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Stealth Seduction Guide (Tom Torero)

Copyright Tom Torero, December 2016.
All rights reserved.
This handbook must not be copied / distributed
digitally or in another format without express
permission from the author, Tom Torero.
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................... 5
THE LONDON DAYGAME MODEL...................................................... 8
TORERO TEXT MODEL...................................................................... 10
TORERO DATE MODEL...................................................................... 11
PRODUCT TOOLKIT............................................................................ 13
SHIT TEST REFRAMES.....................................................................23
VIDEO NOTES (full notches).............................................................25
Many thanks for purchasing my infield daygame product Stealth
Seduction. I believe that this is the most comprehensive product of its
kind, taking you through my entire toolkit from A to Z.
These videos and audios of me daygaming and dating (along with the
text message correspondence involved) serve as a companion to my
textbook Street Hustle. Whereas the book explains it all on paper, this
product shows you it all in real time, up close and personal.
The aim of Stealth Seduction is not only to show you what my daygame
and dating looks like (after dedicating 6+ years to learning and
practicing it) but to enable you to implement what you see and hear
me do. I wanted it to be as clear and as practical as possible, so you
can replicate my results step-by-step. Don’t just watch it as a bit of
entertainment. Instead use it as a catalyst to taking action yourself.
Why did I call it “Stealth Seduction”? As I explain in my textbook,
there are two types of hustle that a pickup artist is pulling off. The
first is being able to attract, date and seduce a girl who’s “out of your
league” and doesn’t know what you’re doing. It’s a masterfully stealth
procedure where you’re implementing the complete hustle toolkit
under her nose.
The second type of hustle is you and the hot girl dating and mating
under the noses of those around you. This stealth behaviour is what
we call the “Secret Society” - she might have a boyfriend, a husband, be
in a high-pressure social situation, but because of your hustle abilities,
nobody except you and her knows.
This product is largely about the second type of stealth hustle.
You’ll see and hear me seducing girls in all sorts of relationships
and tricky situations, under the radar of her partner, her family,
her friends and society. We’re in on it together. This is not just about
collecting phone numbers. You’ll see me infield from the initial
attraction to the seduction finale.
I’ve spent the last year travelling around the world to daygame and
film, so the product features girls from thirteen countries; from the
USA to Japan, Britain to Singapore. I hope this answers the classic
limiting belief that men have about it “only working on girls from
region x.”
There are teenage girls, MILFs in their early 30s and everything
in between. The product features party girls, religious girls, the
“girl next door,” academic girls, a doctor, a psychiatrist, secret
nymphomaniacs and inexperienced wallflowers. Again, I hope
this answers the other classic limiting belief about daygame “only
working on x-type of girls.”
You’ll see me daygaming in parks, cafes, shops and malls, as well as
on the street. The product features Same Day Lays, Gutter Game
lays, first date lays, second date lays and third date lays. Some girls
are good to go, others need more dating and seducing to overcome
Token Last Minute Resistance. So no excuses about it “only working
in certain situations over certain time frames.”
This PDF serves as a summary of the main models and tools in
Street Hustle that will help you navigate the content. It’s certainly
no replacement for the full 311 page hardback textbook if you
need more theory, but it’s enough to explain what’s going on in the
I’ve annotated the videos to highlight the following things:
Subtitles to clarify
her/my voice
The Street Hustle technique
being used
A commentary
on the action
The stage
of the seduction
Anyway, enough of the preamble. Time to open up the treasure trove
of videos and audios from the Secret Society. Thanks once again for
supporting what I do and making this wild ride possible. Drop me an
email (tom@tomtorero.com) to let me know what you thought and how
the product has helped your Game.
Onwards & inwards ;)
Tom Torero
December 2016
Tom Torero • Stealth Seduction
The London Daygame Model is a theoretical framework for describing
the five stages of what happens during a typical daygame approach:
1. Open (say hello and tell her what you want)
2. Stack (throw out flirty bait to get a conversational topic going)
3. Vibing (have fun with her on that topic until she “hooks”)
4. Invest (dial down your energy to get her working)
5. Close (get her details or walk off with her)
Watch out for the “Hook Point” during the Vibing phase where
she shows interest in the proposition and starts investing in the
interaction. It’s a key shift in energy as we move from attraction to
Note that I don’t adhere strictly to the model when doing it for real, but
keep it fluid and improvisational. Often the phases are interwoven like
lines of melody, depending on the girl and the situation.
Calibration from years of infield experience allows me to do know
when the set needs more or less gas. This product showcases my style
of Game, but remember to cultivate your own once you’ve got the
fundamentals down.
Pages 50-53 of Street Hustle go over this model in detail, as does the
rest of the textbook.
* Alexandra *
Tom Torero • Stealth Seduction
My 3 stage texting model explains what to do after getting her number
in order to have a date (or dates) with her.
1. Feeler Text (to see if it’s a real number /
if she responds / if she’s keen)
2. Ping Texts (a back-and-forth exchange
of light-hearted flirtatious messages)
3. Date Request Text (asking her out)
In the product you’ll also see me using
Photo Pings (images that spike her
emotions and investment). All of these
types of texts can be sent over SMS,
Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp or any
other messaging service.
Some of the girls require more or
less texting. Some girls are natural
texters, some are not. Again, with
experience I can tailor the volume
and style of messages I send to
particular girls.
Pages 54-55 of Street Hustle go over this in detail.
My date model goes over the 12 steps I take on a typical date (or
dates) in order to successfully seduce a girl.
Plan A is to complete the model in one evening on the first date.
Plan B is to complete stages 1-8 on the first date and then 9-12 on a
second date
Plan C is to complete stages 1-8 on the first date, repeat 5-8 on the
second date and then complete 9-12 on a third date
I don’t go over three dates in order to avoid the “make him wait”
boyfriend / provider frame she’s trying to set. Street Hustlers should
be operating as lovers.
Tom Torero • Stealth Seduction
1. Meet her at a pre-arranged spot and walk to the first venue, making
light hearted banter on the way
2. Arrive at the first venue. This should be a cafe or bar that is
bright and busy. Spike things up by reminding her it’s a man-towoman dynamic
3. Build rapport over the first drink using the usual “getting to know
you” topics
4. Move to the second venue, spiking it up as you walk there with some
light touch and / or sexualised comments
5. The second venue should be darker and more seductive, like a lounge
or a cocktail bar. You need to be sitting next to her this time, on a sofa
or stools. Here you’ll go into deep rapport by getting her to open up
6. Spike out of comfort by beginning verbal and physical escalation
7. Chill in the second venue, slowing everything down and giving
her space
8. Amp up the escalation again, this time going for the kiss
9. Bounce to yours / hers (or a close location), preferably in a taxi,
making chit-chat to calm her mind
10. Spike things up on the sofa with more kissing as you watch the film
/ listen to music.
