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VP Consultancy Resume

Vandalark R. Patricks, MPA
GSA Road, Samuel Dahn Junction
Paynesville City, Monrovia, Liberia
Cell numbers: 0881719882/0777113702
Professional Summary
An experienced Youth Development Specialist, seasoned Project Coordinator, Public Policy Strategist, Human Rights
Defender and Management Consultant with over 10 years’ experience in managing projects in entrepreneurship, youth
development and empowerment, social justice, education, and public policy in nonprofit and government institutions;
Managed and implemented 10 projects in West Africa and United States during the past seven years with high rating results
from partners; trained Public Sector Administrator with expertise in strategic communications, consulting, policy advocacy
and human resources management; Enthusiastic, hard-working, go-getting project management strategist at the executive
level and a key player and a contributor to strategic global initiatives that involve planning, organizing and decision-making;
Team leader with managerial capability to ensure efficient implementation of project and program objectives, human
resources, security and safety protocols that promote appreciable working cultures that cultivate mutual respect.
Youth Development Strategist with vast experience in overseeing the management and administration of development
projects, ensuring effective execution of their mandates it achieve institutional goals; Possess knowledge of project delivery
of annual work program in alignment with defined objectives and implementation plan, including technical skills in the
preparation of progress reports (annual and quarterly) and actively participating in stakeholders’ meetings and supervision
assignments; Coordinated strategic organization and execution of Project Steering Committee Meetings, sat in Board
Meetings and provided comprehensive progress reports on projects related to youths’ development, entrepreneurship, and
proffered recommendations for improvement; Hired and supported consultants in the establishment policy framework,
including supervision of service delivery of requisite financial and administrative support for the effective delivery of financial
and non-financial services to promote Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
Expert in formulating policies and regulations, strategic negotiations, project management, and supervision, promoting
technical and adaptive leadership in government, nonprofit and building powerful networks for effective governance; highly
skilled in conducting research analysis, implementing compliance policies, tactical decision-making, performance
evaluation, and developing policy memos for high-level deliberations and decision-making; an experienced administrator
with technical, and managerial skills in dealing with policymakers, government officials at the national and international
levels, nonprofit executives, corporate entities, diplomats, healthcare executives, think tank, academic institutions.
Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government
Master of Public Administration, MP
Cuttington University Graduate School
Master of Public Administration, MPA – Public Sector Management
Cuttington University
Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration, Minor in Economics
Cambridge, MA
May 2021
Monrovia, Liberia
June 2012
Bong County, Liberia
June 2008
Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government
Cambridge, MA
Graduate Diploma in Public Policy and Management - Edward S. Mason Fellow
May 2021
The Edward S. Mason Program in Public Policy and Management is a ten-month intensive leadership program at Harvard
University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government in the U.S. that admits and awards individuals with accomplishments
in public service who also demonstrate the capacity for leadership in the public sector and a commitment to the study and
implementation of effective and innovative governance, including non-traditional approaches to civic and political
School of Transnational Governance, European University Institute
Florence, Italy
Graduate Diploma - Policy Leader Fellowship in Public Governance
December 2022
The Policy Leader Fellowship (PLF) program is a residential 10-month program that selects topnotch professionals from a
range of policy fields: politics, civil service, media, non-governmental organizations, and think tank institutions to undergo
an intensive leadership. The program provides the fellows with an insider view into the European Union policy making
processes, which prepares them to join a global network of policy professionals, international institutions, development
practitioners, heads of governments, corporate and nonprofit executives to ignite change in public and private intuitions.
Arizona State University
Graduate Diploma - Senator John McCain Global Leaders Fellowship
Phoenix, AZ
The McCain Global Leaders Fellowship Program held under the auspices of the McCain Institute and Arizona State
University based in the United States of America, supports character-driven leaders worldwide who embody Senator John
McCain’s legacy of serving a cause greater than oneself. The program is structured as a 10-month experiential learning
experience and is designed to advance each leader’s personal and professional leadership journey with the goal of preparing
today’s leaders to meet tomorrow’s challenges.
