Dharviben Hasmukhbhai Chaudhari TR181123 BSBLDR812 ASSESSMENT TASK 1 a. i. What is the name of the organization Company name: - king Edward college. ii. What are the main activities of the organization? It offers training to students in Business and management. The company’s purpose is to offer high quality training services to satisfy students’ needs. iii. Describe the vision, mission, purpose and values of your organization. the mission of this college to provide high quality industry training that engenders participation and achievement. The Value are like to sustain excellence in training and assessment and operate with openness and accountability. The purpose of the company is to provide high quality training services to satisfy students’ needs. However, the vision of it is to provide best class education services at a competitive price to the students. iv. What are the strategic objectives and goals of your organization? Answer To be a leader in vocational education and training To be a leader in innovation in the vocational education and training sector To establish and maintain high quality infrastructure supporting clients and staff Name: BSBLDR812 02/09/2022 Dharviben Hasmukhbhai Chaudhari TR181123 BSBLDR812 v. Describe your role in the organization and explain how your role fits into the broader organizational goals and objectives (or contribute towards the development and cultivation of the collaborative partnership. To oversee and manage all staff and students’ academic activities required to develop the knowledge base and skills. vi. How does your role contribute towards the broader organization objectives and goals? Answer- The role is very critical, as the job is to directly implement and align CEO vision and collaborate with employees and students. 2. Explain why a new collaborative partnership is required, including the task objectives. a. Why is a collaborative partnership (and relationship) required in your organization? Answer- The academic manager is directive by CEO who establish collaborative relationship for E-learning specialist. A new collaborative partnership is required as we as an organisation have a humungous task to achieve and in addition, a new structure of education needs a new world class experience to be given to students and this needs a never before partnership and meetings of minds when it comes to the shared vision from CEO to students everyone should be aligned to the purpose and execution of change. b. Describe at least three task objectives for establishing the collaborative partnership. Name: BSBLDR812 02/09/2022 Dharviben Hasmukhbhai Chaudhari TR181123 BSBLDR812 Answer- 1. Establish new E learning partner onboarding & online connection: - adapting latest technology during Covid-19 2. Drafting new SOPs for employees and students 3. Maintain high quality infrastructure. c. How will your role contribute towards the development and cultivation of the collaborative partnership Answer- To keep the objective and goal in sync during the entire project implementation. The new model can be addressed by keeping them comfortable and part of change from the beginning. The communication needs to be very strong and comforting 3. Summaries the requirements for establishing collaborative partnerships and relationships a. Summaries the legal (Australian-based) and organizational requirements for establishing collaborative partnerships and relationships, including: i. legislation and regulations ANSWERLegislation and regulation: Privacy act: - To keep the data private, information must be accurate and complete, they should record in appropriate mediums, they should name, categorize and share records properly and mark appropriate records as confidential. ii. standards and codes of practice Answer- Iso 44001: - Demonstrate business relationship and truly collaborative. Name: BSBLDR812 02/09/2022 Dharviben Hasmukhbhai Chaudhari TR181123 BSBLDR812 iii. relevant legal frameworks and processes Answer- Commonwealth legislation such as the Competition and Consumer Act b. Answer- The following records are strictly confidential and require a high-level authorization: Employment records e.g. remuneration, performance review, skills assessment. c. Answer- Purpose of this policy is to describe guidelines to create, preserve and access James King College’s records. Its purpose is to ensure that all records are accurate and secure. Scope A record is any type of file (document, spreadsheet, database entries) that James King College stores in its systems. This includes files both employees and external sources create, all legal and business documents and formal internal and external communications. What records do employees need to create? Creating and storing certain types of records are mandatory. Employees should keep records that: include decisions, reports, data and activities that are important to the business describe business ventures, deals and communication with regulatory bodies or the public. Employees, teams and departments may keep other records if they decide they’re useful to their jobs. 4. Identify and assess potential partnerships a. Which collaborative partnerships already exist in your organisation (identify at least one)? Name: BSBLDR812 02/09/2022 Dharviben Hasmukhbhai Chaudhari TR181123 BSBLDR812 Existing partnership: - It is included in the legal agreement of the partnership. There are total two potential partners which are e-learning specialists and ALS. VET requirements Techniques who collaborative partner: - open communication Transparency of transaction Timely feedback for reporting Sharing of resources Promoting each other businesses Activities to take place within the partnership e-learning like online resources provide monthly resources like learning management system, legal resources, physical face-2-face, recourses develop. Establish e-indicator of evaluate partnership 1) King Edward college gives insight about vocational education training. 