Visit our site - C op yM yK ita b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - yM yK ita b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab C op ENGLISH CORE MTG Learning Media (P) Ltd. New Delhi | Gurgaon Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Price ` 250 Visit our site - Edition : 2017 Published by : MTG Learning Media (P) Ltd., New Delhi Corporate Office : Plot 99, Sector 44 Institutional Area, Gurgaon, Haryana. Phone : 0124 - 6601200. Web : Email : yM yK ita b Registered Office : 406, Taj Apt., Ring Road, Near Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi-110029 C op Information contained in this book has been obtained by mtg, from sources believed to be reliable. However, neither mtg nor its authors guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information published herein, and neither mtg nor its authors shall be responsible for any errors, omissions, or damages arising out of use of this information. Copyright © by MTG Learning Media Pvt. Ltd. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise or stored in a database or retrieval system without the prior written permission of the publishers. The program listings (if any) may be entered, stored and executed in a computer system, but they may not be reproduced for publication. This edition can be exported from India only by the publishers, MTG Learning Media Pvt. Ltd. Visit for buying books online. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - PREFACE W e feel pleased and delighted in presenting the book “CBSE Champion English Core”. Special efforts have been put to produce this book in order to equip students with practice material including previous 11 years’ CBSE Board papers’ questions. It will give them comprehensive knowledge of the subject according to the latest syllabus and pattern of CBSE Board Examination. The book will be helpful in imparting students a clear and vivid understanding of the subject. Salient features ita b Comprehensive and Lucid Theory : Well explained theory with important points for quick recap. Topicwise Graphical Analysis : Graphical analysis of previous 11 years’ CBSE Board papers’ questions [VSA, SA (I to III), LA (I to IV), VBQ] provided to let students figure out which chapter and topic is to be revised more and how much is the weightage of that topic. yM yK Chapterwise-Topicwise Questions and Answers : Theory of each chapter followed by questions pulled from previous 11 years’ CBSE-DELHI, ALL INDIA, FOREIGN and COMPARTMENT papers, arranged topicwise and chapterwise in descending chronological (2017-2007) order, so that the latest years’ questions come first in practice and revision. Answers are given according to the CBSE marking scheme. op The Reading Section contains passages for comprehension and note making. This section tests students’ understanding and their ability to comprehend the given passages. The Writing Skills Section tests students’ ability to express themselves in writing. Therefore, it contains short composition, letter writing and long composition questions. C The Literature section covers questions segregated chapterwise as given in NCERT prescribed textbooks Flamingo and Vistas and novels. Value Based Questions : Separate section for Value Based Questions has been added. Practice Papers as per CBSE Blueprint : Practice Papers strictly based on design and blueprint issued by CBSE Board are also incorporated. Solved CBSE Sample Paper : Solved CBSE sample paper is included with the marking scheme. We are sure that the value addition done to this book will prove helpful to students in achieving success in board examinations. Every possible effort has been made to make this book error free. Useful suggestions by our readers for the rectification and improvement of the book content would be gracefully acknowledged and incorporated in further editions. Readers are welcome to send their suggestions at All The Best MTG Editorial Board Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - C op yM yK ita b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CONTENTS Section-A 5. Indigo ...... 222 Reading 6. Going Places ...... 230 ...... 1 Flamingo (Poetry) 1. Unseen Passages ...... 4 1. My Mother at Sixty-six ...... 237 2. Note Making ...... 24 2. An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum ...... 243 Writing Skills Introduction ...... 45 1. Short Compositions ...... 65 1.1 Notice 1.2 Advertisement 1.3 Poster 1.4 Invitation and reply Keeping Quiet ...... 250 4. A Thing of Beauty ...... 256 5. Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers ...... 262 Vistas (Supplementary Reader) 1. The Tiger King ...... 267 2. The Enemy ...... 274 3. Should Wizard hit Mommy? ...... 282 4. On the Face of It ...... 287 5. Evans Tries An O-Level ...... 292 ...... 299 yM yK 3. ita Section-B b Introduction ...... 65 ...... 68 ...... 70 Letter Writing ...... 71 3. Long Compositions ...... 78 3.1 Debates ...... 78 6. Memories of Childhood 3.2 Speeches ...... 79 Novels 3.3 Reports ...... 80 1. Silas Marner ...... 305 3.4 Factual Description ...... 84 2. The Invisible Man ...... 311 3.5 Articles ...... 84 op 2. C ...... 70 ...... 318 Practice Papers Section-C Value Based Questions Literature : Textbooks and Long Reading Text Practice Paper - 1 (Solved) ...... 323 Practice Paper - 2 (Solved) ...... 333 Practice Paper - 3 (Unsolved) ...... 342 Flamingo (Prose) 1. The Last Lesson ...... 195 2. Lost Spring ...... 201 Practice Paper - 4 (Unsolved) ...... 347 3. Deep Water ...... 207 Practice Paper - 5 (Unsolved) ...... 352 4. The Rattrap ...... 213 CBSE Sample Paper Follow us on Facebook - ...... 357 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - SYLLABUS ENGLISH CORE (CODE NO. 301) CLASS – XII SECTION A READING COMPREHENSION 30 Marks Reading Unseen Passages and Note making Two unseen passages with a variety of very short answer / short answer or MCQ type questions to test comprehension, interpretation and inference. Vocabulary such as word formation and inference of meaning will also be tested. The total length of the two passages will be between 1100 - 1200 words. The passage will include two of the following: (a) Factual passages, e.g., instructions, descriptions, reports. (b) Descriptive passages involving opinion, e.g., argumentative, persuasive or interpretative text. (d) A third passage of 400-500 words for note-making and abstraction. ita SECTION B b (c) Literary passages, e.g., extract from fiction, drama, poetry, essay or biography. A poem could be of 28-35 lines. The passages can be literary, factual or discursive to test comprehensions. The length of one passage should be between 600-700 words. WRITING SKILLS 30 Marks Short Answer Questions, e.g., advertisement and notices, designing or drafting posters, writing formal and informal invitations and replies. Long Answer Questions: Letters based on verbal / visual input. yM yK Letter types include Business or official letters (for making enquiries, registering complaints, asking for and giving information, placing orders and sending replies) Letters to the editor (giving suggestions or opinion on issues of public interest) Application for a job op C Very Long Answer Questions: Two compositions based on visual and/or verbal input may be descriptive or argumentative in nature such as an article, a debate or a speech or a report. SECTION C LITERATURE TEXTBOOKS AND LONG READING TEXT 40 Marks Flamingo and Vistas Very Short Answer Questions - Based on an extract from poetry to test comprehension and appreciation. Short Answer Questions - Based on prose / drama / poetry from both the texts. Long Answer Question - Based on texts to test global comprehension and extrapolation beyond the texts to bring out the key messages and values. Long Answer Question - Based on texts to test global comprehension along with analysis and extrapolation. Long Answer Question - Based on theme, plot and incidents from the prescribed novels. Long Answer Question - Based on understanding, appreciation, analysis and interpretation of the character sketch. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Prescribed Books Visit our site - 1. Flamingo: English Reader published by National Council of Education Research and Training, New Delhi 2. Vistas: Supplementary Reader published by National Council of Education Research and Training, New Delhi Note: Long answer questions based on values can be given in the writing section or in the literature section. Textbooks Name of the lessons deleted Flamingo 1. Poets and Pancakes 2. The Interview 3. A Road Side Stand (Poetry) Vistas 4. The Third Level 5. Journey to the End of the Earth 3. Extended Reading Text: (Either one) (i) The Invisible Man (unabridged) (ii) Silas Marner (unabridged) Author H.G. Wells George Eliot *QUESTION PAPER DESIGN CLASS XII Reading Skills Conceptual, understanding, decoding, analysing, inferring, interpreting, appreciating, literary conventions and vocabulary, summarising and using appropriate format/s 6 Reasoning, appropriacy of style and tone, using appropriate format and fluency, inference, analysis, evaluation and creativity. – Recalling, reasoning, appreciating literary conventions, inference, analysis, evaluation, creativity with fluency Literary Text books and long reading text/ novel Very Short Answer Question 1 mark Short Answer Question 3 marks Short Answer Question 4 marks Long Answer-1 80 - 100 words 5 marks Very Long Answer 150 - 200 words (HOTS) 10 marks Total marks Over all % – 1 – – 30 30 – – 1 – 1 2 30 30 – 4 4 – – 4 – 40 40 6 ×1 =6 20 × 1 = 20 5×3 = 15 1×4 =4 1×5 =4 5×6 = 30 2 × 10 = 20 100 100 op 16 Long Answer-2 120-150 words 6 marks 1 C Writing Skills MCQ 1 mark Marks -100 b Typology of questions/ learning outcomes yM yK Typology Time-3 hours ita English CORE XII (Code No. 301) TOTAL *For latest details visit Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - SECTION op yM yK ita b A C Reading Unseen Passages Note Making Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - Reading 1. Unseen Passages 2. Note-Making C op yM yK ita b Topicwise Analysis of Last 11 Years’ CBSE Board Questions (2017-2007) 1. Unseen Passages Comprehension literally means the ability to understand. Therefore, in this section, students are required to read and understand the given passages thoroughly. It is to test one’s ability to comprehend unseen passages and answer the following questions in one’s own words. The variety of questions in this section range from multiple choice questions to short questions to very short questions. How to Attempt : While reading unseen passages, it is common to get distracted by unimportant details and lose focus of the main idea. As a result, the answers are either too vague or too general. All answers must be specific, brief and complete in all sense. Therefore, XX Get the basic idea of the passage by giving it a quick reading. XX XX XX XX XX Next, read every question carefully. Re-read the passage thoroughly this time, and mark the portions containing the probable answers. Avoid writing long, descriptive and generic answers. Be to the point. Since, this section tests one’s ability to understand long passages, that too as quickly as possible, one must first locate the probable answers in the passage and then interpret them in one’s own words. Be wise and don’t use exact words/lines from the passage. Questions beginning with ‘Why’, ‘What’, ‘When’, ‘Who’ and ‘How’ are called factual questions. While answering these questions, begin your answer by using a portion from the question and stick to the information given in Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - the passage. DO NOT USE INFORMATION NOT GIVEN TO YOU. For Example : Q. What values do parents and teachers want their children to learn? Ans. Parents and teachers want children to learn the values of hard work, contentment, honesty and compassion. 2. Note-Making There are different ways to abbreviate long or complicated words: XX Using the initials of two or more words e.g., United Nations – U.N., etc. XX Using the first few letters of the words e.g., construction – Const. , abbreviationabbr., etc. XX Universally recognised abbreviations e.g., Opposite – Opp. , government – govt., department – dept. , etcetera – etc., that is – i.e., etc. XX Removing the vowels e.g., reading – rdng, books- bks, shopping – shppng, etc. XX Universally recognised symbols e.g., \ Therefore / Q because/> greater, larger/ < less, smaller / ↓ falling, decrease / ↑ rising, increase How to Write Summary : Ideally, a summary must provide the information in the same order as given in the original passage. While writing the summary, it is advisable that you refer to the notes you have already made. This will help you in keeping your summary short and crisp, informative and original. However, make sure, all the important components of the passage have been covered in the summary. C op yM yK Making notes is a useful practice as it often helps students during lectures, while preparing for exams and revising for them. It also helps condense long chapters into short, to the point material, which further helps one to remember the gathered information. Moreover, texts are better understood with the help of notes. How to Make Notes : XX Read the passage carefully and understand the main/general meaning of the passage. You must comprehend the theme and subject of the passage. XX Once you know what the passage is all about, mark the main components or sub parts of the passage. Look for details, points, opinions or conclusions drawn from the passage. Make sure, no important point is missed out. XX Give your notes a title, make sure it’s short and crisp. It should be based on the central idea of the passage. XX Next, frame, main headings and subheadings to put across crucial components given in the passage. It should be the main idea of the passage presented in bullets or numbered points. XX In case, the subheadings can be further provided with important details, write them in points specifically under the subheading to which it belongs. XX Do not write full sentences; use abbreviations whenever necessary. XX Use proper indentation to present the notes. Sub-sections are written a little further from the main heading; be consistent while numbering. How to Use Abbreviations and Symbols: While making notes, using abbreviations and symbols help in saving time and space. CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 2 Note-Making Format I. Title II. 1. Main heading 1.1 Subheading 1.2 Subheading 1.3 Subheading 1.3.1 Sub-subheading (Any extra detail) 2. Main heading 2.1 Subheading 2.2 Subheading III. Abbreviations used VI. Summary Solved Example : Read the given passage : The small village of Somnathpur contains an extraordinary temple, built around 1268 A.D. by the Hoyasalas of Karnataka – one of the most prolific templebuilders. Belur and Helebid are among their better-known works. While these suffered Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 1.3 Captivating beauty of the temple 1.3.1 Detailed sculptures on walls, pillars, etc. 2. Temple & its Vitality 2.1 3 Shikharas 2.2 Stands on star shaped raised platform 2.3 Vert. panels ft. exquisite figs 2.4 Prominent figs. gods, goddesses & nymphs 3. Characteristics of Hoyasala Sculptures 3.1 Elbrt. ornmttn. 3.2 Intricately carved figs. 3.2.1 Caparisoned elephants 3.2.2 Stylised flowers, etc. 4. Somnathpur Temple Construction 4.1 Commsnd. by Soma Dandanayaka 4.2 Kalyana Mandapa-temple’s inner centre 4.2.1 3 corrds. ending in shrines 4.2.2 3 versns. of Krishnas 4.2.3Venugopala, Janardana, Prasana Keshava 4.3 Elegantly carved doors and towers C op yM yK during the invasions of the 14th century, the Somnathpur Temple stands more or less intact in near-original condition. This small temple captivates with the beauty and vitality of its detailed sculpture, covering almost every inch of the walls, pillars and even ceilings. It has three shikharas and stands on a star shaped raised platform with 24 edges. The outer walls have a profusion of detailed carvings,: the entire surface run over by carved plaques of stone. There were vertical panels covered by exquisite figures of gods and goddesses, with many incarnations being depicted. There were nymphs too, some carrying an ear of maize (a symbol of plenty and prosperity). The elaborate ornamentation, very characteristic of Hoyasala sculptures, was a remarkable feature. On a closer look and it’s worth it – the series of friezes on the outer walls revealed intricately carved caparisoned elephants, charging horsemen, stylised flowers, warriors, musicians, crocodiles and swans. The temple was actually commissioned by Soma Dandanayaka or Somnath (he named the village after himself), the minister of the Hoyasala king, Narasimha III. The temple was built to house three versions of Krishna. The inner centre of the temple was Kalyana Mandapa. Leading from here were three corridors, each ending in a shrine, one for each kind of Krishna -Venugopala , Janardana and Prasanna Keshava, though only two remain in their original form. In the darkness of the sanctum sanctorium, I tried to discern the different images. The temple’s sculptural perfection is amazing and it includes the doors of the temple and the three elegantly carved towers. (a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes on it using headings and subheadings. Use recognisable abbreviations, wherever necessary. (b) Write a summary of the above passage in about 80 words using the notes made and also suggest a suitable title. (a) 1. The Somnathpur Village Temple 1.1 Built around 1268 A.D. 1.2 Built by Hoyasalas of Karnataka 3 b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita Reading Abbreviations used : vert. – vertical ft. – featuring figs. – figures/figurines Elbrt. – Elaborate ornmttn. – ornamentation Commsnd. – commissioned corrds. – corridors versns – versions & – and (b) Summary Built around 1268 A.D., by Hoyasalas of Karnataka, the Somnathpur temple’s detailed sculptures on walls, pillars, etc. testify its fine craftsmanship. The temple stands on a star shaped raised platform and has three shikharas. The vertical panels feature equisite figurines of gods, goddesses and nymphs. Elaborate ornamentation, intricately carved figures, are main quality of Hoyasala sculptures. The temple’s inner centre- Kalyana Mandapa leads three corridors to shrines of three versions of Krishna-Venugopala, Janardana and Prasanna Keshava. Soma Dandanayaka commissioned the Somnathpur Temple. Title : The Somnathpur Temple Follow us on Facebook - 4 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core Previous Years’ CBSE Board Questions (4) For those who live in the resort there is a small mess-hall by the shore. We eat here sometimes, and sometimes buy food from the vendors outside, who sell kabab and naan until the last buses leave. The kababs, cooked on skewers over charcoal braziers, are particularly good; highly spiced and well-done. Horse’s milk is available too from the local Kazakh herdsmen, but I decline this. I am so affected by the cold that Mr. Cao, the relaxed young man who runs the mess, lends me a spare pair of trousers, several sizes too large but more than comfortable. Once I am warm again, I feel a pre-dinner spurt of energy – dinner will be long in coming – and I ask him whether the lake is good for swimming in. yM yK (1) We sit in the last row, bumped about but free of stares. The bus rolls out of the dull crossroads of the city, and we are soon in open countryside, with fields of sunflowers as far as the eye can see, their heads all facing us. Where there is no water, the land reverts to desert. While still on level ground we see in the distance the tall range of the Mount Bogda, abrupt like a shining prism laid horizontally on the desert surface, it is over 5,000 meters high, and the peaks are under permanent snow, in powerful contrast to the flat desert all around. Heaven Lake lies part of the way up this range, about 2,000 metres above sea-level, at the foot of one of the higher snow-peaks. b 1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : [12 marks] (Delhi, AI, Foreign 2017) (3) Standing outside the cottage we survey our surroundings. Heaven Lake is long, sardineshaped and fed by snowmelt from a stream at its head. The lake is an intense blue, surrounded on all sides by green mountain walls, dotted with distant sheep. At the head of the lake, beyond the delta of the inflowing stream, is a massive snow-capped peak which dominates the vista; it is part of a series of peak that culminate, a little out of view, in Mount Bogda itself. ita 1. Unseen Passages C op (2) As the bus climbs, the sky, brilliant before, grows overcast. I have brought nothing warm to wear: it is all down at the hotel in Urumqi. Rain begins to fall. The man behind me is eating overpoweringly smelly goat’s cheese. The bus window leaks inhospitably but reveals a beautiful view. We have passed quickly from desert through arable land to pasture, and the ground is now green with grass, the slopes dark with pine. A few cattle drink at a clear stream flowing past moss-covered stones; it is a Constable landscape. The stream changes into a white torrent, and as we climb higher I wish more and more that I had brought with me something warmer than the pair of shorts that have served me so well in the desert. The Stream (which, we are told, rises in Heaven Lake) disappears, and we continue our slow ascent. About noon, we arrive at Heaven Lake, and look for a place to stay at the foot, which is the resort area. We get a room in a small cottage, and I am happy to note that there are thick quilts on the beds. (5) “Swimming?” Mr. Cao says. “You aren’t thinking of swimming, are you?” (6) “I thought I might,” I confess. “What’s the water like?” (7) He doesn’t answer me immediately, turning instead to examine some receipts with exaggerated interest. Mr. Cao, with great offhandedness, addresses the air. “People are often drowned here,” he says. After a pause, he continues. “When was the last one?” This question is directed at the cook, who is preparing a tray of mantou (squat white steamed bread rolls), and who now appears, wiping his doughy hand across his forehead. “Was it the Beijing athlete?” asks Mr. Cao. Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - op Answer the following question briefly : [1×6 = 6 marks] (e) Which two things in the bus made the narrator feel uncomfortable ? (f) What made the scene look like a Constable landscape? (g) What did he regret as the bus climbed higher? (h) Why did the narrator like to buy food from outside? (i) What is ironic about the pair of trousers lent by Mr. Cao? (J) Why did Mr. Cao not like the narrator to swim in the lake? (k) Find words from the passage which mean the same as the following : [1×2 = 2 marks] (i) sellers (para 4) (ii) increased (para 7) C 5 2. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : [10 marks] (Delhi, AI, Foreign 2017) (1) Thackeray reached Kittur along with a small British army force and a few of his officers. He thought that the very presence of the British on the outskirts of Kittur would terrorise the rulers and people of Kittur and that they would lay down their arms. He was quite confident that he would be able to crush the revolt in no time. He ordered that tents be erected on the eastern side for the fighting forces and a little away on the western slopes tents be put up for the family members of the officers who had accompanied them. During the afternoon and evening of 20th October, the British soldiers were busy making arrangements for these camps. (2) On the 21st morning, Thackeray sent his political assistants to Kittur fort to obtain a written assurance from all the important officers of Kittur rendering them answerable for the security of the treasury of Kittur. They, accordingly, met Sardar Gurusiddappa and other officers of Kittur and asked them to comply with the orders of Thackeray. They did not know that the people were in a defiant mood. The commanders of Kittur dismissed the agent’s orders as no documents could be signed without sanction from Rani Chennamma. (3) Thackeray was enraged and sent for his commander of the Horse Artillery, which was about 100 strong, ordered him to rush his artillery into the fort and capture the commanders of the Desai’s army. When the Horse Artillery stormed into the fort, Sardar Gurusiddappa, who had kept his men on full alert, promptly commanded his men to repel and chase them away. The Kittur forces made a bold front and overpowered the British soldiers. (4) In the meanwhile, the Desai’s guards had shut the gates of the fort and the British Horse Artillery men, being completely overrun and routed, had to get out through the escape window, Rani’s soldiers chased them out of the fort, killing a few of them until they retreated to their camps on the outskirts. yM yK On the basis of your understanding of the above passage, complete the statements given below with the help of options that [1×4 = 4 marks] follow: (a) One benefit of sitting in the last row of the bus was that : (i) the narrator enjoyed the bumps. (ii) no one stared at him. (iii) he could see the sunflowers. (iv) he avoided the dullness of the city. (b) The narrator was travelling to : (i) Mount Bogda (ii) Heaven Lake (iii) a 2000 metre high snow peak (iv) Urumqi (c) On reaching the destination the narrator felt relieved because : (i) he had got away from the desert. (ii)a difficult journey had come to an end. (iii) he could watch the snow peak. (iv) there were thick quilts on the bed. (d) Mount Bogda is compared to : (i) a horizontal desert surface (ii) a shining prism (iii) a Constable landscape (iv) the overcast sky b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita Reading Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - Answer the following questions briefly : [1×6 = 6 marks] (c) Why did Thackeray come to Kittur? (d) Why did the Kittur officials refuse to give the desired assurance to Thackeray? (e) What happened to the Horse Artillery? (f) How do we know that the Rani was a noble queen? (g) How in your opinion would the British women have felt after meeting the Rani? (h) Why did the Rani refuse to meet Thackeray? (i) Find words from the passage which mean the same as the following : [1×2 = 2 marks] (i) entered forcibly (para 3) (ii) aggressive/refusing to obey (para 2) 3. Read the given passage : [12 marks] (Delhi, AI, Foreign 2016) (1) Maharana Pratap ruled over Mewar only for 25 years. However, he accomplished so much grandeur during his reign that his glory surpassed the boundaries of countries and time turning him into an immortal personality. He along with his kingdom became a synonym for valour, sacrifice and patriotism. Mewar had been a leading Rajput kingdom even before Maharana Pratap occupied the throne. Kings of Mewar, with the cooperation of their nobles and subjects, had established such traditions in the kingdom, as augmented their magnificence despite the hurdles of having a smaller area under their command and less population. There did come a few thorny occasions when the flag of the kingdom seemed sliding down. Their flag once again heaved high in the sky thanks to the gallantry and brilliance of the people of Mewar. C op yM yK (5) A few of the British had found refuge in some private residences, while some were hiding in their tents. The Kittur soldiers captured about forty persons and brought them to the palace. These included twelve children and a few women from the British officers’ camp. When they were brought in the presence of the Rani, she ordered the soldiers to be imprisoned. For the women and children she had only gentleness, and admonished her soldiers for taking them into custody. At her orders, these women and children were taken inside the palace and given food and shelter. Rani came down from her throne, patted the children lovingly and told them that no harm would come to them. (6) She then, sent word through a messenger to Thackeray that the British women and children were safe and could be taken back any time. Seeing this noble gesture of the Rani, he was moved. He wanted to meet this gracious lady and talk to her. He even thought of trying to persuade her to enter into an agreement with the British to stop all hostilities in lieu of an inam (prize) of eleven villages. His offer was dismissed with a gesture of contempt. She had no wish to meet Thackeray. That night she called Sardar Gurusiddappa and other leading Sardars and after discussing all the issues came to the conclusion that there was no point in meeting Thackeray who had come with an army to threaten Kittur into submission to British sovereignty. CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 6 On the basis of your understanding of the above passage complete the statements given below with the help of options that follow: [1×2 = 2 marks] (a) Thackeray was a/an : (i) British tourist (ii) army officer (iii) adviser to Rani of Kittur (iv) treasury officer (b) British women and children came to Kittur to : (i) visit Kittur (ii) enjoy life in tents (iii) stay in the palace (iv) give company to officers (2) The destiny of Mewar was good in the sense that barring a few kings, most of the rulers were competent and patriotic. This glorious tradition of the kingdom almost continued for 1500 years since its establishment, right from the reign of Bappa Rawal. In fact only 60 years before Maharana Pratap, Rana Sanga drove the kingdom to the pinnacle of fame. His reputation went beyond Rajasthan and Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - reached Delhi. Two generations before him, Rana Kumbha had given a new stature to the kingdom through victories and developmental work. During his reign, literature and art also progressed extraordinarily. Rana himself was inclined towards writing and his works are read with reverence even today. The ambience of his kingdom was conducive to the creation of high quality work of art and literature. These accomplishments were the outcome of a longstanding tradition sustained by several generations. (5) The cycle of time does not remain the same. Whereas the reign of Rana Sanga was crucial in raising the kingdom to the acme of glory, it also proved to be his nemesis. History took a turn. The fortune of Mewar-the land of the brave, started waning. Rana tried to save the day with his acumen which was running against the stream and the glorious traditions for sometime. On the basis of your understanding of the above passage answer each of the questions given below with the help of the options that follows : [1 × 4 = 4 marks] (a) Maharana Pratap became immortal because : (i) he ruled Mewar for 25 years. (ii) he added a lot grandeur to Mewar. (iii) of his valour, sacrifice and patriotism. (iv) both (ii) and (iii) (b) Difficulties in the way of Mewar were : (i) lack of cooperation of the nobility. (ii) ancient traditions of the kingdom. (iii) its small area and small population. (iv) the poverty of the subjects. (c) During thorny occasions : (i) the flag of Mewar seemed to be lowered. (ii) the flag of Mewar was hoisted high. (iii) the people of Mewar showed gallantry. (iv) most of the rulers heaved a sigh of relief. (d) Mewar was lucky because : (i) all of its rulers were competent. (ii) most of its people were competent. (iii) most of its rulers were competent. (iv) only a few of its people were incompetent. yM yK (3) The life of the people of Mewar must have been peaceful and prosperous during the long span of time; otherwise such extraordinary accomplishment in these fields would not have been possible. This is reflected in their art and literature as well as their loving nature. They compensate for lack of admirable physique by their firm but pleasant nature. The ambience of Mewar remains lovely thanks to the cheerful and liberal character of its people. 7 b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita Reading C op (4) One may observe astonishing pieces of workmanship not only in the forts and palaces of Mewar but also a seat of art and culture. Amidst aggression and bloodshed, literature and in public utility buildings. Ruins of many structures which are still standing tall in their grandeur are testimony to the fact that Mewar was not only the land of the brave but also a seat of art and culture. Amidst aggression and bloodshed, literature and art flourished and creative pursuits of literature and artists did not suffer. Imagine, how glorious the period must have been when the Vijaya Stambha which is the sample of our great ancient architecture even today, was constructed. In the same fort, Kirti Stambha is standing high, reflecting how liberal the then administration was which allowed people from other communities and kingdoms to come and carry out construction work. It is useless to indulge in the debate whether the Vijaya Stambha was constructed first or the Kirti Stambha. The fact is that both the capitals are standing side by side and reveal the proximity between the king and the subjects of Mewar. Answer the following questions briefly : [1 × 6 = 6 marks] (e) Who is the earliest king of Mewar mentioned in the passage ? (f) What was Rana Kumbha’s contribution to the glory of Mewar ? (g) What does the writer find worth admiration in the people of Mewar ? (h) How could art and literature flourish in Mewar ? (i) How did the rulers show that they cared for their subjects ? (j) What does the erection of Vijaya Stambha and Kirti Stambha in the same fort signify ? Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - (k) Find words from the passage which mean the same as each of the following : [1 × 2 = 2 marks] (i) surprising (para 4) (ii) evidence (para 4) learn to treat all and sundry with suspicion at their mother’s heels. Instinctively the cubs seek seclusion, keep to cover and protect their flanks by walking along the edge of the forest. (6) I have never had an opportunity to watch mother panther train its cubs. But in Pilibhit forests, I once saw a tigress giving some lessons to its little ones. I was sitting over its kill at Mala. As the sun set, the tigress materialised in the twilight behind my machan. For about an hour, it scanned and surveyed the entire area looking and listening with the gravest concern. It even went to the road where my elephant was awaiting my signal. The mahout spotted it from a distance and drove the elephant away. (7) When darkness descended upon the scene and all was well and safe, the tigress called its cubs by emitting a low haa-oon. The cubs, two in number and bigger than a full-grown cat, soon responded. They came trotting up to their mother and hurried straight to the kill in indecent haste. The mother spitted at them so furiously that they doubled back to its heels immediately. Thereafter, the mother and its cubs sat under cover about 50 feet (15m) away from the kill to watch, wait, look and listen. After about half an hour’s patient and fidgetless vigil the mother seemed to say ‘paid for’. At this signal, the cubs cautiously advanced, covering their flanks, towards the kill. No longer did they make a beeline for it, as they had done before. C op yM yK 4. Read the given passage : [10 marks] (Delhi, AI, Foreign 2016) (1) To ensure its perpetuity, the ground is well held by the panther both in space and in time. It enjoys a much wider distribution over the globe than its bigger cousins, and procreates sufficiently profusely to ensure its continuity for all time to come. (2) There seems to be no particular breeding season of the panther, although its sawing and caterwauling is more frequently heard during winter and summer. The gestation period is about ninety to hundred days (Whipsnade, ninety-two days). The litter normally consists of four cubs, rarely five. Of these, generally two survive and not more than one reaches maturity. I have never come across more than two cubs at the heels of the mother. Likewise, graziers in the forest have generally found only two cubs hidden away among rocks, hollows of trees, and other impossible places. (3) Panther cubs are generally in evidence in March. They are born blind. This is a provision of Nature against their drifting away from the place of safety in which they are lodged by their mother, and exposing themselves to the danger of their being devoured by hyenas, jackals, and other predators. They generally open their eyes in about three to four weeks. (4) The mother alone rears its cubs in seclusion. It keeps them out of the reach of the impulsive and impatient male. As a matter of fact the mother separates from the male soon after mating and forgets all about their tumultuous union. The story that the male often looks in to find out how the mother is progressing with her cubs has no foundation except in what we wish it should do at least. (5) The mother carries its cubs about by holding them by the scruff of their neck in its mouth. It trains them to stalk, and teaches them how to deliver the bite of death to the prey. The cubs CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 8 (8) The mother sat watching its cubs eat, and mounted guard on them. She did not partake of the meal. On the basis of your understanding of the passage complete the statements given below with the help of options that follow : [1 × 2 = 2 marks] (a) To protect its cubs the mother panther hides them : (i) among rocks (ii) in the branches of the trees (iii) behind the tree trunks (iv) at its heels (b) The male panther : (i) is protective of its cubs Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - You have to ask for directions. Even to the devout Christian pilgrims walking along the Via Dolorosa—the Way of Sorrows—first nine stations look clueless. Then a courtyard appears, hemmed in by other buildings and a doorway to one side. This leads to a vast area of huge stone architecture. (5) Immediately inside the entrance is your first stop. It’s the stone of anointing: this is the place, according to Greek tradition, where Christ was removed from the cross. The Roman Catholics, however, believe it to be the spot where Jesus’ body was prepared for burial by Joseph. (6) What happened next ? Jesus was buried. He was taken to a place outside the city of Jerusalem where other graves existed and there, he was buried in a cave. However, all that is long gone, destroyed by continued attacks and rebuilding; what remains is the massive—and impressive — Rotunda (a round building with a dome) that Emperor Constantine built. Under this, and right in the centre of the Rotunda, is the structure that contains the Holy Sepulchre. (7) “How do you know that this is Jesus’ tomb?” I asked one of the pilgrims standing next to me. He was clueless, more interested, like the rest of them, in the novelty of it all and in photographing it, than in its history or tradition. yM yK (ii) trains its cubs (iii) watches the progress of the mother (iv) is impulsive and impatient Answer the following questions briefly : [1 × 6 = 6 marks] (c) How many cubs does the mother panther rarely deliver ? (d) What may happen if the panther cubs are not born blind ? (e) Why did the mahout drive his elephant away ? (f) Why did the tigress spit at its cubs ? (g) From the narrator’s observation what do we learn about the nature of the tigress ? (h) Why does the panther not face the risk of extinction ? (i) Find words from the passage which mean the same as each of the following : [1 × 2 = 2 marks] (a) moving aimlessly (para 3) (b) came down/fell (para 7) 9 b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita Reading C op 5. Read the passage given below carefully: [12 marks] (Delhi, AI, Foreign 2015) (1) For four days, I walked through the narrow lanes of the old city, enjoying the romance of being in a city where history still lives — in its cobblestone streets and in its people riding asses, carrying vine leaves and palm as they once did during the time of Christ. (2) This is Jerusalem, home to the sacred sites of Christianity, Islam and Judaism. This is the place that houses the church of the Holy Sepulchre, the place where Jesus was finally laid to rest. This is also the site of Christ’s crucifixion, burial and resurrection. (3) Built by the Roman Emperor Constantine at the site of an earlier temple to Aphrodite, it is the most venerated Christian shrine in the world. And justifiably so. Here, within the church, are the last five stations of the cross, the 10th station where Jesus was stripped of his clothes, the 11th where he was nailed to the cross, the 12th where he died on the cross, the 13th where the body was removed from the cross, and the 14th, his tomb. (4) For all this weighty tradition, the approach and entrance to the church is non-descript. (8) At the start of the first century, the place was a disused quarry outside the city walls. According to the gospels, Jesus’ crucifixion occurred ‘at a place outside the city walls with graves nearby’. Archaeologists have discovered tombs from that era, so the site is compatible with the biblical period. (9) The structure at the site is a marble tomb built over the original burial chamber. It has two rooms, and you enter four at a time into the first of these, the Chapel of the Angel. Here the angel is supposed to have sat on a stone to recount Christ’s resurrection. A low door made of white marble, partly worn away by pilgrims’ hands, leads to a smaller chamber inside. This is the ‘room of the tomb’, the place where Jesus was buried. Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 6. Read the passage given below : [10 marks] (Delhi, AI, Foreign 2015) (1) We often make all things around us the way we want them. Even during our pilgrimages we have begun to look for whatever makes our heart happy, gives comfort to our body and peace to the mind. It is as if external solutions will fulfil our needs, and we do not want to make any special efforts even in our spiritual search. Our mind is resourceful—it works to find shortcuts in simple and easy ways. (2) Even pilgrimages have been converted into tourism opportunities. Instead, we must awaken our conscience and souls and understand the truth. Let us not tamper with either our own nature or that of the Supreme. (3) All our cleverness is rendered ineffective when nature does a dance of destruction. Its fury can and will wash away all imperfections. Indian culture, based on Vedic treatises, assists in human evolution, but we are now using our entire energy in distorting these traditions according to our convenience instead of making efforts to make ourselves worthy of them. C op yM yK (10) We entered in single file. On my right was a large marble slab that covered the original rock bench on which the body of Jesus was laid. A woman knelt and prayed. Her eyes were wet with tears. She pressed her face against the slab to hide them, but it only made it worse. On the basis of your understanding of this passage answer the following questions with the help of given options: [1 × 4 = 4 marks] (a) How does Jerusalem still retain the charm of ancient era ? (i) There are narrow lanes. (ii) Roads are paved with cobblestones. (iii) People can be seen riding asses. (iv) All of the above (b) Holy Sepulchre is sacred to ______. (i) Christianity(ii) Islam (iii) Judaism (iv) Both (i) and (iii) (c) Why does one have to constantly ask for directions to the church ? (i) Its lanes are narrow. (ii) Entrance to the church is non-descript. (iii) People are not tourist-friendly. (iv) Everyone is lost in enjoying the romance of the place. (d) Where was Jesus buried ? (i) In a cave (ii) At a place outside the city (iii) In the Holy Sepulchre (iv) Both (i) and (ii) Answer the following questions briefly : [1 × 6 = 6 marks] (e) What is the Greek belief about the ‘stone of anointing’ ? (f) Why did Emperor Constantine build the Rotunda ? (g) What is the general attitude of the pilgrims ? (h) How is the site compatible with the biblical period ? (i) Why did the pilgrims enter the room of the tomb in a single file ? (j) Why did ‘a woman’ try to hide her tears ? (k) Find words from the passage which mean the same as : [1 × 2 = 2 marks] (i) A large grave (para 3) (ii) Having no interesting features/dull (para 4) CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 10 (4) The irony is that humans are not even aware of the complacent attitude they have allowed themselves to sink to. Nature is everyone’s Amma and her fierce blows will sooner or later corner us and force us to understand this truth. Earlier, pilgrimages to places of spiritual significance were rituals that were undertaken when people became free from their worldly duties. Even now some seekers take up this pious religious journey as a path to peace and knowledge. Anyone travelling with this attitude feels and travels with only a few essential items that his body can carry. Pilgrims traditionally travelled light, on foot, eating light, dried chickpeas and fruits, or whatever was available. Pilgrims of olden days did not feel the need to stay in special AC bedrooms, or travel by luxury cars or indulge themselves with delicious food and savouries. (5) Pilgrims traditionally moved ahead, creating a feeling of belonging towards all, conveying a Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - op C 11 (c) What change has taken place in our attitude towards pilgrimages ? (d) What happens when pilgrimages are turned into picnics ? (e) Why are we complacent in our spiritual efforts ? (f) How does nature respond when we try to be clever with it ? (g) In olden days with what attitude did people go on a pilgrimage ? (h) What message does the passage convey to the pilgrims ? (i) Find words from the passage which mean the same as the following : [1 × 2 = 2 marks] (i) made/turned (para 3) (ii) very satisfied (para 4) 7. Read the passage given below : [12 marks] (AI 2015C) (1) Suspense was over when my high school results finally came out. But I was upset. I had not done as well as I had expected. My Father tried to console me. “Why are you worried? You have done very well my dear.” “No, I have not Baba,” I protested, controlling my tears, and wondering if I had disappointed him. “It does not really matter,” he assured me. “Do you know what I got when I finished high school?” I looked into Baba’s face and waited for the answer to his own question. “You know,” he told me “I have never told you this. I got just a third division. But, look at me, I have done quite well.” Baba got a third division! I was almost in shock, but the thought of my having done a lot better than that made me realize that I had no reason to complain. I certainly felt better ! “Everything is under control!” said Baba, smiling. That was his favourite phrase. Posted in Kolkata, my father was then a senior official in the Indian Railway Service, and an expert in goods traffic operations. He was soon to become a director with the Railway Board. By the time he retired in 1981, he was general manager of the Central Railways. By the time Baba passed away in November 2000, his name had found place in several hearts as well. He was open, easy to know, and full of life. We were extremely close, but I had so much more to learn about him from many things I came to know after his death. yM yK message of brotherhood among all they came across whether in small caves, ashrams or local settlements. They received the blessings and congregations of yogis and mahatmas in return while conducting the dharma of their pilgrimage. A pilgrimage is like penance or sadhana to stay near nature and to experience a feeling of oneness with it, to keep the body healthy and fulfilled with the amount of food, while seeking freedom from attachments and yet remaining happy while staying away from relatives and associates. (6) This is how a pilgrimage should be rather than making it like a picnic by taking a large group along and living in comfort, packing in entertainment, and tampering with environment. What is worse is giving a boost to the ego of having had a special darshan. Now alms are distributed, charity done while they brag about their spiritual experiences! (7) We must embark on our spiritual journey by first understanding the grace and significance of a pilgrimage and following it up with the prescribed rules and rituals - this is what translates into the ultimate and beautiful medium of spiritual evolution. There is no justification for tampering with nature. (8) A pilgrimage is symbolic of contemplation and meditation and acceptance, and is a metaphor for the constant growth or movement and love for nature that we should hold in our hearts. (9) This is the truth ! On the basis of your understanding of the above passage answer the questions that follow with [1 × 2 = 2 marks] the help of given options : (a) How can a pilgrim keep his body healthy ? (i) By travelling light (ii) By eating small amount of food (iii) By keeping free from attachments (iv) Both (i) and (ii) (b) How do we satisfy our ego ? (i) By having a special darshan (ii) By distributing alms (iii) By treating it like a picnic (iv) Both (i) and (ii) Answer the following as briefly as possible : [1 × 6 = 6 marks] b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita Reading Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - looking into Baba’s personal things, we came across an old file with Baba’s certificates and I found among them, his high school diploma from 1937, the one he told me about 30 years earlier, about the third division that had made no difference in his life or career. It had made me see beyond mere marks and first classes as the main road to success. But there was one more fact. Baba had actually got a first division, a rare achievement in his day. Today, years after his passing, when I think of Baba, I see a man who was able to sympathise with others so easily and touch their lives in such a special way. 1.1 On the basis of your understanding of the passage answer the following questions by choosing the most appropriate options. [1 × 4 = 4 marks] (a) Why was the narrator in tears when her school results came out ? (i) She did better than she expected. (ii) She did not do as expected. (iii) Her Baba had not done well. (iv) Her Baba had done better than her. (b) On knowing the result, how did the narrator’s father react ? (i) He scolded her. (ii) He beat her. (iii) He consoled her. (iv) He made fun of her. (c) Why did the narrator say that she had nothing to complain ? (i) She had done better than her father. (ii) She had done as well as her father. (iii) She had topped in her school. (iv) She had not worked hard at all. (d) Choose the option that is not correct. (i) Baba was a senior official in the Indian Railway Service. (ii)Baba was to become a director with the Railway Board. (iii)Baba was the general manager of the Central Railways. (iv)Baba had got a third division in high school. C op yM yK (2) In September 2000, he was in hospital for treatment of cancer and given just two months to live. When he found out, his reaction was an extremely rational one. He asked me to fetch files from his cupboard, so that he could explain the details of my mother’s pension. He also dictated his will from his hospital bed. “Everything is under control!” After Baba’s death, Satish, our old family retainer, was inconsolable. We tried to cheer him up. “Your Baba had scolded me only once in all these year!” he cried. Satish pointed to the watch on his left hand. “I had been coning late for work and everyone in the family was complaining about it,” said Satish. “Then, one day, your Baba gave me this watch and told me, ‘Now that you have a watch, you can’t be late’”. That was the scolding Satish received. On the fourth day after Baba’s death, my sister and I had to perform a ceremony. Since several relatives were expected, we decided to order lunch from a caterer in our locality, reputed for his home cooked food. But, when we went to pay to owner, we got a surprise. He refused to accept any money! “When I wanted to start my catering business, it was your father who lent me money,” he told us. It seems Baba never asked for it back. Now, after four or five years, the caterer wanted to repay that debt. Of course, we made him accept the full payment for the fine food and service. “It was Baba’s gift and it ought to remain so,” I told him. CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 12 (3) Some days later, there was yet another piece of information as we were preparing for the main ceremony. Vikram, my brother drove me to the local market. On recognizing our car, the parking assistant, in his twenties, came running towards us and asked why he had not seen its owner for long. We had to break the news to him and to our utter surprise, he started crying. We were really surprised by this reaction from a stranger – until the man told us that Baba used to pay his daughter’s school fees and buy her books. It seems, it was on my father’s advice that had even started sending the child to school. More than three years after Baba’s death, as we were 1.2 Answer the following : [1 × 6 = 6 marks] (a) Why did the narrator’s sick father want her to fetch files from his cupboard? Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - (b) Why did Baba buy Satish a watch? (c) Why did the caterer not want to take money from the narrator? (d) Why were the narrator and her brother surprised on meeting the parking assistant? (e) Today years after his passing away what has the narrator realized about her Baba? (f) What was the story that Baba had invented on the day the narrator’s results were published? (g) Find words from the passage that mean the same as the following : [1 × 2 = 2 marks] (i) tension/anxiety (para 1) (ii) servant (para 2) (4) Mahadeo Yadav, the rickshaw puller is in his seventies and has been pulling the same rickshaw in and around Bowbazaar for fifty years. For him, fifty years, half a century is not an achievement, but merely the time that has passed ever since he came to Calcutta to earn a living. (5) He lives all alone in Calcutta, in a room in a nearby lane, paying a monthly rent of fifty rupees. He is out with his rickshaw between three in the afternoon and ten at night, sometimes earning sixty or seventy rupees a day and sometimes nothing. Every month without fail he sends ` 300 to his wife back home, and once every year visits her. “I will pull the rickshaw as long as I can”, he says, “this is my only source of livelihood. These days I tire easily. Sometimes my feet hurt and sometimes my back. But do I have a choice?” He answers all my questions without looking at me even once, but continued to stare ahead blankly, his arms folded around his knees. I take a good look at his rickshaw : the two – the rickshaw and the rickshaw puller – make quite a pair. C op yM yK 8. Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow : [10 marks] (AI 2015 C) (1) As dusk falls the neon lights of the jewellery shops in Bowbazaar come alive but the lights have no effect on the face of Mahadeo Yadav who is seated on the footrest of his rickshaw that is parked by the road, feeling very sad. he is sitting on his feet, hugging his knees to keep himself warm in the biting cold, so weakened and lifeless as if he had been dead for days without anyone noticing. (2) Who would after all notice a rickshaw puller, to check whether he is breathing or not ? Yet when the same rickshaw puller goes about his work pulling his rickshaw like a horse, he becomes the most noticed man in Calcutta. He makes a great subject for photographers, writers and film-makers. He is the symbol of poor Calcutta. Many a famous actor has pulled the rickshaw in films set in the city. (3) Calcutta is said to have about 6000 rickshaw pullers running on its roads, running mostly in its old neighbourhoods. They have something in common apart from their poverty. All of them come from the country side. All of them wear the lungi to work, perhaps for better movement. Almost all of them are elderly; I am yet to see a young man hand pulling a rickshaw. It can be a sad sight to watch a man almost as old as your father struggling his way through the roads dressed only in a vest and a lungi and often barefoot. 13 b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita Reading 2.1 Choose the correct alternatives from the options given below : [1 × 2 = 2 marks] (a) A rickshaw puller is noticed only when he (i) acts in a film. (ii) becomes a subject for photographers. (iii) sits all alone. (iv) is old and tired. (b) Pick out the statement which is not true. (i) Most rickshaw pullers are old. (ii) The rickshaw puller earn very little. (iii)Many renowned actors are rickshaw pullers. (iv) They are neglected by people. 2.2 Answer the following questions : [1 × 6 = 6 marks] (a) Why does Yadav “stare ahead blankly”? (b) Why are rickshaw pullers known as the icons of poor Calcutta ? (c) Which instance tells you that Yadav loved his family ? (d) Where does Yadav stay ? (e) What comparison does the writer draw between the rickshaw and its puller ? Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - (f) What do the rickshaw pullers have in common ? (g) Pick out words from the passage that mean the following : [1 × 2 = 2 marks] (a) Well-known (para 2) (b) income (para 5) (3) Today’s parents aren’t equipped to deal with the problem. Many of them, raised in the 1960s and 70s, swore they’d act differently from their parents and have closer relationships with their own children. Many even wear the same designer clothes as their kids and listen to the same music. And they work more hours; at the end of a long week, it’s tempting to buy peace with ‘yes’ and not mar precious family time with conflict. Anxiety about the future is another factor. How do well intentioned parents say no to all the sports gear and arts and language lessons they believe will help their kids thrive in an increasingly competitive world? Experts agree: too much love won’t spoil a child. Too few limits will. (4) What parents need to find, is a balance between the advantages of an affluent society and the critical life lessons that come from waiting, saving and working hard to achieve goals. That search for balance has to start early. Children need limits on their behaviour because they feel better and more secure when they live within a secured structure. Older children learn self-control by watching how others, especially parents act. Learning how to overcome challenges is essential to becoming a successful adult. Few parents ask kids to do chores. They think their kids are already overburdened by social and academic pressures. Every individual can be of service to others, and life has meaning beyond one’s own immediate happiness. That means parents eager to teach values have to take a long, hard look at their own. (a) Answer the following : (i) What values do parents and teachers want children to learn? [2 marks] (ii) What are the results of giving the children too much too soon? [2 marks] (iii) Why do today’s children want more ? [1 mark] (iv) What is the balance which the parents need to have in today’s world? [2 marks] (v) What is the necessity to set limits for children? [2 marks] (b) Pick out words from the passage that mean the same as the following : [3 marks] (i) a feeling of satisfaction (para 1) C op yM yK 9. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: [12 marks] (Delhi, AI, Foreign 2014) (1) Too many parents these days can’t say no. As a result, they find themselves raising children who respond greedily to the advertisements aimed right at them. Even getting what they want doesn’t satisfy some kids; they only want more. Now, a growing number of psychologists, educators and parents think it’s time to stop the madness and start teaching kids about what’s really important: values like hard work, contentment, honesty and compassion. The struggle to set limits has never been tougher and the stakes have never been higher. One recent study of adults who were overindulged as children, paints a discouraging picture of their future: when given too much too soon, they grow up to be adults who have difficulty coping with life’s disappointments. They also have distorted sense of entitlement that gets in the way of success in the work place and in relationships. (2) Psychologists say that parents who overindulge their kids, set them up to be more vulnerable to future anxiety and depression. Today’s parents themselves raised on values of thrift and selfsacrifice, grew up in a culture where no was a household word. Today’s kids want much more, partly because there is so much more to want. The oldest members of this generation were born in the late 1980s, just as PCs and video games were making their assault on the family room. They think of MP3 players and flat screen TV as essential utilities, and they have developed strategies to get them. One survey of teenagers found that when they crave for something new, most expect to ask nine times before their parents give in. By every measure, parents are shelling out record amounts. In the heat of this buying blitz, even parents who desperately need to say no find themselves reaching for their credit cards. CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 14 Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - (ii) valuable (para 3) (iii) important (para 4) the breakdown rate is so slow the chances that the bag will harmlessly go away are extremely slim. Throughout the world plastic bags are responsible for suffocation deaths of woodland animals as well as inhibiting soil nutrients. The land litter that is made up of plastic bags has the potential to kill over and over again. It has been estimated that one bag has the potential to unintentionally kill one animal per every three months due to unintentional digestion or inhalation. (7) While it’s a noble thought to place the plastic bags in the recycling bin every week, studies have proven that there are very few recycling plants that actually recycle them. Most municipalities either burn them or send them off to the landfill after sorting. This is because it can be expensive to recycle this type of plastic. It does not melt down easily and is often not fit to be reused in its original form. (8) The premise of recycling these bags is nice. Yet funding for the upgrading of the recycling units just has not happened and thus less than 1% of all bags are sent to recycling plants worldwide. Most are left to become a pollution problem in one way or another. C op yM yK 10. Read the passage carefully and answer the question that follow : [12 marks] (AI 2014C) (1) The effects of plastic bags on the environment are really quite devastating. While there are many objections to the banning of plastic bags based solely on their convenience, the damage to the environment needs to be controlled. (2) There is no way to strictly limit the effects of plastic bags on the environment because there is no disposal method that will really help eliminate the problem. While reusing them is the first step, most people don’t do that. These are bags not durable enough to survive numerous trips to the store. The best that citizens can do is to reuse them. (3) The biggest problem with this is that once they have been soiled they end up in the trash, which then ends up in the landfill or is burned. Either solution is very poor for the environment. Burning emits toxic gases that harm the atmosphere and increase the level of VOCs in the air while landfills hold them indefinitely as part of the plastic waste problem throughout the globe. (4) One of the greatest problems is that an estimated 300 million plastic bags end up in the Atlantic Ocean alone. These bags are very dangerous for sea life, especially those of the mammal variety. Any hunting mammal can easily mistake the size, shape and texture of the plastic bags for a meal and find its airway cut off. Needless deaths from plastic bags are increasing every year. (5) The environmental balance of the waterways is being thrown on by the rate of plastic bags finding their way into the mouths and intestinal tracts of sea mammals. As one species begins to die off at an abnormal rate, every other living organism in the waterways is impacted. 15 b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita Reading (6) The indefinite period of time that it takes for the average plastic bag to break down can be literally hundreds of years. Every bag that ends up in the woodlands of the country threatens the natural progression of wildlife. Because (9) There are always alternatives to plastic bags and the search for more alternatives continues. Paper bags are a possible option but they also take their toll on the environment. The use of trees to increase the production of paper products will also have a negative environmental effect. (10) Reusable plastic bags are being introduced to regions that want to outlaw the plastic bags altogether. These are stronger and more durable and can be used for three to five trips to the store. Of course, the reusable cloth bag is fast becoming a favourite among environmental supporters. While thus far no bag is without its issues, these are the bags that are currently recommended for use to help protect environmental concerns. (a) (i) Why do some people object to the banning of plastic bags ? [1 mark] (ii) Why is reusing plastic bags not considered practical ? [1 mark] Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - (iii) Why is the disposal of plastic bags considered damaging to the environment? [1 mark] (iv) How do plastic bags endanger the life of animals in the sea and on land ? [1 mark] (v) What factors discourage recycling of plastic bags ? [1 mark] (vi) What, according to the writer, is the best possible alternative to plastic bags ? [1 mark] (b) Find words from the passage which mean the same as the following : [3 marks] (i) remove (para 2) (ii) choking (para 6) (iii) costly (para 7) per cent nitrogen and 21 per cent oxygen in the air—the other gases forming a very small fraction. It is true that carbon dioxide exhaled out of lungs may accumulate in a closed and over-crowded place. But such an increase is usually small and temporary unless the room is really air-tight. Exposure to poisonous gases such as carbon monoxide may occur in a closed room, heated by burning coal inside. This may also prove to be fatal. (4) What is more common in a poorly ventilated home is a vague constellation of symptoms described as the sick-building syndrome. It is characterized by a general feeling of malaise, headache, dizziness and irritation of mucous membranes. It may also be accompanied by nausea, itching, aches, pains and depression. Sick-building syndrome is getting commoner in big cities with the small houses, which are generally over-furnished. Some of the important pollutants whose indoor concentrations exceed those of the outdoors include gases such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen and organic substances like spores, formaldehydes, hydrocarbon aerosols and allergens. The sources are attributed to a variety of construction materials, insulations, furnishings, adhesives, cosmetics, house dusts, fungi and other indoor products. yM yK 11. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : [12 marks] (Delhi, AI, Foreign 2013) CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 16 (1) Air pollution is an issue which concerns us all alike. One can willingly choose or reject a food, a drink or a life comfort, but unfortunately there is little choice for the air we breathe. All, what is there in the air is inhaled by one and all living in those surroundings. C op (2) Air pollutant is defined as a substance, which is present while normally it is not there or present in an amount exceeding the normal concentrations. It could either be gaseous or a particulate matter. The important and harmful polluting gases are carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, ozone and oxides of sulphur and nitrogen. The common particulate pollutants are the dusts of various inorganic or organic origins. Although we often talk of the outdoor air pollution caused by industrial and vehicular exhausts, the indoor pollution may prove to be as or a more important cause of health problems. (3) Recognition of air pollution is relatively recent. It is not uncommon to experience a feeling of ‘suffocation’ in a closed environment. It is often ascribed to the lack of oxygen. Fortunately, however, the composition of air is remarkably constant all over the world. There is about 79 (5) By-products of fuel combustion are important in houses with indoor kitchens. It is not only the burning of dried dung and fuelwood which is responsible, but also kerosene and liquid petroleum gas. Oxides of both nitrogen and sulphur are released from their combustion. (6) Smoking of tobacco in the closed environment is an important source of indoor pollution. It may not be high quantitatively, but significantly hazardous for health. It is because of the fact that there are over 3000 chemical constituents in tobacco smoke, which have been identified. These are harmful for human health. (7) Micro-organisms and allergens are of special significance in the causation and spread of diseases. Most of the infective illnesses may involve more persons of a family living in Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - necessary for performance, it is important to be able to recognise your individual limit. For instance, there are some individuals who accept competition in a healthy fashion. There are others who collapse into weeping wrecks before an exam or on comparing markssheets and finding that their friend has scored better. (2) Stress is a body reaction to any demands or changes in its internal and external environment. Whenever there is a change in the external environment, such as temperature, pollutants, humidity and working conditions, it leads to stress. In these days of competition, when a person makes up his mind to surpass what has been achieved by others, leading to an imbalance between demands and resources, it causes psycho-social stress. It is a part and parcel of everyday life. (3) Stress has a different meaning, depending on the stage of life you are in. The loss of a toy or a reprimand from the parents might create a stress shock in a child. An adolescent who fails an examination may feel as if everything has been lost and life has no further meaning. In an adult the loss of his or her companion, job or professional failure may appear as if there is nothing more to be achieved. (4) Such signs appear in the attitude and behaviour of the individual, as muscle tension in various parts of the body, palpitation and high blood pressure, indigestion and hyperacidity. Ultimately the result is self-destructive behaviour, such as eating and drinking too much, smoking excessively, relying on tranquilizers. There are other signs of stress, such as trembling, shaking, nervous blinking, dryness of throat and mouth and difficulty in swallowing. (5) The professional under stress behaves as if he is a perfectionist. It leads to depression, lethargy and weakness. Periodic mood shifts also indicate the stress status of the students, executives and professionals. yM yK common indoor environment. These include viral and bacterial diseases like tuberculosis. (8) Besides infections, allergic and hypersensitivity disorders are spreading fast. Although asthma is the most common form of respiratory allergic disorders, pneumonias are not uncommon, but more persistent and serious. These are attributed to exposures to allergens from various fungi, molds, hay and other organic materials. Indoor air ventilation systems, coolers, air-conditioners, dampness, decay, pet animals, production or handling of the causative items are responsible for these hypersensitivity-diseases. (9) Obviously, the spectrum of pollution is very wide and our options are limited. Indoor pollution may be handled relatively easily by an individual. Moreover, the good work must start from one’s own house. (Extracted from The Tribune) 17 b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita Reading C op (a) (i) What is an air pollutant ? [1 mark] (ii) In what forms are the air pollutants present? [2 marks] (iii)Why do we feel suffocated in a closed environment? [1 mark] (iv)What is sick building syndrome? How is it increasing? [2 marks] (v) How is indoor smoking very hazardous? [1 mark] (vi)How can one overcome the dangers of indoor air pollution? [2 marks] (b) Find the words form the above passage which mean the same as the following : [3 marks] (i) giddiness (para 4) (ii) constant (para 8) (iii) humidity (para 8) 12. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : [12 marks] (Delhi, AI, Foreign 2012) (1) While there is no denying that the world loves a winner, it is important that you recognize the signs of stress in your behaviour and be healthy enough to enjoy your success. Stress can strike anytime, in a fashion that may leave you unaware of its presence in your life. While a certain amount of pressure is (6) In a study sponsored by World Health Organization and carried out by Harvard School of Public Health, the global burden of diseases and injury indicated that stress Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - diseases and accidents are going to be the major killers in 2020. (7) The heart disease and depression—both stress diseases—are going to rank first and second in 2020. Road traffic accidents are going to be the third largest killers. These accidents are also an indicator of psycho-social stress in a fast moving society. Other stress like ulcers, hypertensions and sleeplessness have assumed epidemic proportions in modern societies. (8) A person under stress reacts in different ways and the common ones are flight, fight and flee depending upon the nature of the stress and capabilities of the person. The three responses can be elegantly chosen to cope with the stress so that stress does not damage the system and become distress. 13. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : [12 marks] (Delhi, AI, Foreign 2011) (1) For many years now the governments have been promising the eradication of child labour in hazardous industries in India. But the truth is that despite all the rhetoric, no government so far has succeeded in eradicating this evil, nor has any been able to ensure compulsory primary education for every Indian child. Between 60 and 100 million children are still at work instead of going to school, and around 10 million are working in hazardous industries. India has the biggest child population of 380 million in the world, plus the largest number of children who are forced to earn a living. (2) We have many laws that ban child labour in hazardous industries. According to the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act 1986, the employment of children below the age of 14 in hazardous occupations has been strictly banned. But each state has different rules regarding the minimum age of employment. This makes implementation of these laws difficult. op yM yK (9) When a stress crosses the limit, peculiar to an individual, it lowers his performance capacity. Frequent crossings of the limit may result in chronic fatigue in which a person feels lethargic, disinterested and is not easily motivated to achieve anything. This may make the person mentally undecided, confused and accident prone as well. Sudden exposure to unnerving stress may also result in a loss of memory. Diet, massage, food supplements, herbal medicines, hobbies, relaxation techniques and dance movements are excellent stress busters. CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 18 C (a) (i) What is stress? What factors lead to stress? [2 marks] (ii)What are the signs by which a person can know that he is under stress? [2 marks] (iii)What are the different diseases a person gets due to stress ? [2 marks] (iv) Give any two examples of stress busters. [1 mark] (v) How does a person react under stress ? [2 marks] (b) Which words in the above passage mean the same as the following : [3 marks] (i) fall down (para 1) (ii) rebuke (para 3) (iii) inactive (para 9) (3) Also, there is no ban on child labour in non-hazardous occupations. The act applies to the organised or factory sector and not the unorganised or informal sector where most children find employment as cleaners, servants, porters, waiters, etc. among other forms of unskilled work. Thus, child labour continues because the implementation of the existing laws is lax. (4) There are industries, which have a special demand for child labour because of their nimble fingers, high level of concentration and capacity to work hard at abysmally low wages. The carpet industry in U.P. and Kashmir employs children to make hand-knotted carpets. There are 80,000 child workers in Jammu & Kashmir alone. In Kashmir because of the political unrest, children are forced to work while many schools are shut. Industries like gem cutting and polishing pottery and glass want to remain competitive by employing children. Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - (5) The truth is that it is poverty, which is pushing children into the brutish labour market. We have 260 million people below the poverty line in India, a large number of them are women. Poor and especially woman-headed families, have no option but to push their little ones in this hard life in hostile conditions, with no human or labour rights. (6) There is a lobby which argues that there is nothing wrong with children working as long as the environment for work is conducive to learning new skills but studies have shown that the children are made to do boring, repetitive and tedious jobs and are not taught new skills as they grow older. In these hell-holes like the sweet shops of the old, there is no hope. (iii) Why do the industries prefer child labour? [2 marks] (iv)What are the adverse effects of hazardous industries on children? Give any two. [2 marks] (v)What does the Supreme Court’s Directive of 1997 provide? [1 mark] (b) Find words from the passage which means the same as the following : [3 marks] (i) risky/dangerous (para 1) (ii) very unfriendly (para 5) (iii) intended as punishment (para 8) 14. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : [12 marks] (Delhi, AI, Foreign 2010) (1) Today’s woman is a highly self-directed person, alive to the sense of her dignity and the importance of her functions in the private domestic domain and the public domain of the world of work. Women are rational in approach, careful in handling situations and want to do things as best as possible. The Fourth World Conference of Women held in Beijing in September 1995 had emphasised that no enduring solution of society’s most threatening social, economic and political problems could be found without the participation and empowerment of the women. The 1995 World Summit for Social Development had also emphasised the pivotal role of women in eradicating poverty and mending the social fabric. op yM yK (7) Children working in hazardous industries are prone to debilitating diseases which can cripple them for life. By sitting in cramped, damp and unhygienic spaces, their limbs become deformed for life. Inside matchstick, fire works and glass industries they are victims of bronchial diseases and T.B. Their mental and physical development is permanently impaired by long hours of work. Once trapped, they can’t get out of this vicious circle of poverty. They remain uneducated and powerless. Finally, in later years, they too are compelled to send their own children to work. Child labour perpetuates its own nightmare. 19 b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita Reading C (8) If at all the government was serious about granting children their rights, an intensive effort ought to have been made to implement the Supreme Court’s Directive of 1997 which laid down punitive action against employers of child labour. Only compulsory primary education can eliminate child labour. (9) Surely, if 380 million children are given a better life and elementary education, India’s human capital would be greatly enhanced. But that needs, as former President Abdul Kalam says, “a Second Vision”. (a) (i)On which two counts has the government not succeeded so far in respect of children? [2 marks] (ii)What makes the implementation of child labour law difficult? [2 marks] (2) The Constitution of India had conferred on women equal rights and opportunities — political, social, educational and of employment—with men. Because of oppressive traditions, superstitions, exploitation and corruption, a majority of women are not allowed to enjoy the rights and opportunities, bestowed on them. One of the major reasons for this state of affairs is the lack of literacy and awareness among women. Education is the main instrument through which we can narrow down the prevailing inequality and accelerate the process of economic and political change in the status of women. Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - education of girls. Negative attitude towards sending girls to schools, restrictions on their mobility, early marriage, poverty and illiteracy of parents affect the girl’s participation in education. (6) Women’s political empowerment got a big boost with the Panchayati Raj Act of 1993 which gave them 30 per cent reservation in Village Panchayats, Block Samities and Zila Parishads throughout the country. The National Commission for Women was also set up in 1992 to act as a lobby for Women’s issues. (7) The educational system is the only institution, which can counteract the deep foundations of inequality of sexes that are built in the minds of people through the socialization process. Education is the most important instrument of human resource development. Educational system should be used to revolutionise the traditional attitudes and inculcate new values of equality. C op yM yK (3) The role of women in a society is very important. Women’s education is the key to a better life in the future. A recent World Bank study says that educating girls is not a charity, it is good economics and if developing nations are to eradicate poverty, they must educate the girls. The report says that the economic and social returns on investment in education of the girls considerably affect the human development index of the nation. Society would progress only if the status of women is respected and the presence of an educated woman in the family would ensure education of the family itself. Education and empowerment of women are closely related. (4) Women’s education has not received due care and attention from the planners and policy makers. The National Commission for Women has rightly pointed out that even after 50 years of independence, women continue to be treated as the single largest group of backward citizens of India. The role of women in overall development has not been fully understood nor has it been given its full weight in the struggle to eliminate poverty, hunger, injustice and inequality at the national level. Even when we are at the threshold of the 21st century, our society still discriminates against women in matters of their rights and privileges and prevents them from participating in the process of national and societal progress. Various Committees and Commissions have been constituted before and after the independence to evaluate the progress in women’s education and to suggest ways and means to enhance the status of women. The female literacy rate has gone up in the 20th century from 0.6 per cent in 1901 to 39.29 per cent in 1991 but India still possesses the largest number of illiterate women in the world. The female literacy index for the year 1991 shows that there are eight states which fall below the national average. The most populous states of the country, UP, MP, Bihar and Rajasthan fall in the category of most backward states as far as female literacy is concerned. (5) The prevailing cultural norms of gender behaviour and the perceived domestic and reproductive role of women tend to affect the CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 20 (a) (i)Mention any two attributes of a modern woman. [2 marks] (ii) Why are women’s participation and empowerment considered necessary? [2 marks] (iii) Which factors adversely affect the education of girls ? [2 marks] (iv)What benefits did the women get with the enactment of the Panchayati Raj Act of 1993? [2 marks] (v)By what process can we remove the sense of inequality of sexes from the minds of the people? [1 mark] (b) Pick out words from the passage which mean the same as each of the following: [3 marks] (i) cruel and unfair (para 2) (ii) remove (para 3) (iii) full of people (para 4) 15. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : [12 marks] (Delhi, AI, Foreign 2009) (1) The role friends play in our lives has become significantly greater than at any other time in our history. Today many of us live and work at great distances from where we were born or Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - grew up and are separated from our original families. The pain we feel when we are away from our families can be significant. (2) The happiness of the individual relies on friendships which form a necessary human connection. It is perfectly normal to need and want friends and depression is more prevalent among those who lack friends. They lack the intimacy and richness friends can bring into our lives. Frequently friends reflect similar values to us. Yet these values are often different from the ones we grew up with; they are the values we created for ourselves in our adult lives. (3) Communication skills are fundamental in all friendships. The more friends and acquaintances one has, the greater are one’s communication skills. Some call these, people skills. family to your own or perhaps someone from a completely different cultural background. This is the way we learn tolerance. In turn we gain tolerance and acceptance for our own differences. (6) Friendships are made by being considerate which means all the communication skills come into play: active listening skills, questioning skills, negotiation skills, reflecting content skills, reflecting emotion skills, and editing yourself. (7) Friendships offer a great opportunity to learn about yourself because a friend can reflect back to you ‘how you come across in the world’. They also allow you to practice skills in dealing with ‘personal boundaries’ by looking after yourself as well as your friend. They help you develop resilience in relation to the wider social world beyond your family. (a) (i)Why do friends play a more significant role today than ever before ? [2 marks] (ii)Why is friendship considered an essential human need ? [2 marks] (iii)How is friendship different from other relationships ? [2 marks] (iv) Mention two essential human values that help friendship to grow. [1 mark] (v) Which communication skills help in building friendship ? [2 marks] yM yK (4) Like watering a plant, we grow our friendships by nurturing them. Friendships need the same attention as other relationships if they are to continue. These relationships can be delightfully non-judgemental, supportive, understanding and fun. 21 b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita Reading C op (5) Sometimes a friendship can bring out the positive side that you never show in any other relationship. This may be because the pressure of playing a ‘role’ (daughter, partner or child) is removed. With a friend you be yourself and are free to change. Of course you are free to do this in all other relationships as well but in friendships you get to have lots of rehearsals and discussion about changes as you experience them. It is an unconditional experience where you receive as much as you give. You can explain yourself to a friend openly without the fear of hurting a family member. How do friendships grow? The answer is simple. By revealing yourself; being attentive; remembering what is most important to your friend and asking them about it; putting yourself in their position: showing empathy; seeing the world through the eyes of your friend, you will understand the value of friendship. All this means learning to accept a person from a completely different (b) Pick out words from the passage which mean the same as each of the following : [3 marks] (i) basic/essential (para 3) (ii) mutual discussion to reach an agreement (para 6) (iii) chance (para 7) 16. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : [12 marks] (Delhi, AI, Foreign 2008) (1) The word ‘depressed’ in common usage means sad, frustrated, fed up, bored up and pessimistic. The mood of a depressed person is much lower at his or her best moments than the mood of the normal person at his or her worst. Depression is a state of mind, it is specifically a mental disorder characterised Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - generally bring about depression in older people. (5) As old age advances events at home may also contribute more to their problems. The ‘empty nest’ feeling arising as a result of the grown up children leaving the home, daughters departing as a result of wedlock and sons leaving station in pursuit of higher education or jobs may make the aged more lonely. The loneliness also arises because of premature loss of spouse. This would deprive the person of a long standing emotional bond that had provided plenty of emotional succour and security. The loss wherever it might occur in the later years leaves the individual terribly lonely and at the mercy of the sons and daughters-in-law. Added to these the increasing gap and interactional stress and strain in the family may leave the elderly without peace of mind. The elderly as a result of these developments feel marginalised, alienated and left out of the main stream. The foregoing are the common problems faced by most of the elderly. These either directly or indirectly lead to a state of depression and make ageing for many an unwanted and unpleasant event to be abhorred. (6) Usually the mild depression which is caused due to environmental factors is temporary. The person reconciles within a short time and tries to forget the loss. Kind words, and timely support of friends, relatives and family members help one recover from depression. C op yM yK by a lowering of the individual’s vitality, his mood, desires, hopes, aspirations and of his self-esteem. (2) Depression arising out of environmental factors is called reactive depression whereas depression arising out of some biochemical changes in the brain is called endogenous depression. If depression is mild or moderate and if the individual is in touch with his surroundings it is known as neurotic depression. If the individual is severely disturbed and is not able to comprehend what is happening around, such a state is called psychotic- depression. (3) Old age is one of the stages of human development, where a person attains wisdom, maturity, social and economic stability with social recognition and emotional fulfilment. Generally, societies show a great respect and consideration for the aged. In ancient times old people were considered as the guiding stars in Indian families, since they were symbols of tradition, respect, wisdom and experience. In primitive, ancient and medieval cultures, old persons had a recognized social role. They were of great value because they could impart knowledge and skill to youngsters. The old people were considered as repositories of wisdom and traditions and were not perceived as problems. (4) At present, social structures and values are undergoing transformation from traditional to modern. There is a rapid stride in urbanization and industrialization leading to the breaking up of joint families and property. This has ultimately weakened the traditional families, social position and status of the aged in the family. From time to time changes in the institutions of marriage and family have diminished the control of parents over their children. It has increased the freedom of children and they view the aged as a useless and non-productive entity. Modernization has eventually led to the degradation of their status and authority. Consequently the integrity of the family and the existence of the elderly as an integral part of the family are being uprooted. The importance of their functional positions thus declines and consequently their authority and much of the respect and prestige that they enjoyed earlier get faded. These changes CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 22 (a) (i)What does ‘depressed’ mean in common usage? [2 marks] (ii)What is reactive depression? [1 mark] (iii)What was the status of the old people in ancient India? [2 marks] (iv)What are the causes for disintegration of joint family system? [2 marks] (v) How does one recover from mild depression? [2 marks] (b) Pick out the words from the passage that mean the same as the following : [3 marks] (i) decreased (para 4) (ii)to feel that they do not belong to a group (para 5) (iii) a husband or wife (para 5) Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 17. