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Arduino Rainwater Gutter System Thesis

Development of Arduino Controlled Low Cost
Gutter System for Obtaining Clean Rainwater
Mr. Maharshi Chaudhuri (16UME006)
Mr. Subir Deb(16UME022)
Mr. Chirag Majumder(16UME050)
June- 2020
Thesis submitted to
National Institute of Technology, Agartala
for the award of the degree
Bachelor of Technology
Maharshi Chaudhuri (16UME006)
Subir Deb(16UME022)
Chirag Majumder(16UME050)
Dr. Madhujit Deb
JUNE- 2020
This project report entitled, “Development of Arduino Controlled Low Cost Gutter
System for Obtaining Clean Rainwater” submitted by:
Maharshi Chaudhuri
Subir Deb
Chirag Majumder
is approved for the Degree of Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering.
Date :
Place :
We do hereby declare that the work which is being presented in this project entitled as
“Development of Arduino Controlled Low Cost Gutter System For Obtaining
Clean Rainwater” is submitted for the partial fulfilment of the requirement of B.Tech
Curriculum and submitted in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of NIT
Maharshi Chaudhuri
Subir Deb
Chirag Majumder
It is certified that the work contained in the project entitled, “Development of
Arduino Controlled Low Cost Gutter System For Obtaining Clean Rainwater”
Maharshi Chaudhuri
Subir Deb
III Chirag Majumder
has been carried out under my supervision and that this work has not been submitted
elsewhere for a degree.
Dr. Madhujit Deb
Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering Department
NIT Agartala.
We hereby acknowledge the immense support, guidance and supervision of Dr.
Madhujit Deb, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department without
whose support this project work titled “Development of Arduino controlled low cost
gutter system for obtaining clean rain water” would not be possible. We therefore
thank him for all the support we have received and hope to continue getting his
valuable guidance.
We would also like to express our heartiest gratitude to Arup sir for his guidance in
the workshop.
Lastly, we would like to apologise in advance for any shortcomings and mistakes in
the report beyond our observation.
With Regards,
Maharshi Chaudhuri
Subir Deb
Chirag Majumder
Mechanical Engineering Dept.
NIT Agartala
 The main objective is to obtain clean rainwater so that it could be used for
different household works directly.
 In most of the Indian states rainwater harvesting is mandatory but it is not
practised in a proper way and also it should not be confined to large houses only.
As a good percentage of Indian population live in houses of inclined roofs, so
rainwater harvesting should also be practised for inclined roofs.
 To reduce human effort, automation is also necessary.
 The present rainwater harvesting models are quite expensive. So the aim is to
make the product affordable.
We are well aware of the fact that India rather the whole world is facing a great
scarcity of freshwater. Rapid construction is ignoring traditional water bodies that
have also as ground water recharging mechanism. We need to urgently revive
traditional aquifers while implementing new ones. The problem has been compounded
with increased concretization due to urban development that has choked ground water
resources. Water is neither being recharged nor stored in ways that optimizes its use
while retaining the natural ingredients of water. In addition, the entry of sewage and
industrial waste into water bodies is severely shrinking the availability of potable
water. Marine life is mostly lost in these areas already. This is the genesis of a very
serious emerging crisis. If we do not understand the source of the problem we will
never be able to find sustainable solutions.
In these study we have designed an arduino controlled gutter system which will allow
us to collect the rainwater and in turn increase the ground water level. Thus through
efficient rainwater harvesting we will able to replenish the ground water level. As the
country experiences good monsoons, so we will be able to replenish the level much
more than the current. The whole system is automated and enabled with rain sensors
which will be generally attached to the rooftops. Autodesk Fusion 360 and
SOLIDWORKS has been employed for the basic design and simulation respectively.
Title Page....................................................................................................................
Certificate of Approval............................................................................................... iii
Declaration ................................................................................................................. v
Certificate ................................................................................................................. xvii
Acknowledgement....................................................................................................... ix
Objective ..................................................................................................................... xi
Abstract ..................................................................................................................... xiii
Contents ..................................................................................................................
Chapter 1 Introduction ............................................................................................
1.1 Definition ...................................................................................................
1.2 A brief history of rainwater harvesting ......................................................
Chapter 2 Literature review ....................................................................................
Chapter 3 Importance of water harvesting ..............................................................
