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Financial Habits of Grade 7 Students: A Study

A Research Paper
Presented to the
Faculty of Senior High School
Holy Cross Academy of Tubigon, Incorporated
In partial fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the
Accountancy, Business and Management Strand
Aparre, Richielyn Zita
Calamba,Jeah A.
Diamada, Jannhea
Gonzales, Kate Hannalette
Josol, Lorie Ann
Lenteria, Zyra Mae
Orfano, Kate Coleen
Otero, Angela
Suficiencia, Allison
Tan, Adrian Rey
Tarle, Trisha Mae
Tejada, Estella
Uy, Sheena
In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the completion of Methods of
Culminating Activity, this research paper entitled "Financial Attitude, Financial
Behavior, and Spending Habits Among the Students of Holy Cross Academy,
Inc." has been prepared and submitted by Richielyn Zita Aparre, Jeah Calamba,
Jannhea Diamada, Kate Hannalette Gonzales, Lorie Ann Josol, Zyra Lenteria,
Kate Coleen Orfano, Angela Otero, Allison Suficiencia, Trisha Mae Tarle,
Adrian Rey Tan, Estela Tejada, and Sheena Lei Uy, who are hereby
recommended for acceptance and approval for oral defense.
Approved by the Examining Tribunal at the Oral Examination Conducted on the
Accepted and approved as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the completion
of the Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) Strand.
“Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping
stones to success.”
—Dale Carnegie
The researchers would like to express their heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to
everyone who helped to make this practical research endeavor a success. The
researchers would not have been able to complete this research without the help
and encouragement of several others. This initiative helped the researchers grow
spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally.
Above all, we are grateful to God, the Almighty Father, for His unending support
and favor during the course of our research and its successful conclusion. The
wisdom that he had imparted to the researchers as well as the endless love and
blessings that he had showered upon and made this study possible.
To the Culminating Activity adviser, Mr. Narito Arcay., LPT, PHD, for his
invaluable advice, patience, and support during this research project.
To the Practical Research 2 teacher, Mrs. Jessica Alcala, for giving of her time,
assistance and practical ideas she has given to us researchers
The researchers also acknowledge their very own principal Mrs. Juralyn Daño
for her outstanding leadership to institution and approval of the study.
To the Parents of the researcher, for their unwavering understanding, financial
assistance, and spiritual support throughout the completion of this study.
To the respondents, for their cooperation in answering the questionnaires.
We want to thank everyone once more from the bottom of our hearts for helping to
make this practical research endeavor a success.
The researchers dedicated this study to our Almighty God as the main source of
wisdom, strength, knowledge, and guidance throughout the entire research process.
This research will not be successful without God's spiritual guidance.
The researchers dedicated this study to their loved ones and families, who have
always been there to support them financially and emotionally throughout their
research journey. Despite all the challenges and struggles the researchers have
been through, their families have stayed and supported them in achieving their
goals. We appreciate their understanding during our difficult research days and their
support when we felt uneasy. We could not get through our research without their
unconditional love and support.
The researchers also dedicate the study to their members, who have spent many
sleepless nights ensuring the success of this project, as well as to the teachers who
guided them with the utmost patience and perseverance throughout the entire
research process.
Lastly, the researchers dedicated the study to future researchers as their reference
and guide for their studies
Part of a student's life is to manage one's money. Financial attitude is defined as a
state of mind, opinion, and judgment of a person about finances. Based on the
theory of social learning there is a three-way relationship that locks each other's
behavior, environment, and inner events that affect perception and action. The
research has been done by Amanah, et al (2016) that the financial attitude partially
affects the financial management behavior. A financial attitude of a student could
greatly influence their spending habits. Those who have a positive attitude towards
managing their money tend to do more saving than spending. They are more
responsible on their money, they budget and prioritize necessities. In contrast, there
are also students who does the other way around. Those who have a careless
attitude will be more likely to spend more than they save. Their careless attitude
could lead to impulsive spending, accumulate debts and when worse comes to
worst, it could even lead to financial stress.
A person’s financial attitude can be characterized as their mentality, viewpoint and
assessment toward money. Three way interaction that locks each other’s behavior,
environment, and interior events that affect perception and action is based on the
notion of social learning.
