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ISHCHI DASTUR Bino va IQ (3) (2) (1)

" I approve "
Study works according to vice chancellor
_____assistant. Egamnazarov G'. G `.
« __ »__________20 2 3 y.
Field of study:
Course of Study:
of 300,000 – Production and technical field
340,000 – Architecture and construction h
5340200 – Construction of buildings and structures and civil
5340300 - Articles of building materials and production of
5341800 - Technology of wall and decorative building materials.
Jizzakh-2023 years
The working curriculum of the subject was created on the basis of the model curriculum
registered in the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of
Uzbekistan on December 7, 2020 No. 648 .
Rakhmanov F.A. - "Metrology and standardization" department head
Murodova AY - assistant of the "Metrology and standardization" department
The study program was discussed at the meeting of the "Metrology and
Standardization" department of the "SERVICE" faculty ( 23.06 . 2023 year 21 minutes ) and recommended to the educational and methodological council of the
Head of the department ________________ Assoc. Shertoylakov G'.M .
was reviewed by the academic council of the "Architecture and Construction
" faculty (report No. 11 dated 27.06.2023) and submitted to the Scientific and
Methodical Council of the institute for approval.
Faculty dean _ ______________ Assoc. Berdikulov A.M.
The curriculum was reviewed and approved by the university's educationalmethodical council ( 27.06 . 2023 year 11 meeting minutes).
Chairman of the scientific-methodological council of the institute
:_________assistant. Egamnazarov G'.G' .
covers the basic concepts and definitions of standardization, certification and metrology,
measurement methods, quantities, measuring instruments, which are essential for all aspects of
our lives, including the economy and industry. It covers issues such as errors in measurement,
uniformity of measurements, metrology service and metrological supply, standardization and its
state system, certification, quality systems and quality management. That is why knowledge of
standardization, metrology, certification basics, knowledge of quality management rules,
requirements, regulatory documents, understanding and practical application of it within the
scope of one's specialty are important factors for graduates of bachelor's courses in technical and
technological fields. is considered one.
1.1 The purpose and tasks of the academic subject
The purpose of teaching the subject is to help students deal with various metrological,
standardization, quality management, certification issues related to production, trade, control
and consumption in the technical-technology, management and marketing spheres of our
economy. formation of sufficient knowledge, skills and competences in accordance with the
profile of the field in terms of working with regulatory documents and standards.
The task of the subject is to provide students with information on theoretical,
practical and regulatory documents on standardization, metrology, certification and
quality management based on the training of "Metrology, standardization and
certification" in construction in the continuous education system. is studied. In this
regard, attention is paid to the issue of quality as the main issue.
1.2 Requirements for knowledge, skills and qualifications of students in science
" Metrology Standardization " in construction and certification" as part of the
issues implemented in the process of mastering the subject of the bachelor's degree:
- standardization, their essence in production, types and categories of standards, procedures for development, approval and implementation of standards, organization of
work on standards of the international ISO-9000 series, general concepts of metrology ,
measurement should know the unity, measurement tools, measurement errors, their
processing methods, certification bases, product quality management methods ;
- the student should have information about the methods of standardization, the procedure
and stages of standards development , metrological service, standardization and coding of
information about products, restoration of units of size, comparison, must have the skills
to determine, calculate and certify product errors ;
- analyzes the metrological characteristics of the measuring instruments used in the
national economy , their effective use in concrete conditions, the assessment of
measurement accuracy based on the calculation of errors, the determination of quality
criteria , the development and practical application of the certification system,
standardization and coding of products must have skills such as practical application of
acquired knowledge;
1.3 Interrelationship and methodological sequence of the subject with other subjects
in the curriculum
In construction, "Metrology, standardization and certification" is considered as one
of the subjects that must be taught for undergraduate students, and it is taught in 4 (5)
semesters. It is required to have sufficient knowledge and skills in mathematical and
natural sciences (higher mathematics, physics, informatics, information technologies)
planned in the curriculum of the program implementation.
1.3 The role of science in production
The science of "Metrology, standardization and certification" in construction is the
metrological supply, metrological service, unity of measurements, measurement tools,
errors, their assessment, standardization and It plays an important role in the preparation of
high-quality personnel with sufficient and necessary information on issues such as its state
system, certification, quality systems and quality management.
1.5 Modern information and pedagogical technologies in teaching science
It is important to use advanced and modern methods of teaching, to apply new
informational and pedagogical technologies in order for students to master the science of
"Metrology, standardization and certification" in Construction . Textbooks, educational
and methodical manuals, lecture texts, and handouts are used in mastering the subject.
Appropriate handouts are used during the lessons of each topic, while this subject is taught
mainly on the basis of four modules: metrology, standardization, certification and quality
management system. Laboratory training is recommended to be conducted in accordance
with the field of specialization. In particular, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 listed for the oil and gas
faculties, 1, 2, 3, 4 for the faculties of energy, electronics and automation, mining and
geology , 6, 7 and 8 will be appropriate to carry out the work.
2. Main part
Lecture training .
Table 1
1 . Sign in . Under construction "Metrology, standardization and certification "
science the goal and tasks , development history
2 " On standardization efforts", "On certification of products and services" " About
metrology " republic law , rating system about
3. About standardization, his purpose and duties . Standardization according
to main terms and definitions . Uzbe Kiston in the Republic
standardization service the law
4. Standardization state on system . Use standard lashes types , categories
and methods .
Standard , them work exit , agree , confirm , register transfer order and
rules . About the organization of "Uzstandart" agency in the Republic of
Uzbekistan . Try to standardize and ecology .
