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Become a Graphic Designer in 2024: Skills & Education

so you want to become a graphic designer in 2024 here are some things that you can do
today that will help get you closer to becoming the best graphic designer in the world do I
need to study graphic design what computer do I need what is the best software how can I
improve my design skills do I need to be able to draw how do I get clients how much should I
be charging well welcome to hila where I talk about all things to do with graphic design and
running my own freelance graphic design business I'm going to answer all the questions that
you may have about starting out as a graphic designer becoming a graphic designer and
other key things to consider when starting a career in graphic design or even if you just want
to become a better graphic designer I want to start this video off by saying you don't need to
have the best equipment you don't need to have the latest and best inspect out computer or
even a degree in graphic design but you will need a computer a mouse and a keyboard you
will also need a vector-based software or program a Ruster based software or program a
Sketchbook some pins and you you do need passion for solving visual problems and lastly
you also need the drive to continue to learn things every single day those for me are
probably the non-negotiables in becoming a graphic designer now what exactly is graphic
design because you kind of need to know what you're signing up for in simple terms graphic
design is visual communication we are visual problem solvers we create visual Solutions
based off of a specific brief given to us by a client but what does that even mean well a client
will come to us with a brief and in this brief there are a whole bunch of specifications that we
need to follow this brief is basically their request that they're asking us to do but it will come
in all these different little bits and pieces like this kind of scattered all over the place and it's
our job to take all of these individual pieces of information that kind of don't work together
and we will then piece together all these little pieces I should have brought tape to do this I
don't know why I didn't but as you can see it's starting to like come together there and the
last piece will come in here like that it's our job as graphic designers to take all those
individual pieces and piece them together and to create one visual complete design out of all
of their various requirements now usually there is a CTA which is a call to action that is
involved so we are required to prompt the viewer to feel or act a certain way for example
creating a social media post for a black Friday sale the call to action would be to drive the
viewer to a website to purchase from the sale or another example would be creating a social
or political awareness poster to encourage the viewers to make a change or take a stand
graph design is a very Broad and versatile career but we will chat about that further along in
the video of all the different areas of graphic design that you can go into the big question is
drum roll do I need to study graphic design do I need a degree do I need to go to university
so this is a loaded question but the short answer is no and the long answer is I would
recommend it but that's only because I went to University for graphic design I have my
honest degree in graphic design but no you don't need to go and get a degree to become a
successful graphic designer as I said yes I personally do have my honest degree in graphic
design I did the whole sh bang and if I went back in time I would still go University again for
graphic design but in essence you can become a very successful graphic designer without
any sort of formal training or formal qualification why because you're not hired based on your
degree you're hired based on your portfolio and whether or not you have the skills necessary
to complete certain tasks that the client or a design agency requires from you clients have
something that need to be done and they want to know whether or not you can do it really
well it's that simple so if you have mastered your graphic design skills if you have an
amazing portfolio that blows the socks off of your clients then you've set yourself up for
success to be a great graphic designer though you do need to know the fundamentals of
graphic design you need to be able to think beyond the brief that the client has given you
you should understand more than just the visual side of things but also the backend side the
Strategic approach all that strategy and thinking behind every single creative decision that
you make the great thing about going to University is that you are taught the industry
standard of graphic design and the processes and all the projects that you do at University
help go towards your portfolio but you can still learn all of this by yourself without going to
University you can still create a portfolio by yourself without going to University it just takes a
bit more researching and it may take a little bit more time at University you are also taught
how to draw how to ideate how to think outside the box how to challenge yourself the history
of graphic design how to communicate visually you are taught design techniques software
programs photography color theory grid systems print and digital file types business studies
professional design practice and many other things but again you can learn all of this by
yourself without studying without getting a degree at University these subjects and topics are
just incorporated into the syllabus and you're also surrounded by lectures all the time so if
you're someone like me that loves to ask questions and always wants to learn and grow and
know what's going on I had those lectures available to ask questions to explain things to go
deeper into a certain topic it's nice to have lectures there that can answer your questions
