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Patriarchy & Gender Roles in Filipino Phrases

Lesson 2:
CONTEMPLATE: On your own, reflect on the following question.
Think about the phrases babe kase, lalake kase, haligi ng tahanan, ilaw ng tahanan, and
How do these words communicate patriarchy?
We all know that patriarchy is an analytical concept referring to a system of political,
social, and economic relations and institutions structured around the gender inequality of
socially defined men and women. The society has set a standards or a rule for a woman and a
man, on what they are only capable of doing so, they are only do the things what the society
expects them to do according to their gender. .
“Haligi ng tahanan” is absolutely a man, it refers to a father of the family. It means that a
father, is someone who can protect his family, who can provide the needs and work hard to
support his family. Basically, a father is the strongest of the family.
“Ilaw nang tahahan” refers to a mother of the family. She’s the one who take good care
of her children and husband. She is the one who prepare some things that are needed for her
family, she’s the one who do the chores inside the house. She’s flexible. A mother is always
Sometimes, when a woman can’t do this thing, or that thing, or easily give up on
something, people will say this “babae kase” they think woman is feeble or an attenuated being.
While in the other hand, people say “lalaki kasi” because they think that a man can do
something inferior to a woman because they are known to be strong, brave and bold.
And also the word “pakipot”, we all know that woman are known to be ‘pakipot’ even way
back then. They say that thing because they think that a woman is hard to get, or just needed
something. But I think, being “pakipot” shows that a woman are being respected. A woman
needs an effort. They need to see the sincerity before deciding. It’s a matter of courage.
Every person has its own capacity. There are things that a girl can do what the boys can
as well as the boys can do what a girl can. A woman can be strong, and a man can feel
weakness too, they can cry, they are a human with a heart that can feel. We are all equal, let’s
stop stereotyping. Let people do what they want, and what to become to be.
Lesson 3:
CONTEMPLATE: The following are common statements we hear from people. Reflect on
why you think people agree or disagree with the statement. Reflect on your own
thoughts: Do you agree or disagree with each statement? Why or why not?
Why People Agree
Why People Disagree
Boys should
not cry.
People agree because they
believe that boys should be
tough, and not that soft-hearted
one. Boys should be manly
because they are born to be that
way, they are born to be brave.
People disagree because boys can also
cry. I disagree too, because every people,
every gender has the right to cry. We
have a heart, we can feel the same pain,
and we can be emotional. We can cry if
we want to. There is no gender based
when it comes to what we really feel
Girls are bad
drivers while
boys are super
People agree because as a girl,
we possess this feminine
characteristic, very soft and
fragile, so they think that girl
can't do driving, or bad at driving
since girl are dependable.
People disagree because everyone can
drive, and everyone can be a super
drivers. I disagree with this one also.
You can't learn something if you don't
know how to try, practice makes you
better. A girls can be a good driver or a
super drivers if they want to, If they are
willing to learn and to practice.
Boys should
not be allowed
to play with
People agree because they
consider barbie dolls to be
feminine. They discouraged the
boys playing barbie dolls
because of the prevailing gender
stereotypes. People believe that a
boy should play cars or any
manly toys.
People disagree because every child can
choose a toy they want to play, they
think that it's just a toy, there's nothing
wrong in a boy playing with a doll. For
me I disagree also. I guess children,
either boy or girl has the right to play or
choose any toys to play, it will also
develop the perspective of the children.
You can guide them and help them
nurture what they should learn and do.
Women Should
be prim and
Proper. It is
okay for men to
be Rowdy, they
are men
People agree because it is the
characteristic of a woman to be
prime, soft and proper. Woman
born with a feminine
characteristic, and we should act
according to our gender.
People disagree because it is not just
only women should act properly, but also
the man, and also a woman can also be
rowdy. I also disagree with this one,
gender equality should implored. Woman
is also a human being, they can act and
dress however they want, but of course in
a sense of manner. Woman and man
should be treated equally.