2) King Edward college will have the online vision. 3) E-learning practice: - report will be submitted about online learning. assessing the risk associated with establishing new partnership. High level of competition poor perception of training less profit unable to make satisfaction of partnership and clients demands Complete the table to assess the risk. Name: BSBLDR812 02/09/2022 Dharviben Hasmukhbhai Chaudhari TR181123 BSBLDR812 Risk conseque Severity/da nce mage competi tion Need Level 2 more innovatio n Reductio n in autonom y Conflict of interest Fragment Level 3 ed work Damage Level 2 reputatio n likeliho Risk Control od rati actions ng Level 3 Custo Zer mer o service , provid e trainin g Level 1 Provid Zer e o Survey Level 2 Resource requiremen t Technology, Team work Open communica tion Genera paper, pen, zero te calculator Reporti ng system ASSESSMENT TASK 2 a. Identify at least two (2) internal stakeholders and at least one external stakeholder. Internal stakeholder 1: - CEO: -in particular, envisages a relationship where James King College provides valuable insight and knowledge to Name: BSBLDR812 02/09/2022 Dharviben Hasmukhbhai Chaudhari TR181123 BSBLDR812 the eLearning specialist about mandatory government VET requirements. It Leads the organization and oversees all departments Internal stakeholder 2: - CFO: -Leads and oversees the finance department. It is Responsible for supporting the organization’s strategy with financial resources and creates company-wide budgets. External stakeholder: Designing and developing online learning methods from College’s existing offline courses, with their own logo displayed on the course. b. Summarise any relevant stakeholder requirements or demands. CEO establishes collaborative partnership with E learning specialist and The CEO would like a report about potential partners to provide to the board of directors. Whereas, the CFO however felt confident that any expenditure would be recovered. He wanted the eLearning rollout to occur as soon as possible. Another stakeholder, E learning specialist partner, Supplies monthly reports about eLearning trends and bestpractise. Designs and develops online learning modules from King Edward College’s existing face-to- face courses, with their own logo displayed on the course. CEO: - Human Resources – staff, legal experts Physical Resource – facilities, machines, technology, internet, papers c. Developing emotional intelligence will assist stakeholders to manage the levels of stress they experience in the workplace. Practising the emotional intelligence skills in the ways suggested here will relieve stress for both stakeholders and their work colleagues. Name: BSBLDR812 02/09/2022 Dharviben Hasmukhbhai Chaudhari TR181123 BSBLDR812 d. James King College has a number communication channels for stakeholders available, including: 1) Email and newsletter 2) Email automation 3) Online/virtual presentation 1) Email and newsletter: - this is the popular technique for communication. There are lot of positive points to prefer this like immediate delivery of information, one -to-one sending/ receiving important information with sources. 2) Email automation: - this is also very popular method to communicate as we can set up daily updates which can be sent out to each and every stakeholder. 3) Online/ virtual presentation: - this method can be physical and or online. For online, video presentation software can be preferred. 4) Face to face communication: - One-on-one contact is a good way to obtain detailed information about how some important (mostly professional) stakeholders feel about specific issues. The advantage of meeting people in their own surroundings is that they are in a comfortable and non-threatening environment. e. For each stakeholder, identify strategies to ensure commitment and contribution to the partnership Listen carefully Effective communication Work with team 2. Establish processes to resolve potential conflict. a. Establish at least one process that should be followed to resolve conflict between the stakeholders within the partnership. It is important to understand first that what the expectations of stakeholder are. To make proper relationship, trust always stands at first. Discovery of both initial expectations and changes in those Name: BSBLDR812 02/09/2022 Dharviben Hasmukhbhai Chaudhari TR181123 BSBLDR812 expectations often depends on the existence of good relationships between stakeholders, project managers, and/or project teams. As his definition of customer expands to include all stakeholders, trust becomes essential to clarifying and managing expectations. b. Explain how your process resolves the conflict in a fair, equitable and collaborative manner between the partners. having an honest discussion about important issues with all parties involved and making sure that they've all had their say. It also means listening carefully, exploring alternative solutions, and maintaining a nonthreatening environment so everyone feels comfortable laying out their concerns in the open. 3. a. CEO, CFO and E learning specialist partner b. 1) Online/ virtual presentation: - this method can be physical and or online. For online, video presentation software can be preferred. This method is very convenient for everyone as they do not need to go to a specific place as they can receive information at any place. I will use this platform for internal stakeholder as for the, this method of communication is better than others. 