Ce-3 The Animal Cell Worksheet Name: Lab el the an im al c ell d ra wn b elo w and then giv e the fun c tion of eac h cell pa rt. (Note: The lysosomes are oval and the vacuoles are more rounded.) 1. 7. 8. 2. 9. 3. 10. 4. 11. 5. 6. Cell Part: Function of Cell Part: 12. nucleus 13. endoplasmic reticulum 14. ribosome 15. cytoplasm 16. nucleolus 17. Golgi body 18. cell membrane 19. cytoskeleton 20. lysosome 21. mitochondria 22. vacuole ©Bluebird Teaching Materials 2011 All rights reserved. Bluebird is a trademark of Bluebird Teaching Materials.