDAL-EDER is used in Micah is
that it is used as a sort of Messianic title: THE MAGDAL-EDER.
While it is fascinating that a mes-sianic prophecy that includes a
messianic title that is the He-brew equivalent of the Englishized term
THE MAGDALENE has survived in the mainstream Bible, we gain
far more in-sight from the Nasarean version of Micah. There we read:
8. Our Goddess Immanent, our Immanuelah, shall come at that
time not as a Goddess, but as a perfected woman.
9. She will be born in the ancient land of Eden, that Her feet may
bless the land where first She came as Dove.
10. But She will flee Eden with a spear at Her back, finding
refuge in the town of the Watchtower.
11. But in truth, it is She who is the Watchtower, for She is the
Magdal-Eder, the Watchtower of the Flock.
12. Yea, it is She who comes to give refuge to us.
13. For She is the Good Shepherd, and we are the sheep of Her
14. Her grass is green but few will graze Her pasture, for they
mock: ‘How can a woman protect the flock?
15. What Watchtower is defended by a woman?’
16. Yea, when our Queen Jahnah comes as the Magdal-Eder, few
will receive Her.
17. But the few who receive Her will preserve and guard Her
words, yea, and the words of Her Spouse, King Jahday, for those
of another Age.
18. For, behold: In another Age, when ears are ready to hear the
Magdal-Eder, She shall come again, this time in The Holy
19. And Her spouse will again be at Her side, for They are
Doctrine Seven
the Two that are One, and the One that is Two.
20. And the words of The Holy Megillah will prepare a flock to
receive the Two Good Shepherds.
21. And then shall They come again, this time in splendor as
Magdi’el and Magdi’elah, our God Immanent and God-dess
Immanent, our gifts from Jah-Jah.
22. And They will dance on this world for one thousand
years! ....
26. For Eden shall be restored, even as Adam and Eve were
long ago restored.
27. Yea, the Holy Mount at the center of the Garden will be
restored, and the Tree of Life will grow upon the peak.
28. The artificials will be banished from this world, and
Lucifer will lose his grip.
29. Nations shall make war no more, and soldiers will become farmers.
30. Yea, they will melt their swords to make plowshares,
and every knee shall bow to the Lord and Lady.
31. And those who mocked – ‘How can a woman protect the
flock?’ – now take refuge at Her feet, or are banished with
the artificials.
32. So, let those with ears, hear:
Our Lady comes three times.
33. First, She comes in the body of a perfected woman, as
Magdal-Eder, the Magdalene.
34. In that First Coming, She will be mocked by many,
received by few.
35. Second, She comes in the body of a resurrected scripture, The Holy Megillah:
The Nasarean Bible of The Essene Way.
36. In that Second Coming, She is again received by few, but
many more than at Her First Coming.
37. This time the few are enough to suffice.
Essene Teachings
38. And this flock prepares the Way for Her Third Coming,
which coming will again be in flesh.
39. But this time She comes not in the fallen flesh of this
40. This time She comes in the resurrected flesh of Elkush.
41. For this time She comes to restore the Garden, and all will
wear resurrected flesh.
42. And the world will be changed in the twinkling of Her
43. For She comes as Magdi’elah, and She Herself is our gift.
44. Yea, and Her spouse is at Her side.
45. Selah.
In the following paragraphs I will comment on, and clarify, sev-eral
significant words and ideas found in the above excerpt from Nasarean
Micah. I will demonstrate that, in the light of the Na-sarean Bible,
there is no doubt that Mary Magdalene (Miriam of Magdala) was the
incarnation of Jahnah, our Goddess Imma-nent, the only directly
begotten daughter of Jahlah.
In regard to geographic location, Nasarean Micah prophesized:
9. She will be born in the ancient land of Eden, that Her feet may
bless the land where first She came as Dove.
10. But She will flee Eden with a spear at Her back, finding
refuge in the town of the Watchtower.
While it is interesting to note that some – not all – scholars locate
Eden in Ethiopia based on their reading of the mainstream Bible, the
Nasarean Bible leaves no doubt at all. In the Nasarean “New
Testament,” we read of the birth of Miriam (“Mary Magdalene”) in
36. And She who came to our world as The Magdalene, The
Watchtower of the Flock, is Jahnah, who we call ‘Miriam’.
Doctrine Seven
37. Yea, Miriam the Magdalene is our Mother!
38. Praise the Mother!
39. Behold Her incarnation: when our Mother entered the place
wherein souls wait to enter incarnation in this world, She found
it infested by parasites.40. For, demonic entities had infiltrated
this place.
41. And the Lady Christ cast them out.
42. And then the Lady made an incantation of banishment, that
the parasites not return to that place.
43. Then our Mother, the Lady Christ, entered the Womb of
Zibiah; for, lo: though Her soul was the Daughter of Jah-Jah and
Mother of our souls, Her body was the Daughter of Man.
44. And the birth of the Lady Christ was as follows.
45. Behold: At the time of the birth of the Lady Christ, most
Nasarean encampments were in Judaea, Samaria, and Gali-lee.
46. But at this time there also were small Nasarean encampments in India, Egypt, and Ethiopia.
47. And there were missions in other lands.
48. Lo: The Nasarean encampment in Ethiopia was called
Eden in remembrance of the Garden of Eden, which had been
in Kush.
49. For, behold: the land that was called Kush, which came to
be called Ethiopia, has had many names and many boundaries.
50. Even so, to Nasareans this land will always be Kush, for
that name came from the tongue of Cherubim.
51. Behold: in the Nasarean village of Eden were some families
long devoted to The Order of the Immaculate Con-ception.
52. For, lo: Eden was a tributary Home Campus of that or-
Essene Teachings
Now, besides the Nasareans, there were many Aaronite Jews in
54. Yea, the Aaronites greatly outnumbered the Nasareans, and
hated the Nasareans.
55. And the Aaronites were greatly outnumbered by the na-tives
of Ethiopia, who were neither Nasarean nor Aaronite, but
practiced their own Pagan rites of various varieties.
56. Like the Nasareans, some of the natives worshipped both a
God and Goddess and venerated the nature spirits, wherefore
they respected the Nasareans and felt kinship with them.
57. Yea, and these natives admired the discipline and holi-ness
of the Nasareans.
58. Wherefore these natives tried to protect the Nasareans from
the violence and persecution of the Aaronites….
We skip some verses and continue the account:
73. In the Nasarean encampment of Eden [Ethiopia] there was
great excitement; for, behold: this was the sixth gener-ation
since the founding of The Order of the Immaculate Conception.
74. And according to the words of the angel Gabri’el, this
generation would give birth to the seventh-generation bodies
suitable for the incarnations of the Lord and Lady….
76. One of the young women from such a bloodline was
named Zibiah.
77. And Zibiah was of a pure Ethiopian bloodline, as was her
husband Zemira, a harp player, though their names were Hebrew
from Nasarean scriptures written in that tongue.
78. And lo: it was from the purified womb of Zibiah and the
purified seed of Zemira that the Holy Babe Miriam came forth
into the world.
Doctrine Seven
79. And the birth of our Goddess Immanent, Jahnah, as
Miriam was as follows….
81. Two Nasarean midwifes came to the home of Zibiah and
82. And a Nasarean prophet and a prophetess who were
friends and teachers of the holy couple read from sacred
83. Yea, the wise ones uttered words of prophecy.
84. And all six who were present, including the holy couple,
chanted prayers and sang songs.
85. And Zemira played his harp, the sound of which was as
though from heaven.
86. Lo: the home was filled with love and light.
87. Yea, it was as though this home were a holy temple.
88. And when the time had come for Zibiah to give birth, she
did so in the manner of the Nasareans, squatting, with her back
leaning on Zemira who was on his knees behind her.
89. With great joy the holy Mother Zibiah gave birth to
baby Miriam, Queen of the All.
90. And so it was that the Queen of Heaven came to earth in
Ethiopia, the most ancient land of Eden.
91. The Holy Child grew strong, nourished first by the
of the Holy Mother Zibiah, then by the fleshless foods of
the Nasareans.
It should be noted that the reference to the “The Order of the Immaculate Conception” above does not imply belief in a virgin
birth. In fact, this order was dedicated to spiritualized sexual
practices and yogic disciplines, intended to create purified bod-ies
for the incarnation of highly evolved souls. The Angel Gabriel had
visited a Nasarean elder seven generations prior to the birth of
Yahshua (Jesus) and Miriam (Mary Magdalene) and called for the
creation of this order, so to make possible the incarnation
Essene Teachings
of highly evolved souls, culminating in the seventh generation with
the birth of the Lord and Lady. The word Immaculate simply means
Clean and Pure, and in no ways implies a virgin birth.
According to Nasarean Micah, though born in the ancient land of
Eden (Ethiopia), the holy child would “flee Eden with a spear at her
back, finding refuge in the town of the Watchtower.” While most
towns – and even large homesteads – in ancient Is-rael had
WATCHTOWER; that was the town of MAGDALA on the western shore of Lake Galilee. And, indeed, according to the Nasarean
“New Testament,” that is exactly where the holy child was taken:
775. Behold: the peaceful childhood of Miriam was visited by
the violence of the ignorant.
776. For, lo: the Aaronites heard stories in the villages of a
Holy Goddess Child who performed miracles.
777. Yea, they heard of many sick and injured being healed at
the mere sound of the voice of the Holy Child.
778. And these stories were true, for when the child sang
great healings occurred.
779. Witnesses had seen a wilted flower come to new life at the
sound of Her voice.
780. But the Aaronites were jealous of the love the Ethiopian
people had for the Nasarean child.
781. Wherefore the Aaronites, being influenced by demons that
are attracted to animal sacrifice rituals and flesh-eating, claimed
She was a witch or a demon.
782. And they came at night and set fire to the Nasarean
village of Eden, killing many.
783. Behold: an Aaronite man threw a spear at the Holy
784. But holy Zemira threw himself between his daughter and
the spear.
785. Lo: Zemira was killed but his sacrifice saved
Doctrine Seven
786. For, Zibiah snatched up her daughter and ran into the
We skip some verses and then pick up the account:
803. For many days, Zibiah went with Miriam from village to
village, receiving aid from the good people of Ethiopia.
804. Yea, the people fed and hid them, for they loved the Holy
Child and many remembered the words of The Proph-et:
“Behold: our Queen shall be birthed from an Ethiopian womb.
805. But the Holy Mother of our Goddess will flee to Gali-lee,
for the Aaronites shall slay her holy husband in Ethio-pia, and
will hunt her like an animal….
808. And so the people, at risk of their own lives, helped
Zibiah and Miriam to flee to Galilee, by way of Egypt.
809. In Alexandria, Egypt, Zibiah counseled with David the
Yaiyr and rested.
810. Then she took Miriam by sea to the shores of Mount
Carmel, then by foot to Magdala, on the western shore of the
Sea of Galilee.
811. In Magdala, Zibiah and Miriam lived with Nasarean
812. Thus it came to pass that She who came into this
world to be our Watchtower, which in Hebrew is called
Magdala, lived in the town of that name.
813. For, behold: the Magdalene is the Watchtower of the
Flock, and we are the sheep of Her pasture.
814. Behold: little Miriam, new in the town of Magdala, used
Her voice to heal injured animals, as She had in Ethi-opia, but
not in front of witnesses.
815. Yea, and She often sang to heal humans, but only from a
distance so that it could not be known that She was
Essene Teachings
the source of the healing.
816. For, She remembered the jealousy and violence of the
Aaronites in Ethiopia, and did not wish to attract their atten-tion
in Magdala.
In ancient Bible lands people did not have last names like we do.
Rather, they were identified by their city – “Joseph of Ari-mathea,”
Jesus of Nazareth, Philo of Alexandria – or by the name of their
Father, such as Jesus son of Joseph. Thus, our Lady was not called
“Mary Magdalene” but Miriam of Magdala. “Mary” is an Englishized
version of the Hebrew name “Miriam”; nobody in ancient Israel was
named “Mary.” However, the short nick-name for Miriam is Miri, and
that is likely the source of the Englishized “Mary.”
Since we now know that Miriam’s mother was a member of the
Essene Order of the Immaculate Conception and that the very purpose
of that order was to prepare for the coming of the Lord Christ and
Lady Christ as holy children, it is no surprise that one of the listed
meanings of “Miriam” is “Wished-for Child” (source: The Strongest
Strong’s Bible Concordance).
While it is true that every citizen of Magdala would have been of
Magdala (e.g. Ruth of Magdala, Nathan of Magdala, etc.), only one
citizen of Magdala ever became historically known as THE
MAGDALENE. To say “The Magdalene” is an acknowledgement
of the profound grandeur of the name bearer. It is akin to saying, “The
Feminine Christ.” In fact, it is an acknowl-edgement that she is our
refuge. In truth, WE ARE HER FLOCK because SHE IS OUR
In the prophecy from Nasarean Micah, we were alerted to the sad
truth that many men would reject our Mother, Jahnah our Goddess
Immanent, when she came as Miriam the Watchtower:
Doctrine Seven
11. But in truth, it is She who is the Watchtower, for She is the
Magdal-Eder, the Watchtower of the Flock.
12. Yea, it is She who comes to give refuge to us.
13. For She is the Good Shepherd, and we are the sheep of Her
14. Her grass is green but few will graze Her pasture, for
they mock: ‘How can a woman protect the flock?
15. What Watchtower is defended by a woman?’
The above touches on what was to be a main theme of Mir-iam of
Magdala’s life: REJECTION BY MEN, especially by the two
main founders of “mainstream Christianity,” Peter and Paul.
That topic – the rejection of Magdalene and the Di-vine Feminine by
Peter and Paul – will be the theme of our next doctrine, Doctrine
Eight. Before moving on to that doctrine, we will conclude this
commentary on Doctrine Seven – the doctrine on the Lord Christ and
Lady Christ – with a look at the Nasare-an concept of
SALVATION. Obviously – at least to those that are familiar with
mainstream Christian doctrine – the concept of ‘Salvation through/in
Christ’ is the central element of Christi-anity. Thus, we now ask and
answer the question: What is the
Nasarean concept of salvation linked to the Lord Christ and the
Lady Christ?
The answer is given in the following excerpt from The Holy
Megillah: Nasarean Bible of The Essene Way. This excerpt ap-pears
in the Nasarean version of “Sermon on The Mount”
– called “Sermon on The Cliffs of Ein Gedi” – and consists of
Miriam reading aloud to the disciples the section of the Nasar-ean
Book of Genesis that describes the Nasarean concept of
Miriam the Magdalene on Three Forms of Salvation
176. After those words of Yahshua, Miriam read the follow-
Essene Teachings
ing words from Mattanah: The Nasarean Book of Genesis, a
section of The Holy Megillah.
177. “Yea, Nasarean ‘Halikah’ [The Nasarean ‘Path’] is
communicated to Seekers.
178. The true Seeker will become a Disciple.
179. The loyal Disciple will become a Friend.
180. “Behold the Four Pillars of Discipleship: 1) SINCERITY of motive; 2) DILIGENCE in studentship; 3)
PERSISTENCE through time; 4) LOYALTY absolute, even in
181. “Behold: the Four Pillars support the roof.
182. And the name carved on the roof is FRIENDSHIP.
183. Many Seekers approach the Lord and Lady; few perse-vere
unto Friendship.
184. “Behold: Elohim, your Lord and Lady, did create all the
children of the Mother Ovum, according to the will of Jah-Jah.
185. But We force none to become Our disciples.
186. Yea, each is free to embrace or reject the Lord and
187. “Lo: there are many ways by which Our children may
embrace or reject Us: 1) One may be aware of our
relationship and choose to oppose Us.
188. This is rejection by REBELLION.
189. 2) One may be aware of our relationship but choose to pay
it no regard; this is rejection by DISREGARD.
190. 3) One may be deceived to believe our relationship is
other than it is.
191. This is rejection due to DECEPTION.
192. 4) One may be unaware that we have any relationship.
Doctrine Seven
193. This is rejection by IGNORANCE.
194. 5) One may be partially aware of our relationship and
regard it lovingly with great faith and sincerity but be miss-ing
important information about the True Halikah.
195. This is acceptance by FAITH.
196. 6) One may be aware of our relationship and regard it
lovingly with acceptance of the True Halikah.
197. This is acceptance by DISCIPLESHIP.
198. 7) One may be aware of our relationship, regard it
lovingly, and persevere with the Halikah as a disciple unto
Twinship as a Co-worker in the Family of Christ.
199. This is acceptance by FRIENDSHIP.
200. “Those who reject the Lord and Lady are not rejected by the Lord and Lady.
201. We love them and will reach out to them with Our
hands of mercy.
202. But until they take hold of the hand We offer, and
thereby accept Us into their lives, they have only the First
Form of Salvation: continued existence within the Mother
Ovum without the guidance of Elohim.
203. This is a form of salvation, because, were it not for the
Grace of Jah-Jah, these Beings would cease to exist.
204. Wherefore this form of salvation is called Mattanah, which means, ‘Gift’.
205. The placement of these Beings in the Mother Ovum
will be according to their thoughts, words, and deeds,
according to justice.
206. They are not placed according to Mercy because they
have not accepted the Hand of Mercy, which is the Lord
and Lady.
207. For, to be guided by a guide, one cannot reject the
208. And without Elohim as guide, there will be much
weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Essene Teachings
209. For the path that seems easy and rosy is in truth peril-ous
and thorny.
210. Though their placement is not by mercy, even so, their
continued existence is by mercy: for it is the Eter-nal Hope of
Mercy that all will repent and grasp the Hand of Mercy
before the Deep Sleep.
211. “You have heard of The Great Danger, which is the
price of Free Will, which is the Danger of the Consequences of Bad Choices, but now hear of The Greatest
Danger: sleep so deep that you can no longer be made
212. “Behold: Due to the Grace of Jah-Jah, a Being can-not
become non-being.
213. Therefore, a Being cannot truly die.
214. But, lo: a Being can fall so deeply asleep that his consciousness exists only in a dormant state.
215. “Lo: such a Being cannot animate even the body of an
216. He has no body but sleeps in the dust of darkness for
endless cycles, unaware of anything, even that he exists.
217. He is as close to non-being as a Being can become.
218. Even the Lord and Lady cannot awaken such a sleeper, for
such a one neither hears nor sees nor thinks nor feels.
219. Wherefore I say, put not off your salvation until next
season or next year or next lifetime, saying, ‘I will have fun
now and repent later’; for, behold: what you call ‘fun’ may
make you too blind to recognize the Hand of
Salvation that even now is offered!”
Having described “The First Form of Salvation” in the above verses,
Miriam next describes “The Second Form of Salvation”:
Doctrine Seven
220. “Those who are partially aware of their relation-ship
with Elohim, and regard it lovingly, with great faith, but
know not of the true Halikah, such will have the Second
Form of Salvation: continued existence in the Mother Ovum
according to the placement of Elohim.
221. This form of salvation is called Yesima’el, which
means, ‘Elohim will Place’.
222. And that placement is according to justice tempered with
223. For, though ignorant of the True Halikah [the true set
of teachings and practices of the Lord and Lady] their love of
Elohim, (albeit they know not the full nature of Elohim) and
belief in the Hand of Mercy is enough to permit Mercy to
influence their placement within Em Beytsah, the Mother
224. This salvation is for all who Believe and have Faith
in the Hand of Mercy, though ignorant of the Nasarean
Quick note from Day: In the above – and following – verses from
Miriam’s remarks on THREE FORMS OF SALVATION, I have
added the boldface and underlines to draw your attention to key
words and ideas. Having above described the first two of the three
forms of salvation, Miriam next describes the third:
225. “Yea, the Mother Ovum [Day: our Universe of Space/
Time] is like a mansion with many rooms: some rooms are
dark, some have a dim light, and some are filled with the
splendor of bright light.
226. Those of the First Salvation place themselves in
rooms of darkness.
227. Those of the Second Salvation are placed by Elo-him in
rooms with dim light.
228. And those of the Third Salvation live in the
Essene Teachings
Bright Light of Elohim.
229. “Lo: if those of the Second Salvation were placed in the
Bright Light of Elohim, they would be burned by the light,
for they are not ready.
230. But their Belief and Faith has made them ready to receive
the gift of continued existence in the Mother Ovum according
to the placement of Elohim.
231. And that placement will be wise: they will be placed
where they need to be to learn the lessons at hand.
232. And that placement will be merciful: they will not be
placed in the rooms of great darkness but in rooms of dim
233. And in their next lifetime perhaps they will receive the True Halikah and become ready to receive the Third
234. “Those who are aware of their relationship with Elohim
and regard it lovingly, with great belief and faith even unto
discipleship under the yoke of the True Halikah, such shall
have the Third Salvation: they will have the gift of eternal life
in the bright light of Elohim.
235. Wherefore the Third Salvation is called Aur Penimi,
which means Internal Light.
236. Yea, even when such a one walks in a dark world on a
Mission of Mercy, the Lord and Lady are within him.
237. For, We live in Our disciples, and they live in Us.
238. “And when not on a Mission of Mercy, Our disciples
shall be even in the presence of Our bodies in Elkush.
239. For, behold: though Kush has been attacked on earth, We
shall raise it to be a heaven above this world.
240. And it will be called Elkush.
241. And it shall be the Nasarean heaven for this world.
Doctrine Seven
242. “Nasareans who live in Elkush shall be called Elkush-ites,
and will have cherubim bodies.
243. Lo: cherubim bodies are eternal bodies that need not
244. And the Lord and Lady shall reside in Elkush in cherubim
bodies, even as We reside in countless heavenly abodes
throughout Em Beytsah [Day: the Mother Ovum/ the
245. Be not amazed that Our Spirits reside in many bodies; for
Our Spirits are powerful, beyond your comprehension, and We
desire to be with Our children in countless worlds, even
246. Having concluded Her reading from Nasarean Genesis on
the different forms of salvation linked to different rela-tionships
with the Lord and Lady, Miriam continued speak-ing to this
gathering of the Nasarean Companions of The Lord and Lady
and the former Aaronites trained by John, the two circles that
would serve in the outreach mission of The Lord and Lady to
So, a brief synopsis of the Nasarean teaching on THREE FORMS
OF SALVATION is as follows:
The First Form of Salvation (Name: “Mattanah” which
means “Gift”) is not very “heavenly” because the Being experiencing it has not grasped the Hand of Mercy that is freely
offered; that Being’s placement – next incarnation/next
destination/even current situation – is according to justice
without the degree of Mercy that can potentially be experienced;
it is a form of salva-tion because it is an act of Divine Mercy that
such Beings still have Eternal Existence AND THUS STILL HAVE A CHANCE
Essene Teachings
The Second Form of Salvation (Name: “Yesima’el” which
means “Elohim will Place”) is for those who are partially aware of
their relationship with Elohim, regard it lovingly with great faith, but
know not of the true Halikah [true teachings: “path/ way”] of the Lord
Christ and Lady Christ. Obviously, this is the category that many
mainstream Christians are in: they love “Je-sus” but don’t know about
the Divine Feminine or the Lady Christ or the Nasarean Bible or the
true teachings of the Lord and Lady. Elohim mercifully places them in
worlds of relatively dim light since the bright light of the heavenly
realms would burn them because they are not yet of the right vibration
The Third Form of Salvation (Name: “Aur Penimi” which
means “Internal Light”) is the form of salvation for the disciples that
are not only aware of their relationship with the Lord Christ but also
the Lady Christ and study and follow their Full-Gos-pel Nasarean
Religion of The Essene Way which, the Megillah informs us, is not
confined to just this planet but is available throughout the universe.
These disciples will have the gift of eternal life in the bright light
of Elohim; this is an internal light because the Light of Christ is
within these souls even when they serve in worlds of dim light on
missions of Mercy as Hands of Christ.
Thus ends this commentary on Doctrine Seven.
Doctrine Eight:
The Rejection of Magdalene and the Divine Feminine
by Peter, Paul, and
Their Mainstream Form of Christianity
lthough the earliest and most authentic form of Christianity
– Nasarean Christianity – believed in both God and Goddess
and also believed in both the Lord Christ (Jahday comes as Yahshua/Jesus) and Lady Christ (Jahnah come as Miriam/Magdalene), the
leaders of what became mainstream Christianity – Peter and Paul –
opposed the inclusion of the Divine Feminine and also threw out
other important Nasarean teachings.
his extensive commentary on this Doctrine Eight will describe the
rejection of the Magdalene and the Divine Feminine by the nonNasarean men – especially Peter and Paul – who essen-tially founded
what became mainstream Christianity. You will learn that her rejection
by Peter began even before the crucifixion of her husband and Nasarean
Co-Messiah, Yahshua (Jesus). You will also learn what became of the
Magdalene after the crucifixion, including her escape to Gaul [France]
with her baby by Yahshua,
a baby that has come to be called The Grail Child.
As a young adult, Miriam was sent to the land of her birth
– Ethiopia – by the Nasarean leaders to study with a renowned
Ethiopian Nasarean Prophetess named Nebiyah. While there for some
years, Miriam accepted seven disciples, all of them women.
Meanwhile, Yahshua, having studied in India and then return-ing to
Jerusalem and other parts of “Israel/Judea,” had accepted twelve
disciples, a mix of men and women (not all of whom are mentioned in
the mainstream version of The New Testament). Fi-nally, sensing that
the time had come for them – Miriam and Yahs-hua – to combine their
ministries (they had not yet been traveling together and had not yet
been wedded), Miriam and Yahshua went to meet each other at a place
near where the Jordan River empties into the Dead Sea, a place called
Halajah Ford. I provide below that account from the Nasarean Bible
because it leads di-rectly to the first instance of Peter rejecting the
The astute reader will also notice that the excerpt below provides
an alternative version of the mainstream New Tes-tament’s assertion
that “Jesus” cast seven demons out of the Magdalene. In this
Nasarean version, Yahshua (“Jesus”) cast seven demonically
possessed men off of the Magdalene. What a big difference one word
– out instead of off – makes!
1. Yahshua said to His twelve disciples, “The Yoke of Discipleship is not from without.
2. The Yoke of Discipleship is from within.
3. Wherefore I say, think not that I place My yoke on any-one
other than Myself.
4. Any who take My yoke take it willingly, by choice.
5. Any other yoke is not My yoke….
38. “Yea, I go to meet My Lady.
39. I perceive a foul wind over the desert where She will
cross into this land.
40. I go to Her aid.
Essene Teachings
Doctrine Eight
41. I go alone….
42. This deed is for Me alone.
43. When I return, receive Her in the manner that you
receive Me.
44. “I tell you truly, any who reject My Eternal Wife are far
from Me!
45. Miriam is My Eternal Wife and will soon be My wife
even in this world!
46. For, behold: in Cana I will wed Miriam!
47. Reject Her, and you reject Me!
48. For, Miriam and I are one in Yah, bound in Love.
49. Our disciples dwell in Us, and We in them, bound in
Love in Yah, willingly, for the uplift of all….”
52. Then Yahshua left to meet Miriam.
53. And the disciples waited by the holy spring of light for the
return of the Lord with His Lady.
