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10 Deep Questions to Help You Find Your Life Purpose - Michael Karp

10 Deep Questions to Help You Find
Your Life Purpose
By Michael Karp
These questions go along with the article:
The 5 Stages of Purpose (And How to Navigate Them)
Use these questions to help you navigate Stage 2 - Self-Discovery.
Remember, the goal here is to increase your self-knowledge to the point where you
know, without a shadow of a doubt, what you want to do with your life and where you
want to go.
As I said in the article, the only reason you don't know what to do with your life
yet is because you don't know yourself well enough yet.
The more you know yourself, the easier it is to know what you want to do with your life.
Once you know yourself well enough, your purpose becomes so obvious that you won't
be able to ignore it.
That's the goal of Stage 2.
To know yourself so well you can't help but follow what you are truly meant to do.
Without further ado, here are 10 deep questions to help you find your life purpose, along
with spaces to write your answers down:
10 Deep Questions to Help You Find Your Life Purpose
1. If you could help anyone in the world, who would you help and how
would you help them? Why would you help them in this way?
Our purposes often involve some sort of service to others. This question helps reveal if
this is an important part of what you want to do in life.
Write your answer(s) in the box below:
2. If you had a microphone that could send a single message to everyone in
the world, what message would you send them? Try to think of a message
that could uplift them or help them in some way.
This question helps uncover a core message you might want to share with the world to
uplift or inspire people.
Write your answer(s) in the box below:
10 Deep Questions to Help You Find Your Life Purpose
3. What are the three biggest lessons you have learned in life so far?
Our life lessons often carry a deep sense of purpose for us. These lessons can not only
serve us, but they can be shared with others to help them learn from our experiences.
Write your answer(s) in the box below:
4. Think back to when you were a child. What did you love to do? What
would consume your attention for hours on end? Why was it so fun for you?
Is it something you’d love to do as an adult? Is there a related field of work
that might incorporate some of what you loved doing as a child? Think
outside the box.
Often, what we loved doing as children can be indicators of what we would love to do
as adults.
Write your answer(s) in the box below:
10 Deep Questions to Help You Find Your Life Purpose
5. What fascinates you in life? What intrigues you? What are you most
curious about?
These are often indicators of where your passion(s) lie.
Write your answer(s) in the box below:
6. If you could master any skill or ability in life, what would it be? Think
about any and all skills, not just those taught in school.
This can point you in the direction of a passion you're not good at yet but could get
good at and turn into a career.
Write your answer(s) in the box below:
10 Deep Questions to Help You Find Your Life Purpose
7. Which historical figures do you admire? Which do you look up to? Why
do you look up to them? Would you like to do something similar to what
they did?
This question may indicate the type of impact you might want to make on the world or
the type of work that might excite you the most.
Write your answer(s) in the box below:
8. Who do you admire in today’s day and age? Who do you look up to? Why
do you look up to them? Would you like to do something similar to what
they are doing?
Again, this question may indicate the type of impact you might want to make on the
world or the type of work that might excite you the most.
Write your answer(s) in the box below:
10 Deep Questions to Help You Find Your Life Purpose
9. Which social or environmental causes do you care about? Why are they
so important to you? Would you like to contribute to them somehow? If you
don’t know any, would you like to find a social or environmental cause that
matters to you?
Our purposes are often related to a cause that’s greater than ourselves. This question
can help identify this for you.
Write your answer(s) in the box below:
10. If you were to follow your heart without any fear, what would you do?
What would you do with your life?
Many times, our hearts have been telling us what to do all along. We just haven’t been
listening. This question will help to uncover what your heart has been telling you to do
but maybe you’ve ignored or disregarded it out of fear.
Write your answer(s) in the box below:
10 Deep Questions to Help You Find Your Life Purpose
Congrats on answering these questions!
This is a big step towards finding the clarity you’re seeking.
Want more information to empower your life? Connect with me on my socials:
Also check out:
My articles
My books
The Karpfucius Says Podcast (Spotify, Apple Podcasts)
My story
And subscribe to my email newsletter if you haven’t done so already.
I’ll see you in the next one!
To your empowerment,
Michael Karp