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Super Teens

Super Teens
Xavier Morris
Characters to be played by 8 actors (or many).
1. Mr. Ryan
2. Eli
3. David
4. Kyle
5. Emma
6. Preston
7. April
8. Alien Boss (2 Lines To Be Played)
Super Teens: Rescue Mission
Scene 1: Interior, Super Teen Training Facility – Day
Upbeat music plays as we see a montage of training drills: DAVID (16, athletic,
super strength) lifting heavy weights, ELI (17, lanky, telekinetic) levitating objects,
APRIL (16, bubbly, energy manipulation) lighting up a training dummy with
electricity, PRESTON (17, sarcastic, teleportation) vanishing and reappearing in
different parts of the room, EMMA (16, fierce, shapeshifting) changing her form
from human to feline and back again.
Eli: Mr. Ryan! How much longer.
Mr. Ryan: As long as it takes, until you can all control your superpowers then we
will stop.
Emma: Stop whining Eli!
David: Emma! Have a look at how fast I can finish these obsitcales
David presses the time as he is going through the monkey bars it bends out of
place, but David continues, David finishes and beats his high score by 5 seconds.
Emma: Great Job David!
Kyle: Everyone!!
(Everyone): What!
Mr. Ryan: What is it Kyle!
Kyle: The aliens have contacted headquarters.
Mr. Ryan: Why!
Kyle: They have a list of demands; they did not give me access to view the
Emma: What!
Preston: Aliens are real.
April: Yes, they are Preston!
Eli: What are we going to do!
Mr. Ryan: Everyone, we will deal with this in the morning, get some rest!
Scene 2: Super Teens Super Bunker
All the characters go to their hidden bunker; Emma is trying to comfort them.
Emma: It's going to be ok we are going to destroy these aliens
Eli: What if is not!
April: What if they attack us while we sleep.
Emma: Everyone Just go to sleep I will be on guard!
They all fall asleep while Emma stays on Guard. Meanwhile at Mr. Ryans House he
hears mysterious noises coming from his backyard.
Mr. Ryan: Who is out here!
Mr. Ryan: Show yourself!
Alien Boss: Hello Jacob!
Mr. Ryan: How do you know my name!
Alien Boss: Doesn't Matter!
Mr. Ryan What was that......
The alien boss shot him with a Trank Dart!
Alien Boss: Sleep Tight!
The Alien Boss orders his assistant to take Mr. Ryan up to the ship and chain him!
Mr. Ryan: The Super Teens will know that I’m gone and defeat you!
Scene 3: The Next Day at the Training Facility
The Next Day the super teens entered the Training Facility to get started on some
drills, but they notice Mr. Ryan is not present.
April: Hey! Where is Mr. Ryan!
David: He is never late!
Kyle: What if he just slept in!
Preston: Yeah, if he doesn't come in like 30 minutes we will go to his house and
check on him.
(Everyone): Ok!
Scene 4: Alien Mothership
Meanwhile in the Alien Mothership Mr. Ryan is going off his head at the Alien
Mr. Ryan: They are going to destroy you!
Mr. Ryan: Why did you kidnap me!
Alien Boss: I told the government that they have 24 hours and they failed
Mr. Ryan: Why Me!
Alien Boss: Because you run the superhero program and they need you!
Mr. Ryan: Well, they are going to know I'm missing!
ALIEN Boss: Don't be foolish, old man. You have a remarkable ability. The Council
seeks to harness it for… greater purposes.
The Super Teens have just figured out that Mr. Ryan Was Abducted by Aliens.
Scene 5: The Fight
The Super Teens storm the Mothership.
David: Don't worry, Mr. Ryan. We're coming for you!
Emma: Stay back! I'll distract them.
Emma shapeshifts into a massive, ferocious wolf, snarling at the aliens. The rest of
the Super Teens charge forward, taking down the alien guards with their powers.
Eli: Preston! Can you get us on board that ship?
Preston: I'm on it!
Preston teleports the team inside the alien ship, right into the heart of the battle.
April: It's like a science fiction movie!
Kyle: Focus, April! We need to find Mr. Ryan!
They fight with all their strength, using their powers to overcome the alien
David: I can't hold them all!
Eli: I'll create a distraction!
Eli uses his telekinesis to throw objects at the aliens, creating chaos and
Preston: I see him! Over there!
Mr. Ryan, still restrained, uses his telepathic abilities to communicate with the
Super Teens, directing them.
Mr. Ryan: You need to disable the energy field that's binding me!
David: We got it!
David uses his super strength to break the restraining device. With a rush of
energy, the field collapses.
Scene 6: Exterior, Mothership
The Super Teens escape the alien ship with Mr. Ryan, the alien ship jetting off into
MR. RYAN: Well, done, team. You saved me.
EMMA: It was a team effort.
KYLE: We saved our mentor.
APRIL: And we kicked some alien butt!
The team stands together, proud of their accomplishment.
The Super Teens might be young, but they are strong, brave, and above all, ready
to protect the world from whatever threats it throws their way.