GENERAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING GRADE 9 ECONOMIC AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES P1 JUNE 2024 MARKS: 50 TIME: 1 hour This question paper consists of 6 pages. EMS P1 2 GET-Grade 9 MDE/June 2024 INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION: 1 This question paper consists of SECTION A and SECTION B based on the prescribed content framework in the CAPS document. SECTION A ALL TOPICS QUESTION 1 Matching items (5) True and false (5) Multiple choice (5) [15] SECTION B QUESTION 2 Accounting equation (8) QUESTION 3 CRJ, CPJ, DJ (16) QUESTION 4 General Ledger and Debtors Ledger (11) [35] 2 All questions are compulsory. 3 Answer all the questions (SECTION A-B) in the answer book provided. 4 Write neatly and legibly. Copyright reserved Please turn over EMS P1 3 GET-Grade 9 MDE/June 2024 SECTION A QUESTION 1 1.1 MATCHING ITEMS Choose the definition in column B that fits the correct term in column A. Write only the correct letter (A-F) next to the question number (1.1.1 - 1.1.5) on your answer sheet. e.g. 1.1.6 K COLUMN A 1.1.1 Debtor 1.1.2 Trading stock A B 1.1.3 Trial balance 1.1.4 Cost of sales C D 1.1.5 Terms of credit E F COLUMN B Fifth step in the accounting cycle. How long the person has to pay back the amount they owe to the business. The price the business pays for the stock. A person or business that purchases from our business on credit. The cost price of all the stock that has already been sold. The stock that the business purchases with the purpose of reselling it for a profit. [5] 1.2 TRUE OR FALSE State whether the following statements are true or false. Write only TRUE or FALSE next to the question number on your answer sheet. 1.2.1 When setting up the trial balance, the total of the debit and credit column always has to be equal to one another. 1.2.2 An entry will be made in the Cash Payment Journal when sales takes place. 1.2.3 Assets = Owners’ Equity – Liabilities. 1.2.4 A trading enterprise is a business that buys goods and then re-sells it at a profit. 1.2.5 Credit terms, refer to the time period a debtor has to pay his account. [5] 1.3 MULTIPLE CHOICE 1.3.1 One of the main reasons we set up a trial balance is: A to determine how much money we have in the bank account. B to determine whether no mistakes have been made while posting. C to identify the expenses of the business. D to calculate profit or loss. 1.3.2 When an owner takes goods for personal use, it would be recorded: A the cost price B the selling price C the profit D none of the above, it does not have to be recorded. Copyright reserved Please turn over (1) (1) EMS P1 4 GET-Grade 9 MDE/June 2024 1.3.3 When credit sales take place, the source document will be an/an: A Cash register roll B Original invoice C Duplicate receipt D Duplicate invoice (1) 1.3.4 Which one of the following mistakes will not affect the trial balance? A Calculation error in the cash journals. B Posting to the wrong side of an account in the General Ledger. C Posting the wrong amount to the Debtors Ledger. D Posting the wrong amount in to the Trial balance. (1) 1.3.5 Which one of the following options is NOT a disadvantage for the business when selling on credit? A The business needs more operating capital. B There are administrative costs involved. C The risk of debtors not paying their accounts. D Granting credit increases sales for the business. (1) [5] TOTAL SECTION A: 15 SECTION B QUESTION 2 2.1 ACCOUNTING EQUATION Read the transactions below and show what effect each transaction will have on the accounting equation by completing the table on your answer sheet. E.g. The owner deposits R20 000 into the current bank account of the business to increase his capital. Account debited Account credited Assets Bank Capital + 20 000 E.g. 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 Owners’ equity + 20 000 Liabilities 0 Credit sales to K. Mnisi amount to R9 000 (Cost price, R7 000). Made an EFT payment to Remax for the rent, R15 000. Receive interest on our current account from FNB, R230. Copyright reserved (4) (2) (2) [8] Please turn over EMS P1 5 GET-Grade 9 MDE/June 2024 QUESTION 3 3.1 CRJ, CPJ, DJ Read the transactions below and complete the CRJ, CPJ and DJ on your answer sheet. 3.1.1 Cash Receipts Journal 3.1.2 Cash Payment Journal 3.1.3 Debtors Journal INFORMATION: The business makes use of a 25% mark-up. (9) (4) (3) TRANSACTIONS FOR JUNE 2024: 3 8 10 15 20 24 27 29 30 The owner, R. Khonjelwayo made a direct deposit in to the current bank account of the business to increase his capital by, R50 000. Issue receipt 1 to him. Made an EFT payment (no.4) to Makro for stationery, R500; consumable stores, R900 and equipment, R1 800. Cash sales according to cash register roll 1 amount to, R25 000. Issue a receipt to P. Peters in respect of rent income, R14 200. Credit sales to M. Khumalo amount to R14 000. Invoice 1 was issued to him. Receive R5 000 from M. Khumalo as partial settlement of his account. A receipt was issued to him. Withdrew cash from an ATM to pay wages, R2 000. Cash sales according to cash register roll had a cost price of R5 000. M. Khumalo purchased goods on credit,R5 000.The business made a profit of R1 000 on this sale. The bank statement received from FNB shows bank charges of R120. [16] QUESTION 4 4.1 GENERAL LEDGER AND DEBTORS’ LEDGER Use the information below and complete the following accounts: 4.1.1 Debtors Control account in the General Ledger 4.1.2 Debtors’ Ledger account for K. Mnisi. (6) (5) INFORMATION: The opening balances have already been completed for you. The following journals were closed off on the last day of June: Copyright reserved Please turn over EMS P1 Cash Receipt Journal of Konsta for June 2024 Doc Day Details Fol Analysis of receipt Rec1 13 K. Mnisi CRR1 21 Sales 5 200 Rec2 K. Mnisi 2 800 6 GET-Grade 9 CRJ1 Bank 14 28 30 Cash Normans Adendorfs Debtors Journal of Konsta for June 2024 Doc Day Debtor Fol I1 01 K. Mnisi I2 24 M. Nel I3 18 K. Mnisi Sales Cost of sales Debtors control 1 200 5 200 4 000 2 300 3 500 9 800 Amount Sundry accounts Fol Details 1 200 8 000 9 200 Cash Payment Journal of Konsta for June 2024 Doc Day Name of payee Fol Bank B/S EFT1 EFT2 MDE/June 2024 5 200 2 000 2 000 1 200 2 800 2 800 Rent income CPJ1 Trading stock Wages Consumable stores Amount Fol Sundry accounts Details 4 000 2 300 3 500 3 500 Sales 3 000 8 000 2 000 13 000 4 000 2 300 DJ1 Cost of sales 1 200 7 800 1 000 10 000 [11] TOTAL SECTION B:35 GRAND TOTAL : 50 Copyright reserved