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Prothom Alo Marketing Strategy: Internship Report

Internship Report on
(A Study on Daily Prothom Alo)
Submitted to:
Dr. A.K. Fazlul Haque Shah
Department of Marketing
University of Dhaka
Submitted by:
Md Abu Nasim
ID# 41222070
EMBA 22th Batch
Department of Marketing
University of Dhaka
Date of submission: August, 2014
Date: August 2014
The Chairman
Dept. of Business Administration
University of Dhaka
Dear Sir,
Here is my Internship report on, “Marketing strategy of newspaper industry in BD - A study
on The Daily Prothom Alo” which has been prepared as per requirement of Masters of
Business Administration (MBA) offered by the University of Dhaka
For this report I have studied books, reports and the related websites, face to face interaction
with the readers of prothom alo to gather information, which I observed as relevant to the
topic of the report. The information provided by you in your class lectures was also helpful to
Any short comings or mistakes are absolutely of ours and i would always be available at any
time to interpret any issue regarding this report.
Thanking you for your valuable advice and cooperation.
Sincerely yours
Md. Abu Nasim
ID No: 41222070
Batch 22nd
Marketing Department
University of Dhaka
This is to certify that the internship report on “Marketing strategy of newspaper industry in
BD - A study on The Daily Prothom Alo” submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement
for the degree of Masters of Business Administration (MBA) of University of Dhaka
Md. Abu Nasim, ID No # 41222070
Has worked under my Supervision and no part of this report has been submitted for the
award of my other Degree, Diploma, Fellowship or other similar titles or prizes and that the
work has not been publishes in any journal or magazine.
Certified by
Dr. A.K. Fazlul Haque Shah
Department of Marketing
University of Dhaka
I do hereby declare that this dissertation on “Marketing strategy of newspaper industry in
BD - A study on The Daily Prothom Alo” submitted by me to University of Dhaka in partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Masters of Business Administration (MBA)
is an original work.
It has not been submitted earlier, either partly or wholly to any other University or Institution
for the award of any other Degree, Diploma, Fellowship or other similar titles or prizes and
that the work has not been publishes in any journal or magazine.
ID No # 41222070
University of Dhaka
It's our immense pleasure to complete this study in due time by the grace of almighty Allah. I
am grateful to those people who helped us a lot during the preparation of this report. I wish to
express our profound sense of gratitude to our honorable teacher Dr. A.K. Fazlul Haque
Shah, Professor, University of Dhaka, for his inspiration, guidelines, valuable suggestions,
sympathetic advices and enthusiastic encouragement makes our inexperienced study work as
Moreover, i like to avail the opportunity to express our deep gratitude and regards to all who
are giving us their valuable time to talk with us and give all the necessary information about
their respective organization.
Finally, i would like to thank all of our friends, whenever i am not getting any information
they are really help us to give their valuable suggestions, so that i can get information.
Executive Summary
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Objectives of the study
1.3 Methodology of the study
1.4 Limitations of the study
1.5 Literature Review
2.1 Marketing Highlights: The competitors
2.2 Product Overview of Three Dailies:
3.1.1 Analysis of some Readers Psychology
3.1.2 Response from students
4.1. Major Promotional programs of The Daily Prothom Alo
4.1.1 Maril Prothom Alo Taroka Proshuskar:
4.1.2 Debate Competition
4.1.3 Award Presentation program GPA 5 obtained SSC and HSC students
4.1.4 Prothom Alo-HSBC Language Competition.
4.1.5 Round table discussion
4.1.6 News in Grameen Phone
Chapter: 05
5. Strength, weakness, Opportunity and Threat (SWOT) analysis of "The Daily
Prothom Alo"
Chapter: 06
6.1. Recommendations
6.1.1 Students of Public and Private Universities
6.1.2 Doctors, Nurses, Patients of Reputed Hospitals/Clinics Strategy
6.1.3 Lawyers Strategy
6.1.4 Housewives
6.1.5 Bankers
6.1.6 Other Programs
6.1.7 Promotional Campaign through TV Channel Strategy
6.1.8 Promotional campaign through Print Media Strategy
Concluding Remarks
Chapter: 01
Chapter: 02
Chapter: 03
Chapter: 04
Executive Summary
A newspaper is one of the most important reading materials in the life of a literate people. In
the modern age, without a newspaper a person cannot think of his/her daily routine life. The
need for a proper marketing of the newspaper marketing has arisen because of the rapid
change in the communication process. An effective marketing strategy is required to retain
the current customers as ill as to attract potential ones. A newspaper as a product can satisfy
the need for getting the information that helps in decision-making process of the social and
family life.
