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Positive Psychology Test: Concepts & Well-being

What is positive psychology?
a. The science and applications related to the study of psychological
strengths and positive emotions
b. The art and science on the study of psychological strengths and positive
c. The scientific and application studies of flourishing and languishing
d. The study of psychological flexibility and psychopathology
Languishing are those who have
a. no mental illness but who have low levels of well-being
b. high emotional, psychological and social wellbeing
c. no mental illness and have high emotional, psychological and social
d. mental illness
A concert pianist played piano for hours. He lost track of time and felt
completely absorbed in piano playing. This phenomenon is …
a. Engagement
b. Flow
c. Gratitude
d. Strength
Psychological well-being and social well-being are objective approach in
description of well-being. Psychological well-being includes self-acceptance,
personal growth, purpose in life, autonomy, positive relations with others, and
a. Life satisfaction
b. Social integration
c. Life satisfaction
d. Environmental mastery
Mindfulness improve cardiac function, maintains an optimal hormonal balance
and improve…
a. liver function
b. renal function
c. immunity
d. respiratory function
Mindfulness is consciously focusing in the present moment without
a. Judgement
b. Sadness
c. Acceptance
d. Anger