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G99 Letter

BrightEdgeSolar LTD
1 Ferry Lane, Woodmansey, HU170SE
01482 765063
5TH JUNE 2024
Northern PowerGrid
RE: Beaconsfield Ind Est, Hull Rd, Withernsea,– Solar PV connection
I Dean Whittington of (insert correspondence address) confirm that I am the legal and registered owner or occupier of
the land situated at Beaconsfield Ind Est Hull Rd, Withernsea, as highlighted red on the plan attached.
I confirm that I have appointed BrightEdge Solar LTD as my agent. They have continuing authority to act on my behalf
in respect of a additional load of the electricity connection on my land for the purpose of connecting a Solar PV project
to the local electricity distribution network.
Name (CAPITALS): ____________
Date: ____________
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