3.1 Different water harvesting techniques .......................................................
3.2 World Water Day .......................................................................................
3.2.1 Theme of 2019 World Water Day ...................................................
3.2.2 Theme of 2020 World Water Day ..................................................
Chapter 4 Rainwater harvesting systems ................................................................
4.1 Rainwater harvesting techniques ...............................................................
4.1.1 Surface Runoff harvesting ...............................................................
4.1.2 Rooftop rainwater harvesting ..........................................................
4.2 Components of the rooftop rainwater harvesting .......................................
4.2.1 Catchment ........................................................................................
4.2.2 Transportation ……………………………………………………..
4.2.3 First Flush …………………………………………………………
4.2.4 Filter ………………………………………………………………..
4.3 Methods of rooftop rainwater harvesting …………………….………….
4.3.1 Storage for direct use ……………………………………………...
4.3.2 Recharging groundwater aquifers …………………………………
Chapter 5 Need for modified method of rooftop
rainwater harvesting …………………………………………………...
Chapter 6 Modified method of slanted rooftop
rainwater harvesting …………………………………………………...
6.1 Mechanism of modified gutter system …………………………………...
6.2 Need of automation ………………………………………………………
Chapter 7 Construction and its components ……………………………………...
7.1 Components of the modified gutter system ……………………………...
7.1.1 Mechanical components …………………………………………..
7.1.2 Electronic components …………………………………………….
7.2 Construction ……………………………………………………………...
7.3 Working principle ………………………………………………………..
Chapter 8 Arduino programming and electronic circuit ………………………….
8.1 Program code for zero setting of servo motor …………………………...
8.2 Program code for rotation of gutter ……………………………………...
8.3 Electronic circuit …………………………………………………………
Chapter 9 Calculations and analysis ……………………………………………...
9.1 Calculations for determination of
torque required in servo motor …………………………………………...
9.2 Calculations for determining the load
on the bolts at the end of gutter ………………………………………….
9.3 Analysis of forces ………………………………………………………..
9.4 Result …………………………………………………………………….
Chapter 10 Conclusion and future scope …………………………………………
10.1 Conclusion ……………………………………………………………...
10.2 Future scope …………………………………………………………….
References ………………………………………………………………………...
Chapter 1
In many areas of India, rainwater harvesting is done at small scale. It is a simple low
cost technique that requires minimum knowledge & offers many benefits. Rain water
is collected and transported by gutters to a storage reservoir. Rain water harvesting
can supplement water sources when they become scarce or are of low quality.
However, rain water quality may also get affected by air pollution, animal or bird
droppings, insects, dirt & organic matter. Therefore, regular maintenance is required.
1.1 Definition
Rainwater harvesting primarily consists of the collection, storage and subsequent use
of captured rainwater as either the principal or as a supplementary source of water.
1.2 A brief history of rainwater harvesting
Gould & Nissen-Peterson (1999) provide a detailed history of rainwater harvesting
systems. The authors stated that the exact origin of rainwater harvesting has not been
determined, the oldest known examples date back several thousand years and are
associated with the early civilisations of the Middle East and Asia. In India, evidence
Chapter 1
has been found of simple stone-rubble structures for impounding water that date back
to the third millennium BC. In the Negev desert in Israel, runoff
from hillsides has been collected and stored in cisterns to be used for agricultural and
domestic purposes since before 2000 BC. There is evidence in the Mediterranean
region of a sophisticated rainwater collection and storage system at the Palace of
Knossos which is believed to have been in use as early as 1700 BC. In Sardinia, from
the 6th century BC onwards, many settlements collected and used roof runoff as their
main source of water. Many Roman villas and cities are known to have used rainwater
as the primary source of drinking water and for domestic purposes.
There is evidence of the past utilisation of harvested rainwater in many areas around
the world, including North Africa, Turkey, east and southeast Asia, Japan, China, the
Indian sub-continent, Pakistan and much of the Islamic world, sub-Saharan Africa,
Western Europe, North and South America.[1]
Chapter 2
Singh and Thapaliyal (1991) assessed the impact of watershed programme on rain
fed agriculture in Jhansi district of Uttar Pradesh and indicated that the underground
water table in the area showed a significant increase, the average annual increase in
the water table being 3.7 meters. A shift in the area from pulses to cereals and from
cereals to pulses was observed in Rabi and Kharif seasons, respectively.
