UPPER LIMB PERIPHERAL NERVE EXAMINATION Radial Nerve median nerve ulnar Nerve Sensory I mg ME i gq thumb MIE was.ee belaka muscle snuffbox forearmsupination supinator 2 3 wristextension I muscle forearm pronation pronator teres wrist Henion extensor carpi h dorsalinterrosei Iggy ayyy palmarinterrosei 3 thumb adduction 3 finger flenion radialis pgm e tedgt.fm carpi gnnygg.my Carpiulmanis palm at 90 Special test gg yq Thenal test ketake rasa but selama 30519 h 2 ayyy my nger My median electricshock gn.gg for 30s rasa numbness radial wristextension make fist hand jiff L paralysis offlexordigitorum I CFDS flexor profundus digitorum superficialis MEB highlesionbothparalyse lowlesionhÉi'ypesserve index finger MEÉÉM LOWER LIMB PERIPHERAL NERVE ENAMINATION sural lateral nerve malleolus foot pen peroneal no bi Jj nerve malleous saphenousnerve web space My medial plantar q nerve motor 1 Femoral nerve hip flexion 2 Sciatic nerve kneeflexion 3 Superficial peroneal nerve 4 beep peroneal nerve 5 Tibialnerve knee extension hipextension footeversion ankle dorsiflenion toesentension ankle plantarflenion footinversion toesflenion iliousoas quadricepsfemoris musclegroup rectus femoris vastslateralisvastsmedias vastsintermedius Hamstring Gluteushamstring peroneus longus saphenousn sural n L2 Hip Memon knee extension Ly Ankle dorriflesion 15 great toe donfleacon Ankleplantarfleacon brevis gastoneemins soleus plantavis tibialislongus brevis flenor digitorum longus flenorhallucis branch of femoral n branch of tibial n common fibula n myotomes brevis extensordigitorum longus tibialis anterior longus 01 ox er