Currently, the largest circulated Bengali daily newspaper in the country is "The Daily
Prothom-Alo" with having an average circulation of 400,000 copies per day.
Marketing information system can help formulation of the marketing strategy of a newspaper.
This study aims to overview how "The Daily Prothom Alo" authority can improve their
marketing strategy and fulfill the need of the readers when not only print media but also
electronic media is contesting very aggressively to attract current as ill as potential customers.
Market segmentation can provide information about the characteristics shared by the readers
of the daily. Long-term vision is required to sustain the upcoming challenging environment
with the rapid changes in the world. Competition is a never-ending process. Before the
publication of "The Daily Prothom Alo", "The Daily Jugantor" was the highest circulated
Bengali daily. Hoiver, it could not retain the position of the highest circulated Bengali daily.
"The Daily Prothom Alo” authority may use constant marketing intelligence force to remain
number one Bengali daily in Bangladesh.
In chapter one I described the background of the study, the method I have used for this report.
In chapter two, I have highlighted newspaper industry in Bangladesh and the way of
competition running in the market.
Chapter three is focused on analysis of reader’s
psychology. In chapter four I have focused on how the daily prothom alo maintaining its
position as leading newspaper in Bangladesh by doing several promotional activities. Chapter
five refers to the SWOT analysis of prothom alo. And at the end I have given some
recommendation that can be helpful for prothom alo for further actions.
Chapter: 01
1.2 Background of the study
In Bangladesh, Bengali is widely used in every class of families. People read Bengali
newspapers to obtain information about national and international affairs. As people of
Bangladesh are getting conscious about the need information, the number of readers of the
national dailies is rising. At present, many national and international organizations are
operating their offices in Bangladesh. Foreigners working in these organizations also read
both Bengali and English newspapers by using the help of interpreters. The number of
readers of Bengali newspapers is increasing day by day. Currently, the largest circulated
Bengali daily newspaper in the country is "The Daily Prothom-Alo" with having an average
circulation of 400,000 copies per day.
Marketing information system can help formulation of the marketing strategy of a newspaper.
This study aims to overview how "The Daily Prothom Alo" authority can improve their
marketing strategy and fulfill the need of the readers when not only print media but also
electronic media is contesting very aggressively to attract current as ill as potential customers.
Market segmentation can provide information about the characteristics shared by the readers
of the daily. Long-term vision is required to sustain the upcoming challenging environment
with the rapid changes in the world. Competition is a never-ending process. Before the
publication of "The Daily Prothom Alo", "The Daily Jugantor" was the highest circulated
Bengali daily. Hoiver, it could not retain the position of the highest circulated Bengali daily.
"The Daily Prothom Alo” authority may use constant marketing intelligence force to remain
number one Bengali daily in Bangladesh. This inspires me to work on this report.
1.2 Objectives of the study
The main objective of the study is to make an overview of the marketing strategies of "The
Daily Prothom Alo". However the specific objectives are as follows:
To conceptualize 'what marketing strategy means' through a literature survey.
Prothom Alo".
To provide recommendations for increasing circulation of the paper.
To define effective marketing strategy for motivating potential readers of "The Daily
To ascertain the fulfillment of the readers' need through reading only one Bengali Daily.
To suggest how "The Daily Prothom Alo" can remain in a position of competitive
advantage among other Bengali newspapers in Bangladesh.
Administration (MBA) degree.
To accomplish the internship program for attaining the Masters of Business
To get an overview of the marketing strategy of the entire media industry of Bangladesh.
