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research questionnaire (2)

1..Which of the following is the
foundation of Evidence -Based Nursing
b. Nursing Process
c. Scientific Method
2.Research is anchored on objective
reality. This is:
c.Systematic and orderly
3.Which of the following is an ethical
applied research?
a.Gain -of-function research by Dr. Fauci
in Wuhan laboratory
b.Clinical trials by Pfizer for
COVID-19 delta variant vaccine
c.Lobbying for the use of Ivermectin in
the management of covid cases
d.A study on the relationship of smoking
and covid-19 mortality
4.A University explores the students
data for better understanding of the
results of the different admission
packages and which admission package
is most successful among all packages is
an example of:
a.Descriptive Research
b.Exploratory Research
c.Explanatory Research
d.Ex-post Facto
5.In this study, the investigators
conceive and design the study, recruit
subjects, and collect baseline exposure
data on all subjects, before any of the
subjects have developed any of the
outcomes of interest. The subjects are
then followed into the future in order to
record the development of any of the
outcomes of interest.
a.Retrospective Cohort
b.Prospective Cohort
c.Ex-post Facto
d.Correlational Study
6. This is a set of ethical principles
regarding human experimentation
developed originally in 1964 for the
medical community by World Medical
Association. It is widely regarded as the
cornerstone document on human
research ethic
a.Declaration of Geneva
b.Declaration of Tokyo
c.Declaration of Helsinki
d.Ottawa Charter
7.This principle removes the suspicion
that something of relevance to
objectivity is being hidden and allows
readers to form their own opinions on
whether a financial conflict of interest
exists and what relevance it may have to
the study:
a.Cost – benefit ratio
c. Anonymity
d.Full Disclosure
8.The research process follows these
1.Problem Identification
2.Theoretical Framework
3.Related literature review
6.Data Presentation
7.Data Collection
8.Data analysis
9.Conclusion and Recommendation
10.Dissemination of findings
9.Which of the following is a well-stated
research problem?
a.Coping Strategies of ADMG Nursing
Reviewees in the Bicol Region.
b.What are the coping strategies of
ADMG nursing reviewees in in the
Bicol Region?
c.The study sought to find out the coping
strategies of ADMG nursing reviewees in
the Bicol Region.
d.There is no significant relationship
between the coping strategies of ADMG
nursing reviewees and their anxiety level
before and during the PNLE.
10.Criteria of a good research problem,
b.Cost and returns
d.Hazards and handicaps
11.Which of the following can be
considered research limitation?
a.Available subjects
b.Admin support
c.Researcher knowledgeable to research
d.Data saturation
12. “Stress is a non – specific response
of the body to any demand made upon
it.” – Hans Selye.What type of definition
is this?
13.What is the independent variable in
this hypothesis: “There is no significant
relationship between the coping
strategies of ADMG nursing reviewees
and their anxiety level before and during
the PNLE. “
a.Anxiety level
b.Coping strategies
c.There is no significant relationship
14.In the hypothesis: “There is no
significant relationship between the
coping strategies of ADMG nursing
reviewees and their anxiety level before
and during the PNLE “, the extraneous
variable (co-variate) is:
a.Anxiety level
b.Coping strategies
c.ADMG nursing reviewees
d.Holistic review preparation
15.What does it mean when you reject
the Null Hypothesis?
a.The explanatory variables are not
b.The explanatory variables are
c.There is no significant relationship
between the IV and Dv
d.Your research is useless and invalid
16.When the researcher mistakenly
rejects a null hypothesis that should be
accepted,what type of error is that?
a.Type 1
b.Type 2
c.Type X
d.Not my type
17.“All human beings need love” is an
example of what type of assumption?
a.Universal assumption
b.Study assumption
c.Theory-based assumption
d.Study assumption
18.The nurse researcher is aware that
the number purpose of reviewing related
literature is:
a.To assist the researcher in
developing theoretical framework
b.To provide the researcher opportunity
to broaden his knowledge in the topic
being studied.
c.To avoid duplication in the subject
being studied
d.To reveal difficulties encountered by
previous researchers in the same topics.
19.This type of experimental study
involves 2 or more groups placed under
observation, where only one of the
groups is subjected to some treatment
while the other groups are held static.