54. For, lo: none of His first twelve ever rejected
Now comes the part where Yahshua first meets Peter. Pe-ter not
only was not one of Yahshua’s first twelve disciples, the Nasarean
Bible makes clear that Peter was never accepted as an initiated
disciple of the Lord; instead, Peter led a schism against Yahshua’s
Nasarean Christianity. In the Nasarean Bi-ble, the following section
has a heading that reads, “The First Meeting of Yahshua and Peter
the Ebionite.” It includes im-portant information about the
differentiation between Nasar-ean Essenes and another Dead Sea
group of Essenes. It also shows that Peter was thrown out of the nonNasarean Dead Sea Essenes even before he first approached
Yahshua. This por-tion is also noteworthy in that it is one of the few
times that the authorized Scribe of the Lord Christ and Lady Christ,
“Sar-ah” later known as “Jahleel,” who was given the sacred duty of
writing down the words that became the Nasarean New
Essene Teachings
Testament, shifts to a first-person narrative style and briefly identifies
herself so that she can insert her viewpoint on Peter.
1. Nestled amongst a network of caves near the shore of the
Dead Sea, not far from Halajah Ford, was a settlement that called
itself ‘Essene’ but was not Nasarean.
2. Behold: several different groups at this time used the name
‘Essene’, for the name simply means ‘healers’ and any can claim
that name.
3. As Yahshua walked to meet Miriam beyond Halajah Ford, he
met Peter, who had previously been called ‘Simon the Zealot’….
5. Simon the Zealot, who named himself Peter, had been cast
out of the Aaronite Essenes.
6. At his expulsion it was noted that though Simon had
disciplined his personal habits to create an appearance of
holiness, his motives were unholy and vain.
7. One elder of the sect said to Simon at his expulsion, “Your
personal discipline is rendered mute by your lack of humili-ty.”
8. Another elder, noted for rarely speaking, remarked: “Simon, I support your expulsion.
9. You are such an egotist that none of us can stand to live with
you anymore.
10. Not only because of your claim to be the successor of our
founder, The Righteous Teacher, are you expelled, but also
because your entire demeanor is unseemly. ” ….
12. When Simon was thrown out of the Aaronite Essene sect, he
abandoned the name Simon, that name being dead.
13. At that time he took the name Peter, which means firstborn.
14. Peter, on his way to Halajah Ford on a journey to see
John the Baptist – for the Baptist was gaining fame and Peter
Doctrine Eight
wanted that sort of fame himself – stopped to spend the night in
the desert at a shared camp fire of a band of dispa-rate travelers
that included, this one night, Yahshua. [Day: that word
“disparate” means “different types”; it is not related to the word
15. Peter listened to Yahshua preach to the assembled
16. He was impressed with Yahshua’s ability to hold the
attention of the crowd and desired that gift himself.
17. Within Peter a voice spoke, saying, “Peter, this man is the
key to your own future power.
18. For, you, Peter, will be His interpreter, and will thus be the
heir to His throne.”
19. Peter believed that this voice – the same voice that had
inspired him to confront the leaders of the Aaronite Essenes
– was the voice of God.
20. But as revealed by the Spirit of Truth… Peter heard not the
voice of Jah….
21. For, lo: the voice that spoke to Peter was that of the
false glory, the glory that speaks to the vanity of our ego….
Here is the part where Sarah/Jahleel reveals her own viewpoint in
regard to Peter. The forthcoming reference to “Migdanah” is to
Sarah’s birth-mother. Migdanah had been the Scribe of The Lord
Christ and Lady Christ until she was martyred just after the
crucifixion. After Midganah’s death, Miriam adopted
Sarah and escaped with her – and with Yahshua’s newly
conceived son who would be named Gebiyah (“Gebiyah” is
Nasarean Hebrew for “Goblet”; thus he was the “Gob-let” –
“Grail” – that quite literally “held the blood of the Lord Christ
after the crucifixion”) – to Gaul/France. Sar-ah, after being
adopted by Miriam when Migdanah was mar-tyred on the heels of
the crucifixion of Yahshua, was chosen by Miriam to replace
Migdanah as the authorized Scribe of the
Essene Teachings
Lord Christ and Lady Christ. Sarah is writing these words later in life
and so knows what both Peter and Paul ended up doing.
23. I, the daughter of Migdanah, scribe of the Lord and Lady,
would not have the reader think unkindly of Peter, though
I report his encounters with the Lord and Lady in a manner that
exposes the false glory that guided him….
32. Peter, as will be seen in my report, claimed to be the
successor of Yahshua.
33. Peter claimed that he had come to interpret and improve the
teachings of the Lord.
34. And he openly rejected Miriam, the Divine Feminine, and
The Holy Megillah.
35. Though he embraced some of Yahshua’s doctrine and
established a messianic church in His name – a church that was
later hijacked by Paul – Peter never became a Nasarean but
instead remained an Aaronite.
36. Lo: Peter did not understand true succession in the King-dom
of Heaven! ….
41. Peter’s belief that he could claim the role of spiritual
successor to Christ was wrong.
42. Neither was Peter appointed by Yahshua to be His successor to any religious office or title. ….
46. But know this from the scribe who walked with the Lord and
Lady: Peter never was a disciple of the Lord and was not His true
47. Now I, Jahleel [at birth named Sarah; Jahleel is her initi-atic
name], birth daughter of Migdanah, adopted daughter of
Miriam, continue my report on Peter’s first meeting with the
Lord Christ.
Sarah/Jahleel then continues her report on the first meeting of Yahs-
Doctrine Eight
hua and Peter. Remember, this meeting occurred while Yahshua was
traveling alone, having left his disciples to wait for him, while he
went to meet-up with Miriam to unite their ministries into one coministry. Yahshua had intuited that Miriam was going to meet with
some trouble and so, rather than wait for her to arrive at the agreed
upon meeting place to unite their ministries and disciples into one
group, he left to go help her. It was on the first night of that journey
that Yahshua had come upon a group of travelers – one of whom was
Peter – and shared a camp fire and conversation with them.
Sarah/Jahleel continues the account from that point:
48. As Peter beheld the Lord discourse with the travelers
around the shared fire and food, Peter said to himself, “Never
before have I heard such a skilled orator.”
49. Peter also said to himself, “Never have I seen a man with
so much charisma.
50. Lo: I must have that gift for myself!
51. And I now admit – which proves what a humble man I am
– that the Aaronite Essene elders were right when they denied
my claim to be the successor of their long dead Righteous
52. For, lo: I now realize that I am much greater than that; I am
the successor of the Christ.
53. The Christ will be crucified, as prophesied in the Psalm of
54. Yea, let Him fulfill the scripture and cry, ‘My God, my God,
why have you forsaken me?’ [Psalm 22 of mainstream Bible]
55. Then I will be His successor and improver, for, behold: the
successor of a prophet is always greater than his prede-cessor.
56. And that is according to my doctrine on Pairs of Prophets.
57. “But in my profound humility – a humility that is fast
Essene Teachings
becoming famous – I will give Yahshua the glory of being the
crucified Christ!
58. Then, in His name I will interpret and improve His doctrine, making it palatable for the Aaronites.
59. None will succeed me as His successor; for, I will be the
Seal of the Prophets.
60. Those that hold my office after my death will rule by my
authority and in my name, but will not interpret the crucified
61. Wherefore, they will be my inferiors.
62. For, I am the rock that interprets the blood of the slain
63. And I will be His word.
64. And even now, before He is slain, I will be His corrector.
65. For one prophet succeeds another by improving on the
predecessor’s doctrine and claiming His throne.
66. And I will close the door behind me and will be the Seal
of the Prophets.”
Peter will next directly address Yahshua for the first time, and then
Yahshua will reply in a very powerful manner. I will share those
verses but first want to call your attention to important informa-tion
in the above verses that, unless you are a scholar of early “Jewish
Christianity” and thus aware of the doctrines of “Ebionite
Christianity” – a form of early Jewish Christianity that was based on
the teachings of Peter – will otherwise not be understood.
You will recall that previously the Megillah referred to Peter –
at the time he was first introduced – as “Peter the Ebionite.” The
significance of that identification is understood when we realize that
the description by Peter of his doctrine called Pairs of Proph-ets –
given in the verses above – matches up with what is known about
the beliefs of a particular sect of early Jewish Christianity called
Ebonites or Ebionites. That sect was based on a collection of the
teachings of Peter that is now known as The Clementina
Doctrine Eight
and consists of two surviving documents: 1) The Recognitions of
Clement and, 2) a similar document called The Clementine Homilies.
The titles of those documents stem from the fact that they were
written by a disciple of Peter named Clement. Because everything
that Sarah/Jahleel reports about Peter’s doctrines has obvious links to
the doctrines of Ebionite Christianity – including several italicized
terms in her following excerpt from The Holy Megillah: Nasarean
Bible of The Essene Way – we are able to identify Peter as the
founder of Ebionite Christianity which, after Peter’s death, continued
to evolve and eventually was absorbed and supplanted by the more
Pauline version of Christianity that became Orthodox-Catholic
Christianity and later gave birth to all of the denominations of
mainstream Christianity. These vers-es from Sarah/Jahleel
demonstrate that, though Peter’s Ebionite Jewish Christianity predated the advent of the Catholic Church, the Catholic doctrine that
Peter was the first Pope and many of its beliefs about the
significance of Peter were carried over from Ebionite Christianity
and the false teachings of Peter being here first reported by
Sarah/Jahleel. Those false teachings of Peter that were assimilated
by, and still influence, the Catholic Church include the doctrine
about to be described by Peter: the doc-trine of the superiority of the
masculine principle over the femi-nine principle. Sarah continues her
report in The Holy Megillah:
67. Peter said to Yahshua, “My name was Simon.
68. But because of You I now call myself Peter.
69. For I will pair myself with You and we will be one set of
70. And I will be the second of the set and thus the improver.
71. For this is my doctrine on Pairs of Prophets and Succession.
72. “Yahshua, You are indeed a prophet.
73. For, I heard you speak to the travelers by the fire.
Essene Teachings
74. And two things became clear: You are the Messiah who
will be crucified and I am the Ha Yacob, the Successor.
75. And I will be the Seal of the Prophets.
76. And I will organize Your church and interpret Your
77. “Be proud, Yahshua!
78. For, lo: You shall have the glory of being proclaimed the
crucified Messiah of the Psalm of David.
79. I will be proclaimed as Your first spokesperson, the foundation stone of Your church.
80. Indeed, You and I are great in different ways.
81. Consider my humility.
82. Although by rights I am to be greater – for that is the right
of succession – I will rule in Your name and give You the
glory due the crucified Lamb of David’s psalm.
83. I will improve Your teachings according to the will of the
voice from the dark cloud, but in Your own name, thereby
demonstrating the highest humility which is to my everlast-ing
84. For the voice that speaks from the cloud insists that I found
Your church on the Aaronite gospel, not the Megillah, and that I
throw out Your false Goddess.
85. “Listen, Yahshua.
86. There is a sure reason that You will be crucified, with or
without my help!
87. For, behold: The majority of people will not embrace
Your Nasarean beliefs or the scriptures from whence they
88. They will never accept the belief that the feminine is
equal with the masculine!
89. Surely You see that!
90. Neither will I accept that absurd notion!
91. For, it is evident that the male is superior to the female in
Doctrine Eight
every way.
92. And what good is a Goddess that nobody will accept?
93. To build a church, one must be practical.
94. I am practical.
95. And in that my greatness far exceeds Yours!
96. “You preach from a Gospel that the majority despises.
97. But I will preach solely from the scripture that the majority accepts.
98. In this land, that is the Torah of the Aaronites, not Your
Holy Megillah.
99. Wherefore I will interpret Your teachings in the guiding
light of the Torah.
100. But my own light is above that of the Torah.
101. For, I agree with the Nasareans in their belief that the
Torah of Moses has been tampered with, yea, that words have
been subtracted and added.
102. My doctrine on Scriptural Interpretation and False Pericopes deals with that issue….
106. Rather than throw the baby out with the bath water, I use
the Torah but throw out the false pericopes.
107. That way I am still preaching from the scripture embraced by the majority.
108. That is why You get crucified and I succeed You!
109. I am more practical!”
In language very similar to that of the Ebionite Clementina, Pe-ter
continues to denigrate the feminine principle; Sarah reports in the
110. “Besides practicality, I fundamentally reject on philosophical grounds the assertion of Your Bible that the female
principle is equal to the male.
111. Just look at nature and You can see that the superiori-ty of
the masculine over the feminine is obvious!
Essene Teachings
112. For, just as the Aaronite Torah is wrong in asserting that
God is a violent tyrant, so is The Holy Megillah wrong in asserting that the feminine principle is equal to the masculine.
113. The Aaronite scripture needs only a bandage.
114. But Your Bible is fundamentally flawed, claiming
throughout that there is a Goddess.
115. The Torah teaches that the first woman was made from the
rib of Adam and was created to serve him, and thus it should be
in every household!
116. Yet, behold: You would have us believe that men and
women are equal and that there is a Jahlah as well as a Jah!
117. You Nasareans even permit women in the priesthood!
118. That is an abomination of all that is holy!
119. “I do grant that Your Bible is correct about the vegetari-an
120. That was the original diet given by God in the beginning.
121. I will take the vegetarian doctrine to the Aaronites.
122. However, I will improve on the vegetarianism of Your
123. I proclaim that fish are ‘sea vegetables’ and include them
in my vegetarian diet, for they have not the breath of life.
124. Again, I am more practical than You!
125. “Have no fear, I will not forbid You the beneficence of
my company!
126. Neither will I deny myself the opportunity to exercise
humility and humble myself to learn public speaking from
127. For, lo: Though I humble myself, my Heavenly Father
will exalt me!
128. Wherefore, I will accompany You on Your journey
so that I can learn Your speaking skills.
Doctrine Eight
129. In exchange, I will provide You with spiritual guidance and correction.”
Finally, Sarah treats us to Yahshua’s response to the outrageous words of Peter. Yahshua affirms his own embrace of the
Divine Feminine:
130. Yahshua replied, “Those who would guide must first be
131. Also: Where I go now, you may not follow.
132. For, lo: I go to embrace the Divine Feminine that you
steadfastly deny.”
133. Peter replied, “After that, where will You go?”
134. Yahshua replied, “My beloved and I will go to Halajah
135. Peter exclaimed, “Good!
136. For, behold: I am on a journey to see John the Baptist at
Halajah Ford in order to observe how he achieved his fame.
137. For, I would have his fame for myself, even as I desire
Your gift for leaving Your listeners spellbound!”
138. Yahshua replied, “The only spell by which I bind is the
holy enchantment: ‘Let there be light!’
139. Even then the bound are self-bound by willing studentship in the Golden Spiral that is the universal mystery
school, within and without, now in forever in Yah, amen!”
140. Yahshua continued his journey to Miriam, and Peter
departed to go see John the Baptizer at Halajah Ford.
Now comes the promised part where the Nasarean New Testament provides a much more pro-Magdalene version of Yahs-hua’s
throwing “off” of her “seven demonically-possessed men”
Essene Teachings
– as opposed to the mainstream New Testament’s version where he
casts seven demons “out” of her.
Yahshua Casts Seven Demonically Possessed Men Off of
Miriam the Magdalene
1. On the path from Ethiopia to Halajah Ford was a mount with
a spring of fresh water.
2. Miriam needed to fill her water bags and so She climbed the
mount and walked to the spring.
3. Seven men with demonic eyes emerged from the brush and
attacked Her.
4. Miriam, using the Nasarean martial art of Zahyen, knocked
three of the attackers to the ground but a fourth hit Her in the
head with a rock, knocking Her unconscious.
5. One of the men began ripping Miriam’s robe from Her
body while the other six tied Her down with a rope.
6. Then, behold, Yahshua came upon the scene.
7. He threw the seven demonically possessed men off of
8. Lo, in a fight of very short duration, Yahshua defeated all
seven attackers.
9. As the defeated men limped away, Yahshua commanded the
seven demons to exit the bodies of the men they had possessed.
10. As dark whirlwinds, the seven demons departed from the
11. The demons took over the bodies of seven vultures, for that
was their former form.
12. For, lo: these seven demonic entities served the dark
forces as spies while in the form of birds of prey.
13. When they took the form of humans, they served their
masters as assassins.
Doctrine Eight
14. For, had Yahshua not intervened, these seven would have
assassinated Miriam, for such had been their orders.
15. For the dark forces had identified Her and wished to end
Her incarnation before She accomplished whatever might be
Her mission.
16. As Miriam became conscious and opened Her eyes,
behold, Yahshua was doing combat with the seven.
17. Before Miriam could join the battle, Yahshua had defeated the seven.
18. After the seven fled, Miriam embraced Her Lion, Yahshua.
19. For seven days and nights, Miriam and Yahshua
camped on the mount.
20. For, on the first night, while in embrace by the fire,
Yahshua said to Miriam, “Soon enough We will again give
Ourselves to saving this world from the hands of the spoil-ers.
21. But let Us enjoy a special time together, here, on this
22. Miriam agreed, saying, “I have longed for this moment.
23. Jahnah longs to hold Jahday in Her arms.”
Obviously, based on the last verses above, Yahshua and Miriam
knew that they were the incarnations of the Lord Christ Jahday and
the Lady Christ Jahnah.
In other sections of The Holy Megillah, Peter’s anti-feminine bias
is aimed directly at the Magdalene. Here is one example.
Peter Verbally Attacks the Magdalene
43. Peter said to Miriam, “Woman, be silent!
44. When You discourse as though You had the authority
Essene Teachings
of a man, You disgrace Yourself!
45. Behold: Every time You speak on spiritual matters, You
take away the opportunity of a man to discourse.
46. That is unseemly and You are disgraced.”
47. Then Peter addressed the Lord: “Send this woman and
the other women away.
48. For, lo: it is unseemly for holy men to travel with unmarried women; You have made Her no better than a harlot!
49. She even wears the oil of the harlots; for, behold: She
smells of lavender.”
Peter was right about one thing (only one thing): Miriam did love
lavender oil! I will explain why in our later chapter on her herbal
teachings on essential oils for health and massage.
Yahshua Defends Miriam from Peter’s Verbal Abuse
and Calls Her His “Eternal Wife” While Also Announcing
Their Plan to Be Legally Married in Cana
nce again, in the next verses of Sarah’s report on Peter’s verbal
abuse, Yahshua comes to the defense of Miriam.
50. Yahshua replied to Peter, “Miriam of Magdala is the
Dove of Jahlah, My Jahnah, My eternal wife.
51. She is My eternal lover!
52. Miriam and I were wedded long before this world came
into being.
53. Behold: Miriam and I are forever wed, without a pause,
even when We come to a new world.
54. For, lo: Why would a happy couple like Us let anything
harm Our pre-existing, never-to-be-severed marriage vows?
55. Taking a new incarnation does not sever Our marriage
vows, even if We are unusual in that marriage agreement.
56. Nevertheless, We plan on being wed in human manner
Doctrine Eight
at Cana.”
That wedding at Cana, and more information on Peter’s leading the
first schism off of Yahshua and Miriam’s Nasarean Christi-anity, are
provided in my (Day of Greenleaf) book Magdalene and Essene
Jesus: A Cosmic Love Story Introducing Magdalene’s Teachings on
Historical Information That Supports the Nasarean
Version of the Life of Miriam of Magdala and Peter’s
Persecution of Her
here is historical evidence in support of many of the things that
The Holy Megillah: Nasarean Bible of The Essene Way reports about
Magdalene, including that the Magdalene was married to Yahshua,
experienced much persecution by Peter, and
was of black skin (i.e. Ethiopian).
Along with the Nasarean Bible, several other ancient manuscripts attributed to Gnostic Christians echo that theme of persecution by Peter. A few examples follow.
In the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas, Peter declares:
“This life we are living [traveling spiritual teachers] is not
for women. Send Mary [Magdalene] away.”
In the Gnostic Pistis Sophia, we again hear from Peter on the topic of
Mary Magdalene:
And Peter started forward and said unto Jesus, “My Lord,
we will not endure this woman, for she taketh the
opportunity of speaking from us by discoursing many
Essene Teachings
Peter expresses anti-Magdalene views in the Gnostic version of The
Gospel of Mary Magdalene. The few verses that survived are part of
the Nag Hammadi Scrolls discovered in Egypt in 1945. There we
[After the crucifixion of Jesus] the disciples were gath-ered.
A disciple asked Mary Magdalene, “We know the Savior
loved you more than any other. Tell us the words of the
Savior that you know, but we do not know.” Mary
answered, “What is hidden from you, I will reveal.” And
she began to reveal great mysteries…. After Mary had
spoken, Andrew said: “I do not believe that her words are
from the Lord. Her teachings are nonsense.” Likewise, Peter
said: “Are we to believe that she knows more about spiritual
things than we do? Are we to believe that the Lord
commissioned a woman to take forth his mysteries unto the
world? Are we now to turn to her and listen to her as we did
the Lord? Did he really prefer her for that role over us?”
Then Mary wept and said, “My Brother Peter, do you think
I made these things up? Do you think I would lie to you
about the Lord?” Levi came to her defense saying, “Peter,
you have always been hot tempered. Now you are
contending with Mary as though she were the adversary.
But if the Lord gave her this role who are you to reject her?
It is because he truly knows her that he loved her….”
Similar information is preserved in another Gnostic manuscript called
The Gospel of Philip. This excerpt includes a reference to Jesus
having had a habit of “often kissing” the Magdalene – in public – “on
her lips!” There we read:
As for Sophia [Greek for ‘Holy Wisdom’/‘Holy Spirit’], she
is the Mother of the Angels and the Consort of the Lord,
Mary Magdalene. The Lord loved her more than all the
others and used to kiss her often on her lips. A disciple
Doctrine Eight
asked, “Why do you love her in a different manner than
you love us?” The Savior answered: “When a blind man
and one who sees are both together in darkness, they are
no different from one another. When the light comes, then
he who sees will see the light, and the one who is blind
will remain in darkness…. If one goes down
into the water of baptism and comes up without having
received anything and says ‘I am a Christian’, he has
borrowed the name at interest. But if he receives the holy
spirit, he has the name as a gift…. And that is a
Great Mystery. Even greater is the Mystery of Marriage;
for without it the world would not exist!”
In the above verses, several things are asserted:
1. The “Holy Spirit” is the Mother of the Angels and the
consort of the Lord, Mary Magdalene.
2. Jesus loved Mary Magdalene in a “different manner”
than he loved others, often “kissing her on her lips.”
3. Jesus asserts, in the form of a mystical saying, that only
those with eyes that can see the light – advanced initiates
– truly understand his relationship with Mary Magdalene.
4. Jesus asserts that those with the eyes to see the light are
those who have received the Holy Spirit, and that many who
think they have done that – via baptism – actu-ally have not.
They have gone through the motions of baptism, but have
not actually experienced the mystery of baptism that
involves receiving the Holy Spirit. For, if they had, they
would certainly know who Mary Magda-lene is, since she is
the Holy Spirit.
5. His relationship with Mary Magdalene is that of
marriage; but not only in the traditional sense, but also
the cosmic sense.
In another verse from The Gospel of Philip, this teaching of the
Essene Teachings
Holy Spirit being female is again given:
“Some say that Mother Mary conceived of the Holy Spirit.
They are in error. For, when did a woman ever conceive of a
In that verse the “Mary” referenced is Jesus’ Mother. The verse is
pointing out that the idea of some Christians that Mother Mary
conceived – was made pregnant – by the Holy Spirit is wrong, because one woman can not make another woman pregnant! In other
words, the Holy Spirit is female!
In regard to the reference to Mary Magdalene being the con-sort of
the Lord, that is again mentioned in another verse from the Gospel of
There were three who walked with the Lord at all times: his
Mother, her sister, and the Magdalene, whom they called his
Notice that the Magdalene is not simply referred to as his dis-ciple,
apostle, or even as his most devoted follower; rather, she is referred to
as his consort. I researched that and discovered that the Greek word
being translated here as consort always implies a romantic
relationship but is just as accurately translated by the English
word wife. And we saw that Jesus himself, when asked about his
relationship with the Magdalene, gave a long, mystical response, and
then summed it up as marriage.
Having shown that there is historical data to support the Na-sarean
Bible’s assertions that Jesus and Magdalene had a roman-tic
relationship that culminated in marriage and that Miriam was
persecuted by Peter, I move on to show historical support for the
Nasarean assertion that Magdalene was a black woman.
Doctrine Eight
While the Nasarean Bible boldly declares that Miriam was a
black woman who, having been born in a Nasarean village in
Ethiopia, migrated to Magdala, a village on the shore of Lake
Galilee, the historical support is a bit subtler: artwork in France
that portrays a black woman that history has named: THE
BLACK MADONNA. Though the Catholic Church has asserted
that the artworks are of Mother Mary, other historical informa-tion
links them with the arrival in Gaul (France) of Mary Magda-lene and
The Holy Grail Child.
Magdalene As the Historical “Black Madonna” and
Mother of “the Holy Grail Child”
hat is The Legend of The Black Madonna? It is a legend –
supported by physical artifacts (mostly artworks and some written
references) – that supports the assertion of the
Nasarean Bible that, after the crucifixion, the Magdalene – a black
woman – sailed to Gaul (a portion of what is nowadays called
France) carrying The Holy Grail Child. It is a fact that, in first
century France, a secret sect devoted to Mary Magdalene arose. That
sect venerated both Yahshua and the Magdalene. Starting in first
century France and then spreading into other parts of Europe, shrines
were dedicated to The Black Madonna. Although the Catholic Church
later painted some of these statues white and said they were supposed
to represent the Mother Mary, they were actually representations of
the black (Ethiopian) wife of Yahshua: Mary Magdalene. We read in
Lawrence Gardner’s book, Bloodline of the Holy Grail:
It is also a fact that in parallel with the early rever-ence for
Mary Magdalene, a cult [Day: that word here simply
means “mysterious sect”] known as that of the “Black
Madonna” emanated from Ferrieres in AD 44. Among the
many Black Madonna representations that still exist, one
of the finest statues is displayed at Ver-
Essene Teachings
viers, Liege: she is totally black, with a golden scepter and
crown, surmounted by Sophia’s halo of stars. Her infant
child also wears a golden crown of royalty….
Some 450 representations have now been discovered
worldwide…. The image of the Black Madonna and
her child has presented a constant dilemma for the Church –
particularly those statues at notable churches and shrines in
continental Europe. In some cases they are black all over,
but many have only black faces, hands and feet. It is not a
question of discoloration, as some disconcerted clerics have
suggested. A few have been overpainted in pale flesh tones
to conform with the standard Madonna representation; some
have simply been removed from the public gaze
The Black Madonna is thus also representative of the
Magdalene who, according to the Alexandrian doctrine,
“transmitted the true secret of Jesus.” The long-standing
Magdalene cult was in fact particularly associated with
Black Madonna locations…. Sophia [Day: Holy Spirit of
Divine Feminine Wisdom] was held to be incarnate as the
Holy Spirit in Queen Mary Magdalene….
