Take a Deep Dive into Chatgpt 電機3A 鍾佑欣 Overview Introduction 01 Working Principle 02 Future of ChatGPT 03 Conclusion 04 01 Introduction ChatGPT Instruction JUST CHAT! Give sufficient condition! 02 Working Principle NLP (Natural Language Processing) enable computers to understand and generate natural language text summarization text classification automatic question answering sentiment analysis ChatGPT----Language model “GPT”Generative Pre-trained Transformer Transformer Deep-learning model Parallel computing first choice of NLP problem How it learn?----RLHF process 03 Future of ChatGPT Applications on Specific Fields engineering health caring banking custom service.............. 04 Conclusion Cost Down 2020 $4,600,000 Initial Training 2022 $450,000 2030 $30 Forcast Looking for more Humanity GPT5, GPT6, GPT7...... Best Learning Assistant THANK YOU!