Venkateswara Rao (1996) in his article has reviewed the importance of artificial
recharge of rainfall water for Hyderabad city water supply. Rainfall water from the
roof tops of the buildings recharged through specially designed recharge pits in order
to augment the ground water resource in the city. This Water meets almost 80% of
domestic water requirements, storm runoff from the public places like roads, parks
play grounds etc., is recharged through naturally existing tank within the city by not
allowing municipal sewage and industrial effluents in these tanks. He finally suggests
that, wherever natural tanks are not existing, community recharge pits are to be
constructed at hydro geologically suitable location.
Chapter 2
Deepak Khare et al has reviewed the impact assessment of RWH on ground water
quality at Indore and Dewas, India. The impact assessment of roof top improve the
quality and quantity of Ground Water. The roof top rainwater was used to put into the
ground using sand filter as pretreatment system. This lead to a reduction in the
concentration of pollutants in ground water which indicated the effectiveness of
increased recharge of aquifer by roof top rain water. The author concludes that quality
mounting of rainwater harvesting is an essential prerequisite before using it for ground
water recharge.
Ravikumar et al describe the roof top rainwater harvesting in Chennai Airport using
GIS. They explain the estimation of surface runoff using SCS method and design of
rainwater harvesting structures in Chennai Airport Terminal buildings. Thematic maps
were digitized in map Info GIS software and roof drainage delineation was done in
GIS environment. Based on the topography and lithology of airport. the artificial
recharge structures like recharge shaft, recharge well and recharge pit were designed
and located.
Zankwoski et-al haveGutters may have different cross sections. Among them the
best are V shaped, Square, trapezoidal & semicircular
Tabulated Form
Name of The
Year of
Singh and
Assessment of the impact of watershed
programme on rain fed agriculture and
indicated that the underground water
table in the area showed a significant
increase, the average annual increase in
the water table being 3.7 meters.[2]
Literature review
Venkateswara Rao
Rainfall water from the roof tops of the
buildings recharged through specially
designed recharge pits in order to
augment the ground water resource in the
Ravikumar et al
He describe the roof top rainwater
harvesting in Chennai Airport using GIS.
Recharge well and recharge pit were
designed and located. [2]
Deepak Khare et al
The roof top rainwater was used to put
into the ground using sand filter as
pretreatment system.[3]
Zankwoski et-al
Gutters may have different cross sections.
Among them the best are V-shaped,
Square, trapezoidal & semicircular.[3]
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Water harvesting is of utmost importance in present scenario. According to the
composite water management index (CWMI) report released by the Niti Aayog in
2018, 21 major cities (Delhi, Bengaluru, Chennai, Hyderabad and others) are racing to
reach zero groundwater levels by 2020, affecting access for 100 million people.
However, 12 per cent of India’s population is already living the ‘Day Zero' scenario,
thanks to excessive groundwater pumping, an inefficient and wasteful water
management system and years of deficient rains. The CWMI report also states that by
2030, the country's water demand is projected to be twice the available supply,
implying severe water scarcity for hundreds of millions of people and an eventual six
per cent loss in the country's GDP.[4]
We are valuing land more than water, neglecting our local water bodies, which have
either gone dry or encroached. Also, in many Indian cities, water is not properly
distributed. [5]
In most of the Indian states and union territories, rainwater harvesting is mandatory
for large houses but since we are in the verge of water extinction, it should not be
confined to large houses only. Every form of water will play an important role.
Chapter 3
3.1 Different water harvesting techniques
Water has been harvested in India since antiquity. Traditional water harvesting is still
prevalent in rural areas and it is done in surface storage bodies like lakes, ponds,
irrigation tanks, temple tanks, etc. The monsoon runoff water can also be captured in
various forms of water bodies. Even water can be harvested from flooded rivers.
In urban areas, due to shrinkage of open surfaces, people depend largely on
underground water and rainwater plays an important role in maintaining the ground
water level. The rainwater can be harvested through various techniques. Rainwater
can be harvested directly from rooftop and can be stored in tanks or artificial wells.[6]
The water harvesting techniques could be of various forms namely:
Naulas: These are stone walls built across a stream to dam the water.
Percolation tanks, Rapats: These are small tanks built on sandy or rocky soil
to store rainwater. Some of the water is used but the remainder percolates
through to aquifers, which replenish wells.
