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Ecology Level 3 Unit 2 Assignment 2
Level 3
Diversity & Distribution
This document is to be used for the assignment work
Pass and merit criteria
Intellectual property of Animal Biology and Care Ltd.
Ecology Level 3 Unit 2 Assignment 2
Learning outcome
2.0 Explain the importance of diversity, identify factors that influence species distribution
and analyse these factors in terms of species diversity
Assessment criteria
To gain as pass you need to:
2.1 Explain with examples, the importance of genetic diversity within a population and
species diversity within a habitat
To gain a merit ** you need to:
2.2 Identify how the distribution of species is influenced by a range of inter-connecting
To gain a distinction** you need to:
2.3 Analyse data relating to species diversity in terms of ecosystem value and health
**The pass criterion must be achieved to gain merit and both pass and merit criteria achieved
to gain a distinction
All ANSWERS must be in your own words
References must be provided using the Harvard Referencing system
Marks* will not be awarded if references are not given where required
* Marking scheme and rationale are shown on the last page of this document
Intellectual property of Animal Biology and Care Ltd.
Ecology Level 3 Unit 2 Assignment 2
Assignment 2
Diversity & Distribution
(Pass criterion)
2.1 Explain with examples, the importance of genetic diversity within a population and
species diversity within a habitat
Task – question set/essay
1. Referring to examples in unit 2 and elsewhere (optional), explain the importance of genetic
diversity within a population of animals. Word limit 750. 10 marks
Intellectual property of Animal Biology and Care Ltd.
Ecology Level 3 Unit 2 Assignment 2
(Pass criterion)
2. Species diversity within a given habitat is important. Why? Word limit 200. 5 marks
3. Explain the meaning of “Secondary ecological succession” by using two examples.
References must be provided. Word limit 250. 10 marks
Intellectual property of Animal Biology and Care Ltd.
Ecology Level 3 Unit 2 Assignment 2
(Pass criterion)
4. In a few words and with examples, explain the meaning of a “Climax community”. 2 marks
5. In your own words and with examples where possible, explain the importance of plant
species diversity in a habitat. References should be provided to support the answer. 300
words. 8 marks
Intellectual property of Animal Biology and Care Ltd.
Ecology Level 3 Unit 2 Assignment 2
(Pass criterion)
6. With one example, explain the meaning of “pioneer species” and primary succession.
References should be provided to support the work. Word limit 250. 8 marks
Completion of pass criterion.
Intellectual property of Animal Biology and Care Ltd.
Ecology Level 3 Unit 2 Assignment 2
Assignment 2
(Merit criterion)
2.2 Identify how the distribution of species is influenced by a range of inter-connecting
Task question set/essay(s)
1. Figure 1 (page 6 of unit 2), describes a choice-chamber arrangement for a simple
investigation into habitat preference.
i. Provide an explanation for the suggested initial results of habitat preference of the flour
beetle. If appropriate, use references to support the answer. Word limit 50. 3 marks
ii. Suggest the influence of intra-specific competition on this distribution and, you may like to
suggest how genetic diversity could also be a factor. Word limit 150. 6 marks
Intellectual property of Animal Biology and Care Ltd.
Ecology Level 3 Unit 2 Assignment 2
(Merit criterion)
iii. Considering species distribution and resources, how does the experiment involving the
flour beetle relate to a natural habitat and/or ecosystem? Word limit 100. 6 marks
2. In habitat restoration schemes, explain the importance of understanding the particular
abilities and tolerances of certain plants in the success of the scheme. Word limit 100. 6
Intellectual property of Animal Biology and Care Ltd.
Ecology Level 3 Unit 2 Assignment 2
(Merit criterion)
3. When identifying species distribution within a given habitat, explain why a species is more
likely to be recorded as having an aggregated distribution rather than a random distribution.
Reference to resources may support the answer. Word limit 100. 10 marks
Intellectual property of Animal Biology and Care Ltd.
Ecology Level 3 Unit 2 Assignment 2
(Merit criterion)
4. Provide an explanation of why there is a successional distribution of species on new, barren
land. Examples should support your explanation and references provided where appropriate.
Word limit 500. 10 marks
Intellectual property of Animal Biology and Care Ltd.
Ecology Level 3 Unit 2 Assignment 2
(Merit criterion)
5. The greatest form of competition is intra-specific competition. Explain this statement in
about 150 words and use examples to support the answer. 5 marks
6. In simple terms and a few sentences, describe the difference between a uniform
distribution and an aggregated distribution. 5 marks
Intellectual property of Animal Biology and Care Ltd.
Ecology Level 3 Unit 2 Assignment 2
(Merit criterion)
7. Provide an explanation for the typical distribution of plant species being aggregated or,
clumped. Word limit 150. 5 marks
Completion of merit criterion
Intellectual property of Animal Biology and Care Ltd.
Ecology Level 3 Unit 2 Assignment 2
Marking scheme* and rationale
Marks are awarded for:
1. Accuracy of the answer against the question/task instruction i.e. relevancy of the answer
compared to the aspect of the question.
2. The approach of the answer that indicates depth of understanding:
(i) simple statements that are accurate but not expanded upon;
(ii) statements that are accurate and accompanied by evidence of some understanding;
(iii) statements that are accurate and accompanied by evidence of extended understanding;
(iv) statements that are accurate and accompanied by evidence of extended understand that
could be applied to a practical situation
3. Quality and relevance of references provided to support the answer
4. Presentation i.e. grammar, spelling, ease-of-reading, accurate use of the Harvard
referencing system including reference list presented.
5. Adherence to the word limit (if relevant) +/- 10%
*Some courses/units require a strict, set mark scheme where specific knowledge is expected
to be shown in answers.
Intellectual property of Animal Biology and Care Ltd.