UNIVERSITY OF KWAZULU-NATAL School of Engineering: Electrical, Electronic & Computer Engineering MAIN EXAMINATIONS: June 2013 Course and Code: Analogue Electronics 1: ENEL3TA H1 Duration: TWO hours Paper 1 of 1 Maximum marks: 100 Examiner: Mr H Jay Independent Moderator: Prof TJO Afullo Instructions: Answer ALL questions. NO NOTES of any form are allowed into the examination. Any calculator may be used, provided that no text or formulae are present in memory during the examination. Show all working in calculations and derivations. Fully label all diagrams and graphs. Supplied information is given on page 5. UNIVERSITY OF KWAZULU-NATAL Course and Code: MAIN EXAMINATIONS: June 2013 Analogue Electronics 1: ENEL3TA H1 Page 2 of 5 Question 1 [25 marks] 1.1 The differential amplifier circuit shown in Figure 1 uses matched BJTs with VBE = 0,7 V (except Q3) and VT = 25 mV. +5 V RE Q3 Q4 Ro (Q3) IT IE1 IE2 IREF Q2 Q1 vS1 vS2 vO RC1 22 kΩ RREF 9,3 kΩ RC2 22 kΩ -5 V Figure 1 1.1.1 Identify the current mirror circuit used to bias this amplifier and state two advantageous features it has. With v S1 = v S2 = 0 V the measured dc output voltage v o = −2,8 V . Determine the resistance RE required to achieve this neglecting base currents and the Early voltage effect. (5) 1.1.2 Sketch the small-signal equivalent half-circuit for differential signals. Determine the differential input resistance (Rid) as seen between the bases of Q1 and Q2 and the overall differential voltage gain A vd ≡ v o ( v S1 − v S2 ) assuming β = 100 and neglecting the Early voltage effect. (4) 1.1.3 Sketch the small-signal equivalent half-circuit for common-mode signals. Determine the output resistance Ro of the current mirror and hence calculate the common-mode voltage gain and hence the common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) in dB assuming VA = 100 V for Q3. Neglect the Early voltage effect for the other transistors. (8) 1.2 A CMOS logic inverter is fabricated with the following parameters: W Supply voltage VDD = +3 V Vtn = 0,7 V = 1,5 k ′n = 120 µA / V 2 k ′p = 60 µA / V 2 . L n 1.2.1 Determine the suitable values for Vtp and W to give a symmetrical switching point L p 1.2.2 Calculate the noise margins. 1.2.3 Determine the maximum current that the inverter can sink while VO = 0,1 V. 1.2.4 Determine the output resistance of the inverter when VO ≈ 0 V. (8) Question 2 [25 marks] The circuit diagram of a simple operational amplifier using current repeater dc biasing is shown in Figure 2 below. The transistors are all matched except transistors Q10 and Q14 where Q10 has twice the area and Q14 has five times the area of the other transistors. Assume VBE = 0,7 V and VT = 25 mV. UNIVERSITY OF KWAZULU-NATAL Course and Code: MAIN EXAMINATIONS: June 2013 Analogue Electronics 1: ENEL3TA H1 +9 V Q14 Q10 Q9 R1 12 kΩ Page 3 of 5 2X IC10 R2 12k Ω IE3 5X IC14 IE4 Q4 Q3 VO IE5 V1 Q1 Q2 IE1 IE2 V2 IREF RL 1 kΩ Q5 RREF +9 V IC6 Q6 Q7 Q12 Q8 Q11 Q13 -9 V Figure 2 2.1 Identify the sub-circuit comprising Q6, Q7, Q8, and identify and correct the error in this sub-circuit. Briefly explain how this sub-circuit improves the performance of the first amplifier stage. (3) 2.2 Identify the configuration of the second amplifier stage and briefly explain the main purpose of that stage and the reason that particular configuration is used. (3) 2.3 Determine RREF so that IREF = 1 mA, determine collector currents IC6, IC10 and IC14 and emitter currents IE1, IE2, IE3, IE4 and IE5. Assume that external negative feedback keeps VO = 0 V when the inputs are grounded. Assume that base currents and the Early voltage effect can be neglected for all BJTs. (6) 2.4 A differential input signal is applied to this amplifier. Determine the differential input resistance Rid and the small-signal differential voltage gain A Vd = Vo (VS1 − VS2 ) in dB assuming a load resistance RL = 1 kΩ is connected to the output. Draw a small-signal equivalent circuit for each stage, use the dc bias conditions calculated in 2.3, assume β = 100 for all transistors and neglect the Early voltage effect. (13) Question 3 [25 marks] 3.1 An n-channel enhancement MOSFET with k ′n W L = 1mA / V 2 ; Vt = 1 V; and λ = 0 is used in the RC-coupled amplifier circuit in Figure 3 below. Analyse the dc bias circuit to determine ID, VG, VGS, VD & VDS. (7) 3.2 Identify this amplifier configuration, draw the relevant small-signal equivalent circuit diagram at “mid-band” frequencies, derive an expression for the signal voltage gain A v ≡ v o v in and hence (7) calculate the overall signal voltage gain A vs ≡ v o v sig assuming R sig = R L = 10 kΩ UNIVERSITY OF KWAZULU-NATAL Course and Code: MAIN EXAMINATIONS: June 2013 Analogue Electronics 1: ENEL3TA H1 Page 4 of 5 + 10V RD 2,2 kΩ RG1 1 MΩ Rsig vsig vin C1 C2 Q1 RG2 1 MΩ vo RL C3 RS 1 kΩ 0V Figure 3 3.3 One stage of a CMOS multistage amplifier circuit is shown in Figure 4. Ignoring the Early voltage effect, determine RREF required to give the design value of I REF = 100 µA with VDD = + 3 V assuming Vo is such that Q1 and Q2 operate in saturation. The MOSFET data is as follows: For Q2 & Q3 (matched): k ′p W / L = 650 µA / V 2 ; Vt = −0,6 V ; k ′n W / L = 2 mA / V ; 2 For Q1: Vt = 0,6 V ; VA = 10 V VA = 20 V (6) +VDD Q2 Q3 vo IREF vin Q1 RREF 0V Figure 4 3.4 Identify the amplifier configuration, draw the small-signal equivalent circuit, and determine the small-signal voltage gain A v = v o / v in assuming any external load resistance is very large. (5) Question 4 [25 marks] 4.1 A unity gain Butterworth high-pass filter to be designed. The specification of the equivalent low-pass filter requires a maximum attenuation of 1 dB at 1 kHz and a minimum attenuation of 45 dB at 5 kHz. Determine the order of the filter required, draw the pole-zero diagram and hence determine the transfer function of the low-pass filter expressed as a combination of 2nd and/or 1st order terms. (13) 4.2 Using suitable transformations, convert this low-pass transfer function to that of the equivalent high-pass filter. This filter is to be realized with an appropriate combination of 2nd order Sallen Key and/or 1st order high-pass sections. Draw a block diagram showing the relevant filter blocks required and their cut-off frequencies and Q values. (5) 4.3 Calculate all the component values for the 2nd order high-pass filter section with the highest Q value.(7) UNIVERSITY OF KWAZULU-NATAL Course and Code: MAIN EXAMINATIONS: June 2013 Analogue Electronics 1: ENEL3TA H1 Page 5 of 5 Supplied Information: Mirror equations: Widlar Current Mirror : I I o R E = VT ln ref Io Wilson Current Mirror : Ro ≈ R o = (1 + g m R ′E ) ⋅ ro R ′E = R E // rπ β ⋅ ro 2 CMOS inverter equations: 1 (5VDD − 2Vt ) VIL = 1 (3VDD + 2Vt ) 8 8 V 1 rDS = DS = W ID k ′ ⋅ ⋅ (VDD − Vt ) L VIH = NM L = NM H = 1 (3VDD + 2Vt ) 8 MOSFET equations: k ′ = k ′n = µ n C ox or k ′p = µ p C ox MOSFETS λ= g m = 2k ′ ( W / L)I D = k ′ ( W / L)(VGS − Vt ) = Triode region NMOS : VDS < VGS − Vt 1 VA ro = VA ID 2I D VGS − Vt 1 W i D = k ′ (VGS − Vt )VDS − VDS 2 2 L PMOS : VDS > VGS − Vt Sat. region NMOS : VDS > VGS − Vt iD = 1 W k ′ (VGS − Vt ) 2 (1 + λVDS ) 2 L PMOS : VDS < VGS − Vt Butterworth low-pass equations: A max ε = 10 10 − 1 1 1 N ωo = ω P ε 2N 2 ω A(ω) = 10 ⋅ log 1 + ε ω P Transformations : LPF(ωA ) ⇒ LPF(ωB ) : s ⇒ ωA ⋅ s ωB T (s ) = K ⋅ ωo N (s − p1 )(s − p 2 ) ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ (s − p N ) LPF(ωA ) ⇒ HPF(ωA ) : s ⇒ Sallen Key high-pass 2nd order circuit and equations. T(s) = ωo = 1 = Q K s2 ω s 2 + s o + ωo 2 Q 1 ωA 2 s R1 C1 C2 + R2 - R 1R 2 C1C 2 R 1C1 R 1C 2 R 2C2 + + (1 − K ) R 2C2 R 2 C1 R 1C1 RB RA