Bhandaras: These are underground tanks built to interpret water from springs,
channeling it to storage tanks for city use.
Qanats: These are vertical shafts in hilly areas to catch rainwater. The water is
collected in underground channels that carry it by gravity over long distances
to storage wells.
Integrated tanks: Tanks that overflow into a series of lower tanks to catch the
rainwater that is funneled through gutters.[7]
Hence, water harvesting can be done through various methods and is the need of the
Importance of water harvesting
3.2 World Water Day
The World Water Day is celebrated on 22nd March every year.
3.2.1 Theme of 2019 World Water D
The theme for World Water D
ay 2019 is 'leaving no one behind'. This is an adaptation
of the central promise of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development: as sustainable
development progresses,
resses, everyone must benefit.[8
Fig 3.1- Theme of World Water Day 2019 [8]
Chapter 3
3.2.2 Theme of 2020 World Water Day
The theme is “Water and climate change” as water can help fight climate change. So
we can’t afford to wait as everyone has a role to play.
Fig 3.2- Theme of World Water Day 2020 [8]
So, among the different water harvesting techniques, rainwater harvesting is cited as a
crucial type as it is an excellent source of fresh, clean water.
Chapter 4
4.1 Rainwater harvesting techniques
The different rainwater harvesting techniques include
4.1.1 Surface runoff harvesting
In urban areas, rainwater flows away as surface runoff. This runoff can be caught and
used for recharging aquifers by adopting appropriate methods. It does not require any
special system for its functioning.
4.1.2 Rooftop rainwater harvesting
It is a system of catching rainwater where it falls. In rooftop harvesting, the roof
becomes the catchment and the rainwater is collected from roof of building. It can
either be stored in a tank or diverted undergroun
4.2 Components of the rooftop rainwater harvesting
The rooftop rainwater harvesting system mainly includes the following components.
Chapter 4
4.2.1 Catchment
The surface that receives rainfall directly is the catchment area. It may be a terrace,
courtyard or paved ground. The terrace may be a flat RCC or stone roof or sloping
4.2.2 Transportation
Rainwater from the rooftop should be carried down through pipes or drains to the
storage. Water pipes should be UV resistant of the required capacity. Water from
sloping roofs could be caught through gutters and can be transported down through
4.2.3 First flush
The first flush is a device used to flush off the water received in the first shower. The
first shower of rains needs to be flushed-off to avoid contaminating storage or
rechargeable water by probable contaminants of the atmosphere and the catchment
4.2.4 Filter
There is always some skepticism regarding rooftop rainwater harvesting since doubts
are raised that rainwater may contaminate groundwater. Secondly all care must be
taken to see that underground sewer drains are not punctured and no leakage taking
place in close vicinity. Filters are used for the treatment of water to effectively remove
turbidity and microorganisms. The filters should be cleaned at regular intervals.
4.3 Methods of rooftop rainwater harvesting
4.3.1 Storage for direct use
In this method, rainwater collected from the roof of the building is diverted to a
storage tank. The storage tank may be designed according to the water requirements,
rainfall and catchment availability. The main advantage of collecting and using
rainwater during the rainy season is not only to save water from conventional sources
but also to save energy incurred on transportation and distribution of water at the door
Rainwater harvesting systems
4.3.2 Recharging groundwater aquifers
Groundwater aquifers can be recharged by various kinds of structures to ensure the
percolation of rainwater in the ground instead of draining away from the surface.
Commonly used recharging methods are:
Recharging of bore wells
Recharging of dug wells
Recharge pits
Recharge Trenches
Soakaways or Recharge shafts
Percolation tanks
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
A majority of India’s population resides in villages where the houses with slanted
roofs still prevail. The roofs are made of either straw or tin or asbestos sheet.
Moreover, under the scheme of Pradhan Mantri Gramin Awaas Yojana[10], houses
are built by the government for the people living in villages and majority of the houses
have tin roofs. Hence, a large percentage of people are living in houses with tin roofs.
So, covering these houses with rainwater harvesting system is essential.
Fig 5.1- House with tin roof in a village in Sonamura, Tripura
Chapter 5
Slanted tin roofed houses can be seen easily in small towns beside the National
Highways also.
