Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential EXAM STUDY GUIDE © 2017 National Workforce Career Association, Inc. (NWCA & All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from NWCA or an authorized agent of NWCA is strictly prohibited. NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 Credential Title Veterinary Assistant (VET) Purpose of Credential The Veterinary Assistant credential documents the essential competencies for general front office, clinical, nursing care, and animal management procedures required of the veterinary assistant. Audience for Credential This credential is appropriate for a veterinary assistant in the daily operations of a veterinary practice, research laboratory where animals are kept, animal hospital, equine barn, farm or ranch, animal shelter, kennel or animal day care, or other environment where animals are kept and cared for. Job/Career Requirements Veterinary assistants support veterinarians and veterinary technicians in many tasks. They may be involved in overall veterinary practice office operations, procedures related to diagnostic imaging and treatment of animals, procedures involving animal care and husbandry, and procedures for veterinary nursing and emergency care. Most workers enter the occupation have a high school diploma or its equivalent. Though veterinary assistants can be trained on the job, many employers prefer that they have completed a formal training program and have experience working with animals. Successful veterinary assistant demonstrate compassion to both animals and their owners, are detailed oriented, and have physical strength and dexterity. Though they may not be allowed to complete all of the procedures independently, they must understand many anatomy, physiology, and veterinary medicine concepts and be able to assist when asked in a safe and competent manner. Depending upon the specific work environment, veterinary assistants must understand animal care for dogs, cats, equine, livestock, companion birds, reptiles, amphibians, small mammals, wild orphaned or injured animals, and laboratory animals. Veterinary Assistant Tasks Assist veterinarians and veterinary technicians when asked and as directed in animal care and management Feed, bathe, and exercise all types of animals Clean and disinfect cages, kennels, stalls, examination and operating rooms, and other areas Restrain animals during examination and laboratory procedures Maintain and sterilize surgical instruments and equipment NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 1 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 Maintain supply and retail inventories Monitor and care for animals before and after surgery or other medical procedures Help provide emergency first aid to sick and injured animals, including wild animals Give medication or immunizations prescribed by the veterinarian and under a veterinarian’s direct supervision Assist in collection of blood, urine, and tissue samples Take vital signs of animals Transport animals to and from treatment areas Exam Structure Overview Number of Questions in Exam: 65 Total Time: 90 minutes Overall Passing Score: 70% NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 2 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 Study Outline Veterinary Medical Terminology Professionals use veterinary medical terminology their jobs must understand the fundamental concepts including how to dissect a medical term, terminology related to the cellular level of an animal, and name terminology for different animals. Additionally, these professionals must understand different body system terminology, such as the cardiovascular system, the digestive system, and the respiratory system, among others. Concepts related pharmacology and surgical terminology are also important for many professionals. Finally, many jobs require an understanding of terminology for specific animal groups. Medical Terminology Fundamentals Objective: Explain how to dissect a medical term into its word root, prefix, suffix, and combining form Define veterinary medical terms used to describe direction, surface, planes, cavities, membranes, positions, movement at joints, and numbers Define veterinary medical terms used to describe the cell, cellular organelles, genetic conditions, and tissues Define veterinary terms used to name equine, cattle, goats, sheep, swine, dogs, and cats 1. Dissecting Medical Terms a. Roots i. Definition of a Root ii. Examples of Roots b. Prefix i. Definition of a Prefix ii. Examples of Prefixes 1. Function of Contrasting Prefixes 2. Function of Directional Prefixes c. Suffix i. Definition of a Suffix ii. Examples of Suffixes 1. Function of Pertaining To Suffixes 2. Function of Surgical Suffixes 3. Function of Procedural Suffixes 4. Function of Double R Suffixes 5. Function of Conditional Suffixes 6. Function of Structural Suffixes d. Combining Vowels i. Definition NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 3 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 ii. Examples of Combining Vowels e. Combining Form i. Definition of a Combining Form ii. Examples of Combining Forms f. Process for Analyzing Medical Terms i. Importance of Dissecting ii. Importance of Beginning at the End iii. Importance of Anatomical Order 2. General Veterinary Medical Terms a. Positional Terms i. Definition of Direction ii. Definition of Surface iii. Examples 1. Ventral 2. Dorsal 3. Cranial 4. Caudal 5. Anterior 6. Posterior 7. Rostral 8. Cephalic 9. Caudal 10. Medial 11. Lateral 12. Superior 13. Inferior 14. Proximal 15. Distal 16. Superficial 17. Deep 18. Palmar 19. Plantar b. Plane Terms i. Definition of a Plane ii. Examples 1. Midsagittal Plane 2. Sagittal Plane 3. Dorsal Plane 4. Transverse Plane a. Horizontal Plane b. Cross-Sectional Plane c. Cavity Terms i. Definition of a Cavity NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 4 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential d. e. f. g. ii. Examples 1. Cranial Cavity 2. Spinal Cavity 3. Thoracic Cavity 4. Abdominal Cavity 5. Peritoneal Cavity 6. Pelvic Cavity iii. Regional Terms 1. Abdomen 2. Thorax 3. Groin Membrane Terms i. Definition of a Membrane ii. Examples 1. Peritoneum 2. Parietal Peritoneum 3. Visceral Peritoneum 4. Umbilicus 5. Mesentery 6. Retroperitoneal Recumbent Terms i. Definition of Recumbent ii. Examples 1. Dorsal Recumbency 2. Ventral Recumbency 3. Left Lateral Recumbency 4. Right Lateral Recumbency Movement Terms i. Effects of Changing Prefixes or Suffixes ii. Examples 1. Adduction vs. Abduction 2. Flexion vs. Extension 3. Hyperflexion vs. Hyperextension 4. Supination vs. Pronation Terms with a Number Value i. Importance of the Use of Prefixes ii. Examples 1. Uni2. Duo- or Bi3. Tri4. Quadri- or Quadro5. Quinqu- or Quint6. Sex- NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Version 6.1.17 Page 5 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 7. Sept- or Septi8. Octo9. Novem- or Nonus10. Deca- or Decem3. Veterinary Medical Terms at the Cellular Level a. Importance of Cells i. Definition of Cytology ii. Definition of the Protoplasm 1. Importance of the Cell Membrane 2. Importance of the Cytoplasm a. Function of the Nucleolus b. Function of the Centrioles c. Function of the Mitochondria d. Function of the Golgi Apparatus e. Function of the Endoplasmic Reticulum f. Function of the Ribosomes g. Function of the Vacuoles h. Function of the Lysosomes 3. Importance of the Nucleus a. Function of the Nucleoplasm b. Function of the Chromosomes b. Genetic Conditions i. Definition of a Genetic Disorder ii. Definition of Congenital iii. Definition of an Anomaly c. Importance of Tissues i. Definition of Tissue ii. Definition of Histology iii. Types of Tissues 1. Epithelial a. Definition b. Endothelium c. Mesothelium 2. Connective a. Definition b. Adipose Tissue 3. Muscle 4. Nervous iv. Formation of Tissue 1. Importance of the Suffix –Plasia 2. Importance of the Suffix –Trophy 3. Problems with Tissue Formation a. Anaplasia NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 6 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 b. c. d. e. f. Aplasia Dysplasia Hyperplasia Hypoplasia Neoplasia i. Function of Benign Tumors ii. Function of Malignant Tumors g. Atrophy h. Dystrophy i. Hypertrophy v. Importance of Glands 1. Exocrine Glands 2. Endocrine Glands 4. Veterinary Terminology for Equine Species a. Anatomical Terminology i. Parts of the Head 1. Muzzle 2. Forelock 3. Poll 4. Crest 5. Cheek 6. Mane 7. Corners 8. Nippers ii. Parts of the Main Body Cavity 1. Withers 2. Shoulder 3. Chest 4. Teat 5. Udder 6. Heart Girth 7. Barrel 8. Flank 9. Loin 10. Paralumbar Fossa 11. Croup 12. Tail Head 13. Tail 14. Dock iii. Parts of the Leg 1. Elbow 2. Stifle Joint 3. Knee NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 7 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 4. Chestnut 5. Cannon Bone 6. Fetlock Joint 7. Ergot 8. Hoof 9. Gaskin 10. Hock 11. Pastern Joint 12. Coronary Band 13. Coffin Joint iv. Parts of the Hoof 1. Hoof Wall 2. Heel 3. Quarter 4. Toe 5. Bars 6. Sole 7. White Line 8. Frog b. Descriptive Terminology i. Stallion ii. Colt iii. Mare iv. Filly v. Gelding vi. Ridgeling vii. Foal viii. Weaning ix. Suckling x. Yearling xi. Foaling xii. Herd xiii. Band xiv. Brood Mare xv. Maiden Mare xvi. Barren Mare xvii. Wet Mare xviii. Agalactic Mare xix. Pony 5. Veterinary Terminology for Cattle a. Anatomical Terminology i. Parts of the Head 1. Muzzle NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 8 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 2. Forehead 3. Poll 4. Crest ii. Parts of the Main Body 1. Shoulder 2. Dewlap 3. Brisket 4. Flank 5. Heart Girth 6. Barrel 7. Loin 8. Paralumbar Fossa 9. Hooks 10. Stifle Joint 11. Udder 12. Quarter 13. Teat 14. Tail 15. Tail Head 16. Pin 17. Switch 18. Dock iii. Parts of the Leg 1. Elbow 2. Knee 3. Forearm 4. Cannon Bone 5. Hock 6. Fetlock Joint 7. Coffin Joint 8. Pastern Joint 9. Dewclaw 10. Hoof iv. Parts of the Hoof 1. Hoof Wall 2. Heel 3. Toe 4. Sole 5. Pedal b. Descriptive Terminology i. Bull ii. Jumper Bull iii. Cow NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 9 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 iv. Steer v. Stag vi. Heifer vii. Calf viii. Calving ix. Freshening x. Herd xi. Springing Heifer xii. Freemartin xiii. Gomer Bull 6. Veterinary Terminology for Goats a. Anatomical Terminology i. Parts of the Head 1. Muzzle 2. Forehead 3. Horn Butt 4. Poll 5. Wattle 6. Crest ii. Parts of the Main Body 1. Shoulder 2. Brisket 3. Withers 4. Heart Girth 5. Chine 6. Loin 7. Rump 8. Paralumbar Fossa 9. Hooks 10. Tail 11. Tail Head 12. Pins 13. Flank 14. Udder 15. Teat iii. Parts of the Leg 1. Elbow 2. Forearm 3. Knee 4. Stifle Joint 5. Hock 6. Fetlock Joint 7. Pastern Joint NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 10 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 8. Cannon Bone 9. Coffin Joint 10. Dewclaw 11. Hoof iv. Parts of the Hoof 1. Hoof Wall 2. Heel 3. Toe 4. Sole 5. Pedal b. Descriptive Terminology i. Buck ii. Doe iii. Wether iv. Kid v. Kidding vi. Freshening vii. Herd 7. Veterinary Terminology for Sheep a. Anatomical Terminology i. Parts of the Head 1. Muzzle 2. Forehead 3. Poll 4. Crest ii. Parts of the Main Body 1. Shoulder 2. Brisket 3. Heart Girth 4. Loin 5. Rump 6. Dock 7. Paralumbar Fossa 8. Flank 9. Udder 10. Teat 11. Tail Head iii. Parts of the Leg 1. Elbow 2. Stifle Joint 3. Forearm 4. Hock 5. Knee NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 11 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 6. Cannon Bone 7. Pastern Joint 8. Coffin Joint 9. Fetlock Joint 10. Dewclaw 11. Hoof iv. Parts of the Hoof 1. Heel 2. Hoof Wall 3. Sole 4. Toe 5. Pedal b. Descriptive Terminology i. Ram ii. Ewe iii. Wether iv. Lamb v. Hothouse Lamb vi. Spring Lamb vii. Yearling viii. Lambing ix. Flock 8. Veterinary Terminology for Swine a. Anatomical Terminology i. Parts of the Head 1. Snout 2. Jowl ii. Parts of the Main Body 1. Shoulder 2. Loin 3. Rump 4. Tail 5. Flank 6. Ham iii. Parts of the Leg 1. Elbow 2. Stifle Joint 3. Fetlock Joint 4. Coffin Joint 5. Pastern Joint 6. Knee 7. Dewclaw 8. Hock NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 12 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 9. Hoof 10. Hoof Wall b. Descriptive Terminology i. Boar ii. Sow iii. Barrow iv. Stag v. Gilt vi. Pig/Piglet vii. Farrowing viii. Herd 9. Veterinary Terms for Dogs and Cats a. Anatomical Terms i. Parts of the Head 1. Cheek 2. Chin 3. Forehead 4. Muzzle 5. Pinna ii. Parts of the Main Body 1. Chest 2. Flank 3. Rump 4. Shoulder 5. Tail iii. Parts of the Leg 1. Dewclaw 2. Elbow 3. Forearm 4. Hock 5. Stifle Joint b. Descriptive Terms for Dogs i. Dog/Stud ii. Bitch iii. Whelp iv. Whelping v. Pack vi. Litter c. Descriptive Terms for Cats i. Tom ii. Queen iii. Kitten iv. Queening NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 13 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 Body System Terms Objective: Define veterinary terms used to describe the musculoskeletal system in terms of anatomy, physiology, diagnostic procedures, pathologies, therapeutic procedures, and abbreviations Define veterinary terms used to describe the digestive system in terms of anatomy, physiology, diagnostic procedures, pathologies, therapeutic procedures, and abbreviations Define veterinary terms used to describe the urinary system in terms of anatomy, physiology, diagnostic procedures, pathologies, therapeutic procedures, and abbreviations Define veterinary terms used to describe the cardiovascular system in terms of anatomy, physiology, diagnostic procedures, pathologies, therapeutic procedures, and abbreviations Define veterinary terms used to describe the respiratory system in terms of anatomy, physiology, diagnostic procedures, pathologies, therapeutic procedures, and abbreviations Define veterinary terms used to describe the integumentary system in terms of anatomy, physiology, diagnostic procedures, pathologies, therapeutic procedures, and abbreviations Define veterinary terms used to describe the endocrine system in terms of anatomy, physiology, diagnostic procedures, pathologies, therapeutic procedures, and abbreviations Define veterinary terms used to describe the male and female reproductive systems in terms of anatomy, physiology, the estrous cycle, mating, pregnancy, birth, diagnostic procedures, pathologies, therapeutic procedures, and abbreviations Define veterinary terms used to describe the nervous system in terms of anatomy, physiology, diagnostic procedures, pathologies, therapeutic procedures, and abbreviations Define veterinary terms used to describe the eye, ear, and equilibrium system in terms of anatomy, physiology, the estrous cycle, mating, pregnancy, birth, diagnostic procedures, pathologies, therapeutic procedures, and abbreviations Define veterinary terms used to describe the hematologic system in terms of anatomy, physiology, diagnostic procedures, pathologies, therapeutic procedures, and abbreviations 1. The Skeletal System a. Anatomy of the Skeletal System i. Importance of Connective Tissue ii. Importance of Bones 1. Effects of Ossification a. Importance of Osteoblasts NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 14 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential iii. iv. v. vi. vii. NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Version 6.1.17 b. Importance of Osteoclasts c. Importance of Osteocytes 2. Function of Hematopoietic 3. Function of the Medullary Cavity 4. Types of Bones a. Cortical Bone b. Cancellous Bone 5. Bone Anatomy a. Epiphysis b. Diaphysis c. Physis d. Metaphysis e. Periosteum f. Endosteum 6. Bone Classification a. Long Bones b. Short Bones c. Flat Bones d. Pneumatic Bones e. Irregular Bones f. Sesamoid Bones Importance of Cartilage 1. Effects of Cartilage Elasticity 2. Function of Articular Cartilage 3. Function of the Meniscus Importance of Joints 1. Synarthroses Joints a. Function of a Suture b. Function of a Fontanelle 2. Aphiarthroses Joints a. Function of a Symphysis Joint b. Function of the Mandibular Symphysis 3. Diarthroses Joints a. Function of Synovial Joints b. Function of Ball-and-Socket Joints c. Function of Arthrodial Joints d. Function of Trochoid Joints e. Function of Hinge Joints f. Function of Gliding Joints g. Function of Saddle Joints Importance of Ligaments Importance of Tendons Function of a Bursa Page 15 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 b. Parts of the Skeletal System i. The Axial Skeleton 1. Function of the Cranium a. Frontal Bone b. Parietal Bone c. Occipital Bone d. Temporal Bone e. Sphenoid Bone f. Ethmoid Bone g. Incisive Bone h. Pterygoid Bone 2. Function of Sinuses 3. Function of Facial Bones a. Zygomatic b. Maxilla c. Mandible d. Palatine e. Lacrimal f. Incisive g. Nasal h. Vomer i. Hyoid 4. Function of the Vertebral Column a. Vertebrae b. Body c. Arch i. Lamina ii. Spinous Process iii. Transverse Process iv. Articular Process d. Vertebral Foramen e. Intervertebral Discs f. Atlas Vertebra g. Axis Vertebra h. Vertebral Regions i. Cervical ii. Thoracic iii. Lumbar iv. Sacral v. Cocccygeal 5. Function of the Rib Cage a. Sternum b. Manubrium NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 16 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 c. Body d. Xiphoid Process ii. The Appendicular Skeleton 1. Function of Front Limb Bones a. Scapula b. Clavicle c. Humerus i. Antebrachium 1. Radius 2. Ulna ii. Olecranon d. Carpal i. Carpus vs. Knee ii. Metacarpals iii. Splint 1. Interosseous Liagment 2. Cannon Bone e. Digits vs. Phalanges i. Dewclaw ii. Ungulates iii. Joints Between Phalanges 1. Fetlock 2. Pastern 3. Coffin iv. Phalangeal Bones 1. Long Pastern 2. Short Pastern 3. Coffin v. Function of Phalanx 3 vi. Function of Sesamoid Bones 2. Function of Rear Limb Bones a. Pelvis i. Ilium ii. Sacroiliac Joint iii. Ischium iv. Pubis v. Pubic Symphysis vi. Acetabulum b. Femur i. Femoral Head ii. Femoral Neck iii. Trochanters iv. Condyles NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 17 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 v. Patella 1. Stifle Joint 2. Popliteal Bone c. Tibia d. Fibula e. Tarsal Bones i. Tarsus Joint ii. Hock Joint iii. Talus Bone iv. Calcaneus Bone c. Bone Structure i. Function of Bone Extensions ii. Function of Bone Depressions d. Function of Diagnostic Procedures i. Arthrocentesis ii. Arthrography iii. Arthroscopy iv. Densitometer v. Goniometer vi. Radiology e. Effects of Pathological Conditions i. Ankylosis ii. Arthralgia iii. Arthritis iv. Arthrodynia v. Arthropathy vi. Bursitis vii. Chondromalacia viii. Chondropathy ix. Discospondylitis x. Epiphysitis xi. Exostosis xii. Gouty Arthritis xiii. Hip Dysplasia xiv. Intervertebral Disc Disease xv. Kyphosis xvi. Legg-Clave-Perthes Disease xvii. Lordosis xviii. Luxation xix. Myeloma xx. Ostealgia xxi. Osteitis xxii. Osteoarthritis NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 18 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 xxiii. Osteochondrosis xxiv. Osteochondrosis Dissecans xxv. Osteomalacia xxvi. Osteomyelitis xxvii. Osteonecrosis xxviii. Osteoporosis xxix. Osteoclerosis xxx. Periostitis xxxi. Rheumatoid Arthritis xxxii. Sequestrum xxxiii. Spondylitis xxxiv. Spondylosis xxxv. Spondylosis Deformans xxxvi. Spur xxxvii. Subluxation xxxviii. Synovitis xxxix. Fractures f. Effects of Fractures i. Avulsion ii. Callus iii. Closed Fracture iv. Comminuted v. Compression vi. Crepitation vii. Displaced viii. Fracture ix. Greenstick Fracture x. Immobilization xi. Manipulation xii. Oblique Fracture xiii. Open Fracture xiv. Pathologic Fracture xv. Physeal Fracture xvi. Spiral Fracture xvii. Stress Fracture xviii. Transverse Fracture g. Effects of Therapeutic Procedures i. Amputation ii. Arthrodesis iii. Chemonucleolysis iv. Craniotomy v. External Fixation vi. Internal Fixation NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 19 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 vii. Laminectomy viii. Onychectomy ix. Ostectomy x. Osteocenesis xi. Osteodesis xii. Osteopexy xiii. Osteoplasty xiv. Osteostomy xv. Trephination h. Effects of Chiropractic Care i. Adjustment ii. Movements of the Vertebral Column 1. Extension 2. Flexion 3. Lateral Flexion 4. Rotation iii. Fixation iv. Malarticulations v. Misalignment vi. Motion Segment vii. Range of Motion viii. Spinal Manipulation 2. The Muscular System a. Anatomy of the Muscular System i. Types of Muscle Fibers 1. Skeletal 2. Smooth 3. Cardiac ii. Importance of Connective Tissue iii. Function of Fascia iv. Function of Tendons v. Function of a Aponeurosis b. Movement in the Muscle System i. Function of Kinesiology ii. Function of Antagonistic vs. Synergistic Movement iii. Function of Contraction vs. Relaxation