Recognition and Awards
1.Recipient of the 2023 Senator John McCain Global Leader Award
Award by the McCain Institute and the Amani Institute
2.Recipient of the 2022 Policy Leader Fellowship Award
Awarded by the School of Transnational Governance, European University
3.Recipient of the 2021 Resilience Fund Fellowship
Awarded by Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime
4.TASSC International Truth Speaker Award for Congressional Advocacy
Awarded by the Torture Abolition and Survivor Support Coalition
5.Public Service Recognition for Volunteer Services and Leadership
Recognized by the University of Maryland Capital Region Health
6.Recipient of the Good Governance Fellowship Award
Awarded by the Mandela Institute for Development Studies, MINDS
November 2023
Hanoi, Vietnam
January 2023
Florence, Italy
February 2021
Vienna, Austria
July 2018
Washington, D.C.
April 2018
Maryland, USA
June 2015
Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire
Work Experience
Liberia Lobby Office Incorporated
Monrovia, Liberia
Managing Partner/Independent Consultant
October 2022-Present
• Managed a portfolio of 11 clients in Liberia and West Africa and provide both technical and adaptive leadership
guidance, and strategies to conduct oversight in key areas of governance, connect them with relevant subject matter
experts and conduct strategic capacity building workshops to improve their organizational and individual efficiency
and leadership skills.
• Network with regional stakeholders in government, human rights defenders and participate in regional and national
conferences in Africa, Europe, Asia, and the United States for the sole purpose of advocating for social justice and
developing strategies to promote public-private partnerships, provide adequate and affordable healthcare delivery
for the people.
Campaigners for Change International
Monrovia, Liberia
Executive Director
20219 – Nov 2023
Managing Consultant /National Director
2010 - 2018
• Served as organization’s official head, provided mandarin technical and professional advice for the organization’s
overall management, including developing policies, and communication protocols, which attracted five partnerships
in the last five years; proven record of commitment to social justice, patients’ advocacy, and human rights protection
for the past 10+ years working in Liberia and the United States of America; familiarity of building external
collaborations to support and maintain strategic relationships with institutional partners, NGO partners, and private
• Supported in country development programs through policy deliberations and policy analysis of current events,
documenting records on occurrences of events relative to poor youth unemployment, poor healthcare, fight against
corruption, and defending democracy;
• Profiled several development projects, investigated the root causes of youth unemployment and conducted
appreciable stakeholders’ meetings, which led Former U.S. Ambassador to Liberia, Ambassador Michael A.
McCarthy, to win the 2023 Mark Palmer Award for his fight to end youth unemployment, effective healthcare delivery
system, promotion of entrepreneurship, anti-corruption campaign, and defending democracy when I nominated him
for the prestigious award.
• Mentored about 200 youth leaders in entrepreneurship, advocacy, and nominated one of them to win the 2015
International Children’s Peace Prize for his advocacy for children’s rights, and promoting economic freedom through
entrepreneurship in Liberia.
Africa Caucus, Harvard Kennedy School of Government
Cambridge, MA, USA
Vice President for Policy and Community Affairs
2020 –2021
• Directed five cross-functional initiatives across the Harvard University community through change management,
strategic direction, and planning, which increased the organization's membership from 75 to 120 and extended the
institution's networks to public and public policy institutions.
• Identified five institutions in West Africa and built synergies with regional and international partners to address
issues of climate change, public health, organized crime and extortion and advanced policy recommendations to
support healthcare, youth entrepreneurship, SMEs, climate and environmental justice advocates in Africa to, end
poverty and economic crisis.
University of Maryland Capital Region Health
Largo, Maryland, USA
Department of Corporate and Environmental Services
Administrative Coordinator
2019 -2020
Supervisor/Office Coordinator
• Managed a workforce of 125 including managers, improved working culture and developed strategies to cultivate
community-based partnerships and improve relations with external stakeholders in government, healthcare,
nonprofits, academia, law enforcement, corporate entities, etc.; participated in the formulation of new healthcare
and public health protocols for effective patient care resulting into the creation of the Department of Community
Outreach to network with external bodies for support to implement public health programs.
• Engaged with internal and external stakeholders within Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia to ensure the
successful delivery of the department’s project’s activities including the mobilization of resources from partners to
achieve the mission and vision of the medical facility.
• Presided over the development of key project documents including operational technical, manual, human resources
management and governance plan for effective project management purposes.
• Coordinated the financial management of project’s resources, including overseeing project operations, and financial
management to ensure timely disbursement of project funds in line with stipulated policies.