straight away and the lectures also push you to constantly think deeper go beyond and really
like go into you about like thinking you know graph design is very much involved with
thinking because it's so visual we need to basically think of the best and simplest approach
to get something that's generally quite complicated and make it very simple and easy for
people to understand for me graphic design can be quite a universal language because not
all design used es typography and and copyrighting so sometimes it's just a visual we have
that power to communicate with people visually that doesn't involve using languages we can
use icons think of emojis think of pictograms things like that if you go to another country and
you don't speak their language but you know exactly where to find the bathroom because of
the bathroom Arcon cuz we all know what a bathro Arcon looks like and that's because of
graphic designers if you need to catch a taxi somewhere we all know what a taxi icon looks
like that's because of graphic designers if you're crossing a road and there's different road
signs you can be in a different country but you understand what it means graphic designers
so it's a very universal language and it's a type of visual language visual communication
going to University is also cool because it's a chance to network with your fellow classmates
and further down the line in your career you might end up working with them you might end
up starting an agency with them and it's a really cool way to grow your network from
University but again I will say it again you do not need to go to university to become a great
graphic designer as long as you have a really good portfolio that shows your clients that you
can do the work and do the work well and if you have good people skills and good business
skills so you know how to Market yourself and how to sell what you're doing you will get
clients and you will be successful if you did not get a graphic design degree I would
recommend shadowing or doing an internship somewhere by doing an internship you learn
you understand the processes how an agency works the different roles and how everything
runs you won't necessarily be paid for the internship because you are learning but it's giving
you time to grow and learn and understand what you're doing because getting real life
experience is really important especially in the graphic design career everything you learn at
University is very different to the actual real life thing I'm sure that is for every single degree I
personally did a one-month internship with a full service creative agency after I finished my
degree and then I got hired by that same company after I'd finished the one- Monon
internship I learned so much during that one month internship the key is to ask as many
questions as possible because you're surrounded by highly skilled people that do this every
day and this is their job it's their career it's what they do they have the answers to your
questions and while you're doing an internship you just have to learn as much as you can
and your brain must be like a sponge and just soak up any and all information that's given to
you being in a creative Agency for an internship and learning how things happen the process
that they take how they talk with real clients like designers in an agency don't talk with clients
there's an AE for that an account executive and they will talk to clients and then they will give
us the brief so it was great I didn't have to Li with any clients I didn't have to deal with any of
that if there was any brief that came in and it went through the AE any feedback it went
through the AE any revisions it went through the AE and then they would revert it all back to
the designers so in an agency setting as a designer you would never talk to the client that's
as a graphic designer when I was an art director though I did layers with clients directly it
was also really exciting during my internship because I was working on real life projects
when something went live on social media or if there was a print ad that went to print and I
saw my design for the first time in a print ad or on social media it was the most thrilling
experience ever cuz I was like oh my goodness I did that the university it was projects that
weren't going live the first time I saw something of M go live I was like I it was the best
feeling ever something that I would add about University though is you are not taught how to
use your software and programs at University at least at my University they did not sit us
down and be like this is how you use Photoshop this is how you use illustrator like no we had
to teach ourselves how to use the Adobe programs and all the shortcuts and whatnot I think
the only thing we were taught was how to use the pen tool in illustrator and I think we were
taught how to create masks in Photoshop but I think that's it so even at University you still
had to be proactive you still had to constantly learn we weren't given things on a silver platter
we had to put the work in and go above and beyond if we wanted to excel University just
gives you this platform that allows you to have access to knowledge you have the library
there you have design books you have lectures you have the internet but you still need to do
the hard work for it to pay off same as if you were teaching yourself graphic design also we
didn't even touch a computer in our first year at University well I think maybe like in the last
month of University of our first year we dabbled I think like one or two lessons but for the
pretty much the whole of the complete first year of University we did not touch the computer
it was pretty much solely dedicated to design techniques to drawing skills figure drawing
business studies professional design practice the history of graphic design the basics of
graphic design the fundamentals of graphic design the principles understanding and