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : [12 marks] (Delhi, AI, Foreign 2007) (1) Millions of men and women, thousands of leaders, a succession of social, religious and political movements - it is impossible to draw up a full list of the makers of India even on a limited 1000-year basis. “All that can be attempted here is to present a few representative names, some of them inspirational still. All of them remind us of the course we have traversed, and how we have come to where we are. Let us make a start with the best ever Indian. incidental to his larger involvement with what he persistently called Truth. Raja Rao put it pithily when he wrote: “For Gandhi India was only the symbol of a universal principle. All countries were, for Gandhi, India.” When we look at him in this perspective, we realise that it was his universality, the transcendent quality of his life and thought, that made Gandhi, Gandhi. (5) He will be greater than not just Stalin and Hitler - two characters who are rather too onedimensional to be contrasted with the vastness that was Gandhi. Gandhi personifies the greatness of the time-honoured proposition that Love is superior to Hatred, that Good is better than Evil. Great personages of history who based their “greatness” on Hatred and Evil, on conquests and oppression, have all gone under. The Byzantines and the Ottomans, the Mongols and the Mughals, the British and the Spanish once strode the earth as if they owned it. Today only Britain and Spain survive, and that as second-class entities confined to Europe. Alexander, the first king in history to be called “The Great,” died a lonely death as a disillusioned and defeated man at the incredible age of 33. Nothing of his greatness remains today even in his native Macedonia which is now but an appendage to the horrible tragedy of Yugoslavia. op yM yK (2) Implied in Toynbee’s assessment was the deduction that Gandhi was not just an Indian phenomenon. No doubt India derived unequalled benefit from his leadership. By fitting the freedom struggle into the framework of a philosophy of justice and fairness, he achieved for India a stature that was denied to other countries, including China, that won independence around the same time. That the stature was quickly lost by the governments that came to power on the labours of Gandhi is a different matter. The decline of India did not amount to any repudiation of Gandhi. Indeed, it was seen as a consequence of the betrayal of Gandhi by his supposed followers. 23 b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita Reading C (3) The true measure of his impact on history is that it is not dependent on the successful completion of his mission in India. The others who soldiered on with him in the epic war of independence - Jawaharlal Nehru and Sardar Patel included - will be remembered for what they did in India and for India, they were essentially Indian personalities. So, for that matter, was Jinnah whose life’s work boiled down to the creation of a state on what rapidly proved to be a dubious premise. (4) Gandhi soared above them all because he dealt essentially with ideas and theories relevant to all mankind. Like Buddhism, Gandhism lost ground in the land out of which it evolved. But, like Buddhism, it has been embraced by distant people who see in its tenets the promise of a meaningful life. It was as though Gandhi’s involvement with India was merely (6) Greatness built on murder and acquisition passes. Greatness rising out of compassion and service abides. The Buddha abides. Christ abides. The great unknown thinkers of the Upanishads abide. Gandhi carried that tradition through to our times. He might have been let down by the “Gandhians” who, armed with political power, have turned India into a mess. That too is parallel to the way quarrelling Buddhists, exploitative Christians and latelyintolerant Hindus have been letting down their preceptors. But their smallness does not detract from the true greatness of the sages who opened the path of enlightenment for them and for the world. They abide because they gave without taking. They were not men of arms. They were men of ideas. Parithranaya sadhunam, they appear from age to age. They Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - appear to teach us that the world can be conquered, not with force, but with ideas. It was the lesson of this Millennium too - taught by the Man of the Millennium. (a) (i) What did Gandhi achieve through his philosophy of justice and fairness? [2 marks] (ii)How will Jawahar Lal Nehru and Sardar Patel be remembered ? [1 mark] (iii)According to Raja Rao, what did Gandhi represent ? [2 marks] (iv)The author talks of two types of greatness. Which one is much appreciated and admired ? [2 marks] (v)What was the lesson of this millennium? [2 marks] 2. Note-Making It took hundreds of millions of years to produce the life that now inhabits the earth and reached a stage of adjustment and balance with its surroundings. The environment contained elements that were hostile as well as supporting. Even within the light of the sun, there were short wave radiations with power to injure. Given time, life has adjusted and a balance reached. For time is the essential ingredient, but in the modern world there is no time. The rapidity of change and the speed with which new situations are created follow the heedless pace of man rather than the deliberate pace of nature. Radiation is no longer the bombardment of cosmic rays; it is now the unnatural creation of man’s tampering with the atom. The chemicals to which life is asked to make adjustments are no longer merely calcium and silica and copper and all the rest of the minerals washed out of the rocks and carried in the rivers to the sea; they are the synthetic creations of man’s inventive mind, brewed in his laboratories, and having no counterparts in nature. (a) On the basis of your understanding of the above passage make notes on it using heading and sub-headings. Use recognisable abbreviation (wherever necessary-minimum four) and a format you consider suitable. Also supply a title to it. [5 marks] (b) Write a summary of the passage in about 80 words. [3 marks] yM yK (b) Pick out one word from the passage that means the same as : [3 marks] (i) continuous decrease/fall (para 2) (ii) strong effect (para 3) (iii) rose quickly (para 4) CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 24 op 1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : [8 marks] (Delhi, AI, Foreign 2017) C The most alarming of man’s assaults upon the environment is the contamination of air, earth, rivers, and sea with lethal materials. This pollution is for the most part irrevocable; the chain of evil it initiates is for the most part irreversible. In this contamination of the environment chemicals are the sinister partners of radiation in changing the very nature of the world; radiation released through nuclear explosions into the air, comes to the earth in rain, lodges into the soil, enters the grass or corn, or wheat grown there and reaches the bones of a human being, there to ramain until his death. Similarly, chemicals sprayed on crops lie long in soil, entering living organisms, passing from one to another in a chain of poisoning and death. Or they pass by underground streams until they emerge and combine into new forms that kill vegetation, sicken cattle, and harm those who drink from once pure wells. 2. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : [8 marks] (Delhi, AI, Foreign 2016) People tend to amass possessions, sometimes without being aware of doing so. They can have a delightful surprise when they find something useful which they did not know they owned. Those who never have to change house become indiscriminate collectors of what can only be described as clutter. They leave unwanted objects in drawers, cupboards and attics for years in the belief that they may one day need them. Old people also accumulate belongings for two other reasons, lack of physical and mental energy, and sentiment. Things owned Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - op C (a) On the basis of your understanding of the above passage make notes on it, using headings and subheadings. Use recognisable abbreviations wherever necessary - (minimum four) and a format you consider suitable. Also supply an appropriate title to it. [5 marks] (b) Write a summary of the passage in about 80 words. [3 marks] 25 3. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : [8 marks] (Delhi, AI, Foreign 2015) It is surprising that sometimes we don’t listen to what people say to us. We hear them, but we don’t listen to them. I was curious to know how hearing is different from listening. I had thought both were synonyms, but gradually, I realised there is a big difference between the two words. Hearing is a physical phenomenon. Whenever somebody speaks, the sound waves generated reach you, and you definitely hear whatever is said to you. However, even if you hear something, it doesn’t always mean that you actually understand whatever is being said. Paying attention to whatever you hear means you are really listening. Consciously using your mind to understand whatever is being said is listening. Diving deeper, I found that listening is not only hearing with attention, but is much more than that. Listening is hearing with full attention, and applying our mind. Most of the time, we listen to someone, but our minds are full of needless chatter and there doesn’t seem to be enough space to accommodate what is being spoken. We come with a lot of prejudices and preconceived notions about the speaker or the subject on which he is talking. We pretend to listen to the speaker, but deep inside, we sit in judgement and are dying to pronounce right or wrong, true or false, yes or no. Sometimes, we even come prepared with a negative mindset of proving the speaker wrong. Even if the speaker says nothing harmful, we are ready to pounce on him with our own version of things. What we should ideally do is listen first with full awareness. Once, we have done that, we can decide whether we want to make a judgement or not. Once we do that, communication will be perfect and our interpersonal relationship will become so much better. Listening well doesn’t mean one has to say the right thing at the right moment. In fact, sometimes if words are left unspoken, there is a feeling of yM yK for a long time are full of associations with the past, perhaps with the relatives who are dead, and so they gradually acquire a sentimental value. Some things are collected deliberately in an attempt to avoid wastage. Among these are string and brown paper, kept by thrifty people when a parcel has been opened. Collecting small items can be a mania. A lady cuts out from newspaper sketches of model clothes that she would like to buy if she had money. As she is not rich, the chances are that she will never be able to afford such purchases. It is a harmless habit, but it litters up her desk. Collecting as a serious hobby is quite different and has many advantages. It provides relaxation for leisure hours, as just looking at one’s treasure is always a joy. One doesn’t have to go out for amusement as the collection is housed at home. Whatever it consists of stamps, records, first editions of books, China - there is always something to do in connection with it, from finding the right place for the latest addition to verifying facts in reference books. This hobby educates one not only in the chosen subject, but also in general matters which have some bearing on it. There are other benefits also. One gets to meet like-minded collectors to get advice, compare notes, exchange articles, to show off one’s latest find, etc. So, one’s circle of friends grows. Soon the hobby leads to travelling, perhaps a meeting in another town, possibly a trip abroad in search of a rare specimen, for collectors are not confined to one country. Over the years one may well become an authority on one’s hobby and will probably be asked to give informal talks to little gatherings and then, if successful, to larger audiences. b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita Reading Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - tension and negativity. Therefore, it is better to speak out your mind, but do so with awareness after listening to the speaker with full concentration. Let’s look at this in another way. When you really listen, you imbibe not only what is being spoken, but you also understand what is not spoken as well. Most of the time we don’t really listen even to people who really matter to us. That’s how misunderstandings grow among families, husbands and wives, brothers and sisters. (a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it, using headings and sub headings. Use recognisable abbreviations (wherever necessary - minimum four) and a format you consider suitable. Also supply an appropriate title to it. [5 marks] sugar in the salt shakers are at this level. The intention is humorous, but there is a chance of harm. Irresponsible advise given to other is also serious stupidity. An example is the person who plays psychiatrist on the basis of an introductory psychology course or doing a TV program on psychiatry. The intention maybe to help, but if the victim really needs psychiatric help an amateur will only worsen the situation. Even worse is the third of stupidity. Kind people, who would never injure another living being, stupidly throw away a box of six-weekold kittens along a country road. Lacking the heart to kill the poor things, they sentence them to almost certain death from wild animals, infections exposure or the wheels of passing vehicle. Yet they are able to tell themselves that they will find ‘nice homes’ or ‘animals can get along in the wild’. Another example of this kind of stupidity is the successful local businessman who tries to have as many office affairs as he can get away with. He risks the loss of his business and his home. He fails to see that what he is doing is wrong. His is the true moral stupidity of a person not willing to think about the results of his actions or take responsibility for them. The common defence of a person guilty of stupidity is – ‘But I did not think.....’ This, however, is not an inadequate excuse, especially when serious or harmful stupidity is involved. (a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes on it using headings and subheadings. Use recognisable abbreviations, wherever necessary. [5 marks] (b) Write a summary of the passage in not more than 80 words using the notes made and also suggest a suitable title. [3 marks] yM yK (b) Write a summary of the passage in about 80 words. [3 marks] CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 26 C op 4. Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow : [8 marks] (AI 2015 C) Although stupidity is commonly defined as ‘a lack of normal intelligence’, stupid behaviour is not the behaviour of a person lacking in intelligence but the behaviour of a person not using good judgement or sense. In fact, stupidity comes from the Latin word that means ‘senseless’. Therefore, stupidity can be defined as the behaviour of a person of normal intelligence who acts in a particular situation as if he or she is not very bright. Stupidity exists at three levels of seriousness. First is the simple, relatively harmless level. Behaviour at this level is often amusing. It is humorous when someone places the food from a fast food restaurant on the roof of the car while unlocking the door and then drives away with the food still in the roof. We call this absent-minded. The person’s good sense or intelligence was temporarily absent. At this level, other than passing inconvenience or embarrassment, no one is injured by the stupid behaviour. The next type-serious stupidity-is more dangerous. Practical jokes such as putting 5. Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow : [8 marks] (Delhi, AI, Foreign 2014) (1) I remember my childhood as being generally happy and can recall experiencing some of the most carefree times of my life. But I can also remember, even more vividly, moments of being deeply frightened. As a child, I was truly Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - terrified of the dark and getting lost. These fears were very real and caused me some extremely uncomfortable moments. (2) Maybe it was the strange way things looked and sounded in my familiar room at night that scared me so much. There was never total darkness, but a street light or passing car lights made clothes hung over a chair take on the shape of an unknown beast. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw curtains move when there was no breeze. A tiny creak in the floor would sound a hundred times louder than in the daylight and my imagination would take over, creating burglars and monsters. Darkness always made me feel helpless. My heart would pound and I would lie very still so that ‘the enemy’ wouldn’t discover me. (a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes using headings and subheadings. Use recognisable abbreviations wherever necessary. [5 marks] (b) Write a summary of the passage in not more than 80 words using the notes made and also suggest a suitable title. [3 marks] 6. Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow : [8 marks] (AI 2014 C) The outcasts were not allowed to mount the platform surrounding the well, because if they were ever to draw water from it, the Hindus of the three upper castes would consider the water polluted. Nor were they allowed access to the nearby brook as their use of it would contaminate the stream. They had no well of their own because it cost a lot of money to dig a well in a hilly town. Perforce they had to collect at the foot of the uppercaste Hindu well and depend on the bounty of some of their superiors to pour water into their pitchers. More often than not there was no upper-caste Hindu present. Most of them were rich enough to get the water-carriers to supply them with plenty of fresh water every morning for their baths and kitchens, and only those came to the well who were either fond of an open-air bath or too poor to pay for the water-carriers’ services. So the outcasts had to wait for a chance to bring some uppercaste Hindu to the well, for luck to decide that he was kind, for Fate to ordain that he had time — to get their pitchers filled with water. They crowded round the well, congested the space below its high brick platform, morning, noon and night, joining their hands in servile humility to every passer-by; cursing their fate, and bemoaning their lot, if they were refused the help they wanted; praying, beseeching and blessing, if some generous soul condescended to listen to them, or to help them. C op yM yK (3) Another childhood fear of mine was that I would get lost, especially on the way home from school. Every morning, I got on the school bus right near my home - that was no problem. After school, though, when all the buses were lined up along the curve, I was terrified that I would get on the wrong one and be taken to some unfamiliar neighbourhood. I would scan the bus for the faces of my friends, make sure that the bus driver was the same one that had been there in the morning, and even then ask the others over and over again to be sure, I was in the right bus. On school or family trips to an amusement park or a museum, I wouldn’t let the leaders out of my sight. And of course, I was never very adventurous when it came to taking walks or hikes because I would go only where I was sure I would never get lost. (4) Perhaps, one of the worst fears I had as a child was that of not being liked or accepted by others. First of all, I was quite shy. Secondly, I worried constantly about my looks, thinking people wouldn’t like me because I was too fat or wore braces. I tried to wear ‘the right clothes’ and had intense arguments with my mother over the importance of wearing flats instead of saddled shoes to school. Being popular was very important to me then and the fear of not being liked was a powerful one. (5) One of the processes of evolving from a child to an adult is being able to recognise and 27 overcome our fears. I have learnt that darkness does not have to take on a life of its own, that others can help me when I am lost and that friendliness and sincerity will encourage people to like me. Understanding the things that scared us as children helps to cope with our lives as adults. b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita Reading Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - starch and sugar are digested and absorbed. The dietary fibres have the property of holding water and because of it, these get swollen and behave like a sponge as these pass through the gastrointestinal tract. The fibres add bulk to the diet and increase transit time in the gut. Some of these fibres may undergo fermentation in the colon. In recent years, it has been considered essential to have some amount of fibres in the diet. Their beneficial effects lie in preventing coronary heart disease, and decreasing cholesterol level. The fibres like gums and pectin are reported to decrease post-prandial (after meals) glucose level in blood. These types of dietary fibres are recommended for the management of certain types of diabetes. Recent studies have shown that the fenugreek (Methi) seeds, which contain 40 per cent gum, are effective in decreasing blood glucose and cholesterol levels as compared to other gum containing vegetables. Some dietary fibres increase transit time and decrease the time or release of ingested food in colon. The diet having less fibres is associated with colon cancer and the dietary fibres may play a role in decreasing the risk of it. The dietary fibres hold water so that stools are soft, bulky and readily eliminated. Therefore high fibre intake prevents or relieves constipation. The fibres increase motility of the small intestine and the colon and by decreasing the transit time there is less time for exposure of the mucosa to harmful toxic substances. Therefore, there is a less desire to eat and the energy intake can be maintained within the range of requirement. This phenomenon helps in keeping a check on obesity. Another reason in helping to decrease obesity is that the highfibre diets have somewhat lower coefficients of digestibility. The dietary fibres may have some adverse effects on nutrition by binding some trace metals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and others and therefore preventing their proper absorption. This may pose a possibility of nutritional deficiency especially when diets contain marginal levels of mineral elements. op yM yK When Sohini reached the well there were already about ten other outcasts waiting. But there was no one to given them water. She had come as fast as she could to the well, full of fear and anxiety that she would have to wait her turn since she could see from a distance that there was already a crowd. She didn’t feel disappointed so much as depressed to realise that she would be the eleventh to receive water. She had sensed the feeling in her brother’s soul. He was tired. He was thirsty. She had felt like a mother as she issued from her home to fetch water, a mother going out to fetch food and drink for her loved ones at home. Now as she sat in a row with her fellow sufferers, her heart sank. There was no sign of anyone passing that way who could be a possible benefactor. But she was patient. She had in her an inbred fortitude, obvious in her curious reserve, in her docile and peaceful bearing. (a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes using headings and subheadings. Use recognisable abbreviations, wherever necessary. [5 marks] (b) Make a summary of the above passage in not more than 80 words using the notes made and also suggest a suitable title. [3 marks] CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 28 C 7. Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow : [8 marks] (Delhi, AI, Foreign 2013) The term dietary fibres refers collectively to indigestible carbohydrates present in plant foods, the importance of these dietary fibres came into the picture when it was observed that the people having diet rich in these fibres, had low incidence of coronary heart disease, irritable bowel syndrome, dental caries and gall stones. The food stuffs rich in these dietary fibres are cereals and grains, legumes, fruits with seeds, citrus fruits, carrots, cabbage, green leafy vegetables, apples, melons, peaches, pears, etc. These dietary fibres are not digested by the enzymes of the stomach and the small intestine whereas most of other carbohydrates like Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - This may become important constraints on increasing dietary fibres. It is suggested that an intake of 40 grams dietary fibres per day is desirable. (Extracted from ‘The Tribune’) (a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it in points only, using recognisable abbreviations wherever necessary. Also suggest a suitable title. [5 marks] (b) Write a summary of the above in about 80 words. [3 marks] convey. He knows how to prompt, persuade but not to cut off or interrupt what the other person has to say. At times the speaker may or may not be coherent, articulate and well organised in his thoughts and expressions. He may have it in his mind and yet he may fail to marshal the right words while communicating his thought. Nevertheless a good listener puts him at ease, helps him articulate and facilitates him to get across the message that he wants to convey. For listening to be effective it is also necessary that barriers to listening are removed. Such barriers can be both physical and psychological. Physical barriers generally relate to hindrances to proper hearing whereas psychological barriers are more fundamental and relate to the interpretation and evaluation of speaker and the message. (a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes in points only, using abbreviations wherever necessary. Supply a suitable title. [5 marks] C op yM yK 8. Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow : [8 marks] (Delhi, AI, Foreign 2012) Research has shown that the human mind can process words at the rate of about 500 per minute, whereas a speaker speaks at the rate of about 150 words a minute. The difference between the two at 350 is quite large. So a speaker must make every effort to retain the attention of the audience and the listener should also be careful not to let his mind wander. Good communication calls for good listening skills. A good speaker must necessarily be a good listener. Listening starts with hearing but goes beyond. Hearing, in other words is necessary but in a sufficient condition for listening. Listening involves hearing with attention. Listening is a process that calls for concentration. While listening, one should also be observant. In other words, listening has to do with the ears, as well as with the eyes and the mind. Listening is to be understood as total process that involves hearing with attention, being observant and making interpretations. Good communication is essentially an interactive process. It calls for participation and involvement. It is quite often a dialogue rather than a monologue. It is necessary to be interested and also show or make it abundantly clear that one is interested in knowing what the other person has to say. Good listening is an art that can be cultivated. It relates to skills that can be developed. A good listener knows the art of getting much more than what the speaker is trying to 29 b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita Reading (b) Write a summary of the above passage in 80 words. [3 marks] 9. Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow : [8 marks] (Delhi, AI, Foreign 2011) There is nothing more frustrating than when you sit down at your table to study with the most sincere of intentions and instead of being able to finish the task at hand, you find your thoughts wandering. However, there are certain techniques that you can use to enhance your concentration. “Your concentration level depends on a number of factors,” says Sonali Ghosh, a social counsellor. “In order to develop your concentration span, it is necessary to examine various facts of your physical and internal environment,” she adds. To begin with, one should attempt to create the physical environment that is conducive to focussed thought. Whether it is the radio, TV or your noisy neighbours, identify the factors that make it difficult for you to focus. For instance, if you live in a very noisy neighbourhood, you could try to plan your study hours in a nearby library. Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - practice and patience and does not take very long to become a habit for life. (a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it in points only, using abbreviations wherever necessary. Supply a suitable title. [5 marks] (b) Write a summary of the above in 80 words. [3 marks] b 10. Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow : [8 marks] (Delhi, AI, Foreign 2010) Despite all the research everyone of us catches cold and most of us catch it frequently. Our failure to control one of the commonest of all ailments sometimes seems ridiculous. Medical science regularly practises transplant surgery and has rid whole countries of such killing diseases as Typhus and the Plague. But the problem of common cold is unusually difficult and much has yet to be done to solve it. It is known that cold is caused by one of a number of viral infections that affect the lining of the nose and other passages leading to the lungs but the confusing variety of viruses makes study and remedy very difficult. It was shown in 1960 that many typical colds in adults are caused by one or the other of a family of viruses known as rhinoviruses, yet there still remain many colds for which no virus has as yet been isolated. There is also the difficulty that because they are so much smaller than the bacteria which cause many other infections, viruses cannot be seen with ordinary microscopes. Nor can they be cultivated easily in the bacteriologist’s laboratory, since they only grow within the living cells of animals or plants. An important recent step forward, however, is the development of the technique of tissue culture, in which bits of animal tissue are enabled to go on living and to multiply independently of the body. This has greatly aided virus research and has led to the discovery of a large number of viruses. Their existence had previously been not only unknown but even unsuspected. The fact that we can catch cold repeatedly creates another difficulty. Usually a virus strikes op yM yK She disagrees with the notion that people can concentrate or study in an environment with distractions like a loud television, blaring music, etc. “If you are distracted when you are attempting to focus, your attention and retention powers do not work at optimum levels,” cautions Ghosh, “Not more than two of your senses should be activated at the same time,” she adds. What that means is that music that sets your feet tapping is not the ideal accompaniment to your books. Also, do not place your study table or desk in front of a window. “While there is no cure for a mind that wants to wander, one should try and provide as little stimulus as possible. Looking out of a window when you are trying to concentrate will invariably send your mind on a tangent,” says Ghosh. The second important thing, she says, is to establish goals for oneself instead of setting a general target and then trying to accomplish what you can in a haphazard fashion. It is very important to decide what you have to finish in a given span of time. The human mind recognises fixed goals and targets and appreciates schedules more than random thoughts. Once your thoughts and goals are in line, a focussed system will follow. She recommends that you divide your schedule into study and recreation hours. When you study, choose a mix of subjects that you enjoy and dislike and save the former for the last so that you have something to look forward to. For instance, if you enjoy verbal skill tests more than mathematical problems, then finish Maths first. Not only will you find yourself working harder, you will have a sense of achievement when you wind up. Try not to sit for more than 40 minutes at a stretch. Take a very short break to make a cup of tea or listen to a song and sit down again. Under no circumstances, should one sit for more than one and a half hours. Short breaks build your concentration and refresh your mind. However, be careful not to overdo the relaxation. It may have undesired effects. More than anything else, do not get disheartened. Concentration is merely a matter of disciplining the mind. It comes with CBSE Champion English Core ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab C 30 Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - only once and leaves the victim immune to further attacks. Still we do not gain immunity from cold. Why? It may possibly be due to the fact that while other viruses get into the blood stream where anti-bodies can oppose them, the viruses causing cold attack cells only on the surface. Or it may be that immunity from one of the many different viruses does not guarantee protection from all the others. It seems, therefore, that we are likely to have to suffer colds for some time yet. (a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it in points only, using abbreviations wherever necessary. Also suggest a suitable title. [5 marks] (b) Write a summary of the passage in not more than 80 words using the notes made. [3 marks] Concentration is helped by alertness. Mental alertness is helped by physical alertness. It is not simply physical fitness, but also positioning of the body, the limbs and the head. Some people also find it helpful to their concentration if they hold the head slightly to one side. One useful way for achieving this is intensive note-taking, by trying to capture the critical headings and subheadings the speaker is referring to. Note-taking has been recommended as an aid to the listener. It also helps the speaker. It gives him confidence when he sees that listeners are sufficiently interested to take notes; the patterns of eye contact when the note-taker looks up can be very positive; and the speaker’s timing is aided—he can see when a note-taker is writing hard and can then make effective use of pauses. Posture too is important. Consider the impact made by a less competent listener who pushes his chair backwards and slouches. An upright posture helps a listener’s concentration. At the same time it is seen by the speakers to be a positive feature amongst his listeners. Effective listening skills have an impact on both the listener and the speaker. C op yM yK 11. Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow : [8 marks] (Delhi, AI, Foreign 2009) Effective speaking depends on effective listening. It takes energy to concentrate on hearing and to concentrate on understanding what has been heard. Incompetent listeners fail in a number of ways. First, they may drift. Their attention drifts from what the speaker is saying. Second, they may counter. They find counter arguments to whatever a speaker may be saying. Third, they compete. Then, they filter. They exclude from their understanding those parts of the message which do not readily fit with their own frame of reference. Finally they react. They let personal feelings about speaker or subject override the significance of the message which is being sent. What can a listener do to be more effective? The first key of effective listening is the art of concentration. If a listener positively wishes to concentrate on receiving a message his chances of success are high. It may need determination. Some speakers are difficult to follow, either because of voice problems, or because of the form in which they send a message. There is then a particular need for the determination of a listener to concentrate on what is being said. 31 b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita Reading (a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes on it using headings and subheadings. Use recognisable abbreviations wherever necessary. [5 marks] (b) Write a summary of the passage in not more than 80 words using the notes made and also suggest a suitable title. [3 marks] 12. Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow : [8 marks] (Delhi, AI, Foreign 2008) A vast blanket of pollution stretching across South Asia is cutting down sunlight by 10 per cent over India, damaging agriculture, modifying rainfall patterns and putting hundreds of thousands of people at risk, according to a new study. The startling findings of scientists working with the United Nations Environment Programme indicate that the spectacular economic growth Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - Research carried out in India indicates that the haze caused by pollution might be reducing winter rice harvests by as much as 10 per cent, the report said. (a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it using headings and subheadings. Use recognizable abbreviations, wherever necessary. [5 marks] (b) Write a summary of the passage in 80 words using the notes made and also suggest a suitable title. [3 marks] 13. Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow : [8 marks] (Delhi, AI, Foreign 2007) The tests of life are its plus factors. Overcoming illness and suffering is a plus factor for it moulds character. Steel is iron plus fire, soil is rock plus heat. So let’s include the plus factor in our lives. Sometimes the plus factor is more readily seen by the simple-hearted. Myers tells the story of a mother who brought into her home - as a companion to her own son - a little boy who happened to have a hunchback. She had warned her son to be careful not to refer to his disability, and to go right on playing with him as if he were like any other boy. yM yK “Acids in the haze may, by falling as acid rain, have the potential to damage crops and trees. Ash falling on leaves can aggravate the impacts of reduced sunlight on earth’s surface. The pollution that is forming the haze could be leading to several hundreds of thousands of premature deaths as a result of higher levels of respiratory diseases,” it said. Results from seven cities in India alone, including Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad and Kolkata, estimate that air pollution was annually responsible for 24,000 premature deaths in the early 1990s. By the mid 1990s they resulted in an estimated 37,000 premature fatalities. set to intensify over the next 30 years as the population of the Asian region rises to an estimated five billion people. b seen in this part of the world in the past decade may soon falter as a result of this pollution. CBSE Champion English Core ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab op “The haze has cut down sunlight over India by 10 per cent (so far) - a huge amount! As a repercussion, the North West of India is drying up.” Prof. V. Ramanathan said when asked specifically about the impact of the haze over India. Stating that sunlight was going down every year, he said. “We are still in an early stage of understanding of the impact of the haze. Asked whether the current drought in most parts of India after over a decade of good monsoon was owing to the haze, he said, “it was too early to reach a conclusion. If the drought persists for about four to five years, then we should start suspecting that it may be because of the haze.” C 32 India, China and Indonesia are the worst affected owing to their population density, economic growth and depleting forest cover. The preliminary results indicate, that the build up of haze, a mass of ash, acids, aerosols and other particles is disrupting weather systems, including rainfall and wind patterns and triggering droughts in western parts of the Asian Continent. The concern is that the regional and global impacts of the haze are The boys were playing and after a few minutes she overheard her son say to his companion: “Do you know what you have got on your back?” The little boy was embarrassed, but before he could reply, his playmate continued: “It is the box in which your wings are and some day God is going to cut it open and then you will fly away and be an angel.” Often it takes a third eye, or a change in focus, to see the plus factor. Walking along the corridors of a hospital recently where patients were struggling with fear of pain and tests, I was perturbed. What gave me fresh perspective were the sayings put up everywhere, intended to uplift. One saying made me conscious of the beauty of the universe in the midst of pain, suffering and struggle. The other saying assured me that God was with me when I was in deep water and that no troubles would overwhelm me. Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - The impact of those sayings also made me aware of the nether springs that flow into people’s lives when they touch rock-bottom or lonely, or even deserted. The nether springs make recovery possible, and they bring peace and patience in the midst of pain and distress. It is true that there is no shortage of destructive elements - forces and people who seek to destroy others and in the process, destroy themselves - but at the same time there are signs of love and life everywhere that are constantly enabling us to overcome setbacks. So let’s not look only at gloom and doom let’s seek out positivity and happiness. For it is when you seek that you will find what is waiting to be discovered. (a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it using headings and subheadings. Use recognisable abbreviations, wherever necessary. [5 marks] (b) Write a summary of the above passage in 80 words using the notes made and also suggest a suitable title. [3 marks] yM yK The forces of death and destruction are not so much physical as they are psychic and psychological. When malice, hate and hardheartedness prevail, they get channelled as forces of destruction. Where openness, peace and good-heartedness prevail, the forces of life gush forth to regenerate hope and joy. The life force is triumphant when love overcomes fear. Both fear and love are deep mysteries, but the effect of love is to build whereas fear tends to destroy. Love is often the plus factor that helps build character. It helps us to accept and to overcome suffering. It creates lasting bonds and its reach is infinite. 33 b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita Reading Answers 1. Unseen Passages C op 1. (a) (ii), (b) (ii), (c) (iv), (d) (ii) (e) The two things in the bus, which made the narrator feel uncomfortable were the inhospitably leaking window and the over-powering smell of goat cheese being eaten by the man behind him. (f) The ground green with grass, the slopes dark with pine, few cattle drinking at a clear stream flowing past moss-covered stones; it all made the scene look like a Constable landscape. (g) As the bus climbed higher, the narrator regretted not having something warmer to wear. (h) The narrator liked to buy food from outside because they sold highly spiced kababs, cooked nicely on charcoal braziers, with naan. (i) The pair of pants, which Mr. Cao sent for the narrator were several sizes too large but more than comfortable. (j) Mr. Cao did not like the narrator to swim in the lake because there had been incidents of people drowning in it. (k) (i) Vendor (ii) Exaggerated 2. (a) (ii)(b) (iv) (c) Thackeray came to Kittur because he thought that the presence of British on the outskirts would terrorise the rulers and the people, which would enable him to crush the revolt in no time. (d) Kittur officials refused to give the desired assurance to Thackeray because no documents could be signed without sanction from Rani Chennamma. (e) As the Horse Artillery approached the fort, Sardar Gurusiddappa promptly commanded his men to repel and chase them away. The Kittur forces made a bold front and overpowered the British soldiers. (f) The British women and children captured along with the men were treated with kindness and compassion by the Rani. She ordered them to be fed and given shelter in the palace itself. Later, she sent a word through a messenger to Thackeray that the British women and children were safe and could be taken back any time. (g) After meeting the Rani, the British women would have felt scared at first, but safe and well respected later. (h) The Rani refused to meet Thackeray because she saw no points in meeting the man who had come with an army to threaten Kittur into submission to British sovereignty. Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - (i) (i) Stormed into (ii) Defiant (g) Pilgrims have a very casual attitude and are completely unaware of the history or tradition. They are more into taking pictures and appreciating the novelty of the church. (h) According to the gospels, Jesus’ crucifixion occurred at a place outside the city walls with graves nearby and as the archaeologist have discovered tombs from the biblical era hence, the site is compatible. (i) Room of the tomb is a very small place, hence, the pilgrims entered in a single file. (j) The women knelt down to pray at the large marble slab, and felt overwhelmed as Jesus was buried there. (k) (i) Tomb (ii) Non-descript 6. (a) (iv) (b) (iv) (c) Earlier pilgrimages were a penance to stay near nature and did not require luxury rooms or big cars to travel but now they have become more of a tourism opportunity where people go for a picnic. (d) When pilgrimages turn into picnics, the significance of it as a sadhana is lost. It becomes more of a social gathering, a life of comfort and a boost to ego, where pilgrims brag about charity and their special darshan. (e) We are complacent in our spiritual efforts because we think that external solutions will fulfil our need. (f) Nature’s fierce blows will sooner or later corner us and force us to understand that she is the supreme one. (g) In olden days, pilgrimages were more of a sadhana to love people, stay close to the nature, understand it, stay healthy and eat healthy. It was also for seeking freedom from attachment. It was not to adhere to materialistic pleasure and live a luxurious life. (h) A pilgrimage is symbolic of contemplation, meditation and acceptance and is a metaphor for the constant growth or movement and love for nature that we should hold in our hearts. (i) (i) Evolution (ii) Complacent yM yK 3. (a) (ii), (b) (iii), (c) (i), (d) (iii) (e) Bappa Rawal was the earliest King of Mewar as mentioned in the passage. (f) Rana Kumbha gave a new stature to the kingdom through victories and developmental work. During his reign, literature and art also progressed extraordinarily. (g) According to the writer, the pleasant, loving and the cheerful nature of the people of Mewar is worth admiration. (h) The art and literature could flourish in Mewar as it was the land of brave, and the peaceful and prosperous life of people there made it possible. (i) The rulers were very liberal and allowed people from other communities and kingdoms to come and carry out construction work. (j) The erection of Vijaya Stambha and Kirti Stambha in the same fort signifies the closeness between the King and the subjects of Mewar. (k) (i) Astonishing (ii) Testimony CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 34 C op 4. (a) (i) (b) (iv) (c) The mother panther rarely delivers five cubs. (d) If the panther cubs are not born blind, they might drift away from the place of safety. (e) The ‘Mahout’ drove his elephant away as he spotted the tigress from the distance. (f) The tigress spat at its cubs, as they made beeline to the kill. (g) From the narrator’s observation, the nature of the tigress is caring and loving towards her cubs. She even acts like a good teacher to her cubs. (h) The panther does not face the risk of extinction because of the safety provided by the mother panther. It enjoys wider distribution because it procreates sufficiently profusely to ensure its continuity for all time to come. (i) (a) Drifting (b) Descended 5. (a) (iv), (b) (i), (c) (ii), (d) (iv) (e) According to the Greek belief, the ‘stone of anointing’ is a place where Christ was removed from the cross. (f) Emperor Constantine built Rotunda to safeguard the Holy Sepulchre and the remaining structure around it. 7. 1.1 (a) (ii) (b) (iii) (c) (i) (d) (ii) 1.2 (a) The narrator’s sick father wanted her to fetch files from the cupboard because he wanted to explain the details of her mother’s pension. Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - may develop a distorted sense of entitlement that hampers their success in the work place and in relationships. (iii) Today’s children want more because nowadays there is so much more to want. Moreover, they consider luxurious items as essential utilities. (iv) In today’s world, parents need to strike a balance between the advantages of an affluent society and the critical life lessons that come from waiting, saving and working hard to achieve goals. (v) There is a need to set limits for children because they feel better and more secure when they live within a secured structure. (b) (i) Contentment (ii) Precious (iii) Essential 10. (a) (i) Some people object to the banning of plastic bags because of their own convenience. (ii) It is not considered practical because plastic bags are not durable enough to survive many trips to the store. (iii) Disposal of plastic bags is even worse because if we landfill it, it will take hundreds of years to decompose and if we burn it, it will emit toxic gases and harm the environment even more. (iv) Sea animals easily mistake the size, shape and texture of plastic bags for a meal. These bags choke the intestinal tracts of sea animals which causes needless deaths. In a similar way plastic bags are also responsible for suffocation and death of land animals too. (v) The recycling process is very costly. Plastic bags don’t melt down easily and are often not fit for reuse in their original form. (vi) One possible alternative is the use of paper bags but that is also harmful for the environment. On the other hand reusable plastic bags are being introduced to some regions that want to outlaw the use of plastic bags. (b) (i) Disposal (ii) Suffocation (iii) Expensive yM yK (b) Satish used to come late about which everyone in the family was complaining, so Baba bought him a watch. (c) The caterer did not want to take money from the narrator because narrator’s father had lend him some money to start his business and never asked it back. (d) The narrator and her brother were surprised on meeting the parking assistant because Baba used to pay his daughter’s school fee and bought her books, also Baba advised him to send his daughter to school. (e) After years of his passing, today, when the narrator thinks of Baba, she sees a man who was able to sympathise with others and touched their lives in a very special way. (f) When the narrator was disappointed with her result, her baba fabricated a story telling her that he got a third division and still did well in his life and consoled her. (g) (i) Worried (ii) Retainer 35 b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita Reading C op 8. 2.1 (a) (ii) (b) (iii) 2.2 (a) Yadav has no choice except for pulling rickshaw to earn his livelihood. So he stares ahead blankly with folded arms around his knees. (b) The rickshaw pullers go about their work pulling their rickshaws like horses. They make a great subject for photographers, writers and filmmakers as the symbol of poor Calcutta. (c) Every month without fail, Yadav used to send ` 300 to his wife back home and once in every year visit her too. (d) He lives in a room in a nearly lane, paying a rent of fifty rupees. (e) The rickshaw and the rickshaw puller make quite a pair. The writer concludes that both are interdependent on each other. (f) Apart from poverty, they all come from the country side. They all wear lungi and almost all of them are elderly. (g) (a) Famous (b) Earning 9. (a) (i) Teachers and parents want children to learn values like hard work, contentment, honesty and compassion. (ii) When children are given too much too soon, they grow up to be adults who have difficulty coping with life’s disappointments. Such children 11. (a) (i) An air pollutant is a substance, which is present while normally it is not there or present in the atmosphere in an amount exceeding normal concentration. (ii) Air pollutants can either be gaseous (carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, ozone, etc.) or it can be Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - (b) (i) Nausea (ii) Persistent (iii) Dampness C op 12. (a) (i) Stress is a reaction of the body to any demands or changes in its internal and external environment. Factors, such as imbalance between demands and resources, change in temperature, pollutants, humidity and working conditions lead to stress. (ii) The various signs that can be observed : (a) change in the attitude and behaviour (b) muscle tension (c) palpitation, high blood pressure, indigestion and hyperacidity (d) depression, lethargy, weakness to work (iii) The different diseases caused by stress are : (a) heart diseases (b) neurological depression (c) ulcers (d) hypertension (e) insomnia (f) injuries due to accidents (iv) (a) Relaxation techniques (b) Hobbies (v) A person under stress reacts in different ways. The common ones are flight, fight and flee depending on the nature of the stress and capabilities of the person. (b) (i) Collapse (iii) Lethargic (ii) Reprimand 13. (a) (i) No government so far has succeeded in eradicating child labour or ensuring compulsory primary education for every Indian child. (ii) (a)Each state has different rules regarding the minimum age of employment. (b) No ban on child labour in no-hazardous occupations. (c) The act applies only to organized or factory sector and not the unorganized sector. (d) Implementation of existing laws is lax (give any two). (iii) Industries have special demand for child labour because of their nimble fingers, high level of concentration, capacity to work hard at low wages. (iv) (a)Prone to debilitating diseases, which can cripple them for life (b) Limbs become deformed because of working in cramped, damp and unhygienic spaces (c) Victims of bronchial diseases and TB (d) Mental and physical development is permanently impaired (e) Remain uneducated and powerless (f)No escape from the vicious circle (give any two) (v) The Supreme Court’s Directive of 1997 provides punitive action against employers of child labour. (b) (i) Hazardous (ii) Hostile (iii) Punitive 14. (a) (i) (a) Highly self-directed person and alive to the sense of her dignity. (b) Women are rational in approach careful in handling situations and want to do things as best as possible. (ii) Women’s participation and empowerment are considered necessary because no enduring solution of society’s most threatening social, economic and political problems like eradicating poverty, etc. could be solved without women. yM yK in the form of particulate matter (dusts of various inorganic or organic origins). (iii) A feeling of suffocation occurs due to lack of oxygen. (iv) Sick-Building Syndrome is a group of symptoms, such as general feeling of malaise, headache, dizziness and irritation of mucous membranes, which come accompanied by nausea, itching aches, pains and depression. Sick-Building Syndrome is increasing because of small, poorly ventilated and over furnished houses. (v) Indoor smoking is the main source of indoor pollution as there are over 3000 chemical constituents in tobacco smoke, which are harmful for human health. (vi) We can overcome the dangers of indoor air pollution by ensuring proper ventilation in our house. This way we will be able to get rid of increased concentrations of oxides of nitrogen and sulphur, carbon monoxide and other indoor pollutants. Care should also be taken to isolate persons suffering from viral and bacterial diseases. CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 36 Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - (iii) (a) Deep foundation of inequality of sexes. (b) Early marriage, poverty, etc. (c) Negative attitude towards sending girls to schools. (d) Oppressive traditions, superstitions, exploitation and corruption. (give any two) (iv) It gave them 30 per cent reservation in Village Panchayats, Block Samities and Zila Parishads throughout the country. (v) With the help of education the sense of inequality of the sexes can be removed from the minds of the people. (b) (i) Oppressive (ii) Eradicate (iii) Populous 17. (a) (i) Gandhi, through his philosophy of justice and fairness, achieved a stature for India, which was denied to other countries, including China that won independence around the same time. (ii) Jawahar Lal Nehru and Sardar Patel will be remembered as essential Indian personalities who, among others, soldiered on with Gandhi in the epic war of independence. (iii) According to Raja Rao, Gandhi represented – symbol of universal principle. – the transcendent quality of life and thought. – universality. – ideas and theories related to all mankind. (give any one) (iv) Out of the two types, greatness rising out of compassion and service is much appreciated and admired. (v) The lesson of the millennium was that the world can be conquered, not with force, but with ideas. C op yM yK 15. (a) (i) Friends play an important role in our life today than ever before because the life today has become very busy and we are separated from our original families due to our busy schedules or work commitments. Thus, friends are the ones on whom we can rely on in the absence of our family. They are a family away from a family. (ii) Today when everybody is engrossed in their lives so much, friendship is considered as an essential human need because people are suffering from depression, and friends bring intimacy and richness in their lives. (iii) Friendship is different from other relationships because it never pressurises any role on us. A person can remain his or her true self, but at the same time is free to change too. It is an unconditional relation where we receive as much as we give. It brings about a positive side in us, which we never show in any other relationship. (iv) The two essential human values that help friends to grow are, remaining attentive towards your friend and accepting the friend the way he or she is. (v) Active listening skills, questioning skills, negotiation skills, reflecting content skills, reflecting emotion skills and editing oneself are some of the communication skills that help in building friendship. (b) (i) Fundamental (ii) Negotiation (iii) Opportunity 16. (a) (i) ‘Depressed’ in common usage means sad, frustrated, fed up, bored and pessimistic. 37 (ii) Reactive depression is that which arises out of environmental factors. (iii) In ancient India, old people were considered as repositories of wisdom and traditions. (iv) The causes for disintegration of joint family system are transformation of social structures and values from traditional to modern and rapid stride in urbanisation and industrialisation. (v) For one to recover from mild depression, kind words and timely support of friends, relatives and family members often help. (b) (i) Diminished (ii) Alienated (iii) Spouse b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita Reading (b) (i) Decline (iii) Soared (ii) Impact 2. Note-Making 1. (a) Title : The Ailing Environment 1. Contamination of Environment 1.1 Lethal mat. in air, earth, rivers & sea 1.2 Initiates evil chain of pollution 1.3 Chems. and rad. create havoc 1.4 Reaches bones of humans Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 2. Hundreds of millions of years 2.1 Life reached stg. of adjust. 2.2 balance with surround. 2.3 no time for modern world 3. Radiation 3.1 no longer the bombt. of cosmic rays 3.2 unnatural creation of man 3.2.1 tampering with atom 3.3 natural chems. replaced by synthc. chems. 3.3.1 made in labs. 3.3.2 no counterparts in nature. 4. Other benefits of collctng. 4.1 Growth of frnd. circle 4.2 Travelling 4.3 Meeting in another town 4.4 Able to address audience Abbreviations used : 1. accu.– accumulating 2. phy.– physical 3. Collctng. – Collecting 4. Relxn. – Relaxation 5. Amusnt. – Amusement 6. edu.– education 7. frnd.– friend (b) Summary People unknowingly collect different kind of things. They leave unwanted objects in drawers and cupboards for years believing that they may use them in the future. The two reasons why old people accumulate belongings are due to the lack of physical and mental energy and sentiment. Collecting small items can be to avoid wastage or it can be a mania. There are many advantages for those who have collecting as a serious hobby. It gives relaxation for leisure hours, amusement and it is a source of education. The other benefits of collecting are: there would be a growth of friend circle, it leads to travelling, meetings in another towns and even one can become an authority on one’s hobby and will be able to address gatherings and audiences. C op yM yK Abbreviations used : 1. mat. - material 2. Chems. - Chemicals 3. rad.- radiation 4. &- and 5. stg. - stage 6. adjust. - adjustment 7. surround. - surroundings 8. bombt. - bombardment 9. synthc. - synthetic 10. labs. - laboratories (b) Summary Lethal materials in air, earth, rivers and sea contaminates the environment, initiating an irreversible evil chain of pollution. Chemicals and radiation create havoc in contaminating the environment. They reach human bones through different mediums. Life reached the stage of adjustment and balance with the surroundings in hundreds of millions of years. Unfortunately, the modern world does not have much time. Bombardment of cosmic rays no longer causes radiation, it is the unnatural creation of man. CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 38 2. (a) Title-Collecting - A Hobby 1. Reasons why old people accu. belongings 1.1 Lack of phy. & mental energy 1.2 Sentiments 2. Collctng. things 2.1 Avoid wastage 2.2 Mania 3. Collctng. as a serious hobby 3.1 Relxn. for leisure hours. 3.2 Amusnt. 3.3 Source of edu. 3. (a) Title-Listening Verses Hearing 1. Listening vs. Hearing 1.1 Difference between the two synonyms 1.2 Hearing but not listening 1.3 Paying attention 1.4 Hearing as a physical phenomenon 1.5 Consciously using your mind 1.6 Mind full of needless chatter 1.7 Accommodating what is said 2. Judgement about the speaker 2.1 Prejudiced and preconceived notions 2.2 Dying to pro. right or wrong 2.3 Neg. mindset 2.4 Proving our ver. of things right 3. Ideal way of listening 3.1 Listen first 3.2 Listen with awareness 3.3 Think before you judge Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - C op 4. (a) 1. Meaning of stupidity 1.1 lacking intell. 1.2 no good judgement 1.3 senseless 2. Level of stupidity 2.1 amusing behaviour 2.2 serious stupidity – pract. jokes – irresp. advice – even worse 3. Absent – minded 3.1 inconve. 3.2 embarrassment 4. Unintentional stupidity 4.1 throw away anyth. 4.2 hurt or kill poor things Abbreviations used : 1. intell. – intelligence 2. pract. – practical 3. irresp. – irresponsible 4. inconve. – inconvenience 5. anyth. – anything 39 (b) Title : Types of Stupidity Summary The word stupidity comes from Latin word which means ‘senseless.’ It is commonly defined as a lack of normal intelligence. A person who does not use good judgement or sense is termed as stupid. First level of stupidity is harmless and it is defined by absent-mindedness. Second level of stupidity is about practical jokes which are more dangerous for example, putting salt in sugar container, etc. Third level of stupidity is when somebody unintentionally throws away poor things or animals. Another type of stupidity is when a successful businessman has many office affairs. It is because he thinks he can get away with his actions without taking any responsibility. 5. (a) 1. Recalling childhood moments 1.1. Happy & carefree 1.2. Terrified of darkness & getting lost 2. Childhood fears 2.1. Feeling helpless in the dark 2.1.1. Strange shadows - an unknown beast 2.1.2. Moving curtains 2.1.3. Creaking sounds 2.1.4. Imagining burglars & monsters 2.1.5. Lying still with pounding heart 2.2. Fear of getting lost (on the way back home) 2.2.1. Scanning school buses - familiar faces, same driver 2.2.2. Re-confirming in the bus 2.2.3. Not letting leaders out of sight 2.2.4. Avoiding adventurous acts. 2.2.5. Going with surety of not being lost 2.3. Fear of not being liked 2.3.1. Quite shy 2.3.2. Worried about looks - fat, wore braces, clothes 2.3.3. Wearing right clothes 2.3.4. Flat vs. saddled shoes for school 2.3.5. Imp. of popularity 3. Coping with childhood fears as an adult 3.1. Undg. evolution process - child to adult 3.2. Recognising & overcoming fears 3.3. Accepting help from others 3.4. Role of friendliness & sincerity 3.5. Undg. things that scared yM yK 3.4 Words unspoken leave a feeling of tension and negativity 3.5 Speak your mind out 4. Listening to understand people 4.1 Imbibe what is not spoken 4.2 Times when we don’t listen to people who matter 4.3 Triggers mis. Abbreviations used : 1. vs. – verses 2. Neg. – negative 3. ver. – version 4. don’t – do not 5. pro. – pronounce 6. mis. – misunderstanding (b) Summary Sometimes, we hear people but do not listen to them attentively. The difference between the two synonyms is that one is a physical phenomenon while the other is a conscious use of mind. We, as listeners, often have preconceived notions about the speaker. We come prepared with a negative mindset, tend to prove them wrong and pounce with our own version of things. Ideally, we should listen to them, understand their perception and stop judging them in order to avoid misunderstandings. b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita Reading Abbreviations used : 1. & – and 2. acts. – activities Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 3. vs. – versus 4. Imp. – Importance 5. Undg. – Understanding (b) Title : Recalling Childhood Fears as an Adult Summary My childhood was generally happy and had carefree moments. However, darkness scared me with its shadows, unexpected movement of curtains and creaking sounds. It made me feel helpless and I used to lie still, with a pounding heart. I was scared of getting lost. Before boarding my school bus, I scanned it for familiar faces. I was shy and afraid of not being liked by others. As I grew from a child to an adult, I realised that understanding things that scared us as a child helped in coping with life. people would get it directly. When Sohini came to the well to get water, there was already a queue. Her brother was thirsty and tired and she was determined to get water so resigned herself to wait, trusting her fate. 7. (a) Title-Significance of Dietary Fibres 1. Importance 1.1 Essential ingredient of bal. diet (i) Suggested intake-40 gms./day 1.2 Contains gums & pectin (i)­ ↓ P.P. Blood sugar levels 1.3 Diet rich in fibres (i) ↓ incidence of CHD (ii) Controls irritable bowel syndrome (iii) ↓ Dental caries 2. Source 2.1 Cereals & grains 2.2 Fruits (i) Citrus fruits (ii) Fruits with seeds 2.3 Green leafy vegetables 3. Physiological outcome 3.1 Not digested by enzymes in body 3.2 Hold water (i) gets swollen → relives constipation 3.3. Increases transit time in gut (i) ↓ risk of colon cancer (ii) checks obesity 4. Adverse effects 4.1 Binds trace elements (i) hampers absorption- nutritional deficiency Abbreviations and symbols used : 1. bal. – balance 2. gms. – grams 3. & – and 4. P.P. – Post Prandial 5. CHD – Coronary Heart Disease 6. ↓ – lowers 7. → – lead to (b) Summary Dietary fibres are indigestible carbohydrates, essential ingredients of balanced diet with a suggested intake of 40 grams per day. Fibres are rich in gums and pectin that lower Post Prandial blood sugar levels. Diet rich in fibres lowers incidence of Coronary Heart Diseases, controls irritable bowel syndrome and dental caries. The main source of it are cereals and grains, fruits both C op yM yK 6. (a) 1. Outcasts faced caste prejudices 1.1weren’t allowed to draw water from well or brook 1.2upper caste Hindus believed they would pollute water 2. Poverty aggrated. their water woes 2.1 no separate well for them 2.2 too poor to afford their own well 2.3 depnd. on bounty of Hindus 2.4 had to wait long 3. Easy access to water for the rich 3.1 rich enged. water carriers 3.2 others drew water directly from well 4. Sohini’s plight 4.1 long que. at well 4.2 her brother thirsty and tired 4.3 upper caste Hindus not sighted 4.4 rsgd. herself to fate Abbreviations used : 1. weren’t – were not 2. aggrated. – aggravated 3. depnd. – depended 4. enged. – engaged 5. que. – queue 6. rsgd. – resigned CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 40 (b) Title – The Plight of Outcasts Summary The outcasts totally depended on the mercy of the upper caste Hindus to get water. They were not allowed to use the well or brook. They didn’t even have a separate well. The outcasts had to wait for a gentle person to get water, whereas upper caste Follow us on Facebook - Reading Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - 2. Technique of enhncmnt. 2.1 Avoid distracting factors 2.2 Study table away from window 2.3 Establish specific goals, time mngnt. 3. Ultimate Help 3.1 Plan study & recreational hrs. 3.2 Don’t get disheartened 3.3 Discpln. the mind 8. (a) Title : The Human Mind 1. Words Process 1.1 Processing 500 w.p.m. 1.2 Speaking 150 w.p.m. 2. Retain the Attn. 2.1 audience 2.2 listener 3. Good Comm. 3.1 Hearing or listening 3.2 Conc. 3.3 Attention 3.4 Interpretation 4. Listening barriers 4.1 Phy. hindrance 4.2 Psy. (i) interpretation (ii) evaluation Abbreviations used : 1. w.p.m. – words per minute 2. Attn. – Attention 3. Comm. – Communication 4. Conc. – Concentration 5. Phy. – Physical 6. Psy. – Psychological Abbreviations used : 1. Conc. – Concentration 2. envirnmt. – Environment 3. enhncmnt – Enhancement 4. mngnt. – Management. 5. hrs. – hours 6. Don’t – Do not 7. Discpln. – Discipline ita b citrus and with seeds and green leafy vegetables. It is not digested by the enzymes in the body, holds water and increases transit time in the gut there by relieving constipation, checking obesity and lowering the risk of colon cancer. It binds trace elements that hamper their absorption leading to nutritional deficiency which seems to be the only adverse effect. (b) Summary Mostly we have wandering thoughts due to radio, TV and noisy environment. We should find out the facts of our physical and internal environment which disturb our concentration. We can concentrate or study only when distractions are avoided. We should establish our goals and try to achieve them. Study and recreational hours should be well planned and adhered to. It is important to discipline the mind and not get disheartened. Concentration is most essential to study and achieve our goals in life. yM yK op C (b) Summary Research has proved that the difference between processing and speaking rate is 350 words per minute which is quite large. Therefore, the speaker must retain the attention of the audience so, listener should not wander. A good speaker must necessarily be a good listener. Good listening is an art that can be cultivated. For effective listening physical and psychological barriers must be removed. In short, good communication is necessary for an interactive process. 9. (a) Title : Developing Concentration 1. Hurdles to Conc. 1.1 Radio, TV 1.2 Wandering thoughts 1.3 Noisy envirnmt. 41 10. (a) Title : Common Cold A Threat 1. Fighting Common Cold 1.1 Cold common 1.2 Typhus and plague eradicat’d 1.3 Common cold diff. to solve 2. Causes of Cold 2.1 Viral infection 2.2 Viruses — rhinoviruses 2.3 Affect lining of the nose 3. Research 3.1 Dev. tech. of tissue culture 3.2 Aided virus research 3.3 Existence previously not known 4. No protection 4.1 no imm. from cold 4.2 cold cells attack on surface 4.3 likely to suffer from cold Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - Abbreviations used : 1. eradicat’d – eradicated 2. diff. – difficult 3. Dev. – Development 4. tech. – technique 5. imm. – immunity (b) Summary Cold is a common ailment, which everyone suffers at some point of life. Scientists have got rid of many diseases but the problem of common cold still exists. It is caused by viral infection, which affects the lining of the nose and other passages. Many developments have been made on tissue culture to discover large number of viruses but their existence is still unknown. The virus of cold attacks on the surface or from the immunity of many different viruses. There it is difficult to give guarantee protection to it and we are likely to suffer from cold. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Imp. int. Dev. Eff. Spk. conc. incomp. – – – – – – – Importance interest Develop Effective Speaking concentrate incomplete (b) Summary Effective speaking and effective listening goes hand in hand. It is an art which depends upon a lot of factors like concentration, determination and clarity of voice. Incompetent listeners fail due to lack of attention, counter arguments, competition, etc. Alertness is a mental state of mind, which plays a pivotal role in this. Note taking, which includes eye contact is another important factor. The way a person maintains his/her posture is equally important to leave an important impact on both the speaker and listener. Title : Effective Speaking and Listening C op yM yK 11. (a) 1. Eff. spk. rely on 1.1 Effective listening 1.2 Energy to conc. on hearing 1.3 Conc. on understanding what has been heard 2. Causes of failure for incomp. listening 2.1 drift in attention 2.2 face argument 2.3 complete 2.4 reaction/react 3. Factors affecting listening 3.1 Art of conc. (a) Alertness (b) Positioning of body (c) Note taking 3.2 Determination 3.3 Voice problem 4. Imp. of note taking 4.1 Helps the speaker 4.2 Gives Confi. 4.3 Develops (+)ve eye contact 5. Imp. of Posture 5.1 Dev. int. 5.2 Increase level of conc. 5.3 Dev. (+)ve feature Abbreviations and symbols used : 1. Confi. – Confidence 2. (+) ve – positive CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 42 12. (a) 1. Vast pollution blanket across South Asia 1.1 Drastic chngs. in weather 1.2 Puts ppl. at risk 1.3 Economic grwth. may falter 2. Threats of acid rain and resprtry. diseases 2.1 Potential dmge. to crops. (a) Falling ash • reduced sunlight • aggrvtd. impact on crops and plants 2.2 Premature death due to resprtry diseases 3. Pollution haze over India 3.1 Reduction in sunlight by 10% 3.2 Drying North West of India 4. Impacts of polltn. haze to intensity 4.1 Rising popltn. of the Asian Region (a) Worst affected countries • India • China • Indonesia 4.2Economic grwth. but deplting. forest covr. (a) Preliminary Results • Haze build up • Mass of ash, acid, aerosols, etc. • Disruption in weathr. sys., rainfall and wind patterns Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - Abbreviations used : 1. chngs. – changes 2. ppl. – people 3. grwth. – growth 4. resprtry. – respiratory 5. polltn. – pollution 6. popltn. – population 7. deplting. – depleting 8. covr. – cover 9. dmge. – damage 10. aggrvtd. – aggravated 11. weathr. – weather 12. sys. – system 43 (b) Forces of death and destrcn. • Less physical • More psychic of psychological • Self-destructive by seeking other’s destrcn. 3.2 Forces of life regenerate hope of joy (a) Prevails where • Openness • Peace of good heartedness b 5. Conclusion 5.1 Seek positivity and happiness 5.2 Find what is awaiting discovery op yM yK (b) Summary Vast pollution blankets across South Asia. This has brought drastic change in the weather, putting people at risk. As a result, economic growth may falter because of drought in India. Acid rain and premature death due to respiratory disease are threatening plants and humans alike. With India, China and Indonesia being the worst affected countries, the rising population, economic growth and depleting forests in the Asian regions are causing impacts of the pollution haze to intensify and disrupt weather systems. Title : The Changing Weather System 4. Love v/s fear 4.1 Love overcomes fear, life force triumphs 4.2 Love builds, fear destroys 4.3 Love builds character (a) Helps in • Accepting and overcoming sufferings • Creating lasting bond • Infinite reach ita Reading C 13. (a) 1. Life’s tests are its plus factors. 1.1 Plus factors, such as ovrcmng. suffrng. moulds chrctr. 1.2 Simple hearted see plus factors more readily 1.3 Often a change in focus is req. 2. Nether Springs 2.1 Flow into lonely depressed ppl’s. lives 2.2 Brings peace and patience 2.3 Leads to recovery 3. Life forces v/s death forces 3.1 Forces of destrcn. malice, hate and hardheartedness. (a) Chanld. through • Malice • Hate • Hard-heartedness Abbreviations used: 1. ovrcmng. – 2. ppl. – 3. suffrng. – 4. destrcn. – 5. chrctr. – 6. req. – 7. v/s – 8. Chanld. – overcoming people suffering destruction character required versus Channelled (b) Summary Life’s tests are its plus factors. Overcoming sufferings is a plus factor, which moulds character. Simple hearted see plus factors readily. However, a change in focus is also required. Nether springs flow into lonely and depressed people’s life, bringing peace and patience and eventually, recovery. Hate, malice, etc. are channelled as forces of destruction. Forces of life generates hope of joy. Life force triumphs when love overcomes fear. Love creates as lasting bond therefore, one should seek positivity and happiness. Title : Seeking Happiness Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - SECTION op yM yK ita b B C Writing Skills Short Compositions Letter Writing Long Compositions Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - Writing Skills Make Sure : 1. You write the notice in a box. 2. It is easy to understand, brief and to-the point. 3. To stay within the word limit. 4. To use short but descriptive title, which gives the basic knowledge about the notice. 5. The body of the notice must answer the essential questions– what, when, where, who and how. C op yM yK A notice is written to announce or put across some information with the purpose to notify the reader about it. The variety of topics can range from a variety of formal issues to informal events. Most common topics for notices are : (a) Notices issued by the school : These notices are usually about events, activities and issues related to the school. Depending on the topic of notice, the language used can be either formal or semi-formal. Notices regarding trips, picnics, etc. can be written in semi-formal language. However, those informing the students and staff about official matters, such as admission, change in school timings, etc. are always written in formal language. (b) Notices issued by/for the residents of a housing society/colony or members of an association : Since such notices are usually about common matters, such as various issues concerning the residents or members, they are formal and direct. (c) Obituary Notices : They inform the general public about the demise of a loved one and contain information about the funeral, last rites and other related ceremonies. (d) Notices for Sale of Items : Since the main idea is to catch the general public’s/reader’s attention, these notices must be semi-formal yet attractive. (e) Lost and Found Notices : These are issued informing the readers about personal belongings lost or found and requesting the b 1.1 Notices finder/owner to return or collect it from or give it to the one issuing the notice. Unlike other forms of notices, which are written in third person, lost and found notices are written in first person. They are crisp and more informative. In case of seeking lost items, the issuer of the notice often offers a reward to the one who returns it. ita 1. Short Compositions The notice must have (the format) 1. A box 2. Name of the organisation, institution or association issuing the notice. 3. Date on which the notice is being issued. It is advisable to use the date of examination, if a date is not already provided. 4. A short and strong title 5. Body of the notice 6. Name and designation of the one issuing the notice. Sample Notice Draft a notice informing students of class VI-XII about a poster-making competition in 50 words. Invent all necessary details. You are Aarushi, President, Art Club, Navyug Public School. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - Navyug Public School Classified Advertisement Categories : (a) Situation Vacant/Wanted (b) Sale and purchase (of) 1.2 Advertisement A. SITUATION VACANT/WANTED The purpose of these ads is to announce that an employment opportunity is either available or required at the earliest. The language used must be formal, crisp yet detailed so that the potential employer or employee is well informed about the situation before either party is approached. Begin with ‘Wanted’ or ‘Required’ when drafting an ad for Situation Vacant. The ad must have : XX Name of the company (in case of situation vacant, if provided in the question) XX Specify the post and if information is available, the number of vacancies XX Qualification and experience of the candidate XX Age and gender of the candidate XX Pay scale and perks (optional/if provided) XX Qualities and skills of the candidate XX Other preferences XX Mode and last date of applying (in case of situation vacant) XX Contact details op yM yK An advertisement is a notice or an announcement in a public medium, promoting a product, service or event or publicising a job vacancy. There are two means of communication through which the public can read or see the advertisements. XX Print Media • Newspapers and magazines • Tabloids and periodicals • Bulletins, etc. XX Electronic Media • Radio • T.V. • Movies, etc. (i) Property (ii) Vehicle (iii) Household goods, etc. (c) To-Let (d) Missing person or pet (e) Lost and Found (f) Tours and Travels (g) Matrimonial Alliance (h) Obituary (i) Appeal (j) Educational (k) Change of name/Address/Other Information b NOTICE July 16, 20×× Poster Making Competition Art Club is organising a Poster Making Competition on July 21, 20×× for the students of class VI-XII. Topic : Save the Girl Child Venue : Amphitheatre Time : 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM Bring your own material. Sheets will be provided. Aarushi Mittal (President, Art Club) CBSE Champion English Core ita 46 C Why Advertisements are Important? Depending on the type of an advertisement, it helps find or approach potential customers or consumers or a specific audience or reader, especially when it is regarding a job or for matrimonial purpose. Type of Advertisements : There are mainly two types of advertisements. (a) Classified advertisements (b) Display or commercial advertisements Classified Advertisement Classified ads are called so because depending on the subject, advertisements are arranged in groups, under different categories. They are placed by people or small companies who want to buy or sell something, find or offer a job, etc. They are written in short phrases or words in simple and concise language. These ads are more economical because they require less space. Sample Situation Vacant Wanted a smart, confident PA/Stenographer for a leading export house. Qualification graduate, age 25-30 years, typing speed 40 w.p.m. Preference to those with the knowledge of computer. Salary negotiable. Apply with updated bio-data by 1512-×××× to Secretary, Orient Export House, M.H. Nagar, Chennai - 670001 Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - Writing Skills B. SALE AND PURCHASE OF PROPERTY/ VEHICLE/HOUSEHOLD GOODS If and when one wishes to sell or purchase property, vehicle or household goods, one can draft or find 47 the ad under this category. The ad can be semidetailed with only important information provided to the reader. Begin with ‘For Sale’, ‘For Purchase’, ‘Available’ or ‘Wanted’. The ad must have : For property For Vehicle zz Type of building/property (plot/ residential/commercial/industrial) Brief physical description zz Fittings and fixtures zz zz Location and surroundings zz Type/Make: Maruti/ Tata, etc. Model/Colour/Year of manufacturing Features/Accessories fitted Mileage and condition Facilities - power connection, parking, proximity to business/shopping areas Area in square metres/yards Price expected/negotiable Name of the development authority (optional) Whom and when to contact Contact details zz Ownership details zz zz zz For Household Goods zz zz zz Product features and condition Duration used/when purchased Price expected zz Contact details zz zz zz zz ita zz zz Kilometres run/done Insurance details Price expected zz Contact details zz zz yM yK zz b zz zz op Sample Property C For Sale A 3BHK flat in Chittaranjan Park, 3rd floor, access to roof. Fully furnished, park facing, car park. Best location. Reasonable price. Contact : ABC XYZ, Mob. 981870×××× Vehicle Sale/Purchase For sale Maruti 800 DX 2000, white, sparingly used, scratchless, self-driven, stereo-fitted, beautiful upholstery, excellent condition, no expense, rate negotiable. Contact : Amit Sharma, 25677900 Household Goods Sale/Purchase For Sale, 1 year old Samsung 32” flat screen LED T.V. Excellent working condition. Reasonable price. Drop facility. Contact : Raghav Rana, Mob. 989141×××× Name/Type of item. Product brand, model, year of manufacture C. TO-LET These ads inform the potential tenant about a room or property, which is available for rent. Tolet ads are quite similar to property sale/purchase ads, providing information about the property on rent. Begin with ‘Wanted’ or ‘Available’. The ad must have : XX Type of accommodation – number of rooms, size of rooms, etc. XX Whether independent or an apartment, whether residential or office space XX Brief description about the accommodation XX Location and surroundings XX Fixtures, fittings, facilities – water/electricity supply, proximity to school/market, etc. XX Type of tenant required – family/individual/ company lease, etc. XX Rent expected, agreement required, etc. XX Contact details – Name/Address/Phone number Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - To-Let Available on rent Anand Vihar Colony, First Floor 2/3 bedroom, well furnished and ventilated, park facing, car parking, walking distance from main market. Reasonable rent. Contact : Ms. Meena Tomar 987701×××× D. MISSING PERSON OR PET Putting up an ad in the newspaper is one of the best ways to find a missing person or pet because newspapers have a wide reach as well as readership. Begin with ‘Missing’. The ad must have : XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX The ad must have : XX XX XX XX Description of the article When and where the article was lost or found Reward for finding it Contact details Sample Lost and Found Lost a black VIP suitcase, model no. 555, 38 × 30, containing important documents related to marketing, left in bus no. DL-P 6778 on Delhi to Jaipur route on 10th November ××××. Kindly contact : Purmal Singh, Ph. No. 9419284539. One who returns shall be suitably rewarded. F. TOURS AND TRAVELS These ads announce new tour/travel schemes launched by travel agencies to attract new customers and retain the old ones. Begin with ‘Package Available’. yM yK XX op XX Missing Pet Brief physical description Name, breed, age, colour of fur/skin, etc. Identifying features, answers to what name, etc. Date and place (since when/missing from where) Contact information – name/address/phone number C XX Missing Person Name, age, gender, complexion, height and build Brief physical description Health and mental condition Clothes and other identifying features Reward, if any Date and place (since when/missing from where) Photograph (optional) Contact information – name/address/phone number E. LOST AND FOUND Personal belonging lost or found can be retrieved or returned by placing a Lost and Found ad. Begin with ‘Lost’ or ‘Found’. b Sample CBSE Champion English Core ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab 48 Sample Missing Person Missing boy, Santosh Kumar, 15 years, 5’5”, fair slim built, wearing black t-shirt and white pants, since 10-11-×××× from Kota railway station. Finder will be duly rewarded. Inform Kota police station, phone no. 0744-220010 or A.K. Sharma HB road, Kota, Phone no. 0744-220007 The ad must have : XX Name of the agency XX Destinations and durations XX Details of package – food/lodging/boarding/ sight-seeing, etc. XX Cost, discount (if any) XX Contact details Sample Travels and Tours Attractive package available for Manali and Ooty, 4 nights/5 days, breakfast and dinner, stay at 5 star hotel, sight-seeing included. ` 10000/- per head. Special discount for booking before 10th November ××××. Contact : Blue Star Travel and Tours Chennai 044-288000555 Points to Remember 1. Put the ad in a box. 2. Mention the category name at the top. 3. Mention all the details provided in the question as well as contact information. Use commas to separate. Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 1.3 Posters XX XX Date, time, place and other essential details about what is being publicised. Catchy slogans and attractive content to grab readers’ attention and highlight the message. Name of the organisation, party or individual issuing it. Keep in mind : XX The target audience XX To give an impressive heading or a title at the top. XX Use different style and size of font to emphasise on the message. XX Use a box for the poster and stick to the word limit. XX The poster must have a mass appeal. Sample By Taking a Little Care ...roads can be made safer Follow traffic signals Don’t cross speed limits Use seat belts Don’t talk on mobile while driving Don’t drink and drive Use zebra crossing to cross road Park your vehicles only in an authorised parking lot Issued by: Delhi Traffic Police With You! For You! Always! zz yM yK The ad must have : XX Name of the company/institute/organisers, etc. XX Details regarding the Product/Event/ Educational Course, etc. XX Special discounts/offers, (if any) XX Additional features to set it apart XX Address of company/institute/organisers, etc. XX b Display or Commercial Advertisement : These ads promote the sale of products having public activity and comfort. These announce events, competitions/contests, discounts, inauguration, admission notices, etc. There are no restrictions on their shape, size and colour. Sketches, drawings, designs and photographs are also drawn in every type of advertisement. They are larger than classified ads and attractive. Such ads use catchy slogans, punch lines, witty expressions, etc. 49 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills op When organisations, institutions or associations wish to attract the attention of the general public at a large scale, they do it with the help of posters. An ideal poster can make anybody aware of a particular issue and ask for the readers’ support or action. A poster is often made large so that it is visible from a distance. This is why they are put up either on the wall or on billboards. C Types of Posters : Typically, there are three types of posters. XX Political or Propaganda : These posters reach out to the mass, asking them to rally, celebrate, raise demand and effect demonstration. XX Educational or Informative : Such posters inform the mass about prevailing health hazards and their prevention. Apart from that they also alert people about the dangers in the community. XX Commercial or Marketing : They announce or advertise arrival of new movies, shows, exhibitions, workshops, music concerts, etc. At times, companies and brands wish to catch consumers’ attention towards their new or existing products. They do so by putting up commercial posters and billboards. The Poster must have : XX Main subject theme or topic on it. zz zz zz zz zz zz 1.4 Invitations and Reply The act of requesting someone’s presence on a fixed day, time and venue to celebrate a particular occasion is called inviting. A spoken or written request to somebody to do something is known as an invitation. The written request is sent either in the form of a card or as a piece of paper. Types of Invitation : XX Formal invitation XX Informal invitation Points to Remember : XX Formal invitations are written in third person. (For e.g. Mr and Mrs Kapoor requests the pleasure...) XX In case of informal information, they are written in first or second person. Follow us on Facebook - XX XX XX XX XX Visit our site - Avoid using abbreviations except for titles, such as Mrs, Mr, St, etc. Include all the information provided in the question. Include the name of the function, occasion, venue, date and time. Write the name of the chief guest invited to the event. Full sentences and punctuation marks at the end of the sentences are not necessary. For some forms of formal invitations, it is necessary that the invitee replies, either accepting or refusing the invitation. On such invitation cards, the abbreviation RSVP is written at the bottom left along with, host’s name, address and phone number or organisation co-ordinating the event. CBSE Champion English Core Formal Invitation-2 Mr and Mrs Sandhu request the pleasure of your company on the auspicious occasion of the Wedding of their son Vikas with Vishakha (D/o Mrs. and Mr. K.J. Malik) On Monday, the 29th February, ×××× at 18.00 hrs. At Gopal Ashram Chowk, Jalandhar With best compliments RSVP from M.S. Sandhu All Relatives 26, Race Course Road, & Chandigarh Friends b XX Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 50 Formal Invitation-3 yM yK Types of Reply : XX Formal reply XX Informal reply C op Points to Remember : XX Formal Reply : Acknowledgment of invitation received. –– Use third person to express thanks. –– Write if you accept the invitation/give reasons if unable to accept invitations. XX Informal Reply : Acknowledgement of invitation received. –– Use first/second person to express thanks. –– Write if you accept the invitation/give reasons if unable to accept invitation. Formal Invitation-1 The Principal, staff and students of Gayatri Devi Sr. Sec. School, Delhi cordially invite you to their 40th Founder’s Day Celebrations on Saturday, 12 November, ×××× at 6.00 p.m. in the School Premises Shri XYZ (Chief Minister of Delhi) has kindly consented to be the Chief Guest RSVP Admn. Officer (Guests are requested to be Phone : 24423769 on their seats by 5.45 p.m.) (Valid for two only) M/s Goyal Brothers request the pleasure of your company on the auspicious occasion of the Inauguration of their showroom BEAUTEX of ready-made garments at The Mall, Shimla, H.P. on Sunday, the 12th October ×××× at 11.00 a.m. All are cordially invited. RSVP M/s R.S. Goyal & Sons New Delhi 50% off on All Garments (one week inaugural promotion) Formal Invitation-4 A letter of invitation for a formal occasion is given. The format of such letter is the same as that of a standard formal letter. Must be sent to : XX Dignitaries, when inviting as a Chief Guest/ Judge. Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - Students/teachers/teams for competition/celebration, etc. seminar/ Sample The Environment Club Summer Fields School, Pratap Singh Marg Bhopal - 42 April 10, 20×× The Principal, New Green Fields School Arjun Marg Bhopal-19 Letter of Acceptance Sender’s address (The person to whom invitation was sent) Dr. B. Bhatnagar, Chairman, ICSR, New Delhi, 19th April, 20××. (→ Date) Ad d re s s e e’s address (The person who has invited) The Secretary Science Club, Bharat National Public School, Bharatpur. Subject Consent Seminar Salutation Inaugurate Dear Jagriti Thank you for your invitation dated 17th April, 20×× asking the undersigned to inaugurate the seminar on the role of young scientists’ in the scientific progress of our country. I feel happy to convey my consent to inaugurate the seminar and to interact with the students. (→ Consent) Closing Yours sincerely Signature B. Bhatnagar (Dr) op C Formal Invitation-5 to Content Ref. to the invitation received thankful/ acknowledgement yM yK Madam, Subject: Invitation for Seminar on Climatic Change and Its Consequences The Environment Club of our school has arranged a one day seminar on ‘Climatic Change and Its Consequences’ for senior students of all schools with North West zone on April 15, 20××. Nandita Das, eminent actress and environmentalist has kindly consented to conduct the seminar. Please depute four senior students of your school to attend the seminar and send their names to us latest by April 12, 20××. Looking forward to your confirmation. Yours faithfully, Nidhi Singh 51 b XX ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills Mrs. Sulabha Deshpande requests the pleasure of your company at dinner on the occasion of her 50th Birthday On Sunday, May 10, 20×× at 7:00 P.M. at her residence : B-121, Chittaranjan Park, New Delhi-19 RSVP Mitali Deshpande 981819×××× Remember : Invitation in a letter form needs to be responded in a letter form only. Formal Reply-1 (Acceptance) Mrs. and Mr. Rakesh Om Prakash Mehra have much pleasure in accepting the kind invitation of Mrs. and Mr. Anupam Kher to the marriage of their son Sikandar on 11th May, 20×× at 7:30 P.M. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Formal Reply-2 (Acceptance) Mrs. and Mr. R.P. Mehra are thankful to Mrs. and Mr. Kher for their kind invitation to their son Sikandar’s wedding on 11th May, 20×× at 7:30 P.M. and has great pleasure accepting it. Formal Reply-1 (Refusal/Decline) Mrs. and Mr. Rakesh Om Prakash Mehra sincerely thank Mrs. and Mr. Anupam Kher CBSE Champion English Core Informal Invitation Samples: Informal Invitation-1 4357, Vasant Kunj Raj Nagar 1 May 20×× Dear Vinnie, You will be pleased to know that the wedding of my elder sister Reena Sen is going to be held on the 15th May 200× at Hotel Lake View, Udaipur. The whole family will be there since the morning. I invite you to join us for lunch in the hotel on the 15th. The wedding ceremony will take place at 8 in the evening. I do hope you will be with us on this auspicious occasion. Yours sincerely Leena b for their kind invitation to the wedding of their son Visit our site - Sikandar Informal Invitation-2 27-B, Panchsheel Park, New Delhi 7th February 20xx Dear Kunal, I invite you to the house warming ceremony of our newly constructed house at the address given above. The inauguration ceremony will begin with ‘Havan Ceremony’ at 10 a.m. followed by lunch at 1 p.m. on 25th February, 20××. Please do join us on this auspicious day. Yours sincerely Karan yM yK on 11th May, 20×× at 7:30 p.m., but regret their inability to attend because of a prior engagement. ita 52 They wish Sikander a blissful conjugal life. Formal Reply-2 (Refusal/Decline) C op Mrs. and Mr. R.K. Mehra thank Mrs. and Mr. Kher for their kind invitation to the marriage of their son Sikandar on 11th May, 20×× at 7:30 p.m., but regret their inability to attend it due to a prior engagement. They wish Sikandar a blissful conjugal life. Formal Reply-3 (Refusal/Decline) K-2017, Chittaranjan Park, New Delhi-19 21 April, 20×× Mrs. and Mr. Rakesh Om Prakash Mehra thank Mrs. and Mr. Anupam Kher for the invitation to the marriage of their son Sikandar on Friday, May 11, 20×× at 7:30 p.m. However, they express their inability to be present on the occasion due to a prior engagement. With best wishes, The Mehras Informal Reply (Acceptance) 1 217 MIG Flats, Surya Vihar, New Delhi 15 March 20×× Dear Shuchi, I have received your invitation for your birthday party on 25 March 20×× at 5 p.m. at Hotel Janpath. I am extremely happy to know that all our old friends are likely to be there. I would like to confirm my participation, Looking forward to the momentous occasion. With love Mini Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - Yours lovingly, Aakash 2. Letter Writing Format of a Formal Letter A formal letter must have the following parts: (a) Sender’s Address : Only the full address of the one sending the letter, to be written at the top left. In case sender’s address is not mentioned in the question, create one. (b) Date :Write the full date on which the letter is being written. During exam, it is advisable that the students write the same date of the day of their exam. (c) Recipient’s Address : It must contain the recipient’s designation, name of the company, full address with pin code. yM yK Dear Abhinav, It was extremely delightful to hear that the marriage of your sister has been fixed for 10th of July. I’m sure everyone must be busy preparing for the wedding. I’m sorry to say that I will have to miss this once-ina-lifetime occasion because I have my IIT entrance exam on that very day. I deeply regret my inability to be there with you. I’m sure amidst all the celebrations you will not miss me. I also hope everything will go smoothly. Congratulate your sister and your family on my behalf. Also convey my sincerest apologies. I will try to come later. government institutions or newspapers, NGOs, etc. (ii) Informal Letters : These letters are written to friends and loved once. Therefore, the tone and language of the letter is quite casual. b Informal Reply (Refusal/Decline) 2 Aakash Gandhi, 4, Model Town, New Delhi 30 May, 20×× C op A letter is written in order to express or convey one’s thought, either to someone in particular or the mass. One can show his/her concern regarding a pressing public issue or something personal. Similarly, one can enquire about concerning matters, apply for jobs, spread awareness, etc. by writing a letter. Generally, there are two forms of letters: (i) Formal Letter (ii) Informal Letter (i) Formal Letters : Also known as business or official letters, these are written for formal/ professional communication. The language used is also formal, e.g., it is sober and less flowery. The formal letter follows a strict format, which must be adhered to while writing. However, the pattern of writing may differ from department to department, either in 53 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills (d) Subject : It is an indicator, which explains the purpose of the letter to its reader as precisely as possible. The subject line is not a long, full sentence but a short one without a full stop at the end. (e) Salutation : Use Sir/Madam to address officials, higher authorities and editors. Recipient with whom the sender shares a cordial relationship, can be addressed with Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. (f) Body of the Letter : The body contains three paragraphs. The first paragraph introduces the purpose of writing the letter. The second paragraph explains the main issue in detail and the last paragraph expresses the sender’s expectations, requests, etc. (g) Complimentary Close : A formal letter is closed with either ‘Yours sincerely’ or ‘Yours faithfully’. (h) Sender’s Name and Signature : Write sender’s full name at the very end of the letter. Mention his/her designation if asked/required. Follow us on Facebook - 54 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab 25-A Sector-6 Rohini Delhi-110085 Sender’s address October 8, 20×× Date The Commissioner Municipal Corporation of Delhi New Delhi Subject : Request for Setting up a Dispensary Receiver’s address Subject b Salutation CBSE Champion English Core ita Sir, Visit our site - On behalf of the residents of sector-6, Rohini, I wish to draw your attention to the lack of medical facilities in our locality. yM yK Getting medical aid at the appropriate time is a reason for concern in this area as the nearest dispensary is about four kilometres away. Though there are some private clinics, these are beyond the reach of common man as they are very expensive. op Considering the problems faced by us on a regular basis, I request you to make necessary arrangements for setting up a dispensary in our locality as soon as possible. Your efforts would be much appreciated. Yours sincerely Vishesh C Thanking you in anticipation. Complimentary closing Body of the letter Sender’s name Usually Formal Letters are of three kinds: 1. Business or Official Letters 2. Letter to the Editor 3. Letter of Job Application Business or Official Letters These include the following types of letters: A. Letter of Enquiry : To enquire about a course, procedure of admission/membership, availability of product(s) or service(s), tour/ travel packages or arrangements. The letter must have : (a) Reference to the ad (if already given) (b) Clearly mention the information you need Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills Visit our site - 55 Sample Letter b Amardeep Colony Greater Industrial Area, Kanpur-21 Subject : Enquiry regarding coaching classes Sir/Madam, This is in reference to your advertisement in ‘The Daily Times’ dated 18 January, 20××. I am preparing for the Pre Medical Test. I am interested in joining your institute, but before I do so, I would like you to provide me the following information. I would like to know the duration and the timing of the course. What is the fee structure and the mode of payment? What is the strength of each batch and the success rate of your institute. Also, kindly let me know whether you offer any discounts to students who have excelled in academics. I would be grateful if you could give me a prompt response so that I can decide timely to join your institute. Thank you Yours faithfully Meenal Puri ita B. Letter of complaint : To complain to sellers or vendors/organisations for selling/delivering defective items, incomplete order, non-payment respectively. Letter of complaint can also be written to concerned authorities, regarding a social issue one faced recently or faces daily. op yM yK The letter must have : (a) Details about the product/services/social problem. In case of products and services, include details, such as bill number, model number, date of purchase, etc. (b) Mention what is causing the problem and how it is affecting you. In case, you are complaining about a social problem, write about how it is causing the general public to suffer. (c) For products/services, request for replace, return or refund. Request for a quick action to be taken to prevent a social problem. Sample Letter C 56, Pushpa Nivas Greater Indrapuram, Bangalore-91 5 January, 20×× M/s. Manorama Electronics, 32, Commercial Street, Bangalore-42 Subject : Complaint regarding washing machine Sir, This is regarding the Samsung washing machine, which I bought from your shop on December 7, 20××. My bill number is SSWM 595432 and the model number is WA 82S4B. It is a fully automatic, front loading washing machine, which was working at the time of installation. However, it has suddenly stopped working and makes a horrible sound. It is causing me a lot of inconvenience. The washing machine is well within the guarantee period, therefore, I request you to look into the matter and repair or replace it accordingly at the earliest. Looking forward to an early response. Yours faithfully Meera Godebole Follow us on Facebook - 56 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core C. To Place an order : Write a letter to sellers or vendors to place bulk order for goods, such as books, sports/laboratory equipment, electronic gadgets, household items, etc. The letter must have : (a) Details of goods being ordered, such as brand, item, author, colour, quantity, etc. (b) The mode of dispatch and payment. Ask for relevant discounts, such as students discount, corporate discount, etc. Sample Letter yM yK ita b Army School 448A, Netaji Subhash Road Aligarh-21 20 January 20×× The Sales Manager Light House Main Road Noida-16 Subject : Order for books Dear Sir, I have reliably learnt that the books I require are currently available in your bookshop. I would like to place the following order for the school library. Book’s name Author’s name Quantity 1. Macbeth William Shakespeare Four 2. A Suitable Boy Vikram Seth Three 3. Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen Four Wings of Fire A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Four 4. op S.No. C Please send the books before February 1, 20××. Payment will be made after they are received and checked for damage/defects. Payment will not be made for damaged/defective books nor will they be accepted. You are requested to allow the discount permissible for schools. Kindly ensure that the order reaches us on time. Thank you Yours faithfully Priya Rawal Librarian D. Letter of Cancellation : This letter informs the seller/vendor that one wishes to cancel a subscription, a service or an order one placed, because either one is shifting base or there has been an undue delay in the delivery. Other reasons for cancellation may be, item sent is defective or one does not require them any more. The letter must have : (a) Details about the product/service, such as bill or subscription number, date of placing the order, etc. (b) Mention the reason behind order cancellation-shifting base, delay in delivery, defective items delivered, etc. (c) Request for refund in case of advance payment. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills Visit our site - 57 Sample Letter-1 (Cancellation) yM yK ita b Flat no. 24, Prince Apartment Indirapuram Sector-3 Ghaziabad-29 April 7, 20×× The Manager India Today Magazine A-61, Sector-57 Noida-01 Subject: Cancellation of Magazine Subscription Sir, As I am moving out of the country next month, I am writing to you to cancel the subscription of your monthly magazine at the address I have mentioned above. The subscription number is 123FB and it is under the name Milind Babu, I paid `5070 for 3 years subscription of which two years deposit is still left. I request you to kindly cancel the subscription and refund the remaining amount at the earliest. Thank you Yours sincerely Milind Babu Sample Letter-2 (Cancellation) C op Angel Public School 14th Main Road Nungambakkam Chennai-34 April-23, 20×× The Sales Manager Galgotia Book Store Connaught Place New Delhi-35 Subject: Letter of Cancellation of Order Dear Sir, This is with reference to the order no. 01/468 for the new books placed with you on 23 March 20××. The order was to be executed by 10 April, 20××, but unfortunately there has been no response from your side. We therefore regret to inform you that the order placed earlier stands cancelled. We needed the books for an event on 15 April 20××, but till date we have neither received the consignment nor any clarification from your side even after telephonic reminders. The delay has caused us a great deal of inconvenience. The unprofessional handling of the order by you has forced us to take the action. We request you to kindly return the amount of ` 1000/- as advance payment sent to you earlier. Thank you Yours sincerely Kavita Krishnan Librarian Follow us on Facebook - 58 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core E. Letter to the Editor : As a bonafide citizen of one’s country, one might have many concerns of social, economic or political importance. Drawing the mass attention at once or expressing one’s opinion to a bigger audience is possible by writing to the editor of a national daily. The letter may be a medium to voice one’s reaction or complain against a social issue. It may also refer to a situation, which requires urgent attention from the concerned authorities. If highlighting a social problem, mention the causes and effects of the problem along with some logical solutions to it. Sample Letter C op yM yK ita b 15-Vishwakarma Colony Civil Lines Kanpur-78 January 20, 20×× The Editor The Hindustan Times New Delhi-30 Subject: Suggestion to End Begging Sir, Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw the attention of the general public towards the menace caused by beggars on the city streets and suggest some solutions to the problem. Some beggars, no doubt, deserve our sympathy. They are handicapped. They are unable to earn their living. But the pity is that most of the beggars are able-bodied. Begging has become a profession for them. They find it the easiest way to earn their living. Some of them are criminals. They beg only to hide their crimes. This large-scale begging is a slur on the fair name of our country. Begging should be abolished by law. It should be made a punishable offence. The government should open asylums for those beggars who are really helpless. Able-bodied beggars should be provided employment opportunities with fair wages. This will prevent them from begging or getting involved in any form of social evil. We, with the help of NGOs, should encourage them to find a vocation, which would help them earn a respectable livelihood. This can be made possible only if we stop giving alms to beggars. People can thus play a big role in ending this evil. However, the need of the hour is to create awareness amongst the deprived sections of society about the ill effects of begging on our country’s image. It is also necessary to educate their young ones so that they don’t follow their same foot steps. Thank you. Yours faithfully Sumit F. Letter of Job Application : The purpose of writing this letter is to respond to a ‘situation vacant’ ad. It is always accompanied by a detailed bio-data as a separate attachment. A bio-data must have the following: XX Name XX Father’s Name XX Date of Birth XX Age XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX Gender Marital Status Current Address Contact Number Educational Qualification Work Experience Expected Salary Language Known References (at least two) Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills Visit our site - 59 Sample Letter yM yK ita b H.No. 573 M.G. Marg New Delhi 22 January 20×× The General Manager G.P. Pvt Limited, Mumbai Subject: Application for The Post of Marketing Manager Sir, In response to your advertisement in the ‘The Hindustan Times’ dated 16 January 20××. I wish to be considered for the post of Marketing Manager. I feel my qualification and experience make me a suitable candidate for the job. I am enclosing my bio-data, testimonials and attested copies of my certificates. I can join immediately. I hope to receive a positive response from your company. Thank you Yours faithfully Amit Sharma Encl: Bio-data, testimonials, attested copies of certificates. C op BIO-DATA Name Anil Sharma Father’s Name Sh. Naresh Sharma Date of Birth 10 December 1991 Age 26 Years Sex Male Marital Status Single Nationality Indian Educational Qualifications (i) B.Sc from DCP, College, New Delhi (ii) MBA (Marketing), College of Business Management, Lucknow Experience One year at Wipro Limited as Marketing Manager Languages Known English and Hindi Expected salary Negotiable Strengths Good time management, positive, team spirit and leadership Hobbies Reading, travelling and playing Permanent Address H.No. 678, Civil Lines, Patiala Correspondence Address H.No. 573, MG Marg, New Delhi Contact No. 98256××××× Email ID References (1) Prof. AK Ranjan Adarsh College, Ambala (2) Dr. B.M. Gupta (Civil Hospital Agra) Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 3. Long Compositions 3.1 Debates of life, such as spending time with family, going outside to play, reading, etc. As a result, their ability to think about greater things in life deteriorated. Eventually, people started getting burdened with worries, anxiety and negative thoughts. This led to various lifestyle diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, cancer, etc. A simple living means to be content with only that which is necessary. Spending excessive money on expensive things, which one may not need is not simple living. It even has consequences. For instance, in order to maintain a lavish lifestyle, one often spends more than what one earns. Later, when there is lack of money, the same person has to either make compromises or take loan from others. People who live a simple life are less or not bothered by the momentary joys. This gives them time to indulge in more important aspects of life, such as finding inner peace, developing into a better human being, and feel spiritual. High thinking is not thinking highly about oneself. It means to think positive and of the betterment of humanity. Not constantly worrying about the trivial things in life has positive effects on an individual’s health. She/he eats healthy food, exercises properly, thinks positive and stays happy. In conclusion, I strongly feel that, practicing simple living and high thinking will certainly lead to a healthy living. Thank you. C op yM yK When two speakers or two groups of speakers argue over an issue, expressing opposing views, so as to convince the jury and audience of their own point of view, this formal discussion is known as a debate. The speakers speak either for the motion or against it. Format of a Debate (a) Formal Address : A debater must always start by formally addressing the chief guest, jury members and the audience. This should be the opening line of the debate. (b) The Motion : Next, the speaker must introduce himself/herself and make his/her stand clear i.e., whether one is for the motion or against it. This should form the first paragraph while writing the debate. (c) The Argument : Forcefully and clearly, the speaker must express his/her views either for or against the motion. Highlight the main points of the argument and at the same time use ideal examples to support them. The points should be strong and logical so as to nullify some of the points made by the opponent. These main points of the argument must be highlighted in the middle portion. (d) The conclusion : The speaker must express his/her own views about the issue in the concluding lines of the debate. It is usually an impactful statement, which emphasises one’s stand on the issue. Include a rhetorical question for listeners to ponder upon. (e) End with ‘Thank You!’ SAMPLE DEBATE Simple Living High Thinking : A Mantra of Healthy Living Worthy chairperson, Honourable Judges and my dear students, Today I, Malini, stand before you to speak for the motion, ‘Simple Living High Thinking : A Mantra of Healthy Living’. As modern times dawned, people changed their ways of living. As newer inventions kept making their lives easier and easier, people became materialistic. They gave up simple joys CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 60 3.2 Speeches To be precise, a speech is a formal talk given by a person to an audience. Quite similar to a debate, the speaker expresses his/her strong opinions about an issue with the purpose to convince the listeners to understand his/her point of view. To keep the listener interested in his/her speech, the speaker must : (a) Introduction : Begin the speech with a meaningful quote or statement or by sharing a personal experience, which is relevant to the topic of the speech. Once you have the audience’s attention, formally address the chief guest, fellow presenters and members of the audience. Eventually, introduce the topic of speech. Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 3.3 Reports A report is a written or spoken account of an occurrence, incident or an event in a newspaper, on television, radio, etc. A report can be of four types: XX A newspaper report XX A report about an event held at a school, institution or organisation XX A report about an accident or incident one witnessed XX A report about an enquiry/survey Format of a Report Headline C op yM yK SAMPLE SPEECH Honourable Principal, Respected Teachers and my dear friends. Today I, Monika, would like to express my views on the ‘Evils of Dowry System’. India is a patriarchal society and many evil practices against women, such as female foeticide, early marriage, etc. are prevalent even now. One such practice is Dowry System, which has claimed lives of many innocent women since time immemorial. Dowry System came into practice in the vedic period when upper caste people presented the bridegroom with dowry. It was to support the girl since she did not inherit anything under Hindu Law. As times passed, the practice, which was to benefit the bride, became a social evil. Dowry System allows a variety of crimes to take place every day. Women are tortured mentally and physically. They have to face humiliation, threats and more often than not, become hostage in the house of their in-laws. Most common dowry crimes are dowry deaths, either by suicide or murder, domestic violence, marital rape, sexual harassment, etc. Although, government of India has recognised dowry as a crime and has established various laws against it, they have been found ineffective. Laws alone are insufficient to completely prohibit Dowry System. Awareness and education is also extremely necessary. Until and unless, women have financial security and equal rights in the society, they cannot live with dignity. They also deserve equal job opportunities with pay equal to what men are paid. Every aspect of life is incomplete without women. Those who torment and torture women for dowry must not be treated with sympathy. We all must unite against the evil of Dowry System and make our country a safe place for women. b (b) The Topic : Make the speech impactful by including logical arguments and substantiating his/her views with pertinent facts and examples. The language used also plays an important role. The speaker must use formal, powerful language. (c) Summation : While summing up the speech the speaker must highlight the most important points. He/she can even suggest relevant solutions to problem discussed in the speech. (d) Conclusion : The speech must end either with an appeal, a request, a warning or with a call for action. But, it must end on a positive note. Say ‘Thank you’ at the end of speech. 61 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills Name of the Reporter Body of the Report Conclusion (a) Headline : It should be catchy, short and informative. (b) Name of the Reporter : It comes immediately under the heading and is accompanied by designation (if mentioned in the question) and whom one is writing for. (c) Body of the Report : If the report is being written for a newspaper, it must, begin with the mention of name of the place and date. When reporting an accident, mention the time it occurred in the first paragraph. Although, when reporting for a school magazine, it is not necessary to write the place and date at the beginning of the first line, that information must be provided in the first paragraph. On the whole, the body of the report must answer the quintessential what, when, where, who and how questions. It should be factual and not fictitious. It should be written in indirect speech, in third person (without I, me or you). Since the reporter is ‘reporting’ an incidence/ event, he/she cannot/should not give his/her personal opinion. Follow us on Facebook - 62 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core (d) Conclusion : It describes the summation of the event or incident. SAMPLE REPORTS • Report About an Event-1 Protest Rally Against Rampant Corruption performance and the message each of the plays sent across. The rest of the week brought forward some equally thought provoking theatre. • Report About an Accident–3 Brutal Car Crash, Teenage Driver Dead New Delhi, 24 May, 20×× : Members of the Young Urban Volunteers Association (YUVA), a youth organisation, held a protest rally on 23 May, 20××. Young boys and girls of YUVA organised the rally to raise their voice against rampant corruption in the society. The four hours long rally saw participants from various age groups who took to the road at 11:00 a.m. sharp. The rally started from Connaught Circus and moved further to Janpath. From there the rally group walked to various iconic places of capital city, singing patriotic songs and shouting slogans on anti-corruption. The rally finally stopped at Qutub Minar where the youth representatives of YUVA performed a street play on corruption and how to curb it. The attempt to spread the message of protest against corruption proved quite successful with general public joining in and vowing to fight against it. • Report About an Event-2 Inter-School Drama Competition Held New Delhi, 15 April 20×× : A 16-year-old boy was killed this morning when his car collided with an empty school bus near Rose View High School, Mathura Road. Victim was rushed to Artimis Hospital, where he was announced dead on arrival. Police said the accident occurred as the victim attempted to turn right from Rose View High School. He turned onto the path of the school bus, which was headed straight ahead. The unsuspecting bus driver struck the right side of the victim’s speeding car. According to witnesses, the collision was so impactful that the car traveled 54 feet north of the intersection, was forced off the road and into a ditch. Police said that the bus driver who was also badly injured was rushed to the nearest government hospital and that further investigations are on. ita b — By Nidhi sen, Staff Correspondent yM yK — By Mridul Gupta, HT Reporter — By Rudra Shome, Secretary Drama Society C op Drama Society of Red Roses Public School organised a week long inter school drama competition from March 6 to 8, 20××. Held at their newly renovated auditorium, the drama competition was inaugurated by award winning actress Ms. Nandita Das, who graced the occasion as chief guest and special judge. Schools from all over Delhi participated in the competition, the theme of which was ‘Save the Girl Child’. The school premises was beautifully decorated and posters and banners on ‘Save Girl Child’ were displayed everywhere. The principal welcomed all with a powerful speech about the importance of education. Post that Ms. Nandita Das spoke about the declining sex ratio and plight of many girl children who face various forms of violence, such as rape, molestation, early marriage, etc. The drama competition commenced post the students and audience pledged to encourage education and protection of girl child. The inaugural day held four plays on themes, such as female feticide, dowry deaths, etc. Ms. Das appreciated and praised each 3.4 Factual Description Systematic description of an animate or inanimate subject so as to create a proper mental image of it without having any prior knowledge of the subject is called factual description. It can be used to describe the physical attributes of a person, place or object in detail as the subject might be perceived. The Factual Description must have : XX A title XX Use of present tense and passive voice XX Only facts Types of Factual Descriptions A. Of a Place : Pay attention to the space and location while writing a factual description of a place. One can include information/details, such as name of the place, things of importance around it, why is it there, why is it special, etc. Sample : Factual Description of a Place A Visit to a Hospital A hospital is a place where the sick or the wounded come for treatment. They are attended Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - op C B. Of a Person : When describing a person, it is important to give details, such as, hair, facial features, teeth, height, build, clothes, etc. In addition to that include information such as age, personality traits, likes and dislikes, etc. Sample : Factual Description of a Person A Rickshaw Puller A rickshaw puller is a common sight in India. He can be seen standing at public places like bus stands, railway stations and road crossings waiting for passengers. A rickshaw puller appears miserable and weak. He is not treated well by the general public and is generally overworked and underpaid. 63 He is generally humiliated by everyone. This makes the rickshaw puller sometimes pay them in the same coin. He also behaves with them rudely and harshly. The life of the rickshaw puller is very hard. He works from morning till evening and even at night. He carries passengers and loads from one place to another. The poor rickshaw puller has to submit to the dictates of his passengers as well as the nasty goons and greedy policemen. A few rickshaw pullers fall into bad habits. They waste their hard earned money in drinking, drugs and gambling. They should be saved from this evil and something must be done to improve their lot. b C. Of an Object : Just as physical features are crucial to describe a person, physical attributes/ appearance of an object serves the same purpose. Describe what kind of an object it is and what distinguishes it from other objects. Highlight its best features and how/why is it useful. Include the description, its name, cost (if possible) and all other relevant details. Sample : Factual Description of an Object The Pressure Cooker An air tight metal pot that uses steam under pressure at high temperature to cook food quickly. It is a special cooking pot with a locking, air tight lid and a valve system to regulate internal pressure. Pressure cookers operate on a principle where the steam that builds up inside the pressurised pot cooks food at a very high temperature. This reduces the cooking time by as much as two-thirds without destroying the food’s nutritional value. Since, the food cooks faster it is therefore a timesaving device. It has a safety valve and a weight on its head. When the pressure inside the cooker reaches its optimum level, the weight lifts up automatically, a whistle is heard and the extra steam gets released in the atmosphere. However, if some food particles choke the outlet, there is danger of the cooker bursting. In that case, the safety valve gets opened up by itself and the steam leaks out. The use of pressure cooker therefore needs cautious handling. In some bigger pressure cookers, different pans can be kept to cook twothree food items simultaneously. Food cooked in a pressure cooker is nourishing and hygienic. yM yK to by qualified doctors, nurses and other medical staff. The different wings of the hospital are called wards. People suffering from different diseases are admitted there and treated. The victims of accidents are admitted in the casualty ward. People having ear, nose and throat trouble are treated in the E.N.T. ward. Similarly, there is an ICCU ward for very seriously afflicted heart patients, Pediatric Ward for children below 12 years of age, Orthopedic wards for patients with broken bones and Neurology and Psychiatry wards for patients suffering from mental ailments. There are special wards for women, children and separate wards for burns, eyes, physiotherapy, etc. The general wards of a hospital are generally overcrowded. Hundreds of patients suffering from different diseases are admitted here but not every patient who comes to the hospital is admitted. Thousands of patients visit the Out Patient Department (OPD) for consultation, diagnosis and treatment of their diseases. Doctors and nurses visit the patients at regular intervals. Food and other things are also provided to the patients. There are private rooms for those who can afford. Facilities for X-ray, E.C.G., Oxygen gas equipment, Blood Bank and Diagnostic laboratory also exist in a good hospital. But no hospital can be good without good doctors and nurses who are expected to be professionally oriented, kind and sympathetic to the patients. To a common man, hospital is a dreadful place full of stench, sickness, and sufferings — a place he would never like to visit. ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 3.5 Articles solutions, appeal for a change or give a word of warning. Sample Article What is Ailing Our Tourism? by Astha Awasthi India is known for its rich flora and fauna, beautiful landscapes, glorious past and varied cultural trends. All this makes India a major attraction for tourism. However, the reality is far from this. Tourism in India has been constantly suffering setbacks due to its inefficient tourism industry. Bad and filthy roads, rickety buses, over-priced taxis, delayed trains, all make travelling a nightmare in India. Moreover, the absence of decent and hygienic accommodations, at a reasonable cost, adds to the distraction of tourists visiting India. Besides, the growing menace of terrorism is a huge deterrent for tourists. The Government of India needs to put concerted efforts in place to revamp tourism in the country. Utmost emphasis should be placed on infrastructure development and beefing up the security. Such efforts will certainly make India a leader in the world of tourism. C op yM yK An article is a piece of writing about a particular subject for the purpose of publishing in newspapers, magazines, blogs, etc. to be read by the general public. An article is written either to inform, entertain or express one’s views. An article must be engaging if not always creative or formal. It should be informative, factual and supported by substantial instances. Thoughts and ideas must be arranged in a continuous flow so that the article make complete sense from the beginning till the end. Format of an Article (a) Heading : It must be catchy, giving the reader an idea about the topic/theme of the article. It is immediately followed by name of the writer. (b) The Topic : After a subtle introduction of the topic in the first few lines, emphasise on the main points, causes/effects, positives, negatives, etc. in the body of the article. (c) End/Conclusion : Depending on the theme or topic of the article, the writer can suggest CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 64 Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills Visit our site - 65 PREVIOUS YEARS MCQS Questions Previous Years’ CBSE Board 1. After the rains cases of dengue, Chikungunya, etc are on the rise in your city. As Principal, Sunshine Public School, Manu Vihar, you have decided to allow your students to wear full sleeve shirts and trousers in the school for a period of one month. Write the notice in about 50 words. [4 marks] (Delhi 2017) 7. Sarvodaya Education Society, a charitable organisation is coming to your school to distribute books among the needy students. As Head Boy/Head Girl, Sunrise Public School, Surat, write a notice in about 50 words asking such students to drop the lists of books they need in the box kept outside the Principal’s office. You are Navtej/Navita. [4 marks] (Delhi 2015) yM yK 2. You are Health Secretary, Students Council, Citizens Public School, Ram Bagh, Varanasi. The Council has decided to start from the second of October a week-long cleanliness drive around the school. Draft a notice in about 50 words asking the class XI students to enrol for the drive. [4 marks] (Delhi 2017) b 1.1 Notices 6. Every year in the central park of the city a flower show is held in the month of February. Your school has received a circular from the District Collector inviting your students to visit it. Write a notice in about 50 words informing the students about the show and advising them to go and enjoy it. You are Navtej/Navita, Head Boy/Head Girl, Sunrise Public School, Surat. [4 marks] (Delhi 2015) ita 1. Short Compositions op 3. Water supply will be suspended for eight hours (10 am to 6 pm) on 6th of March for cleaning of the water tank. Write a notice in about 50 words advising the residents to store for a day. You are Karan Kumar/Karuna Bajaj, Secretary, Janata Group Housing Society, Palam Vihar, Kurnool. [4 marks] (Delhi 2016) C 4. Yesterday, during lunch break you misplaced your notes on chemistry lectures. You want to get them back. Write a notice in about 50 words for the school notice board. You are Karuna/Karan, a student of class XII — A. [4 marks] (AI 2016) 5. While travelling by taxi from Lucknow airport to Hazratganj, you left behind a small `bag containing some important documents. Draft a notice in about 50 words for the lost and found column of National Herald, Lucknow describing the loss and promising a reward to the person who gets it back to you. You are Karan/Karuna and can be contacted at 9191909089. [4 marks] (Foreign 2016) 8. Your club is going to organise an interclass singing competition. Write a notice in about 50 words inviting names of the students who want to participate in it. Give all the necessary details. You are Navtej/Navita, Secretary, Music Club, Akash Public School, Agra. [4 marks] (AI 2015) 9. Chennai Book Society is going to organise a week-long book fair in the city during the coming autumn vacation. It has requested your school for volunteers to manage various counters. As Secretary, Cultural Club, Chennai Public School, write a notice in about 50 words inviting the names of those who want to help. You are Lalith/Latha. [4 marks] (Foreign 2015) 10. Very soon your school is going to be a centre for CBSE examinations. You have seen that during lunch break students of junior classes keep going around the examination rooms and make all kinds of noises. You are Navtej/ Navita, Head Boy/Head Girl, Akash Public Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - School, Ajmer. Write a notice in about 50 words warning such students not to go near the examination rooms. [4 marks] (Foreign 2015) 11. An inter class drama competition is to be held in St. Stephens School, Visakapatanam. As Akash, Head Boy of the school draft a notice to be put up on the notice board inviting entries. Provide all necessary information in about 50 words. [4 marks] (Delhi 2015 C) 12. An interschool Kabaddi Competition is organised by your school. Write a notice, in not more than 50 words, requesting the students to be present at the venue to encourage the players. Invent all the necessary details. You are Arjun, the sports captain of your school. [4 marks] (Delhi 2014) decided that a meeting of all the members of the school cricket team be held to discuss plans and strategies for the coming Zonal Tournament. Write a notice in not more than 50 words informing the members of the team about the meeting and requesting them to attend it. [5 marks] (AI 2014 C) 17. You are Smitha/Sunil, Secretary AVM Housing Society. You are going to organise blood donation camp. Write a notice in not more than 50 words, urging the members of your society to come in large numbers for this noble cause. Invent all the necessary details. [5 marks] (Delhi 2015) 18. You are Vineeta/Vikram, School Pupil Leader of Rani Laxmi Bai Senior Secondary School, Gwalior. Draft a notice for your school notice board in not more than 50 words inviting the names of the students who want to participate in the cultural programme organised in aid of the victims of the recent Assam floods. [5 marks] (AI 2013) yM yK 13. You are Smrithi Saran of Victoria Public School, Hyderabad. Your school has organised a Science Exhibition in connection with the death anniversary of Ramanujam. Write a notice in not more than 50 words inviting students to participate in it. Provide all the necessary details. [5 marks] (Delhi 2014) CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 66 C op 14. You are Anoop/Arya, the Cultural Secretary of your school. As part of national heritage programme the school has decided to put up a show on ancient art forms. Write a notice to be put on the school notice board inviting students to watch the show and encourage the artists. Write the notice in not more than 50 words. [5 marks] (Delhi 2014) 15. You are Rameshwarm/Rameshwari, Secretary, Literary Club of A.B.C. School, Vikaspuri. Your schoolmate, Gautam Adhikari, a budding writer, has won the first prize in the State Story Writing Competition. The club has decided to organise a function to felicitate him on his laudable achievement. Write a notice in not more than 50 words, informing all the students of your school about the function and urge them to attend it to make the occasion memorable. Give all the necessary details. [5 marks] (Delhi 2014 C) 16. You are Tripti/Trilok Lahiri, Secretary, ABL School Cricket Association. It has been 19. Your school has planned an excursion to Lonavala near Mumbai during the autumn holidays. Write a notice in not more than 50 words for your school notice board, giving detailed information and inviting the names of those who desire to join. Sign as Naresh/ Namita, Head Boy/Head Girl, D. V. English School, Thane, Mumbai. [5 marks] (Delhi 2012) 20. You lost your Titan wrist-watch in your school. Draft a notice, in not more than 50 words, to be placed on your school notice board. You are a student of Class XII of Rani Ahalya Devi Senior Secondary School, Gwalior. Sign as Rani/Ram. [5 marks] (AI 2012) 21. You have lost your leather wallet containing your examination entry ticket for Class XII, while travelling by bus from Banshankari to M.G. Road in Bangalore, Write a notice in not more than 50 words, to be published in ‘Deccan Herald’. You are Pranav/Praveen, 12, Gandhi Road, Bangalore. [5 marks] (AI 2012) Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 23. Your school is organising a talent search in music and dance. As Co-ordinator of cultural activities, draft a notice in not more than 50 words, inviting the names of those who are interested in the competition. Also give other necessary details, to be placed on your school notice board. Sign as Uday/Vijaya of G.P. Senior Secondary School, Agra. [5 marks] (Foreign 2012) 29. You are Scout Master/Guide Captain of K.R. Sagar Public School, Mysore. You have decided to send a troop of scouts and guides of your school to the jamboree to be held in Lucknow for a week. Draft a notice in not more than 50 words to be placed on the school notice board inviting the names of those scouts and guides who are interested to participate in the jamboree. Invent the necessary details. [5 marks] (AI 2011) 30. You are Sports Secretary of Lalwani Public School, Udaipur. Draft a notice in not more than 50 words for your school notice board asking the students to give their names for participation in various events to be held on the Annual Sports Day of your school. Invent the details of the events. Sign as Lalit/Lalita. [5 marks] (AI 2011) yM yK 24. You are Srinivas/Srinidhi of D.P. Public School, Nagpur. As Student Editor of your school magazine, draft a notice in not more than 50 words for your school notice board inviting articles/sketches from students of all classes. [5 marks] (Delhi 2011) installment of maintenance charges falls due on 31st March, 2011, and requesting the members to pay before the due date. Sign as Anil/Anita. [5 marks] (AI 2011) b 22. As Student Editor, draft a notice in not more than 50 words for your school notice board inviting articles from the students for your school magazine. You are Rohan/Rupini of Vasant Vihar School, Pune. [5 marks] (AI 2012) 67 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills op 25. As Cultural Secretary of G.D. Birla School, Jamshedpur, you are organising an interschool poster-making competition, in connection with ‘The Diamond Jubilee’ celebrations of your school. Draft a circular letter to be sent to various schools in your city requesting their participation. Invent details. [10 marks] (Delhi 2011) C 26. You are Secretary of Gymkhana Club, Madurai. Write a notice in not more than 50 words informing the members to attend an extraordinary meeting of the governing body. Include details like date, time, venue, etc. Sign as a Prabhti/Pratibha. [5 marks] (AI 2011) 27. Due to a sudden landslide and inclement weather, St. Francis School, Vasco has to be closed for a week. As Principal of that school, draft a notice in not more than 50 words to be displayed on the school’s main gate notice board. [5 marks] (AI 2011) 28. You are Secretary of J. P. Narain Housing Society, R.W.A., Meerut. Draft a notice in not more than 50 words stating that the second 31. You are Secretary of Sri Parthasarathy Sabha, Salem. Draft a notice in not more than 50 words to be sent to the members of the Sabha requesting them to attend an extraordinary meeting. Invent necessary details such as items on the agenda, date, time, etc. Sign as Kamal/ Komal. [5 marks] (AI 2011) 32. You are Sonu/Sonali, Sports Secretary of Maharani Public School, Gwalior. Write a notice in not more than 50 words for the school notice board, asking students interested in playing hockey to give their names for selection in the school hockey team. Invent date, time, eligibility criteria etc. [5 marks] (Foreign 2011) 33. You are Babul/Bubbli of S.R.M. Vidyalaya, Agra. As Coordinator of Red Cross Society wing of your school, you propose to organise a one day blood donation camp at your school. Draft a notice in not more than 50 words to be placed on your school notice board appealing to the students to motivate their parents and neighbours to participate in this noble cause. [5 marks] (Foreign 2011) Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 34. As Sports Secretary of G.D.G. Public School, Pune. Draft a notice in not more than 50 words for your school notice board informing the students about the sale of old sports goods of your school. You are Rohini/Rohit. [5 marks] (Delhi 2010) 35. You are the Secretary of your School Literary Association. Write a notice in not more than 50 words for your school notice board, giving details of the proposed inauguration of the Literary Association of your school. You are ‘XYZ’ of Jain Vidyashram, Cuddalore. [5 marks] (AI 2010) 36. As librarian of Crescent International School, Gwalior, draft a notice in not more than 50 words asking all students and teachers to return the library books they have borrowed, two days before the commencement of the examination. [5 marks] (Delhi 2009) a detailed description of the watch. You are Anirudh/Arundhati of class XII of Springfield School, Pune. [5 marks] (Delhi 2008) 1.2 Advertisement 1. Principal, Sunrise Global School, Agra requires a receptionist for her school. Draft a suitable advertisement in about 50 words to be published in the classified columns of a national newspaper giving all the necessary details of qualifications and experience required in the receptionist. [4 marks] (Delhi 2016) 2. You need to buy a flat. Draft a suitable advertisement in about 50 words to be published in the classified columns of a local newspaper giving all the necessary details of your requirement. You are Karan/Karuna, M-114, Mall Road, Delhi. [4 marks] (Delhi 2016) yM yK 37. As Principal of Sardar Patel Vidyalaya, Lucknow, draft a notice in not more than 50 words informing students of the change in school timings with effect from the 1st of October. State valid reasons for the change. [5 marks] (Delhi 2009) CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 68 C op 38. You are Secretary of the History Club of Vidya Mandir School. Draft a notice in not more than 50 words informing students of a proposed visit to some important historical sites in your city. [5 marks] (Delhi 2009) 39. As Secretary of the ‘Eco Club’ of St. Anne’s School, Ahmedabad, draft a notice in not more than 50 words informing the club members about the screening of Al Gore’s film, ‘Inconvenient Truth’ in the school’s audio visual room. [5 marks] (AI 2009) 40. As Teacher Co-ordinator of the Quiz Club of AMM School, Pune, draft a notice in not more than 50 words informing students of the interclass quiz contest asking them to register their names with the Secretary of the Club within a week. [5 marks] (Foreign 2009) 41. You lost your wrist watch in your school auditorium. Write a notice in not more than 50 words for your school notice board giving 3. You are Karan Kumar/Karuna Bajaj, a leading lawyer practising in Surat. You want to buy an independent house at City Light Road to be used as office-cum-residence. Draft an advertisement in about 50 words for the classified columns of a local newspaper. You can be contacted at 45645678. [4 marks] (AI 2016) 4. You are Karan/Karuna of M-114, Mall Road, Delhi. You are a civil engineer and have recently returned from UAE. You are looking for a suitable job in India. Draft an advertisement for the same in about 50 words. Give details of your qualifications, experience, nature of job and expected remuneration. [4 marks] (AI 2016) 5. You want to offer paying guest accommodation on the first floor of your house. Draft an advertisement in about 50 words giving details of the premises, amenities provided, terms and conditions. You are Karuna/Karan, M114, Mall Road, Delhi. [4 marks] (Foreign 2016) 6. You are going abroad. You want to rent out your house for a period of five years. Draft a suitable advertisement in about 50 words to be put in a local newspaper giving all the details Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 7. Your school, Akash Public School, Agra needs a canteen manager. On behalf of the Principal, write an advertisement in about 50 words to be published in the classified columns of a local daily. Mention the educational and professional qualifications, other qualities required in the manager, whom to apply to and the last date for the receipt of applications. [4 marks] (AI 2015) yM yK 8. You have cleared your IIT Entrance Exam and so want to sell off the reading material you have with you. Write an advertisement to be placed in the ‘For Sale’ columns of a local daily giving all details of the material you have with you in not more than 50 words. You are Mohan/Mohini. Contact No. 9811111111. [4 marks] (Delhi 2015 C) 9. You require a teacher to teach maths and science to your son at home who is in class 10. Draft an advertisement in not more than 50 words giving all your requirements. You are Arun/Aruna. Contact No. 93××××××. [4 marks] (AI 2015 C) C op 10. You possess an acre of land in the heart of the city. You want to dispose of this property since you have decided to buy a flat. Write an advertisement to be published in a national daily, giving all the necessary details. You are Krishan of Moti Nagar, Delhi. [5 marks] (Delhi 2014) 11. You want to sell off your motorbike which you have been using for five years, since you have decided to buy a car. Write an advertisement, in not more than 50 words, to be published under the classified columns of a national daily. Furnish all the necessary details. [5 marks] (Delhi 2014) 12. You would like to let out a portion of your independent house for office use. Write an advertisement for the classified columns of the local newspaper giving all the necessary details. Write the advertisement in not more than 50 words. [5 marks] (Delhi 2014) 69 13. You are General Manager Hotel Dosa, Gurgaon. You need a lady front office assistant with sound knowledge of computers. She must be a graduate and good in communication skills with pleasing manners. Draft an advertisement in not more than 50 words to be published in Gurgaon Times. [5 marks] (Delhi 2013) 14. You have a three bedroom flat in Dwarka, which you want to let out on rent. Draft an advertisement in not more than 50 words to be published in The Times of India, under classified columns. Contact 2758902. [5 marks] (AI 2013) 15. C.P.R. Senior Secondary School, Meerut is looking for a receptionist for the school. Draft an advertisement in not more than 50 words to be published in classified columns of Hindustan Times. You are Romola Vij, Principal of the school. [5 marks] (Delhi 2012) 16. You are Mohan/Mohini, General Manager of P.K. Industries, Hyderabad. You need an accountant for your company. Draft, in not more than 50 words, an advertisement to be published in The Hindu in classified columns. [5 marks] (AI 2012) 17. You are Ratan/Rani, General Manager of Hotel Green Park, Lucknow. You need a receptionist for your hotel. Draft an advertisement in not more than 50 words to be published in Hindustan Times, Lucknow, calling for applications. [5 marks] (AI 2012) 18. Write an advertisement in not more than 50 words for the Lost and Found column of the daily National Herald, Lucknow stating the loss of your wallet containing a D.D. for ` 32,500 and some cash, while travelling by bus from Hazratganj to Nirala Nagar in Lucknow. You are Raman/Roopa, 22A Hazratganj, Lucknow. [5 marks] (AI 2012) 19. You want to rent out your newly constructed flat in the heart of the city. Draft an advertisement in not more than 50 words to be published in ‘The Deccan Herald’, Bangalore under classified columns. Give all the necessary details. You are Mohan/Mahima of Jayanagar, Bangalore. [5 marks] (Delhi 2011) b about your house with expected rent. You are Karan/Karuna, M114, Mall Road, Delhi. [4 marks] (Foreign 2016) ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 20. You are General Manager of Ivy Software Solutions, Agra Cantt, Agra. You need a software engineer for your organisation. Draft an advertisement in not more than 50 words to be published in The Times of India under the classified columns. [5 marks] (Delhi 2010) 21. You are the General Manager of E.V.L. Company which requires posh bungalows on company lease, as guest houses. Draft an advertisement in not more than 50 words under classified columns to be published in The New Indian Express. [5 marks] (AI 2010) 1.3 Posters 1. Fireworks and crackers are known to create pollution during festivals. As an environmentalist design a poster in about 50 words to create awareness of their ill effects. [4 marks] (AI 2015 C) 2. You were very upset about the reports on communal riots in various parts of the country. As a concerned social worker, design a poster in not more than 50 words, highlighting the importance of communal harmony. You are Vinay/Vineeta. [5 marks] (AI 2014) 3. You are a member of the S.P.C.A. Draft a poster in not more than 50 words, to create awareness on the need to prevent cruelty to animals. You are Suhas/Suhasini. [5 marks] (AI 2014) 4. You are a fitness trainer in a health club. Design a poster in not more than 50 words, to emphasise the importance of exercise in maintaining mental and physical fitness. You are Prem/Priya. [5 marks] (AI 2014) 5. Recent rains have caused havoc in some parts of our country. You are Surya, a member of the social service organisation, SEVA MANDIR, Ahmedabad. Draft a poster requesting people to help the rain and flood afflicted families physically and economically. [5 marks] (Delhi 2007) yM yK 22. Samta Public School in Delhi requires cricket and hockey coaches. Draft a suitable advertisement in not more than 50 words for the ‘Situations Vacant’ column of the ‘Daily Herald’, stating your requirements regarding age, qualification, experience, etc. You are Principal of the school. [5 marks] (Delhi 2009) CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 70 op 23. You are Manisha of 10, Rajaji Nagar, Bangalore. You want a Maths teacher for your son who is a class 10 student. Draft a suitable advertisement in not more than 50 words stating your requirements. [5 marks] (Delhi 2009) C 24. You want to sell your newly built flat. Draft a suitable advertisement in not more than 50 words to be inserted in the classified columns of ‘The Hindu’ giving all necessary details. You are Niranjan, 247, J.P. Nagar, Bangalore. [5 marks] (AI 2009) 25. You are Dr. Madhu, M.D. You are looking for an independent house in Ghaziabad on a reasonable rent for your residence-cum-clinic. Draft a suitable advertisement in not more than 50 words to be published in Hindustan Times, New Delhi. Your telephone no. is 12341234. [5 marks] (Delhi 2008) 26. You plan to sell your two wheeler. Draft a suitable advertisement in not more than 50 words to be inserted in the classified columns of a local daily, giving all necessary details of the two wheeler. You are Sumit/Sudha, 15, Krishna Nagar, Delhi. [5 marks] (Delhi 2007) 1.4 Invitations and Reply 1. Sunrise Global School, Agra is going to organise a one-act play competition in the school auditorium. You have decided to invite noted stage artist, Nalini to grace the occasion. Draft a formal invitation for her in about 50 words. You are Karuna/Karan, Cultural Secretary. [4 marks] (Delhi 2016) th 2. On 30 November your school is going to hold its Annual Sports Day. You want Mr. Dhanraj Pillai, a noted hockey player to give away the prizes to the budding sportspersons of the school. Write a formal invitation in about 50 words requesting him to grace the occasion. You are Karuna/Karan, Sports Secretary, Sunrise Global School, Agra. [4 marks] (AI 2016) Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills Visit our site - 71 3. On Teacher’s Day you want to honour your PGT (English) Mrs. Sudha Murthy, who retired from service two months ago. Write a formal invitation in about 50 words requesting her to grace the occasion. You are Karuna/ Karan, Head Girl/Head Boy, Sunrise Global School, Agra. [4 marks] (Foreign 2016) 4. The literary club of your school is putting up the play ‘Waiting for Godot’. As secretary of the club, draft an invitation inviting the famous writer Sudesh Gupta to be the guest of honour at the function. Write the invitation in not more than 50 words. You are Govind/ Gauri. [5 marks] (AI 2014) 5. As the Principal of a reputed college, you have been invited to inaugurate a Book Exhibition in your neighbourhood. Draft a reply to the invitation in not more than 50 words, expressing your inability to attend the function. You are Tarun/Tanvi. [5 marks] (AI 2014) 6. You have received an invitation to be the judge for a literary competition in St. Ann’s School. Send a reply in not more than 50 words, confirming your acceptance. You are Mohan/ Mohini. [5 marks] (AI 2014) 7. Your friend, Manish Tripathi has invited you to attend his wedding anniversary. You cannot attend it as you have a family gettogether on the same day. Write a polite letter, in not more than 50 words, expressing your inability to attend the function and wish him all the happiness on this joyous occasion. You are Mita/Mahendra Juneja of 25, Vasundra Colony, Patna. [5 marks] (AI 2014 C) 8. As Secretary of the Literary Club of St. Anne’s School, Ahmedabad, draft a formal invitation in not more than 50 words for the inauguration of the club in your school. [5 marks] (Delhi 2009) 2. You are living in village along a national highway. The state roadways bus does not stop near your village. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the General Manager, State Roadways requesting a bus stop for your village. Give all the reasons why you need a bus stop there. You are Omar/Amna, Gopalpur, Dist. Ramnagar. [6 marks] (Delhi 2017) 2. Letter Writing 6. Write an application (including a resume) in 120-150 words for the post of receptionist advertised in a national newspaper by JKL Publishers, Peshwa Road, Pune. You are Karuna, M-114, Mall Road, Pune, a graduate from SNDT University and have done a Secretarial Practice Course from YWCA, Mumbai. [6 marks] (Delhi 2016) ita b 3. Yesterday you went to Sunrise Hospital, Market Road, New Delhi taking with you victim of a hit and run accident. There were chaotic conditions in the casualty department. The injured was attended to after a lot of precious time had been lost. Write a letter of complaint in 120-150 words to the Medical Superintendent. You are Karan/Karuna, M-114, Mall Road, Delhi. [6 marks] (Delhi 2016) C op yM yK 4. Lack of job opportunities in the rural areas is forcing people to migrate to cities. Every big city thus has a number of slums in it. Life in these slums is miserable. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the editor of a national newspaper on how we can improve the living conditions in these slums. You are Karan/Karuna, M-114, Mall Road, Delhi. [6 marks] (Delhi 2016) 1. Last month you purchased a TV set from Ram Electronics, Pushp Vihar, Ambala. It is not working properly (imagine a few defects). Write a letter of complaint in 120–150 words to the Manager asking for repair or replacement. You are Amar/Amrita, M114 Model Town, Ambala. [6 marks] (Delhi 2017) 5. Park Lane, Chanakyapuram, Mysore is proud of having four reputed public schools in close proximity to each other. In the morning and afternoon there is a heavy traffic along the road and hundreds of students are put to a lot of inconvenience. Write a letter in 120-150 words to Deputy Commissioner of Police (Traffic) describing the problem. Suggest a few measures to regulate the traffic. You are Karuna Shetty/ Karan Kumar, Principal, Sunrise Global School. [6 marks] (Delhi 2016) Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 7. Along with air and water pollution, our cities are also under an attack of noise pollution. Marriage processions, DJs during wedding receptions, loud music from neighbourhood flats, etc. are all source of noise which is not good for the old, the ailing and students. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the editor of a local newspaper describing the problem and making a request to the concerned authorities to solve it. Your are Karan/Karuna, M-114, Mall Road, Delhi. [6 marks] (AI 2016) 8. In all big cities, road rage has become a serious problem. A minor scratch, a little push, or a small brushing past can lead to a scuffle sometimes resulting even in murder. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the Police Commissioner giving your views on the problem and its solutions. You are Karuna/Karan, M-114, Mall Road, Delhi. [6 marks] (AI 2016) You have received a letter of enquiry from Principal, Sunrise Global School, New Delhi. The school wants to send a group of students to visit places of historical interest in and around Jaipur. Write a letter in 120-150 words mentioning all the facilities you can arrange for the tour and expenses thereon. [6 marks] (Foreign 2016) 13. You have seen an advertisement in a national newspaper for the post of Senior Teacher in English at Sunrise Global School, Noida. You are Karuna, M-114, Mall Road, Delhi. You are MA (English), B.Ed. from Delhi University and yet to have any teaching experience. Write a job application in 120-150 words to the Manager. [6 marks] (Foreign 2016) 14. You are Karan Kumar, Manager, Standard Book House, Fort Road, Kochi. You have received a letter of complaint from Principal, Sunrise Global School, Calicut. The books she had ordered were received late; number was less than ordered; and some books were in a damaged condition. Write a suitable reply to her letter in 120-150 words. [6 marks] (Foreign 2016) op yM yK 9. It gives you a good feeling when you read in the newspapers how patients from abroad come to hospitals in India and get themselves treated at a fraction of expenses they will have incurred elsewhere. Write a letter in 120150 words to the editor of a national daily describing the importance of medical tourism for India. You are Karan/Karuna M-114, Mall Road, Kanpur. [6 marks] (AI 2016) CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 72 C 10. You bought a flat from PQR Builders, Sector 55, Noida. Within a period of two months you have started facing a lot of problems like seepage in the walls and ceilings, wall paint peeling off, leaking sanitary fittings, lift getting stalled, etc. Write a letter of complaint in 120150 words to the Works Manager. You are Karuna/Karan, A9D Apoorva Apts, Noida. [6 marks] (AI 2016) 11. Our rivers are very polluted. Industries and sewage from our houses are polluting them. What can we do to save our rivers? Write a letter in 120-150 words to the editor of a national newspaper describing the problem and suggesting solutions to it. You are Karuna/ Karan, M-114, Mall Road, Delhi. [6 marks] (Foreign 2016) 12. You are Karuna Bajaj, Manager, Rajasthan Tourist Bureau, Sikandra Road, New Delhi. 15. Recently you went to your native village to visit your grandparents. You saw that some of the children in the age group 5 -14 (the age at which they should have been at school) remained at home, were working in the fields or simply loitering in the streets. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the editor of a national daily analysing the problem and offering solutions to it. You are Navtej/Navita, M-114, Mount Kailash, Kanpur. [6 marks] (Delhi 2015) 16. When cricket teams go abroad the members are allowed to take their wives, even friends along with them. Does this fact distract them or help them to focus on their game in a better way? If it is good, why don’t we allow our athletes to enjoy the same privilege? Write a letter to editor of a national daily in 120-150 words giving your views on the issue. You are Navtej/Navita, M-114 Mount Kailash, Kanpur. [6 marks] (Delhi 2015) Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 23. You are the librarian of Amla Public School. You had placed an order for text books with Dhanpati & Sons. Since the books did not arrive on time, you have decided to cancel the order. Write a letter to the Manager, Dhanpati & Sons, Chennai, cancelling the order. (125-150 words). [10 marks] (Delhi 2014) 24. You are interested in doing a short-term course in computer graphics during your holidays. Write a letter to the Director, Easy Computers, enquiring about their short-term courses and asking for all the necessary details. You are Naresh/Nandini. [10 marks] (Delhi 2014) yM yK 18. On Teacher’s Day, you read in a newspaper that privately owned and managed schools in small towns or even in the suburbs of metropolitan cities exploit their teachers by paying them just a fraction of their authorised salaries. This affects their performance in the classroom and thus the lives of their students. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the editor of a national daily raising your voice against such exploitation. Suggest ways to solve this problem. You are Navtej/Navita, 112 Taj Road, Agra. [6 marks] (AI 2015) 22. You are interested in doing a course in fashion design. For this you want to join NIFT. NIFT holds a competitive examination for admission. Sapphire Academy, Dadar, Mumbai gives coaching for the admission test. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the Director, Sapphire Academy requesting him to provide you with all the necessary information. You are Karan/ Kirti, 48 Fort Apartments, Pune. [6 marks] (AI 2015 C) b 17. You are Navtej/Navita, Secretary, Environment Club, Akash Public School, Agra. You, along with a group of students, went on a 3-day tour through Corbett National Park. You found how the tourists abuse the available facilities and thus endanger the environment. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the editor of a national daily highlighting the situation. Suggest ways through which the environment of the park can be saved. [6 marks] (AI 2015) 73 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills C op 19. You are the Principal, Akash Public School, Ajmer. Yesterday you received a letter of enquiry from Mr. P.L. Sharma resident of 12, Abu Bakr Road, Dubai who wants his daughter, Navita, at present studying in class VIII, Indian School, Dubai to be admitted to your school next year in class IX. He wants to know all about your school. Write a letter in 120 – 150 words to Mr. Sharma. [6 marks] (Foreign 2015) 20. You are Ketan Panday of 63, Civil Lines, Delhi. You saw an advertisement in The Hindu for the post of accountant in a reputed firm. Write an application in 120-150 words to the area manager of Gayatri Consultants, 2, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi, giving your detailed biodata. [6 marks] (Delhi 2015 C) 21. You are Ravikant, sports teacher of Sunshine Public, Karol Bagh, Delhi. A month ago you placed an order for the supply of a few sports goods. So far you have not received the goods. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the Sales Manager, Olympic Sports F-12 Darya Ganj, Delhi requesting a speedy delivery of the goods. [6 marks] (Delhi 2015 C) 25. You are the Physical Education Instructor of All Saints School. You had placed an order for sports goods with Bat and Ball Enterprises. When the items arrived you found that some of them were defective. Write a letter to the Manager, Bat and Ball Enterprises, asking him to replace the defective items. (125-150 words) [10 marks] (Delhi 2014) 26. You live in a crowded area in Mumbai. Unauthorised parking of vehicles in your area is causing a lot of inconvenience to the locals. Write a letter to the Police Commissioner of the district complaining against this practice. You are Rohan/Rohini of Sakinaka, Mumbai. [10 marks] (Delhi 2014) 27. You are Anand/Arti of 14, Model Town, Delhi. You have seen an advertisement in The Hindu for the post of Chief Chef in a 5-Star Hotel. Apply for the job with complete bio-data. Write in 125-150 words. [10 marks] (AI 2014) Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - loss of life and property. Also, make an appeal to the people and the government to provide help and succour to the afflicted. You are Sucheta/Sunil, 15, Tilak Nagar, Murshidabad. [10 marks] (AI 2014 C) 34. As a regular commuter by bus from Noida to Delhi, you have been witnessing rash, driving by the bus drivers daily without an exception. Write a letter to the Editor, ‘The Times India’ drawing the attention of the General Manager, Delhi Transport Corporation to this problem. You are Priti/Prakash, 15 Udyog Vihar, Noida. [10 marks] (Delhi 2013) 35. Write a letter to Lightways Sports, Amrapalli, Thane, placing an order for sports articles (minimum 4) to be supplied to your school, ABC Matriculation School, Civil Lines, Poona. Sign as Ravi/Raveena, Sports Secretary. [10 marks] (Delhi 2013) 36. You are Kamini/Kamal of 10 Civil Lines Extension, Chanakyapuri, Agra. The main road leading to your locality has three open manholes causing frequent accidents at night, especially during the rainy season. Write a letter to the Editor, The Times of India drawing attention of the Municipal Commissioner to this problem of the residents. [10 marks] (Delhi 2013) C op yM yK 28. You are Prem/Parul of 16, TT Nagar, Bhopal. You would like to apply for the post of Marketing Manager in a reputed firm in Mumbai. Write a letter to the Public Relations Officer, Chantac Enterprises, Mumbai, applying for the job. Write the letter in 125150 words giving your bio-data. [10 marks] (AI 2014) 29. You are Arman/Arpita of 14, MG Road, Pune. You had bought the textbook ‘Vistas’ for class—XII from a neighbourhood bookstore. After skimming through the book, you realised that few pages were missing and the print overlapped on a few pages. Write a complaint letter in 125-150 words to the Manager, Dawn Books, Lawrence Road, Chennai requesting him for a replacement or refund. [10 marks] (AI 2014) 30. You had bought an expensive wristwatch last week. Now you realise that it is not functioning properly. Write a letter in 125-150 words to the Manager, Edison Watch Works, New Delhi, complaining about it and requesting him to repair or replace it immediately. You are Gobind/Gopa of 68, Park Street, Kolkata. [10 marks] (AI 2014) 31. You are Mahesh/Mohita, President, R.W.A., Govindpuri, Bangalore. The main park in your locality which was once a model park lies in a state of utter neglect. It has become a favourite spot for anti-social elements and permanent resting place for stray animals. Write a letter to the Municipal Commissioner requesting him to instruct the horticulture department to take prompt action and restore the park to its original condition. [10 marks] (Delhi 2014 C) 32. The youth of the country are very vigilant these days and feel concerned about the problems being faced by the people. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily urging him to highlight the role of the youth in eradicating the problems of poverty, unemployment and corruption. You are Rani/Rohit, 15, Gulbarga Society, Surat. [10 marks] (AI 2014 C) 33. Your town has been badly hit by floods due to enormous rains. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily giving a detailed account of the CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 74 37. You are Anoop/Akriti, Baden Power Senior Secondary School, Delhi. Write a letter to the Sales Manager, Aparna Publishing House, placing an order for the books (minimum four titles) for your school library. Invent the necessary details. [10 marks] (Delhi 2013) 38. You have noticed many stray animals on the road during the busy hours of the day. These animals cause traffic jams as well as accidents. You have already written to the concerned authorities but no action has been taken so far. Write a letter to the Editor, The Hindu, drawing attention of the Municipal Commissioner, Chennai. You are Shantha/Suresh, 12 M.G. Road, Chennai. [10 marks] (Delhi 2013) 39. You are Nalini/Vishal, Hostel Warden, Zenith Public School, Kosikalan. Write a letter to the Sales Manager, Bharat Electronics and Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 40. Write a letter to your cousin, Raj Prakash who is currently staying at Dubai, explaining the process of CCE being used by the CBSE for the Secondary School Examination in its affiliated schools. Also mention how you and your classmates have reacted to this scheme. You are Narain/Nisha, 20 Fort Road, Mumbai. [10 marks] (AI 2013) 45. Due to insanitary conditions in the colony, the population of rodents has been multiplying exposing the residents to multiple diseases. Write a letter to the Municipal Commissioner bringing the problem to his notice and urging him to take urgent action in the matter. You are Suraj/Supriya, 12, M.G. Road, Chennai. [10 marks] (AI 2013) 46. You are Pritam/Priti, 27, W. E. A. Karol Bagh, Delhi. You have decided to shift your residence to Faridabad and hence decided to discontinue your membership of Brain Trust Library, Karol Bagh. Write a letter to the Librarian, requesting him to cancel your membership and refund your security deposit of five thousand explaining your inability to continue your membership. [10 marks] (Delhi 2012) yM yK 41. Recently you travelled from Bangalore city to Vasco in Vasco Express. To your dismay, you found that the coach was infested with cockroaches. Write a letter to the Editor, ‘The Hindu’ drawing the attention of the General Manager, Southern Railways, to the prevailing unhygienic conditions and asking for remedial action. You are Saroj/Saran, 5/31 Bangalore Cantt., Bangalore. [10 marks] (AI 2013) difficult choice from a number of streams available to him for further study at the senior school level. There is no valid mechanism to assess the suitability of a candidate for a particular stream. Write a letter to the Editor of a national daily emphasising the need of educational counsellors for guidance in this matter in each school. You are Vinita/Vinay, 48, Agra Fort, Agra. [10 marks] (AI 2013) b Domestic Appliances Limited, New Delhi, placing an order for a few fans, microwave ovens and geysers that you wish to purchase for the hostel. Also Ask for the discount permissible on the purchase. [10 marks] (Delhi 2013) 75 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills C op 42. Recently you travelled in a State Transport bus from Chennai to Thiruvallavur and to your shock air-conditioning in that coach was not working properly. The quality of the maintenance of the bus was also not good. All the way you spent time in unbearable heat. Write a letter to the Editor, ‘The Hindu’, drawing the attention of the General Manager (Maintenance) for taking action in this matter. You are Hema/Ganesh, 25, Avadi, Chennai. [10 marks] (AI 2013) 43. Games and sports are not given so much importance in the country as is given to academics. As a result of this our achievements in the international arena are not very spectacular. Write a letter to the Editor of a national daily on the importance of sports and games and on the need to create awareness about it. You are Sunita/Sameer, 8/35, M.G. Road, Bangalore. [10 marks] (AI 2013) 44. After passing the secondary school examination, a candidate has to make a very 47. You are Anu/Arun, 13, W. E. A. Karol Bagh, New Delhi. You feel very strongly about the ill-treatment meted out to stray dogs at the hands of callous and indifferent people. Write a letter to the Editor of a national daily giving your views on why some people behave in such a manner and how these dogs should be treated. [10 marks] (Delhi 2012) 48. Write a letter to the Station Master, Anand, informing him about the loss of your suitcase which you realised only on alighting at Anand. You travelled by Navjivan Express from Chennai to Anand. You are Priya/Prasad of 12, Kasturi Bai Street, Chennai - 20. [10 marks] (AI 2012) 49. As a parent, write a letter to the Principal, ABC School, Delhi, requesting him/her to grant your ward Akhil/Asha Arora, permission to attend the school two hours late for a month Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - to the Principal of the school asking him to introduce vocational stream in the school providing facility of teaching such subjects as computers, insurance, etc. so that the students may not needlessly continue academic studies. You are residing at 15, Anand Colony, Hyderabad. [10 marks] (AI 2011) 56. Write a letter to the Manager (Publications) of Little Flower Company, Hyderabad, placing an order for 4 books on Management and Administration recently published by them. You are Ronil/Rohini, Librarian, H.P. Engineering College, Tirupathi. [10 marks] (AI 2011) 57. You are Sruthi/Shiraj staying at R.K. Puram, Secunderabad. Your locality being away from the main city, the poor bus service adversely affects the life of residents. Write a letter to the Editor, Deccan Chronicle, highlighting the problems faced and also giving a few possible solutions. [10 marks] (Delhi 2010) C op yM yK as he/she has to attend the coaching classes arranged by Sports Authority of India, on being selected for participation in National Swimming Championship. [10 marks] (AI 2012) 50. Write a letter to the Dean, D.P.I. School of Management, Mumbai, requesting him to apprise you of the details such as eligibility criteria, fees, hostel facility, prospects of placement, etc. for admission to P.G. Diploma in HRM. You are Ram/Romola of 21, Civil Lines, Bareily. [10 marks] (Delhi 2011) 51. Write a letter to the Editor, Deccan Times, Bangalore about the inadequate parking facilities in the Commercial Street, M.G. Road, which is causing a lot of inconvenience to the people. Offer your suggestions. You are Anoop/Ritu, 24 Hennus Road, Bangalore. [10 marks] (Delhi 2011) 52. You are Rohit/Yasmin, a resident of 10, Civil Lines, Saharanpur. During your college life, you participated in various curricular and co-curricular activities with meritorious performance. Write a letter to the Principal of your college i.e. Gurunanak College, Ambala requesting him to issue you a testimonial including the details of your performance. [10 marks] (Delhi 2011) 53. Judith Public School, Pune has recently introduced Diploma Course in Lab Technology under vocational stream. The prospects of this course are not clear to your mind. Write a letter to the Principal of the school inquiring about the future prospects of this course and requesting him to send a prospectus, if any. You are Chaman/Chanchal, 25 Ashirwad Apartments, Kolhapur. [10 marks] (Delhi 2011) 54. Write a letter to the Municipal Chairman of New Town, North Arcot District about the dilapidated condition of a public monument requesting him to take urgent steps for the preservation of this valuable heritage. You are Anarkali/Akbar, 10, Pudupet, New Town. [10 marks] (Delhi 2011) 55. You are Raman/Rama, a member of ParentTeacher Association of Little Valley Senior Secondary School, Hyderabad. Write a letter CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 76 58. You are Varsha/Varun, incharge of Excursion Club of B.V.P. School, Mathura Road, Delhi. Write a letter to the General Manager, Northern Railways, requesting reservation of a bogie for 80 students from New Delhi to Chennai and back by G.T. Express. [10 marks] (Delhi 2010) 59. Write a letter to the Editor, ‘The Hindu’, Chennai about rash and reckless driving by the people in your city, suggesting preventive measures. You are Kamal/Kanwar of 10, Mount Road, Velacherry. [10 marks] (AI 2010) 60. You have shifted your residence from 10, Lajpat Road to House No. 232, Aurobindo Marg, Delhi. Write a letter to the General Manager, MTNL requesting him for an early transfer of your telephone line. You are Rohit/ Radhika of 15, The Mall, Amritsar. [10 marks] (AI 2010) 61. Write a letter the Editor, ‘The Hindu’ about the mosquito menace due to stagnant water in your locality. Give suggestions to improve the situation. You are Raman/Renu, living in Rajaji Nagar, Tiruneveli. [10 marks] (AI 2010) Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - op C 77 Applications are invited for the post of Junior Engineer. The candidate must have at least a diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognised institute. He should have at least 3 years experience of field work. Salary commensurate with qualification and experience. Apply to the Manager, Parsva Constructions Ltd., 24, Sector 10, Mysore, within 10 days, with detailed resume. b [10 marks] (Delhi 2009) 68. As Store Incharge of Goodwill Public School, 47, M.G. Marg, Allahabad, write a letter complaining about the poor quality of biscuits in the latest consignment received from M/s. Mangla Confectioners, Allahabad seeking immediate replacement. [10 marks] (Delhi 2009) 69. Write a letter to the Manager, Furniture World, Chennai, complaining about the poor quality of office furniture you recently purchased from them. Give details of the nature of complaint, date of purchase, details of invoice, etc. and seek immediate repair/replacement. You are Mr. S. Reddy, Principal, P.S. Public School, Chennai. [10 marks] (AI 2009) 70. You are Indu, a student of Class XII living at 131, Hans Apartments, Agra. You are interested in pursuing a course in Journalism. Write a letter in response to an advertisement issued by the Asian Institute of Journalism, Delhi in a national daily, seeking information about suitable courses, eligibility, fee structure, and placement opportunities. [10 marks] (AI 2009) 71. Write a letter to the Manager, Book World, Chennai, complaining about the delay in the supply of class VII textbooks for the current academic year giving necessary details. Highlight the inconvenience caused due to it and seek an immediate supply of books. You are Rajini/Rajan, Manager, Book Store, Good Shepherd High School, Trichy. [10 marks] (AI 2009) 72. As Sports Incharge of A.C.C. Public School, Secunderabad, write a letter to the Secretary of the Sports Authority of India, Delhi, requesting him to send the details of scholarships yM yK 62. Write a letter to the Secretary Youth Hostels, Jaipur, requesting him to provide accommodations for 3 days to 4 members of your family going on a tour of Rajasthan. You are Kamini/Kamlesh, Gandhi Nagar, Chennai. [10 marks] (AI 2010) 63. There is a flood of advertisements on television channels these days. Useless commodities and even superstitious beliefs are promoted through glamorous and exaggerated presentations. Write a letter to the Editor, ‘New Indian Express’ about the negative influence such advertisements have on the minds of the people. You are Radha/Ramesh of Mayur Vihar, Lucknow. [10 marks] (AI 2010) 64. Write a letter to the Manager, Haldirams, Nagpur requesting him to supply 60 lunch packets for your excursion party which would be travelling by G.T. Express from Delhi to Chennai. Your train would reach Nagpur at 12.15 p.m. Mention your coach number and the other relevant details. You are Priti/Pritam, co-ordinator of the excursion party of Sriram Vidya Niketan, Delhi. [10 marks] (AI 2010) 65. SAF Public School, Chandigarh is planning to take a group of 40 senior students to Shimla on an excursion during the summer vacation. Mr. Mohan Das, the teacher incharge of ‘Excursions and Field Trips’ writes a letter to JJ Tours & Travels, Chandigarh asking them to organise the tour. Write this letter giving details of preference such as dates of journey, transport, accommodation, etc. [10 marks] (Delhi 2009) 66. You are Navneet of 65, P.H. Road, Mangalore. Recently you bought a mobile phone from ‘The Phone Point’, 83, Mount Road, Mangalore. The phone instrument developed a problem within a month of purchase. Write a letter to the dealer giving details of the nature of the problem and asking him/her to rectify the defect or replace the set. [10 marks] (Delhi 2009) 67. Read the advertisement given below and write a letter applying for the job. Also give your detailed resume to be sent along with the letter. You are Praveen Kumar of 95, HAL Colony, Bangalore. ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - admissible to different categories of students of the school, who have achieved excellence in various sports. [10 marks] (Delhi 2008) 73. You are the Librarian of T.H.S.S. School, Kolar. Write a letter to Messrs Vikas Publishers, Chennai placing an order for some books for your school library. Mention the details of the books (at least four) and ask for the discount available on the purchase. [10 marks] (Delhi 2008) 74. As Cultural Secretary, Himalaya Public School, Guntur, write a letter to the Director, C.C.E.R.T. New Delhi, requesting him to provide details of scholarships admissible to school students who secure distinction in music and dance. You are Vishali/Vinita. [10 marks] (Delhi 2008) 3. Long Compositions 3.1 Debates 1. ‘The policy of reservation of seats for admission to the professional courses is good for the deprived sections of society.’ Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion. [10 marks] (Delhi 2016) 2. ‘Rising prices can be controlled only by the government’. Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion. [10 marks] (Delhi 2016) 3. ‘The policy of no detention till class VIII is not in the interest of students.’ Write a debate in 150-200 words either in favour of or against the motion. [10 marks] (Delhi 2016) 4. ‘Brain drain is not a bane for a developing country like India’. Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion. [10 marks] (AI 2016) yM yK 75. You are the Store Incharge of B.J.P. Senior Secondary School, Meerut. You require various items of furniture such as chairs, desks, almirahs, etc. for your school. Mentioning the details of the items, write a letter to Chaddha Furniture House, 15, Karol Bagh, Delhi placing the order for furniture. Ask for the discount available on the purchase. [10 marks] (Delhi 2008) CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 78 C op 76. You are Apoorva, B-120, Malviya Nagar, Chennai. Read the advertisement given below and write a letter to the advertiser, applying for the job. INDIAN PHARMACEUTICALS, 20 Coast Road, Kochi, requires Trainee Medical Representatives. Candidates should be Science or Pharmacy graduates and below 25 years of age. Fluency in English and any one of the regional languages is essential. Attractive stipend with handsome working allowances will be offered during training period. After successful completion of the training, the candidates will be appointed on regular basis. Please apply with complete resume and a passport size photograph at the above address. [10 marks] (Delhi 2007) 5. ‘The Internet cannot replace a classroom teacher’. Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion. [10 marks] (AI 2016) 6. ‘Reality TV draws a factual picture of life.’ Write a debate either for or against the motion in 150-200 words. [10 marks] (Foreign 2016) 7. ‘Old age homes are not required in India.’ Write a debate in 150-200 words either for or against the motion. [10 marks] (Foreign 2016) 8. The government has banned the use of animals in the laboratories for the purpose of dissection. Write a debate in 150 - 200 words either for or against this decision. [10 marks] (AI 2015) 9. Some people feel that electronic media (TV news) will bring about the end of print media (newspapers). What are your views on the issue? Write a debate in 150 - 200 words either for or against this view. * use of visuals on TV * authentic and fast * not enough news for 24-hour telecast * may fabricate news Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 3.2 Speeches 4. Write a speech in 150-200 words on the topic, ‘A student must know how to manage his time’. It is to be delivered in the morning assembly. You are Karan/Karuna, Head Boy/ Head Girl of the school. [10 marks] (Delhi 2016) 5. Write a speech in 150-120 words on the topic, ‘Discipline shapes the future of a student’. It is to be delivered in the morning assembly. You are Karuna/Karan. [10 marks] (AI 2016) 6. Write a speech in 150-200 words to be delivered in the morning assembly on the topic, ‘Water, a valuable asset, conservation at home and at school’. You are Karuna/Karan. [10 marks] (AI 2016) b 7. Write a speech in 150-200 words to be delivered in the morning assembly on the topic, ‘Beauty of India lies in its diversity’. You are Karan/Karuna. [10 marks] (Foreign 2016) 8. Write a speech in 150-200 words on the topic, ‘Importance of prayer in the morning at school’. You are Karan/Karuna. [10 marks] (Foreign 2016) yM yK * become repetitive and dull * even scandals become news * print media - time tested * analysed, verified news * editorial comments * cater to all interests [10 marks] (AI 2015) 10. Consumerism is increasing day by day. Luxuries of yesterday have become necessities of today. The result is that the more we want the more miserable we become. Write a debate in 150 - 200 words on ‘The only way to minimise human suffering and pain is to control our needs.’ You are Navtej/Navita. [10 marks] (AI 2015) 11. Migration from villages to cities has led to the spread of urban slums. People living in these slums lead a miserable life. Economic disparity leads to the problems of law and order. Write a debate in 150 - 200 words on ‘Solution to the problem of misery in the urban slums lies in creating jobs in the villages’. You are Navtej/ Navita. [10 marks] (AI 2015) 79 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills C op 1. Sakshi Malik won a bronze medal in Rio Olympics. Every Indian felt proud of her. You, Head Girl of your school want to deliver a speech in order to express your feelings. Write the speech in 150-200 words. Apart from your own ideas use the following clues : Wrestling mostly a male sport – Sakshi born in conservative surroundings - most unfavourable gender ratio for females – parental encouragement – one can’t forget the look of determination on her face in the last three minutes of the bout. [10 marks] (Delhi 2017) 2. Write a speech in 150-200 words on ‘Benefits of early rising’ to be delivered by you in the morning assembly of your school. You are Karuna/Karan, Head Girl/Head Boy. [10 marks] (Delhi 2016) 3. Write a speech in 150-200 words on the topic, ‘Library plays an important role at school’. It is to be delivered in the morning assembly. You are Karuna/Karan, Head Girl/Head Boy. [10 marks] (Delhi 2016) 9. Mobile phone of today is no longer a mere means of communication. Music lovers are so glued to it that they don’t pay attention even to the traffic while crossing the roads. This leads to accidents sometimes even fatal ones. Write a speech in 150-200 words to be delivered in the morning assembly advising the students to be careful in the use of this otherwise very useful gadget. Imagine you are Principal of your school. [10 marks] (Delhi 2015) 10. Power shortage has become a norm even in the metropolitan cities. One way to face this situation is by preventing the wastage of power. Write a speech in 150-200 words on the importance of power in our daily life and how to save power at school and at home. Imagine that you are the Principal of your school. [10 marks] (Delhi 2015) 11. Outside the gate of your school there are a few food carts. They don’t observe strict hygienic Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 3.3 Reports 1. Cultural Society Sunshine Public School, Nellore organised an adult literacy camp in its neighbourhood. Write a report in 150-200 words on the camp for your school newsletter. You are P.V. Sunitha, Secretary. Use the following clues : no. of volunteers – hours spent in teaching – location of the class – chairs, blackboards – no. of people attending the camp – benefit. [10 marks] (Delhi 2017) 2. Incessant rain has caused irrecoverable damage in your area. As an active participant in the flood relief programme, write a report in 125-150 words on the different flood relief measures carried out. You are Krishan/ Krishna. [10 marks] (Delhi 2014) 3. You have visited a book exhibition in your neighbourhood. Write a report in about 125150 words on the exhibition. You are Rohan/ Rohini. [10 marks] (Delhi 2014) C op yM yK standards. You have observed that so many of your students go to them immediately after the school is over. This can create health problems. As Principal write a speech in 150200 words on ‘Healthy Food’ to be delivered in the morning assembly. [10 marks] (Delhi 2015 C) 12. You are Rajendra Kumar, a social worker. You read an article in The Hindu on ‘Health Care for Indian Workers’. Write a speech in 125150 words on the importance of health care to be delivered at a public function to create awareness among the workers. [10 marks] (Delhi 2014) 13. Media has a strong hold on society. Write a speech in 125-150 words on how media influences public opinion to be delivered in the school assembly. [10 marks] (Delhi 2014) 14. You are Sampreet, an educationist. You have noticed that the youth of today are often unable to cope with stress and become frustrated and bitter. Write a speech in 125-150 words to be delivered at a college function on ‘Youth, their problems and solutions’. [10 marks] (Delhi 2014) 15. After Independence India has seen a steep upward trend in the graph of corruption. The public has often become disgusted and disappointed. As Venkat, a well known journalist, write a speech in 150-200 words on ‘Corruption, its causes and solutions’. [10 marks] (Delhi 2014) 16. Regular practice of yoga can help in maintaining good health and even in the prevention of so many ailments. Write a speech in 150-200 words to be delivered in the morning assembly on the usefulness of yoga. [10 marks] (Delhi 2012) 17. You are Ajay/Anu, Head Boy/Girl of Kendriya Vidyalaya, Kanpur. You have seen some students of junior classes littering the school compound and verandahs with tiffin leftovers. It makes the school look unclean and untidy. Write a speech in 150-200 words to be delivered in the morning assembly, advising such students to keep the school neat and clean. [10 marks] (AI 2012) CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 80 4. On Teachers’ Day, the badge holders of your school organised a grand celebration to honour the teachers of your school. As the Head Boy of the school, write a report on the celebration in 125-150 words. [10 marks] (Delhi 2014) 5. As you were travelling by train, you happened to witness an accident at an unmanned level crossing. As the reporter of a newspaper, write a report on the accident, including details of the number of people injured and the extent of damage caused. [10 marks] (Delhi 2014) 6. You had attended a workshop on personality development for students. Many eminent personalities had been present. Write a report in 125-150 words on how the workshop proved to be beneficial. You are Rajesh/Rajshree. [10 marks] (AI 2014) 7. A few teachers and students from the Edwin University had visited your school on an exchange programme. You welcomed them grandly. Write a report in 125-150 words on the celebration. You are Brijesh/Benu. [10 marks] (AI 2014) Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 14. As a staff reporter of The Times of India, Delhi, you are asked to cover an incident of daylight robbery on the outskirts of Delhi, while the inmates were present in the house. Write a report in 100-125 words. [10 marks] (Delhi 2013) 15. Your School, Sea View Public School, Kochi, organised a Blood-Donation Camp on the occasion of the Republic Day celebrations. As Cultural Secretary of your school, write a report on the event in 100-125 words. [10 marks] (Delhi 2013) 16. Traffic police has launched a special drive against pollution causing vehicles. This has led to traffic jams and crowds at important intersections. Write a report in 100-125 words to be published in ‘Chennai Times’. You are Prince/Priya, 12 M.G. Road, Adayar, Chennai. [10 marks] (Delhi 2013) op yM yK 9. Members of the Social Activities Club of your school recently visited an orphanage run by a well-known N.G.O. Members of the club were greatly impressed with the atmosphere in the orphanage. Write a report in 125-150 words, giving details, such as clean surroundings, nice and caring staff, well-fed children with glowing faces, toys and games for kids, etc. You are Nutan/Naveen, President of your school’s Social Activities Club. [10 marks] (AI 2014 C) 10. The members of Saraswati Residents Welfare Association held a protest rally at the District Park against the decision of the Municipal Corporation to cut down trees for widening of roads to ease traffic congestion. Write a report on the rally in 120-150 words. You are Puneeta/ Pramod, the President of the Association. [10 marks] (AI 2014 C) September. Write a report in 100-125 words on the activities performed for your school newsletter. You are Shobita/Sameer, Cultural Secretary of your school. Invent the necessary details. [10 marks] (Delhi 2013) b 8. Write a report in 125-150 words on the Zonal Cricket Tournament held in the playground of A.B.C. School, Laxmi Nagar last week. Your report should include details, such as names of participating teams, exciting, cheerful atmosphere, decorated playground, a large crowd of cheering students and presentation ceremony. You are Gopalan/Gauri, Student Editor of your school magazine. [10 marks] (Delhi 2014 C) 81 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills C 11. Your school, Sun Public School, Poona, celebrated ‘Environment Day’ on 5th November. Write a report on the programme in 100-125 words for your school newsletter. You are Neeta/Naveen, Cultural Secretary of the school. Invent the necessary details. [10 marks] (Delhi 2013) 12. You are Deepak/Deepika, Secretary of Ahimsa Club, Parsva Public School, Delhi. On 2nd October your school observed ‘International Day for Peace and Non-violence’, organising various activities such as visit to Raj Ghat, Charkha spinning, lectures by eminent Gandhians, etc. Write a report on the same in 100-125 words. [10 marks] (Delhi 2013) 13. Your school Kanpur Senior Secondary School, Kanpur celebrated ‘No Tobacco Day’ on 4th 17. Maxim Gorky School, Kodaikanal celebrated ‘Nutrition Week’ from 1st September to 7th September by arranging inter-school cookery contests, oratorical, painting and poster competitions, besides talks by eminent nutritionists and medical professionals. There was an overwhelming response from students and parents. Prepare a report in 100-125 words to be published in your school magazine. You are Arjun/Anita, School Pupil Leader. [10 marks] (AI 2013) 18. You are Roshan/Rohini, School Pupil Leader of Meerut Public School, Meerut. Your school joined a campaign organised by various agencies of your city to create awareness among people to conserve water. Write a report in 100-125 words highlighting the activities such as rain water harvesting etc. [10 marks] (AI 2013) 19. You are Smitha/Smith, Secretary, Cultural Association, Motilal Fomra School, Tirupati. Last month your school celebrated Library Follow us on Facebook - 82 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core Week in which book reading sessions, writing of book reviews, lectures by eminent writers, etc. were organised. Write a report on it to be published in your school newsletter in 100125 words. [10 marks] (AI 2013) 25. You witnessed a road accident near Nalbandh Chowraha at Agra in which a bus and a scooter were involved. Write a report for Amar Ujala in 100-125 words. Sign as Vivek/Vimala, Special Correspondent. [10 marks] (Delhi 2012) 20. You attended a meeting organised by the Education Society running your school on 5th September, the birthday of Dr. S. Radhakrishan, the former President of India, to felicitate the best teachers of the area. Mentioning the contribution of teachers to the society and the awards given to them, write a report in 100125 words for your school magazine. You are Bina/Babu, Head Girl/Head/Boy of A.B.C School, Coimbatore. [10 marks] (AI 2013) 26. Your school celebrated International Year of Chemistry. 36 schools from Delhi participated in various competitions. Chairman, CBSE was the Chief Guest. As co-ordinator, draft a report in 100-125 words for your school magazine. You are Ram/Ramya of G. B. Senior Secondary School, Delhi. [10 marks] (Delhi 2012) b ita 28. Your school has recently arranged a musical night in the school auditorium. Write a report in 100-125 words on this programme, for your school magazine. You are Mahima/Mahesh, Cultural Secretary of Vasant Vihar Public School, Itarsi. Invent the details. [10 marks] (AI 2012) yM yK 21. Keeping in view the frequent occurrence of earthquakes, floods and torrential rains in different parts of the country, your school arranged a talk on disaster management. The speaker explained the precautionary measures to be taken by the public and the government in case of emergency. As a student reporter, Ravi/Rani prepare a report on the talk in 100125 words, to be published in your local paper. [10 marks] (AI 2013) 27. You witnessed a bomb blast in a Delhi market when you went there for shopping alongwith your parents for Diwali purchases. Write a report in 100-125 words for your school magazine. [10 marks] (Delhi 2012) C op 22. Your school Commerce Association organised a seminar for class XII students of the schools of your zone on the topic, ‘Rising prices create a crisis’. As co-ordinator of the programme write a report in 100-125 words for your school magazine. You are Piyush/Priya of ABC School Agra. [10 marks] (Delhi 2012) 23. A new indoor gymnasium has recently been constructed and inaugurated at APJ International School in Goa. As special correspondent of ‘The Hindu’ draft a report in 100-125 words on the gymnasium and the inauguration ceremony. [10 marks] (Delhi 2012) 24. Your school conducted a seminar on ‘How to prevent cruelty towards animals’, in which 40 city CBSE schools took part. As co-ordinator of the programme, write a report in 100125 words for the school magazine. You are Vikram/Vidhi of C.P.S. Senior Secondary School, Bangalore. [10 marks] (Delhi 2012) 29. You witnessed a fire accident in a slum area near your colony on Saturday night. You were very much disturbed by the pathetic sight. Write a report in 100-125 words for your school magazine. You are Lakshmi/ Lakshman, a student of P.D.K. International School, Madurai. [10 marks] (AI 2012) 30. You are Cultural Secretary of PND Xavier School, Jamshedpur. Your school organised a debate on the topic, ‘The impact of reality shows on the younger generation’. Write a report in 100-125 words to be published in ‘The Times of India’, Jamshedpur. [10 marks] (Delhi 2011) 31. A major bus mishap which left several people seriously injured took place at Nicholas Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai. Luckily no life was lost. Collect the information from the eyewitnesses and send a report in 100-125 words to ‘The Nungambakkam Times’. You are Vinod/Vinodini, a reporter. [10 marks] (Delhi 2011) Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 33. The Debating Society of your school has recently held a workshop on ‘Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation’ (CCE) introduced for the students of Class X in all schools. The students discussed the assessment made by the school on the basis of their participation in various activities and the system of grading. Write a report in 100-125 words for your school magazine. You are Parveen/Payal, Secretary of the Society. [10 marks] (AI 2011) 38. You are Sweety/Suresh of L.M. Jain School, Ajmer. As Secretary of your School Cocurricular Activities Club, you visited a slum area in your city where the people suffered a great loss of life and property in a massive fire. The students of your school rendered their services and material help to the victims. Write a report in 100-125 words for your school magazine. [10 marks] (Delhi 2010) 39. Recently your school held a seminar on Conservation of Water as a part of World Water Day celebrations. As the School Pupil Leader of Maryland School, Gurgaon, write a report in 100-125 words for a local daily. Sign as Pritham/Preeti. [10 marks] (Delhi 2010) op yM yK 34. You visited a job fair organised by Ability Foundation in Chennai recently. You were impressed to see that nearly 55 companies from various sectors such as information technology, telecommunication, electronics, etc. offered jobs to the final year students of colleges. As a reporter of the Deccan Times, Chennai prepare a report in 100-125 words. You are Peeyush/Priya. [5 marks] (AI 2011) 37. You are Latha/Lalith of Gurgaon. You attended the inaugural ceremony of the newly opened vocational stream and hobby classes at the secondary school level in Paras Public School, Gurgaon. Draft a report in 100-125 words to be published in ‘Gurgaon Times’. Invent other details. [10 marks] (AI 2011) b 32. You are Poorva/Partha, Cultural Secretary of your school, D.B. Senior Secondary School, Ambur. A week-long Music and Dance festival was organised by your school. Write a report in 100-125 words for your school magazine. Invent the details. [10 marks] (AI 2011) 83 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills C 35. You are Anand/Anandi, a Times of India correspondent. You attended the inaugural function of Tamil Nadu Hospital, Chennai. Mentioning the specialities of the hospital, the number of beds, all available facilities, etc. and details about the ceremony, write a report in 100-125 words for your newspaper. [5 marks] (AI 2011) 36. You witnessed a programme performed by differently abled persons on Zee T.V. You were very much impressed by their performance and were emotionally touched. Highlighting their talent, reaction of the judges to their performance, etc., prepare a report in 100125 words for your school magazine. You are Gopal/Gopi, Student Editor of the magazine. [10 marks] (AI 2011) 40. Your school has recently organised a medical camp for screening students and staff for Swine Flu on the occasion of Independence Day Celebrations. The parents were also invited for screening. You are Rohit/Rashmi, Cultural Secretary of Vivekananda Kendra School, Bangalore. Write a report of the event in 100-125 words for ‘The Times of India’. [5 marks] (Delhi 2010) 41. The Green Club of your school celebrated ‘Van Mahotsava and Environment Protection Week’ involving students of your school. Eminent environmentalists, journalists and celebrities were also invited. Write a report in 100-125 words on the activities performed for a local daily. You are Amrit/Amrita, Secretary of the Club. [10 marks] (Delhi 2010) 42. Your school organised an exhibition-cumsale of the items prepared under Work Experience by your school students. There was an overwhelming response from the public. Prepare a report in 100-125 words for a local daily. You are the Co-ordinator, S.U.P.W. activities, Nita School, Gurgaon. [10 marks] (AI 2010) Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 3.4 Factual Description 1. Last week the newly built auditorium of your school was inaugurated. As Deepak/Deepti Saha, the Head Boy/Girl of the school, write a factual description of the auditorium in 125-150 words. [10 marks] (AI 2014) 2. Your brother is going to Chennai to write an entrance exam. You have requested your friend to meet him at the railway station and arrange accommodation for him. As your brother has not seen your friend, give a detailed factual description of your friend in 125-150 words, so that your brother can recognise him easily. You are Parvesh/Parvati. [10 marks] (AI 2014) 3. Parks are not only useful for children, adults and the old, but are environment friendly too. Write a factual description in 100-125 words of the neighbourhood park you often visit. [10 marks] (Delhi 2009) C op yM yK 43. Your school organised a seminar on Swine Flu for creating awareness among students of your school, and their parents. As secretary of the Health Club of Oasis Public School, Hyderabad, write a report in 100-125 words for ‘The Deccan Herald’. [10 marks] (AI 2010) 44. You are Naren, a class XI student of Preet Public School, Chennai. You attended a weeklong training programme organized by The Debating Society, Chennai to develop debating skills. Mentioning the number of participants, speakers and the skills taught such as listening, concentration, effective speaking, etc., write a report in 100-125 words for your school magazine. [10 marks] (Delhi 2009) 45. You are Sujay, a staff reporter of ‘The Herald’. Write a report in 100-125 words covering the Book Fair organised in New Delhi in the month of January by the leading publishers of the country. [10 marks] (Delhi 2009) 46. Alpha School recently organised a course in First Aid for students of senior classes. As Vivek of Class XII write a report on the programme giving necessary details for the school magazine. Write the report in 100-125 words. [10 marks] (AI 2009) 47. The Eco Club of your school launched a special cleanliness drive in the school and its neighbourhood. As Secretary of the club, write a report in 100-125 words giving details of the programme. You are Karan of A.M.M. High School, Hyderabad. [10 marks] (AI 2009) 48. You are Amrit/Anuradha of B.M.B. Public School, Dalmianagar. Recently your school celebrated Environment Week. Giving details of the celebrations, write a report in 100-125 words for your school magazine. [10 marks] (Delhi 2008) 49. You are Rama, studying in Sun Public School, Bangalore. Every year your school celebrates the ‘World Health Day’ that falls on 7th April. Write a report for your school newsletter in 100-125 words on how the day was celebrated this year. [10 marks] (Delhi 2007) CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 84 4. Write a factual description of the new library -cum-reading room in your school for the primary class students in 100-125 words. Include details of the layout, display facility, seating arrangement, etc. [10 marks] (Delhi 2009) 5. You visited your friend who is residing in a school hostel. Write a factual description in 100-125 words including the facilities such as accommodation, food, entertainment, sports, etc. provided there. [10 marks] (Delhi 2009) 6. Write a factual description of the multistoreyed shopping mall in your locality in 100125 words. Include details of layout, special facilities like ATM, restaurants, escalators, etc. [10 marks] (AI 2009) 7. Write a factual description of the scene at the park in your locality in the morning hours in 100-125 words. Include activities like walking, exercising, children at play, etc. [10 marks] (AI 2009) 3.5 Articles 1. India is a land of diversity. One way in which it makes us feel proud of it is the number of Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 2. Rising pollution, fast and competitive lifestyle, lack of nutritious food, etc. have caused health woes for a large section of our population. Providing health care used to be a charitable and ethical activity. Today it has become commercialised, a money spinning business. Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘How to provide proper healthcare to the common man’s. You are Karan/Karuna. [10 marks] (Delhi 2016) 8. In certain states of India there is a great imbalance in the male-female ratio. This is the result of special treatment given to boys in the family. Why is it so? How can we change this mindset? Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘Gender discrimination in society’. You are Karuna/Karan. [10 marks] (AI 2016) 9. For admission to colleges, there is a lot of competition today. For one available seat, there are hundreds of candidates. Such a situation leads to stress on the minds of students in the schools. However, the practice of Yoga can help them to feel calm and stress free. Write an article in 150-200 words on the topic, ‘Importance of Yoga to Students’. You are Karan/Karuna. [10 marks] (AI 2016) yM yK 3. India is an emerging economy. We are rich in natural resources. Yet a significant proportion of our people is living below poverty line. One cause of this poverty is our rising population. Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘How to keep a check on population’. You are Karuna/ Karan. [10 marks] (Delhi 2016) 7. Increase in the number of private vehicles has caused problems like rising air pollution, traffic jams, lack of parking space, road rage, etc. The solution lies in the use of public transport. Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘The Importance of Public Transport’. You are Karan/Karuna. [10 marks] (AI 2016) b festivals we enjoy. Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘Festivals of India’. You are Karuna/ Karan. [10 marks] (Delhi 2016) 85 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills op 4. Women feel unsafe on the road, at their place of work and even at home. There is an urgent need to change the male mindset in its attitude towards women. Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘How to make women feel safe’. You are Karan/ Karuna. [10 marks] (Delhi 2016) C 5. Education has always been a noble profession. Our ancestors received their learning at gurukuls and ashrams. Even in the near past pathshalas (schools) were associated with places of worship. Today, education is fast becoming commercialised. Parents have to shell out a lot of money on coaching classes, tuition fees, etc. Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘The State of Education, Today’. You are Karan/Karuna. [10 marks] (AI 2016) 6. According to 2011 census, literacy rate of hundred percent or around has been achieved by only a couple of states in India. Illiteracy is found mostly among the old and the deprived sections of society. What can the youth do to spread literacy in society? Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘Role of students in eradicating illiteracy.’ You are Karuna/Karan. [10 marks] (AI 2016) 10. While watching TV what we generally dislike most are commercial breaks, yet, a number of advertisements do add to our information. Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘Advertisement as a source of information’. You are Karuna/Karan. [10 marks] (AI 2016) 11. In spite of 24-hour news on TV, the morning newspaper has not lost its relevance in the daily life of common man. Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘Print media and TV news’. You are Karuna/Karan. [10 marks] (Foreign 2016) 12. Charity begins at home. If we want a clean India (Swachh Bharat) we have to begin with ourselves, make individual efforts not to make our surroundings dirty. Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘Role of Individuals in Society to Keep our Environment Clean’. You are Karan/Karuna. [10 marks] (Foreign 2016) 13. You feel disturbed when you read in the newspapers about rising incidence of crime against women. This is particularly so in the Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 20. When children watch TV the adults generally scold them without realising that some programmes on TV can be educative too. Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘TV as a tool of instruction’. You are Navtej/Navita. [10 marks] (Delhi 2015) 21. Ragging has raised its ugly head again. A recent incident at a prestigious school has shown that this evil has not yet come to an end. Write an article in 150 - 200 words on ‘Ragging, an Evil’. You are Navtej/Navita. * a practice from the British era * original aim, respect for hierarchy * enforcing traditions, discipline * Prefect – a teacher substitute * misuse of authority * vulgar aspect * fatalities [10 marks] (AI 2015) * solution 22. India is a tourist’s dream destination. Give your views on the tourism potential of India in an article of 150 - 200 words. You are Navtej/ Navita. * places of worship – religious tourism * foreigners – places of historical interest * the rich – hill stations during summers – the sun-kissed beaches in winters – leisure tourism * medical tourism – world class hospitals [10 marks] (AI 2015) C op yM yK metropolitan cities. Write an article in 150200 words on ‘Role of Public and Police in Curbing the Crime Against Women’. You are Karuna / Karan. [10 marks] (Foreign 2016) 14. The youth are indebted to society in several ways. They are nurtured by a family at home, educated in a school and enjoy so many facilities to lead a smooth life. They owe a lot to society. In several ways they can help the society to function better. Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘Students and their Social Responsibilities’. You are Karan/Karuna. [10 marks] (Foreign 2016) 15. By and large we Indians are very kind-hearted. And our religions also teach us the lesson of non-violence. Yet, we are inclined to show no kindness to stray animals (cattle included). We are cruel to street dogs, our cows (no longer milch), draft animals, etc. Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘How can we stop being cruel to animals ?’ You are Karan/Karuna. [10 marks] (Foreign 2016) 16. India has been called a ‘tourists’ paradise’. Yet there are a few problems that the tourists face while in India. Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘How to promote tourism in India’. You are Karuna/Karan. [10 marks] (Foreign 2016) 17. In the year to come (if you have not already done this year) you are going to celebrant your 18th birthday. Write an article in 150-200 words on the joys and responsibilities of being eighteen. You are Navtej/Navita. [10 marks] (Delhi 2015) 18. Write an article in 150-200 words on how we can make India a carefree and enjoyable place for women where they can go wherever they like to without any fear of being stared at, molested or discriminated against. You are Navtej/Navita. [10 marks] (Delhi 2015) 19. Emotionally as well as intellectually, a woman is as good as a man if not better. Yet we don’t allow her the same status as a man enjoys in society. Write an article in 150-200 words on “Status of Women in Society”. You are Navtej/ Navita. [10 marks] (Delhi 2015) CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 86 23. Midday meal scheme in the schools introduced by the government serves several purposes. Millions of children from the deprived sections of society get nutritious food leading to good health, are attracted to the schools, kept from going astray and developed into good citizens. The scheme may have some drawbacks too. Write an article in 150 - 200 words on all aspects of the scheme. You are Navtej/Navita. [10 marks] (AI 2015) 24. Morning assembly in the schools gives a cool and calm start to the otherwise hectic schedule of the day. It can be a means of passing important information to the students. What are your views on this significant event of the Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - wondered how people can be so devoid of civic sense. Write an article in 125-150 words on why we lack civic sense and how civic sense can be inculcated in children at a very young age. You are Shiva/Shamini. [10 marks] (AI 2014) 30. You saw a stray dog beaten to death by a group of boys. Their act infuriated you and you scolded them for their cruel act. You decided to write an article on cruelty to animals. Write the article in 125-150 words. You are Nikhil/ Naina. [10 marks] (AI 2014) b 31. A newspaper report on a recent terrorist attack in your locality shattered you. You decided to write an article in a local daily on terrorist attacks and the need to maintain peace and harmony in society. Write the article in 125-150 words. You are Madhav/Meena. [10 marks] (AI 2014) 32. India is a tourists’ paradise. But we have not really exploited our tourism possibilities. Write an article in 125-150 words on ‘Tourism in India’. You are Ravi/Rani. [10 marks] (AI 2014) C op yM yK day? Write an article in 150 - 200 words on ‘Importance of Morning Assembly’. You are Navtej/Navita. [10 marks] (AI 2015) 25. Within a few months you will be joining a college. How do you look at college life? Is it freedom from strict discipline imposed on you by the school? A carefree life with no worries of completing assigned home work. Or, is it the beginning of responsible preparation for a brilliant career? Write an article in 150–200 words on what you think of college life. You are Navtej/Navita. [10 marks] (Foreign 2015) 26. The number of cars that a country produces every year is one way of measuring its prosperity. At the same time what the vehicles lead to are traffic jams, air pollution, road rage, an unhealthy competition in the middle class to own more and newer cars. What are your views on the issue — Private cars or Public transport? Describe them in an article in 150-200 words. You are Navtej/Navita. [10 marks] (Foreign 2015) 27. You are Dikshit, sportsman. You are worried about the decreasing interest of students in sports and games. Write an article in 150200 words to be published in a magazine on the need for sports and games. You are Amit/ Anita. Use the hints given below. • sitting most of the time • excessive use of internet • most don’t walk to the school • more importance to examination results [10 marks] (Delhi 2015 C) 28. Nowadays, students attend coaching classes early in the morning or after school hours. You feel that this trend makes them tired, affects their health and so their grades. Write an article in 150-200 words to make the students understand how this is not very helpful in improving their grades and is a waste of their precious time. You are Ram/Rani. [10 marks] (AI 2015 C) 29. Last week, as you were coming back from school you happened to see a huge plastic bag full of leftover food being flung onto the middle of the road from a speeding car. You 87 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills 33. Travelling in an overcrowded bus can be very upsetting. Pushing and shoving, suffocation, angry faces and rumpled clothes are facts a traveller has to face. Write an article in 125– 150 words on “Travelling in an overcrowded bus.” You are Sohan/Sohini. [10 marks] (Delhi 2014 C) 34. Failure and setbacks are normal part of life. They make us aware of our shortcomings and encourage us to conquer them. Write an article in 125-150 words on “Failure is a stepping stone to success”. You are Gopal/Gopika. [10 marks] (AI 2014 C) 35. Your family has recently shifted from Kota in Rajasthan to Ernakulam in Kerala, where your house is situated in the midst of beautiful flowering plants and fruit-yielding trees. Every minute and every second, you are experiencing the joy of being in the lap of nature. Write an article in 150-200 words on the diversity of nature that you have experienced. You are Latha/Lalith of Class XII. [10 marks] (Delhi 2013) Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 36. Write an article in 150-200 words on the topic, ‘Poverty is the cause of all evils’, to be published in the Young World of ‘The Hindu’, Chennai. [10 marks] (Delhi 2013) 37. Write an article in 150-200 words for your school magazine on the topic, ‘Obesity Among School Children’. You are Mohini/Mohit. [10 marks] (AI 2013) 38. You are Raman/Ruchika. Write an article in 150-200 words for your school magazine on the topic, ‘Life without Modern Gadgets’. [10 marks] (AI 2013) 39. Spurt of violence previously is known in Indian schools makes it incumbent on the educationists to introduce value education effectively in schools. Write an article in 150200 words expressing your views on the need of value education. You are Anu/Arun. [10 marks] (Delhi 2012) 44. There is a growing trend among the youth to participate in adventurous activities. Write an article in 150-200 words for your school magazine on the topic, ‘Why would you prefer to have an adventurous life?’ [10 marks] (Delhi 2011) 45. Children upto the age of 12 years have been participating in TV programmes, bearing a lot of stress and neglecting their studies at such a prime time of their life. Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘How far is it justifiable for children to participate in TV programmes?’ You are Sukra/Sukanya. [10 marks] (Delhi 2011) 46. The invention of mobile phone has brought about a revolution in the lives of the people in the country. If used properly it can be a blessing but if misused it can prove to be a curse. Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘Mobile phone - a boon or bane’. You are Kartik/Krishna. [10 marks] (AI 2011) op yM yK 40. Dance, as shown in some reality shows on TV, seems to be a mix of gymnastics and P.T. exercises. Actually, it is neither. India has a rich tradition of classical and folk dances. Write an article in 150-200 words on the need to have a reality show exclusively based on Indian classical dances. You are Anu/Arun. [10 marks] (AI 2012) CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 88 C 41. Increase in the number of vehicles causes pollution and traffic jams. Write an article in 150-200 words for The New Indian Express, Delhi, highlighting the urgent need to solve these man-made problems, giving suitable suggestions. You are Madhav/Madhuri. [10 marks] (Delhi 2011) 42. In almost all big cities in the country there is a mushroom growth of slums where people are living in inhuman conditions. Write an article in 150-200 words about this problem suggesting steps to deal with it. You are Komal/ Kartik. [10 marks] (Delhi 2011) 43. Corruption has become the order of the day. It has entered all walks of life. Write an article for your school magazine in 150-200 words on ‘The Role of Youth in Combating Corruption’. You are Vijay/Vineeta. [10 marks] (Delhi 2011) 47. With the rising number of people in almost all the big cities of the country, the rate of crime has also increased proportionately. The police needs to be trained in new methodology of combating the crime besides changing its mindset. Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘The role of police in maintaining law and order in the metropolitan cities’. You are Ravi / Ravina. [10 marks] (AI 2011) 48. Presently the prices of essential commodities are skyrocketing causing much hardship to the common man. Write an article in 150-200 words expressing your views and suggesting measures to curb this problem. [10 marks] (Delhi 2010) 49. The number of women in the police force seems insufficient specially when we see the increasing involvement of women in terrorist activities. Write an article in 150-200 words for ‘The Hindustan Chronicle’, on the need of having more women in the police force. [10 marks] (Delhi 2010) 50. In many parts of our country girls are still discouraged from going to school. Consequently sizable section of the population is deprived of education. Schemes like Sarva Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 51. Advertisements have become a big business. They are promoted by celebrities drawn from various fields like films, sports, etc., leaving their influence on all people specially the young. Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘The impact of advertisements on the younger generation’. [10 marks] (Delhi 2010) 57. Teenage is commonly perceived as the most joyful period of an individual’s life. Vidya who represents the teenagers of today feels that the pressure of the competitive world they live in has made teen years less exciting and expresses her ideas in an article entitled, ‘On Being a Teenager’ for the ‘Youth Times’. Write the article in 150-200 words. [10 marks] (Delhi 2009) 58. Every activity that man indulges in creates waste of some kind. Some of the waste can be recycled or reused. In fact the need of the hour is to conserve the earth’s resources in all possible ways. Write an article on the topic ‘Conservation, Need of the Hour’ in 150-200 words. You are Brinda, a keen environmentalist. [10 marks] (Delhi 2009) yM yK 52. Indian culture has traditionally sustained a joint family system in which the old have always- had a very respectable place. There has been an erosion of these values in the present times. Write an article in 150-200 words on the need for the young to take care of their old instead of sending them to the old age homes. [10 marks] (Delhi 2010) article in 150-200 words on ‘The Role of the Students in Removing Illiteracy.’ [10 marks] (AI 2010) b Shiksha Abhiyan, CBSE scholarship to single girl child and the Government’s policy of giving free education to girls have come as a boon to our society. Write an article in 150200 words on education of the girl child in the country. [10 marks] (Delhi 2010) 89 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills op 53. The present day youth are greatly stressed due to cut-throat competition and consumerist culture. Write an article in 150-200 words on the causes of the stress on the modern generation suggesting suitable solutions. [10 marks] (Delhi 2010) C 54. Science attempts to explore the secrets of nature while religion wants to reveal the very purpose of existence. The aim of both science and religion is to discover the truth. Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘Science and Religion’. [10 marks] (AI 2010) 55. It is due to cable television that programmes are brought to our homes day and night for all the seven days in a week. It has brought a lot of change in the lifestyle of the people. Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘Cable TV – a boon or a bane.’ [10 marks] (AI 2010) 56. India is standing at the threshold of joining the developed nations but that is not possible till we achieve complete literacy in the country. The contribution of students may be very significant in achieving our goals. Write an 59. Children living in cities are rarely seen playing outdoors in the neighbourhood. Being busy with other attractions like the television and computer games, they miss the joy of outdoor play. Write an article in 150-200 words for the magazine, ‘Kids Talk’ highlighting the need and value of outdoor games. You are Vidya/ Vinod. [10 marks] (AI 2009) 60. Today the 24-hour television news channels give us instant news from every nook and corner of the world. But the fact remains that the importance of the newspaper remains intact. Write an article in 150-200 words expressing your views on ‘The Relevance of Newspapers’. You are Sunil/Sunita. [10 marks] (AI 2009) 61. You are Bala, a social worker and freelance writer, much concerned about the discriminatory treatment given to females right from their birth in the Indian society. Write an article in 150-200 words throwing light on this problem and giving suggestions for putting an end to it. [10 marks] (Delhi 2007) Follow us on Facebook - 90 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core Answers 1. Short Compositions 1.1 Notices 1. 24 March, 20×× SUNSHINE PUBLIC SCHOOL, MANU VIHAR NOTICE Change of Uniform All students are hereby informed that the school authority has decided to allow students to wear full sleeve shirts and trousers in school for a period of one month. Kindly adhere to the change of uniform. Principal CITIZEN PUBLIC SCHOOL, RAM BAGH, VARANASI NOTICE 24 September, 20×× Cleanliness Drive All students of Class-XI are requested to enrol for the week-long Cleanliness Drive around the school, to be held in the month of October, starting from 2nd October, 20××. For further information, please contact the undersigned. Mohini Shah (Health Secretary, Students’ Council) 3. RESIDENTS’ WELFARE ASSOCIATION, JANATA GROUP HOUSING SOCIETY PALAM VIHAR, KURNOOL NOTICE 1 March, 20×× Water Supply To Be Suspended Water supply will be suspended on 6 March, 20×× for eight hours (10 a.m. to 6 p.m.) for cleaning of the water tank. Residents of the society are requested to store water accordingly to avoid inconvenience. Karan Kumar (Secretary) C op yM yK ita b 2. 4. ABC SCHOOL, NEW DELHI NOTICE 5 March, 20×× Lost/Found This is to bring to your notice that I, Karuna, a student of XII-A, misplaced my chemistry notes yesterday during lunch break at the school ground. If anyone finds it, please return it to the undersigned. Karuna XII-A. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills 5. Visit our site - 91 NOTICE 10 April, 20×× Lost / Found While travelling by taxi from Lucknow airport to Hazratganj, I left behind a small blue Puma bag containing my educational certificates and some official documents. They are in a yellow packet inside the bag. Anyone finding it may please contact me on the number given below. A suitable reward will be given to the person returning it. Karuna 9191909089 6. SUNRISE PUBLIC SCHOOL, SURAT NOTICE b 10 February, 20×× yM yK ita Flower Show The District Collector has invited the students of our school to the Annual Flower Show to be held on 20 February, 20×× at Central Park from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm. The event will showcase a variety of seasonal and off seasonal flowers, which would be a sight worth seeing. Students interested, may collect passes from the undersigned latest by 18 February, 20××. Navita (Head Girl) 7. op SUNRISE PUBLIC SCHOOL, SURAT NOTICE 10 February, 20×× C Book Distribution Sarvodaya Education Society is coming to our school to distribute books among the needy students. Those in need are requested to drop the list of books they need in the box outside the principal’s office at the earliest. Navita (Head Girl) 8. AKASH PUBLIC SCHOOL, AGRA NOTICE 2 March, 20×× Interclass Singing Competition Music Club is organising an interclass singing competition to be held on 8 March, 20××. The theme is Bollywood songs. Each class will be represented by two students. Those interested in participating can give their names to the undersigned by 4 March, 20××. Navita (Secretary, Music Club) Follow us on Facebook - 92 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab 9. Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core CHENNAI PUBLIC SCHOOL NOTICE 15 July, 20×× Volunteers Required Chennai Book Society is going to organise a week long book fair in our city during autumn vacation. It requires volunteers from our school to manage various counters during the fair. Students who wish to help, may give their names to the undersigned. Latha (Secretary, Cultural Club) 10. AKASH PUBLIC SCHOOL, AGRA NOTICE Attention Please b 25 February, 20×× ita Our school is going to be a centre for CBSE examination. It has been observed that junior students go around the examination rooms at lunch break and make a lot of noise. To avoid causing disturbance during examination, all juniors are requested to stay away from the area. yM yK Navita (Head Girl) 11. 5 March, 20×× ST. STEPHENS SCHOOL, VISHAKHAPATANAM NOTICE C op Inter-Class Drama Competition Our school is organising an Inter-Class Drama Competition to be held on Friday 31st March, 20××, in school auditorium. Competition is open to classes VI-XII. Interested students can give their names to their class teacher by 10th March, 20××. For further information, please contact the undersigned. Akash Masand (Head Boy) 12. XYZ PUBLIC SCHOOL, NEW DELHI NOTICE 12 February, 20×× Interschool Kabaddi Competition An interschool kabaddi competition will be held an Friday, Saturday and Sunday, next week, 9:00 a.m. onwards at our school playground. All students are requested to be present at the venue to cheer and encourage the participants. Contact the undersigned for any query. Arjun (Sports Captain) Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - Writing Skills 13. 93 VICTORIA PUBLIC SCHOOL, HYDERABAD NOTICE 3 March, 20×× Science Exhibition A Science Exhibition, to commemorate Ramanujam’s death anniversary, is being organised by our school on March 15, 20×× from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. in the school auditorium. Students from VI to XII are requested to prepare models on any scientific theme. For further query contact the undersigned. Smriti Saran (Head Girl) 14. N.B.C. PUBLIC SCHOOL, DELHI NOTICE b 1 March, 20×× ita Show on Ancient Art forms Arya (Cultural Secretary) 15. yM yK Our school is organising a show on Ancient Art forms as a part of National Heritage programme. 50 schools will be participating in the show to be held on March 20, 20×× in the school auditorium 9:00 am onwards. All students are invited to watch the show and encourage the artists. A.B.C. SCHOOL, VIKASPURI NOTICE op 23 March, 20×× Felicitation Function C The Literary Club of A.B.C. School is organising a function to felicitate Gautam Adhikari, a budding writer of Class XII-B for winning the first prize in State Story Writing Competition. All students are requested to attend it to make the occasion memorable. When : Sunday, 26 March, 20××, 6 P.M. onwards Where : School Auditorium Rameshwari (Secretary, Literary Club) 16. ABC SCHOOL CRICKET ASSOCIATION NOTICE 30, November, 20×× School Cricket Team Meeting All members of the School Cricket Team are hereby informed about a meeting, which will be held on 7 December, 20×× at 10 A.M. in the sports room. The same is being held to discuss plans and strategies for the approaching Zonal Tournament. All members are requested to attend the meeting. Trilok Lahiri (Secretary) Follow us on Facebook - 94 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab 17. Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core RESIDENTS’ WELFARE ASSOCIATION, AVM HOUSING SOCIETY NOTICE 10 March, 20×× Blood Donation Camp This is to inform all residents that a blood donation camp will be organised by our society this Sunday, 12 March, 20××, From 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the society community hall. All members are requested to come in large numbers for this noble cause. Smita (Secretary) 18. RANI LAXMI BAI SR. SEC. SCHOOL, GWALIOR NOTICE 7 March, 20×× b Aid for Assam Flood Victims Vineeta (Pupil Leader) 19. yM yK ita Our school is organising a cultural programme on 20 March, 20×× in aid of the victims of the Assam Floods. Those interested may give their names to their class teachers by 10 March, 20××. For further information, please contact the undersigned. 20 March, 20×× op D.V. ENGLISH SCHOOL, THANE, MUMBAI NOTICE School Excursion to Lonavala Namita C The school has planned an excursion to Lonavala during the autumn holidays for 4 days and 3 nights. The per head cost is Rs. 3000/- inclusive of transportation, food and lodging. The dates are yet to be finalised. For further information, contact the undersigned. (Head Girl) 20. RANI AHALYA DEVI SR. SEC. SCHOOL, GWALIOR NOTICE 20 April 20×× Lost / Found I lost my Titan wrist watch today during games period at the play ground. It is an analogue watch with a silver case, black dial, white numerals and black leather straps. A suitable reward will be given to the one who finds and returns it to the undersigned. Rani Mukherjee XII-B Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - Writing Skills 21. 95 NOTICE 20 May, 20×× Lost / Found While travelling by bus from Banshankari to M.G. Road in Bangalore, I lost my brown, bi-fold leather wallet containing my class XII examination entry ticket. Anybody finding it may contact me on the number given below. A suitable reward will be given to him/her. Parveen 12, Gandhi Road, Bengaluru Mobile no. 9810×××××× 22. VASANT VIHAR SCHOOL, PUNE NOTICE b 20 September, 20×× ita Articles Invited for School Magazine yM yK Our annual school magazine will be published soon. We are accepting original articles from students on any topic. Submit your articles by 30th September, 20××. Contact undersigned for any query. Rupini Gupta (Student Editor) 23. G.P. SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL, AGRA op NOTICE 10 April, 20×× Talent Search Competition C The school is organising a talent search competition in music and dance. It is open for students of classes IV-IX and XI and will be held on 25 April, 20×× in the school auditorium from 9:00 am onwards. Top four winners will be awarded cash prize. Students interested in participating can give their names to the undersigned. Vijaya (Co-ordinator - Cultural Activities) 24. D.P. PUBLIC SCHOOL, NAGPUR NOTICE 5 November, 20×× Articles and Sketches Invited for School Magazine Our annual school magazine will be published soon. We are accepting original articles and sketches from students on any topic or theme. Submit your creative pieces by 15 November, 20×× to the undersigned. Srinidhi (Student Editor) Follow us on Facebook - 96 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core 25. CIRCULAR June 17, 20×× All the schools are hereby invited to participate in the inter-school poster making competition on the eve of ‘The Diamond Jubilee’ celebrations of our school on June 25 from 10 a.m to 3 p.m. Prizes and certificates will be awarded for the outstanding performance. The subject for this poster making is ‘Nature and Modern Inventions’. Each school can send two students. Rajiv (Cultural Secretary) G.D. Birla School, Jamshedpur 26. GYMKHANA CLUB, MADURAI NOTICE b 20 September, 20×× ita Governing Body Meeting Pratibha yM yK This is to inform all members of the Gymkhana Club that an extraordinary governing body meeting will be held on Sunday, 25 September, 20×× from 11 a.m., to be followed by lunch. Members are requested to arrive at the venue - Community Hall by 10:30 A.M. (Secretary, Gymkhana Club) 27. ST. FRANCIS SCHOOL, VASCO 16 April, 20×× op NOTICE School Closed C Due to sudden landslide and inclement weather, the school will remain closed for a week from April 18, 20×× to April 25, 20××. The school will reopen on Monday, 26 April, 20××, at its usual time. Principal 28. J.P. NARAIN HOUSING SOCIETY, MEERUT Resident Welfare Association NOTICE 15 March, 20×× 2nd Installment of Maintenance Due nd The 2 installment of maintenance charges falls due on March 31, 20××. All residents are requested to pay before due date to avoid any inconvenience. For any inquiry contact the undersigned. Anita Krishnan (Secretary) Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills 29. Visit our site - 97 K.R. SAGAR PUBLIC SCHOOL, MYSORE NOTICE 3 March, 20×× Scouts and Guides Jamboree Our school has decided to send a troop of scouts and guides to participate in the jamboree to be held in Lucknow from 14-20 March, 20××. Per head cost is Rs. 2500, inclusive of food, lodging and transportation. Students interested may give their names to the undersigned. XYZ (Scout Master / Guide Captain) 30. LALWANI PUBLIC SCHOOL, UDAIPUR NOTICE 30 March, 20×× b Annual Sports Day Lalita (Sports Secretary) 31. yM yK ita All students are requested to give their names for participation in various sports competitions to be held on school’s Annual Sports Day. The tentative date and time of the event is April 5, 20×× from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Contact the undersigned for further information. SRI PARTHASARATHY SABHA, SALEM NOTICE op 20 September, 20×× Meeting Extraordinary for Members C You are hear by invited to attend an extraordinary meeting to be held at the Sri Parthasarathy Sabha Auditorium on 25 September, 20×× from 5:00 p.m. onwards. Sri Guru Harianantha shall be addressing the devotees. Contact the undersigned for further information. Komal (Secretary) 32. MAHARANI PUBLIC SCHOOL, GWALIOR NOTICE 3 March, 20×× Accepting New Players in School Hockey Team Students interested in playing hockey are requested to give their names to the undersigned for selection in the school hockey team by 10 March, 20××. Selection will be held on the basis of merit on 12 March, 20×× from 9 a.m. onwards. Sonali (Sports Secretary) Follow us on Facebook - 98 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab 33. Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core S.R.M. VIDYALAYA, AGRA NOTICE 3 March, 20×× One Day Blood Donation Camp Our school has decided to organise blood donation camp in association with the Red Cross Society, on Sunday, 5 March, 20×× at the school premises from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. All students are requested to motivate their parents and neighbours to participate in this noble cause. Contact the undersigned for further information. Babul Bose (Co-ordinator, Red Cross Society) 34. G.D.G. PUBLIC SCHOOL, PUNE NOTICE b 20 September, 20×× yM yK ita Sale of Old Sports Goods This is to inform all students that our sports club has organised a sale of old sports goods this Saturday, 25 March, 20×× at our school basketball court from 11:00 a.m. till stock lasts. It will be on first come, first serve basis so kindly arrive on time. Contact the undersigned for further information. Rohit Singh (Sports Secretary) 35. JAIN VIDYASHARAM, CUDDALORE 1 March, 20×× op NOTICE School Literary Association Inauguration C All students and staff are cordially invited to the inauguration of the school’s Literary Association on Monday, 10 March 20×× in the school library, 11 a.m. onwards. Our Chief Guest, renowned writer, Ms. Arundhati Roy, shall speak to the students on the importance of reading and writing. XYZ (Secretary, Literary Association) 36. CRESCENT INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, GWALIOR NOTICE 10 February, 20×× Return Library Books All students and teachers are requested to return the library books they have borrowed, two days before the commencement of the examination. Defaulters shall be fined for late submission and/ or damaged books. XYZ (Librarian) Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - Writing Skills 37. 99 SARDAR PATEL VIDYALAYA, LUCKNOW NOTICE 25 September, 20×× School Timings Changed This is to inform students regarding the change in school timings from 8:45 a.m. to 2:25 p.m. instead of 8:00 a.m. 2:45 p.m. w.e.f. 1st of October, 20××. It has been decided that there will be one hour yoga session from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. prior to the commencement of classes. Students are requested to follow the new school timings strictly. Principal 38. VIDYA MANDIR SCHOOL NOTICE b 18 February, 20×× ita Educational Excursion XYZ (Secretary, History Club) 39. yM yK History Club is planning an educational excursion to some of the important historical monuments and sites in the city. Duration of the tour is within the school timings (8 a.m.-2 p.m.). The per head cost is Rs. 500/ inclusive of transport and meals. Those interested may contact the undersigned. ST. ANNE’S SCHOOL, AHMEDABAD NOTICE op 1 June, 20×× C Screening of ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ This is to inform all members of the Eco Club that Al Gore’s ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ will be screened on World Environment Day, 5 June, 20×× at 4 p.m. in our school’s audio visual room. Members are allowed to bring a guest along with them, if they wish to. Contact the undersigned for any query. XYZ (Secretary, Eco Club) 40. A.M.M. SCHOOL, PUNE NOTICE 21 April, 20×× Register for Quiz Competition This is to inform all students of classes VI-XII that an interclass quiz competition will be held this Friday, 25 April, 20×× in the audio - visual room from 8:00 am to 11:00 pm. Maximum number of students representing per class is three. Those interested can give their names to the secretary of the Quiz Club for registration. XYZ (Teacher Co-ordinator, Quiz Club) Follow us on Facebook - 100 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab 41. Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core SPRINGFIELDS SCHOOL, PUNE NOTICE 5 November, 20×× Lost / Found I lost my Fastrack wrist watch today in our school auditorium. It’s an analogue watch with a white case, white dial, colourful numerals and white silicon straps. A suitable reward will be given to the one who finds and returns it to the undersigned. Anirudh Roy XII-B 1.2 Advertisement ita Situation Vacant Sunrise Global School, Agra is looking for a young qualified female candidate for the position of receptionist with a minimum of two years’ of experience she should be fluent in both English and Hindi with good computer skills. Salary negotiable. Contact Principal with updated resume and coverletter within seven days. e-mail : To-Let First floor available for paying guest accommodation, part of independent house, 3BHK, guestroom, attached toilets and balconies, park facing, all facilities provided. Rent expected : ` 45,000/Contact : Karuna Sen, M-114, Mall Road, Delhi-110042 b 5. yM yK 1. Property (For Purchase) For immediate purchase, a flat in a good locality in South Delhi preferably near the airport. Exquisitely designed, self-contained 3/4 bedrooms with a drawing/dining room and lounge. Nearby market, ATM and hospital is must. Interested parties may contact Karan, M-144, Mall Road, Delhi. 3. Property (For Purchase) For immediate purchase, an independent house at City Light Road for office-cumresidence. Exquisitely designed, self contained 3/4 bedroom house with all modern amenities, along with spacious hall for office set up. Car parking space is a must. Bonafide owners or dealers may please contact Karuna Bajaj at 45645678. 4. Situation Wanted A UAE returned civil engineer having 10 years of experience in a reputed firm is looking for suitable job in India. Qualified from I.I.T Pune. Expected package 12 lakhs per annum. Contact Karuna Bajaj at M-114, Mall Road, Delhi. (96548XXXXX). For Rent Accommodation available for rent for a period of five years. Location-Mall Road, New Delhi. 3BHK with a dining hall (15 sq. ft.). Spacious, well ventilated on the 3rd floor. Fully furnished, 24 hrs. water supply, power back-up, within walking distance of the main market. Expected rent ` 30,000/p.m. Contact : Karuna, M-114, Mall Road, Delhi. 7. Situation Vacant Required a canteen manager M/F for Akash Public School, Agra. The candidate must be a graduate, computer literate with good communication and managerial skills. At least two years’ experience is a must. Apply with CV to Principal, Akash Public School, Agra before 6 September, 20×× Contact : 2476××××, e-mail : 8. IIT Reading Material For Sale Books and other study material for IIT entrance exam, previous year question papers, etc. in best condition. Expected price of entire set : ` 3000/Contact : Ms. Mohini, 9811111111 C op 2. 6. Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 10. Plot For Sale Gurgaon - One acre of land is available for sale. Centrally located, close to schools, market place and metro station. Only institution buyers and builders are welcome. Price negotiable. Contact Krishan Kumar, 99107××××× 11. For Sale Royal Enfield Bullet 500. Single cylinder, 4 stroke, Twinspark, Aircooled 500 cc engine 5 years old, black, 30 kmpl mileage, in good condition, Delhi registration. Contact : Lalit Suri Mobile : 98101××××× 14. To-Let Office space available on rent in independent house in Delhi for start up/lawyers/C.A. Carpet area 25 sq. feet, parking space, close to metro station, 24 x 7 water and power, rent b/w 35K to 40K, negotiable. Contact-Amit Sharma, 931xxxxxxx. op 13. 16. Situation Vacant Required a convent educated, smart and young woman in the age group 21-25 with pleasing personality and good communication skills to work as receptionist for a reputed Public School in Meerut. Knowledge of computer besides fluency in English will be preferred. Handsome salary and perks for the deserving candidate. Apply before 20th June, 20×× with complete biodata to the Principal, Romola Vij, C. P. R. Sr. Sec. School, Meerut. E-mail : Situation Vacant Required a competent accountant, capable of handling accounts independently. Commerce graduate, having at least five years experience in a reputed firm will be preferred. Salary best in the industry. Send updated resume to Ms. Mohini Singh, General Manager, P. K. Industries, Hyderabad by 20 March 20××. E-mail : Situation Vacant Wanted, female front office assistant for Hotel Dosa, Gurgaon. Must be a graduate, with sound knowledge of computers. Must have a pleasing personality with good communication skills. Interested candidates must send their resumes by 11 March, 20×× at hr@××××.in General Manager, Hotel Dosa 17. Situation Vacant Receptionist wanted, age: 21-25, good communication skills, pleasing personality. Must know computers, fluent in English and Hindi, willing to work in Hospitality Industry. Experience minimum 1 year. Apply with updated resume to the General Manager, Hotel Green Park, Lucknow-24 by June 21, 20××. E-mail : 18. Lost and Found Lost black leather wallet in DTC bus (route no. 52) while travelling from Hazratganj to Nirala Nagar. Besides cash, it contains my driver’s license, voter ID card and a D. D. for 32,500/. Finder will be suitably rewarded. Please contact : Raman Bajwa, 22A, Hazratganj, Lucknow, Tel. No. 27618456. C 12. 15. b Wanted A trained PGT (maths and science) for home tuition for a class X student. Preference will be given to those with public school experience of at least fiveyears. Number of days-5, salary negotiable. Contact : Aruna, 93×××××××× yM yK 9. 101 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills To-Let Available on rent in Dwarka, Ansals MIG Flats, II-floor, three B/Rs, lobby, balcony fully furnished, well ventilated, walking distance from the main market and metro station. Rent expected ` 2,15,000 (fixed, per annum). Contact XYZ, Ansals Lok, Dwarka, Ph. 2758902. Follow us on Facebook - 23. 24. Flat for Sale Centrally located, newly built two bedroom flat for sale in J.P. Nagar. Well furnished, ventilated and spacious. Fifteen minutes drive from the airport, in close vicinity with market, prestigious schools, hospital. Owner going abroad. Expected price Rs. 28 Lacs (negotiable). Contact: Niranjan, 247, J.P. Nagar, Bangalore. Accommodation Wanted E.V.L. Company of India requires suitable bungalows on company lease, as guest house. The accommodation should be located in a posh area with all modern and basic facilities. 24-hours water and electricity supply, nearby market must. Owner please contact : General Manager, E.V.L. Company, Delhi, E-mail : evl@ 25. Wanted Accommodation Required an independent house in Ghaziabad at a reasonable rent for resident-cum-clinic. Seeking big, fully furnished rooms, 24 hours water supply, electricity backup must, Approximate rent-` 50,000/- per month. Contact: Dr. Madhu Mathur (MD), 12341234 26. For Sale Brand new Honda Activa, 2 months old, black colour, self driven, 40 kmpl mileage, in best condition. Delhi registration. Two wheeler cover included. Contact : Sudha Chandran, 15, Krishna Nagar, Delhi E-mail : S.chandran@× C 22. Required An enthusiastic maths teacher for my son studying in class-X. He/She should be proficient in the subject with at least ten years of teaching experience. He/ She should be kind and patient towards children. Contact immediately, Manisha Rana, 10, Rajaji Nagar, Bangalore. op 21. Situation Vacant Ivy Software Solutions, renowned leaders of computer products requires a software engineer for their company. The candidate should be B.E. in computer software with at least two years’ experience in a prestigious firm. Salary and perks no constraint for the right candidate. Apply within 10 days along with a detailed biodata to the General Manager,. Ivy Software Solutions, Agra Cantt, Agra. E-mail : CBSE Champion English Core b 20. To-Let Available for rent in Jayanagar, Bangalore, newly constructed flat situated in the heart of the city. Three bedrooms, dining hall, first floor, spacious balcony, two sides open, car parking, independent, modern amenities, lease preferred. Contact Mohan Das : 7838802353 Visit our site - ita 19. Downloaded from CopyMyKitab yM yK 102 Situation Vacant Required, young, qualified, enthusiastic cricket and hockey coaches for a reputed school in Delhi. Minimum age-25 years, qualification: degree or diploma from recognised institute of sports, 1 year experience must. Apply with updated resume within ten days to: Principal, Samta Public School, Lajpat Nagar, Delhi42. E-mail : Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - Writing Skills 1.3 Posters 1. • • • Ozone Layer Depletion Greenhouse Effect Wastage of Money POLLUTION AND HEALTH HAZARD Climate change Aggravated cardiovascular and respiratory illnesses b Acid rain ita • • • • SPARE THE AIR Smog CANCER PREVENTION yM yK • • • • Stop Poisoning the Air! It’s What Keeps Us Alive ILL EFFECTS OF FIREWORKS/CRACKERS Use public transport, carpool, bicycles Use natural resources wisely Say no to fireworks /crackers REDUCE, REUSE AND RECYCLE op Issued in Public Interest 2. Hindus C We maybe ‘branded’ Muslims Sikhs Christians but... we are children of the same nation Together we can zz lead our nation to unfathomable heights zz set an example of Unity in Diversity zz preserve our Cultural Heritage Unity is Strength Let’s pledge To Maintain Peace and Harmony Issued in Public Interest by: Vineeta Rao, Social Worker, Unity NGO, New Delhi Follow us on Facebook - 103 104 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab 3. Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core ANIMAL LIVES MATTER Stop Animal Cruelty! zz Animals maintain Eco-Balance zz Animals have rights too zz Adopt. Don’t buy zz Protect abandoned animals zz Report cruelty towards animals Love Animals, They’ll Love you Back. S.P.C.A. 36, Chankkya Puri, Delhi-21 Ph: 998877×××× Issued by Suhasini Joshi, member of S.P.C.A., New Delhi in Public Interest. 4. ita b Exercise More to Live Healthier! yM yK Health is wealth Jogging Skipping op Regular Exercise Physical Fitness Stay Fit Mental Fitness C Eat Healthy Swimming Yoga Issued by Priya Sachdev, Fitness Trainer, For Fitter lives, Health Club 5. WATER WATER EVERYWHERE, JUST NOT ENOUGH HELP! m No Solid Land Urgently Required : m No Electricity No Relief m No Food zz Supply of Food and Medicine zz Financial Assistance zz Volunteers Help the afflicted to move to safer places : Contact : Seva Mandir, M.G. Road Ahmedabad, Ph.: 1792345678 Issued in Public Interest by : Surya, Member, Seva Mandir, Ahmedabad Follow us on Facebook - 1.4 Invitations and Reply The Principal, Staff and Students of ABC Public School, Delhi Take great pleasure in inviting you as the guest of honour at the performance of the play ‘Waiting for Godot’ by our students. Programme and Venue Play : 6: 00 p.m. Date : 20 November, 20×× Venue : School Auditorium R.S.V.P Gauri Secretary (Literary Club) Contact : 9818×××××× 5. St. Anne Girls’ College, Sector-21 R.K. Puram, New Delhi-43 ita The Principal, Staff and Students of Sunrise Global School, Agra Cordially invite you to our Annual Sport Day. We request you to grace the occasion with your presence and to give away the prizes to the budding sportspersons of the school. Date : 30, November, 2016 Time : 10:00 A.M. onwards R.S.V.P Karuna (Sports Secretary) 105 1 March, 20×× Respected Chairman, Thank you for your thoughtful invitation to the inauguration of the Book Exhibition. However, I regret to inform you that I would not be able to attend it due to a prior engagement. I extend my best wishes to you and all those involved in the event. Kind regards, Tanvi Khanna Principal yM yK 3. The Principal, Staff and Students of Sunrise Global School, Agra Take the great pleasure in inviting you to the one-act play competition to be organised by the school. Date: 20 November, 20×× Time: 6:00 P.M. Venue: School Auditorium R.S.V.P Karuna Cultural Secretary 981829×××× Sunrise Global School Agra 29 September, 20×× Mrs. Sudha Murthy XYZ Co-operative Group Housing Society Gurgaon-122011 Subject : Invitation to Special Teacher’s Day Celebration Dear Ma’am, We are pleased to inform you that the school is celebrating a special Teacher’s Day in your honour on 5 September, 20×× at 11:00 a.m. in the school auditorium. We shall consider it a great favour if you could grace the occasion as our special guest. We hope you shall accept our humble request. We would appreciate a line in reply. Thank you. Yours faithfully Karuna Bajaj (Head Girl) op 2. 4. C 1. Visit our site - b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills 6. 22/4, P.Q. Puri New Delhi 23 February, 20×× Respected Principal, Thank you for your thoughtful invitation. I am honoured on being invited to judge the literary competition that is to be held at St. Ann’s School. I accept the invitation and consider it will be a pleasure to attend the programme. Yours sincerely, Mohini Singh Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 25, Vasundra Colony Patna 16 August, 20×× Dear Manish, I feel honoured to be invited to attend your wedding anniversary. Please accept my best wishes and congratulations to both of you on this auspicious occasion. Unfortunately, my uncle is coming from London and the family is throwing a get-together in his honour on the same day. Therefore, I shall not be able to attend your anniversary celebration. Please do accept a small anniversary gift that I am sending for both of you along with my best wishes. Yours Mahendra 2. Letter Writing Model Town Ambala 24 March, 20×× The Manager, Ram Electronics 10:30 A.M. – 1:00 P.M. School Library Famous writer and poet Mr. Vikram Seth shall grace the occasion with his presence. Secretary, literary Club (Please be seated by 10:00 A.M.) op Pushp Vihar St. Anne’s School, Ahmedabad Invites the students, teachers, and staff members to the Inauguration of Literary Club on Monday, 18 March, 20×× yM yK M-114 8. Amabala Subject : Defective Television Sir, C 1. CBSE Champion English Core b 7. Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 106 This is in regards to the brand new Sony Bravia 43 inch HD LED television I bought from your store last month. The television was working fine at the time of installation and the sound and picture quality too, was quite clear. However, recently neither the sound nor the picture quality is same as it was at the beginning. As a matter of fact, the sound is gone and instead of showing the picture, the screen appears blue. Clearly, I am extremely disappointed by this purchase and expect you to either send the repairman or replace the television at the earliest. I am enclosing a copy of bill for your reference. Thank you Yours sincerely Amrita Rao Encl. – copy of bill Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills Visit our site - 107 Gopalpur Village Dist. Ramnager (Uttar Pradesh) 24 March, 20×× The General Manager State Roadways Uttar Pradesh Subject : Request for a Bus Stop for Village Sir, This is to inform you that our village Gopalpur, district Ramnagar, is situated along National Highway 121 (NH121). However, the state roadways bus plying on this road does not stop near our village. For this reason, the villagers face a lot difficulty commuting. I would also like you to know that there are not many public transports other than three wheelers and a hand full of private taxis. The three-wheeler drivers have a monopoly, and create a nuisance more often than not. They do rash-driving and charge according to their whims and fancies. The drivers engage in unnecessary quarrels with others. Sometimes they don’t even drop the passengers to their destination. The most affected are the elderly, who too are not spared of this kind of aggressive behaviour. They have no other commuting option except the bullock carts, which are extremely slow. Having a state roadways bus halt for passengers from our village would prove to be quite beneficial for us. Therefore, I request you to erect a bus stop for our village. I hope that you will consider my request and take the necessary actions at the earliest. Thank you Yours sincerely Amna Sharif 3. M-114, Mall Road Delhi 1 March, 20×× The Medical Superintendent Delhi Subject: Chaotic Conditions in the Casualty Department of Sunrise Hospital Sir/Madam, Yesterday, I went to Sunrise Hospital, Market Road, New Delhi, taking a victim of a hit and run accident. I am very much shocked to see the chaotic conditions in the hospital’s causality department. The injured person who was screaming with pain was attended very leisurely, resulting in loss of a lot of blood. The patient become unconscious. This happened only because of not attending to the patient in time. Hence, I request you to take strict action against the hospital authorities so that the same situation does not get repeated. Thank you Yours faithfully Karan C op yM yK ita b 2. Follow us on Facebook - 108 4. Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core M-144 Mall Road, Delhi 1 March, 20×× The Editor The Hindustan Times New Delhi Subject : Miserable Condition of the Slums yM yK ita b Sir/Madam, Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw the attention of the authorities regarding slums and their miserable conditions. Most of the slums in cities are dumped with the people migrated from villages. The survival of these people has become very difficult with pathetic living conditions. This is mainly because of the lack of education and hygiene. Their illegal occupancy has become a burden on resource. The main reasons for their migration to cities from rural areas are lack of job opportunities and poverty. Government should discourage migration by creating opportunities in rural areas. Even NGO’s can adopt slums in order to make the life of these people better. Thank you Yours faithfully Karan op Sunrise Global School, Mysore 1 March, 20×× The Deputy Commissioner of Police (Traffic) Mysore Subject: Inconvenience Due to Heavy Traffic C 5. Sir, Requesting your kind attention regarding heavy traffic at Park Lane, Chanakyapuram. Although, the road places four reputed public schools in a close proximity, it also causes heavy traffic in the morning and afternoon. The jam puts hundreds of students to a lot of inconvenience. In order to regulate the traffic, I would like to suggest that stop signs are installed in the area at the earliest. Also, depute efficient volunteers to manage the traffic. I hope adequate actions will be taken soon. Thank you Yours faithfully Karan Kumar Principal Sunrise Global School Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills 109 M-114 Mall Road Pune 1 March, 20×× JKL Publisher Peshwa Road, Pune Subject: Application for the Post of Receptionist Sir/Madam, yM yK ita b With reference to your advertisement published in ‘The Times of India’ dated 10th February, regarding a vacancy for the post of a receptionist, I am writing to you as I wish to apply for the same. I am eligible for the said post as per the qualification required. I have done my graduation from SNDT University and a secretarial practice course from YWCA, Mumbai. I am young and energetic with good command over English, having three years work experience in the same field. If I get a chance to serve your organisation, I assure you I shall prove to be an asset for the company. I have enclosed my detailed resume with this letter for your consideration. Hoping for a positive response from your side. Thank you Yours faithfully Karuna Krishnan Encl. Resume RESUME : Karuna Krishnan op Name Father’s Name : Mr. Anurag Krishnan Date of Birth : 12.02.1983 Address : M-114, Mall Road, Pune C 6. Visit our site - Educational Qualifications : 1. Secondary Exam: From CBSE, Delhi in 2000 2.Sr. Secondary Exam: From CBSE, Delhi in 2002 3. B.A. Honors: SNDT University in 2005 4. Secretarial Practice Course: YWCA, Mumbai in 2006 Work : 1. Worked as a receptionist Experience in Tagore International School, Sitapur: One year (2007-08) 2. Working as a receptionist in Sararwati Publishing House, Sitapur: Two years (2008-10) Other skills : Working knowledge of the computers References : Mrs. Y.H. Sharma, Principal, Tagore Int. School, Sitapur 0121-257×××× Follow us on Facebook - 110 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core M-114, Mall Road Delhi 1 March 20×× The Editor Delhi Times Delhi Subject : Problems Due to Noise Pollution Sir, Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw the attention of the concerned authorities regarding the problems caused by noise pollution. Ours is the quietest area in the city. However, for the past one year, noise pollution has snatched away peace and tranquillity from our lives. Loud speakers at marriage processions, DJs during wedding receptions, loud music from neighbourhood flats and the holy songs blasting at full volume during nights have become the biggest enemy of the restful sleep. The elderly, patients, students, etc. are the biggest sufferers of the noise. Excessive noise affects both health and behaviour, causing hypertension, stress, loss of hearing, disturbed sleep, etc. It also causes distraction for students, especially those preparing for exams. I hope the concerned authorities will take prompt steps in this direction to ease the situation. Thank you Yours faithfully Kara 8. M-114, Mall Road Delhi 1 March, 20×× The Police Commissioner Traffic Police Delhi, Subject : Increase in Road Rage Sir, I am writing to draw your attention towards the increase in road rage in the recent past. As the number of vehicles on Delhi roads are growing day by day, the problems are also rising innumerably. In this heavy traffic, it is common for the vehicles to get minor scratches, a little push or a small brushing while passing another car. However, this leads to a scuffle, often resulting in a verbal or physical fight and sometimes even murder. The only way to put a stop to this nuisance is by using surveillance technology to keep a check on any impulsive actions on the road. Other than this stricter traffic laws must be implemented to make roads safer. As far as individuals are concerned, it is best to find alternative routes in order to avoid confrontations. I hope my views will be considered for public benefit. Thank you Yours faithfully Karan C op yM yK ita b 7. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills Visit our site - 111 M-114, Mall Road Kanpur 1 March, 20×× The Editor The Hindustan Times New Delhi Subject : Importance of Medical Tourism For India Sir, Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw the attention of the readers regarding the importance of medical tourism for India. I read an article in your newspaper on how the patients from abroad are getting treated in the hospitals of India at a very low expense when compared to any other nation. I am impressed and being an Indian, I feel proud when I read such news. India has quite a cost effective and efficient medical sector which the government should promote to attract more foreign patients. In addition, world class medical facilities and infrastructure are run by skilled physician and nursing practitioners, providing comprehensive solution for all medical needs. This benefits both Indian and foreign patients. In conclusion, medical tourism is important for India because not only we earn foreign exchange from it, but also treating foreign patients enhances image of India, further improving relations with other countries. I hope medical tourism is encouraged by the Government of India. Thank you Yours faithfully Karuna 10. A-9D Apoorva Apts, Noida 1 March, 20×× The Works Manager, PQR Builders Sector - 55 Noida Subject : Letter of Complaint Sir, I bought a flat from PQR Builders, Sector 55, Noida. The standard of construction work seems to be very low. Within a period of two months, several problems have surfaced. There is seepage in the walls and ceilings, which is forming ugly watermarks at the affected areas. Seepage is also making the wall paint to peel off constantly. In fact, paint is peeling off even where there is no seepage. In addition, the leaky sanitary fittings are creating a nuisance even when the taps and faucets are not in use. Also creating a nuisance is the lift, which gets stalled every now and then. At the time of buying the flat we were guaranteed for smooth working of all items. We are really upset regarding this issue and poor work done. Since, we have spent a lot of money on this flat, I would request you to look into the matter and get the same rectified at the earliest. Thank you Yours faithfully Karan C op yM yK ita b 9. Follow us on Facebook - 112 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core M 114 Mall Road New Delhi-110042 15 March, 20×× The Editor The Times of India Bhadur Shah Zafar Marg New Delhi-110043 Subject : Save Our Rivers Sir, Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I wish to draw the attention of the general public towards the pathetic condition of our rivers. In India, the rivers are considered holy and are worshipped. However bathing in the rivers, dumping industrial waste, sewage from our houses, etc. have made our rivers really sick. The rivers, which act as the life-line of our nation, have become poisonous beyond imagination. This water reaches us in one form or the other. We use the same water in our day to day lives. It may or may not always be purified 100%. The chances of toxins and disease causing germs entering our body is huge. In addition to poisoning our health, contaminated river water is a threat to plants and animals as well. Therefore, there is a desperate need to save our rivers. The demand of the hour is efficient sewage disposal process. If there are proper places to dump the garbage/ sewage, it won’t be thrown in the river. Secondly, more cleaning projects should be launched and more and more people, including youth, should participate in cleaning the rivers. Finally, spreading awareness is extremely important, especially in villages, towns and cities established nearby the rivers. Until and unless the inhabitants are made to understand the causes and effect of polluting the rivers, they will not be able to take the proper precautions. Every individual has to change his or her habit of disposing the waste. One has to take the responsibility and the initiative to save the rivers from getting sick and eventually dying. I hope, I was able to put my point across and that the readers will take appropriate action to save our rivers. Thank you Your sincerely Karan Bajaj 12. Rajasthan Tourist Bureau Sikadra Road New delhi 1 March 20×× The Principal Sunrise Global School New Delhi Subject : Reply to Letter of Enquiry Sir/Madam, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce to you Rajasthan Tourist Bureau, efficiently conducting tours within Rajasthan, since 1972. It would be my pleasure to organise a trip for your students. As enquired by you in your previous letter, there are a number of historical places in and around the Pink City, such as Amer Fort, Jal Mahal, Albert Hall Museum, City Palace, etc, which are popular tourist spots. Rajasthan Tourist Bureau has guest houses all over Rajasthan, providing food and lodging to a number of tourists. AC/Non AC deluxe buses and cars are available to take tourists for sight-seeing around the city. We also provide extremely knowledgeable and experienced guides if and when required. You would be pleased to know that we offer various tour packages to suit our customers’ requirements. After students’ discount the per head cost of the 3 days and 2 nights package, inclusive of food, stay and transportation, is Rs. 3000/-. We believe in providing a memorable experience to our customers during their stay in Rajasthan. If you would like to organise a trip through us, kindly revert with the number of students and staff interested in the same. I would be able to make the requisite arrangement once I have the details. Hope to hear from you soon. Your faithfully Karuna Bajaj Manager C op yM yK ita b 11. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - Writing Skills yM yK ita b M 114, Mall Road, Delhi 1 March, 20×× The Manager Sunrise Global School Noida Subject : Job Application for English Teacher Sir/Madam, This refers to your advertisement in the Hindustan Times, dated 28 February 20×× for the vacancy of Senior English Teacher post in your school. I wish to apply for the same. I have done M.A. (English) and B.Ed. from Delhi University. I have enclosed my detailed bio-data with this letter. Although I do not have prior work experience, I assure you that I shall give my hundred percent to my profession and work to your full satisfaction. I hope you shall consider my application for interview. Thank you Your faithfully Karuna Singh Encl. Bio-data Bio-data Name Gender Father’s Name Date of Birth Marital Status Current Add. Contact No. op C 13. 113 Academic Record Examination : : : : : : : Institution Karuna Singh Female Mr. Jayant Singh 20 March 1982 Unmarried M 114, Mall Road, Delhi 919144×××× Board/Uni. Marks B.Ed Miranda House Delhi University 65% MA. (English) L.S.R Delhi University 60% BA. (English) L.S.R. Delhi University 60% XII (Hum.) St. Joseph School CBSE 96% X St. Joseph School CBSE 90% Scholarship Awarded – Have been a Scholarship holder in XII. References : 1. Mrs. J.S. Sharma, Principal, Miranda House, Delhi, 981871×××× 2. Dr. Sutapa Banerjee, (H.O.D) English Literature L.S.R. Delhi, 991071×××× Follow us on Facebook - 114 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core Standard Book House Ford Road Kochi 13 March, 20×× The Principal Sunrise Global School Calicut Subject : Reply to the Letter of Complaint Madam, I am writing to you in reference to your complaint letter, regarding the delay in receiving the books, which you ordered. You also mentioned in your letter that some of the books you ordered were damaged and few others were missing from the consignment. I regret the inconvenience caused to you and apologise for the same. Some of the books mentioned in the booklist provided by you were out of stock or available in less quantity with us at the time we received your order. Although we sent for the books immediately, the books arrived late, hence the delay. Two of the books you required have gone for reprinting because of which they are unavailable at this moment. They will be sent to you once the new editions arrive. However, if your wish, you can cancel the pending order. I accept the responsibility of the delay in delivery of the consignment and request you to return the books, which were damaged in the transition so that I am able to replace them at the earliest. I assure you that the delivery of books will be done without delay. Thank you for doing business with us. Yours sincerely Karan Kumar Manager 15. M-114, Mount Kailash Kanpur 3 March, 20×× The Editor The Times of India Kanpur Subject: Illiteracy and Child Labour Amongst Children Sir, Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the government and NGOs towards the large population of children not attending school. Children are the future of any country and a country that does not take care of this valuable resource suffers later. A successful nation is that which makes its youth strong enough to lift this mighty responsibility on their shoulders. Unfortunately, this is not the case in our country. Education, which is a necessity, is still a luxury here. Poor people hesitate to send their children to school. On a recent visit to a village, I couldn’t help but notice the sheer amount of children, who should have been in the school, but were not. Children in the age group of 5-14 are supposed to attend school to make a brighter future. But in the villages, they are either seen loitering around or helping their parents in the fields, which is a very painful and depressing situation. It is high time that government and NGOs take up the issue seriously and implement measures to solve it. Besides, literate villagers can also help by starting make shift schools to educate the children till reforms are made by the government. Thank you Yours sincerely Navtej C op yM yK ita b 14. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills Visit our site - 115 M-114, Mount Kailash Kanpur 3 March, 20×× The Editor The Times of India Kanpur Subject: Difference in Status of Cricketers and Other Athletes Sir, Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to express my views on the difference in the status of cricketers and other atheletes. Cricket is a very popular game in India and cricketers are idolised. The public as well as the officials are willing to give special privileges to them. The extent of their love is such that rules are easily bent for them. Cricketers are allowed to take their families with them when they go on tours, irrespective of the fact that this may distract them while playing. But when it comes to other games, Indian Government becomes rather stingy and the athletes do not get the same treatment. Why do we have different policies? I believe this is because cricket and cricketers are worshipped, while the other sports and their players are ignored. Even the finances that are allotted to these games are either too less or are utilised by the officers themselves. The perspective of Indians needs a revolution and all the games deserve equal treatment, after all they all bring glory to the country. Government needs to implement measures to keep all the games at par. Thank you Yours sincerely Navtej 17. Akash Public School Agra 2 March, 20×× The Editor The Hindu New Delhi Subject: Misuse of Facilities by Tourists at Corbett National Park Sir, Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authority to the rampant abuse of available facilities in the Corbett National Park by tourists and the consequent endangerment to the environment. The tourists not only litter the place with non-biodegradable plastic bags and wrappers, but also use wood from the forests for cooking purposes. Excessive trampling of the vegetation and pollution from the vehicles has been reported to have a harmful effect on the natural ecosystem. The tranquillity of the habitat, which is so crucial to the resident fauna, is habitually disturbed by tourists playing loud music in their safari jeeps and during their camps. Too much interference of tourists in the natural habitat of the wild life causes them to suffer greatly. The public should be made aware of the fact that eco-tourism should not be facilitated at the cost of harming the environment. In order to protect national parks from the negative impacts of tourism, government must take stricter actions-fine the miscreants heavily, limit visitors and vehicles, appoint efficient park rangers who are vigilant and deeply care about the park and its fauna. However, the most important action the government can take is spread as much awareness as possible. The more tourists recognise the threat that tourism has on the environment, the sooner the problem will be rectified. It is my request that this issue be immediately looked into by the concerned authority. Thank you Yours sincerely Navita Secretary (Environment Club) C op yM yK ita b 16. Follow us on Facebook - 116 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core 112, Taj Road Agra 2 March, 20×× The Editor The Hindu New Delhi Subject: Exploitation of Teachers in Private Schools Sir, Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw attention of the general public towards the exploitation of teachers by paying them less. It is sad that the teachers in privately owned and managed schools in small towns and metropolitan suburbs are paid a fraction of their authorised salaries. Teachers play an important role in shaping a child’s future. However, such a malpractice is seen to affect the performance of the teachers in the classroom. Most teachers take up other jobs and do not put in the requisite hours of teaching in the schools and sometimes pay less attention to the students. As a result students who are weak in studies join coaching classes, the extra cost of which is borne by the parents. Lesser pay, leads to frequent resignations and constant changes in the faculty. This, in turn, affects students’ performances and leads to an atmosphere of uncertainty in the schools, which is detrimental to the cause of education. As a nation, which prides itself on revering its teachers, it must be noted that we cannot build a future for our students if we do not give due credit to our teachers. Therefore, I request your esteemed publication to take up this matter in order to investigate the issue further and mobilise the public towards calling for a complete overhaul in the education system of the country. Thank you Yours sincerely Navtej 19. Akash Public School Ajmer 16 April, 20×× Mr. P.L. Sharma 12, Abu Bakr Road Dubai Subject : Information About the School Dear Parent, I am writing in regards to your letter enquiring about our school, Akash Public School. It gives me great pleasure to know that you wish to get your ward admitted to our school. You would be happy to know that with its state of the art infrastructure, Akash Public School is at par with any international school all over India. Our school has 100% academic result. The school has Science and Computer labs, a gymnasium and an auditorium, which are equipped with latest equipments for the convenience of the students. The library too houses the latest books and magazines to help students enhance their knowledge. In addition to that the school also has a huge playground for various outdoor sports and games. The faculty at Akash Public School consists of proficient teachers, who are strict when it comes to studies, yet, compassionate and approachable. The CBSE affiliated school stresses on all round development of the child. Therefore, we have a variety of extra curricular activities and vocational courses as well. Akash Public School is day school with hostel facility provided to outstation students. The admission process includes written test and interview. This is just a bird’s eye-view of the school. I am also sending the school prospectus to you, which will enlighten you further. Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you Yours sincerely Mrs. Malini Singh Principal C op yM yK ita b 18. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills 117 63, Civil Lines Delhi-42 5 March, 20×× The Area Manager Gayatri Consultants 2, Barakhamba Road New Delhi-47 Subject : Application for the Post of Accountant Sir, b In response to your advertisement in ‘The Hindu’ dated 4 March 20××, I wish to apply for the post of accountant in the mentioned reputed firm. I have a total of three years’ experience in the said field. Currently, I am working as an assistant accountant, with XYZ Corporations. I am enclosing my bio-data and testimonial for your review. ita Thank you Yours faithfully Ketan Pandey yM yK Enclosed : Bio-data and testimonial Bio-Data Name : Ketan Pandey : Male : 2 November 1982 Father’s Name : Mr. Keshav Pandey Postal Address : 63, Civil Lines, Delhi-42 Contact No. : 011-234××××, 981073×××× : B.Com from XYZ College, Delhi University M.Com from ABC University MBA from ABC University Work Experience : 3 years with XYZ corporation Salary Drawn : 4,80,000/- p.a. Salary Expected : : Negotiable Language Skills : : Fluency in English, Hindi and German Gender op Date of Birth C 20. Visit our site - Educational Qualification References : Mr. Suresh Holkar, Sr. Accounts Manager, XYZ Corporation Mr. Prabhas Rao, General Manager, XYZ Corporation Follow us on Facebook - 118 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core Sunshine Public School Karol Bagh Delhi-52 6 March, 20×× The Sales Manager Olympics Sports, F-12, Darya Ganj Delhi-34 Subject : Delay in Delivery of Sports Goods Sir/Madam, This is in reference to the order I placed on 3 February, 20×× for several sports goods from your store. Our order number is ABC12345. The sports goods were supposed to be delivered on 3 March, 20××. However, there has been a delay of four days in the delivery of the same. The equipments are required urgently, therefore, I am writing to you requesting for speedy delivery of the ordered products. Thank you Regards Ravikant Mishra Sports Teacher 22. 48, Fort Apartments Pune 23 March, 20×× The Director Sapphire Academy Dadar Mumbai Subject : Enquiring about NIFT Admission Test Coaching Respected Sir, I am writing to you in regards to the coaching you provide for the NIFT Admission Test. I have a Masters degree in Fine Arts and now wish to pursue a course in fashion design. For this I want to join NIFT as it is the premiere institute in the field of fashion. NIFT holds a competitive examination for admission and I feel appropriate coaching will help me clear it. I request you to please send the relevant details, such as duration and date of commencement of coaching classes, fee structure, facilities available, university recognition for course, etc. I wish to join the coaching at the earliest therefore, kindly send the necessary information to me as soon as possible. Thank you Yours sincerely Karan Roy C op yM yK ita b 21. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills Visit our site - 119 Amla Public School 24, Copernicus Road Trichy March 29, 20×× The Manager Dhanpati & Sons Chennai Subject: Cancelling the Order for Books Sir, This is to bring to your notice that I had placed an order for reference books for class XII for various subjects. As per your delivery policy, the books should have been delivered to us within seven days. I would like to inform you that it’s past the date of delivery. However, I have not yet received the books. The new academic year has already begun. Since you have not supplied the books till date, students are unable to procure the same. This delay in supply of books has indeed adversely affected the studies of the students. As there has been an undue delay in the delivery of the books, I request you to cancel my order I placed with your book store. My order number is APS/××××/ CC12. Also, please refund the advance amount paid to you at the earliest. Kindly acknowledge receipt of this letter. Yours faithfully Rajni Sahoo Librarian 24. 131, Hans Apartment Agra-45 29 March, 20×× The Director Easy Computers Janakpuri New Delhi-110021 Subject: Enquiring about Short-term Computer Graphics Course Sir, With reference to the advertisement of your prestigious institute in The Hindu, dated 25 March, 20××, I want to seek some necessary information regarding the short-term course in computer graphics provided by you. I have just completed my class XII and now, I am interested in doing a certificate course in the same. Kindly enlighten me regarding the following: (i) Duration of the course (ii) Fee for the course and the mode of payment (iii) Eligibility for the course (iv) Placement opportunities I am sending a self addressed envelope. Please dispatch the requisite information at the earliest. Thank you Yours sincerely Nandini C op yM yK ita b 23. Follow us on Facebook - 120 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core All Saints School Delhi 2 March, 20×× The Manager Bat and Ball Enterprises G.T. Road Delhi Subject: Request to Replace Defective Sports Items Sir, This is to inform you that I had placed an order for the following sports items from your shop. However, when I opened the carton, I was disappointed to see that some sports goods were defective. The list is given below: 1. Hockey Sticks - 1 dozen 2. Cricket Bats - 3 pieces 3. Shuttle Cocks - 5 dozen 4. Football Bladders - 6 pieces 5. Cricket Balls - 5 pieces The proper invoice is also not attached. The invoice may be sent to us as per registered post. We will pay the money within ten days of the receipt of the goods. You are requested to replace the defective goods. You may also instruct your packers to pack the materials carefully in future. We look forward for favourable consideration and early action from you. Thank you Yours sincerely Anil Physical Education Instructor 26. Sakinaka, Mumbai 1 March, 20×× The Police Commissioner Mumbai Subject: Unauthorised Parking of Vehicles Sir, On behalf of the residents of Sakinaka, I wish to draw your attention towards the unauthorised parking of vehicles in our crowded area which is causing a lot of inconvenience to the locals. The people don’t bother to park their vehicles at proper parking zone. Sometimes they park their vehicles in such a way that the pedestrians face difficulty in walking along the road. Whenever a passerby complains about this inconvenience, they rebuke with aggression. Sometimes they even start to fight. We humbly request you to look into the matter at the earliest. Kindly make proper arrangements for policemen in the area or set up a police booth to prevent unauthorised parking. It has become a nuisance for the residents. We look forward for favourable consideration from you soon. Thank you Yours sincerely Rohan C op yM yK ita b 25. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills 121 : : : : : : BIO-DATA Aarti Shah Anand Shah 14, Model Town, Delhi-29 92xxxxxxxx 28th September, 1989 Unmarried ita Name Father’s Name Address Phone Date of Birth Marital Status Educational Qualification b 14, Model Town Delhi-110029 10 March, 20×× The Chairman The Charlotte Gurgaon Subject : Application for the Post of Chief Chef Sir/Madam, In response to your advertisement in The Hindu dated March 8, 20××, I wish to apply for the post of chief chef. I have done a three year diploma course in hotel management from Institute of Hotel Management, Bangalore. Please find my attached bio-data for the purpose. I would like to add that I am a very hardworking girl with a keen interest in different cuisines and flavours. I have also undergone an industrial training of six months at The Grand, Gurgaon. If selected, I assure you that I shall work with utmost devotion and sincerity. Anticipating a quick response. Thank you Yours faithfully Aarti Shah yM yK 27. Visit our site - C op :M.Sc. in Culinary Arts, Institute of Hotel Management, Bangalore (2013), B.Sc. in Hotel Administration, Institute of Hotel Management, Bangalore (2008) Experience : Trainee at The Grand, Gurgaon (July 2013 - December 2013) Skills : Excellent communication skills, team player, knowledge of different cuisines Language known : English, Hindi and Gujarati References : 1.Mr. Kapil Sharma, Head of Department: F&B Operations, The Grand, Gurgaon 2.Malvika Ray, Head of Department, Institute of Hotel Management 28. 16, TT Nagar, Bhopal 20 February 20×× Public Relations Officer Chantac Enterprises Mumbai Subject: Application for the Post of Marketing Manager Sir/Madam, In response to your advertisement in The Hindu dated February 15, 20××. I wish to apply for the post of Marketing Manager in your prestigious organisation. I am a hard working and honest person who is passionate about marketing. I completed my MBA in 2012. Since then, I have been working with RP Communications as a marketing manager. I am enclosing my bio-data, photocopies of certificates and testimonials for your reference. If selected, I assure you that I shall work with devotion and sincerity to your full satisfaction. Hoping for a favourable response. Thank you Yours faithfully Parul Pathak Follow us on Facebook - 122 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core BIO-DATA Name : Parul Pathak Father’s Name : Mahesh Pathak Address : 16, TT Nagar, Bhopal Phone : 91xxxxxxxx Date of Birth : 27th September, 1989 Marital Status : Unmarried Educational Qualification : MBA in Finance, Management DT Institute, Gurgaon (2012), B.Com. b in Accountancy, BU (2009) : Manager at RP Communications Skills : Excellent communication ita Experience and management skills, team player, yM yK sincerity, ability to convince and influence people Languages known : Fluent in English, Hindi and German Reference 14, M.G. Road Pune-28 The Manager Dawn Books op 2 February, 20×× C 29. : Mr. D. K. Paul Senior Manager, RPCommunications, Bhopal Lawrence Road Chennai Subject: Defective Book Sir, Yesterday, I bought the textbook ‘Vistas’ for class-XII from your bookstore (Bill No. 002223, dated 1/2/20××). After skimming through the book, I found, to my disappointment, that a few pages were missing from the book. In addition to that the print overlapped on a few pages. I have bought many books from your publishing house, but have never encountered such a problem before. My exams are approaching and having a defective book is a big hindrance. I request you to either replace the book or refund the money at the earliest. I have attached a copy of the bill for your reference. Yours sincerely Aman Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills Visit our site - 123 68, Chanakya Puri Delhi-21 20 January, 20×× The Manager Edison Watch Works New Delhi Subject: Defective Wristwatch Sir, Last week, I bought a brand new wristwatch (Bill No. 008453, dated 14/1/2014) from your retail showroom. However, I would like to inform you that it has not been functioning properly from the first day itself. It is from the latest collection of watches launched by Titan. The watch stops after every few hours and the alarm goes off on its own. I have tried resetting the time, but all in vain. I am a punctual person and arriving on time is important to me. However, because of the faulty watch, I’ve been late for several meetings. Besides, it is hampering with my daily schedule, which is causing me extreme inconvenience. Therefore, I request you to either repair or replace the watch at the earliest. I have attached a copy of the bill for your reference. Regards Govind 31. R.W.A. Govindpuri Bangalore-42 23 March, 20×× The Municipal Commissioner Municipal Corporation Bangalore-21 Subject : Utter Neglect of the Govindpuri Main Park Sir, This is to inform you that the main park in our locality, which was once a model park, lies in a state of utter neglect. Initially, the horticulture department had assigned a caretaker and a gardener to tend to the park. However, they both proved to be inefficient. The trees as well as the bushes remain untrimmed. There is no one to look after the garden, as a result, not many flowers are left to please our senses. There used to be a water fountain in the middle of the park. But, due to lack of maintenance, it does not function anymore. That’s not all. The park has become a favourite spot for anti-social elements who are involved in substance abuse, drinking and creating nuisance for other park-goers. Due to the above mentioned reasons and few other related issues, visiting the park has become impossible. I request you to instruct the horticulture department to take prompt action and restore the park to its original condition. Thank you Yours sincerely Mohita Singh President, R.W.A., Govindpuri C op yM yK ita b 30. Follow us on Facebook - 124 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core 15, Gulbarga Society Surat 16 July, 20×× The Editor The Times of India BahadurShah Zafar Marg New Delhi Subject : Role of Youth in Eradicating Social Problems Sir, Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I would like to draw the attention of the youth towards the problems of poverty, unemployment and corruption, which are constantly gnawing at the roots of our country. It is because of them that our country is still considered a developing country and not a developed one. The youth too has a role to play in the country’s development process. Therefore, the youth must participate in the eradication of such problems. The youth of today has a broader outlook regarding issues concerning them and their country than their previous generations. The young adults are passionate, enthusiastic and quick at expressing their opinion about what pleases or displeases them. Their active participation in protests, demonstrations, candle light marches, etc. to fight injustice or for any social cause has been tremendous in the recent past. However, the youth has the potential to do more. The youth is the hope of the nation. Therefore, they should come forward and shoulder more responsibilities. They must raise their voice against corruption and raise awareness whenever it seems necessary. The youth today is a ‘start up’ generation. Hence, they should encourage selfemployment amongst the less-privileged so that the latter can earn their own living. If the youth really commits to the eradication of the problems of poverty, unemployment and corruption, they can strive ahead and bring an economic revolution in the country. Hence, I request the young adults to play their role, take the responsibility in bringing a change in the system so that others are inspired. Only the collaborative effort of every citizen of India can lead our country towards prosperity. Thank you Yours sincerely Rani Tripathi 33. 15, Tilak Nagar Murshidabad 9 March 20×× The Editor The Times of India Circus Avenue Subject : Relief Required in Flood Hit Area Sir, Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I wish to draw your and the readers’ attention towards the grave situation in the town of Murshidabad. Recently, there have been enormous rains because of which our town has flooded. C op yM yK ita b 32. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills Visit our site - 125 op yM yK 15, Udyog Vihar Noida 2 March, 20xx The Editor The Times of India B.S. Zafar Marg New Delhi Subject: Rash Driving by the DTC Bus Drivers Sir, Through the columns of your esteemed daily I wish to draw the attention of the General Manager, Delhi Transport Corporation towards the rash driving by the drivers of DTC buses plying on the Noida-Delhi route. Being a regular commuter on the same route since last five years, I have had a good experience with DTC buses in the past. However, since last two months, I have been continuously facing a lot of problems due to reckless drivers. Regardless of commuters complaining several times, the drivers pay no heed and drive in zig-zag manner. Many passengers who do not find seats to sit have to stand and travel the distance. More often than not, passengers fall and hurt themselves. The drivers neither follow the traffic rules nor do they care about the consequences of breaking them. They do not fear the law either. Some of the drivers use foul language while speaking to the passengers, which obviously leads to quarrels. I have written many complaints about the drivers with date, day, name and other relevant information but all in vain. Therefore, I request you to public the above said view so that the top official of the Delhi Transport Corporation may be made aware of this grave situation, and take strict action against such rowdy drivers. The department should provide proper training, create awareness and also maintain the provision of punishment for the misbehaved and rash-drivers. I look forward for favourable consideration and quick action from the concerned authority. Thank you Yours sincerely Prakash C 34. ita b Heavy downpour for five consecutive days has affected us adversely. There has been a huge loss of life and property; not only people, but, many helpless animals have perished. Houses have suffered severe damage, personal belongings, valuables, furnitures, vehicles, etc. all have either drowned or swept away. Farmers, whose only mode of income are their crops are the worst affected. The heavy rains have destroyed the crops and vegetation, thus rendering the farmers sans hope and any chance of recovery. Though, rescue teams arrived and relief measures were taken at the earliest, but the relief operation carried out by the state Government has proved to be insufficient. There are still people and animals stuck in isolated areas, surrounded by stagnant flood water, who need to be rescued, fed and treated. Therefore, I wish to utilise this space to request the concerned authorities and the general public to come forward and help rescue the flood victims faster. Contributions and donations, in the form of cash or any other kind, is much required to provide food, basic essentials and medicines to them. I hope you will publish this letter so that more relief is sent to the flood hit area as soon as possible. Thank you Yours sincerely Sucheta Bagchi Follow us on Facebook - 126 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core ABC Matriculation School Civil Lines Poona 14 March, 20×× Lightways Sports Amrapalli Thane Subject: Sports Articles Required Sir/Madam We are in need of the following sports articles at the earliest and wish to purchase the whole lot from your store. Items Brands Quantity Footballs Cosco 4 Crickets Bats Adidas 6 Cricket Balls Adidas 8 Badminton net 1 Tennis Racquets Yonex 6 Kindly supply the articles on any day (Monday - Saturday) between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. along with the bill. I hope you shall give us the discount permissible for schools. Payment will be made after the sports articles are received and thoroughly checked for damages or defects. We expect you to ensure the quality of the products. Defected items would have to be replaced once they are returned to you. Hoping for timely delivery. Thank you Yours faithfully Raveena Sports Secretary 36. 10, Civil Lines Extension Chanakyapuri Agra-UP 13 March, 20×× The Editor The Times of India Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg New Delhi Subject: Problems Caused by Open Manholes Sir/Madam, Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I want to draw the attention of the Municipal Commissioner of the area of Civil Lines Extension Chanakyapuri, regarding the problem of three open manholes in the main road leading to our locality. The open manholes have already caused several accidents in the short period of four months, most of which occurred after dark. The situation worsens during the rainy season. Even a slight down pour causes the manholes to overflow and flood the main road. The manholes are a breeding ground for various germs and diseases, which are a threat not only to kids but adults as well. Moreover, the stench coming from the open manholes is unbearable. Due to the above mentioned problems, residents of my locality and all the neighbouring localities are facing a lot of inconveniences day in and day out. I have written to the municipal corporation many times regarding the issue, requesting them to cover the manholes. However, nothing has been done about it yet. The problem can be easily dealt with by timely action and regular monitoring. I wish that the concerned authority takes a note of the situation and takes remedial actions at the earliest. Thank you Yours sincerely Kamini Kaushal C op yM yK ita b 35. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills Visit our site - 127 Baden Power Sr. Sec. School 12/100, Patparganj Delhi-92 25 July, 20×× The Sales Manager, Aparna Publishing House 23, Daryaganj Delhi-01 Subject: Order for Books Sir/Madam, I would like to place an order for the following books for our school library. Name of Book Author Qty. The Invisible Man H.G. Wells 4 Silas Marner George Eliot 4 Alice in Wonderland Lewis Carroll 4 (Abridged Version) Geetanjali Rabindranath Tagore 2 Kindly supply the books by next week. Also, please make sure that the books are in good condition and arrive undamaged. I request you to send the bill along with the books after applying the discount permissible to schools. Payment will be made soon after the receipt and checking of the books. Damaged books will not be accepted nor any payment will be made for the same. We seek your cooperation in this regard. Thank you Yours faithfully Akriti Khurana Librarian 38. 12, M. G. Road Chennai 2 March, 20xx The Editor The Hindu G.T. Road Chennai Subject: Nuisance Caused by the Stray Animals Sir, Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I wish to draw the attention of Municipal Commissioner, Chennai towards the nuisance caused by the stray animals. It is mostly during the busy hours of day that this has been observed. Stray animals, such as pigs, cows, dogs, monkey, etc. wander around freely causing traffic jams, road accidents and sometimes, health hazards. Recently, a neighbour’s child was attacked by an adult monkey in search of food. Stray cows stand or sit in the middle of the road and refuse to move even after relentless sounding of horn. Population of stray pigs and dogs is multiplying each day, not to mention cow dung on roads is adding to the nuisance. I have already written to the concerned authorities several times. However, no action has been taken so far. The problem can be easily dealt with by establishing animal shelters, where they will be taken care of properly. I wish that the Municipal Commissioner takes note of the situation at the earliest and orders the concerned authorities to take immediate action regarding the same without further delay. Thank you Yours sincerely Shanta Suresh C op yM yK ita b 37. Follow us on Facebook - 128 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core Zenith Public School Kosikalam 2 March, 20xx The Sales Manager Bharat Electronic and Domestic Appliances Ltd. New Delhi Subject: Order for Electronic Appliances Sir, Kindly arrange to supply at your earliest convenience the following electronic appliances for our school hostel at the discounted rates approved by the authority. 1. Ceiling fans 10 Nos. 2. Microwave ovens 5 Nos. 3. Geysers 3 Nos. Before packing the goods please ensure that they are ISI marked. The appliances should not be assembled, local or both. An advance payment cheque of rupees ten thousand has been sent. Balance amount will be sent after receiving the discounted bill and approval of the school management. We seek your cooperation in this regard. Thank you Yours sincerely Vishal Dhawan Hostel warden 40. 20, Fort Road Mumbai 4 March, 20×× Dear Raj, I am fine here and hope that all of you are doing well too. I am writing to inform you about the latest process of CCE being used by the CBSE for the Secondary School Examination in its affiliated schools. CCE aims at improving students’ performance by identifying his/her learning difficulties at regular time intervals, right from the beginning of the academic session. It employs suitable remedial measures for enhancing their learning aids and techniques. It maybe clearly understood that introduction of CCE does not mean less emphasis on academic attainment. Students will still be required to do well in studies. However, with the acquisition of additional life skills like, thinking and emotional skills, they are expected to meet different situations with greater maturity. All my classmates are extremely happy and positive about this new scheme. Pay my regards to your mother and father. Your cousin Nisha C op yM yK ita b 39. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills Visit our site - 129 5/31, Bangalore Cantt. Bangalore 4 March, 20×× The Editor The Hindu Bangalore Subject: Unhygienic Condition of Railways Sir, Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the General Manager, Southern Railways, to the prevailing unhygienic conditions of the Southern Railways. I regret to inform you that recently, during my travel to Vasco in Vasco Express, I came across extremely unhygienic conditions inside the train. The coaches were infested with cockroaches. As we all know, cockroaches carry bacteria that is harmful for humans as they contaminate the food. Small children fear such insects, due to which people suffer much inconvenience during their journeys. Cockroach infested coaches is just one of the issues of concern. A co-passenger of mine found an insect in his food tray provided by the railway pantry. Apart from this, the toilets in the train were extremely dirty as well. I would request the authorities to look into the matter at the earliest and put stricter rules in place. They must ensure the use of insecticides at regular intervals so as to maintain proper hygiene levels in the trains. Also, proper cleanliness and hygiene practices will reduce the risk of further infestation. Thank you Yours sincerely Saran Singh 42. 25, Avadi, Chennai-42 2 March 20xx The Editor The Hindu, Chennai Subject : Poor Maintenance of State Transport Buses Sir, Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I wish to draw the attention of the General Manager (Maintenance) of the State Transport towards the poor maintenance of state transport buses. Recently, I had a rather unfortunate experience while travelling from Chennai to Thiruvalluvar in an air conditioned state transport bus. I opted for the AC bus hoping for a comfortable commute even though the fare is three times the normal fare. However, the air conditioning stopped working within an hour of the beginning of the journey. Since it was an AC bus, the windows were sealed shut and couldn’t be opened for some fresh air. This made the passengers extremely uncomfortable. Some even became sick due to suffocation. Besides faulty air conditioning, I also noticed that the quality of the maintenance of the bus was not good either. The outer cover of the seats were torn in almost all seats and the sponge was coming out. While some seats had back handles, others did not. In addition, the bus floor and the overhead luggage racks were extremely dirty. The condition of the state transport buses is worsening day by day. This does not leave a positive impression on tourists, especially foreigners. I hope you will publish this letter, so that the concerned authorities swing into action immediately. Thank you Yours sincerely Hema Malini C op yM yK ita b 41. Follow us on Facebook - 130 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core 8/35, M.G. Road Bangalore-47 9 March, 20×× The Editor The Times of India Bangalore Subject: Creating Awareness About the Importance of Sports and Games Sir, Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I would like to draw the attention of general public towards the fact that games and sports are not given as much importance in our country as is given to academics. As a result, our achievements in the international arena are not very spectacular. Sports and games are gradually losing their importance because there is not much awareness, therefore it needs to be created. The recent Olympic Games have proven that India has the potential to perform well in sports. Yet, there are only a handful of athletes representing the country out of which only few win medals. In an attempt to make a good career with lucrative job, academics is given the most importance in our country. Students are required to score high in all subjects for which they work extremely hard, more often than not, by ignoring sports and games. Students and parents must understand that sports and games are necessary for all-round development of children. They become fitter, smarter and healthier by playing sports and games. People are so busy running in the rat race that they fail to realise that sports is a great career option as well. Sports people and athletes not only become the face of the country but also they earn well. With this letter, I wish to create awareness amongst parents and students that involvement in sports and games is not a wastage of time and energy. I hope that I have been able to highlight the problem in this letter and that, in future, sports and games will be given equal importance as is given to academics. Thank you Yours sincerely Sunita Menon 44. 48, Agra Fort Agra-01 2 March, 20xx The Editor The Times of India Fort Road Agra Subject: The Need of Educational Counsellors in Schools Sir, Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I would like to draw the attention towards the need of educational counsellors in every school for proper guidance. In this modern and competitive time, the fight for better marks and career is cut throat among the youngsters. After passing the secondary school examination, a candidate has to make a very difficult choice from a number of streams available to him or her for further studies at the senior school level. C op yM yK ita b 43. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills Visit our site - 131 Students are often misguided by others, not to mention the fake advertisements seen everywhere about expert guidance, ready to cheat the needy and unsuspecting students and their parents. There is no valid mechanism to assess the suitability of candidates for a particular stream. Students opt for subjects under the influence of peer or parental pressure without considering their own preferences and capabilities. Students, later, regret their decisions, which by then already affect their psyche. The ministry of HRD should be serious towards the career of the students. A special post of educational counsellor should be created in every school so that the students and parents can discuss their issues and concerns and clarify their doubts regarding further education. This will certainly give them some relief from the unnecessary worries. Proper guidance is very important for shaping the young minds. Hoping for favourable consideration soon, for the welfare of the students. Thank you b Yours sincerely Chennai-01 2 March, 20xx yM yK 12, M. G. Road The Municipal Commissioner Chennai Subject: Insanitary Conditions in Maruti Colony op Sir, I wish to draw your attention towards the insanitary conditions in and around our colony, which has lead to the population explosion of rodents causing multiple diseases. They come in to the C 45. ita Vinay Khanna house through the drain pipes and create nuisance by continuously harming the property, leaving their excreta here and there and sometimes even by giving birth inside the house. Some residents have also complained about being bitten by a rodent at night, which has instilled fear of rabies and plague in others. The local department of the Municipal Corporation has not taken the case seriously. It is the sheer negligence of the corporation that despite several requests to clean the sewers, no action has been taken regarding the same. There is an urgent need to sanitise the sewers and control the rodent population so that the residents do not have to live in constant fear of an epidemic. Hoping for an immediate action. Thank you Yours sincerely Suraj Sahai Follow us on Facebook - 132 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core 27, W. E. A. Karol Bagh Delhi-52 2 March, 20×× The Librarian Brain Trust Library Karol Bagh Delhi-52 Subject : Cancellation of Library Membership Sir, This is to inform you that I am shifting to Faridabad from Karol Bagh. Therefore, it would be impossible for me to continue to use the library. I have been a member of Brain Trust Library for past ten years. However, due to the above mentioned reason, I have to cancel my library membership. I request you to refund my security deposit of ` 5000/- at the earliest. My membership ID is PG5232, in case, you need to refer to it. I hope that my case will be settled at the earliest in a hassle free manner. Thank you Yours sincerely Pritam Ghosh 47. 13, W. E. A. Karol Bagh New Delhi-52 2 March, 20×× The Editor The Times of India B.S. Zafar Marg New Delhi-01 Subject: Ill Treatment of Stray Dogs Sir, Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I would like to draw the attention of the general public towards ill treatment meted out to stray dogs at the hands of human beings. It is a common sight these days. Men, women and children kick, hit or throw stones at stray dogs mercilessly deriving pleasure from the harmless creature’s pain. On some instances, stray dogs have been beaten or shot to death for no apparent reasons. Such inhuman behaviour goes unnoticed and unpunished. One of the reasons behind the growing population of street dogs is that families who cannot take care of their pet dogs, abandon them on the streets without proper food or shelter. Due to callous and indifferent attitude of people, helpless stray dogs are ill-treated, get run over by moving vehicles or are caught by dog catchers. It pains to think that man’s best friend is considered a menace by the insensitive man himself. The problem can be easily dealt with by sensitising people while creating awareness regarding the pitiful conditions of the street dogs. At the same time, municipal authorities and NGOs must establish animals shelters so as to keep them off the street. I hope adequate measures will be taken soon to protect the stray dogs. Thank you Yours sincerely Anu Singh C op yM yK ita b 46. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills Visit our site - 133 12, Kasturi Bai Street Chennai-20 5 March, 20×× The Station Master Anand Subject : Loss of Suitcase in Navjivan Express Sir, This is to inform you that I lost my suitcase while travelling by Navjivan Express from Chennai to Anand. I boarded the train on March 4, 20××. My compartment no. is S-7, berth no. 10 and seat no. 52. It is a standard sized blue V.I.P. trolley suitcase with a wavy design on it. My name is written on the tag attached to the handle along with an Air India tag. It also has a prominent black mark on the back side. The suitcase was properly locked and chained. I was in the train the whole night, knowing that the compartment incharge was supervising. However, only on alighting at Anand I realised that my suitcase was missing. The suitcase contains medical equipments urgently required for my mother’s treatment and few other valuables. Please treat this letter as priority case and act accordingly. If found, kindly return it to: Priya Singh 12, Kasturi Bai Street, Chennai 500020 Contact No.: 98180111×× I hope that there will be no delay in finding my suitcase. Thank you Yours sincerely Priya Singh 49. The Principal ABC School Delhi-21 7 September, 20xx Subject: Permission for Late Arrival of my Son Akhil Arora Sir, I wish to inform you that my son Akhil Arora, a student of class XII in your school, has been selected for participation in National Swimming Championship. It is mandatory for him to attend the coaching classes arranged by Sports Authority of India, which are being held from 10 September to 10 October 20××. The one month long coaching camp will begin at 8.00 a.m. and continue till 10.00 a.m. and then from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. I do not want him to neglect his studies altogether. But circumstances constrain him. Keeping in view the reason mentioned above, I request you to grant him permission to attend school two hours late for a month. The grace shown by you will be much appreciated. I hope you will grant my request. Thank you Yours sincerely Ravi Arora Father of Akhil Arora C op yM yK ita b 48. Follow us on Facebook - 134 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core 21, Civil Lines Bareily-12 14 February 20×× The Dean D.P.I. School of Management, Mumbai Subject: Enquiring about P.G. Diploma in HRM Sir, This is in reference to your advertisement informing about the P.G. Diploma in HRM course taught in your school. I am a graduate with honours in B.Com and now I wish to pursue a career in Human Resource Management. I request you to please send me the details, such as eligibility criteria, fees, hostel facility, prospects of placement, etc. for the session starting in April. I will appreciate it if you forward me the details at the earliest. I am enclosing a self addressed envelope. Thank you Yours faithfully Romola Sikand 51. 24, Hennus Road Bangalore-37 10 February, 20×× The Editor, Deccan Times Bangalore -42 Subject: Inadequate Parking Facility Sir, With due respect, I wish to say that I Anoop, own an electronic shop in the Commercial Street, M.G. Road. There is a good number of shops on both sides of the street. Every day, huge crowd gathers here for shopping. Many shopkeepers and people come by their car in the area. Many visitors also come by their car. But the main problem is that the parking facility is inadequate, space is less, the vehicles are more. This causes great inconvenience to the people. Shopping in this area has become very difficult, as the passages and by-lanes get jammed by vehicles. Besides, too many vehicles cause too much traffic, which further worsens the situation, sometimes by causing accidents even. An open field adjacent to the commercial area, is lying vacant. This can be used as an authorised parking place, which will reduce the problem of parking in the area. I hope the concerned authorities will take this matter into consideration without further delay and take an immediate action. Thank you Yours faithfully Ritu Jalota C op yM yK ita b 50. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills 52. Visit our site - 135 10, Civil Lines Sharanpur-21 10 March, 20×× The Principal Gurunanak College Ambala-42 Subject: Requesting Issuing of Testimonials Sir, Yours sincerely Rohit Roy 25, Ashirvad Apartment Kolhapur-21 The Principal op 15 February 20×× Judith Public School Poona-31 C 53. yM yK Thank you ita Your help will be much appreciated. b With due respect, I wish to inform you that I, Rohit Roy, was a student of your college, pursuing post-graduation in English Literature. While I was in college, I frequently participated in curricular and co-curricular activities in the college with meritorious performance and brought many laurels to the institution. However, at the time of leaving the college, I could not collect my testimonials and details of my performances. Therefore, I request you to issue the same as I require them urgently. Subject: Enquiring about Diploma Course in Lab Technology Sir, Recently, I have come to know that your school has launched a diploma course in lab technology. I am quite interested in this course, but certain things are not clear to me. Today, a lot of courses are being offered under vocational stream, but which are beneficial and which are not, is a subject of debate. I wish to know what prospects does the course have in future. There are also few other queries, such as fee structure, course duration, eligibility criteria, etc. regarding which I seek information. Therefore, I request you to send me the latest prospectus containing full details of the course. I am enclosing a self-addressed envelope with this letter for your convenience. Thank you Yours faithfully Chaman lal Follow us on Facebook - 136 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core 10, Pudupet New Town-19 2 March, 20xx The Municipal Chairman North Arcot District Subject: Dilapidated Condition of the Public Monuments Sir, With due respect, I wish to draw your attention towards the nasty condition in which the public monuments remain today. The condition is especially worse in our town. Even though most of them have a lot of significance yet, the authorities fail to maintain them properly. Our town has beautiful monuments, which we take great pride in. They tell the glory of the past and attract a lot of visitors every day. However, they are dilapidated and require immediate attention. Some of these monuments are valuable heritage. But it is a matter of great concern that maintenance-wise they are completely ignored. Moreover monuments lacking proper care are an eye sore and leave a bad impression on tourists. I request you to look into the matter and take urgent steps for the preservation of these monuments. Looking forward to betterment of public monuments. Thank you Yours sincerely Anarkali 55. 15, Anand Colony Hyderabad-21 3 March, 20xx The Principal Little Valley Senior Secondary School Hyderabad-42 Subject: Vocational Stream Required in the School Sir, Through this letter I wish to draw your attention towards the need for vocational streams in schools these days. I am Rama, a member of Parent-Teacher Association of your school. Being a working professional myself, I feel that the quality of jobs have changed completely than what it used to be. These days, more importance is given to expertise in a particular field than to marks obtained in the exam. Traditional academic methods are not adequate in the present scenario. They put unnecessary pressure on the students and cause them to stress, which further leads to poor performance. Besides teaching the regular subjects, schools should also have vocational subjects, such as computers, insurance, etc. with proper facilities of teaching them. This will allow students to pursue a course of their liking instead of despising academic studies. I request you to take the necessary steps regarding introduction of vocational streams so that students benefit from it when they finish their education and step into the real world. Thank you Yours sincerely Ramanarayan C op yM yK ita b 54. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills Visit our site - 137 H.P. Engineering College, Tirupathi-11 2 March, 20xx The Manager (Publications) Little Flower Company, Hyderabad-07 Subject: Placing an Order for Books Sir/Madam, I wish to place an order for four books on Management and Administration, recently published by you. Please make sure that the books sent are in the best of conditions and packed properly to avoid any damage. Those damaged in transit or have inferior print quality will not be accepted nor any payment for the same will be made. Kindly apply the requisite discount before calculating the final amount to be paid. Please supply the book within three weeks of time. Cash will be paid post delivery once the quality check is done and the books are found in satisfactory condition. We seek your co-operation in this regard. Thank you Yours faithfully Rohini Khanna Librarian 57. R.K. Puram, Secunderabad-21 9 March, 20×× The Editor The Deccan Chronicle Secunderabad-01 Subject: Poor Bus Service Sir, Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw the attention of the concerned authorities to the poor bus service for the residents of R. K. Puram, Secunderabad. It is a huge colony situated on the outskirts of the city with a population of more than ten thousand people. I would like to inform you that due to poor bus service, lives of the residents are getting adversely affected. People have to walk a long distance to reach the bus stop. Since the frequency of the buses in the area is low, people have to wait for thirty minutes to one hour. At times, buses do not even stop. Worst affected are the school children and office goers. As they are left with no other option than to hire expensive private modes of transport, such as private auto rickshaws, taxis, etc. Buses coming from the other side are always overcrowded. They are so jam packed that many passengers face difficulty in boarding them. What is more shocking is the indifferent attitude of the drivers and conductors, who, at times, cause inconvenience to the passengers, by talking back and using indecent language. Being someone getting affected by poor bus service every day, I have sent pleas for quick action to the transport authority numerous times. But nothing has been said or done about it. The problem can be easily dealt with if adequate measures are taken. First and foremost, there should be a few additional buses plying on this route so that people do not have to wait for a long time to reach their destination. More number of buses will prevent over crowding and allowing passengers to commute comfortably. Strict action should be taken against irresponsible and misbehaving bus drivers and conductors, who try to create nuisance for the passengers. I hope I have been able to highlight the problem in this letter and that adequate measures will be taken without further delay. Looking forward to a positive change. Thank you Yours sincerely Shiraj Malik C op yM yK ita b 56. Follow us on Facebook - 138 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core B.V.P. School Mathura Road Delhi-24 9 March, 20×× The General Manager Nothern Railways Baroda House New Delhi–21 Subject: Reservation of A Railway Bogie Sir, I am writing to you on behalf of the Principal of B.V.P. School, Mathura Road, Delhi, requesting you to reserve a railway bogie in G.T. Express for eighty students, four teachers and two attendants. The school is planning a two weeks’ excursion to Chennai from New Delhi during the winter vacation in the month of December. The tentative dates of onward journey is December 20, 20×× and return journey is January 3, 20××. Kindly provide me with information regarding number of berths needed for eighty-six people, amount to be paid for AC/non AC class. Also, please tell me what would be the estimated expenditure of a round trip from New Delhi to Chennai after students’ concession. Please confirm if the bogie reservation can be made for the above mentioned dates. Once confirmation is received from your end the school authorities shall finalise other necessary arrangements. Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you Yours sincerely Varun Kumar Incharge, Excursion Club 59. 10, Mount Road Velacherry-21 24 March, 20×× The Editor The Hindu Chennai-48 Subject: Rash and Reckless Driving by the People Sir, Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw the attention of the general public and the concerned authorities about the rash and reckless driving by the people in our city. The fast moving trucks, buses, scooters, bikes, etc. have become a menace to the people of this area, especially the bike riders, who, it seems, neither care for their own lives nor others. The news about the road accidents caused due to rash driving is common these days. There have been many cases of road rage and hit and run incidents, which pose danger to the pedestrians especially the poor, homeless people who sleep on the pavements. As someone who feels victimised by the reckless driving, I feel that there should be better policing. Besides implementing stricter traffic rules, honest and vigilant officers should be appointed so as to keep a check on chaos and raging drivers on the road. Corrupt officers indulging in giving and receiving bribes should be suspended immediately. Enforcing speed limits within the city is necessary and so is stricter norms for issue of license. Therefore, whoever violates the rules, must be fined heavily. The problem can be easily dealt with by spreading awareness about the issue as much as possible and also by taking timely action. Hence, I wish the authorities make a note of the situation and act upon it immediately. Looking forward to see positive changes. Thank you Yours sincerely Kamal Kishore C op yM yK ita b 58. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills Visit our site - 139 15, The Mall Amritsar-25 18 March, 20×× The General Manager MTNL Office New Delhi-48 Subject: Transfer of Telephone Line Sir, I wish to inform you that I have shifted my residence from 10, Lajpat Road to House No. 232, Aurobind Marg, Delhi. My current landline number is 011-23232562 and is registered under the name Radhika Khurana. Presently, I am residing in Amritsar. However, due to change of job, I am shifting to Delhi to the above mentioned address. I shall arrive in Delhi on March 25, 20××. Therefore, I am requesting you for an early transfer of my telephone line. I have enclosed a copy each of my PAN card and voter’s ID card as my residence and identification proof along with my telephone bills from last three months for your reference and consideration. I hope that my case will be settled as quickly as possible and my landline number will be ready to use by the time I reach Delhi. Thank you Yours sincerely Radhika Khurana Enclsd: Copy of pancard, copy of voter’s ID card, 3 previous months’ phone bills. 61. Rajaji Nagar Tiruneveli-21 9 March, 2007 The Editor The Hindu New Delhi-31 Subject: Mosquito Menace in the Locality Sir, Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw the attention of the concerned authority towards the mosquito menace in our locality. I am a resident of Ram Vilas Society, which is situated in one of the poshest localities of Rajaji Nagar. However, due to lack of maintenance, the locality has lost its charm. One of the empty plots has, by default, become the garbage dumping ground. In addition, the heavy down pour last month let a lot of water get accumulated in the ground. The unattended garbage and the stagnant water has resulted in breeding of mosquitoes and other harmful germs. Due to the negligence of the authorities the entire locality is living in fear that epidemic may break any time now. Despite many requests to the officers of the Municipal Corporation, the ground has not been cleared and dried off for a very long time. Children and adults are still exposed to multiple diseases because of unhygienic conditions within the locality. The situation needs to be checked soon as it is hazardous for everyone’s health. I wish that the authorities will pay heed to our urgent requests and take remedial action immediately. Thank you Yours sincerely Renu Gopalan C op yM yK ita b 60. Follow us on Facebook - 140 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core Gandhi Nagar Chennai-42 5 April, 20×× The Secretary Youth Hostel Jaipur-11 Subject: Request for Accommodation Sir, It gives me immense pleasure to inform you that four members of my family will be visiting Jaipur during the coming summer vacation. They intend to reach there on 20th May, 20×× and stay there for three days. During their stay, they would like to visit various tourist spots around Jaipur. I request you to provide accommodation for them from 20th May to 26th May 20××, for a week. Please make sure that the rooms are clean, well ventilated and equipped with all the necessary requirements, such as T.V. and Cooler. I am enclosing a cheque of ` 2000/- as an advance payment. Kindly revert with the receipt of the same. The balance payment will be made on arrival. Also, please let me know if you provide authorised guides to conduct the tours. Looking forward to hear from you soon. Thank you Yours faithfully Kamini Mathews 63. Mayur Vihar Lucknow-18 15 March, 20×× The Editor New Indian Express XYZ Road Lucknow-21 Subject: Negative Influence of Advertisements Sir, Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw the attention of the general public towards the negative influence of advertisements on the mind of the people. The general public is very well aware of the flood of advertisements on television channels, selling wrong ideas and superstitious beliefs along with useless commodities, which may or may not be completely effective. Advertisements, especially those of fairness products, anti-aging creams, body sprays/perfumes, etc. are misleading the general public. They promote ideas, such as fair skin is beautiful, aging is bad and some fragrances make you irresistible to the opposite sex. That’s not all. Most advertisements objectify women, which does not send a right message to the children. Advertisements, which show celebrities doing dangerous stunts by themselves, influence kids and youngsters to quite an extent. There have been incidents where kids/youngsters have met with fatal accidents while attempting these stunts at home without adult supervision. Although such an ad comes with a warning that the stunts should not be tried at home. However, it is so small that it easily goes unnoticed. There are also ads, which appeal to the religious psyche of some viewers. They try to sell solutions for various life problems one is suffering from by offering religious remedies. Superstitious consumers fall prey to these ads quite easily and resort to various ill-practices to fulfil their wishes. It is through you newspaper that, I wish to appeal to the general public not to believe everything that is shown to them in television ads and make their buying decisions wisely. Thank you Your sincerely Radha Shah C op yM yK ita b 62. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills Visit our site - 141 Sriram Vidya Niketan Delhi-42 13 March, 20×× The Manager Haldirams Nagpur-10 Subject: Lunch Packets Required for Excursion Party Sir, This is to inform you that an excursion party of sixty from our school, Sriram Vidya Niketan, Delhi, will be travelling by G.T. Express from Delhi to Chennai on March 21, 20××. We will reach Nagpur next day at 12:15 P.M. I request you to supply sixty lunch packets when we arrive in Nagpur. The train number is 32429, coach number B4, Non A/C, sleeper 3-Tier. Kindly let me know what all items will be provided in the lunch packets and also the estimated amount of sixty packets after applying students’ discount. Once you revert with the required information we shall place the order with you. Hope to hear from you at the earliest. Thank you Yours faithfully Preeti Rai Excursion Co-ordinator 65. SAF Public School Chandigarh-48 13 March, 20×× The Manager JJ Tours & Travels Chandigarh-10 Subject: School Excursion Sir, Our school is planning an excursion of seven days and six nights to Shimla in the month of May i.e., during summer vacation. There are approximately forty students and five teachers. We would like you to organise the tour for us. The preferred dates of the trip is between May 15-21, 20××. It would be highly appreciable if you can arrange the tickets of Kalka Mail till Kalka, followed by the Toy train. The hotel should be on the main Mall Road with basic facilities like hot water, T.V., etc. The cost of the trip should not exceed more than ` 3,000 per head including the cost of sightseeing. Kindly let me know about the details of the arrangements you make. I leave it upon you to organise for a comfortable and safe trip and stay. Looking forward to your response. Thank you Yours faithfully Mohan Das Excursions and Field Trip Incharge C op yM yK ita b 64. Follow us on Facebook - 142 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core 65, P.H. Road Mangalore-10 11 March, 20×× The Phone Point 83, Mount Road Mangalore-41 Subject: Defective Mobile Phone Sir/Madam This is to inform you that recently, I bought a Nokia 6100 phone from your showroom, ‘The Phone Point’ with receipt no. 0523, dated 10 February 20××. The handset was bought with a warranty of one year. It worked smoothly for nearly 20 days. Of late, I discovered that the phone keeps on hanging within few minutes usage. Also, whenever I call or receive a call neither mine, nor the caller’s voice is properly audible. Although it is a brand new phone, it has already become a nuisance, which is now unbearable. Since the mobile phone is still in warranty period I would request you to kindly help me by either rectifying the defect or else please replace the handset against the warranty that goes with it. The Phone Point enjoys a great reputation and goodwill in the market. I would highly appreciate it if you would look into the matter at the earliest. Looking forward to hear from you. Thank you Yours sincerely Navneet Singh 67. 95, HAL Colony Bangalore 24 July, 20×× The Manager Parsva Constructions Ltd. 24, Sector 10 Mysore Subject: Application for the Post of Junior Engineer Sir, This is in response to your advertisement in The Times of India on 20 July 20×× for the post of junior engineer. I have worked for 2 years with TDI in Delhi as an Assistant Engineer and 2 years with DLF in Bangalore as a Junior Engineer. I am a dedicated and hard working individual, who takes his work seriously. If selected, I assure you that I will give my hundred percent and work to your full satisfaction. I have studied in IIT Kharagpur and hold a diploma and a degree in Civil Engineering. I have enclosed my bio-data for your consideration. Thank you Yours faithfully Praveen Kumar Enclosed : 1. Bio-data 2. Testimonials (2) C op yM yK ita b 66. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills Visit our site - BIO-DATA 1. Name : Praveen Kumar 2. Age : 32 years 3. Date of Birth : 29 July, 1984 4. Address : 95, HAL colony, Bangalore 5. Gender : Male 6. Marital Status : Single 7. Educational Qualification : S. No. Examination Year of passing Percentage 1. AISSE (Class XII) 1997 85% 2. B.Sc. 2000 89% 3. Diploma Civil E. 2002 75% 1. Assistant Engineer (TDI) 2. Junior Engineer (DLF) IIT No. of Years Reasons 2004-2005 Better Salary 2005-2006 Better Prospects Travelling, Painting, reading Rs. 3,50,000 per annum Negotiable Mr. Gyan Prakash Dubey, Sr. Manager, TDI, 9851××××××. Mr. Piyush Ganguly, General manager, DLF, 9781××××××. op Goodwill Public School, 47, M.G. Marg Allahabad-10 22 March, 20×× M/s. Mangla Confectioners Allahabad-52 Subject: Poor Quality of Biscuits Sir/Madam, This is to inform you that our school has been your regular customer for the past 3 years. The biscuits, which we give to our children as a part of their mid-day meal come from your confectionery. Therefore, it came as a big shock for us that the quality of the biscuits sent by you in the latest consignment were extremely bad. The biscuits were not at all fresh and tasted bad. Some of them were badly crushed and few of the packets had bite marks made, probably, by rats. This has been an extremely bad experience. We are responsible for our students’ health and expect you to feel responsible in the same manner. Such poor quality biscuits can cause adverse health problems in them. Thus, I would like you to kindly replace the whole consignment immediately. I hope you will look into the matter at the earliest and would not give us any scope of complaint in future. Thank you Yours sincerely XYZ Store Incharge C 68. 77% yM yK 9. Hobbies : 10. Current Salary : 11. Expected Salary : 12. E-mail : 13. References : 2004 Institute DAV School DU IIT b Degree- C.E. 8. Professional Experience : S. No. Post Held ita 4. 143 Follow us on Facebook - 144 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core P. S. Public School Chennai-19 31 March, 20×× The Manager Furniture World Chennai-44 Subject: Complaint Against Poor Quality of Furniture Sir, Please refer to the invoice no. JSV/1012 dated 27 January. I regret to inform you that the office furniture that we bought from your famous showroom turns out to be of poor quality. It has been only two months and the furniture bought from you has started to break. The polish of the chairs is already chipping off. The wood of the furniture does not seem to be durable in spite of our ordering the furniture made of sagwan wood. Some of them have even got infected by termite. It is, indeed, a bad experience to buy furniture from your showroom. Thus, I would request you to get the complete order of furniture replaced with new one. I would appreciate if you would personally look into the matter and take the appropriate and quick action. Thank you Yours sincerely S. Reddy Principal 70. 131, Hans Apartment Agra-42 29 March, 20×× The Administrative Officer Asian Institute of Journalism Janakpuri New Delhi-72 Subject: Enquiring about the Journalism Course Sir/Madam, With reference to the advertisement of your prestigious institute in The Hindu, dated 25 March, 20××, I wish to seek necessary information regarding the journalism course provided by you. I have just completed my 12th standard from CBSE, New Delhi and I am interested in a course in Journalism. Kindly provide me with the details of the following : (i) Duration of the course (ii) Fee for the course and the mode of payment (iii) Eligibility criteria (iv) Placement opportunities I am sending a self addressed envelope. Please dispatch the requisite information at the earliest. Thank you Yours sincerely Indu Pradhan C op yM yK ita b 69. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills Visit our site - 145 Good Shepherd High School, Trichy-12 29 March, 20×× The Manager Book World Chennai-10 Subject : Delay in the Supply of Textbooks Sir, This is to bring to your notice that I had placed an order for class VII textbooks for the current academic year. I regret to inform you that I have yet not received the books ordered. This delay in supply of books has indeed adversely affected the studies of the students. The new academic session has already started but the students do not have the books. Also, their cycle tests are around the corner. In the absence of the books it will be difficult for them to do their preparations thoroughly. I request you to please look into the matter and arrange for an early dispatch of the ordered books. Any more delay will not be accepted. If we don’t receive the books within a week, the order stands cancelled. I hope you will look into the matter personally and take immediate action. Thank you Yours sincerely Rajni Singh Manager Book Store 72. A.C.C. Public School Secunderabad 1 April, 20×× The Secretary Sports Authority of India Subject : Requesting Details of Scholarship Sir, It has been brought to our notice that SAI offers scholarships to excellent players, who belong to economically weaker sections of the society, to help them continue with their training. I am Kamlesh Singh, Sports Incharge of A.C.C. Public School, Secunderabad, writing to you, seeking details of scholarships admissible to different categories of school students, who have achieved excellence in various sports. A.C.C. Public School has a track record of producing bonafide players in various sports categories, such as cricket, football, hockey, badminton, tennis, etc. The current batch of players have made the school proud once again by winning gold medals at various state level sports events. The school’s cricket team too won the zonal cricket tournament held last month. We are keen that our students too should get the opportunity to avail the benefits of SAI scholarships. Therefore, kindly enlighten us on how to apply for the same. Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you Yours sincerely Kamlesh Singh Sports Incharge C op yM yK ita b 71. Follow us on Facebook - 146 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core T.H.S.S School Kolar 21 March, 20×× M/s Vikas Publishers Chennai Subject : Order for Books Sir/Madam, Kindly supply the following books at the earliest for the school library. 1. Harry Potter J.K. Rowling 1 each (Whole series) 2. The Book Thief Markus Zusak 5 nos. 3. Complete work William 5 nos. William Shakespeare Shakespeare (Abridged Version) 4. Time Machine H.G. Wells 5 nos. 5. Journey to the Jules Verne 5 nos. Centre of the Earth You are requested to deliver the books latest by 10 April, 20××. Please ensure that the books sent are in the best of condition and packed properly to avoid any damage. Payment shall be made by cheque soon after the consignment is received and checked for quality. Damaged books or books of inferior quality will not be accepted nor payment for the same will be made. Please send the bill after allowing bulk discount permissible for schools. Thank you Yours faithfully XYZ Librarian 74. Himalaya Public School Guntur 16 May, 20×× The Director C.C.E.R.T. New Delhi Subject : Request for Details of Scholarship Sir, I am writing to you, seeking information regarding scholarships admissible to school students who secure distinction in music and dance. Kindly provide details about the eligibility criteria for scholarship, method of selection and formalities required to apply for the scholarship. I am enclosing a self addressed and stamped envelope for your convenience. Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you Yours faithfully Vishal Saini Cultural Secretary C op yM yK ita b 73. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills Visit our site - 147 B.P.J. Senior Secondary School Meerut 19 April, 20×× M/s Chadda Furniture House 15, Karol Bagh Subject : Order for Furniture Sir/Madam, You are requested supply the following items of furniture for our school at the earliest. 1. Chairs Straight back, 15 nos. Wooden 2. Classroom 30 nos. Desks Wooden 3. Almirah Double door, 30 nos. Wooden 4. Centre-table Square, 10 nos. Wooden Kindly deliver the consignment latest by 26 April, 20××. Please ensure the items of furniture sent are quality product, packed with care so as to avoid any form of damage. Damaged items will not be accepted nor payment for the same will be made. I am sending a DD of ` 10,000/- as advance payment for the ordered items. The remaining payment will be made after the consignment is received and checked for quality. Please send the bill after allowing bulk discount permissible for schools. Hoping for timely delivery. Thank you Yours faithfully XYZ Store Incharge 76. B-120 Malviya Nagar Chennai 1 March, 20×× Indian Pharmaceuticals 20 Coast Road Kochi, Subject : Job Application for Trainee Medical Representative Sir/Madam, This refers to your advertisement, dated 28 February, 20××, for the requirement of trainee medical representative in Indian Pharmaceuticals. I wish to apply for the same. I have recently completed my graduation in Pharmacy from University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Punjab University. Although I do not have any work experience, I am enthusiastic and a quick learner. I am enclosing my resume and a passport size photograph as requested by you with this letter. I hope you shall consider my application for aforesaid post. Thank you Yours sincerely Apoorva Agnihotri Enclsd: Bio-data, 1 passport size photograph C op yM yK ita b 75. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Name Gender Father’s Name Date of Birth Marital Status Current Add. Contact No. Academic Record Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core Bio-Data Apoorva Agnihotri Male Mr. Vijay Agnihotri 12 February, 1990 Unmarried B -120, Malviya Nagar, Chennai 971234×××× : : : : : : : : Institution Board/University Marks B.Sc (Pharma) University Institute of Pharmaceutical sciences Punjab University 60% XII (Science) Matri Kala School CBSE 95% X Matri Kala School CBSE 90% Scholarship/Awards : b Examination Scholarship holder in class XI and XII ita 148 : Knowledge of computers Good Communication skills Languages Known : Fluent in English, Hindi, Tamil and Punjabi Reference : Mrs. J.S. Sharma, head of the Department Department of Pharmacy, PU, 951234×××× yM yK Skills 3.1 Debates op 3. Long Compositions C 1. Respected Chairman, Honourable members of the Jury and my worthy opponents. Good morning to you all. I, Karuna stand before you to speak for the motion that the policy of reservation of seats for admission to the professional courses is good for the deprived sections of society. In the ancient India, the society was divided into four sections based on their caste and creed. This inequality in society has created differences among people, which still exists. The so called upper class people started controlling the society and treated the lower class people with disdain. They soon came to be known as untouchables, which created a wide gap between these two sections of people in all aspects. The deprived sections of the society were not given equal right and opportunities. It is only after Independence, that the constitution has given importance to the deprived sections by introducing reservation for them. This is a boon for the weaker sections as it gives them the opportunity to excel in the fields of education and get their desired jobs. Getting a seat in a professional college is not easy. A sound financial stability is needed to join the coaching institutes and to get good books and material. The people belonging to the deprived sections lack this monetary support. India is still considered as one of the developing nations. In order to make India a developed country, the weaker and the marginalised communities need to be raised. If all sections of society contribute towards the development of the society, only then a country can progress. Thank You. 2. Respected Chairperson, Honourable Members of the Jury and my worthy opponents. Good morning to you all. Today I, Latika, stand before you to speak for the motion ‘Rising prices can be controlled only by the government’. Price rise or inflation deeply affects the daily life of a common man in India. It is one of Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - b faced by each and every child. Students should prepare a proper base, so that they can excel in all aspects of their life. They should start young. But, if young learners are promoted to a higher class without the proper understanding of the basic concepts of a subject or topic, it is not going to benefit them. Those students who do not put 100% efforts in their education lack the motivation to excel, first in their academics and later in their life. They become used to not working hard and start expecting to receive benefits without doing anything. On one hand, where the unworthy students get all the advantages from the ‘No detention till class VIII’ policy, the meritorious pupils suffer the most. Even after studying hard throughout the year, it is disappointing to not have any competition amongst the students and be rewarded for the outstanding performance in class. In conclusion, I would like to say that such a policy creates confusion in the life of children at a very young age. Learners should be made to understand the importance of hard work and being rewarded for it. Thank you. C op yM yK the biggest problems of this country. There has been a continuous rise in prices of essential consumer products, such as grains, vegetables, cooking oil, etc. There are various reasons, which cause the prices of basic consumer goods to rise. However, one of the main causes is the gap between the demand and supply of the products. High demand, low supply leads to hoarding and black marketing. The high demand essential commodities are then sold at even higher prices. The common man is the most affected at the time of inflation. They have no other options than to buy basic, everyday use products at escalated prices. If this continues to happen in the future, it will become tough for the common man to survive. The government must empathise with the plight of the poorest of the poor and take some necessary actions to prevent prices of essential commodities from sky-rocketing. It should put a stop to hoarding and black marketing and come up with adequate mechanisms to increase the production of the essential commodities to meet the rising demands. The needs of the common man should be looked into before exporting products to other countries. Moreover, in adverse situation, Government can utilise subsidies so that the prices can be kept low. Summing up, I would like to say that the common man can do cost cutting or check his spending capacity. But, it is the Government that can do much more than just implement laws. Thank you. 3. Respected Chairperson, Honourable Members of the Jury and my worthy opponents. Good morning to you all. Today I Mehul, stand before you to speak for the motion ‘the policy of no detention till class VIII is not in the interest of students’. This government policy has become a hindrance in the academic growth of a student. Every student knows that with or without studying one will be promoted to the next class till class VIII. The students and even the parents are very much aware of the policy and they are tension free as everyone gets promoted to the next class. Life has become quite complicated with something new coming up every day. Cut throat competition is 149 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills 4. Respected Chairperson, Honourable Members of the Jury and my worthy opponents. Good morning to you all. Today I, Meera, stand before you to speak for the motion. Having more and more money is the tendency inherent in every person in India. Most often we migrate to other countries either to study further or earn money. In this regard, I can firmly say that intelligent people drifting away abroad to find better opportunities is definitely not a boon for India. The developing India has become a hub for IT industries. Cities like Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai and Gurgaon are providing ample opportunities to the deserving people with good salary packages. With so many lucrative opportunities presented in a platter, Indians must consider staying and working in India and help it progress faster. One of the biggest reasons why brain drain is not good for developing countries, such as India is that it benefits the foreign countries. Besides loss of talent, it is also a national loss because of expenses Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - incurred on a brilliant student’s education. Whenever the retrenchment starts in foreign countries, the Indians are at the forefront. They also treat us as second rate citizens. Therefore, foreign jobs may pay a lot of money but there is not always respect in them. In conclusion, in a country like India, where cultural values are of utmost importance, Brain Drain sometimes also leads to the erosion of same cultural values. Needless to say, Brain Drain is a bane for developing countries. Thank you. longer limited to Hindi entertainments channels. English as well as regional entertainment channels are also in the league. A lot of viewers find the daily soaps to be unreal, nonsensical and simply boring. Reality shows, on the contrary, are considered relatable, thus a respite from the daily soaps. It is true that reality T.V. shows are interesting and most of the time hold on to the viewers’ attention. However, on the hindsight, these reality shows are just another gimmick used by television channels to gain Television Rating Points (TRPs). A make believe world is created within the T.V. shows, which appear to be real, but actually, it is not. The participants in the reality T.V. shows may not be actors. However, on many occasions, they are found to be role playing. The way they behave, the things they say, seem well-rehearsed and scripted. At such times, the viewers’ emotional attachment to the reality show’s participants loses it credibility. To top it all, exaggerated and forced emotions, expressed by the judges and contestants, adds to the fakeness of the reality T.V. shows. In order to cater to the sensationalism, sometimes the results are pre-decided. The contestant who is most loved by the public or has garnered maximum public sympathy and support is made the winner, where as the talented contestants get evicted or voted out. I would like to conclude by saying that one might learn to accept failure or success from reality T.V. shows. However, one must not believe everything one sees there. Thank you. 7. Respected Principal, teachers and my worthy opponents. Good morning to you all. I, Karuna, stand before you to express my views against the motion that old age homes are not required in India. Until the time joint family system existed and there was an emotional interdependence between elders and young members of the family, elders were cared for by the young and vice-versa. However, it saddens me to say that the joint family system is gradually losing its importance. One of the biggest reasons for this could be generation gap. More and more young couples are opting for nuclear family thus forcing elders of the family to C op yM yK 5. Principal, Teachers, Honourable Members of the Jury and my worthy opponents. Good morning to you all. I, Nidhi, stand before you to speak for the motion, ‘the internet cannot replace a classroom teacher’. Teachers touch the students’ lives in innumerable ways. They have a positive impact on a student, which builds his/her character from an early stage. These days, we are quite familiar with online classes and online teaching. There is even a designed curriculum, but unlike teachers, the internet cannot provide encouragement and support to the students when they get frustrated. Teaching is not just about making sure that the students are learning, it is also about helping students through the difficult time of their adolescence and youth. Internet does not take into consideration learning differences of students of different needs. There are many benefits of using internet in the classroom but they cannot replace teachers. They can’t show compassion for students as teachers do. I would like to conclude by saying that while the internet provides only information, teachers provide lifelong knowledge and wisdom, which stays with the student for a long time. Thank you. 6. Respected Judges, Honourable Principal, teachers and my worthy opponents. Good morning to you all. Today I, Komal, stand before you to speak against the motion on the topic ‘Reality T.V. draws a factual picture of life’. These days, many television channels telecast various reality T.V. shows. Such shows are no CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 150 Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - C op yM yK 8. Respected Principal, Members of the Jury and my worthy opponents. Good morning to you all. Today I, Neetu stand before you to speak for the motion ‘Ban Animal Dissection’. The dissection of animals inside science labs encourages cruelty towards animals. Animal dissection is an unethical practice because many of these animals are captured from their natural surroundings and treated unjustly. Animals are sold to schools from pet stores and, at times, as by-products from meat industries. They are shipped in small and crowded containers, which are not properly ventilated. Like humans, animals too have the right to live a respectful life. However, animal dissection is just one way of snatching away that right. It also inculcates in students the wrong idea that animals lives don’t matter, that they are disposable. The question worth asking is, is animal dissection really that necessary, unless a student chooses to pursue career in that field? If at all, he or she does, the student would get the opportunity to practise dissection on human cadavers at the University. I would like to conclude by saying, it is the age of technology and education is becoming virtual. So why not opt for virtual dissection instead of actual dissection? It is not only educative and interactive, it is also economical and saves the of precious lives of many animals. Thank you. 9. Respected Principal, Members of the Jury, teachers and my dear opponents. Good morning to you all. Today I, Faisal, take the opportunity to express my views against the motion ‘electronic media (TV news) will end print media (newspapers)’. TV news that strive towards authentic and fast reportage is always at the risk of fabricating its content to continue being in circulation. The governing principle for the 24-hours news format is that whether or not a news constitute the element of worthiness, it should be covered on the channel. If there is nothing worth reporting then the content can be made sensational just to gain currency. It tends to become repetitive and dull, scandals are allowed to become news and popularity becomes the main objective. The ambition of TV news to be the sole guardian of objective truth in the field of journalism can be considered to be a tall claim as more often than not it becomes a site for promotion of commercial products and sensational content in the garb of news. Print media, on the other hand is a time tested medium of information dissemination, the time taken to publish engenders that the content of the report has been analysed and verified to offer a composite picture to the reader. Editorial commentary ensures an informed view on the issues at hand. I would like to conclude by saying that newspapers are far from extinction because they cater to all interests, they are still a valuable mode of receiving news from around the world at our doorstep. Thus, electronic media can never overrule print media. Thank you. b either live alone or under the care of others. There have been, many instances where the elderly have been, robbed, beaten or murdered by the care taker or someone known. Given the sad situation, it is suffice to say, that old age home are the need of the hour. Although, many consider old age homes a sign of rejection, it is worth noting that these centres are well equipped with a variety of facilities. Residents are provided with entertainment, physical workout, etc., which keeps them busy as well as fit. Moreover all their needs are taken care of including medical care. In conclusion, old age homes bring people of same age together who being able to share experiences, enjoy living together. Thank you. 151 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills 10. Honourable members of the Jury, respected Principal, Teachers, audience and My worthy opponents. Good morning to you all. Today I, Navita, stand before you to speak for the motion ‘the only way to minimise human suffering and pain is to control our needs.’ “There is sufficiency in this world for man’s needs but not for man’s greed’’, said Mahatma Gandhi. Unfortunately, this is the scenario today. The things that were regarded luxuries at one point of time are now termed as necessities. We cannot imagine life without certain items like a computer, Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - a washing machine or even a mobile phone. But weren’t our parents and their parents able to lead content lives even without these things? It is time that we understand that we have become slaves to our greed. We not only are drying up resources rapidly to get what we want but are degrading our health too. Human beings are never satisfied with what they already have. They always want more and more. When one is unable to have exactly what one wants, one becomes sad and dissatisfied. One keeps suffering until one has what one wants. Sometimes one even resorts to criminal activities just to get what they want. However, it only increases one’s sufferings and pain. Whatever be the problem, there is only one simple solution, controlling our needs and differentiating them from our greed. The more we enslave ourselves, the more we suffer. Thank you. the less people will migrate to the cities, thereby leading to an economically and medically stronger India. Thank you. 3.2 Speeches 1. Good morning, Respected Principal, honourable teachers and my fellow students, as you all probably know that Sakshi Malik has made India proud by winning a bronze medal in wrestling in Olympics. I, Meera Sen, Head Girl, am here to express my joy on her winning. Wrestling is predominantly a male sport. Since it requires a lot of physical strength and stamina, men are more attracted to it. Moreover, in a country like India, where majority of the society is still patriarchal, wrestling is not associated with women. In fact, in some parts of India, girls are not even allowed to play games, let alone participate in sports. This is why there are only a handful of women sportspersons and even less in wrestling. Sakshi Malik was born in conservative surroundings in Rohtak, Haryana to parents, who earned a modest living. Sakshi found her inspiration to wrestle in her grandfather, who too had been a wrestler. On being encouraged by her parents, Sakshi started her training at the age of twelve with coach Ishwar Dahiya. With great deal of hard work, passion for wrestling and determination, Sakshi became a proficient wrestler who went on to win numerous awards and making her parents and India proud. From this we learn that no matter what the circumstances be, if we are passionate about our dreams, then we must work hard and pursue it fearlessly with an undeterred determination. On winning the bronze in 2016 Sakshi Malik became the first Indian female wrestler to win a medal at the Olympics. One cannot forget the look of determination on her face in the last three minutes of the bout. Thank you. 2. Good Morning, Respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends. I, Karuna, Head Girl, take this opportunity to present my views on the topic ‘benefits of early rising.’ In good old days, people used to go early to bed and rise early from bed. This particular habit C op yM yK 11. Honourable members of the Jury, respected Principal, Teachers, dear audience and my worthy opponents. Good morning to you all. Today I, Navita, stand before you to speak for the motion ‘solution to the problem of misery in the urban slums lies in creating jobs in the villages’. Migration is a major issue faced by cities. In search of a better and brighter future and to fulfil their dreams, people from small towns and villages move to cities. Unfortunately, their dreams shatter. Migration from villages to cities has led to the spread of urban slums, they gradually get entangled in the deplorable conditions. People living in these slums lead a miserable life. They have to survive in unhygienic living conditions, are deprived of proper meals and they lack money and jobs. They can’t even afford to fall ill because they don’t have enough funds for treatment. Besides, the economic disparity that they face in the cities lead them to the problems of law and order. They get caught in vicious circle of police, money lenders, bureaucrats, etc. all of whom demand bribe in some way or the other. But what is the root cause of migration and the problems attached to it? The answer is simple. It is the dearth of jobs in their native place. There is a huge scope for expansion in villages and small towns, but people refuse to see it. The more jobs, medical and other basic facilities, we create in villages and small towns, CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 152 Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - op C 153 b It is most unfortunate that in a large number of schools, there are at present no libraries worth the name. The books are usually old, out dated, unsuitable, usually selected without reference to the student’s tastes and interests. This situation should be taken care of. I would like to conclude by saying that the library is an essential instrument for putting progressive methods into practice. It must be utilised well. Thank you. 4. Good Morning, Respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends. Today I, Karuna, Head girl stand before you to share my thoughts on the topic ‘a student must know how to manage his time.’ Time is very precious. Once it’s lost it can’t be gained. Student life is very important as it decides the future. Academics often creates a lot of pressure on students. As a result, they are unable to manage their time properly. Time management is essential, especially at a competitive time like this when there is too much to do, but too little time. If a student plans and organises, her/his work according to the importance of it then definitely it adds to the efficient result of the work. Students should balance both their selfstudies and recreation, which is also essential as it refreshes the mind. Only studies is not enough. If you are able to manage time effectively then there would be a scope to enhance other skills. The time management in a student’s life would also enhance confidence. So, each and every student must learn to utilise time by proper planning and organising the things. Summing up, I’d like to say that if one is able to manage time effectively it reduces stress and helps one to achieve success in short period of time. Thank you. 5. Good morning, Respected Principal, teachers and dear friends. Today I, Karan, am here to present my views on the topic, ‘discipline shapes the future of a student.’ Discipline is a means of keeping the things in order. It inculcates in us a sense of duty and obedience. In the words of Swami Vivekanand: “Duty is obedience to the voice of conscience, discipline is necessary not only in schools and colleges, but in all walks of life. Absence of yM yK is refreshing and very energising. It gives a positive start to the day. The busy and hectic life of the present generation must inculcate this habit of early rising, which relieves stress and tension. Rising early increases productivity and helps in better time management. Students, especially benefit most out of early rising. Early morning is the best time to study as there is less distractions and disturbance. Early morning is the ideal time to meditate and to do physical exercises/yoga, which makes our body and mind fit. In conclusion, I would like to say that rising early in the morning not only gives us extra time in the day, it also makes us more productive and wise. Thank you. 3. Good morning, Respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends, I Karan, Head Boy, am standing before you to share my views on the topic ‘library plays an important role in school.’ Library occupies a significant place in school and in book lovers’ life. It houses books suited to the interests and aptitude of individuals of different age groups. Not only that, it also includes magazines, periodicals, newspapers. With its calm and tranquil atmosphere it is a special comfort zone to the students who go there to acquire knowledge, sharpen their minds or lose themselves in the fictional worlds of the stories. At the school library, the students would even find the material, which is not provided to them in the classroom. Here they find an environment which is conductive to the building up of the habit of self-learning. The library is the center of the intellectual and social activities of school. It most certainly has a wholesome effect over the students. The habit of reading can be cultivated when students get practice in reading, and reading habit in the beginning is made firm when students get the material to read, which interests them and occupies their attention. In the classroom, books that are prescribed may not be sufficient reading material or some students may not be in a position to purchase all books that they want to read, or others may not find books that are of interest to them. A library is the only place, which comes in aid to all. ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - that our future generations do not have to suffer. Thank you. 7. Good morning, Honourable Principal, teachers and my dear friends, Today I, Komal, stand before you to speak against the motion on the topic ‘Reality T.V. draws a factual picture of life’. These days, many television channels telecast various reality T.V. shows. Such shows are no longer limited to Hindi entertainments channels. English as well as regional entertainment channels are also in the league. A lot of viewers find the daily soaps to be unreal, nonsensical, and simply boring. Reality shows, on the contrary, are considered relatable, thus a respite from the daily soaps. It is true that reality T.V. shows are interesting and most of the time hold on to the viewers attention. However, on the hindsight, these reality shows are just another gimmick used by television channels to gain Television Rating Points (TRPs). A make believe world is created within the T.V. shows, which appear to be real, but actually, it is not. The participants in the reality T.V. shows may not be actors. However, on many occasions, they are found to be role playing. The way they behave, the things they say, seem well-rehearsed and scripted. At such times, the viewers’ emotional attachment to the reality show’s participants loses it credibility. To top it all, exaggerated and forced emotions, expressed by the judges and contestants, adds to the fakeness of the reality T.V. shows. In order to cater to the sensationalism, sometimes the results are pre-decided. The contestant who is most loved by the public or has garnered maximum public sympathy and support is made the winner, Whereas the talented contestants get evicted or voted out. I would like to conclude by saying that one might learn to accept failure or success from reality T.V. shows. However, one must not believe everything one sees there. 8. Good morning, Respected Principal honourable teachers and my dear friends. Today I, Karuna, am here to put across my views on the topic ‘the importance of prayer in the morning at school’. Each morning is a new beginning with new hopes and aspirations. Therefore, new C op yM yK discipline will lead to chaos and confusion in life.” Discipline is a training, especially of the mind and character aimed at producing self controlled obedience. It is absolutely essential to the growth and development of an individual and a healthy society. It is indispensable for one and all in every walk of life. It is highly necessary at home, at school, in the playground, in society, etc. Discipline must be taught early in life. The home is the nursery, where we receive our first lesson of discipline, through obedience to parents and elders. The value of discipline in the political, social and economic life of a country is no less important. Only a nation of disciplined people can rise to the occasion. An undisciplined nation invites its doom sooner or later. Hence, discipline is a precious treasure. Life without discipline is like a ship without a rudder and punishment is not a punitive way to reform a student. Thank you. 6. Good morning, Respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends Today I, Karan am here to present my views on the topic ‘water a valuable asset, conservation at home and at school.’ Water is one of the nature’s precious gifts to mankind. All living creatures need water and it is the most essential component of life. Although, water is a renewable natural resource, man has been misusing it time and again. Fresh, clean water is quickly becoming scarce. Therefore, people should strive to conserve water as much as possible. It is easy to save water at home and school by making smart choices. We should turn off the taps tightly after use, wash pets outdoors in an area of the lawn that needs water, get leaking pipes repaired at the earliest, etc. Until and unless we use water judiciously, we cannot conserve it. We also have to create awareness about the importance of and need to save water. Media is the best and quickest way to do so. Other than that, street plays, nukkad natak, etc. also a medium to spread the word. We should act responsibly and adopt water conservation methods, such as rainwater harvesting, recycling, etc. I would like to conclude by saying that water conservation is necessary so CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 154 Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - op C 155 b Therefore, it is advisable to be careful in the use of mobile phones for listening to music. If at all you wish to listen to music keep the volume low so that you are able to listen to sound of the horn and the traffic. Stay safe children, and make your parents proud, not sorry. Thank you. 10. Honourable teachers and my dear students, a very good morning to one and all. Today I, stand before you to speak about the importance of power in our daily life and how to save it. The dwindling resources of today are giving all of us nightmares and the scariest one is loss of electricity. It won’t be long before we are plunged into darkness and that too because of our own foolishness. Though electricity can be generated, it is not easy to do so and this fact needs to be recognised and realised at the earliest. We dread power failure but do nothing to save power so that we may not face such a situation. It is high time we started saving power, not only at school but at home too. Saving electricity will save fossil fuels too. We should switch off the lights, fans and all electrical appliances when not in use. We all should make use of the daylight to do most of our chores and not forget to check the switches before we leave the room. Encourage parents and relatives to install solar panels in the house so that more solar energy and less electricity is used. Remember, power needs to be saved and utilised efficiently for future use. Wasting power is going to leave us powerless in the future and I am sure no one would like that. So, children make it a habit to save electricity. Set an example for others in doing so and lead the country to a brighter future. Thank you. 11. Good morning teachers and my dear students, Ann Wigmore, a holistic health practitioner, once said - “The food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.” It means that the food you choose to eat either makes you heathy or affects you adversely. Therefore, make wise food choices. I have observed that there are a few food carts outside the school gate. Many students go to them immediately after the school is over. yM yK mornings should start afresh. Morning prayer, done with the rest of the school, allows every individual to start the day on a positive note. The prayers, the words of wisdom and motivational passages read and shared during the morning assembly promotes spiritual well being of each individual. One comes to terms with the fact that all religions teach the same thing and that no religion is greater than the other. In addition to that, morning prayers build meditative, reflective spirit, which further helps one to calm his or her mind. This further improves one’s concentration, which is extremely necessary for both teachers and students to get on with the day. In conclusion, having morning prayer at school is ideal because it upholds the value system established by one’s school, family and society by making students aware of its importance. 9. A very good morning to the esteemed teachers and my dear students. Today, I stand before you to speak about the mania that has gripped this generation. I couldn’t help but notice youngsters so engrossed in their mobile phones, that they are unconcerned about the surroundings. Even while crossing roads, children don’t seem to notice the approaching vehicles. Just the other day, I read in a newspaper that a boy was hit by a speeding bus because he was too involved in his phone, listening to music that he did not hear the sound of the horn. Mobile phones of today are no longer a mere means of communication. They are as efficient as a computer and do multiple things one of which is playing music. Although the majority of people may see it as a boon, there are drawbacks as well. Music lovers always have earphones plugged into their ears because of which the noise outside is inaudible and they don’t seem to hear the sound of the traffic. This leads to accidents sometimes even fatal ones. If one is lucky enough to survive, one has to live with physical disabilities for the rest of one’s life. Here, I would like to quote Albert Einstein when he said, “I fear the day when technology surpasses human interaction, we will have a generation of idiots.” Children, you should understand that you have a bright future ahead. Gadgets are for our help and convenience, not to lead us to death trap. ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - care services to these workers and their families. Indian workers should be taught the importance of cleanliness and hygiene. Many non-governmental organisations can play a role in spreading awareness about health and hygiene. These workers play a major role in our life. We must understand and appreciate their contribution towards society. Access to basic health facilities is their right. Together, as responsible citizens, we should try to make their lives as healthy as ours. Thank you. 13. Good morning, Respected Principal, teachers and my fellow students. Today I, stand before you to voice my concerns on how media influences public opinion. Media is a powerful weapon in any democracy. It keeps people updated with the recent changes and development in the society and the world. It also helps them understand these developments and build their opinion about the same. With the development of better methods of communication from print and electronic media to a more recent social media, the influence of ‘media’ has increased. Consequently, its responsibility of delivering correct information has also increased. However, when media is unable to do so, the fact gets lost in the media frenzy. As a result, general public believes what they see, read or hear from the media and form an opinion even if it is incorrect. Some of the content children come across through media may not be appropriate for their age. Certain television programmes spread the wrong message in the pretext of creating awareness. Moreover, certain news channels have the tendency to over- sensationalise sensitive issue and present to the viewers half-baked news completely lacking empathy for the sufferer. As the media has the power to showcase both the facets of a piece of information, it should work towards helping the common man to understand the difference between the real news and the fake news. Media has a strong hold on society. It can do more than just spread the news. It can influence public opinion also. Therefore, it is the responsibility of media and the media personnel to ensure that they direct their efforts towards bringing forward the truth and only the truth. Thank you. C op yM yK It is understandable that you feel hungry in the afternoon and are tempted by the food items sold at the food carts. However, they do not observe strict hygiene standards, especially not while preparing the food. Eating unhygenic food causes a variety of severe health problems and illnesses, such as jaundice, cholera, dysentery, typhoid, food poisoning, etc. Falling sick makes us physically weak because of which we are unable to do the important things. Post falling sick, students need time to recuperate. This hampers their studies, resulting unsatisfying scores in tests and exams. Moreover, these being communicable diseases, there is always a threat of the virus spreading. This prevents one from going out to play. Therefore, it is advisable to develop healthy and hygenic food habits. If you wish to continue to enjoy eating street food from open food carts, then make sure that you take some precautions. Check whether the hawker keeps the surrounding clean. There should not be any drains, either open or closed, near his/her food cart. Check whether he/ she disposes off the waste effectively. The hawker must keep all the food items covered and in clean containers. Such precautions would prevent one from falling sick to quite an extent. Whenever you see hawker not observing strict hygienic standards, create awareness regarding cleanliness, health and hygiene. After all, prevention is better than cure. Thank you. 12. Good morning, dear friends. Today I, Rajendra Kumar, stand before you to talk about an extremely important issue, which often gets neglected-health care for Indian workers. I wonder why we don’t care much for the health of other human beings. When it comes to Indian workers, we especially remain mute spectators to their misery. Often, the workers work in inhuman conditions, neglecting their health. In addition to that, there are no proper health care facilities for workers. Lack of finance, awareness and hygienic living conditions are few of the major seasons, which lead to their poor health, zero immunity to diseases and untimely death. The authorities must ensure clean and healthy working conditions for these people. It is the responsibility of the government to provide affordable health CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 156 Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - op C 157 b Whatever the reason may be, corruption is a major obstacle in the process of economic growth and modernisation of the nation. Thus, country needs an anti-corruption bill like Jan Lokpal. In a democracy like India, the power is vested not only in the executive, but also the people. Hence, constant vigil and intervention by the civil society is also required. Punishment must be enhanced, compensation increased and illegally amassed wealth must be recovered. As aware citizens, we must overcome this fear and work towards a corruption free society. Thank you. 16. Respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends, a very good morning to you all. I am here today to make you aware of the importance of Yoga in our daily life. Yoga is a spiritual and ascetic discipline, developed by the saints of ancient India. They practiced yoga as an effective method of controlling their mind and bodily activities. Nowadays many lifestyle diseases are on the rise. Most of them are either physical, mental, emotional or psychological. People are always stressed and busy in their daily lives so they fail to relax and take care of themselves and their body. As a result, they suffer from one or more lifestyle diseases, such as diabetes, depression, even cancer, at the same time. Yoga in daily life is a system of practice consisting of eight levels of development in the areas of physical, mental, social and spiritual health. When the body is physically healthy, the mind is clear, focused and stress is under control. This allows one to connect with friends and loved ones and maintain socially healthy relationships. When one is healthy, one is in touch with one’s inner-self, with others and one’s surroundings at a much deeper level, which adds to one’s spiritual health. Yoga teaches to focus on breathing while you hold the poses. Even children can benefit from yoga. I would like to conclude by saying that though yoga is a slow and steady process, its results, last for a long time. Besides working on body, mind and soul, regular practice of Yoga cures many ailments without any side effects. Yoga has been used to help heal victims of torture or various forms of trauma. Since, yoga is a form of meditation, it results in a sense of inner peace and purpose, which has far-reaching health benefits. Thank you. yM yK 14. A very good morning to you all! I am Sampreet and, as an educationalist, it is my duty to throw light on the disturbing behaviour of the youth becoming more and more frustrated in dealing with stress. The level of competition, among the youth, whether it is in the education or job front, along with peer pressure, have been increasing by the day. Without proper guidance youth is often unable to handle the stress and becomes frustrated easily. It then leads to depression, anxiety and anger, which further leads to cases of suicide, road rage, hate crimes, alcohol consumptions, drug abuse, etc. The solution is simple: the youth needs unstinted support, and love of their parents, teachers and elders. We need to remove the unnecessary pressure from our education system and give the youth opportunity to develop the skills, which they are proficient at. Recognising their qualities would bring upon them a positive attitude thus putting an end to stress. Proper counselling from good counsellors would help understand and solve their problems. Youth who have lost their hope must be encouraged and inspired to know his or her potential. Relaxation and mental balance is best achieved with meditation and yoga. Indulging in hobbies is another way to de-stress occasionally. The most important thing is we need to impart value education so the youth have high selfconfidence and great tolerance and patience. Thank you. 15. Good morning, dear friends! I am Venkat, as a journalist by profession and a responsible citizen of India, I wish to express my views on ‘corruption, its causes and solution’. Corruption can be understood as misappropriation of government or public property or money. It is an unlawful and immoral act. After Independence India has seen a steep upward trend in the graph of corruption. The public has often become disgusted and disappointed for a certain period of time. But, they soon become immune to their problems and issues emerging due to corruption and eventually forget about it. Why did corruption raise its ugly head in India? Its colonial past contributed in flourishing corrupt practices. It is not difficult to visualise the relation between scarcity and corruption. Add to it, the vested interests and greed of the people in power. ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - the participants with notebooks, books, pencils, erasers, etc. The students of class-XI along with some of the teachers stayed back in school for three hours to teach the underprivileged adults who could not receive an education or finish their education when they were young. The purpose of the Adult Literacy Camp was not only to enable the underprivileged to read, write and learn, but also help them find better employment opportunities and make them aware. The month long adult literacy camp was a huge success. The Principal announced that viewing the enthusiasm to learn and teach, the school authority has decided to continue to hold classes for the underprivileged adult learners. 2. Flood Relief Programme by Krishna The incessant rain in the past few days has caused major damage in our area situated in Motinagar, Delhi. Most of the low-lying areas have been flooded, causing irrecoverable damage to the properties. The situation became extremely serious with falling of trees, flooding of low-level houses, severe traffic jams and power failure. A flood relief programme was organised on 28 February 20×× to aid the victims of the flood-affected areas. Everyone came forward to make generous contributions including various NGOs, government bodies multinational corporations and schools. The donations made were in the form of money, clothes, food and other basic requirements. We distributed the donations among the victims. The Chief Minister too announced a definite amount of relief for the victims. The volunteers also helped us in moving the victims, pets and animals to the relief camps, and creating set up on the outskirts for pets and animals of the city. We are expecting more donations from the people of the city over the next few days. 3. Book Exhibition C op yM yK 17.Respected Principal, teachers and my fellow students. Today I, Anu, Head Girl, have come before you with an issue that is slowly, but surely becoming a major source of concern within our school compound. Regretfully, it has been observed that the students of junior classes litter the school compound and verandahs with tiffin leftovers. Such behaviour is simply unacceptable because it makes the school look unclean and untidy. In addition, leftover food attracts flies and other germs and bacterias, which harms one’s immune system and makes one fall ill again and again. There are many communicable diseases, which spread quickly either through air, water or food. In order to avoid being sick all the time, it is mandatory to keep the premises clean, Students must try to finish their tiffins. If they are unable to do so, it is the students’ responsibility to throw leftover food or garbage in their respective bins i.e. use green bin for biodegradable waste and blue for non-biodegradable waste. Students must also ensure that others are keeping the school premises neat and tidy. Not just the school, but one must keep their home and surroundings clean as well. I would like to conclude by saying that if everybody takes the initiative to keep their surroundings clean, eventually it will lead to a cleaner city, country and the environment. I urge all the students to take the initiative today, right now. Thank you. CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 158 3.3 Reports 1. Adult Literacy Camp by P.V. Sunita, Secretary Cultural Society of Sunrise Public School, Nellore, organised an Adult Literacy Camp in the month of February, in its neighbourhood, starting from 1st February – 28th February, 20××. The Adult Literacy Camp was inaugurated by the founder of the school, Mrs. Sarla Deshpande, who applauded the cause and the enthusiasm shown by the teacher and student volunteers. The event, which was held in one of the classrooms of ‘Aspiration’ building of the school, saw hundreds of eager participants from neighbourhood jhuggis, slums and even domestic helps. The school provided by Rohan The Residents Welfare Association of Nehru Nagar organised the Fifth Book Exhibition in the community centre of the locality. The two-days long exhibition started on 25 February 20×× and attracted over five thousand book lovers from all over Delhi. Renowned publishing houses participated in the fair. Books written by well Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills Visit our site - known writers were on display. The book stalls were systematically divided. The exhibition also offered heavy discounts on all books. People were excited to get access to some of the rare books that were on display. The event was graced by the presence of the popular writer and novelist Chetan Bhagat. 159 the past. After today’s accident, the State Transport Minister Aryadan Mohammed stressed on the need to set manned level crossings, at the earliest. The minister asked railways to provide adequate compensation to the families of the victims and also extend immediate relief to them. 6. Workshop on Personality Development by Rajshree, XII-C An interactive workshop on personality development was organised by our school last Saturday. The students of class XI and XII participated in the workshop. The aim of the workshop was to prepare the students for their future and to equip them for the bigger challenges in life. The students were addressed on various topics like self-analysis, body language and etiquettes. Several activities and group discussions were conducted to help the students with their communication and public speaking skills. The workshop was also graced by the presence of eminent personalities like Ms. Sushmita Sen and Mr. Milind Soman. They interacted with the students and spoke to them about the importance of interpersonal skills. The workshop proved to be a great success. The students left the workshop beaming with confidence and optimism. 7. An Enlightening Exchange Programme b by Jai Singh, Head Boy op yM yK On 5th September, the school celebrated Teacher’s Day with great pomp and show. The badge holders and the Student Council members of our school organised the grand, all-day celebration within the school premises. The students of class XII took the role of teachers and taught the junior classes. Teachers were asked to arrive late, but when they arrived, they were showered with rose petals as the students cheered on. A special assembly was held where students performed dance, group songs and comedy skit for the teachers. Later, the teachers were made to play various fun games for which they were also given prizes. Once the programme was over, the senior students, badge holders and Student Council members took all the teachers out for lunch and a movie. It was a fun filled day not only for the teachers but for the students as well. ita 4. Teachers’Day Celebration 5. Gruesome Train-Car Accident Claims Many Lives C by Shewta Vashisht, staff correspondent Kerala, 2nd March, 20×× : A Maruti 800 collided with car the Hapa-Tiruelveli Express at an unmanned level crossing at Aroor in Kerala today, around 5 p.m. According to preliminary records. The train was moving at its full pace. The car came out of nowhere and attempted to cross over to the other side of the track by leaping in front of the train. In fraction of a second, train hit the car, the latter smashed, killing on the spot those present in the car. Those injured were rushed to hospital where they were declared brought dead. On hearing the deafening noise, people from nearby areas rushed to the scene to commence rescue operations. On enquiring, locals said that the Kochi-Alappuzha stretch has a string of unmanned level crossing and several accidents have occurred in the same area in by Benu Four teachers and fourteen students of Edwin University, London visited our school on a month long exchange programme, which commenced on Monday, February 11, 20××. They were given a grand welcome by the Principal, teachers and students of our school. The school was beautifully decorated and sported cheerful welcome posters for the delegates everywhere. The grand inaugural event began with the welcome speech by our school Principal followed by a vote of thanks by the Head of the Department, Cultural Affairs, Edvin University. Their speeches focussed on explaining the students about the importance and features of this exchange programme. This was followed by a cultural programme that was presented by the students of both schools. The highlight of the event was the folk dance presented by the students of class-XII. The music and the beats of the song made the students of Edwin Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - University dance along. Later a group song by the student delegates of Edvin University, which they performed in Hindi, came as a pleasant and enjoyable surprise. With exchange of new learning and teaching methods, this exchange programme was truly a learning experience for the visitors as well as the host school. 8. Zonal Cricket Tournament By Gauri Pradhan The orphanage also had a recreation room where the children could enjoy recreational activities, watch television, etc. The administration made sure that the surroundings are always kept clean, children well fed and well-taken care. For this they have a team of compassionate staff, looking after every need of the children. All the members of the Social Activities Club unanimously agreed that their interaction with the children and the staff of Phulwari Orphanage was an eye opening experience. 10. Protest Rally by Saraswati RWA by Puneeta Anand, President, Saraswati RWA New Delhi, 6 June, 20××. The members of Saraswati Residents Welfare Association, held a protest rally at District Park, against the decision of the Municipal Corporation to cut down trees for widening of roads to ease traffic congestion. The protesters assembled in front of the District Park at 8:00 A.M. on 5 June, 20××, which also happens to be the World Environment Day. The protest rally was soon joined by the local NGOs and neighbouring Residents Welfare Associations who supported the cause. All the protesters took to the road carrying posters and shouting slogans. The protesters felt that the District Park had been here for many years and that it was more of an asset than a liability. Destroying it would only prove to be disastrous for the residents as well as the environment. Saraswati Residents Welfare Association has already appealed for a stay order on the decision. Until then, they urged the concerned authorities to consider the alternative method, such as building fly-overs, deploying more traffic policemen, etc. to ease traffic congestion. The residents said that they shall continue to protest until stay order is passed. C op yM yK A.B.C. School, Lakshmi Nagar hosted a Zonal Cricket Tournament last week from 15 March, 20×× to 22 March, 20×× in their playground. Total of fifteen public schools from the four zones participated in the tournament. Throughout the week, the atmosphere was filled with excitement and cheer. On the day of the commencement of the tournament, the school was beautifully decorated with garlands and colourful banners. Each day of the tournament week saw a large gathering of applauding students at the playground, who came to cheer for their favourite team. The final match was played on 22 March 20×× between Sanskriti School, R.K. Puram and St. Paul’s School, Hauz Khas. Mr. Mahendra Singh Dhoni graced the occasion by being the Chief Guest on the day of the finals. He also presented the trophies and cups to the winning team. He praised the young players and encouraged them to pursue their dreams. The event concluded with a heartfelt vote of thanks given by the Principal of the school. CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 160 9. Visit to Phulwari Orphanage by Nutan Siddigi, President, Social Activities Club Members of the Social Activities Club of XYZ School visited Phulwari Orpharage, run by well known N.G.O. CRY on 1 July, 20××. The members of the club were greatly impressed by the atmosphere in the orphanage. Located in Malviya Nagar, Delhi, the infrastructure of the orphanage suited orphans from infancy to eighteen years of age. It was designed to cater to the needs of these children. Apart from educational requirements, special attention was paid to all-round development of the kids. Older children were given training in vocational courses to secure their future. 11. Environment Day Celebration by Neeta, Cultural Secretary Sun Public School celebrated ‘Environment Day’ on 5 November, 20×× with great zeal in the school campus. The school campus wore a green look and the day long celebrations saw many fun and educational activities. The aim was to sensitise the students to preserve and conserve the environment. Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - tobacco addicts was demonstrated by the students of theatre club who presented it in a thought provoking play. The poster making competition saw a variety of creative expression of the messages ‘No Smoking’ and ‘Smoking is Injurious to Health’. Then the school doctor gave an enlightening discourse on how tobacco causes cancer and other lung diseases. He used slides, graphs and pictures to illustrate his talk. A short film was also screened to drive home the menace caused by smoking or chewing tobacco. Students resolved not to smoke or chew tobacco and also vowed to encourage others to say no to it. 14. Family Robbed in Broad Day Light by XYZ, Staff Reporter Times of India nd b New Delhi, 2 March, 20xx : A daring daylight robbery occurred yesterday in the house of Mr. Ghosh at 2:00 p.m. According to a relative of the victim, after lunch, the Ghosh family was enjoying their afternoon siesta when a group of masked men entered the house from the back door. The incident took place in Prerna Colony, situated on the outskirts of Delhi. This has been the third occurrence of such kind in the past month. At first they shut all the doors from outside and bolted the main gate from within. They made the already sleeping inmates unconscious before ransacking the safe, almirahs and boxes in which family jewellery, ornaments, cash, valuable and other important documents were kept. By the time Mr. Ghosh and his family regained the robbers had left with all the cash and jewellery worth ` 5,00,000. Fortunately, there was no loss of life. The police have issued an advisory and have been looking into the matter. yM yK The plantation drive was inaugurated by Smt. Menaka Gandhi, who graced the occasion with her presence as the Chief Guest along with the Chairman of the school, Dr. K.H. Jain and it marked the beginning of the event. ‘Each one, plant one, adopt one’ was the motto infused among everybody present there as they planted the saplings in the school ground. Smt. Gandhi presented awards to the winners of various environment related competitions held during the celebration. She appreciated the school’s endeavours to make the youngsters environment conscious and nature lovers. She even spoke about ‘why protection of animals is essential towards the protection of the environment’. Afterwards, the Eco-Club held a screening of Al Gore’s famous documentary ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ in the school auditorium. The event came to an end with a vote of thanks speech delivered by the Principal, who urged everyone to use eco-friendly products from now on. 161 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills 12. International Day for Peace and Nonviolence by Deepika, Secretary, Ahimsa Club C op Parsva Public School, Delhi observed International Day of Peace and Non-violence on October 2, 20××, the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. The occasion was graced by many eminent Gandhians. The event began with lighting of the lamp to pay homage to the Father of the Nation. Our Principal then briefly introduced the guests to audience talking about how they have dedicated their lives to Gandhi ji’s teachings. Each guest then shared their learnings and importance of practising non-violence in one’s day to day life. The students spent the remaining of the day in visiting places of importance, such as Raj Ghat and Gandhi Museum, which was an eye-opening experience for them. 13. No Tobacco Day Celebrated th by Shobita, Cultural Secretary On 4 June, 20xx, Kanpur Senior Secondary School celebrated ‘No Tobacco Day’ with great gusto. The interesting and educative event was organised to highlight the evil effects of tobacco on human body. The programme was inaugurated by the Health Minister. Students had exhibited pictures, posters and caricatures depicting the harmful effects of smoking. The miserable state of 15. Blood Donation Camp at Republic Day Celebration by Kritika Desai, Cultural Secretary As a part of the Republic Day Celebrations, Sea View Public School organised a Blood Donation Camp on January 25, 20××. The N.S.S. wing of the school associated with I.M.A Blood Bank and carried out the procedure. The Chief Guest for this occasion was the noted cardiologist at Apollo Hospital, Mr. Kailash Bhatt. He inaugurated the event by donating blood. For a week before the camp, special efforts were made to create awareness about Republic Day Celebration and the blood donation camp. This encouraged people to donate Follow us on Facebook - 162 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - blood without apprehension. Consequently, the number of blood donors surpassed the estimated number. The donors were given juice and fruits after the procedure. Later, the Chief Guest presented the volunteers with certificates of appreciation. He congratulated everyone for organising this noble event. 16. Drive Against Pollution Causing Vehicles Unsuccessful CBSE Champion English Core even invited their friends and family to the event. The celebration ended with distribution of prizes and certificates among winners of various competitions, which took place during the ‘Nutrition Week’. 18. Water Conservation Campaign by Rohini, School Pupil leader The ever active Health Club of Maxim Gorky School, Kodaikanal celebrated ‘Nutrition week’ starting from September 1 to September 7, 20××. Renowned holistic health and fitness guru, Mr. Mickey Mehta graced the occasion with his presence as Chief Guest on the inauguration day. He spoke about why exercise is important to stay fit. Other eminent nutritionists who visited the school throughout the nutrition week also shared and ideas about choosing a healthy life style and food alternatives. Medical professionals were also invited to the event, who conducted health check ups for students, teachers and staff members. Throughout the week, the school witnessed a variety of cultural programme, such as interschool cookery contest, oratorical, painting, poster making competition, etc. There was an over whelming response from students and parents who Motilal Fomra School, Tirupati celebrated Library Week from 5th October to 11th October 20×× in the school premises. The event was inaugurated by famous writer Vikram Seth who was warmly welcomed by the Principal and staff. On the first day, students presented an entertaining and educative play about books, which everyone thoroughly enjoyed including Mr. Seth. Later, he talked about his love for books and libraries and why libraries are so valuable. The remaining days witnessed visits by many eminent writers, who delivered lectures on various topics. Representatives of the local library also visited the school to urge students to become members of the library and enjoy benefits, such as issuing of multiple books, magazines, DVDs. Besides discourses, the school also held various fun activities, such as book reading sessions, writing of op ita yM yK by Priya, Staff Reporter b Chennai : 2nd March, 20×× : Traffic Police launched a special drive against pollution causing vehicles on March 1, 20××. The commissioner of Chennai formed a special team who were checking each vehicle on M. G. Road. About 2000 vehicles were checked in which more than half of the vehicles were found to be causing pollution. However, the pollution checking drive resulted in severe traffic jams and crowd gathering at important intersections. Some vehicle owners daily commuting on that road, thought that though the drive was for a good cause, it made them late for their work. Several others felt the government should have made proper arrangements prior to the beginning of the drive. Doing so would have helped avoid the unnecessary traffic jam. 17. Nutrition Week Last week, on March 20, 20××, our school Meerut Public School, joined a campaign organised by various agencies of the city Meerut to create awareness among people to conserve water. Water is essential for every living being, the water table is decreasing day by day. Hence, the campaign was organised to urge people to save water as much as possible. The students, along with the agency representatives, visited the areas in the city where there is scarcity of water. An impactful awareness was spread with the help of informative posters and thought provoking street plays. Scientific demonstration of Rain Water Harvesting intrigued the audience and they vowed to use the technique to conserve water. The efforts of the students were applauded by Principal of the school and the campaign organisers as well, who presented them participation certificates to encourage such kind of activities in the future also. 19. Library Week C by Anita Singh, Pupil leader by Sunita Mathews, Secretary Cultural Association Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 20. Contribution of teachers to the society by Bina, Head Girl 22. Rising Prices Created a Crisis by Piyush The Commerce Association of ABC School, Agra, organised a one day seminar on the topic Rising Prices Create a Crisis on March 4, 20××. Students of class-XII from schools of our zone were invited to participate in the seminar, which was held in the school auditorium. The panel of speakers included many eminent economists and business heads who were there to enlighten the curious listeners about the financial issues the country is facing. The seminar highlighted crucial facts, such as increase in the prices of essential commodities, affects of price rise on the economic structure, entry of foreign multinational and other corporate giants into our country, etc. The open discussion allowed students to express their opinions about how the country can fight the crisis caused by the rising prices. All students agreed that, to ensure equity, higher taxes should be levied on corporate giants and that indigenously produced goods should be encouraged. The seminar concluded with the thought how youth can help change the future of the country, especially on the economy front, with their positive outlook and enthusiasm. C op yM yK Education Society of A.B.C School, Coimbatore organised a meeting on September 5, 20××, the birth anniversary of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, the former President of India. It felicitated the best teachers of the area with awards for their contribution to the society. The meeting began by paying homage to Dr. S. Radhakrishnan. Smt. Meenakshi Gopinath, the renowned education theorist, who graced the occasion with her presence as the Chief Guest of the event, lit the lamp. Our school Principal delivered the opening speech in which she talked about how Dr. S. Radhakrishnan worked towards the betterment of Indian Education System. To honour the work of best teachers, awards were presented to Mrs. Sulekha Chand, Mrs. Priya Murthy, Mr. Praful Das, Mr. Iqbal Qureshi and Ms. Rita Pinto for providing free education to the underprivileged children and women in their respective schools and residential areas. Each of them were awarded Rs. 10,000/- which they have announced to spend on books and stationery for their under-priviledged students. The Education Society applauded the efforts, congratulated the awardees and wished them luck for all future endeavours. The meeting lasted for three hours starting 11:00 a.m. 163 He spoke in detail about the precautionary measures that we should adopt during the case of emergency. Identifying the areas most prone to the earthquakes, he suggested to make the building earthquake resistant with light roofs. He stressed on the need for cleaning out the stagnant water around the buildings. He told that the wooden structures cause lesser damage than the concrete structures. He pointed out the need of having preliminary first aid training. The session included images and videos that supported the discourse. Disaster Management kits comprising of important information related to safety measures, first aid, post disaster instructions, etc. were distributed. The meeting concluded with everyone taking the vow to be safe than sorry. b book review, creative writing competition, book donation, etc. On the final day of the Library Week, the school held book reading by Amitabh Ghosh, another renowned writer, who later distributed prizes amongst the winners of the competitions. He also applauded the efforts of school and congratulated the Principal, students and teachers for the success of the event. ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills 21. A Talk on Disaster Management by Ravi, Student Reporter A talk on disaster management was arranged in DPS, Mathura Road, New Delhi in the school auditorium on the 4th January at 3 p.m. Due to frequent occurrence of floods, torrential rains and earthquakes in the country during the last ten years, it has became mandatory to have such a talk. Students, teachers and the people of the neighbouring areas attended the lecture delivered by Dr. S. S. Ravi Kumar, an expert geologist. 23. APJ School Goa Inaugurated Indoor Stadium by Latika Singh, Special Correspondent, The Hindu Goa, March 6, 20×× : APJ International School, Goa held the inauguration of their newly Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 25. A Fatal Collision Near Nalbandh by Vimala, Special Correspondent, Amar Ujala Agra, 6 March, 20×× : Two people were killed and at least four seriously injured, when a scooter and a bus collided with each other near Nalbandh Chowraha in Agra. The accident happened at 3:00 p.m. when there was less traffic on the road. According to the correspondent who is an eye witness to the accident, both vehicles approached from the adjacent road in full speed, unaware of the other and collided at the intersection. While the scooterist and the pillion rider died on the spot, the bus driver, conductor and passengers sitting in the front portion of the bus were fatally injured. They were rushed to the government hospital immediately. A case has been registered at the Nalbandh police station. An early action is expected. 26. International Year of Chemistry Celebrated by Ram, Coordinator G. B. Sr. Sec. School, Delhi celebrated International Year of Chemistry on March 5, 20××. The event was held in the new auditorium at the school. The Chairman of C.B.S.E. was invited as the Chief Guest. The school Principal welcomed him with garlands. About 36 schools participated from all over Delhi. Various competitions, based on chemistry I. Q. were held. The children participated in large numbers and scored well. The representatives from various schools shared their own views on sources of chemistry and its importance in production of medicines, fuels, metals, etc. Some even enlightened the rest with their knowledge about the new discoveries. Some eminent scientists from IIT Delhi were also invited to the event to talk about their researches and experiences. At the end of the seminar, a question answer session was also conducted, which proved very fruitful for the students. Awards were also presented to those who did well in the competitions for the encouragement of the students. The chairman of C.B.S.E congratulated all and urged the chemistry enthusiasts to keep making new discoveries, which would benefit India. 27. Bomb Blast In Chandni Chowk yM yK constructed gymnasium on March 5, 20××. The school invited the Chief Minister of Goa as the Chief Guest, who congratulated the Principal and the school for now possessing such a magnificent, 6000 sq. metre, indoor gymnasium. The Principal said in his speech that it’s equipped with some of the advanced equipments and machines. It is suitable for all types of indoor games, such as all racquet games, vollyball, gymnastics, etc. In his speech, the Principal also mentioned that indoor gymnasium will also be used for practising yoga every morning so that students and teachers feel refreshed and stay energetic for rest of the day. The inauguration ceremony saw students and teachers participating in a quiz contest based on games and sports and a skit about health and wellness. The event concluded with a slight workout session in which the Chief Guest too participated. CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 164 24. How to Prevent Cruelty Towards Animals by Vidhi, Programme Co-ordinator C op G.P.S Senior Secondary School, Bangalore conducted a day long seminar on ‘How to Prevent Cruelty Towards Animals’ on March 3, 20×× The seminar was held in the school auditorium and 40 C.B.S.E. schools of the city participated. Prominent Animal Rights activist and environmentalist, Smt. Maneka Gandhi, graced the occasion with her presence as the Chief Guest and one of the speakers on the panel. The seminar which commenced at 10:00 a.m. included representatives from various animal welfare organisations and groups, who expressed their views on unspeakable cruelty inflicted on animals. They also threw light upon various ways to put a stop to it. Representatives of PETA, India presented some gruesome visuals of animals being ill-treated including images from circus, testing labs, meat factories, etc. Representatives of Blue Cross, Chennai on the other hand, shared their animal rescue videos with those present. The seminar concluded with the screening of the movie ‘Hachiko’, starring Richard Gere. The Principal thanked Smt. Maneka Gandhi and other speakers of the panel along with all the students and teachers who participated in the seminar. by XYZ On October 11, 20××, the residents, shop owners and shoppers were shook by twin blasts Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - by Lakshmi, P. D. K. International School, Madurai On Saturday, 5 March, 20××, life as they knew it, turned to ashes for Madhu Vihar slum dwellers; a massive fire destroyed it entirely. Witnessing the billowing smoke, panic and wailing of victims many bystanders rushed to help them escape. The arrival of fire engines finally brought some respite for the helpless slum dwellers. The police, who arrived at the scene half-anhour late, suspects that the fire was caused due to short circuit. Red Cross along with some local NGOs and Police were able to rescue the victims. At least eighty people have died and more than three hundred and fifty have received serious burn injuries. They are now admitted in the local government hospital. Most of the 500 jhuggis, which form the Madhu Vihar slum have completely perished in the fire and about 2000 dwellers have been rendered homeless in this tragic incidence. Relief was provided immediately in the form of clothes, food and medical aids so that they may carry on with their lives. Free medical service has been provided to the wounded. However, basic essentials are still required and being accepted. A group of volunteers have taken the initiative to look after those admitted in the hospitals. yM yK 28. Musical Night to Remember 29. Slum Area Destroyed in Massive Fire b in Chandni Chowk. The incidents took place at noon with the first bomb going off at 12:00 p.m. in the cloth market and the second one minutes later at 12:03 p.m. at Dariba Kalan. The market was bustling with people in festive mood as Diwali is fast approaching. According to those present at the score, the first bomb was well hidden in a water barrel, which was kept under a pile of cloths. The second bomb was placed in an abandoned car parked close to the entrance of the Dariba Kalan street. The blasts claimed eight lives and injured many others. Police arrived at the blast spots with ambulances and the bomb squad. The injured victims were rushed to the nearby hospitals. The area was scaled for further investigation. Media also arrived on time to report the breaking news. So far, nobody has taken the responsibility of the blasts, but the police claims it to be a terrorist attack. 165 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills by Mahima, Cultural Secretary C op Vasant Vihar Public School arranged a Musical Night on April 20, 20×× which is the school Foundation Day. Held at the school auditorium, the event commenced at 6:30 p.m. with the Principal, along with Chief Guest, eminent singer Smt. Asha Bhonsle by lighting the lamp to invoke Goddess Saraswati. Head Girl, Meera Sen welcomed the guests with a wonderful speech. The students of the school performed an orchestrated group song and it was well appreciated by all, including Smt. Asha Bhonsle. The special attraction of the Musical Night, the inter school music talent show saw young music enthusiasts participating in various musical categories, such as Indian and western vocal, instrumental, solo and group performances. The audience, which included parents, applauded and cheered on, showing their appreciation towards the performance. Smt. Asha Bhonsle praised each and every performer and the organisers of the Musical Night at Vasant Vihar Public School for the efforts they put to make this night a grand success. The Principal of the school thanked everyone and promised to arrange more such events in the future. 30. Reality Shows and their Impact on Young Generation-The Debate by Rajesh Khanna, Cultural Secretary, PND Xavier School, Jamshedpur Jamshedpur, 5 June, 20××: PND Xavier School organised an inter-school debate competition on June 4, 20×× on the topic ‘The Impact of Reality Shows on the Younger Generation’. Around twenty reputed schools participated in the debate. Prominent actress Ms. Renuka Sahaney and video jockey Mr. Nikhil Chinnappa were invited to judge the debate. Some participants agreed that reality shows have positive impact on the young generation. They inspire the young generation to showcase their hidden talents and make their parents proud. All participants speaking for the motion emphasised on the fact that reality shows provide a platform for the youngsters to achieve their dreams, acquire name, fame and monetary Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - support, which otherwise may not be possible. Those speaking against the motion, begged to differ. According to them, reality T.V. shows have negative impact on the young generation. They said that the emotions depicted in such television shows are fake and they teach nothing valuable to the youngsters. Medha Singh from Mata Sundari Public School won the first prize for putting across some thought provoking arguments for the motion. Principal of PND Xavier School concluded the event by thanking the guests, participants and all those who made the event such a grand success. 31. Bus Mishap at Nicholas Road by Vinodini Pandit, Staff Reporter, The Nungambakkam Times and music were held. Part of the audience marvelled at the dancing skills of the young dancers while others appreciated the melodious singing. Prizes were distributed soon after the competitions were over. A group of students from D.A.V. School performed Bharatnatyam extremely well and solo Ghazal performance by Umesh from D.B. School enthralled the audience very much. Priya Rastogi of Modern School played electric guitar and left everyone asking for more. She won the first prize in western instruments category. The festival came to an end with the vote of thanks by the Principal, who congratulated everyone for making the event a grand success. 33. Workshop on CCE and Grading System by Payal, Secretary, Debating Society The Debating Society of XYZ Public School held a workshop on Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) on June 20, 20××. CCE was introduced for the students of class X in all schools. The full day workshop was held in the school’s auditorium. The event commenced with the Principal welcoming and introducing the guest speakers, Mr. Rajesh Kumar ChaturvadiHonourable Chairman of CBSE and Manoj Shrivastav - Joint Secretary Academics, CBSE and panel experts consisting of some of the most eminent academicians. It was quite an interactive session. Besides shedding light upon the benefits and drawbacks of CCE, various issues, such as stress of studies among students, pressure of scoring high in exams, importance given only to academics and not extra-curricular activities, etc. were also discussed. The students expressed their views about the assessment made by the school on the basis of their participation in various activities and the system of grading. Many students appreciated the move. They said that study is a continuous process. It takes one complete year to finish one academic session. Therefore, evaluation of the students should also be continuous. Tests conducted at regular intervals would encourage students to study the books regularly. Formative activities would give students an opportunity to participate in various activities, such as, debates, arts, etc. The workshop on CCE was, altogether an eye-opening one, which helped a lot in understanding the Continuous and C op yM yK Nungambakkam, 10 April, 20×× : A major bus mishap took place at Nicholas Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai, resulting in serious injuries to at least thirty-five passengers present in the bus. It was around 10:00 a.m. when the accident took place on Monday, April 10, 20××. According to eyewitnesses, during morning rush hour while vehicles on Nicholas Road were waiting for the traffic light to turn green, the bus driver jumped the red light. In an attempt to avoid collision with vehicles coming from the opposite direction the bus driver diverted and lost control of the vehicle. The speeding bus then drove into a restaurant, which was, fortunately, not much crowded at that time. Those present in the restaurant were badly injured. Luckily, no life was lost. The driver has been arrested and a case has been registered against him. The Superintendent of Police has assured an early action. CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 166 32. Music and Dance Festival By Poorva Chauhan, Cultural Secretary D.B. Senior Secondary School Ambur organised a week-long music and dance festival starting from June 20 to June 27, 20××. The grand event saw participation from various schools in the zone. The festival was held in the school’s auditorium. Smt. Smriti Irani was invited as the Chief Guest to grace the occasion with her presence. The music and dance festival began with the welcome dance and Saraswati Vandana. Competition of various Indian and western dance Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 34. The Grand Chennai JOB FAIR by Priya, Staff Reporter, The Deccan Herald by Gopi Prasad, Student Editor In the lastest episode of their popular, talent related reality show, Zee T.V. roped in several participants who were differently abled. The episode was telecast on June 17, 20×× at 9:00 p.m. In this episode, viewers witnessed the differently abled contestants showcase their talent on stage. While a blind man mesmerised the judges and the audience with his melodious voice, a girl with amputated arms made a painting with her feet and amazed everyone. Other performances included, gymnastics by an autistic girl, group dance presented by children on wheel chairs and mime performance by a twelve year old deaf and mute boy. Each and every act left the judges and audience speechless and emotionally touched who gave the differently abled participants a much deserved standing ovation. The teary eyed judges congratulated them and urged others to take inspiration from them, to have faith in oneself and determination and never give up hope. The channel presented each participant with a sum of ` 10,000/- to encourage them to pursue their dreams. yM yK Chennai, March 14, 20×× : Recently, the Ability Foundation organised a week long job fair in the city, which was held at the Parthasarathy Hotel, Chennai. Nearly 55 companies, including international corporate houses from various sectors, such as IT, telecommunication, electronics and some other manufacturing sectors, etc. participated in the Job Fair. Final year students of various colleges walked in for on the spot interviews and walked out with lucrative job offers in their hands. For an entire week, job seekers thronged the stalls of the participating companies. Many career councellors were also present to guide students through the career paths of their choice and its future aspects. Students left the fair content and with job. 36. Spot on Performance by the Differently Abled b Comprehensive Evaluation. The Principal thanked the guest speakers and panel of experts for such an enlightening session and wished the students best for their academic endeavours. 167 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills 35. Inaugural Function of Tamil Nadu Hospital by Anandi, Correspondent, The Times of India C op Chennai, August 8, 20×× : Tamil Nadu Hospital, was inaugurated by hon’ble Health Minister of Chennai, Dr. C.Vijaya Bhaskar, yesterday, August 7, 20××. The 400-bed hospital is equipped with most advanced, state of the art machines and equipments with the latest infrastructure to attend to emergency cases efficiently. Advanced cardiac life support ambulances have been made available round the clock. Besides having an in-house Blood Bank, its information system has been linked to other major blood banks in the country to enable the right group of blood to be made available at short notice. Internationally trained physicians and best staff have been hired to treat, look after and assist patients. The hospital is spread across 8000 sq. m. and is five stories high. Addressing the people, Dr. C.V. Baskar reinforced the need for better treatment facilities made available to rich and poor both at nominal prices. He sincerely hoped that the hospital would provide the best health services to all. A blood donation and free health check-up camp was also organised to encourage people to keep doing so in future. 37. Inaugural Ceremony for Vocational Courses and Hobby Classes Celebrated by Latha, Staff Reporter, Gurgaon Times Gurgaon, April 10, 20×× : Paras Public School, Gurgaon recently opened vocational streams and hobby classes at the secondary school level, the inaugural ceremony of which was held yesterday, April 9, 20×× at their newly constructed vocational studies wing. Eminent entrepreneur, Ms. Shehnaz Hussain inaugurated the ceremony along with the school Principal and Vice Principal by cutting the ribbon. The function began with a special welcome dance, performed by the students of the school. The school Pupil Leader gave a presentation on the importance of vocational streams and hobby classes. An exposition was also organised on the same day for students and their parents where they learned about various vocational courses to be taught in these classes. The parents and students both looked impressed by the future prospects of these vocational streams and registered for them on the spot. Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - Ms. Shehnaz Hussain applauded the efforts of the school, students and the parents and encouraged the students to pursue their hobbies if that is what interests them. 38. Loss of Life and Property in Massive Fire by Sweety, Secretary, Co-curricular Activities Club water, water pollution, climate change were raised in the street play. Later representatives of a Mumbai based NGO, Swades Foundation, shared some easy methods to conserve water both at home and outside. Ms. Amla Ruia shared with the participants of the seminar some traditional water harvesting techniques. She encouraged students to create awareness about restoring water so that the future generations learn to save water and lead a sustainable life. The seminar ended with the Principal expressing her gratitude towards the speakers for enlightening those present at the seminar. She also vowed to adopt various water conservation techniques for the school from them on. 40. Medical Camp Organised for Screening for Swine Flu by Rasmi Kelkar, Cultural Secretary The Times of India, August 16, 20×× : Vivekananda Kendra School, Bangalore, organised a medical camp on the occasion of Independence Day celebration on August 19, 20××. The one day medical camp was held for screening students and staff for swine flu. The celebration began with the flag hoisting followed by the rising for the National Anthem. Health Minister of Bangalore, Mr. K.R. Ramesh Kumar, graced the occasion with his presence as the Chief Guest. The school pupil leader welcomed the Chief Guest, the staff, students and their parents to the medical camp and thanked the representatives of Indian Red Cross Society for conducting the screening for swine flu. Later, the doctors did a thorough check-up and advised cure to those who showed even the slightest symptoms of the flu. All attendees were also given a precautionary mini health kit, which contained information about the causes, symptoms and cure for swine flu. The Health Minister applauded the efforts of the school and congratulated the Principal, teachers, students and parents for giving priority to health and sanitation. No doubt, the medical camp was highly beneficial to all. 41. Enviornment Week Celebrated C op yM yK One more slum burned down yesterday at about 2:00 P.M. due to sheer carelessness. Blame it on the lack of space that if one hut burns, rest of the huts catch fire too. The poor slum dwellers can’t do much about it. According to preliminary reports and eye witnesses accounts, people were caught unaware by the deafening sound of a cylinder blast and within no time the whole area was engulfed in fire. People rushed out of their huts in panic as they looked for an escape. Arrival of fire engines and police on time stopped the fire from spreading too much. However, there was heavy loss of life and property. Twenty five people have died. One hundred and fifty have received serious burn injuries and are now admitted in the local hospital. Most of the slum dwellers have been rendered homeless in this massive fire. The students of L.M. Jain School accompanied by the local NGOs rendered relief services and help to the victims. Free medical service was also provided to them along with packets of sanitation products and food supplies. Collection points were fixed by the students to deposit material and food items for donation to the victims. A special forum was also set up to receive blankets, tents, clothes, first aid kits, etc. The funds collected were utilised for victims rehabilitation. 39. Seminar on Water Conservation Awareness CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 168 by Preeti Manoor, Pupil Leader, Maryland School Gurgaon, 9 March, 20×× : Maryland School, Gurgaon held a seminar on conservation of water. The full day seminar was a part of the World Water Day celebration and was held in the school auditorium. Students of class-XII from neighbouring schools of the zone were also invited to participate in the seminar. Ms. Amla Ruia, a Mumbai based water conservationist, who was the Chief Guest, presided over the event. The seminar began with a street play, performed by the students of the host school, on the need for water conservation. Issues, such as scarcity of by Amrita, Secretary, Green Club June 8, 20×× : The Green Club of XYZ Senior Secondary School celebrated ‘Van Mahotsava and Environment Protection Week’ starting from Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - Department congratulating all participants and thanking the visitors for encouraging them by buying from them. The loud applaud testified how grand a success the event was. 43. Seminar on Swine Flu by XYZ, Secretary, Health Club, Oasis Public School, Hyderabad b Hyderabad, June 10, 20×× : Oasis Public School organised a seminar on Swine Flu on Saturday, June 9, 20××. The one day seminar was organised for creating awareness among the school students and their parents. Held at the school auditorium, the seminar had various sessions lined up one after another to educate the attendees of the causes, effects and cure for the fatal disease. Guest speakers and panel of experts consisted of eminent doctors practising at AIIMs, Delhi, and representatives of local NGOs working towards health and sanitation. The message of proper health care and prevention from swine flu was spread across with the help of Nukkad Natak, presented by volunteers and also an interactive visual presentation. Doctors emphasised on immediate action at the first sign of symptoms. The Principal thanked the panel of experts and guest speakers for enlightening all with so many facts. No doubt, the seminar was beneficial in being prepared for swine flu. 44. Debating Skills Enhancement Programme op yM yK June 1, 20×× to June 6, 20××, Monday to Friday. The first day of the event was held at the school auditorium and was inaugurated by eminent environmentalist Nora Alvares. The Principal welcomed her by presenting a sapling. In her speech Ms. Alvares shared the importance of and the need to protect the environment. The audience were enlightened by her insightful speech. Various schools were invited to participate in the Environment Protection Week. The remaining days saw a variety of cultural programmes, such as dance, plays, seminars, etc. celebrating the nature and the environment. On June 5, 20××, the Environment Day, The Green Club organised various competitions based on Environment Protection theme. The competition included, street play, poster making, one act plays, quiz, etc. Well known environmentalists, journalists and celebrities graced the occasion with their presence and by judging the competitions. On the last day of Environment Week, The Green Club welcomed Ms. Vasundhara Das, popular actress, singer and environmentalist to give away the prizes to the competition winners. She applauded the efforts of the school and students and urged everyone to protect the environment in every possible way. She also planted a sapling along with Principal, staff and students of the school. 42. Exhibition-cum-Sale to Encourage School Students 169 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills by Meera, Co-ordinator, S.U.P.W. Activities C Gurgaon, March 10, 20×× : The Crafts Department of Nita School, Gurgaon organised an exhibitioncum-sale on March 9, 20××, Saturday at the school ground. The event was held to exhibit the items prepared by students of various ages under Work Experience. The fun-filled exhibition-cum-sale was inaugurated by the school Principal, who expressed his immense joy on being a part of this wonderful occasion. The exhibition-cum-sale was open to all. There was an overwhelming response from the public. Various stalls were erected and displayed a variety of handcrafted decorative, wall hangings, hand painted bedsheets/covers, cushion covers and a lot of other handmade items. In addition, there were games and food stalls, which added to the fun and excitement of the event. The nine hours long exhibition-cum-sale came to an end at 8:00 p.m. with the Head of the Crafts by Naren, Preet Public School, Chennai Chennai, 12 March, 20×× : A week long training programme was organised by the Debating Society of Preet Public School, Chennai from 5th March, 20×× to 11th March, 20××. The aim of this training programme was to develop debating skills among the students. The programme was inaugurated by the chairman of the society. There were approximately 200 students and teachers from various schools who attended the programme. The participants were well known orators and debaters who were highly motivating and left an impact on all the students and teachers. There was an interactive session also in which the students and teachers asked debating related questions and expressed their views. At the end of the week long programme, the students felt enlightened and more confident about their debating skills. According to the students, the whole training programme was quite an eye opener. By all means, it turned out to be a great success. Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 45. The Book Fair by Sujay, Staff Reporter, The Herald the cleanliness drive were provided with a pair of disposable gloves and a garbage bag. After proper disposal of garbage collected from school, the participants of the cleanliness drive moved out to clear the neighbourhood. Students and teachers went out and swept the neighbouring streets encouraging others to participate too. They sprayed mosquito killing sprays in the drains to avoid breeding of mosquitoes. The members of the Eco Club performed a skit for the residents of the neighbourhood on the theme ‘Cleanliness is next to Godliness.’ The message it sent forth was that one should keep one’s home and school clean and at the same time as a responsible citizen, keep one’s surroundings clean too, including the alley, roads, parks, etc. It was indeed an excellent initiative taken by the school to make people aware of the need to keep their surroundings and city clean. 48. Environment Week Celebrated by Amrit Kaul B.M.B. Public School, Dalmia Nagar celebrated Environment Week from May 29, 20×× to June 5, 20×× in the school premises. The event was inaugurated by eminent environmentalist Sunita Narain, whom the Principal and the staff of the school welcomed with flowers and garland. On the first day of the Environment Week, Ms. Sunita Narain delivered a speech on the need to protect the environment. She also showed clippings from Al Gore’s famous documentary ‘A Moment of Truth’. The thought provoking documentary clippings left the audience speechless. In the later half of the day, the students of class IX presented a play on the theme ‘Save Our Planet’. The remaining of the week saw various inter-class competitions and quiz contest. An exhibition-cum-sale was held on June 5, 20×× the final day of the Environment Week. Mrs. Maneka Gandhi graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. The exhibition had various eco-friendly products, such as home decor items, jewellery, fashion accessories, etc. all made out of recycled products, which were put up for sale. Mrs. Gandhi gave away prizes to the winners of competition held during Environment week. She applauded the efforts of the school and congratulated the Principal and the teachers for the success of the event. 49. World Health Day Celebrated yM yK New Delhi, 18 January, 20××: The much awaited Book Fair was organised in the month of January at Pragti Maidan. It lasted for 12 days. The fair was inaugurated by Hon’ble Chief Minister of Delhi, Mrs. Shiela Dixit. Various prestigious Indian as well as international publishers participated in the fair. All the publishers came up with their latest editions and publications. Various international publishing houses like Penguin, Oxford, Macmillan, Orient Longman, etc. also participated is the fair. The variety of books was huge and a real treat for book lovers. Second to autobiographies and biographies, computer and engineering books were in high demand. Massive discount on books really appealed to the readers who bought the books of their tastes without giving a second thought. School and college students also visited the Book Fair in large numbers and shopped for books. 46. First Aid Training Course For Senior Students CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 170 by Vivek Gosain, Class-XII, Alpha School C op A First Aid Training course was organised last week from March 17-24, 20XX for the students of classes XI and XII of Alpha School. The training was conducted by the school’s Red Cross Society and was held at the basketball court. Doctors were invited to give practical demonstration of first aid at the time of emergency in various circumstances. During the training week students learnt about different kinds of treatment to be given to the victims in case of road accidents, burns, electric shocks, fracture, bone dislocation, etc. The highlight of week long course was when students were taught about rescue mission in case of drowning and C.P.R. By the end of the training, students were able to practise first aid on each other quite expertly. This made them feel confident enough to provide first aid to the person in need. 47. Special Cleanliness Drive Programme by Karan, Secretary, Eco Club, A.M.M. High School, Hyderabad Hyderabad, April 2, 20×× : The Eco Club of the school launched a special cleanliness drive in the school and its neighbourhood from March 24 to March 30. All the students from primary to the senior classes participated in it with great zeal and enthusiasm. Each individual participating in by Rama Jhakur Sun Public School, Bangalore celebrated World Health Day on 7th April, 20×× in the school’s auditorium. The school celebrates this occasion Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 3. The Lovely Park in the Neighbourhood Having parks in the neighbourhood proves to be a boon with many benefits. They are not only useful for playing various games, but also for doing yoga, meeting friends and for morning and evening walks. Our neighbourhood too has a huge square shaped park with lush green grass, plants and trees. One can enter from one of the four entrances, the paths of which are covered with red sandstone tiles. Seasonal flowers beautify the park along with a variety of garden accessories. A water fountain, is situated in the centre of the park. There are stone chairs, for visitors to sit and relax and varieties of swings for kids to play on and have a good time. As for adults and elderly, they can enjoy vast stretches of grassy open spaces. The park is the lovely combination of nature and entertainment. I enjoy visiting the park in the morning. yM yK 3.4 Factual Description railway station. He sports a french beard and has a mole just above his left eyebrow. He has big, black eyes and a little cut on the left side of his forehead. Though, he is fluent in English, his Hindi is not perfect. He wears stone studded rings on three of his fingers, one of which is studded with a ruby. Hope you will not have any difficulty recognising Purab now. Love, Parvati b every year on this day. As the custom is, the celebration started by paying homage to the school founders. Chief Guest eminent film star and health and fitness enthusiast, Ms. Shilpa Shetty, accompanied by the school Principal, lighted the lamp. The event started with a beautiful song performed by the students of class IX. Post the melodious performance, Ms. Shetty shared her views on the importance of healthy life style, food habits, physical exercise and Yoga. With the help of an assistant, Ms. Shetty demonstrated few simple as an as which would help students during the exam days to improve breathing, posture and concentration. Some of the as an as were to reduce stress and anxiety. The school had also organised a fete to promote healthy food choices. The event concluded with a streetplay by the members of the theatre club. Ms. Shilpa Shetty applauded the efforts of the school and congratulated all for the success of the event. 171 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills C op 1. New Auditorium Last week, the newly built auditorium of our school was inaugurated by Mr. XYZ, the MP from DP Nagar. The auditorium is very spacious and wellventilated. It has five huge gates so as to avoid any chaos while entering or exiting the auditorium. There are total four green rooms with attached toilets for the convenience of the performers. The seating space has been designed to accommodate about 5000 students. The seats are comfortable and placed on slopes for a better visibility of the performances on the stage. Special care has been taken to build the stage of the auditorium and the floors are carpeted. The lighting system, which includes dramatic lights, spot lights, etc. and the digital sound system have been installed by a leading brand. The well equipped auditorium became an instant hit with the students and was even highly appreciated by Mr. XYZ. 2. Description of My Friend My dear brother, My friend Purab is about 25 years old and 6 feet tall with an athletic body. He is dark in complexion and has long hair, which he usually ties in a ponytail. He has told me that he will be wearing a red t-shirt with Homer Simpson’s face printed on it and a pair of navy blue jeans. He would be carrying a name placard when he comes to pick you from the 4. A New Library-cum-Reading Room The absence of a new library and reading room has been constantly felt by the primary class students of Ramjas School, Pusa Road, New Delhi. It was a timely and wise decision on the part of the management to construct and arrange for the same. The new library cum reading room is big and spacious so as to accommodate more than 2000 books. The new library provides open-shelf system. Students can move round the shelves and pick up the books they would like to read. The new librarycum-reading room is well lit, well ventilated and well equipped with computers, which the students can use to source information. It can seat more students than the previous one. The tastefully decorated reading room is generally full during the free periods. It has brought a marked change in the reading interest and habit of the students. 5. Factual Description of a Hostel The school hostel where my friend stays is indeed an ideal and dream hostel to live in. The hostel Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - has two divisions one for boys and another for girls. Each division has six big spacious and well ventilated rooms. The rooms are all well set up with four beds, two cupboards and four study tables in every room. Apart from this, there is a huge common dining area. The food provided there is extremely nutritious and delicious. There is an excellent gym for exercise, a library, a TV room, basketball court, volleyball court, badminton court too, which provide enough space to the students to indulge themselves in sports and physical activities. Above all, it is a very homely and comfortable accommodation for the students. time with the nature. It is indeed a healthy and refreshing habit. 3.5 Articles 1. Festivals of India by Karuna India is a secular country having diverse religions, languages, customs and traditions. This is the reason why Indians celebrate many festivals throughout the year. Festival celebration brings happiness and joy to all. This is the occasion which creates a gathering, where all the family members, relatives, friends and loved ones can meet and share their happiness. Festivals play an important role in our lives. As we are living in the fast-paced world leading a mechanical life, we are under stress, all the time. Festivals are the ideal occasions to take a break from stress and create memorable times. It is also during the festivals people belonging to different religions celebrate different festivals thus uniting the country. The main festivals celebrated in India are Diwali, Eid, Baisakhi, Christmas, etc. In addition to the religious festivals, we celebrate the national festivals like Independence Day and Republic Day, which are common to all the people living in India. Irrespective of religion, cast and creed, all Indians celebrate these festivals. These national festivals aim at promoting brotherhood. Thus, festivals are very important in one’s life to know the traditional values and customs of a nation. India is a land of diversity therefore, it is suffice to say that the number of festivals we enjoy is one of the ways in which it makes us feel proud of it. 2. How to Provide Proper Health Care to the Comman Man C op yM yK 6. New Multistoreyed Shopping Mall A new multistoreyed shopping mall was inaugurated on June 16, 20×× in Rajouri Garden by the name 3C’s Mall. It covers a huge land area and is three floors high. All the floors are inter connected with escalators and elevators too. While the first floor has all the branded fashion attire and jewellery showrooms, the second floor has electrical appliances, furnishings and home decor showrooms. The third floor has many restaurants along with a big food court. There is also ATM facility. The entire ground floor is Kids Zone with showrooms catering to kids products, such as children’s attire, furniture, utility items for school, toys and games, etc. There is also a play area for kids to have unlimited fun time. In addition, there is also a book store, coffee shop and ice cream parlour for families to enjoy. The 3C’s Mall is indeed a boon for the people living nearby who can buy many things under one roof. CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 172 7. Morning Hours at the Park The morning scene at the park in front of my house is indeed a scene not to be missed. There is a lot of hustle and bustle in the park during the morning hours. Some people come alone for their morning walks while others come in groups. Chatting and morning walk go together. People are all dressed up in comfortable tracksuits and sports shoes. People are seen doing their exercises, yoga, skipping, jogging, etc. Kids too bring their sports equipments to enjoy themselves in the cool and pleasant weather while they wait for their school buses to arrive. Outside the park there are vegetable and fruit sellers selling, fresh fruits and vegetables as early as 7:00 a.m. Everybody looks so happy and energetic that it motivates me to step out of my house in the morning and spend some by Karan ‘Health is wealth’. Man living on this earth can enjoy his life only when his health is perfect. Only a healthy person can eat, work and sleep properly. However, rising pollution, fast and competitive lifestyle, lack of nutritious food, etc. have caused health woes for a large section of our population. Providing health care has become commercialised, money spinning business today. It is no longer a charitable and ethical activity. Of all the sectors in the world, health care occupies the first place. Based on the importance of the sector, the private sector is the dominant health care provider in India. Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - by Karan Women in India are considered to be Goddess Laxmi in most of the families. However, some unfortunate incidents, which took place in the recent past, have made women feel unsafe on the road, at work places and even at home. Women are treated as the weak sex in this patriarchal society. There is an urgent need to change the male mindset and attitude towards women. There are many problems women are facing in the society. Cases of domestic violence, rape, eve teasing, etc. are not only limited to the metropolitan cities but also to the villages too. Women are unsafe everywhere. Even the public places lack women safety. The government or the police alone cannot solve this problem. It is the problem of the nation and should be addressed by each and every citizen of India. Stricter laws should be enforced by the government regarding women’s safety. Also, the police should be vigilant and effective. Properly functioning street lights with CCTV cameras must be installed so that the perpetrators are easily nabbed. The 24-hours women’s helpline should be activated in order to receive any distress call. In addition to that, women empowerment should also be given the utmost importance. To change the male mindset in its attitude towards women, parents should inculcate in boys, respect for women at a young age. The contribution of each and every individual for the betterment of the society is a must. Only then, one can hope that the atrocities committed towards women will eventually reduce. 5. The State of Education Today yM yK by Karuna the importance of birth control and living a healthy life. 4. How to Make Women Feel Safe b Private health care sector has overtaken the Government sector. Most health care expenses are paid by patients and their families which can be considered as health expenditure. Private medical sector remains the primary source of health care for 70% of households in urban areas and 63% of households in rural areas. This is because of large population. The other reason is all the government hospitals are over crowded and they lack proper equipments and facilities. In order to provide proper health care to the common man, the government should increase the number of government hospitals, it should pass strict laws for private hospitals and in addition to these it should also create awareness on healthy lifestyles, nutritious food, etc. in rural area. The government should also provide health care in schools. Only the stringent implementation of necessary rules by the leaders of the nation can bring a change. 