Fig 5.2 - Houses with tin roofs on National Highway 8
Not only in small towns and villages, the houses with tin roofs can also be seen in
Fig 5.3 – Houses with tin roofs in Agartala city ( behind the Chief Minister’s quarter)
Need for modified method of rooftop rainwater harvesting
The prevailing rainwater harvesting technique for slanted roof includes a gutter fixed
at the slope end of the roof and the water is carried down to the storage by pipes. But
this system poses a threat against obtaining clean water unless filter is fitted. The
gutters get accumulated with dry leaves, bird droppings, dust and many other forms of
dirt. All these get piled up in the gutters with time. The use of filters and flushing
system may be adopted but all this will lead to an increased expenditure which might
not be affordable for many people living under poverty.
Fig 5.4- Dirt getting accumulated in gutter[11]
So, a low cost rainwater harvesting system is essential for houses with slanted tin
roofs for obtaining clean water which is affordable for poor people.
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
The modified method includes gutter fitted to the slanted end of the tin roof which is
able to rotate about an axis. It deals with the phenomenon of obtaining clean rainwater
using Arduino controlled gutters which are operated by servo motors and
accompanied by rain sensor.
The gutters are free to rotate about an axis upto a certain angle. They remain upside
down when it is not raining so that the dirt and dust which normally gets accumulated
in regular gutter systems is not the case in this modified gutter system. But once it is
raining, the rain sensor senses it and brings the gutter to the position of collecting
water by rotating the gutter with the help of servo motor. Hence, clean water can be
obtained and it can be sent to increase the underground water level. Otherwise we can
also store this water in underground tanks through pipes fitted to the system.
Chapter 6
Fig 6.1
6.1- 3D view of cad model
Fig 6.2 - Side view of cad model
The above two figures represent the modified gutter system and the
he model is designed
in Autodesk Fusion 360 (Student Version)
6.1 Mechanism of modified gutter system
The function of a mechanism is to transmit motion. In this modified gutter system also
the motion of gutter needs to be brought into action. To achieve this, a mechanism is
required. A four bar chain
hain can solve the problem. A four bar chain is the most
fundamental of the plain kinematic chain. It is a much preferred mechanical device for
the mechanisation and control of motion due to its simplicity and versatility. Basically
it consists of four rigid
id links which are connected in form of a quadrilateral by four
joints. One type of four bar linkage is Double Crank Mechanism.
Modified method of slanted rooftop rainwater harvesting
Fig 6.3 - Double crank mechanism[12]
If in a four bar linkage, two opposite links are parallel and equal in length, then any of
the links can be fixed to obtain a motion. The two links adjacent to the fixed link will
always act as two cranks. Hence it is named double crank mechanism. This
mechanism is also known as coupling rod of a locomotive. In this mechanism the
links AD & BC (having equal lengths) act as cranks and the connected to the
respective wheels. The link CD act as a coupling rod and the link AB is fixed in order
to maintain a constant center to center distance between them. This mechanism is
made for transmitting rotary motion from one wheel to other wheel.
6.2 Need of Automation
The automation is necessary as •
The modern era is going through a technological revolution.
It is not always possible to turn the gutters manually every time.
It is not even possible to match timings of rain and gutter movement otherwise
whole dedication and focus should be on it all day to make it work perfectly.
It will reduce human effort and ease the things.
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
7.1 Components of the modified gutter system
The working model of the modified gutter system comprises of the following
7.1.1 Mechanical components
 Gutter: A gutter is a shallow trough fixed beneath the edge of a slanted roof for
carrying rainwater. A gutter can be of different shapes and made of different
materials. Most commonly used gutter materials are Vinyl, Aluminium, Copper,
Galvanised steel. Generally gutters are semi-circular in shapes.
The chosen material for the gutter of this model is Aluminium as because
aluminium gutters are light weight, yet they withstand the elements well and resist
rust. Top quality aluminium gutters can have a lifespan of 20 years or more and
they offer the best value because of their durability and moderate cost.[13]
Chapter 7
Fig 7.1 – Gutter
In this system, the gutter is free to rotate about an axis in accordance with the
other components of the system.
Frames: The frames act as rigid links in the mechanism. The chosen material
for frame is cast iron because of its vibration and jerk absorbing capacity.
Fig 7.2 - Frame
 Connecting rod: In this double crank mechanism, the connecting rod acts as a link
joining the two cranks. It is used for transmitting motion from one crank to other.