Behavior that relates and significant towards management of money is known as
Financial Behavior. Financial behavior can be observed on someone's financial
attitude. This includes proper management, budgeting and planning of how to spend
such money. This also includes good control in spending money. Therefore as have
been proved, financial behavior could lead to financial satisfaction. The more positive
the financial attitude of an individual towards money, the more optimal financial
satisfaction one could obtain. The capacity of financial managing is one of the
relevant skill a student must gear in order to avoid serious financial complications
and problems.
The patterns and behaviours people display regarding their financial outlays are
refered to as spending habits. It has to do with how individuals decide how best to
spend their money and make selections about what to buy. Various factors such as
social position, personal references, marketing strategies, and financial knowledge,
contribute to shaping these patterns. From lavish and impulsive spending to mindfull
financial choices, behaviors can vary. Developing a strong awareness of these
spending habits is crucial for effective financial management and making sound
money decisions.
Young people’s spending patterns and money management skills will define their
financial situation in the near future. Forming sound financial habits now will help
them finish school and learn how to handle their money later on. Keeping track of
one’s spending helps avoid impulsive purchases, overspending, and overpaying for
goods. Spending behavior is a learned pattern of conduct that is practiced on a daily
basis. A sound spending pattern is a vital component of financial success. Making
wise purchases extends the value of your money and helps you reach your financial
objectives. Making a plan will assist you in prioritizing your spending according to
your needs and is one way to prepare ahead for your expenses. (Jeniteresa,2018)
Several international studies proved that both financial attitude and financial behavior
significantly affects the spending habits of students, particularly freshmen students.
Most students nowadays are much more into putting their desires first instead of
their needs. Students nowadays have a very bad attitudes and behavior towards
financial and spending habits. They do more spending than saving. This behavior
have also been observed on the students in our country, in Bohol, especially on the
students of Holy Cross Academy of Tubigon, Inc.
A person's financial attitude can be characterized as their mentality, viewpoint, and
assessment towards money. The three- way interaction that locks each other's
behavior, environment, and interior events that affect perception and action is based
on the notion of social learning.
The patterns and behaviors people display regarding their financial outlays are
referred to as spending habits. It has to do with how individuals decide how best to
spend their money and make selections about what to buy. Numerous elements,
including social standing, individual tastes, marketing tactics, and financial
knowledge, can have an impact on spending patterns. These behaviors might vary
from being extravagant and impulsive with spending to being economical and aware
of one's financial status. To properly manage their finances and make wise financial
decisions, people must have a solid awareness of their spending habits.
The patterns and behaviours people display regarding their financial outlays are
referred to as spending habits. It has to do with how individuals decide how best to
spend their money and make selections about what to buy. Various factors, such as
social position, personal preferences, marketing strategies, and financial knowledge,
contribute to shaping these patterns. From lavish and impulsive spending to mindful
financial choices, behaviors can vary. Developing a strong awareness of these
spending habits is crucial for effective financial management and making sound
money decisions.
Financial attitudes, behaviors, and spending habits among students have been
widely researched. These concepts are interconnected, each influencing and being
influenced by the others.
The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money (1936)
The theory believed that up to 90 percent of any increase in current income would
translate into an immediate increase in consumption expenditure (an MPC of 90
percent). However, evidence has shown that Friedman’s permanent income
hypothesis is much nearer the mark: Friedman asserted that on average only about
one-third of any windfall (a one-time unanticipated gain) would be spent within a
year. He further argued that a one-for-one correlation between increased income
and increased spending would occur only when the income increase was perceived
to reflect a permanent change in circumstances
Consumption Theory
Consumption theory in economics is based on the idea that people make spending
decisions by carefully weighing their current and future economic situations.
Economists use a concept called "rational optimization," assuming that consumers
act logically and are well-informed. To test this assumption, they rely on the concept
of a utility function, which represents consumers' preferences. Economists use these
assumptions to create models predicting how individuals make choices about what
to buy and how much to save. These models simplify by assuming that current
pleasure from spending is not influenced by past habits or by comparing one's
consumption to others (no "envy").
