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Ajman (Arabic: ‫ن امجع‬, 'Aǧmān; Gulf Arabic: ‫ن ام يع‬ʿymān) is the capital of the emirate of Ajman in the
United Arab Emirates. It is the fifth-largest city in UAE after Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Al Ain.
Located along the Persian Gulf, it is engulfed by the larger emirate of Sharjah in territory.HistoryAl
Bu Kharaiban Nuaimi rule in Ajman started in 1816, when Sheikh Rashid bin Humaid Al Nuaimi and
fifty of his followers took the coastal settlement of Ajman from members of the Al Bu Shamis Nuaimi
tribe in a short conflict.[3] It wasn't until 1816 or 1817, however, that the Ajman fort finally fell to
Rashid's followers and his rule was endorsed by the powerful Sheikh of neighbouring Sharjah and
Ras Al Khaimah, Sheikh Sultan bin Saqr Al Qasimi.[4]On 8 January 1820, following the sack of Ras Al
Khaimah by a British force led by Sir W.G. Keir, Sultan bin Saqr signed the General Maritime Treaty
with the United Kingdom on 4 February 1820, followed on 15 March by Rashid bin Humaid[5] at
Falaya Fort.An 1822 British maritime survey noted that Ajman had one of the best backwaters on the
coast and was a small town with a single fortified building, the ruler's house. In common with many
other coastal towns on what became the Trucial Coast, the population was mobile depending on the
season –there were as many as 1,400 to 1,700 men of the 'Mahamee' tribe living there during the
pearl hunting season (April–September), many of whom would migrate to Al Buraimi in the date
season. The survey notes that Ajman's ruler Rashid bin Ahmed considered his dominion independent
of the Emirate of Sharjah, but that Sharjah did not maintain that view even though it had no power
over Ajman.[6] The survey noted that the inhabitants of Ajman were 'mostly strict Wahhabis' and
recorded the presence of the ruined village of Fasht down the shore from Ajman town, which is
today the Fisht suburb of Sharjah city.Ajman Fort, today a museumIn 1831, the Sheikh of Ajman
accepted a subsidy from the Imam of Muscat to join with Sultan bin Saqr of Sharjah against Sohar,
but followingSultan's defeat declared for Sohar.[clarification needed] In his absence, a part of Bani
Yas from Abu Dhabi sacked Ajman town and its date groves.[7] In retaliation, the forces of Ajman
committed 'daring depredations' upon the cities of Sohar and Muscat. When called upon to provide
redress for the actions of his 'subject', Sultan bin Saqr disavowed any authority over Ajman and in
1832 a British naval force was sent to Ajman to obtain redress for the raids on the East Coast
cities.[8] Ending a conflict between Sharjah, Ajman and Dubai on the one hand and Abu Dhabi on the
other, Ajman (together with the other parties) signed the 1835 Maritime Treaty in its own right.[8]In
1840, Humaid bin Obeid bin Subt of Al Heera invaded Ajman supported by a body of the Bani
Naeem. Although initially reluctant to assist Humeid bin Rashid, Sultan bin Suggur of Sharjah sent his
son Suggur who, together with Maktoum of Dubai, ejected the invaders and sacked Al Heera in
reprisal.In 1843 a further Maritime Treaty was signed between the Trucial Sheikhs and the British
and then, on 4 May 1853, 'A Perpetual Treaty of Peace' was entered into by the coastal Sheikhs,
including Ajman. A copy of this treaty is on display in Ajman Museum. A further treaty of 1892 bound
the Trucial States to Britain.By the 20th century, J. G. Lorimer's survey of the coast of the Trucial
States showed Ajman to be a small town of some 750 inhabitants (in comparison, the population of
Dubai at the time numbered over 10,000).[9] On 2 December 1971, Ajman, under Sheikh Rashid bin
Humayd Al Nuaimi, joined the United Arab Emirates.PopulationThe city has more than 90% of the
population of the emirate. The area runs directly into the city of Sharjah along the coast to the
southwest, which in turn is adjacent to Dubai, forming a continuous urban area.CommercialAjman is
home to the Ruler's office, companies, commercial markets, and about 50 international and local
retail shops. Banking interests include: Emirates NBD, Ajman Bank, Arab Bank PLC, Bank Saderat
Iran, and Commercial Bank of Dubai. Ajman is also home to fishing industry & Seafood
Importers/Exporters in UAE. Shopping malls include Ajman China Mall and City Centre Ajman.Ajman
Free ZoneMain article: Ajman Free ZoneWith the capacity to accommodate 1500 companies and
serving over 1,000 vessels a year, Ajman Port and Ajman Free Zone are major contributors to the
emirate's economy. Exporting to over 65 countries, the Free Zone's companies make up
approximately 20% of the UAE's overall industrial units, with some 256 industrial companies
operating from the zone.[10]