The chosen material for connecting rod is mild steel.
Fig 7.3 - Connecting rod
Construction and its components
 Crank: The crank will be in the shape of a disc, made of aluminium whose
diameter will be same as that of the gutter. It should also be free to rotate about the
fixed frame.
Fig 7.4 – Crank
7.1.2 Electronic components
 Servo motor: A servomotor is a rotary actuator that allows precise control of
angular position. It consists of a suitable motor coupled to a sensor for position
feedback. The function of a servo motor is to receive a control signal that
represents a desired output position of the servo shaft and apply power to its DC
motor until its shaft turns to that position. Servos are controlled by sending an
electrical pulse of variable width or pulse width modulation (PWM), through the
control wire. There is a minimum pulse, a maximum pulse, and a repetition rate. A
servo motor can usually only turn 90° in either direction for a total of 180°
Fig 7.5 – Servo motor
Chapter 7
 Arduino Uno: Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-touse hardware and software. Arduino boards are able to read inputs - light on a
sensor, a finger on a button, or a Twitter message - and turn it into an output activating a motor, turning on an LED, publishing something online. The
microcontroller board is based on a microchip ATmega328 microcontroller. The
board is equipped with sets of digital and analog input/output pins that may be
interfaced to various circuits.[15]
Fig 7.6 – Arduino Uno board
 Rain sensor: A rain sensor or rain switch is a switching device activated by
rainfall. It works on the principle of resistance. It allows to measure moisture via
analog output pins and it provides a digital output when a threshold moisture
Fig 7.7 – Rain sensor
Construction and its components
 Bread board: Breadboards are used to connect components to complete a
electronic circuit.
Fig 7.8 – Bread board
 Battery: A 9 volt battery is used to power up the arduino board.
Fig 7.9 - Battery
 Wires: The wires are an important part of electronic circuits. The wires are
essential in completing the connections. The wires may have different type of pin
at both the ends which are helpful in different connections.
Fig 7.10 – Wires
Chapter 7
7.2 Construction and Working Principle
The mechanical components are joined together to form the gutter system. These
joints are possible with the use of nuts and bolts. The electronic connections on the
other hand play a vital role for automation. All the components in union make the
arduino controlled gutter system.
Fig 7.11 - Assembled model of gutter system
7.3 Working principle
Firstly the rain sensor will be connected on the roof of the house and the gutter will be
in inverted position. When it will rain, the rain sensor will sense it and it will send
signal to the bread board. The bread board is connected to the arduino and it is
powered by battery. As the signal for rain is sent to the arduino, it gives signal to the
servo motor to rotate and bring the gutter to the position of collecting water and the
cycle is complete. The rain water from the gutter moves through the down-comers and
is connected to the reservoir. Again when the rain stops, the gutter will come back to
its original inverted position.
Fig 7.12 – Representation of gutter rotation
Chapter 8
Arduino IDE is a special software running on the computer system that allows us to
write program in Arduino language for different Arduino boards. It is a open source
software. The Arduino programming language is based on a very simple hardware
programming language called processing, which is very similar to the C language.
Basically, the arduino programming consists of two functions namely setup() function
and loop() function. The setup() function initializes and sets the initial values. The
loop() function does precisely what its name suggests and loops consecutively,
allowing program to change and respond. Other than these, the other functions used
are digitalRead(), digitalWrite(), analogRead(), analogWrite(), delay(), etc.[15]
Along wit these, most of the C and C++ variables are commonly used in Arduino
programming with similar syntax. The different operators of C ans C++ language are
also used in same sense while programming in Arduino IDE.
Chapter 8
Interface of Arduino IDE is as follows
8.1 Program code for Zero setting of Servo motor
First of all the servo motor has to be fixed at one end of its rotation. For that it has o
be zero set. The program code for zero setting of servo is as follows:
Servo servox;
void arm()
void setup() {
Arduino programming and electronic circuit
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
The program is uploaded into the Arduino board and the circuit comprising of servo
motor, AC supply and arduino board is brought in union with the help of bread board
and wires. Once the servo is zero set, it is able to rotate upto 180 degrees at the other
end when commanded.