Money Attitude Theory
Money attitudes are a person’s persistent and consistent behavioural dispositions
towards money-related issues, such as evaluation, perception and reaction
(Yamauchi and Templer 1982). Whether it is real money or an abstract concept of
money, people endow ‘money’ with significant emotional and moral significance. Our
perceptions and attitudes towards money are influenced by the linked interaction
between people’s subjective values and objective necessities. This theory helps
understand the psychological aspects of money management and the impact of
attitudes on budgeting, saving, and spending habits.
Economic Theory
Economic theories try to explain economic phenomena, to interpret why and how the
economy behaves and what is the best to solution - how to influence or to solve the
economic phenomena. They are comprehensive system of assumptions,
hypotheses, definitions and instructions what should be done in a certain economic
situation. In principle, the approach to economic theory is divided into positive and
Theory of financial behavior
It's an economic theory that explains often irrational financial behavior, such as
overspending on credit cards or panic selling during a market downturn. People often
make financial decisions based on emotions rather than rationality.
Consumer Theory
Consumer theory is the study of how people decide to spend their money based on
their individual preferences and budget constraints. A branch of microeconomics,
consumer theory shows how individuals make choices subject to how much income
they have available to spend and the prices of goods and services.
The theoretical framework of this study is based on fundamental theories such as the
family resources management theory, the economic theory of spending behaviour,
the planned behaviour theory and the developmental theory. The family resource
management model, as modified by Parrotta & Johnson (1998), defines financial
knowledge as an input while financial attitude and financial behaviour are defined as
subsystems of the throughput. Furthermore, the economic theory of spending
behaviour emphasises, under absolute income hypothesis, that an individual
consumer will determine what portion of their current income will be allocated to
consumption, based on the absolute level of that income. In addition, the theory of
planned behaviour emphasises the effects of attitudes on the performance of
behaviour, the theory of consumer socialization stresses the influence of parents on
their children‘s financial behaviour. The developmental theory concludes that skills,
such as a proper understanding and management of finance, are developed as time
progresses (King, 2009). In summary, incorporating the theories highlighted in the
current study provide an overview of the relationship between the independent
variables such as financial knowledge, financial attitude, family background, age,
financial aid and financial behaviour (spending habits).
Attitudes toward behavior are among the most important factors influencing financial
management, classified as the importance of money, perceived financial success,
financial management strategies, and gender role attitudes toward financial
management (Utkarsh et al., 2020).
For Castro-Gonzáles et al. (2020), attitude towards money mainly refers to an
individual's careful (or not careful) handling of money. Assessing attitude involves
getting closer to people's financial intention while revealing their preferences and
priorities regarding the function of money and its value over time. Intention could be
a determinant of your attitudes regarding the management of your finances (Garcia
et al., 2021).
Attitudes can influence a person's behavior and intentions because each individual
has different attitudes from each other. Financial attitude is about how a person, both
individual and group, has principles regarding money, namely money as the
beginning of freedom and achievement. Therefore, financial attitude acts in ensuring
human financial management behavior. Financial attitude refers to someone
hoarding, spending, throwing away and saving money (Rohmah et al., 2021).
It is impossible to separate peoples' spending patterns from their daily lives. because
of the swift evolution of the fiercely competitive global corporate environment. As a
result, decision-making has grown more difficult (Stym, 2020). Because of their
exposure to marketing initiatives, internet service providers, and electronic buying
options, students are affected by this problem (Stym, 2020). A pattern of behavior
known as terrible spending habits involves an inability to control ongoing expenses.
The social learning hypothesis postulates people learn spending habits from their
parents and other influential people (Luelle, 2018). According to Ollau et al. (2020), a
young adult's purchasing habits significantly impact how long their financial
resources will last.
