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Injured Worker (7) (1)

Due June 7 at 11.59 pm
Weight – 20%
Case Scenario
Jim, a tool and dye worker.
58 years
Worked at company for the last 10 years.
General office area and plant
Jim was working at machine when he turned around to pick up material to feed the machine, and fell
backwards onto the floor. Worker nearby at the next machine came to his assistance.
Jim complained about extreme pain in his back, and was unable to walk.
Taken by ambulance to hospital emergency department; provided with medication and was released.
Doctor prescribed pain medication and bed rest until the pain subsided.
Company rep contacted Jim the next day and completed WSIB documents with instructions to inform
company regarding his return to work. Doctor note prescribed no lifting, excessive bending, and
WSIB denied Jim’s claim as per information from company that the injury did not occur at work. There
was no evidence that the injury occurred at work. The company was aware that Jim had suffered a back
injury during a golf game on the weekend.
Meetings with WSIB claims adjudicator, Jim and the company to get Jim back to work was unsuccessful.
Jim was terminated from his position as the company could not accommodate his restrictions.
1. What do you think transpired during the meetings with WSIB, employer and injured worker – 1
2. What documents was filed with WSIB – 1 mark
3. What medical documentation and options for the injured worker – 1 mark
4. Based on age of worker what other options does the worker have in terms of compensation – 1
5. What are the employer’s responsibilities generally with respect to early and safe return to work
for injured employees – 1 mark
6. Let’s say that Jim was not fired and needed modified work what would a RTW plan be for Jim.
How would you go about doing the RTW – 15 marks