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WRJZ Radio Station Group

Let's talk Marketing
WRJZ Radio Station Group
Monthly Pricing
Website Updates
$199 Per Month Per Website X5 Websites (Up to Three Hours of Work)
$995 Per Month
Additional Website Hours Per hour (As Needed)
$95 Per Hour Discounted Rate ($150 Per Hour Regular Rate)
Local Listings/Local SEO Option
$199 Per Month Per Location ($299 Per Month Per Location, Standard
$149 One-Time Set-Up Fee Per Location $99 Annual Fee Per Location
$995 Per Month - Website Updates
$995 Per Month - Local Listings
(6 Month Minimum and 60 day Cancellation Notice)
$149 One-Time Set-Up Fee Per Location $99 Annual Fee Per Location
$1990 or $199 per station- Total Monthly Cost
$1240.00 for full setup and annual fee for local listings for each station
and 501C3. - Total Initial Cost
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