3. How to Keep a Check On Population 173 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills C op The growth in population is phenomenal. India is the second most populous country in the world. If the growth rate goes unchecked, we shall overtake China in the next twenty years. India is a country rich in natural resources. Yet a significant proportion of our people are living below poverty line. Our rising population is to be blamed. This population explosion is a severe drain of our natural resources and hampers all development programmes. Unemployment has also increased. There is a problem of feeding the teeming millions as the population goes on increasing every year. Housing, clothing, education and medical facilities are required in the same proportion. This makes our plans an object of mockery. They fail to revive the economy as the target required keeps on expanding. The only ray of hope lies in having a workable and scientific campaign of family planning. Vigorous drives must be launched to educate the masses on the danger of over pollution. China has frozen its population growth by adopting ‘one family one child’ programme. The government of India too must implement policies to control rise in population. Literacy for the mass is extremely necessary along with relevant job opportunities for both men and women. Above all women must be empowered and educated so that they understand by Karuna Education means the all round development of a person. It makes an individual responsible, sensitive and a decent human being. It has always been a noble profession. Our ancestors received their learning at gurukuls and ashrams. Even in the recent past, schools were associated with places of worship. But today, education is fast becoming commercialised. Modern education is merely academic and prepares students to acquire degrees or diplomas in general or specialised fields. There is no stress on the education to uplift the students morally, Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core 7. The Importance of Public Transport by Karuna b The increase in the number of cars and bikes has added to various pollution problems. The smoke emitted from vehicles has made the cities living gas chambers. The new policies of economic liberalisation has opened doors for the multinationals and the cars of various companies have become status symbols of the upper middle class. The amount of harmful gases in the air is alarmingly on the rise. They affect our eyes and lungs, giving rise to all kinds of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. We, as the responsible citizens of India, must take steps to reduce these man-made problems and start using public transport as much as possible. The introduction of Metro Rail is a boon to the commuters as it saves time and money. These days, public transport have been made safe and secure. They are comfortable, clean and a cheaper alterative to personal vehicles for all office goers. Even the services of the Government road transport is good with GPS and A.C. installed for the convenience of the passengers. Using public transport would definitely save fuel, reduce harmful gas emissions, further reducing one’s carbon footprint and eventually the causes and effects of global warming. yM yK spiritually and physically. The students do not even get the chance to enjoy games or sports. Education today has turned into a successful business. As this is the age of cut-throat competition, everyone seems to be a rival here. Students are worried about their uncertain future. Parents want their children to become engineers or doctors. So, they send their children to coaching centres which in turn spend a lot of money on advertisements to tempt their prospective customers. Although, they guarantee sure success in the examinations, their only aim is to mint money. Coaching centres may be necessary for some students. But, it kills drive, initiative and originality of brilliant students. Most of these coaching centres provide spoon-feeding for average students and they stress on learning by heart. The students, who are weak in a particular subject are completely neglected. Thus, they find proper guidance neither in school, home or coaching centre. 6. Role of Students in Eradicating Illiteracy ita 174 by Karan C op In a developing country like India, about half of its population is illiterate. Although India produces the best doctors and engineers in the world, it still remains an educationally backward nation. Most of the people living in villages are illiterates. They can’t read or write. Economic backwardness, ignorance as well as lack of opportunities have deprived them of literacy and knowledge. Education makes a man enlightened and eligible and helps him to prosper physically, economically and spiritually. Illiteracy is a real handicap in the progress of a democratic society. Politicians and middlemen take advantage of these simple people by misguiding them with false promises illiteracy is the main cause of their exploitation. Students, the builders of the nation, can play an effective role in removing the curse of illiteracy. Following the motto, ‘Each One, Teach One’ they can organise classes in groups. Students can also devote time to teach illiterates during vacation. They can light the lamp of literacy in the lives of underprivileged by seeking help from National Literacy Mission, NGOs and education institutes. Government should support the efforts of students as well as NGOs who work for this cause. A continuous follow up is extremely necessary to eradicate illiteracy from the roots. 8. Gender Discrimination in Society by Karan Our treatment of women in the past brings us no glory or honour. Indian society has never been liberal and generous towards females. Unfortunately, this discrimination continues in one form or the other even now. There have been many reforms to empower women, however, in certain states of India there is a great imbalance in the male-female ratio. This is the result of special treatment given to boys in the family. Evil practices, such as female feticide is quite common. India is a patriarchal society, which likes to hold on to its traditional beliefs and practices for instance, women living in rural areas are not allowed to go to school. They are asked to stay at home, do the household chores and look after their little siblings. As soon as they hit puberty they are married off whether or not they are ready for it. Poverty and illiteracy play their part in such Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - by Karuna C op yM yK For admission to colleges, there is a lot of competition today. For one available seat, there are hundreds of applicants. Such a situation leads to stress on the minds of the students in the school. The best way to relax and feel rejuvenated is to practise yoga every day. Experts believe that a physically healthy body has a clear mind, better focus and low level of stress. Therefore, students should take advantage of the benefits of yoga. Students, especially those preparing for important exams, often complain about not being able to concentrate on their studies or remembering the answer while attempting the questions. Yoga not only keeps one physically fit, but it also improves concentration as it calms the mind and keeps it healthy. Stress, more often than not, leads to behavioural problems, such as irritable mood, insomnia, sudden growth or loss of appetite, etc. and in severe cases, depression. Practicing yoga every day reduces such behavioural problems, depression, decreases physical ailments and improves interpersonal relationships. 10. Advertising as a Source of Information T.V. that we generally dislike the commercial breaks because they are shown too often. On most instances, ads can seem annoying. Yet, a number of advertisements do add to our information. The purpose of advertisement is to reach out to the mass in the shortest time possible, with a product or an idea, which may appeal to them. Some ads tell us about the price of a product, whether it is a new launch or its price has changed or it is on sale. Others tell us about the product itself, make, quality, use, unique value, etc. These factors influence our decision as we consider and reconsider all these factors before buying a product. Advertisements make us aware of what, why, when, where and how we should buy a product. There are advertisements, which are more of a way of communication between companies, NGOs or the government and customers. They are issued mainly in the public interest. Such ads spread social awareness amongst the mass and appeal to their emotional, human side. Therefore, it is suffice to say that advertisements, to some extent are a source of information. b ill practices against women. Dowry deaths, marital rapes, etc. are few of the evils of the society still tormenting women everywhere, from villages to the cities. Legislations for women remain merely words, at times unable to protect them. The Dowry Act, the Marriage Act, the Property Act, should be enforced strictly. Eve-teasing and sexual harassment of women should have no place in a civilized society. There should not be any kind of discrimination in the workplace, wages of men and women should be equal. Reservation in jobs and legislatures must become obligatory and legal. Children should be made to understand the meaning and importance of gender equality in school so that they learn to respect and treat women with dignity at an early age. Only then, gender discrimination in the society will gradually come to an end. 9. Importance of Yoga to Students by Karan Advertisements play an important role in our day to day lives. We see them in our newspaper and magazine, watch them online and on television and listen to them on the radio. It is while watching 175 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills 11. Print Media and T.V. News by Karuna In spite of 24-hours news on T.V., the morning newspaper still has not lost its relevance in the daily life of a common man. Although both are of equal importance, each has its own benefits. Let us draw a comparison between the two to see why either or both are special. Television news caters to a larger and more inclusive audience, such as the visually impaired, deaf and dumb, etc. Newspapers on the other hand, encourages reading habits, which eventually becomes leisure activity for senior citizens. While newspapers are traditional and time tested, i.e., one can rely on them for accurate news, television news are quick with live presentation and reports. The breaking news is brought to the viewer as soon as an incident occurs. Moreover, television news is engaging and interests people of all ages. Newspapers, on the contrary, are devoid of sensationalism and come up with truly thought provoking editorials. The morning newspaper is a relief to someone who likes to stay up to date with current affairs. Now that it is available on digital platform, one can access the news anytime Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - anywhere. Hence, it is suffice to say that both T.V. news channels and the morning newspapers are and always will be a common man’s every day life’s need. 12. Role of Individual in Society to Keep Our Environment Clean by Karuna everywhere, be it villages, towns or cities. However, metropolitan cities come under scrutiny because crime here gets reported. More often then not, in a crime against women case while the perpetrator is dealt with leniency, the victim is subjected to humiliation, adding to her mental and physical trauma. Media too sensationalises the news and presents it in a way that the graveness of the situation gets ignored. Besides implementing stricter laws against the perpetrators, making the roads safe for women and having more active helpline numbers individuals and the society must change their mindsets. They must further spread awareness on all types of crime against women. The more people will become aware, the more they will intervene when necessary. 14. Students and Their Social Responsibilities by Karuna The youth are indebted to the society in several ways. They are nurtured by a family at home, educated in a school and enjoy so many facilities to lead a smooth life. They owe a lot to the society and in several ways they can help it to function better. Students can spread literacy or at least make the underprivileged understand the importance of education. Young adults who are good in studies must take some time out to teach those who are willing to study however, cannot afford an education. Students can begin the eduction drive with underprivileged kids from their own locality. Eventually, the inspiration to learn and teach will pass on. Students must also spread awareness about health and cleanliness so that others not only keep their home and surroundings clean, but also India as well. Clean surroundings would gradually cause illnesses and health related issues to diminish. Social issues, wrong social practices, corruption, etc. are few other areas where youth can contribute by providing their new age insights. This would help eradicate social ills and lead India towards progress. C op yM yK As kids, we are told that ‘charity begins at home’. Therefore, if we want a clean India (Swachh Bharat) we have to begin with ourselves. But how and where? The answer is quite simple. Every individual has to make an effort not to litter his or her surroundings. There is another saying which fits here aptly, ‘old habits die hard’. If an individual has the habit of making his or her surrounding dirty, he or she may not be able to change overnight. Therefore, parents, guardians and teachers must instill good habits, such as keeping one’s environment clean, from childhood. One must encourage the children to dispose off garbage in the respective bins i.e., blue bin for non-biodegradable and green bin for bio degradable waste and practise the same so that the child watches and learns. As responsible citizens and community members, one must initiate awareness programmes in localities and societies. One needs to come up with or follow efficient garbage disposal methods; one can dig a compost pit to dispose organic matter. Non-biodegradable waste must be separated from biodegradable so that the former can be recycled and reused. That’s not all; every individual has to comply with the government policies regarding cleanliness. Unless one remains extra careful towards cleanliness, ‘Swacha Bharat’ will always remain a dream. CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 176 13. Role of Public and Police in Curbing the Crime Against Women by Karuna It is shocking and heartbreaking to see that the crime against women is constantly on the rise that too in a country like India, which is personified as the Nation ‘Mother’. There was a time when the society treated women with respect and honour. A nation, which worships goddesses for being an embodiment of ‘Shakti’ the Universal Power, is also known all over the world for being dangerous for women. Crime against women is committed 15. How can we Stop Being Cruel to Animals by Karuna We are inclined to show no kindness to stray animals and cattle because we believe we have power over them. We are cruel even to draft animals whom one uses for drawing heavy loads. Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - op C 16. How to Promote Tourism in India by Karuna India has been called a tourists’ paradise. Yet, there are a few problems that the tourists face while in India. For instance, there is the incredible communication issue. For tourists visiting from other states and foreign countries, expressing themselves in a language they barely know, is a daunting task. Also, knowing English is not always helpful. Besides language problems cleanliness and hygiene, transportation, safety, etc. are few other issues which is dragging the good name of Indian Tourism to dust. India is losing many of its foreign tourists. In order to reestablish India as a Tourists’ Paradise the government must advertise India’s diversity and rich heritage. India is a country, which may have branched out to modernism however, her roots are set deep in traditions and culture. Foreign tourists appreciate these traditions a lot. 177 One of the biggest reason why foreign tourists avoid visiting India is that they don’t feel safe here. There have been instances when foreign nationals have faced harassment but couldn’t acquire help from the locals due to communication problems. Therefore, the government must ensure safety of foreign tourists so that they don’t feel harassed in anyway. Government must also enforce stringent laws to punish the perpetrators. Appointment of trained tourist guides by the government will benefit tourists as there will be lesser chance of getting duped by frauds. Taking these and more such precautions for the interests of foreign tourists are sure to attract them towards India. b 17. Joys and Responsibilities of Being Eighteen th by Navtej Celebrating 18 birthday is fun but also a bit tough. It is a stage of life when we have to cope with many changes in our life. The most important thing about being eighteen is the responsibilities that come with it. We are given a little more freedom yet, we are considered young. Our mind starts forming opinions, which we are not considered old enough to express and it is confusing for us. We start our journey towards adulthood and encounter some new experiences. In these years of our life, we discover ourselves as new opportunities, come our way. We are given new duties and responsibilities. We have lesser responsibilities as compared to our elders, but we are definitely responsible for our actions. This can sometimes work to our disadvantage. In this phase of our life we are always willing to try out new things and in some of these we may falter. Many girls and boys get addicted to drugs and alcohol at this age either because they are influenced or due to peer pressure. At such times, the responsible thing to do would be to say ‘no’ to any kind of pressure. One of the joys of being eighteen years old is that we acquire driving license and hence drive. This gives us a sense of independence. Young adults often engage in drinking and driving which lead to accidents and loss of life. Someone who considers oneself an adult at the age of eighteen mustn’t act so irresponsibly. Another major joy is the fact that we can vote at eighteen. However many eighteen yM yK Fortunately, there are ways in which we can be kinder to homeless animals. We can begin by adopting stray cats and dogs instead of buying expensive foreign breeds from pet stores. They not only find it hard to adjust with the climatic conditions, but surroundings as well. Adopting stray animals provides them a loving home and also keeps a check on their growing population. Besides adoption, there should be animals welfare organisations or homes set up so that stray animals have a place of their own where they are provided with proper care and timely food. As a result, they wouldn’t wander off to heavy traffic roads and jeopardise their life. Volunteers from local animal shelter must collaborate with R.W.A. in management of stray animals. If necessary, the stray dogs must be neutered to prevent dog population from growing. Government policies regarding animal welfare must be strictly enforced and adhered to so that innocent animals don’t become victims of illegal export/import. I would like to quote Mahatma Gandhi here, he said, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”. Being humans, we must be kind to animals because they too have the right to live an honourable life. ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core 18. Make India Safe for Women by Navita by Navita “Woman is the builder and moulder of a nation’s destiny. Though delicate and soft as a lily, she has a heart, far stronger and bolder than of man...” Rabindranath Tagore. Emotionally as well as intellectually, a woman is as good as a man, if not better. Yet, society does not allow her the same status that a man enjoys. It is by nature that in a relationship, the one with a powerful personality proves to be dominant on the other. The patriarchal society considers woman the weaker gender and thus, discriminates against them. In the early vedic period, women enjoyed equal status in the society as men. They were well-educated and had the right to choose their husband. However, this status declined in around 500 BC when women began facing confinement and restrictions. Social ills, such as child marriage was practiced around the sixth century. Eventually, women were suppressed and oppressed because they were considered inferior to males, deserving utter subjugation. It was during the British Rule that some reforms were introduced in the favour of women. Although, it brought a change in the concepts of status of women, the mindset of the society is still the same. Woman should traditionally stay at home as housewife taking care of home and the family while man provides the family income. As a result even the educated women do not enjoy freedom in and outside home in matters relating to their marriage and occupation. Those employed, are under paid as compared to their male counterparts. In addition to that, majority of women face sexual harassment at their work place. Reforms and legislations are needed for the betterment of women. One can only hope that gradually her status in the society will improve for good. C op yM yK “Thy name is integrity and strength”. These are very powerful words that give a woman her due position in the society. But, she is suppressed and put down by the society. A woman’s strength is seen in her dealing with the problems of her day-to-day life. A man is incapable of handling emotional stress without the support of a woman, either as a mother, wife, sister or daughter. Yet, he poses to be the powerful gender. This is an era when women are trying to shatter the gender barriers created by the society. They are proving themselves as strong and independent individuals. However, majority of women are dominated, illiterate and considered subordinates by men. Until and unless the mental attitude of the society towards women does not change India cannot be a carefree and enjoyable place for them. First of all, women need to be treated equally everywhere, especially at work places. They should be given equal pay and there should be zero discrimination. To make women feel safer in a country like India police patrol should be increased. There should be an increase in the number of women helpline numbers, active and properly functioning 24 × 7 so that at the time of emergencies, every call is attended and forwarded to the nearest police station. Self-defence training camps should be initiated to make women self-reliant and fight back assaulters and molesters. Last but not the least, the government has to come up with stricter laws to punish the perpetrators and protect the victims. 19. Status of a Woman in Society b year olds choose not to cast their votes because they aren’t happy with the government or feel too obligated. Being responsible citizens of the country, the youth must feel accountable towards choosing leaders. There is definitely a pressure even while we have loads of fun. We can rationalise every crazy thing we do by stating the fact that we are still teenagers. So, being eighteen is, at times, stressful. But it is an existing stage of one’s life. It is not a bed of roses and neither a bed of thorns. Therefore, one must enjoy this short yet eventful phase of one’s life. ita 178 20. Television - a Tool of Education by Navtej Does the word ‘television’ rings a bell? Of course it does. It has been a topic of great debate ever since it was invented. On one hand, it is credited of keeping the masses informed but on the other hand, it is wrongly accused of causing distraction. Children watching television is also a supposed sign of being spoilt. But is this argument still valid? Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 21. Ragging an Evil 22. Tourism Potential of India by Navtej India has been blessed with a geographical, cultural and linguistic diversity, which is so rich and varied that one will need a lifetime to explore each and every part of India. The tourism potential of India is immense and still to be explored fully. Each century has brought a new culture on to Indian soil leading to a diversified amalgamation that has shaped modern India. There are so many places of historical interest, heirlooms leftover from the various centuries. From the mosques to the temples and churches, India is a living testament to its vast and varied religious heritage. Being a secular country, every religion in India has full liberty to celebrate its special festivals in which the entire country participates as a whole. For those looking to just get away from the maddening crowd, hill stations during summers, the sun-kissed beaches in winter and leisure tourism are the go-to options. Over the years, medical tourism has also emerged as an extremely viable option, considering worldclass facilities are made available at half the prices here, enabling more and more people to come to India for their health care. The options enumerated so far are just some instances of India’s diversified touristic potential. There is so much more waiting to be explored in what can truly be the dream destination for tourists. yM yK by Navita Above all, students and parents must be made aware of the ills of ragging and how it affects the victims and their families, only then ragging can be prevented. b No. With the advancement in technology and communication industry, the amount of content telecast on the television is also increasing. This provides a variety of age appropriate television programmes to choose from. Seeing the love of kids for television, multiple educational channels have been launched. These channels aim at making learning a fun process for the kids. But most parents fail to realise this. They ban children from watching television. Wouldn’t it be great if children learn while having fun? There are numerous interactive channels that aim at achieving this goal. It is an all win-win situation. The argument that television spoils children is completely invalid in today’s era. So, dear parents, instead of scolding your children for watching television, let them watch these programmes so that they learn and have fun at the same time and forget the tedious aspect of education. 179 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills C op Ragging is an old and cruel practice, prevalent since the British era. Although, initially, it was limited to English colleges and universities eventually, it spread to Indian educational system as well. The original aim of this practice was to teach the juniors to respect the social hierarchy existing in schools, colleges and universities. Soon, it became a way to enforce unnecessary traditions and discipline them. It’s always someone in power, such as a prefect or an authoritative senior who likes to dominate. They do not think twice before misusing their authority. As a result, juniors and freshers are made to perform humiliating acts, which can be suggestive sexual, sarcastic and even physically and mentally traumatising for the victim. In extreme cases of severe ragging, the victim either commits suicide or gets killed. There are laws to punish the perpetrators. However, sometimes that’s not enough. Young students must communicate to their parents, college councellors or anti-ragging squad any life threatening issues they are facing at school/colleges. Schools and colleges must appoint trained counsellors, who can empathise with students and understand their problems. 23. Midday Meal by Navtej The midday meal scheme in schools was initiated with the dual objectives of improving the nutritional status of children in classes one through five in government schools and governmentaided schools. It was also to encourage children from socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds to attend school regularly. It is a measure taken by the government to ensure that by meeting the nutritional requirements of the students, they would also be helping them in concentrating in school activities. The aim is also to keep children in schools, enable them to devote time to their education rather than leave the school Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core by Navita yM yK 24. Importance of Morning Assembly homework. Or, is it the beginning of responsible preparation for a brilliant career? In college, we shall have the freedom to work at our own pace. There will be no homework. There will be assignments. But, we shall not have to turn it in the very next day. There will be no dictates, uniforms or punishments. However, college means extra responsibilities. No one will force us to study every day and constantly nag us about our scores. But, being in college means that we are responsible enough to study on our own, work towards our career and prepare for the competitive, real world out there. In college life, unlike school life, the stress is more on self-reliance and zero spoon-feeding. When in college, we would have the freedom to choose what we study and how we study. It would give us a sneak-peek into the dream career that awaits us. Therefore, we have to make wise choices. I think, college life would be a mixed bag of fun, freedom, experiments and responsibilities. It will contain new hopes and aspirations, new joys and disappointments and new friends. Those wiser than us say that college days are the best days of one’s life. The decisions we make now shape up our future. b to labour for food or get involved in criminal activities. The scheme estimates that a cooked midday meal provides a child with a minimum of 300 calories and 8-12 grams of protein. This scheme was revised to cover children in the upper primary section, from the year 2007. The programme is carried out with the help of the local authorities. However, certain issues have cropped up. There have been a lot of cases of food poisoning resulting from the partaking of these midday meals. In some schools, funds meant for such purposes have been funneled off into the pockets of those in charge of distributing the grains. The government must inquire into all aspects of the schemes, check the supply chain of food grains, impose strict measures for observance of cleanliness in the school kitchens and ensure that the intention with which the scheme was started, i.e. to help the students, continues to be the cornerstone of the scheme. ita 180 C op The morning assembly in schools starts the day on a cool and calm note, a short breather before the hectic school day begins with classes, courses and extra-curricular activities, swamping our time. It offers a moment of reflection before the working day begins, the school community meets together and the assembly becomes a medium of communicating matters of significance to each other. The morning assembly is a time when the whole school assembles in the field or school auditorium, prays together, shares information and begins the day jointly on a note of quiet reflection. It is crucial in preparing for the hectic day ahead. The most important thing is that the assembly imparts a clear sense of vision that there are moments of peace, even if the day seems like there is too much on our plates. 25. College Life-Freedom or Responsibilities by Navtej Thakur Within a few months, we will be joining a college. The anticipation of how life will be, is probably filling the air around every eighteen year old with excitement. How do you think, the college life will be? How do you look at it? Would it be freedom from strict discipline imposed on you by the school? A carefree life with no worries of completing assigned 26. Private Cars or Public Transport by Navita Rana Commuting from one place to another is an issue of major concern these days. Everybody is in a hurry so, anyone driving a vehicle is looking for a way that would keep them out of traffic and ahead of others. There are those who only prefer to commute in private vehicles. There are also those who find public transport more convenient, even though they own multiple private cars or two wheelers. Whether to opt for public transport or private cars as an ideal mode of transportation is a forever on going debate. Both private and public vehicles have their pros and cons. Both prove to be advantageous and disadvantageous at one point or other. Let’s consider them : Private cars are faster, public transports, not so much. While commuting in private cars, one does not have to stop multiple times. Public transports stop more often than not either to pick Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 27. Decreasing Interest of Students in Sports and Games by Dikshit C op By definition, sports and games are activities, which one does for pleasure and recreation. Not only sports and games rejuvenate us, they also make us physically and mentally fit. This is why, sports and games have been made a part of the school curriculum. However, gradually, sports and games are losing their place in the lives of children. In today’s competitive times, everyone wants to be one step ahead of others. Similarly, students, in an attempt to stay ahead academically, give more importance to their studies and examination results. Some students study fourteen hours a day even on holidays. As a result, sports and games are no longer in the top priority. The decreasing interest of students in sports and games are worrying. Teachers, parents and also students must understand the importance of and need for sports and games in our daily lives. Majority of children do not walk to the school. They spend most of the day sitting in their classrooms absorbing knowledge. Although 181 b they exercise their minds, but their bodies, not so much. In addition, children these days prefer playing video/computer games rather than going out and play an actual game. Zero physical activity, leads to a variety of health problems, such as obesity, brittle bones, underdeveloped muscles, etc. Sports and games not only improve physical and mental health they also inculcate discipline in students. They learn to work in teams and their self-confidence gets a boost. Given that a sportsperson acquires a lot of fame and fortune in the field of sports, one can conclude by saying that sports and games are equally lucrative career choices too. 28. Coaching Classes : A Waste of Time and Money by Rani Dey The rat race of this competitive world starts as early as the school days. Students as young as ten feel weighed down by their studies in an attempt to score high in all their subjects. Parents are often helpless since they are unable to provide proper guidance when it comes to studies. They find sending their children to coaching centres more convenient than devoting time to them. Coaching centres too have their own limitations. The price is too high but the quality of education provided by them is not good enough. Due to time limitations, the tutor is unable to pay equal amount of attention to each and every student. Special importance is given to bright students whereas students who are weak in that particular subject are neglected. This adds to their stress, which, in return, affects their health. Nowadays, students attend coaching classes early in the morning or after school hours. This trend makes them tired, sleepy and distracted in school. In addition to the homework given in school, students also have to finish homework given to them at the coaching centre. As a result, children have to cut down their time for recreation and physical activities. Too much studies and no play not only affect the health of the children, but their grades as well. Both, students and their parents, must understand that coaching classes are not helpful in any way. Instead, they are a waste of their time and money. Students should be responsible for their own studies and grades. Even if their scores aren’t high, yM yK up passengers or while away the time. The one driving the private car can also opt for the shortest route possible (unlike public transports) to reach the destination. Hence, one advantage of opting for private cars is they save a lot of time. Come to think of it, public transports save fuel and money. Private cars consume a lot of petrol/gas, the price of which hikes every other day. Unfortunately, if the private car breaks down or does not feel like working, it’s the public transport, which comes to the rescue. Although private cars make us feel independent when it comes to travelling needs, using public transport can really help bring down the pollution. When one has to choose between public or private transport, it is about making smarter choices. Many public transports, such as AC buses, cabs, metro rails, etc. have been made available on the road just for the convenience of the daily commuter. Compared to private cars, they are equally comfortable and fast. Yet, if one prefers private cars for everyday commute, then one must consider carpooling. It saves money, fuel and does not add much to one’s Carbon Footprint. ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core 29. Civic Sense and its Importance by Shiva 31. Curbing Terrorism by Meena Terrorism is one of the major threats that a country faces today. We now live under a constant fear of violence and death. The common man is no longer safe. At every street corner, lurks the threat of an imminent terrorist attack. Lack of education, employment opportunities, poor economy and religious differences are some of the factors that give rise to terrorism. Besides instilling fear for life in the common man’s heart, terrorist attacks also cause damage to wealth and property, affects economic growth and brings disunity even in peacefully co-existing communities. But it is high time that we joined hands to fight and eradicate terrorism. India has always boasted of its unity in diversity. Keeping this in view, we need to spread the message of peace and harmony. However, it is important to first solve the social, economic and political differences. Strengthening the intelligence network, proper policy formation and effective implementation of Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA) are some of the steps that can be taken up to curb terrorism. Educating the masses and making them aware of safety measures are also necessary steps in this direction. C op yM yK Callousness and irresponsibility seem to be the order of the day. Modern society has given birth to indifferent individuals. People no longer think of the greater good of the society. They are driven by their selfish, individual needs. In India, people hardly follow traffic rules. They never think twice before littering the streets. They have no respect for public property. Vandalism, road rage and intolerance are rampant on the streets. Why this detached behaviour towards one’s society? The answer is simple. Civil sense is no longer considered an important value. This is why, it is no longer practised and encouraged at home. Since children don’t find the right role models in their elders, they don’t bother to give civic sense any importance. Inculcating a strong civic sense in the young generation is the need of the hour. Parents must do so with children at an early age. They must be taught the values of cleanliness, discipline, patience and tolerance. Civic education must be made mandatory at school level. Spreading proper awareness through talks, media, street plays, etc. is also important to teach children to avoid wastage and encourage use of dustbins. If children are properly educated, India is bound to have a bright future. to neglect of pets, which further leads to them getting abandoned on the streets. This results in increase of stray animals that are subjected to all kinds of intentional cruelty. Several companies use animals for testing medicines and cosmetics. Similarly, animals are often ill-treated and forced into performing circus tricks and other activities for our entertainment. The only way to take animals off the streets is by creating proper animal shelters where they’d be provided with food. Also, creating effective awareness is necessary. We must understand that co-existence and harmony between humans and animals are essential for our planet’s survival. We must be more responsible and protective towards animals. We must learn to love them. b students should not be critisised or pressurised for it. They must be taught to develop their attention and retention powers so that the children are able to easily grasp the concepts taught in class and remember them for a long time. Only then students will be able to achieve better grades, that too without the help of coaching centres. ita 182 30. Cruelty to Animals by Naina Treating animals with love and compassion is the moral duty of every individual. However, we often fail to fulfil this duty. Instances of animal cruelty are in abundance in our society. Poachers mercilessly kill animals for their skin, fur and teeth. This has led to the extinction of several species of animals which, in turn, has affected the ecological balance of our planet. Some families buy exotic pets without any knowledge of how to care for them. This leads 32. Tourism in India by Ravi India is known for its rich flora and fauna, beautiful landscapes, glorious past and varied cultural trends. Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 33. Travelling in an Over-crowded Bus by Sohini Roy C op Imagine that you are standing at the bus stop eagerly waiting for the bus to arrive. You are in a hurry and missing the bus would be disastrous because the bus you have to board is not frequent. So you are waiting and you finally see the bus halting in front of you. However, there is no chance that you can board it because it is already over-crowded. Travelling in an over-crowded bus is a horrendous experience, especially if one has to do it every day. Whether one is travelling in the morning while going to school or to work, or in the evening while coming back home, an over-crowded bus is upsetting. One’s clothes get rumpled because of all the pushing and showing. The rising temperature causes one to sweat profusely, which leaves marks on one’s clothes. Arriving somewhere with sweat marks on clothes does not leave a good impression on the onlooker. A lot of people feel suffocated and nauseous while travelling in over crowded buses. Anxiety, agitation and lack of fresh air and space leads to irritation and thus, anger. No wonder, majority of the passengers in an over-crowded bus look furious during their 183 commute. However, the same angry passengers breathe a sigh of relief after getting off the bus. There are other disadvantages of travelling in an over-crowded buses. There is a threat of theft, especially pick-pockets. There are also those who misbehave with female passengers on purpose. The only solution to this problem is increasing the number of buses plying in the same route. The more frequent the buses, the less crowded they will be and even less will be the discomfort amongst the passengers. 34. Failure is a Stepping Stone to Success by Gopika b “It’s impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default.” – J.K. Rowling To put in simpler words, failure is inevitable. Therefore, one must not be afraid of them. Before Thomas Alva Edison invented the electric light bulb, he tried innumerable times. But, each of his attempts ‘burst’ into pieces. He did not give up, he kept on trying until he succeeded. On being asked how he felt about his failed attempts, Edison replied, “I have not failed. I just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” The lesson to be learnt here is that success and failure go hand in hand. Until and unless we fail, we don’t become aware of our shortcomings. Many people do not realise that failure is really a stepping stone to success. Instead of having a positive outlook on failure and learning lessons from it, they only view the negative aspect of failure. Those who consider failure an opportunity to do better, never let it overwhelm themselves. Such people succeed in life (sooner or later) because they have faith in themselves. Such people may or may not be optimists, but when they resolve to overcome their weaknesses or shortcomings, their focus automatically shifts to the lessons they can learn from it. In conclusion, failure and setbacks are normal part of life. They make us understand where we can improve and encourage us to persist. It is the wise who takes advantage of their failures. yM yK All this makes India a major attraction for tourists from all over the world. However, tourism in India has been constantly suffering setbacks due to the various inefficiencies in its tourism industry. Bad and filthy roads, rickety buses, over-priced taxis and delayed trains make travelling a nightmare in India. Moreover, the absence of decent and hygienic accommodations at a reasonable cost adds to the distraction of tourists visiting India. Besides, unsuspecting tourists are often exploited by guides, tour, tourist operators, etc. Foreign tourists become victims of theft, kidnapping, etc. which not only ruins their trip, but also ruins the reputation of the country. The growing menace of terrorism is a huge deterrent for tourists. The government of India needs to put concerted efforts in place to revamp tourism in the country. Utmost emphasis should be given to infrastructure development and in beefing up the security. Such efforts will certainly make India a leader in the world of tourism. ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab CBSE Champion English Core by Latha 37. Obesity Among School Children by Mohini Obesity is a state of being overweight and is more than just a cosmetic problem. It is a serious health hazard, which is a result of lifestyle disorder. It is astonishing to see obesity not just among men and women, but also among the school going children. The major cause for this is wrong eating habits. Instead of a nutritious home cooked meal, children are fond of junk food, which is one of the major causes of obesity. Also, due to time constraints and hectic schedules, it becomes very hard for them to take out time for any physical activity. Often, parents too tend to overlook the issue and unknowingly add into the bargain through their lack of attention. It is important to note that excess fat can lead to severe chronic diseases and illnesses. Obese children often experience, hypertension, etc. Efforts are required to educate and inform children and their parents about this problem. Schools must stop serving junk food in the canteen and start providing nutritious food instead. Also, the government should organise free health check-up camps at schools to help children keep a check on health related problems. C op yM yK Man and nature are supposed to be in concord. India being a land of diverse geographical features gives its inhabitants a chance to experience nature at its best. Recently, I have received the pleasure of experiencing this diversity during my stay at Kota in Rajasthan and Kerala. On one hand, there was the extreme climate in Kota with scanty rainfall and scarce flora and fauna. There the colourful attires and cheerful nature of the inhabitants compensate for the scarce plantations in the desert. On the other hand, Kerala is the land blessed with the beauty of greenery everywhere due to great amount of rainfall. The climate there is moderate. The rich variety of spices, articles and medicinal oils extracted from plants are unique to this place. One is enchanted by the beauty of the place while walking through the shadows of the tall coconut trees. Being situated in Ernakulamm, amidst the beautiful flowering plants and fruit-yielding trees, every minute and every second one experiences the joy of being in the lap of nature. Kerala is also a land of several architectural masterpieces present here in the form of ancient temples. The beauty of nature is not only rejuvenating for our senses but has also served as an inspiration for several poets and writers who have transpired it in their masterpieces. 36. Poverty is the Cause of All Evils from the money lenders. Sometimes, it takes generations to pay off the debt and sometimes it makes a criminal out of the poverty stricken individual. Therefore, it is suffice to say that poverty compels humans to indulge in social evils and nefarious practices. If we want to eradicate social evils, we must, alleviate their sufferings and poverty first. b 35. Diversity of Nature Visit our site - ita 184 by Latit Sood Poverty is the state of being poor. We find around us, hoards of people who are unable to afford the minimum necessities of life. They face the problem of getting one square meal a day. Clad in rags they can be seen engaged in petty jobs to earn their livelihood. They lead a miserable life, which is worse than that of brutes. Helpless with hunger and poverty they adopt evil practices to combat with their circumstances. It is poverty that leads to criminal activities like robbery, thefts, murder, kidnapping and arson. The young street urchins begging for money or the young boys falling prey to drugs and alcohol are few of the causes of poverty. Deprived of proper amenities, such as food, clothes and education, they often have to borrow large amount of money 38. Life Without Modern Gadgets by Raman Technology has become a very important part of our lives nowadays. In the past few years, technology has evolved in many ways and without a doubt is even better than before. People are always developing something new that will improve human lives dramatically. Some of the creations that have changed our lives for good are the computer, telephone, mobile phone, tablet, internet, electronic and voice mail, etc. What used to be bulky, expensive and at times, unreliable machines, gadgets now are faster, smaller and so affordable that every family member owns Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 39. Value Based Education by Arun Spurt of violence previously unknown in Indian schools makes it incumbent on the educationists to introduce value education effectively in schools. As Gandhiji rightly said that training of soul can be best given by a teacher. A teacher can influence the character of the student through words and actions and make the child learn the moral values at every stage. To improve the present condition in school, morning assemblies must be filled with inspiring talks, stories, interactions, etc. Parents, teachers, counsellors and even students with a positive outlook can influence children through optimism. It is here in school that children spend maximum time of the day and learn to share, team-spirit, kindness, companionship, etc. 40. Need for Indian Classical Dance Based Reality Shows op C by Anu Mehra Dance is one way of expressing oneself. This is why, Indian dances have so many mudras. India has a rich tradition of classical and folk dances. Unlike any western dance form, Indian dances take inspiration from the nature, hence, are so full of life. However, Indian dance forms are slowly becoming obscure because the youth seems to be fascinated by various western dance forms. For this reason, today, many Indian television channels broadcast reality T.V. shows based on western dances. Although such reality shows are extremely popular these days, the dance as shown on T.V. seems to be a mix of gymnastics and P.T. exercises. Technically, they are neither. Moreover, while attempting to ape the West, the performers fail to deliver the actual essence of these dance forms. Therefore, it is never quite up to par. It’s high time Indian dances were brought under the spotlight once again. For this, there is a need for reality shows exclusively based on Indian dances. Since, the popularity and viewership of reality shows are high, Indian dances will reach a large target audience. Classical and folk dance represent India’s, cultural legacy. Hence, they must be protected, to revive the national spirit. yM yK Values are inculcated by family and school so that the child grows up with morality and can differentiate between right and wrong on his/her own. However, with time, the tenets of tolerance, spiritualism, self-discipline and sympathy seem to be losing their importance. Growth of nuclear families, working parents, absence of elders, lack of quality time with family members are few but important factors responsible for children being ill-behaved. In addition, schools too fail to impart proper moral values to students on a regular basis. As a result, students lack discipline, engage in unnecessary fights and take pride in being labeled as a rebel. Other factors responsible for the lack of discipline in children are over exposure to media, lack of emotional support, over ambitious nature, peer pressure, etc. Such behaviour has its consequences too. Besides spoiling school culture and environment, it often leads to self destruction. Children, feeling depressed due to the inadequacies of life are prone to inflicting injuries on themselves. It often leads to suicide. Children, whose minds are clouded by negative thoughts, who lack moral values, harm not only themselves but are also a threat to the society and country as well. There have been many instances where youths in their late teens have opened fire on unsuspecting civilians for no apparent reason. 185 b numerous of them. Needless to say, modern day gadgets are more of a necessity than a luxury. These days, it may seem, people have enslaved themselves to the modern day gadgets. This is why it is hard to imagine a life without them. They help people socialise, stay in touch with the world, world events, etc. Modern day gadgets even make shopping an efficient and convenient experience and send messages and mails quicker than the postal service. Friends and relatives living in different parts of the world seem a lot closer all thanks to modern gadgets, such as web cam, etc. Therefore, it is suffice to say that life without modern gadgets would slow down and become less efficient. ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab CBSE Champion English Core by Madhav C op yM yK Science has been a great advantage to the human life. It has created wonders by inventing miraculous things. In the beginning of the civilisation, the movement of man was very slow. But first the invention of wheel and then the engine, changed life. The inventions continued and gradually came a variety of vehicles, which brought comfort to those travelling by them. However, they also brought traffic jams and pollution. Day by day the number of vehicles is increasing, and so is pollution and traffic jam. Roads are becoming narrower and cars are becoming bigger. It takes hours to cover one kilometer because of heavy traffic jam. Smoke emission from vehicles is causing a great danger to people and the environment. Air pollution is a source of many aggravated cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, including asthma, lung diseases, lung cancer, etc. However, no one cares much for this. There is an urgent need to pay attention to these problems and solve them. Being responsible citizens, one must take the initiative and find ways to improve the situation. The market places must be decongested so that traffic movement is smooth and convenient for all. Pollution checks must be made compulsory for all vehicles to keep pollution under control. Stricter laws should be made and heavy penalty must be imposed for not adhering to rules. Alternatively, if public transport system is improved, people would not feel the need to travel by private vehicles, thus reducing the pollution. However, those travelling by car, should choose to carpool and contribute to save the Earth from global warming. electricity problems. Yet, they stay in cities in hope of for a better future. Slums are often surrounded by filth and garbage which give rise to various diseases and health problems. Ironically though such diseases and health problems are easily curable the underprivileged slum dwellers cannot afford it. Most of slum people are unemployed or underemployed. Lack of money causes increase in crime rate, which brings shame to the country. There is an urgent need to deal with the problem. The government must either discourage migration of people from rural areas in order to prevent creation of slums or slums should be made into regularised colonies. Arrangement for proper sanitation should also be made. Alternatively, equitable development must be made both in rural and urban areas. The best way to stop the rapid migration of rural people and growth of slums is by creating better job opportunities in rural areas. Also, providing better educational and medical facilities is necessary. Once the rural people feel that they have all that they need, they won’t feel the need to shift base to the big cities. b 41. Pollution and Traffic Jam Visit our site - ita 186 42. Slum and People by Komal Big cities always attract people. They come from small towns and villages to make a living, which is far better than what they already have. Now, in almost all big cities in the country, there is a mushroom growth of slums, where people are living in inhuman conditions. Besides crowding the cities, slums are burden on city’s infrastructure, facilities and conveniences. They live in temporary hutments, lack basic amenities and face water and 43. Role of Youth in Combating Corruption by Vijay Corruption has become the order of the day. It has spread its tentacles in all walks of life. It seems that corruption has spared no one; everyone is in the grip of corruption. This is ruining power, society and the country as well. There is an urgent need to check this rampant corruption otherwise we will land ourselves nowhere. Youth can play an important role in combating the corruption. They can arrange awareness campaigns about corruption and make an anti-corruption youth brigade, to keep a vigil over the offices. Youth can make people understand that they should not resort to corrupt practices to get their work done. Youngsters must discourage people not to offer or receive bribes. If no one gives any money, work will be done automatically. The youth must make the general public aware of various anti-corruption laws and right to information, so that they come handy at the most opportune time. Children are the future of the country. A lot depends on their strong shoulders. Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - by Kunal While working on television, endless amount of shooting and rehearsals consume most of the time. As a result, child actors get adequate time neither to play nor for studies. Physical exertion from continuous shoots and schooling leaves the child actors hanging in the middle, feeling distressed and cranky. Sometimes, child actors may refuse to work. However, his or her pleas are rejected by their fame-hungry, money minded parents who pressurise their children to work more and work harder. Experts advise that children should be allowed to enjoy a normal childhood, even if they are stars. They should be taught to deal with failure and rejection. Parents must be patient, loving and supportive of their children and help them take their future decisions wisely. 46. Mobile Phone—A Boon or Bane op of Children C 45. Participation Programmes in T.V. by Sukanya Whether the programme is child centric or not, a good number of T.V. shows cast child artists to play crucial roles. On one hand, such programmes offer a great platform to the children. Nonetheless, many believe that they are no less than child labour. Working in television programmes for long hours every day have adverse effects on children. They are too young to face the pressure and at times, this leads to frustration. In addition, harsh comments, criticism and fear of rejection or not performing well may harm their selfconfidence. It can also fill them with negative feelings. Although, television programmes bring fame, when the limelight fades or is taken away, it is difficult to cope with for any actor let alone children. This often leads to depression and after a point of time, self harm. by Krishna Science has made the life very comfortable for human being. Civilisation started from the scratch. But today, men have everything within the reach of hands. Inventions of science are wonderful and useful. The invention of mobile phone is an appropriate example. The invention of mobile phone has brought about a revolution in the lives of the people of the century. If used properly, it can be a blessing but if misused, it can prove to be a curse. Mobile phones are a boon because now that the internet can be accessed through cell phones, they have become a great source of information, entertainment and even monetary transactions. Besides being a tool of immediate communication, mobile phones are now a safety tool as well. Thanks to advancement in technology, friends and loved can be tracked down with the help of GPS installed on their phone. Mobile phones, these days, are a state of the art, all-in-one multipurpose device, which can do multiple tasks at the same time. It can play music, calculate, take pictures and do many other things. One can send and receive messages in a matter of seconds thus, saving paper and cost of transportation. However, if misused, mobile phones are truly a bane. Using mobile phones for a long time makes the user get addicted to it. Some consider it a major source of distraction especially for students. Mobile phones yM yK Life is itself adventurous. It offers a lot of adventure to those who seek thrills. Today, there are many adventurous activities such as river rafting, sky diving, biking, scuba diving, etc. These activities offer a lot of excitement and sensation to life. The youth of today take a great pleasure in doing all kinds of activities. They even risk their life in doing so. But the question is what prompts them to take such risks? Why would one prefer to have an adventurous life? In this fast paced modern era, people easily become bored with their everyday activities. Such people are always on the look out for something exhilarating, even if it comes in the form of adventure games and activities. Also, youth these days like doing unique things that would bring them instant fame and recognistion. If it comes with risk and danger then even better. For many others, dangerous adventurous activities are a way of relaxing. The fact is, attempting such risky and borderline life threatening activities gives an adrenaline rush, which all adventure seekers find addictive. It is because of this rush some people enjoy jumping off a plane at 30,000 feet, or even swimming with the sharks. 187 b 44. Indulgence in Adventurous Activities ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core 47. Role of Police in Maintaining Law and Order by Ravi 48. Price-Rise of Essential Commodities by Kunal Kapoor The rapid increase in prices is causing anxiety amongst the people of India. Price rise is a world wide phenomenon and India is no exception. Prices of everything are sky rocketing, even of the essential commodities like gas, pulses, sugar, edible oils, tea, food grains, petrol, etc. What causes price rise and what effect it has on the people? When the total demand is greater than total supply of goods and services, it causes prices to rise. However, what causes the demand to increase? Economists have pointed out that factors, such as increase in disposable income, consumer spending, public expenditure, black money, etc. are responsible for exceeding demand. Similarly there are certain factors, such as less or slow production, natural calamities, artificial scarcities increase in export, etc., which are responsible for shortage of supply. Price-rise affects different people differently. Although it may not have much affect on the flexible income group. However, maximum hardship is faced by those belonging to the fixed income group. It is so because their salaries and wages remain the same but the prices of goods and services continue to rise. In order to curb the problem of price rise it should be the joint effort of the government and the public to control it. There should be more fair price shops, Kendriya Bhandar, Safal outlets, etc. where the common man can shop for quality goods at a nominal price. The Government and banks must keep a check on hoarding and black marketing and also stop repayment of public debt until price-rise is controlled within the economy. As far as general public is concerned, they must reduce unnecessary expenditure and increase savings. This will reduce disposable income with the people and hence personal consumption expenditure. In conclusion, it is evident that price-rise is a multi-headed monster, which must be defeated on time with proper measures to benefit not just the rich population, but the poor also. C op yM yK With the constant growth and expansion of cities, population is also on a rise. However, there are not enough educational institutions and job opportunities, which can provide proper education and good employment opportunity to all. Lack of education, job and money has led to an increase in the crime rate. Committing crime is a source of easy money. Criminals do not fear the police knowing that they can either fool the police or bribe them. On the other hand, the victims believe that the police cannot help them as they are equally corrupt. The police plays an important role in maintaining law and order. Therefore, this mind set has to be changed. The police must adopt new methodology. They must adopt advanced technology to fight crime so that the criminal is put behind the bars in no time. However, first the police academy must recruit officers based on merit. Immediate action must be taken against corrupt officers so that others learn not to give and receive bribe. Government must ensure that working conditions for the officers are made better. They should be provided with properly functioning arms and ammunition, well equipped mobile vans, etc. so that nabbing criminals is easier than usual. Also, there should be several quick-response teams in every area, patrolling on two wheeler. Continuous workshops must be conducted to keep the officers motivated and also to train them in better combating techniques. Once the police become more active and vigilant, crime in metropolitan cities will also reduce. b also cause many health hazards. Radiation emitted by mobile phones can damage human brain cells and even lead to cancer. Those listening to music in full volume, with the help of head/earphones are more prone to accidents than other because they are unable to hear the sound of the horn. It can also cause permanent deafness. Mobile phones, now being equipped with camera, are sometimes used for immoral activities and later promoting them. Mobile phones have the qualities, which can either make or break one’s life. It is up to each individual how he or she wants to use it. ita 188 Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - by XYZ C op yM yK The number of women in the police force seems insufficient, especially when one sees the increasing involvement of women in terrorist activities. That being said, there is an urgent need for more women officers in the police force. Universally, women are considered the weaker sex. Should police force being predominantly a male environment recruit women officers? Women are more sensitive to the needs of the public and therefore female officers are more trusted than their male counterparts. Joining the police force is also an ideal choice for women who are patriotic and wish to serve the country and its citizens. But above all, the police service provides a professional platform to the women, where they can prove that women are no less than men. Gender inequality is one of the main reasons why there are only a handful women officers in the police force. Therefore, to attract more and more women towards police service, the government has to take some considerable steps during the selection and recruitment process. Women must be encouraged to join the force especially by their family and friends. This is possible only if she is provided with better salary and incentives preferably equal to what the male officers are receiving. Women should feel empowered during recruitment; selection should be purely based on merit. In addition, a conducive environment in police force will make the female officers feel happy, safe and satisfied. Government, in association with the police service, must create awareness through campaigns so that more women consider joining the police services. investment. Since boys are the bread earners, their education is given the maximum importance. Often girls themselves choose not to study, usually due to financial crisis at home, domestic responsibilities and even lack of aspiration. However, education for girls is extremely necessary because they too play an important role in country’s economy and society. Also, women are the primary care givers in the family. Proper education would enable them to improve their lives and others’ as well. Educated girls can share the burden of earning a livelihood, which would eliminate child labour. Education will also make girls aware of family planning, health and sanitation. As a result, there will be low infant mortality rates and less numbers of death of women in child birth. Fortunately, government schemes, such as Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan, CBSE scholarship to single girl child and the policy of giving free education to girls have come as a boon to our society. One can say there is still hope for the betterment of the country. b 49. The Need of Having More Women in the Police Force 50. Education of the Girl Child in the Country by XYZ In many countries, including India, the girl child is discriminated against from the early stages of her life. It is because of this discrimination, girls are not allowed education either in their childhood or after a certain age. In rural parts of India, one of the reasons why girls are deprived of education is that they would leave the parents’ house post marriage. Poor parents do not consider it to be economical 189 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills 51. The Impact of Advertisement on the Younger Generation by XYZ Advertisement is an impersonal way of popularising products, ideas, concepts, etc. Companies advertise their products to reach out to the consumers. By doing this they sensitise the customers especially the younger ones. In one day, people are exposed to a huge number of advertisements. It is not possible for them to remember all these all the time. To make the consumer retain the information in the ad for a long time, companies use celebrities from various fields like films, sports, etc. The big companies target the younger generation because they follow the latest trends and influence the buying behaviour of their family. They imitate the celebrities. They dress themselves like them. They like to use those products, which the stars promote. By doing this they try to satisfy their social ego. But sometimes, it becomes detrimental for them. Overindulgence in such kind of activity can corrupt their thinking ability. Their mind can become perverted or limited to an idea. For instance a lot of television commercials depict Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core b elderly can meet and enjoy the company of same aged individuals, who would empathise with them and vice-versa, However, Indian culture has traditionally sustained a joint family system in which the old have always had a very respectable place. In the present time, because there has been an erosion of the family values, it is crucial for the young to take care of their old members of the family instead of sending them to the old age homes. Having grandparents at home benefits the children in many ways. Elders not only provide security to the little ones, but they also inculcate in them moral values, which sometimes, parents can’t. It has been observed that there is a greater amount of emotional interdependence in joint families because there exists an emotional balance, which does not exist in nuclear families. Children learn to share, take responsibilities and even empathy. Putting elders away at old age homes would be depriving children of all this along with invaluable guidance and love. Besides, old age homes are also considered a sign of rejection and shirking of responsibilities. Children repeat what they learn from their elders. Therefore, those who do not feel the need to take care of their aged parents must prepare themselves to face the same fate. 53. Stressed Out Modern Generation yM yK celebrities doing difficult stunts quite effortlessly. Many youngsters attempt these stunts at home that too without supervision. There has been numerous incidents where such attempts have gone miserably wrong and has resulted in fatal accidents, even deaths. Majority of ads put disclaimer to make the viewer/consumer aware that the ad shown is just a pictorial representation and the stunt should not be tried at home. However, such messages are so small that they often go unseen. No doubt that one has the right to live one’s own life but everything should not be followed with a blind eye. Some ads are youth-oriented. They want the young generation to be aware and take action for the betterment of the society. The purpose of such ads is to influence the youth so that they can decide what is good and bad for them. Celebrities are also roped in at times so that the message makes an even greater impact. Therefore, it would be wrong to say that the impact of advertisement on the younger generation is always negative. How the youth perceives the ad and the message it sends forth makes all the difference. ita 190 52. Do we Require Homes for the Aged in India? by Manoj C op Today, the rate of aged couples living alone is increasing; approximately 30% of them are forced by circumstances to do so. On some unfortunate occasions, the lonely and helpless elders are murdered and robbed. This and few other reasons have given rise to old age homes where the elderly can live without having such risks. Aged people who live alone have no one to look after them especially when they are unwell. The people living in the metropolitan cities lead a busy life. The demanding nature of their jobs and lifestyle leaves them with very little time to spend on themselves and their family members. As a result, they are unable to pay enough attention to their elderly parents. Lack of attention from their children often make the elders feel neglected, they begin to consider themselves as discarded. Some of the elderly family members have to face verbal and physical abuse as well. At such times, old age homes prove to be a home away from home. They are well equipped and all needs are taken care of too, including medical care. Moreover, instead of feeling lonely and neglected at home, here the by XYZ Today, we are living in an age when people are more stressed than relaxed. Due to extreme competitiveness in every aspect of life, there is always a lack of time. This then leads to high level of anxiety, mental tension and of course, the feeling of dissatisfaction. A cut-throat competition starts at school level with parents pressurising children to work extra hard and score high marks in all subjects. Students too feel the pressure of performing better than the rest. Therefore, they get stressed when they are unable to perform according to expectation. The stress builds on until it turns into health hazards, which stays on forever. Then there is stress at work front, which is worse than scoring high. Students might acquire highest marks, but this does not guarantee that it would land their desired jobs. Even if they do, there are other reasons for one to feel the stress. Desired salary, timely promotion, material growth, such Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 54. Science and Religion by XYZ C op yM yK It is hard to believe that science and religion can have some commonality after all, both defy each other in so many ways. Truth be told, science attempts to explore the secrets of nature, while religion wants to reveal the very purpose of existence. Therefore, it is suffice to say that both, science and religion, aim to discover the truth. While science seeks and provides a rational explanation for everything, religion delves into the inner truth to find the answers. Similarly, whereas religion discovers the physicality of the universe through spirituality, science too explores the physical world with the help of continuous experimentation and detailed observations. Science strengthens one’s mind with its logical tools and theories. Religion does so by planting moral, cultural and universal values in one’s heart. In conclusion, science and religion both answer the quintessential questions floating in the universe. However, the difference lies in their method of answering them. One can say that science and religion are two sides of the same coin. One cannot trust just one of the sides and ignore the other because they both support life. one T.V. channel, Doordarshan. But gradually the number of T.V. channels increased due to cable T.V. network. Now people have innumerable choices as to what they want to watch. We can enjoy ourselves by watching entertainment programmes or increase our knowledge from the informative shows. But that’s not all. Various channels on cable T.V. have provided a platform for adults and children to showcase their talent and win many attractive prizes either in cash or in other kind. Cable T.V. network also brings the latest news as soon as possible without making us wait for the next day. In other words, cable T.V. has age appropriate content for all viewers, whether young or old. However, it has some ill effects on the viewers too. Since there is so much ‘T.V.’ to watch, it is easy to sit in front of the television, watching one programme after another continuously. Even though the body is not physically exerting itself, yet watching television for a long time tires one down. It is taxing for the eyes too. Experts say that too much television kills one’s own creativity because of which one stops using his or her imagination and becomes dull. Moreover, it is not always possible to keep a check on what kids watch. They may be exposed to violence, extreme frightening and even to adult content. Children may also view stunts, which they might try at home and end up hurting themselves or others. Undeniably, the cable T.V. has brought a lot of change in the lifestyle of the people. But, should it be considered a boon or a bane? It is a little bit of both. In fact, it is up to each individual what he/she wants to gain from television. If one keeps a check on the content and amount of its viewing then the cable T.V. can make the idiot box a smart box. 56. The Role of the Students in Removing Illiteracy b as own house and car, marriage, etc. often come along with anxiety, stress and lifestyle diseases. Therefore, it is suffice to say that the present day youth are greatly stressed and to some extent, the consumerist culture is to be blamed for this. Fortunately, there is a solution to avoid stress at all times. Regular exercise and yoga improves concentration and keeps the mind healthy. It decreases physical ailments, reduces behavioural problems, reduces depression, stress, thus calming one’s mind. One should also spend some quality time with one’s family, friends and loved ones, do charity/ community service, adopt pets, go for walks or pursue a hobby in order to de-stress. 191 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills 55. Cable T.V. a Boon or a Bane by Kunal The introduction of T.V. has passed through many phases. Earlier we had only black and white T.V. but later on we got coloured T.V. In the same way, in the beginning we had only by Rajiv Citizens of a country are its wealth. They can contribute a lot towards the development of a nation. If the citizens are literate then this wealth becomes more precise and accurate. Our country is standing at the threshold of joining the developed nations. But it is only possible when we achieve complete literacy. Our government has launched a variety of plans to remove illiteracy. But, above all, it’s the role of students in this direction, which Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core by Vidya C op yM yK Teenage is the best phase in one’s life as the enjoyment is maximum and the responsibilities are few. At this age, an individual is neither a child nor an adult. Therefore, it is also one of the most difficult age every individual has to go through. No matter how hard one tries, the physical and emotional changes are hard to ignore. Also, the kind of educational pressures the teenagers have to face to cope with this competitive world are increasing at a speedy pace. Long school hours, heavy bags, coaching classes, assignments, etc. all ensure that they are not free or have time for themselves. It is indeed a big burden on their small shoulders. Various entrance examinations for the professional courses is another concern area as it involves high degree of stress and strain on the part of the teenagers. Expectations of the parents and self-esteem is an important affair for them. Parents impose their own thoughts and aspirations pressurising teenagers to choose a subject of their choice. This adversely affects the all round development and sometimes even the identity of the child. The pressure they have on them is extremely high. Thus, parents or well wishers should try to understand the plans and thoughts of their teenage children instead of imposing on them. Parents should guide them towards the career they want to opt for, and let them take their own decisions. This way they will respect their parents for respecting their views. 58. Conservation-Need of the Hour activity that man indulges in, creates waste of some kind. Some of the waste can be recycled or reused. The need of the hour is to conserve them properly and efficiently. Natural resources like water, petroleum, oil, etc. are unnecessarily being wasted most of the time. We need to be very cautious while using them so that they are only consumed or used and not wasted. Rain water harvesting is an excellent way of conserving and utilising water in a proper manner. We need to conserve our forests too. Depleting forests, industrial pollution, toxic wastes, vehicular pollution, cutting of trees and lack of green covers need to be checked time and again to safeguard our natural resources. School children and even common people need to be educated on this issue. Otherwise, very soon, we will run out of our natural resources and our children will have to face the repercussions. So, let us join our hands together to protect our flora and fauna to have and give a better future to ourselves and to our children. b may bring a significant change. Considering that charity begins at home, students can offer to teach the children of their domestic helpers or they can go to different localities in groups and teach the underprivileged. Students can organise educational camps also or use street plays to show the importance of education. They can even go to different schools to inspire other students and encourage them to ‘each one teach one.’ In this way, students can contribute a lot towards eradicating literacy. 57. On Being a Teenager ita 192 by Brinda Global warming has accelerated the rise of temperature on earth. Our natural resources are also exhausting at an alarming speed. Every 59. Importance of Outdoor Games by Vidya ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’ is an accurate proverb, which fits today’s scenario perfectly. Play nowadays, has actually lost its meaning. Earlier, children used to come out of their houses to play and enjoy a variety of games like hide and seek, dog in the bone, etc. But those games have lost their importance in today’s context. Children living in cities are rarely seen playing outdoors in the neighbourhood. Children are either busy with their studies or are engaged in computers or television. They love playing games on computer and enjoy watching T.V. instead of stepping out of their houses The children don’t realise that they are missing the joy of going out to play. This is indeed resulting in their lack of social development and physical too. Children are becoming physically inactive due to lack of physical activities and outdoor games. Also, some of the content shown on T.V. and internet is inappropriate for their age. Thus, spending too much time on television or the internet is adversely affecting them. The need of the hour is to encourage children to go out and indulge themselves in the outdoor games so that they can grow up to be better, healthier and wiser individuals. Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - by Sunita Building materials on the pavements are such an eyesore. No matter how clean and beautiful the road and roadside is, unused raw materials meant for construction or repair left on the pavements ruins everything. This type of an encroachment not only leads to health and hygiene problems but also endangers life and property. While walking on the pavement in the dark, pedestrians can walk into bricks and boulders and easily hurt themselves. During rainy season, building materials such as cement, etc. mix with the rain water and causes more inconvenience. Similarly debris, concrete, bricks, etc. get swept away by rainwater and settle on the road, thus, causing accidents. C op yM yK We are living in an age where no part of the world seems away anymore. Today with the advancement of science and technology, the world has become closer and smaller. The invention of television has been one of the biggest achievements in the field of science. Not only the global issues but also social and political issues are known to every individual due to television. Today the 24-hours television news channels give us instant news from every nook and corner of the world. However, the fact remains that the importance of the newspaper is still intact. What is the relevance of newspaper, one might ask, in this age of technology? The answer is quite simple. Newspapers are till date a reliable source of news with a wider reach than any news channel. Unlike 24-hours news channels, the newspaper put more emphasis on the information and less on its sensationalisation. Moreover, newspapers are quite affordable and gives the reader an option to be selective about what he or she might want to read. Other than providing information about what is happening around the world, newspapers also promote reading skills. While elders can read them leisurely, especially during travelling time, kids can improve their vocabulary and pronunciation, both of which are essential for school and also for lingual development. Therefore, it is suffice to says that 24-hours new channels may come and go. However, they can never replace an actual newspaper. 61. Encroachment of Pavements and The related Problems by Bala Raghunath to vendors, shopkeepers, hawkers, etc. occupying major part of the pavements, building materials too are found lying here and there on roadside and pavements. Footpath is meant for pedestrians to walk. As a result of the encroachment pedestrians have no other option than to walk on the road and jeopardise their lives. b 60. The Relevance of Newspaper 193 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Writing Skills The problem of encroachment of pavements is increasing at a rapid speed. Nowadays, in addition Each day the unused building materials lay on the pavement unclaimed, they add to the pollutants destroying the ozone layer. They cause allergic reaction, breathing problem, and many other life threatening diseases. It is high time that strict actions are taken to stop this practise, it is a nuisance. For immediate results, proper enforcement of laws is necessary. The concerned authorities must be vigilant. Those disobeying the rules must be fined instantly. The roads in India can look even cleaner and beautiful only if the pavements are well looked after too. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - SECTION op yM yK ita b C C Literature : Textbooks and Long Reading Text Flamingo (Prose & Poetry) Vistas (Supplementary Reader) Novels Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab PROSE 1 Visit our site - The Last Lesson –Alphonse Daudet C op yM yK ita b Topicwise Analysis of Last 11 Years’ CBSE Board Questions (2017-2007) ABOUT THE AUTHOR SUMMARY Alphonse Daudet is a French author, famous for his short stories and novels that depict realism, human sentiments and humour in a simple way. “The Last Lesson”, one of his best-known stories, is a story about national pride, the significance of education and how education is a privilege for some. The story emphasises on not taking education for granted. It is a powerful story with contemporary approach which is weaved in a simple narrative. The narrator of the story is a little school boy, Franz. The story opens with Franz being late for the school on a beautiful warm morning. He was scared that his teacher M. Hamel would scold him because he was late and had not learned his French lesson on participles. As it was a beautiful day, he was tempted to run away from school and spend it outdoors but he decides to go to school finally. Follow us on Facebook - 196 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core of regret for he had wasted his time in petty things. M. Hamel tells everybody that French is a very beautiful language. He further added that they would be made fun of by people for calling themselves French because they could not write or speak their own language. When Franz reached school, unlike other days there was an unusual silence. He hurried towards his classroom. Franz was surprised to see that everybody was already in their seats and the last benches were occupied by the elders of the village and all of them looked sad. Then M. Hamel asked Franz to recite the rules of participles but he was very kind when Franz was unable to recite the rules. He also remarked that many parents preferred to send their children to work rather than to school. As the class progressed M. Hamel taught the grammar for the last time very patiently followed by writing lesson. The elders came to show their respect towards M. Hamel for his hard work and dedication of forty years. ita At twelve, the church bell struck and it was the end of their last lesson. M. Hamel was filled with strong emotions and wrote on blackboard, Vive La France!– Long live France! C op yM yK M. Hamel also seemed kinder than usual. He was dressed in his special clothes which he wore only on special occasions. As Franz sat wondering about what was happening, M. Hamel announced that it was his last French class. There had been an order from Berlin that only German would be taught in schools of Alsace and Lorraine. After this announcement Franz was overcome with feelings b On his way to school, he passed through the town hall, there he saw a crowd gathered around a bulletin-board. In the past, all the bad news had come from that board during the war. Franz wondered what the news was, this time but hurried to school. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab The Last Lesson Visit our site - 197 Previous Years’ CBSE Board Questions What was Franz expected to be prepared with for the school that day? (Delhi 2011) 13. What had been put up on the bulletin board? (Delhi 2011) 14. What words did M. Hamel write on the blackboard before dismissing the last class ? What did they mean ? (Delhi 2014 C) Who did M. Hamel blame for the neglect of learning on the part of boys like Franz? (Delhi 2011) 15. What made M. Hamel cry towards the end of this last lesson? (AI 2014 C) Franz thinks, “Will they make them sing in German, even the pigeons?” What does this tell us about the attitude of the Frenchmen? (AI 2011) 4. 16. 5. 6. 8. “What a thunderclap these words were to me!” —Which were the words that shocked and surprised Franz? (AI 2011) What was unusual about M. Hamel’s dress on his last day in the school? (AI 2014 C) 17. How did Franz react to the declaration that it was their last French lesson? (Delhi 2013) What had the narrator counted on to enter the school unnoticed? (Delhi 2010) 18. “What a thunderclap these words were to me!” What were the words that shocked and surprised the narrator? (Delhi 2013) “This is your last French lesson.” How did Franz react to this declaration of M. Hamel? (Delhi 2010) 19. What was the mood in the classroom when M. Hamel gave his last French lesson? (Delhi 2009) C 7. ita 3. Why were the elders of the village sitting in the classroom? (AI 2014) yM yK 2. What tempted Franz to stay away from school? (Delhi 2014) op 1. (2 marks) b 12. SA I What did M. Hamel tell them about the French language? What did he ask them to do and why? (Delhi 2013) SA II (3 marks) 9. What was the order from Berlin and what changes did it cause in the school? (AI 2013) 20. Why was Franz not scolded for reaching the school late that day? (Delhi 2015) 10. What changes did the order from Berlin cause in the school ? (Delhi 2012) 21. Who occupied the back benches in the class room on the day of the last lesson ? Why? (Delhi 2015) 11. How did M. Hamel say farewell to his students and the people of the town ? (AI 2012) 22. Why did M. Hamel write ‘Vive La France!’ on the blackboard? (Delhi 2015) Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core 23. “We’ve all a great deal to reproach ourselves with,” said M. Hamel. Comment. (Delhi 2015) 24. Whom did M. Hamel blame for Franz’ inability to answer his questions? (Delhi 2015 C) 25. How did M. Hamel display his love for the French language? (Delhi 2015 C) LA II (6 marks) 27. Our language is part of our culture and we are proud of it. Describe how regretful M. Hamel and the village elders are for having neglected their native language, French. (Delhi 2016) Our native language is part of our culture and we are proud of it. How does the presence of village elders in the classroom 29. 