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Steer Clear of Your Doubts About Brushing from best dental studio in Berwick

Steer Clear of Your Doubts About
Brushing from best dental studio in
Regular toothbrushing is the most significant step in maintaining healthy teeth and gums.
Teeth cleaning might look simple but only some of us manage to do it properly. It is crucial to
brush your teeth consistently, otherwise, you might end up missing the advantages of
Even if you have been brushing for quite some time now, the chances are that some issues
may still arise. People have some doubts regarding brushing.
Consequently, Berwick Dental Studio has come up with this post to clear your doubts
regarding brushing your teeth in this blog outlined below.
Doubts regarding brushing
Is it necessary to brush twice a day?
Whether it is essential to brush their teeth twice a day or not is the foremost doubt people
have regarding brushing. The answer is yes. Brushing twice a day including once in the
morning and once before bedtime is crucial.
Brushing twice a day goes a long way to remove plaque and bacteria accumulating on your
teeth which in turn can lead to tooth decay and gum disease if left unchecked by a dentist in
When to brush your teeth?
Brushing your teeth in the morning before breakfast is the right time. The dentist in Berwick
suggests brushing your teeth right away after eating as it scrubs away the weakened tooth
The other alternative is to wait for half an hour after eating to brush your teeth as this will
give time to your saliva to neutralize the acids again.
Does the toothbrush you use matter?
The toothbrush you use can make a significant difference in your oral health. Using an
electric toothbrush is effective in removing plaque and bacteria more efficiently than the
traditional manual toothbrush.
Compared to a manual toothbrush, an electric toothbrush removes around 10 times more
plaque and prevents tooth and gum disease.
How often to change your toothbrush?
If you use a traditional manual toothbrush, then it is advisable to change your toothbrush
after every two to three months. Pay heed to the bristles and if your toothbrush’s bristles look
worn down, then it is time to change your toothbrush.
But if it is an electronic toothbrush, then consider changing the toothbrush every 3-6 months.
The electronic toothbrush’s indicator shows the time when it's time to change the toothbrush.
Besides changing your toothbrush every 3-6 months, also emphasize cleaning your
toothbrush regularly.
Is flossing essential?
Many people only do regular brushing twice a day and wonder if flossing is crucial. The
answer is yes. Flossing is equally essential as brushing. Flossing helps to remove plaque
and food particles that get stuck in between your teeth as the toothbrush cannot reach such
Ignoring flossing can make you prone to dental issues such as gum disease and cavities
which in turn makes it crucial for you to add flossing to your daily routine.
How long should you brush?
Another common doubt in people’s minds is how long you need to brush to have good oral
health. The dentist in Berwick recommends brushing for around 2 minutes twice a day. This
might seem a long time to you but it is essential to ensure you thoroughly clean your teeth
from all areas.
The best way to ensure you are brushing your teeth for a sufficient amount of time is to set a
2-minute timer to help you stay on track.
Final Words
Don't let doubts about brushing hold you back from achieving a healthy, radiant smile. Follow
the brushing guidelines stated above to ensure your dental health stays on track. Besides
this, you can also book your appointment at the Berwick Dental Studio and get your teeth
checked by the dentist in Berwick.