Movement iv. Importance of a Neuromuscular Junction v. Relationship between Muscle Origin and Insertion vi. Effects of Range of Motion 1. Abductor 2. Adductor 3. Flexor 4. Extensor NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 20 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential c. d. e. f. g. 5. Levator 6. Depressor 7. Rotator 8. Supinator 9. Pronator Location of Muscles i. Pectoral Muscles ii. Epaxial Muscles iii. Intercostal Muscles iv. Infraspinatus Muscles v. Supraspinatus Muscles vi. Inferior Muscles vii. Medius Muscles viii. Superior Muscles ix. Externus Muscles x. Orbicularis Muscles Muscle Parts i. Biceps ii. Triceps iii. Quadriceps Muscle Shapes i. Deltoid ii. Quadratus iii. Rhomboideus iv. Scalenus v. Serratus vi. Teres Function of a Electromyogram Effects of Pathological Conditions i. Adhesion ii. Ataxia iii. Atonic iv. Atrophy v. Dystrophy vi. Fasciitis vii. Fibroma viii. Hernia ix. Laxity x. Leiomyoma xi. Leiomyositis xii. Myasthenia xiii. Myoclonus xiv. Myoma NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Version 6.1.17 Page 21 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 xv. Myopathy xvi. Myositis xvii. Myotonia xviii. Rhabdomyoma xix. Tendinitis xx. Tetany h. Effects of Therapeutic Procedures i. Myectomy ii. Myoplasty iii. Myotomy iv. Tenectomy v. Tenotomy i. Abbreviations Related to the Skeletal and Muscular Systems i. DJD ii. EMG iii. Fx iv. IVDD v. P1 vi. P2 vii. P3 viii. RA ix. ROM x. TPO 3. The Digestive System a. Anatomy of the Digestive System i. Mouth Structures 1. Oral Cavity a. Function of the Maxilla Bone b. Function of the Mandible Bone c. Effects of Prognathia d. Effects of Brachygnathia e. Function of the Labia vs. Labium f. Function of the Buccal 2. Function of the Palate a. Hard Palate b. Rugae c. Soft Palate 3. Function of the Tongue a. Papillae i. Filiform ii. Fungiform iii. Vallate b. Frenulum NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 22 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 c. Lingual Surface 4. Function of the Teeth a. Dentition i. Deciduous Dentition ii. Permanent Dentition iii. Retained Deciduous Tooth b. Types of Teeth i. Incisor ii. Canine iii. Premolar iv. Molar c. Importance of the Dental Formula d. Function of the Triadan System e. Anatomy of the Teeth i. Enamel ii. Cementum iii. Dentin iv. Pulp v. Apical Foramen vi. Periodontia vii. Alveoli viii. Alveolar Bone ix. Gingiva x. Gingival Sulcus xi. Salivary Glands 1. Saliva 2. Mandibular 3. Sublingual 4. Zygomatic 5. Parotid ii. Importance of the Pharynx iii. Importance of the Esoghagus iv. Stomach Structures 1. Function of the Abdomen a. Peritoneum i. Parietal Peritoneum ii. Visceral Peritoneum b. Lesser Omentum c. Greater Omentum 2. Monogastric Animals a. Function of a Glandular Stomach b. Parts of the Stomach i. Cardia NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 23 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 ii. Fundus iii. Body iv. Antrum v. Pylorus vi. Rugae 3. Ruminant Aminals a. Function of Regurgitation b. Function of Remastication c. Function of Intestinal Flora d. Function of Cud e. Parts of the Stomach i. Rumen ii. Reticulum iii. Omasum iv. Abomasum v. Function of the Small Intestine 1. Mesentary 2. Importance of Gastroenterology 3. Segments of the Small Intestine a. Duodenum b. Jejunum c. Ileum 4. Function of Chyle vi. Function of the Large Intestine 1. Segments of the Large Intestine a. Cecum b. Colon i. Haustra ii. Tenaie c. Rectum d. Anus vii. Other Digestive Organs 1. Function of the Liver a. Glucose b. Glycogen c. Hepatocytes d. Sinusoids e. Parenchyma f. Bile i. Emulsification ii. Bilirubin 2. Function of the Gallbladder a. Cholecystic NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 24 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 b. Choledochus 3. Function of the Pancreas a. Trypsin b. Lipase c. Amylase b. Physiology of the Digestive System i. Function of the Digestive System ii. Process of Digestion 1. Function of Enzymes 2. Function of Metabolism a. Anabolism b. Catabolism 3. Function of Absorption a. Importance of Nutrients b. Villi c. Crypts iii. Path of Digestion 1. Prehension 2. Mastication 3. Deglutition 4. Peristalsis 5. Role of the Stomach 6. Segmentation 7. Assimilation 8. Defecation c. Function of Diagnostic Tests i. Ballottement ii. Barium 1. Barium Swallow 2. Barium Enema iii. Biopsy 1. Incisional 2. Excisional iv. Blood Tests 1. Preprandial 2. Postprandial v. Colonoscopy vi. Esophagoscopy vii. Fecal Examination viii. Gastroscopy ix. Hemoccult x. Radiography xi. Ultrasound NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 25 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 d. Effects of Pathological Conditions i. Achalasia ii. Adontia iii. Aerophagia iv. Anal Sacculitis v. Anorexia vi. Ascariasis vii. Ascites viii. Atresia ix. Bloat x. Borborygmus xi. Bruxism xii. Cachexia xiii. Cholecystitis xiv. Cirrhosis xv. Colic xvi. Colitis xvii. Constipation xviii. Coprophagia xix. Cribbing xx. Dehydration xxi. Dental Calculus xxii. Dental Caries xxiii. Diarrhea xxiv. Displaced Absomasum xxv. Diverticulitis xxvi. Dyscheziz xxvii. Dysentary xxviii. Dysphagia xxix. Emaciation xxx. Emesis xxxi. Enteritis xxxii. Enterocolitis xxxiii. Epulis xxxiv. Eructation xxxv. Esophageal Reflux xxxvi. Eviscerate xxxvii. Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency xxxviii. Fecalith xxxix. Flatulence xl. Gastric Dilation xli. Gastric Dilation Volvulus xlii. Gastritis NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 26 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential xliii. xliv. xlv. xlvi. xlvii. xlviii. xlix. l. li. lii. liii. liv. lv. lvi. lvii. lviii. lix. lx. lxi. lxii. lxiii. lxiv. lxv. lxvi. lxvii. lxviii. lxix. lxx. lxxi. lxxii. lxxiii. lxxiv. lxxv. lxxvi. lxxvii. lxxviii. lxxix. lxxx. lxxxi. lxxxii. lxxxiii. NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Version 6.1.17 Gastroenteritis Gingival Hyperplasia Gingivitis Glossitis Hematemesis Hematochezia Hemoperitoneum Hepatitis Hepatoma Hepatomegaly Hiatal Hernia Hydrops Hyperglycemia Hypoglycemia Iletis Ileus Impaction Inappetence Incontinence Inflammatory Bowel Disease Inguinal Hernia Intussusception Jaundice Lethargy Malabsorption Malnutrition Malocclusion Megacolon Megaesophagus Melena Nausea Obstruction 1. Intestinal Obstruction 2. Partial Obstruction Oronasal Fistula Palatoschisis Perforating Ulcer Periapical Abscess Periodontitis Pica Plaque Polydipsia Polyp Page 27 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 lxxxiv. Polyphagia lxxxv. Prolapse lxxxvi. Quidding lxxxvii. Regurgitation lxxxviii. Salivary Mucocele lxxxix. Scours xc. Shunt xci. Stenosis xcii. Stomatitis xciii. Tenesmus xciv. Torsion xcv. Trichobezoar xcvi. Ulcer xcvii. Volvulus e. Effects of Therapeutic Procedures i. Abdominocentesis ii. Abomasopexy iii. Anastomosis iv. Anoplasty v. Antidiarrheal vi. Bolus vii. Cholecystectomy viii. Colectomy ix. Colostomy x. Colotomy xi. Crown xii. Drench xiii. Emetic xiv. Enterostomy xv. Esophagoplasty xvi. Extraction xvii. Fistula xviii. Float xix. Gastrectomy xx. Gastroduodenostomy xxi. Gastropexy xxii. Gastrostomy xxiii. Gastrotomy xxiv. Gavage xxv. Gingivectomy xxvi. Hepatotomy xxvii. Ileectomy xxviii. Ileostomy NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 28 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 xxix. Laparotomy xxx. Nasogastric Intubation xxxi. Orogastric Intubation xxxii. Palatoplasty xxxiii. Transfaunation xxxiv. Trocarization f. Abbreviations Related to the Digestive System i. BE ii. BM iii. C iv. DA v. EPI vi. GDV vii. GERD viii. GI ix. I x. IDB xi. LDA xii. M xiii. NG xiv. NPO xv. P xvi. PD xvii. PO xviii. RDA xix. TPN 4. The Urinary System a. Anatomy of the Urinary System i. Function of the Kidneys 1. Location of Kidneys 2. Layers of the Kidneys a. Cortex b. Medulla c. Nephron i. Glomerulus ii. Bowman’s Capsule iii. Proximal Convoluted Tubule iv. Loop of Henle v. Distal Convoluted Tubule vi. Collecting Duct d. Renal Pelvis e. Hilus ii. Importance of the Ureters NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 29 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 iii. Function of the Bladder iv. Function of the Urethra b. Physiology of the Urinary System i. Function of the Urinary System ii. Importance of Uropoiesis iii. Importance of Urine Color c. Function of Diagnostic Procedures i. Cystocentesis ii. Cystography iii. Cystoscopy iv. Intravenous Pyelogram v. Pneumocystography vi. Radiography vii. Retrograde Pyelogram viii. Urinalysis ix. Urinary Catheterization d. Effects of Pathological Conditions i. Azotemia ii. Calculus iii. Casts iv. Crystals v. Cystalgia vi. Cystitis vii. Cystocele viii. Epispadias ix. Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease x. Glomerulonephritis xi. Hydronephrosis xii. Hydroureter xiii. Hypospadias xiv. Inappropriate Urination xv. Incontinence xvi. Interstitial Cystitis xvii. –lithiasis xviii. Nephrectasis xix. Nephritis xx. Nephrolith xxi. Nephromalacia xxii. Nephropahty xxiii. Nephrosclerosis xxiv. Nephrosis xxv. Prerenal xxvi. Postrenal NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 30 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 xxvii. xxviii. xxix. xxx. Prolapse Pyelitis Pyelonephritis Renal Failure 1. Acute vs. Chronic Renal Failure 2. Polyuria vs. Polydipsia xxxi. Renal Infarction xxxii. Uremia xxxiii. Ureterectasis xxxiv. Ureterolith xxxv. Urethritis xxxvi. Urethrolithiasis xxxvii. Urethrostenosis xxxviii. Urinary Retention xxxix. Urinary Tract Infection xl. Urolith e. Effects of Therapeutic Procedures i. Cystectomy ii. Cystopexy iii. Cystoplasty iv. Cystostomy v. Cystotomy vi. Dialysis vii. Lithotripsy viii. Nephrectomy ix. Nephropexy x. Nephroplasty xi. Nephrostomy xii. Nephrotomy xiii. Ureterectomy xiv. Ureteroplasty xv. Ureterotomy xvi. Urethroplasty xvii. Urethrostomy xviii. Urethrotomy f. Abbreviations Related to the Urinary System i. ADH ii. AKI iii. ARF iv. BUN v. cath vi. CRF vii. CRRT NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 31 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 viii. FLUTD ix. FUS x. GFR xi. HD xii. IHD xiii. IVP xiv. K xv. Na xvi. PU xvii. SG xviii. UA xix. UTI 5. The Cardiovascular System a. Anatomy of the Cardiovascular System i. Heart Structures 1. Location of the Heart 2. Function of the Pericardium a. Fibrous Pericardium b. Serous Layer i. Parietal Layer ii. Visceral Layer c. Pericardial Space d. Pericardial Fluid 3. Layers of the Heart Walls a. Epicardium b. Myocardium c. Endocardium 4. Importance of Blood Supply a. Coronary Arteries b. Coronary Veins c. Effects of Coronary Occlusion 5. Chambers of the Heart a. Atria b. Ventricles c. Interatrial vs. Interventricular Septum d. Apex 6. Valves of the Heart a. Right Artioventricular Valve b. Pulmonary Semilunar Valve c. Left Artioventricular Valve d. Aortic Semilunar Valve e. Process of Blood Flow Through the Heart 7. Importance of Heart Rhythms NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 32 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 a. b. c. d. Heartbeat Cardiac Output Stroke Volume Movement of Electrical Activity i. Sinoatrial Node ii. Purkinje Fibers iii. Atrial Systole iv. Atrioventricular Node v. Bundle of His vi. Ventricular Systole e. Sinus Rhythm ii. Visualization of Electric Activity 1. Function of an Electrocardiogram 2. Function of Electrocardiography iii. Sounds of the Heart 1. Auscultation 2. Stethoscope 3. Heart Murmur a. Holosystolic vs. Pansystolic b. Stenosis c. Crescendo vs. Decrescendo Murmurs d. Thrill iv. Importance of Blood Vessels 1. Types of Blood Vessels a. Arteries i. Aorta ii. Arterioles b. Veins i. Venules ii. Makeup of Veins c. Capillaries i. Perfusion ii. Capillary Refill Time 2. Parts of the Blood Vessels a. Lumen i. Constriction ii. Dilation b. Hilus 3. Blood Pressure a. Viscosity b. Pulse c. Function of a Sphygmomanometer d. Systolic vs. Diastolic Pressure NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 33 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 e. Hypertension vs. Hypotension b. Function of Diagnostic Procedures i. Angiocardiography ii. Angiography iii. Cardiac Catheterization iv. Echocardiography v. Electrocardiography vi. Holter Monitor vii. Radiography viii. Tourniquet c. Effects of Pathological Conditions i. Aneurysm ii. Angiopathy iii. Aortic Insufficiency iv. Atherosclerosis v. Atrial Septal Defect vi. Cardiac Tamponade vii. Cardiomegaly viii. Cardiomyopathy 1. Hypertrophic 2. Dilated ix. Carditis x. Congestive Heart Failure xi. Cor Pulmonale xii. Dirofilariosis 1. Microfilariae 2. Caval Syndrome 3. Prophylactic xiii. Embolus xiv. Endocarditis xv. Heart Block xvi. Hemangioma xvii. Hematoma xviii. Hypercapnia xix. Hypocapnia xx. Hypoxia xxi. Infarct xxii. Ischemia xxiii. Mitral Stenosis xxiv. Mitral Valve Insufficiency xxv. Mitral Valve Prolapse xxvi. Myocarditis xxvii. Occlusion NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 34 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 xxviii. Patent Ductus Arteriosus xxix. Pericarditus xxx. Pulmonic Stenosis xxxi. Regurgitation xxxii. Shock xxxiii. Tetralogy of Fallot xxxiv. Thromboembolism xxxv. Thrombus xxxvi. Vasculitis xxxvii. Ventricular Septal Defect d. Effects of Therapeutic Procedures i. Angioplasty ii. Angiorrhaphy iii. Arteriectomy iv. Arteriotomy v. Central Venous Pressure vi. Defibrillation vii. Hemostasis viii. Stent ix. Transfusion x. Valvotomy e. Abbreviations Related to the Cardiovascular System i. AF ii. ASD iii. AV iv. BP v. CHR vi. CPR vii. CRTCVP viii. ECG or EKG ix. HR x. LV xi. MM xii. MSPDA xiii. PMI xiv. PVC xv. RV xvi. SA xvii. VSD xviii. VT 6. The Respiratory System a. Anatomy of the Respiratory System i. Upper Respiratory Tract NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 35 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 1. Function of the Nose a. Nares i. Nasal Turbinates ii. Meatus iii. Nasogastric Tube b. Vestibule c. Mucous Membrane d. Cilia e. Olfactory Receptors f. Tonsils 2. Function of the Sinuses a. Frontal b. Maxillary c. Sphenoid d. Palatine e. Lacrimal f. Conchal 3. Function of the Pharynx a. Divisions of the Pharynx i. Nasopharynx ii. Oropharynx iii. Laryngopharynx b. Function of the Soft Palate c. Function of the Epiglottis 4. Function of the Larynx a. Voice Box b. Vocal Cords c. Glottis d. Syrinx ii. Lower Respiratory Tract 1. Function of the Trachea a. Windpipe b. Thorax c. Thoracic Inlet 2. Function of the Bronchi a. Tracheal Bifurcation b. Bronchus i. Primary Bronchus ii. Secondary Bronchi iii. Tertiary Bronchi c. Bronchial Tree 3. Function of the Alveoli 4. Function of the Thorax NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 36 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 a. Lungs b. Lobes c. Parenchyma d. Mediastinum 5. Function of the Pleura a. Parietal Pleura b. Visceral Pleura c. Pleural Space d. Pleural Fluid 6. Function of the Diaphragm b. Physiology of the Respiratory System i. Function of the Respiratory System 1. Respiration 2. Ventilation ii. Inhalation vs. Exhalation iii. Inspiration vs. Expiration iv. Medical Breathing Terms 1. Apnea 2. Dyspnea 3. Bradypnea 4. Tachypnea 5. Hyperpnea 6. Hypopnea 7. Hyperventilation 8. Agnoal Breating v. Effects of Respiratory Acidosis vs. Alkalosis vi. Effects of Metabolic Acidosis vs. Alkalosis vii. Importance of Lung Volume 1. Tidal Volume 2. Inspiratory vs. Expiratory Reserve Volume 3. Residual Volume 4. Dead Space 5. Minimal Volume 6. Vital Capacity c. Function of Diagnostic Procedures i. Arterial Blood Gases ii. Auscultation 1. Bubbling 2. Crepitation 3. Decreased Lung Sounds iii. Respiratory Rate 1. Rhonchi 2. Stridor NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 37 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 3. Vesicular iv. Bronchoalveolar Lavagae v. Bronchoscopy vi. Laryngoscopy vii. Percussion viii. Phlegm ix. Radiography x. Spirometer xi. Sputum Culture xii. Thoracocentesis xiii. Trachael Wash xiv. Transtracheal Wash xv. Trephination d. Effects of Pathological Conditions i. Anoxia ii. Asphyxiation iii. Aspiration iv. Asthma v. Atelectasis vi. Bronchiectasis vii. Bronchitis viii. Bronchopneumonia ix. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder x. Cyanosis xi. Diaphragmatic Hernia xii. Emphysema xiii. Epistaxis xiv. Equine Haryngeal Hemiplegia xv. Hemoptysis xvi. Hemothorax xvii. Inflammation xviii. Laryngitis xix. Laryngoplegia xx. Laryngospasm xxi. Pharyngitis xxii. Phonation xxiii. Pleural Effusion xxiv. Pleurisy xxv. Pleuropneumonia xxvi. Pneumonia xxvii. Pneumothorax xxviii. Polyp xxix. Pulmonary Edema NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 38 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 xxx. Pulmonary Fibrosis xxxi. Pyothorax xxxii. Rhinitis xxxiii. Rhinopneumonitis xxxiv. Rhinorrhea xxxv. Sinusitis xxxvi. Snuffles xxxvii. Stenotic Nares xxxviii. Tracheitis xxxix. Tracheobronchitis xl. Upper Respiratory Infection e. Effects of Therapeutic Procedures i. Chest Tube Placement ii. Endotracheal Intubation iii. Laryngectomy iv. Laryngoplasty v. Lobectomy vi. Pharyngoplasty vii. Pharyngostomy viii. Pharyngotomy ix. Pleurectomy x. Pneumonectomy xi. Sinusotomy xii. Thoractomy xiii. Tracheoplasty xiv. Tracheostomy xv. Tracheotomy f. Abbreviations Related to the Respiratory System i. ABG ii. CO2 iii. COPD iv. CPR v. ET vi. O2 vii. PEEP viii. RR ix. TTA x. TTW xi. URI 7. The Integumentary System a. Anatomy of the Integumentary System i. Function of the Skin 1. Epithelial Tissue NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 39 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 2. Layers of the Skin a. Function of the Epidermis i. Squamous Epithelium ii. Layers of the Epidermis 1. Stratum Basale a. Keratin b. Melanocytes c. Effects of Albanism 2. Stratum Spinosum 3. Stratum Granulosum 4. Stratum Lucidum 5. Stratum Corneum b. Function of the Dermis i. Importance of Sensory Nerve Endings ii. Connective Tissue Cells 1. Fibroblasts 2. Collagen 3. Histiocytes 4. Mast Cells c. Function of Subcutaneous Layer ii. Skin Structures 1. Function of Glands a. Sebaceous Glands i. Sebum ii. Role of Ducts iii. Holocrine Glands b. Sweat Glands i. Eccrine Glands ii. Apocrine Glands iii. Hyperthermia vs. Hypothermia iv. Anhidrosis vs. Hyperhidrosis v. Ceruminous Glands 2. Function of Hair a. Composition of the Hair Shaft i. Cuticle ii. Cortex iii. Medulla b. Hair Roots c. Hair Follicles 3. Other Skin Structures a. Nails and Claws i. Function of Walls ii. Function of Soles NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 40 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 iii. Function of Foot Pads 1. Digital Pads 2. Metacarpal vs. Metatarsal Pads 3. Carpal Pads 4. Digitigrade vs. Plantigrade Animals iv. Function of Quickening b. Function of Hooves c. Function of Dewclaws d. Function of Chestnuts e. Function of Ergots b. Function of Diagnostic Procedures i. Biopsy 1. Incisional Biopsy 2. Excisional Biopsy ii. Culture iii. Exfoliative Cytology iv. Intradermal Skin Testing v. Skin Scrape c. Effects of Pathological Conditions i. Abrasion ii. Abscess iii. Acne iv. Acute Moist Dermatitis v. Alopecia vi. Atopy 1. Hypersensitization 2. Hyposensititzation vii. Bullae viii. Burn ix. Carbuncle x. Carcinoma xi. Cellulitis xii. Comedo xiii. Contusion xiv. Crust xv. Cyst xvi. Dermatitis xvii. Dermatocellulitis xviii. Dermatomycosis xix. Dermatosis xx. Discoid Lupus Erythematosus xxi. Dyskeratosis xxii. Ecchymosis NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 41 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 xxiii. Ecthyma xxiv. Eczema xxv. Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex 1. Eosinophilic Ulcer 2. Eosinophilic Plaques 3. Linear Granulomas xxvi. Erythema xxvii. Erythroderma xxviii. Exanthema xxix. Excoriation xxx. Feline Miliary Dermatitis xxxi. Fissure xxxii. Fistula xxxiii. Flea Allergy Dermatitis xxxiv. Footrot xxxv. Frostbite xxxvi. Furuncle xxxvii. Gangrene xxxviii. Granuloma xxxix. Hemangioma xl. Hyperkeratosis xli. Infestations xlii. Keratosis xliii. Laceration xliv. Lesion xlv. Lipoma xlvi. Macule xlvii. Melanoma xlviii. Nodule xlix. Onychomycosis l. Pallor li. Papilloma lii. Papule liii. Parakeratosis liv. Paronychia lv. Patch lvi. Pemphigus lvii. Petechiae lviii. Plaque lix. Pododermatitis lx. Polyp lxi. Pruritus lxii. Purpura NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 42 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 lxiii. Pustule lxiv. Pyoderma lxv. Sarcoma lxvi. Scale lxvii. Scar lxviii. Sebaceous Cyst lxix. Seborrhea lxx. Skin Tag lxxi. Ulcer lxxii. Urticaria lxxiii. Verrucae lxxiv. Vesicle lxxv. Wheal d. Effects of Therapeutic Procedures i. Cauterization ii. Cryosurgery iii. Debridement iv. Lance v. Laser e. Abbreviations Related to the Integumentary Systems i. bx ii. DLE iii. FAD iv. ID v. PPD vi. SLE vii. SQ/SC/subq/subcu 8. The Endocrine System a. Anatomy of the Endocrine System i. Function of the Pituitary Gland 1. Importance of the Hypothalamus 2. Lobes of the Pituitary Gland a. Adenohypophysis b. Neurohypophysis c. Direct vs. Indirect-Acting Hormones 3. Secretions of the Anterior Pituitary Gland a. Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone b. Adrenocorticotropic Hormone c. Follice-Stimulating Hormone d. Luteinizing Hormone e. Intertitial Cell-Stimulating Hormone f. Lactogenic Hormone g. Growth Hormone NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 43 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 h. Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone 4. Secretions from the Posterior Pituitary Gland a. Antidiuretic Hormone b. Oxytocin ii. Function of the Thyroid Gland 1. Triiodothyronine 2. Thyroxine 3. Calcitonin iii. Function of the Parathyroid Glands iv. Function of the Adrenal Glands 1. Adrenal Cortex 2. Adrenal Medulla 3. Secretions of the Adrenal Cortex a. Steroid b. Corticosteroids c. Mineralocorticoids d. Glucocorticoids e. Androgens 4. Secretions of the Adrenal Medulla a. Epinephrine b. Norepinephrine v. Function of the Pancreas 1. Islets of Langerhans 2. Secretions of the Pancreas a. Insulin b. Glucagon vi. Function of the Thymus vii. Function of the Pineal Gland viii. Function of the Gonads 1. Secretions of the Ovary a. Estrogen b. Progesterone 2. Secretions of the Testes b. Function of Diagnostic Procedures i. ACTH Stimulation Test ii. Assays iii. Dexamethasone Suppression Test iv. Radioactive Iodine Uptake Test v. Thyroid Stimulation Test c. Effects of Pathological Conditions i. Acromegaly ii. Adrenopathy iii. Aldosteronism NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 44 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 iv. Diabetes Insipidus v. Diabetes Mellitus vi. Endocrinopathy vii. Gynecomastia viii. Hyperadrenocorticism ix. Hypercrinism x. Hyperglycemia xi. Hypergonadism xii. Hyperinsulinism xiii. Hyperparathyroidism xiv. Hyperpituitarism xv. Hyperthyroidism xvi. Hypoadrenocorticism xvii. Hypocrinism xviii. Hypoglycemia xix. Hypogonadism xx. Hypoparathyroidism xxi. Hypophysitis xxii. Hypothyroidism xxiii. Insulinoma xxiv. Pancreatitis xxv. Pheochromocytoma xxvi. Pinealopathy xxvii. Pituitarism xxviii. Thymoma xxix. Thyroiditis xxx. Thyromegaly xxxi. Thyrotoxicosis d. Effects of Therapeutic Procedures i. Adrenalectomy ii. Chemical Thyroidectomy iii. Hypophysectomy iv. Lobectomy v. Pancreatectomy vi. Pancreatotomy vii. Parathryoidectomy viii. Pinealectomy ix. Thymectomy x. Thyroidectomy e. Abbreviations Related to the Endocrine System i. ACTH ii. ADH iii. DI NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 45 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 iv. DM v. FSH vi. GH vii. GLU viii. hCG ix. ICSH x. LH xi. LTH xii. MSH xiii. PTH xiv. STH xv. T3 xvi. T4 xvii. TSH 9. The Reproductive System a. Anatomy of the Male Reproductive System i. Function of the Male Reproductive System ii. Function of the Scrotum iii. Function of the Testes 1. Seminiferous Tubes 2. Types of Cells a. Interstitial Cells b. Sertoli Cells 3. Sperm 4. Spermatogenesis iv. Function of the Epididymis v. Function of the Ductus Deferens vi. Other Sex Glands 1. Function of the Seminal Vesicles 2. Function of the Ejaculatory Duct 3. Function of the Prostate Glands 4. Function of the Bulbourethral Glands vii. Function of the Urethra viii. Function of the Penis b. Anatomy of the Female Reproductive System i. Function of the Female Reproductive System ii. Function of the Ovaries iii. Function of the Uterine Tubes 1. Infundibulum 2. Fimbriae 3. Fertilization iv. Function of the Uterus 1. Parts of the Uterus NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 46 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 a. Cornus b. Corpus c. Cervix 2. Types of Tissues a. Perimetrium b. Myometrium c. Endometrium v. Function of the Cervix vi. Function of the Vagina vii. Function of the Vulva 1. Labia 2. Vestibular Glands viii. Function of the Mammary Glands 1. Udder 2. Teat 3. Alveoli 4. Lactiferous Duct 5. Lactiferous Sinus 6. Papillary Duct c. The Estrous Cycle i. Phases of the Estrous Cycle 1. Proestrus 2. Estrus 3. Metestrus 4. Diestrus 5. Anestrus ii. Process of Ovulation iii. Function of the Follicular Phase iv. Function of the Luteal Phase d. Process of Mating i. Copulate ii. Intromission iii. Ejaculation iv. Fertilization e. Function of the Placenta i. Umbilical Cord ii. Umbilicus iii. Structures of the Placenta 1. Amnion 2. Amniotic Sac 3. Allantois 4. Chorion 5. Cotyledon NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 47 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 6. Caruncle 7. Placentome f. Importance of Pregnancy i. Gestation ii. Viability iii. Gestational Terms 1. Gravid/o 2. –para 3. Nullifravida 4. Primigravida 5. Multigravida 6. Multiparous 7. Viviparous 8. Oviparous 9. Ovovivparous g. Process of Birth i. Parturition ii. Labor iii. Antepartum iv. Postpartum 1. Dilation 2. Delivery v. Neonate vi. Meconium vii. Uterine Involution viii. Colostrum ix. Lactation h. Function of Diagnostic Procedures i. Amniocentesis ii. Radiography iii. Ultrasound i. Effects of Pathological Conditions i. Abortion ii. Azospermia iii. Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy iv. Cervicitis v. Cryptorchidism vi. Dystocia vii. Ectopic Pregnancy viii. Epididymitis ix. Fetal Defects 1. Teratogens 2. Mutagens NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 48 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 x. Fibroid xi. Hermaphroditism xii. Mastitis xiii. Metritis xiv. Oligospermia xv. Orchitis xvi. Ovarian Cyst xvii. Paraphimosis xviii. Phimosis xix. Pneumovagina xx. Priapism xxi. Prostatitis xxii. Pseudocyesis xxiii. Pyometra xxiv. Retained Placenta xxv. Scrotal Hydrocele xxvi. Sterility xxvii. Supernumerary xxviii. Transmissible Venereal Tumor xxix. Uterine Prolapse xxx. Vaginal Prolapse xxxi. Vaginitis j. Effects of Therapeutic Procedures i. Assisted Delivery ii. Cesarean Section iii. Electroejaculation iv. Episiotomy v. Fetotomy vi. Hysterectomy vii. Mastectomy viii. Neuter ix. Oophorectomy x. Orchidectomy xi. Ovariohysterectomy xii. Vasectomy k. Abbreviations Related to the Reproductive System i. ACT ii. AI iii. BPH iv. C v. C-section vi. CL vii. CMT NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 49 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 viii. N ix. OB x. OHE xi. OVH xii. pg xiii. RP xiv. S xv. TVT 10. The Nervous System a. Anatomy of the Nervous System i. Structures of the Nervous System 1. Central Nervous System 2. Peripheral Nervous System ii. Function of Neurons 1. Types of Neurons a. Sensory Neurons b. Associative Neurons c. Motor Neurons 2. Composition of a Neuron a. Soma b. Dendrites c. Axon d. Nerve Fibers e. Nerve Trunks f. Neurolemma g. Nuclei vs. Ganglia iii. Function of the Synapse iv. Function of Glial Cells 1. Astrocytes 2. Microglia 3. Oligodendrocytes 4. Schwann cells v. Function of Myelin 1. Myelin Sheath 2. Myelinated Nerves 3. White vs. Gray Matter 4. Nodes of Ranvier vi. Function of Nerves 1. Tract 2. Ganglion 3. Plexus 4. Innervation 5. Receptors NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 50 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 6. Stimulus 7. Impulse 8. Reflex a. Hyporeflexive b. Hyperreflexive b. Anatomy of the Central Nervous System i. Function of the Meninges 1. Layers of the Meninges a. Dura Mater b. Arachnoid c. Pia Mater 2. Location of Structures a. Epidural b. Subdural Space c. Subarachnoid Space ii. Function of the Cerebrospinal Fluid iii. Function of the Brain 1. Cranium 2. Divisions of the Brain a. Cerebrum i. Cerebral Cortex ii. Gyri iii. Sulci iv. Ventricles b. Cerebellum c. Brainstem i. Interbrain ii. Midbrain iii. Pons iv. Medulla Oblongata iv. Function of the Spinal Cord 1. Foramen Magnum 2. Areas of Intumescence a. Cervical Intumescence b. Lumbosacral Intumescence 3. Conus Medullaris 4. Cauda Equina 5. Filum Terminale v. Function of Intervertebral Discs 1. Nucleus Pulposus 2. Annulus Fibrosis c. Anatomy of the Peripheral Nervous System i. Function of Cranial Nerves NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 51 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 ii. Function of Spinal Nerves iii. Dorsal vs. Ventral Root iv. Plexus 1. Brachial Plexus 2. Lumbosacral Plexus v. Function of the Automatic Nervous System 1. Sympathetic Nervous System 2. Parasympathetic Nervous System 3. Importance of Homeostasis d. Function of Diagnostic Procedures i. Cerebrospinal Fluid Tap ii. Discography iii. Electroencephalography iv. Myelography v. Pupillary Light Reflex e. Effects of Pathological Conditions i. Amnesia ii. Astrocytoma iii. Ataxia iv. Catalepsy v. Cataplexy vi. Cerebellar Hypoplasia vii. Cervical Vertebral Malformation viii. Chorea ix. Choriomeningitis x. Concussion xi. Conscious Propriceptive Deficit xii. Contusion xiii. Decerebration xiv. Demyelination xv. Discospondylitis xvi. Encephalitis xvii. Encephalocele xviii. Encephalomalacia xix. Encephalomyelitis xx. Encephalopathy xxi. Epilepsy xxii. Hallucination xxiii. Hematoma 1. Epidural Hematoma 2. Subdural Hematoma xxiv. Hemiplegia xxv. Horner’s Syndrome NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 52 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 xxvi. xxvii. xxviii. xxix. xxx. xxxi. xxxii. xxxiii. xxxiv. xxxv. xxxvi. xxxvii. xxxviii. xxxix. xl. xli. xlii. Hydrocephalus Hyperesthesia Hyperkinesis Hypnosis Intervertebral Disc Disease Leukoencephalomalacia Macrocephaly Meningioma Meningitis Meningocele Meningoencephalitis Meningoencephalomyelitis Microcephaly Monoplegia Myelitis Myelopathy Myoparesis 1. Hemiparesis 2. Paraparesis xliii. Narcolepsy xliv. Neuralgia xlv. Neuritis xlvi. Opisthotonos xlvii. Paralysis xlviii. Paraplegia xlix. Paresthesia l. Polioencephalomalacia li. Polioencephalomyelitis lii. Poliomyelitis liii. Polyneuritis liv. Polyradiculoneuritis lv. Ptosis lvi. Radiculitis lvii. Roaring lviii. Seizure lix. Spasticity lx. Spina Bifida lxi. Syncope lxii. Tetraplegia lxiii. Tremor lxiv. Vestibular Disease f. Effects of Therapeutic Procedures i. Analgesia NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 53 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 ii. Anesthesia 1. Topical Anesthesia 2. Local Anesthesia 3. Epidural Anesthesia iii. Disc Fenestration iv. Dysesthesia v. Laminectomy vi. Neurectomy vii. Neuroanastomosis viii. Neuroplasty ix. Neurorrhaphy x. Neurotomy g. Abbreviations Related to the Nervous System i. ACh ii. AChE iii. ANS iv. BAR v. BBB vi. CHe vii. CNS viii. CP ix. CSF x. CT scan xi. EEG xii. IVDD xiii. LOC xiv. MRI xv. PEM xvi. PLR xvii. PNS 11. The Ocular System a. Anatomy of the Ocular System i. Function of Accessory Eye Structures 1. Orbit 2. Eye Muscles a. Binocular b. Extrinsic Muscles c. Levator Palpebrae Muscles 3. Eyelids 4. Canthus 5. Tarsal Plate 6. Meibomian Glands 7. Eyelashes NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 54 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 8. Conjunctiva 9. Lacrimal Apparatus a. Lacrimal Canaliculi b. Lacrimal Sac c. Nasolacrimal Duct d. Dorsal vs. Ventral Punctum ii. Function of the Eyeball 1. Sclera a. Episclera b. Cornea c. Descemet’s Membrane 2. Choroid a. Tapetum Lucidum b. Tapetum Nigrum c. Iris d. Corpora Nigra e. Pupil i. Constriction vs. Dilation ii. Miosis vs. Mydriasis f. Lens g. Cilary Body 3. Retina a. Rods b. Cones c. Optic Disk d. Macula Lutea e. Fovea Centralis f. Fundus 4. Eye Chambers a. Anterior Segment i. Anterior Chamber ii. Posterior Chamber b. Vitreous Chamber c. Aqueous vs. Viterous Humor b. Physiology of the Ocular System i. Function of the Ocular System ii. Accomodation iii. Refraction iv. Convergence v. Acuity c. Function of Diagnostic Procedures i. Conjunctival Scrape ii. Electroretinography NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 55 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 iii. Fluorescein Dye Stain iv. Goniometry v. Menace Response vi. Ophthalmoscope vii. Ophthalmoscopy viii. Palpebral Reflex ix. Pupillary Light Reflex x. Schirmer Tear Test xi. Slit Lamp Examination xii. Tonometry d. Effects of Pathological Conditions i. Amblyopia ii. Anisocoria iii. Anophthalmos iv. Aphakia v. Blepharitis vi. Blepharoptosis vii. Blepharospasm viii. Blindness ix. Buphthalmos x. Cataract xi. Chalazion xii. Conjunctivitis xiii. Corneal Ulceration xiv. Cyclopia xv. Dacryocystitis xvi. Diplopia xvii. Distichiasis xviii. Ectropion xix. Entropion xx. Epiphora xxi. Episcleritis xxii. Exophthalmos xxiii. Floaters xxiv. Glaucoma xxv. Hordeolum xxvi. Hypertropia xxvii. Hypopyon xxviii. Hypotropia xxix. Iritis xxx. Keratitis xxxi. Kertoconjunctivitis xxxii. Macular Degeneration NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 56 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 xxxiii. xxxiv. xxxv. xxxvi. xxxvii. xxxviii. xxxix. xl. xli. xlii. xliii. xliv. xlv. xlvi. xlvii. xlviii. Microphthalmia Monochromatism Nictitating Gland Prolapse Nuclear Sclerosis Nyctalopia Nystagmus Ophthalmoplegia Panophthalmitis Papilledema Photophobia Proptosis Retinal Detachment Retinopathy Scleral Injection Scleritis Strabismus 1. Convergent Strabismus 2. Divergent Strabismus xlix. Synechia l. Uveitis e. Effects of Therapeutic Procedures i. Blepharectomy ii. Blepharoplasty iii. Blepharorrhaphy iv. Blepharotomy v. Canthectomy vi. Canthoplasty vii. Canthotomy viii. Conjunctivoplasty ix. Dacryrocystotomy x. Enucleation xi. Extracapsular Extraction xii. Goniotomy xiii. Intracapsular Extraction xiv. Iridectomy xv. Keratectomy xvi. Keratocentesis xvii. Keratoplasty xviii. Keratotomy xix. Lacromotomy xx. Lensectomy xxi. Tarsectomy xxii. Tarsorrhaphy NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 57 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 f. Abbreviations Related to the Ocular System i. ERG ii. IOP iii. KCS iv. OD v. OS vi. OU vii. PLR 12. The Auditory System a. Anatomy of the Auditory System i. Functions of Outer Ear 1. Pinna 2. External Auditory Canal 3. External Auditory Meatus 4. Cerumen ii. Function of the Middle Ear 1. Eardrum 2. Auditory Ossicles a. Malleus b. Incus c. Stapes 3. Eustachian Tube 4. Oval vs. Round Window 5. Tympanic Bulla iii. Function of the Inner Ear 1. Parts of the Bony Labyrinth a. Vestibule b. Semicircular Canals i. Vestibular ii. Tympanic iii. Cochlear c. Cochlea i. Cochlear Duct ii. Organ of Corti 2. Perilymph 3. Endolymph b. Physiology of the Auditory System i. Function of the Auditory System ii. Air Conduction iii. Bone Condution iv. Sensorineural Conduction c. Function of the Equilibrium System i. Process for Achieving Equilibrium NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 58 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 ii. Saccule iii. Utricle iv. Macula v. Otoliths vi. Cristae d. Function of Diagnostic Procedures i. Cytology ii. Otoscopy e. Effects of Pathological Conditions i. Aural Hematoma ii. Deafness iii. Myringitis iv. Otalgia v. Otitis 1. Otitis Externa 2. Otitis Media 3. Otitis Interna vi. Otomycosis vii. Otopathy viii. Otopyorrhea ix. Otorrhea x. Panotitis xi. Vertigo f. Effects of Therapeutic Procedures i. Ablation ii. Myringectomy iii. Otoplasty g. Abbreviations Related to the Auditory System i. AD ii. AS iii. AU 13. The Hematologic System a. Anatomy of the Blood i. Composition of Blood ii. Formation of Blood iii. Coagulation vs. Anticoagulation iv. Liquid Portion of the Blood 1. Function of Serum 2. Function of Plasma a. Clotting Proteins b. Types of Lipids v. Elements in the Blood 1. Function of Erythrocytes NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 59 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 a. Importance of Hemoglobin b. Importance of a Reticulocyte c. Importance of Macrophage 2. Function of Leukocytes a. Granulocyte vs. Agranulocyte b. Basophilic vs. Eosinophilic 3. Function of Clotting Cells vi. Function of the Hematologic System b. Function of Diagnostic Procedures i. Blood Smear ii. Bone Marrow Biopsy iii. Laboratory Tests iv. Ultrasound c. Effects of Pathological Conditions i. Anemia ii. Basopenia iii. Basophilia iv. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation v. Dyscrasia vi. Edema vii. Eosinopenia viii. Eosinophilia ix. Erythrocytosis x. Exudate xi. Hemolytic xii. Hemophilia xiii. Hemorrhage xiv. Hyperalbuminemia xv. Hyperemia xvi. Hyperlipidemia xvii. Icteric Serum xviii. Left Shift xix. Leukemia xx. Leukocytosis xxi. Leukopenia xxii. Lipemia xxiii. Lipemic Serum xxiv. Lymphocytosis xxv. Lymphopenia xxvi. Modified Transudate xxvii. Monocytopenia xxviii. Monocytosis xxix. Myelodysplasia NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 60 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 xxx. Neutropenia xxxi. Neutrophilia xxxii. Pancytopenia xxxiii. Phagocytosis xxxiv. Polycythemia xxxv. Septicemia xxxvi. Thrombocytopenia xxxvii. Thrombocytosis xxxviii. Transudate d. Abbreviations Related to the Hematologic System i. DIC ii. EDTA iii. H&E iv. PMN v. RBC vi. WBC 14. The Lymphatic and Immune Systems a. Anatomy of the Lymphatic System i. Function of Interstitial Fluid ii. Function of Lymph Vessels 1. Lymph Capillaries 2. Cisterna Chyli 3. Lacteals iii. Function of Lymph Nodes iv. Function of Tonsils v. Function of the Spleen vi. Function of the Thymus b. Anatomy of the Immune System i. Function of Specialized Cells 1. Lymphocyte 2. B Lymphocytes 3. Plasmocytes 4. T Lymphocytes a. Helper T Cells b. Cytotoxic T Cells c. Suppressor T Cells d. Memory T Cells 5. Monocytes ii. Function of the Immune System 1. Defense Mechanisms 2. Importance of Immunity a. Naturally Acquired Passive Immunity b. Naturally Acquired Active Immunity NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 61 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 c. Artificially Acquired Passive Immunity d. Artificially Acquired Active Immunity c. Effects of Pathological Conditions i. Allergy ii. Anaphylaxis iii. Autoimmune Disease iv. Immunosuppression v. Lymphadenitis vi. Lymphadenopathy vii. Lymphangioma viii. Splenomegaly ix. Tonsillitis d. Effects of Therapeutic Procedures i. Splenectomy ii. Thymectomy iii. Tonsillectomy e. Abbreviations Related to the Lymphatic and Immune Systems i. CMI 15. Study of Oncology a. Types of Tumors i. Malignant 1. Metastasis 2. Carcinoma 3. Sarcoma ii. Benign b. Appearance of Tumors i. Pedunculated ii. Well-Circumscribed iii. Encapsulated iv. Invasive c. Function of Diagnostic Procedures i. Biopsies ii. Histopathology iii. Radiographs iv. Touch Preps v. Ultrasound d. Effects of Pathological Conditions i. Adenocarcinoma ii. Blastoma iii. Hemangioma iv. Hemangiosarcoma v. Leiomyosarcoma vi. Lymphoma NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 62 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 vii. Mast Cell Tumor viii. Melanoma ix. Myeloma x. Myosarcoma xi. Myxoma xii. Neurobastoma xiii. Osteosarcoma xiv. Rhabdomyosarcoma xv. Squamous Cell Carcinoma e. Effects of Therapeutic Procedures i. Chemotherapy ii. Fulguration iii. Lymphadenectomy iv. Protocol v. Radiation Therapy vi. Surgical Excision Assessment, Pharmacology, and Surgery Objective: Define veterinary medical terms associated with the physical examination, laboratory testing, pathogens, diseases, and diagnostic procedures Define veterinary medical terms associated with pharmacology and surgery 1. Examination Terminology a. Basic Physical Examination i. Vital Signs 1. Medical Terminology for Fever a. Febrile b. Pyrexia 2. Checking a Pulse a. Pulse Rate b. Heart Rate 3. Respiration Rate 4. Checking Blood Pressure ii. Function of Auscultation iii. Examination by Touch 1. Palpation 2. Percussion iv. Function of a Speculum b. Function of Laboratory Tests i. Venipuncture ii. Refractometer NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 63 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 iii. Centerfuge iv. Acid vs. Alkaline v. Blood Test Terminology 1. Agglutination 2. Assay 3. Complete Blood Count 4. Differential 5. Diluent 6. Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay 7. Hematocrit 8. Hemogram 9. Immunofluorescence 10. Leukogram 11. Profile 12. Prothrombin Time 13. Radioimmunoassay 14. Red Cell Count 15. Serology 16. White Cell Count c. Basic Medical Terminology i. Diagnosis 1. Differential Diagnosis 2. Prognosis ii. Sign 1. Symptom 2. Syndrome iii. Acute 1. Chronic 2. Remission iv. Endemic 1. Epidemic 2. Pandemic d. Effects of Pathogens i. Pathogen ii. Microorganism iii. Virulence iv. Bacterium 1. Staphylococci 2. Streptococci 3. Bacilli 4. Spirochete 5. Endospore 6. Rickettsia NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 64 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 v. Fungus 1. Yeast 2. Mold vi. Parasite vii. Virus e. Types of Diseases i. Contagious Disease ii. Iatrogenic Disease iii. Idiopathic Disease iv. Infectious Disease v. Noncontagious Disease vi. Noninfectious Disease vii. Nosocomial Infection f. Effects of Diseases i. Asymptomatic ii. Atraumatic iii. Carrier iv. Clinical v. Contract vi. Disease vii. Epidemiology viii. Etiology ix. Excessive x. Focus xi. Germ xii. Incidence xiii. Labile xiv. Lethal xv. Morbid xvi. Morbidity xvii. Moribund xviii. Mortality xix. Palliative xx. Phobia xxi. Prevalence xxii. Prophylaxis xxiii. Sequela xxiv. Subclinical xxv. Susceptible xxvi. Swollen xxvii. Transmissible xxviii. Transmission 1. Blood-borne Transmission NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 65 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 2. Sexual Transmission 3. Airbone Transmission 4. Fecal-Oral Transmission xxix. Traumatic xxx. Zoonosis g. Effects of Diagnostic Procedures i. Radiology 1. Radiography 2. Radiopaque 3. Radiolucent 4. Radiographic Contrast Medium a. Barium Sulfate b. Barium Enema c. Barium Swallow 5. Projection a. Craniocaudal b. Caudocranial c. Dorsoventral d. Ventrodorsal e. Lateral f. Oblique 6. Positioning a. Recumbency b. Anatomical Position ii. Computed Technology iii. Magnetic Resonance Imaging iv. Fluoroscopy v. Ultrasound 1. Amplitude 2. Anechoic 3. Attenuation 4. Echoic 5. Frequency 6. Hyperechoic 7. Hypoechoic 8. Isoechoic 9. Resolution 10. Velocity 11. Wavelength 2. Pharmacologic Terminology a. Pharmacology i. Prescription vs. Over-the-Counter Drugs ii. Agonist NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 66 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 iii. Antagonist iv. Antiserum v. Antitoxin vi. Bacterin vii. Chelated viii. Contraindication ix. Diffusion x. Dosage xi. Dosage Interval xii. Dose xiii. Drug xiv. Efficacy xv. Endogenous xvi. Exogenous xvii. Hydrophilic xviii. Hyperkalemia xix. Hypernatermia xx. Hypertonic Solution xxi. Hypokalemia xxii. Hypotnatermia xxiii. Hypotonic xxiv. Hypovolemia xxv. Ionized xxvi. Isotonic Solution xxvii. Lipophilic xxviii. Monovalent xxix. Nonionized xxx. Osmosis xxxi. Pharmacodynamics xxxii. Pharmacogenomics xxxiii. Pharmacokinetics xxxiv. Placebo xxxv. Polyvalent xxxvi. Prevention xxxvii. Regimen xxxviii. Turgor xxxix. Vaccine b. Routes of Administration i. Inhalation ii. Intra-arterial iii. Intradermal iv. Intramuscular v. Intraocular NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 67 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 vi. Intraosseous vii. Intraperitoneal viii. Intrathecal ix. Intratracheal x. Intravenous xi. Nebulization xii. Nonparenteral xiii. Oral xiv. Parenteral xv. Percutaneous xvi. Rectal xvii. Subcutaneous xviii. Sublingual xix. Transdermal c. Drug Categories i. Analgesic ii. Anesthetic iii. Antacid iv. Anthelmintic v. Antibiotic 1. Bacteriostatic 2. Bactericidal vi. Anticoagulant vii. Anticonvulsant viii. Antidiarrheal ix. Antiemetic x. Antineoplastic Agent xi. Antipruritic Agent xii. Antipyretic xiii. Antiseptic xiv. Antitussive xv. Asepsis xvi. Chronotrope xvii. Cytotoxic Agent xviii. Disinfectant xix. Emetic xx. Endectocide xxi. Immunosuppressant xxii. Inotrope xxiii. Miotic Agent xxiv. Mucolytic xxv. Mydriatic Agent xxvi. Sterilize NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 68 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 d. Weight and Measurement Terminology i. Centimeter ii. Dram iii. Gram iv. Kilogram v. Liter vi. Meter vii. Milligram viii. Milliliter ix. Millimeter x. Percent 3. Surgical Terms a. Types of Surgery i. Preventative ii. Manipulative iii. Diagnostic iv. Minimally Invasive v. Reconstructive vi. Cryogenic vii. Cauterizing b. Basic Surgical Terminology i. Appositional ii. Aseptic Technique iii. Avulsion iv. Coaptation v. Curettage vi. Debridement vii. Dehiscence viii. Dissect ix. Enucleation x. Epithelialization xi. Eversion xii. Eviscerate xiii. Excise xiv. Exteriorize xv. Fenestration xvi. Flap xvii. Fracture xviii. Friable xix. Fulguration xx. Graft 1. Allograft 2. Autograft NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 69 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 3. Isograft xxi. Imbrication xxii. Implant xxiii. Incise xxiv. Intraop xxv. Inversion xxvi. Involucrum xxvii. Laceration xxviii. Lavage xxix. Ligate xxx. Lumpectomy xxxi. Pinning xxxii. Postop xxxiii. Preop xxxiv. Resect xxxv. Rupture xxxvi. Sacculectomy xxxvii. Seroma xxxviii. Suction xxxix. Suture xl. Transect xli. Transfix xlii. Transplant xliii. Wicking c. Function of Surgical Equipment i. Autoclave ii. Bandage iii. Belly Band iv. Bone Plate v. Bone Screw vi. Boxlock vii. Cast viii. Cautery ix. Cercalge Wire x. Chuck xi. Clamp xii. Curette xiii. Drain xiv. Drape xv. Dressing xvi. Elastrator xvii. Elevator xviii. Emasculatome NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 70 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 xix. Emasculator xx. Hemostatic Forcep xxi. Imtramedullary Pins xxii. Prosthesis xxiii. Ratchet xxiv. Retractor xxv. Rongeurs xxvi. Scalpel xxvii. Serration xxviii. Sling xxix. Splint xxx. Tissue Forceps d. Function of Surgical Approaches i. Flank Incision ii. Paracostal Incision iii. Paramedium Incision iv. Ventral Midline Incision e. Function of Biopsies i. Excisional ii. Incisional iii. Needle f. Function of Needles and Sutures i. Blunt ii. Cutting Needle iii. Ligation iv. Ligature v. Monofilament vi. Multifilament vii. Stapling viii. Surgical Clip ix. Swaged Needle x. Taper Needle NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 71 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 Terms for Specific Animal Groups Objective: Define veterinary terms associated with dogs and cats including those for unique anatomy and physiology descriptions, breed-related terms, animal descriptions, management terms, vaccinations, and related abbreviations Define veterinary terms associated with equine including those for unique anatomy and physiology descriptions, breed-related terms, equine descriptions, management terms, vaccinations, problems related to unsoundness, and related abbreviations Define veterinary terms associated with cattle, sheep, goats, and camelids including those for unique anatomy and physiology descriptions, breedrelated terms, animal descriptions, management terms, vaccinations, feeding-related terms, milk-related terms, equipment and industry terms, and related abbreviations Define veterinary terms associated with swine including those for unique anatomy and physiology descriptions, breed-related terms, animal descriptions, management terms, vaccinations, equipment and industry terms, and related abbreviations Define veterinary terms associated with birds including those for unique anatomy and physiology descriptions, poultry terms, animal descriptions, pet bird terms, ratite terms, and related abbreviations Define veterinary terms associated with lab animals, pocket pets, reptiles, and amphibians including those for unique anatomy and physiology descriptions, animal descriptions, management terms, and related abbreviations 1. Veterinary Terminology for Canines and Felines a. Anatomy and Physiology of Canines and Felines i. Function of Anal Glands ii. Function of Anal Sacs iii. Function of the Carnassial Tooth iv. Effects of Hepatic Lipidosis v. Function of an Induced Ovulator vi. Function of Polydactyly b. Description of Breed-Related Terminology i. Angora ii. Brindle iii. Calico iv. Domestic Longhair v. Domestic Shorthair vi. Mackerel Tabby vii. Mongrel viii. Purebred ix. Ruddy NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 72 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 x. Self xi. Tabby xii. Ticked Coat xiii. Ticking xiv. Tortoiseshell c. Animal Descriptions i. Bloom ii. Body Condition iii. Champion iv. Constitution v. Docile vi. Brush vii. Dull viii. Feral ix. Gait x. Gloves xi. Kneading xii. Libido xiii. Luster xiv. Mask xv. Obligated Carnivore xvi. Pedigreed Cat xvii. Points xviii. Retractile xix. Ruff xx. Sex-Linked Trait xxi. Sheen xxii. Staunch xxiii. Stray xxiv. Stud xxv. Temperament xxvi. Tie xxvii. Thorough xxviii. Throwback xxix. Timid xxx. Topknot xxxi. Underfur xxxii. Unthrifty xxxiii. Vigor xxxiv. Wire Coat d. Animal Management Terminology i. Ad Libitum Feeding ii. Allogrooming NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 73 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 iii. Association of American Feed Control Officials iv. Cattery v. Choke Chain vi. Collar vii. Coprophagy viii. Debarking ix. Digest x. Elizabethan Collar xi. Euthanasia xii. Fancier xiii. Food Hopper xiv. Guaranteed Analysis xv. Harness xvi. Head Halter xvii. Kennel xviii. Leash xix. Limit Feeding xx. Litter Pan xxi. Natural Breed xxii. Net Quality Statement xxiii. Nutritional Adequacy Statement xxiv. Obesity xxv. Pet Quality xxvi. Quarantine xxvii. Sexing xxviii. Socialization xxix. Spraying xxx. Steatitis e. Vaccinations for Canines and Felines i. Canine Adenovirus ii. Canine Distemper iii. Canine Hepatitis iv. Canine Herpesvirus v. Canine Parainfluenza Virus vi. Canine Parovirus vii. Coronavirus viii. Crotalus Atrox Toxoid ix. Feline Calicivirus x. Feline Chlamydia xi. Feline Immunodeficiency Virus xii. Feline Infectious Peritonitis xiii. Feline Leukemia xiv. Feline Panleukopenia Virus NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 74 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 xv. Feline Rhinotracheitis xvi. Giardia Lamblia xvii. Infectious Tracheobronchitis xviii. Leptospirosis xix. Lyme Disease xx. Rabies Virus f. Abbreviations Related to Canines and Felines i. AAFCO ii. AKC iii. CAV-2 iv. CCV v. CDVCFA vi. CHV vii. DLH viii. DSH ix. FDA x. FeLV xi. FIP xii. FPV xiii. ICH xiv. RV xv. XXY 2. Veterinary Terminology for Equine Animals a. Anatomy and Physiology of Equine Animals i. Bad Mouth ii. Bag Up iii. Bars iv. Bishoping v. Check Ligament vi. Chestnut vii. Cracks viii. Croup ix. Cups x. Curb xi. Dental Stars xii. Feather xiii. Flehmen Reaction xiv. Flexor Tendon xv. Foal Heat xvi. Full-Mouthed xvii. Galyayne’s Groove xviii. Guttural Pouch xix. Hindgut NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 75 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 xx. In Wear xxi. Lamina xxii. Laminitis xxiii. Milk Teeth xxiv. Monkey Mouth xxv. Nippers xxvi. Parrot Mouth xxvii. Periople xxviii. Quidding xxix. Quittor xxx. Scratches xxxi. Smooth Mouth xxxii. Stay Apparatus xxxiii. Stock Type xxxiv. Tush xxxv. Waxed Teats xxxvi. Winking xxxvii. Wolf Teeth b. General Equine Terminology i. Movement Terminology 1. Amble 2. Back 3. Barrel Racing 4. Beat 5. Canter 6. Dressage 7. English 8. Equitation 9. Fox Trot 10. Gait 11. Gallop 12. Gymkhana 13. Jog 14. Pace 15. Pointing 16. Racing a. Endurance b. Sprint c. Thoroughbread 17. Rack 18. Rolling 19. Running Walk 20. Showing NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 76 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 21. Stride 22. Suspension 23. Swing 24. Tappy 25. Trot 26. Walk 27. Western ii. Equine Equipment Terminology 1. Aids 2. Bit a. Curb b. Snaffle 3. Breeching 4. Bridle 5. Calks 6. Cinch 7. Clinch Cutter 8. Cradle 9. Halter 10. Hobble 11. Hoof Pick 12. Hoof Testers 13. Pincher 14. Puller 15. Rasp 16. Reins 17. Scotch Hobble 18. Shoe 19. Tack 20. Throatlach c. Equine Descriptive Terminology i. Coat Colors 1. Bay 2. Buckskin 3. Dun 4. Overo 5. Pinto 6. Roan 7. Tobiano ii. Markings 1. Ankle 2. Bald Face 3. Banding NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 77 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 4. Blaze 5. Blemish 6. Bloom 7. Chin Spot 8. Coronet 9. Distal Spots 10. Half Heel 11. Half Pastern 12. Half Stocking 13. Heel 14. Pastern 15. Points 16. Race 17. Snip 18. Spot 19. Star 20. Stocking 21. Stripe iii. Types of Horses 1. Draft 2. Light 3. Miniature 4. Pony 5. Pony of Americas d. Equine Management Terms i. As-Fed Basis ii. Bedding iii. Birth Date iv. Blistering v. Board vi. Bolt vii. Bots viii. Bowline Knot ix. Box Stall x. Cast xi. Casting xii. Covered by a Stallion xiii. Cribbing xiv. Cross-Tying xv. Diluter xvi. Driving xvii. Dry Matter Basis xviii. Extender NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 78 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 xix. Farrier xx. Feathering xxi. Firing xxii. Flighty xxiii. Floating xxiv. Get xxv. Grade xxvi. Groom xxvii. Grooming Equipment xxviii. Hand xxix. Heaving xxx. Hunters xxxi. In Foal xxxii. Jumpers xxxiii. Lather xxxiv. Leg Cues xxxv. Longe xxxvi. Near Side xxxvii. Off Side xxxviii. Paddock xxxix. Pasture xl. Pasture Mating xli. Plumb Line xlii. Quick-release Knot xliii. Saddle xliv. Saddle Pad xlv. Settle xlvi. Shod xlvii. Strike xlviii. Stock xlix. Tease l. Teaser li. Twitch lii. Waxing e. Effects of Equine Vaccinations i. Equine Encephalomyelitis ii. Equine Influenza iii. Equine Protozoal Myelitis iv. Equine Viral Arteritis v. Equine Viral Rhinopneumonitis vi. Potomac Horse Fever vii. Rabies Virus viii. Strangles NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 79 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 ix. Tetanus x. West Nile Virus f. Effects of Equine Unsoundness i. Bog Spavin ii. Bone Spavin iii. Bowed Tendons iv. Capped Hock v. Fistulous Withers vi. Grease Heel vii. Osselets viii. Poll Evil ix. Cracks 1. Quarter 2. Toe 3. Heel x. Quittor xi. Ringbone xii. Splints xiii. Stifled xiv. Sweeney xv. Thoroughpin g. Abbreviations Related to Equine Animals i. EEE ii. EIA iii. EPM iv. EVA v. EVR vi. PHF vii. RV viii. WEE ix. WNV x. VEE 3. Veterinary Terminology for Ruminant Animals a. Cattle Terminology i. Dairy Cattle ii. Beef Cattle iii. Dual Purpose Cattle b. Sheep Terminology i. Accelerated Lambing ii. Band iii. Broken Mouth iv. Browse v. Carding NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 80 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 vi. Clip vii. Combing viii. Crimp ix. Crutching x. Docking xi. Early Spring Lambs xii. Fall Lambs xiii. Farm Flock xiv. Fed Lambs xv. Feeder Lambs xvi. Felting xvii. Fleece xviii. Flocking Instinct xix. Grease Wool xx. Lamb xxi. Lambing Pen xxii. Lanolin xxiii. Late Spring Lambs xxiv. Mixed Grazing xxv. Mutton xxvi. Open Face xxvii. Rumping xxviii. Scouring xxix. Shear xxx. Singleton xxxi. Yearling c. Goat Terminology i. Cabrito ii. Cashmere iii. Chevon iv. Clip v. Disbud vi. Wattle d. Camelid Terminology i. Berserk Male Syndrome ii. Cushing iii. Dust Pile iv. Fighting Teeth v. Fleece vi. Guard Llama vii. Harem Breeding viii. Humming ix. Kush NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 81 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 x. Orgle xi. Spitting e. Effects of Ruminant Vaccinations i. Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus ii. Bovine Viral Diarrhea iii. Brucellosis iv. Clostridial Disease v. Coronavirus vi. E. Coli vii. Enzootic Abortion viii. Haemophilius Somnus ix. Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis x. Leptospirosis xi. Parainfluenza xii. Pasteurellosis xiii. Rotovirus xiv. Soremouth xv. Tetanus xvi. Vibriosis f. Feeding-Related Terminology i. Bypass Protein ii. Concentrate iii. Creep Feed iv. Cudding v. Energy Feed vi. Ensiling vii. Feed Efficiency viii. Feedstuff ix. Finishing x. Grass xi. Graze xii. Hand-fed xiii. Legumes xiv. Milk Replacer xv. Premix xvi. Protein Supplement xvii. Ration xviii. Roughage xix. Silage xx. Supplement xxi. Sweetfeed xxii. Total Mixed Ration g. Milk-Related Terminology NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 82 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 i. Alveoli ii. Dry iii. Drying Off iv. Gland Cistern v. Milk Grade vi. Milk Letdown vii. Milk Solids viii. Milk Veins ix. Milk Well x. Milk Yield xi. Milking xii. Milking Parlor xiii. Streak Canal xiv. Strip Cup xv. Supernumerary Teats xvi. Teat xvii. Teat Cannula xviii. Teat Cistern xix. Teat Dipping xx. Teat Stripping xxi. Three Quartered xxii. Udder h. Equipment and Industry Terminology i. Artificial Insemination ii. Auction iii. Backgrounding iv. Balling Gun v. Barren vi. Beef Checkoff vii. Body Capacity viii. Brand ix. Bred x. Breed xi. Breed Character xii. Bulk Tank xiii. California Mastitis Test xiv. Calving Interval xv. Carcass xvi. Casting xvii. Cattle xviii. Chute xix. Cleaning a Cow xx. Cod NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 83 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential xxi. xxii. xxiii. xxiv. xxv. xxvi. xxvii. xxviii. xxix. xxx. xxxi. xxxii. xxxiii. xxxiv. xxxv. xxxvi. xxxvii. xxxviii. xxxix. xl. xli. xlii. xliii. xliv. xlv. xlvi. xlvii. xlviii. xlix. l. li. lii. liii. liv. lv. lvi. lvii. lviii. lix. lx. lxi. lxii. lxiii. NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Version 6.1.17 Colostrometer Colostrum Composite Breed Condition Confined Animal Feeding Operations Conformation Corium Crossbred Cull Dairy Character Dehorn Dental Pad Downer Dual Purpose Ear Tagging Embryo Transfer Estrus Synchronization F1 Generation Feeders Feedlot Finish Flushing Fly Strike Frame Free Stall Barn Gomer Bull Grade Gutter Halter Herd Health Program Heart Girth Hutch Hybrid Hybrid Vigor Implant Inbred Lead Rope Magnet Malpresentation Marbling Market Animal Muscling Nose Tongs Page 84 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 lxiv. Offal lxv. Parturient Paresis lxvi. Pinch lxvii. Preconditioning lxviii. Proven lxix. Range lxx. Rectal Palpation lxxi. Registered lxxii. Render lxxiii. Replacement lxxiv. Ruminating lxxv. Scurs lxxvi. Somatic Cell Count lxxvii. Spotter Bull lxxviii. Springing lxxix. Stall lxxx. Stanchion lxxxi. Standing Heat lxxxii. Switch lxxxiii. Tailing lxxxiv. Tankage lxxxv. Tattoo lxxxvi. Tie Stall lxxxvii. Tilt Table lxxxviii. Traumatic Reticuloperitonitis lxxxix. Veal xc. Wean xci. Windbreak i. Abbreviations Related to Ruminants i. AI ii. BMS iii. BRSV iv. BVD v. CAFO vi. CMT vii. F1 viii. IBR ix. PI-3 x. RSV xi. SCC xii. TE xiii. TRP xiv. WMT NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 85 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 4. Veterinary Terminology for Swine a. General Swine Terminology i. Swine as Monogastric Animals ii. Types of Swine 1. Meat-Type 2. Bacon-Type b. Swine Management Terminology i. Close Herd ii. Farrow-to-Finish iii. Farrow-to-Wean iv. Feeder-to-Finish v. Finisher Pig vi. Grower Pig vii. Open Herd viii. Starter Pig c. Effects of Swine Vaccinations i. Bordetella ii. Clostridium Perfringens Type C iii. E. Coli iv. Erysipelas v. Haemophilus vi. Leptospriosis vii. Mycoplasma viii. Parvovirus ix. Pasteurella x. Porcine Proliferative Enteropathy xi. Porcine Respiratory and Reproductive Syndrome xii. Pseudorabies xiii. Rotavirus xiv. Streptococcus Suis xv. Swine Influenza xvi. Transmissible Gastroenteritis d. Swine Equipment and Industry Terminology i. Backfat ii. Bacon iii. Boar Taint iv. Casting v. Checkoff vi. Cross-fostering vii. Dressing viii. Dunging Pattern ix. Ear Notching x. Farrowing Crate NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 86 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 xi. Farrowing House xii. Farrowing Pen xiii. Finish xiv. Free-access Gestation Housing xv. Hide xvi. Hog Hurdle xvii. Hog Snare xviii. Hog Tight xix. Lard xx. Needle Teeth xxi. Piles xxii. Ringing xxiii. Sling xxiv. Snout xxv. Specific Pathogen Free xxvi. Tail Docking xxvii. Tusk xxviii. Wallow e. Abbreviations Related to Swine i. PRRS ii. SPF iii. TGE 5. Veterinary Terminology for Birds a. Anatomy of Birds i. Respiratory System 1. Air Sacs 2. Choana 3. Nasal Gland 4. Parabronchi 5. Syrinx ii. Integumentary System 1. Apterium 2. Barb 3. Barbule 4. Beak 5. Calamus 6. Central Tail Feathers 7. Cere 8. Cheek 9. Contour Feathers 10. Coverts 11. Feather 12. Filoplume NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 87 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 13. Lateral Tail Feathers 14. Mantle 15. Molt 16. Orbital Ring 17. Pin Feathers 18. Plume 19. Primary Feathers 20. Pteryla 21. Rachis 22. Rectrices 23. Remiges 24. Secondary Feathers 25. Setae 26. Shaft 27. Snood 28. Spur 29. Tertiary Feathers 30. Uropygial Gland 31. Wattle iii. External Anatomy Terminology 1. Breat 2. Crown 3. Forehead 4. Foreneck 5. Lore 6. Nape 7. Occiput 8. Rump 9. Throat iv. Gastrointestinal System 1. Cloaca 2. Coprodeum 3. Crop 4. Droppings 5. Meckel’s Diverticulum 6. Proventriculus 7. Vent 8. Ventriculus v. Musculoskeletal System 1. Columella 2. Furcula 3. Keel 4. Pygostyle NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 88 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 5. Scleral Ring vi. Urogenital System 1. Infundibulum 2. Isthmus 3. Magnum 4. Sperm Nests 5. Urodeum 6. Uterus 7. Vagina b. Poultry Terminology i. General Terminology 1. Average Daily Gain 2. Battery Cage 3. Bleaching 4. Breed 5. Broiler 6. Brood 7. Brooder 8. Brooding 