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Alignment Workshop: Plan Your Next 90 Days for Success

Alignment Workshop - April 2024
Plan Your Next 90 Days to Make 2024 the Best Year of Your Life
� Hey friends
⛳ This is your workbook for today’s Alignment Workshop. Please hit File -> Make a
Copy to duplicate this into your own Google Account, so that you can add and edit
It’s totally okay if you’re not sure about your answers to some of these questions.
It’s also totally okay if you feel like there you didn’t have enough time during the live
session to complete this fully - think of this as a v1 which you can always tweak later
This is a free event we’re hosting as part of Productivity Lab, our new community for
ambitious entrepreneurs, creators and professionals, to help you double your
productivity while enjoying the journey along the way. If you’d like to join us for daily
Focus Lab sessions, weekly and monthly Reflection Workshops, and my new live
online course (The Life Productivity System) happening 1st to 31st May 2024, we’d
love to have you join the Founding Cohort of the Lab. Click here for more info.
1 - Reflect
Reflecting on 2024 so far…
� Key Events: What actually happened in 2023? Take a look through your calendar (and your
Weekly Reflection Log, if you have one) and note down the key moments from each month.
� Milestones: What were the 1-3 most significant events or achievements so far in 2024 for
you? How did these impact your life?
� Challenges: What were the biggest challenges or obstacles you’ve faced in 2024 so far?
How did you overcome them, and what did you learn from these experiences? Remember to be
kind towards yourself here - it’s totally okay that you might’ve “missed” some goals. The key is
to learn from that and enjoy the journey, which is all that matters at the end of the day anyway �
� Relationships: Reflect on your relationships in 2024 so far. How have they evolved? Were
there new relationships that had a significant impact on you?
� Professional Growth: How have you progressed in your career or studies in 2024? What
were the key learnings and how have they shaped your future aspirations (if at all)?
� Looking Forward: Based on your experiences in the first few months of 2024, what would
you like to do differently for the next 3 months? Are there new areas you’d like to explore or
changes you want to make?
2 - Align
⛳ The Life Vision and Annual Goals we’re referring to in this section are based on the
Annual Planning Workshop I hosted on 6th Jan 2024. If you missed it, this playlist of 3
videos runs through most of it so you can go through it on your own if you like.
If you prefer to do stuff like this in a live group, I’m hosting our next Life Vision &
Goal-Setting Workshop on Sunday 12th May 2024 for the students in the founding
cohort of Productivity Lab.
⭐ Align to your Life Vision
If you don’t yet have your “Life Vision” drafted, that’s okay - this playlist (or joining Productivity
Lab �) will help you figure that out later. In the meantime, please just give these questions
below your best shot. This doc is just a rough first draft after all, purely an experiment, a pencilsketch, no need to overthink it.
❓ Looking Back: How closely have your actions over the past few months aligned with your
overarching life vision? Consider areas where you’ve excelled and areas where you might be a
little misaligned.
� Looking Ahead What specific actions could you take in the next 9 weeks to get more aligned
with your life vision?
� Align to your Annual Goals
� Annual Goal Review: Review each of your annual goals. Which have you made progress
on, and which are lagging behind? Do any of them need updating or removing? For each goal
that’s still on the list, what 1-3 specific steps could you take to realign, make progress or
accelerate your progress in the next 9 weeks?
If you don’t yet have your annual goals defined, that’s okay - this playlist (or joining Productivity
Lab �) will help you figure that out later. In the meantime, please just take a stab at it: What are
3-5 goals you’d like to achieve by the end of 2024?
Goal #1 -
Goal #2 Goal #3 Goal #4 -
3 - Plan your Quarterly Quests
There are around 9 weeks left in the first half of 2024, and until our next Alignment
Workshop (Sunday 30th June), which will be free-for-all
As such, I’d recommend spending the rest of this session planning your next 9 weeks,
and we’ll get back to a quarterly cadence (12 weeks) for Q3 of 2024.
’s the goal you’re aiming for?
What are the 3-5 major moves that’ll get you there?
What daily or weekly a
What’s the rough timeline?
Who could you enlist for help?
What obstacles might you encounter, and how would
you overcome them?
How will you track you
Who’s your accountab
How will you adapt if t
4 - Concluding
� Gratitude: What are you most grateful for in 2024 so far? Think about people, experiences,
or opportunities that enriched your life.
---------That’s it!! Thank you so much for attending this Alignment Workshop. We’ll hopefully see you on
Sunday 30th June for the next one, to plan Q3 of 2024.
Ali xx
PS: If you like doing stuff like this, you’ll probably love Productivity Lab. Check it out here.