11. Relax on your sofa or move your laptop into the bedroom for chilling
12. Escalate towards sex
Note that I don’t adhere strictly to the model when doing it for real,
but keep it fluid and improvisational. Years of experience allow me
to do this. I’m often condensing the stages and pushing things fast in
“bad boy” mode because of my abundance of leads and my tight travel
In the product you’ll see me running the model all in one go (as a Same
Day Lay), over two dates and even over three. It’s girl and situation
Pages 56-58 of Street Hustle go over the date model in detail, as does the
rest of the textbook.
These are some of the ‘Torero Classics’ that you’ll see and hear me use
again and again in the videos.
XXMulti Stacking
Instead of the usual single Stack in the second phase of the London
Daygame Model, you can see me often employing multiple fishing lines
with bait on them in order to get her to give me a topic I can riff on. See
page 113-114 of Street Hustle.
XXUse Her Name
Notice how I heavily use the girl’s name after she’s given it to me, both
during the daygame and on the date. This is a classic persuasion tool.
Sadly I’ve had to mute the names for privacy purposes, but you’ll know
when I’m using it. See page 141 of Street Hustle.
In every video, watch and listen to how I combine being “on” with
being “off” on every level. Too much of either jeopardises the
seduction. I call this “fractionation,” one of the key pieces of theory
you need to understand in Game. See page 62 of Street Hustle.
In every interaction I get the girl to jump through my frame by
explaining herself to me or feel like she’s “living up to my expectations.”
I weave these questions and statements into rapport after she’s hooked.
Examples I use include: “Why are you single?”, “How tall are you?” and
my “3 Criteria” routine about eyes, hair and shoes.
See page 64 of Street Hustle.
Tom Torero • Stealth Seduction
This acronym means “Demonstrate Higher Value.” At some point
in all the interactions I pepper in statements that let the girl know
I’m a ‘man of the world.’ I sometimes mention travel, dangerous
experiences, my Oxford days and my job training men. DHV-ing has
to be done subtly and cleverly to avoid it coming across as try-hard
showing off. The use of ‘Humble Bragging’ solves this. See page 118 of
Street Hustle.
XXElephant In The Room
This is a technique I defined and popularised which you’ll see a lot
in the product. I diffuse any awkwardness by calling it out and preempting trouble ahead. An example would be when I say “I know this
is fast, and we’ve just met...we should slow down.” See page 138 of Street
XX90%-10% Spotlight
90% of the interactions are about the girl (her favourite topic). 10% of
it is about me. That doesn’t mean she’s doing 90% of the talking. Often
you’ll hear me taking the reigns, but keeping it about her. See page 93
of Street Hustle.
XXPseudo Astrology
On most of the videos you’ll see me asking the girl what star sign
she is, and then discussing the topic in a flirty way. Of course I don’t
believe the topic, but I’m well aware that it’s “Chick Crack” which gets
them investing. See page 94 of Street Hustle.
XXBarnum Statements
Another classic psychological persuasion technique which I use a lot
is making pseudo “cold reads” using Barnum statements (statements
that apply to anyone). These trigger more investment from the girl and
I often combine them with a flirty spike. See page 178 of Street Hustle.
XXMother & Father Still Together?
During rapport you can often hear me asking if her mother and father
are still together. If she’s got a bad boy dad who left when she was little
then this often indicates that she’s a wild child who’s open to crazy
experiences, or that she needs stronger frame control if she’s behaving
like a princess. See page 90 of Street Hustle.
In every interaction I’ll figure out her logistics, as well as start to seed
mine (see below). I’ll figure out where she’s staying, who she’s staying
with, how long she’s got etc. Don’t leave logistics to chance!
In order to make bouncing easier, I give reasons in the form of
dropping hints so girls come back to mine. I usually mention movies,
music, my guitar, tea or alcohol, as well as pointing out where I’m
staying. See page 188 of Street Hustle.
XXPhoto Routine
On most instant dates / dates I’ll show the girls some photos of my life
that I’ve saved on my phone. These act as a DHV and also get me out
of the “stable boyfriend” box. I then ask to see her photos, and from
the ones she shows I can gauge many things about how promiscuous
she is. See page 175 of Street Hustle to learn to build a correct
“photo stack.”
XXPoints System
I’ll often award or subtract imaginary points to the girl, keeping score
by pretending to write them on my hand. This is a simple, fun, flirty
routine that helps to Flip-The-Script and get her qualifying. See page
159 of Street Hustle.
Tom Torero • Stealth Seduction
XXInterrupting Them / Cutting Their Thread
In many of the interactions you’ll hear me talking over the girl to
impose my frame, or cutting one of her conversational threads if it’s
getting boring (e.g. if it’s about work, religion or politics).
XXOvercoming Her Tests
The majority of the girls ask me “shit tests” (frame tests) such as my
age, why I’m single, if I’m a player etc. Either I disregard what they say
with a smirk or I “Agree & Amplify” by making a cocky joke of it. See
the ‘Shit Test Reframe’ section in this book on page 23.
XX‘Beauty Is Common’ Speech
A classic qualification routine from Mystery. I tell many of the girls
they’re attractive (SOI) but that “beauty is common” and I’m attracted
to other attributes too. It’s an easy way to Flip-The-Script. See page 63
of Street Hustle.
During the Investment phase of the daygame model, as well as on the
date, I’ll tell girls some information about my life to build trust and
comfort. You’ll hear me talking about where I’m from, my former job
as a teacher and my job now “helping men with their confidence.” See
page 121 of Street Hustle.
On many of the dates you’ll hear me use suggestive words and phrases
which let the girl know what I like (thus qualifying her) and what
I expect. Examples are “adventurous,” “open-minded,” “free from
rules” etc. See page 180 of Street Hustle.
This is one of my favourite principles of Game to put into action,
getting the girl to chase me (or at least feel like she’s chasing me) after
the Hook Point by making her do the work and qualify herself to me.
This is a key principle that you have to understand. See page 63 of
Street Hustle to fully grasp it.
XXTom & Jerry Routine
In most of the interactions I make a play on my name by calling her
“Jerry” and spiking things up with a role play about how we have a
“love-hate relationship” and that I’m going to “chase her around the
house.” Create a similar one for your own name.
XXSpy Routine
My standard response to them asking what my job is. I use a 007
role play about being a British spy and looking for naughty girls. It
can often get quite sexual and the role play can carry on over texts
and dates.
XXParody Chode
This links to the 4th Wall technique (see below) when I play the role of a
hopeless romantic guy and talk about buying her a rose, being a virgin,
writing her poems etc. I’ve got a big smirk on my face and she knows
I’m joking. See page 172 of Street Hustle.
XXParody Brute
Again, a 4th Wall technique where I can get away with being vulgar by
playing the role of a primitive guy, telling her that I just like “steak,
sleep and sex” and that I’ve not been listening to anything she’s
saying. She has to know that I’m not being completely serious. See
page 173 of Street Hustle.