All the groups are post-tested, and the
observed differences between the groups
are assumed to be a result of the
a. One-shot Case Study Design
b. One-group Pretest-posttest Design
c.Static group Comparison Design
d.Posttest only Control group
20.In this experimental design, the
research participants are not randomly
assigned, and as such, they are used in
settings where randomization is difficult
or impossible:
a.True Experimental
d.Solomon 4-Group
21.In this study, the researcher wants to
know the “meaning” of the event or
phenomenon being studied?
d.Grounded Theory
22.If the researcher wanted to know the
degree of relationship between the
reviewees’ level and anxiety and their
performance in the PNLE, she will have
to use which of the following designs?
23.A study is conducted to determine
the relationship between the size of the
husband’s penis and the wife’s intensity
of orgasm. If the finding is affirmative,
which of the following is correct:
1.Design: Correlational
2.Design: Experimental
3.Design: Observation
4.Null Hypothesis: Rejected
5.Null Hypothesis: Accepted
6.Null Hypothesis: Type 1 Error
a.1 and 4
b.1 and 5
c.2 and 5
d.3 and 4
e.3 and 6
24.This longitudinal study involves a
sample of people from a more significant
population and is conducted at specified
intervals for a more extended period:
a.Cohort study
b.Panel study
c.Retrospective study
d.Cross-sectional study
25.A group of people who typically
experience the same event at a given
point in time is called:
26. Which of the following characteristics
do NOT describe scientific investigation?
A. Empirical data are gathered directly
or indirectly through human senses.
B. It is planed and conducted in a
systemic and orderly manner
C. External factors which may
influence the relationship among
phenomena are not necessarily
D. They are conducted to test or develop
theories and study advance knowledge.
27. In which of the following types of
research does a researcher control the
independent variable, but subjects
cannot be randomly assigned to
treatment conditions?
A. DescriptiveC. Exploratory
D. Experimental
28. When a nurse prepares a research
report to a captive group, which of the
following is NOT included?
A. Summary of other research
studies with the same result
B. The researcher’s interpretation of the
results of the study.
C. A summary of the literature used to
identify the research problem.
D. A description of methods used to
conduct the study.
29. Which of the following characteristics
of a clinical nursing problem is NOT a
potential for research?
A. It has the potential to change how
nursing care is delivered in the unit.
B. It is value-laden and involves
feelings and perceptions.
C. It reflects something that could be
improved in clinical practice.
D. It is a problem that occurs frequently
in a particular client group.
30. Which of the following is true in an
experimental study?
A. Clients most likely to perform the
best are assigned to the experimental
B.Subjects are randomly assigned to
both experimental and controlled
C. Conditions affecting the subjects are
left uncontrolled to allow generalization
of findings.
D. The group receives the therapy being
31. This type of sampling uses the
technique whereby the population is
subdivided into areas or sections and
then taking a random sample from each
A. Systematic sampling
C.Cluster sampling
B. Stratified sampling
D. Purposive sampling
32. In this type of sampling, data are
collected from anyone available such as
those who are present in the coffee shop
or those who are present in the CR at
one time or another.
A. Systematic sampling
C. Simple random sampling
B.Incidental sampling
D. Cross-sectional sampling
33. In this type of sampling, selection of
units in the sample is done by some sort
of chance.
A. Sequential sampling
C. Stratified sampling
B.Simple random sampling
D. Cluster sampling
34. A new public health nurse would like
to collect data on common problems
encountered by diabetic patients in the
community. In this survey, she selects
only the diabetic patients in the
community. In this survey, she selects
only the diabetics residing in the
different barangays of the community
where she was assigned. This is an
example of what type of sampling?
A Purposive
C. Systematic
B. Cluster
D. Stratified
35. One nurse is interested to get the
effects of having foods with fortified Vit.
A and D in the development of children
from pre-school to age level. This type of
sampling when a given group of subject
is studied for an extended period of time
is called:
A. Cross-sectional
C. Purposive
D. Cross-Cultural
36.Your nursing unit plans to conduct a
study on the use of structured
preoperative preparation in lessening the
demand for post-operative pain
medications. Which of the following
research activities should you initially
A. find out from interview how many
patients are willing to participate
B. get the permission from the hospital
C. review literature on the topic
D. prepare the tool for collecting data
37. Which of the following statements do
NOT contribute to the research ability of
your proposed problem?
