Uploaded by Alyson del Castillo


All Pathways to Recovery Group – Alyson
Pathway: Strengths Based Model
Activity: Tower of Strengths
The Strengths Model focuses on the collaboration between you and your clinicians to identify your
strengths and abilities and create a plan based on these strengths and your own goals rather than ones
created by the clinician without your input. Much of treatment may seem to focus on what you are
challenged by or struggle with, and a strengths based approach can help you identify how you can use
your own strengths to further your recovery.
 Materials:
o Strengths list
o “Parts of you” Explanation sheet
o Tower of Strengths worksheet
o Pen/pencil
1. Read the “parts of you” explanations and consider your strengths in each part
2. Choose 10 strengths you currently have, and fill in the “Foundation of Actual Strengths”
section of the Tower (choose from the list or fill in your own)
3. In the box next to each strength, write the letter (S, T, H, E, M, L) of the part it belongs to
4. On the bottom flag, fill in the number of strengths you’ve chosen for each part
5. Draw a picture or write a phrase to represent each strength
6. Looking at the list of strengths, identify five strengths you don’t currently have that you
would like to have.
7. Put the strength you would like the most at the top of your tower
8. Fill in the other spaces with your desired strengths and the letter of the part it is in
9. On the top flag, fill in how many desired strengths you’ve chosen for each part
10. Answer questions below
1. Choose one of your “Actual Strengths”:
a. Discuss how you’ve used this strength in the past
b. How could this strength be used in your recovery?
c. Is this always a strength, or can it also be a problem?
All Pathways to Recovery Group – Alyson
2. Which “Part of you” is the strongest based on your current strengths? Which is weakest?
3. Choose one of your “Desired Strengths”:
a. Why do you want to develop this strength?
b. What can you do to develop it?
c. How difficult do you think it will be to develop/ Why?