1.3 Methodology of the study
The study is based on primary data. For the purpose of collecting primary data, an
unstructured questionnaire is used. Under the preview of the interviewed- the officials of
Daily Prothom Alo, students, doctors, lawyers and housewives, are covered to analyze the
competitiveness of "The Daily Prothom Alo "and then provide recommendations for
designing effective marketing strategy. The study used random sampling in designing the
Total number of respondents I got was 30. Out of them maximum respondents are students of
different universities. Other respondents are 20 from the daily prothom alo, I also have got
10 respondent who are employee of prothom alo to provide inner view of prothom alo. The
study determines average psychology of the readers of "The Daily Prothom Alo". The
study tried to collect the opinion of the readers as ill as target customers regarding their
expectation from the daily.
The study also interviewed circulation manager of Hawkers Union of Dhaka city to know
the present circulation of different Bengali newspapers in Barisal The study also analyzes
strength, weakness, opportunity and threat. Time period of the study is May 2014 to August
1.4 Limitations of the study
Some of the Limitations of the study can be mentioned below:
The study was done only in the Dhaka city.
The study did not include the govt. officials.
police, member of armed forces, social workers etc.
The study did not consider the different groups of people such as politicians, teachers,
As competitors of "The Daily Prothom Alo" the survey considered only "The Daily
Jugantor" and "The Daily Shamokal". It did not consider other English and Bengali
dailies like "The Daily Ittefaq", "The Daliy Nayadiganto", "The Daily Star" etc.
1.5 Literature Review
Evans and Berman (1982) comment that a strategy outlines the manners in which
marketing is used to accomplish a firm's objectives. They argue that often a firm selects a
strategy from among two or more possible alternatives.
Neill (1986) describes that busy potential clients are often unable to attend seminars, as many
financial planners have found it rather hard ways. Teaching them and making the newspaper
available and the newspaper firm is reachable through if their publication can ensure, then
they are most likely to read-the local newspaper.
Dertouzos and Trautman (1990) by specifying and estimating a five-equation model of
newspaper operations, provide evidence useful for addressing several issues concerning
media concentration. On the cost side, the results indicate that there exist significant scale
economies in the production of circulation and space. On the other hand, the evidence
suggests that chain newspapers cannot produce output more efficiently than independent
ones. On the demand side, rival newspapers located in contiguous geographic markets appear
to have an important competitive effect on the demand for circulation. Dillon et al. (1993)
observe that marketing research helps marketing obtained the data.
Schultz (1993) describes a strategic approach which is one of the must pressing issues of our
business. He describes a method for making decisions to ensure the long-term health all
profitability of newspapers of all sizes.
Trivets (1996) observed that the segmenting of business markets is a process of refining the
business markets into usable components. He further commented that the marketing
personnel should know the sales and profitability of the broad product markets of the target:
markets, and of the individual businesses.
Imam and Ali (2000) comment that database marketing involves the creation of updating,
maintenance of a database and telemarketing operation, filed sales support system, customer
services and credit collection.
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Freil: Owriz Equal. (2000) observe that the placement of products in many media
alternatives available today is becoming an important part of marketing and profanation.
Applications of the technique demonstrate the importance of creating m communicating with
potential customers. In addition, to ensure delivery of a consistent message through product
placement and for all sort of promotional activities, an integrated marketing communication
system is necessary.
Gross (2000) argues that competition in the organizational marketplace is generally keen,
whether the rivalry is across the streets or across the oceans. Judging the nature of
competition by looking at structure conduct, and performance is a useful initial step Hoiver,
marketing managers must go further and consider the intensity of rivalry among existing
firm’s possible entry into the market by new firms, substitutes and forward or backward
Scott (2000) observes that building positive and constructive day-to-day working
relationships with the people can impact the last theft. of the marketing process. Too often,
customer service managers and employees who are responsible for creating and maintaining
customer relationships are isolated from advertisement, sales, circulations. Without
knowledge of the day-to-day challenges and opportunities, marketers are handicapped in
their ability to create the plans and budgets required to achieve business goals.
Walker et al. (2000) argue that the development of marketing information system raises
legal and ethical questions because offbeat potential to harm individual.
Agarwal (2002) describes that the guiding philosophy that all firms especially those wit high
customer turnover must get a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) project. There is n
r doubt that customer information is the lifeblood of any business and hence, CRM initiatives.