According to The Holy Megillah: Nasarean Bible of The Essene Way,
as part of a plan created with Yahshua in advance of his death,
Miriam escaped to Gaul (France) pregnant with his child, a boy to
be named Gebiyah (Gebiyah is the Nasarean Hebrew word for
Goblet). It was in France that the legend of the Black Madonna arose,
and it is in France where artifacts and textual references link the Black
Madonna to Magdalene, and link her marriage to Yahshua/Jesus to a
baby known as The Holy Grail Child. According to the Nasarean
Bible, Yahshua and his wife/co-worker Miriam, realizing that he was
going to be killed, chose to conceive a child. In fact, according to the
Nasarean Bi-ble, this was one of the reasons that Jahday and Jahnah
chose to
Doctrine Eight
incarnate as human beings: to enter and bless the human genet-ic
stream. One way that they blessed the human genetic stream was by
leaving their DNA in it: they made a baby!
When did they do that? Do you remember the New Testa-ment
story about the last night in the garden at Gethsemane? That was the
last night before Jesus’ arrest and subsequent trial. Jesus is reported
to have asked the disciples to stay up and pray with him. But try as
they might, none of them could stay awake. They all fell asleep and
left him to pray by himself. Well, in the Nasarean Bible, there was
one who did stay up with him that night: Miriam the Magdalene. In
profound love, that night they conceived a child. This child was the
very vessel of the blood of Christ…. The Grail Child!
On the night that Yahshua (“Jesus”) and Miriam (“Mary
Magdalene”) conceived their baby – The Holy Grail Child – he
gifted her with her favorite flower: a Blue Rose. Before his ar-rest
(the night they conceived the holy Grail Child), he told her:
“The Blue Rose is rare and greatly prized. Likewise a
Loyal Friend is rare and is greatly prized. Wherefore,
within our school, the Blue Rose symbolizes ‘Loyal
Friend’. But I now give this rose to you, Miriam, not only
because you are My most loyal friend, but because I wish
to please you. For, lo: blue is your favorite color, and roses
are your favorite flower. And in this life you are a woman
and I am a man, and I desire to please you in every way.
For, truly, I love you in every way. This flower will look
lovely in your hair.” Then Yahshua put the flower in
Miriam’s hair, beside Her ear. And Miriam reached for Her
man and embraced Him.
And from that embrace came the conception of The Grail Child. The
Magdalene wore the Blue Rose in her hair when she con-ceived the
Grail Child. The next morning, Yahshua was arrested
Essene Teachings
and, three days later, crucified. Soon after the crucifixion, Miriam,
pregnant with the Grail Child – and accompanied by her newly
adopted fourteen-year-old daughter Sarah/Jahleel (daughter of her
first disciple, the martyred scribe Migdanah) – fled to France (Gaul).
As pre-arranged by Yahshua, Joseph the Ari-Mattitya – the leader of
the Nasarean martial artists called The Lions of Za-hyen – went along
as her guardian.
We have all heard of The Holy Grail. Most of us think of the grail
as a cup that held the blood of Christ. Legend tells us that “Joseph of
Arimathea” filled a cup with the blood that Jesus shed upon the cross.
That cup, the Holy Grail, held the blood and pres-ence of Christ and
had mystical powers. But consider the following: would not a child of
Jesus and the Magdalene be a vessel filled with the blood of Christ?
Might not that child hold the presence of the Christ? And might not
that child, the vessel of Christ, have profound mystical powers? The
child Gebiya – son of Lord Christ Yahshua and Lady Christ Miriam –
was The Holy Goblet/Cup that held the blood of Christ in his very
veins! [The Nasarean Hebrew name Gebiyah means Goblet.]
The Holy Megillah includes teachings of Gebiya, teachings given
by him as an adult. A main theme of Gebiya in his writings is that,
though he is blessed to be the child of Yahshua and Miri-am, all of us
– regardless of our parentage – can experience Christ within. His
other main theme is the significance of forgiveness, that it is truly
blessed to forgive and be forgiven. Hey, that sounds like what his dad
would say! Like father, like son!
The early historical Grail legends refer to “the Grail Fami-ly.” In
an ancient text called the Perlesvaus, as reported in Holy Blood, Holy
Grail, the Grail consists of a changing sequence of images, the first
being a crowned king crucified, the second being a child. In their
book Holy Blood, Holy Grail, research-ers Michael Baigent, Richard
Leigh, and Henry Lincoln write:
Doctrine Eight
Could the Grail be something more than pure fantasy?
Could it actually have existed in some sense? Could there
really have been such a thing as the Holy Grail? Or
something concrete, at any rate, for which the Holy Grail
was employed as a symbol?… It is generally assumed that
the Holy Grail relates in some way to Jesus. Accord-ing to
some traditions it was the cup from which Jesus and his
disciples drank at the Last Supper. According to other
traditions it was the cup in which Joseph of Arimathea
caught Jesus’ blood as he hung on the cross. Accord-ing to
other traditions the grail was both of these….
According to certain accounts the Grail was brought by
Joseph of Arimathea to England…. According to
other accounts it was brought by the Magdalen to France.
As early as the fourth century legends described the
Magdalen [Day: an alternative spelling] fleeing the Holy
Land and being set ashore near Marseilles [Day: in France]
– where, for that matter, her reputed relics are still
venerated. According to medieval leg-ends she carried
with her to Marseilles the Holy Grail.
But the early legends say that the Magdalen brought the
Grail into France, not a cup. In other words, the simple
association of Grail and Cup was a relatively late
development…. In these original sources the Grail
is something much more than a cup….
… the Grail in the Perlesvaus [Day: an ancient text]
consists of a changing sequence of images or visions. The
first of these is a crowned king crucified. The second is a
Above we see that the Holy Grail was originally not identified as a
literal cup; that was a later legend. Originally the Holy Grail
Essene Teachings
was a vessel of the bloodline of Christ, brought to France by Mary
Magdalene. We read in Gardner’s Bloodline of the Holy Grail:
The Grail has been symbolized by many things…. Either
way, it has a genuine purpose, and a heritage that pre-vails
with the Grail Family…. Its powers include those of
rejuvenation, knowledge and provision; just as Jesus was a
healer, teacher and provider, so too is the Grail…. The
Grail legacy is a relic of early Judaic Christianity, but the
Christian Church has never recognized the fact. Despite a
background that is both romantic and sacred, Grail lore
remains an unproclaimed heresy…. Moreover, the
Roman Church has openly condemned the Grail because of
its strong female associations [Day: they preach a cel-ibate
Jesus, not one that married and fathered a child]….
Medieval tradition related that Joseph of Arimathea brought
the Holy Grail to Britain. Even earlier European lore told
how Mary Magdalene originally brought the Sangreal into
Provence [Day: France]….
In the original Grail legends there were constant refer-ences
to the Grail Family, the Grail dynasty, and the custodians
(or guardians) of the Grail…. Cups and stones
aside, the importance of the Grail exists in its definition as
the San Greal = San Graal = Saint Grail = Holy Grail.
More correctly it was the Sang Real – the Blood Royal,
carried by the uterine Chalice of Mary Magdalene….
The Holy Grail became likened to a vessel because it was
said to carry the sacred blood of Jesus. But it was the
Chalice (V) of Mary Magdalene which carried the Sangreal
in utero. It was she who inspired the Dompna (Great Lady)
of the Troubadours, who were so callously treated by the
Inquisition – and they called her the ‘Grail of the World’. In
Parzival, it is said of the Grail Queen
Doctrine Eight
that ‘she bore… the perfection of earthly paradise, both
roots and branches.’
We see above that both the Magdalene and her child were re-ferred
to as the Holy Grail. She was the “Grail Queen” because she carried
the Sangreal [Royal/Sacred Blood] within the chalice of her womb
(the womb is shaped like a chalice: V). Her child was also the Holy
Grail not only due to his name – Gebiyah/ Goblet – but also because
the Sacred Blood of Christ flowed within the veins of the child of
Yahshua and Miriam. And the reference to the Grail Child as “the
perfection of earthly para-dise, both roots and branches,” seems a
declaration that this child was a perfected human being, an
embodiment of all seven root forces and all seven branch forces of
the Essene Tree of Life. (The Essene Tree of Life is described in The
Holy Megillah: Nasarean Bible of The Essene Way).
The journey of Mary Magdalene and her companions to France
is commemorated in various forms of early French art. Gardner
The most important example… is perhaps that which has
been exhibited at the 9th century church of Les Saintes
Maries: a painting by Henri de Guadermaris. It depicts…
Mary’s arrival in a boat off the coast of Provence….
Another famous picture on similar lines
is The Sea Voyage by Lukas Moser.
Clearly, the fact that Mary Magdalene and her “Grail Child” ar-rived
in France by boat was commemorated by the people of France/Gaul
long before the Catholic Church attempted to cover it up. After the
cover-up began, some unknown protester appar-ently attempted to
remind the people of the truth. Gardner reports:
Essene Teachings
In 633 a mysterious little boat sailed into the harbour of
Boulogne-sur-Mer in Northern France. There was no one
aboard, just a 3-foot statuette of the Black Madonna and
child, together with a copy of the Gospels in Syriac.
Wherever the boat had come from, it caused quite a stir on
its arrival. The strange Madonna known as Our Lady of the
Holy Blood – became the insignia of the cathedral of Notre
Dame, an object of considerable veneration until it was
A cave in France where Mary Magdalene often went to medi-tate
(its called Mary’s Cave of Solitude) became a venerated spot. It is
located at La Sainte Baume. She is said to have lived near that cave
for many years. Gardener references a legend that she died in 63 AD
in Aix-en-Provence. However, Nasarean sources indicate that she died
on a missionary trip outside of France. It is entirely possible that,
having been killed outside of France, her remains may have been
brought back to France.
The Catholic Church discovered that the belief in the divine
feminine was so strong in some of the Pagan lands they con-quered
that they needed to provide some sort of replacement for the Pagan
Goddesses. Thus they turned the Mother of Jesus – Mother Mary –
into an object of devotion. There were two rea-sons: 1) They could
provide a feminine figure to be worshipped without having to
acknowledge the existence of any Goddess. (Thus, God and the entire
Trinity could remain exclusively male.)
2) By shifting the devotional focus away from the Magdalene to-ward
Mother Mary they could better hide the fact that Jesus had a wife who
was a Priestess. The Catholic Church forbids women to enter the
priesthood and requires priests to be unmarried; thus, if it were known
that Jesus’ wife was a Nasarean priestess, it would be hard to justify
their anti-priestess and anti-marriage rules.
Why did Miriam leave Israel/Judea and move to France/Gaul
Doctrine Eight
after the crucifixion? The Roman government and Jewish offi-cials
wanted to kill her, and she wanted her unborn baby
– the Goblet (Gebiya) that held the blood of Yahshua – to
The Nasarean Church in France, the product of the mis-sionary
activities of Mary Magdalene, was mostly exterminated by the
Catholic Church. A little bit of her teachings may have been pickedup by the later Cathar/Albigensian movement in France (that
movement was itself exterminated by the Catholic Church), but only
a little bit. Nasarean Christianity has survived through the centuries
only as an underground religion, with se-cret meeting places and
secret scriptures. Until Now! However, as prophesied in The Holy
Megillah, at the cusp between ages – which we recently entered – the
Nasarean scriptures and church will again be made available to the
An important term in Nasarean Hebrew is: Sha’ar Yahshuwb!
It means: A Remnant Will Return! … and we have! (SMILE!)
The title of this doctrine includes the following words: The
Rejection of Magdalene and The Divine Feminine by Peter, Paul,
and Their Mainstream Form of Christianity. Why are we focusing
on these two men? Because, other than the heavi-ly-edited version of
“Jesus” that they put forward, the two men that are the closest thing
to being ‘founders’ of mainstream Chris-tianity are Peter and Paul.
Peter is the most important “apos-tle” of Catholic Christianity – they
consider him to be “The First Pope” and “the foundation stone” that
Jesus built his church on – and, certainly, Paul is the most important
“apostle” of all the other denominations of mainstream Christianity.
We have already covered the anti-Magdalene and anti-feminine bias
of Peter, and now we will conclude this chapter with a look at Paul.
Though Paul never met the Magdalene and thus, unlike
Essene Teachings
Peter, did not have verbal confrontations with her that we can quote,
it is easy to demonstrate that Paul had a strong anti-fem-inine bias.
Paul’s anti-feminine-principle teachings gained an even wider
audience than Peter’s for the following reason: Peter’s antifeminine-principle sayings survived mostly in non-canoni-cal
gospels (such as Gnostic and Ebionite texts) but Paul’s were even
incorporated into the mainstream New Testament. In fact, the
Epistles of Paul – the word “Epistle” means “Letter” – are the
largest portion of that New Testament. Get this: THERE ARE
The fact that there are more words in the mainstream Bible from
Paul than Jesus might not matter so much if Paul’s words/ teachings
were similar to Jesus’ words/teachings. But they are not, as I am
about to demonstrate.
Many great thinkers throughout history have noticed that the
teachings of Paul are very different than the teachings of Je-sus. One
of those great thinkers was Thomas Jefferson; he wrote:
Paul was the first corrupter of the doctrines of Jesus!
Well, Thomas Jefferson was close! Actually, as explained previously, the first major corrupter of the doctrines of Yahshua (“Jesus”) was Peter. After the crucifixion Peter refused to follow the
Lord’s appointed successor, Mary Magdalene, because she was a
woman. Not only that, apparently – as revealed in the Megillah
– Peter never was a true follower of Yahshua, though he claimed to
be his successor. In fact, the Megillah reveals that Peter was secretly
part of the plot to have Yahshua crucified. Peter led the first schism
off the original Nasarean Christianity, throwing out the Divine
Feminine, founding what became known as Ebionite Christianity.
Paul led the second major schism in Christian-ity, founding the
Christianity that evolved into “Modern Main-
Doctrine Eight
stream Christianity.” Since that religion is based more on the
teachings of Paul than Jesus, I call it “Paulianity.” Paul, who came on
the scene twenty years after the crucifixion and nev-er met Yahshua,
infiltrated and then led a schism off of Peter’s Ebionite Christianity,
which at that time was the only form of Christianity large enough in
Israel/Judea to bother infiltrating. The Nasarean form of Christianity
was much smaller, most of its leaders already having been killed and
the Magdalene having fled to France (Gaul).
Rather than criticize Thomas Jefferson for being a bit off in his
assertion that “Paul was the first corrupter of the doctrines of Jesus,”
we commend Jefferson for having noticed the fact that Paul had,
indeed, changed Jesus’ doctrine. Jefferson, without any of the
recently discovered scrolls or scholarly works that we have access to,
simply noticed that the teachings of Jesus – even in the mainstream
New Testament – were very different from the teachings of Paul.
What did he do about it? Besides exposing that truth by writing
about it, Jefferson took a pair of scissors and cut all of the words
of Paul out of his Bible!
Thomas Jefferson is not the only great thinker to notice that, even
when we confine our observations to the mainstream New
Testament, the teachings of Paul differ radically from the teach-ings
of Jesus. Some of the other thinkers that noticed this and wrote about
it include the following.
The Rev. V.A. Holmes-Gore, in his book Christ or Paul, wrote:
Let the reader contrast the true Christian standard with that
of Paul and he will see the terrible betrayal of all that the
Master taught.... For the surest way to betray
a great Teacher is to misrepresent his message.... That
is what Paul and his followers did, and because the
Essene Teachings
Church has followed Paul in his error it has failed lamentably to redeem the world.... The teachings given by the
blessed Master Christ… were as utterly opposed to the
Pauline Gospel as the light is opposed to the darkness.
The great theologian Soren Kierkegaard, writing in The
Journals, echoes the above sentiment:
In the teachings of Christ, religion is completely present
tense: Jesus is the prototype and our task is to imitate him,
become a disciple. But then through Paul came a basic
alteration. Paul draws attention away from imitat-ing
Christ and fixes attention on the death of Christ the
Atoner. What Martin Luther, in his reformation, failed to
realize is that even before Catholicism, Christianity had
become degenerate at the hands of Paul. Paul made
Christianity the religion of Paul, not of Christ. Paul threw
the Christianity of Christ away, completely turning it
upside down, making it just the opposite of the original
proclamation of Christ.
The brilliant theologian Ernest Renan, in his book Saint
Paul, wrote:
True Christianity, which will last forever, comes from the
gospel words of Christ not from the epistles of Paul. The
writings of Paul have been a danger and a hidden rock, the
causes of the principal defects of Christian theology.
Will Durant, in his Caesar and Christ, wrote:
Paul created a theology of which none but the vaguest
warrants can be found in the words of Christ.... Through
these interpretations Paul could neglect the actual life and
sayings of Jesus, which he had not directly known....
Doctrine Eight
Paul replaced conduct with creed as the test of virtue.
It was a tragic change.
Robert Frost, winner of the Pulitzer prize for poetry in 1924,
1931, 1937 and 1943, in his A Masque of Mercy, wrote:
Paul, he’s in the Bible too. He is the fellow who theologized Christ almost out of Christianity. Look out for him.
James Baldwin, in his book The Fire Next Time, declared:
The real architect of the Christian church was not the
disreputable, sunbaked Hebrew (Jesus Christ) who gave it
its name but rather the mercilessly fanatical and selfrighteous Paul.
Martin Buber, the most respected Jewish philosopher of the last
century, wrote in Two Types of Faith:
The Jesus of the Sermon on the Mount is completely
opposed to Paul.
The famous mystic, poet and author, Kahlil Gibran, de-clared in
Jesus the Son of Man:
This Paul is indeed a strange man. His soul is not the soul
of a free man. He speaks not of Jesus nor does he repeat
His Words. He would strike with his own hammer upon
the anvil in the Name of One whom he does not know.
Above, the great Gibran, accurately reported something that I noticed
when I first read the epistles of Paul as a youngster: Paul does not
quote from the words of Jesus! (Even before
Essene Teachings
the gospels were written, all initiated Christians were instructed in the
sayings of Jesus.) When you read the epistles of Paul, the Fa-ther of
mainstream Christianity, all you get is Paul’s own ideas; he does not
quote the wise sayings of Jesus more than once or twice and never in a
manner that implies relying on it, neither does he report on the life of
Jesus. That point is also made by the famous theologian Helmut
Koester, as follows.
In his The Theological Aspects of Primitive Christian Heresy,
Helmut Koester writes:
Paul himself stands in the twilight zone of heresy. In reading Paul, one immediately encounters a major difficulty.
Whatever Jesus had preached did not become the content of
the missionary proclamation of Paul.... Sayings of Jesus
do not play a role in Paul ‘s understanding of the event of
salvation.... Paul did not care at all what Jesus had
said.... Had Paul been completely successful very little
of the sayings of Jesus would have survived.
The English philosopher Jeremy Bentham, in his Not Paul But
Jesus, declared:
It rests with every professor of the religion of Jesus to settle
within himself to which of the two religions, that of Jesus or
that of Paul, he will adhere.
The eminent theologian Ferdinand Christian Baur, in his
Church History of the First Three Centuries, wrote:
What kind of authority can there be for an ‘apostle’ who,
unlike the other apostles, had never been prepared for the
apostolic office in Jesus’ own school but had only later
dared to claim the apostolic office on the basis of his own
authority? The only question comes to be how the apostle
Paul appears in his Epistles to be so indifferent to the
Doctrine Eight
historical facts of the life of Jesus.... He bears himself
but little like a disciple who has received the doctrines and
the principles which he preaches from the Master whose
name he bears.
The great Mahatma Gandhi, the prophet of nonviolence who
won freedom from England for India, in an essay ti-tled
Discussion on Fellowship, wrote:
I draw a great distinction between the Sermon on the
Mount of Jesus and the Letters of Paul. Paul’s Letters are a
graft on Christ’s teachings, Paul’s own gloss apart from
Christ’s own experience.
Carl Jung, the famous Swiss psychiatrist, wrote in his es-say A
Psychological Approach to Dogma:
Saul’s [Day: Paul’s name before his conversion was Saul]
fanatical resistance to Christianity... was never entirely
overcome. It is frankly disappointing to see how Paul
hardly ever allows the real Jesus of Nazareth to get a word
As you can see, I am quoting from the intellectual cream of humanity. A few more and I will consider my point to be made.
Let us continue with George Bernard Shaw, winner of the Nobel
Prize for Literature in 1925; in his Androcles and the Lion, we
There is not one word of Pauline Christianity in the characteristic utterances of Jesus.... There has really never
been a more monstrous imposition perpetrated than the
imposition of Paul’s soul upon the soul of Jesus....
It is now easy to understand how the Christianity of
Jesus... was suppressed by the police and the Church,
while Paulinism overran the whole western civilized
Essene Teachings
world, which was at that time the Roman Empire, and was
adopted by it as its official faith.
Let us follow that Nobel Prize winner with another. Al-bert
Schweitzer, winner of the 1952 Nobel Peace Prize, has been called
“one of the greatest Christians of his time.” He
was a philosopher, physician, musician, clergyman, missionary, and
theologian. In his The Quest for the Historical Jesus and his
Mysticism of Paul, Schweitzer writes:
Paul... did not desire to know Christ.... Paul shows us
with what complete indifference the earthly life of Jesus
was regarded.... What is the significance for our faith
and for our religious life, the fact that the Gospel of Paul is
different from the Gospel of Jesus? .... The attitude
which Paul himself takes up towards the Gospel of Jesus is
that he does not repeat it in the words of Jesus, and does not
appeal to its authority.... The fateful thing is that
the Greek, the Catholic, and the Protestant theologies all
contain the Gospel of Paul in a form which does not
continue the Gospel of Jesus, but displaces it.
William Wrede, in his book Paul, informs us:
The obvious contradictions in the three accounts given by
Paul in regard to his conversion are enough to arouse distrust.... The moral majesty of Jesus, his purity and piety,
his ministry among his people, his manner as a prophet, the
whole concrete ethical-religious content of his earthly life,
signifies for Paul’s Christology nothing whatever....
The name ‘disciple of Jesus’ has little applicability to
Paul.... Jesus or Paul: this alternative characterizes, at
least in part, the religious and theological warfare of the
present day.
Rudolf Bultman, one of the most respected theologians of
Doctrine Eight
this century, wrote in his Significance of the Historical Je-sus for
the Theology of Paul:
It is most obvious that Paul does not appeal to the words of
the Lord in support of his... views. When the essen-tially
Pauline conceptions are considered, it is clear that Paul is
not dependent on Jesus. Jesus’ teaching is – to all intents
and purposes – irrelevant for Paul.
My point has been made. Many great thinkers join Thomas Jefferson in declaring that Paul replaced the teachings of Jesus with
his own very different teachings. Now let us focus on Paul’s antifeminine-equality teachings that have so influenced the Christianity
of the past two thousand years. We will do that by quoting Paul’s
own words on that topic. In his Epistle (Letter) titled First
Corinthians, Paul writes:
Be imitators of me.... I commend you because you
remember me in everything.... But I want you to understand that while the head of every man is Christ, the head
of every woman is her husband.... And any woman
who prays with her head uncovered dishonors her husband; if a woman will not cover her head with a veil, then
her hair should be shaved off.... For a man ought
not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of
God; but woman is the glory of man.... Neither was man
created for woman, but woman for man. That is why a
woman ought to have a veil on her head, as a sign of
submission to her husband that all men and angels will
see.... And if anyone disagrees with me about this, they
must be told to obey; for nothing else is acceptable in
churches of God.
Similarly, Paul declares in Chapter 5 of Ephesians:
Wives be subject to your husbands, as to the Lord. For
Essene Teachings
the husband is the head of the wife in the same way that
Christ is the head of the church. As the church is subject to
Christ, so must wives be subject to their husbands in
If you think the above words of Paul brand him as a male chau-vinist,
hold onto your hats (especially you women in church!); it gets worse!
In Chapter 14 of First Corinthians, Paul writes:
In all Christian churches, the women should keep silent
whenever in church. For they are not permitted to speak, but
should be subordinate.... If there is anything they desire to
know, let them ask their husbands at home.
For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church....
If anyone thinks he is a prophet or spiritual, he must
acknowledge that what I am writing to you is true and from
the Lord God.
Having now demonstrated that both Peter and Paul altered the
original teachings of Yahshua/Jesus and caused a very different form
of Christianity to sweep much of the world – very different from the
original Nasarean Christianity taught by Yahshua and Magdalene –
the question must be asked: Did the Lord Christ and Lady Christ
“lose” – get defeated by – lesser beings like Peter and Paul? My
answer: No, not if we take A LARGER VIEW. Since it is a
commonly accepted axiom that “All things eventually work out to the
greater glory of God/Goddess” – all things by definition must include
even Peter and Paul’s egotistical actions. By taking a “LARGER
VIEW,” we can accurately assert the following:
1. By launching a watered-down version of Christianity that did
not require vegetarianism and threw out the divine feminine, a form of
Christianity that the relatively low group-consciousness could accept
swept much of the world, as Peter predicted and
Doctrine Eight
Paul fulfilled.
2. But the LARGER VIEW – which Peter and the voice from
the darkness did not predict – is that Peter’s actions would in-deed
eventually assist the work of Yahshua/Jesus in this world by making
him – and at least some of his teachings – known and beloved by
millions. Now, because of that preparation, at the cusp of this new
age that we are entering, we are finding a friend-lier audience for the
‘higher’ teachings of Nasarean Christianity than would have
otherwise been the case. In this sense – which I call “the Larger
View” – Peter (and the “voice from darkness”) and Paul did not
“out-maneuver” the Lord Christ and Lady Christ! They – the
Lord and Lady –have such a large view that they can see the eventual
outcome that a lower consciousness – like Peter or Paul or even
Lucifer – cannot see.
Perhaps NOW – this era of human development – more people
will be ready to receive both the Divine Feminine Christ
(Magdalene) and the Divine Masculine Christ (Yahshua/Jesus). The
fact that you are reading this book lends support to that belief.
Essene Teachings
Topics of Comparison
of Paul
Women permitted to speak in
Women required to wear head
covering as sign of submission to
their husbands
Women required to submit to
the authority of their husbands
as if their husbands were Jesus
Women were created for men;
Men were not created for women
Women and men have equal
God is both Father and Mother
God is only Father, not Mother
Okay to eat meat
Okay to eat meat that has been
sacrificed to demonic idols
Slavery is permitted
Christians can even own other
Christians as slaves
Topics of Comparison
of Paul
Salvation is dependent on
following the saving teachings of
Salvation is dependent on belief
in the sacrificial death of Jesus
on the Cross
Belief in reincarnation in the
context of a cosmic school
Doctrine Eight
Based on this life only, you will
either go to heaven (if you believe in Jesus’s sacrificial death)
or will burn in hell for eternity
Teachings based on the words of
Teachings based on the ideas of
Use a New Testament with many
more words of Paul than Jesus
Christians slaves must work
extra hard if their slave master is
a Christian
Doctrine Nine:
Heavens, Hells, Reincarnation,
and the Eternal Life of Your Soul
Nasarean Teachings on the Spiral Ladder of Being
and Spiritual Evolution
ecause the concepts of “heaven/s,” “hell/s,” “reincarnation” and the
“eternal life” of your “soul” are intimately linked, this doctrine – and the
subsequent commentary on this doctrine
– will treat those related concepts together, side-by-side, placing each
in the context of “The Spiral Ladder of Being” and “Spiritual
In regard to the related concept of “heaven/s” and “hell/s,”
Nasarean Christianity – based on The Holy Megillah: Nasarean Bible
of The Essene Way – believes that both Heaven and Hell are VERY
REAL. However, our understanding of the nature of heaven and
hell is quite different than the mainstream Christian doctrine. The
mainstream Christian teaching is that, based solely on this one brief
incarnation, you will either go to Heaven forever or will BURN IN
HELL FOR ETERNITY. They teach that the vast majority of
humans will BURN IN HELL. We reject that teaching as false. The
notion that a SUPREME BEING would send the majority of human
beings to BURN IN
Essene Teachings
Doctrine Nine
TORTUROUS AGONY FOR ETERNITY based solely on their
status in this one brief incarnation is ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS! Such a “God” would actually be a “Devil!” [Speaking of the
“Devil,” I should inform you in regard to our beliefs about “Satan.”