A. potential use of findings
C. well-defined problem statement
B. readability of findings
D. measurability of variables
38. A study /research table should NOT
contain which of the following ?
A. categories of data collected
C. specific title of table
B. relevant rows and columns
D. names and sample of the selected
39. Which of the following procedures
ensures that the investigator has fully
described to prospective subjects the
nature of the study and the subject's
A. Debriefing
B. Full disclosure
C. Informed consent
D. Cover data collection
40.Kevin is a member of the Nursing
Research Council of the hospital. His first
assignment is to determine the level of
patient satisfaction on the care they
received from the hospital. He plans to
include all adult patients admitted from
April to May, with average length of stay
of 3-4 days, first admission, and with no
complications. Which of the following is
an extraneous variable of the study?
A. Date of admission
B. Length of stay
C. Age of patients
D. Absence of complications
41. The researcher checks if his
instruments meet the criteria for
evaluation. Which of the following
criteria refers to the consistency or the
ability to yield the same response upon
its repeated administration?
A. Validity
B. Reliability
C. Sensitivity
D. Objectivity
42. The researcher decides to use
judgmental sampling. Which of the
following actions of Raphael is correct?
A. Plans to include whoever is there
during his study.
B. Determines the different
nationality of patients frequently
admitted and decides to get
representations samples from each.
C. Assigns numbers for each of the
patients, place these in a fishbowl and
draw 10 from it.
D. Decides to get 20 samples from the
admitted patients
43. The researcher knows that certain
patients who are in a specialized
research setting tend to respond
psychologically to the conditions of the
study. This is referred to as
A. Bias
B. Hawthorne effect
C. Halo effect
D. Horns effect
44 Which of the following items refer to
the sense of closure that the researcher
experiences when data collection ceases
to yield any new information?
A. Saturation
B. Precision
C. Limitation
D. Relevance
45. The researcher is interested to know
the coping abilities of patients who are
newly diagnosed to have terminal
cancer. Which of the following types of
research is appropriate?
A. Phenomenological
B. Ethnographic
C. Grounded Theory
D. Case Study
46. After teaching maternal and child
concepts for two years, Ms. Abrea
wanted to find out the knowledge of
senior and junior students about
contraceptive use and conception. Which
of the following is the BEST statement
of a research problem pertinent to the
professor's goal?
A. "Knowledge about Contraceptive Use
and Conception among Third and Fourth
Year Students of School X"
B. "Is there a Difference in the
Knowledge of Third and Fourth Year
Students of School X on Contraceptive
Use and Conception?"
C. "What do Third and Fourth Year
Students of School X Know about
Contraceptive Use and Conception?"
D. "Improving the Knowledge of Third
and Fourth Year Students of School X on
Contraceptive Use and Conception."
47. In the process of doing this and
future studies, Ms. Abrea is very careful
not to disclose the name of her subjects
and their scores. This is an application of
which of the following principle?
A. Protection of clients
C. Confidentiality
B Anonymity
D. Informed consent
48. In the process of planning this
research study, the statement of facts,
age range of the students, sex, marital
status and initial course , if any, is BEST
included in what part of the study'?
A. Related literature
C. Presentation and analysis of data
B. Introduction
D. Scope and limitation of the study
49. Having more or less 300 students in
the third and fourth year nursing
students, the BEST method of gathering
desired information is which of the
A. Structured interview
C. Interview
B. Checklist
D . Questionnaire
50. Prediction of the outcome of the
research are stated as:
a. Methodology
b. Sample
c. Hypothesis
d. Chi Square
52. Which of the following communicate
the results of the research to the reader.