XX‘I Hate You!’
One of my favourite ways of adding a “push” before or after one of
my “pulls.” You’ll hear me tell the girls things like “I hate you,” “It’s
Tom Torero • Stealth Seduction
over” or “You’re such a bitch” with a big grin on my face and fun in my
tonality. This is an advanced move which relies on the correct delivery
to make the girl respond well.
XXCats or Dogs?
With most of the girls we end up talking about cats vs dogs on the
date. This is so I can accuse her of turning into a “crazy cat lady” and
combining it with the spike about her being cat-like...with a hidden
tiger inside.
XXRoyal Flush
An advanced technique I use to call out her intentional games if nonreactivity hasn’t worked and she’s not responded to all other attempts.
Like a firm but fair teacher or parent, you’ll hear me setting down my
boundaries and risking burning the interaction by telling her to make
a decision. See page 167 of Street Hustle.
XXStatement Of Intent
With every girl I make a series of Statements Of Intent (SOIs)
throughout the daygame and dating, letting her clearly know that
this is a man-to-woman interaction and that I find her physically
attractive. See page 112 of Street Hustle.
XXStrawberry Fields Routine
A tried-and-tested pickup routine that I use a lot if the conversation
is flagging on a date, which gets the girl investing and is an easy way
to verbally spike things up. The three questions (size of fence, number
of strawberries eaten and feelings towards the farmer) are followed by
a pseudo-analysis, which should clearly be tongue-in-cheek. See page
177 of Street Hustle.
XXMiami Plastic Surgery Story
Many times you’ll hear me tell the (true) story of being in Miami and
asking girls about the popularity of fake breasts and ass implants. It’s
not only a DHV story about travel but an obvious sexual spike.
XX‘Men & Women Can’t Be Friends’ Speech
On most dates (and sometimes during the daygame) you’ll hear me
give the girl the same speech about why men and women can’t be
friends. It presents a crystal clear frame to the girl and uses the 4th
Wall to let her know you’re not a typical Nice Guy to be Friend Zoned.
It’s also a strong Statement Of Intent that spikes things up. See page
28 of Street Hustle.
XXQuiet Girl or Party Girl?
I usually ask the girl to put herself somewhere on the continuum
between “party girl” and “good girl” to gauge her response. Usually I’ll
put them in the opposite box to what they say and watch them qualify
themselves out of it.
XXGood Boys or Bad Boys?
You’ll always hear me asking the girls what kind of guys they’ve dated
and what they find attractive. I’m not really interested in the answer,
but more how they try to justify their choices. It spikes things up and
lets me define my lover frame. See page 30 of Street Hustle.
XXGuilty Pleasures
As a verbal spike I often ask them what their “guilty pleasure” is.
Talking about shoes is one of my go-to moves which lets me get things
sexual by also touching her ankle. See page 177 of Street Hustle.
Tom Torero • Stealth Seduction
XXParody NLP
I’ll often use words / phrases that are innuendos and make fun of classic
‘Neurolinguistic Programming’ mind control claims. When the girl gets
what I’m doing, I’ll Flip-The-Script and accuse her of having a dirty
mind. Examples are “hard,” “deep,” “wild” and “ride.” See page 179 of
Street Hustle.
XXHow Many Husbands Do You Have?’
I ask most girls this question (however old they are) either on the street
or on the date, as an excuse to find out their relationship status and
to also touch their hand as I “look for a ring.” It’s not the answer I’m
interested in, but how satisfied she seems with any partner she mentions.
XXRole Play
In the majority of the videos you’ll see and hear me using role play
to spike things up, telling the girl that we’re getting married, getting
divorced, running away to Las Vegas, opening a brothel together etc.
Girls love it. See page 117 of Street Hustle.
XX4th Wall
Many times I let the girl in on the play-within-the-play, narrating what’s
actually happening in the seduction. It’s an advanced technique that
shows the girl you’re an experienced lover who “gets it.” See page 181 of
Street Hustle.
XXMaradona Move
I hold onto the girl’s hand when I introduce myself, until she pulls away,
during the daygame interaction. An easy way to turn the set sexual,
especially when combined with Tiger Eyes. See page 136 of Street Hustle.
XXPseudo Palm Reading
Just like with the pseudo astrology, pretending to read her palm
serves as a flirty excuse to touch her and spike things up. Don’t take it
seriously. See page 184 of Street Hustle.
XXFinger Ring Routine
This is another PUA classic that I use a lot. On the date I take her hand
and use the rings she’s wearing (or the absence of rings) to tell her
about the symbolism of each finger. It’s an easy way to touch her hand
for a long period. See page 184 of Street Hustle.
In the majority of the videos I talk about tattoos with the girl in order
to spike things up by touching her body to view hers (or where she’d
like one) and letting her see mine. See page 185 of Street Hustle.
XXComparing Tans
Often you’ll see me comparing how suntanned the girl is to me by
rolling up our sleeves and touching each other’s arms. It’s an easy
physical spike. See page 185 of Street Hustle.
XXHair Length
In almost every interaction I make a point of talking about how I’m
attracted to long hair, and I ask the girl about ever having had long
/ short hair. As I’m saying this I touch her back and neck to indicate
hair length. This often leads to me briefly playing with her hair (and
sometimes pulling it).
XXHand Map
Sometimes on a date I take the girl’s hand and trace outlines of maps
on it with my finger. It’s an easy way to add in some stealth physicality
whilst still in comfort. See page 184 of Street Hustle.
Tom Torero • Stealth Seduction
XXShoulder Massage
I give some of the girls a quick “shoulder massage” as a reason to get
physical and have one arm around their shoulders and neck. I often
combine it with a tease about them working too hard or taking too
many selfies. See page 185 of Street Hustle.
XXFloppy Test
In all the interactions I use this towards the end of the date to find out
if she’s ready to bounce home or into isolation. It often follows playing
with her hair or the shoulder massage. I’ll temporarily put my arm
around her and pull her into me (often with the words “I hate you!”)
to see how “floppy” she is. Sometimes this will lead straight to the kiss.
See page 187 of Street Hustle.
XXCold Beer Trick
This is a 4th Wall verbal and physical spike I really like using at the end
of the date when the vibe is very seductive (and things are already
getting sexual.) I take the cold drink I’m holding (usually beer) and
press it against my crotch, telling the girl I need to cool things down as
I “can’t stand up.” Often I’ll get her to hold it there for me or I’ll put her
hand on my trousers.
“Shit Tests” are the questions girls throw at you before you’ve slept
with them in order to test your frame. That’s why I call them “frame
tests.” There are two ways to deal with them:
1. Ignore. Gloss over. Move on with a smirk.
2. Reframe using the “Agree & Amplify” move of making a cocky joke
out of it
Below are examples of the reframes that you hear in the product:
XXHow old are you?