Yahshua and Miriam, in our ancient Essene manu-scripts, do not
teach the existence of ONE EVIL COUNTER-PART TO
GOD/GODDESS; however, they do teach the exis-tence of various
demonic beings including a particular “fallen angel” called “Satan.”
So, there certainly is a “dark brother-hood.” There are demons and
archdemons of various ranks and potencies; BUT NONE OF
SATAN – are powerful enough to be considered a dualistic
counterpart to God/Goddess. They are simply lost souls in need of
heavy-duty repentance. The “Ulti-mate Satan,” according to
Nasarean teachings, is not any one particular Being but is the “Way
of Satan,” the way of evil and hurtfulness.]
Our church follows the teachings of the Lord Christ and Lady
Christ on Heaven and Hell. Their main teachings on heaven and hell
are as follows:
1) There is not only one Heaven and one Hell; rather,
there are countless Heavenly realms and countless Hellish
2) Beings live in the realm of the universe they deserve
to (including the planet they live on), -- according to the
universal law of karmic justice (CAUSE and EFFECT)
that works in conjunction with DIVINE MERCY.
3) Heaven and Hell are experienced first inwardly -- as
inner states of being -- and then become manifest in our
outer circumstances as well.
4) Although there are countless heavenly realms – and
hell realms – within the Mother Ovum (the Nasarean
Essene Teachings
term for our Universe is “Mother Ovum”), the highest
heaven – “Heaven Most High” – is outside of the Mother
Ovum, surrounding it as a circumference. Heaven Most
High is the home of Jah (God Transcendent) and Jahlah
(Goddess Transcendent) and will be the future home of
those beings who join the Lord Christ and Lady Christ in
their mission of mercy and thereby ascend upon the Spiral
Ladder of Being and persevere to eventually enter that
highest of the countless heavenly realms.
The type of body that you have in any particular realm will always
correlate with – be appropriate for – that realm. Thus, the Eternal Self
that we call the “Soul” will likely reside in many body types, wearing
each like a garment of clothing, moving from one body to the next
over the ceaseless duration of Eternal Life. Thus, Nasareans believe in
advanced stage of spiritual evolution in which we are no longer
required to reincarnate – the stage where we are said to be “off the
wheel of required birth and death” – we may choose to still take
occasional incarnations – to reincarnate into physical bodies – in
lower realms where those bodies are appropriate AS ACTS OF
MERCIFUL INCARNATION to serve as teachers/helpers –
“Hands” – of Christ in those worlds.
n regard to reincarnation, Nasareans teach the following main points:
1. Souls reincarnate in order to have appropriate body types for
their current stage of development on the Spiral Ladder of
Ascension in spiritual evolution.
Doctrine Nine
2. All creatures – not only humans – continue to reincar-nate
until they reach the level of soul development – via spiritual
evolution – where they are no longer required to reincarnate.
3. There is typically a time of rest and reflection between lives
wherein a soul contemplates deeply the lessons learned in
that incarnation and becomes aware of further lessons that
can be learned in the next incarnation.
4. According to various manifestations of Karma – the collective Laws of the Universe including The Law of Cause
and Effect – what we do in one incarnation will follow us
into our next incarnation (or another future incarnation), as
suggested by the following saying of Yahshua: “As you sow
in one life, so will you reap in another.” That teaching is
echoed by Miriam: “The hurt you cause in the morning will
overtake you in the evening.” She similarly declares: “Hurt
comes to the hurtful.” But she also makes clear that, as long
as we are kind to all creatures, we need not fear our future
incarnations: “Yea, I tell you truly, those that are kind to all
creatures need not fear their own futures.”
5. Once we are sufficiently evolved and need not reincar-nate
anymore, we still are free to choose to incarnate in
a lower realm where mortal flesh must be worn as a
garment if we are to be seen and heard by those that we
wish to teach and help. Unless we manifest a body that is
within the spectrum of vibration that the people we are
ministering to can sense – be aware of – and communicate
with, we must remain invisible to them and serve them in
other ways such as serving as prayer angels.
In regard to point five above, once we reach a certain level
Essene Teachings
of spiritual evolution we will have angelic bodies that never die. At
that point, we are not required to reincarnate anymore. That does not
mean we will be done learning and growing – the universe is infinite
and we will always have new lessons to learn. But, at that point, WE
DEATH AND REBIRTH. However, in order to be seen, touched,
and considered “real” by physically incarnated beings of a lower
evolutionary level whom we wish to help, we may sometimes
CHOOSE to incarnate physically. Such a CHOSEN incarnation
motivated by divine compassion rather than bondage to flesh is the
act of an “AVATAR.” This explains why Yahshua and Miriam, the
incarnations even though not bound to the wheel of required physical
birth and death: DIVINE COMPASSION!
All of the above information on “heavens, hells, and reincarnation” can only truly be understood in the context of a mature
Spiritual Evolution on the Spiral Ladder of Being
ne of the most beautiful chapters in The Holy Megillah:
Nasarean Bible of the Essene Way, is titled The Great Dance of Jahday
and Jahnah. It begins with the following twenty-four verses and is
pertinent to the topics named in the title of this
Doctrine Nine:
1. It was ordained by Jah-Jah that Jahday and Jahnah would be
Saviors of the children of the Mother Ovum.
2. For, it would be through the merciful intervention of Lord
Christ and Lady Christ that Jah-Jah would intervene in the pain
of evolving Beings and worlds.
3. Yea, for this purpose Jah-Jah anointed the Lord and Lady
Doctrine Nine
with oil from the Tree of Life, which oil is the Water of Life.
4. But, behold: it was also ordained by Jah-Jah that Jahday and
Jahnah would be the Father God and Mother Goddess of the
children of the Mother Ovum.
5. And it was ordained in the plan of Jah-Jah – which was
engraved within Jahday and Jahnah – that the Mother Ovum
would be a universe of space, time, number, letter, form,
elements, and principles, in which the Children of the Mother
Ovum would play, learn, and work.
6. Thus, the first duty of Jahday and Jahnah was that of
7. Yea, the Dance of Creation was Their Dance!
8. Before the beginning of Their Dance, the Mother Ovum
was Bohu, a dark void of desolate emptiness.
9. And this void was Tohu, without form.
10. And this void was dark because there was yet no Aur
haBahir, no Light of Illumination.
11. And this void was desolate because the Spirit of Yah
was with Elohim in Tzimtzum.
12. Then, bursting outward in ecstasy from Tzimtzum into
Bohu, the Spiral Dance of Creation began.
13.Behold: Elohim Karim!
14. Which is to say, Elohim Dances!
15. Elohim danced the Karar HaAur, the Dance of Light, a
whirling motion with the sound of a hum.
16. And the hum of the Light Dance is the music of Their
17. And the music of Their Dance is one with the lyrics of
Their Song.
18. And those lyrics are the words sung by They Who
19. And They Who Dance are Jahday and Jahnah, our God and
Goddess Immanent, Elohim.
Essene Teachings
20. And the lyrics They sing while They dance the Dance of
Light are The Words of Light: “Yehi Aur!”
21. Which is to say, “Let there be Light!”
22. Lo, Elohim sang “Let there be Light!” and there was
23. And Elohim knew that the Light was Good.
24. And when the Light entered Bohu, the darkness of the
void, the Light comprehended the darkness, but the dark-ness
comprehended not the Light.
In the above excerpt, we read that Jahday (the Lord Christ that later
incarnated on Earth as Yahshua – “Jesus”) and Jahnah (the Lady
Christ that later incarnated on Earth as “Miriam” – “Mary
Magdalene”) danced the Karar HaAur, the Dance of Light. What is
the “Dance of Light?” The Holy Megillah reveals that this dance was
“a whirling motion with the sound of a hum.” This dance burst forth
from Tzimtzum at the center of the Mother Ovum. Prior to this
ecstatic burst of Sacred Dance, the Mother Ovum was “Bohu” and
“Tohu.” Bohu is a Hebrew word that means void or emptiness, and
Tohu means without form. So, from the center of the formless,
primordial void, the Dance of Light, which is the Dance of the Lord
and Lady, burst forth as “a whirling motion with the sound of a hum.”
The Holy Megillah reveals that this “whirling motion” was a “Spiral
Dance”; we read: “Then, bursting outward in ecstasy, the Spiral
Dance of Creation began!” The Me-gillah also refers to this Spiral
Dance as a creative “whirlwind.” The Hebrew word for this creative
whirlwind is sa’arah. We read:
25. And the Spiral Dance was the Sa’arah, the Whirlwind.
26. And the Whirlwind was the Breath of Yah upon the void, the
Air of Being blowing upon the void of Non-Being.
27. And from the Sa’arah came forth Sparks of Light, Nitzot
28. And each Spark of Light is a Seed of Light, a Zera haAur.
Doctrine Nine
29. And each Seed of Light is a Soul, a Nephesh, a Spiritual
30. Behold: Elohim created each Being in the embryonic image
and likeness of Elohim, male and female, each wear-ing Yah as
a Crown of Glory.
31. And the image is manifest in the Attributes.
32. Yea, Jahday and Jahnah danced Their Dance of Creation!
33. In the balance of Their embrace, They danced.
34. And always the center of Their Dance was Yah, which is I
AM, which is Their Oneness, which is the Crown of Glory.
35. Lo: Their Balance was not without motion; it was bal-ance
in motion: He spun around Her, and She around Him, and
always They were centered in Yah.
36. Lo: Yah is the center of the All and of every aspect of
the All!
37. Yah is the center of the Masculine Aspect and the Feminine Aspect; for, behold: those aspects exist for the expan-sion
of Yah and the bliss of Yah according to the Gracious Wish.
38. And this is YHWH.
39. Yea, YHWH is The Great Dance of Creation.
40. Jahday and Jahnah danced in ecstasy!
It is significant that the Dance of Light, which is also called The
Great Dance of Creation, is described as a Spiral motion. The
significance of spiral motion has been noted by the most bril-liant
esoteric scientists. One of them, Walter Russell, in his The Universal
One, writes:
All energy of motion expresses itself in waves. All waves
Essene Teachings
are opposed spirals…. All opposed spiral waves accumulate mass and simultaneously redistribute that accumulation. All accumulating mass is aiming toward gyroscopic
perfection of motion…. The direction of all pressure is
spiral. All direction is therefore curved. All curves are
spiral. All orbits are spiral. An object freely moving in
space must move in a curved spiral line whether that object
be a planet, a corpuscle, a ‘ray’ of light or any other
expression of energy.
Not only does Russell use the Nasarean term spiral to describe
creation, he also uses the Nasarean term whirlwind [Nasarean
Hebrew: Sa’arah/Creative Whirlwind]. In the same book, Russell
All effects of motion are whirlwinds. The nearer the gravitational center, the greater the whirlwind. For example, the
solar system is a whirlwind with Mercury swirling swiftly
near the gravitative center where the vast pres-sures whirl it
around the sun in eighty-eight days at a speed of about
thirty miles each second, whereas the speeds of the more
outer-orbit planets are progressively slower: the Earth orbits
the sun at eighteen miles per second, Jupiter at eight miles
per second, and Neptune at three miles per second. The
gravitational center of any rotating mass in motion is the
point of greatest density and least speed of rotation….
Motion ceases at
the vortex of a whirlpool in the equilibrium of maximum
Doctrine Nine
In Figure One below, Russell illustrates the concept of the
Sacred Spiral and the resulting electromagnetism of creation:
Figure 1: Spiral Loops
In Figure Two below, the “Still Zero” is represented by the
column of White Light that is always the center point of any cross
section of the spiral. So, whatever point of a spiral you point to, that
point is always centered by the Still Zero.
Figure 2: Wave-Shaft as Still Center
Essene Teachings
The sort of double or twisting spirals that, according to Rus-sell,
all waves consist of, and the whole idea of the “Stairway of the
Heavens” or “Spiral Ladder of Being,” is well illustrated below by the
illustration of the DNA double helix spiral:
Figure 3: DNA Double Helix Spiral
Guy Murchie, in his The Seven Mysteries of Life, uses the term
“spiral staircase” to describe DNA:
After World War II, when the electron microscope suddenly made it possible to magnify a pinhead to the size of
the Pentagon building and new ex-ray equipment started
“seeing” chromosones as fibrous, twisted cords, the gene
molecule at last came into focus, resolving itself into a
beautiful and intricate spiral, now deservedly famous, if not
exactly familiar, as DNA…. In fact it proved (on
close analysis) to be a double helix ladder, something like a
spiral staircase with curving but parallel sides cross-linked
every millimicron of the way by steplike rungs embedded at
both ends….
The universality of this extraordinary material is quite
beyond comprehension, but a slight idea of its scope may
be gleaned if you can realize that on Earth alone DNA is
widely presumed to have existed since “life” began some
Doctrine Nine
three billion years ago, and it now directs in detail all
cellular growth in every kind of organism.
Again I quote from Murchie’s classic book, The Seven Mysteries of
If all the tightly wound DNA in even a single cell nucleus
of your body were uncoiled and the pieces laid end to end,
it has been estimated the invisible genetic thread would
extend five feet, which would make the DNA in all your
fifty trillion cells stretch out fifty billion miles or enough to
reach to the moon and back 100,000 times.
In Chapter 3, I likened DNA to magnetic tape of a mystic origin,
which seems an apt analogy for this extraordinary
“onedimensional” molecule that holds all the essential data of a
lifetime. Yet, amazingly, DNA is made of nothing but commom
elements put together as twin backbones of repeating groups of
sugar and phos-phate with crossrungs of nitrogen compounds
whose numerous variations spell out the ineffable code of life.
You might think that the four standard chemical rungs of
adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine (usually
abbreviated A,T,C and G) would be much too simple to
convey all the sophisticated information and intricate
instructions needed to assemble an entire organism, but a
leading geneticist has calculated that if we were to translate
the coded messages of a single human cell into English,
they would fill a thousand volume library. So the four
rungs somehow seem to manage to express themselves.
And increasingly overwhelming evidence shows that they
do it in stages, even as do the simpler dots and dashes of
Morse code compose letters that write books that fill
Essene Teachings
It is significant, moreover, that all phonetic alphabets
contain about twenty letters, which, not by chance, is the
number of different amino acids that surge through protoplasm and its genes. And the very A,T, C and G rungs in
those genes, operating like linotype machines, are what pick
up the amino molecules, one by one, to mold from each the
equivalent of letter type, whose sequences spell out words
in the 20-letter amino alphabet. Indeed this is the source of
the long polypeptide chains that stream from DNA like
ticker tape, the hundreds of amino words in a typical one
composing a complete genetic paragraph….
When the genes are… awake and “turned on” – that is,
actively replicating themselves into more protoplasm in the
cell’s protein factories (called ribosomes) – the chromosomes puff out in noticable swellings…. For decades
geneticists could not figure out what was going on inside
these chromosone puffs…. What we have learned, however, is that this is the first stage of cell growth, of reproduction….
What happens is that, as the two strands of the DNA separate [Day: to make room for the reproduction – birth – of
the new cell that has come from their union], each strand is
bereft… leaving it feeling incomplete, like a bride-to-be at
the church door. But it has been unzipped down the middle
of each rung, so to speak, precisely between the two letters
that form the rung (these being always either the AT or CG,
or their reverse orders of TA or GC, a total of four
alternatives) so that each A is now yearning for another T
and each C for another G and vice versa.
The “yearning” of DNA referrenced in the last sentence above –
“yearning for another” – is seemingly sexual, as is the content of
Doctrine Nine
the entire paragraph. In his book, The Human Antenna: Reading the
Language of the Universe in the Songs of Our Cells, Dr. Robin Kelly
links the spiral dance to the DNA Double Helix, putting the Zero
Point at the “heart of the matter” (and “at the heart of matter”):
It has been calculated that if we were to unwind the DNA
in each of our cells and stretch it out on the floor it would
measure over 5 feet. So it is obviously in its coiled shape
for packaging reasons – but as I have already hinted,
maybe there are other secrets held deep within the double
Let us step back – just briefly I promise – into the world of
secondary school physics. The standard electrical coil we
find in our electric kettle consists of conducting cable
through which passes an electrical current. Around the
coil, an electromagnetic field is produced…. When the
coil forms the figure-of-eight shape… the Mobius Coil…
all the magnetic fields cancel each other out, leaving a
magnetic vacuum…. This space, like the entangled
space connecting electrons of opposing spin, is the
opening to another dimension; an energy that exists
outside our concepts of space and time, known variously
as free, zero-point and scalar energy.
Kelly continues, comparing the Mobius coil with the well-known
infinity sign:
Scalar energy is non-local and non-temporal. Informa-tion
does not travel from ‘here’ to ‘there’; it coexists in both
places simultaneously. The double helical DNA is
constructed of many tiny, but powerful Mobius coils laid
end on end. We are beginning to understand that every
molecule of DNA within every fifty trillion cells is
continuously transmitting this non-local scalar energy
to receptors all around the body….
Essene Teachings
The microscopic double helix of the DNA therefore leaves
its imprint within the matrix of the whole body…. Some
scientists speculate that the DNA acts as a projector for a 4dimensional state, as time itself is processed by this
remarkable molecule….
It is complex, outside our wildest imaginings, as trillions of
information fields projected by our DNA interact with each
other, as countless ripples on a lake. It is even more mind
boggling to realize that these fields are also in direct contact
with morphic fields ‘outside’ our body – from our society,
nature and the boundless cosmos….
Our understanding of DNA deepens, as we perceive it as a
vital link between our earth-bound mortal/physical body
and the more ethereal realms of our immortal, time-less
soul. It is perhaps no coincidence that the shape of the
Mobius coil is the classical sign of infinity.
In The Human Antenna, Dr. Kelly provides the following caption
related to DNA:
The DNA molecule is an exceptional generator of energy. It
is proposed that it functions as a relay station, con-necting
our inner and outer worlds. It appears that the fundamental
nature of reality is contained within fields of information.
Our perceived real world ‘collapses’ down from these
Our excerpt from Kelly continues:
If we were to view the DNA molecule from either of its
ends, it would appear as a donut-shaped ring – like the
torroidaol coil…. In the central hole, the magnetic fields are
cancelled out, opening our window to another
Doctrine Nine
dimension. If we were to shrink ourselves down enough to
sit inside this hole, it is likely we would experience a
wonderful state of peace while all around us we would see
this fierce electrical storm raging. Those who find
themselves in the eye of a hurricane often experience an
eerie calm, while the storm forms a formidable whirling
wall around them….
As I started to appreciate the holographic nature of the
universe, I became more aware of the significance of
patterns, shapes and proportions. What appeared before to
be visual metaphors now began to convey more pro-found
meanings. I started to consider whether the hole in the
DNA, the eye of the hurricane and the way my bathwater
disappeared down the plughole were more closely linked. I
was seeing whirls everywhere…. The
chakra openings were described as whirling vortices, as
were the acupunture points.
Physisist John Wheeler theorised that space itself comprised an infinite number of tiny spiral wormholes; he
named this phenomenon ‘the quantum foam’….
Another word for this pure form of information is consciousness.
Above, Dr. Kelly ended by linking the “Spiral Dance” with consciousness, as does the following excerpt from the Megillah. The
following excerpt from The Holy Megillah: Nasarean Bible of the
Essene Way, is unique in that it is an actual enchantment – an
ecstatic verbal chant of magical affirmation – taught by the Magdalene to her her first seven disciples, all women. The term used in
the title of the enchantment and as a repeated chorus-like affirmation throughout the enchantment – Sulam HaAliyah (pronounced soo-lahm ha-ah-lee-yah) means Ladder of Ascent, and is,
throughout the Megillah, described as a Spiral Ladder, the two poles
being the masculine and feminine polarities, the cen-
Essene Teachings
tral column being the Still Zero.
These same three aspects – the masculine and feminine polar-ities
and the Still Zero – are also The Creative Trinity of Nasarean
Cosmology; that Trinity builds a spiral ladder of creative expan-sion
that perpetually perfects itself via spiritual evolution.
The following enchantment is directly related to the subject matter
of this doctrine; it is from Chapter 30 of Godspell (God-spell is the
New Testament portion of The Holy Megillah: Nasare-an Bible of
The Essene Way):
Sulam HaAliyah: “The Ladder of Ascent”:
A Magical Enchantment by Miriam the Magdalene
678. Miriam said to Her seven: “Chant with Me a holy enchantment, Sulam HaAliyah.
679. Yea, let us chant it up!
680. In the names of Jah and Jahlah in Yah, in appreciation of the
Divine Plan, we offer this enchantment for the uplift of all Beings
in supernal light and unfathomable love.
681. Now in forever in Yah, amen!”
682. The seven disciples replied, “Now in forever in Yah,
683. Miriam said, “Birdsong will drum.
685. Miriam chanted the enchantment, a magical prayer, and the
seven raised their voices with Her, and to the rhythm of
Birdsong’s drum they chanted, then sang, the holy words.
686. “Sulam HaAliyah!
687. Sulam HaAliyah!
688. Sulam HaAliyah!
689. Sulam HaAliyah!
Doctrine Nine
690. Sulam HaAliyah!
691. Sulam HaAliyah!
692. Sulam HaAliyah!
693. “The Ladder of Ascent!
694. The Golden Spiral of Ascension!
695. The White Door!
696. The Way of Enlightenment!
697. The Path of Illumination!
698. Increasing Empowerment in Eternal Life!
699. The Hierarchy of Heavens in the Creative Whirlwind of
the Great Dance of Eternal Life in perpetually increasing
Goodness in spiritual ascension, blazing as Shemesh in
Shemayah, now in forever in Yah!
700. “Sulam HaAliyah!
701. Sulam HaAliyah!
702. Sulam HaAliyah!
703. Sulam HaAliyah!
704. Sulam HaAliyah!
705. Sulam HaAliyah!
706. Sulam HaAliyah!
707. “Oh My!
708. Ecstasy!
709. Let it be!
710. Great joy for every Being!
711. May all Beings ascend the Great Ladder of Being, ‘Sulam
HaAliyah’, the ‘Ladder of Ascent’, unto the Highest Heavens of
Existence and Consciousness in Bliss, accord-ing to the
Motivating Power of Love, which manifests as the Perpetual
Expansion of Goodness, now in forever in Yah, amen!
712. “Sulam HaAliyah!
Essene Teachings
713. Sulam HaAliyah!
714. Sulam HaAliyah!
715. Sulam HaAliyah!
716. Sulam HaAliyah!
717. Sulam HaAliyah!
718. Sulam HaAliyah!
719. “Now in forever in Yah, Amen!
720. “So be it!”
The above Magdalene enchantment or “magical prayer” implies that,
though one can walk up or down a ladder, the universe – and the
YOU-niverse (you are created in the Image and Likeness of the
Universe) – is a good thing and continues to get better. The reason
that is true can be expressed in one boldfaced and capped word:
LOVE. This is the one most important word in Nasarean Cosmology
and, as the above excerpt from The Holy Megillah makes clear, the
reason that Love ascends is that, in Divine Com-passion and Mercy, it
reaches low on the spiral of ascension to aid those at lower rungs in
their own evolutive ascension; that Universal Love expressed in
Divine Compassion is the evolutive power of the universe. It is what
expressing Universal Christ-Con-sciousness is all about.
The term Spiritual Ascension that appeared in the above
Magdalene enchantment can be likened to the idea of Spiritual
Evolution. Most mainstream scientists do not go far enough in their
application of the concept of evolution; they confine their application
of the term to physical reality, and even in that phys-ical realm are
very narrow-minded, not even considering charac-ter issues or
personal ethics. But many spiritually-oriented think-ers now apply the
idea of evolution also to higher dimensions of reality, including the
spiritual dimension.
Doctrine Nine
One such “highly-evolved” thinker is Gary Zukav; he became
famous for his now-classic book on the “new physics” titled The
Dancing Wu Li Masters. In another of his excellent books – The Seat
of the Soul – he treats us to the following discussion on Spiritual
The evolution that we learned about in school is the
evolution of physical form. We learned, for example, that
the single-celled creatures of the oceans are the
predecessors of all more complex forms of life. A fish is
more complex, and, therefore, more evolved than a
sponge… and so on, up to human beings which are the
most complex, and, therefore, the most evolved Life forms
upon our planet.
We were taught, in other words, that evolution means the
progressive development of organizational com-plexity.
This idea is an expression of the idea that the organism that
is best able to control both its environ-ment and all of the
other organisms in its environment is the most evolved.
“Survival of the fittest” means that the most evolved
organism in a given environment is the organism that is at
the top of the food chain in that environment…. We have
long known that this definition of evolution is inadequate, but we have not known
why. When two humans engage one another, they are, in
terms of organizational complexity, equally evolved. If
both have the same intelligence, yet one is small-minded,
mean and selfish while the other is magnani-mous and
altruistic, we say that the one who is magnan-imous and
altruistic is the more evolved. If one human intentionally
sacrifices his or her life to save another, by, for example,
using his or her own body to shield another from an unseen
bullet or a speeding car, we say that the human who
sacrificed his or her life, indeed, was one of the most
evolved among us. We know these things to be true, but
they are at variance with our understanding
Essene Teachings
of evolution…. Our deeper understanding tells us that a
truly evolved being is one that values… love more than it
values the physical world and what we see in it. We must
now bring our understanding of evolution into alignment
with this deeper understanding.
Zukav then makes clear that there are countless rungs higher on the
spiral ladder of spiritual evolution than that of the typical human
being. Like the Megillah does – and as does Walter Rus-sell – he
refers to a “spiritual light” that is senior to – even parent to – physical
light and its finite speed:
Thinking of the universe in terms of light, frequencies, and
energies of different frequencies – in the terms that have
become familiar to us through the study of physical light –
is not merely metaphorical. It is a natural and powerful way
to think of the Universe because physical light is a
reflection of nonphysical Light. Physical light is not the
Light of your soul. Physical light travels at a certain
velocity. It cannot go faster. The Light of your soul is
instantaneous…. Instantaneousness, therefore,
is very much a part of your life. In nonphysical reality, the
decisions that you make in terms of how you choose to use
your energy have effects that are instantaneous. They are
one with who and what you are…. Just as visible light is one portion, like an octave, in a continuum of
energy of graduated frequencies that extends below and
above what the eye can see, the continuum of non-physical
Light extends below and above, so to speak, the frequency
range in which the human exists. The human experience is a
particular frequency range in the contin-uum of nonphysical
Light in the same way that visible light is a particular
frequency range in the continuum of physical light. Other
intelligences inhabit other ranges of frequency. These forms
of Life do not exist elsewhere from us. Just as infrared light,
ultraviolet light, microwave light and many, many other
frequency and ranges of fre-
Doctrine Nine
quencies coexist with the visible light spectrum, but are
invisible to us, the Life forms that are characterized by
different frequency ranges of nonphysical Light coexist
with us, but are invisible to us. In the place that you now
sit exist many different beings, or groups of beings, each
active and evolving in its own reality and in its own
Our species is evolving from one frequency range in the
spectrum of nonphysical Light into another, higher range
of frequency. This is the evolution of the five-sen-sory
personality into the multisensory personality. The
multisensory personality is more radiant and energetic than
the five-sensory personality. It is aware of the Light of its
soul, and it is able to detect, and to communicate with,
forms of Life that are invisible to the fivesensory
The Universe is a hierarchy that has no bottom and no top.
