Uploaded by Ebenezer Ofori

Ebenezer Resume 2024 V2

35 Meadowland Dr,
Brampton ON
Canna Cabana Dispensary
Keyholder Teamlead/ Supervisor
Jan 2024 - Present
● The closing routine for the store involves turning off the
open sign, putting away all cannabis products every night,
which includes ounces, half quarters, wellness products,
I have a passion for growing my
vapes, and edibles. Duties also included closing all tills,
knowledge with companies that are
counting the money, preparing the BMO deposit bag as
forward-thinking and inclusive. I am
well as emailing head office about what our sales were for
seeking a full-time Supervisor role
that day. After sending the email, the safe needs to be
where I can leverage my extensive
counted and recorded into GlobalTill which is our POS
experience in Team leadership,
Strategic Marketing, and
-Vault and office need to be locked and all lights need to
Brand development. My overall goal
be turned off before turning on the alarm and locking up
is to drive growth and success in a
the store.
positive work environment.
● Opening the store involves unlocking the store and
Humber College, Advertising &
Graphic Design Diploma (2021)
Google Advertising Certification
turning off the alarm. Setting up the store by putting out
all products in their respective areas. Then counting the
tills and safe, before turning the open sign and unlocking
the door to the public.
(Course - 2022)
● Processing Destructions - Recording the reason as to
AI Promt Engineering Course (2023)
how or why the product is now defective, attaching
TikTok Advertising Course (2024)
respective information about the product and including
before and after photos of the defective product being put
Ontario Cannsell Certification (2022)
Ontario Smart Serve (2024)
HTML/CSS Code certification (2021)
into kitty litter and water.
● Daily Counts - Each day has its respective category of the
store that must be counted from the inventory. Each
category must be imputed into our POS system.
● IPT & Average Basket - My average Item Per Transaction
is 3 items, and my average basket is $40 per transaction
● Receiving Shipment - Bring boxes into the vault, confirm
the number of boxes, and sign off on the bill of landing.
Expert in Microsoft Excel
● Extra Dudies - Some extra duties involved reprinting and
Great Customer Rapport
replacing old tags or barcodes and replacing old
Strategic Marketing with Google
promotion posters. Handling refunds and returns.
Exceptional Up Selling
Attention to detail when organizing
and time managing
ValueBuds Dispensary
SimplyGreen Lawn Care
Jr Sales Associate
July 2022 - Jan 2024
Febuary 2021 - May 2022
● Opening and closing the store;
●Consistent calls were made to existing
Closing the store included turning off the open
clients every week for upselling and
sign, counting the tills, and recording sales
promotion offers.
numbers for the day. After counting the tills, the
● We called old clients and offered new
BMO deposit bag would be prepared for the
bundles that may be of interest to revive
morning openers. After the deposit is completed,
the old business.
the safe will be counted and recorded in our
●weekly and monthly quotas were
system. Before leaving the store all lights would be
consistently met and surpassed with an
turned off the alarm would be turned on. As well
incentive of commission which was utilized.
as locking the door before closing. Providing
guidance to team members while supporting
Tru Green Lawn Care
management initiatives, and being a role model to
Senior Sales Associate
my team to inspire and lead by example.
● resolving customer complaints in the absence of
● Understanding market trends, and evaluating
product promotions to offer recommendations to
● facilitating inspections with regality bodies
(AGCO inspections, Environmental Audits, etc.)
● Completing weekly cycle counts for stores.
inventory + Yearly store inventory count (at the
end of each year).
● Assisting customers on the floor and providing
the best recommendations resulting in repeat
business and strong customer rapport.
● Receiving/ unloading weekly shipment
● Counting & verifying Tills, Managing safe & Cash
Log, Weekly camera audits, Daily Pin Pad
May 2019 - Jan 2021
● Averaging 6 - 8 sales per day and
meeting daily sales quotas of $2,600 $3000 (with sale bundles between
$300 - $1000).
● Understanding seasonal trends and
upselling clients with the best quality
products to ensure they are satisfied and
are delivered properly.
● Dealing with angry customers and
defusing escalated situations.
● Managing customer accounts, and
tracking notes.
Simply Group HVAC
Senior Sales Associate
inspections, Approving returns/exchanges,
July 2017 - April 2019
Managing communication online for group
●Cold calling Leads provided from a
meetings (Microsoft Teams, Outlook, Shopify).
Facebook ad that was posted by the
● Placing Coin Orders; when our coin supply is low,
we order rolls of coin through the automated
● A list of prospects were then called and
phone system Brinx provides us.
closed with new HVAC systems that save
● Making sure CER’s (Customer Experience
energy and ultimately money for the
Representative’s) were cleaning the store every
night, which included sweeping & mopping as well
●High ticket systems such as Air
as a full sanitization of appliances and surfaces.
conditioners, thermostats, heating units,
water filtration systems, etc. were sold
between $800 - $8k + commission and