NORTHERN CAPE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PHYSICAL SCIENCES GRADE 12 LESSONS ORGANIC MOLECULES TERM I G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez 2018 Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 1 ORGANIC MOLECULES Lesson 1 Topic: Special properties of carbon. Representing organic molecules (structural-, condensed structural-, and molecular formulae). Objective: Learners must be able to: Explain the special properties of carbon atom that make it possible to form a variety of bonds. Define organic molecules, molecular formula, structural formula and condensed structural formula. Initial activities: - The teacher must control the attendance of the learners. - The teacher must moderate and discuss the homework. Introduction: The modern definition of Organic Chemistry is the chemistry of carbon compounds. The misleading name “organic” is a relic of the days when chemical compounds were divided into two from where they had come from. Organic compounds were those obtained from vegetable or animal sources that are from material produced by living organisms. These compounds from organic sources had in common: they all contained the element carbon. Even after it had become clear that these compounds did not have to come from living sources but could be made in the laboratory, it was convenient to keep the name ORGANIC to describe them and compounds like them. The division between inorganic and organic compounds has been kept up to now. There are two large reservoirs of organic material from which simple organic compound can be obtained: PETROLEUM and COAL. (Both of these are organic in the old serve, being products of the decay of plants and animals. Organic molecules contain both carbon and hydrogen. Though many organic chemicals also contain other elements, it is the carbon-hydrogen bond that defines them as organic. There are millions of different organic molecules, each with different chemical and physical properties. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 2 We use organic compounds everyday such as plastics, synthetics fibres such as polyester and nylon, drugs, dyes, pesticides, crude oil and its derivatives such as petrol, paraffin and diesel, and so many others. - The teacher must orientate towards the objectives of the lesson and write the topic on the blackboard. Development: The teacher must define organic molecules. We know that Organic Chemistry is the branch of chemistry that deals with organic molecules. An organic molecule is one which contains carbon, although not all compounds that contain carbon are organic molecules. Noticeable exceptions are carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), carbonates (e.g. calcium carbonate), carbides (e.g. calcium carbide) and cyanides (e.g. sodium cyanide). Pure carbon compounds such as diamond and graphite are also not organic compounds. Organic molecules can range in size from simple molecules to complex structures containing thousands of atoms! Although carbon is present in all organic compounds, other elements such as hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), nitrogen (N), sulphur (S) and phosphorus (P) are also common in these molecules. An organic molecule is a molecule that contains carbon atoms (generally bonded to other carbon atoms as well as hydrogen atoms). Organic compounds are very important in daily life and they range from simple to extremely complex. Organic molecules make up a big part of our own bodies, they are in the food we eat and in the clothes we wear. Organic compounds are also used to make products such as medicines, plastics, washing powders, dyes, along with a long list of other items. There are millions organic compounds found in nature, as well as millions of synthetic (man-made) organic compounds. - The teacher must discuss the special properties of carbon that makes it possible to form a variety of bonds. Carbon has a number of unique properties which influence how it behaves and how it bonds with other atoms: Carbon (C) has atomic number 6 and appears in the second row and Group IV of the Periodic Table. Carbon has four valence electrons which mean that each carbon atom can form a maximum of four bonds with other atoms. Because of the number of bonds that carbon can form with other atoms, organic compounds can be very complex. The electron configuration of the carbon atom in the ground state can be illustrated as follows: 1s2,2s2, 2px1, 2py1,2pz0 We can draw Aufbau diagram for carbon. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 3 Aufbau means “building up” in German, and the aufbau principle tells us how to build up the electronic configuration of an atom’s ground (most stable) state. Starting with the lowest-energy orbital, we fill the orbitals in order until we have added the proper number of electrons. The orbital diagram for carbon can be shown as follows: Energy From this orbital diagram it is possible to observe that there are only two unpaired electrons (valence electrons) available to form covalent bonds. Why does carbon atom always form four bonds? The addition of a small quantity of energy transfers one electron in the 2s-orbital to the empty 2pzorbital to give the exited state with four unpaired electrons, which are now available to form four chemical bonds. 1s2,2s1, 2px1, 2py1,2pz1 2px 2py 2pz 2s 1s Similar to other non-metals, carbon needs eight electrons to satisfy its valence shell. Carbon therefore forms four bonds with other atoms (each bond consisting of one of carbon's electrons and one of the bonding atom's electrons). Every valence electron participates in bonding, thus a carbon atom's bonds will be distributed evenly over the atom's surface. These bonds form a tetrahedron (a pyramid with a spike at the top), as illustrated below: Carbon can form bonds with other carbon atoms to form single, double or triple covalent bonds. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 4 Carbon can also form bonds with other atoms like hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and the halogens. Carbon can bond to form straight chain, branched, and cyclic molecules. Because of this, long chain structures can form. This is known as catenation - the bonding of atoms of the same element into longer chains. o These chains can either be: Unbranched and can contain single carbon-carbon bonds only, or double and triple carbon-carbon bonds as well. o Branched (have a branched group,) and can contain single carbon-carbon bonds only, or double and triple carbon-carbon bonds as well. Because of its position on the periodic table, most of the bonds that carbon forms with other atoms are covalent. Think for example of a C - C bond. The difference in electronegativity between the two atoms is zero, so this is a pure covalent bond. In the case of a C - H bond, the difference in electronegativity between carbon (2,5) and hydrogen (2,2) Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 5 is so small that C-H bonds are almost purely covalent. The result of this is that most organic compounds are non-polar. This affects some of the properties of organic compounds. The main source of the carbon in organic compounds is carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Plants use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water (inorganic compounds) into sugar (an organic compound) through the process of photosynthesis. 6CO2(g) + 6H2O(ℓ) → C6H12O6(aq) + 6O2(g) Plants are therefore able to make their own organic compounds through photosynthesis, while animals feed on plants or plant products in order to gain the organic compounds that they need to survive. Other important sources of carbon are fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum and natural gas. This is because fossil fuels are themselves formed from the decaying remains of dead organisms. - The teacher must explain how to represent organic molecules. There are a number of ways to represent organic compounds. It is useful to know all of these so that you can recognise a molecule regardless of how it is shown. There are four main ways of representing a compound in two dimensions (on your page). We will use the examples of two molecules called 2-methylpropane and butane to help explain the difference between each. Structural formula Structural formula is a structural formula of a compound that shows which atoms are attached to which within the molecule. Atoms are represented by their chemical symbols and lines are used to represent ALL the bonds that hold the atoms together. The structural formulae of 2-methylpropane and butane are shown below. Semi-structural formula It is possible to understand the structure of an organic molecule without writing out all the carbonhydrogen bonds. This way of writing a structure is called a semi-structural formula. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 6 Condensed structural formula Condensed structural formula: This notation shows the way in which atoms are bonded together in the molecule, but DOES NOT SHOW ALL bond lines. As for a semi-structural representation, the carbon atoms are grouped with the hydrogen atoms bonded directly to it. The bonds between these groups are not shown. Branched or substituent groups are shown in brackets after the carbon atom to which they are bonded. When a condensed structural formula is written for a compound containing double or triple bonds, the multiple bonds are often drawn as they would be in the structural formula. Example: 2- butene CH3CHCHCH3 or CH3CH = CHCH3 Molecular formula Is a chemical formula that indicates the type of atoms and the correct number of each in a molecule. Example: C4H8O The molecular formula of a compound shows how many atoms of each type are in a molecule. The number of each atom is written as a subscript after the atomic symbol. The molecular formula of 2-methylpropane is: C4H10. This means that each molecule of 2-methylpropane consists of four carbon atoms and ten hydrogen atoms. The molecular formula of butane is also C4H10. Molecular formula gives no structural information about the compound. Of course molecules are not two-dimensional so shown below are a few examples of different ways to represent methane (CH4) and ethane (C2H6). Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 7 Different ways to represent methane 3 dimensional model (Space-filling models) 3 dimensional model (ball and stick model) 3 dimensional structural formula 3 dimensional tetrahedral Different ways to represent ethane 3 dimensional model (Space-filling models) 3 dimensional model (ball and stick model) 3 dimensional structural formula 3 dimensional structural formula Final activities: - The teacher must summarise the lesson. Summary: o o Organic chemistry is the branch of chemistry that deals with organic molecules. An organic molecule is a molecule that contains carbon atoms (generally bonded to other carbon atoms as well as hydrogen atoms). Carbon has a number of unique properties which influence how it behaves and how it bonds with other atoms: Carbon has four valence electrons which mean that each carbon atom can form a maximum of four bonds with other atoms. Because of the number of bonds that carbon can form with other atoms, organic compounds can be very complex. Carbon can form bonds with other carbon atoms to form single, double or triple covalent bonds. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 8 o Carbon can bond to form straight chain, branched, and cyclic molecules. o Because of its position on the periodic table, most of the bonds that carbon forms with other atoms are covalent. o There are a number of ways to represent organic compounds: o Molecular formula: A chemical formula that indicates the type of atoms and the correct number of each in a molecule. o Structural formula: A structural formula of a compound shows which atoms are attached to which within the molecule. Atoms are represented by their chemical symbols and lines are used to represent ALL the bonds that hold the atoms together. o Condensed structural formula: This notation shows the way in which atoms are bonded together in the molecule, but DOES NOT SHOW ALL bond lines. o Semi-structural formula: It is possible to understand the structure of an organic molecule without writing out all the carbon-hydrogen bonds. This way of writing a structure is called a semi-structural formula - The teacher must orientate the homework. Activity 1 (Exercise 4 - 1.1 Page 112, Siyavula, Grade 12): For each of the following, give the structural formula and the molecular formula. a) b) c) CH3CH2CH3 CH3CH2CH(CH3)CH3 CH3CH3 Activity 2 (Exercise 4 - 1.2 Page 112, Siyavula, Grade 12): For each of the following organic compounds, give the condensed structural formula and the molecular formula. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 9 a) b) Activity 3 (Exercise 4 - 1.3 Page 112, Siyavula, Grade 12): Give two possible structural formulae for the compound with a molecular formula of C 4H10. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 10 Solution of the activities: Activity 1: a) Structural formula: Molecular formula: C3H8 b) Structural formula: or Molecular formula: C5H12 c) Structural formula: Molecular formula: C2H6 Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 11 Activity 2: a) Condense structural formula: CH3CHCHCH3 Molecular formula: C4H8 b) Condense structural formula: CH2CHCH(CH3)CH3 Molecular formula: C5H10 Activity 3: There are only two possible options: or Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 12 -ORGANIC MOLECULES Lesson 2 Topic: Functional Groups and homologous series. Hydrocarbon. Classification of hydrocarbons. Structural isomers (chain, positional and functional). Objective: Learners must be able to: Define functional group, hydrocarbon and homologous series. Define saturated and unsaturated compounds. Define structural isomers. Define chain isomers, positional isomers and functional isomers. Identify compounds that are saturated, unsaturated and are isomers (up to 8 carbon atoms). Initial activities - Control of the attendance of the learners. - The teacher must check and discuss the homework. Introduction Because carbon compounds are so numerous, it is convenient to organize them into families that have structural similarities. Organic molecules are divided into separate families according to their chemical and physical properties, each with their own characteristic series reaction. The way in which a compound will react is determined by a particular characteristic of a group of atoms and the way they are bonded (e.g. double 𝐶 − 𝐶 bond, 𝐶 − 𝑂𝐻 group). This is called the functional group. This group is important in determining how a compound will react. The same functional group will undergo the same or similar chemical reaction(s) regardless of the size of the molecule it is a part of. Molecules can have more than one functional group. - The teacher must orientate the objectives of the lesson and write the topic on the blackboard. Development: - The teacher must explain the term hydrocarbon, saturated and unsaturated. Certain organic compounds contain only two elements: hydrogen and carbon, and hence are known as HYDROCARBONS. Hydrocarbons provide the backbone of all organic compounds. Hydrocarbons are the simplest class of organic compounds. Hydrocarbon: Organic compounds that consist of hydrogen and carbon only Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 13 Each carbon atom in a hydrocarbon forms a total of four bonds. These bonds are combinations of single bonds with hydrogen atoms and single or multiple bonds with other carbon atoms. HYDROCARBONS Aromatic Aliphatic (arenes) (Which have benzene ring structures- with double bonds) Cyclic compound Acyclic compound Ring structures Chain structure Cycloalkanes Saturated Unsaturate d Compounds in which there are no multiple bonds between C atoms in their hydrocarbon chains Alkanes Compounds with one or more multiple bonds between C atoms in their hydrocarbon chains Alkenes Alkynes - The teacher must explain the term functional group and homologous series. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 14 Organic molecules are divided into separate families according to their chemical and physical properties, each with their own characteristic series reaction. Functional group: A bond or an atom or a group of atoms that determine(s) the physical and chemical properties of a group of organic compounds. It is possible to say that a functional group is a reactive portion of a molecule that undergoes predictable reactions. A series of compounds of the same chemical function that have similar properties and structures but differ in composition in one or more groups –CH2- form a homologous series. Homologous series: A series of organic compounds that can be described by the same general formula OR in which one member differs from the next with a CH2 group. The following table gives the functional groups of some homologous series. Homologous series General formula Alkanes CnH2n+2 Functional group Structure No functional group Example Description Only 𝐶 − 𝐻 Ethane and 𝐶 − 𝐶 single bonds Alkenes C2H2n Ethene 𝐶=𝐶 double bond Alkynes CnH2n-2 𝐶 ≡ 𝐶 triple Ethane bond Halo alkanes CnH2n+1X (alkyl halides) (X = F, Cℓ, Br, I) Alcohols CnH2n+1OH Structural formula Chloromethane Halogen atom bonded to a saturated 𝐶 atom. Ethanol Hydroxide group bonded to a Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 15 saturated 𝐶 atom Aldehydes CnH2nO Formyl group Ketones CnH2nO Propanone Carbon (Acetone) group bonded to two 𝐶 atoms Carboxylic CnH2nO2 Carboxyl group acids Esters CnH2nO2 - Ethanol Ethanoic acid (acetic acid or vinegar) Ethyl ethanoate There are some important points to note as we discuss functional groups: The beginning of a compound name (prefix) comes from the number of carbons in the longest chain: The end of a compound name (suffix) comes from the functional group, e.g. an alkane has the suffix -ane. - The teacher must explain the term isomers. There are organic molecular which have the same number and types of atoms, but they are arranged in a different ways. These molecules are called isomers. The molecular formulae of isomers are the same, but have different structures. This phenomenon is known as isomerism. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 16 Isomerism No at this level Structural isomers Stereoisomers Organic molecules with the same molecular formula, but different structural formulae Chain Isomers Optical Isomers Positional Isomers Geometrical isomers Functional isomers Same molecular formula, but different types of chains, e.g. butane and 2methylpropane. Same molecular formula, but different positions of the side chain, substituents or functional groups on the parent chain, e.g. 1chloropropane and 2-chloropropane or but-2-ene and but-1-ene Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Same molecular formula, but different functional groups, e.g. methyl methanoate and ethanoic acid Page 17 Final activities: - The teacher must do the conclusions of the lesson by means of activity 1. Activity 1: One word answers: Write only the word/term for each of the following descriptions next to the question number. 1.1 Organic compounds that contain only carbon and hydrogen. 1.2 Group of organic compounds all of which have the same functional group and whose consecutive member differ by –CH2. 1.3 Organic compounds in which the carbon atoms only have single bonds. 1.4 Organic compounds in which the carbon atoms form double or triple bounds. 1.5 Organic molecules with the same molecular formula, but different structural formulae. 1.6 Organic molecules with the same molecular formula, but different types of chains. 1.7 Organic molecules with the same molecular formula, but different positions of the side chain, substituents or functional groups on the parent chain. 1.8 Organic molecules with the same molecular formula, but different functional groups. - The teacher must orientate the homework. Homework: Activity 2: Multiple-choice questions Four options are provided as possible answers to the following questions. Each question has only one correct answer. Choose the correct answer. 2.1 Which one of the following hydrocarbons is saturated? Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 18 Activity 3: Rewrite the structural formula for each of the organic compound represented in ACTIVITY 2 as condensed structural formulae. Activity 4: Write the molecular formula for each of the organic compounds represented in ACTIVITY 2. Activity 5 (Exercise 4 - 7.1 page 131, Siyavula book grade 12): Match the organic compound in Column A with its’ isomer in Column B: Column A Column B 1 A 2 B Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 19 3 C Activity 6 (Exercise 4 - 7.2 page 131, Siyavula book grade 12): a) Give the ketone isomer of butanol: b) Give a carboxylic acid that is an isomer of: Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 20 Solution of the activities: Activity 1 1.1 Hydrocarbons 1.2 Homologous series 1.3 Saturated 1.4 Unsaturated 1.5 Structural isomers 1.6 Chain isomers 1.7 Positional isomers 1.8 Functional isomers Activity 2: A. Because there are no multiple bonds between C atoms in their hydrocarbon chains. Activity 3: A) CH3CH3 B) CH3C≡CH C) CH2=CH2 D) 𝐶𝐻3 = 𝐶𝐻𝐶𝐻2 𝐶𝐻 = 𝐶𝐻2 Activity 4: A) C2H6 B) C3H4 C) C2H4 D) C5H9 Activity 5: 1-C 2-A 3-B Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 21 Activity 6: a) or b) Two isomers that have one branching methyl group: or Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 22 One isomer that has two branching methyl groups: Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 23 ORGANIC MOLECULES Lesson 3 Topic: Naming alkanes, alkenes and alkynes. Objective: Learners must be able to: Given the IUPAC name when given the formula for alkanes, alkenes and alkynes. Write down the formula when given the IUPAC name for alkanes, alkenes and alkynes. Initial activities: - Control of the attendance of the learners. - The teacher must control and discuss the homework. Introduction: In order to give compounds a name, certain rules must be followed. When naming organic compounds, the IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) nomenclature (naming scheme) is used. This is to give consistency to the names. It also enables every compound to have a unique name, which is not possible with the common names used (for example in industry). We will first look at some of the steps that need to be followed when naming a compound, and then try to apply these rules to some specific examples. - The teacher must orientate the objectives of the lesson and write the topic on the board. Development: - The teacher must explain IUPAC steps to name organic compounds. A good general rule to follow is to start at the end (the suffix) and work backwards (from right to left) in the name. 1. Recognise the functional group in the compound. This will determine the suffix of the name Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 24 2. Find the longest continuous carbon chain that contains the functional group (it won’t always be a straight chain) and count the number of carbon atoms in this chain. This number will determine the prefix (the beginning) of the compound’s name. 3. Number the carbons in the longest carbon chain (Important: If the molecule is not an alkane (i.e. has a functional group) you need to start numbering so that the functional group is on the carbon with the lowest possible number). Start with the carbon at the end closest to the functional group. 4. Look for any branched groups: alkyl groups. Group - CH3 - CH2CH3 Name Methyl Ethyl Name them by counting the number of carbon atoms in the branched group, these groups will all end in -yl. Note the position of the group on the main carbon chain. If there is more than one of the same type of branched group then both numbers must be listed (e.g. 2,4 -) and one of the prefixes must be used. Important: If the molecule is an alkane the branched group must be on the carbon with the lowest possible number. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 25 The branched groups must be listed before the name of the main chain in alphabetical order (ignoring di/tri/tetra). If there are no branched groups this step can be ignored. 5. For the alkyl halides the halogen atom is treated in much the same way as branched groups: To name them take the name of the halogen atom (e.g. iodine) and replace the -ine with -o (e.g. iodo). Give the halogen atom a number to show its position on the carbon chain. If there is more than one halogen atom the numbers should be listed and a prefix should be used (e.g. 3,4-diiodo- or 1,2,2-trichloro-). The halogen atoms must be listed before the name of the main chain in alphabetical order (ignore di/tri/tetra). If there are no halogen atoms this step can be ignored. 6. Combine the elements of the name into a single word in the following order: branched groups/halogen atoms in alphabetical order (ignoring prefixes) prefix of main chain name ending according to the functional group and its position on the longest carbon chain. The IUPAC (systematic) names of organic compound have three parts to them: Prefix What substituent? Base How many carbons? Suffix What family? - The teacher must explain how to give the name to alkanes with example 1. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 26 Example 1: Give the IUPAC name for the following compound: SOLUTION Step 1: Identify the functional group The compound is a hydrocarbon with single bonds between the carbon atoms. It is an alkane and will have the suffix -ane. Step 2: Find the longest carbon chain or There are four carbon atoms in the longest chain. The prefix for this compound is but-. Step 3: Number the carbons in the carbon chain Number the carbons in the parent chain beginning with the end of the chain nearest the substituent. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 27 or Step 4: Look for any branched groups, name them and give their position on the carbon chain or There is a branched group attached to the second carbon atom. In this case the methyl group is on carbon 2. This group has the formula CH3, which is methane without a hydrogen atom. However, because it is not part of the main chain, it is given the suffix -yl (i.e. methyl). The position of the methyl group comes just before its name (see the next step). Step 5: Combine the elements of the compound’s name into a single word in the order of branched group; prefix; name ending according to the functional group The compound’s name is 2-methylbutane. - The teacher must explain with the following example how to write the formula from the IUPAC name. Example 2 (Example 3 page 135, Siyavula book, Grade 12): Draw the semi-structural formula for the organic compound 2,2,4-trimethylhexane Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 28 SOLUTION: Step 1: Identify the functional group The name ends in -ane therefore the compound is an alkane. Step 2: Determine the number of carbon atoms in the longest chain The longest chain has the prefix hex-. There are therefore 6 carbon atoms in the longest chain. 𝑪−𝑪−𝑪−𝑪−𝑪−𝑪 Step 3: Number the carbons in the carbon chain 𝑪𝟏 − 𝑪𝟐 − 𝑪𝟑 − 𝑪𝟒 − 𝑪𝟓 − 𝑪𝟔 Step 4: Look for any branched groups and place them on the structure The compound is 2,2,4-trimethylhexane. Therefore there are three branched groups - two on carbon 2 and one on carbon 4. 𝑪𝑯𝟑 𝑪𝑯𝟑 𝑪𝟏 − 𝑪𝟐 − 𝑪𝟑 − 𝑪𝟒 − 𝑪𝟓 − 𝑪𝟔 𝑪𝑯𝟑 Step 5: Combine this information and add the hydrogen atoms Carbon atoms can have four single bonds. Therefore wherever a carbon atom has less than four bonds draw in hydrogen atoms until there are four bonds. 𝑪𝑯𝟑 𝑪𝑯𝟑 𝑪𝑯𝟑 − 𝑪 − 𝑪𝑯𝟐 − 𝑪𝑯 − 𝑪𝑯𝟐 − 𝑪𝑯𝟑 𝑪𝑯𝟑 Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 29 - The teacher must explain how to name alkenes with example 3. Example 3 Write down the IUPAC name for the following compound: 𝑪𝑯𝟑 𝑪𝑯𝟐 = 𝑪𝑯 − 𝑪𝑯𝟐 − 𝑪𝑯 − 𝑪𝑯𝟐 − 𝑪𝑯𝟑 𝑪𝑯𝟐 𝑪𝑯𝟑 SOLUTION Step 1: Identify the functional group The compound is a hydrocarbon with double bonds between the carbon atoms. It is an alkene and will have the suffix -ene. Step 2: Find the longest carbon chain 𝑪𝑯𝟑 𝑪𝑯𝟐 = 𝑪𝑯 − 𝑪𝑯𝟐 − 𝑪𝑯 − 𝑪𝑯𝟐 − 𝑪𝑯𝟑 𝑪𝑯𝟐 𝑪𝑯𝟑 There are six carbon atoms in the longest chain. The prefix for this compound is hex-. Step 3: Number the carbons in the carbon chain Remember that the carbon atoms must be numbered so that the functional group is at the lowest numbered carbon atom possible (the end closer to the double bond). 𝑪𝑯𝟑 𝑪𝑯𝟐 = 𝑪𝑯 − 𝑪𝑯𝟐 − 𝑪𝑯 − 𝑪𝑯𝟐 − 𝑪𝑯𝟑 1 2 3 4 5 6 𝑪𝑯𝟐 𝑪𝑯𝟑 Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 30 Step 4: Look for any branched groups, name them and give their position on the carbon chain. 𝑪𝑯𝟑 methyl 𝑪𝑯𝟐 = 𝑪𝑯 − 𝑪𝑯𝟐 − 𝑪𝑯 − 𝑪𝑯𝟐 − 𝑪𝑯𝟑 1 2 3 4 5 6 𝑪𝑯𝟐 𝑪𝑯𝟑 ethyl There is a methyl in carbon 3 and an ethyl in carbon 4 Step 5: Combine the elements of the compound’s name into a single word in the order of branched group; prefix; name ending according to the functional group The branched groups must be listed before the name of the main chain in alphabetical order (ignoring di/tri/tetra) The compound’s name is 4-ehtyl-3-methyl-1-hexene. - The teacher must explain how to draw the structural and molecular formula for an alkene. Example 4 (Example 5 page 136 Siyavula book Grade 12): Draw the structural and molecular formula for the organic compound 3-methylbut-1-ene SOLUTION Step 1: Identify the functional group The name ends in -ene therefore the compound is an alkene. Step 2: Determine the number of carbon atoms in the longest chain containing the functional Group. The longest chain has the prefix but-. There are therefore 4 carbon atoms in the longest chain. The double bond is in carbon 1. 𝑪=𝑪−𝑪−𝑪 Step 3: Number the carbons in the carbon chain 𝑪𝟏 = 𝑪𝟐 − 𝑪𝟑 − 𝑪𝟒 Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 31 Step 4: Look for any branched groups and place them on the structure The compound is 3-methylbut-1-ene. There is a methyl group at carbon 3. 𝑯 𝑯 𝑪 𝑯 𝑪𝟏 = 𝑪𝟐 − 𝑪𝟑 − 𝑪𝟒 Step 5: Combine this information and add the hydrogen atoms Carbon atoms can have four single bonds. Therefore wherever a carbon atom has less than four bonds draw in hydrogen atoms until there are four bonds. 𝑯 𝑯 𝑪 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑪=𝑪−𝑪−𝑪 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 The molecular formula will be C5H10 - The teacher must use example 5 to explain how to give the IUPAC name to an alkyne from the structural formula. Example 5 (Example 7 page 138 Siyavula book, Grade 12): Give the IUPAC name for the following compound: 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯−𝑪−𝑪−𝑪−𝑪≡ 𝑪−𝑪−𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯−𝑪−𝑯 𝑯 Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 32 SOLUTION: Step 1: Identify the functional group There is a triple bond between two of the carbon atoms, so this compound is an alkyne. The suffix will be -yne. Step 2: Find the longest carbon chain containing the functional group The functional group is a triple bond, so the longest chain must contain the triple bond. 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯−𝑪−𝑪−𝑪−𝑪≡ 𝑪−𝑪−𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯−𝑪−𝑪−𝑪−𝑪≡ 𝑪−𝑪−𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯−𝑪−𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯−𝑪−𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 or There are six carbon atoms in the longest chain. The prefix of the compound’s name will be hex-. Step 3: Number the carbons in the longest chain. In this example, you will need to number the carbons from right to left so that the triple bond is between carbon atoms with the lowest numbers (the suffix for the compound will therefore be -2-yne). 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯−𝑪−𝑪−𝑪−𝑪≡ 𝑪−𝑪−𝑯 6 5 4 3 2 𝑯 𝑯 1 𝑯 𝑯−𝑪−𝑯 𝑯 Step 4: Look for any branched groups, name them and assign the number of the carbon atom to which the group is attached Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 33 There is a methyl (CH3) group attached to the fifth carbon (remember we have numbered the carbon atoms from right to left). 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯−𝑪−𝑪−𝑪−𝑪≡ 𝑪−𝑪−𝑯 6 5 𝑯 4 3 2 𝑯 1 𝑯 𝑯−𝑪−𝑯 𝑯 Step 5: Combine the elements of the name into a single word in the following order: branched groups; prefix; name ending according to the functional group and its position along the longest carbon chain If we follow this order, the name of the compound is 5-methylhex-2-yne. Draw the structural formula for alkynes is in the same way as was done in example 4 changing the double bond for triple bond. Final activities: - The teacher must summarise the steps to give the IUPAC name to hydrocarbons. Summary: Steps when given the IUPAC name of hydrocarbons. 1. Recognise the functional group in the compound. This will determine the suffix of the name: alkane (-ane) alkene (-ene) alkyne (-yne) 2. Find the longest continuous carbon chain that contains the functional group (it won’t always be a straight chain) and count the number of carbon atoms in this chain. This number will determine the prefix (the beginning) of the compound’s name. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 34 3. Number the carbons in the longest carbon chain (Important: If the molecule is not an alkane (i.e. has a functional group) you need to start numbering so that the functional group is on the carbon with the lowest possible number). Start with the carbon at the end closest to the functional group. 4. Look for any branched groups: functional group. Group Name - CH3 Methyl - CH2CH3 Ethyl Note the position of the group on the main carbon chain. If there is more than one of the same type of branched group then both numbers must be listed (e.g. 2,4 -) and one of the prefixes must be used. Important: If the molecule is an alkane the branched group must be on the carbon with the lowest possible number. The branched groups must be listed before the name of the main chain in alphabetical order (ignoring di/tri/tetra). 5. Combine the elements of the name into a single word in the following order: branched groups atoms in alphabetical order (ignoring prefixes) prefix of main chain name ending according to the functional group and its position on the longest carbon chain. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 35 - The teacher must orientate the homework: Homework: Activity 1 Give the complete IUPAC name for the following organic compounds. 1.1 Write the structural formula for each compound. Activity 2 Write down the structural isomers for C5H12. Activity 3 Give the complete IUPAC names for the following compounds. a) b) Activity 4: Write down the structural formula and the condensed structural formula for the following compounds. 4.1 3- methylbut-1-ene. 4.2 pent-1-ene. 4.3 5- ethyl – 3- methylhept-1-ene 4.4 3,3 – dimethylbut-1-ene. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 36 4.5 2 – ethylpent-1-ene. 4.6 2,3 -dimethyl pentane. 4.7 methyl propane (2- methyl propane) 4.8 Methyl propene 4.9 4–ethyl–3 – methyl heptane Activity 5: Give the IUPAC names for the following structures. 5.1 CH3C≡CH 5.2 CH3CH2CH2C≡CH 5.3 Activity 6: Write down the structural formula and the condensed structural formula for the following compounds. 6.1 But-2-yne 6.2 3-methyl-1-butyne (3-methylbut-1-yne) 6.3 hex-3-yne 6.4 3,3-dimethylbut-1-yne Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 37 Solution of the activities: Activity 1 2,3-dimethylheptane 3-methylpentane 2-methylhexane 1.1 Activity 2 Pentane 2-methylbutane 2,2- dimethyl propane Activity 3: a) 2,2-dimethylhept-3-ene b) 1,4- Hexadiene Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 38 Activity 4: Name Structural formula 4.1 𝑯 3- methylbut-1-ene. 𝑯 Condensed structural formula 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯−𝑪−𝑪−𝑪=𝑪−𝑯 𝑪𝑯𝟑 − 𝑪𝑯 − 𝑪𝑯 = 𝑪𝑯𝟐 𝑪𝑯𝟑 𝑯 𝑯−𝑪−𝑯 𝑯 4.2 pent-1-ene. 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑪𝑯𝟐 = 𝑪𝑯 − 𝑪𝑯𝟐 − 𝑪𝑯𝟐 − 𝑪𝑯𝟑 𝑯−𝑪= 𝑪−𝑪−𝑪−𝑪−𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 4.3 5-ethyl–3-methylhept1-ene 4.4 3,3–dimethylbut-1ene. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 39 4.5 2– ethylpent-1-ene. 4.6 2,3 pentane. -dimethyl 4.7 Methyl propane (2- methyl propane) 4.8 Methyl propene Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 40 4.9 4–ethyl–3 – methyl heptane Activity 5: 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Propyne 1- pentyne (pent-1-yne) 4- methylhex-2-yne 2-methylhex-3-yne If the triple bond occurs in the middle of the longest chain, the order of numbering will be determined by the position of other substituents on the chain. Substituents must always have the lowest possible numbers. Activity 6: 6.1 Name But-2-yne Structural formula Condensed structural formula CH3−C≡C−CH3 (2-butyne) 6.2 (3-methylbut-1-yne) CH3−CH(CH3)−C ≡C−CH3 3-methyl-1-butyne Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 41 6.3 hex-3-yne CH3−CH2−C ≡C−CH2− CH3 3-hexyne 6.4 3,3-dimethylbut-1-yne (CH3)3C−CH2−C ≡C−CH - ORGANIC MOLECULES Lesson 4 Topic: Naming carboxylic acids. Esters. Objective: Learners must be able to: Write down the IUPAC name when given the formula for carboxylic acids and esters. Write down the formula when given the IUPAC name for carboxylic acids and esters. Initial activities: - Control of the attendance of the learners. - The teacher must control and mark the homework. Introduction: The teacher must recall the steps to write down the IUPAC name of organic compounds. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 42 1. Recognise the functional group in the compound. This will determine the suffix of the name 2. Find the longest continuous carbon chain that contains the functional group (it won’t always be a straight chain) and count the number of carbon atoms in this chain. This number will determine the prefix (the beginning) of the compound’s name. 3. Number the carbons in the longest carbon chain (Important: If the molecule is not an alkane (i.e. has a functional group) you need to start numbering so that the functional group is on the carbon with the lowest possible number). Start with the carbon at the end closest to the functional group. 4. Look for any branched groups: Alkyl groups. Group Name - CH3 Methyl - CH2CH3 Ethyl Name them by counting the number of carbon atoms in the branched group, these groups will all end in -yl. Note the position of the group on the main carbon chain. If there is more than one of the same type of branched group then both numbers must be listed (e.g. 2,4 -) and one of the prefixes must be used. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 43 Important: If the molecule is an alkane the branched group must be on the carbon with the lowest possible number. The branched groups must be listed before the name of the main chain in alphabetical order (ignoring di/tri/tetra). If there are no branched groups this step can be ignored. 5. For the alkyl halides the halogen atom is treated in much the same way as branched groups: To name them take the name of the halogen atom (e.g. iodine) and replace the -ine with -o (e.g. iodo). Give the halogen atom a number to show its position on the carbon chain. If there is more than one halogen atom the numbers should be listed and a prefix should be used (e.g. 3,4-diiodo- or 1,2,2-trichloro-). The halogen atoms must be listed before the name of the main chain in alphabetical order (ignore di/tri/tetra). If there are no halogen atoms this step can be ignored. 6. Combine the elements of the name into a single word in the following order: branched groups/halogen atoms in alphabetical order (ignoring prefixes) prefix of main chain name ending according to the functional group and its position on the longest carbon chain. The IUPAC systematic names of organic compound have three parts to them: Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 44 prefix What substituent? base How many carbons? suffix What family? - The teacher must orientate the objectives of the lesson and write the topic on the board. Development: - The teacher must explain how to write down the IUPAC name when given the formula for carboxylic acids. Carboxylic acids are the most important class of organic acids. In ancient times man used the acetic acid in vinegar. Other known acids are tartaric to be found in grapes and citrus that is contained in the lemon juice. Organic acids can serve as food seasoning, laboratory reagent, to produce fabric, etc. There are very important derivatives of carboxylic acid called esters which are found widely in nature in fat and oils and are responsible for the aroma of many fruits. The combination of carbonyl group (C=O) and a hydroxyl group (-OH) on the same carbon atom is called a carboxyl group. Compound containing the carboxyl group are distinctly acidic and are called carboxylic acids. CARBOXYLIC ACIDS (General formula: CnH2nO2) Functional group: Carboxylic acids are classified according to the substituent bonded to the carboxyl group. An aliphatic acid has an alkyl group bonded to the carboxyl group, and an aromatic acid has an aryl group. The simplest acid is formic acid, with a hydrogen atom bonded to the carboxyl group. Example 1 Write down the IUPAC name and molecular formula for the following compound: Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 45 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑪 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑶 𝑪−𝑪−𝑪−𝑪−𝑪−𝑶 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑪 𝑯 𝑯 SOLUTION Step 1: Identify the functional group The compound has a -COOH group and is therefore a carboxylic acid. The suffix will be -oic acid. Step 2: Find the longest carbon chain that contains the functional group. 