Between the levels of the hierarchy there is an
understanding that higher perceptions can be a part of, and
are encouraged to be a part of, the experience of lower
plane spirits as they strive to expand there own awareness.
Thus, there is always a higher level of assis-tance…. Our
nonphysical assistance comes from ranges
of nonphysical Light that are higher in frequency than our
own. The intelligences that assist and guide us… are of a
higher rank in creation….
Does the above not strike you as a much more “evolved” ver-sion of
the concept of evolution than that taught in mainstream schools?
Evolution is a Grand Spiral consisting of uncountable spirals within
spirals within spirals. Within the spiral of our Milky Way Galaxy are
uncountable sub-spirals within spirals within spirals, and, the Milky
Way is itself, in its wholeness, one Grand Spiral within countless
other even grander spirals.
Essene Teachings
In Nasarean theology the grandest spiral of all is Unlimited Love;
only THAT spiral is inclusive of all; thus, only it is the Su-preme
Archetype, and that Nasarean teaching is called, “The Nod of Wisdom
to Love,” which is the motivating power of ETERNAL
LIFE that manifests as THE GREAT HOPE, the HOPE FOR
The Nasarean teachings on heavens includes the clarification of
“The Kingdom of Heaven Within” and “Group Conscious-ness
Heavens,” and also describe a universal pattern based on “Realms of
Seven Heavens.” As long as we be heavenly within, we experience
THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN WITHIN. When we live with other
Beings that are also being heavenly in their personal vibrations, we
co-create “Group Consciousness Heav-ens.” But no matter how
heavenly our current realm is, chances are very good that there are
even higher heavenly realms in our future experience of Eternal Life
in the everlasting duration that we call The Eternal Now.
In the same manner that our inner level of heavenly consciousness continues to rise – expand, increase – as we continue to
evolve as spirit-souls (Beings) on the Spiral Ladder of Being, so do
the countless Group Consciousness Heavenly Worlds/Realms also
continue to spiral in heavenly ascent, solar system by solar system,
galaxy by galaxy, the relatively higher heavens being of such fast
vibrations as to currently be ‘invisible’ to human beings. Although it
is too complex to address in this commentary, I will ask that readers
of The Holy Megillah also pay close attention to how the “Group
Consciousness Seven Heavens” of THIS solar system correlates with
the Seven Primary Chakras of the human being and the colors of the
light spectrum.
Readers of The Holy Megillah will learn the Nasarean names of
The Seven Heavens of our Solar System in the section of that
Doctrine Nine
Nasarean Bible called “The Nasarean Book of Enoch,” as well as
descriptions of each of those heavens.
Even within your own body-mind-soul complex are count-less
spirals within spirals. All of these spirals, together, are the “Great
Dance of the All” called Universal YHWH. And the spi-ral form is
that of the Trinity – the masculine spin and the feminine spin
centered in YAH (gender neutral Zero Point at the center of the
Number Line) that generates electro-magnetism and makes
possible the physical realm as well as all other realms that
collectively emerge from the Zero.
We each, the Megillah makes clear, are free to either rise or fall
on the Spiral Ladder of Being. That, my friends, is where religion
and spiritual practices come into play. It is also where Nasarean
Cosmology – leads to Nasarean Spiritual Practices.
The word Nasarean stems from the Hebrew root Nasa, a verb
– used also as a noun by Nasareans – meaning ascend/ascen-sion –
and that ascent is linked to the above notion of the Grand Spiral
of Life. That ascent is aided by acts of kindness and goodness – the
‘Ultimate Good’ being Universal Love – and is hindered by unloving
thoughts, words, and deeds. The rung
– level in the cosmic school system – that we occupy any given
moment comes with its own level of expectations in regard to the
standard of behavior considered adequately “loving” to result in
further ascension to still higher rungs of the Golden Spiral of Being.
For example, the level of behavior for a wolf to be making upward
progress is not the same as, say, a Buddhist monk… or, say, you.
Many of the readers of these words have reached a level of
consciousness that enables you to now consciously participate in
your Spiritual Evolution. While all Beings are on the spiritual path in
the sense that all are part of the evolutionary process
Essene Teachings
itself – all Beings are somewhere on the Grand Spiral – not all are yet
at a level on the Spiral Ladder of Ascension so as to be able to
consciously participate in their own spiritual evolution. Those souls
that are able to participate consciously, enter a phase of great potential
acceleration in spiritual evolution…. And that fact
brings us face-to-face with our next Nasarean doctrine, the Na-sarean
Spiritual Practice called Essene Yoga.
Doctrine Ten:
Introduction to the Nasarean Spiritual Practices
Collectively Called, Essene Yoga
ll of the spiritual and holistic wellness practices of the Nasar-ean
Religion of The Essene Way can be considered to be a part of the
overall set of Nasarean practices collectively called “Nasarean Essene
Yoga” (also called “Yoga of The Essene Tree of Life”) or, for short,
“Essene Yoga.” To understand why that is so, it is needful to
understand that we Nasareans use the Sanskrit word “Yoga” (Nasarean
Hebrew: Yihud; English: Union/Yoke) to describe both the goal –
conscious Union with the Divine – of our practices, and also the means
by which we progressively attain that goal. Anything that we
successfully do for the pur-pose of progressively attaining that goal –
WITH THE DIVINE – can be considered a yoga practice, a
means (a “way”) by which we progressively attain – and then
maintain and enhance – that goal.
The sentence at the end of the above paragraph is true wheth-er
or not we give specific “yoga names” to each of those practices that,
taken together, constitute our Nasarean Spiritual Practice. For
example, if I find that a certain practice helps me progress in my
ever-deepening experience of Conscious Union with the Divine,
whether or not I refer to that practice as a particular va-
Essene Teachings
riety of yoga, it is nevertheless exactly THAT. That said, it is also
true that the ancient Nasareans did specifically name quite a few
things as yoga practices, giving them “yoga names” like “Love
Yoga,” “Water Yoga,” “Air Yoga,” “Wisdom Yoga” and more.
Each of the seven branches and seven roots of the symbolic Essene
Tree of Life has a named variety of yoga linked to it – together
making the fourteen primary types of yoga we call “Essene Yoga”
– and each of those primary types of yoga have various sub-yogas
linked to them. Thus, the total number of yoga practices is greater
than those primary fourteen, but we don’t put a “final” number on
the variety of practices since we each are free to discover additional practices that help us experience the goal of Essene Yoga:
Conscious Union with the Divine.
For an extremely detailed discussion of many practices and
teachings related to Essene Yoga, read my (Day of Greenleaf/Day
Owen) book on Essene Yoga and Meditation. A brief introduction
to some of the practices of Essene Yoga is given in the following
Commentary on Doctrine Ten. The first appendix that immediate-ly
follows that commentary is an illustration of The Essene Tree of
Life whose seven branches and seven roots correspond with the
Fourteen Primary Yoga Varieties. The second appendix to the
following Commentary on Doctrine Ten is a list of the seven parts
of an Essene Lifestyle Practice that is called The Sevenfold Peace;
it is an important aspect of Essene Yoga Practice.
ach participant in the Nasarean Religion of The Essene Way is
encouraged to do more than simply become a member of our church;
each member is encouraged to become a lifelong student of, and practitioner of, our “spiritual practice.” By the term
“spiritual practice,” I mean “yoga” or “true religion.” I will explain.
Yoga is a Sanskrit word that means union and implies two
Doctrine Ten
things: 1) The conscious union of a being with the Ultimate; and, 2)
the means – practices – by which that union is realized.
Number one above is both the goal of yoga and the liv-ing
experience of those that achieve that goal. Number two above is
whatever we do that enables us to achieve that goal. Any system
practiced by a being for the purpose of re-alizing conscious union
with the ultimate is a yoga sys-tem.
All spiritual masters teach a system of yoga, a way of realiz-ing
conscious union with God, whether or not they use the San-skrit
term yoga. Moses taught yoga. Buddha taught yoga. Jesus (Yahshua)
taught yoga. Yoga is true religion. Consider the word religion. The
lig portion of the word religion stems from the Lat-in root ligare,
which means union/connect. When a being has fallen out of
conscious union with God, that being needs a re-union, a re-ligare
(“re-ligion”). The goal of true religion is con-scious union with the
Ultimate (yoga), and the means by which that goal is realized are the
various yoga systems taught by spir-itual masters.
In my seven years of study with my Essene teacher, Malachi of
Alexandria, I studied the yoga systems taught by the great masters. I
will briefly describe some of the most important San-skrit-language
yoga systems, then will end with a brief descrip-tion of Essene Yoga
which, as you will learn, includes – but is not limited to – each of the
following Sanskrit-language yoga sys-tems.
Hatha Yoga: Hatha Yoga is a system of physical exercise that leads
to the enlightened control of the body and mind by the Spiritual Self.
Many people on this planet are not in control of body and mind and
therefore suffer the consequences: physical and mental illness. Hatha
Yoga leads to physical and mental
Essene Teachings
wellness. It is the yoga system that most people think of when they
hear the word yoga. It is associated with the postures – asanas – that
are taught in most yoga classes.
Laya Yoga: Laya Yoga is the science of using the chakras to bring
about progressively higher states of spiritual realization. It is the
raising up, and transformation of, subtle energies via work on the
chakras. This is the yoga of kundalini and tantra.
Karma Yoga: Karma Yoga is the art of flowing with, rather than
resisting, universal law. The practitioner of Karma Yoga under-stands
the spiritual axiom “As you sow, so shall you reap” (uni-versal law),
and therefore endeavors to sow only seeds of good-ness such as love,
joy, peace, and mercy. Karma Yoga manifests itself as creative work
for the benefit of all. It is the yoga of work and service.
Bhakti Yoga: The word bhakti means devotion. Bhakti Yoga is the
yoga of devotional worship of God/Goddess. It is the practice of
loving God/Goddess so much that everything we do, think, or say is
an expression of that love. In other words, our entire life becomes an
act of worship. Bhakti Yoga is characterized by de-votional singing,
often incorporating the chanting of the names of Deity. Bhakti is the
motivational context in which we aim to practice all the other yoga
systems. In fact, it is the motivational context in which we aim to live
Jnana Yoga: The word jnana means to know. Jnana Yoga is the yoga
of true knowledge, of divine wisdom. It is concerned with the ultimate
questions of life, because those questions lead to the ultimate answers.
The practitioner of Jnana Yoga asks such ques-tions as: “What am
I?”; “What is God?”; “What is the purpose of life?” Through
contemplation and study, the answers to those questions become clear.
But the purpose of inquiry is not to know just for the sake of knowing;
rather, it is to know for the sake of
Doctrine Ten
serving. The better we know God, the better we can serve God. Jnana
Yoga is characterized by the systematic study of spiritual texts and
spiritual discourse with fellow seekers.
Mantra Yoga: Mantra Yoga is the yoga of “THE WORD.” It is the
yoga of prayer and invocation. It employs mantras – “Words of
Power” or “Sounds of Power” – to raise the vibrations of the
practitioner and his/her environment.
Raja Yoga: Raja Yoga is meditation associated with the Crown
Chakra, the seat of spiritual I AM. That meditation is often pre-ceded
by asking the questions of Jnana Yoga. It may also be preceded by
some of the other yoga practices, such as Hatha. But its culmination
is in peaceful meditation and contemplation centered in the Crown
Chakra. Because it is associated with the Crown Chakra, it is called
“The Royal Yoga,” as the word raja means royal and implies crown.
Essene Yoga: Each yoga system listed above addresses one or more
important aspect of the spiritual life and, therefore, can as-sist a
being in the quest for conscious union with God/Goddess/ The
Ultimate. But I consider the Nasarean Essene Yoga taught by
Yahshua and Miriam to be the most effective system of all.
It is the most effective, because it is the most complete: It does
not ignore the other yoga systems; rather, it unites them in one
grand synthesis called Essene Yoga or the Es-sene Way. It
includes aspects of each yoga system listed above
– and includes other yogas as well – and is presented in a sim-ple,
gradient fashion, so that anyone – even small children – can practice
it. It is the yoga system I currently practice and teach.
It may surprise you to hear a Sanskrit word like yoga paired with
an Aramaic word like Essene. Though some Essenes – in-cluding
both Yahshua and Miriam the Magdalene – studied for a time in
India, they had their own Hebrew word for yoga:
Essene Teachings
YIHUD. What I am calling in English “Essene Yoga,” the Na-sarean
Essenes called in Hebrew: YIHUD ETS CHAIM, which means:
Union (“Yoga”) with the Tree of Life. But as we learn in the
following excerpt from Yahshua’s Sermon on Essene Yoga (that
sermon is found in The Holy Megillah: Nasarean Bible of The Essene Way), after his return to “Israel/Judea” from India, the Lord
purposely peppered his sermons to his Nasarean students with
Sanskrit terms that he wanted them to learn.
151. Yahshua said, “Several of you have been to India.
152. I recently returned from India after seven years of study and
service at the Nasarean encampment near Benares.
153. Miriam and Yohanan also studied at that encampment, as
did a few of the elders amongst this assembly.
154. Since returning from India, I have purposely peppered My
sermons to Nasareans with Sanskrit words.
155. When I use a Sanskrit word or term, I do so because I
want My disciples to learn the meaning of the word.
156. “Original Nasarean Yoga spread in India moreso than
anywhere else that it was introduced in this world.
157. The Hebrew letters – when rendered as Fire Letters as
recorded by Gilgalah the Wizardess – are an excellent alpha-bet
for spiritual symbolism and also preserve certain heaven-ly
sounds of the Cherubim.
158. Even so, with the exception of Nasarean scriptures,
Sanskrit has become the alphabet of the most spiritually
advanced literature in this world.
159. For, with the spread of Nasarean teachings on yoga in
India, vegetarianism spread amongst the population.
160. Now, in India, there is a larger population of vegetari-ans
than anywhere else in this world.
161. Because of that, the population of India has become
generally more spiritual than the populations of other lands, and
many of their Sanskrit scriptures thus reflect that higher
Doctrine Ten
level of spirituality.
162. Wherefore, I use a sprinkling of Sanskrit words when
speaking to Nasareans, and will introduce many in this sermon.
163. “Yea, become intimately familiar with the meaning of the
Sanskrit words that I am about to introduce.
164. But do not speak them to most Aaronites unless you
want to experience the same fate as the man that threw sweet
apples to a lion.
165. The lion was angered by the apples and ate the man!
166. Blessed is the apple that feeds a man!
167. Foolish is the man that provokes a lion!
168. Be prudent in sharing Sanskrit!”
In verse 159, Yahshua reveals that it was Nasarean Yoga that gave
birth to the Indian/Hindu Yoga and the related practice of
vegetarianism. In other verses he explains that Nasareans, shortly
after the fall of the original Edenic paradise in Kush (Ethiopia),
formed villages in the land that came to be called India – especially
in the Himalayan Mountains where Nasar-ean Yogis settled in
greatest numbers – and both Essene Yoga and the related practice of
vegetarianism was spread through-out the region, though in
progressively adulterated versions as other religious groups mixed
Nasarean teachings with their own teachings. Many centuries later,
many Nasarean teachings had made their way into several of the
major religions that emerged in India, including various forms of
Hinduism, Budhism, and Jainism. Only in The Holy Megillah:
Nasarean Bible of The Ess-ene Way do we have the original,
unadulterated teachings of Na-sarean Yoga that gave birth to the
various Indian forms of yoga, meditation, and the key related
practice of compassion-motivat-ed vegetarianism.
Vegetarianism was a requirement of becoming a Nasarean,
Essene Teachings
and the Lord Christ and Lady Christ made it a requirement of initiation into their Essene Yoga Fellowship (their circle of personal
students/disciples). In that same sermon by Yahshua on Essene Yoga
that I quoted above, he goes on to make that very clear:
169. “Vegetarianism is The Foundation – Ha Yesod – of a
human life based on Compassionate Love.
170. Indian Yoga, as is Essene Yoga, is built on the strong
foundation of vegetarianism.
171. In India, authentic yoga teachers will not teach more than
entry-level yoga to students that are not yet vegetari-ans.
172. Likewise, Nasareans only initiate seekers into our yoga
system if they have first become vegetarian and have fallen
deeply in love with The Holy Megillah.
173. Seekers that are sincerely interested in taking initiation into
Essene Yoga are asked to begin by reading the entire Megillah
and, if not yet vegetarian, to become one.
174. “Teachers of Essene Yoga are trained to offer introduc-tory
Megillah Bible Study Lessons and introductory Essene Yoga
Classes for seekers that are not yet vegetarian or Nasar-ean, as
well as to conduct Essene Yoga Fellowship Services for initiates
175. Non-vegetarians, and anyone that does not fully accept and
deeply love The Holy Megillah, should not attend Ess-ene Yoga
Fellowship Devotional Services; those services are for initiated
members only.
176. Those services are not for debating, arguing, or defend-ing
vegetarianism or the Megillah or our religion; rather, those
services are an opportunity for Our initiated devotees to joyfully
worship and fellowship together, and to receive teachings from
Our ministers and priesthood.
177. Essene Yoga Fellowship is a mission of The Nasarean
Religion of The Essene Way, a religion based on The Holy
Doctrine Ten
Megillah, and vegetarianism is a foundational teaching of our
178. I say to all that become Teachers of Essene Yoga
Fellowship, do not neglect to require vegetarianism of those that
accept My Yoke.
This Essene Book of Doctrines – the book you are at this moment
reading – is part of our introductory Blue Rose Study Course that can
be enrolled in even if you are not yet a vegetarian. That course is the
modern era equivalent of the introductory course that Yahshua is
referring to in verse 174. If you are interested in becoming an initiate
of the modern era version of the Essene Yoga Fellowship referred to
in verse 177 above, all you need to do is complete the introductory
course and continue study-ing the Nasarean Religion of The Essene
Way with me and my authorized successors; we are that Essene
Yoga Fellowship, and the book you are now reading is considered
an entry point into both Essene Yoga Fellowship and the Nasarean
Religion of The Essene Way. Those that become serious Essene
Yoga stu-dents will receive detailed instruction in all aspects of
Essene Yoga and all of the related practices… but it starts, as
Yahshua said, with a commitment to practice vegetarianism.
Vegetarianism is such a central teaching/practice of the Nasarean Religion of The Essene Way that I will devote an entire
doctrine (Doctrine Eleven) to that topic. In this Commentary on
Doctrine Ten – on the topic of Essene Yoga – suffice to say that
vegetarianism is a central practice of Essene Yoga.
The Fourteen Primary Yogas of Essene Yoga are given in both
the Nasarean Genesis (Mattanah) portion of The Holy Megillah, and
also in the New Testament (Godspell) portion where we find
Yahshua’s Sermon on Essene Yoga. In that sermon by Yahshua, we
Essene Teachings
The Fourteen Primary Yogas of Essene Yoga
323. “Receive now The Fourteen Primary Yogas of Essene
324. This list includes the same fourteen primary yogas list-ed
in Mattanah, though in a bit different order.
325. I have included some examples of actual practices for
each of the fourteen; those practices were not provided in the
Mattanah list.
326. These specific practices constitute My version of Ess-ene
Yoga, the version of yoga that I teach, which is based on that
taught by Beten-Jahlah in India.
Yahshua’s reference in verse 326 above to “Beten-Jahlah” is to an
elderly Nasarean Wizardess/Priestess who, at the time of Yahsh-ua’s
period of study at the Nasarean encampment in India, was the chief
teacher of Essene Yoga at that encampment. We pick up the same
excerpt right where we left off:
327. “The fact that Essene Yoga is based on The Tree of Life is
revealed in the full name of this yoga system.
328. That name is Yihud Ets Chaim, which means Union
With The Tree of Life.
329. Essene Yoga is based on the Essene Tree of Life, which has
seven branches and seven roots.
330. Each branch and root has a primary yoga associated with
331. Essene Yoga consists of Seven Primary Branch Yogas
and Seven Primary Root Yogas and all of the sub-yogas of
those primary fourteen.
332. Beginning the list at the Top Center Branch, the fourteen primary yogas are as follows.
333. “1. Yihud im YHWH [Union with Yahweh] is also
called YHWH Yoga or Crown Yoga or HaShem Yoga.
Doctrine Ten
334. Beten-Jahlah called it ‘Kether Yoga’, which means
‘Crown Yoga’.
335. It is comparable to what the Indian Yogis call Raja
Yoga, which means Royal Yoga.
336. Both ‘Raja Yoga’ and ‘Kether Yoga’ refer to the ‘Crown
Chakra’ of spiritual kings and spiritual queens.
337. This yoga is commonly expressed in the classic spiritu-al
exercise called Seated Meditation.
338. This yoga can include words and/or other focusing
agents but the experience optimally culminates in silent
meditation associated with the Crown Chakra.
339. The words or other focusing agents help the yogi cen-ter
himself/herself in Yah and enter the advanced stage of
meditation called Samadhi.
340. When one is able to achieve Samadhi
– Yah Consciousness – while sitting in meditation, let that yogi aspire to the most advanced stage of meditation: Walking Samadhi. 341. A Nasarean
term for Walking Samadhi is Suach.
342. Suach means Smoothness of Tranquility.
343. “An excellent Nasarean form of meditation that helps one
to experience prolonged periods of Walking Samadhi is the
practice called Hitbodet.
344. Hitbodet is focused attention on what you are ‘doing’ so
as to treat every task as an art form and an oracle.
345. “Even after achieving the ability to maintain Walking
Samadhi for long durations, a yogi still also practices Seat-ed
Meditation because, unlike when one is moving around, seated
in a quiet spot one can experience a particularly deep Tzafah, a
session of Inner Gazing, a form of Raja/ Crown Meditation.”
Skipping some verses, we pick up where Yahshua moves
Essene Teachings
on to name the second in the list of Fourteen Primary Yogas of
Essene Yoga:
397. “2. Yihud im Chokmah [Union with Wisdom] is
called Wisdom Yoga.
398. Wisdom Yoga is the second of The Fourteen Primary
Yogas of Essene Yoga.
399. Nasarean ‘Wisdom Yoga’ is comparable to what in
Sanskrit is called ‘Jnana Yoga’.
400. Students can begin to practice Wisdom Yoga by the simple
act of contemplating the difference between, and the relationship
of, knowledge and wisdom.
401. In regard to the difference, consider this: ‘it takes
knowledge to become a master assassin; it takes wisdom to
know why not to become an assassin.’
402. But knowledge is also a related part of wisdom; wisdom
without knowledge would not be wise and would make bad
403. Wisdom includes knowledge but is also more than it.
404. “Some esoteric arts related to what yogis call ‘The Third
Eye’ are within the domain of Wisdom Yoga.
405. The Third Eye is related to the Sixth Chakra, a chakra that is
associated with Knowledge and Wisdom and is linked with the
Sixth Heaven of the Seven Heavens associated with our Sun.
406. “Hatha Yoga serves as a sub-yoga – a practice – of
Wisdom Yoga.
407. Because the Third Eye is associated with esoteric arts that
should be engaged in wisely and purely for the sake of love, the
purification and balancing practices of Hatha are indeed
408. Also, one’s Wisdom is worth little if it is not made manifest in the various areas of one’s life; it is wise to take care
Doctrine Ten
of one’s physical body by practicing Hatha Yoga.
409. And Wisdom can help us wisely select the appropriate
asanas – postures – for our own body at each stage of life.
410. At every stage of life, Wisdom within Me advises selecting only asanas that are extremely unlikely to result in
411. Hatha Yoga within Wisdom Yoga is safe and wisely
sequenced, good for the body rather than dangerous or
412. Some yogis in India have begun to interpret the disci-pline
of cleansing and purification to include such things as running a
cord through one nostril and out the other.
413. That strikes Me as unwise; for, the cord can introduce
various contaminants to your nasal canal and throat.
414. “Studying spiritual teachings, including reading wisdom literature, is perhaps the most common practice of
Wisdom Yoga.
415. Every time we study The Holy Megillah – or other spiritual texts – we are practicing Wisdom Yoga.
416. But we are also practicing Wisdom Yoga when we study
books on the various sciences, acquiring knowledge in the
various fields and then ‘baptizing’ that knowledge in the Nod
of Wisdom to Love, the ‘Highest Wisdom’.
417. We are practicing Wisdom Yoga when we read a good
book on the healing arts.
418. We are practicing Wisdom Yoga when we study math or
geometry or philosophy to enhance our intellectual ca-pacity to
better serve goodness.
419. “A common act of Wisdom Yoga that is performed repeatedly throughout the day is the consideration in various life
circumstances of what would be the wisest decision to make or
course of action to take.
420. If a yogi has been studying wise spiritual teachings,
Essene Teachings
he or she is more likely to wisely implement that Wisdom in
daily life circumstances.
421. We are practicing Wisdom Yoga whenever we offer our
mind up to the light of the Divine Mind for the sake of the Nod
of Wisdom to Love.
422. Then – and only then – are we Nasarean Philosophers.
423. Did you know that the meaning of the Greek word Philosopher is Lover of Wisdom?
424. Wisdom Yoga is the wizardly way of the Nasarean Philosophers, the Green Wizards of the White Rose.
425. One of our mottos is: ‘We are Lovers of Wisdom in service to Supernal Love’.
426. But that order – The White Rose – does not neglect
the other thirteen of The Fourteen Primary Yogas of Essene
427. Such neglect would be unwise!
428. Nasareans offer our teachings on a gradient, giving to each
student only that level of instruction that they are then ready to
429. To Me, that seems wise!”
Above we learned that Hatha Yoga is a sub-yoga of Wisdom Yoga [it
is also a sub-yoga of other of the Fourteen Primary Yogas of Essene
Yoga], and in my book on Essene Yoga and Meditation an entire
Hatha Yoga routine given by Yahshua in his Sermon on Essene Yoga
is provided with instructions on how to perform each “asana”
(“posture”). But even before Yahshua teaches the physical postures of
Essene Yoga, he teaches that the very first posture is internal:
9. “Each morning upon noticing that I am awake, I perform The
First Internal Asana (‘Posture’) of Essene Yoga: I give thanks
for the breath of life and, indeed, for the gift of life itself.