Technical regulation. Technically, about the scientific basis of the
implementation of the regulatory system, its current state, promising
directions and problems in their implementation.
The need to introduce a technical regulation mechanism and system. The
main principles of the technical regulation system . Problems of
introduction of technical regulation system of Uzbekistan.
Metrological service and supply in production and its branches,
international organizations on metrology and standardization.
Basic terms in metrology. Magnitudes, their size, units, international
system of units, rules for defining and writing units and sizes, creating,
restoring and transferring their sizes.
Measuring methods and types , measurement tools and their types .
Measurements quality criteria , measurement errors and their stratification
, elimination methods .
Measurements uncertainty evaluation . Measurements uncertainty
according to terms , uncertainty evaluation methods .
Measuring of tools accuracy classes , their metrological descriptions ,
measurements of tools classification
Certification , certification according to main concepts and terms of
certification main schemes . them apply rules . Optional and mandatory
Product quality , its definition , indicators of quality , people of quality and
quality management basics . International ISO 9000 series standards
according to product quality manage their work organize to achieve
14. Expert auditors . Theirs duties , obligations and responsibilities . To them
to be placed requirements .
J am i
Practical in the workshops , students learn the basics of standardization , the rules of the
development, approval and implementation of standards, the axioms and postulates of
metrology, the certification system, standardization and coding of product information,
standards of the ISO-9000 series.
Table 2
Subject of practical training
Standard, their types, development procedures, approval, standard
registration procedure.
2 . Standardization methods.
Basic axioms and postulates of metrology.
Certification, basic concepts, terms on certification, republican law
on certification.
About standards in the international ISO-9000 series.
Product quality and quality management.
Standardization and coding of product information.
The main tasks of developing technical regulations.
Program for development of technical regulations.
36 hours
J a mi:
3.1 Form and content of organizing independent work
students use the following forms when preparing an independent work, taking into
account the specifics of a particular subject :
- study of chapters and topics of textbooks and study guides ;
- to learn part of lectures on handouts ;
- learning theoretical materials from virtual textbooks, computer programs, Internet
- in-depth study of the departments and topics related to the student's educationalscientific-research work;
Suggested freelance work topics:
1. Learn the basic concepts and definitions of metrology.
2. Mastering topics in existing textbooks, manuals, their electronic versions.
3. Finding, processing and analyzing internet materials on some of the planned topics.
4. To study the rules of the standard, their types, development procedures, approval
and registration procedures.
5. Study of standardization methods.
6. study certification schemes.
7. Standardization and coding of product information.
3.2 Informational and methodological support of the program
In the process of teaching this subject, it is assumed that modern methods of
education and pedagogical information technologies will be used
- the subject is taught on the basis of four modules: standardization, metrology,
certification and quality management system , appropriate handouts are used during the
lessons on each topic .
- the application of pedagogical technologies such as brainstorming, group thinking in the
practical exercises on processing measurement results, calculating errors is envisaged.
3.3 Basic Textbooks and Study Guides
1. Abduvaliev AA and dr. " Osnov y standardization , certification i Management
kachestvom » Tashkent, Uzstandart , 2005.
2. Abduvaliev AA and dr. " Osnov y Obespecheniya education size » Tashkent, Uzstandart
, 2005.
3. Abduvaliev AA and dr. " Osnov y standardization , metrology , certification i administration
kachestvom » Tashkent, NIISPS, 2007.
4. Goncharov AA, Kop y lev VD Metrology , standardization i certification . Uchebnoe
posobie 2-e izdanie stereotype . M.: Research Center " Academy ", 2005.
5. SHishkin IF Metrology , standardization i administration kachestvom M., Izdatelstvo
standartov , 1990g.
6. Ismatullaev PR, Abdullaev AX, Kodirova SH, Azamov AA, Miralieva AK Metrology ,
standardization and certification . Lecture text Tashkent , TDTU, 2000.
7. Ismatullaev PR, Kadirova SH.A. Metrology , standardization and Certification ", Text of
Lectures, Tashkent. TGTU, 2007
8. Abdullaev AH, Kodirova SH.A., Azamov AA Metrology , standardization i certification .
Uchebnoe Posobie , Tashkent , 2003.
9. Own standard Agency next to publication " Standard " ( Standard ) scientific and
technical viy magazine ( 2000 - 2008 years publications ).
10.Abduvaliev AA, Latipov VB, Umarov AS and dr . Osnov y standardization , metrology ,
certification i administration kachestvom - T.: NIISMS 2007. - 555 p.
3. 4 Additional books
1. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Metrology" of December 28, 1993.
2. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Standardization" of December 28, 1993.
3. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Certification of Products and Services" dated
December 28, 1993.
4. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on "Protection of Consumer Rights". 26.04.1996
5. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on "Quality and safety of food products". 30.08.1997
6. Ismatullaev PR, Tokhtamurodov ZT, Sifat and certificate . Constructor ICHB, 1995.
7. Ismatullaev PR, Tokhtamurodov ZT, Abdullaev AX Standardization , metrology and to
certification introduction Constructor ICHB, 1995.
8. Kr y lova AN Onov y metrology , standardization i certificate M.: Audit , 1998.
9. Own DSt (1:2002, 2:2003, 3:2004, 4:2002) .
10.Lifits NM Osnov y standardization , metrology i administration kachestvom goods M.:
11.Lifits NM Standardization , metrology i certification . M.: 2002
12.Sergeev AG, Krokhin VV Metrology . M.: 2001 g.
13.Kozlov MG Standardization , metrology . M.: 2001 g.