Training Week CL QU T Rest QU CL Rest Regular Version Chest & Lats SS1 SS2 SS3 Notes Exercise Sets Reps Ring Pushups (Leaning Forward)/Bulgarian Pushups 5 6-10+α Ring Hamstring Curls/Band Good Mornings 4-6 AMRAP 1-legged Calf Raises (Deficit/Regular) 3-4 AMRAP Ring Pullups 4-6 AMRAP Leg Raises 3-4 AMRAP Deadhangs 3-4 AMRAP Ring Facepulls/Y-Raises 2-4 10-20 One Arm Ring Curls/Pelican Curls OR Ring Extensions/Band Extensions 3-5 ~8-12~/8-15 -“+α” Means to do 1-2 Beyond Failure Techniques: Either Rest Pause and/or Mechanical Dropsets -“~8-12~” Means PER SIDE reps Quads & Upperback SS1 SS2 SS3 Notes Exercise Sets Reps Ring Pike Pushups/Wall assisted HSPU/Log Press 3-4 6-12 Pistol Squats/Shrimp Squats 4-5 AMRAP Ring Inverted Rows 5 AMRAP Sissy Squats 3-4 AMRAP Band Neck Extensions 3 10-20 Ring Kelso Shrugs 3-4 AMRAP Ring Reverse Curls 2-4 10-20 Band Neck Curls 3 10-20 - Sissy Squats/Pistol Squats/Shrimps squats can be done with or without holding to the rings, Sissys can be done with a band “Pendulum” Style - Triceps SS1 SS2 SS3 Notes Exercise Sets Reps Ring Dips/Diamond Pushups 3 AMRAP Inverted Shrugs 3 AMRAP L-Sit Chinups (Close Grip)/Ring Pullups (Neutral/Supinated) 3-5 AMRAP/6-10 Band Pushdowns/Band Katana Extensions 2-4 10-20 Pelican Curls/One Arm Ring Curls 4-5 8-15+α Facepulls/Y-Raises 3-4 10-20 Ring Extensions/Band Extension 4 10-15+φ Ring Hamstring Curls/Banded Good Morning 3-4 AMRAP 1-Legged Calf Raises 3-4 AMRAP -“+α” Means to do 1-2 Beyond Failure Techniques: Either Partials and/or Mechanical Dropsets -“+φ” Means you rest pause until you match your first set and then do 1-2x Mechanical Dropsets -“~8-12~” Means PER SIDE reps “Time Efficent” version Chest & Lats Quads & Upperback SS1 Triceps Exercise Ring Pushups Ring Pullups (P/N) Pelican Curls → Ring Curls Facepulls Leg Raises Sets Exercise Jumping Squats/Squats Inverted Rows Banded Good Mornings Neck Curls Neck Extensions Sets 6 3 3 AMRAP + Rest Pause Exercise Band Extensions/Band Pushdowns Ring Pullups (P/N) Pelican Curls → Ring Curls Facepulls Ring Extensions Sets 3-5’ Cluster Set 2-3 Reps 3 Reps 3-5’ Cluster Set RGS:25 2-3x(Failure→ MDropset x1-2 →Ring Curls to failure) 2 2-3x(Failure→MDropset x2-3 → Partials) RGS:25 Reps Prisoner Style: 25-30 5’ Cluster Set 10-20 10-20 RGS:25 2-3xFailure→ MDropset x1-2 →Ring Curls to failure 2-3xFailure→MDropset x2-3 → Partials 2-4 8-15 Extra notes: - - - This program has a Regular (“I have time to train”) version and a Time efficient version. Throughout the week you should do as many “Regular” sessions as it is possible for your schedule, if on certain days you have time constraints, you can switch to the other version for that specific session. You can arrange it however you like it, for example: Doing 3 days R and then 2 TE or the opposite. The goal of this program is being able to get a great workout even when you are away from home. Clustersets consist of doing as many sets of an exercise in a specified time frame. With calisthenics, your sets should be half of your AMRAP, so if you can do 15 Ring Pushups, you will do sets of 8. Rest between sets should be minimized. Bands are included because, although this should be a 100% BW calisthenics program for maximum convenience, some ring movements are tough on the joints or they are boring to do (cof cof ring hamstring curls cof cof), so I offer a band alternative in case you have them available. - RGS” Means Rep Goal Set: You do an AMRAP and then do as many rest pauses as needed to get the indicated number