Too old for you. I’m 85 but I’ve had plastic surgery
XXWhy are you single?
I’m very selective. My interview process is very strict. Can you cook?
XXDo you have a girlfriend / wife?
Not one, but five...Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. My
weekends are free for recovery.
XXDo you stop girls all the time?
Life is short. When I see something I want I go for it, don’t you agree?
XXYou just want to have sex with me, don’t you?
I’m a simple guy, like a caveman. One brain (point to head), two brain
(point to crotch). I’m a guy and I’m attracted to you as a female.
Tom Torero • Stealth Seduction
XXI have a boyfriend
That’s good, I don’t want to be your boyfriend. Anyway...
XXI have to go
I like busy people. You have to go, I have to go, but another time I’d like
to invite you out...
XXWhy don’t you give me your number..?
Listen, I’ll send you one message and you can decide. Or add me on
Facebook and check I’m not a serial killer.
XXWe’re not going to have sex
God, why are you always thinking about sex. You make me feel like a
piece of meat. Slow down.
NYC Bench Girl
I meet this 21 year old girl at lunchtime on a spring day in New York City.
She’s a university student and taking time out to read a book on a bench.
The daygame interaction is verbally fizzy and the attraction strong. The
number close feels solid.
Texting and arranging the date is not straightforward. I’m leaving the
city for a bit to see family and she’s away for the Easter break. She
cancels the date once then does a runner just before meeting me as her
gay friend who’s with her tries to dissuade her.
After a Hail Mary series of persistent texts from me, she comes out
later and I have to tell her off for the cancellations. We go to a nearby
bar where the vibe is sexual from the start, so I bounce her back to my
apartment after one drink where we have sex.
Things to note:
hhThe live park jazz in the background adds to the Greenwich
Village vibes
hhThere are two guys sitting on the next bench to her, listening to
hhShe’s very attracted by my verbal dexterity, so I play this up.
hhThe photo pings work well
hhI have to risk burning the lay with over-texting after she flakes as it’s
my last night in the city. It pays off.
hhHer cock-block friends’ plan backfires, as her desire to see me is
stronger than her loyalty to them.
hhI have to punish her for the bad behaviour. IOD for an IOD. This resets
the frame and she’s apologetic
hhListen to me getting in a social flirty mood with the other people at the
bar when I order drinks. Attraction through breaking rapport works
on everyone.
hhI originally plan to use two venues, but I sense that it’s “on” after the
first drink so I bounce her straight back. My logistics is key.
Japan Same Day (De) Lay
It’s a rainy November morning and I stop this 19 year old student in a
side street with her umbrella up. She speaks almost zero English and
shows signs of leaving, but with persistence and basic phrases I get her
to hook. She understands that I’m hitting on her and she reacts well to
some basic teasing.
I get her number but it doesn’t feel that solid. In Japan it’s hard to tell
if the girl is not interested or just shy, and most of the interactions look
like this.
When she replies to my Feeler Text I go for the Date Request just to filter
her out as I’ve got an abundance of leads on my trip. To my surprise she’s
up for meeting later that evening.
When I meet her she follows my lead and is keen to be there. She’s shy
but there’s more to her than meets the eye. We do the whole date using
Google translate on our phones, as well as looking at each other’s photos.
Because of the language difficulty, I find it hard to tell how “on” she is,
so I just go for it and invite her back to the apartment to watch a movie.
Again, to my surprise, there’s no real hesitation. We go to mine, listen to
some music and have sex.
Things to note:
hhDaygame works in the rain. The umbrella keeps her comfortable
hhYou don’t need to speak her language, and it doesn’t matter if she
doesn’t speak yours. Real attraction is largely non-verbal
hhShe wants to go at first because she’s shy, not because she’s a “no” girl
hhHer touching my stomach is a big IOI
hhGo for the number close even if it feels like an average interaction
hhSkip the extended texting if you’ve got lots of leads and you’re on a
daygame trip with limited time. This filters hard.
hhThe full compliance on the date hinted at the lay, as did her mention
of liking the metal band Slipknot. Don’t be fooled by shyness,
especially in Asia
19 Year Old Same Day Lay
I stop this 19 year old girl outside a shopping mall in Poland and can
sense a bubbling sexual vibe from the start. She’s quiet but I’m getting
many Same Day Lay signals from her.
I bounce her to a nearby coffee shop where I can see that she’s in a
sexual state. She’s not contributing much to the conversation because
of her age and her distractedness. The longer the i-date, the more her
sexual state is in jeopardy so I keep it short.
She says that she’s meeting friends, but I can tell it’s not a solid plan.
I suggest a walk and she’s fully compliant, not even asking where we’re
going. On the way to my apartment she tells me she has a boyfriend who
is away on vacation.
Inside my place she’s nervous and shy at first, but then relaxes as we
watch video clips and listen to music. When she goes to the bathroom
I think I’ve lost the lay, but she comes out ready to have sex.
Things to note:
hhMy guess is that she’s ovulating. She’s got sparkling eyes, is very
giggly and feminine and full of sexual energy
hhShe ticks off many SDL criteria fast: she’s a teenager, rebellious,
drinks strong alcohol, lacks a father figure etc
hhA long i-date isn’t needed if you’re already sensing she’s ready
to seduce
hhHaving good logistics and leading strongly is key to a fast bounce
home. Small talk on the way keeps her calm
hhFractionated physical escalation back at my place is key – two steps
forwards, one step back. Putting her hand on my dick is what ignites
things and gets her really into it.
hhWhen a girl goes to the bathroom for a long period of time back at
yours, it either means she’s about to leave or that she’s getting ready
for sex.
hhGirls cheat on their boyfriends all the time. Accept it. Use it to your
advantage as the lover, not the provider.
English Doctor
NB: Wear headphones to listen to this video, even though it’s subtitled. The
microphone was buried in my pocket for most of it.
I meet this 24 year old English doctor in the lower floor of TopShop
in London. I’m doing a demo set for a student and open her as she’s
browsing the shoe section.
It’s sexually charged from the beginning, with close proximity and deep
eye contact. She’s a posh doctor (GP) but with real south London roots.
The banter is sharp and rapid. She jokes that she’s “trashy posh.”
I spot a wedding ring on her hand and she tells me she’s married, but
that she’s not a “one man woman.” The number close is straightforward.
The texting is similarly charged with sexual banter and I know I have to
get her out quickly as I’m leaving London soon.
We meet outside a train station and she’s got heels and a dress on,
always a good sign. The first venue is just yards away – the lobby bar of
the hotel I’m staying in.
She’s a feisty girl and the date gets sexual very fast, although she likes to
throw out tests. After one drink we go outside for a cigarette, then I give
the plausible excuse of “free minibar alcohol” in my room upstairs as a
reason to go upstairs.