They facilitate the description of the
a. Hypothesis
b. Statistic
c. Research problems
53. Quantitative data, is defined as the
distance in the scoring units of the
variables from the highest point
achieved to the lowest:
a. Frequency
b. Mean
c. Standard
d. Range
54. This expresses the variability of the
data in reference to the mean. It
provides us with a numerical estimate of
how far, on the average separate
observations are from the mean:
a. Percentile
b. Standard Deviation
c. Mean
d. Median
55. The mode is:
a.The score of measure with the
highest frequency
b. A measure of central tendency limited
to descriptive use
c. The center of gravity of the
distribution of scores
d. The most stables measure of control
56. An abstract is:
a. A brief introduction to the study
b. Another way to state the research
C. A brief summary of the contents
of the entire report
d. A summary of the important findings
57. Describes the tools, devices, tests
and measures used in data collection:
a. Questionnaire
c. Research methods
b. Sampling
58. It provides explicit explanation why
the problem under study exist by
showing how the variables are related to
each other:
a. Conceptual Paradigm
c. Construct
b. Proportion
d. Conceptual Framework
59 . When you identify the scheme or
plan of action for meeting the objectives
of the study, you are identifying your:
a. Sampling Method
c. Data Collection tools
b.Research Design
d. Data Analysis plan
60. This statistical tool compares the
responses of two respondent groups in
the study on the phenomenon under
a. U-test
b. F-test
d. Chi square
61. Which of these uses sample data to
predict future occurrences?
a. Hypothesis
b. Descriptive statistics
c. Inferential statistics
d. B and C only
62. In the review of literature, when the
researcher restated the material read in
his own words,it is called:
a. Summarizing
b. Quoting
d. Footnoting
63. The observer is involved with the
subjects and has full knowledge and
awareness of the subject to be
a. Covert participant observer
b.Overt participant observer
c. Participant observer
c. Overt Non-participant observer
64. The totality of elements to which
research findings may apply:
a. Population
b. Universe
c. Target population
d. All except A
65. Quantitative research involves
numerical data. Which of the following is
based on quantitative research?
A. The effects of regular nurse visits
to client's bedside on the number of
client's Calls to the nurse
B. A study on the effects of the white
uniform of hospital personnel on
pediatric patients
C. A study on benefits of pre-operative
health instructions to client's feeling of
D. A study on the effects of touch on the
client's feelings of isolation
66. Before the nurse researcher starts
her study, she analyzes how much time,
money, materials and people she will
need to complete the research project.
This analysis prior to beginning the
study is called:
A. Validity
B. Researcheability
D. Reliability
67. When the researcher uses results of
experiences and observations rooted in
objective reality as sources of
knowledge, this is:
b. Manipulation
C. Empiricism
d. Objectivity
68. There should be no undue pressure,
such as threats of penalty for failing to
participate nor excessive rewards for
agreeing to participate:
a. Informed consent
b. Right to full disclosure
C. Right self -determination
d. Autonomy
69. "Leadership Practices of Clinical
Nurse Managers And Staff nurses'
Clinical Performance in
Selected Tertiary Hospitals in Metro
Manila", is an example of
a. research problem
b. title
c. hypothesis
d. assumption
70. “Father “- strong, provider, head of
the family and disciplinarian, is what
type of definition?
a. Lexican
c. Textual/conceptual
d. Denotative
71. __________ are placed at the end of
the sentence of an article, chapter, book
or essay:
a. footnotes
B.end notes
c. bibliography
d. references
72 This involves two control groups and
two experimental groups. One control
and experimental group takes the
pre-test before treatment while the
other group does not. However, both
groups will get the post-test after the
treatment, thereby segregating the
effects of pre-test measure and
intervention before and after treatment:
a. pretest-post test design
b. time series design
c.Solomon Four group
d. two group pretest- post test
73. Nurse Rock has established that the
expected ratio of smokers in a group of
male nurses was at 40:60. To compare
the actual ratio against expected norm,
the data would have to be analyzed
using a:
c.Chi square
d.Standard deviation
74. CHI SQUARE is the most widely used
statistical study to determine the
plausibility of the hypothesis. The chi
square 0.24, which of following is an
explanation to this finding?
a.The null hypothesis is correct
b.The null hypothesis is incorrect
c.The alternative hypothesis is correct
d.The null hypothesis is possibly rejected
75. In correlation co-efficient, what does
it mean if the p-value is .02?
a. Low Positive Correlation
b. Low negative correlation
c. High Positive Correlation
d. Perfect Positive Correlation
1. Nursing Research can be classified
according to the time frame the research
study has been made. As a nurse, you
know that the study entitled “Knowledge
and practice of Staff Nurses in
preventing needle prick injuries in a
private hospital in Manila is classified as:
A. Basic Research
B. Historical Research
C. Descriptive Research
D. Experimental Research
1. Answer: C. Descriptive Research –
This type of research describes the
current situation in a given period of
2. Nursing Research has a lot of
purposes. Which of the following
category do the study about the socio
demographic profile of nursing students
and their risk for depression belong?