1-luiver, CRM needs a better implementation if it is to contribute to the corporate renaissance.
Hill (2002) argues that a critical element of a firm's marketing mix is its distribution strategy,
the means it chooses for delivering the product to the consumer. The way the product is
delivered is determined by the firm's entry strategy.
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Waldfogel and George (2003) argue that when consumers share similar preferences,
additional consumers will bring forth products that confer positive "preference externalities"
on others. Hoiver, if distinct groups of consumers have substantially different preferences,
the groups bring forth products with more appeal to themselves and less appeal to others.
According to SFN Home Published Reports (2003) the newspaper industry is highly
competitive, and threats are changing all the time. They are uniquely dependent on interrelated revenue steams provided by sales and advertising.
Chapter: 02
2.1 Marketing Highlights: The competitors
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Through effective planning among competitive marketing strategies, the organization needs
to have knowledge about the products of their competitors. At first, it has to identify its
actual and potential competitors. Presently, "The Daily Prothom Alo" is the highest
circulated Bengali newspaper of Bangladesh. But in order to maintain its leading position in
thee market, it has to focus on the competitors. Competitors of "The Daily Prothom Alo "are
"The Daily Jugantor" and "The Daily Shamokal".”The Daily Prothom Alo" is now at the
leading position, "The Daily Jugantor "is at the second place, while "The Daily Shamokal" is
at the third position.
2.2 Product Overview of Three Dailies:
Regular Pages (Published in The Daily Prothom Alo) Sara Desh, Bishal Bangla, Babsha O
Banijo, International, Sports, Share Market, Porasuna, Editorial and Sub-Editorial, Computer
Protidin, and Cultural etc.
Regular Pages (Published in The Daily Jugantor): Khobor, Banglar Mukh, Khela. Dosh
Diganto, Editorial and Sub-Editorial, IT Bisha and Cultural news etc.
Regular Pages (Published in The Daily Shamokal) : National News, Local News, Editorial
and Sub-Editorial, Entertainment, Business, and Sports etc.
Now a comparative study among three dailies is given below:
Contents of The Daily Prothom
Shopno niye
Contents of The Daily Contents of The
Daily Shamokal
Shikhagon, Business Grehoner kal,
Bighan o projkti
Kaler kehya
Sojon Somabesh
Surid Shomabesh
Anando (shonoskriti)
Anno Alo
Chutir Dinae
Ajker Computer
Projokti Protidin
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Source: On the basis of publication of three dailies other special materials are published on
different occasions by each daily.
Comparative Pricing
The marketing strategy, price is one of the important factors. I have shown below the
comparative position of price of three newspapers:
Daily Prothom Alo Daily Jugantor
Daily Shamokal
Tk. 10
Tk. 10
Tk. 10
Tk. 10
Tk. 10
Tk. 10
Source: Compiled on the basis of the collected data
Comparative Sales
Current sale of newspaper in Dhaka City among three dailies
Current sales in Dhaka (August, 2014)
Daily Prothom Alo
Daily Jugantor
Daily Shamokal
Sales (daily)
Source: Compiled on the basis of the collected of data
From the aforesaid table, the study observes that" The Daily Prothom Alo" has the highest
circulation among the Bengali newspapers in Dhaka city.
Chapter: 03
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3.1.1 Analysis of some Readers Psychology
Readers arc the main focus of the newspaper industry in the today's competitive
market. Sound marketing requires careful analysis of the readers. In case of "The
Daily Prothom Alo", i have known from the Hawkers Union that about 60% of the
total Bengali newspaper readers in Barisal City read "The Daily Prothom Alo". Before
developing appropriate marketing strategies for a newspaper, the management of the
paper has to know the percentage of the actual readers as ill as prospective readers. To
sustain in the competitive advantage position the management of the newspaper has to
research and develop strategic marketing on the basis of the both categories of the
readers' opinion.