10. At that time, I sincerely and deeply appreciate the nutri-
Doctrine Ten
tive, life-giving qualities of the air that enters My lungs.
11. I tell you truly, The First Internal Asana of Essene Yoga is
the internal posture that sets the stage for a successful day of
well-being in Sat-Chit-Ananda (Existence-Conscious-nessBliss).
12. “I make a sincere effort to practice appreciation – giving
thanks – for life throughout the day.
13. I demonstrate the sincerity of that appreciation by cultivating My life, and My life-force, by practicing My spiritual
path, My Nasarean Essene Yoga, every day.
14. Truly, a key element of Essene Yoga is the practice of the
attitude of gratitude that is the perpetual appreciation for life and
its various blessings, seen and unseen, now and forever in Yah!
15. That appreciation can become perpetual, and a good step
toward that highest yogic state is to begin each day by noticing
and appreciating that you have The Breath of Life.
16. Use First Appreciation of the Gift of The Breath of Life
Upon Awakening – The First Internal Posture of Essene Yoga –
and First Sip – appreciation for your first sip of water each day –
as morning opportunities to launch an entire day full of
appreciation for all the gifts of The Essene Tree of Life.”
He continues his description of Hatha Yoga, a sub-yoga of Ess-ene
Yoga; we also learn that Essene Yogis hold both a Morning Service
and Evening Service at home – or wherever they happen to be –
virtually every day:
17. “Today, My morning began as follows.
18. After performing The First Internal Asana, I communed
with the Angel of Water at ‘First Sip’ and returned water to the
earth in My urine, thus participating in The Wheel of Balance in
Essene Teachings
19. Next, prior to eating any food, Miriam and I performed
Hatha Yoga as the first step of Our Morning Service.
20. “Ha means Sun and Tha means Moon so ‘Ha-Tha Yoga’
means ‘Sun-Moon Yoga’.
21. The ‘Ha’ represents the Masculine Principle; it is the
equivalent to the Nasarean Hebrew word Shemesh.
22. ‘Ha’ is only half of the word ‘Hatha’; ‘Ha’ needs ‘Tha’ to be
23. For, lo: ‘Tha’ is the ‘Cosmic Ma’ to the ‘Cosmic Pa’ that is
24. The symbol of ‘Ma’ (Tha), the feminine half of Ha-Tha, is the
moon, for the moon symbolizes the Feminine Principle, as does
the Nasarean word Shemayah.
25. Hatha Yoga is the yoga of balance, balance of the bodymind-soul, and balance between the masculine and femi-nine
26. As a sequence of movements based on asanas (pos-tures),
Hatha is characterized by balanced movements and so I call it:
The Yoga of Balance in the Movement of the Polarities of the
27. The physical postures – asanas – that include movement
express balance in movement.
28. Thus the name ‘Ha-Tha’ is perfect: Ha (Sun/Masculine) and
Tha (Moon/Feminine) in One Balanced Union (Yoga/ Union).
29. “The physical postures – asanas – are intended, together, to
induce balance but must be sequenced wisely.
30. For example, after bending the back forward and holding that
position awhile, it is good to balance that by bending in the
opposite direction and holding that posture for an appro-priate
31. “A Nasarean Yogi dedicates himself/ herself to perform-ing
a Morning Service that typically includes starting or fin-
Doctrine Ten
ishing with Hatha Yoga, and an Evening Service that also
typically includes – or is later followed by – Hatha.”
Instructions on how to perform a full Morning Service and Eve-ning
Service are provided in my book on Essene Yoga and Med-itation,
and in other materials made available to students en-rolled in our
Essene Mystery School.
Yahshua goes on to give the third of the Fourteen Pri-mary
Yogas of Essene Yoga:
431. “3. Yihud im Ahabah [Union with Love] is called
Love Yoga.
432. It is also known as Heart Chakra Yoga and as Devotional Yoga.
433. In Sanskrit, it is called Bhakti Yoga.
434. Some practices linked to Love Yoga are as follows.
435. Bhakti – devotional – service inwardly and outward-ly,
focusing on love in thoughts, words, and deeds, is the primary
436. Bhakti is the motivational context in which the Essene
Yogi engages in all of the yogas.
437. The Bhakti Yogi is always serving Supernal Love, even
when sweeping a floor or preparing a meal.
438. Supernal Love is the Highest Love and is the subject of
much devotional contemplation by the practitioner of Love
439. That contemplation is an important part of Love Yoga, the
Yoga of Divine Love.
440. That contemplation is a key meditation practice of
Love Yoga.
441. “Now here is an example of how a pranayama – a
meditative breathing practice – can be used in Love Yoga.
442. The Love Breath is a practice of Love Yoga.
Essene Teachings
443. Inhale deeply as in the yogic ‘Complete Breath’, but
envision that you are inhaling Divine Love.
444. As you briefly retain that breath, envision that the Di-vine
Love is bathing your entire Beingness – including your
physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies – in Unconditional Love.
445. Then, on the exhale, envision that you are sharing that
Divine Love with all Beings, radiating that Love into your
446. Repeat this several times or more: breathe in Supernal
Love, bathe in it while you briefly retain that breath, and then
share that Supernal Love with all of creation on your exhale.
447. “Love Yoga, like Hindu Bhakti Yoga, is also associat-ed
with devotional worship of the Deities, in our case, the
Nasarean Deities.
448. This devotional worship often includes the chanting of
Their Names and Attributes, a form of Mantra Yoga.
449. This shows that Mantra Yoga – an important yoga in its
own right – is a sub-yoga of Bhakti Yoga, as it is also a sub-yoga
of others of The Fourteen Primary Yogas of Essene Yoga.
Yahshua next describes the fourth of The Fourteen Primary
Yogas of Essene Yoga:
450. “4. Yihud im Kowach [Union with Power] is called
Power Yoga.
451. Physical exercises of all kinds through which we culti-vate
the power of our body in motion are one part of Power Yoga.
452. Those exercises can include the martial arts movements of
453. After all, the founder of Zahyen in this world, Judah,
Doctrine Ten
ascended and became the Chief Messenger Angel of The
Branch of Power of The Essene Tree of Life in this world.
454. Power Yoga exercises can include the lifting of weights to
build muscles in the manner of Roman soldiers but for different
reasons; our reasons are to build a strong body in order to better
serve Jah-Jah in the field of physical activity.
455. The Daily Walk is a form of exercise that builds the power
of our lungs and heart and increases our endurance, an
important aspect of strength.
456. Hatha Yoga is an important sub-yoga of Power Yoga.
457. “The most important practice of Power Yoga is the
intentional performance of acts of creative Love and Wis-dom
that birth powerful manifestations of goodness in our
458. Now that is Power!
459. Another good exercise in Power Yoga is The Contemplation of The Nod of Wisdom to Love in Regard to The
Manifestation of Power.
460. The Branch of Power of the Essene Tree of Life is the
child of the embrace of The Branch of Wisdom and The
Branch of Love.
461. It is that form of power that interests the Essene Yogi, not
false or perverted or misused power.
462. Raising the ‘raw power’ – the Indian yogis call it kundalini
– from the base chakra up to the crown chakra, spiritualizing
that ‘raw power’, then sending it back down to the base chakra
to be used in powerful manifestations of goodness, is another
exercise of Power Yoga.
463. That exercise is called Chakra Yoga and is a useful subyoga of several of The Fourteen Primary Yogas of Ess-ene
Yahshua next describes the fifth of The Fourteen Primary Yogas
of Essene Yoga:
Essene Teachings
464. “5. Yihud im Chayeh Olam [Union with Eternal Life]
is called Eternal Life Yoga.
465. One important practice of Eternal Life Yoga is to be-come
aware of the significance of The Cosmic and Terrestrial Spirals
That Manifest as Cycles and Seasons.
466. That includes a study of various things including Nasarean Cosmology.
467. So, a practice associated with Wisdom Yoga – the study of
Nasarean Cosmology – here serves as a sub-yoga of Eter-nal Life
468. That is an example of how the dividing lines of the vari-ous
yogas are very porous.
469. The yogas often intermix, and even a Primary Yoga can
serve as a sub-yoga of one or more other yogas.
470. “Another important practice of Eternal Life Yoga is
to intentionally work with Gilgal’el – The Chief Messenger
Angel of the Tree of Life Branch of Eternal Life – to discover
your particular needs for Soul Development in this incarna-tion.
471. An especially auspicious time to do that is the evening of
the week that is devoted to communion with The Tree of Life
Branch of Eternal Life, which is the first evening of the week on
the day after the Sabbath.
472. After reciting the Daberim haYihud – the ‘Words of Union’
or ‘Communion’ – with the Branch of Eternal Life, those that
have been given the ‘Qol haKowach’ – the ‘Sound of Power’ –
for Eternal Life chant that mantra.
473. Immediately after that mantra, or, for those not yet given
that mantra, immediately after the Daberim haYihud (Words of
Union), is an auspicious time to intentionally work with Gilgal’el
to discover your particular needs for Soul Development in this
474. An even more auspicious – but less frequent opportu-nity
– is to do what I just described but with the additional
Doctrine Ten
ingredient that it is during the Month of Eternal Life on the
Nasarean Calendar.
475. One can dedicate that entire month to this practice,
performing it each of the four evenings of the Month of
Eternal Life that are dedicated to communion with the
Branch of Eternal Life.
476. Although I have pointed to particularly auspicious days
to perform this practice, it can be practiced on any day or
time; and the very best time for any practice – in-cluding this
one – is when you feel called to it.
477. “Another practice of Eternal Life Yoga is to work with
oracles such as Qashab!”
QUICK NOTE FROM DAY: The Hebrew word Qashab – the last
word in the above excerpt – means “Prick Up” your ears and
implies Pay Close Attention! It is usually translated into English as
“harken” or “give heed.” It is often used just prior to relating
important information, or when the attention of your audience seems
to be straying. In verse 477 we find Qashab! used as the name of a
Nasarean deck of cards. Because that deck is similar to a Tarot deck
and is employed as a sort of oracle or revelatory device, the word
“Qashab” here is advising that the user of the deck Prick Up his/her
inner ears and pay close attention to what is about to be revealed.
Upon completing the translation of the remaining portions of the first
English edition of The Holy Me-gillah – at the time of this writing
there is still a bit of translation work to be accomplished though I
have published the bulk of the text – I will then make available that
deck of cards.
Yahshua next describes the sixth of The Fourteen Pri-mary
Yogas of Essene Yoga:
478. “6. Yihud im Ma’aseh Kodesh [Union with Holy
Work] is called Holy Work Yoga.
Essene Teachings
479. Karma Yoga, which is to perform work – activity – in the
awareness that what you put out comes back to you, and with the
intent of doing good for the cause of love in the are-na of cause
and effect, is the primary practice of Holy Work Yoga.
480. Karma Yoga is work with awareness of related karmic
consequences coupled with a purposeful choice to harmo-nize
your work with goodness in the cause of love.
481. The universe is doing the work of perpetual creation and
perpetual spiritual development; to intentionally harmo-nize your
work with that Great Work is Karma Yoga.
482. “If your work that earns your daily bread is non-violent and
ethical yet seems mundane or ‘unspiritual’, spiritualize that work
by looking for ways to be of loving service at work.
483. Until your work that earns your daily bread is in harmo-ny
with your higher ideals, you can perform volunteer acts of Holy
Work anytime, anywhere, even when it seems you are ‘off work’.
484. That volunteer work is called ‘Holy Volunteerism’ and is
an important part of Holy Work Yoga.
485. You can also donate money from your seemingly ‘mundane’ job to support good causes including the Holy Work of the
Nasarean Religion of the Essene Way.
486. That way, even your seemingly mundane work is spiritualized by serving a spiritual purpose.
487. That practice is called ‘Holy Philanthropy’ and is an
important part of Holy Work Yoga.
488. “Always remember: laziness is of the downward path of
death and spiritual disease, while work – the holier the work the
better – is the active path of creation and life and spiritu-al
489. Indeed, a bad attitude towards work often results in
mental and emotional illness, even spiritual unwellness.
Doctrine Ten
490. A good attitude towards work – even seemingly mundane work – is a common trait of physically, mentally,
emotionally, and spiritually healthy persons.
491. Even those with handicaps – physical or otherwise – can
be uplifted by performing work with a good attitude.
492. Let humble Ebed – he that ascended to become the
Chief Messenger Angel of the Branch of Holy Work – be
your example of the right attitude toward work.
493. His attitude was the simple desire to be of help.
494. Be a helper and be happy!
495. If so, like humble Ebed, you will be exalted!”
Yahshua next describes the seventh of The Fourteen Primary
Yogas of Essene Yoga:
496. “7. Yihud im Shalom [Union with Peace] is called
Peace Yoga.
497. A primary practice of Peace Yoga is the Nasarean Lifestyle of Peace that is called The Sevenfold Peace.
498. That practice involves doing what is necessary in order to
experience progressively greater peace in seven areas of life.
499. The seven parts of The Sevenfold Peace are: 1) Peace
With The Body; 2) Peace With The Mind; 3) Peace With The
Family; 4) Peace With Humanity; 5) Peace With Her-itage; 6)
Peace With Mother Nature; 7) Peace With God and Goddess
Immanent and Transcendent, First YHWH.
500. “Another practice of Peace Yoga that is related to The
Sevenfold Peace is called The Midday Peace Contempla-tion.
501. At midday of each day, a Nasarean Yogi of the Essene Way
is asked to perform the Midday Peace Contemplation.
502. Each of the seven days of the week features a Peace
Contemplation related to one aspect of The Sevenfold
Essene Teachings
503. The first of the seven parts of The Sevenfold Peace –
Peace With The Body – is contemplated on the first day of the
504. The second of the seven parts of The Sevenfold Peace –
Peace With The Mind – is contemplated on the second day of the
week, the third part on the third day, and so on, the seventh part –
Peace With YHWH – being contemplanted on the seventh day,
which is the Sabbath….
525. “The Nasarean Hebrew word Shalom – Peace – means
more than the simple absence of war between nations.
526. It implies a deep sense of harmony.
527. If you work for peace between nations but have not
harmony in your own life, first seek peace within yourself.
528. When you are harmonious and peaceful within, you ra-diate
peace wher- ever you walk, even in a group conscious-ness hellrealm such as a battlefield.
529. Raphah and Judah knew this, and they were great
530. Because Raphah ascended to become the Chief Mes-senger
Angel of Peace (Raphah’el), it is she that you call upon when you
perform Peace Yoga by reciting the Commu-nion with the
Branch of Peace.
531. “An example of how Mantra Yoga is a sub-yoga of
Peace Yoga is the use of the word Shalom as a mantra, as
532. Inhale a deep breath, then exhale slowly, pronouncing
shahhhhhhh for about half the exhale, then lommmmmmm for
the last half.
533. That is one of My favorite mantras.
534. “Before Raphah ascended to become the Chief Mes-senger
Angel of Peace, she was a great healer, serving as the
Doctrine Ten
Ziqnah – Chief Eldress – of the Nasarean Tribe of Healers, the
535. It was Raphah that, in the section of the Megillah called
Matriarchs and Patriarchs, spoke ‘The Seven Pre-cepts of
Illumination for the Way of Shevet Raphaim’.
536. Within those precepts she lists various therapies that,
together, constitute The Golden Path of Healing.
537. That ‘Path’ or ‘Way’ is the discipline of restoring harmony to parts of the body that are experiencing disharmo-ny,
thus inducing wellness.
538. That practice – The Golden Path of Healing – can thus be
considered a subyoga of Peace Yoga.
539. In the light of the above, you can understand why
Raphah’el is often called The Chief Angel of Peace and
540. Healing is related to harmony, and harmony is related to
Yahshua next describes the eighth of The Fourteen Pri-mary
Yogas of Essene Yoga:
541. “8. Yihud im Shemesh [Union with Sun] is called
Sun Yoga.
542. The various practices related to Essene Sun Yoga are all
performed within the context of Nasarean Cosmology, a
cosmology that thinks very highly of the Sun.
543. According to Nasarean Cosmology, the Sun is the vis-ible
representation of Supernal Light – the Light of YHWH
– and is the home of The Seventh Heaven of this chain of
544. The Megillah reveals that The Seventh Heaven within the
Sun has within it a Crown Chakra that is the Highest Crown
Chakra of this chain of worlds.
545. A ‘chain of worlds’ are those worlds linked by the fact
that they share a Sun as their common point of origin and
Essene Teachings
their common point of eventual return, as well as sharing it as
their common Central Lighthouse, their chief source of Living
Light, the Fire of Life, Shemesh.
546. I tell you truly, within the Sun, indeed, is the Highest Crown
Chakra of this chain of worlds, and that Crown serves also as the
doorway out of this chain of worlds into the next highest chain of
the ascending spiral and beyond, just as your own Crown Chakra
also serves as the doorway out of your body.
547. “But also know this: Just as you have a Crown
Chakra but also have other chakras, so it is with the Sun.
548. The Sun has an outer body, intermediate bodies, and a
Spiritual Body as does man, and, like man, all of those bodies
are interpenetrated by the Seven Major Chakras of Essene
Yoga and also countless other chakras that we call ‘Additional
549. Thus the Sun itself has its own Seven Major Chakras and
countless ‘Additional Chakras’, a chakra, really, simply being a
spiral; big spirals get named and noticed, but there are countless
small and subtle spirals as well.
550. “Our Sun is an extension of the First Sun that emerged from
Still Zero and is related to every star of the heavens just as all
humans are one family.
551. In Nasarean Cosmology, our Sun is believed to be a star
that is closer to our world than the others, and all stars are
ambassadors of YHWH.
552. Unlike the common belief of this age, Nasarean Cosmology affirms that our Sun is the center that the planets of this
chain circle around, and that many other stars are circled by
other world-chains; but that is a mystery studied by Great
Nasarean Wizards.
553. However, one need not be a Great Wizard to perceive that
our Sun enables life – including our own life – to ex-
Doctrine Ten
ist and flourish in this world and, therefore, deserves our
sincere reverence and appreciation and heartfelt love ex-pressed
in acts such as the various practices of Essene Sun Yoga…..
Yahshua then read aloud a long section of The Holy Megillah about
the sun, including prophecies from the Nasarean Book of Enoch; it is
to lengthy to include here but I encourage you to read it in the
Megillah or in my book on Essene Yoga. We pick up the above
teaching on Sun Yoga just after Yahshua finishes his reading from
the Book of Enoch:
597. Yahshua closed the Megillah and said, “Later in The Book
of Enoch, it is made clear to Enoch that humanity must choose
between the heliocentric ‘Blessed Future’ or that of the dark
future based on false power and false suns.
598. One that would learn to practice Essene Sun Yoga does
well to begin by contemplating his or her personal relationship
to the various bodies of our Sun including its Spiritual Body and,
in the light of the excerpt from the Book of Enoch, to dedicate
oneself to help bring about the heliocentric ‘Blessed Future’ and
thus help prevent the dark future as one way to serve YHWH.
599. Another good initial practice of Essene Sun Yoga is to
apply Jnana Yoga/Wisdom Yoga to it by studying everything
written in the Megillah about the Sun.
600. One of My favorite practices of Essene Sun Yoga is
to do the Hatha Yoga asana called Salutation to the Sun
outdoors in the sunlight.
601. I love to raise My arms to the Morning Sun in a devotional attitude toward The Seventh Heaven and the Living Light
that sustains our Light Body.”
602. Yahshua then demonstrated both the Simple Saluta-tion
to the Sun and the Full Salutation to the Sun.
Essene Teachings
603. After having demonstrated the Salutation to the Sun,
Yahshua continued his remarks on Essene Sun Yoga.
604. The Lord said, “In that excerpt from Enoch it was stated that
‘the people were enlightened by the encoded wisdom in the rays
of the spiritual Sun, which are hidden within the glorious beams
of light from the physical Sun.
605. In the light of that verse, one can clearly see that an
important practice of Essene Sun Yoga is to expose oneself to
the ‘glorious beams of light from the physical Sun.’
606. This act of literal union with the Sun by exposure of your
skin to its rays feeds you in ways that you know not.
607. “Most mornings, Miriam and I follow our Hatha Yoga and
Morning Service with a time of sunbathing that We con-sider a
key practice of Sun Yoga.
608. This Daily Sun Bath is typically later in the morning than
‘First Sun’ – ‘First Sun’ being our first exposure to sun-light on
a given day no matter how brief – and is of longer duration,
though not so long as to cause a burn.
609. My favorite way to perform Silent Meditation is flat on
My back on a blanket beneath the Sun, naked.
610. It is when performing that type of Sun Yoga – Sunbath-ing
Combined With Silent Meditation – that I most notice ‘the
encoded wisdom in the rays of the spiritual Sun, which are
hidden within the glorious beams of light from the phys-ical Sun’
just referred to in that excerpt from The Nasarean Book of
611. “When sunny – even in winter sun – I sunbathe naked,
provided I can find a place to lay My blanket without shock-ing
other people!”
612. The assembly laughed, and Yahshua continued: “If the
weather is freezing, I might skip sunbathing.
Doctrine Ten
613. Not many days per year do I skip at least a bit of sunbathing!
614. On cloudy days, I get what sun I can, sensing the
location of the sun behind the clouds, knowing that at least some
rays are reaching My skin.
615. Miriam is the same; We are both dedicated Sun Yogis!
616. Yet another reason that
We are perfect for one another!”
617. Yahshua and Miriam each smiled, and then Yahshua
continued speaking….
624. “Just by reciting, with sincere reverence, the Commu-nion
– ‘Words of Union’ (Daberim Ha Yihud) – for the Sun, one is
practicing a form of Sun Yoga.
625. It is best to do this outside, in the Sun.
626. Though that Communion is typically spoken on the
morning of the fourth day after Sabbath, you can also per-form
it as an act of Sun Yoga on any other day you like.
627. The following extra-short version of the Sun Communion is one you can try.
628. Facing the Sun, as naked as practical, say these words out
loud: ‘Holy Sun, I bathe in your Fire of Life.’
629. Feel free to compose your own words of Solar Communion, and to vary your words from time to time, as you like.
630. I do.
631. I also have several favorites of each root and branch
communion – including the Solar Communion – that I re-turn
to again and again.
632. “One more example of Essene Sun Yoga is called Centering With The Sun.
633. Whenever you want to feel more centered, simply center
yourself with the Sun by orienting your own crown chakra to
the crown chakra of the Sun.
634. This is best done outside beneath the Sun.
Essene Teachings
635. The Sun is always centered in the ultimate center that is
636. When you center yourself with the Sun, you simultaneously experience being centered in Yah.”
Yahshua next describes the ninth of The Fourteen Pri-mary
Yogas of Essene Yoga:
638. “9. Yihud im Ruah [Union with Air] is called Air
639. I have just taught you about the great significance of the
640. But keep in mind this fact: There is no fire without air.
641. Shemesh – The Fire of Life of the Sun – shines in Shemayah, not without her.
642. Yea, Holy Air and Holy Sun are partners, as are the High
Priest and High Priestess of the Temple of Light within the Sun,
Abraham and Sa’arah.
643. Sa’arah is the creative whirlwind, and that whirlwind is not
without air, The Breath of Life.
644. “The first practice of Air Yoga that I teach is to begin each
day by giving thanks and appreciation for the Breath of Life!
645. “Another example of Essene Air Yoga is the yogic ‘Complete Breath’ and any other pranayama one might choose to
646. I consider the ‘Complete Breath’ to be the only essential
pranayama, sufficient for the successful practice of Essene Yoga.
647. Even so, some Essene Yogis choose to learn additional
pranayama exercises.
648. Some examples of additional pranayama exercises – each of
which is an example of Air Yoga since each is related
Doctrine Ten
to the breathing of air – now follow.
649. “Because I have already taught The Love Breath – an
inhale/retention/exhale linked to the ‘Complete Breath’ – I
won’t repeat it here.
650. However, I will point out that the very same breath can
be linked with Divine Forgiveness or another Divine Attribute,
in which case one inhales forgiveness – or other positive
attribute – and bathes in that forgiveness while briefly
retaining the breath, then shares that forgiveness with the
world on the exhale.
651. I call that breath, The Forgiveness Breath.
652. When helpful that breath can be personalized, visualizing on the outbreath the sharing of forgiveness with a
particular person or situation.
653. “Another pranayama that you might like to try is one that
I developed at the Nasarean encampment outside Benares; I
named it The Prayerful Ascension Breath of Shemesh and
654. Perform it as follows.
655. With the palms of your hands pressed together with
fingers pointing up – the traditional ‘Hands-in-Prayer
Position’ – held still in front of your belly, you begin to lift
your hands – keeping them in that same Hands-in-Prayer
Position – upward as you inhale a complete yogic breath that
culminates about the same time that the hands have reached a
bit above the head to form what I call ‘The Standing Candle of
Light Posture’.
656. Retain that ‘Standing Candle Position’ for a moment
while simultaneously retaining your breath, then – with hands
still pressed together – begin to return the hands to their first
position in front of your belly while you simulta-neously
657. At the end of that exhale, wait a very brief moment
Essene Teachings
before beginning your next inhale.
658. That constitutes the motions of one repetition of The
Prayerful Ascension Breath of Shemesh and Shemayah,
though I have not yet described the mental contemplation that
accompanies each repetition.
659. “The mental contemplation linked to each repetition of The
Prayerful Ascension Breath is as follows.
660. Immediately before beginning the first motion of the
‘Ascension Breath’, assume an attitude of prayerful appre-ciation
for both Shemesh – the masculine principle – and Shemayah –
the feminine principle – and affirm their mutu-ally successful
ascension and then, throughout each inhale, contemplate the two
complementary principles of He and She, Shemesh and
Shemayah, rising up your spine in the Spiral Dance of Ascension
– Him spinning around Her, Her around Him, both mutually
spinning around the all-attrac-tive Still Zero that is the center of
All – while you are raising your hands up to Standing Candle
661. Once in Candle Position, retain your breath a comfort-able
moment or two; envision that you are a Living Candle of
Supernal Light of Limitless Love.
662. On the exhale, as the hands – still pressed together
in Prayer Position – slowly return to the starting position,
envision that you are reaching into the lower levels of The
Cosmic School System – lower rungs on the ascending Spiral
Ladder of Being – as a Hand of Christ-Light (Merciful Compassion), thus ascending even higher spiritually according to the
Formula Of Ascension made clear in the section of the Megillah
pertaining to Abdiel.
663. That formula is: ‘the lower we extend our Love, the
higher we ascend.’
664. Having returned to the beginning position with hands in
front of the belly still pressed together with fingers pointed up,
again assume an attitude of prayerful appreciation for
Doctrine Ten
both Shemesh and Shemayah and affirm their
successful ascension while you pause your breathing for a very
brief moment.”
Yahshua next describes the tenth of The Fourteen Pri-mary
Yogas of Essene Yoga:
665. “10. Yihud im Mayim [Union with Water] is called
Water Yoga.
666. First, understand that one reason – not the only reason –
that Nasarean yogis, like so many of the Greek philosophers,
pay so much attention to four key elements – Fire (Sun), Air,
Water, Earth (Soil) – is that they correspond so well to the
human body.
667. Sun/Fire corresponds with the Spark of Life that enliv-ens
humankind and all of nature.