A. Prescription
B. Exploration
C. Prediction and control
D. Explanation
. Answer: B. Exploration – Exploratory
research is an extension of descriptive
research and is more oriented towards
the discovery of relationships.
Prescription research is intended for both
research and practice. Prediction and
control may contain a prediction of
casualty, and control of the occurrence
of casualty. Explanation research is a
type of research that sought after
predictions that should be tested with
3. In experimental research, as a nurse
there must be an essential activity
wherein the participants of the study will
be able to understand the whole
experimental design. This term is called:
A. Desensitization
B. Experimental Proper
C. Research Proper
D. Debriefing
3. Answer: D. Debriefing – This is the
process wherein the subjects of the
research must be able to understand
what are they about the undergo. This is
the fundamental right of being informed.
4. Ethics in Nursing Research has always
been an issue when it comes to the
identity of the respondents. When the
topics of research are very sensitive,
which of the following rights of individual
participants must be ensured when the
researcher cannot link the information
given by the respondent from the source
of the information?
A. Confidentiality
B. Anonymity
C. Virility
D. Volunteerism
4. Answer: B. Anonymity – This is the
fundamental right of individuals who
participate in research. Being
anonymous may place the individual
respondent’s information to be free from
prejudice. Linking the information from
the source or participant is prohibited.
5. In starting a focused group
discussion, Nurse Dina wants to stress
out the confidentiality of the topics that
they will be discussing. Which of the
following instructions convey
A. “This discussion should not only be
confined within this group of people. Any
information discussed should be told
B. “This discussion should only be
confined within this group of people.
Any information discussed should
not be told publicly.”
C. “This discussion should not be
confined within this group of people. Any
information discussed should not be told
D. “This discussion should only be
confined within this group of people. Any
information discussed should be told
5. Answer: B. “This discussion should
only be confined within this group of
people. Any information discussed
should not be told publicly.” –
Confidentiality of information means that
any information discussed in a certain
period of time should not be made
available publicly.
No. 6 – 10. Situation No.1 – “Knowledge
and practice of prevention of needle
prick injuries of Staff Nurses in a certain
private hospital in Metro Manila”
6. Based on the research title which of
the following will be the general
A. This study aims to determine the
level of knowledge and practice of
prevention of needle prick injuries
of Staff Nurses in a certain private
B. This study aims to determine if there
is a significant relationship between
levels of knowledge regarding prevention
of needle prick injuries and
sociodemographic of Staff Nurses in a
certain private hospital.
C. The study aims to determine the
levels of knowledge regarding the
prevention of needle prick injuries of
Staff Nurses in a certain private hospital.
D. This study aims to determine the
sociodemographic of Staff Nurses in a
certain private hospital.
6. Answer: A. This study aims to
determine the level of knowledge and
practice of prevention of needle prick
injuries of Staff Nurses in a certain
private hospital. – A general objective
involves the broad concept of the study.
The other options were examples of
specific objectives
7. All of these are specific objectives
A. This study is for nursing
researchers in the future.
B. This study aims to determine if there
is a significant relationship between
levels of knowledge regarding prevention
of needle prick injuries and
sociodemographic of Staff Nurses in a
certain private hospital.
C. The study aims to determine the
levels of knowledge regarding the
prevention of needle prick injuries of
Staff Nurses in a certain private hospital.
D. This study aims to determine the
sociodemographic of Staff Nurses in a
certain private hospital.
7. Answer: A. This study is for nursing
researchers in the future. – This is not a
specific objective rather it is a statement
of who will be able to benefit from the
8. As a nurse, you know the appropriate
data-gathering tool, this is?
A. Survey
B. Questionnaire
C. Structured Discussion
D. Interview Method
8. Answer: B. Questionnaire – This is
the best data-gathering tool. A
structured questionnaire can gather
precise information.