analyzing different campaigns Visual and critical thinking communication skills strategy and
so on no computers were used in the first year we started computer work from second year
okay so now we have the big question of University and having a degree question out the
way let's chat about other things you'll need to know if you want to become a successful
skilled graphic designer you need to take the time to learn the basic graphic design skills
which are the principles of graphic design these include things like line shape space balance
proximity alignment hierarchy color repetition pattern movement contrast proportion all of
those things graphic design principles now you can easily learn these things from various
graphic design books educational YouTube channels like my YouTube channel and there are
lots of online resources ebooks blogs short courses you name it there is so much information
available out there to teach you learning those fundamental rules of graphic design will set
you up with a strong design foundation and with a strong Foundation you can do anything
learning the basics will also make your process go a lot faster it'll be much more enjoyable
and save you a lot of time and time is one of the most valuable assets that we as graphic
designers have time is money in our line of work the next important thing is learning and
understanding color theory and color psychology now color is one of my most favorite parts
of graphic design so much so that I actually I have a entire book dedicated to the history of
colors I love colors I mean look at this book it literally has the history of every single color
anyway I digress but color theory is a real thing there is psychology behind all the different
colors and their meanings and why colors are used for certain things in certain ways learning
what these colors mean and how they can influence our decisions really comes in handy
when you are a graphic designer because we want to make our views feel and act a certain
way and color helps to influence certain decisions even at a subconscious level like have
you ever wondered why McDonald's or KFC uses red in their branding there is actually a
psychological reason behind that so definitely spend some time getting to know and
understand color theory and color psychology and how it can change how humans perceive
something another important aspect of becoming a great designer is knowing and
understanding typography and the anatomy of typ typography is one of the most important
sections of graphic design because it can literally make or break your design and many
designs use typography so words such as posters Flyers magazine articles newspapers
social media posts most stuff has typography and going back to typography can literally
make or break your design imagine seeing these at a preschool open day the font in this one
doesn't really match the Vib I would much rather prefer to see something like this at a
preschool than this so can you see it's like simple things like that this is going to break the
design this is going going to make the design understanding fun families T faces ttf versus
OTF glyphs x heart Tails King tracking leting serif sand serif descriptive fronts monor space a
senders consistency line length Baseline grids alignment negative space when to use a drop
shadow when not to use a drop shadow if you're on the fence you probably don't need a
drop shadow we use topography all the time as graphic designers and I'd really spend a lot
of time understanding the anatomy of type and also how to manipul at topography what tools
you can use to manipulate topography I could probably do an entire video on that because
manipulating typography is probably one of the most important skills you can have as a
graphic designer now as a graphic designer we not only need to be able to create ideas but
we need to be able to execute them as well so creative thinking is very important and this is
something that can be practiced you must learn to exercise your creative juices in your brain
so you should be challenging your brain don't just just do the first thing that comes to your
mind go beyond that think deeper one exercise that can really help your creative thinking is
mind mapping it's such a simple exercise but it does so many great things for your brain it
teaches you to make connections to grow ideas it forces your brain to Branch away from the
norm and to think further another exercise is to create mood boards and vision boards and
lastly to sketch which brings me to the next section drawing and sketching do I need to draw
to become a graic designer well technically you don't need to be able to draw to be a graphic
designer but it certainly helps and it will take you from being a good designer to a great
designer and the cherry on top is that every single person can learn to draw it just takes
practice like every other skill in the world always sketch and draw your ideas first and then
move to digital so sketch first and then go digital you will save yourself a lot of time by doing
this because instead of trying to think of Concepts on your computer computer and digitally
you already nail your concept down in your sketching phase like in your Sketchbook on
paper and then when you move to digital you literally either need to trace your sketch with
the pen tool or just recreate the designer in digital but you've already got the concept you
know exactly what you're wanting to say you just need to create it in a digital format one of
the exercises my lectures made us do at University was we had to sketch out 50 different
logos before we could even touch our computer 50 different logos this was for one project so
50 designs 50 scamps before we're allowed to go on to the computer and that taught us the
power of pen on paper because I knew exactly what my concept was I knew exactly what I
was going to say I literally just needed to make it digital and that made the design process so
