Uploaded by Abid Hussain

Web Librarianship in Emerging Technologies

Daily Times, January 13, 2024
Role of Web Librarianship in Emerging Technologies
Abid Hussain
A Washington Post writer, Mr Linton Weeks, articulated, “In the nonstop tsunami of global
information, librarians provide us with floaties and teach us to swim.”
In the changing landscape of digital technologies, librarians are changing their attitudes toward the
web world, called web librarianship. The term web librarianship is specialized in web content and
refers to a specialized person who focuses on managing and providing access to information
resources on the World Wide Web (WWW). Web librarians play a significant role in ensuring that
the information is organized, accessible, and meets the academic needs of their patrons. Different
scholars in advanced countries define the term web librarianship in various aspects. A few qualities
that contribute to the web librarianship are Digital collection management.
This is highly imperative for web librarians to curate and manage digital collections; these include
acquiring, organizing, and preserving digital collections such as books, research papers in journals,
and material about academic needs. The second aspect of web librarianship is the role of
information architecture; under this construct, the librarian designs and implements the structure of
websites and online platforms to foster library resources to end users. Ensuring the long-term
accessibility and usability of digital content is a critical aspect of web librarianship.
Owing to this method, librarians organize information in a logical order that is easily accessible for
patrons to navigate the desired information in their time of need. The third aspect of web
librarianship is metadata standards for cataloguing. Different organizations produce various
metadata standards, and creating accurate and comprehensive metadata is essential for effective
information retrieval; here, web librarians apply cataloguing principles to digital content ensuring
that each item is appropriately described and indexed for easy discovery. In the digital realm, web
librarians must provide support and services to patrons who can easily navigate online databases,
guiding users in the use of digital content.
Ensuring the long-term accessibility and usability of digital content is a critical aspect of web
librarianship; here, the librarians preserve the digital content for effective use by patrons. Web
librarians are up-to-date with emerging technologies in the field. Here, web librarians integrate
these technologies into library services to enhance user engagement. Web librarians play a crucial
role in promoting information literacy skills among patrons. Here, librarians guide the evaluation of
online information, educate the users about copyright and intellectual property rights, and guide
them on using these digital resources for effective information.
Collaboration with IT staff and librarians in the era of technology often work closely with IT
professionals, content creators, web developers, and stakeholders to ensure that digital services
align with the overall goals of the academic organization. Accessibility to information is the key
priority of web librarians; here, librarians pay complete attention to ensuring that digital information
is available to all users, including those with disabilities. Web librarians always engage in outreach
efforts to promote digital resources and services in organizations and beyond. For this, web
librarians prioritized digital outreach and marketing plans to promote its services. Here, the
librarians create online tutorials, develop marketing strategies, and use social media platforms to
raise awareness of the library’s digital offerings.
Albeit the use of web librarianship is increasing at alarming rates in developed nations, however,
there are certain challenges associated with web librarianship; these are information overloading,
privacy concerns, Technological obsolescence, copyright and licensing issues, user education and
information literacy, funding constraints, constant technological changes and so many other
problems. Still, the role of web librarianship is a dynamic and evolving field.
Professionals in this field need apprehension in both traditional and advanced technological skills.
Librarians with web skills should understand the use of digital technologies to manage and provide
access to effective information. A leading library technologist, Roy Tennant, has rightly said, “Only
librarians like to search; everyone else likes to find.”
The writer is the Deputy Director of the Library at the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad. He
can be reached at writetoabidhussain@gmail.com