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑪 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑶 𝑪−𝑪−𝑪−𝑪−𝑪−𝑶 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑪 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 There are five carbon atoms in the longest chain that contains the functional group, and only single bonds between carbon atoms. The prefix for this compound is pentan-. Step 3: Number the carbon atoms in the carbon chain The carbon atoms will be numbered from right to left so that the carboxylic acid functional group has the lowest numbered carbon atom. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 46 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑪 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑶 𝑪5− 𝑪4− 𝑪3− 𝑪2− 𝑪 1− 𝑶 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑪 𝑯 𝑯 Step 4: Look for any branched groups 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑪 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑶 𝑪5− 𝑪4− 𝑪3− 𝑪2− 𝑪 1− 𝑶 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑪 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 There are two methyl groups, one in carbon 3 and the other in carbon 4. So it will be -3,4dimethylStep 5: Name the halogen atoms and assign the number for the carbon atom attached to it There are no halogens in these compounds. Step 6: Combine the elements of the name into a single word in the following order: Branched groups; prefix, name ending according to the functional group 3,4-dimethylpentanoic acid - The teacher must explain how to write down the IUPAC name when given the formula for esters. When an alcohol reacts with a carboxylic acid, an ester is formed. This process is called esterification. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 47 The teacher can use the short video (Carboxylic Acids and Esters | The Chemistry Journey | The Fuse School)., Most esters have a characteristic smell. In the reaction a molecule of water is removed from the two compounds and a new bond is formed between what remains of the alcohol and the carboxylic acid. A catalyst is required in this reaction; in this case it must be an inorganic acid (e.g. H 2SO4). Esters have the general formula: CnH2nO2. This general formula can also be applied to carboxylic acids, but the more complex general formula for esters alone is not covered at this level. Some common uses for esters are: in cosmetics and beauty products because they typically have a fruity smell, making them good as artificial flavourants and scents. in nail varnish remover and model plane glue. as solvents for non-water soluble compounds (e.g. oils, resins) because the ester of a specific carboxylic acid will be less water soluble than the carboxylic acid. as plasticisers because esters can make a compound less brittle, and more flexible. Example 2 Write down the IUPAC name for the following compound: 𝑯 𝑯 𝑶 𝑯 𝑯−𝑪−𝑪−𝑶−𝑪−𝑪−𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 SOLUTION Step 1: Identify the functional group Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 48 There is a -C=O (carbonyl) group as well as an oxygen atom bonded to the carbon atom of the carbonyl and another carbon atom. This is therefore an ester and the suffix is oate. Step 2: Determine which part is from the alcohol and which is from the carboxylic acid An ester is a carboxylic acid derivative. Divide the molecule in two with the carbonyl group on one side and the oxygen bonded to two carbon atoms on the other. 𝑶 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯−𝑪−𝑪−𝑶−𝑪−𝑪−𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 The part containing the oxygen atom bonded to two different carbon atoms was formed from the alcohol and is on the left here. The part containing the carbonyl group was formed from the carboxylic acid and is on the right here. 𝑯 𝑯 𝑶 𝑯 𝑯−𝑪−𝑪−𝑶−𝑪−𝑪−𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 From alcohol 𝑯 From carboxylic acid Step 3: Number the carbon atoms on the carbon chains There are two carbon atoms in the left-hand chain (from the alcohol). Therefore this will be ethyl. There are two carbon atoms in the right-hand chain (from the carboxylic acid) therefore the prefix will be ethan-. Step 4: Combine the elements of the compound’s name into a single word in the order of chain from the alcohol; prefix (from chain containing carbonyl functional group), name ending according to functional group The compound’s name is ethyl ethanoate Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 49 Example 3 (Example 24 page 256, Siyavula book Grade 12): Draw the structural representations for the organic compound ethyl hexanoate. SOLUTION: Step 1: Identify the functional group The compound has the suffix -oate. It is therefore an ester and has a -C=O (carbonyl) group as well as an oxygen atom bonded to the carbon atom of the carbonyl and another carbon atom. Step 2: Determine which part is from the alcohol and which is from the carboxylic acid The ethyl tells us that there are two carbon atoms in the part of the chain from the alcohol. The prefix hex- tells us that there are six carbon atoms from the part of the chain from the carboxylic acid. 𝑪−𝑪 𝑪−𝑪−𝑪−𝑪−𝑪−𝑪 Step 3: Place the functional group as well as any branched groups. The oxygen atom bonded to two different carbon atoms is located between the two sections. The -C=O (carbonyl) group is located at the first carbon atom of the carboxylic acid chain. 𝑶 𝑪−𝑪−𝑶−𝑪−𝑪−𝑪−𝑪−𝑪−𝑪 Step 4: Combine this information and add the hydrogen atoms. 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑶 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑪−𝑪−𝑶−𝑪−𝑪−𝑪−𝑪−𝑪−𝑪 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 𝑯 Page 50 Final activities: - The teacher must do the conclusion of the lesson. Summary General formula of carboxylic acids: CnH2nO2) The carboxylic acid functional group has the formula –COOH The functional group of carboxylic acids is: The carboxylic functionality has the highest priority according to the IUPAC-system of nomenclature. An ester molecule consists of an alcohol and a carboxylic acid condensed together. Functional group of esters is: Esterification between a carboxylic acid and an alcohol is an equilibrium reaction . The teacher must orientate the homework. Homework: Activity 1 Write down the IUPAC name for the following organic compounds. 1.1 1.2. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 51 Activity 2: Give the structural formula of the following organic compounds 2.1 2.2 Pentanoic acid Propyl ethanoate Activity 3: Write down the IUPAC names for the following compounds: 3.1 3.2 Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 52 Solution of the activities: Activity 1 1.1 Ethyl propanoate 1.2 Butanoic acid Activity 2 2.1 2.2 Activity 3 2.1 Octyl butanoate 2.2 Hexanoic acid Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 53 ORGANIC MOLECULES Lesson 5 Topic: Intermolecular forces. Physical properties (melting point, boiling point and vapour pressure). Physical properties and types of functional groups. Objective: Learners must be able to: Recognize and apply to given examples the relationship between: Physical properties and intermolecular forces (ethanol, dimethyl ether, ethanoic acid, ethane). Physical properties and number and type of functional groups (ethanol, dimethyl ether, ethanoic acid, ethane, chloro-ethane). Initial activities: - Control of the attendance of the learners. - The teacher must control and discuss the homework. - Baseline assessment. 1. Define organic molecules. Organic molecules are molecules containing carbon atoms. 2. Define the term functional group. Functional group is a bond or an atom or a group of atoms that determine(s) the physical and chemical properties of a group of organic compounds. Introduction: The physical properties of all organic compounds mainly depends on their structure, qualitative and quantitative composition, type of chemical bonding, order of the joining of the atoms in the molecule and special disposition of them. What physical properties do you know? Some physical properties of chemical compounds we are going to study include the following: Phase Boiling and melting points Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 54 Volatility Vapour pressure Viscosity Solubility Physical properties of organic compounds are mainly determined by the strength of intermolecular forces. - The teacher must orientate the objectives of the lesson and write the topic on the board. Development: - The teacher must give the definition of the following physical properties of chemical compounds: Phase (whether the compound is a gas, liquid or solid at room temperature) Boiling and melting points (at which temperature the liquid boils and the solid melts). Volatility (how easy the liquid vaporises) Vapour pressure (the pressure at which the vapour of a substance is in dynamic equilibrium with its liquid or solid form. Substances with high vapour pressure are volatile, and such substances have high volatility). Viscosity (a measure of the resistance to flow of the liquid-the higher the viscosity the less easy it flows). Solubility (how easily it dissolves in non-polar solvents or in polar solvents) - The teacher must recall intermolecular forces from grade 11.The short video “Major intermolecular forces” must be used for this purpose. Intermolecular forces are forces that act between molecules. Intramolecular forces occur within a molecule and include covalent bonds between atoms. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 55 Remember from Grade 11 that a dipole molecule is a molecule that has its charge unevenly distributed. One end of the molecule is slightly positive and the other is slightly negative. An overview of the different types of intermolecular forces that are discussed previously are given below: 1. Dipole-dipole forces When one dipole molecule comes into contact with another dipole molecule, the positive pole of the one molecule will be attracted to the negative pole of the other, and the molecules will be held together in this way. One special case of this is hydrogen bonding: Hydrogen bonds As the name implies, this type of intermolecular bond involves a hydrogen atom. When a molecule contains a hydrogen atom covalently bonded to a small, highly electronegative atom (e.g. O, N or F) this type of intermolecular force can occur. The highly electronegative atom on one molecule attracts the hydrogen atom on a nearby molecule. 2. Van der Waals forces Induced-dipole forces Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 56 In non-polar molecules the electronic charge is usually evenly distributed but it is possible that at a particular moment in time, the electrons might not be evenly distributed (remember that the electrons are always moving in their orbitals). The molecule will have a temporary dipole. When this happens, molecules that are next to each other attract each other very weakly. 𝒆− + 𝜹 − 𝜹 𝒆− + 𝜹 𝜹− I2 I2 𝒆− 𝒆− Dipole-induced-dipole forces These forces exist between dipoles and non-polar molecules. The dipole induces a dipole in the non-polar molecule leading to a weak, short lived force which holds the compounds together. - The teacher must explain the relationship between physical properties and intermolecular forces (ethanol, dimethyl ether, ethanoic acid, ethane). We are going to study the relationship between the type of intermolecular forces and some of the physical properties of the molecules. The polarity of molecules determines the forces of attraction between the molecules in the liquid state. Polar molecules are attracted by the opposite charge effect (the positive end of one molecule is attracted to the negative end of another molecule). Molecules have different degrees of polarity as determined by the functional group present. For compounds of comparable molecular mass, the more polar the functional group, the stronger the intermolecular forces. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 57 Polarity ranking of functional groups (studied): 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐱𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐜 𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐝 > 𝐴𝑙𝑐𝑜ℎ𝑜𝑙 > 𝐾𝑒𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑒 > 𝐴𝑙𝑑𝑒ℎ𝑦𝑑𝑒 > 𝐸𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟 > 𝐻𝑎𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑙𝑘𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑠 > 𝐴𝑙𝑘𝑦𝑛𝑒𝑠 > 𝐴𝑙𝑘𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑠 > 𝐴𝑙𝑘𝑒𝑛𝑒 Functional group Carboxylic acid Alcohol Explanation Example Hydrogen bonds can be Ethanoic Acid formed and accepted on two atoms. Carboxylic acids also tend to form dimers due to two hydrogen bonds between two acid molecules. This leads to increased molecular size resulting in stronger van der Waals forces (dipole-dipole & dispersion) between two dimers Alcohols have one site for hydrogen bonding. In addition, van der Waals Ethanol forces (dipole-dipole & dispersion) also exist between molecules. Ketone Since ketones and Propanoane aldehydes lack hydroxyl groups, they are incapable of intermolecular hydrogen Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 58 bonds and are less polar than alcohols. Aldehyde Boiling points are considerable higher than that of alkanes due to weak intermolecular dipole-dipole forces. The carbonyl group is polar since oxygen is more electronegative than carbon Ethanal and forms a partially charged dipole. In Aldehyde addition dispersion forces also exist between molecules. Ester The ester functional group has a similar character to the ketone and aldehyde functional groups. Esters are the least polar of the three. Esters can form dipoledipole forces and dispersion forces. Haloalkanes Somewhat polar molecules due to the C-X bond (X=halogen). Van der Waals dipole-dipole forces exist between the polar part of the molecules and ordinary Van der Waals forces between non-polar alkyl parts. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 59 Alkane Non-polar molecules - only weak van der Waals forces (dispersion forces) alkene Non-polar molecules - weak van der Waals forces (dispersion forces). For the same number of C atoms, boiling points are slightly lower than that of alkanes. Dispersion forces depend on the shape of the molecule & the number of electrons it contains. Each alkene has 2 fewer electrons than the alkane with the same number of C atoms. alkyne Non-polar molecules - weak van der Waals forces (dispersion forces). Alkyne molecules are more polarisable due to the four pi-electrons that are loosely held. Therefore alkynes have higher boiling points than alkanes and alkenes with the same number of C atoms in their chains . For compounds of the same functional group the intermolecular forces depend on: Numbers of functional group. Surface area (chain length). Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 60 Symmetry (Branched chain). Polarisability (size of the atoms) BOILING AND MELTING POINTS Intermolecular forces affect the boiling and melting points of substances. Substances with weak intermolecular forces will have low melting and boiling points as less energy (heat) is needed to overcome these forces. Those with strong intermolecular forces will have high melting and boiling points as more energy (heat) is required to overcome these forces. When the temperature of a substance is raised beyond its’ melting or boiling point the intermolecular forces are not weakened. Rather, the molecules have enough energy to overcome those forces. We can define the boiling point as the temperature at which the vapour pressure of a substance equals the pressure above it surface (atmospheric pressure) Melting point is the temperature at which a solid is converted to its liquid phase. Energy is needed to overcome the attractive forces in the more ordered crystalline solid. Boiling and melting points of organic compounds increase with increase in strength of intermolecular forces - more energy is needed to break the intermolecular forces. NUMBER OF FUNCTIONAL GROUPS The effect of a functional group increases when the number of functional groups increases, resulting in higher boiling and melting points. 𝐂𝐇𝟑 𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐎𝐇 ethanol bp = 78°C mp = -114 °C One side for H bonding 𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐎𝐇𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐎𝐇 ethan-1,2-dinol bp = 197°C mp = -13 °C Two side for H bonding Increase number of the same functional group, increasing boiling point Note: Both molecules also experience van der Waals forces (dispersion; nonpolar C chain; dipoledipole: polar C-O and O-H bonds), but the hydrogen bonding (due to the O-H bond) is most significant. VAPOUR PRESSURE When a substance is in the liquid or solid state there will be some molecules in the gas state. These molecules have enough energy to overcome the intermolecular forces holding the majority of the substance in the liquid or solid phase. These gas molecules exert a pressure on the liquid or solid (and the container) and that pressure is the vapour pressure of that compound. The weaker the intermolecular forces within a substance the higher the vapour pressure will be. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 61 Compounds with higher vapour pressures have lower flash points and are therefore more flammable. Vapour pressure is the pressure exerted (at a specific temperature) on a solid or liquid compound by molecules of that compound that are in the gas phase. Compounds with high boiling points have low vapour pressures. Vapour pressure decreases with increase in strength of intermolecular forces. POLARITY OF FUNCTIONAL GROUPS For compounds of comparable molecular mass, the more polar the functional group, the stronger the intermolecular forces, the lower the vapour pressure. 𝐂𝐇𝟑 𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐂𝐇𝟑 pentane 72 g·mol-1 vp = 441 mmHg (21°C) Wan der Waals forces (only dispersion) 𝐂𝐇𝟑 𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐂𝐇𝐎 butanal 72 g·mol-1 vp = 90 mmHg (21°C) Wan der Waals forces (dispersion + dipole-dipole) 𝐂𝐇𝟑 𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐎𝐇 butan-1-ol 74 g·mol-1 vp = 4,5 mmHg (21°C) Wan der Waals forces (dispersion + dipole-dipole) + Hydrogen bonds Increase polarity of functional group, increase strength of intermolecular forces, decrease vapour pressure Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 62 NUMBER OF FUNCTIONAL GROUPS: The effect of a functional group increases when the numbers of functional groups increases, resulting in lower vapour pressures. 