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Open Track Licensing Costs

8/18/22, 10:14 AM
(29) Inbox | 127Peachtree@protonmail.com | Proton Mail
Re: Question about student license for OpenTrack software?
From Nadia Huerlimann <huerlimann@opentrack.ch>
Tranika Williams<127Peachtree@protonmail.com>
Date Thursday, August 18th, 2022 at 12:24 AM
Dear Tranika
Thank you very much for your interest in our railway and metro simulation tool OpenTrack. We are glad to to give you a brief summary
about the functionality, license model and pricing of our planning and simulation tool.
OpenTrack was developed in the last years at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) as a research project together with
several partners from the railway companies and the public transport industry. The development is based on the latest technologies in
object-oriented programming and design.
Functionality of OpenTrack
A brochure describing the most important facts about OpenTrack is attached. Our website contains a detailed description, many output
examples and some videos of OpenTrack. The link to our page is:
OpenTrack runs on the following platforms:
- Windows 7 / 8 / 10 (32 bit and 64 bit)
- Mac OS X / macOS
At the moment, more than 500 licenses of OpenTrack are used within 300 companies or institutions in 50 countries. See the complete list
of users:
OpenTrack is a commercial tool. Neither free versions of the software nor the source code (open source) of the tool are available. We are
offering commercial licenses (for consultants) as well as academic licenses (for universities and private non-commercial users).
Licensing OpenTrack (commercial full version)
The fee for the first license is US Dollar USD 34'500.-. It includes an unlimited time of usage on one workstation, an application manual
and 12 months of support by email and phone. A further license for the same company (in the same country as the first one) costs USD
27'800.- one for the same working group of the same company (at the same location) is USD 20'700.-. One license may be installed on
one computer.
The license fees include all Swiss taxes. All possible taxes for your country (e.g. customs, VAT, withholding tax, ...) have to be paid by the
buyer of the software.
After the included 12 months of support, ongoing support (another 12 months) is possible for 15% of the total license fee paid.
Licensing OpenTrack (academic version, non-commercial use only)
For official universities an non-commercial private users we are offering our academic version of OpenTrack. The license fee is USD
11'500.-. It may be installed on up to five computers and 12 months of support and one day of training is included. Every 5 licenses more
cost USD 2300.The fee for a single academic license (without included training) is USD 3450 .-. This might be a perfect option for a student project or for
the use in a private non-commercial project.
An academic license of OpenTrack may not be used for commercial projects. The usage is limited to research projects (student projects,
education of students, teaching).
8/18/22, 10:14 AM
(29) Inbox | 127Peachtree@protonmail.com | Proton Mail
One day of training is included per license and additional training days are available for USD 1840.-. We recommend two training days to
be fully operational with OpenTrack. Training can be given everywhere. Online training is also an option. If the training takes place outside
Zurich our travel expenses have to be added.
You are always very welcome to visit us in Zurich (Switzerland), to see OpenTrack in action. We were glad to give a demonstration of our
tool to you and your team. Another option we can offer is organizing a web-based presentation. We would share our computer desktop
then with you and you could follow our presentation on one of your computers.
We would look forward to a cooperation between your organization and our company. If you have any further questions about our
company or our tools, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards
On 18.08.22 02:44, Tranika Williams wrote:
Could you please let me know if there is a student license available for the OpenTrack software program?
Thank you,
Tranika Williams
OpenTrack Railway Technology Ltd.
Gubelstrasse 28
CH - 8050 Zurich
Phone: +41 44 310 19 90
E-Mail: huerlimann@opentrack.ch
InnoTrans 2022 in Berlin (Sept. 20 - 23, 2022)
We would look forward to meet you at InnoTrans in hall 4.1 (booth 170)
1.14 MB
1 file attached
OpenTrack.Brochure_EN.pdf 1.14 MB