In the room she likes teasing – kissing but not going further, taking
pleasure in watching me try for more. I back off and then after watching
porn together on her phone we have wild sex.
Things to note:
hhShe’s married, but with an open arrangement. This is more common
than you think
hhShe’s a posh, educated, hot English girl. Daygame works on everyone!
hhMy usual dating structure is skipped when I realise it’s “on” so
quickly. My job is to actually not go overboard and seem too keen
hhDespite the professional doctor exterior, she’s a nymphomaniac inside
who is used to being the boss and teasing men. You hear a real frame
battle when I’m overcoming her teasing
hhSome girls just have high sex drives. Never judge a book by its cover.
Park Moldovan
I stop a very hot, 26 year old Barbie-like girl in a Moldovan park during
the summer. She’s racing to leave but I keep her there with persistence,
long enough to find out her English is pretty good and that she wants to
be a chef.
She tells me about a rich provider/sponsor guy who helps her with
business but who she’s Friend Zoned. Alarm bells ring about her being a
princess but I take her number to see what will happen.
Her texting is delayed and not too invested. She agrees to a drink but is
late for the date. She’s got a strong frame and is clearly used to playing
men. Plans change when she tells me she’s meeting her girl friends in the
next venue.
The fact that she has a boyfriend actually helps the interaction, as she’s
been in a long relationship with him, is bored and craves adventure.
We walk to the second venue and have time for one more drink before
her friends arrive. I use the time to verbally and physically spike things
up more, setting up a date for the following day.
The second date seems straightforward. It’s my last night in Moldova
and she arrives dressed to impress. However immediately she throws a
spanner in the works again, telling me she’s meeting her friends in half
an hour.
I have to punish her (IOD for an IOD) to keep the frame. Rapidly I come
up with another plan of seeing her later, but my telling off works and she
gets into a very sexual state.
As we walk through the park to go and find her friends, I realise a
window has opened up. We sit on a bench as it gets dark to smoke and
I make out with her.
In the second park she drops off her phone in the restaurant to charge
it while waiting for her friends, and we walk into the dark park to
find another bench. I start to escalate heavily but suddenly the park
floodlights come on.
We’re both in a horny mood, walking on to the edge of the park where
there’s an abandoned bar and restaurant. We climb some crumbling
steps behind vegetation and have sex up against a wall.
Things to note:
hhThis girl has strong frame. She’s normally the boss
hhUnderneath the Barbie exterior she’s an experienced, savvy girl
hhShe’s got a boyfriend who she lives with but who bores her
hhThe fact she invites her friend along on both dates is a big red flag
hhIt’s tough to physically escalate because it’s a small city where she
knows many people
hhI have to use extreme 4th Wall verbals to crush her frame and keep
reminding her of my boundaries
hhOn the second date I have to punish her for inviting female friends
along again
hhShe responds well to my 4th Wall sexual verbals so I use them heavily
hhI plan to try and see her after she’s eaten with her friends, but then
when I’ve made out with her in the park I realise that it’s now or
never. When girls give you a window of opportunity, you have to take it.
hhOutdoor “risky” sex is thrilling and spikes girls’ emotions hard.
Coffee Shop Ukrainian
As I’m on my way to collect a new guitar, I walk past a coffee shop and
see a long-legged hot 21 year old girl in the window. She’s alone in the
corner reading a book.
I go inside, buy a coffee and then walk over to her, just as super
loud drilling starts up from the building next door, making it almost
impossible to hear each other.
It’s a low-energy interaction. She’s giving me the typical Former Soviet
Union “Russian Minute” of coldness to test my frame. I’m not firing on all
cylinders as it’s my first sleepy set of the day. The drilling is distracting
my flow.
I can’t tell if she’s just not interested or if she’s testing, so I plough on,
attempt to spike things up a bit and then close.Her texting tells me that
she’s quite keen, so I arrange a quick afternoon coffee date because I’m
leaving the city and have got evening plans.
On the first date she opens up a bit but again isn’t investing much. It’s
hard to spike things up with her as she’s so enigmatic. I start by sitting
opposite her but it’s going nowhere so I move to sit next to her using the
excuse of showing her pictures on my phone.
As I say goodbye to her near the coffee shop, she leans in and briefly
kisses me on the mouth. This is unusual for a Ukrainian, so I read it as a
big positive.
On the second date she’s arrived dressed to impress, in a black dress and
heels. Once again she’s not doing much of the talking, but I sense that her
sleepy vibe is signalling that she wants to bounce home rather than stop.
Seating is awkward in the venue so I take the risk of pulling up a chair
next to hers and just pulling her in. She’s floppy immediately so I suggest
the bounce using a movie as the plausible deniability.
In my apartment we put on a Bond film and she’s waiting for me to
make a move. I’m still not sure if it’s on or a red-herring, but once we’ve
started making out the sex happens rapidly.
Things to note:
hhVery few daygamers open girls sitting in coffee shops. It’s a very
productive type of set. Just remember to call out the situation, give a
time constraint and watch out for IODs
hhThe noise makes the interaction tough, along with her limited
investment. I keep persisting and close anyway. Expect this in Russia
/ Ukraine.
hhI keep momentum going by squeezing in an afternoon date, as I know
a couple of weeks will kill the vibe if I don’t get a first date in before
we both leave
hhEscalating on amber lights is often key with Ukrainians / Russians,
as their “coldness” is often just a test rather than disinterest
hhI fast forward the second date structure when I realise her sleepiness
is a green light rather than a red light.
hhSeeding the James Bond movie is plausible deniability for her to come
back. We both know we’re not going to watch it, but it stops her feeling
Van 3sum
I’m travelling around western Canada in a van with my wing Craig. We
stop in a small city for the night on our way back to Vancouver, getting a
hotel and leaving the van in the car-park.
That night we go out for beers and the barman tells us about an “amateur
stripper night” happening across town where local girls get their clothes
off for a prize. It’s hard to say no!
In the bar we’re watching the girls attempting their stripping when Craig
notices a girl in her mid-twenties across the bar giving him IOIs. She’s
with an older guy but they look like a mismatched couple.
A few minutes later when we go up to buy beers, she’s there at the bar
and the guy she’s with is occupied with a group of guys a few feet away.
I open her by telling her we’re going to “save her” from the creepy guy
she’s with.
She’s immediately compliant, following us to a table at the back of the
bar. Within seconds she’s touching Craig, and he pulls her in for a make
out. I pull her in and make out with her too.
I signal to Craig that it’s time to bounce, even though we’ve barely sipped
our drinks.
Outside we jump in a taxi back to our hotel, where we’ve got alcohol and
a laptop full of tunes waiting. She’s totally up for it, at first a bit giggly
because of nerves but then full of sexual energy.
Her male “friend” calls her to check she’s ok. She lies and says she’s
home in bed.