easy simple and quick and I was very confident because I knew exactly what I was going to
do for this logo on the topic of sketching another important piece of advice is always sketch
in pen never use a pencil so if you're designing a logo and scamps or doing anything
anything at all use a pen do not touch a pencil using a pen ensures that you don't spend
your time erasing all your ideas away and also you cannot be a perfectionist at the sketching
stage of things get your ideas down even if they're bad if they look terrible if you don't want
anyone to see this no one's going to see your Sketchbook anyway no one sees your
sketches just get all your ideas down and never erase them now let's talk about graphic
design software graphic design programs Adobe Creative cloud is the industry standard I
don't use any other programs so I can't speak for any other programs other than Adobe
Creative Cloud but if you are a student they do offer a student discount on Adobe and I know
that they do a Black Friday sale as well every year so you can maybe score a discount there
so staying on the topic of software and programs for graphic design you must also
understand the different programs that are available and what they are used for this means
understanding where when and what each of these programs are used for and obviously you
need to know how to use them as well the most common programs that you will use is
Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Adobe in design and Adobe Acrobat for a PDF reader
learn and understand the different tools the basics and the shortcuts for each of the
programs the nice thing about Adobe is that it's all synced so a lot of the shortcuts are the
same and a lot of the programs are interchangeable with each other so it makes it really
easy to learn if you learn one program you pretty much know how to use the next so let me
get a little breakdown illustrator also known as AI it's abbreviation is a vector-based program
it is used for Vector artworks so things such as a logo design icons pattern posters business
cards illustrations Etc Photoshop AKA PSD is a Ruster based program and it is used for
photographs and things with pixels photo manipulation you can use it for posters as well
filters edits creating gifts that sort of stuff and lastly in design also known as ID is used for
text Heavy long form publication documents things such as magazines layouts large
documents with many pages newspapers brochures presentations portfolios all of that jazz
now you may use other programs such as Premier Pro for video editing after effects for
animations and XD for UI design and web design but you probably won't be using these
programs as you're starting out as a graphic designer these programs are not a priority when
you're starting out but these are are really good programs to learn later on in your career if
you want to grow your graphic design skills and be able to offer more to your clients talking
about different programs and where and when to use them you must understand the
difference between Ruster and Vector vector-based programs are infinitely scalable it's
created using maths so points and lines an example of this is Adobe Illustrator Ruster based
programs consist of millions and millions of little pixels think of a TV screen with like all those
little dots on the fuzz so anything that you create on a rust based program the moment you
transform it or scale it up and down or manipulate it it is going to pixelate so this would be
Adobe Photoshop therefore never ever ever Golden Rule of graphic design never create a
logo in Photoshop or on any R based program so procreate is another one if you use an
iPad never design a logo on procreate it's a Ruster based program it will pixelate sorry now
like all other careers graphic design also has many different areas to it some graph
designers choose to specialize in certain areas of graphic design and that way they are able
to Niche down into offering a very specific service to very specific clients there are many
different types of services and graphic design some of these areas include print and
packaging editorial design website design branding and logo design branding and brand
identities brand strategy pattern and textiles illustrations social media digital design DCP
which is desktop publishing which is basically the final step before stuff go close to print and
the list goes on when you're starting out as a graphic designer though it is good to test the
waters because you don't know if you enjoy something until you do it so you've got to see
which areas of graph design you prefer I personally am a full service designer so I'd love to
do all areas of graph design I've worked on print and digital and the H bang I've been an art
director I've worked with stylist and photographers and models doing all of that stuff I've
worked with the the whole thing the whole thing but I do have my favorites now let's move on
to different machines so computers and other Hardware you may use as a graphic designer
in terms of what machine to use Mac is great it is expensive but it's good quality it works well
with the Adobe software Mac is reliable it's efficient it's easy to use it's trustworthy and also I
think it's industry standard I personally at least in a professional setting have never met a
designer not using a Mac so I would say mac is industry standard for my setup none of this
is sponsored but I will walk you through every day what I use in my setup at my desk so I
use the MacBook Pro 2021 16in M1 Pro Max chip oh my goodness the 1 TB with 32 gigs of
RAM the 10 core CPU 24 core GPU 16 core npu I think that's all specs and then I connected
to my LG ultrafine 27 in 4k monitor I use the USBC to connect it it's also nice because when
it's connected it charges my Mac at the same time cuz it's got the correct power outlet I also
use a where is it I also use a 2 terb Samsung t7 SSD as my external SSD it's really fast I
