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Henry Molaison (H.M.) and Memory Loss

1. An introduction of who is Henry Molaison
Henry Molaison, also known as H.M., had a surgery to stop seizures linked to epilepsy.
Unfortunately, the surgery harmed a vital part of his brain, called the hippocampus, causing
serious memory problems.
2. What was the surgical procedure?
The surgery removed parts of H.M.'s brain, including the hippocampus, to help with his
epilepsy. But the side effects of the surgery led to two memory issues: he couldn't make new
memories (which is known as anterograde amnesia) and had trouble recalling experiences from
a few years before the surgery (which is called as retrograde amnesia).
3. Conclusion (H.M’s amnesia)
Henry had lasFng memory problems aGer the surgery. He was unable to form new memories in
his brain. As well as he couldn't remember events from a specific Fme before the operaFon. His
case helped us understand how important the hippocampus is for making memories.
4. What did you learn from H.M
What I learnt from H.M.'s situaFon taught scienFsts that the hippocampus is important part of
the brain structure that enables a person to learn and make more new memories. His
contribuFon to brain science improved our understanding of memory, especially how shortterm and long-term memory work, and what happens when the hippocampus is damaged.