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Relative Pronouns Worksheet: Who, Whom, Which, That

1. Asian tiger mosquitos which/who/that can transmit more than 20 fatal viruses are giving many European
nations a health nightmare.
2. There are some stories in the book which/who/whom/that are about famous businessmen.
3. I have a sister who/whom/that/which can speak 4 languages.
4. There are some doctors who/whom/that care for more patients with chronic or complex conditions in a
given time period.
5. The woman who/whom/which/that I saw on the train used to be my teacher years ago.
6. We watched a film which/who/that was about WWII.
7. Romulus and Remus is the legend of the two brothers, rescued from drowning by a wolf,
who/that/which/whom grew up to be the founders of the city of Rome.
8. The person that/who/whom/which you met yesterday is a doctor.
9. While Tiberius, that/whom/who/which reigned from A.D. 14 to 37, largely kept the empire within its
frontiers, future emperors did not — with some future military adventures also ending in disaster.
10. There was only one person to whom/who/that the old man spoke.
11. Amgen and UCB are collaborating with NASA to conduct a preclinical test of a sclerostin antibody
that/who/which will take place aboard the final space shuttle mission
12. Health services treat older and sicker patients who/that/which often present with significant comorbidities requiring more and more difficult decisions as to health care priorities.
13. In offices which/where/that most people are vaccinated and local case rates are low, the benefits of
distancing are probably minimal.
14. The ancient Egyptians had many gods, some of whom/which/them looked like people and some looked
like animals.
15. Diana Falzone, the reporter whose/who/that/whom story about Stormy Daniels never ran on Fox News's
website, broke her silence.
16. Desperate for money, she called her sister, whom/that/which/who she hadn’t spoken to in 20 years.
17. Higher-risk workplaces may want to consider de-densification, or reducing the number of people — any
one of whom/that/who might be infectious.
18. Regular handwashing, which/that/who/whom can reduce the spread of all kinds of pathogens, is always a
good idea.
19. Modern-day historians sometimes use the phrase "Pax Romana" (Roman Peace) to describe the period
between 27 B.C., when/which/whose Octavian was given the title Augustus, and A.D. 180.
20. I have a lot of friends, which/who is great.