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Chapter 2 : Organisa0on of the organism
01 Parts of an animal cell visible under a light microscope
• Nucleus
• Cytoplasm
• Cell membrane
02 Parts of a plant cell visible under a light microscope
• Cell wall
• Nucleus
• Cytoplasm
• Chloroplasts
• Vacuole
• Cell membrane
03 Organelles only found in plant cells (not animal cell)
• cellulose cell wall
• permanent vacuole
• chloroplasts
04 What structures do cytoplasm of all cells contain?
• ribosomes
• vesicles
05 What structures do all eukaryotes have?
• mitochondria
• rough endoplasmic reticulum
06 Labelled cell diagram:
07 Labelled light micrograph of an onion epidermal cell:
08 Function of nucleus
• controls all the activities in the cell
• contains genetic material DNA
09 Function of cytoplasm and cell membrane
• Cytoplasm:
- where many chemical reactions take place
• Cell membrane:
- controls substances entering and leaving cell
10 Function of cell wall & what it is made of
• gives cell structure
• prevents bursting
• cellulose (plants)
11 Function of chloroplasts
• site of photosynthesis
12 Function of permanent vacuole
• contains cell sap (a solution of sugars and salts)
13 Function of mitochondria
• site of aerobic respiration
• providing energy in form of ATP
14 Function of ribosomes
• site of protein synthesis
15 Function of rough endoplasmic reticulum
• produce and transport proteins
16 Function of vesicles
• transport materials in the cell
17 What organelle does a very metabolically active cell likely to have lots of?
• Mitochondria as they provide energy through aerobic respiration
18 Magnification
19 How do you convert from μm to mm?
• 1000 micrometre = 1 millimetre
20 Ciliated cells
• have long and thin cilia (increases surface area)
• which beat to move mucus upwards to throat in the trachea and
21 Root hair cells
• absorbs water and ions from soil
• have lots of mitochondria to provide energy for active
• have long extension to maximise the surface area available
for uptake
22 Xylem vessels
• transport water from roots to rest of the plant
• supports the plant
• waterproofed with lignin
• small diameter to maintain continuous column of water
• dead cells do not interrupt the @low of water
23 Nerve cells
• transmit nerve impulses
• ends contain neurotransmitters to send
impulses to other neurones
• long axon to transmit impulses long distances
• thin to transmit impules faster
• covered in myelin sheath to speed up transmission
24 Red blood cells
• transports oxygen
• no nucleus (more space for haemoglobin)
• contains a lot of haemoglobin to carry oxygen
• biconcave disc shape (large surface area to
volume ratio)
• thin membrane minimise diffusion distance
25 Palisade mesophyll cells
• absorb light and carry out photosynthesis
• contains lots of chloroplasts
• thin and tall so many chloroplasts can be
• large vacuole
• thin cell wall minimise diffusion distance
26 Sperm cell
• travel to penetrate and fertilise an egg cell
• long @lagellum to help swim to the egg
• middle section contains lots of mitochondria which provide the cell with energy
for swimming to the egg
• an acrosome at the tip containing enzymes to digest the outer membrane of the
27 Egg cell
• halpoid nucleus: after fusing with a sperm it produces diploid organism
• lots of cytoplasm for many divisions
• lots of nutrients to support the egg until it reaches the uterus
• It contains lots of fats and protein to:
- make new cells after fertilisation
- make cell membrane
- make enzymes
- make cytoplasm
- fat / protein provide source of energy
- energy for cell division
• The purpose of the jelly-coating:
- changes shape after fertilisation
- to prevent entry of other sperm
- fuse with a sperm cell for reproduction
28 Tissue
• a group of cells with similar structures, working together to perform a shared
29 Organ
• a structure made up of a group of tissues, working together to perform speci@ic
body functions
30 Organ system
• a group of organs with related functions, working together to perform body
31 Name 3 organ systems in the body
1. respiratory system
2. circulatory system
3. reproductive system
32 What organs make up the digestive system?
• Oesophagus
• Stomach
• Small intestine
• Large intestine
• Liver
• Pancreas
• Gallbladder
• Anus
33 What organs make up the circulatory system?
• heart
• lungs
• blood vessels
34 What type of tissue is the heart made up of?
• cardiac muscle
35 What tissues make up a plant leaf?
• Mesophyll tissue (spongy mesophyll & palisade
• Epidermis (upper and lower)
• Veins (xylem and phloem)