2) Face to face communication: - One-on-one contact is a good way to obtain detailed information about how some important (mostly professional) stakeholders feel about specific issues. The advantage of meeting people in their own surroundings is that they are in a comfortable and non-threatening environment. PART D: 1. Email: - Email is one of the most popular tools for stakeholder communication. Its benefits include the immediate delivery of information, customizable content, and reporting on engagement and Name: BSBLDR812 02/09/2022 Dharviben Hasmukhbhai Chaudhari TR181123 BSBLDR812 open rates. This makes it very effective in managing communications with each stakeholder. Project summary report: - One of the more traditional methods that is still very effective is the Project Summary Report. Create a written document to convey the strategy’s context, intent and requirements. Who: - CEO When: - at least 2 weeks before need Why: - To help you establish a new mutually beneficial partnership Where: - online presentation What: - human and physical resources How: - write a formal proposal PART E: Allocate resources 1. Allocate resources to accomplish the partnership activity. Partnership activity Resources An announcement in the staff Online gadget, network assess, bulletin to alert staff of the paper and pen to make notes. upcoming online learning changes. Request to academic manager Proper communication strategy, creating a communication online/ offline assess as per strategy in choice of communication. consultation with the new partner. Computer, physical resources e-learning partner will develop online resources To meet the demand, the staff is to be hired to manage the partnership demands. PART F: PLAN AND IMPLEMENT REPORTING SYSTEMS Name: BSBLDR812 02/09/2022 Dharviben Hasmukhbhai Chaudhari TR181123 BSBLDR812 1. a 1) Interviews 2) Social media 1) Surveys: - this type of method is considered as physical questionnaires which basically collect both qualitative and quantitative data. This makes the opportunity for distribution at scale. They are usually not an expensive; running a survey can cost nothing if we use a free tool. Suppose, If I have a wish to target a specific group of people, partnering with a market research firm to get the survey in the hands of that demographic may be worth the money. 2) Interviews: - I can receive feedback from people in target audience about new coming features through interviews. This will actually be beneficial for me to get and record people’s reactions and responses to questions which can provide valuable data about which new features to pursue. 3) Social media: - social media is also an accessible way to track data about others’ interests and motivations. Many social media platforms have analytics built in, but there are also third-party social platforms that give more detailed, organized insights pulled from multiple channels. So, I can use data collected from social media to determine which issues are most important. b. What information and feedback are required to evaluate the ongoing activities of the partnership To provide valuable insight and knowledge to the eLearning specialist about mandatory government VET requirements. To use the developed online learning modules created by the eLearning Partner. Name: BSBLDR812 02/09/2022 Dharviben Hasmukhbhai Chaudhari TR181123 BSBLDR812 Supply monthly reports about eLearning trends and best-practise. Designs and develops online learning modules from King Edward College’s existing face-to-face courses, with their own logo displayed on the course. c. Plan the reporting systems required to review the results of all partnership activity. Financial Due to the success of the College to date, there are significant cash reserves to fund the new campuses, plus general initiatives, including quality training and assessment and continuous improvement and innovation. Staffing Regarding staffing, existing staff will perform key functions across the new campuses such as human resources and marketing. They will also perform any new functions arising such as responsibility for quality and innovation. d. Implement one of the reporting systems Data retention period As a general rule, James King College will keep all records for a minimum of three years unless otherwise stated by law. The following records must be preserved indefinitely: Name: Internal policies Financial statements and annual reports Employment contracts Results of audits and legal investigations. BSBLDR812 02/09/2022 Dharviben Hasmukhbhai Chaudhari TR181123 BSBLDR812 Partnership and vendor contracts Naming convention All employees are required to use James King College’s templates for all workplace documentation. Documents should be named [Department_Type_Detail_Version] Documents are to be saved using James King College’s cloud-based storage system. PART G: ORGANISATIONAL TRANSFORMATION 1. Manage organisational transformation. a. Summarise two models/methods that may be used to manage organisational change 1) Kotter’s theory: - This model focuses on the people behind the change instead of the move itself. The strategy here is to create a sense of urgency for change to get the organization on board. 2) McKinsey’s 7-S model: - this Model is an assessment of how orderly my company is. This model manages changes for companies who don't know what to change in particular but feel the need to do so. It works by analysing how the 7 S aspects of your company are associated with each other. Here are the following S's: Name: Strategy Structure Systems Shared Values Style Staff Skills BSBLDR812 02/09/2022 Dharviben Hasmukhbhai Chaudhari TR181123 BSBLDR812 b. Identify at least one change that must take place due to your new partnership. Management is aware that they must be prepared to adapt to online/ remote operation as new trends and ideas, in particular improved online learning experiences. They would also like to future-proof the organisation against campus shut-downs (as experienced during the COVD-19 pandemic). c. How will you manage the change? I, academic manager, have been asked by the CEO to establish a collaborative partnership with an eLearning specialist. I will do overseeing and managing all staff and student academic activities required to develop the required knowledge and skills for clients to be job ready and competently undertake their chosen role in a wide range of business areas. d. Implement at least one strategy to ensure staff commitment and contribution to the new partnership 1. To be a leader in vocational education and training. 