• Developed and coordinate the department’s procurement and management of goods, services and works and
ensure full compliance to the rules and regulations of the institution.
Supported the director in facilitating decisions on prospective partnerships, building new ones, and developing strategies to
attract institutional support from state legislature, and United States Congress; coordinated line managers to develop
proposals and engagement strategies to attract institutional support from donors.
Routinely assisted the department’s director in running the day-to-day activities and operations, including planning,
organizing community-wide events, and providing weekly recommendations for improvement, which increased
productivity by 20% in six months.
The Liberian Senate, Office of the Chairperson on Executive
Monrovia, Liberia
Policy and Communication Consultant
2012 – 2014
Managed all communication portfolios in the office of the Chairperson of the Senate's Statutory Committee on
Executive, same as U.S. Congress and expedited legislative research process resulting in a monthly review of 10
policy papers on youth development, entrepreneurship, climate change, health, and security.
• Acted as a direct liaison between the media and the Office of the Chairperson on the Executive and presided over
the preparation of all press releases, policy memos, interviews and initiating meetings with national and international
organizations, and foreign diplomats in Liberia at the regional level in West Africa to address youth fragility,
governance and human rights issues in the country.
National Investment Commission (NIC)
Monrovia, Liberia
Policy Analyst/Public Relations Officer
2009 – 2012
• Developed effective PR protocols that allowed the Chairman of the commission to engage with the press, and the
public to address investment related operations monthly and led media relations strategies to communicate with the
public and coordinated internal and external teams, including PRs in corporate entities which promoted a unified,
and balanced reportage and created an external PR reporting system involving 25 companies.
• Engaged all state owned enterprises, Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and developed poverty alleviation
procedures through skills development of entrepreneurs, and empowering them financially to engage in business
aimed at reducing crime, and giving economic freedom to the most marginalized sector of the Liberian society.
• Developed comprehensive protocol for institutional engagement and led the preparation of communication strategy
and tools to disseminate project results
• Tracked media coverage on all the Commission’s operations, especially those relating to policy implementation,
and addressed inquires, including promoting public-private partnerships, which led to the creation of the
Commission’s new investment guide in 2011.
United States Agency for International Development, USAID
Monrovia, Liberia
Program Associate (Enumerator)
2008 - 2009
• Contributed to Liberia’s first post-war research on youth fragility, supervised 10 field operations, created meticulous
project records, conducted interviews with stakeholders, documented fact-based evidence, and proffered
recommendations to rehabilitate, and reintegrate war-affected youth into society, which attracted about 40 million
dollars from the U.S. Government to address poor health care, corruption, unemployment, youth development, and
• Identified vital stakeholders, including local authorities and donor agencies, to execute assigned tasks, interviewed
300 community leaders on youth unemployment, youth fragility, and proffered suggestions for improvement in the
policy to invest in entrepreneurship to reduce crime in the country.
Volunteer Leadership
Congressional Black Caucus, U.S. Congress
Washington, D.C., USA
Program Lead
• Assisted facilitators in organizing stakeholders' meetings on policy advocacy and legislation during the 47th and
49th Congressional Black Caucus Annual Legislative Conferences; Provided direct supervision and coaching to 30
volunteers, resulting in the successful hosting of the 47 th and 49th conferences of the Black Caucus, bringing
together over 10,000 attendees.
Problem solver with organizational skills and knowledge of establishing long-term relationships and building
strategic alliances. Self-motivated innovative leader with excellent analytical, policymaking, presentation, good
judgment, and time management skills.
Responsive, with technical skills in managing multiple projects, conducting research, and engaging different
stakeholders, high-level panels, and partners to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace and crosscultural environments.
Possess an in-depth understanding of the youth entrepreneurship ecosystem in Liberia with practical experience
in engaging with a variety of stakeholders, including high-level government and private sector officials.
A strong capability to conceptualize and articulate ideas clearly, backed by a track record in capacity development
and institutional reform.
Proven competence in operating effectively within a multicultural setting and establishing productive working
relationships with clients and colleagues.
Demonstrated ability and commitment to seeking more efficient and practical methods for service and product
delivery, as well as departmental process management, while suggesting innovative ways to enhance the quality
and relevance of products and services.