9. Cage Operation 10. Candling 11. Cannibalism 12. Chalaza 13. Class 14. Comb 15. Confinement 16. Contract Growers 17. Coop 18. Debeaking 19. Dressed Bird 20. Feed Efficiency 21. Force-feeding 22. Free-range 23. Hatch 24. Hatchability 25. Hatchery 26. Hen-day Production 27. Hierarchy 28. Incubation 29. Incubator 30. Layer 31. Litter 32. Poultry NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 89 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 33. Variety 34. Yolk ii. Feather Patterns 1. Barred 2. Laced 3. Mottled 4. Penciled 5. Spangled iii. Comb Types 1. Buttercup 2. Cushion 3. Pea 4. Rose 5. Silkie 6. Single 7. Strawberry 8. V-shaped c. Pet Bird Terminology i. Aviary ii. Aviculture iii. Beak Trimming iv. Cage v. Clipping vi. Columbiformes vii. Cuttlebone viii. Feather Picking ix. Fledgling x. Hand-raised xi. Passeriformes xii. Perch xiii. Psittacine xiv. Self-mutilation d. Ratite Terminology i. Breeding Animals ii. Emu iii. Emu Oil iv. Meat v. Ostrich vi. Ostrich Feathers vii. Ostrich Skin viii. Ratite ix. Rhea x. Rhea Skin NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 90 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 e. Abbreviations for Birds i. ACPV 6. Veterinary Terminology for Lab Animals, Pocket Pets, Reptiles, Amphibians a. Common Terminology i. Acclimatization ii. Agouti iii. Albino iv. Altricial v. Ambient vi. Analogous Structures vii. Anogenital Distance viii. Antivivisectionist ix. Arboreal x. Autotomy xi. Autosome xii. Axenic xiii. Barbering xiv. Barrier Sustained xv. Biohazard xvi. Bolt Hole xvii. Bruce Effect xviii. Calvarium xix. Cannibalism xx. Cesarean Derived xxi. Cheek Pouch xxii. Chromodachryorrhea xxiii. Contact Bedding xxiv. Control xxv. Crepuscular xxvi. Data xxvii. Dusting xxviii. Dwarf xxix. Ectotherm xxx. Emission xxxi. Endotherm xxxii. Enrichment xxxiii. Estivate xxxiv. Exsanguinations xxxv. Fixed Formula xxxvi. Fomite xxxvii. Free Choice xxxviii. Fur-slip xxxix. Fuzzy NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 91 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential xl. xli. xlii. xliii. xliv. xlv. xlvi. xlvii. xlviii. xlix. l. li. lii. liii. liv. lv. lvi. lvii. lviii. lix. lx. lxi. lxii. lxiii. lxiv. lxv. lxvi. lxvii. lxviii. lxix. lxx. lxxi. lxxii. lxxiii. lxxiv. lxxv. lxxvi. lxxvii. lxxviii. lxxix. lxxx. lxxxi. lxxxii. NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Version 6.1.17 Genome Geotype Gnotobiotic Heliotherm Herpetology Heterozygous Hibernate Homeotherm Homologous Structures Homozygous Hooded Hoppers Horizontal Transmission Hutch Hygrometer Hybrid Hypothesis Hystricomorph Inbred In Situ In Vitro In Vivo Latent Infection Macroenvironment Metaenphric Microenvironment Monogamous Murine Outbred Parthenogenesis Phenotype Phylogeny Pithing Pinky Poikilotherm Polygamous Polytocous Precocial Prehensile Progenitor Progeny Propagate Protocol Page 92 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 lxxxiii. Rack lxxxiv. Reduction lxxxv. Refinement lxxxvi. Replacement lxxxvii. Ringtail lxxxviii. Rodent lxxxix. Rosette xc. Rudimentary xci. Sable xcii. Scruff xciii. Scurvy xciv. Sexual Dimorphism xcv. Shoebox xcvi. Suspended Cage xcvii. Teratology xcviii. Test Group xcix. Transgenic c. Urethral Cone ci. Urostyle cii. Vector ciii. Vertical Transmission civ. Vestigial cv. Warren cvi. Whitten Effect b. Rodents i. Rats 1. Role of Rats in Research 2. Characteristics of Rats ii. Mice 1. Role of Mice in Research 2. Characteristics of Mice iii. Guinea Pigs 1. Characteristics of Guinea Pigs 2. Role as a Monogastric Animal 3. Housing for Guinea Pigs iv. Hamsters 1. Characteristics of Hamsters 2. Role of Scent Glands v. Characteristics of Gerbils vi. Characteristics of Chinchillas c. Ferrets i. Characteristics of Ferrets ii. Function of Cages NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 93 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential d. e. f. g. iii. Role of Ferrets in Research iv. Ferret Health 1. Role as a Induced Ovulator 2. Reasons for Vaccines 3. Effects of the Influenza Virus 4. Effects of Gastrointestinal Obstructions Rabbits i. Characteristics of Rabbits ii. Housing for Rabbits iii. Rabbit Diseases 1. Snuffles 2. Sore Hocks 3. Torticollis 4. Urolithiasis Reptiles i. Types and Body Types of Reptiles ii. Characteristics of Reptiles iii. Unique Reptile Terms 1. Carapace 2. Chin Glands 3. Dysecdysis 4. Ecdysis 5. Femoral Pores 6. Head Gland 7. Hemipenes 8. Musk Glands 9. Plastron 10. Scent Gland 11. Scute 12. Spectacle 13. Tail Autotomy Amphibians i. Effects of Metamorphosis ii. Characteristics & Life Cycle of Amphibians Abbreviations for Laboratory Animals and Pocket Pets i. ACBA ii. ACLAM iii. AFA iv. ARBA v. AZVT vi. LAT vii. LATG viii. 3 Rs NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Version 6.1.17 Page 94 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 Veterinary Practice and Nursing Care Professionals use veterinary practice and nursing care in their jobs must understand the fundamental concepts including how to comply with legal, ethical, and safety requirements, office procedures, and effective communications strategies. Additionally, these professionals must understand veterinary diagnostics, such as diagnostic imaging techniques, collecting blood samples, clinical chemistry, and parasitology, among others. Concepts related to veterinary therapeutics, including but not limited to pharmacology, vaccinations, anesthesia, and fluid therapy, are also important for many professionals. Veterinary assistants must also understand common animal behaviors, the importance of a physical examination, and nutrition requirements. Finally, many jobs require an understanding of veterinary nursing care procedures. The Veterinary Practice Objective: Describe various careers in veterinary medicine including titles, requirements, nomenclature, duties, certification, registration, licensing, career opportunities, salary ranges, professional organizations, and specialty certifications Explain how to comply to legal, ethical, and safety requirements, standards, and guidelines in veterinary medicine Explain the procedures, forms, guidelines, laws, and services commonly found in the veterinary practice office Describe effective communication strategies for veterinary personnel including how to support grieving clients 1. Careers in Veterinary Medicine a. Education Requirements i. Education Programs 1. Importance of AVMA-Accredited Programs 2. Role of the CVTEA ii. Curriculum 1. Effects of Skills Learned in the Programs 2. Importance of Proficiency Outcomes b. Nomenclature Used to Describe Veterinary Personnel i. Veterinary Technology ii. Veterinary Technician iii. Veterinary Technologist iv. Veterinary Assistant v. Veterinarian vi. Veterinary Team c. Duties of a Veterinary Technician i. Importance of Advanced Practice Management ii. Procedures Performed by Veterinary Technicians 1. Patient Care NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 95 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 2. Clinical Pathology 3. Outpatient Care 4. Radiology 5. Anesthesiology 6. Dental Care 7. Surgical Assisting 8. Office Management 9. Research d. Career Opportunities for Veterinary Technicians i. Respondents of the 2007 NAVTA Study 1. Average Experience 2. Average Age 3. Gender 4. Average Salary ii. Findings from the 2007 NAVTA Study e. Salary Ranges for Veterinary Technicians i. Salary for a Smaller Practice Technician ii. Salary for a Larger Practice Technician iii. Effects of Promotions iv. Salary for a Sales Representative f. Process for Becoming a Credentialed Veterinary Technician i. Function of the Veterinary Technician National Exam ii. Maintenance of Credentials 1. Certification 2. Registration 3. Licensure g. Veterinarian Technician Specialties i. Importance of the Committee on Veterinary Technician Specialties ii. Function of a Society iii. Function of an Academy iv. Importance of Veterinary Specialty Counterparts h. Professional Organizations for Veterinary Technicians i. Importance of Participation in Professional Organizations ii. Groups Supporting Veterinary Technicians 2. Complying with Ethical Guidelines in Veterinary Medicine a. Importance of the Human-Animal Bond i. Importance of a Commitment to Care for Animals ii. Importance of Animal Rights iii. Effects of the Standards for Animal Care b. Ethics in the Professional Environment i. Function of the Veterinary State Practice Act ii. Function of the Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners iii. Other Associations NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 96 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 1. Function of the Veterinary Medical Associations 2. Function of the Veterinary Technicians Associations iv. Effects of Ethical Obligations c. Ethics of Public Service i. Importance of the Relationship with the Pet Owner ii. Importance of Communication d. Other Ethical Guidelines i. Importance of Ethics in Biomedical Research ii. Protection of all Animals 3. Complying with Legal Requirements in Veterinary Medicine a. Quality of Veterinary Service Laws i. The Practice Acts 1. Definition of Veterinary Practice 2. Guidelines for Performing Procedures 3. Role of the Veterinarian as a Delegator ii. Common Law Malpractice 1. Effects of Negligence 2. Elements for Litigation 3. Function of the Respondeat Superior b. Laws Providing a Safe Business Environment i. Effects of the Occupational Safety and Health Act ii. Common Law Ordinary Negligence 1. Difference from Malpractice 2. Importance of Animal Restraint from the Veterinarian iii. Effects of Medical Waste Management Laws iv. Other Legal Standards 1. Importance of Equal Employment Opportunity 2. Importance of the Fair Labor Standard Act 3. Importance of the Controlled Substance Act c. Importance of the Animal Welfare Act i. Effects of Animal Research ii. Role of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee 4. Safety Standards in Veterinary Medicine a. Occupational Health and Safety in the Biomedical Industry i. Types of Biomedical Companies ii. Occupational Health and Safety Programs 1. Function of the Programs 2. Requirements for a Successful Program iii. Importance to Standard Operational Procedures b. Biosafety Hazard Considerations i. Role of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ii. Levels of Biosafety 1. Requirements in Biosafety Level I NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 97 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 2. Requirements in Biosafety Level II 3. Requirements in Biosafety Level III 4. Requirements in Biosafety Level IV c. Occupational Health and Safety in Veterinary Practice i. Guidelines for Creating a Safe Environment 1. Using Machinery 2. Reducing Slips and Falls 3. Lifting Heavy Objects 4. Storing Supplies 5. Toxic Substances 6. Using Heating Devices 7. Eye Safety ii. Hazards of Animal Handling 1. Rules for Animal Handling 2. Function of Chutes and Enclosures 3. Reasons for Wearing Protective Gear iii. Hazards of Bathing and Dipping 1. Importance of Using Ventilation 2. Importance of Chemical Storage iv. Zoonotic Hazards 1. Prevention of the Spread of Rabies 2. Prevention of Bacterial Infection 3. Prevention of Fungal Infections 4. Prevention of Parasites v. Radiation Hazards 1. Importance of Radiation Safety 2. Effects of Developing Chemicals vi. Effects of Anesthetic Hazards vii. Hazards of Compressed Gases viii. Hazards of Sharp Objects ix. Chemical Hazards 1. Importance of a Hazardous Materials Plan 2. Using Material Safety Data Sheets 3. Importance of Container Labels 4. Importance of Container Caps 5. Effects of Mixing Chemicals 6. Cleaning Chemical Spills 7. Handling Ethylene Oxide 8. Handling Formalin x. Electrical Hazards 1. Types of Electrical Hazards 2. Importance of a Fire Evacuation Plan xi. Importance of Keeping Personal Safety NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 98 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 5. Managing a Veterinary Practice a. Front Office Procedures i. Importance of a First Impression ii. Importance of Phone Etiquette iii. Importance of Scheduling Appointments 1. Effects of Maximizing Production 2. Effects of Appointment Length 3. Items Needed to Take Appointments iv. Importance of Greeting Clients v. Importance of Office Cleanliness vi. Common Forms Used 1. Function of a Client Form 2. Function of a Patient History Form 3. Function of a Medical Record Form 4. Function of Consent Forms a. Informed Consent b. Blanket Consent c. Euthanasia 5. Function of a Rabies Certificate vii. Invoicing Clients 1. Importance of Detailed Invoices 2. Effects of Outstanding Accounts 3. Importance of Verifying Identities 4. Function of Monthly Statements 5. Importance of Outstanding Debt Collection b. The Office Visit i. Admitting Patients 1. Reasons for Admittance 2. Function of the Boarding Form ii. Importance to Discharge Instructions 1. Function of the Discharge Form 2. Items Included on a Discharge Form c. Pet Health Insurance i. Reasons Clients Opt for Pet Health Insurance ii. Benefits to Pet Health Insurance d. Hospital Accreditation i. Role of the American Animal Hospital Association ii. Process for Becoming an Accredited Hospital e. Veterinary Practice Operations i. Importance of Team Members 1. Hiring Team Members a. Good Hiring Practices b. Process for Interviewing Prospective Employees NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 99 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 2. Importance of Training Team Members 3. Importance of Team Leadership 4. Importance of Developing Team Member Work Schedules 5. Relationship of the FLSA and Pay Rates 6. Importance of Good Record Keeping ii. Importance of Medical Records 1. Maintenance of Medical Records 2. Format of Medical Records 3. Function of a POMR Format 4. Function of the SOAP Format 5. Importance of Standard Operating Procedures iii. Importance of Inventory Management 1. Function of the Economic Order Quantity 2. Function of the Reorder Point 3. Importance of Optimizing Inventory Turns Per Year 4. Importance of Developing an Effective Product Markup iv. Importance of Developing Effective Cost of Service 1. Formula for Developing Fees 2. Returns on Doctor’s Time v. Function of Controlled Substances 1. Storage of Controlled Substances 2. Dispensing Controlled Substances vi. Importance of Computer and Software Management f. Marketing in a Veterinary Office i. Direct vs. Indirect Marketing ii. Function of Brochures iii. Importance of Value Added Services g. Disaster Planning i. Importance of Emergency Phone Numbers ii. Importance of Facility Information iii. Importance of Evacuation Plans iv. Importance of Communication 6. Effective Communication Strategies a. The Communication Process i. Effective Communication 1. Role of the Receiver 2. Role of the Sender 3. Effects of Nonverbal Communication 4. Importance of Body Language ii. Barriers to Communication 1. Categories of Barriers a. Damages of Solution Sending b. Damages of Judging NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 100 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 c. Damages of Failure to Respond to Concerns 2. Importance of Awareness iii. Building Effective Listening Skills 1. Benefits of Effective Listening 2. Active Listening Traits 3. Steps of Active Listening 4. Implementing Active Listening Skills iv. Assertive Communication Strategies 1. Benefits of Assertive Communication 2. Function of the DISCOVER Method v. Conflict Management 1. Benefits to Eliminating Conflict 2. Strategies to Eliminating Conflict 3. Steps to Creating a Resolution a. Importance of Creating a Solution Environment b. Importance of Understanding Different Perceptions c. Importance of Developing a Plan d. Importance of Implementing the Plan e. Importance of Emphasizing Successful Actions b. Importance of Grief Counseling i. Importance of Respecting Client Feelings ii. Stages of Grief 1. Function of Denial 2. Function of Bargaining 3. Function of Anger 4. Function of Guilt 5. Function of Sorrow 6. Function of Resolution 7. Effects of Loneliness iii. Pet Replacement 1. Importance of a Replacement Decision 2. Consequences of a Avoiding the Loss Experience iv. Importance of Assisting Bereaved Pet Owners v. Importance of Acknowledging Loss 1. Importance of Reflection 2. Importance of Validating the Loss 3. Importance of Attending 4. Importance Effective Listening 5. Importance of Achieving Closure vi. Effects of Patient Loss on Staff vii. Effects of Compounded Loss NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 101 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 Veterinary Diagnostics Objective: Explain the concepts, procedures, and safety precautions of common diagnostic imaging techniques used in veterinary medicine Describe the concepts, procedures, and safety precautions required for collecting blood samples and performing common hematologic and hemostatic examinations in veterinary medicine Describe the concepts, procedures, and safety precautions involved in clinical chemistry and serology testing Describe the concepts, procedures, and safety precautions involved in microbiology testing, cytological testing, and urinalysis in veterinary medicine Explain parasitology concepts, common parasites, and related procedures in veterinary medicine 1. Importance of X-rays for a Diagnosis a. Anatomy of an X-ray Tube i. Function of a Cathode ii. Function of an Anode iii. Results of the Heel Effect b. Radiographic Contrast i. Definition ii. Effects of a Radiolucent Result iii. Effects of a Radiopaque Result iv. Effects of Film Contrast c. Radiographic Detail i. Effects of Patient Motion ii. Importance of the Penumbra Effect 1. Effects of a Loss of Detail 2. Source Image Distance vs. Film Focal Distance 3. Effects of the Object-Image Distance iii. Effects of Distortion iv. Effects of Scatter Radiation 1. Importance of Beam-limiting Devices 2. Function of Grids a. Focused Grids b. Reducing Grid Lines v. Exposure Variables 1. Effects of mAs 2. Effects of the Kilovoltage Peak 3. Effects of Source Image Distance 4. Effects of Object-Image Distance d. Function of Radiographic Film i. Layers of X-ray Film NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 102 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential e. f. g. h. i. 1. Function of the Thin Protective Layer 2. Function of the Silver Halide Crystals 3. Function of the Polyester Film Base ii. Types of Film Used in Radiography 1. Function of Screen-Type Film 2. Function of Direct-Exposure Film iii. Importance of Film Latitude iv. Function of Intensifying Screens Digital X-ray Imaging i. Function of Computed Radiography ii. Function of Digital Radiography iii. Storage of Digital Radiography Radiation Safety i. Effects of Radiation ii. Limiting Radiation Exposure 1. Importance of a Lead Shield 2. Importance of the Length of Distance from the Beam 3. Importance of Fast Film-Screen Combinations iii. Role of the Radiation Protection Supervisor iv. General Radiation Safety Rules Darkroom Techniques i. Setup of a Darkroom ii. Proper Film Identification iii. Importance of Safelights iv. Importance of Film Processing Chemistry 1. Function of the Developer 2. Function of the Fixer v. Function of Film Processing Equipment 1. Effects of Manual Processing 2. Function of Automatic Processing Effects of Radiographic Artifacts i. Causes of Artifacts Before Processing ii. Causes of Artifacts During Processing Radiographic Positioning i. Ventral ii. Dorsal iii. Medial iv. Lateral v. Cranial vi. Caudal vii. Rostral viii. Palmar ix. Plantar NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Version 6.1.17 Page 103 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 x. Proximal xi. Distal 2. Importance of Contrast Studies a. Positive-Contrast Media i. Reasons for Use ii. Types of Positive Contrast 1. Function of Barium Sulfate 2. Function of Water-Soluble Organic Iodides b. Other Types of Contrast Studies i. Function of Negative-Contrast Media ii. Function of a Double-Contrast Procedure 3. Importance of a Diagnostic Ultrasound a. Function of a Transducer i. Effects of a Sector Scan ii. Effects of a Linear-Array Scan iii. Effects of an Annular Array b. Function of Display Modes i. Effects of A-mode ii. Effects of B-mode iii. Effects of M-mode c. Importance of Echotexture i. Effects of Sonolucent ii. Effects of Anechoic iii. Hyperechoic vs. Hypoechoic iv. Effects of Isoechoic d. Function of Instrument Controls i. Function of Brightness ii. Function of Depth iii. Function of Gain and Power iv. Function of Time Gain Compensation e. Effects of Artifacts i. Effects of Acoustic Shadowing ii. Effects of Distance Enhancement iii. Effects of Slice Thickness iv. Effects of Mirror-Image 4. Importance of an Endoscopy a. Types of Endoscopes i. Function of Rigid Endoscopes ii. Function of Flexible Endoscopes b. Safety Procedures i. Importance of Cleaning Endoscopes ii. Importance of Storage c. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 104 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 i. Importance of Patient Preparation ii. Process for Obtaining Samples d. Colonoscopy i. Reasons for Use ii. Process for Observation e. Bronchoscopy i. Reasons for Use ii. Process for Observation f. Cystoscopy i. Reasons for Use ii. Process for Observation g. Rhinoscopy i. Reasons for Use ii. Process for Obesrvation 5. Other Types of Diagnostic Imaging Techniques a. Computer Tomography i. Reasons for Use ii. Process for Obervation b. Magnetic Resonance Imaging i. Reasons for Use ii. Process for Observation iii. Importance of Safety Measures c. Nuclear Medicine i. Reasons for Use ii. Importance of Safety Measures 6. Hematologic Examination a. Laboratory Procedures i. Use of Equipment 1. Function of the Microscope 2. Function of a Centrifuge ii. Importance of Laboratory Safety iii. Importance of the Quality Control of Results 1. Importance of Accuracy 2. Importance of Precision 3. Effects of Test Selection 4. Importance of Technician Skill b. Effects of Sample Collection i. Importance of Sample Quality ii. Importance of Preprandial Samples iii. Proper Handling of Blood iv. Equipment Needed for Blood Collection v. Types of Samples 1. Function of Whole Blood NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 105 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential c. d. e. f. 2. Function of Plasma vi. Importance of Anticoagulants Importance of Blood and Blood Cells i. Composition of Blood ii. Function of Hematopoiesis iii. Function of Erythropoiesis iv. Function of Hemoglobin Synthesis 1. Effects of Polycythemia 2. Effects of Anemia v. Function of Leukopoiesis 1. Development of White Blood Cells 2. White Blood Cell Disorders Function of a Complete Blood Count i. Reasons for Use ii. Importance of Cell Counts 1. Function of Impedance Counters 2. Function of a Buffy Coat System 3. Function of Laser Flow Cytometry iii. Importance of Hemoglobin Testing 1. Use of Color-Matching Methods 2. Use of the Photometric Technique 3. Importance of Packed Cell Volume iv. Importance of Total Plasma Protein Determination v. Calculation of Erythrocyte Indices Evaluating the Blood Films i. Function of the Wedge Method ii. Function of the Coverslip Method iii. Effects of Staining 1. Problems of Staining 2. Solutions to Staining Erythrocyte Morphology i. Characteristics of Normal Red Blood Cells ii. Variations in Erythrocytes 1. Size Variation 2. Shape Variation 3. Color Variation 4. Cell Behavior Variation 5. Inclusions iii. Effects of Blood Parasites 1. Mycoplasma 2. Eperythrozoon 3. Cytauxzoon Felis 4. Anaplasma Marginale NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Version 6.1.17 Page 106 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 5. Babesia 6. Dirofilaria Immitis 7. Ehrlichia g. Leukocyte Morphology i. Function of Neutrophils 1. Segmented 2. Bovine 3. Heterophils ii. Function of Lymphocytes iii. Function of Monocytes iv. Function of Eosinophils v. Function of Basophils vi. Variations in Leukocyte Morphology 1. Hypersegmentation 2. Karyohexis 3. Pyknosis 4. Dohle Bodies 5. Vacuolization 6. Toxic Granulation 7. Juvenile Forms 8. Metamyelocytes 9. Myelocytes 10. Atypical Lymphocytes 11. Reactive Lymphocytes 12. Lymphoblasts 13. Basket Cell h. Bone Marrow Examination i. Reasons for Use ii. Effects of Bone Marrow Contamination 7. Hemostatic Examination a. Function of Hemostasis i. Primary Hemostasis ii. Secondary Hemostasis b. Hemostatic Defects i. Effects of Coagulation Disorders ii. Effects of Thrombocytopenia c. Effects of Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation i. DIC Cases ii. Symptons of DIC d. Hemostatic Tests i. Function of Coagulation Tests ii. Primary Hemostatic Tests 1. Function of Platelet Counts NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 107 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 2. Function of Buccal Musocal Bleeding Time iii. Secondary Hemostatic Tests 1. Function of Activated Clotting Time 2. Function of Prothrombin Time Test 3. Function of Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time Test 4. Function of Fibrinogen Determination 5. Function of PIVKA Test 6. Function of D-Dimer and FDP Tests 8. Laboratory Analysis of Blood Biochemicals a. Basic Sample Collection i. Process of Blood Collection in Small Animals ii. Process of Blood Collection in Large Animal b. Sample Types i. Function of Whole Blood ii. Function of Plasma iii. Function of Serum c. Hepatobiliary Function Testing i. Protein Testing 1. Function of Albumin 2. Function of Globulin 3. Effects of the Albumin-to-Globulin Ratio 4. Function of Fibrinogen 5. Function of Bilirubin 6. Function of Bile Acids 7. Effects of Ammonia 8. Function of Cholesterol ii. Enzyme Analysis 1. Function of Phosphatases a. Alkaline Phosphatases b. Acid Phosphatases 2. Function of Transferases a. GGT b. ALT c. AST 3. Function of Dehydrogenases a. SD b. GD iii. Kidney Function Testing 1. Function of Urea Nitrogen 2. Function of Creatinine 3. Function of Uric Acid iv. Pancreatic Function Testing 1. Function of Amylase NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 108 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 2. Function of Lipase 3. Function of Glucose 4. Function of Fructosamine 5. Function of B-Hydroxybutyrate v. Other Serum Assays 1. Function of Creatine Kinase 2. Function of LD 3. Function of Lactate 4. Function of Electrolytes 5. Function of Sodium 6. Function of Potassium 7. Function of Chloride 8. Function of Calcium 9. Function of Inorganic Phosphorus 10. Function of Magnesium d. Principles of Immunology i. Types of Immunity 1. Active vs. Passive Immunity 2. Humoral Immunity 3. Cell-mediated Immunity 4. Adaptive Immunity ii. Role of White Blood Cells 1. Function of Granulocytes 2. Function of Agranulocytes 3. Function of Antibodies e. Types of Immunologic Tests i. Function of ELISA Tests ii. Function of RIM Tests iii. Function of Agglutination Tests iv. Precipitation Tests 1. Function of Immunodiffusion 2. Function of Radioimmunoassay v. Function of the Coombs Test vi. Function of Fluorescent Antibody Tests vii. Function of Intradermal Skin Testing viii. Function of Tuberculin Skin Test ix. Function of Antibody Titers f. Errors and Artifacts in Testing i. Importance of Sample Quality ii. Importance of Washing iii. Importance of Incubation iv. Importance of Storage 9. Importance of Microbiology Testing NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 109 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 a. Characteristics of Bacteria i. Types of Bacteria 1. Bacilli Shape 2. Cocci Shape 3. Spiral Shape ii. Arrangement of Bacteria 1. Chains 2. Clusters 3. Pairs 4. Tetrads 5. Palisades b. The Microbiology Laboratory i. Guidelines for Specimen Handling ii. Materials Needed for Processing iii. Culture Media 1. Function of Selective Media 2. Function of Enriched Media 3. Function of Differential Media 4. Function of the Mueller-Hinton Media iv. Function of a Gram Stain v. Importance of Sterility in Testing c. Other Types of Testing i. Importance of Immunologic Testing ii. Importance of Antimicrobial Sensitivity Testing 10. Importance of Cytology Evaluation a. Characteristics of a Cytology Specimen i. Inflammatory ii. Neoplastic iii. Mixed b. Collection of Tissue Samples i. Function of Impression Smears ii. Function of Scrapings iii. Function of Swabbings iv. Function of a Fine-Needle Biopsy c. Preparation Techniques for Solid Samples i. Function of the Compression Technique ii. Function of the Modified Compression Technique iii. Function of the Combination Method d. Collection of Fluid Samples i. Transtracheal and Bronchial Washes 1. Reasons for Use 2. Process for Collecting Specimens 3. Concentration Techniques NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 110 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 4. Line vs. Starfish Smear ii. Examining Cytology Specimens 1. Transudate vs. Exudate Samples 2. Effects of Inflammation 3. Effects of Neoplasia a. Function of Benign Neoplasia b. Function of Malignant Neoplasia i. Epithelial Cell Tumors ii. Mesenchymal Cell Tumors iii. Mast Cells c. Effects of Lymph Node Tissue Examination iii. Function of Vaginal Cytology iv. Function of Semen Evaluation v. Function of Histologic Evaluation 11. Importance of Urinalysis a. Formation of Urine i. Reasons for Using Urinalysis ii. Methods for the Collection of Urine 1. Function of Free-flow 2. Function of Expressing the Bladder 3. Function of Catheterization 4. Function of Cystocentesis b. The Complete Urinalysis i. Function of Specific Gravity ii. Function of Biochemical Testing 1. Effects of Protein Levels 2. Effects of Glucose Levels 3. Effects of Ketone Levels 4. Effects of pH Levels 5. Effects of Bilirubin Levels 6. Effects of Occult Blood iii. Function of Urine Sediment Examination iv. Elements in Urinary Sediment 1. Cells a. Function of Erythrocytes b. Function of Leukocytes c. Function of Epithelial Cells 2. Function of Casts 3. Function of Crystals 4. Function of Bacteria 12. Parasitology a. Types of Symbiotic Relationships i. Importance of Commensalism NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 111 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential b. c. d. e. ii. Importance of Mutualism iii. Importance of Parasitism Types of Hosts i. Function of a Intermediate Host ii. Function of a Definitive Host Types of Vectors i. Function of Mechanical Vectors ii. Function of Biological Vectors Classification of Parasites i. Kingdom Protista 1. Parasites Included in Phylum Sarcodina 2. Parasites Included in Phylum Apicomplexa 3. Parasites Included in Phylum Ciliophora ii. Kingdom Animalia 1. Parasite Groups Included in Phylum Platyhelminthes a. Types of Cestodes b. Types of Trematodes 2. Parasites Included in Phylum Nematoda 3. Parasites Included in Phylum Acantocephela 4. Types of Rickettsial Parasites 5. Parasites Groups Included in Phylum Arthropoda a. Function of Fleas b. Function of Lice c. Function of Flies d. Function of Ticks e. Function of Mites Diagnostic Techniques i. Basic Techniques 1. Importance of Proper Storage 2. Importance of Preventing Contamination 3. Importance of Record Keeping 4. Importance of Microscopic Examinations ii. Types of Sample Collections 1. Function of Fecal Samples 2. Function of Blood Samples iii. Evaluation of Fecal Specimens 1. Function of a Direct Smear 2. Function of a Fecal Floatation 3. Function of a Centrifugal Floatation 4. Function of a Fecal Sedimentation 5. Function of a Cellophane Tape Preparation 6. Function of the Baermann Technique 7. Function of Other Techniques NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Version 6.1.17 Page 112 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 a. Fecal Culture b. McMaster Technique c. Egg Counts iv. Evaluation of Blood Samples 1. Function of the Buffy Coat Smear 2. Function of the Direct Drop 3. Function of the Filter Test 4. Function of the Modified Knott’s Test 5. Function of Immunologic Tests Veterinary Therapeutics Objective: Explain basic pharmacological and pharmacy concepts as they relate to animals Explain how tissues respond to injury and disease, how vaccinations work, and common pathologies of animals including prevention methods and general principles for maintaining animal wellness Explain wound healing concepts and common procedures for management of wounds and injuries in animals Explain basic concepts and procedures related to anesthesia in small and large animal nursing care Explain preoperative, postoperative, and related surgical nursing care including infection control procedures and procedures for assisting in surgical procedures Explain basic concepts, procedures, and safety precautions related to providing fluid therapy and blood transfusions in veterinary medicine Explain the guidelines and procedures involved in hospital and emergency care including oxygen therapy, patient assessment and monitoring, and critical care protocols Explain oral anatomy, instruments, dental concepts, and dental-related procedures common in veterinary medicine Describe common physical therapy, rehabilitation procedures, chiropractic procedures, and alternative and complementary medicine procedures common in veterinary medicine 1. Pharmacology in Veterinary Medicine a. Description of Drugs i. Types of Drug Names 1. Importance of a Chemical Name 2. Importance of a Nonproprietary Name 3. Importance of a Proprietary Name ii. Types of Dosage Forms 1. Function of Solid Forms NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 113 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential b. c. d. e. f. g. 2. Function of Semisolid Forms 3. Function of Liquid Forms Importance of Prescriptions i. Process for Writing Prescriptions ii. Components of a Prescription iii. Types of Containers for Prescriptions Controlled Substances i. Importance of Proper Storage ii. Identification of Controlled Substances 1. Effects of a C-I Drug 2. Effects of a C-II Drug 3. Effects of a C-III Drug 4. Effects of a C-IV Drug 5. Effects of a C-V Drug iii. Importance of Proper Handling of Toxic Drugs Administration of Drugs i. Importance of the Therapeutic Range ii. Importance of the Dosage Regimen iii. Routes of Administration 1. Effects of Parenteral Administration a. Intravenous b. Intramuscular c. Subcutaneous d. Intradermal e. Intraperitoneal 2. Effects of Oral Administration 3. Effects of Topical Administration 4. Importance of Pharmacokinetics Drugs Relating to the Gastrointestinal Tract i. Effects of Emetics vs. Antiemetics ii. Effects of Antidiarrheals iii. Effects of Adsorbents iv. Effects of Laxatives v. Effects of Antacids vi. Effects of Antiulcers vii. Effects of Appetite Stimulants viii. Effects of Ruminatorics Drugs Relating to the Cardiovascular System i. Effects of Antiarrhythmic Drugs ii. Effects of Positive Inotropic Agents iii. Effects of Vasodilators iv. Effects of Diuretics Drugs Relating to the Respiratory System NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Version 6.1.17 Page 114 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 i. Effects of Antitussives ii. Effects of Mucolytics iii. Effects of Expectorants iv. Effects of Decongestants v. Effects of Bronchodilators h. Drugs Relating to the Endocrine System i. Effects of Drugs Used to Treat Hypothyroidism ii. Effects of Drugs Used to Treat Hyperthyroidism iii. Effects of Endocrine Pancreatic Drugs iv. Effects of Drugs Used to Treat Hypoadrenocorticism v. Effects of Drugs Used to Treat Hyperadrenocorticism i. Drugs Relating to Reproduction i. Effects of the Gonadotropin-releasing Hormone ii. Effects of Estrogen iii. Effects of Oxytocin j. Drugs Relating to the Nervous System i. Effects of Anesthetics ii. Effects of Tranquilizers iii. Effects of Analgesics iv. Effects of Anticonvulsants v. Effects of CNS Stimulants k. Types of Antimicrobial Drugs i. Effects of Penicillins ii. Effects of Cephalosporins iii. Effects of Bacitracins iv. Effects of Aminoglycosides v. Effects of Fluoroquinolones vi. Effects of Tetracyclines vii. Effects of Sulfonamides viii. Effects of Lincosamides ix. Effects of Macrolides x. Effects of Metronidazole xi. Effects of Nitrofurans xii. Effects of Chloramphenicol xiii. Effects of Rifampin l. Types of Antifungal Drugs i. Effects of Amphotericin B ii. Effects of Nystatin iii. Effects of Flucytosine iv. Effects of Fluconazole v. Effects of Griseofulvin m. Types of Antiparasitic Drugs i. Effects of Internal Antiparasitics NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 115 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 ii. Effects of External Antiparasitics n. Types of Antiimflammatory Drugs i. Effects of Glucocorticoids ii. Effects of NSAIDs o. Types of Disinfectants and Antiseptics i. Effects of Phenols ii. Effects of Alcohols iii. Effects of Quaternary Ammonium Compounds iv. Effects of Chlorine Compounds v. Effects of Iodophors vi. Effects of Biguanides 2. Pathology in Veterinary Medicine a. Pathology Terminology i. Effects of a Fever ii. Effects of the Five Signs of Inflammation iii. Function of Leukocytes 1. Function of Neutrophils 2. Function of Lymphocytes iv. Effects of Exudates v. Effects of Vascular Changes Related to Inflammation vi. Process of Tissue Repair b. Effects of Pathogens i. Function of Parasites ii. Function of Bacteria 1. Gram-Positive Organisms 2. Gram-Negative Organisms iii. Function of Viruses c. Types of Nonpathogens i. Effects of a Contusion ii. Effects of a Laceration iii. Effects of a Concussion d. The Immune Response to a Pathogen i. Nonspecific vs. Specific Defenses ii. Effects of Humoral Immunity 1. Function of Antibodies 2. Effects of Natural Immunity iii. Effects of Cell-Mediated Immunity iv. Classes of Hypersensitivity Reactions 1. Effects of Type I Reactions 2. Effects of Type II Reactions 3. Effects of Type III Reactions 4. Effects of Type IV Reactions e. Zoonotic Diseases NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 116 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 i. Epizootic vs. Enzootic ii. Disease Transmission 1. Function of Reservoirs 2. Effects of Direct Transmission 3. Effects of Indirect Transmission a. Air-Borne b. Vector-Borne c. Vehicle-Borne iii. Maintenance of Disease 1. Function of Cyclozoonosis 2. Function of Metazoonosis 3. Function of Saprozoonosis iv. Importance of Controlling Zoonotic Diseases 3. Veterinary Preventative Medicine a. Effects of Animal Husbandry i. Importance of Temperature ii. Importance of Light iii. Importance of Ventilation iv. Importance of Housing 1. Considerations for Housing 2. Importance of Movement 3. Importance of Cleaning v. Importance of Healthy Nutrition b. Importance of Vaccination in Preventative Medicine i. Passive vs. Active Immunity ii. Characteristics of a Vaccine iii. Reasons for Routine Vaccinations iv. Concerns Between Vaccinations and Disease c. Types of Vaccinations i. Effects of Canine Vaccinations ii. Effects of Feline Vaccinations iii. Effects of Equine Vaccinations iv. Effects of Cattle Vaccinations v. Effects of Pig Vaccinations vi. Effects of Goat Vaccinations vii. Effects of Sheep Vaccinations viii. Effects of Llama Vaccinations d. Factors Predisposing to Disease i. Importance of Genetic Factors ii. Importance of Dietary Factors iii. Importance of Environmental Factors iv. Importance of Metabolic Factors e. Importance of a Wellness Program NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 117 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 i. Reasons for Use ii. Importance of an In-house Laboratory iii. Characteristics of a Wellness Program 1. Importance of a Physical Examination 2. Importance of Blood Tests 3. Importance of a Coagulation Profile 4. Importance of Parasite Exams 5. Importance of a Urinalysis 6. Importance of a Radiograph 7. Importance of a Electrocardiograph 4. Management of Injuries a. Process of Wound Healing i. Phases of Wound Healing 1. Effects of the Inflammatory Phase 2. Effects of the Debridement Phase 3. Effects of the Repair Phase 4. Effects of the Maturation Phase ii. Types of Wound Healing 1. Function of First-intention Healing 2. Function of Second-intention Healing 3. Function of Third-intention Healing iii. Effects of Wound Contamination iv. Categories of Wounds 1. Types of Clean Wounds 2. Types of Clean-Contaminated Wounds 3. Types of Contaminated Wounds 4. Types of Dirty Wounds v. Effects of Using Antibacterials b. Process of Wound Management i. Function of First Aid ii. Function of Wound Assessment iii. Function of Clipping iv. Function of Scrubbing v. Function of Wound Lavage vi. Function of Anesthesia vii. Function of Debridement viii. Function of Drainage 1. Use of Penrose Drains 2. Use of Closed-suction Drains c. Process of Wound Closure i. Types of Closure 1. Function of Primary Closure 2. Function of Nonclosure NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 118 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential d. e. f. g. 3. Function of Delayed Primary Closure 4. Function of Secondary Closure 5. Function of Adnexal Reepithelialization ii. Closure with Sutures 1. Reasons for Use 2. Types of Patterns 3. Types of Knots Process of Covering Wounds i. Eight Principles of Bandage Application 1. Function of Bandages 2. Ideal Materials Used for Bandaging ii. Bandage Components 1. Function of the Primary Layer 2. Function of the Secondary Layer 3. Function of Tertiary Layer Types of Orthopedic Bandages and Splints i. Function of the Robert Jones Compression Bandage 1. Indications 2. Precautions ii. Function of a Soft Padded Bandage 