8.2 Program code for rotation of gutter
For the smooth operation of the gutter system, 140 degress of rotation of the servo is
enough. Hence, the program code the rotation of gutter is as follows:
Servo myservo;
int pos=0;
void setup() {
void loop ( ) {
int servoValue=analogRead(A0);
int flag=0;
if (servoValue>570)
Chapter 8
else if(flag==1&&servoValue<=570)
myservo.write (pos);
8.3 Electronic Circuit
The electronic comprises of all the electronic components. The servo motor has 3
pins, one is connected to VCC, one is grounded and the last one is connected to pin
no. 9 of arduino. The rain sensor also has 4 pins, among which 3 pin needs to be
connected. These are connected to VCC, ground and pin no. A0 of arduino
Fig 8.1 – Electronic circuit
Chapter 9
9.1 Calculations for determination of torque required in Servo motor
Diameter of gutter (inner diameter), d = 0.1 m
Length of gutter, L = 1m
Thickness, t = 0.002m
So, volume of aluminium required, V = L x (π x (d/2)) x t
= 1 x 0.157 x 0.002
= 0.000314 m3
Density of aluminium, ρA = 2700 kg/m3
So, mass of aluminium, mA = ρA x V
= 2700 x 0.000314
= 0.8478 kg
Weight of aluminium, WA = mA x g
= 0.8478 x 9.81
= 8.317 N
Chapter 9
Since the gutter will be clamped at both the ends, hence it can be considered as a
simply supported beam.
So, torque required to rotate the gutter is, T = WA x (L/2)
= 8.317 x 0.5
= 4.158 N-m
Hence, a servo motor of torque higher than this value is required.
9.2 Calculation for determining the load on the bolts at the end of
Weight of aluminium, WA = 8.317 N
Volume of water in the gutter when it is completely filled, Vw = (π x (d/2)2 x L)/2
= (3.14 x (0.05)2 x 1)/2
= 0.003925 m3
Density of water, ρW = 1000 kg/m3
So, mass of water, mW = ρW x VW
= 1000 x 0.003925
= 3.925 kg
So, weight of water, WW = mW x g
= 3.925 x 9.81
= 38.5 N
So, total weight of gutter when it is full of water is, W = WA + WW
= 8.317 + 38.5
= 46.817 N
Hence, force at each end of the gutter is = 23.4085 N
9.3 Analysis of forces
Using the data of above calculations where the force on each end of the gutter is
23.4085 N, the model of the gutter system has been analysed and the following result
is obtained:
Calculations and analysis
Fig 9.1 – Application of forces
Fig 9.2 - Result for von Mises stress
Fig 9.3 – Result for deformation
Chapter 9
Fig 9.4 – Result for strain developed
9.4 Result
The maximum load will be at the junction between frame and gutter which is to be
joined by bolt. The bolts are generally made of galvanized steel. From fig 9.2, it can
be seen that the maximum stress developed in the structure is much less than the yield
stress of the material. Hence the design is safe and ready for operation.
Chapter 10
10.1 Conclusion
The current situation of scarcity of water is due to the relentless misuse of water,
which has resulted in depletion of ground water level.
This concept will ensure storage of rain water & thus will replenish the ground water
level directly or indirectly. As India is a country with blessings of monsoon winds, if
implemented correctly & efficiently it will lead to restoration of water level &
conserve the human race on earth.
10.2 Future Scope
This type of system could be modified and developed for houses with flat roofs.
As our project deals with the rainwater harvesting for houses with inclined roofs,
so there is a chance of development in this area.
Filters could be used in the tank. Say for low cost, charcoal filters may be used in
the downpour directly to obtain more pure, germ-free water.
Chapter 10
To make it electronically controlled with mobile phones so that it may be
controlled with Bluetooth or an app may be developed which could control the
gutter movement when required.
1) https://www.scribd.com/document_downloads/direct/74346263?extension=pdf
2) International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 8,
August-2013 281 ISSN 2229-5518
3) http://www.researchgate.net
4) https://sswm.info
5) www.downtoearth.org.in
6) https://kirtifirm.blogspot.in
7) Indian Forestry by K Manikandan
8) www.worldwaterday.org
9) https://theconstructor.org
10) https://www.india.gov.in
11) https://images.app.goo.gl/jQGCnjx3VKnD8WKd8
12) https://images.app.goo.gl/Cokr8WggES2S39UX6
13) https://qualitygutterssystems.com
14) https://www.elprocus.com
15) https://www.arduino.cc
16) https://create.arduino.cc