love it basically I transfer all my files to this external SSD as soon as I'm done with the
project because none of my files will stay on my machine because I don't want it to slow
down and to clutter it so everything gets transferred onto this and then my machine runs very
fast and it's free from all sorts of files I also used the Apple magic keyboard This is the
internet interational English version I don't like the American English one nor the UK English
one so International English is good and then for a mouse I use the Logitech mxm 3s for
Mac I don't know what it is with tech and having huge long names but I love this thing I can
connect it up to three devices at one time so I have connected to my main machine which is
my 2021 MacBook Pro my old MacBook Pro and then I also connected to my iPad Pro 13 in
which I use for illustration with my apple pencil so those are the three devices that this
mouse basically connects to and to swap it it literally has there's a little button over here and
I click and then it just literally just swaps between the devices it's it's incredible I love it and
then I also use my wack inous Pro as my drawing tablet so that's all the hardware that I can
think of that stays on my desk basically and I use every single day that's part of just like my
workflow those are the hardware obviously there are bits and pieces of random things like
my aods or my mag safe charger that sort of stuff but these are like the immediate stuff that I
use every day in my business going back to MacBooks I will always recommend a MacBook
Pro over a MacBook Air just because a MacBook Air is kind of like a notebook and a
MacBook Pro we're able to handle a lot more of our graphic design software and programs
because sometimes it can be quite like intense what we need and heavy on the machine I
just find MacBook Pros will run the design software much better and it'll be lot smoother and
quicker it also depends if you're going to be using more CPU or GPU so that just depends on
the type of work you're doing and the type of softwar that you're running CPU is a central
processing unit so things like figma which run off of a browser I do a lot of web design and UI
design and I use figma for that so I use that every single day basically and that uses CPU
and then you've got GPU Graphics Processing Unit which is anything to do with Graphics so
a lot of my graphic design software runs off the GPU because they use a lot of Graphics so
things such as Photoshop After Effects premere Pro Blender all of those like 3D modeling
softwares those all use GPU so you need a higher GPU for those type of things personally I
use equal parts GPU and CPU on my machine that's why I just got the best of the best for
my machine and I maxed it out and my machine doesn't slow down it freaking it's a Trojan it
works so well I can have so many things running at one time and it doesn't delay or stop my
work process again I'll go back to it and I'll of work time is money and I don't have time to be
sitting around waiting for this like spinning beach ball of death to disappear so that's why I
invest in really good equipment really good machines and make sure that my machine has
the capabilities to run the programs that I need to run every single day and this way I can
have you know six eight things open at one time and it's still running beautifully hi guys I'm
just hopping in quickly I am editing the video right now and I realized I forgot to say
something you don't have to get a Mac machine I think the most important thing that you
should watch out for is how much RAM you get on your machine so I would not go anything
less than 8 gigs of RAM 8 is like the absolute minimum ideally I would say 16 is probably
best as I said I have 32 gigs of RAM but try stick above 8 gigs of RAM anything lower than
that you are going to have a very slow machine if you have any other questions about what
types of specs for your computer and that sort of stuff just drop them in the comments and
while I'm here behind the scenes I'll also mention I use notion for basically running my my
entire business for scripting YouTube videos for running business stuff money stuff planning
to-do lists anything like that this is not sponsored as well I just use their product every single
day for my business so as you can see here I've got the script open from the video that I'm
busy doing so you can see all the script points that I need to do and it's connected directly to
my external hard drive as you can see I'm using my keyboard I'm using my mouse that I love
yeah okay continue the next topic I want to talk about is is how to get clients well before you
even think about reaching out to clients or applying to any sort of jobs you need to design a
good quality portfolio first your portfolio should show a few case studies that you have done
even if you've never worked with real clients these can be passion projects but as long as it
is a case study and I would suggest creating case studies based on the type of clients that
you want to attract or potentially want to work with for example if you know that you want to
work with Fitness people do something in the fitness Realm if you want to work with wedding
designers make all your portfolio stuff catered to people that will be involved in wedding so
florists here and makeup people I don't know wedding dress designers and all sorts of stuff
do branding and projects around those packaging for those you will curate your portfolio to
work with the type of clients that you want to attract for your portfolio you don't need to have
anything fancy but you do need to take pride in it I personally have a website www.an.com I
own that website it's my domain this is where people can see my work where they can
contact me where they can get to know me but you don't necessarily have to have a paid
site like this I would suggest it if you are taking things more seriously but if you're starting out