𝐂𝐇𝟑 𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐎𝐇 ethanol vp = 59,02 mmHg (25°C) One side for H bonding 𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐎𝐇𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐎𝐇 ethan-1,2-dinol vp = 0,07 mmHg (25°C) Two side for H bonding Increase number of the same functional group, decreasing vapour pressure Note: Both molecules also experience van der Waals forces (dispersion; nonpolar C chain; dipoledipole: polar C-O and O-H bonds), but the hydrogen bonding (due to the O-H bond) is most significant. DENSITY Density is a measure of the mass per unit of volume. The stronger the intermolecular forces (between molecules), the shorter the distance between those molecules and the denser it is. Think of a solid. It has a high density because it holds its shape and volume. The particles are held together by ionic forces of attraction as opposed to dipole-dipole forces or LDFs. Ionic forces are the strongest type of intermolecular force. Thus, solids which use it, have the highest density. It is an inverse relationship, and density depends on the strength of intermolecular forces. Final activities - The teacher must summarise the lesson. Summary: Intramolecular forces occur within a molecule and include covalent bonds between atoms. Intermolecular forces are forces that act between molecules. Dipole-dipole forces o Hydrogen bond Van der Waals forces o Induced-dipole forces o Dipole-induced-dipole forces Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 63 Physical properties of organic compounds are mainly determined by the strength of intermolecular forces. The more polar the functional group, the stronger the intermolecular forces. Polarity ranking of functional groups (studied): 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐱𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐜 𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐝 > 𝐴𝑙𝑐𝑜ℎ𝑜𝑙 > 𝐾𝑒𝑡𝑜𝑛𝐞 > 𝐴𝑙𝑑𝑒ℎ𝑦𝑑𝑒 > 𝐸𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟 > 𝐻𝑎𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑙𝑘𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑠 > 𝐴𝑙𝑘𝑦𝑛𝑒𝑠 > 𝐴𝑙𝑘𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑠 > 𝐴𝑙𝑘𝑒𝑛𝑒 Boiling and melting points of organic compounds increase with increase in strength of intermolecular forces - more energy is needed to break the intermolecular forces. If the number of functional groups increases, then it will be result in higher boiling and melting points. Vapour pressure is the pressure exerted (at a specific temperature) on a solid or liquid compound by molecules of that compound that are in the gas phase. Vapor pressure or equilibrium vapor pressure is the pressure of a vapor in thermodynamic equilibrium with its condensed phases in a closed container. All liquids and solids have a tendency to evaporate into a gaseous form, and all gases have a tendency to condense back to their liquid or solid form Compounds with high boiling points have low vapour pressures. Vapour pressure decreases with increase in strength of intermolecular forces. Increase number of the same functional group, decreasing vapour pressure. - The teacher must orientate the homework. Homework: Activity 1 The chart below shows the boiling points of various alcohols. Alcohol Methanol Ethanol Propan-1-ol Butan-1-ol Pentan-1-ol Boiling point 0C 64.5 78.3 97 117 138 1.1 Define functional group. 1.2 What is the functional group of alcohols? 1.3 Plot a graph of n (the number of carbons in each alcohol) against the boiling point of each alcohol. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 64 1.3.1 What trend does this graph show? Explain your observation. (This can be an introduction for the next lesson). 1.4 The boiling point of propan-1,2-diol is 189 0C and that of propan-1,2,3-triol is 290 0C. 1.4.1 Draw the structural formulae for these two compounds. ol 1.5 1.4.2 Compare the boiling point of these compounds with the boiling point of propan-1and explain the differences between these values. Ethanol is the alcohol that is present in alcoholic drinks. These drinks have been used by human beings for centuries, but excess alcohol consumption can be dangerous for you and for other people. State at least 3 reasons why people should avoid excessive alcohol consumption. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 65 Solution of the activities: Functional group is a bond or an atom or a group of atoms that determine(s) the physical and chemical properties of a group of organic compounds. 1.2 Hydroxyl (-OH) group 1.3 Boiling point Vs number of carbon atoms Boiling point 0C 1.1 150 100 50 0 0 1 2 3 4 n (number of carbons) 5 6 1.3.1 The boiling point increases with increasing chain length. As the chain length increases the intermolecular forces increases (the bigger the chain the bigger the intermolecular (Van der Waals) forces. This means that more heat energy is required to separate the particles and turn them into a gas. 1.4.1 propan-1,2-diol Propan-1,2,3-triol 1.4.2 The difference in boiling points between these three compounds is due to the increase of hydrogen bonding that occurs at the hydroxyl group. Hydrogen bonding increases the boiling point as more energy is required to separate these bonds, so the compound with the greatest number of hydroxyl groups in a particular chain will have the highest boiling point. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 66 1.5 Excessive alcohol use can lead to: Brain and liver damage (Physical damage) Depression and emotional damage (mental damage) Foetal alcohol syndrome if pregnant woman drinks heavily. Increase of violence Car accidents Poverty Unemployment Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 67 ORGANIC MOLECULES Lesson 6 Topic: Physical properties and chain length. Physical properties and branched chains. Objective: Learners must be able to: Recognize and apply to given examples the relationship between: Physical properties and chain length. Physical properties and branched chains Initial activities - Control of the attendance of the learners. - The teacher must control and discuss (mark) the homework. Base line assessment. 1. Define the following physical properties: o boiling point. - Boiling point is the temperature at which the vapour pressure of a substance equals the pressure above it surface (atmospheric pressure) o melting point. - Melting point is the temperature at which a solid is converted to its liquid phase. o vapour pressure - Vapour pressure (the pressure at which the vapour of a substance is in dynamic equilibrium with its liquid or solid form. OR - Vapour pressure is the pressure exerted (at a specific temperature) on a solid or liquid compound by molecules of that compound that are in the gas phase Introduction: - The teacher must summarise lesson 25 about intermolecular forces. Summary: Intramolecular forces occur within a molecule and include covalent bonds between atoms. Intermolecular forces are forces that act between molecules. Dipole-dipole forces Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 68 o Hydrogen bond Van der Waals forces o Induced-dipole forces o Dipole-induced-dipole forces Physical properties of organic compounds are mainly determined by the strength of intermolecular forces. The more polar the functional group, the stronger the intermolecular forces. Polarity ranking of functional groups (studied): 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐱𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐜 𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐝 > 𝐴𝑙𝑐𝑜ℎ𝑜𝑙 > 𝐾𝑒𝑡𝑜𝑛𝐞 > 𝐴𝑙𝑑𝑒ℎ𝑦𝑑𝑒 > 𝐸𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟 > 𝐻𝑎𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑙𝑘𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑠 > 𝐴𝑙𝑘𝑦𝑛𝑒𝑠 > 𝐴𝑙𝑘𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑠 > 𝐴𝑙𝑘𝑒𝑛𝑒 Boiling and melting points of organic compounds increase with increase in strength of intermolecular forces - more energy is needed to break the intermolecular forces. If the number of functional groups increases, then it will be result in higher boiling and melting points. Vapour pressure is the pressure exerted (at a specific temperature) on a solid or liquid compound by molecules of that compound that are in the gas phase. Compounds with high boiling points have low vapour pressures. Vapour pressure decreases with increase in strength of intermolecular forces. Increase number of the same functional group, decreasing vapour pressure Remember that for compounds of the same functional group the intermolecular forces depend on: Numbers of functional group. Surface area (chain length). Symmetry (Branched chain). Polarise-ability (size of the atoms) In lesson 28 we learned the relationship between the type and number of functional group and some physical properties (melting point, boiling point, vapour pressure). - The teacher must orientate the objectives of the lesson and write the topic on the board. Development: - The teacher must explain the relationship between some physical properties and chain length. Remember that Boiling and melting points of organic compounds increase with increase in strength of intermolecular forces - more energy is needed to break the intermolecular forces. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 69 BOILING POINTS: SURFACE AREA: For compounds of the same functional group, the larger the surface area (or the longer the chain) the higher the boiling point. 𝐂𝐇𝟑 𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐂𝐇𝟑 propane 44 g·mol-1 bp = -44 °C Wan der Waals forces (only dispersion) 𝐂𝐇𝟑 𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐂𝐇𝟑 butane 58 g·mol-1 bp = -0,5 °C Wan der Waals forces (only dispersion) 𝐂𝐇𝟑 𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐂𝐇𝟑 pentane 72 g·mol-1 bp = 36 °C Wan der Waals forces (only dispersion) Increase the surface area increase the boiling point SYMMETRY Similarly, the smaller the, surface area (or the more branching), the lower the boiling point. Boiling points of isomers decrease with branching (as shown below). Increase in branching, decrease surface area, decrease boiling point 𝐂𝐇𝟑 𝐂𝐇𝟑 − 𝐂 − 𝐂𝐇𝟑 𝐂𝐇𝟑 2,2-dimethylpropane 72 g·mol-1 bp = 10 °C Wan der Waals forces (only dispersion) 𝐂𝐇𝟑 𝐂𝐇𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐂𝐇𝟑 𝐂𝐇𝟑 2-methylbutane 72 g·mol-1 bp = 30 °C Wan der Waals forces (only dispersion) 𝐂𝐇𝟑 𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐂𝐇𝟑 pentane 72 g·mol-1 bp = 36 °C Wan der Waals forces (only dispersion) Decrease in brunching increase the surface area increase the boiling point Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 70 Although the type of intermolecular force remains the same, there are more sites for these forces with increasing surface area. The forces might be the same in strength, but because there are more sites where they can act, the total effect results in stronger intermolecular forces. POLARISABILITY For compounds of the same functional group, the more polarisable the atoms, the higher the boiling point. Larger atoms, e.g. iodine atoms, are easier to polarise and can form stronger intermolecular forces than smaller atoms, e.g. fluorine atoms. 𝐂𝐇𝟑 𝐅 Fluoromethane bp = -78 °C F less polarisable; van der Waals forces (dispersion & dipole-dipole) 𝐂𝐇𝟑 𝐈 iodomethane bp = 42 °C I more polarisable; van der Waals forces (dispersion & dipole-dipole) Increase polarise-ability of atoms, increase boiling point MELTING POINT SURFACE AREA For compounds of the same functional group, the longer the chain the higher the melting point. 𝐂𝐇𝟑 𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐂𝐇𝟑 propane 44 g·mol-1 bp = -44 °C mp = -190 °C Wan der Waals forces (only dispersion) 𝐂𝐇𝟑 𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐂𝐇𝟑 butane 58 g·mol-1 bp = -0,5 °C mp = -138 °C Wan der Waals forces (only dispersion) 𝐂𝐇𝟑 𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐂𝐇𝟑 pentane 72 g·mol-1 bp = 36 °C mp = 129,8 °C Wan der Waals forces (only dispersion) Increase the surface area increase the boiling and melting point SYMMETRY For compounds of the same functional group and similar molecular masses, melting points increase with increase in symmetry. A compact symmetrical molecule packs well into a crystalline lattice. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 71 𝐂𝐇𝟑 𝐂𝐇𝟑 𝐂𝐇𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐂𝐇𝟑 𝐂𝐇𝟑 − 𝐂 − 𝐂𝐇𝟑 𝐂𝐇𝟑 2-methylbutane 72 g·mol-1 mp = -160 °C Wan der Waals forces (only dispersion) 𝐂𝐇𝟑 2,2-dimethylpropane 72 g·mol-1 mp = -17 °C Wan der Waals forces (only dispersion) More symmetrical molecule, increase in melting point POLARISABILITY For compounds of the same functional group, the more polarisable the atoms, the higher the melting point. Larger atoms, e.g. iodine atoms, are easier to polarise and can form stronger intermolecular forces than smaller atoms, e.g. fluorine atoms. 𝐂𝐇𝟑 𝐅 Fluoromethane mp = -142 °C F less polarisable; van der Waals forces (dispersion & dipole-dipole) 𝐂𝐇𝟑 𝐈 iodomethane mp = -66,5 °C I more polarisable; van der Waals forces (dispersion & dipole-dipole) Increase polarise-ability of atoms, increase melting point VAPOUR PRESSURE: Remember that: Vapour pressure is the pressure exerted (at a specific temperature) on a solid or liquid compound by molecules of that compound that are in the gas phase. Compounds with high boiling points have low vapour pressures. Vapour pressure decreases with increase in strength of intermolecular forces. SURFACE AREA Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 72 For compounds of the same functional group, the larger the surface area (or the longer the chain) the lower the vapour pressure. 𝐂𝐇𝟑 𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐂𝐇𝟑 propane 44 g·mol-1 vp = 6 616 mmHg (21 °C) Wan der Waals forces (only dispersion) 𝐂𝐇𝟑 𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐂𝐇𝟑 butane 58 g·mol-1 vp = 1 607 mmHg (21°C) Wan der Waals forces (only dispersion) 𝐂𝐇𝟑 𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐂𝐇𝟑 pentane 72 g·mol-1 vp = 441 mmHg (21 °C) Wan der Waals forces (only dispersion) Increase the surface area, decrease vapour pressure SYMMETRY The smaller the, surface area (or the more branching), the lower the boiling point and so the higher the vapour pressure 𝐂𝐇𝟑 𝐂𝐇𝟑 − 𝐂 − 𝐂𝐇𝟑 𝐂𝐇𝟑 2,2-dimethylpropane 72 g·mol-1 vp = 1,29×10+3 mm Hg (25°C) Wan der Waals forces (only dispersion) 𝐂𝐇𝟑 𝐂𝐇𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐂𝐇𝟑 𝐂𝐇𝟑 2-methylbutane 72 g·mol-1 vp = 689 mmHg (25 °C) Wan der Waals forces (only dispersion) 𝐂𝐇𝟑 𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐂𝐇𝟐 𝐂𝐇𝟑 pentane 72 g·mol-1 vp = 514 mmHg (25 °C) Wan der Waals forces (only dispersion) Decrease in brunching increase the surface area decrease vapour pressure POLARISABILITY OF ATOMS For compounds of the same functional group, the more polarisable the atoms, the lower the vapour pressure. Larger atoms, e.g. iodine atoms, are easier to polarise and can form stronger intermolecular forces than smaller atoms, e.g. fluorine atoms. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 73 𝐂𝐇𝟑 𝐅 Fluoromethane vp = 24 750 mmHg (25 °C) F less polarisable; van der Waals forces (dispersion & dipole-dipole) 𝐂𝐇𝟑 𝐈 iodomethane vp = 400 mmHg (25 °C) I more polarisable; van der Waals forces (dispersion & dipole-dipole) Increase polarise-ability of atoms, decrease vapour pressure Final activities: - The teacher must summarise the work done about physical properties Boiling points Relationship Explanation The stronger the intermolecular The stronger the intermolecular forces the more energy that is forces the higher the boiling point. required to separate the substance into its individual molecules (particles), the higher the boiling point. The longer the length the higher The longer the length of the chain the larger the surface area the the boiling point and the melting stronger the intermolecular (Van der Waals) forces, the greater the point energy required to separate the substance into its individuals molecules, the higher the boiling point. The more the branches the lower The more the branches the more spherical the molecules, the the boiling point. smaller the surface area, the weaker the intermolecular (Van der Waals) forces, the lower boiling point The more number of halogen (Cl, Br, I) or OH groups or COOH groups or CO groups or CHO groups the higher the boiling point. The more the number of halogens (Cl, Br, I) or OH groups or COOH groups or CO groups or CHO groups the stronger the intermolecular forces (hydrogen bonds or Van der Waals forces)the higher the boiling point The stronger the intermolecular forces the higher the melting point The stronger the intermolecular forces the more the energy that is required to separate the substance in to its individual molecules (particles) the higher the melting point. The stronger the intermolecular forces the lower the vapour pressure. The stronger the intermolecular forces the fewer the individual molecules the surface of the substance the lower the vapour pressure Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 74 The longer the chain length the lower the vapour pressure The longer the length of the chain, the larger the surface area the stronger the Intermolecular (Van der Waals) forces ,the fewer the individual molecules above the surface of the substance the lower the vapour pressure. The more number of halogen (Cl, Br, I) or OH groups or COOH groups or CO groups or CHO groups the higher the melting point The more the number of halogen (Cl, Br, l) or OH groups or COOH Groups or CO groups or CHO groups the stronger the intermolecular forces (hydrogen bonds or Van der Waals forces) the higher the melting point The more number of halogen (Cl, Br, I) or OH groups or COOH groups or CO groups or CHO groups the lower the vapour pressure The more number of halogen (Cl, Br, I) or OH groups or COOH groups or CO groups or CHO groups the stronger the intermolecular forces (hydrogen bonds or Van der Waals forces) the less the number the individual molecules above the surface of the substance the lower its vapour pressure - The teacher must orientate the homework: Homework: Activity 1: The table below shows the boiling points and melting points of five organic compounds. A B C D E 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Compound Ethane Pentane 2-methylbutane propan-1-ol Propane-1,2-diol Boiling point 0C -89 36 30 97 188 Melting point 0C -183 -130 -160 -126 -59 Define the term boiling point. Define the term melting point. Define the term vapour pressure. Which one of A or B has a lower vapour pressure. Explain. B and C are structural isomers. 1.5.1 Define the term structural isomers. Explain why B has a higher melting point than C. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 75 1.7 Expalin why compound E has higher boiling point and melting point than D. SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTION 1 During a practical investigation the boiling points of the first six straight-chain ALKANES were determined and the results were recorded in the table below. ALKANE MOLECULAR BOILING FORMULA POINT (°C) Methane −164 CH4 Ethane −89 C2H6 1.1 Propane C3H8 −42 Butane C4H10 −0,5 Pentane C5H12 36 Hexane C6H14 69 Write down the: 7.1.1 Most important use of the alkanes in the above table (1) 7.1.2 General formula of the alkanes (1) Refer to the table to answer QUESTION 1.2 and QUESTION 1.3 below. 1.2 For this investigation, write down the following: 1.2.1 Dependent variable (1) 2.2. 2 Independent variable (1) 2.2.3 Conclusion that can be drawn from the above results (2) 2.3 Alkanes burn readily in oxygen. Write down a balanced equation, using molecular formulae, for the combustion of propane in excess oxygen. (3) 2.4 Will the boiling points of the structural isomers of hexane be HIGHER THAN, LOWER THAN or EQUAL TO that of hexane? Refer to MOLECULAR STRUCTURE, INTERMOLECULAR FORCES and ENERGY NEEDED to explain the answer. (4) Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© [13] Page 76 Solution of the activities: 1.1 The boiling point is the temperature at which the vapour pressure of a substance equals the pressure above it surface (atmospheric pressure). 1.2 Melting point is the temperature at which a solid changes to a liquid (or the temperature at which solid and liquid phases are in equilibrium). 1.3 Vapour pressure (the pressure at which the vapour of a substance is in dynamic equilibrium with its liquid or solid form. 1.4 Compound B. The longer the length of the chain, the larger the surface area the stronger the Intermolecular (Van der Waals) forces, the fewer the individual molecules above the surface of the substance the lower the vapour pressure. 1.5 1.5.1 Compounds with the same molecular formula but different structural formula. 1.6 Compound B is less branched and has stronger intermolecular forces. As a result more energy is needed to overcome the intermolecular forces. Thus, it will have a higher melting point. 1.7 The more the number of halogen OH groups the stronger the intermolecular forces (hydrogen bonds) the higher the melting point. MEMORANDUM SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTION 1 1.1 1.1.1 Fuels (1) 1.1.2 CnH2n + 2 (1) 1.2.1 Boiling point (1) 1.2. 2 Chain length/Molecular size/Molecular mass Kettinglengte/Molekulêre grootte/Molekulêre massa 1.2.3 (1) (2) Criteria for conclusion: Dependent and independent variables correctly identified. Mark Relationship between the independent and dependent variables correctly stated. . Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 77 Examples: • Boiling point increases with increase in chain length/molecular size/molecular mass. • Boiling point decreases with decrease in chain length/ molecular size/molecular mass. • Boiling point is proportional to chain length/molecular size/molecular mass. 1.3 C3H8 + 5O2 → 3CO2 + 4H2O bal (3) 1.4 Lower than • Structure: Isomers have more branching/ more compact or spherical molecules / smaller surface areas over which the intermolecular forces act. Intermolecular forces: Weaker intermolecular forces/less intermolecular forces Energy: Less energy needed to overcome intermolecular forces. (4) [13] Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 78 ORGANIC MOLECULES Lesson 7 Topic: Oxidation of alkanes. Exercises on balancing equations. Esterification. Objective: Learners must be able to: Explain the oxidation reaction of hydrocarbons. Identify the alcohol and carboxylic acid used to prepare a given ester and vice versa, and write as equation to present this preparation. Initial activities: - Control of the attendance of the learners. - The teacher must control and discuss the homework. Introduction: Chemical reactions play an important role in Chemistry that is why they are considered the heart of Chemistry. Some reactions like a forest fire and the explosion of dynamite are quite dramatic and some others are not so obvious. However, all chemical reactions must involve detectable change. - The teacher must orientate the objectives of the lesson and write the topic on the board. Development: - The teacher must explain the oxidation reaction of hydrocarbons. Fossil fuels are fuels formed by the natural process of the decomposition of organisms under heat and pressure. They contain a high percentage of carbon and include fuels such as coal, petrol, and natural gases. They are also a non-renewable. Because alkanes contain only single bonds C-C and C-H, most alkanes are relatively unreactive, at room temperature, for example they do not react with acids, bases or strong oxidizing agents. Alkanes are not completely inert, however. One of the most commercially important reactions is combustion (oxidation) in air, which is the basis of their uses as fuels. Alkanes are our most important fossil fuels. The combustion (burning) of alkanes (also known as oxidation) is highly exothermic. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 79 Remember that an exothermic reaction releases energy (∆H < 0), while an endothermic reaction absorbs energy (∆H > 0). The fact that energy is released in a combustion reaction implies that ∆H < 0 and the reaction is exothermic. In a combustion reaction a substance reacts with an oxidising agent (e.g. oxygen), and heat and light are released. In the complete combustion reaction of alkanes, carbon dioxide (CO 2) and water (H2O) are released along with energy. Fossil fuels are burnt for the energy they release. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the primary greenhouse gas emitted through human activities. The main human activity that emits CO2 is the combustion of fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, and oil) for energy and transportation, although certain industrial processes and land-use changes (e.g. conversion of forest into agricultural land) also emit CO2. The general reaction for the combustion of an alkane as a fossil fuel is given as: alkane + O2(g) → CO2(g) + H2O(g) + energy For example: a) The complete combustion reaction of methane: CH4(g) + 2O2(g) → CO2(g) + 2H2O(g) + energy b) The complete combustion reaction of propane: C3H8(g) + 5O2(g) → 3CO2(g) + 4H2O(g) + energy c) The complete combustion reaction for hexane: 2C6H14(ℓ) + 19O2(g) → 12CO2(g) + 14H2O(g) + energy d) The complete combustion reaction for octane: 2C8H18(ℓ) + 25O2(g) → 16CO2(g) + 18H2O(g) + energy - The teacher must explain how to balance equation for the reaction of alkanes. Example 1 (Worked example 28 page 181, Siyavula book Grade 12) Balance the following equation: C4H10(g) + O2(g) → CO2(g) + H2O(g) Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 80 SOLUTION: Step 1: Balance the carbon atoms There are 4 carbon atoms on the left. There is 1 carbon atom on the right. Add a 4 in front of the CO2 molecule on the right: C4H10(g) + O2(g) → 4CO2(g) + H2O(g) Step 2: Balance the hydrogen atoms There are 10 hydrogen atoms on the left. There are 2 hydrogen atoms on the right. Add a 5 in front of the H2O molecule on the right: C4H10(g) + O2(g) → 4CO2(g) + 5H2O(g) Step 3: Balance the oxygen atoms There are 2 oxygen atoms on the left. There are 13 oxygen atoms on the right (4 x 2 in 13 the CO2 and 5 in the H2O). Divide the number of O atoms on the right by 2 to get 2 , this is the number of O2 molecules required on the left: 𝟏𝟑 C4H10(g) + 𝟐 O2(g) → 4CO2(g) + 5H2O(g) This is acceptable but it is better for all numbers to be whole numbers. Step 4: Make sure all numbers are whole numbers 𝟏𝟑 There is 𝟐 in front of the O2 while all other numbers are whole numbers. So multiply the entire equation by 2: 𝟏𝟑 2C4H10(g) +𝟐 × 𝟐 O2(g) →2 x 4CO2(g) + 2 x 5H2O(g) Hence: 2C4H10(g) + 13O2(g) → 8CO2(g) + 10H2O(g) Example 2 (Worked example 29 page 181, Siyavula book Grade 12) Balance the equation for the complete combustion of heptane. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 81 SOLUTION: Step 1: Write the unbalanced equation The molecular formula for heptane is C7H16. Combustion always involves oxygen (O2). The complete combustion of an alkane always produces carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O): C7H16(ℓ) + O2(g) → CO2(g) + H2O(g) Step 2: Balance the carbon atoms There are 7 carbon atoms on the left. There is 1 carbon atom on the right. Add a 7 in front of the CO2 molecule on the right: C7H16(ℓ) + O2(g) → 7CO2(g) + H2O(g) Step 3: Balance the hydrogen atoms There are 16 hydrogen atoms on the left. There are 2 hydrogen atoms on the right. Add an 8 in front of the H2O molecule on the right: C7H16(ℓ) + O2(g) → 7CO2(g) + 8H2O(g) Step 4: Balance the oxygen atoms There are 2 oxygen atoms on the left. There are 22 oxygen atoms on the right (7 x 2 in the CO2 and 8 in the H2O). Divide the number of O atoms on the right by 2 to get 11, this is the number of O2 molecules required on the left: C7H16(ℓ) + 11O2(g) → 7CO2(g) + 8H2O(g) - The teacher must explain the esterification reaction. As was discussed earlier in lesson 26 that one way to form an ester is through the reaction of an alcohol and a carboxylic acid. This process is called an acid-catalysed condensation or esterification of a carboxylic acid. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 82 In the general form above an alcohol and a carboxylic acid combine to form an ester and water. Example: The esterification of butanol and propanoic acid to form butyl propanoate, water is also formed in this reaction. A more general example is: alcohol + carboxylic acid → ester + water It is important to be able to identify what ester a specific alcohol and carboxylic acid will form. Remember that the first part of the ester name takes its prefix from the alcohol with the suffix -yl. The second part of the ester takes its prefix from the carboxylic acid with the ester suffix -oate. - The teacher must explain example 3. Example 3 Worked example 30 page 183, Siyavula book Grade 12) Adapted What is the name of the ester that will form from hexanol and propanoic acid. SOLUTION Step 1: Which compound forms the first part of the ester name and which forms the second part of the ester name? The alcohol forms the first part of the ester name and takes the suffix -yl. The carboxylic acid forms the second part of the ester name and takes the suffix -oate. Step 2: Determine the first part of the ester name The alcohol is hexanol, therefore there are 6 carbons and this will be hexyl. Step 3: Determine the second part of the ester name The carboxylic acid is propanoic acid, therefore there are 3 carbons and this will be propanoate. Step 4: Combine the first and second parts of the ester name Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 83 The ester will be hexyl propanoate. It is also important to be able to determine which compounds were used to form an ester. Example 4 (Worked example 31 page 183, Siyavula book Grade 12) What compounds did the ester octyl heptanoate come from? SOLUTION: Step 1: What types of compounds are used to form esters? Esters are formed from alcohols (which become the first part of the ester name) and carboxylic acids (which become the second part of the ester name). Step 2: Determine the prefix for the alcohol The first part of the ester name comes from the alcohol (-ol). Therefore the prefix is oct-. Step 3: Determine the prefix for the carboxylic acid The second part of the ester name comes from the carboxylic acid (-oic acid). Therefore the prefix is hept-. Step 4: Determine the compounds use to form the ester Octyl heptanoate was formed from octanol and heptanoic acid. Some examples of esters are given in the following table. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 84 Final activities - The teacher must summaryse the lesson. Alkanes are our most important fossil fuels. The combustion (burning) of alkanes (also known as oxidation) is highly exothermic. In a combustion reaction a substance reacts with an oxidising agent (e.g. oxygen), and heat and light are released. The general reaction for the combustion of an alkane as a fossil fuel is given as: alkane + O2(g) → CO2(g) + H2O(g) + energy One way to form an ester is through the reaction of an alcohol and a carboxylic acid. This process is called an acid-catalysed condensation or esterification of a carboxylic acid. A more general example is: alcohol + carboxylic acid → ester + water - The teacher must orientate the homework. Homework: Activity 1 (Exercise 4 - 24.1 page 182, Siyavula book Grade 12): Balance the following complete combustion equations: Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 85 a) b) c) C3H8(g) + O2(g) → CO2(g) + H2O(g) C7H16(ℓ) + O2(g) → CO2(g) + H2O(g) C2H6(g) + O2(g) → CO2(g) + H2O(g) Activity 2 (Exercise 4 - 24.2 page 182, Siyavula book Grade 12): Write the balanced equation for the complete combustion of: a) pentane b) butane Activity 3 (Exercise 4 - 25.1 page 186, Siyavula book Grade 12): Give the IUPAC name for the product in the esterification of ethanoic acid with: a) methanol b) octanol c) hexanol d) propanol Activity 4 (Exercise 4 - 25.3 page 186, Siyavula book Grade 12): Give the IUPAC name for the product in the reaction of butanol with: a) ethanoic acid b) pentanoic acid c) heptanoic acid d) methanoic acid Activity 5 (Exercise 4 - 25.4 page 186, Siyavula book Grade 12): Fill in the missing reactant or part of the product name in the reactions below: a) octanol +_______________ → _______________ hexanoate b) _______________+ propanoic acid → hexyl __________________ c) _______________ + butanol → _________________ pentanoate Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 86 Solution of the activities: Activity 1: a) C3H8 (ℓ) + 5O2 (g) → 3CO2 (g) + 4H2O (g) b) C7H16 (ℓ) + 11O2 (g) → 7CO2 (g) + 8H2O (g) c) C2H6 (ℓ) + 2 O2 (g) → 2CO2 (g) + 3H2O (g) 7 we multiply the entire equation by 2 2C2H6 (ℓ) + 7O2 (g) → 4CO2 (g) + 6H2O (g) Activity 2 a) C5H12 (ℓ) + 8O2 (g) → 5CO2 (g) + 6H2O (g) b) C4H10 (ℓ) + 2 O2 (g) → 4CO2 (g) + 5H2O (g) 13 we multiply the entire equation by 2 2C2H6 (ℓ) + 13O2 (g) → 8CO2 (g) + 10H2O (g) Activity 3: a) methyl ethanoate b) octyl ethanoate c) hexyl ethanoate d) propyl ethanoate Activity 4: a) butyl ethanoate b) butyl pentanoate c) butyl heptanoate d) butyl methanoate Activity 5 (Exercise 4 - 25.4 page 186, Siyavula book Grade 12): a) octanol + hexanoic acid → octyl hexanoate b) hexanol + propanoic acid → hexyl propanoate c) pentanoic acid + butanol → butyl pentanoate Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 87 LESSON 8: Experiment PREPARATION OF DIFFERENT ESTERS AND SMELL IDENTIFICATION (EXPERIMENT) Example of experiment GRADE 12 Experiment 1 TERM 1 Date:-------------Total Marks- 50 PREPARATION OF DIFFERENT ESTERS AND SMELL IDENTIFICATION NAME OF SCHOOL : ……………………………………………………………. NAME OF LEARNER : ……………………………………………………………. CLASS : ………………… Aim 1. To synthesize several esters using a range of carboxilic acids and alcohols. 2. To identify the esters formed by their smell. Introduction Esters are a group of organic compounds best known for their interesting odours and flavours. Many natural odours and flavours were discovered to be esters and therefore, many synthesized esters are used in perfumes and foods. Esters can be synthesised by the reaction of a carboxilic acid and an alcohol. This reaction is called esterification. This reaction can be catalysed by concentrated sulphuric acid. In the laboratory, an ester is usually formed from the reaction of a carboxylic acid (RCOOH) and an alcohol (R'OH) in the presence of an acid catalyst, giving an ester and water as the products. Here were, R and R’ represent any alkyl group The general equation Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 88 for the formation of esters as follows: The first part of the name of an ester is derived from the alkyl group of the alcohol used and the second part is from the carboxylic acid, using the ending -oate. If you are using ethanoic acid and ethanol the equation would be; The name of this ester is ethyl ethanoate Other examples are: If ethyl alcohol (ethanol) combines with propanoic acid, the resulting ester is named ethyl propanoate. The aroma of oranges is attributed to butyl ethanoate (formed from butanol and ethanoic acid) and apricots have an aroma because of the presence of pentyl butanoate (formed from pentanol and butanoic acid). The reaction between the alcohol and acid is rather slow at room temperature. In order to speed it up and get an appreciable yield in the time available, you will use a temperature of about 60°C - 75°C and add sulphuric acid to act as a catalyst in the reaction. In this experiment, you will prepare five esters and carefully smell (see safety precautions, below) them to see if there are any odours you recognize. Safety Precautions Concentrated sulphuric acid is a strong oxidizing agent and highly corrosive. Sulfuric acid is used as the catalyst for the esterification reactions. It is dangerous and can burn skin, eyes, and clothing very badly. Avoid contact with skin or clothes. It will start a fire if mixed incorrectly with any of the alcohol or other acids used in this experiment. Use only in a fume hood. Use exactly as directed. If it is spilled, wash immediately before the acid has a chance to cause a burn, and inform the instructor. Salicylic acid is dangerous if swallowed. It can irritate the respiratory system and the skin. There is a risk that it can cause severe damage to the eyes. Other than concentrated sulphuric acid, all (other) organic liquid acids used in this experiment are toxic and corrosive to skin, eyes, and clothing. For examples, butanoic acid and propanoic acid. Ethanoic acid is flammable and poisonous if swallowed. Both the liquid and vapour are irritating Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 89 to the skin and eyes and can cause burns and ulcers. While working on this experiment, ware safety goggles, full face shield, gloves, and lab apron. Wash spills and splashes off your skin and clothing immediately, using plenty of water. Methanol is highly flammable. It is poisonous if swallowed. Its vapour is harmful to the eyes, lungs and skin and other organs. Ethanol is poisonous and its toxicity is increased by the presence of the denaturing substances that are added to laboratory ethanol in order to reduce its illegal consumption.High concentrations of ethanol vapour can be dangerous. It is highly flammable. 1-Propanol is harmful to the lungs, skin, eyes and other organs. Poisonous if swallowed.Highly flammable. Use in a fume hood. Smelling: The vapors of the esters produced in this experiment may be harmful. You should always detect odours with caution. When determining the odours of the esters produced in the experiment, do not deeply inhale the vapors. Breathing the vapours of some of these esters can cause sore throat, dizziness, headache, and drowsiness. Hold the test tube 30 cm away and 15 cm below your nose. Waft a small amount of vapor or odour from the ester toward your nose, sniffing cautiously, once or twice. Do not breathe deeply while sniffing. Waste disposal Dispose of all materials down the sink with abundant amounts of water. If you have any extra sulphuric acid at your bench remember to dilute it by adding the ACID to the beaker of WATER before pouring it down the sink. (In order to prevent students from having concentrated sulphuric acid on their benches, a beaker with the acid and a dropper can be placed at the front bench which should not be removed). Always remember to clean the surface of your bench and put away everything as you found it. All organic wastes should be placed into the appropriate non-halogentated waste container. Before leaving the laboratory, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 90 Structural formula of Salicylic acid Apparatus and Materials: Equipment/ Glassware Chemicals / Reagents Test tubes & test tube rack Methanol Water soluble marker Ethanol Test tube rack Concentrated sulphuric acid Eye dropper Glacial Acetic acid (Ethanoic acid) 250 ml beakers Salicylic acid(2-Hydroxybenzoic acid) Scale 1-pentanol Hot plate/ Bunsen burner 0,5 sodium carbonate solution Tripod Tongs Lab apron & Safety goggles Method (Procedure) 1. Put on your lab apron and safety goggles. 2. Put 1 drop of concentrated sulphuric acid in a test tube and add 10 drops of ethanoic acid and 10 drops of ethanol in the same test tube. 3. Pour about 100 cm3 of water into the 250 cm3 beaker. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 91 4. Carefully lower the test tube into the beaker so that it stands upright. 5. Heat the beaker using the hotplate or using Bunsen burner using a tripod. 6. If the mixture in the test tube boils, use the tongs to lift it out of the water until the boiling stops, and then return it to the hot water. 7. After 1 minute, carefully remove the test tube and allow it to cool down. 8. When cool, pour the mixture into a test tube half-full of 0,5 sodium carbonate solution. There will be some effervescence. Mix well. A layer of ester will separate and float on top of the aqueous layer. 9. Smell the product by gently wafting the odour towards your nose with your hand and note smell in the relevant table. 10. Repeat the steps 2 to 9 but use METHANOL and PROPANOL as the alcohol. 11. Repeat steps 1 to 10 but use SALICYLIC ACID and METHANOL. 12 Repeat steps 1 to 10 but use SALICYLIC ACID and ETHANOL. 13. Results and interpretation of results Complete the tables below for the report. Choose ONE of the following to identify the ester formed by smell. Paint Pear Pineapple Strawberry Ice cream Nail polish remover Wintergreen Peppermint IDENTIFICATION OF THE AROMA (SMELL) Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 92 Experiment Reactants Smell Marks Number 1 Ethanol +Ethanoic acid 2 marks 2 Methanol +Ethanoic acid 2 marks 3 Propanol +Ethanoic acid 2 marks 4 Methanol +Salicylic acid 2 marks 5 Ethanol + Salicylic acid 2 marks Total 10 marks EXPERIMENT 1: ETHANOL+ETHANOIC ACID Word equation for the reaction 2 marks Balanced equation with structural formula 5 marks Balanced chemical equation with condensed structural formula 4 marks Total 11 marks EXPERIMENT 2: METHANOL+ETHANOIC ACID Word equation for the reaction Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© 1 marks Page 93 Balanced equation with structural formula 3 marks Balanced chemical equation with condensed structural formula 2 marks Total 6 marks EXPERIMENT 3: PROPANOL+ETHANOIC ACID Word equation for the reaction 1 marks Balanced equation with structural formula 3 marks Balanced chemical equation with condensed structural formula 2 marks Total 6 marks 14. Discussion of results Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 94 1 Which property of the sulphuric acid makes it suitable to use it as a catalyst for the preparation of esters? 2 Why do we heat the test tube in water bath and not directly over a flame? 3 With reference to the characteristic smells of esters, name TWO examples where esters are used in different industries. 