Lesson plan Teacher: Christian Parkinson Date: Monday 5 Lesson: 13 Subject: Enterprise – Topic 4.2 Group: Class size: 5 Nature of the Group Context, e.g. topic; previous and next learning The group mainly have a good foundation of English The group has looked at the skills of entrepreneurs skills, with 2 G&T learners. and the opportunities for enterprise LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND (where possible) LINK TO LEVELS/GRADES What learners will know/understand/be able to do differently from when the lesson started Broad Learning Objective to be shared with learners: To understand the different attitudes to risk and the different types of risks involved in enterprise By the end of the lesson, all learners will (minimum expected of all learners in the group) Have understood the attitudes to risk and identified some risks involved in enterprise By the end of the lesson, most learners will Have explained the risks involved in different areas such as financial and economic By the end of the lesson, some learners will (most able/those wishing to push themselves) Evaluated the effect of risks on a given enterprise. Starter / introduction The concepts in Worksheet 7: Complete the concepts -Lead a group discussion about when the specific concept might be used. Main lesson 1. Class discussion what were the groups’ attitudes to risk? Teacher provides definitions of risk-averse, risk reducer and risk-keen. Why are people’s attitudes important? 2. In pairs, look at a case study and identify the risks faced. 3. Feedback verbally as a whole group to compare different case studies. 4. Teacher provides definition of types of risk, financial, economic, health and safety, human resources and production. 5. Learners in pairs assign identified risk from their case study to correct headings. At the end, swap with another pair and discuss similarities and differences. Plenary Formative assessment activity to consider strengths, areas for development and how further progress can be made. Assessment Teacher observation Learners’ verbal feedback at the end of the task. Peer support. Peer and teacher support. Homework Using the case study from the lesson complete a SWOT an analysis Notes To extend more able learners, set an extension activity to analyse how the attitude to risk of an entrepreneur affected their behaviour using case study or examination question such as November 2012 Question 6b