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Assignment 7 Semester 1 Portfolio

Now that you are done with your assignments, you are going to take your
examination. Your portfolio is your examination. Your TA will guide you through the
process of preparing your portfolio. A rubric is posted together with the portfolio to
help you compile your portfolio. The rubric indicates how your portfolio will be
marked. Remember the closing date for the portfolio is 18th June 2024. No
extension will be entertained.
Your portfolio should be arranged in the following order:
Cover page: The cover page must have your name, surname, student
number and module code.
Declaration form: The format of the form follows below. The form can be
handwritten or typed.
1.I understand what academic dishonesty entails and aware of UNISA’s
policies in this regard.
2. I declare that this assignment is my own, original work. Where I have
used someone else’s work, I have indicated this by using the prescribed
style of referencing. Every contribution to, and quotation in, this
assignment from the work or works of other people has been referenced
according to this style.
3. I have not allowed, and will not allow anyone to copy my work with the
intention of passing it off as his or her own work.
4. I did not make use of another student’s work and submitted it as my
NAME: …………………………………………………………………….
STUDENT NUMBER: ……………………………………………………
MODULE CODE: .........................................................................
SIGNATURE: …………………………………………………………….
DATE: ……………………………………………….
Table of contents: Composed of sequential responses to questions and
page numbers for each question.
Read the given passage below and indicate whether Ms Optism acted
professionally or not. Give three reasons to support your stance. (10)
As a teacher in the school with a dual medium instruction, Ms Optimism was
comfortable because she could communicate proficiently in both languages.
The medium of instruction in Ms Optimism’ school were English and
Afrikaans. However, in 1997 the demographics of his learners started
showing some shifts. The learners’ language of communication increased to
ten different languages. Of the ten languages she was proficient in only two
languages. Her concern was that he could not cover the need of the entire
class. As a learner, she always felt isolated and marginalized because she
believed that she never had a teacher who truly saw her. Thus, she always
wanted to cover the needs of every learner in her classroom. She felt that
she could not accomplish her goal due to lack of language proficiency of the
other eight languages.
Furthermore, more of his learners come from different communities. Some
learners drove their cars to school, others walked while others used a bus
transport that leaves very early in the morning without allowing the learners
to have their breakfast. The learners who used the bus transport were always
tired and sleepy in the class. These learners also felt that they were tolerated
and not welcomed in the school. I order to cope with the new environment
they assimilated and adopted the school’s culture and tradition. Learners who
drove cars to school often look down upon those who walked or used a bus
to school.
It was at this point that Ms Optimism turned to the community and other
teachers for assistance in her teaching. She felt there was lack of equity in
resources provided for the learners in the school. Ms Optimism wanted to
support the learners the best she could. Through her tireless initiative the
school moved away from a dual medium to a parallel medium. Her initiative
made all the learners felt welcomed and valued in the school and the
Read the given passage below and identify the seven (7) different roles that
Miss Nice displayed. Give an example of how Miss Nice displayed each of the
Secondary school teacher Miss Nice sees her career as an investment in a more
equal future for rural area kids who might be interested in pursuing careers in
agriculture and STEM.
“Kids can sell themselves short out here,” Miss Nice says. “I try to empower them
and make sure they don’t feel limited by anything.”
Miss Nice, who teaches grades 7 to 9 in a rural school, is passionate about
introducing her learners to new technologies and encouraging them to pursue their
She recently applied for and brought an iFarm, a fully computerised and interactive
farm science research station, to her school.
“Opening their eyes is so special,” Miss Nice enthuses. “When you show them
something new and you see them light up with excitement, it is so worth it.”
For Miss Nice, it is important for young learners to see women succeeding in
“There are a lot of young female learners I teach that are so passionate and clever
when it comes to agriculture,” she says.