a free website will work fine you can also create free portfolios on bance or on dribble if you
don't have the money to pay for one yet and you can also create a presentation portfolio
document so just like make a nice beautiful long digital presentation where they can click
click click click make sure that you export it as pages though not spreads because trying to
look at a spreads presentation that's not fun so export it in Pages if you do do the
presentation the digital presentation route please do not print out a portfolio book I do not
recommend having a printed portfolio we don't really look at paper anymore people work
remotely they work online and we don't need all this random extra excess paper being used
and printed you know save the trees a lot of people won't even look at printed portfolios
always make a digital especially in this line of work and day and age people want to see that
you can work in digital now getting back to finding clients my number one piece of advice
would probably be to find a social media platform that you like and post your work on it for
me personally I used Instagram a lot this is where I started my business and I got up to 75
80% of my clients from Instagram now that I've began posting on YouTube and it's starting to
take off which is really really exciting I am now starting to see clients coming from YouTube
which is really great because that is kind of part of my grander plan of things if you don't post
your work how will people see you how will they see what you can do so either Instagram
YouTube Facebook Tik Tok dribble Bahan whatever platform you prefer find it and post on it I
would also suggest setting up a LinkedIn profile the free version is perfectly fine I use the
free version and post your portfolio your work experience all of that jazz fill it up populate it
make it look nice and pretty and then from there you will be able to apply for various contract
positions or if you want to work in an agency you can even find agencies that are hiring and
that's that's how you can find either freelance jobs or client agency jobs and you can also
grow your network that way now if you get your first client how much should you be charging
well this is another loaded question and I could actually make a whole video on this probably
if this is something that you'd be interested so let me know in the comments if you want to
see a video like this some designers charge at an hourly rate some designers charge
package deals and some designers charge a flat rate it really just depends on the designers
and it differs from Project to project from client designer this that what not there are so many
factors involved in charging clients personally I like to create a custom package for each
individual client based on their exact needs and the deliverables and the project scope and
then any additional revisions that have to be made beyond the project scope are then
charged at an hourly rate which is obviously discussed with them prior to that happening but
it really depends on your design skills the client's needs the deliverables the project scope
the timeline and all sorts of other factors but I can say don't underprice yourself but also
don't go charging thousands of dollars on like your first client because you're just starting out
so you got to find that sweet spot in between but the more you establish yourself the more
you grow your business the more confident you become and the easier it gets to figure out
your worth how much your time is worth and what you should and shouldn't be charging I
would suggest doing some research on the type of clients that you want to work with and
have a look at like the usual amount that they're willing to pay for certain services but that's
why it's also good to create maybe like a three tier package because having two to three
packages of different price points allows you to cater to different types of clients with different
budgets and by offering package deals you're no longer competing with other designers but
you're competing with your own prices so you can have like a low tier medium tier and then a
high tier like really expensive and whichever one they end up choosing you're just competing
with your own prices it's instead of giving them one price and then they're like okay well that
Designer does a cheap I'll go there at least by giving them three package deals that is like
maybe a piece of advice you can you can go with is offering tears and that way they are a bit
more open to accepting one of your package deals now you have just finished a project for a
client but how do you actually give those designs to your client what files what formats do
you need what do they need how should I set up the files I have actually created a video all
about this it's a video all on file naming client file management what files to give your clients
so you can check up that video over here or here one of two but I do have a video on that so
you can go see that video cuz I think this video is getting really long now I also want to offer
some graphic design resources to you guys just to help out a bit more in your learning and
becoming a graphic designer process personally I use n elements every single day this is
not sponsored by the way they're not paying me to say this I just love their products and I
use them literally every single day in my business I use them for all sorts of graphic assets
so fonts um mockups graphic templates 3D models or assets that I may need they have
stock photos stock videos like the whole shebang it's amazing it's all on one platform I have
left a link in the description of this YouTube video if you want to check it out you can go see
there what their subscription options are but yeah I highly suggested especially for their
mockups mockups are so important when you're presenting work to clients I'm actually going
to make a video all about this how to present your work to clients how important it is to
