Demonstration: This code creates a blueprint for users in a Java program. It defines a class named ‘User’ that stores information like name, student ID, username, and password. Each user has these details kept private within the class, but methods are provided to access them securely. When you create a new ‘User,’ you provide their information during creation, and the class stores it. This allows you to easily manage user data in your program. This code defines a class named ‘Item’ in Java, likely used for representing products in a system. Here is a breakdown: 1. Class Definition: It creates a blueprint for objects representing items (products) with specific properties 2. Attributes: ‘name’: Stores the item's name (likely a String). ‘price’: Stores the item's price (likely a double). ‘stock’: Stores the current stock level of the item (likely an integer). These attributes are private, meaning they are only accessible within the ‘Item’ class itself. 3. Constructor: This special method is called when a new ‘Item’ object is created. It takes three arguments: ‘name,’ ‘price,’ and ‘stock,’ and initializes the corresponding attributes of the new object. 4. Getter Methods: These methods provide controlled access to the private attributes. ‘getName(),’ ‘getPrice(),’ and ‘getStock()’ allow other parts of your code to retrieve the item's information without directly accessing the private attributes. 5. Stock Management: The ‘reduceStock(int quantity)’ method allows reducing the item's stock level by a certain quantity. It checks if there is enough stock before reduction (using an ‘if’ statement and an ‘Exception’). If there's insufficient stock, it throws an ‘Exception’ with a message "Out of stock". Otherwise, it subtracts the quantity from the current stock. In essence, this code defines a reusable structure for representing items with attributes like name, price, and stock. It also provides methods to access and manage the stock level while ensuring there is enough stock before reduction. This code defines a ‘Cart’ class in Java, which is likely used for managing items in a shopping scenario. Here is a breakdown of its functionality: The ‘Cart’ class keeps track of two things: the items themselves (‘items’) and the corresponding quantities for each item (‘quantities’). Both are stored using lists (‘ArrayList’). The ‘addItem’ method allows you to add a new item (‘item’) to the cart along with the desired quantity (‘quantity’). This method also checks if the item has enough stock (‘reduceStock’) before adding it (assuming the ‘Item’ class has such a method). The ‘getItems’ and ‘getQuantities’ methods provide access to the list of items and their corresponding quantities in the cart, respectively. The ‘getTotal’ method calculates the total price of all items in the cart. It iterates through the items and quantities, multiplying the price of each item by its quantity, and then sums these values to get the overall total. In essence, this code provides a way to represent a shopping cart, keeping track of the items and their quantities, and calculating the total price based on those details. This code defines a ‘Shop’ class in Java, which likely represents an online or physical store. Here is a breakdown: Shop Class: This code creates a blueprint for building shop objects. Shop Inventory: It keeps track of available items using an ‘ArrayList’ named ‘items.’ This list stores ‘Item’ objects, which likely represent individual products in the shop. Sample Items: The code initializes the shop with some sample items like laptops, notebooks, and pens, each with a name, price, and quantity. Cart Management: The ‘Shop’ class also has a ‘Cart’ object. This suggests the shop allows customers to add items to a virtual cart before checkout (potentially implemented in the ‘Cart’ class). Shop Functionality: ‘getItems’ Method: This public method returns the entire list of available items (‘items’) in the shop, allowing other parts of the code to access the product information. ‘getCart’ Method: This public method returns the ‘Cart’ object, potentially enabling access to cart functionalities (adding/removing items, calculating total price, etc.). ‘getItem’ Method: This method takes an item name as a String and searches through the ‘items’ list. If it finds an item with a matching name (ignoring case with ‘equalsIgnoreCase’), it returns that specific ‘Item’ object. Otherwise, it returns ‘null.’ This allows other parts of the code to retrieve details of a particular item based on its name. In essence, this code defines a ‘Shop’ class that manages a list of available items and provides a cart for customer purchases. It offers methods to access the entire inventory, individual items, and potentially interact with the cart (although cart functionality is not shown here). This code defines a Checkout class in Java, which is likely used in an online shopping system. Here is a breakdown: Class Declaration: It defines a class named Checkout. This class handles the checkout process for a shopping cart. Attribute: The class has a private attribute named cart of type Cart. This attribute stores the Cart object that holds the items the user is purchasing. Constructor: The Checkout constructor takes a Cart object as a parameter and assigns it to the internal cart attribute. This creates a link between the Checkout and the specific cart being checked out. process Method: This public method is responsible for processing the checkout. Here is what it does: o Retrieves the total cost of all items in the cart using the cart.getTotal() method (assuming the Cart class has this functionality). o Prints the total cost to the user. o Prints a thank-you message for the purchase. In essence, this class acts like a manager for the checkout process. It takes a cart, calculates the total, and displays the final information to the user. This code snippet focuses on error handling during user registration. It defines four custom exception classes that inherit from the general Exception class in Java. Each exception class represents a specific type of validation error a user might encounter while registering: InvalidNameException: Thrown when the entered name contains characters other than letters, enforcing a valid name format. InvalidIDException: Thrown if the student ID contains non-numeric characters, ensuring a valid ID format. InvalidUsernameException: Thrown if the username contains spaces or other restricted characters, promoting secure username formats. InvalidPasswordException: Thrown if the password does not meet complexity requirements, like lacking letters or numbers, enforcing strong password creation. By using these custom exceptions, the code can catch specific validation errors during registration and provide informative messages to the user. This improves the user experience by guiding them towards valid input and preventing unexpected program crashes due to invalid data. This code defines the main class (UniversityShoppingSystem) for a text-based user interface (TUI) of an online university shopping system. Here is a breakdown: Scanner and Shop Objects: private static Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; This line creates a Scanner object to read user input from the console. private static Shop shop = new Shop(); This line (assuming there is a Shop class) creates a Shop object, likely responsible for managing products, shopping carts, and other shopping-related functionalities. Welcome and Main Loop: System.out.println("Welcome to the University Online Shopping System\n"); This line greets the user upon program launch. The while (true) loop creates an infinite loop that keeps the program running until the user chooses to exit. Main Menu: Inside the loop, the code displays a menu with two options: 1. Register 2. Login It prompts the user to enter their choice. Choice Handling: Based on the user's choice: o If 1 (Register), the registerUser() method is called to handle user registration. o If 2 (Login), the loginUser() method is called to authenticate the user and potentially lead them to a shopping interface. o Any other choice results in an "Invalid choice" message, prompting the user to try again. This code provides a basic structure for user interaction in the University Online Shopping System. It allows users to register or login, with further functionalities likely handled within the registerUser() and loginUser() methods (not shown here). This code snippet defines a method called registerUser that handles the user registration process. Here is a breakdown of what it does: User Input and Validation: It prompts the user to enter their name, student ID, username, and password using System.out.print. For each piece of information entered, it calls a corresponding validation method (validateName, validateStudentID, etc.) to ensure the data meets specific criteria (e.g., name containing only letters). If validation fails, an exception (likely one of the custom exceptions described earlier) might be thrown, indicating the error. User Creation and Registration: If all validations pass, a new User object is created using the provided information (name, studentID, etc.). It then calls another method, registerUser(user, "users.txt"), which presumably writes the user's details to a file named "users.txt". This is likely for storing user data persistently. Finally, it displays a success message upon successful registration. Error Handling: The entire try block encapsulates the user input, validation, and registration logic. If any exceptions are thrown during these operations (e.g., validation error or file writing issue), the catch block catches the exception and prints a generic error message with the exception's message. In essence, this code snippet collects user information, validates it to ensure data integrity, creates a user object, stores the user data, and handles potential errors during the registration process. This code defines a method called `loginUser` that manages the user login process. It prompts the user to enter their username and password. Then, it calls a separate method, likely `loginUser(loginUsername, loginPassword, "users.txt”) `, to validate the credentials against a user data source (potentially a file named "users.txt"). If the credentials are valid, the user receives a success message and is directed to the shop interface through another method call (possibly `showShopPage`). However, if the login attempt fails, the user sees a message indicating invalid login details. Additionally, the code incorporates error handling using a `try-catch` block. This ensures that any unexpected errors during login, such as issues reading the user file, are caught and a generic error message is displayed. This approach provides a user-friendly login experience with informative feedback and safeguards against potential issues. This code defines a method named showShopPage that presents a menu to users who have successfully logged in. It utilizes a continuous loop (while(true)) to keep displaying the menu until the user decides to log out. Within the loop, a menu is presented with options like viewing products, checking their cart, initiating checkout, and logging out. The user's choice is captured using scanner.nextLine and converted to an integer. Based on the chosen option, the code calls relevant methods like showProducts, showCart, or checkout. If an invalid option is entered, an error message is displayed. Notably, choosing option 4 (logout) breaks out of the loop, ending the shop menu display and presenting a logout message. This approach creates a user-friendly and interactive shop interface where users can navigate through various functionalities after logging in. Shows available products and lets you add them to your cart: 1. It lists all products with their names, prices, and stock levels. 2. You can either: Type the name of a product to add it to your cart. Type "back" to return to the shop menu. 3. If you enter a product name: It asks you how many of that product you want. It tries to find the product in the shop. If found, it adds the requested quantity to your cart and tells you how many were added. If not found, it tells you the item is not available. 4. If you enter anything other than a product name or "back", it shows an error message. Shows what is in your shopping cart: 1. Cart Header: It starts by printing a title "Cart Summary:" to let you know you are about to see your cart contents. 