4 Why do esters with high molecular weight not have strong fragrances? (2) (2) (2) (3) 15. Conclusion Write a possible conclusion for the experiment (2) Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 95 The following rubric will be used to measure the skills necessary for this experiment. Criteria High (3) Medium (2) Low (1) None (0) Accurately following a Following a sequence sequence of of instructions Can complete the experiment by following a sequence Able to follow some single written, Unable to follow a single written, written/verbal including branched diagrammatic or verbal instruction. diagrammatic or instructions. of instructions. Able to use only the verbal instruction. Unable to use even the most basic most basic equipments and chemicals. equipments and chemicals. instructions. Manipulative skills include correct handling of apparatus and Able to use all apparatus and chemicals correctly. Use most of the apparatus and chemicals correctly. Your MARK material. 6 marks GRAND TOTAL - 50 Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 96 MEMORANDUM Criteria High (3) Medium (2) Low (1) None (0) Accurately following a Following a sequence sequence of of instructions Can complete the experiment by following a sequence Able to follow some single written, Unable to follow a single written, written/verbal including branched diagrammatic or verbal instruction. diagrammatic or Able to use only the Unable to use even the most basic most basic equipments and chemicals. equipments and chemicals. instructions. Manipulative skills include correct handling of instructions. Able to use all apparatus and chemicals correctly. of instructions. Use most of the apparatus and chemicals correctly. apparatus and Your MARK 3 marks verbal instruction. 3 marks material. 6 marks 13. Results and interpretation of results IDENTIFICATION OF THE AROMA (SMELL) Experiment Reactants Smell Marks Number 1 Ethanol +Ethanoic acid Nail polish or 2 marks pear 2 Methahanol +Ethanoic acid Paint Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© 2 marks Page 97 3 Propanol +Ethanoic acid Pear 2 marks 4 Methanol +Salicylic acid Wintergreen 2 marks 5 Ethanol + Salicylic acid Peppermint 2 marks Total 10 marks EXPERIMENT 1: ETHANOL+ETHANOIC ACID Word equation ethanol + ethanoicacid → ethylethanoate + water for the reaction Balanced equation with structural formula Balanced chemical equation with condensed structural formula Total-11 Marks EXPERIMENT 2: METHANOL+ETHANOIC ACID Word equation methanol + ethanoicacid → methylethanoate + water for the reaction Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 98 Balanced equation with structural formula Balanced chemical equation with condensed structural formula Total-6 Marks EXPERIMENT 3: PROPANOL+ETHANOIC ACID Word equation propanol + ethanoicacid → propylethanoate + water for the reaction Balanced equation with structural formula Balanced chemical equation with condensed structural formula Total-6 Marks 14. Discussion of results Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 99 1 Dehydrating property 2 Most of the organic compounds are flammable and should not be left near an open flame. 3 4 (2) (2) ANY TWO Food industry- Flavouring of food/sweets. Cosmetic industry- Perfumes/lotions Alcohol industry- Smell Medicine industry- Taste of children medicine (2) They have higher IMF Higher boiling point (3) Lower vapour pressure 15. Conclusion CONSIDER LEARNERS' ANSWERS. Possible answers could be: ANY ONE When an alcohol reacts with a carboxilic acid an ester and water are formed. (2) When an alcohol reacts with a carboxilic acid a compound of pleasant smell formed. Esters have pleasant smell. GRAND TOTAL - 50 Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 100 INFORMATION REGARDING SALICYLIC ACID Name: General name: Betula oil/ wintergreen oil Chemical name (non-IUPAC name): Salicylic acid Chemical name (IUPAC): 2-hydroxybenzoic acid Formula: Molecular formula: C7H6O3 Condensed formula: C6H4OHCOOH Structural formula: Solubility: Poorly soluble in water – 2 g per litre at 20°C Preparation: Dissolve 25 -35 g salicylic acid in 125 cm3 of water. Heat to improve the solubility. Soluble in benzene, propanol, ethanol, ether & acetone (Take care!!! All these solvents are inflammable). Ester name: Methanol + salicylic acid → methyl salicylate or methyl ester (non –IUPAC name) Methanol + 2-hydroxybenzoic acid → methyl-2-hydroxybenzoate (IUPAC name) 2-hydoxy oate methyl benz(ene) Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 101 If ethanol is used with 2-hydroxybenzoic acid then methyl-2-hydroxybenzoate will be formed. - ORGANIC MOLECULES Lesson 9 Topic: Addition reactions. Objective: Learners must be able to: Identify addition reactions Write down, using structural formulae, equations and reaction conditions for the following addition reactions of alkenes: Hydrohalogenation: The addition of a hydrogen halide to an alkene Halogenation: The reaction of a halogen (Br2, Cℓ2) with a compound Hydration: The addition of water to a compound Hydrogenation: The addition of hydrogen to an alkene. Initial activities: - Control of the attendance of the learners. - The teacher must control and discuss the homework. Introduction: The most interesting and useful aspect of Organic Chemistry is the study of reactions. It is practically impossible to remember all the organic reactions but we can organize the organic reactions into logical groups based on how they are placed and what intermediates are involved. We will study three main types of reactions - addition, elimination and substitution. An addition reaction occurs when two or more reactants combine to form a single product. This product will contain all the atoms that were present in the reactants. Addition ractions occur with unsaturated compounds. The general equation for an addition reaction: A + B → C Notice that C is the final product with no A or B remaining as a residue. An elimination reaction occurs when a reactant is broken up into two products. Elimination reactions occur with saturated compounds. The general equation for an elimination reaction: A → B + C Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 102 A substitution reaction occurs when an exchange of elements in the reactants takes place. The initial reactants are transformed or swopped around to give a final product. The general equation for a substitution reaction: AB + CD → AD + BC - The teacher must orientate the objectives of the lesson and write the topic on the board. Development: - The teacher must explain the oxidation reaction of hydrocarbons. Unsaturated compounds (alkenes, cycloalkenes, alkynes) undergo addition reactions in which the double or triple bound breaks open, allowing for the addition of extra atoms. An addition reaction is a reaction in which parts of the reactants are added to each carbon atom of a carbon-carbon double or triple bond which converts to a carbon-carbon single bond or double bond respectably. In addition reactions two compounds join together to form a single compound. During the reaction, the weaker bonds of the double or triple bond is broken and new atoms are added onto the two carbons where the double or triple bond occurred. These types of reactions are used as a test for distinguishing between saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons. Depending on the compounds added, addition reactions are given different names: o o o o Hydrohalogenation – The addition of a hydrogen halide to an alkene. Halogenation - The reaction of a halogen (Br2, Cℓ2) with a compound Hydration- The addition of water (H2O). This reaction forms an alcohol for an alkene. Hydrogenation-The addition of H2. This reaction is used to manufacture margarine from oils. HYDROHALOGENATION REACTIONS Hydrohalogenation involves the addition of a hydrogen atom and a halogen atom to an unsaturated compound (containing a carbon-carbon double bond). The addition of HX to an alkene or alkyne where X can be fluorine (F), chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br) or iodine (I). Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 103 Example 1(video animation,) Reaction conditions: HX (X = Cℓ, Br, I) added to alkene; no water must be present (During addition of HX to unsaturated hydrocarbons, the H atom attaches to the C atom already having the greater number of H atoms. The X atom attaches to the more substituted C atom.) Unsymmetrical reagents, such as HCl and HBr, add to unsymmetrical alkenes to give two products that are constitutional isomers. For example, And In one case, the hydrogen atom of HBr adds to carbon atom 1, giving 2-bromopropane as shown below. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 104 In the other case, the hydrogen atom of HBr adds to carbon 2, giving 1-bromopropane as shown below. The two products are not form in the same amount. A Russian scientist, Vladimir Markovnikov, studies these reactions and formulated the following rule. Markovnikov’s rule: During the addition of HX (X=Cl,Br,I) to unsymmetrical alkene , the H atom bonds to the less substituent C atom- that is the C atom that has more H atoms to begin with. In other words. Markovnikov’s rule is a generalization that states that the major product formed by the addition of an unsymmetrical reagent such as H-Cl, H-Br, or H-OH is the one obtained when the H atom of the reagent adds to the carbon atom of the multiple bond that already has the greater number of hydrogen atoms attached to it. If more than one product is possible the major product will be the compound where: the hydrogen atom is added to least substituted carbon atom i.e. the carbon atom with the least number of carbon atoms bonded to it the halogen atom is added to the more substituted carbon atom i.e. the carbon atom with the most number of carbon atoms bonded to it The major product of a reaction is the product that is most likely to form. Minor products are those that are less likely to form. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 105 HALOGENATION REACTIONS: The addition of a halogen to an alkene or alkyne is called halogenation (addition of X2 (X = Cℓ, Br, I, F) to alkenes or alkynes. Example 1 (animation,) CH2 = CH2 + Cℓ2 → CH2Cℓ - CH2Cℓ Reaction conditions: X2 (X = Cℓ, Br) added to alkene Example 2 HYDRATION REACTIONS: A hydration reaction involves the addition of water (H2O) to an unsaturated compound. This is one way of preparing an alcohol from the corresponding alkene Example 1 Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 106 Reaction conditions: o water must be present in excess o an acid catalyst is needed for this reaction to take place o the catalyst that is most commonly used is phosphoric acid (H3PO4) Markovnikov’s rule is also applicable here. (During addition of H2O to unsaturated hydrocarbons, the H atom attaches to the C atom already having the greater number of H atoms. The OH group attaches to the more substituted C-atom.) If more than one product is possible the major product will be the compound where: the hydrogen atom is added to the least substituted carbon atom the hydroxyl anion (OH-) is added to the more substituted carbon atom HYDROGENATION REACTIONS: Hydrogenation involves adding hydrogen (H2) to alkenes or alkynes. During hydrogenation the double bond or triple bonds is broken (as with hydrohalogenation and halogenation) and more hydrogen atoms are added to the molecule. Example 1 Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 107 Reaction conditions: a catalyst such as platinum (Pt), palladium (Pd) or nickel (Ni) is needed for these reactions heating is required the reaction must be done under an inert atmosphere, not air (e.g. N2(g) atmosphere) The hydrogenation of vegetable oils to form margarine is another example of this addition reaction. Final activities: - The teacher must summarise the lesson. Summary: In addition reactions two compounds join together to form a single compound. Depending on the compounds added addition reactions are given different names. Hydrohalogenation – The addition of a compound consisting of hydrogen and a halide ion such as I-, Cl-, Br-. Halogenation - The addition of a halogen molecule such as I2, Cl2, Br2. Hydration - The addition of water (H2O). This reaction forms and alcohol for and alkene. Hydrogenation -The addition of H2. This reaction is used to manufacture margarine from oils. - The teacher must orientate the homework Homework: Activity 1 Multiple-choice questions Four options are provided as possible answers to the following questions. Each question has only one correct answer. Choose the answer and make a cross. 1.1 An example of an addition reaction in which 2 atoms of hydrogen are added to an alkene (hydrogenation) is: A) C2H4 (g) + 2O2 (g) → 2 CO2 (g) + 2HO2(g) B) CH2 = CH2 + H – H C) CH2= CH2 + H – Br CH3 – CH3 Ni → CH3 – CH2Br Ni Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 108 D) H – C ≡ C – H + H2 CH2 = CH2 1.2 The process of adding hydrogen to an unsaturated organic compound is called: A Halogenation B Oxidation C Hydration D Hydrogenation Activity 2 What is the major product of the following reaction? Activity 3 Consider the following incomplete chemical equations representing addition reactions. A CH2 = CH2 + H2 → B CH2 = CH2 + H2O→ C CH2 = CH2 + I2 → D CH2 = CH2 + HCl→ 3.1 Complete the chemical equation for each one. 3.2 Give the IUPAC name for the products. 3.3 Classify the addition reaction into: Hydrohalogenation Halogenation Hydration Hydrogenation Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 109 Solutions of the activities Activity 1 1.1 1.2 B D Activity 2 2-chloro-2-methylbutane Activity 3 Note: It is not necessary to use structural formulae. 1.2 Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 110 A B C D Ethane Ethanol 1,2-diiodoethane 1-chloroethane 1.3 A B C D Hydrogenation Hydration Halogenation Hydrohalogenation Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 111 ORGANIC MOLECULES Lesson 10 Topic: Elimination reactions. Objective: Learners must be able to: Identify elimination reactions Write down, using structural formulae, equations and reaction conditions for the following elimination reactions: Dehydrohalogenation of haloalkanes: The elimination of hydrogen and a halogen from a haloalkane Dehydration of alcohols: Elimination of water from an alcohol. Cracking of alkanes: The chemical process in which longer chain hydrocarbon molecules are broken down to shorter more useful molecules. Initial activities: - Control of the attendance of the learners. - The teacher must control and discuss the homework. Introduction: - The learners must do the informal test 1 (only 10 minutes) Informal test 1 Consider the following incomplete chemical equation representing an addition reaction. 1.1 Complete the chemical equation using structural formula. (2) 1.2 Give the IUPAC name for the product. (2) 1.3 Classify the addition reaction into: Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 112 Hydrohalogenation Halogenation Hydration Hydrogenation (1) [5] Chemical reactivity of organic compounds is determined by their functional groups. Just like other compounds, organic compounds can undergo acid-base and redox reactions. In addition to these, organic compounds also undergo addition, elimination and substitution reactions. In previous lesson we studied the addition reactions. Today we are going to study the elimination reactions. - The teacher must orientate the objectives of the lesson and write the topic on the board. Development: - The teacher must explain elimination reactions of hydrocarbons. Elimination involves the removal of a molecule from a larger one. Saturated compounds (haloalkanes, alcohols, alkanes) undergo elimination reactions to form unsaturated compounds. Elimination reactions are the opposite (reverse) of addition reactions. Elimination reaction is a reaction in which two adjacent groups on adjacent carbon atoms are removed from a molecule and a double bound forms between the adjacent carbon atoms. General equation for elimination reactions Depending on what is eliminated, the reaction is given a special name: Dehydrohalogenation- the removal of hydrogen halide from a haloalkane, forming and alkene. Dehydration - the removal of water (H2O) from an alcohol, forming and alkene. Dehydrogenation - The removal of hydrogen from an alkane, forming an alkene. This is a very important reaction in the fuel industry and in the production of plastics. Cracking - Breaking up large hydrocarbon molecules into smaller and more useful bits. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 113 DEHYDROHALOGENATION: Elimination of HX from a haloalkane produces an alkene. In dehydrohalogenation a haloalkane is exposed to a base, the base then helps the elimination of the halogen and a hydrogen atom. A double bond is formed (alkane → alkene). The elimination of iodine from iodoethane is an example of dehydrohalogenation: Many compounds can eliminate in more than one way, to give mixture of alkenes. To predict which elimination product will predominate we can use Saitsev’s rule: In elimination reactions, the must substituted alkene usually predominates. Or When two alkenes can be formed in an elimination reaction, the alkene that dominates is the one with more alkyls substituents on the 𝐶 = 𝐶 bond. This implies that the H atom will be removed from the C atom already having the lesser number of H atoms. Example 1 In order for elimination to occur the following reaction conditions must be used: heat under reflux (approximately 70°C) a concentrated, strong base (e.g. NaOH, KOH) the base must be dissolved in pure ethanol (hot ethanolic base) Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 114 DEHYDRATION OF ALCOHOLS: During the dehydration of an alcohol the hydroxyl (-OH) group and a hydrogen atom are eliminated from the reactant. A molecule of water is formed as a product in the reaction, along with an alkene. This can be thought of as the reverse of a hydration (addition) reaction. Reaction conditions: an excess of a strong acid catalyst (generally H2SO4 or H3PO4) high temperature (approximately 180°C) If more than one elimination product is possible, the major product is the one where the H atom is removed from the C atom with the least number of H atoms. the hydrogen atom is removed from the carbon atom bonded to the most number of carbon atoms (i.e., the more substituted carbon atom) CRACKING OF HYDROCARBONS: The cracking of alkanes is an example of an elimination reaction. Breaking up large hydrocarbon molecules into smaller and more useful bits. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 115 Cracking is the chemical process in which longer chain hydrocarbons molecules are broken down to shorter more useful molecules. Cracking reactions form one of the following series of products: An alkane with a shorter chain than the original chain plus a short chain alkene. Two or more alkenes and hydrogen. Cracking at high temperature and pressures is known as thermal cracking. Crakcing at lower temperatures and pressures in the presence of a catalyst is known as a catalytic cracking. In thermal cracking, high temperatures and pressures are used to break the large hydrocarbons into smaller ones. Thermal cracking gives mixtures of products containing high proportion of hydrocarbons with double bonds-alkenes. Thermal cracking takes place in absence of a catalyst. The thermal cracking of ethane can be represented as follows heat C2H6 (g) Ethane CH2 = CH2(g) + H2 (g) Ethene hydrogen gas This process of removing H2 from and alkane producing an alkene is called DEHYDROGENATION: In thermal cracking alkanes are simply passed through a chamber heated to a high temperature. Large alkanes are converted into smaller alkanes. In a modification called steam cracking the hydrocarbon is diluted with steam heated for a fraction of a second to 700-900 °C and rapidly cooled. It has a great importance in the production of hydrocarbons as chemicals, including ethylene, propylene, butadiene, isoprene, and cyclopentadiene. Catalytic cracking The alkane is brought into contact with the catalyst at lower temperature (than for thermal cracking) and moderately low pressures. Catalytic cracking is used to produce fuels and it is also use to improve the quality of the gasoline (petrol). Final activities: - The teacher must summarise the lesson. Summary: Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 116 Elimination reaction is a reaction in which two adjacent groups on adjacent carbon atoms are removed from a molecule and a double bound forms between the adjacent carbon atoms. Depending on what is eliminated, the reaction is given a special name. Dehydrohalogenation – The elimination of hydrogen and a halogen from a haloalkane. Dehydration - The elimination of water from an alcohol. Cracking - Cracking is the chemical process in which longer chain hydrocarbons molecules are broken down to shorter more useful molecules. - The teacher must orientate the homework Homework: Activity 1 The equation given below shows an elimination reaction. 