A person’s ability to manage his money is essential to being successful in life. It has
been hypothesized that students’ financial management capability is pivotal to their
overall academic success and retention. Students need financial training. (Zainol et
al., 2023). Students are in the transition from dependence to independence
financially. Students have complex financial problems because most students do not
have income, reserve funds are also limited to use each. (Homan, 2015).Students as
young people not only will face increasing complexity in financial products, services,
and markets, but they are more likely to have to bear the financial risk in the future
than their parents (Lusardi, 2010). Students able to manage their finances are more
likely to organize their lives and manage their time in a way conducive to good
academic progress (Weaver, 1992)
Spending behaviour is the act of distributing money in response to an activity,
atmosphere or person to satisfy needs.( Kamis et al.2021) . There are different
types of spending habits such as impulse buying, shopping as a basic habit,
spending very frequently on small items, and forgetting to save.( Obagbuwa and
Kwenda 2020)Peer influence can have an impact on students' spending habits. This
is because students today spend more time in school. Teenagers will follow the trend
that the majority of their peers pretend to follow in order to fit into a group or be liked
by their peers. This will have an impact on teen buying habits. (Gulati, 2017)
Financial Attitude is a financial attitude that is a response in the form of a statement
of "like" or "dislike" or "useful" or "not useful" related to the individual financial
behavior (Potrich et al., 2016). Financial attitudes will also shape the way someone
spends, financial hoards, and spends money wastefully (Furnham, 1984). That
whereas according to Mien & Thao (2015) financial attitude is an attitude that can
shape the way individuals, conduct financial management such as investing, saving,
and even spending money. Financial behavior, according to Potrich et al. (2016) is
financial behavior as an action that reflects good behavior in managing pocket
money in accordance with the objectives and financial realization. According to
Nababan & Sadalia (2013) and Sari (2016), financial behavior is an individual's
responsibility in managing finances with existing resources to meet personal needs
and fulfill desires.
However, various studies have found that financial attitude also affects financial
behaviour and plays a role in financial decision-making (Serido et al., 2013; Shih &
Ke, 2014; Yap et al., 2018), One’s financial attitude shapes their financial behavior.
Influencing how they manage money and make financial decisions and affect their
spending habits. Financial attitudes can be considered as a psychological tendency
that can be expressed when evaluating recommended financial management
practices with several levels of agreement. "Financial attitudes are a measure of your
state of mind, your opinions, and judgment about the world in which you live" which
is defined as a financial measure of our thinking, opinions and judgments about the
world we live in (Hayhoe et al), said that there was a relationship between the
financial attitude and the level of financial problems. Of the several definitions that
have been explained previously, financial attitude is an attitude of facing finance that
is seen from how to behave and make decisions about finance.
According to Xiao (2008), financial behavior is defined as “any human behavior that
is relevant to money management.” The most common financial behaviors noted in
the literature are those related to the use of money, credit and savings (Hilgert et al.,
2003; Xiao et al., 2006). Financial Management is one of the things needed to
achieve welfare and prosperity in life the person behaves in managing his/her
personal finances. Financial Behavior is the level of an individual or household's
ability to manage financial resources including the planning to earn money,
managing and controlling finances, and practices related to cash and credit
management. Financial Behavior is closely related to spending, borrowing, and
saving. The wrong Behavior in managing finance can cause serious social problems
that can last for a long time. Financial attitude has a very important role in
determining whether someone is satisfied or not with their finances. Financial
attitude is a psychological tendency displayed by someone regarding the agreement
or disagreement in evaluating financial management. A person's financial attitude
can be influenced by how the person sees and assesses financial actions that are
considered correct from his/her own or other people's perspectives, and is also
influenced by his/her financial experience
This study contributes to the personal financial management literature by offering
evidence on the relationship between financial literacy and university students
spending habits, for None of the existing studies provides any evidence of the
relationship between these two in South Africa. This particular study found that
financial attitude has a significant influence on students' spending habits. Additinally,
this study found no statistically significant difference in the spending habits of male
and female students; students majoring in business and non-business-majors and
among different racial groups.
Results suggest that financial achievement attitudes, financial power attitudes, and
responsible spending behaviors differ across locations. Results also revealed that
greater financial achievement attitudes and power attitudes were associated with
fewer responsible spending behaviors. Jorgensen et al. (2016) Spending habits are
not a static phenomenon among university students and constitute financial
behaviour that depends on the level of financial knowledge and financial attitudes
(money management capabilities). Students who are experiencing freedom from the
protection of parents and guardians for the first time, and making financial decisions
for themselves for the first time, face the huge task of planning and managing their
finances. This becomes more challenging when expenses far exceed available
income (Nadome, 2014). Poor spending habits are a behavioural pattern that is
characterised by a lack of self-discipline regarding continued overspending
(Obagbuwa, 2020). Pillai et al. (2010) state that a young adult‘s spending habits play
a key role in the sustainability of their finance resources and is an important variable
in financial judiciousness. Young adults have the tendency to immediately spend
their money on consumable products, thereby neglecting long-term financing matters
such as investment (Shaari et al., 2013). Financially literate students normally spend
a greater proportion of their money on durable goods, such as housing, education,
and investment rather than on food, clothing, and other luxury goods. Thus, an
improvement in students' financial literacy is desirable and recommended for
universities (Shaari et al., 2013).