668. Air corresponds with your breath and the subtler, femi-nine
aspect of human nature.
669. Water corresponds with the fluids of your body.
670. Earth/Soil corresponds with the denser parts of your
body such as the flesh and bones.
671. “A fundamental practice of Water Yoga – Union with
Water – is to be aware of your already existing union with
water and to deeply contemplate the significance of that union.
672. “Reciting the Communion with The Root of Water of
The Essene Tree of Life is a practice of Water Yoga, as is –
for those that have been initiated into it – the chanting of The
Sound of Power for Water.
673. “Water purifies the body, and is used in many Nasar-ean
Purity Practices including the Daily Bath, all part of Essene
Essene Teachings
674. Because Nasareans, unlike most others, strive to take a
daily bath, many call us ‘The Daily Bathers’.
675. Though there are certainly plenty of days when even a
Nasarean might miss a bath, most days we take one.
676. Why not turn that water bath into a Water Yoga prac-tice
by being conscious that Holy Water is cleansing you, and then
giving thanks for that cleansing, each time you bathe?
677. “One of The Seven Primary Therapies of Essene Physi-cal
Therapy is called, Internal and External Water Therapies; any of
those water therapies can be considered Water Yoga.
678. Even the simple act of sipping water – at First Sip or
any other time – if done with an attitude of appreciative
communion with the element of water, is Water Yoga.
679. “A very important practice of Water Yoga is to act
on behalf of The Angel of Water to protect and preserve pure waters from the practices of the polluters.
680. Also important is to refrain from polluting the waters of
your own body.”
Yahshua next describes the eleventh of The Fourteen Primary
Yogas of Essene Yoga:
681. “11. Yihud im Adamah [Union with Soil] is called Soil
682. Gardening with high awareness of the link between our
physical body and Living Soil and the foods that come from
Living Soil, is Soil Yoga.
683. “Living Soil is fertile soil; cultivating soil fertility is a
wizardly form of Soil Yoga.
684. One symbol used by Nasareans for Living Soil is the image
of the earthworm; when you see that symbol, think of Essene
Soil Yoga.
Doctrine Ten
685. Intentionally propagating earthworms in your garden soil
is also a form of Soil Yoga.
686. With the earthworms, introduce also plenty of com-post,
having first introduced some dried animal manure to the poor
soil to begin to activate it.
687. Straw that has been used as bedding in the barnyard is an
excellent base ingredient for compost.
688. Even by itself, after being placed in a heap to age for a
year, the ‘activated straw’ – activated by animal ‘droppings’
– can bring poor soil to life.
689. Lo: Essene Soil Yogis are, in fact, Soil Alchemists!
690. “Because the Root of Soil and the Branch of Eternal Life
meet on the trunk of The Tree of Life to form the Sec-ond
Chakra, and because the second chakra on the human being is
the region of the sexual genitalia, it makes sense to list Tantra
Yoga as a practice of both Soil Yoga and Eternal Life Yoga.
691. Tantra Yoga can be considered a subyoga of many
primary yogas.
692. “When you chant the Communion – Daberim haYihud/Words of Union – with The Root of Soil of the Tree of
Life, and likewise when you chant the Qol haKowach [Sound
of Power] for that root, behold: you are practicing Soil Yoga.
693. “Protecting Living Soil from the foul practices that destroy it, that good work is also a practice of Soil Yoga.
694. “Regardless of what your other jobs in life may be, do not
neglect being a gardener if you are a Nasarean yogi.
695. Consider this: the Mother Ovum itself is a garden and JahJah and Elohim are Master Gardeners!”
Essene Teachings
In regard to Yahshua’s reference in verse 692 to two different items
that are recited/chanted in relation to The Root of Soil of the Tree of
Life – the “Communions” and the “Sounds of Power”– the illustration
of the Tree of Life that will be provided at the end of this doctrine as
an Appendix will include the “Communions” for each branch and
root; that illustration will not include the “Sounds of Power” since
they are typically given after you have become an initiated member of
our church.
Yahshua next describes the twelfth of The Fourteen Pri-mary
Yogas of Essene Yoga:
696. “12. Yihud im Chaim [Union with Life] is called
Life Yoga.
697. First a reminder that, when sharing Essene Tree of Life
teachings with children or new converts, it is important to
explain the difference between the Branch of Eternal Life and
the Root of Life.
698. Because the Branch of Eternal Life and the Root of Life
share the word Life, new students can become confused.
699. ‘The Branch of Eternal Life’ refers to our many lifetimes on
The Cosmic Wheel of cycles within cycles and the kar-ma that
results in our life circumstances expressed in those many
700. ‘The Root of Life’, on the other hand, refers to the
life-force or living-force that manifests in the natural world.
701. Nasareans call that life-force Chai [pronounced khahee].
702. “Though we mostly associate pranayama practices with Air
Yoga, I am going to share one called The Circuit of Chai that is
great for Life Yoga.
703. But first, I will impart important background informa-tion
about ‘Chai’ and some related words.
Doctrine Ten
704. “Chai is the pulsation of life that vibrates even in
unexpected places like stone, though in a much slower
rhythm than in plants and animals.
705. Nasareans understand that this rhythm – this pul-sation
that expresses itself as waves of vibration – is the heartbeat of
The Spiral Dance of Shemesh and Shemayah.
706. Beten-Jahlah and I, in Sanskrit, call chai prana.
707. “Within the One Whole Pulse of Chai that manifests as
waves of vibration is a masculine-dominant half and a
feminine-dominant half.
708. In Sanskrit, Beten-Jahlah and I call the masculine-dominant half of the One Whole Pulse of Prana, Shaktiman-Kundalini.
709. In Nasarean terms, that is when Shemesh – the masculine power that the Taoists call Yang – leads the dance.
710. The term ‘Shaktiman-Kundalini’ means ‘Masculine
Spiral Power.’
711. “In Sanskrit, Beten-Jahlah and I call the feminine-dominant half of the One Whole Pulse of Prana,
712. In Nasarean terms, that is when Shemayah – the femi-nine
power that the Taoists call Yin – leads the dance.
713. ‘Shakti’ means ‘Feminine Power’; ‘Shaktiman’ means
‘Masculine Power’; ‘Kundalini’ means ‘Spiral Power’.
714. “Understand this: Shaktiman-Kundalini and Shakti-Kundalini are always equally spiraling around one an-other;
by ‘dominant’, we mean only that one is having their turn
leading that One Dance that is the One Whole Heart-beat of
715. In Sacred Geometry, we study the Double Helix Spiral
Essene Teachings
716. That dance is but another name – a very descriptive
name – of The Dance of Shemesh and Shemayah, The Dance
of Shaktiman-Kundalini and Shakti-Kundalini.
717. The dance is equal in that each dancer takes the lead an
equal amount of times.
718. When the first step of the dance is by He, that means
Shemesh is the leader of the dance; that step is half of one
round of the dance.
719. When the first step of the subsequent half of that round is
taken by She, that means that Shemayah is the leader of that half
of the round.
720. “The first half is The Mating Dance Of The Planting Of
Seed In Shemayah By Shemesh; the second half is The Har-vest
Dance Of The Great Mother, She that attracts.
721. Both Shemesh and Shemayah are present and fully
participating in each half of each whole round in The Grand
Spiral Dance Of Creation And Spiritual Evolution.
722. Both the masculine and feminine are dancing around a
central column of Still Zero that is mutually attractive to both,
being All-Attractive Yah.
723. Even the relatively attractive feminine principle – Shemayah – that is attractive to Shemesh, is attracted to All-Attractive Yah.
724. “The Eternal Dance goes round and round and round in
orgasmic pulsations of alternating Cosmic Plantings and Cosmic
Harvests, the cycles within cycles within the Eternal Now that is
Absolute Duration, each round being divided into a masculine
half and a feminine half of the circle, the Yin and Yang.
725. Thus are the seasons and cycles an expression of the
Dance of Shemesh and Shemayah, the Dance of Life, and that
Life is expressed within the Mother Ovum in pulsating
Doctrine Ten
rhythmic waves of Chai/Chi/ Prana.
726. “As Shemesh and Shemayah are the masculine and
feminine aspects of Chai, and as Shaktiman-Kundalini and
Shakti-Kundalini are the masculine and feminine aspects of the
Sanskrit equivalent of Chai – Prana – so also are the Taoist
‘Yang’ and ‘Yin’ the masculine and feminine aspects of Chi.
727. Again I say, Chai, Prana, and Chi, properly under-stood,
are equivalent names for the One Whole Dance, and each
tradition also has names for each half of each round, the
masculine-led half and the feminine-led half.
728.” Know this: The Breath of Life is the Whole Breath
that includes both the inhalation and exhalation.
729. It is in that sense that Nasareans call Chai/Prana/Chi ‘The
Breath of Life’; for, without inhalation, there is death, and
without exhalation there is death; only with both inha-lation and
exhalation do we have life.
730. “Behold: each round, if subdivided over and over and
over to form progressively smaller sub-rounds, will always be
‘self-similar’ in that each ‘sub-round’ or ‘sub-cycle’ is dancing
– expressing – the very same cosmic pulsation of ‘He’ and
‘She’ spiraling around each other while, simulta-neously, both
are together spiraling around a central col-umn of Still Zero.
731. That is because everything is created in the image and
likeness of The Holy Creative Trinity, which is the mascu-line
and the feminine centered and crowned by Yah, the Still Zero.
732. “You are now prepared to understand the following
pranayama practice of Life Yoga.
733. This practice could be listed as a practice of some
Essene Teachings
others of The Fourteen Primary Yogas besides Life Yoga, but I
list it here because it is a pranayama that is focused spe-cifically
on the topic of the movement of Chai, the Universal LifeForce,
within the human being.
734. “I call the following practice, ‘The Circuit of Chai
735. Perform this pranayama practice of Life Yoga as fol-lows.
[Day: That exercise is lengthy and will be skipped in this Book of
Doctrines but is included in my book on Essene Yoga.]
Yahshua next describes the thirteenth of The Fourteen
Primary Yogas of Essene Yoga:
789. “13. Yihud im Simchah [Union with Joy] is called
Joy Yoga.
790. Joy is the fruit of a well-lived life that results in a relatively high-degree – relative to other human beings of your era
– of Bliss Consciousness.
791. The goal of Joy Yoga is, as the term declares, Union
with Joy.
792. The various practices of Joy Yoga are the various means by
which Nasarean yogis seek to experience Union with Joy.
793. I will name several such practices, but first want to re-mind
you of the last word spoken by the Nasarean woman, Simchah, at
the time of her ascension unto Elkush: PLAY!
794. Her last word was intended as her final teaching on Joy
Yoga before ascending to become the Chief Messenger Angel of
795. Like Simchah who became Angel Simchah’el, BetenJahlah and I emphasize the importance of various forms of
796. “In a world where the ‘Group Consciousness’ includes
Doctrine Ten
violent warfare and abundant murder and mayhem – such as in
this ‘Contested World’ – it is far more challenging to remain
joyful than when you reside in a higher heaven where the
vibrations are far more harmonious.
797. Yea, I tell you truly, to find joy amidst a violent Group
Consciousness is not easy, and even the Lord and Lady have
shed tears at the human folly that leads to so much pain and
discord in this world.
798. The key to experiencing joy even amidst a violent world is to view everything within the scope of
spiritual evolution and the belief in the Ulti-mate
Universal Salvation of all Beings that will
bring Ultimate Joy to Universal YHWH, the All.
799. That way, all the sad things that you see can be
viewed as heading for eventual healing and salvation and can
thus be incorporated into an attitude of peaceful joy regardless
of outer circumstances.
800. “In light of the above, I hereby spontaneously invent a new
practice within Joy Yoga.
801. It is as follows.
802. Sitting comfortably with erect spine, deeply contemplate the significance of the fact that Simchah’s final word
was ‘Play!’
803. Then contemplate the various things that you have
discovered that most seem to fill you with joy, including – but
not limited to – various forms of play.
804. Then ask yourself: ‘Have I been playing enough lately?’
805. And: ‘Have I been doing enough of these things that fill
me with joy?’
806. Even if you have been playing enough, see if you can
think of ways to play even nicer, even fairer, ever-more joyfully in daily life circumstances, come what may.
Essene Teachings
807. “Another practice that I have developed for Joy Yoga I
call, ‘The Art of Happiness’.
808. This is an example of how Wisdom Yoga is also a
sub-yoga within Joy Yoga.
809. It is an example of Wisdom Yoga because it involves
conducting a life-long study of ‘The Art of Happiness’.
810. Keep a journal of your ongoing observations; feel free to
change your mind as your understanding of ‘The Art of
Happiness’ increases.
811. Incorporate what you learn into your practice of Joy
812. “Another practice of Joy Yoga – this one developed by
Beten-Jahlah – is called ‘The Fourfold Joy Contemplation’.
813. This is the practice of contemplating joy in each of ‘The
Four Bodies of the Human Being’ as you move through daily life.
814. Those are the four bodies represented by the four levels of
The Essene Pyramid: 1) The Most Physical Body called ‘Etsem’;
2) The Subtle Emotional Body called ‘The Feeling Body’; 3)
‘The Subtle Thinking Body’ that is especially relat-ed to the Sixth
Chakra; and, 4) The ‘Soul’ that we call ‘The Spiritual Body’.
815. You make ‘fourfold joy’ – joy in each of those four bod-ies
– an object of contemplation.
816. “A related practice to the one just given is as follows.
817. Make it a daily practice to also cultivate – not only contemplate – Fourfold Joy.
818. “Here is The First Key Precept of Joy Yoga: ‘There is no
lasting joy without forgiveness of self and others.’
Doctrine Ten
819. “Here is The Second Key Precept of Joy Yoga: ‘The
most joyful hearts are the most forgiving hearts.’
820. “Here is The Third Key Precept of Joy Yoga: ‘Joyful-ness
and resentment cannot occur simultaneously in the same person;
thus, ‘The Art of Joyfulness’ includes ‘The Art of Forgiveness’.
821. “Working with – perhaps I should say ‘playing with’ –
The Three Key Precepts of Joy just given is a great practice for
Joy Yoga.
822. “Here is an assignment: Think up a good Joy Yoga
practice of your own and practice it!”
Yahshua next describes the fourteenth of The Fourteen
Primary Yogas of Essene Yoga:
823. “14. Yihud im Em Erets [Union with Mother
Earth] is called Mother Earth Yoga.
824. Some examples of Essene Yoga practices linked to
Mother Earth Yoga are as follows.
825. “A good place to begin is by contemplating deeply the
words of the Daberim HaYihud – the ‘Words of Union’ or
‘Communion’ – for the Root of Mother Earth, the Center
Taproot of The Essene Tree of Life.
826. In Mattanah, the ‘Words of Union’ for the Root of Mother
Earth, our beloved ‘Earthly Mother’, are as follows.
827. ‘Earthly Mother, my body is one with your body.
828. I will walk softly on your flesh.
829. I will defend you from the hand of the spoiler.
830. I will be kind to animals: I will not hunt; I will not eat
Essene Teachings
animal flesh.
831. I will help the Earth become once again a garden paradise!
832. Oh Mother, I nurse at your breast!’
833. “Every time that you deeply contemplate these words,
behold: you are performing an act of Mother Earth Yoga.
834. But the greatest practitioners of Mother Earth Yoga are
those that, having contemplated those words, implement those
words in daily life.
835. And the greatest of those Mother Earth Yogis are those
Nasareans that take formal initiation into the Green Lions, for
that is The Green Army of Ishshah’el and her general, Peter the
836. “Those that have been initiated into the use of the ‘Qol
haKowach’, the ‘Sound of Power’ for the Earthly Mother, can
consider the chanting of that mantra to be an important practice
of Mother Earth Yoga.
837. Typically, the ‘Sound of Power’ is chanted following the
recitation of the ‘Words of Union’.
838. “Here is another excellent practice for Mother Earth
839. Contemplate how your bones, flesh, blood, and breath
are linked with the bones, flesh, blood, and breath of Mother
840. “Here is an assignment for those that aspire to practice My
yoga system.
841. Contemplate the following assignment and then carry it
842. Create a list of other practices that you think would
make good Mother Earth Yoga practices.
843. Practice those practices!
Doctrine Ten
844. I tell you truly, a ‘practice’ that remains on a list with-out
being practiced is poorly named!
845. “This talk I am giving today is accurately titled an
‘Introduction’ to Essene Yoga.
846. Behold: I have given but some of the possible Essene
Yoga practices related to the primary fourteen yogas, and
mentioned just some of the many possible sub-yogas relat-ed to
each branch and root.
847. You will learn others as you continue to study and, I
hope, will create some of your own!
848. “What is the difference between being a Nasarean in a
general sense or being a Nasarean Yogi?
849. Ideally, there is no difference.
850. But in practice, there is a difference in the way I use
those terms.
851. If a person is a member of the Nasarean Religion of the
Essene Way but does not sincerely and diligently perse-vere in
Essene Yoga Practices, that person is Nasarean but not a
‘Nasarean Yogi’.
852. In other words, a Nasarean Yogi puts more effort into
diligently following the practices than a member who does just
enough to retain membership.
853. A Nasarean Yogi performs both a Morning Service and an
Evening Service nearly every day.
Detailed instructions on how to perform Morning Service, Eve-ning
Service, the Noon Peace Contemplation, and all of the practices of
Essene Yoga – including Yahshua’s Hatha Yoga and Meditation
Practices – are provided in my book on Essene Yoga.
I will end this Commentary on Doctrine Ten by sharing two
sayings – one from Yahshua and one from Miriam – on the topic of
Essene Yoga, then will provide two related appendixes, one
Essene Teachings
on The Essene Tree of Life, and one on The Sevenfold Peace Lifestyle Practice. The following sayings of Yahshua and Miriam make
clear that their “Yoke” is their “Essene Yoga System.” Persons
that want to become their disciples are invited to “Take their Yoke” –
which is to study and practice their Essene Yoga as members of the
Nasarean Religion of The Essene Way and the affiliated Essene Yoga
Fellowship – if they agree to the member-ship requirements, including
the one that will be the topic of Doc-trine Eleven: Vegetarianism.
[Persons not ready to make those membership agreements may still
study some of our teachings by becoming members of our affiliated
“Friends of the Essene Church.”]
Essene Yoga Is “The Yoke” of Yahshua and Miriam
Yahshua said:
110. “Our true disciples are those that sincerely take Our Yoke –
Our Essene Yoga Teachings and Practices – and dili-gently
progress on that path.
111. Those disciples live in Us, and We live in them.
112. That is the nature of what in India is called, ‘The Gu-ruDisciple Relationship.’”
Miriam Said:
56. “You have been yoked to false masters!
57. Throw off the false yoke and experience The Yoke of The
Gospel of the Lord Christ and Lady Christ.
58. We force none to take Our Yoke.
59. We force none to become Our disciples.
60. We will teach you Our Saving Way – Essene Yoga – if
you truly want to be taught.
61. If not, leave now, with no condemnation or negative
Doctrine Ten
judgment from Us.
62. For, each person must answer their own inner calling.”
63. Miriam paused, and seeing nobody depart, continued to
64. “Those that become Our disciples must be willing to
continue learning for the duration of their life, step-by-step,
initiation by initiation.
65. For, lo: the levels of initiation within Our Mystery
School, yea, and within life itself, are many.
66. We are ‘Nasareans’ not because we are ‘perfect’, but
because we live and teach The Way of ‘Ascension’ via The
Four Pillars of Discipleship in Essene Yoga.
67. That ‘Way’ is ‘The Essene Way’, which is the Way of
Holistic Wellness in Supernal Love as Hands of Merciful
Kindness, The Hands of Christ.”
I will now share those two previously promised appendixes to this
Commentary on Doctrine Ten, the first being an illustra-tion of the
symbolic Essene Tree of Life, the second being a list of suggested practices
related to The Sevenfold Peace Lifestyle Practice.
Essene Teachings
Appendix One of Doctrine Ten:
Illustration of The Essene Tree of Life
Doctrine Ten
Appendix Two of Doctrine Ten:
The Sevenfold Peace Lifestyle Practice
foundational spiritual practice of our church is called The Sevenfold
Peace. It is both a lifestyle practice and a medi-tation practice. The
Sevenfold Peace lifestyle practice is outlined
1) PEACE WITH THE BODY. Nasarean Essenes practice
peace with the body via such things as: eating only natural
vegetarian foods, pure air, pure water, occasional fasting, taking
daily walks, practicing Hatha Yoga, etc.
2) PEACE WITH THE MIND. Nasarean Essenes practice
peace with the mind via such things as: positive affirmations and
creative visualizations in the form of the Essene Tree of Life
Communions and Noon Peace Contemplations (given by Yahs-hua
and Miriam in The Holy Megillah: Nasarean Bible of The Essene
Way); positive thinking; constructive daily activities for the mind to
focus on; abstinence from garbage television pro-grams; etc.
3) PEACE WITH THE FAMILY. Nasarean Essenes practice
peace with the family via such things as: Conscious Emotional
Equanimity through the art of WATCHING, UNDERSTANDING, and WISELY CHANNELING our emotions; positive and
wise interaction with all family members and anyone else in our
immediate environment; radical forgiveness; unconditional love; etc.
4) PEACE WITH HUMANITY. Nasarean Essenes practice
peace with humanity via such things as: creative work for the uplift
of all via right livelihood and right volunteerism; ACTIVE
PARTICIPATION in the group effort of the Essene church to
spread the teachings of the Sevenfold Peace all over the plan-
Essene Teachings
et; non-support of activities, products, or institutions that create
disharmony and violence in the world; support of activities, prod-ucts,
or institutions that create harmony and peace in the world; etc.
practice peace with culture/heritage via such things as: studying the
writings of the great spiritual masters of various religious traditions;
listening to the great musical masterpieces that have been passed
down through the generations; viewing the great works of art -paintings, sculptures, craftwork, -- that are preserved in museums;
becoming aware of our own ethnic cultural heritage; becoming aware
of the ethnic cultural heritages of others; etc.
6) PEACE WITH MOTHER EARTH. Nasarean Essenes
practice peace with Mother Earth via such things as: planting trees
(the average American uses up the equivalent of seven trees per year;
thus, we each should try to plant AT LEAST seven trees per year);
being in conscious harmony with all the forces of na-ture represented
by the seven roots of the symbolic Essene Tree of Life; recycling;
supporting environmental causes and groups; drive less, walk more;
maintain an organic garden; support or-ganic farms by purchasing
their products; EATING LOW ON
7) PEACE WITH GOD/GODDESS. Essenes practice peace
with God/Goddess via such things as: The complete dedication of
our life to the spiritual path for the sake of enhanced commu-nion
with God and Goddess Immanent and Transcendent; total surrender
of the personal ego to the higher “I AM” (Yah With-in) in the
realization that WE ARE; self-realization; service to all creation
motivated by love for the Creator; being in conscious
Doctrine Ten
harmony with the various spiritual forces of God/Goddess represented by the symbolic Essene Tree of Life; the practice of various
Essene yogic techniques and meditation practices giv-en by Yahshua
which is LIFE (Indeed, Life is a free gift; we did nothing to earn
our existence as units of “I AM.” The fact that we “BE” is a
manifestation of the GRACE of God/God-dess; AND SO WE
mastery of the Essene spiritual practices via sincere study within the
MYSTERY SCHOOL operated by the Nasarean Religion of The
Essene Way.
The above is not intended to be a “complete” list of all pos-sible
practices for each of the seven parts of THE SEVENFOLD
PEACE; rather, the list is intended to be “suggestive.” The reader is
invited to think of additional ways to experience the blessing of
Doctrine Eleven:
Nasarean Vegetarianism
oth the Nasarean “Old Testament” and Nasarean “New Tes-tament”
portions of our Bible – The Holy Megillah: Nasarean Bible of The
Essene Way – make clear that vegetarianism is required of all Nasareans,
and also make clear that vegetarianism is so important for planetary wellbeing that even non-Nasareans should
be encouraged to embrace it.
The Nasarean “Old Testament” describes how the early vegetarian era called “Eden” was intentionally subverted by Luciferi-ans
for their own purposes. By introducing killing and meat-eat-ing, the
Luciferians were able to slow down and weaken the vibratory “Shield
of Light” – related to the “aura” – of the human being so as to be able
to influence the thoughts, feelings, and actions of, even, in some
cases, to enter the bodies of (“demon-ic possession”), particularly
weakened humans. The Megillah teaches that as long as humans eat a
vegetarian diet, our “Shield of Light” should be strong enough to
prevent entry to disembod-ied demonic entities.
The Nasarean “Old Testament” also describes one particular plan
of the Luciferians: by inserting animal sacrifice and meat-eat-ing into
the religions and Bibles of the world religions, the Lu-ciferians
believed that the followers of those religions would be unable to
actually put into practice the loftier teachings of their
Essene Teachings
Doctrine Eleven
scriptures – such as “Loving one another” or “being nonviolent”–
and would thus be unable to ascend to higher heavenly realms and
thereby effectively escape from the reach of the Luciferians.
The Nasarean “New Testament” (Holy Godspell) portion of The
Holy Megillah makes clear that both the Lord Christ Yahs-hua and
the Lady Christ Miriam upheld the ancient Nasarean teachings on
vegetarianism. They taught that vegetarianism is a prerequisite to
baptism as a Nasarean, and that it is also an ABSOLUTE REQUIREMENT OF DISCIPLESHIP IN THEIR
future Nasareans not weaken this requirement of initiation into our
religion, and we, the modern Nasarean Religion of The Ess-ene Way
and all of our authorized churches and affiliated min-istries, will
faithfully follow their instructions.
Although the Lord Christ and Lady Christ required vegetarianism for membership in the Nasarean Religion of The Essene Way,
they also instructed their disciples to provide some intro-ductory
lessons for non-members. We, the modern Nasarean Church, do
exactly that: though we require vegetarianism for initiation as
members, we make available some introductory les-sons on the
Essene Way to sincere seekers that are not yet ready or willing to
become vegetarian.
Besides any health and ecological benefits of an appropriate-ly
designed vegetarian diet – and those benefits are many and are listed
at the end of the following Commentary on Doctrine Eleven – the
most important reason for Nasareans to be vege-tarian is related to
The evolutionary level of each Human Being – each hu-manlyembodied soul – is demonstrated by its degree of lov-ing kindness in
any area of life, including but not limited to the
Essene Teachings
TWO, their entire incarnation ended to sustain our own
incarnation for a day or two. That “most important” reason for
Nasarean vegetarianism is, in short, LOVE EXPRESSED AS
It is because of that “most important” reason for Nasarean
vegetarianism – just given in the above paragraph – that Na-sareans
do not hunt or fish, not even if we are abstaining from eating that
meat ourselves.
In regard to that “most important” reason for Nasarean vegetarianism: imagine a mother dear grazing with her child in a field of
green grass on a beautiful sunny day; … and then, in front of that
child, the mother dear gets shot by a hunter. Whether or not the hunter
intends to eat the meat, to end her incarnation – or that of a daddy,
child, or any other deer – is very unfair, extremely unkind, ending
what might have been years of joyous life, for a few meals or, as is
true of many hunters, just sick fun…. Brothers
and Sisters: The “thrill of the kill” will only make you spiritually ill.