This year, Miss Nice’s learners were gifted with two beautiful ribbons after
participating in the School Merino Wether Challenge, an annual event which
educates learners and teachers about the merino industry. These ribbons serve as
a daily reminder for Ms. Nice of how she is inspiring her learners to follow their
passions and making an impact on her learners’ lives.
One of Miss Nice’s learners, who wants to work in agriculture, told her that the
challenge was a great learning experience.
“It is such a privilege to witness your learners growing in their confidence, engaging
with current industry leaders and being inspired to make a difference,” Miss Nice
Recently, Ms Nice asked her learners what they wanted to be when they grew up.
She was moved when one of her learners piped up, “I think I’d like to be a Miss
“It meant so much to me to hear that," she explains. “I had many wonderful teachers
throughout my school years, and it has always been my mission to make sure my
learners felt they could look up to me the way I looked up to my teachers in the past.”
She adds, “Being involved in young learners’ education is a privilege, and one that
constantly challenges me to never stop learning and be better than I was yesterday.”
For Miss Nice, the two ribbons remind her of this privilege every day.
i. Engage with different readings to answer the question.
ii. Read the abstract below regarding the quality of the schools in South Africa.
iii. Read and understand the assignment question.
iv. Words should be between 350 to 400 words.
Trinity Secondary School is a non-paying fee school situated in the Gauteng
Province. There is no security system in place and the school fence was cut in
several places because the community use the school as a short cut to a taxi
rank. This resulted in some classes being severely vandalized. The school has
26 teachers over 600 learners from Grade 7 to Grade 12. The school had been
classified as a poor performing school in the Gauteng province based on the
learner performance for the past three years in the Senior Certificate
Examination (Grade 12). Apart from the physical concerns on campus, the
school was plagued by serious disciplinary problems and a governing body that
had been ineffective since being elected. On daily bases, the principal was
overwhelmed with interviewing parents and learners relating to disciplinary
issues. It appeared that the principal was not coping with poor learner discipline
and uncooperative parents. The principal alone had to resolve recurring schoolbased violence among learners, teachers and learners coming late to school
and he had to attend to learners who refuse to do their homework. The district
had received numerous complaints from parents and other members of the
community about the learner performance and discipline at Trinity Secondary
School. The enrolment had declined steadily over the past three years.
3.1 What does quality mean in the context of the above scenario? Base your
response on the quality of the environment. Your discussion should focus on the
following aspects:
3.1.1 Physical elements
3.1.2 Psychosocial elements
3.1.3 Service delivery at schools
4.1 Reflect on your experiences regarding the use of Moodle (Learning Management
System) during your period of studying BPT1501. State and discuss the challenges
and solutions in your reflections. (State 4 challenges and 4 solutions) (32)
TOTAL: 100
Portfolio Rubric
Taking a stance (1 mark) √
[three correct reasons - 3 marks each]
Reason 1 √√√
Reason 2 √√√
Reason 3 √√√
One mark for each role (1X7=7)
Role 1 √
Role 2 √
Role 3 √
Role 4 √
Role 5 √
Role 6 √
Role 7 √
[three marks for each example: 3X7 =21]
Example 1 √√√
Example 2 √√√
Example 3 √√√
Example 4 √√√
Example 5 √√√
Example 6 √√√
Example 7 √√√
[30 MARKS]
3.1.1 Physical elements
State 5 physical elements
Discussing the importance of each element
3.1.2 Psychosocial elements
Mention 5 psychosocial elements
Discussing how each element has an impact on the quality of teaching and learning (1x5)
3.1.3 Service delivery
Mention 5 kinds of service delivery needed at school
Discuss the importance of each service delivery
[32 MARKS]
Challenge 1 √
discussion √√√
Challenge 2 √
discussion √√√
Challenge 3 √
discussion √√√
Challenge 4 √
discussion √√√
Solution 1 √
discussion √√√
Solution 2 √
discussion √√√
Solution 3 √
discussion √√√
Solution 4 √
discussion √√√