2. To be a leader in innovation in the vocational education and training sector. 3. To establish and maintain high quality infrastructure supporting clients and staff. 4. To be well led, high performing, profitable and accountable. 5. To develop our people and resources. e. Implement at least one strategy to ensure external stakeholder commitment and contribution to the new partnership Name: BSBLDR812 02/09/2022 Dharviben Hasmukhbhai Chaudhari TR181123 BSBLDR812 E learning specialist partner has duty to Supply monthly reports about eLearning trends and best-practise. It also takes care about Designing and developing online learning modules from King Edward College’s existing face-to- face courses, with their own logo displayed on the course. ASSESSMENT TASK 3 1. Analyse your reporting system data (as established in the partnership activity) against the key indicators. (Word limit: 100 words) a. Use any appropriate method, tool or technique to analyse your reporting system data against the key indicators established in Assessment Task 1 • Changing organisations: How to embed partnerships as an ongoing way of working. • Exploring the nature of partnerships (Activities 1 and 2): Why is the partnership necessary in this particular project? What value does the partnership add to the project? This involves designing a map that visually represents the nature of the relationships between agencies. Name: BSBLDR812 02/09/2022 Dharviben Hasmukhbhai Chaudhari TR181123 BSBLDR812 • Analysing existing or potential partnerships (Activity 3): This involves completing a checklist that defines the key features of a successful inter-departmental, inter-agency or inter-sectoral partnership. The checklist is designed to provide feedback on the current status of the partnership and to suggest areas that need further support and work. The tool can be used at different times in the partnership. Early on, it will provide some information on how the partnership has been established and identify areas in which there is a need for further work. . b. Summarise any strengths and weaknesses of the partnership. AnswerStrengths clear understanding of student’s requirements Delivery mode suitable for client requirement High quality learning and assessment Committed to quality ethical practice Ability to adapt to changing market conditions Effective and practical policies and procedures Competitive pricing Friendly organisational culture Levels of available finance for investment Weaknesses Focus on business and management courses only Substantial investment in Brisbane and Adelaide meaning large financial outlay High staff turnover of trainers Lack of diversity in workforce Name: BSBLDR812 02/09/2022 Dharviben Hasmukhbhai Chaudhari TR181123 BSBLDR812 2. Seek stakeholder input about any improvements that should be made to: (Word limit: 100 words) a. the partnership - Partnership performance outcomes must be evaluated at regular intervals and on an ongoing basis. Analysing partnership outcomes enables key stakeholders to measure success but also implement improvement strategies to facilitate better partnership and relationship performance. b. partnership activities: - The progress of partnership outcomes can be monitored by reviewing reports on the organisation’s key performance indicators. Implementing reporting systems requires a thorough understanding of what information is needed, who needs the reports, how the reports will be delivered and the frequency of reporting. c. the related reporting systems: - Reports contain business intelligence which should be free from data corruption or tampering. This means reports should show stakeholders an accurate picture or position of an organisation’s performance. Establish monthly and annual reporting in an accurate, consistent and timely manner for internal stakeholders as part of the financial risk management process. The reports must be customised for intended stakeholders and disclosed most appropriately. The reports can be broken done for executive managers, operations team, or audit purposes. Establish monthly and annual reporting in an accurate, consistent and timely manner for external stakeholders to fulfil regulatory compliance requirements. These are used as evidence to demonstrate to external stakeholders how businesses manage and mitigate risks. Establish a monthly and annual meeting to oversee the results against planned outcomes. This can also include reviewing, allocation and spend of budgets. Name: BSBLDR812 02/09/2022 Dharviben Hasmukhbhai Chaudhari TR181123 BSBLDR812 Quarterly and annual organisation health checks – internal and external stakeholder surveys. Stakeholder register, update and reassignment of roles where necessary and reasonable. Review business strategy, mission, vision, goals and objects to ensure validity and viability going forward. Annual review of partnership agreements and contracts. Measure individual and organisation’s performance KPI 3. Implement at least one (1) of your identified improvement requirements to the partnership operations.: (Word limit: 300 words) a. Which improvement will be made? Staff communication and examine company data b. How will you implement the improvement (e.g., adapt the communication strategy)? The research is conducted on staff communication with the help of surveys and focus groups. This is conducted with the help of all the departments. Using previous data, we can keep monitoring the situation and adjust as we need. The training session will be conducted weekly. This session would be either online or offline as per the moments. 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