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● Marketing: a job that involves encouraging people to buy a product or service.
○ Our marketing people have come up with a great idea for the launch of the new model.
● Marketeer: someone who works in marketing.
○ Ben is a highly skilled retailer and marketeer.
● Campaign: a planned series of activities that are intended to achieve a particular aim. You
can launch/mount/start a campaign.
○ Examples of interactive marketing campaigns include: contests, quizzes, polls, and surveys,
events and experiences.
● A/B Testing: a useful way to help you get a handle on what your audience is more likely
to respond to.
○ A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a marketing experiment when you split your
audience to test a number of variations of a campaign and determine which performs
● Brand or to brand something: a particular make of a product.
○ I've tried lots of other brands of shampoo, but this one's still my favourite.
● Brand awareness: knowledge of the name of a company and the products it sells.
○ Outside of the UK, the company has low brand awareness.
● Cold call: to call or visit a possible customer to try to sell them something without being
asked by the customer to do so.
○ We were cold-called by a company offering savings on our phone bill.
● Market dominance: a measure of the strength of a brand, product, service, or firm, relative
to competitive offerings.
○ Smartphones and tablets, Android has already dominated the market of mobile devices for a
long time.
● Market-driven: something which is influenced by market knowledge and customer needs.
○ The company needs to change from being driven by production or technology to being
● Consumer: a person who buys and uses a product or service.
○ Most consumers don't care where the products they buy come from.
● Buyer Persona: a brand’s ideal target audience.
○ Buyer personas are semi-fictional representations of your ideal customers based on data
and research.
● Call To Action (CTA): something that tells your visitor what it is you want them to do, e.g.
Learn More! Join Today! Sign Up! Buy Now!
○ Don’t forget to add a call to action to the footer of your website.
● Click-Through Rate (CTR): a number of actual clicks a potential customer takes on their
journey through your site, social media, marketing campaign, and many others.
○ They claim click-through rates on this type of ad are up to 3 percent, which is quite high.
● Conversion: the point at which you turn a site visitor into a site customer.
○ The aim of the marketing is to increase conversions - that is, the number of visitors to the
site who are paying customers.
● Conversion rate (CR): the number of conversions (completed sales, subscriptions, or
whatever you are measuring) divided by the total number of leads or website visitors.
○ Better email campaigns can help you increase your conversion rate.
● Cost Per Click (CPC): how much a digital ad will cost based on how many clicks it gets.
○ Your maximum cost per click (CPC) is the highest amount you are willing to pay for a click
on your ad.
● Net Promoter Score (NPS): measurement of how likely someone would be to
recommend your company to others on a 1–10 scale.
○ Checking your NPS regularly allows you to identify ways to improve your product or
● Marketing Funnel: a visualization tool marketers use to explain the journey of a lead as
they turn into customers.
○ By building out your own marketing funnel, you can uncover the marketing tactics to
double down on and where to pull back.
● Top of the funnel (ToFu): the first stages of the buying process.
○ The top of the funnel for your online product can be a YouTube channel or a blog.
● Middle of the funnel (MoFu): the middle stage of the buying process. Buyers have
identified that they have a problem and are continuing to do more research; however,
now they are looking at content, such as a case study, that brings your business in as a
solution to the problem they are trying to solve.
● Bottom of the funnel (BoFu): the last stage of the buying process (when the buyer has
identified a problem, researched possible solutions and is getting ready to buy).
○ When reaching the bottom of the marketing funnel buyers are typically requesting either a
free demo or consultation & beginning a conversation with a sales rep.
● Product development: creating a new product or improving an existing one.
○ To succeed over the long term, we have to keep developing new and better products.
● Digital marketing or e-marketing: marketing through digital devices such as computers
and smartphones.
○ We now spend far more on digital marketing than on traditional marketing.
● End-user: a person or a customer who is the final and actual user of a product.
○ If end-users aren't happy with the quality or price, they won't recommend it to their
● Public image: the concept or perception the general public has of a company or product.
○ It only took one media story about child labour in a factory overseas to destroy the
company's positive image.
● Public relations: a creation and maintenance of a good public image.
○ When their CEO was caught sending racist emails, the company faced a public relations
● Launch: to introduce a new product, with publicity etc.
● A product launch
○ If Kim launches a new line of clothing, she invites heaps of celebrities to the product
● Market research: the study of consumers' needs & preferences, often for a particular
○ We only launch new products if our market research shows high consumer demand.
● Point of sale: the place where a product is actually sold to the public.
○ The advertising of cigarettes isn't allowed, even at the point of sale.
S.W.O.T: an abbreviation for Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats.
○ Anyone who's studied marketing knows what the letters S.W.O.T. stand for.
● B2B (Business to Business): businesses that sell to other businesses.
○ We are confident about the potential for B2B e-commerce.
● B2C (Business to Consumer): businesses that sell directly to consumers, or to
transactions between a business and a consumer.
○ LinguaTrip is a B2C company.
● Bounce rate (BR): percentage of visitors who enter the site and leave without viewing
other pages.
○ If Google Analytics is reporting a 100% bounce rate then it means that every single person
who visited your landing page left your website from the landing page without browsing
any further.
● Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): total amount of money a customer is expected to spend
on your products and services, as long as they are your customer.
○ We calculate that the average driver has a customer lifetime value of $100,000, based on
them buying a new car from us every four years.
● Word of Mouth Marketing (WOM Marketing): when a consumer’s interest in a
company’s product or service is displayed in their daily conversations.
○ Many best practices and marketing tactics encourage natural word of mouth.