Moments later she’s trying to call her female friend to get her to come
over for a 4 sum. Sadly her friend doesn’t pick up.
We tell her about our road-trip in the van, and how we want to christen it
with her. She’s up for it, so we go outside and test the suspension in the
Things to note:
hhThe power of spotting IOIs. Craig is very good at it.
hhThings can happen very fast in night game. She is in a horny mood
and good to go
hhThe guy she is with has been Friend Zoned hard. She is more than
willing to ditch him
hhMany girls have a 3sum fantasy with two guys. Fulfil it!
hhListen to how her male friend makes a White Knight phone call to
check she’s ok. What she says to him is textbook Secret Society.
hhGirls crave adventure and excitement. Sex in the van epitomises this.
hhSee how once a girl knows you’re cool with non-judgemental
adventure sex, she’ll escalate things for you, like when she tries to
call her female friend to come over for a 4sum.
Iranian MILF Cardiff
I’m out daygaming in Cardiff when I spot this hot MILF (in her early
30s) preening herself in the window of a shop. I stop her and she’s both
nervous and suspicious. With some ploughing I get her to hook and then
overcome her shyness by getting her number.
Texting is direct and to the point (a typical thing with MILFs) and we
arrange to meet with no problems.
In the first venue she opens up about cultural differences with her
Muslim background and her inexperience with guys after getting
divorced. She’s hesitant about drinking, and tells me she’s not into
casual sex.
With a bit more spiking, I get her to admit that she had a One Night Stand
with a guy she met in Barcelona. This gives me the green light I need to
escalate harder.
I bounce her to a second venue, a jazz bar down the street. I had failed
to check the venue beforehand and so I haven’t factored in the loud live
music going on inside. This actually works in my favour as we have to sit
close and talk into each other’s ears.
She’s still hesitant about kissing me or getting too close. I use the 4th
Wall and make light of it, so it doesn’t come across as try-hard.
After one more drink I bite the bullet and suggest we get out of there for
“one more drink.” I walk her back to the hotel where I’m staying and
she’s nervous but comes up to my room.
There’s no real LMR. She’s into it and soon we’re having crazy sex.
Things to note:
hhShe’s a Muslim girl from Iran with a strict background. This is not a
problem for seduction – these kind of girls are often “pressure cookers”
full of suppressed passion
hhDon’t listen to a girl’s words but look at her actions. Even though she
believes in Disney romance ideals, her behaviours tell me she’s up for
fast sex
hhI’ve risked booking a hotel as I can’t pull her back to my mum’s house
in Cardiff. Sort logistics – they are in your control
hhShe’s nervous about physical escalation in public but more than
happy when back in the hotel. Remember cultural differences
hhDrinking alcohol is just a symbolic date gesture. She hardly drinks
anything and I often get a shandy (half beer, half lemonade).
Santa Monica Girl
I’m doing a demo set for a student in a Santa Monica Mall. After getting
blown out a mid-twenties girl immediately walks towards us heading for
the escalator wearing a big furry coat. It’s an easy open and I tease her
about the wild animal attire.
The set is full of role-play banter about me chasing her in a forest, and
there are strong Tiger Eyes. It’s quite short as she tells me she’s dashing
off to meet friends. I number close her and she leaves. The texting is
clever and sharp. She likes the banter and gives as good as she gets. We
arrange to meet for a drink and she’s flirty with her suggestions.
On the date she’s verbally responsive but hesitant about physicality
because people in the bar know her. We go for one more drink where
I kiss her and start seeding the bounce.
Here’s the big problem. She won’t come back to Venice Beach where I’m
staying and she lives with her mum in Santa Monica. I suggest “walking
her back” to hers which she’s up for. On the way back we’re stopping to
make out and I’m frantically looking for a dark side street to take her to,
but it’s a wealthy suburban area which is well lit.
She keeps mentioning “seeing the sea” and “going to the beach” and
eventually I get the hint. Someone’s left an abandoned shopping trolley
by the side of the road which I put her in and push her down to a view
point overlooking the ocean.
The actual beach is far below, a long way away, and we’re next to a car
park at a look out point at the cliff’s edge. The make-outs get heavier and
soon I’ve turned her around, pulled down her shorts and gone inside
her. It’s not that secluded and she’s worried about someone seeing, so we
have to stop soon after.
As I walk her home she tells me about her Nice Guy boyfriend she’s
dating but not had sex with, and why she had sex with me.
Things to note:
hhGirls sometimes are nervous about physical escalation because of the
social pressure around them, not because they’re not into you.
hhDon’t limit your logistics to your place or hers. Improvise outside
hhSpike up girls emotions with something adventurous and
spontaneous...the shopping trolley ride is a good example
hhBe the lover not the Nice Guy provider boyfriend. Don’t hide your dick.
Booty Call
Sometimes a horny girl just wants to get laid, and by putting yourself on
her radar through cold approach she decides on you. It’s not common,
but it happens.
I meet this 20 year old girl outside a supermarket as I’m out doing
chores. She’s got her nails painted like a tiger, and the whole set is a role
play about wild animals prowling around the shops. It’s a fast interaction
as she’s got to go to her work.
The texting is flirtatious and things get sexual as we exchange photos.
I know that if we meet, it is a lay, but she cancels the date at the last
moment so I suspect cold feet.
Late that night (after I’ve just arrived home from sex with another girl)
I get a message from her saying she’s just finished work and is happy for
me to go round to her place.
It seems too good to be true. Either this is a booty call or a set up. I jump
in an Uber and head towards the edge of the city.
We kiss lightly as we meet, she walks me into her apartment block, there
is some basic pretence of normal conversation after she’s poured me a
whiskey, then the sex is straightforward.
Things to note:
hhThe daygame set is fast. Remember to Always Be Closing, as you
never know
hhBy pushing things sexual over text, I am playing a high-risk-highreward strategy and filtering hard. When you have abundance you
can do this.
hhWith keen girls you can skip much of the dating model and go straight
for the final bounce. She knows what I’m suggesting and she’s equally
up for it
hhNormally I wouldn’t be so forward over texts, but this is not a
normal set
hhSometimes god just throws you a “yes” girl during your daygame
trials and tribulations. Be grateful for them!
Las Vegas SDL
I meet this mid twenties girl on the Strip in Vegas outside Caesar’s
Palace, around 8.30pm. She is wearing a short skirt and high boots, with
big boobs on show. I’m half expecting her to tell me she was “working”
because she’s alone in the evening, but the moment I stop her I’m in for a
My voice is shot to pieces. I’ve been ill for a week and Vegas has finished
me off. I’ve spent the day drinking tea and honey to get my voice back,
laying off the alcohol completely.
She is a mid-twenties psychiatrist from Ohio, in Vegas to keep her gay
friend company who is speaking at a conference. I tell her my voice is
husky because I’ve been singing karaoke the night before.