1.1 What type of elimination reaction does the equation given above represent? 1.2 Name the products of this reaction. 1.3 The organic product formed then reacted with HCl. 1.3.1 Use structural formulae to show this reaction. 1.3.2 What type of reaction does it represent? Activity 2 Complete the following chemical equations of elimination reactions and give the name of each. 2.1 𝐂𝐇𝟑 − 𝐂𝐇𝐁𝐫 − 𝐂𝐇𝟑 Heat 2.2 Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 117 Solution of the activities: Informal test 1.1 1.2 1,2- dibromopropane 1.3 Halogenation Activity 1: 1.1 Dehydration 1.2 Ethene and water 1.3.1 1.3.2 Addition reaction/hydrohalogenation. Activity 2: 2.1 Dehydrohalogenation 𝐂𝐇𝟑 − 𝐂𝐇𝐁𝐫 − 𝐂𝐇𝟑 2.2 Heat 𝐂𝐇𝟑 = 𝐂𝐇 − 𝐂𝐇𝟑 + 𝐍𝐚𝐁𝐫 + 𝐇𝟐 𝐎 Dehydration Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 118 ORGANIC MOLECULES Lesson 11 Topic: Substitution reactions. Objective: Learners must be able to: Identify substitution reactions Write down, using structural formulae, equations and reaction conditions for the following substitution reactions: Hydrolysis of haloalkanes: The reaction of a compound with water. The reaction of HX (X = Cℓ, Br) with alcohols to produce haloalkanes: Halogenations of alkanes: The reaction of a halogen (Br2, Cℓ2) with a compound. Initial activities: - Control of the attendance of the learners. - The teacher must control and discuss the homework. Introduction: In previous lessons we studied the addition and elimination reactions. Today we are going to study a very important type of organic reaction called substitution reactions. - The teacher must orientate the objectives of the lesson and write the topic on the board. Development: - The teacher must explain substitution reactions. A substitution reaction is a reaction in which an atom or a group of atoms in a molecule is replaced by another atom or group of atoms. Substitution reactions require a good leaving group and an atom or group of atoms that can replace it. This replacing group takes the place of the leaving group in the molecule. The rest of the molecule does not change; there is just a substitution of the leaving group by the replacing group. HYDROLYSIS Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 119 In a previous section we saw the hydration of an ethene to form an alcohol. That is an addition reaction. Alcohols can also be formed through a substitution reaction with a haloalkane. Definition of hydrolysis: The reaction of compounds with water to form other compounds. Haloalkanes can undergo substitution with water to form alcohols. Haloalkanes do not mix with water. In this substitution reaction (hydrolysis) the halogen atom is replaced by an OH group to form and alcohol. Moderate heating of a haloalkane with an aqueous solution of a base gives the corresponding alcohol. The reaction is also known as hydrolysis-splitting of a chemical bond with water. The haloalkane is heated under reflux with an aqueous solution of sodium or potassium hydroxide. Heating under reflux means heating with condenser placed vertically in the flask to prevent loss of volatile substances from the mixture. Using a base (e.g. KOH, NaOH) dissolved in water and warming the solution would increase the rate of the reaction. However, in order for substitution to occur the following reaction conditions must be used: low temperatures (around room temperature) a dilute solution of a strong base (e.g. NaOH) the solution must be aqueous (in water) Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 120 FORMATION OF HALOALKANES: Haloalkanes can be formed when the hydroxyl (-OH) group of an alcohol is replaced by a halogen atom (X = Cl, Br). This reaction works best with tertiary alcohols where it can occur at room temperature. A tertiary carbon atom is attached to three other carbon atoms. A secondary carbon atom is attached to two other carbon atoms while a primary carbon atom is attached to one other carbon atom. It is possible for a secondary or primary alcohol to form a secondary or primary haloalkane as well but this requires high temperatures and the reaction is very slow. Reaction conditions for the reaction of alcohol with hydrogen halides to for alkyl halides: For tertiary alcohols: add the hydrogen halide (HBr) directly to the tertiary alcohol. For primary and secondary alcohols: add hydrogen halide (HBr) and then heat the reaction mixture. HALOGENATION OF ALKANES: Under the right conditions, alkanes can react with other molecules. An important example is the reaction of alkanes with the halogens F2, Cl2 and Br2. The reaction of alkanes with halogens requires light or heat to take place. Example 1(substitution reaction animation Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 121 Methane reacts with chlorine (Cl2) in presence of sunlight or high temperature. This is an example of substitution reaction. In this substitution reaction one or more chlorine atoms substitute hydrogen atoms of the methane molecule. If there is excess of chlorine (Cl2) more atoms of hydrogen are replaced by chlorine atoms. When an alkane is mixed with halogen molecules and the mixture is heated or exposed to sunlight, substitution can take place. The halogen atom replaces one of the hydrogen atoms attached to a carbon atom. The name given to this type of substitution reaction is halogenation. Conditions for the halogenations of alkanes: The reaction takes place in light or ultra-violet light or by heating it. - The learners must do activity 1 in class. Informal assessment Activity 1: Consider the following incomplete chemical equation representing substitution reactions A B 1.1 1.2 1.3 Complete the chemical equation using structural formulae. Give the IUPAC name of the products. What is the name given to the substitution reactions represented? (4) (4) (2) [10] - The teacher must mark activity 1. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 122 Final activities: - The teacher must orientate the homework. Homework: Activity 2: One word answer Write only the word/term for each of the following descriptions next to the question number. 2.1 Reaction type in which two molecules join to form a single, new molecule. 2.2 A reaction in which an atom or a group of atoms in a molecule is replaced by another atom or group of atoms. 2.3 A reaction in which two adjacent groups on adjacent carbon atoms are removed from a molecule and a double bound forms between the adjacent carbon atoms. Process of removing H2 from and alkane producing an alkene. The addition of a halogen to an alkane. 2.4 2.5 Activity 3: Multiple-choice questions. Four options are provided as possible answers to the following questions. Each question has only one correct answer. Choose the answer and make a cross. 3.1 An example of an addition reaction in which 2 atoms of hydrogen are added to an alkene (hydrogenation) is: A) C2H4 (g) + 2 O2 (g) → 2 CO2(g) + 2 HO2(g) B) CH2 = CH2 + H – H C) CH2 = CH2 + H – Br D) H–C≡C–H+H Ni CH3 – CH3 → CH3 – CH2Br Ni CH2= CH2 Activity 4: Write the chemical equations of the following reactions using structural formulae and name the products. 4.1 Addition of chlorine to propene. 4.2 Hydrogenation of pent-2-ene (2- pentene). 4.3 Addition of hydrogen chloride to propene. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 123 Solution of the activities: Activity 1: 1.1 A B 1.2 A B ethanol and potassium chloride 1-bromoethane and hydrogen bromide 1.3 A B Hydrolysis Halogenation [10] Activity 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Addition reaction Substitution reaction Elimination reactions Dehydrogenation Halogenation Activity 3 2.1- B Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 124 Activity 4 1,2-dichlorepropane 4.1 4.2 pentane 4.3 2-chlorepentane Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© 1-chlorepentane Page 125 - ORGANIC MOLECULES Lesson 12 Topic: Revision exercises. Objective: Learners must be able to: Identify different types of organic reactions. Write down, using structural formulae, equations and reaction conditions for different types of organic reactions. Initial activities: - Control of the attendance of the learners. - The teacher must control and discuss the homework. Introduction: - The teacher must give learners a summary of organic reactions. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 126 HYDROHALOGENATION (addition of a hydrogen halide to an alkene (X = Cℓ, Br, I) HALOGENATION (addition of X2 (X = Cℓ, Br, I, F) to alkenes or alkynes) Example: CH2 = CH2 + Cℓ2 → CH2Cℓ - CH2Cℓ HYDRATION (addition of water to an unsaturated compound. This is one way of preparing an alcohol from the corresponding alkene) ADDITION REACTION Two compounds join together to form a single compound Reaction conditions: o water must be present in excess o an acid catalyst is needed for this reaction to take place (e.g. H3PO4) HYDROGENATION (adding hydrogen (H2) to alkenes or alkynes) Reaction conditions: a catalyst such as platinum (Pt), palladium (Pd) or nickel (Ni) is needed. heating is required the reaction must be done under an inert atmosphere, not air (e.g. N 2(g) atmosphere) Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 127 DEHYDROHALOGENATION alkene (Elimination of HX from a haloalkane produces an Reaction conditions must be used: heat under reflux (approximately 70°C) a concentrated, strong base (e.g. NaOH, KOH) the base must be dissolved in pure ethanol (hot ethanolic base) ELIMINATION REACTION Two adjacent groups on adjacent carbon atoms are removed from a molecule and a double bound forms between the adjacent carbon atoms CRACKING OF HYDROCARBONS Cracking is the chemical process in which longer chain hydrocarbons molecules are broken down to shorter more useful molecules. An alkane with a shorter chain than the original chain plus a short chain alkene. Two or more alkenes and hydrogen. Cracking at high temperature and pressures is known as thermal cracking. Cracking at lower temperatures and pressures in the presence of a catalyst is known as a catalytic cracking. DEHYDROGENATION. This process of removing H2 from and alkane producing an alkene is called DEHYDRATION OF ALCOHOLS During the dehydration of an alcohol the hydroxyl (OH) group and a hydrogen atom are eliminated from the reactant. A molecule of water is formed as a product in the reaction, along with an alkene. Reaction conditions: an excess of a strong acid catalyst (generally H2SO4 or H3PO4) Developed by: G. Izquierdo & G.(approximately Izquierdo Gómez Page 128 high Rodríguez temperature 180°C) the hydrogen atom is removed from the carbon atom bonded to the most number Copyright reserved© of carbon atoms (i.e., the more substituted carbon atom) HYDROLYSIS (The reaction of compounds with water to form other compounds) Haloalkanes can undergo substitution with water to form alcohols Reaction conditions must be used: low temperatures (around room temperature) a dilute solution of a strong base (e.g. NaOH) the solution must be aqueous (in water) SUBSTITUTION REACTION An atom or a group of atoms in a molecule is replaced by another atom or group of atoms HALOGENATION OF ALKANES Reaction of alkanes with the halogens F2, Cl2 and Br2 Conditions for the halogenations of alkanes: The reaction takes place in light or ultra-violet light or by heating it. FORMATION OF HALOALKANES Haloalkanes can be formed when the hydroxyl (-OH) group of an alcohol is replaced by a halogen atom (X = Cl, Br). Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 129 - The teacher must orientate the objectives of the lesson and write the topic on the board. Development: - The teacher must orientate the class work. Activity 1 Classify each of the following reactions as substitution, addition or elimination. Explain the criteria used for your answer. 1.1 C3 H6OH + HBr → C3H6Br + H2O 1.2 CH3CH2OH → CH2 = CH2 + H2O 1.3 CH2 = CH2 (g) + H2(g) → CH3CH3(g) 1.4 CH3CH2Cl + NaOH → CH2 = CH2 + NaCl + H2O 1.5 C3H6Br + KOH → C3H6OH + KBr 𝑵𝒊 1.6 Br Br Br Br H - C = C – H + Br - Br H–C–C–H Br Br Activity 2 Consider the following incomplete chemical equations representing organic reactions. A. CH4 + Br2 → B. CH3 – CH3 + Cl2 → C. CH2 = CH2 + HBr → D. CH3 – CH2 – CH = CH2 + H2 → E. CH3 – CH3 F. CH2 = CHCH3 + H2 → G. CH3CH2CH2OH → 2.1 Complete the chemical equation for each one of the above organic reactions. Heat Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 130 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Name the products. Classify each chemical reaction as substitution, addition or elimination. Classify the substitution reactions as Hydrogenation, halogenations, hydration or hydrohalogenation. Classify the elimination reactions as dehydration, dehydrohalogenation, dehydrogenation or cracking. Activity 3 Consider the following organic reaction: 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Classify this reaction as oxidation, addition, elimination, substitution or esterification reaction. Name the organic product according to IUPAC rules. The organic product then reacts with NaOH. Use structural formulae to show this reaction. Name the organic product formed. Final activities: - The teacher must mark the class work. - The teacher must orientate the homework. Homework: Activity 4 Water is added to the following compound 4.1 4.2 4.3 Use structural formula to show this reaction Give the IUPAC name of the major product formed in this reaction What is the name given to this type of reaction? Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 131 Activity 5 (Provincial common paper 2012) The letters A-E in the flow diagram below represents types of ORGANIC REACTIONS: 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 Write down the IUPAC name of 𝐶𝐻3 𝐶𝐻2 𝑂𝐻. (1) To which homologous series does pentanoic acid belongs? (2) Name the type of reactions represented by the following letters. 5.3.1 B (1) 5.3.2 E (1) Name the type of addition reaction represented by A. (1) Reaction D represents the conversion of an alcohol to compound F. Write down the . . . 5.5.1 name given to this type of reaction; (1) 5.5.2 formula of the catalyst added; (1) 5.5.3 balanced chemical equation for reaction D using STRUCTURAL FORMULAE; (4) 5.5.4 IUPAC name of compound F. (2) Use MOLECULAR FORMULAE to write down the balanced equation for reaction E. (3) Write down a balanced equation for the reaction of ethane with oxygen. (3) [20] Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 132 Solutions of the activities: Activity 1 1.1 Substitution. (Formation of haloalkanes). Reaction between an alcohol and HX. An atom or atoms are replaced. 1.2 Elimination. (Dehydratation). Removal of water from an alcohol resulting in the production of an alkene. Reaction in which two adjacent groups on adjacent carbons atoms are removed from a molecule and a double bond forms between the adjacent atoms. 1.3 Addition. (Hydrogenation). Hydrogen is added to an alkene. 1.4 Elimination. (Dehydrohalogenation). Removal of HX from a haloalkane producing an alken. 1.5 Substitution reaction (hydrolysis of alkyl halides). Reaction in which two adjacent groups on adjacent carbons atoms are removed from a molecule and a double bond forms between the adjacent atoms. 1.6 Addition reaction (halogenation). Bromine is added to an alkene resulting in the production of an alkane. Activity 2 2.1 A. CH4 + Br2 → CH3 Br + HBr. B. CH3 – CH3 + Cl2 → H3-CH2-Cl + HCl C. CH2 = CH2 + HBr → C2H5Br D. CH3 – CH2 – CH = CH2 + H2 E. CH3 – CH3 F. CH2 = CHCH3 + H2 G. CH3CH2CH2OH 2.2 A. Bromomethane and hydrogen bromide Heat CH3CH2 CH2 CH3 CH2=CH2 + H2 CH3CH2CH3 H2SO4 CH3CHCH2 + H2O Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 133 B. C. D. E. F. G. Ethane and hydrogen chloride Bromoethane. Butane. Ethene and Hydrogen Propane. Propene and water 2.3. A B C D E F G Substitution Substitution Addition Addition Elimination Addition Elimination 2.4. and 2.5. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Halogenation Halogenation Hydrohalogenation Hydrogenation Thermal cracking Hydrogenation Dehydration. Activity 3 3.1 Substitution 3.2 2-chloropropane 3.3 3.4 propan-2-ol or 2- propanol Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 134 Activity 4: 4.1 (3 marks) 4.2 butan-2-ol / 2- butanol (2 marks) 4.3 hydration (1 mark) [6 marks] Activity 5 5.1 Ethanol (1) 5.2 Carboxylic acid (2) 5.3.1 Elimination / dehydration (1) 5.3.2 Substitution / hydrolysis (1) 5.4 Hydration (1) 5.5.1 Esterfication / condensation (1) 5.5.2 𝑯𝟐 𝑺𝑶𝟒 (1) 5.5.3 (REACTANTS ; PRODUCTS ; CORRECT FORMULAE ; BALANCING / (4) 5.5.4 Ethylpentanoate (2) 5.6 𝑪𝟐 𝑯𝟓 𝑩𝒓 + 𝑯𝟐 𝑶 ⟶ 𝑪𝟐 𝑯𝟔 𝑶 + 𝑯𝑩𝒓 (reactants; products ; balancing) (3) 5.7 𝟐𝑪𝟐 𝑯𝟔 + 𝟕𝑶𝟐 ⟶ 𝟒𝑪𝑶𝟐 + 𝟔𝑯𝟐 𝑶 (reagents; products; balancing) (3) [20] Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 135 ORGANIC MOLECULES Lesson 13 Topic: Polymer, macromolecule, monomer. Polymerisation (addition and condensation). Objective: Learners must be able to: Describe the following terms: Macromolecule. Polymer. Monomer. Polymerisation. Distinguish between addition polymerisation and condensation polymerisation. Identify monomers from given addition polymers. Initial activities: - Control of the attendance of the learners. - The teacher must control and discuss the homework. Introduction Celluloid, discovered around 1850, was the first commercial plastic. Initially it was used as a cheap substitute for ivory in making billiard balls, but it soon became the material of choice for many consumer items such as combs, toothbrushes and also for producing photographic films for motion pictures. Plastics such celluloid and bakelite are polymers, which are giant molecules constructed by covalently bonding together many small molecules. Many of the compounds we encounter in the world around us are composed of large molecules, also known as polymers, which are made up of hundreds or even thousands of atoms. For a long time humans processed naturally occurring polymers such as wool, leather, silk and natural rubber into usable materials. Over the last century, chemists have learned to produce synthetic polymers such as plastics and synthetic fibres. - The teacher must orientate the objectives of the lesson and write the topic on the board. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 136 Development: - The teacher must describe the terms (macromolecule, polymer, monomer, polymerisation). Polymers are large molecules (macromolecules) that are made up of many repeating structural units called monomers which have various functional groups. To put it more simply, a monomer is like a building block. Monomer are small organic molecules that can be covalently bonded to each other in a repeating pattern. When lots of monomers are joined together by covalent bonds, they form a polymer. Polymer is a large molecule composed of smaller monomer units covalently bonded to each other in a repeating pattern. Note that mono means one, while poly means many. So a monomer is the single unit, and a polymer is made from many monomers. In an organic polymer, the monomers are joined by the carbon atoms of the polymer backbone or chain. A polymer can also be inorganic, in which case there may be atoms such as silicon in the place of carbon atoms. We will look solely at organic polymers. Polymers are a specific group of macromolecules. A macromolecule is any compound with a large number of atoms. A biological macromolecule is one that is found in living organisms. Biological macromolecules include molecules such as carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids and lipids. They are essential for all known forms of life to survive. Macromolecule is a molecule that consists of a large number of atoms The key feature that makes a polymer different from other macromolecules is the repetition of identical or similar monomers in the polymer chain. Polymers will contain chains of the same type of functional group and that functional group is dependent on the monomer used. Plastics are a group of polymers that can be molded during manufacture. They can be one polymer or a blend (mixture) of polymers and may contain other substances as well. These other substances can be inorganic (e.g. used for electronic packaging) or stabilising (e.g. used for increasing fire resistance). Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 137 Plastic is a subgroup of organic polymers that can be moulded. Plastics may contain more than one organic polymer as well as other additives. Polymers are formed through a process called polymerisation, where monomers react together to form a polymer chain. Polymerisation is a chemical reaction in which monomer molecules join to form a polymer - The teacher must distinguish between addition polymerisation and condensation polymerisation. Two of the types of polymerisation reactions are addition polymerisation and condensation polymerisation. ADDITION POLYMERISATION: In this type of reaction, monomer molecules are added to a growing polymer chain one at a time. (No small molecules are eliminated in the process). Addition polymerisation is a reaction in which small molecules join to form very large molecules by adding on double bonds Addition polymer: A polymer formed when monomers (usually containing a double bond) combine through an addition reaction Addition polymers form: when unsaturated carbon molecules (monomers) react to form a long chain polymer molecule. and no small molecules or atoms are eliminated during the reaction - The teacher must explain the three steps in the production of the chain- initiation, propagation and termination. Step 1: INITIATION: The reaction is initiated by a free radical which is a molecular fragment with unpaired electron R·. Step 2: PROPAGATION: Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 138 The new free radical adds to the double bond of another monomer molecule and creates another free radical with a longer chain. Successful additions of this kind give a macromolecule with a head to tail arrangement of monomer units. This process is very fast and a chain may grow to 1000 units or more within a second. Step 3: TERMINATION: This is the step which terminates the chain. The formation of the chain will end if: Two radicals join together One radical removes a hydrogen atom from another radical forming and alkane and an alkene - The teacher must show some addition polymers. Four major examples of addition polymers are polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinylchloride (PVC) and polystyrene. All four of these organic polymers are also plastics. Polyethene (polyethylene) In lesson 24 we learned about the structure group of hydrocarbons called the alkenes, for example the molecule ethene. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 139 When lots of ethene molecules bond together, a polymer called polyethene (commonly called polyethylene) is formed. Ethene is the unsaturated monomer which, when joined to other ethene molecules through an addition reaction, forms the saturated polymer polyethene. A polymer may be a chain of thousands of monomers, and so it is impossible to draw the entire polymer. Rather, the structure of a polymer can be condensed and represented: The monomer is enclosed in brackets and the n represents the number of repeating units (the saturated form of the monomer) in the polymer, where n is any whole number. What this shows is that the monomer is repeated an indefinite number of times in a molecule of polyethene. Polyethene is the most common plastic with over 80 million metric tons produced each year. It is commonly known as polyethylene. It is cheap and is used to make squeeze bottles, plastic bags, films, toys and moulded objects as well as electric insulation. It has a recycling number 4 which means that it is easy to process, has strength, toughness, flexibility, is easy to seal and has a barrier to moisture. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 140 Polypropene (polypropylene) Another example of a polymer is polypropene. Polypropene (commonly known as polypropylene) is also a plastic, but is stronger than polyethene and is used to make crates, fibres and ropes as well as being used in textiles, stationery and car parts. In this polymer, the monomer is the alkene called propene. The polymerisation of a propene monomer to form polypropylene polymer. A simple representation of polypropylene will be: Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 141 Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) PVC is used in construction, especially plastic piping. With the addition of a plasticiser it is also used in clothing and upholstery and to replace rubber. The role of the plasticiser is to increase the ability of a material to change shape without breaking. Polyvinyl chloride or PVC is formed from the monomer chloroethene, which is commonly known as vinyl chloride. The polymerisation of a chloroethane monomer to form a polyvinyl chloride polymer. A simplified representation of polyvinyl chloride. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 142 Polyvinyl acetate Polyvinyl acetate or PVA is formed from the monomer ethenyl ethanoate, which is commonly known as vinyl acetate. The polymerisation of an ethenyl ethanoate monomer to form a polyvinyl acetate polymer Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 143 A simplified representation of polyvinyl acetate PVA is used in various glues and adhesives (such as wood glue). Polystyrene Polystyrene is made from the monomer styrene which is a liquid petrochemical. Styrene consists of a benzene ring (a six membered ring with three double bonds) bonded to an ethene chain. The polymerisation of a styrene monomer to form a polystyrene polymer. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 144 A simplified representation of polystyrene will be: Polystyrene is an aromatic polymer and has many uses including protective packaging, in trays, as plastic lids and bottles. CONDENSATION POLYMERISATION In this type of reaction, two monomer molecules combine by means of a covalent bond, and a small molecule such as water is lost in the bonding process. Nearly all biological macromolecules are formed using this process. Polyesters are polymers that form through condensation polymerisation. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 145 Condensation polymerisation: Molecules of two monomers with different functional groups undergo condensation reactions with the loss of small molecules, usually water Condensation polymer: A polymer formed by two monomers with different functional groups that are linked together in a condensation reaction in which a small molecule, usually water, is lost. 𝐇𝟐 𝐎 𝐀 − 𝐀 − 𝐀 − 𝐀 − 𝐀 − 𝐀 − 𝐎𝐇 𝐇 − 𝐁 − 𝐁 − 𝐁 − 𝐁 − 𝐁 − 𝐁 𝐀−𝐀−𝐀−𝐀−𝐀−𝐀−𝐁−𝐁−𝐁−𝐁− 𝐁−𝐁 Polyesters have a number of characteristics which make them very useful. They are resistant to stretching and shrinking, they are easily washed and dry quickly, and they are resistant to mildew. It is for these reasons that polyesters are being used more and more in textiles. Polyesters are stretched out into fibres and can then be made into fabric and articles of clothing. In the home, polyesters are used to make clothing, carpets, curtains, sheets, pillows and upholstery. Polyesters are a group of polymers that contain the ester functional group in their main chain. This bond is called an ester linkage. For a polyester however there needs to be continuation of the chain. This requires a -diol (two alcohol functional groups) and a diacid (two carboxylic acid functional groups), or a monomer that contains both a hydroxyl group and a carboxylic acid. Final activities: - The teacher must summarise the lesson. Summary: Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 146 Monomer are small organic molecules that can be covalently bonded to each other in a repeating pattern. Polymer is a large molecule composed of smaller monomer units covalently bonded to each other in a repeating pattern. Macromolecule is a molecule that consists of a large number of atoms Polymerisation is a chemical reaction in which monomer molecules join to form a polymer Addition polymerisation is a reaction in which small molecules join to form very large molecules by adding on double bonds Addition polymer: A polymer formed when monomers (usually containing a double bond) combine through an addition reaction Condensation polymerisation: Molecules of two monomers with different functional groups undergo condensation reactions with the loss of small molecules, usually water. Condensation polymer: A polymer formed by two monomers with different functional groups that are linked together in a condensation reaction in which a small molecule, usually water, is lost. - The teacher must orientate the homework. Homework: Activity 1 (Exercise 4 - 30.2 page 202, Siyavula book, Grade 12): Name the monomer (where polymer is given) or polymer (where monomer is given) for the following: Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 147 Activity 2: You are supplied with the formula of a complete product of a polymerisation reaction. C6H5 C6H5 C6H5 C6H5 C6H5 C6H5 │ │ │ │ │ │ -CH2- CH- CH2- CH--CH2- CH- CH2- CH--CH2- CH- CH2- CH- 2.1 Identify the substance as either an addition or a condensation polymer. 2.2 Write down the name of the polymer. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 148 Solution of the activities: Activity 1: a) This is a monomer called propene. The polymerisation of a propene monomer will be polypropene or polypropylene polymer b) This is a polymer polyethene The monomer for this polymer is ethene or ethylene. c) This is the polymer polyvinyl chloride. The monomer will be chloroethane. Activity 2: 2.1 Addiction polymer 2.2 Polystyrene Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 149 ORGANIC MOLECULES Lesson 14 Topic: Revision exercises on polymers. Objective: Learners must be able to: Distinguish between addition polymerisation and condensation polymerisation. Identify monomers from given addition polymers. Write down an equation for the polymerisation of ethene to produce polythene. State the industrial uses of polythene Initial activities: - Control of the attendance of the learners. - The teacher must control and discuss the homework. Introduction: - The teacher must summarise the most important terms of polymers Summary: Monomers are small organic molecules that can be covalently bonded to each other in a repeating pattern. Polymer is a large molecule composed of smaller monomer units covalently bonded to each other in a repeating pattern. Macromolecule is a molecule that consists of a large number of atoms Polymerisation is a chemical reaction in which monomer molecules join to form a polymer Addition polymerisationis a reaction in which small molecules join to form very large molecules by adding on double bonds Addition polymer:A polymer formed when monomers (usually containing a double bond) combine through an addition reaction Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 150 Condensation polymerisation: Molecules of two monomers with different functional groups undergo condensation reactions with the loss of small molecules, usually water. Condensation polymer: A polymer formed by two monomers with different functional groups that are linked together in a condensation reaction in which a small molecule, usually water, is lost. - The teacher must orientate the objectives of the lesson and write the topic on the board. Development: - The teacher must explain some examples. It is important to be able to identify the monomer used to produce a polymer from the repeat unit of the chain. Example 1(Example 32 page 205, Grade 12, Siyabula book). Which monomer was used to make this polymer (give the name and draw the structure): SOLUTION: Step 1: Identify the polymer through functional groups This polymer contains a chlorine atom. Which polymers contain chlorine? Polyvinylchloride contains chlorine. Step 2: Consider what you know of this polymer PVC forms through an addition reaction. There are two carbon atoms in the repeat unit(ethane) and the polymer contains chlorine atoms. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 151 Step 3: Apply this knowledge to the monomer An addition reaction indicates that the monomer must contain a double bond. As the polymer contains units of ethane the monomer must be an ethene. The monomer must contain a chlorine atom. Step 4: Name the monomer The monomer must be chloro-ethene also known as vinyl chloride Step 5: Draw the structure of this monomer: Example 2 (Example 33, page 206, Grade 12, Siyabula book). Which monomer was used to make this polymer (give the name and draw the structure)? SOLUTION: Step 1: Identify the polymer through functional groups This polymer contains a benzene ring connected to two carbon atoms. Which polymers contain a benzene ring? Polystyrene contains a benzene ring connected to two carbon atoms. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 152 Step 2: Consider what you know of this polymer Polystyrene forms through an addition reaction. There are two carbon atoms attached to the benzene ring. Step 3: Apply this knowledge to the monomer An addition reaction means that the monomer must contain a double bond. The polymer contains two carbon atoms attached to the benzene ring which must be connected by a double bond in the monomer. Step 4: Name the monomer The monomer must be styrene. Step 5: Draw the structure of this monomer Example 3 (Example 35 page 207, Grade 12 Siyabula book). Which polymer is formed from propene? Give the name and repeat structural unit. SOLUTION Step 1: Draw the structural representation of the monomer Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 153 Step 2: Consider what you about this monomer Propene contains a double bond between the first and second carbon atoms. Step 3: Apply this knowledge to the polymer The polymer must form through an addition reaction by breaking the double bond.There must be a methyl group on every second carbon atom. Step 4: Name the polymer The polymer must be polypropene (polypropylene). Step 5: Draw the repeat structural unit of this polymer. Example 4 (Example 37 page 208, Grade 12, Siyabula book): Was an addition or a condensation reaction used to make this polymer? SOLUTION: Step 1: Look at the types of bonds in the polymer repeat unit There are carbon-carbon single bonds. If you expand the repeating unit you can see that there is an ester linkage in the structural chain. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 154 Step 2: What type of monomer could this polymer have formed from? The ester linkage requires an alcohol and a carboxylic acid monomer or a monomer that contains both a hydroxyl and carboxyl functional group. Step 3: Apply this knowledge to determine the type of reaction The reaction of an alcohol and carboxylic acid to form an ester linkage (and resulting in the loss of water) is a condensation reaction.(This is polylactic acid and was formed by the condensation reaction of lactic acidmonomers) - The teacher must orientate the class work. Activity 1 (Exercise 4 – 32. 1 page 212, Grade 12 Siyabula book) The following monomer is a reactant in a polymerisation reaction: a) b) c) What is the IUPAC name of this monomer? Give the structural representation of the polymer that is formed in this polymerisation reaction. Is the reaction an addition or condensation reaction? Activity 2 (Exercise 4 – 32.2 page 213, Grade 12 Siyabula book) The polymer below is the product of a polymerisation reaction. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 155 a) b) c) d) Give the structural formula of the monomer used to form this polymer. What is the name of the monomer? Draw the abbreviated structural formula for the polymer (the repeat unit). Has this polymer been formed through an addition or condensation polymerisation reaction? Activity 3 (Exercise 4 – 32. 1 page 213, Grade 12 Siyabula book) A polymerisation reaction takes place between two lactic acid monomers. a) b) c) Give the structural representation for: i. lactic acid ii. the repeat unit of the polymer product What is the name of the product? Was this polymer formed through an addition or a condensation reaction? - The teacher must mark the class work. Final activities: - The teacher must orientate the homework. Homework: Activity 4 (Question 2, Exemplar 2014 P2) The letters A to G in the table below represent seven organic compounds. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 156 4.1 4.2 4.3 Write down the: 4.1.1 Name of the homologous series to which compound F belongs (1) 4.1.2 Name of the functional group of compound D (1) 4.1.3 Letter that represents a primary alcohol (1) 4.1.4 IUPAC name of compound A (2) 4.1.5 Structural formula of the monomer of compound B (2) 4.1.6 Balanced equation, using molecular formulae, for the combustion of compound E in excess oxygen (3) Briefly explain why compounds C and D are classified as POSITIONAL ISOMERS. (2) Compound G is prepared using an alcohol as one of the reactants. Write down the balanced equation for the reaction using structural formulae for all the organic reagents. (7) [19] Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 157 SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTION 1 Consider the organic compounds represented by the letters A to H. A C B 𝐶𝐻3 − 𝐶𝐻 − 𝐶𝐻3 Butane 𝐶𝐻3 − 𝑂 − 𝐻 D 𝐶𝐻3 𝐶𝐻3 − 𝐶 ≡ 𝐶 − 𝐶𝐻3 E G 1.1 1.2 1.3 F 𝐶𝐻3 − 𝐶𝐻2 − 𝐶𝐻2 − 𝐶𝑙 H Propanone Write down the LETTER that represents a compound that: 1.1.1 is a ketone (1) 1.1.2 is an alcohol (1) 1.1.3 is an alkyne (1) Write down the IUPAC name of: 1.2.1 Compound C (2) 1.2.2 Compound E (2) 1.2.3 Compound F (2) 1.2.4 The monomer of compound A (1) Write down the structural formula of: 1.3.1 Compound B (2) 1.3.2 Compound H (2) Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 158 1.4 Name the homologous series to which compound G belongs. 1.5 The table contain compounds that are structural isomers. (1) 1.5.1 Define the term structural isomer. (2) 1.5.2 Write down the LETTERS that represent two compounds that are structural isomers. (1) 1.5.3 Are these structural isomers chain isomers, positional isomers or functional isomers? (1) [19] QUESTION 2 The following diagram below shows the convertion of propene to a secondary acohol. Propene HBr Compound X Substitution Secondary alcohol H2O 2.1 Use structural formulae to write a balanced equation for the formation of compound X. (4) 2.2 Name the type of reaction that takes place when propene is converted to compound X. (1) 2.3 Write down the condensed structural formula and IUPAC name of the secondary alcohol that is formed. (2) Name the type of substitution reaction that takes place when compound X is converted to secondary alcohol. (1) 2.4 2.5 2.6 With the aid of a catalyst such as H2SO4, propene can be converted directly to the secondary alcohol, with out the formation of the intermediate compound X. 2.5.1 Beside propene, write down the NAME of the reactant needed for this direct conversion. (1) 2.5.2 Write down the common name of the catalyst. (1) 2.5.3 Name the type of reaction that will take place during this direct conversion. (1) Instead of adding water to compound X, concentrated sodium hydroxide is added and the mixture is heated. Name the type of reaction that takes place. (1) Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© [12] Page 159 Solution of the activities: Activity 1 a) Propene b) c) Addition. Activity 2 a) b) The monomer is chloroethene or vinyl chloride. c) d) Addition. Activity 3 a) i. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 160 ii. b) polylactic acid c) condentation. Activity 4: 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 Alkynes Hydroxyl group C 2-methylpentan-3-one (1) (1) (1) (2) 4.1.5 4.1.6 2C4H10 + 13O2 → 8CO2 + 10H2O (2) 4.2 Bal. (3) Same molecular formula, but different positions of the functional group. (2) 4.3 (7) [19] Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 161 MEMOORANDUM OF SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTION 1 11 1.1.1 H (1) 1.1.2 D (1) 1.1.3 E (1) 1.2 1.2.1 2-methylpropane/2-metielpropaan (2) 1.2.2 But-2-yne/ But-2-yn (2) 1.2.3 1-chloropropane /1-chloropropaan (2) 1.2.4 Ethene/eteen (1) 1.3 1.3.1 (2) 1.3.2 (2) 1.4 Carboxylic acids/Karboksielsure (1) 1.5.1 (2) 1.5 Organic molecules with the same molecular formula, but different structural formulae. Organiese molekule met dieselfde molekulêre formule, maar verskillende struktuurformules. Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 162 1.5.2 B - C (1) 1.5.3 Chain isomers/kettingisomere (1) [19] QUESTION 2 2.1 (4) 2.2 2.3 Addition reaction (or hydrohalogenation or hydrobromination) (1) 𝑂𝐻 𝐶𝐻3 − 𝐶𝐻 − 𝐶𝐻3 Propan-2-ol 2.4 Hydrolisis 2.5.1 Water 2.5.2 Sulfuric acid 2.5.3 Addition or hydration 2.6 Elimination reaction or dihydrohalogenation (2) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) [12] Developed by: G. Izquierdo Rodríguez & G. Izquierdo Gómez Copyright reserved© Page 163