ACROSS 2. a different word for ‘battery’ 5. an insulating material 7. central part of the atom 8. the English for ‘scorrere, flusso’ DOWN 1. the English for ‘spina’ 3. electromotive force 4. public distribution network for energy 6. the English for ‘fornitura’ ACROSS 4. the English for ‘fornitura’ 5. electromotive force 6. the English for ‘spina’ 8. public distribution network for energy DOWN 1. central part of the atom 2. the English for ‘scorrere, flusso’ 3. a different word for ‘battery’ 7. an insulating material ACROSS 2. distribution network for electricity 3. a flow of electricity 5. material composed of different metals 8. the English for ‘fulmine’ DOWN 1. the opposite of ‘caricare’ 4. the way the current flows in a circuit 6. an insulating material 7. the English for ‘tubo’ ACROSS 4. the English for 'dispositivo' 6. we use it to measure current 7. measuring unit for potential difference DOWN 1. an insulating material 2. distribution network for electricity 3. the opposite of ‘caricare’ 5. it opens or closes a circuit 6. material composed of different metals