1. Indications 2. Modifications 3. Precautions iii. Function of a Spica Splint iv. Function of a Schroeder-Thomas Splint v. Function of a Ehmer Sling vi. Function of a Modified Ehmer Sling vii. Function of a Velpeau Sling 1. Indications 2. Precautions viii. Importance of Home Care ix. Process for Removal Use of Casts i. Indications ii. Cast Materials iii. Importance of Technique iv. Importance of Home Care v. Process for Removal Management of Other Wound Types i. Penetrating Wounds 1. Care for Gunshot Wounds 2. Care for Arrow Wounds ii. Care for Snakebites NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Version 6.1.17 Page 119 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 iii. Burns 1. Care for Thermal Burns 2. Care for Electrical Burns 3. Care for Chemical Burns iv. Care for Bite Wounds v. Care for Decubital Ulcers 5. Veterinary Anesthesia a. Types of Anesthesia i. Function of Local Anesthesia ii. Function of Regional Anesthesia iii. Function of General Anesthesia b. Importance of Pain Management i. Classification of Pain 1. Peripheral 2. Neuropathic 3. Clinical 4. Idiopathic ii. Effects of Clinical Pain iii. Signs of Pain iv. Physiology of Pain 1. Function of Nociception 2. Function of Perception 3. Functio of Pain c. Function of Analgesics i. Types of Analgesics ii. Complications of Anesthesia 1. Effects of Hypoxemia 2. Effects of Hypoventilation 3. Effects of Hypotension 4. Effects of Hypovolemia 5. Effects of Hypothermia iii. Fundamentals of Anesthesia d. Steps of Anesthesia i. Importance of Patient Evaluation 1. Patient Characteristics 2. Medical History 3. Physical Examination 4. Diagnostic Testing ii. Importance of Patient Preparation iii. Importance of Proper Equipment and Supplies 1. Equipment Used in IV Administration 2. Function of Endotracheal Tubes 3. Function of a Laryngoscope NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 120 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 4. Importance of Medical Gas Supply 5. Function of Anesthesia Machines 6. Function of Flow Meters 7. Function of Vaporizers 8. Function of Breathing Circuits 9. Function of Rebreahting Circuits 10. Function of Nonrebreathing Circuits iv. Importance of Preanesthetic Medication 1. Function of Anticholinergics 2. Function of Calming Agents v. Importance of Induction 1. Function of Balanced Anesthesia 2. Drugs Used for Anesthetic Induction 3. Process of Endotracheal Intubation vi. Importance of Maintenance of Anesthesia 1. Function of Inhalant Anesthetics 2. Flow Rates for Nonrebreathing Systems a. Function of Closed Systems b. Function of Semiclosed Systems 3. Function of Anesthetic Delivery 4. Function of Anesthetic Uptake 5. Function of Anesthetic Distribution 6. Function of Anesthetic Elimination vii. Importance of Anesthetic Monitoring 1. Monitoring Anesthetic Depth 2. Monitoring Physiologic Conditions 3. Monitoring Respiratory Function 4. Monitoring Cardiovascular Function a. Function of Auscultation b. Function of a Electrocardiogram c. Function of a Pulse i. Effects of a Pulse Deficit ii. Effects of Pulse Quality iii. Effects of Pulse Pressure d. Effects of Mucous Membrane Color e. Effects of Capillary Refill Time f. Effects of Arterial Blood Pressure 5. Monitoring Body Temperature 6. Importance of Preventing Adverse Events viii. Importance of Recovery 6. Principles of Surgical Nursing a. Preoperative Considerations i. Importance of a Preoperative Evaluation NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 121 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 ii. Characteristics of a Preoperative Evaluation b. Postoperative Evaluation i. Importance of Body Temperature ii. Importance of Body Weight iii. Importance of Attitude iv. Importance of Appetite and Thirst v. Importance of Urination and Defecation vi. Importance of the Appearance of the Surgical Wound c. Potential Postoperative Complications i. Effects of a Hemorrhage ii. Effects of Seromas and Hematomas iii. Effects of an Infection iv. Effects of Wound Dehiscence d. Principles of Asepsis i. Effects of Contamination ii. Rules of Aseptic Technique iii. Effects of Sterilization and Disinfection 1. Physical Methods 2. Chemical Methods iv. Effects of Quality Control 1. Importance of Sterilization Indicators 2. Importance of Biological Testing v. Effects of Steam Sterilization e. Care of Surgical Supplies i. Importance of Instrument Cleaning ii. Importance of Instrument Autoclaving iii. Importance of Wrapping Instrument Packs iv. Importance of Gas Sterilization v. Importance of Cold Chemical Sterilization vi. Importance of Folding Gowns vii. Importance of Wrapping Drapes viii. Importance of Storing Sterilized Items f. Surgical Assisting i. Importance of Proper Attire ii. Importance of Proper Lighting iii. Process of Organizing the Instrument Table iv. Process of Draping the Animal v. Process of Unwrapping Sterile Linen Packs vi. Process of Unwrapping Sterile Items in Paper or Plastic Pouches 7. Fluid Therapy in Veterinary Medicine a. Basic Fluid Therapy i. Fluid Distribution 1. Definition of Total Body Water NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 122 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 2. Intracellular vs. Extracellular Fluid 3. Importance of Diffusion ii. Importance of Electrolytes 1. Function of Electrolytes 2. Major Electrolytes in the Body 3. Hyponatermia vs. Hypernatremia 4. Hypokalemia vs. Hyperkalemia iii. Importance of an Acid-Base Balance 1. Effects of a Change in Balance 2. Body Systems that Control a Balance b. Clinical Aspects of Fluid Therapy i. Importance of Patient History ii. Importance of a Physical Examination 1. Process for Checking the Cardiovascular System 2. Process for Checking the Respiratory System 3. Effects of Dehydration iii. Importance of Laboratory Tests c. Indications for Fluid Therapy i. Effects of a Hemorrhage ii. Effects of Shock iii. Effects of Dehydration iv. Sensible vs. Insensible Water Loss v. Effects of Ongoing Losses vi. Importance of Correcting Electrolyte Imbalances vii. Effects of Diuresis d. Routes of Fluid Administration i. Factors for Choosing an Appropriate Route ii. Function of Oral Fluid Therapy iii. Function of Subcutaneous Fluid Therapy iv. Function of Intravenous Fluid Therapy v. Function of Intraperitoneal Fluid Therapy vi. Function of Intraosseous Fluid Therapy 8. Blood Transfusion in Veterinary Medicine a. Clinical Evaluation of Bleeding i. Importance of Hemostasis 1. Body Responses to Blood Vessel Injuries 2. Types of Bleeding Disorders ii. Importance of Patient History iii. Importance of a Physical Exam iv. Importance of Laboratory Tests 1. Serial Hematocrit 2. Platelet Counts 3. BMBT NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 123 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 4. ACT b. Blood Components i. Oxygen Support 1. Function of Whole Blood a. Fresh Whole Blood b. Stored Whole Blood 2. Function of Packed Red Blood Cells ii. Hemostatic Support 1. Function of Platelets 2. Function of Plasma a. Fresh Frozen Plasma b. Cryoprecipate c. Cryosupernatant Plasma c. Blood Collection i. Importance of Site Selection ii. Function of Blood Collection Systems iii. Function of Anticoagulant-Preservative Solutions d. Importance of Proper Blood Storage i. Importance of Temperature ii. Importance of Shelf-Life e. Blood Administration i. Importance of Testing for Compatibility ii. Process of Preparing Blood for a Transfusion iii. Types of Administration Routes f. Reactions to Transfusions i. Importance of Monitoring the Animal ii. Types of Immune-Mediated Reactions iii. Types of Nonimmune-Mediated Reactions 9. Emergency Care in Veterinary Medicine a. Hospital Care i. Function of Triage ii. Importance of an Initial Evaluation iii. Importance of the Primary Survey 1. Importance of Checking the Airway 2. Importance of Checking Breathing 3. Importance of Assessing Circulation 4. Effects of Dysfunction of the Nervous System 5. Importance of a Whole Body Examination iv. Importance of the Secondary Survey b. Types of Emergencies i. Cardiovascular Emergencies 1. Effects of Cardiac Arrest a. Characteristics of Cardiac Arrest NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 124 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 b. ABCs of CPR 2. Hypovolemic Shock a. Causes b. Treatment 3. Congestive Heart Failure a. Causes b. Treatment 4. Aortic Thromboembolism a. Causes b. Treatment ii. Non-Cardiac Emergencies 1. Acute Abdomen a. Causes b. Treatment 2. Poisonings/Intoxications a. Causes b. Treatment iii. Urogenital Emergenices 1. Azotemia a. Causes b. Treatment 2. Acute Renal Failure a. Causes b. Treatment 3. FLUTD a. Causes b. Treatment 4. Dystocia a. Causes b. Treatment 5. Pyometra a. Causes b. Treatment iv. Endocrine System Emergencies 1. Diabetic Ketoacidosis a. Causes b. Treatment 2. Hypoadrenocorticism a. Causes b. Treatment c. Importance of Oxygen Therapy i. Effects of Hypoemia ii. Goal of Oxygen Therapy NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 125 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 iii. Methods of Oxygen Administration 1. Function of a Face Mask 2. Function of an Oxygen Hood 3. Function of an Oxygen Cage 4. Function of Nasal Oxygen d. Importance of Critical Care i. Patient Assessment 1. Importance of Monitoring the Cardiovascular System 2. Importance of Monitoring the Respiratory System 3. Importance of Monitoring the Central Nervous System 4. Importance of Fluid Retention 5. Importance of Temperature ii. Nurse Protocols 1. Importance of Catheter Care 2. Importance of Respiratory Care 3. Importance of Blood Transfusions 4. Effects of Nosocomial Infections a. Causes b. Treatment 5. Importance of a Patient’s Mental Well-Being 10. Dentistry in Veterinary Medicine a. Oral Anatomy i. Function of Skull Types 1. Mesaticephalic 2. Brachycephalic 3. Dolichocephalic ii. Effects of Occlusal Abnormalities iii. Process of Performing Visual Oral Anatomy iv. Tooth Anatomy 1. Crown 2. Enamel 3. Cementum 4. Dentin v. Function of the Periodontium b. Dental Instruments i. Function of the Ultrasonic Scaler ii. Function of Hand Scaling Instruments 1. Scaler 2. Curette 3. Probe 4. Explorer 5. Calculus Forceps 6. Extraction Forceps NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 126 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 7. Elevators iii. Function of Polishing Equipment c. Preparation for Dental Procedures i. Importance of Examining the Patient ii. Importance of Monitoring Patient Under Anesthesia iii. Process for Equipment Setup iv. Importance of Personal Protective Equipment d. Periodontal Disease i. Causes ii. Stages 1. Effects of Stage I 2. Effects of Stage II 3. Effects of Stage III 4. Effects of Stage IV iii. Treatment e. Importance of Dental Records i. Importance of Record Keeping ii. Types of Dental Records 1. Function of the Triadan System 2. Function of Alphanumeric System f. Oral Radiology i. Reasons for Use ii. Types of Radiographic Equipment iii. Importance of Proper Radiographic Techniques iv. Importance of Proper Patient Positioning v. Importance of Proper Film Placement vi. Importance of Proper Cone Placement 11. Physical Therapy in Veterinary Medicine a. Types of Hands-on Therapy i. Function of Cranial Sacral ii. Function of Reiki iii. Physical Therapy 1. Function of Cold Therapy 2. Function of Heat Therapy 3. Function of Combination Therapy 4. Passive Exercise a. Function of Massage i. Effleurage ii. Petrissage iii. Friction iv. Stretch Pressure b. Function of Tellington Touch c. Function of Acupressure NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 127 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 d. Function of Reflexology e. Function of Range-of-Motion Therapy 5. Function of Active Exercise 6. Function of Hydrotherapy iv. Function of Veterinary Chiropractic b. Types of Alternative Medicine i. Traditional Chinese Medicine 1. Function of Qi a. Yin Energy b. Yang Energy 2. Function of Acupuncture a. Reasons for Use b. Types of Acupuncture 3. Function of Herbal Therapies ii. Function of Aromatherapy iii. Function of Homeopathy iv. Function of Flower Essences 1. Reasons for Use 2. Rescue Remedy v. Function of Laser Therapy Animal Care and Husbandry Objective: Explain animal behavior and common strategies for preventing behavior problems in animals Describe common animal behavior and related safe and effective physical restraint methods for dogs, cats, small mammals, birds, horses, cattle, goats, sheep, and pigs Explain the steps in obtaining a patient history and performing a physical examination on an animal including effective strategies for communicating with the client Discuss animal nutrition and feeding considerations for dogs, cats, livestock, reptiles, amphibians, small mammals, equine, and ill or debilitated animals 1. Animal Behavior a. Importance of Behavior i. Function of a Stimulus ii. Effects of Operant Conditioning iii. Effects of Imprinting iv. Effects of Positive Reinforcement v. Effects of a Punishment 1. Positive Punishment NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 128 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 2. Negative Punishment b. Preventing Behavior Problems i. Effects of Anthropomorphism ii. Importance of House Training for Dogs 1. Importance of Crate Time 2. Importance of Teaching a Location for Elimination 3. Effects of Punishment iii. Importance of House Training for Cats 1. Accessibility of a Litter Box 2. Texture of Substrates 3. Cleanliness of the Litter Box c. Preventing Destructive Behavior by Cats i. Effects of Scratching ii. Scratching Posts 1. Importance of Orientation 2. Importance of Texture d. Preventing Destructive Behavior by Dogs i. Effects of Owner Viewpoint ii. Importance of Physical Activity iii. Importance of Appealing Toys e. Preventing Aggressive Behavior i. Types of Aggression 1. Causes of Conflict-related Aggression 2. Causes of Fear-induced Aggression 3. Causes of Predatory Aggression 4. Causes of Pain-induced Aggression 5. Causes of Intermale Aggression 6. Causes of Territorial Aggression 7. Causes of Maternal Aggression ii. Effects of Puppy Tests iii. Effects of Castration iv. Effects of Socialization 2. Physical Restraint of Animals a. Restraint of Dogs i. Canine Behavior 1. Importance of Body Language 2. Types of Personalities a. Enjoying Interaction b. Nervous Dog c. Aggressive Dog ii. Use of Defense Mechanisms iii. Mechanical Restraint Devices 1. Function of a Leash NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 129 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 2. Function of a Gauntlet 3. Function of a Muzzle 4. Function of a Catchpole 5. Function of a Voice iv. Restraint Techniques 1. Removing Dogs from Cages a. Process of Removing Nonaggressive Dogs b. Process of Removing Aggressive Dogs 2. Process for Lifting a Dog 3. Function of a Standing Restraint 4. Function of Crowding 5. Process of Recumbency Restraint a. Sternal b. Lateral c. Dorsal 6. Function of Snubbing b. Restraint of Cats i. Feline Behavior 1. Reasons for Human Restraint 2. Reasons for Chemical Restraint ii. Use of Defense Mechanisms iii. Mechanical Restraint Devices 1. Function of a Towel or Blanket 2. Function of Feline Restraint Bags 3. Function of a Muzzle 4. Function of Gauntlet iv. Distraction Techniques 1. Function of Caveman Pats 2. Function of Puffs of Air v. Restraint Techniques 1. Process of Removing a Cat from a Carrier 2. Process of Removing a Cat from a Cage 3. Process of Recumbency Restraint a. Sternal b. Lateral c. Dorsal c. Restraint of Small Mammals i. Use of Defense Mechanisms ii. Capture Methods 1. Process of Scooping 2. Process of Grasping the Tail 3. Process of Wrapping Hands Under the Neck iii. Methods for Hamsters, Mice, Gerbils, Guinea Pigs, and Rats NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 130 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 iv. Methods for Rabbits 1. Process of Sternal Recumbency Restraint 2. Process of Wrapping 3. Process of Dorsal Recumbency v. Methods for Ferrets 1. Process of Scruffing 2. Process of Wrapping d. Restraint of Horses i. Equine Behavior 1. Behavior Intentions Through Body Language a. Position of the Ears b. Mouth Characteristics c. Position of the Head d. Actions of the Feet e. Movement of the Tail 2. Importance of Vision 3. Importance of Hearing ii. Use of Defense Mechanisms iii. Mechanical Restraint Devices 1. Function of a Halter 2. Function of a Twitch 3. Function of a Chain Shank 4. Function of Stocks iv. Distraction Techniques 1. Process of Using a Skin Twitch 2. Process of Using an Eyelid Press 3. Process of Using an Ear Hold 4. Process of Using a Blindfold v. Restraint Techniques 1. Process for Approaching a Horse 2. Process for Leading a Horse 3. Process for Tying a Horse 4. Function of a Halter Tie 5. Process of Picking Up Feet 6. Process for Tying a Leg 7. Process for Using a Tail Tie 8. Process for Restraining Foals e. Restraint of Cattle i. Importance of Understanding Cattle Behavior ii. Use of Defense Mechanisms iii. Mechanical Restraint Devices 1. Function of a Squeeze Chute 2. Function of a Halter NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 131 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 3. Function of Stanchions 4. Function of an Electric Prod 5. Function of Whips 6. Function of Hobbles 7. Function of a Tilt Table iv. Restraint Techniques 1. Process for Approaching Cattle 2. Process for Moving Cattle 3. Process for Providing Oral Medications 4. Process of Tail Jacking 5. Process of Restraining Calves f. Restraint of Goats i. Importance of Understanding Goat Behavior ii. Restraint Techniques 1. Process of Catching and Holding 2. Function of a Halter 3. Function of a Stanchion g. Restraint of Sheep i. Importance of Understanding Sheep Behavior ii. Restraint Techniques 1. Process of Catching and Holding 2. Process of Setting Up 3. Function of a Halter h. Restraint of Pigs i. Importance of Understanding Pig Behavior ii. Use of Defense Mechanisms iii. Restraint Techniques 1. Process for Driving and Catching 2. Process for Directing a Single Pig 3. Function of a Hog Snare 4. Process for Restraining Piglets 5. Process for Restraining Potbellied Pigs 3. Foundations of Good Medical Interventions a. Importance of Interacting with a Client i. Using Reflective Listening Methods 1. Importance of Audition 2. Importance of Evaluation 3. Importance of Inquiry 4. Importance of Observation 5. Importance of Understanding ii. Importance of an Ideal Interview Setting iii. Process for Obtaining a Patient History 1. Importance of the Introductory Statement NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 132 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 2. Importance of Patient Characteristics 3. Importance of a Patient’s Origin or Prior Ownership 4. Importance of Past Medical History 5. Importance of the Vaccination Status 6. Importance of the Presenting Compliant b. Process of a Physical Examination i. Primary Techniques 1. Function of Inspection 2. Function of Palpation 3. Function of Percussion 4. Function of Auscultation a. Sounds of the Heart b. Function of the Cardiac Cycle ii. General Survey of the Patient 1. Importance of the Level of Consciousness 2. Importance of the General Appearance 3. Importance of the State of Nutrition 4. Importance of Symmetry 5. Importance of Posture and Gait iii. Vital Signs of the Patient 1. Importance of Vital Signs 2. Importance of the Senses 3. Importance of a Neurologic Evaluation a. Function of Neurons b. Function of the CNS c. Function of the PNS d. Function of the ANS 4. Function of the Respiratory Rate 5. Function of the Heart Rate 6. Function of the Heart Rhythm 7. Indications of Perfusion 8. Importance of Evaluating Body Temperature c. Systematic Approach to a Physical Examination i. Process of Examining the Head ii. Process of Examining the Neck iii. Process of Examining the Trunk iv. Process of Examining the Thorax 1. Effects of Vesicular Sounds 2. Effects of Bronchial Sounds v. Process of Examining the Abdomen vi. Process for Examining the Hind Limbs vii. Process for Examining the External Genitalia 4. Importance of Nutrition in Veterinary Medicine NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 133 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 a. Energy-Producing Nutrients i. Function of Proteins 1. Essential Amino Acids 2. Nonessential Amino Acids ii. Function of Fats 1. Essential Fatty Acids in Dogs 2. Essential Fatty Acids in Cats iii. Function of Carbohydrates b. Non-Energy Producing Nutrients i. Function of Water ii. Function of Vitamins 1. Water-soluble 2. Fat-soluble iii. Function of Minerals c. Feeding Considerations for Dogs i. Types of Feeding Methods 1. Effects of Portion Control 2. Effects of Free Choice 3. Effects of Time Control ii. Process for Feeding a