present your work beautifully so that'll be in another video I'm not going to go into it but
check out in elements if you're interested I also use pacora for all my packaging design
briefs and packaging clients I recently started using them maybe like 3 months ago they
reached out to me and they actually offered a discount code so if you use my code handala
you get 20% off your subscription but I've been using their platform for a couple of months
and I'm really really enjoying it I've used it for two different clients already and they have a
bunch of packaging markups 3D animations 3D scene Builder dial lines that you can
download which is so nice so you don't have to sit there creating D lines you can find a
beautiful one and there will be a mockup and a scene for it and a 3D animation for it and the
the D lines which is really nice with all the the crease lines the trim lines the bleed lines all of
that information measurements Alice it's all there so that's ready nice so if you're interested
in checking out pacora I did make a video on I'll put it in here I made a video using pacora for
the first time but if you want to get 20% off your subscription don't forget to use my discount
code Hansa checkout for 20% off and that link is also in the description of this video number
three will be graphic design YouTube channels they are a great way to learn so such as my
YouTube channel for example I offer a lot of educational resources for graphic designers
specifically beginner graphic designers and just this is a great way to learn how to improve
your graphic design skills you can see how other graphic designers run their business how
they deal with clients how they get clients how they work with certain things how they solve
certain problems their onboarding process their Handover process and all of that jazz now if
you're looking to have your own freelance business like me and you are going to be
accepting payments from clients or International payments I would suggest sting up a
business bank account personally I use wires for all my International payments and business
payments it's free to use there's no monthly costs and if you use my link in the description of
this video you will get a free bank card check that out I've been using them for quite a while
now and I've never had any issues it's really good and their fees are so low for international
payments which is amazing so so highly suggest using wies and last but not least design
books I know we live in a digital paperless world but actual paper books are still really a
great way to learn to get inspiration to gather resources get references to improve your
graphic design skills there are so many great graphic design books out there that can teach
you the fundamentals and basics of graphic design so I would definitely suggest looking into
investing some good graphic design books lastly as designers we never stop growing we
never stop learning graph design is a constantly changing career as the world evolves so
does communication and that's what we do we visually communicate so as designers we
have to keep learning we have to keep up with these Trends we got to keep up with all these
things that are coming and changing and like it's crazy the world is whoop the world is so
fastpaced so as designers we always have to keep learning learning new software learning
new skills you must remember that you need to also learn how to Market yourself how to sell
yourself how to make a portfolio how to run a business if you want to be a freelancer how to
grow your client Network how to reach out to clients how to say hey I think you need new
branding and so on you have to be motivated to learn you have to be proactive in your
career it's very important go out there you got to put yourself out there if you want to grow in
your career you climb that little ladder you've got to constantly be thinking of new ways to
create new ways to innovate new ways to do things and if you put in the work you will reap
the benefits I want to end off by saying remember that every single decision that you make in
graphic design is considered there is there's a reason behind every single decision graph
designers make in their designs graph design is an amazing career if you enjoy a new
challenge every single day if you enjoy doing something new every single day you have a
new challenge a new brief a new client they want this they want that they want this but they
also want this and you got to put it in you got to make it simple do this do that they want 10
different colors but then you got to fight back and say listen I think two will be enough so you
got to stand your ground in what you believe you got to be able to firmly say to the client
listen this is what the best decision for your businesses and why we are constantly solving
problems every single day and it's a different problem every single day we're working with
new clients often sometimes we'll hop on a job and they'll say cool we need it tomorrow like
help we're often on tight deadlines tight timelines you need to have amazing time
management skills you need to be able to manage various tasks at one time and also
remember all the tiny little details you can't let something slip as graph designers we have so
much going on in our mind but it's our job to take all of this everything and create one
beautiful simple design because all the small things are just as important as the big things if
you enjoy this video if you found it helpful please give this video a thumbs up and subscribe
if you want to see more graph design content like this if you thought this was interesting if
you want to know more and check out this video if you want to learn more about graphic
design my processes how I do things how I run my business I think this will be quite a cool
video for you to watch I hope you have an amazing day wherever you are in the world and I'll
see you soon bye