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Fairness Worksheet for Kids: Showing You Are Fair

Fairness: means trea ng others the way you would like to be treated. Play by the rules.
Understanding that fairness doesn’t always mean equal.
❶ I always take turns without hesita ng:
Always_____ Some mes_____ Never_____
Your goal:______________________________________________________________________________
❷ I follow the rules in games.
Always_____ Some mes_____ Never_____
Your goal:______________________________________________________________________________
❸ I’m considerate of others during recess and gym:
Always_____ Some mes_____ Never_____
Your goal:______________________________________________________________________________
❹ I use common sense when playing with others:
Always_____ Some mes_____ Never_____
Your goal:______________________________________________________________________________
❺ I am inclusive of others during games and sports.
Always_____ Some mes_____ Never_____
Your goal:______________________________________________________________________________
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