Gestating Dog iii. Process for Feeding a Lactating Dog iv. Process for Feeding Puppies v. Process for Feeding Adult Dogs vi. Process for Feeding Active Dogs vii. Process for Feeding Geriatric Dogs viii. Process for Feeding Overweight Dogs d. Feeding Considerations for Cats i. Process for Feeding Kittens ii. Process for Feeding Adult Cars iii. Process for Feeding Cats with Lower Urinary Tract Disease iv. Process for Feeding Geriatric Cats v. Process for Feeding a Gestating Cat vi. Process for Feeding a Lactating Cat e. Pet Food Considerations i. Importance of Desired Results ii. Considerations for Choosing Food iii. Effects of Free Feeding iv. Canned vs. Dry Food f. Nutritional Support for Ill or Debilitated Animals i. Reasons for Use ii. Requirements for Nutritional Support iii. Choosing the Route of Administration iv. Effects of Enteral Nutritional Support NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 134 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 1. Reasons for Use 2. Methods of Feeding 3. Daily Caloric Requirements v. Effects of Parenteral Nutritional Support g. Feeding Considerations for Small Mammals i. Effects of a Party Mix Diet ii. Importance of Vitamin C h. Feeding Considerations for Reptiles and Amphibians i. Diet Requirements for Iguanas ii. Diet Requirements for Snakes iii. Diet Requirements for Box Turtles iv. Diet Requirements for Amphibians i. Nutrition of Livestock i. Importance of Dietary Fiber ii. Types of Feedstuff 1. Function of Forages a. Green Chop b. Ensiling c. Hay 2. Function of Concentrates 3. Function of Byproduct Feeds 4. Function of Nonnutritive Feed Additives j. Feed Management of Livestock i. Dairy Cattle 1. Importance of Feeding Systems 2. Importance of Food Delivery ii. Beef Cattle 1. Function of Cow-Calf Feeding 2. Function of Cattle Feeding iii. Nutrition in a Debilitated Calf 1. Importance of Feeding Colostrum 2. Importance of Feeding Milk 3. Importance of Feeding Electrolytes iv. Horses 1. Diet Requirements 2. Importance of a Proper Horse-Feeding Program 3. Process of Feeding Hospitalized Horses 4. Process of Watering Hospitalized Horses v. Pigs 1. Similarities to Beef Cattle Management 2. Importance of the Pig Industry 3. Diet Requirements vi. Sheep NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 135 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 1. Similarities to Beef Cattle Management 2. Diet Requirements vii. Goats 1. Similarities to Goat Cattle Management 2. Diet Requirements Veterinary Nursing Care Objective: Describe the various nursing care procedures and considerations for dogs and cats Describe the various nursing care procedures and considerations for horses Describe the various nursing care procedures and considerations for cattle, sheep, goats, swine, camelids, and ratites Describe the various nursing care procedures and considerations for pet birds, reptiles, and amphibians Describe the various nursing care procedures and considerations for injured or orphaned wild animals including intake procedures, capture and restraint, examination and testing, supportive care, rehabilitation, common diseases and injuries, and related ethical considerations Describe the nursing care of laboratory animals including housing, sanitation, diet, types of animals used in research, related procedures, and ethical considerations 1. Nursing Care of Dogs and Cats a. General Nursing Care i. Importance of Physical Needs ii. Importance of Psychological Needs iii. Importance of Monitoring Vitals 1. Assessment of Level of Consciousness 2. Assessment of Weight 3. Assessment of Body Temperature 4. Assessment of Pulse a. Bradycardia b. Tachycardia c. Arrhythmia 5. Assessment of Respiration 6. Assessment of Urine Production iv. Importance of Gastrointestinal Monitoring v. Importance of Neurological Monitoring vi. Importance of Integumentary System Monitoring vii. Importance of Grooming 1. Process for Performing Quality Skin Care NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 136 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 2. Process for Performing Quality Nail Care 3. Process for Performing Quality Anal Sac Care 4. Process for Performing Quality Ear Care b. Administering Medications i. Types of Administration 1. Process of Topical Administration 2. Process of Oral Administration 3. Process of Rectal Administration 4. Process of Nasal Administration 5. Process of Parenteral Administration a. Intradermal b. Subcutaneous i. Vaccines ii. Insulin Thearpy c. Intramuscular d. Intravenous e. Intraosseous f. Intraperitoneal g. Epidural 6. Process of Endotracheal Administration ii. Types of Applications 1. Process of Ophthalmic Application 2. Process of Otic Application iii. Types of Catheterization 1. Intravenous Catheterization a. Function of a Winged Infusion Catheter b. Function of a Over-the-Needle Peripheral Catheter c. Importance of IV Catheter Care 2. Function of a Urinary Tract Catheterization iv. Types of Intubation 1. Function of a Orogastric Intubation 2. Function of a Nasoesophageal Intubation 3. Function of a Nasogastric Intubation c. Types of Nursing Care i. Special Circumstances 1. Importance of Blood Pressure Monitoring a. Systolic vs. Diastolic Blood Pressure b. Direct vs. Indirect Methods 2. Importance of Central Venous Pressure 3. Importance of Pain Control 4. Importance of Respiratory Support a. Nebulization b. Percussion NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 137 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 ii. Recumbent Patients 1. Importance of Turning 2. Importance of Padding 3. Importance of Bladder Maintenance 4. Importance of Bowel Maintenance d. Care of Neonatal Puppies and Kittens i. Importance of a Physical Examination ii. Importance of Respiratory Care iii. Importance of Environmental Temperature iv. Importance of Nutrition v. Importance of Fluid Requirements 1. Effects of Hypoglycemia 2. Effects of Dehydration vi. Importance of Pediatric Hygiene vii. Process of Resuscitation 1. Effects of Apnea 2. Effects of Acquired Immunodeficiencies e. Care of Geriatric Patients i. Effects of Aging ii. Types of Considerations 1. Importance of Proper Handling 2. Effects of Drug Therapy 3. Effects of Anesthesia 2. Nursing Care of Horses a. General Care for Horses i. Importance of Proper Feeding and Watering 1. Effects of a Catabolic State 2. Effects of Colic 3. Effects of Pneumonia ii. Importance of Bedding 1. Types of Materials 2. Effects of Laminitis 3. Effects of Decubital Ulcers iii. Importance of Fly Control iv. Importance of Exercise v. Importance of Proper Grooming vi. Importance of Daily Hoof Picking b. Care of Recumbent Horses i. Importance of Turning ii. Importance of Fluids c. Process of Bandaging i. Function of Foot Wraps ii. Function of Tail Bandages NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 138 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 iii. Function of Abdominal Bandages d. Administration of Medication i. Function of Oral Administration ii. Function of Nasogastric Intubation iii. Types of Injections 1. Function of Parenteral Injections 2. Function of Intradermal Injections 3. Function of Subcutaneous Injections 4. Function of Intramuscular Injections 5. Function of Intravenous Injections iv. Effect of Adverse Reactions v. Function of Intravenous Catheterization 1. Types of Sites for Catheterization 2. Importance of Catheter Care 3. Effects from Catheter Complications vi. Function of Intravenous Infusions vii. Importance of Eye Medication 3. Nursing Care for Feed Animals, Camedlis, and Ratites a. Types of Nursing Care i. Care of Cattle 1. Beef vs. Dairy Cattle 2. Importance of Vaccinations 3. Effects of Castration 4. Effects of Restraint ii. Care of Sheep 1. Use of Wool 2. Effects of Restraint 3. Importance of Crutching 4. Effects of Tail Docking iii. Care of Goats 1. Use of Goats 2. Effects of Restraint iv. Care of Swine 1. Importance of Proper Housing 2. Effects of Restraint 3. Types of Surgical Procedures a. Function of Clipping Teeth b. Function of Umbilical Cord Clipping c. Function of Tail Docking d. Function of Castration b. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques i. Oral Administration of Medication 1. Use of a Balling Gun NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 139 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Version 6.1.17 2. Use of a Frick’s Speculum 3. Process of Drenching 4. Function of Pastes 5. Effects of Orogastric Intubation Parenteral Administration of Medication 1. Function of Intramuscular Injections a. Materials Needed b. Process for Restraint c. Importance of Technique 2. Function of Subcutaneous Injections a. Materials Needed b. Importance of Technique 3. Function of Intradermal Injections a. Materials Needed b. Process for Restraint c. Importance of Technique 4. Function of Intravenous Injections a. Process for Restraint b. Types of Techniques i. Jugular Vein Technique ii. Tail Vein Technique iii. Subcutaneous Abdominal Vein Technique iv. Auricular Vein Technique Function of Intraperitoneal Injection Function of Intranasal Insufflation Function of Intramammary Infusion 1. Process for Restraint 2. Importance of Technique Effects of Intrauterine Medication 1. Importance of Technique 2. Use of Intrauterine Boluses Function of Urine Collection Blood Sampling 1. Accessing the Jugular Venipuncture a. Materials Needed b. Process for Restraint c. Importance of Technique 2. Accessing the Cranial Vena Cava 3. Accessing the Auricular Vein 4. Accessing the Coccygeal Venipuncture a. Materials Needed b. Process for Restraint c. Importance of Technique Page 140 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 ix. Function of Intravenous Catheterization 1. Importance of Technique 2. Process of IV Catheterization in Cattle 3. Process of IV Catheterization in Sheep 4. Process of IV Catheterization in Goats 5. Process of IV Catheterization in Swine x. Function of Hoof Trimming c. Care of Camelids i. Anatomic Characteristics 1. Differences between Llamas and Alpacas 2. Stomach 3. Types of Teeth 4. Skin 5. Uterus ii. Importance of Neonatal Care iii. Behavior of Camelids iv. Process of Restraint v. Importance of Herd Health 1. Immunizations 2. Parasite Control vi. Diagnostic Techniques 1. Effects of Orogastric Intubation 2. Function of Intravenous Injections 3. Function of Intramuscular Injections 4. Function of Subcutaneous Injections 5. Function of Blood Collection 6. Function of Urine Collection d. Care of Ratites i. Importance of a Visual Examination ii. Importance of a Physical Examination iii. Restraint Techniques iv. Diagnostic Techniques 1. Effects of Orogastric Tube Placement 2. Function of Pill Administration 3. Function of Injections 4. Function of Blood Sampling 5. Function of Catheterization 6. Function of Fluid Therapy 4. Nursing Care for Birds a. Avian Anatomy i. Integumentary System 1. Function of the Skin 2. Function of the Uropygial Gland NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 141 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 3. Function of Feathers a. Contour b. Primary Flight c. Secondary Flight d. Body e. Down ii. Function of the Musculoskeletal System iii. Function of the Respiratory System 1. Characteristics 2. Movement of Air Flow iv. Function of the Digestive System v. Function of the Urinary System vi. Function of the Reproductive System vii. Function of the Circulatory System viii. Importance of Special Senses 1. Diurnal vs. Nocturnal Senses 2. Importance of Sight 3. Importance of Sound b. Common Pet Bird Behaviors i. Function of Chewing 1. Effects of Mouthing 2. Types of Toys Appropriate for Pet Birds ii. Function of Biting iii. Effects of Dominance iv. Function of Vocalization v. Effects of Self-Mutilation vi. Effects of Inappropriate Bonding c. Importance of a Physical Examination i. Function of Obtaining a Patient’s History ii. Function of a Physical Examination Prior to Restraint iii. Function of a Physical Examination After Restraint iv. Performing a Physical Examination 1. Reasons for Obtaining a Patient’s Weight 2. Reasons for Examining the Head 3. Importance of an Oral Examination 4. Importance of Palpation 5. Importance of Examining Skin and Feather Conditions 6. Reasons for Examining the Uropygial Gland 7. Reasons for Auscultation 8. Importance of a Cloacal Examination 9. Importance of Hydration d. Diagnostic Sampling Techniques i. Importance of Blood Collection NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 142 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential e. f. g. h. 1. Function of Blood Tubes 2. Effects of Blood Volume 3. Importance of Fecal Examinations ii. Importance of Respiratory System Diagnostics iii. Function of a Nasal Flush iv. Function of a Tracheal Lavage Types of Imaging Techniques i. Function of Radiographs ii. Function of a Gastrointestinal Contrast Study iii. Function of a Fluoroscopy iv. Function of an Ultrasound v. Function of an Endoscopy Nursing Care i. Importance of Nursing Care during Hospitalization ii. Types of Diseases 1. Effects of Chlamydiosis 2. Effecets of the Polyomavirus 3. Effects of Proventricular Disease 4. Effects of Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease 5. Effects of the Poxvirus 6. Effects of West Nile Virus iii. Importance of Preventing the Spread of Disease in the Clinic 1. Prevention through Preparedness 2. Prevention through Oral Administration 3. Prevention through Gavage Feeding 4. Prevention through Fluid Replacement Therapy 5. Prevention through Subcutaneous Injection Sites 6. Prevention through Intramuscular Injections 7. Prevention through Intravenous Catheter Placement 8. Prevention through Intraosseous Catheter Placement 9. Prevention through Bandaging Figure-of-Eight 10. Prevention through Elizabethan Collar Placement Husbandry Responsibilities i. Reasons for Beak Trimming ii. Reasons for Wing Trimming iii. Reasons for Nail Trimming iv. Reasons for DNA Sex Determination v. Reasons for Microchipping Bird Emergencies i. Importance of an Initial Assessment ii. Types of Respiratory Emergencies 1. Effects of Upper Airway Emergencies 2. Effects of Lower Airway Emergencies NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Version 6.1.17 Page 143 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Effects of Space Occupying Masses Effects of Bleeding Emergencies Effects of Egg Stasis Effects of a Prolapsed Cloaca Effects of Animal Bites Effects of Beak Injuries Effects from Foreign Bodies Types of Fractures 1. Effects of Wing Fractures 2. Effects of Leg Fractures xi. Effects of Head Trauma xii. Effects of Burns xiii. Effects of Crop Burns xiv. Effects of Seizures xv. Effects of Heavy Metal Toxicosis xvi. Effects from Ingested Poisons i. Effects of Bird Anesthesia i. Importance of Patient Preparation ii. Function of Gas Anesthesia iii. Function of Chamber Induction iv. Function of Mask Induction v. Function of Intubation vi. Importance of Oxygen Flow Rates vii. Importance of Monitoring Body Temperature viii. Importance of Fluid Therapy ix. Importance of Recovery 5. Nursing Care for Reptiles and Amphibians a. Reptile Biology i. Effects of an Ecothermic System ii. Function of Skin b. Reptile Husbandry i. Importance of Proper Housing ii. Proper Nutrition for Snakes iii. Proper Nutrition for Lizards iv. Proper Nutrition for Chelonians c. Handling of Reptiles i. Techniques for Restraining Snakes ii. Techniques for Restraining Chelonians iii. Techniques for Restraining Lizards d. Importance of a Physical Examination for Reptiles i. Reasons for Using a Head-to-tail Examination ii. Performing a Physical Examination on Snakes iii. Performing a Physical Examination on Chelonians NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 144 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 iv. Performing a Physical Examination on Lizards v. Importance of Normal Physiologic Values vi. Process of Sexing vii. Importance of Fluid Therapy e. Diagnostic Techniques for Reptiles i. Function of Reptile Venipuncture 1. Sites in Snakes 2. Sites in Chelonians 3. Sites in Lizards ii. Function of an Endoscopy iii. Function of a Cloacal Wash iv. Function of a Skin Scrape v. Function of a Tracheal Wash f. Radiography Uses for Reptiles i. Views taken in Snakes ii. Views taken in Chelonians iii. Views taken in Lizards g. Hospitalization Care for Reptiles i. Daily Treatments Needed ii. Importance of Force-Feeding iii. Importance of Fluid Administration h. Emergency Care for Reptiles i. Types of Emergencies ii. Types of Support Provided iii. Reasons for Anesthesia iv. Reasons for Euthanasia i. Amphibian Husbandry i. Importance of Water Quality ii. Importance of Nutrition j. Physical Examination of Amphibians i. Process for Performing a Physical Examination ii. Types of Venipuncture Techniques k. Diagnostic Techniques for Amphibians i. Function of Celiocentesis ii. Function of a Cloacal Wash iii. Function of Culture Collection iv. Function of an Endoscopy v. Function of a Fecal Examination vi. Function of a Skin Scrape vii. Function of Radiology viii. Function of a Tracheal Wash ix. Function of Urinalysis 6. Nursing Care of Orphaned and Injured Animals NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 145 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 a. Intake Procedures i. Information Included in Paperwork ii. Importance of a Release Form iii. Importance of Generating a Medical Record b. Capture and Restraint of Animals i. Importance of a Physical Examination ii. Process for Restraining a Raptor iii. Process for Restraining Small Wild Birds iv. Process for Restraining Mammals v. Process for Restraining Reptiles 1. Lizards 2. Snakes 3. Chelonians c. Physical Examination of Wildlife i. Importance of Mentation ii. Process for Examining Birds iii. Process for Examining Mammals iv. Process for Examining Reptiles d. Diagnostic Testing Procedures i. Function of a Cloacal Wash ii. Function of a Fecal Examination iii. Function of a Skin Scrape iv. Function of a Gram Stain v. Function of a Nasal Flush vi. Function of a Tracheal Lavage vii. Function of Blood Collection e. Importance of Diagnostic Imaging i. Use of Radiographs in Birds ii. Use of Radiographs in Mammals iii. Use of Radiographs in Reptiles 1. Snakes 2. Chelonians 3. Lizards iv. Use of Ultrasounds f. Importance of Supportive Care in the Hospital i. Types of Supportive Care for Raptors ii. Types of Supportive Care for Nonraptorial Birds iii. Types of Supportive Care for Mammals iv. Types of Supportive Care for Reptiles 1. Snakes 2. Lizards 3. Chelonians v. Reasons for Immobilizing Fractures NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 146 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 g. Effects of Rehabilitation i. Places Appropriate for Long-Term Rehabilitation ii. Importance of Proper Food Preparation iii. Importance of Feeding Frequency h. Common Diseases and Injuries i. Types of Viral Diseases ii. Types of Bacterial Infections iii. Types of Mycotic Infections iv. Types of Parasitic Infections v. Types of Protozoal Infection vi. Effects of Toxicosis 1. Heavy Metals 2. Botulism 3. Algal Toxins 4. Oiled Birds vii. Effects of Fishing Tackle Injuries i. Ethical Treatment of Wild Animals i. Importance of Releasability ii. Reasons for Euthanasia iii. Importance of Proper Chemical Restraint 7. Nursing Care of Laboratory Animals a. Ethical Considerations in Biomedical Research i. Role of Animal Rights Groups 1. Animal Liberation Front 2. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals ii. Positive Effects of Biomedical Research iii. Negative Effects of Biomedical Research iv. Importance of the 3 Rs Concept 1. Function of Reduction 2. Function of Replacement 3. Function of Refinement b. Types of Animals Used in Biomedical Research i. Reasons Mice and Rats are Common in Biomedical Research ii. Characteristics of Mice and Rats iii. Different Types of Mice and Rats Available iv. Function of Genetically Engineered Animals v. Other Types of Rodents 1. Characteristics of Hamsters 2. Characteristics of Gerbils 3. Characteristics of Guinea Pigs 4. Characteristics of Chinchillas c. Importance of Proper Housing i. Characteristics of Cages NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 147 NWCA Study Guide – Veterinary Assistant Professional Credential Version 6.1.17 ii. Sizing Requirements iii. Importance of Bedding iv. Function of Toys d. Importance of Proper Sanitation i. Reasons for Cage Cleaning ii. Types of Proper Disinfectant Solutions e. Importance of a Proper Diet i. Reasons for Free Choice Diets ii. Reasons for a Balanced Diet iii. Function of Dry Food f. Clinical Care i. Importance of Proper Nursing Care ii. Types of Diagnostic Techniques iii. Function of Venipuncture 1. Force-Feeding 2. Fecal Analysis 3. Urine Samples NWCA Study Guide NWCA.VET Page 148