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Lawyer's letter reply

Norton Rose Fulbright Hong Kong
38/F Jardine House
1 Connaught Place
Central Hong Kong SAR
+852 3405 2300
Your reference:
Our reference: 230706017
June 7, 2023
Dear Ms Chan Hiu Lam
Re: Letter declaring Ms. Chan Hiu Lam's employment with our law firm has ended We
regret your wish to end our contract, and we want to let you know that in writing. We are
aware that we have fallen short of your expectations during the past several weeks. The
following engagement is now being terminated, along with a list of causes.
Revocation of Ms. Chan Hiu Lam's and Hopeton Ventures Limited's change of
ownership, halting the change of their address at 28-18 Baien-cho Atami city,
Shizuoka prefecture, Japan. Hopeton Ventures Limited continues to be the owner of
Watei-Kazekomichi Ryokan, which has not changed.
For Ms. Chan Hiu Lam's desire to purchase the home at Unit A, 6th Floor, Monterey
Tower, 23 Tong Chun Street, Tseung Kwan O, Hong Kong, all proxy authorizations
are revoked. With immediate effect, the Bank will rescind the HK$30 million cash
authorization that Mr. Wang Puze transmitted to Ms. Chan Hiu Lam and restore the
money to the bank account he provided.
We shall give a thorough explanation of the monies kept by our company and Hopeton
Ventures Limited in response to our former client Mr. Wang Puze's request.
We will continue to keep a careful eye on any legal developments involving the Temporary
Contract of Room A on the sixth floor of the Monterey building when the contract is
On March 17 2023, Norton Rose Fulbright London transferred the money that Mr. Wang
Puze had retained at our company to JPMorgan Hong Kong via Lloyds Bank. We verified
that the money came from his deal with Great Eagle Hotels (UK) Limited for the purchase
of the Langham Hotel in Greater China. The money was invested in the Langham Hotel in
Greater China by Great Eagle Hotels (UK) Limited, and the Bank has verified that the
money is the investment's proceeds.
As Trident Trust Company (Singapore) Pte Ltd is the agent registry of Hopeton Ventures
Limited in the Virgin Islands.As of right now, Hopeton Ventures Limited has no negative
history of ownership of Watei-Kazekomichi Ryokan, as confirmed by our law company and
Trident Trust Company (Singapore) Pte Ltd. Once more, the outcomes were confirmed
with the aid of GoodHire, a recognized backing firm situated in Redwood City, California.
Winnie Chan
Norton Rose Fulbright Hong Kong
Norton Rose Fulbright Hong Kong is a law firm as defined in the legal profession legislation of the Hong Kong in which it
practises.Norton Rose Fulbright Hong Kong, Norton Rose Fulbright LLP, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP, Norton Rose
Fulbright South Africa Inc and Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP are separate legal entities and all of them are members of
Norton Rose Fulbright Verein, a Swiss verein. Norton Rose Fulbright Verein helps coordinate the activities of the members
but does not itself provide legal services to clients. Details of each entity, with certain regulatory information, are available
at nortonrosefulbright.com.
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