3.1.2 Response from students
Besides public Universities, there are several private Universities in Bangladesh. The
ill known private Universities are as follows: North South University, East Ist
University, Independent University of Bangladesh, American International University
of Bangladesh, The People's University of Bangladesh, and Asian University of
Bangladesh, Stamford University, BRAC University, Southeast University,
Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology. Students of Private Universities
are target readers of English newspapers. The study conducted survey among students
of three reputed Private Universities. Findings are presented in below table,
Survey among the students of Different Private Universities
Number of the Percentage
Reader of
S1. Name of the
of Bengali
The Daily
No. University Interviewed Newspaper Newspaper Prothom
of the
Jugantor Shamokal
Source: Compiled on the basis of the collected of data
The study has found that most of the students are readers of Bengali dailies. Out of them, the
majority read of "The Daily Prothom Alo" .Readers of "The Daily Prothom Alo" range from
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52 to 62 percent. However, following are the common comments of the students about "The
Daily Prothom Alo":
 Cultural activities of the students should be published.
 Information about higher education should be provided in this
 Information about job vacancies should be published for potential
Chapter: 04
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4.1. Major Promotional programs of The Daily Prothom Alo
All the target customers are not similar in their preferences. Consumers have different types
of needs and to satisfy these various types of promotional activities have to be planned and
implemented properly. Promotional tools include advertising, sales promotion (such as
sampling, discount coupons, contests and others), and public relation activities (such as:
organizing programs, news conferences, donating money and others). Some of the
promotional activities are discussed below:
4.1.1 Maril Prothom Alo Taroka Proshuskar:
Since 2001, "The Daily Prothom Alo" has been sponsoring this program for awarding the
best Stars and Models is the showbiz of Bangladesh for their outstanding performance. Meril
organizes this program on behalf of "The Daily Prothom Alo". This program is held betien
March and April.
4.1.2 Debate Competition
"The Daily Prothom Alo "has been sponsoring Inter College and University English Debate
Competition since 2001. The Debating Committee of Viqarunnisa Noon College organizes
this competition on behalf of "The Daily Prothom Alo".
4.1.3 Award Presentation program GPA 5 obtained SSC and HSC students
Since 2003, "The Daily Prothom Alo" has been awarding the outstanding students of SSC
and HSC level examinations. "The Daily Prothom Alo" Award Presentation Program ire held
64 districts in Bangladesh jointly with Grameen Phone, Robi and also Banglalink.
4.1.4 Prothom Alo-HSBC Language Competition.
"The Daily Prothom Alo" in every year arranges a Language competition for the school and
college going students with the Honkong Sanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC).
4.1.5 Round table discussion
"The Daily Prothom Alo" organizes different types of round-table discussions. For example,
in 2003, it organized round table discussion with Center for Policy Dialogue (CPD).
4.1.6 News in Grameen Phone
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"The Daily Prothom Alo "provides Grameen Phone with daily news. They can also
accommodate other mobile phone companies. Other programs arc also organized on different
Chapter: 05
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5. Strength, weakness, Opportunity and Threat (SWOT) analysis of "The
Daily Prothom Alo"
As a market leader Prothom Alo also have some weakness and threats. Besides that
the strength level is high also having several opportunities. On the SWOT analysis i
try to find out the strength, weakness, Opportunity and threats of Daily Prothom Alo.
• Highly talented Editor
• Promotional campaigns are not
• A dedicated team of employees
Authenticated published news
• Advertisement is relatively high
• Silence to attack poor people who don't have
purchasing power
• Buying clientele is a particular section of the
• Lack of attraction among housewives and doctors
As advertisement is high, space for news and
features arc gradually decreasing
• Numbers of readers of Bengali Newspapers of the
country are generally very low
• Literature page is not attractive
• Distribution channel for overseas readers is not
very effective
• Cater to the demand of the widest
spectrum of readers
Different sorts of marketing
including provision for awards
Absence of real competition
• Diversification in the other areas of
the media
• Effective campaigning of other dailies
• Possibility of creating new
dimension among the current and
prospective readers
• Still number one among all the
Bengali dailies of the country
• Absence of strong promotional campaign
• Future possibility of competition with the
electronic media
• Chance of losing competitive advantage
and position of number one among the
Bengali dailies in the country
Chapter: 06
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6.1. Recommendations
6.1.1 Students of Public and Private Universities
"The Daily Prothom Alo" can introduce a new page for students of Universities in Lifestyle
tabloid, which is published every Tuesday. This page may include the following. To increase
circulation of the newspaper among the students of public and private Universities.