From the start she is very suspicious, her analytical scientific mind
scrutinising everything I’m saying and firing off shit tests every few
She tells me she’s abandoned her gay friend who’s gone off to try and get
laid with a guy he’s met online. She is on her way back to her hotel and
I tease her for being an old lady in Vegas on a Friday night.
Things to note:
hhIt is a real frame battle for most of the set because of her overly-active
forebrain and her analytical mind. She is a powerful girl in her dayto-day job
hhShe enjoys the British banter so I ham this up
hhBouncing and i-dating in Vegas is easy, because there are bars galore
hhI mess up by letting her show me the Wynn. I could have taken her
straight to Flamingo which would have made the walks a lot quicker
hhPull logistics in Vegas are fantastic, with the hotel room above the
casino, just an elevator ride away.
hhShe put on the ‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’ soundtrack when we get back to
the room to live out her older guy domination fantasy.
hhI never get her number or contact details. It’s just one night of fun in
the City of Sin.
Starbucks Girl
I approach this exotic looking girl (half Middle Eastern, half Polish, 22
years old) in a train station Starbucks. She almost says nothing but
I plough on because she’s wide-eyed and has a slight smile. Her English is
poor but she understands my intent.
I call out the Elephant In The Room and comment on how she’s shy
because of her English. I get the feeling that she’s interested, just
embarrassed and nervous about her friends arriving.
After a bit of grounding I close, still not really sure if she’d hooked
properly or not.
Texting is equally stunted, although it gives her a chance to use Google
I meet her in her city a short train journey away. She’s still shy and
quiet but there’s a simmering giggliness and eagerness. With a bit
of translation on her phone, she opens up and tells me about her
adventurousness, her clingy ex-boyfriend and her desire for adventure.
Because she doesn’t have long I risk things by pulling the trigger fast.
I bounce her to my hotel room next door to the pub we’ve had a drink in.
She’s as quiet as ever but up for the physical escalation. We watch music
videos on the tv while hugging on the bed, which leads to kissing and sex.
Things to note:
hhJust because a girl is quiet doesn’t mean she’s not interested.
Calibration from infield experience will tell you when this is the case
hhI talk low and slow, carrying the weight of the conversation whilst
maintaining strong eye contact. Sub-communications are powerful
hhAlways Be Closing (ABC), even if it feels like a weak hook
hhOnce again, Google Translate helps me get laid
hhOvercome her time limitations by having a plan, isolating and
escalating. Logistics is key.
hhTwo steps forward, one step back is the trick when physically
escalating towards sex. Give her breathing space by listening to
music or watching tv.
hhI use a lot Elephant In The Room to call out her worries and
reassure her
Polish Virgin
NB: No lay audio is included as she is under 18 years old
I stop this 17 year old girl outside a shopping mall in Poland and she’s
like a deer in the headlights – wide-eyed and keen but very shy. Quickly
I suggest going for a coffee nearby and she’s up for it.
Over coffee she tells me she’s got a free day and her only task is to buy
a birthday present for her friend. She also tells me about her boyfriend
and how she’s unhappy in the relationship because he’s too nice.
Her eye contact, giggles and other clear IOIs (like her repeated touches)
give me the impression it’s a SDL. I suggest we quickly look for the
present together and then “go for a walk.”
Luckily we can’t find the gift she’s looking for in the mall, so we give up
and head through the park towards my apartment. She comes up to
“watch a movie” with no hesitation.
While watching the film I try to physically escalate but she’s not up for it;
shy, inexperienced and not wanting to cheat on her boyfriend. She hugs
me but says we can’t do anything more until she’s finished things with
her boyfriend. I find out she’s a virgin but she seems keen to not be for
much longer.
Over the next few days we meet up each day and things progress further.
She dumps her boyfriend and then kissing leads to touching which leads
to playing which leads to her first sex.
Things to note:
hhAgain, a quiet girl doesn’t mean she’s not interested. Teenage girls
are often shy and inexperienced but the most adventurous
hhI feel sorry for her young Nice Guy boyfriend who’s been trying to have
sex with her for six months and failed. It’s better to be a lover than a
hhA male’s Sexual Market Value peaks in his 30s. Don’t worry about
the age difference; many girls go for it and get off on the Older Guy
hhOnce I know she’s a virgin, I don’t push things too hard on the first
couple of dates. It’s all about escalating things smoothly. As long as
you’re getting further on each date, keep going. I don’t normally do
more than 3 dates with a girl, but a virgin is different.
18 Year Old Ukrainian
I stop this 18 year old girl on the street in Poland. She’s just been to
renew her American visa and has the afternoon to kill. I bounce her for a
coffee and then sense a SDL is in the air so I keep going by walking to my
apartment. She won’t come in so we go for a walk to a nearby park, and
then I kiss her back outside my apartment before she has to go and catch
her train.
A few days later I’m in her city nearby meeting her for an evening
date. She’s late, then even later, playing games about where and when
we’re meeting. When we do finally meet she’s on the phone having an
argument with her boyfriend in America.
An IOD for an IOD. I tell her off for her distractedness, almost burning
the set by walking away. Instead I calm down and suggest a drink. She’s
not up for it, still trying to snatch the frame and lead. We go for a walk
and then I suggest a film back at my apartment.
It’s a long walk (I’ve messed up logistics) which almost bursts the
seduction bubble. Back at mine I’ve got no alcohol or food, another bit of
bad planning. We make out heavily on the sofa and do everything except
sex, but she likes teasing.
The following lunchtime I meet up with her again and walk her to my
apartment. Sex happens pretty quickly on the bed.
Things to note:
hhMany things about her suggest a SDL when I meet her (age,
dreaminess, nothing to do, the fact she’s lived abroad, her
hh She’s got a bossy princess frame from her time spent in the USA
where she discovered she was in demand as a hot teenage Ukrainian
hhAll the talk about her older-guy boyfriend doesn’t phase me as she
paints him as a provider guy who’s needy. The fact she’s dated an
older guy before is a positive signal for me.
hhHer game playing when I meet her for the date needs to be punished.
It’s important to lay down boundaries and regain the frame. IOD
for an IOD
hhBecause I’ve already kissed her, I know there’s compliance, so
I suggest going back to mine. Again, the dating model can be put on
hhToken LMR on the 1st/2nd date is normal with a Ukrainian, but here
I feel she’s enjoying the power struggle a little too much. I’m not sure
if she’ll come back for another date
hhPhoto Pinging and the £1 gift trick work in seeding the final date
Vancouver Gutter Game SNL
I’m with my wing Craig in Vancouver, gutter gaming late into the night
looking for SNLs. After a near-miss date with a French girl I hit the main
street of clubs and bars again after midnight and spot an alternative
rock’n’roll looking girl aged 20 walking alone towards a late night
coffee shop.