9. As a nurse, these are the following
topics in the scope and limitations
A. Limited to the hospital personnel
of a private hospital
B. Limited only to the practice of
preventing needle prick injuries of
nursing personnel
C. The scope of the study involves the
knowledge about prevention of needle
prick injuries
D. The scope of the study involves the
sociodemographic profile of nursing
9.Answer: A. Limited to the hospital
personnel of a private hospital – The
study is focused only on nursing
personnel. The statement includes
hospital personnel which is not specific.
10. Which of the following is not a null
A. There is no relationship between the
level of knowledge and practice of
prevention of needle prick injuries
B. There is no relationship between the
practice of prevention of needle prick
injuries and the sociodemographic profile
of staff nurses
C. There is a significant relationship
between the knowledge and
sociodemographic profile of staff
D. All of the above.
10. Answer: C. There is a significant
relationship between the knowledge and
sociodemographic profile of staff nurses
– This is a positive statement of a
11. Which of the following would
correspond to Intervene in Nursing
A. Select design plan
B. Report findings
C. Implement planned study
D. Select a plan analysis
11. Answer: C. Implement planned
study – This is similar to the part of
nursing process – intervenes. This
activity involves consideration of ethical
12. Which of the following would
correspond to the Plan in Nursing
A. Select design plan
B. Report findings
C. Implement planned study
D. Change the objectives after
12. Answer: A. Select a design plan –
As the item denotes, there is a clue
already – plan.
13. When it comes to steps in Problem
Solving, which of the following would be
similar in research wherein you
implement the planned study?
A. Theorize about facts and possible
B. gather, analyze relevant
C. Report findings
D. Determine information needs
13. Answer: B. gather, analyze relevant
information – Gathering and analyzing
the information can lead to selecting the
best solution, this is where implementing
the planned study comes in when using
the Research perspective
14. Using the Research perspective,
when is the time that a nurse makes
A. Define the purpose of review of
B. Formulate a problem, define
C. Select design sample
D. Report findings
14. Answer: B. Formulate a problem,
define variables – A hypothesis is a
scientific guess which is similar to
making inferences when it comes to the
Nursing Process perspective.
15. Which of the following is does not
belong to the group?
A. Assess: Identify the problem
B. Plan: Theorize
C. Intervene: Gather relevant
D. Evaluate: Outcomes
15. Answer: B. Plan: Theorize – The
planning stage in the nursing process
involves determining information needs
for the problem
16. In selecting a problem, these are the
following consideration except:
A. Time Factor
B. Talents
C. Cost
D. Data availability
16. Answer: B. Talents – Research skills
rather than using the term talent is more
appropriate. In research all of the ideas
must be stated in a technical form rather
than in flowery words.
17. These are the purpose of Review of
Related Literature except:
A. Reveal investigations
B. Reveal sources of data
C. Reveal what is the problem
D. Reveal the significant research
17. Answer: C. Reveal what is the
problem – This is the purpose of
introduction of a research paper. The
review of related literature would only
place the picture properly whether there
is a need for further research or not.
18. As a nurse, you know the following
functions of theoretical framework,
A. Specifies relationship among the
B. Give a graphic view of the data
C. Clarifies the concept on which the
study is built
D. States assumptions
18. Answer: B. Give a graphic view of
the data – This is the functions of tables
and graphs which are important in
showing the results of the study in an
organized format.
19. Which of the following would not be
Qualitative Research?
A. Case study of Myocardial Infarction
B. A Review on Corona Trial
C. A Review on the Nursing Uniform
D. A Review on the Performance in
Related Learning Experience of
student nurses
19. Answer: D. A Review on the
Performance in Related Learning
Experience of student nurses– this is not
qualitative research since it uses
measurement tools in order to present
the data.
20. Using statistics in nursing research is
a very vital tool in presenting the data.
As a nurse, you know the definition of
sampling as:
A. Taking certain areas of the population
dividing the areas into sections
B. process of selecting a portion of
the population to represent the
entire population
C. Using every Nth name from the list of
D. Taking any sample as long as it
comes up with the quota
20. Answer: B. process of selecting a
portion of the population to represent
the entire population – It involves many
types of sampling as the other
definitions would describe stratified
random sampling, systematic sampling,
purposive sampling.