2. Checking for Empty Cart: It retrieves the list of items and quantities in your cart from the shop object. These are likely stored in separate lists, items, and quantities. It checks if the items list is empty. This means there are no items in your cart at all. 3. Displaying Cart Contents (if not empty): If the items list is not empty (meaning you have items in your cart): o It uses a loop to iterate through both the items and quantities lists at the same time. This ensures it matches the quantity with the correct item. o Inside the loop: – It retrieves the quantity (how many of an item) from the quantities list. – It retrieves the item object (information about the product) from the items list. o It prints a line for each item in your cart, showing: – The quantity you have (e.g., "2") – The name of the item (e.g., "Notebook") – The price of the item (e.g., "$50.00") 4. Empty Cart Message (if applicable): If the items list was empty (meaning no items in the cart), it simply prints a message like "Cart is empty." This lets you know there is nothing to display in the cart summary. In essence, this code provides a detailed breakdown of your shopping cart, listing each item and its quantity along with the price. It also considers the case where there are no items in the cart and displays a clear message accordingly. This enhances the user experience by offering informative feedback on the cart status. This code snippet defines a method named checkout that initiates the checkout process for the user's shopping cart. Here is a breakdown of what it does: Checkout Object Creation: It creates a new Checkout object. This object likely represents the checkout system or logic within the shop. It passes the user's current shopping cart (shop.getCart()) as an argument to the Checkout constructor. This provides the checkout system with the items and quantities the user wants to purchase. Checkout Processing: It calls the process() method on the newly created checkout object. This method likely handles all the steps involved in the checkout process, such as: o Calculating the total cost of the items in the cart. o Handling payment processing (potentially calling other methods for credit card details or other payment options). o Confirming the order. o Updating inventory levels (reducing stock based on purchased quantities). In summary, this code creates a dedicated checkout object and delegates the entire checkout process to that object's process() method. This promotes modularity and separation of concerns, making the code more organized and easier to maintain. This code defines a series of validation methods specifically designed to ensure user input adheres to certain criteria during registration. Here is a breakdown of each method: validateName(String name) throws InvalidNameException: This method validates the user's name. It throws an InvalidNameException if the name contains characters other than letters (a-z and A-Z). This enforces names to only consist of alphabetical characters. The throws InvalidNameException part indicates that this method can potentially throw this exception if the validation fails. validateStudentID(String id) throws InvalidIDException: This method validates the user's student ID. It throws an InvalidIDException if the ID contains characters other than numbers (09). This ensures student IDs only consist of numeric digits. Like the validateName method, it throws an exception if validation fails. validateUsername(String username) throws InvalidUsernameException: This method validates the user's username. It throws an InvalidUsernameException if the username contains spaces. This prevents usernames from having spaces, potentially improving readability, and avoiding conflicts. validatePassword(String password) throws InvalidPasswordException: This method validates the user's password. It throws an InvalidPasswordException if the password does not meet certain criteria. The specific criteria are defined by the regular expression ^(?=.*[09])(?=.*[a-zA-Z]).+$. This regex likely enforces passwords to contain both letters and numbers, potentially improving security. In essence, these methods act as checkpoints during user registration, ensuring data entered adheres to specific rules. If any validation fails, the corresponding exception is thrown, which can be caught and handled elsewhere in the code to provide informative error messages to the user. This approach helps prevent invalid data from entering the system and improves the overall user experience during registration. This code snippet defines two methods for user management: RegisterUser(User user, String filename) throws IOException: This method registers a new user in the system. It takes two arguments: o User user: This object likely contains the user's information like name, student ID, username, and password. o String filename: This specifies the filename where user data will be stored (potentially a text file). It uses a try-with-resources statement to manage a FileWriter object automatically. This object writes data to the specified file. o Inside the try block: – It writes each piece of user information (name, student ID, username, password) to the file on separate lines. – It adds an extra blank line after each user's information for better readability and separation in the file. The throws IOException part indicates this method can potentially throw an IOException if there are issues writing to the file (e.g., file not found, permission issues). LoginUser(String username, String password, String filename) throws IOException: This method attempts to log in a user with the provided credentials. It takes three arguments: o String username: The username entered by the user during login. o String password: The password entered by the user during login. o String filename: This specifies the filename containing user data (same file used for registration). It uses a try-with-resources statement to manage a BufferedReader object automatically. This object reads data from the specified file line by line. o Inside the try block: – It reads lines from the file one by one using a while loop. – It checks if the current line read from the file matches the provided username. o If the username matches: It reads the next line, assuming it stores the password for that user. It compares the stored password with the password entered by the user. If both usernames and passwords match, the method returns true, indicating a successful login. – If the username does not match or the passwords do not match, the loop continues reading the file. The throws IOException part indicates this method can potentially throw an IOException if there are issues reading from the file. If no matching username is found in the file or the passwords do not match, the method returns false, indicating a failed login attempt. In summary, these methods provide functionalities for registering new users and logging in existing users using a text file for data storage. The code uses exception handling to gracefully handle potential file access issues.