Truly, getting “jollies” – having fun – blowing a hole through the
head of a sweet dear (or other animal) while it nonviolently grazes
grass, is not conducive to the higher spiritual vibrations that deserve
to be called “heavenly.” So, do not expect to ex-perience being in
truly heavenly vibrations until that sort of entertainment is well
behind you, beneath your level of spiritual evolution.
Doctrine Eleven
Nasarean vegetarians are the first to acknowledge – as does our
Nasarean Bible – that vegetarians have not reached the fur-thest
levels of dietary non-violence. We realize that vegetarian-ism is
simply a step – an important step – in the ongoing process of
spiritual evolution that will eventually result in our living in bodies
that do not need to be fed by even plant bodies, living on heavenly
essences that kill nothing. OUR TEACHING IS
(ahimas means non-injury/harmlessness and is an essential ele-ment
of yoga); rather, we teach that vegetarianism is the ap-propriate
next step for a meat-eating human who chooses to become a
spiritual initiate, a yogi, a relatively evolved human being on the
way to progressively-more heavenly vibrational expressions in
body, mind, and soul.
While vegetarianism is a doctrine of the Nasarean Religion of
The Essene Way, non-Nasareans that choose vegetarianism may reap
many benefits, including personal health. Before I end this
commentary, I will share information that supports that assertion. But
I am not yet ready to leave the ‘most important reason’; I want to
incarnation – years of potential life – murderously ended to sustain
our own incarnation for a few days.
Here is a stunning statistic from John Robbins’ Pulitzer-prize
nominated book, Diet for a New America: Each year in the United
States alone, over one hundred million cows, pigs and sheep are
killed in slaughterhouses. An additional four bil-lion birds (e.g.
chickens and turkeys) are slaughtered annually.
Essene Teachings
From the very beginning of Yahshua’s incarnation on Earth, the
emancipation of the animal world from the human dinner plate was
central to his teaching. The theme of animal liberation is mentioned in
the authentic version of his birth. That beautiful excerpt makes clear
the fact that Yahshua’s mission of love on Earth embraces not only
human beings, BUT ALL BEINGS! In The Holy Megillah: Nasarean
Bible of The Essene Way, we read:
71. And while they were in Bethlehem, the time came for
Mary to give birth to the Lord.
72. Yea, her firstborn child was birthed in a grotto where they had
gone to sleep for the night, for there was no room for them at the
73. And the nearest Nasarean brethren were outside the
city at the farm owned by Joseph, and Mary could travel no
74. Lo: the grotto was used as a stable for animals.
75. And there was in the grotto a male and female of each of the
following animals: sheep, fowl, camel, dog, cat, owl, and horse.
76. The animals were arrayed as a greeting party for Joseph and
Mary and the soon to be birthed Christ child.
77. Yea, they were arrayed in a manner that symbolized The
Path of Discipleship, which begins with The Four Pillars.
78. For, behold: it was by walking this path that Joseph and Mary
came to this magical moment of the birth of the Christ.
79. First came the sheep; they symbolize Sincerity.
80. Second came the rooster and hen; they symbolize Diligence.
81. Third came the camels; they symbolize Perseverance.
82. Fourth came the dogs; they symbolize Loyalty.
Doctrine Eleven
83. Fifth came cats that belonged to a visitor from Egypt.
84. This visitor was staying in the inn and had brought the cats
to be companions for his mother; for, lo, her husband had died.
85. These lap-cats symbolize Friendship.
86. Sixth came the owls; they symbolize Wisdom.
87. Seventh came the horses; they symbolize Royalty.
88. And behold: the grotto was filled with blazing light, as
bright as the Sun in its glory, though it was the middle of the
89. Yea, for the Lord comes as a light in the darkness, to
illuminate the Way.
90. Behold: the angelic voices of cherubim filled the air with
heavenly praises and songs celestial.
91. Thus it came to pass that Jahday, our God Immanent, the
Only Directly Emanated Son of Jah, took incarnation as
Yahshua, and was born amongst the animals.
92. For, lo: He came not only to bring salvation to
humankind but also to the animals, this being ac-complished
by the redemption of humankind from the bloody diet of
ignorance and selfishness. [Boldface added to verse 92 by Day
for emphasis of our theme]
93. And this redemption is to be accomplished by the
regeneration of humankind as sons and daughters of God and
Goddess in the Essene Way.
Miriam the Magdalene links our karma to our behavior, including our behavior to animals:
Near a slaughterhouse in Bethany, Miriam and several of Her
Companions conversed with a small crowd.
Miriam said: “The heart of the heaven bound feels and
prevents all creature’s woes as its own. Hell swallows
those that swallow meat.”
Essene Teachings
A bystander asked: “Do not all of us eat?
Even your disciples must eat.”
Miriam replied: “Look around you: bodies are swallowing
Heaven-bound humans swallow plants.
But I tell you truly, in the higher heavens no bodies are
swallowed; for, those that swallow bodies will be swallowed.
Until you have attained the body that is not swallowed, you will
be swallowed.”
A disciple asked Miriam: “Should I cease even now to swallow?
Should I even now cease to swallow plants?
For, I want to follow your teachings and attain the blessed
Miriam replied: “The baby crawls before it walks.
Yea, and the baby walks before it runs.
The humans of this world are not called to shed their bodies
before their time.
Yet neither were humans intended by Elohim to eat meat.
Therefore, let the heaven-bound of this world be swallowers of
Yea, and for those that wish, the food gifts of animals that are
well-cared for is permitted, which gifts are the milk of the flock
and the eggs of the hen, as in The Ten Commandments of
Nasarean Moses.
But do not be a swallower of flesh.
For, I tell you truly: Hell swallows those that swallow meat.
Repent and be saved!”
A mocker laughed and said: “Your religion is not for me!
I will never pass up a juicy slab of roast goat!
The bloodier the better!
Doctrine Eleven
And God himself enjoys a good animal sacrifice!”
Miriam replied: “Better than ten thousand animal sacrifices is to
save even one animal from being sacrificed or eaten. The true
God weeps for the creatures you kill.
And many think they serve God by sacrificing animals to him,
when, in truth, they serve a demonic beast that poses as ‘God’.
Let the mocker beware: hurt comes to the hurtful!
The hurt you cause in the morning will overtake you in the
A woman in the crowd said: “I must feed my daughter so that
she will live.
I fear for her future should I withhold meat.”
Miriam replied: “Only she who is kin to all creation truly
lives; consider the rest dead.
Even so, we will teach you to eat as we Nasareans eat; your
daughter will live and let live.
Only those daughters that let live, truly live heavenly lives. Yea,
I tell you truly, those that are kind to all creatures need not fear
their own futures.”
Even before the births of Yahshua and Miriam, the fall of humankind in Eden was linked to the fall into eating animal flesh. We
read in Chapter Eight of the Nasarean Book of Genesis:
25. And the Tree of Evil Disguised as Good was not only
evil; rather, it was a cunning mixture of good and evil, of
truth mingled with falsehood.
26. For, Lucifer knew that the young souls he wished to
ensnare would not knowingly choose the dark path.
27. Yea, darkness must be mixed with enough light to make it
28. Neither would these young souls knowingly worship
Lucifer and Satan rather than Elohim and Jah-Jah.
Essene Teachings
29. Therefore, Lucifer would pretend that he was God; he
would call himself Yahweh and tell them that he was their
30. He would establish the Priesthood of the Serpent on this
world, which is the Satanic Priesthood of the Dark Path.
31. Lucifer communed with his Master, Satan, and, behold: the
Voice of the Serpent spoke within Lucifer, saying: “Let my
Priests mix good with evil; for it is in robes of good that I shall
dress my seeds.
32. And only one thing is truly needful to enslave mankind: he
must be made to eat the flesh of animals.
33. For then we can enter his body and enjoy his senses.
34. Yea, and we can whisper in his head and he will believe that
our words are his own thoughts.
35. No matter if his scriptures declare ‘Love one another’, as long
as he eats flesh he will be unable to follow those words.
36. And yet, because we mix those good words into his scriptures, our religion of blood sacrifice is made more palatable to the
young souls we wish to ensnare.”
In the “Old Testament” portion of The Holy Megillah: Nasar-ean
Bible of The Essene Way, vegetarianism is one of the com-mandments
in the original Nasarean version of The Ten Com-mandments of
Moses. These are the Ten Commandments that the Magdalene referred
to in one of the above excerpts. Here follows those Commandments;
the speaker is Moses:
The Ten Commandments of the Nasarean Book of Moses
Hear me, oh Yisra’el, if you would have joy in your life, and
abundant blessings, rather than pain and misery, keep these
1. Within the One YHWH is both God and Goddess; where-
Doctrine Eleven
fore, worship both the Father God and Mother Goddess, that
you be centered in the All.
2. Within the creation is a spark of the Creator; wherefore,
know yourself.
3. Within every creature is a spark of the Creator; wherefore, respect all living things in the manner that you respect
4. YHWH desires that all creatures live in nonviolent
cooperation; wherefore, walk softly on Mother Earth, seek
nonviolence, and make no laws that conflict with the Way of
5. YHWH does not sanction violent warfare; wherefore, any
religion, scripture, or prophet that declares otherwise, either lies
or is in ignorance, and should not be obeyed.
6. You shall not kill any creature for pleasure, nor for profit, nor
for food.
7. You may eat the milk and eggs of animals that are well cared
for, but know this: These foods are for this world only; for, in
the lower heavens the Cherubim eat but fruit, and in the higher
heavens they eat only heavenly essences.
8. You shall cultivate honesty within yourself and in every
9. You shall forgive yourself when you stumble, and likewise forgive others their shortcomings.
10. Love YHWH within and around you, and love every
creature as yourself; for, lo: Love is the Way, the Truth, and
Essene Teachings
the Life, and none find YHWH except by Love.
Notice that commandment number six forbids killing animals for any
of the following three reasons: 1) pleasure (that includes hunting and
fishing); 2) profit; and 3) food. Our Nasarean Re-ligion does not
forbid killing an animal for reasonable safety rea-sons; if a dangerous
animal is about to kill you or another, you may kill it. Neither do the
above commandments forbid certain “mercy” killings of animals,
such as an animal that is greatly suf-fering from an injury that is
clearly going to be fatal.
Although the above Ten Commandments of Moses first ap-pear in
the Nasarean “Old Testament,” Yahshua repeats these Ten
Commandments – aloud by memory! – to his disciples in the
Nasarean “New Testament.” Here is the lead-in to Yahshua’s
recitation of Moses’ Ten Commandments; this is from Chapter FiftyEight of the Nasarean “New Testament”:
1. Yahshua said, “Baptism into the Nasarean Church of The
Essene Way is an initiation ritual whereby we acknowledge and
repent our sins and rise from the waters forgiven in order to walk
the Nasarean spiritual path fully devoted to the Nasarean deities
and the saving teachings found in The Holy Megillah.
2. Baptism into the Nasarean Religion of the Essene Way
requires basic vegetarianism.
3. I consider vegetarianism to be The Foundation – Ha Yesod
– of the spiritual life; Miriam and I require it of Our disciples.
4. If you build a strong foundation, when the storms of life
come, your walls and roof will not collapse!
5. If you build your life on the shifting sands of wrong opinions, false beliefs, and unwise priorities, you are like a man who
builds his house on sand without a strong foundation.
6. When the storms of life come, his walls and roof will col-
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7. Though stricter forms of vegetarianism can be self-chosen, the only requirement of baptism as a Nasarean is basic
vegetarianism, which can include eggs and/or dairy prod-ucts,
but does not include fish or fowl.
8. It is fine, but not required, to practice stricter forms of
9. But it is not fine to require stricter practices than that, for, the
Nasarean Commandments of Moses make clear that, in this
world, unlike the higher heavens, dairy and eggs are permissible.
10. Behold: the following Ten Commandments of Moses
should be studied and, by those that have the ability, committed to memory.”
11. Yahshua then, showing that He had Himself committed
them to memory, recited the Ten Commandments of Moses,
correctly reciting them word for word without a single error.
After reciting the same version of The Ten Commandments of
Moses that I provided above, Yahshua continued to speak on the
topic of vegetarianism:
23. After reciting the Commandments of Moses, Yahshua said:
“We Nasareans know that, unlike The Holy Megillah, the Torah
of the Aaronite Jews does not present a vegetari-an Moses.
24. Their scriptures are not our scriptures and never were;
rather, their scriptures have been heavily influenced by Lucifer
in an attempt to get people to eat meat, as revealed in
“Mattanah” is the “Nasarean Book of Genesis” from which I
provided above the verses wherein Lucifer announced his plan to
insert into various “Bibles” the doctrines of animal sacrifice and
meat-eating. Yahshua, like I did above, then reads aloud
Essene Teachings
those verses from Mattanah to his disciples. He then continues to
speak on the topic of vegetarianism:
44. Yahshua looked up from the scroll and said, “In those
verses, we learned that Lucifer – a leader in the Army of
Satanism – was told by his dark lord Satan to corrupt the young
souls of this new world with the killing and eating of animals.
45. And so Lucifer did.
46. And that is why the Aaronite Torah calls for bloody animal sacrifice and permits the eating of flesh; Lucifer wanted it
that way.
47. That is also why The Holy Megillah: Nasarean Bible of the
Essene Way is a persecuted scripture, for it upholds
vegetarianism and forbids animal sacrifice.
48. “Today, I will describe My dietary teachings under the title,
Sermon on Ha Yesod. [Day: ‘Ha Yesod’ means ‘The
Foundation’; Yahshua calls vegetarianism ‘The Foundation’ of
the spiritual life.]
49. I have been asked by our hosts – the Tribe of Healers of
Mount Carmel – to begin by describing My personal dietary
The section in which Yahshua describes his personal dietary
practices is the length of an entire chapter; I will provide one ex-cerpt
from it immediately below, but the entire sermon is given in my (Day
of Greenleaf/Day Owen) book on The Vegetarian Teach-ings of
Essene Jesus and The Magdalene.
Yahshua Describes His Personal Dietary Practices
50. “My parents were of the Essene Order of Immaculate
Conception and I was raised as a Nasarean Edenite from the
Doctrine Eleven
51. Edenites eat like other Nasareans, but as a token of special
consecration to protecting Mother Earth from the spoilers and
making this world again a garden paradise, we make an effort to
eat a goodly portion of wild edibles, like people ate before the
fall of Eden.
52. Wherefore Edenites study and teach the recognition of wild
53. But Edenites are also practical: we eat the best food
available in a given situation, always remaining vegetarian.
54. If not a wild edible, the best food is that grown by our
own hand or by a trusted friend.
55. Edenites eat less food from public markets than other
56. Some Edenites eat no animal products – no dairy and/ or
eggs – or practice other even more ascetic dietary practic-es;
these are the minority and are admonished to not boast of their
asceticism or push it on others.
57. “In these days, most Nasarean Edenites, like other Nasareans, partake of animal products in moderation, espe-cially
favoring fermented goat milk products such as yogurt, but are
very choosy where they obtain it.
58. It is true that in former days many more Edenites ab-stained
from all animal products; but, over time, it was no-ticed that
many of them suffered from nutritional deficien-cies as the
atmosphere of the planet became more dense.
59. For many years I chose to abstain from dairy products as
part of My yogic ‘tapas’ – ascetic disciplines – but now I
choose to eat some.
60. I do so much walking on my long journeys that My
muscles need more ‘building-foods’ like fermented goat
milk and additional nuts.
61. When I am less physically active, I eat less of the build-ingfoods that repair intensely-used muscle tissue.
62. So, besides always remaining vegetarian – the dietary
Essene Teachings
requirement of the Commandments of Moses that I honor and
teach – the first thing to know about My personal diet is that it
is always in flux.
63. By that I mean that My daily diet changes for various
reasons, though I never eat meat for any reason, and I count
fish and birds as meat.”
Read my aforementioned book on vegetarianism to get Yahsh-ua’s
full – and very lengthy – sermon on vegetarianism, including much
more information on his personal dietary practices and his advice.
In regard to verse 63 above in which Yahshua makes clear that
he counts fish as meat, those readers familiar with the main-stream
New Testament story in which “Jesus” (Yahshua) mirac-ulously
fed 5,000 persons with but a little bread and a few fish, might ask:
“Didn’t Jesus eat fish?” The answer is: NOT IN THE
In the Nasarean version, it was a smaller crowd than 5,000 and the
food was entirely vegetarian. Also, as you will see in the fol-lowing
excerpt from the Megillah, the key teaching in this account is the
“miracle of sharing.” We read:
Behold: The largest gathering to come hear the Lord and Lady
speak during their outreach ministry to Yisrael was around two
hundred persons in a sheep pasture near Bethle-hem.
The word had spread in advance of this gathering that Yahshua
had been born in Bethlehem, and thus many locals turned out
to see what this locally-born prophet had to say. In fact, this
was the very sheep pasture linked with The Story of The Seven
Shepherds That Kept Watch On the Night of Yahshua’s Birth.
[Day: That story appears elsewhere in the Megillah]
It therefore seems appropriate that this sheep pasture was
Doctrine Eleven
also the location of this largest gathering to hear the Lord and
Lady preach, for, at this gathering was given a great teaching
on ‘The Miracle of Sharing’. That miracle was as follows.
Yahshua and Miriam taught the crowd all day, and by late
afternoon the people were hungry but wanted to hear more.
Yahshua said, “We will speak into the late evening, but first let
us share a meal together.
My Travel Companions and I have some bread and grapes to
share, but that is not enough to feed such a large crowd.
Therefore, My Companions will pass seven baskets amongst
you; whatever food that any of you have brought, please drop it
into a basket and then We will equally divide the food for all to
As Yahshua had instructed, His Travel Companions passed
seven baskets through the crowd of around two hundred
Lo: only one person, a small child, dropped any food into a
Noticing that, Yahshua held up the handful of figs that the
child had dropped into the basket and said to the crowd:
“Behold: this one child came here with seven figs, and has
dropped every one of those figs into the basket.
Look at his smile; he is experiencing the miracle of sharing! By
contrast, many of your own faces look deprived of that miracle!
Some of you look ashamed, some embarrassed, some stub-born
of heart.
I am going to ask you to help Me perform a miracle right
Let us multiply the food in these baskets.
And let us do so with no other ‘magic’ than The Miracle of
Sharing that this child has just demonstrated.”
Again, the Travelling Companions of the Lord and Lady
Essene Teachings
passed the baskets amongst the crowd.
This time, the people freely shared their private stashes of food
and, behold: not only were all seven baskets complete-ly filled
with food, but also enough additional food to have filled another
dozen baskets was placed in a pile by the feet of the child that
stood smiling beside Yahshua.
Everyone had enough to eat, everyone had a happy smile, and
it was all due to the miracle of sharing!”
The dietary requirement to become disciples of Lord Christ Yahshua
and Lady Christ Miriam is basic vegetarianism, which means NO
MEAT (and that also means no fish or birds). Yahs-hua and Miriam
do not prohibit dairy products or eggs, but one may choose to abstain
from all animal products if they so desire. The process of spiritual
nutrition is an ongoing, PROGRESSIVE ASCENSION into everless-dense, ever-more-light, ever-less-vio-lent forms of the vegetarian
diet. Not eating the murdered, butch-ered body of a gentle cow is a
“lesser mystery”; living on only subtle, etheric energies is a “greater
mystery”; and there are var-ious intermittent levels. The basic
vegetarianism of NO-MEAT is the level of dietary attainment
required to become a disciple of the Lord Christ and Lady Christ;
thus, that is also the level of dietary attainment required to become an
initiated member of Es-sene Church of Christ and other ministries of
Nasarean Religion of The Essene Way.
LORD AND LADY! Cleary, their teachings are not outdat-ed.
Consider the following scientific facts (though the following statistics
change a bit from one year to the next, most are getting worse rather
than better) and you will learn that there are many reasons to be
vegetarian, including various ecological and per-sonal health reasons.
Most of the following statistics are from John Robbins’ Pulitzer Prizenominated book, Diet For A New
Doctrine Eleven
It is more efficient to eat low on the food chain; when we
cycle grain through animals we waste most of the pro-tein
and other food values. The population of the Unit-ed States
is: 243,000,000. The number of human beings who could be
fed by the grain and soybeans eaten by U.S. livestock is:
The number of people in the world who will STARVE TO
DEATH THIS YEAR: 60 MILLION. The number of
people who could be adequately fed by the grain saved if
Americans reduced their meat intake by 10% is: 60 MILLION.
Only 20% of the corn grown in the United States is eat-en by
humans. 80% of the corn grown in the United
States is eaten by livestock.
Only 5% of the oats grown in the United States is eat-en by
humans. 95% of the oats grown in the United
States is eaten by livestock.
The percentage of dietary fiber WASTED by cycling grain
through livestock is: 100%
Essene Teachings
Number of children who starve to death EVERY DAY:
The length of time the world’s petroleum reserves would last
if all human beings ate a meat-centered diet: 13 YEARS. The
length of time the world’s petroleum reserves would last if all
human beings ate a vegetarian diet: 260
40 pounds of soybeans are produced by the same amount of
fossil fuel needed to produce 1 pound of feed-lot beef.
The percentage of energy return (as food energy per fossil
energy expended to produce it) of the most energy efficient
factory farming of meat is: 34.5%. The percentage of en-ergy
return (as food energy per fossil energy expended to produce
it) of the least energy efficient Plant food is: 328%
Principal reason for U.S. military intervention in Persian Gulf:
Dependence on foreign oil.
The percentage of raw materials consumed in the U.S. for all
purposes presently consumed to produce the current meat
centered diet is: 33%. The percentage of raw ma-terials
consumed in the U.S. for all purposes needed to produce a
fully vegetarian diet would be only 2%.
The number acres of U.S. forest which have been cleared to
create cropland to produce a meat-centered diet: 260
MILLION ACRES. Amount of trees spared per year by each
individual who switches to a pure vegetarian diet: 1
Historic cause of the demise of many great civilizations:
Doctrine Eleven
Topsoil depletion. The percentage of U.S. topsoil al-ready
lost: 75%. The percentage of U.S. cropland lost each year to
soil erosion: 4 million acres, the size of
The water needed to produce 1 pound of wheat is: 25
gallons. The water needed to produce 1 pound of meat is:
2,500 gallons.
The cost of common hamburger meat if the water used by the
meat industry was not subsidized by U.S. taxpayers: $35 per
The cost per pound of protein from beefsteak if U.S. taxpayers ceased subsidizing the meat industry’s use of wa-ter:
The current cost per pound of protein from wheat: $1.50. The
current cost per pound of protein from beefsteak: $15.40
PROTEIN. One chicken slaughterhouse can use 100 million
gallons of water – enough to serve a community of 25,000
persons – in a single day.
The number of medical schools in the U.S. is: 125. The
number of medical schools with a required course in nu-
Essene Teachings
trition is: 30. The training in nutrition received during 4 years
of medical school by the average U.S. physician is:
2.5 hours!
The most common cause of death in the U.S. is: Heart attack.
The risk of death from heart attack by average American man:
50%. The risk of death from heart attack by average American
vegetarian man: 15%. The risk of death from heart attack by
average “pure vegetarian” man (“vegan” – no dairy, meat or
eggs) is: 4%.
Increased risk of breast cancer for women with heavy meat
diet compared to vegetarian women: 400%
Men with heavy meat diet are 360% more likely to die of
prostate cancer than vegetarian men.
The average measurable bone loss of female meat-eaters at age
65: 35%. The average measurable bone loss of fe-male
vegetarians at age 65: 18%.
INCLUDE: Strokes, Kidney stones, Prostate cancer,
Cervical cancer, Diabetes, Peptic ulcers, Hiatal her-nias,
Gallstones, Irritable colon syndrome, Heart disease, Breast
cancer, Pancreatic cancer, Stomach cancer, Hypoglycemia.
Constipation, Osteoporosis, Diverticulosis, Hypertension,
Salmonellosis, Colon cancer, Ovarian cancer, Endometrial
cancer, Kidney disease, Hemorrhoids, Obesity, Asthma
and Trichi-nosis.
The breast milk of meat-eating mothers has 3,500% more
Doctrine Eleven
pesticide contamination than the breast milk of vegetar-ian
Less than 1 out of every quarter million slaughtered
animals is tested for toxic chemical residues.
Percentage of male college students sterile in 1950: 0.5%.
Percentage of male college students sterile in 1978: 25%
Sperm count of average American male compared to 30
years ago: Down 30%. THE PRINCIPLE REASON
chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide residues in the
American diet comes from meat and other animal
It has been estimated that, due to the high level of uric acid in
meat, the kidneys of a meat-eater must do ten times the work
than the kidneys of a vegetarian.
amounts of tryptophane in the blood – a result of meat
consumption – reduces the level of serotonin; and se-rotonin
plays an important role in creative brain activ-ity. This may
be why so many of the creative geniuses of humanity have
been vegetarians, including: Jesus,
Buddha, Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Leonardo
DaVinci, Plato, Socrates, Pythagoras, Emerson, Tolstoy,
Gandhi, Thoreau, Voltaire, Ben Franklin, Thomas
Edison, and so many others.
George Bernard Shaw said: “Animals are my friends ...
and I don’t eat my friends.”
Essene Teachings
Albert Schweitzer said: “We need a boundless ethics which
will include the animals also.”
Leo Tolstoy said: “Vegetarianism serves as the criterion by
which we know that the pursuit of moral perfection on the part
of humanity is genuine and sincere.”
Mahatma Gandhi said: “I hold that flesh food is unsuit-ed to
our species.”
Leonardo Da Vinci said: “I have from an early age ab-stained
from meat, and the time will come when men will look upon
the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of
Final comment from Day: That last fact above – the fact that
vegetarians are even responsible for less death of plants – is a good
rebuttal when someone challenges you with the objection:
“Vegetarians kill plants so why prefer that over killing animals?” (Of
course, as explained previously, we do not claim to have reached
absolute nonviolence by being vegetarians; we believe it is a good
step in the right direction!)
Invitation to Continue Studying the Nasarean Essene
Teachings with Day of Greenleaf
Day of Greenleaf is pictured teaching a class on the Nasarean Religion of the Essene Way at
Essene Garden of Peace in Oregon, Fall 2014; the occasion was the 24th Annual National
Gathering of our church.
I – Day of Greenleaf – offer a home study program in the Nasarean Religion
of the Essene Way, including advanced courses in Nasarean Green Wizardry
and White Magic. Even without becoming a formal student by enrolling in
the home study program, many of my books, videos and other materials, are
available to the general public. For a complete list of available materials,
write to me at the following address
– this is not my home address but I receive all of the mail sent here – and
request a free info pack on what is available. You can also view my
church webpage currently at: essene.org
Day Owen/Essene Church,
Box 516, Elmira, OR 97437
NOTE: When I make the “transition” to the “next life,” I will leave behind
trained persons designated to keep my books and other offerings available
into the future. So, if you are reading these words many years after I wrote
them, I trust you can still hook-up with my study materials. Enjoy!
– Day of Greenleaf (a.k.a. ‘Greenleaf the Wizard’).