The study found no significant difference in spending habits between male and
female students, business and non-business majors, or among different racial
groups. The dependent variable was the course of study. The findings suggest that
financial knowledge and attitude play a crucial role in shaping students’ spending
habits. (Obagbuwa, et al. 2020). The study Investigates Malaysian youth’s spending
habits and saving attitudes using survey questionnaires. With 238 respondents, the
data was analyzed using SPSS version 20.0. The results showed that most
respondents had a positive attitude towards financial behavior, contributing to a
better understanding of financial behavior among Malaysian youth. (Rosli, Mohamad
Hafiz. 2019). The Effect of Financial Knowledge and Financial Attitudes on Financial
Behavior among University Students” . This study examines the relationship between
financial literacy, locus of control, financial behavior, and financial well-being among
low-income university students. (Yahaya et al.2019)
This study investigates the relationship between spending habits and financial
knowledge. Spending habits are not a static phenomenon among students; rather,
they constitute financial behavior that depends on the level of financial knowledge
and financial attitudes (capabilities for managing money) (Nadome, 2014). It implies
that achieving financial happiness might result from controlling spending patterns in
a desired manner. investigates how students' spending patterns are impacted by
their financial beliefs. It was shown that students' financial attitudes had a big
influence on how they spend their money. The financial attitudes scale included
items that assessed how respondents' emotions, which determine their favorable
response to financial actions, were influenced by financial concepts and information
(Shockey, 2002). The financial knowledge scale assessed the respondents' capacity
to responsibly handle their income, expenses, and savings.
Consumer Act of the Philippines ( Republic Act No. 7394 )
The "Consumer Act of the Philippines" is officially known as Republic Act No. 7394.
Enacted on April 13, 1992, this law aims to protect consumers from unfair business
practices and ensure fair trade. It covers a wide range of consumer transactions and
sets standards for the quality and safety of goods and services. It was enacted
primarily to protect the consumers against hazards to health and safety, and against
deceptive, unfair and unconscionable sales acts and practices.
The Republic Act No. 10372, containing 32 sections, makes amendments to certain
provisions of the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines. Among the
amendments to the Intellectual Property Code are the following: establishment of the
Bureau of Copyright and Other Related Rights within the Intellectual Property Office
of the Philippines.
This law is about keeping your personal information safe in both the government and
private companies. It establishes a National Privacy Commission to make sure
everyone follows the rules, and it has other purposes to ensure your privacy is
protected. The government's goal is to safeguard people's basic right to privacy and
communication while also allowing the free exchange of information to support
progress. It acknowledges the importance of technology in building the nation and is
committed to keeping personal information safe in both government and private
Figure 1. Research Flow
The General Theory of
Consumer Act of the
Employment, Interest, and
Philippines ( Republic Act No.
Money (1936)
7394 )
Consumption Theory
Money Attitude Theory
Economic Theory
Theory of financial behavior
Consumer Theory
Profile of Respondent (age, sex, and strand)
Financial Attitudes
Financial Behavior
Spending Habits
1. Data Gathering
2. Analysis & Interpretation of Data
3. Statistical Treatment of Data (Weighted Mean and ANOVA)
4. Findings and Conclusion
Research Questions
1. What is the profile of the Grade 7 students in terms of:
1.1 Age;
1.2 Sex
2. How do the respondents receive their allowance? Monthly, Weekly or daily?
3. What are the students financial attitudes towards money?
3.1 Wise Spender
3.2 Not Wise Spender
3.3 Saves Money
4. Is there a significant relationship between the student’s financial attitude towards
their spending habits
Financial attitude is the state of mind of a person about finances, which is generally a
result of his background and environment. Financial behavior concerns humans'
actions with respect to money management. We can say that both are closely
related and part of the same family. While spending habits refer to the regular and
consistent ways individuals use their money, It involves the patterns and choices
people make when purchasing goods or services, reflecting their overall approach to
managing and allocating their finances.
