ANUNCIATA UNIVERSITY LESSON PLAN NAME: JHONY RUÍZ DATE: SATURDAY, APRIL 24TH, 2021. SUBJECT: English I UNIT I: STARTING A CONVERSATION. CAREER: Systems Engineering YEAR: First TOPIC OBJECTIVES -Practical class. SWIBAT reinforce previously learned language and demonstrate their competence in a test. INITIAL ACTIVITIES -Call roll. Warm-up: Pass a sheet of paper to each student to write all the vocabulary studied in class and then exchange sheets to check themselves. (15 min) DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES CONCLUDING ACTIVITIES -Review the topics assigned for the exam -Create a short conversation about the and let students clear their doubts. (20 English exam. (10 min) min) -Explain to students all the exercises about the exam. (15 min) -Let students work on the exercises. (45 min) -Students present a short presentation about them. (15 min) OBSERVATION HOMEWORK -