I stop her and there’s Tiger Eyes from the off, even though she’s a bit shy
because of her English (she’s from Kazakhstan but studying in Canada).
She’s been at a friend’s house party and is heading back to her student
I bounce her into the coffee shop for an i-date, where I build comfort to
overcome her suspiciousness. We bond over all things Russian and travel
I suggest “one more drink” at a hipster real ale bar (conveniently
opposite my apartment) across town. She’s on the fence about it but with
a bit of conviction she decides to come. The lack of taxis on the streets
almost bursts the bubble but eventually we find one and head off to the
second venue.
In the bar we have one more drink while she opens up about her
rebellious past and the bad boys she’s dated.
I suggest going back to mine to smoke and listen to music. It’s only a 2
minute walk. We sit on the back veranda and smoke. I pull her in and
kiss her.
We go into my room, listen to some Kazakh hip-hop and fool around.
There’s some token LMR as she doesn’t want to “feel like a slut” and
she’s on the last day of her period. After coming back from the bathroom
we have sex.
Things to note:
hhGutter game is excellent for sharpening your skills, displaying your
intent, leading and fast escalation
hhI spot the SNL indicators straight away: solo girl after 11pm,
alternative, rebellious, coloured hair
hhA fast pull doesn’t mean you can miss out comfort. I need to build it
fast on the i-date to lower the amount of token LMR later.
hhLogistics is key for gutter game. Know where taxis are, know where
late-night bars are, have something in your apartment to seed the
final bounce
hhWhen girls are on their period you can still have sex. Tell them “It’s ok,
I don’t mind, it’s quite sexy, we’ll just put a towel down.”
Agree & Amplify – a method for passing Shit Tests by making a cocky
joke out of it
Attraction – the first phase of the mating courtship ritual, triggered
during daygame by breaking rapport (teasing / challenging when
storytelling) in a flirtatous manner
Bamboozling – a stream of consciousness verbal delivery of words
that you deliver to keep a girl’s mind occupied and calm. Important
when bouncing.
Bounce – moving a girl from one location to another
Close – the final stage of the London Daygame Model where you get the
girl’s contact details. Also refers to a “kiss close” (kissing her) and an
“f-close” (sex).
Comfort – the second phase of the mating courtship ritual, after the
Hook Point, when attraction is dialled down and it’s time to get to know
each other so she opens up and trusts you.
DHV – Short for “Demonstration of Higher Value,” letting the girl know
about other qualities that raise your reproductive value to her
Elephant In The Room – calling out the situation that you’re both
noticing / thinking about, often to do with awkwardness
False Time Constraint – giving the girl a time limit for the interaction
to calm her nerves, but which is often extended
Flake – the girl not replying to a message, or not showing up for
the date
Flip-The-Script – getting the girl to do the work and chase you
Fractionation – mixing being “on” with being “off” so as not to be too
keen or cool
Tom Torero • Stealth Seduction
Frame – the underlying control of the interaction. Who’s in the driving
seat – you or her?
Friend Zone – the box girls put Nice Guys into because they weren’t
honest about what they wanted. Thus it’s the guy who Friend Zones
himself by allowing it.
Grounding – telling her some information about your life to build trust
Gutter Game – daygaming outside bars / clubs during the night
(11pm - 3am)
Hook Point – the moment during the Vibing stage of the London
Daygame Model when the girl shows a significant interest in the pickup
Humble Brag – camouflaging a DHV in a self-deprecating sentence to
soften it
I-Date – short for “Instant Date,” taking a girl for a drink immediately
after the daygame interaction
Invest– the fourth stage of the London Daygame Model where the
girl starts to do some of the work and contributes to the conversation
IOD – short for “Indicator Of Disinterest,” a sign from the girl that
she’s not interested in you seducing her
IOI – short for “Indicator Of Interest,” a sign from the girl that she’s
interested in you seducing her
Kino - short for “kinaesthetic,” meaning touch or physicality with
the girl
LMR – short for “Last Minute Resistance,” - the token power-play
dance in the bedroom when a girl is testing a guy’s frame and not
wanting to seem too “easy”
Logistics – your date venues and your home set-up for getting her
back, or other places you’ve figured out to try and have sex with her
(her house, hotel, park etc)
London Daygame Model - The linear sequence of steps that a typical
daygame interaction goes through (Open-Stack-Vibing-Invest-Close)
Lover – the opposite of the provider. The “cad” not the “dad.” The guy
who gets sex from girls without being her boyfriend / husband.
Maradona Move – holding onto her hand for longer than expected
when you introduce yourself during the daygame interaction
Open – The first stage of the London Daygame Model, where you
approach the girl and give her a compliment
Parody Brute – playfully implying that you’re a simple caveman-like
character that can only think about sex.
Parody Chode – playfully implying that you’re a shy, inexperienced
nerd who goes to church and is an angel.
Ping – a light-hearted stimulating message to send to the girl that
avoids asking her the normal boring, predicable questions guys
ask girls.
Photo Stack – a series of preselected photos on your phone that
convey attractive qualities to the girl about you
Preloading – suggestive words / phrases that put attributes and ideas
into her mind
Provider - the opposite of the lover. A guy who spends lots of money
and time on girls in order to sleep with them. Girls often marry this
kind of guy.
Push-Pull – balancing the fact that you find her attractive with a flirty
tease (should really be called Pull-Push)
Qualification – getting the girl to justify herself to you, which makes
her invest and feel like she’s chasing you
Role Play – a light-hearted way of sparking her emotions and
imagination by telling fantastical stories
Royal Flush – a last ditch attempt to regain the frame by calling out
her behaviour and laying down your boundaries.
Tom Torero • Stealth Seduction
SDL – short for “Same Day Lay,” the process of daygaming, dating and
sleeping with a girl in one go (or with a break, but on the same day).
Seduction – the final phase of mating courtship ritual after attraction
and comfort. The aim now is to amp things up towards sex.
Seeding – dropping things into the conversation with her to give
reasons to go back to your place (music, food, film, guitar etc).
Shit Tests – the questions a girl asks to test a guy’s frame
SOI – short for “Statement Of Intent,” verbally letting the girl know
that you find her physically attractive.
Spike – A verbal or physical thing done to amp up her emotions and
keep things away from chit-chat
Stack – The second part of the London Daygame Model where playful
cold reads about the girl are made to get her to answer with a topic
Tiger Eyes – deep sexualised eye contact
Vacuum – silence to get her to invest, either on the street, over text or
on the date
Vibing – The third stage of the London Daygame Model where you
and the girl have flirty back-and-forth banter about the topic she’s
2-Set – approaching and daygaming two girls (as opposed to a “1-set”
single girl)
4th Wall – Commenting on the pickup as part of the pickup, like a playwithin-the-play
Tom’s companion textbook “Street Hustle”
Go to www.tomtorero.com to buy Tom’s books
and find out about his coaching.