21. In gathering information, as a nurse
these are the reliable sources except:
A. Interview
B. Observation
C. Grapevine
D. Records
21. Answer: C. Grapevine – Rumours
are not reliable sources of information.
The other items would guarantee reliable
22. As a nurse educator, you want to
know the reasons behind the leave of
absences of student nurses. These tools
can be used except?
A. Interview
B. Records
C. Pre-Test & Post-Test
D. Questionnaire
22. Answer: C. Pre-Test & Post-Test –
This is not an appropriate tool in
gathering the needed data. Since this
type of research is descriptive in nature,
the other three options can be utilized.
23. Upon gathering the data, which of
the following can describe the most
number of reasons for leave of absence?
A. Median
B. Mode
C. Frequency
D. Deviance
23. Answer: B. Mode – This is a
numerical value in a distribution that
occurs frequently.
24. If you want to know the average age
of the nursing students who has the
most number of leave of absence you
will need:
A. Median
B. Mode
C. Mean
D. Deviance
24. Answer: C. Mean – The point on
the scale that is equal to the sum of
scores divided by the number of scores
25. After all the data presented, what
part of descriptive statistics will you use
in order to place a systematic
arrangement of numerical values from
lowest to highest?
A. Deviance
B. Central Tendency
C. Mode
D. Frequency Distribution
25. Answer: D. Frequency Distribution
– Deviance shows how to disperse a
group of samples can from the middle
value. Central tendency shows how
clustered groups can be in a middle
value; mode is an example of central
1. What are the criteria used to judge
the worth of a research study? Select all
that apply.
​ A.Validity
​ B.Reliability
​ C.Generalizability
​ D.Ethical considerations
2.Which statement best describes
qualitative research? Select all that
​ A.It focuses on
understanding subjective
experiences and
​ B.It aims to quantify data
and analyze statistical
​ C.It seeks to establish
​ D.It uses open-ended
questions and interviews.
3. What does a critique of a research
study always include? Select all that
​ A.Evaluation of the
​ B.Examination of the
​ C.Discussion of potential
​ D.Suggestions for future
4. For which of the following research
questions would qualitative methods be
most appropriate?
​ A.What is the impact of a
new drug on reducing
cholesterol levels?
​ B.How do individuals
perceive the quality of
customer service in a
particular store?
​ C.Is there a correlation
between sleep duration and
academic performance?
​ D.What is the effect of
different teaching methods
on students' math scores?
5.Which of the following phrases would
be found in a report of a qualitative
​ A.Data collected were
perceptions of pain.
​ B.The sample size was 500
​ C.Statistical analysis was
conducted using regression
​ D.The study aimed to
determine the prevalence of
a disease in a population.
6. Which of the following phrases would
be found in a report of a quantitative
​ A.Data collected were
perceptions of pain.
​ B.The sample size was 500
​ C.Statistical analysis was
conducted using
regression models.
​ D.The study aimed to
determine the prevalence of
a disease in a population.
7.Which of the following hypotheses are
indicative of an experimental research
​ A.There is a positive
correlation between exercise
and mental well-being.
​ B.Participants who
receive the treatment will
show a greater
improvement in
symptoms compared to
the control group.
C.The level of motivation
affects performance on a
cognitive task.
D.There is no difference in
anxiety levels between males
and females.
8. Which statements are part of the
criteria used to judge the soundness of a
stated research question? Select all that
​ A.The research question
is clear and specific.
​ B.The research question is
broad and covers multiple
​ C.The research question
is feasible and can be
answered with available
​ D.The research question
is relevant and
contributes to the
existing knowledge.
9. Which criteria are used to determine
testability of a hypothesis? Select all that
​ A.The hypothesis is
supported by previous
​ B.The hypothesis is stated
in a quantifiable manner.
​ C.The hypothesis is
consistent with the research
​ D.The hypothesis is concise
and specific.
10. What are the advantages to using
directional hypotheses? Select all that
​ A.The indication of the
use of a theory base to
derive the hypothesis
​ B.The provision of a
specific theoretical frame
of reference
​ C.Ensure that findings will be
D.The indication of a non
biased selection of subjects
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