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I’ve recently read reality transurf

I’ve recently read reality transurfing from cover to cover (no small feat!) over 2 months. here is my honest review.
I went into this book with high expectations. An intriguing, somewhat mystical front and back cover. 700 pages. A unique premise that seemed different from typical shallow LOA.
After completing the book and reflecting, I have mixed feelings.
To start, the book is way too long for no reason. It really did not need to be 700 + pages. The thing is, Vlad will sprinkle in insights all through the book to the end to keep you reading. No doubt he is very clever. Always promising to reveal more information later in the book. That being said, there is ALOT of filler in my opinion. The insights could’ve been dramatically condensed and easily have been a 2-300 page book without compromising information.
The information itself is quite enticing, after having been disappointed by basic LOA books like “the secret”. it felt much more legit, backed with knowledge, and less gimmicky. I really loved how he combined manifestation with quantum physics, and even some principles of shamanism. Vlad is definitely quite smart and clearly has deep knowledge in his field.
Getting down to it.. I hate to say, but I was a bit disappointed in the book. I often felt that many of the concepts in the book are just simple things disguised with a veil of mysticism, quantum physics, reality shifting, etc. To make you think that the information is deeper than it is. This is my main complaint.
focusing on the desired “slide”, reducing importance, aligning your heart and mind, etc are all great, but frankly are nothing new, at least for me. I felt at first as if i was discovering some hidden esoteric knowledge in this book. But at the end of the day, It wasn’t as life changing as i expected. He clearly states in the book you have to take action on your goal, while visualizing the desired slide, etc. Which is basically just working toward a goal like normal while visualizing the life you want. Simple stuff made unnecessarily complicated and esoteric.
At times he states you simply have to shift to a lifeline where these circumstances already exist. But then, he explains you need to put in the work and move toward your goal, that thoughts alone won’t get you there. Like yes, clearly acting on decisions and following your heart will take you down a different life path than if you’d sat around doing nothing. But to me that is obvious, and just a simple concept cloaked in mysticism.
The concept of Pendulums were interesting as well but again, it’s really not that deep. I think most of us who would be drawn to a book like this are already cognizant of not getting caught up in things and draining our energy in useless drama, relationships, news media, etc.
Now, don’t get me wrong.. I still enjoyed reading it for the most part, and certainly got some good tidbits of knowledge from it. I liked how he applied transurfing to various life circumstances and showed how to incorporate it. But, at the end of the day it wasn’t groundbreaking information for me, and not the cheat code to life i thought it would be. Maybe i’m missing something?
Thanks for reading. Id be happy to discuss below, with any and all opinions welcome..