The results of the study will benefit the following:
This study is important because it focuses on Grade 7 students at Holy Cross
Academy of Tubigon. It's all about helping them learn about money, be openminded, and understand how to handle finances wisely. This knowledge is vital for
their future when making smart decisions about money..
This study is important for teachers because it helps identify ways to support them
better. By looking at how teachers handle money, we can find ways to improve their
financial well-being and job satisfaction. Ultimately, this can create a better teaching
environment and benefit students.
This study can help the school because it helps figure out how to make things better.
By looking at how money is handled, we can find ways to improve the school's
resources and facilities, making education better for students.
This study will help the community to help people manage money better. By
understanding how people handle finances, it aims to make the community stronger
and improve the lives of its.
Future Researchers
The significance of this study for future researchers lies in providing a foundation for
understanding financial attitudes, behaviors, and spending habits. It offers a blueprint
for investigating similar topics, guiding researchers in exploring how these factors
impact different groups. The insights gained can contribute to the development
strategies and interventions for improved financial well-being across various contexts
and demographics.
This research used a method to measure and understand different factors by asking
people questions on paper. The researchers collect data through printed
questionnaires to get the profile of the respondents as well as their responses
regarding their financial attitude, financial behavior and their spending habits based
on their answers and personal information. This quantitative study includes
recommendations for further results.
The respondents of the study are the High School Students, specifically the
Grade 7 Junior High School Students of Holy Cross Academy of Tubigon,
Incorporated. Table 1 shows the total number of respondents with corresponding
TABLE 1. Distribution of Respondents vs. Population.
Table 1.1 Interpretation for the financial attitude
Table 1.2 Interpretation for the financial behavior
Table 1.3 Interpretation for the spending habits
The study was carried out in the Senior High School Department of Holy Cross
Academy, Incorporated, specifically the Grade 7 High School Students. A total
number of 152 respondents were the subjects of the study.
Figure 2. Map of the Research Site
To facilitate the gathering of data, the researcher employed a systematic procedure.
The researcher sent a letter asking permission to the Principal and the respondents
for approval to conduct the study.
After getting permission from the principal and agreement from the participants, the
researcher handed out a questionnaire to collect responses. The questions were
easy to understand to ensure accurate answers, and the study's objectives were
explained to respect the participants' rights. Participants were given enough time,
and honesty was emphasized for reliable results.
The researcher personally distributed and collected the questionnaires. After
gathering the completed forms, the data was organized and interpreted.
To inform participants about the study, the researcher sent a letter outlining the
objectives and ensuring their rights and anonymity. Participants could stop at any
time if they felt uncomfortable. They signed to indicate their consent. The data was
handled with complete anonymity, archived, and processed by the research adviser.
Following suit, they can refuse to participate without reprisal nor be forced to do
anything that may cause them any harm, whether physical or mental.
In the analysis and analysis interpretation of data, the following formula was
Percentage OR P =
× 100
P = Percentage
F = Frequency
N = Number of Cases
Weighted mean. This technique is used to measure the central tendency where
some values are given importance over others. This is used to gauge the average
value of responses to the items in the questionnaire (Fergusson, 1992:482) using the
WM =
WM = weighted mean
∑Fx = summation of f frequency of scale value of x
N = number of cases
The equivalent means were as follows:
WM =
∑ (𝑓𝑥𝑊)
Or the sum products of the response frequencies by their respective weight
mean divided by number of cases.
Holy Cross Academy of Tubigon Inc.-- The school where the researcher conducted
the research study.
Financial Attitude -- A state of mind, opinion, and judgment of a person about
Financial Behavior -- Any human behavior that is relevant to money management
Spending Habits -- The patterns and behaviors individuals exhibit when it comes to
their expenditure of money
Grade 7 Junior High School-- The respondents of the study who are Junior High
student of Holy Cross Academy of Tubigon, Inc.
Analysis of Data
General summary
Summary of the findings
Proposed Enhancement Program