6.1.2 Doctors, Nurses, Patients of Reputed Hospitals/Clinics Strategy
The Marketing Executives of "The Daily Prothom Alo" can visit doctors of the following
hospitals with complimentary copies of The Daily Prothom Alo " on every Sunday to
promote Health-page. Some selected hospitals/clinics are given below: 1. IPGMR, 2. Dhaka
Medical College Hospital, 3. Gana Shasthya Hospital, 4. Suhrawardy Hospital, 5. Shishu
Hospital, 6. CMH, 7. Bangladesh Medical College & Hospital, 8. Central Hospital, 9. Ibna
Sina Clinic, 10. Lab Aid Ltd., 11. Medinova Medical Services Ltd.,12. Modern Diagnostic
Center, 13. Popular Diagnostic Center- Ltd., 14. Compath Clinic, 15. Holy Family Hospital,
16. Islamic Eye Hospital, 17. Al-Razi Hospital, 18. Comfort Nursing Home Ltd., 19.
Rashmono Hospital, 20. ICDDRB, 21. Salinnillah Medical College Hospital, 22. Monowara
Hospital, 23. Paugu Hospital 4. Utrara Medical Hospital,
6.1.3 Lawyers Strategy
"The Daily Prothom Alo" can organize an open discussion about Human Rights on World
Human Rights Day in association with Supreme Court Bar Association in the auditorium of
Supreme Court in Dhaka. The Editor of "The Daily Prothom Alo "can participate in this open
discussion with lawyers.
6.1.4 Housewives
To attract housewives, a quiz competition may be arranged. Moreover, effective campaign
among the housewives for reading "The Daily Prothom Alo "can be done.
6.1.5 Bankers
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To attract bankers, more news on financial system of the country and also global trend of
change in financial system may be published. Besides, publishing the news on exchange rate
and share market regulates, more importance should be given on providing latest news on
global and domestic financial markets so that bankers can gather up-to-date knowledge. As
such business page should be redesigned, and made attractive in accordance with the bankers
6.1.6 Other Programs
Special programs can be launched by "The Daily Prothom Alo" observing various
International days.
Proposal for Organizing Programs
Special Occasion
3rd May
World Press Freedom Day
Organizing round table conference at Press
club with the Journalists
26th June
International Day Against
Drug Abuse and anti
Organizing seminars in association with
Center for Rehabilitation of Drug Addiction
Distributing Stickers, Organizing rallies
20th November
Universal Children's Day
Organizing Cultural Program in association
with Bangladesh Shishu Academy
21st November
World Television Day
Organizing dinner-party for different T.V.
performers in association with different TV
25th November
1st December
International Day for the
Elimination of Violence
Against Women
World AIDS Day
Organizing Seminars in association with
Bangladesh Mohila Parishad
Organizing Round Table Discussion on
AIDS/51'D Program
6.1.7 Promotional Campaign through TV Channel Strategy
"The Daily Prothom Alo" can organize Talk Shows in TV Channels. The daily can associate
its name with a part of news.
6.1.8 Promotional campaign through Print Media Strategy
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"The Daily Prothom Alo” can promote its different types of new pages and also special
features by giving advertisement in Daily Star, Bangladesh Observer. The advertisement can
be given in starting of a month.
Concluding Remarks
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Quality improvement is a never-ending process. Currently "The Daily Prothom Alo" is
enjoying a competitive advantage. However, in case of a newspaper, a good marketing
strategy is required. And this is necessary for a Bengali newspaper in Bangladesh to make a
good headway business in Bangladesh. In the competitive world of the Journalism, a daily
that can only adjust with the changing demand of the newspaper readers and can attain
comparative advantage will be able to thrive. For successful marketing strategy is not alone
sufficient. It would be in effective unless market plan can be properly implemented. Market
research can create benchmarks and helps to ascertain increase of circulation of the daily.
This can also help to evaluate the success / failure of the newspaper. It is important on the
part of "The Daily Prothom Alo" authority to evaluate the materials for the readers with a
view to attract them and to adopt the marketing strategy for better circulation.
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