30. LA IV (10 marks) 31. What did the French teacher tell his students in his last French lesson ? What impact did it have on them ? Why ? (AI 2009) yM yK 26. 28. and M.Hamel’s last lesson show their love for French ? (AI 2016) The entire classroom, M. Hamel as well as those present in the class, is full of regret. For what and why ? (Foreign 2016) Everybody during the last lesson is filled with regret. Comment. (AI 2015) The order from Berlin aroused a particular zeal in the school. Comment. (Foreign 2015) b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 198 Answers C op 1. Franz was tempted to stay away from school because he was running late, he had not revised his lessons on participles and was dreading a scolding from his teacher, M. Hamel. Moreover, it was a warm, bright day, the birds were chirping at the edge of the woods. The Prussian soldiers were drilling in the open field at the back of the sawmill. Altogether, the outdoor seemed more interesting to Franz than going to school. 2. The elders of the village were sitting in the classroom to attend the last French lesson by M. Hamel. They were there not only to pay their respect to M. Hamel, but also to their country and mother tongue that was perhaps being taught for the last time in the village. 3. Before dismissing the last class, M. Hamel wrote “Vive La France!” on the blackboard. The French expression means “Long Live France.” 4. Towards the end of the class, M. Hamel cried because he was deeply saddened by the thought that France was no longer a free country. Alsace and Lorraine had been occupied by the Germans and from now on his beloved language French would not be taught in the schools. 5. On his last day in the school, M.Hamel put on his beautiful green coat, frilled shirt and a silk cap. It was an attire he would wear on important occasions. 6. Franz was overcome with a feeling of remorse and regret when he heard that hence forth only German was to be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. He wished that he hadn’t spent so much time in trivial pursuits like seeking birds’ eggs, or going sliding in the Saar. The books that seemed such a nuisance earlier appeared like old friends now. 7. The narrator was shocked and surprised to hear from M. Hamel that it was going to be their last French lesson. The order had been sent from Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine and the new teacher was expected to arrive the very next day. 8. M. Hamel said that the French was the most beautiful language in the world-the clearest and the most logical. He asked the students and the village elders to guard it and never forget because it would give them a cultural identity, a sense of freedom and would also help them to remain united. Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 17. The narrator had counted on commotion, noise and hustle and bustle, in other words, preoccupation of the teacher, to enter the school unnoticed. 18. To Franz, the words sounded like thunderclap. He was shocked, at first, to hear that it was going to be his and everybody’s last French lesson. However, he was soon overcome with a feeling of remorse and regret. 19. Refer to answer 9. b 20. On reaching the school late that day, Franz was not scolded because the atmosphere in the school was sombre; order had come from Berlin that German was to be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine from now on. Everyone, was sad that it was going to be their last French lesson. 21. The village people, including the former Mayor, the former postmaster, old Hauser and several others, occupied the back benches in the classroom on the day of the last lesson. They had come to pay respect to the teacher, M. Hamel for his faithful service and also to the country that was no longer theirs. Being present for the last lesson was an opportunity for everybody to bid farewell to their mother tongue and also to rid the conscience of the guilt of not having learnt the language when there was still time. C op yM yK 9. The order from Berlin was to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. As this was going to be his last day at the school M. Hamel had put on his best clothes, which he wore only on special occasions, The whole school seemed so strange and solemn. On the back benches that were always empty, the elderly village people were sitting quietly with a sad visage. Some of them were even crying. The students paid a great deal of attention during their last French lesson, even the little ones. Most affected was M. Hamel. Although he taught every lesson with dedication, he looked sombre and pensive with tears in his eyes. 10. Refer to answer 9. 11. M. Hamel announced in the class that it was going to be the last French lesson. He regretted not being stricter when there was enough time to teach French. He asked everybody to preserve their language, French, since it was the most beautiful of all languages. He also said that their language was the key to their freedom. At last, he stood up on his chair to say something. However, his melancholy made him choke. So, instead, he wrote “Vive La France!” on the blackboard and making a gesture with his hand, he said, “School is dismissed, you may go.” 12. Franz was expected to be prepared with the rules of participles for the school that day. 13. There was an order from Berlin that only German was to be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. 14. M. Hamel blamed the pupils, their parents and to quite an extent, himself too for the neglect of learning French. Everybody, at some point of time, thought that there was still time to learn the language. 15. It shows the pitiable state of the Frenchmen. They feared the German atrocity. They thought that they would be forced to learn and read German and no one will be spared. 16. M. Hamel announced in the class that this would be the last French lesson he would be teaching them. He disclosed that an order had come from Berlin. All the schools of Alsace and Lorraine would now teach only German. The new teacher was to come the next day. The news left everyone shocked and grieved. 199 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab The Last Lesson 22. M. Hamel wrote ‘Vive La France!’ on the blackboard because of the love for his country. It could also be considered as an expression of rebellion against imposition of the German. 23. M. Hamel blamed himself, the students and the parents of his students for neglecting the study of French language. They had all needlessly postponed the learning. He himself had sent his students to water his flowers and sometimes gave them a holiday when he had wanted to go fishing. 24. M. Hamel blamed the students, their parents and to some extent, himself too for Franz’ inability to answer his questions. M.Hamel expressed his deep regret that for various reasons, especially thinking that there was plenty of time to learn, studying French was not given due importance by the adults, let alone the children. 25. M. Hamel taught French for last forty years. Knowing that his students and the village elders Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 28. Refer to answer 26 and 27. 29. Refer to answer 26 and 27. 30. The order from Berlin, to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine from now on, aroused a particular zeal in the school on the day of the last French lesson. The air that day, was mixed with pride and sorrow. Students as well as elderly members of the village came to attend the class. The ambiance was quite sombre as the children were serious and some of the elders, sitting at the back benches, were crying. M. Hamel, who was dressed in his best attire, appeared to be in a pensive mood. His students and the village elders too paid great attention to everything that was being taught in the class. They hoped to learn as much as possible. Even Franz seemed to love his books. M. Hamel told those present in the class to hold on to French as it was the most beautiful language in the world. He said that their mother tongue was the key to their freedom. A feeling of oneness and immense love and respect for the mother tongue showed on everyone’s face. The class ended with M. Hamel writing ‘Vive La France!’ on the board. 31. On the day of his last French lesson, M.Hamel told his students and village elders present in the classroom that the order had come from Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. He also told them that the new master was supposed to be arriving the next day. As the last lesson progressed, M. Hamel told the class that French is the most beautiful language in the world. He asked them to preserve it because it was the key to their freedom. The whole classroom seemed so strange and solemn. On the back benches that were always empty, some of the elderly village people sat, crying. That day, the students paid a great deal of attention, even the elder ones. The news of the last French lesson sounded like a thunderclap in the ears of little Franz. He was shocked, at first, but soon he was overcome with a feeling of remorse and regret. Most of all, it was M. Hamel who was saddened by the news. He regretted not giving French language its due importance and now, their mother tongue was being taken away from them. C op yM yK would never again learn a word of French, M. Hamel wanted to teach them everything in the last class. According to him, French was the most beautiful language in the world. It was the clearest and the most logical language. M. Hamel wanted the French people to preserve it as it would help them to be free from the foreign rule. Before ending his last French lesson, M. Hamel wrote “Vive La France!” on the board. 26. M. Hamel blames himself and the natives for neglecting their native language, French. He laments that the village elders and he himself too, did not give much importance to learning French. On many occasions, he gave the students holiday because he wanted to go fishing. He even asked the students to water his flowers. Hamel also found fault with the parents who sent their children to work instead of making them attend school. The village elders too were regretful. On the last day of the French lesson, they all sat silently crying on the back benches of the classroom. They came to learn French from M. Hamel and expressed their sadness and regret they felt in their heart. A deeply disheartened M.Hamel appealed to the class that they hold fast to French, their language, a key to their freedom. 27. The order from Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine left a deep impact on M. Hamel as well as the villagers. Everybody was extremely hurt by the announcement because it meant that they could no longer teach, learn or speak in their native language, French. This made the last lesson, taught by M. Hamel, all the more significant and memorable. The village people who always neglected learning French felt sorry for not having gone to school more often. M. Hamel too expressed regret for not having been stricter with his students when there was still time. On the day of the last French lesson, amidst the strange solemnity, the students and the village elders present in the classroom listened to M. Hamel quite attentively. While he carried on with the lesson, he appealed to everyone to preserve French not only because it was the most beautiful language in the world, but also because holding on to their mother tongue would always keep them united. Before the class ended, overwhelmed by emotions, M. Hamel wrote ‘Vive La France!’ on the blackboard to express his undying love for French. CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 200 Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - Lost Spring PROSE 2 (Stories of Stolen Childhood) – Anees Jung C op yM yK ita b Topicwise Analysis of Last 11 Years’ CBSE Board Questions (2017-2007) ABOUT THE AUTHOR Anees Jung is the author of several books. She began her career as a writer and an editor of Youth Times and has been a columnist for many major newspapers in India as well as abroad. She inherits her literary tradition from her parents who were renowned scholars and poets. In ‘Lost Spring: Stories of Stolen Childhood’ she exposes a national shame regarding poverty, child labour and children wasting their childhood in petty jobs to earn money. Anees’ writing style follows journalistic approach which is factual, straight forward and pertinent. The following is an excerpt taken from her book, ‘Lost Spring: Stories of Stolen Childhood’. SUMMARY “Sometimes I find a Rupee in the garbage” Saheb is a ragpicker, searching for gold in garbage. His family is from Bangladesh which they left long ago. The author saw Saheb digging and picking garbage for his livelihood every day. One day the Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - cooked on a firewood stove by a young woman. She was Mukesh’s elder brother’s wife, the bahu of the family. When the older man entered the house she pulled her veil close to her face. The older man was a bangle maker. He worked hard all his life first as a tailor and then as a bangle maker. He could not give his children education but taught them the art of bangle making. Mukesh’s grandmother believes in destiny, she also believes that bangle making is a God given lineage. Young boys and girls work in dark places and become prone to lose their eye sight at an early age. Savita is a young girl dressed in pink. She works with her parents and even in dark her hands move fast. She does not realise the significance of bangles in the life of Indian women at this young age. But she will realise it once she is married. The situation is ironical because all girl child labourers will eventually become brides and wear those bangles. The old lady sitting next to her has lost her eyesight and complains of poverty. They had enough to eat despite all the hardwork. A common complaint of all families involved in bangle-making is lack of money for food. Nothing has changed since a long time. The author gives suggestions to avoid the circle of middlemen. But the people there tells her that if they get organised they would be beaten up by police and put in jail. These poor people have no leader and they are caught in the ruthless cycle of poverty, injustice and greed. The author feels they are present two distinct worlds. One is people caught in the clutches of poverty and burdened by the stigma of caste. Secondly, these people are also caught in the vicious circle of middlemen, policemen, and politicians. It is because of such people that the children are weighed down with responsibilities at such a tender age. The children accept it as naturally as their parents did. No one dares to deviate. The author sees the daring attitude in Mukesh and hopes he will fulfil his dream one day. Mukesh insists on becoming a motor mechanic. He is willing to walk long way to the garage to give wings to his dreams. At the same time, Mukesh is firmly rooted to the ground. He does not dream of flying aeroplanes. The author feels that may be this is due to the fact that few planes fly over Firozabad. C op yM yK author suggested him to go to school, to which he replies that there is no school nearby. She jokingly told him that she would open a school. After some time the little boy walked up to her to ask about the school about which the author felt embarrassed as this promise was also like many other promises made to poor children that remain unfulfilled. One day, the author asked the little boy’s name and found out that his name was Saheb-e-Alam which meant lord of the universe, ironically. There were many ragpickers and most of them didn’t have chappals. Anees was told that going barefoot was a way to follow tradition which she realises as an excuse to poverty. The author is reminded of a man who as a young boy prayed for a pair of shoes. Thirty years later the author revisits that place and saw a new priest’s home and a boy there, wearing socks and shoes. But the author was still sad thinking about the ragpickers who were still shoeless. The ragpickers lived on the outskirts of Delhi at Seemapuri. They lived in small mud structures with roof of tin and tarpaulin. They were deprived of basic amenities. Food was the most important thing for them so that they don’t have to sleep on empty stomach. Saheb told the author that sometimes he found a ten rupee note or a coin in the garbage and that was his gold. One winter morning Anees noticed Saheb with tennis shoes. Though they were mismatched with his faded clothes, they were very dear to him. One morning the author noticed Saheb with a steel container, going to a milk booth. He had got a job at a tea-stall with a pay of eight hundred rupees plus meals. But the author realises that he no longer looked carefree because he had been burdened by the responsibility of a job. CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 202 “I want to drive a car” The author then tells the readers about Mukesh a young boy who worked in a (bangle) glass factory in Firozabad. Mukesh belonged to a family which is engaged in bangle-making, like many other families. The author comments on the ignorance of the people there who involve their children in glass industry at such a young age. Mukesh happily agrees to take the author to his home which is being rebuilt. They enter a half build shack. Food was being Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Lost Spring Visit our site - 203 PREVIOUS YEARS MCQSQuestions Previous Years’ CBSE Board 1. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. LA I (5 marks) C op yM yK How is Mukesh different from the other bangle makers of Firozabad? (Delhi 2014) 2. What job did Saheb take up? Was he happy? (AI 2014) 3. In what sense is garbage gold to the ragpickers? (AI 2014 C) 4. Why did Saheb’s parents leave Dhaka and migrate to India? (Delhi 2014 C) 5. What is Mukesh’s dream? Do you think he will be able to fulfil his dream? Why not? Why? (Delhi 2014 C) 6. Whom does Anees Jung blame for the sorry plight of the bangle makers? (AI 2014 C) 7. How the steel canister was burden for him? (AI 2013) 8. Who is Mukesh ? What is his dream ? (Delhi 2012) 9. Is Saheb happy working at the tea stall? Why/Why not? (Delhi 2012) 10. Why could the bangle-makers not organise themselves into a co-operative? (AI 2012) 11. What does the writer mean when she says, ‘Saheb is no longer his own master’? (Delhi 2009) 12. Is it possible for Mukesh to realise his dream? Justify your answer. (AI 2009) 13. What does the title ‘Lost Spring’ convey? (AI 2009) 14. Garbage to them is gold. Why does the author say so about the ragpickers? (Delhi 2008) SA II (3 marks) What is Mukesh’s attitude towards the family business of making bangles? (Foreign 2016) What did garbage mean to the children of Seemapuri and to their parents? (AI 2015) What does Saheb look for in the garbage dumps ? (AI 2015) “It is his Karam, his destiny,” What is Mukesh’s family’s attitude towards their situation? (AI 2015) Describe Mukesh as an ambitious person. (Foreign 2015) What kind of gold did the people of Seemapuri look for in the garbage? (Foreign 2015) b 18. (2 marks) ita SA I 15. 16. 17. Describe the irony in Saheb’s name. (Delhi 2016) What does the reference to chappals in ‘Lost Spring’ tell us about the economic condition of the ragpickers ? (AI 2016) How did Saheb’s life change at the tea stall? (Foreign 2016) 24. Most of us do not raise our voice against injustice in our society and tend to remain mute spectators. Anees Jung in her article, “Lost spring” vividly highlights the miserable life of street children and bangle makers of Firozabad. She wants us to act. Which qualities does she want the children to develop? (Delhi 2014 C) LA II (6 marks) 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Garbage to them is gold. How do ragpickers of Seemapuri survive? (Delhi 2015) Describe the difficulties the bangle makers of Firozabad have to face in their lives. (Delhi 2015) Describe the circumstances which keep the workers in the bangle industry in poverty. (Delhi, 2015) How is Mukesh’s attitude towards his situation different from that of Saheb? Why? (Delhi 2015) “It is his Karam, his destiny” that made Mukesh’s grandfather go blind. How did Mukesh disprove this belief by choosing a new vocation and making his own destiny ? (AI 2015) Follow us on Facebook - 204 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core people to a life of abject poverty. Do you agree? Why/Why not? (AI 2011) LA IV (10 marks) 30. 31. Give a brief account of the life and activities of the people like Saheb-e-Alam settled in Seemapuri. (Delhi 2011) ‘Lost Spring’ explains the grinding poverty and traditions that condemn thousands of 32. The bangle-makers of Firozabad make beautiful bangles and make everyone happy but they live and die in squalor. Elaborate. (Delhi 2010) Answers ita b now had a master to work under. Although the job paid him rupees 800 per month, Saheb did not seem much enthusiastic about it. Along with his independence, he had also lost his opportunity for an education. 8. Mukesh is the son of a poor bangle-maker in Firozabad. Although Mukesh helps his father to make bangles, he dreams of becoming a car mechanic for which he is willing to walk the long distance from his home to the garage where he wishes to train. 9. No, Saheb is not happy working at the teastall. Although he is paid 800 rupees and is given all his meals, it bothers him that he is no longer his own master. His face has lost the carefree look. The steel canister seems heavier than the plastic bag he used to carry so lightly over his shoulder. The bag was his, the canister belongs to the man who owns the tea-shop. 10. The bangle makers cannot escape the vicious circle of exploitation by middlemen, money lenders, police and bureaucrats. They fear that organising themselves into cooperative might be treated as being illegal. They are scared of being hauled up and beaten by the police. In addition to the miseries, they also have to face many caste related stigmas. The bangle makers cannot escape their lineage. Years of exploitation has left them timid. This is why there are no leaders who would raise their problems. 11. The writer meant that when Saheb was a ragpicker he was a carefree boy, who would work and still have time for himself. But from the time he started working at the tea stall, he lost his freedom as he had to work under a master and follow his instructions. He was no longer free to do as he pleased. Thus, he was no longer his own master. C op yM yK 1. Mukesh is different from other bangle makers of Firozabad because he dares to dream. He refuses to carry on the family tradition of bangle making. Instead, he insists on being his own master. He wants to become a motor mechanic and is focussed and determined to achieve it. 2. Saheb took up a job at a tea-stall, which paid him 800 rupees and all his meals. No, he was not happy with the job because his ‘carefree’ days were over, he now had a master to work under; he was no longer his own master. 3. Garbage is like gold to the ragpickers in the sense that it is a means of sustenance for them. Garbage gives them their daily bread and provides a roof over their heads. 4. Saheb’s parents left Dhaka because repeated floods swept away their fields and homes leaving them on the verge of starvation. This led to their migration to India, where they hoped to find better living conditions and livelihood opportunities. 5. Mukesh’s aim in life is to become a motor mechanic. Yes, it is indeed possible for Mukesh to achieve his dreams through hard work and determination. He is willing to walk all the way to the garage and learn even though the garage is quite far from his house. 6. For the sorry plight of the bangle makers, Anees Jung blames the sahukars, policemen, middlemen, bureaucrats, politicians and, to quite an extent, the lineage of the bangle makers and the stigmas with their caste. 7. The steel canister was a burden for Saheb both literally and metaphorically because unlike the plastic bag he carried around on his shoulder as a ragpicker, the steel canister was much heavier. Moreover, before he started working at the teastall, Saheb was ‘his own master.’ He was free to go anywhere. He had now lost his freedom; he Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - op C 205 b makers of Firozabad. Through children, like Saheb, Savita and Mukesh, she delves deep into the poverty and tradition, which forces a life of exploitation on these three and many others like them. It is sad that they are caught in the vicious circle of poverty and exploitation generations after generations. It is not easy to escape it because there is the stigma of caste in which they are born. Moreover, the sahukars, the middlemen, policemen, keepers of law, bureaucrats, etc. make their lives more difficult for them than it already is. Anees Jung wants us to act, raise our voice against the injustice prevailing in our society. The underprivileged often find themselves helpless and at the mercy of their exploiters. Thus, Anees Jung wants the children to develop compassion for the oppressed and the will and courage to work for social and economic changes in the society. 25. The Ragpickers of Seemapuri emigrated to Delhi from Bangladesh, in 1971 in the hopes of a bright and promising future. However, their situation in the city is not as comfortable as they expected. The ragpickers of Seemapuri live in structures of mud, with roofs of tin and tarpaulin. It lacks proper sewage and drainage system and running water. All these years, they have lived without an identity and they are still living like that. In spite of no proper identity and permits, they are surviving. They all have ration cards, which puts them on voters’ list. This enables them to buy grain. Survival is all that matters to them. This is why they pitch their tents wherever there is food. Garbage and ragpicking are means of survival for the people in Seemapuri, it earns them their daily bread and puts a roof over their head. Sometimes, while scrounging, the garbage, finding money, whether one rupee or ten, it the highlight of their day, especially for the children; it gives them hope. Therefore, the writer is right when she says, “garbage to them is gold.” 26. Difficulties faced by the bangle makers of Firozabad are many. They live in a state of perpetual poverty, in ready-to-crumble houses, crowded with a number of families. Besides remaining uneducated for the rest of their lives, they have to work extremely hard for long hours in the glass furnaces in high temperature. Since yM yK 12. Refer to answer 5. 13. The title ‘Lost Spring’ conveys that the grinding poverty and the traditions which condemn poor children to a life of exploitation, cause them to lose their childhood, which is really the spring time of their life. The slum children have to start earning their living and taking care of their family at a very young age. As a result, they do not get to enjoy a normal childhood. 14. The writer says that garbage is gold for the ragpickers because for children, garbage is wrapped in wonder. They expect to get some coins, notes or valuables in it. If fate permits, sometimes, they find a rupee or even a ten-rupee note. For adults, garbage is a means of livelihood. 15. The full name of Saheb is Saheb-e-Alam, which means Lord of the Universe. He does not know the meaning of his name. The irony here is that Saheb in reality is a ragpicker and a refugee from Bangladesh. He is not the ‘Lord of the Universe’. 16. The narrator, Anees Jung feels that the ragpickers not wearing chappals is a subtle reference to their economic condition, which is a perpetual state of poverty. They live in unhygienic conditions, and due to their hand-to-mouth existence, the children are forced into labour early in life. As a result, they are denied the opportunity of studying and escaping such a life. 17. Refer to answer 9. 18. Mukesh’s attitude towards the family business of making bangles is that of reluctance. He wants to break free from the family tradition and dares to rebel. Mukesh dreams of becoming a motor mechanic for which he is willing to walk the long distance from his home to the garage every day. 19. Refer to answer 14. 20. Refer to answer 14. 21. Mukesh’s family’s attitude towards their situation is that of mute acceptance. They view bangle making as their destiny. They do not dream of any other option because there is no will, to take the initiative, left in them. 22. Refer to answer 8. 23. Refer to answer 14. 24. Anees Jung, in ‘Lost Spring’ vividly highlights the miserable life of street children and bangle ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Lost Spring Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - Mukesh wanted to train to be a motor mechanic, was quite far from his house, he was willing to walk the long distance for the sake of his dreams. 30. In ‘Lost Spring’ Anees Jung observes that the life and activities of the people like Saheb-e-Alam depends wholly on garbage. For them it is no less than gold, in fact, it is their daily bread. The poor ragpickers are often barefoot, which she thinks is “an excuse to explain a perpetual state of poverty”. Although, Saheb-e-Alam wants an education, he and other ragpickers are unschooled. (Later, Saheb too takes up a job at a tea stall.) They are migrants (squatters) from Bangladesh, who came to Delhi in 1973. Presently, they live in structures of mud with roofs of tin and tarpaulin, devoid of sewage, drainage or running water. They pitch their tents wherever they find food. They have lived in Seemapuri for more than thirty years without identity and without permits. However, they carry their ration cards. No matter how much hardship they face, the ragpickers of Seemapuri have no intention of going back to their own country. C op yM yK they work in the dark and dingy cells, many lose their eyesight at a young age. Their difficulties are not limited to just health problems. They are set at a much deeper level. The bangle makers are burdened by the stigma of the caste in which they are born. An adult bangle maker knows nothing except how to make bangles. So, that is all that he can teach his young ones and this continues for generations. The bangle makers cannot escape the vicious circle of exploitation by middlemen, money lenders, police and bureaucrats. They cannot even organise themselves into a cooperative due to the fear that it might be treated as being illegal. This is why there are no leaders who would raise their problems. The bangle makers continue to face apathy and injustice all their lives. 27. Refer to answer 26. 28. Mukesh’s attitude towards his situation is different from that of Saheb because unlike Saheb, Mukesh is ambitious. Mukesh has his roots in Firozabad. He is born in a family of bangle makers and must follow his father’s footsteps for now. However, he wants to break the family tradition and become a motor mechanic. Saheb, on the other hand, is a rootless migrant from Bangladesh who is content being a ragpicker at Seemapuri. Although, he fancies the idea of going to school, he starts working at a tea stall because the salary is good. Mukesh too is greatly unhappy about his prevailing poverty. However, he is determined to change it. He is ready to walk a long distance every day to a garage and train to become a motor mechanic. 29. Mukesh had seen his parents and other bangle makers of Firozabad suffer all their life. He had witnessed them being unable to escape the vicious circle of poverty and exploitation. While others believed that it was their destiny to be born poor and poverty stricken, Mukesh wanted to disprove this belief by choosing a new line of work. Unlike other children of his age in the town of Firozabad, he had the courage to break free from the family vocation of bangle-making. He wanted to be a motor mechanic and make his own destiny. He was determined to achieve his goal and was prepared to work hard for it. Although the garage, where CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 206 31. In ‘Lost Spring’ Anees Jung analyses the grinding poverty and traditions, which condemn thousands of people to a life of abject misery and the slum children to exploitation. The basis of her analysis are the ragpickers of Seemapuri where she meets a little boy named Saheb and Mukesh, whose family is one of the families who have been the bangle makers of Firozabad for generations. Both these children want education so that they can either escape their situation or change it. But, Saheb and Mukesh and others like them are caught in the vicious circle of poverty, apathy and injustice and are affected by the greed of others. This is why, education and healthy and clean living conditions are a distant dream for them. Every day, they have to face various hardships. Yet, they cannot organise themselves into cooperative due to the fear that it might be treated as being illegal. Ultimately, slum children like Saheb and Mukesh have to carry forward the family occupation or find odd jobs to earn a living. In the process, their childhood is the lost spring of their life. 32. Refer to answer 26. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab PROSE 3 Visit our site - Deep Water –William Douglas C op yM yK ita b Topicwise Analysis of Last 11 Years’ CBSE Board Questions (2017-2007) ABOUT THE AUTHOR William Douglas (1893-1980) was an American born in Maine Minnesota. He graduated in English and Economics and then later advanced his career in law. He remains the longest-serving justice in the history of court, serving a term of thirty six years. He became the adviser of the President Franklin D Roosevelt. The excerpt “Deep Water” is taken from an autobiography ‘Of Men and Mountains’ written by William Douglas. In this excerpt he has narrated the incidence which was the reason of developing hydrophobia and his strategies through which he braved his fear. SUMMARY The author recollects his first encounter with his fear of water as a three or four year old child. His father had taken him to a beach in California. He held his father tightly. However, a wave knocked Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - him down. He felt smothered and scared. Douglas had a close meet up with death. When the writer was ten years old he planned to learn swimming but this time he took caution. He chose YMCA pool as it was safer than Yakima river. The pool was 2 feet at its shallow end and 9 feet at the deeper end. This incident had a deep-seated impact on him. He reached home and was feeling weak and trembling. He could not eat anything that night. For days he was terrified. Consequently, he avoided water whenever he could. He got a pair of water wings. He mustered courage and paddled aping others. He started regaining his confidence. But, this newly found courage was soon lost. An 18 year old boy hurled him into deep side of the pool. There was nobody close to the pool. Douglas went to the bottom of the pool. He was alert. He planned to push himself up on touching the bottom of the pool, then lie flat and paddle to the edge of the pool. But that seemed to be a never ending fall. These nine feet appeared to him like ninety feet. He felt acute uneasiness and his lungs seemed to burst. As soon as he touched the bottom, he tried to jump but much to his disappointment it was very slow and all he could see was water. He felt extremely terrified and suffocated. Douglas started making desperate efforts for survival. He looked for a rope but could not find it. He could see only water all around. His legs got stiff like lifeless objects. He again sank back to the bottom of the pool. Breathless, he hit at the bottom with all his strength. His screams were lost in water. He got a throbbing pain in his head, his lungs almost gave up and he started filling dizzy. However, his mind was still planning to escape this drowning. He was panic-stricken. He was going down endlessly. There was water all around. He was extremely frightened but his limbs gave up. He tried calling for help but it was in vain. Then fortunately he saw light. His eyes and nose came to the surface but then he sank again for the third time as this success was momentary. The writer gave up all his efforts. He accepted this as his destiny and went into oblivion. This fear of childhood followed him. This did not let him relish the joy of fishing, canoeing, boating or swimming. CBSE Champion English Core ita b Once Douglas grew old he was determined to overcome this fear. Finally, he decided to get an instructor to learn swimming. He went to the pool and practiced five days a week, one hour each day. The instructor put a belt around him which was attached to a rope. So he practised swimming forward and backward. For weeks he practiced. It took almost three months for the tension to release. The instructor taught him the breathing techniques of exhaling underwater and inhaling by raising his nose. He practised it hundreds of times. Then the instructor taught him to kick with his legs in water. Initially, his legs got stiff but gradually he developed complete control on them. Soon Douglas could swim across the length of the pool. But he was still scared when left alone in the pool. His childhood fear petrified him. Therefore, he thought of conquering his fear. He went to Lake Wentworth in New Hampshire, dived off a dock at Triggs island, and swam two miles across the lake to Stamp Act Island. For once did the terror return but he continued to swim. For his own reassurance, he went up the Tieton to Conrad Meadows, up the Conrad Creek trail to Meade Glacier and camped at the side of Warm Lake. He swam across the other shore and back. He was thrilled that he had finally overcome his fear. C op yM yK 208 When he regained his consciousness, he found himself vomiting next to the pool. The boy who hurled him was saying that he was fooling around. The narrator felt victorious that he had finally conquered his fear. He quoted that the death is full of peace, but the fear of death terrorises. In this excerpt Douglas has narrated his near-death experience and the way fear of death intensifies his will to live. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Deep Water Visit our site - 209 PREVIOUS YEARS MCQSQuestions Previous Years’ CBSE Board SA II (3 marks) 1. Which two incidents in Douglas’ early life made him scared of water? (Delhi 2014 C) 2. Why did Douglas prefer to go to YMCA swimming pool to learn swimming? (Delhi 2014 C) 3. How did the instructor turn Douglas into a swimmer? (Delhi 2013) 4. How did Douglas make sure that he conquered the old terror? (AI 2013) 5. Narrate the Douglas. 6. Why was Douglas determined to get over his fear of water? (Delhi 2012) 7. Why did Douglas go to Lake Wentworth in New Hampshire? How did he make his terror flee? (AI 2012) experience of (AI 2013) How did his experience at the YMCA swimming pool affect Douglas? (Delhi 2016) 17. What deep meaning did his experience at the YMCA swimming pool have for Douglas? (AI 2016) 18. ‘All we have to fear is fear itself.’ When did Douglas learn this lesson? (AI 2016) 19. How did the feeling of terror return to Douglas at Lake Wentworth? How did he react? (Foreign 2016) 20. Why did Douglas’ mother recommend that he should learn swimming at the YMCA swimming pool? (Delhi 2015) yM yK childhood 16. b (2 marks) ita SA I What efforts did Douglas make to get over his fear of water? (AI 2012) 9. Why was Douglas determined to get over his fear of water? (Delhi 2012) 10. What did Douglas experience when he went down to the bottom of the pool for the first time? (Delhi 2011) 11. Why did Douglas go to Lake Wentworth in New Hampshire? (Delhi 2011) 12. Which factors led Douglas to decide in favour of YMCA pool? (Delhi 2011) 13. When Douglas realised that he was sinking, how did he plan to save himself? (Delhi 2010) 14. What sort of terror seized Douglas as he went down the water with a yellow glow ? How could he feel that he was still alive? (Delhi 2010) 15. How did the incident at the YMCA pool affect Douglas? (AI 2009) How did Douglas remove his residual doubts about his fear of water? (Delhi 2015) 22. How did Douglas’ experience at YMCA pool affect him? (Delhi 2015) 23. What lesson did Douglas learn when he got rid of his fear of water? (Delhi 2015 C) LA I (5 marks) 24. The story “Deep Water” has made you realise that with determination and perseverance one can accomplish the impossible. Write a paragraph in about 100 words on how a positive attitude and courage will aid you to achieve success in life. (Delhi 2014) 25. Desire, determination and diligence lead to success. Explain the value of these qualities in the light of Douglas’ experience in “Deep Water”. (Delhi 2014) C op 8. 21. LA II (6 marks) 26. What happened at the YMCA swimming pool which instilled fear of water in Douglas’ mind? (Foreign 2015) 27. How did Douglas’ experience at the YMCA pool affect him ? How did he get over this effect? (Foreign 2015) Follow us on Facebook - 210 28. 29. Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core Describe the efforts made by Douglas to overcome his fear of water. (Foreign 2015) “All we have to fear is fear itself.” Describe Douglas’ experiences which led to the making of this statement. (Delhi 2015 C) LA IV (10 marks) 30. 31. 32. How did Douglas develop an aversion to water? (Delhi 2012) How did Douglas try to save himself from drowning in the YMCA pool? (Delhi 2012) How did the instructor make Douglas a good swimmer? (AI 2012) 33. 34. 35. 36. There was terror in my heart at the overpowering force of the waves”. When did Douglas start fearing water? Which experience had further strengthened its hold on his mind and personality? (AI 2010) What was Douglas’ fear? How did he overcome that fear? (Delhi 2008) How did the swimming instructor ‘build a swimmer’ out of Douglas? (Delhi 2008) A big boy threw Douglas into the swimming pool. How did this experience affect Douglas? (Delhi 2008) b Answers the lake. Even though he swam with minimum anxiety, a little doubt remained within him. Next, he dived into Warm Lake and swam across to the other shore and back. Having swam in the lake without any fear or panic attack, Douglas realised that he had finally conquered his fear. 2. Douglas’ mother recommended that he should learn swimming at the YMCA pool because unlike the Yakima river, which was treacherous and had drowned many, the pool was safe. It was only 2-3 feet deep at the shallow end and nine feet deep at the other end. There too, the fall was gradual. 5. William Douglas wanted to learn swimming. He went to YMCA pool as it was safe. But an eighteen years old came and tossed Douglas into the deep end of the pool. He was frightened but planned a strategy. He decided that the moment his feet hit the bottom, he would make a big jump, come to the surface, lie flat on it and paddle to the edge of the pool. However, because of too much depth, Douglas could not resurface. He tried more than a couple of times. He tried to yell, but no sound came out of his mouth. op yM yK ita 1. The very first incident was the one at the beach with his father when Douglas was three or four year old. A wave had knocked him over and engulfed him in it completely. The next incident was at YMCA when an eighteen year old boy pushed Douglas into the swimming pool. C 3. Bit by bit, the instructor turned Douglas into a swimmer. Initially, he put a belt around Douglas and the attached rope went through a pulley that ran on an overhead cable. He held on to the rope and went back and forth across the pool until Douglas began to relax in water. Next, the instructor taught Douglas to put his face under water and exhale and to raise his nose and inhale. They practised this until Douglas stopped panicking on putting his head under water. Then Douglas learnt to kick in the water. At first, he was terror-stricken but continuous practice with his instructor made Douglas lose his fear of water and emerge as a confident swimmer. 4. To make sure that he conquered the old terror, his fear of water, he decided to go to Lake Wentworth in New Hampshire. There he dived off a dock at Triggs Island and swam two miles across 6. When Douglas was a child, he had two near drowning experiences, which left in him a deepseated fear of water. This phobia of water often ruined his fishing trips and deprived him of the joy of all water related activities, such as canoeing, boating and swimming. He felt handicapped due to this fear and it bothered him. This is why Douglas was determined to get over his fear of water. 7. Douglas went to lake Wentworth in New Hampshire because he wanted to be sure that the old terror of water had left him for good after the swimming lessons. Douglas swam two miles across the lake. The terror Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 8. To get over his fear of water, Douglas hired a swimming coach. Though it took him a lot of time, the instructor showed a great amount of patience and kindness towards Douglas. Bit by bit he taught him to swim and at the same time helped Douglas to overcome his fear. To be sure that he was completely free of his fear of water, Douglas went to Lake Wentworth to swim across the lake. 9. Douglas was determined to get over his fear of water because it had ruined his fishing trips. Also, could not enjoy water sports like canoeing, boating or swimming. 10. Douglas experienced panic and suffocation. He was frightened but he was not out of his wits. 11. Refer to answer 7. 13. Refer to answer 5. 17. Douglas developed a fear of getting into the water at a very young age due to two severe water related accidents. However, later when he realised that he was missing out on a lot of fun because of his fear, he decided to face it. The experience of fear and death and its conquest made him live intensely. It made him realise true value of life and helped him enjoy every moment of it. 18. Once the writer realised that his fear of water was keeping him from enjoying any of the water related sports and activities, he decided to engage a swimming instructor, who gradually helped him face his fear. However, it was after his successful swimming attempts in Lake Wentworth and Warm Lake that the writer understood the real meaning of conquering one’s fear in order to truly value life and enjoy every moment of it. This revelation made the writer confident and determined. yM yK 12. The YMCA pool was an ideal place for Douglas to learn swimming. It was safe. It was only two or three feet deep at the shallow end. Though it was nine feet deep at the other end, the drop was gradual. the joy of various water related activities, such as canoeing, boating, fishing, etc. b returned only once when he was in the middle of the lake. But, he laughed at his fear and brushed it aside. His terror fled away and he swam on. 211 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Deep Water C op 14. As Douglas went down the water with a yellow glow, he was seized by a sheer, stark terror, which knew no understanding and no control. He was paralysed under water-stiff, rigid with fear. Although he was shrieking under water, it seemed frozen. Only his heart and the pounding in his head made Douglas feel alive. 15. His experience at the YMCA pool left Douglas haunted by fear of water. He became extremely weak physically and never went back to the pool again. He felt handicapped for years as he couldn’t enjoy any water sport like swimming, fishing, boating, etc. 16. At YMCA swimming pool, when Douglas was thrown into the water, it affected him quite deeply. The experience scared him so much that he was unable to eat due to the haunting fear. He become wobbly in the knees and sick in the stomach and the slightest up set him. Eventually, he developed fear of water. Since he could not go near the water for many years, he was deprived of 19. Refer to answer 7. 20. Refer to answer 2. 21. Douglas removed his residual doubts by diving into the Warm Lake and swimming across to the other shore and back. He shouted with joy when he was able to achieve this feat. He had finally conquered his fear of water. 22. His experience at the YMCA pool left Douglas haunted by fear of water. He became extremely weak physically and never went back to the pool again. He felt handicapped for years as he couldn’t enjoy any water sport like swimming, fishing, boating, etc. 23. When Douglas finally got rid of his fear of water, he realised that all one has to fear is fear itself. Once the fear is conquered or overcome, one can achieve anything one wants. 24. In the story Deep Waters, we see Douglas overcoming his childhood fear of water, through determination, perseverance and hard work. Thus, this story shows that with positive attitude and strength of will, we can accomplish almost anything. All of us may fear something or the other. But fear, when conquered through courage, becomes victory. The victory, emerging from the bitterness of failures and hardships of enduring them for a Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - long period of time, has its own significance and joy. It might appear to be a long and arduous journey, but it will definitely culminate in success. 26. Refer to answer 5. 27. Refer to answer 8 and 15. 28. Refer to answer 3, 4, 7 and 8. 29. Refer to answer 4 and 7 Gradually, he grew tired and suffocated; he was paralysed with fear and almost drowned. Douglas would not have survived if someone had not dove into the water to save him. 31. William Douglas wanted to learn swimming. He went to YMCA pool as it was safe. But an eighteen year old tossed Douglas into the deep end of the pool. He landed in a sitting position, swallowed water and went at once to the bottom. He was frightened, but planned a strategy to come to the surface. He decided that the moment his feet hit the bottom, he would “make a big jump, come to the surface, lie flat on it and paddle to the edge of the pool”. However, because of too much depth, Douglas could not resurface. When his feet hit the bottom of the pool Douglas made a jump. However, instead of springing back to surface, he came up slowly. His attempts to grab onto something and bring his legs up proved to be futile. He tried to come to surface more than a couple of times. He yelled but no sound came out of his mouth. He felt tired and suffocated; he was paralysed with fear and almost drowned. Douglas wouldn’t have survived if someone hadn’t dove into the water to save him. yM yK 25. Douglas’ experience in ‘Deep Water’ is a great example of how desire, determination and diligence lead to success. When Douglas was just a child, he had major water-related misadventures and (he almost drowned), which affected him badly and he was left with a deep rooted fear of water. This fear stayed with him as he grew older. As the fear lingered on, Douglas realised that it prevented him from enjoying all the activities related to water, such as boating, canoeing, swimming, etc. It was no longer acceptable to Douglas. Therefore, his strong desire to overcome his fear of water made him take swimming lessons. Even though, the old fear kept coming back, weakening him initially, however, his determination kept him going. Eventually, with rigorous training, vigorous practice and perseverance, he was able to get rid of his fear of water. CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 212 C op 30. Douglas was merely three or four years old when he had his first water related accident. His father had taken him to the beach in California where they stood together in the surf. The waves knocked young Douglas down and swept over him in such a way that he was buried in water and felt suffocated. That was the first time he felt the pangs of terror at the overpowering force of the water set in his heart. When he was ten or eleven years old he decided to learn to swim at the Y.M.C.A. pool. It was only two or three feet deep at the shallow end and nine feet at the deep end where the drop was gradual. Yet, when the eighteen year old boy tossed Douglas into the deep end of the pool, it strengthened his aversion to water. An unsuspecting victim, Douglas landed in a sitting position, swallowed water and went at once to the bottom. Even after multiple attempts, he was unable to resurface, because of too much depth. 32. Bit by bit, the instructor turned Douglas into a swimmer. Initially, he put a belt around Douglas and the attached rope went through a pulley that ran on an overhead cable. He held on to the rope and went back and forth across the pool hour after hour, day after day till he began to relax in water. Next, the instructor taught Douglas to put his face under water and exhale and to raise his nose and inhale. They practised this until Douglas stopped panicking on putting his head under water. Then Douglas learnt to kick in the water. At first, he was terror-stricken but continuous practise with his instructor, made Douglas lose his fear of water and emerge as a confident swimmer. 33. Refer to answer 30 and 5. 34. Refer to answer 3, 4, and 8. 35. Refer to answer 32. 36. Refer to answer 5 and 14. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab PROSE 4 Visit our site - The Rattrap –Selma Lagerlöf C op yM yK ita b Topicwise Analysis of Last 11 Years’ CBSE Board Questions (2017-2007) ABOUT THE AUTHOR .. Selma Lagerlof was the first female writer who won the Nobel Prize for Literature. She was born in Sweden in 1858. Sweden experienced an industrial revolution and its agriculture was displaced by the mushrooming of industries. This led to the extreme poverty of farmers. “The Rattrap” gives us a psychological insight of the human mind when this transformation was taking place. The story is set with this plot and the extreme greed and avarice for the materialistic things is highlighted. The essence of the story is humourous, philosophical as well as historical. SUMMARY The story revolves around a poor vagabond who made rattraps from the begged materials. He was a wanderer. He struggled for living but later resort to begging and stealing for some extra income for his survival. Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - comfortable near the furnace to keep himself warm. Since the owner of the mill was very particular about the quality of the product, he visited the iron mill every night. When he saw the vagabond lying near the furnace, he mistook him as captain Nils Olof, his old friend. The vagabond did not disclose his true identity as he thought of making some money from the ironmaster. Ironmaster invited him to his manor house. The peddler vehemently refused to go to his house as he was afraid that the thirty kronors he stole may put him in a tight spot. The ironmaster interpreted his denial as embarrassment because of his dirty worn out clothes so, he argued that it was not such a magnificent home that the peddler could not show himself there. He told that his sons were abroad and wife Elizabeth being dead, he stayed only with his oldest daughter so, it would not be embarrassing at all. He insisted the vagabond to join them for Christmas celebrations. Yet, the vagabond refused the ironmaster’s invitation. The ironmaster then sent his daughter to persuade the vagabond. Though the daughter was not pretty, she was modest and shy. As she approached him, the peddler got alarmed and scared. She introduced herself, as Edla Willmansson. She invited him and said he may leave after Christmas anytime. The vagabond finally gave into Edla’s insistence and accompanied her. He covered himself with the fur coat carried by the lady’s valet. He also felt guilty of stealing the money meanwhile. He found himself completely entrapped. He thought he may not come out of this trap now. Next day, the ironmaster came for his breakfast. He told his daughter that his friend should get a good meal and decent livelihood. However, his daughter said that she did not find anything in the guest which could assure her that he was an educated man. The ironmaster put her apprehensions to rest saying that once he would bath and change into better clothes he would look groomed. But when the peddler came out the ironmaster realised that he did not resemble his friend from his old regiment. He was angry and demanded an explanation. He also said that he will take the matter to the sheriff. The rattrap peddler defended himself saying that C op yM yK One day, when the peddler was lonely, he became engrossed in his own thoughts. He was quite amused to think that the whole world was a big rattrap. It lured people with riches and joys and all the materialistic happiness. But these were the baits to entrap people. The vagabond felt that succumbing to temptation spells end of everything. The misery and discontentment in the life of vagabond made him think ill for the world. One day, he stopped at a little gray cottage by the roadside. The owner of the house was a man without wife or children. He agreed to give shelter to the vagabond. Delighted to have company, the generous host gave him dinner and then played cards with him. The old man trusted the vagabond so he shared his personal details with him. He told .. that he was a crofter at Ramjo Ironworks, had a milch cow and earned thirty kronors in payment the previous month. He also showed the nail where he hung the pouch containing thirty kronors. The vagabond thanked the host for his generosity the next morning and went his own way. When the crofter locked his house to milk the cow, the rattrap peddler returned, went up to the window, broke the pane, took the thirty kronors from the pouch and walked away. The peddler ran towards the forest in order to discard public highway and to avoid getting caught. He went round and round in the forest for a long time but landed nowhere as it was a big and confusing forest. He realised that he was trapped and the escape was impossible. The vagabond felt dejected and tired. As he laid his head on the ground in order to rest, he heard the thumping of a hammer. This made him realise that there may be an iron mill somewhere close by. He gathered all his will power and headed towards .. the direction of the sound. He reached Ramjo. Ironworks where the master blacksmith sat near the furnace with his helper. The vagabond crept into the mill unnoticed. He entered the forge and asked for the permission from the master blacksmith to lie down. It was a cold December night and the peddler wanted shelter. The permission was given to him coldly. The vagabond made himself CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 214 Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 215 b porridge served to him. He thanked everyone present and wished them good night. Edla asked him to keep her father’s suit as Christmas gift. He may also return next year to celebrate Christmas with them. The peddler was amazed with her words. Leaving behind the sleeping peddler, the father and daughter went to the church. After the service they returned home having heard from the church about the peddler’s theft. The girl feels very dejected. The ironmaster was unhappy that they let the vagabond stay in their house. He was confident that the peddler would have disappeared by then with their silverware. But, when they reached, the valet informed them that the guest had left emptyhanded and had left a Christmas present for Edla. When Edla opened the package she found three wrinkled ten kronor notes along with a rattrap. There was a letter of gratitude for Edla’s behaviour towards him. The peddler had requested her to return the thirty kronor notes to the old crofter. He also wrote that he was thankful for elevating him to the status of the captain. This was the reason behind changing his old ways. He signed the letter with his name as Captain von Stahle because this name gave him the power to clear his conscience. C op yM yK he made no pretence about being a captain. He also reminded that he was pleading to be allowed to stay in the forge. Then he offered to change into his old rags and leave immediately. He became agitated, saying that the whole world was nothing but a rattrap. All the offers were a bait to put into trouble. He insisted that the ironmaster was not impeccable himself. He too may get tempted and entrapped by the world someday. Ironmaster got convinced by the argument. He asked the peddler to leave immediately and promised he will not take the matter to the sheriff. But Edla insisted on the vagabond to stay back. She felt it would be unfair to turn him out after promising Christmas cheer. Her father finally gave in. The peddler wondered about Edla’s motive behind this kind act. She took his hand and took him to the table and fed him well. After that, on Christmas Eve, the peddler did nothing but sleep. He slept through the morning, got up to have his share of the good Christmas fare, and after that he slept again. He slept as if he had never slept before, quietly and safely. He later participated in lightening the Christmas tree and helped himself to some Christmas fish and ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab The Rattrap Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab 216 Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core PREVIOUS YEARSBoard MCQS Questions Previous Years’ CBSE SA I 1. 12. (2 marks) 13. Why did Edla plead with her father not to send the vagabond away? (AI 2014) 14. 3. In what sense was the world a big rattrap according the the peddler? (Delhi 2014 C) 15. 4. Why did the peddler knock on the cottage by the roadside ? How was he treated by the owner of the cottage? (Delhi 2014 C) What conclusion did the ironmaster reach when he heard that the crofter had been robbed by the peddler? (AI 2014 C) 6. What were the contents of the package left by the peddler as a Christmas gift for Edla Willmansson? (AI 2014 C) op 5. Why did the peddler decline the invitation of the ironmaster? (Delhi 2012) 8. Why was the crofter so friendly and talkative with the peddler? (Delhi 2012) .. Who was the owner of Ramsjo iron mills ? Why did he visit the mills at nights? (AI 2012) C 7. 9. ita SA II (3 marks) 16. Why was the peddler amused at the idea of the world being a rattrap? (Delhi 2016) What hospitality did the peddler receive from the crofter? (Delhi 2016) Why did the Crofter show the thirty kronor to the peddler? (AI 2016) Why did the ironmaster speak kindly to the peddler and invite him home? (AI 2016) How could the peddler enter the forge without being noticed by the blacksmith? (Foreign 2016) At the crofter’s home, why did the peddler feel very happy? (AI 2015 C) yM yK 2. b Why did the peddler derive pleasure from his idea of the world as a rattrap? (Delhi 2014) Why was the peddler surprised when he knocked on the door of the cottage? (AI 2011) What made the peddler finally change his ways? (AI 2011) Why was Edla happy to see the gift left by the peddler? (AI 2010) Why did the peddler sign himself as Captain von Stahle? (AI 2009) 10. Why didn’t the stranger tell the ironmaster that he was not Nils Olof ? (AI 2012) 11. Why was the crofter so talkative and friendly with the peddler? (Delhi 2011) 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. LA II (6 marks) 22. 23. The peddler thinks that the whole world is a rattrap. This view of life is true only of himself and of no one else in the story. Comment. (Delhi 2017) The peddler declined the invitation of the ironmaster but accepted the one from Edla. Why ? (Delhi 2015) Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab The Rattrap Visit our site - 217 Edla proved to be much more persuasive than her father while dealing with the peddler. Comment. (Delhi 2015) 30. How are the attitudes of the ironmaster and his daughter different ? Support your answer from the text. (Delhi 2012) 25. Why did the crofter repose confidence in the peddler ? How did the peddler betray that and with what consequences? (Delhi 2015) 31. How did the ironmaster react on seeing the stranger lying close to the furnace ? (AI 2012) 26. Why did the ironmaster invite the peddler to his home ? Why did the latter decline it? (Foreign, 2015) 32. The story, ‘The Rattrap’ focuses on human loneliness and the need to bond with others. Explain. (Delhi 2010) 33. Describe how the story, ‘The Rattrap’ shows that basic human goodness can be brought out by understanding and love. (Delhi 2009) 34. Give examples from the story, ‘The Rattrap’ to show how the ironmaster is different from his daughter. (Delhi 2009) To be grateful is a great virtue of a gentleman. How did the peddler show his gratitude to Edla? (AI 2015 C) LA IV (10 marks) There is a saying, ‘Kindness pays, rudeness never’. In the story, ‘The Rattrap’ Edla’s attitude towards men and matters is different from her father’s attitude. How are the values of concern and compassion brought out in the story, ‘The Rattrap’? (AI 2013) C op 29. How did the peddler feel after robbing the crofter? What course did he adopt and how did he react to the new situation? What does his reaction reveal? (Delhi 2013) 35. Compare and contrast the character of the ironmaster with that of his daughter. (Delhi 2008) 36. Why did the ironmaster’s invitation to the peddler to spend Christmas Eve with him make him think that he was going to fall into a trap? (Delhi 2008) 37. How did the peddler betray the confidence reposed in him by the crofter in ‘The Rattrap’? (Delhi 2008) yM yK 28. ita 27. b 24. Answers 1. The peddler handcrafted rattraps and sold them to earn a living, besides begging and stealing. His life was sad and monotonous; no one treated him kindly. He often felt gloomy because of his loneliness and at such times it gave him unwonted joy to think that the world was a giant rattrap, which lured and entrapped others in it by offering temptations, just as a rattrap would offer treats as bait. As he enjoyed thinking ill of the world, it pleased him that he was free from the rattrap; the temptations of the world could not ensnare him in the trap. 2. Edla had a kind and sympathetic heart that was pained by the plight of the poor peddler. She pleaded with her father not to send him away because first, it was Christmas and Edla wanted to keep the spirit of Christmas alive and second, she wanted the peddler to spend a day of comfort and solace as a respite from his visual struggle. 3. Refer to answer 1. 4. The peddler knocked on the cottage by the roadside to ask for shelter for the night. The crofter, who was a lonely man, treated him with kindness. He not only offered the peddler shelter Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - him away without showing him any kindness. 13. The kind, understanding and generous behaviour of Edla, the ironmaster’s daughter, finally changed him. 14. Edla was happy to see the gift left by the peddler because he had not let her down. She realised that she had succeeded in bringing about a transformation in the peddler. Seeing the thirty kronors in the gift and the peddler asking for them to be returned to the crofter, restored Edla’s faith in the belief that all human beings are basically good. 15. The peddler signed himself as Captain von Stahle because even though Edla knew the peddler was not really a captain, she treated him with equal respect and kindness. He felt honoured that the young woman made him feel important. Her behaviour and action brought a transformation in the peddler. He wanted to begin again as a man of dignity, as Captain von Stahle. 16. Refer to answer 1. 17. The good natured crofter was a lonely man. So, when the peddler knocked on his door, for shelter the crofter welcomed him with open arms. He served him porridge for supper and offered him a big slice of tobacco for his pipe. He also played a game of cards with the peddler till bedtime. This hospitality was unexpected as people usually made sour faces when the peddler asked for shelter. 18. The crofter showed the thirty kronors to the peddler because the crofter felt proud of the cow that gave him enough milk to support him. The peddler was not convinced that the crofter could possess so much money. The only way to convince him was to show it to him. Besides, the crofter was a lonely but trusting man, who was happy to share his feelings generously. 19. The ironmaster saw the peddler in rags, sitting close to the furnace. He mistook him for an old acquaintance and expressed his joy on meeting him after a long time. The ironmaster wanted to spend the Christmas Eve with his old friend. Moreover, seeing the man in dishevelled condition, the ironmaster felt pity for him. Therefore, he spoke to the peddler kindly and invited him to his home. 20. The blacksmith and his worker did not notice the peddler entering the forge because it was dark and they were busy doing their work. Besides, C op yM yK in his cottage, he also gave him food, played cards with him and shared tobacco. 5. When the ironmaster heard that the crofter had been robbed by the peddler he said to his daughter that the peddler must have stolen their silver spoons and other valuables and left the manor house. 6. As Christmas gift, the peddler left a package for Edla Willmansson. It contained a rattrap, three ten kronor notes and a letter. In the letter, the peddler had expressed his regret for robbing the crofter and his gratitude towards Ms. Willmansson for treating him like a captain. 7. The peddler declined the ironmaster’s invitation because he still had the thirty kronor notes he had stolen from the crofter. He was afraid that going to manor house would only mean throwing oneself into the lion’s den voluntarily. All he wanted was to catch some sleep in the forge and later sneak out as quietly as possible. 8. The old crofter was a lonely man without wife or child. He was generous and compassionate by nature, always in search of a good company. When the crofter saw the wearied peddler at his door, he welcomed him into his house out of compassion. By doing so, he also found a companion to do away with his loneliness for the night. The crofter was extremely generous at serving dinner and cutting tobacco for his guest, the peddler, without once thinking that he might be a thief. .. 9. The owner of Ramsjo iron mills was a very prominent ironmaster, Mr. Willmansson. He visited the mills at night to inspect that the work was done well. It was a routine inspection. 10. The stranger thought that the ironmaster might give him a couple of kronor taking pity on an old known person. So, he didn’t tell the ironmaster that he was not Nils Olof. 11. The crofter was suffering from loneliness he had no one to talk to. That night, when the peddler arrived at his door, the crofter found a companion in him with whom he could have a good conversation. This is why the crofter was so talkative and friendly with the peddler. 12. The peddler was surprised because he did not expect a hearty welcome when he knocked on the cottage door let alone receive the crofter’s kind hospitality. Usually, he met sour faces who turned CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 218 Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - op C 219 b afraid to go to the manor house as he had stolen money from the crofter. Although the ironmaster leaves, he allows his daughter, Edla to bring the peddler home. Edla seems more persuasive than her father, being firm yet polite in her approach. She comes with a fur coat for the peddler and assures him that he is free to leave whenever he desires after the Christmas celebration is over. Edla is not conventionally beautiful. But she, with her polite confidence, friendly and compassionate attitude is able to win the peddler’s trust and persuade him to accompany her to her house for the Christmas celebration. 24. Refer to answer 23. 25. The crofter repose confidence in the peddler because he lived alone in a cottage and wanted to enjoy human company. He was generous, kind and often felt lonely. Having found a likable companion in the peddler, the crofter opened up to him and talked about his work and his saving. Since the peddler seemed incredulous, the crofter took the leather pouch and without any inhibitions showed him the thirty kronor notes. Being a petty thief and always in need of money, peddler took advantage of the crofter’s loneliness and planned to steal the thirty kronor. It did not matter to him that by stealing from the crofter, he would be betraying his trust. Knowing where the old crofter kept his money, the peddler returned when the crofter left his house to milk his cow. He broke the window pane, took the leather pouch, took the money and absconded with it. At first, he felt quite pleased with himself and had no guilt of conscience. However, he soon realised the danger of being caught by the police. He switched to the path, which ran through the forest, became lost eventually. Tired, dejected and unable to find his way, he felt trapped in the rattrap of life just like others. 26. When the ironmaster of the iron mill came for his routine visit the peddler, who was lying close to furnace, caught his attention. Mistaking the peddler for Nils Olof, a close acquaintance belonging to the same regiment, the ironmaster, invited him to spend Christmas Eve with him and his daughter. Although the peddler did not disclose his real identity to the ironmaster, he politely declined his invitation. The ironmaster’s invitation made the peddler think he was going to fall into a trap. After stealing from the crofter, the peddler thought that it would be safer to go through the jungle to avoid yM yK there was a lot of noise in the forge due to iron bar being hammered on the anvil and the heavy storms outside. 21. At the crofter’s home, the peddler felt very happy because it was for the first time someone had welcomed him into one’s house. The lonely crofter fed the peddler warm porridge, shared tobacco with him, played cards and treated him very nicely. The crofter shared his secrets with peddler and even showed him where he kept his money. The crofter gave him a comfortable bed to sleep in. 22. Being ill-treated and rejected by the world, the peddler derived pleasure from the thought that the world was a huge rattrap; all its joys and comforts were merely baits to entrap people. However, he failed to realise that this view of life was true only of himself and of no one else. The peddler believed that as soon as one yielded to the temptations being offered to one, it brought one’s doom. His own actions proved this point. For the peddler, the baits, which the world offered were food, a comfortable place to sleep and above all, money. Since he had neither of those, he engaged in petty thefts and was in constant fear of getting arrested. When the crofter welcomed the peddler into his house, treated him with kindness and made him his confidant, the peddler could not help but give into these momentary pleasures. Instead of expressing gratitude towards the old and kind-hearted crofter, who felt comfortable enough to show the peddler his thirty kroner, the latter absconded with the former’s money. Later, when the peddler got lost in the woods, tired and hungry, the thought of the world being a rattrap reoccurred to him. The only difference was that it was he who was trapped this time, unable to find an escape. He felt caught in the worldly-rattrap once again when the ironmaster threatened to inform the sheriff about the peddler and his dishonest behaviour. The peddler finally realised that all good things in life were a bait used to entrap people and nobody was spared. 23. The ironmaster, mistaking the peddler as an old acquaintance, invites him to his house for the Christmas celebration. He seems to be a sympathetic person in the beginning, trying to persuade the peddler as much as possible. However, the peddler refuses to accept the invitation because he was ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab The Rattrap Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - Terrified by the idea of getting arrested, the peddler changed his course and adopted a route going through the woods however, soon lost in his way. It was then that the peddler became angry with himself for getting tempted by the bait like thirty kronor and caught in rattrap like others. The reaction of the peddler highlights the predicament of human nature. Temptations lead to evil, the fruits of evil seem pleasant at first, but they deprive man of his goodness and push him into doing wrong things. 29. The peddler, who has never been treated with kindness and compassion, first comes across it when the lonely crofter welcomes him into his house. Next, it is the ironmaster and his daughter Edla, who are seen showing compassion towards the weary peddler. Although, the ironmaster expresses concern towards him only until he realises that he has mistaken the peddler for an old and close friend, Edla’s attitude towards men and matters is different from her father’s attitude. The ironmaster behaves rudely with the peddler and questions him about his dishonest behaviour, he even threatens to inform the sheriff about the peddler’s actions as he does not want the vagabond in his house anymore. However, Edla empathises with the tired and dishevelled looking peddler. She invites him to celebrate Christmas with them and enjoy the Christmas feast. She is more persuasive than her father; she seems firm yet polite in her approach when she insists that he should stay with them for as long as he wants. She asked him to keep her father’s suit, which is given to him to wear and invites him to come back next year for Christmas. The peddler used to be someone with a grudge against the world. However, compassion and understanding shown by Edla transforms this selfish thief into a man with conscience. He not only returns the crofter’s money, but also leaves a letter and a gift, a rattrap, for Edla. In the letter he thanks Edla for treating him like a true gentleman, with great honour and respect and assures her that he shall change his old ways. This shows that kindness pays, rudeness never. The peddler was not bad at heart but only a victim of his circumstances. 30. The characters of Miss Edla Willmansson and of the ironmaster are exactly opposite to each other. In the beginning, the ironmaster seems to be a sympathetic person when he mistakes the peddler as his old friend from the regiment and tries to C op yM yK getting caught. However, it was a cold and stormy night; the peddler soon lost his way in the jungle. Tired and dejected, the peddler had sneaked into the iron mill for shelter. The crofter’s money was still with the peddler. He thought that to go to the manor house with the money would be like throwing himself into the lion’s den. It occurred to him that the world was a rattrap, offering him the temptation of shelter just as the rattrap would offer cheese and pork as bait. 27. The Rattrap is the story of a peddler who used to earn his living by selling small rattraps of wire. But, since his business was not profitable, he often indulged in begging and stealing. He had a grudge against the world because no one was ever kind to him. He took pleasure in imagining others in pain and misery as much as he was. This is why he did not mind absconding with the old crofter’s thirty kronors even though the crofter treated him with kindness. However, Edla’s sympathetic behaviour and understanding nature transformed the thief into an honest man. Edla’s father wanted the peddler out of his house immediately when he came to know that he was not his old friend. But Edla insisted that the peddler should spend the Christmas Eve with them and stay for the Christmas feast. She fed him, gave him clean clothes to wear and a place to sleep for the night. The peddler was not expecting to be treated with so much respect, almost like a gentleman. Edla’s humbleness and compassion won over the peddler and brought about a change in him. He not only left behind the thirty kronors notes to be returned to the crofter, the peddler also left Edla a rattrap as her Christmas gift. In the letter, the peddler thanked Edla for her kindness and hospitality. He signed the letter as Captain von Stahle because Edla made her feel so honoured. The peddler’s transformation proves that basic human goodness can be brought out by understanding and love 28. Having robbed his lonely, generous host, the peddler felt quite happy with his actions. He did not feel any qualms of conscience that he had abused the confidence reposed in him by the crofter. The peddler thought only of his own. He was walking along the public highway with the thirty kronor in his pocket, feeling pleased with himself. But soon he realised that the police would be after him, waiting to arrest him for the robbery. CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 220 Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - op C 221 b affects his conscience to quite an extent. The old crofter’s loneliness is clearly evident in the story. It is because of his loneliness, he invites the peddler into his house to spend the night. The peddler is amazed by the old man’s hospitality and soon starts to feel at home. The crofter too, finds a companion in the peddler; and shares his food, tobacco and some of his secrets as well. The ironmaster and his daughter bring the peddler home thinking he is an old friend. It is Christmas Eve and they don’t want him to be lonely on Christmas. So they ask him to stay for the Christmas feast. Realising the peddler’s real identity, the ironmaster threatens to inform the sheriff and also asks him to leave. However, Edla insists on him staying and treats him like a guest, like the regimental officer as initially assumed by her father. She offers him food, clothes and shelter. Being treated so, it brings about a total transformation in the peddler. He resolves to pull himself up, to live a life of respect and dignity. Ultimately, The Rattrap is a story focussing on human loneliness and the need to bond with others. 33. Refer to answer 27. 34. Refer to answer 30. 35. Refer to answer 30. 36. Refer to answer 26. 37. The old crofter was a lonely man without wife or a child. He was generous and compassionate by nature, always in search of a good company. When the peddler came knocking on his door, the crofter welcomed him into his house, fed him and shared his tobacco. Having found a likable companion in the peddler, the crofter opened up to him. Since the peddler seemed incredulous, the crofter even showed him his possession, the leather pouch containing the thirty kronor notes. Next morning, the peddler thanked and said goodbye to his kind host and left only to come back once again half an hour later, after the crofter had left the house to milk his cow. The peddler did not try to enter the house. Instead, he smashed the windowpanes, got the pouch, took the money and thrust it into his own pockets. Then, the peddler hung the leather pouch at its exact place and smartly walked away with the money. This is how the peddler betrayed the confidence reposed in him by the crofter. yM yK persuade him to join him for Christmas Eve. But, his attitude changes when he comes to know that the man is not his friend but someone else. He even calls him dishonest and threatens to hand him over to the sheriff. He does not want him in his house; only on the insistence of his daughter, Edla, he allows the peddler to stay. But he always remains suspicious about him. On the contrary, Miss Edla is calmer, more affectionate and understanding. She intervenes to stop her father from ill-treating the stranger and plays the good host. She treats him as if in reality he was a captain and gives him good clothes to wear. She brings the transformation in him by providing the comfortable and most congenial environment. Being there, the peddler, who could not change himself even with the warm hospitality of the old crofter, her generosity and the sympathy brings the change of heart in him. 31. On seeing the stranger lying close to the furnace, the ironmaster went closer to him and looked at him carefully. He removed his slouch hat to get an even closer look at him. As the light was low and due to the peddler’s unkempt appearance, the ironmaster thought him to be Nils Olof, one of his old regimental comrades. The ironmaster was happy to see an ‘old friend’ so, he invited the peddler to his home for Christmas celebration. When the peddler declined his invitation, the ironmaster insisted saying that the former was more than welcome in his humble abode. The ironmaster thought that his ‘old friend’ was embarrassed about his current situation because of which he did not want to come. The ironmaster felt sorry for the man in rags so, he persisted trying to bring him home with him. However, when the peddler still refused to accept his invitation, the ironmaster sent his daughter to persuade his ‘old friend’. 32. The poorly dressed, starving peddler wanders from place to place, making small rattraps, which is a way to earn his living other than begging and stealing. He has never been treated with kindness because of which he has a grudge against world. To imagine others ensnared in the giant rattrap that the world is, gives the petty peddler a sense of satisfaction. However when, first the crofter and then Edla, show kindness towards him, it ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab The Rattrap Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab PROSE 5 Visit our site - Indigo – Louis Fischer C op yM yK ita b Topicwise Analysis of Last 11 Years’ CBSE Board Questions (2017-2007) ABOUT THE AUTHOR Louis Fischer (1896-1970) was a Jewish - American journalist. This chapter ‘Indigo’ is an excerpt from his book ‘Life of Mahatama Gandhi’ which was the basis of academy award winning film ‘Gandhi’. This story described Gandhi’s struggle for the poor peasants of Champaran. SUMMARY The incident occurred in 1917 when Gandhiji attended the Annual Convention of Indian Congress in 1916. Approximately more than 2300 delegates and many visitors were present. A poor skinny peasant Raj Kumar Shukla approached Gandhiji. He requested Gandhiji to accompany him to Champaran to solve the issues and misery of the poor peasants living there. Raj Kumar Shukla was one of the sharecroppers of Champaran, who had come to appeal against the injustice of the landlord system in Bihar. The peasant accompanied Gandhi everywhere he went and unrelentingly begged him to visit Champaran. In due course, his Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - op C 223 determined to help the peasants. He gathered few lawyers and went to Motihari, the capital of Champaran. He carried on further with his investigations. Once, while investigating a case of a peasant Gandhiji got the message to return. He was issued a notice. Gandhiji wrote back that he would disobey the order issued and would not go from Champaran. As a result, he was asked to appear before the court the next day. Gandhiji immediately wired Rajendra Prasad to reach Bihar with his influential friends and also wired ashram and sent a detailed report to the Viceroy. Next day, thousands of peasants gathered outside the court. The sharecroppers took the first initiative to be fearless. The court requested Gandhiji to control the crowd and sought to postpone the hearing to which Gandhiji objected. Gandhiji protested against the delay. He read out a statement that he disobeyed not to break law but to render humanitarian and national service. He also claimed to have no disrespect for law but greater respect for law of conscience. Gandhiji was asked to furnish bail in two hours to which he refused. So, the court had to release him without bail. The court reconvened and withheld the judgement for several days and Gandhiji was allowed to stay free. Prominent lawyers discussed with Gandhiji what they would do if he was sentenced for prison. Eventually on Gandhiji’s arrest the lawyers went to their native place. Gandhiji questioned them that what would happen to the sharecroppers if they all would return. After contemplating they decided if Gandhiji, as a stranger, can go to the court they should also get court arrested as they were the residents of the nearby districts and knew the case so well. This initiated the winning of battle of Champaran. Several days later Gandhiji learnt that the case against him was to be dropped. Civil disobedience won for the first time in modern India. Gandhiji and the lawyers prepared cases for about ten thousand peasants and collected relevant documents. The next few days saw a lot of activity where the landlords at Champaran protested violently. yM yK determination impressed Gandhi and so he asked the peasant to meet him in Calcutta. At the decided time both of them boarded the train to Patna. They first went to Rajendra Prasad’s house, who was a lawyer and later became the first President of India. The servants allowed them to stay as Rajendra Prasad was not there. However, the servants did not allow them to take out water from the well as they thought Gandhiji and Raj Kumar were untouchables. Gandhiji stopped at Muzzafarpur to gather more information on the sharecroppers of Champaran. When Gandhiji and Raj Kumar Shukla arrived at the station, they were received by Professor J.B. Kriplani and his students. Gandhiji stayed at Professor Malkani, a school teacher’s house. It was a daring act by Professor Malkani as advocates of homerule were considered unsafe for Indians. When Gandhiji reached Muzzafarpur all the sharecroppers gathered in to meet him. The lawyer briefed him about the conditions. Gandhiji chided the lawyers when he came to know they charged high fees from the poor farmers. Gandhiji decided to change the way things were done. His new plan of action was to stop going to the law courts as the fear-stricken farmers did not get much help from there. The sharecroppers needed to be fearless. Champaran district was divided into large estates owned by Englishmen. The farmers were forced to grow indigo on 15% of the land. Moreover, they had no claim on the indigo harvest as the entire indigo had to be given as rent. Meanwhile, because of the German synthetic indigo, the value of the natural indigo had gone down. The landlord exempted the tenants from the 15% agreement only after a paid compensation. The peasants realised that what they were being asked to do was unjust. However, many of them willingly signed. The ones who tried to resist, engaged lawyers. When the farmers came to know the real reason behind the exemption. The ones who had signed, wanted their money back. On his arrival, Gandhiji visited the secretary of British Landlord’s Association. But no information was provided to him. So, he went to the British official commissioner of Tirhut division where he was bullied and asked to leave. Gandhiji was b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita Indigo Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - backwardness in the village of Champaran. He sought volunteers for this work. Devdas- Gandhiji’s youngest son, Kasturba- Gandhiji’s wife, taught the ashram rules on personal cleanliness, community sanitation and general hygiene since the health conditions were really poor. Castor oil, quinine and sulphur ointment were used for curing ailments. Schools were opened in six different villages and several of his disciples and family members volunteered as teachers. Even though living away from it, Gandhiji made regular enquiries about the ashram, sending instructions and asking for financial accounts. Although what he did would have been an ordinary case but the episode was a decisive movement of his life. The politics was intricately linked with his day to day life. He wanted Indians to stand on their feet fearlessly. He also wanted people to become self-reliant, one must not depend on others to win over battles. Patience, perseverance and constant efforts are sure to pay off one day. C op yM yK Meanwhile, Gandhiji was summoned by Lt. Governor, Sir Edward Gait. Gandhiji met his associate and chalked out a detailed plan on civil disobedience, in case he got arrested. Lt. Governor appointed commission of inquiry after four interviews with Gandhiji. The inquiry commission consisted of landlords, government officials and Gandhiji, who was the representative of peasants. Numerous evidences were collected against the landlords. Since they were left with no choice, the landlords agreed to make the refund. Gandhiji was asked to quote the amount. Gandhiji demanded only 50% in contrary to the landlords expectations. Landlords’ proposal of 25% was approved by Gandhiji. Gandhiji later justified his stand. He told the peasants that more than the refund amount what mattered most was the surrender of prestige by the landlords. The victory infused courage in the peasants. Later, British landlords abandoned the estates. This proved Gandhiji’s explanation. Land was reverted to the peasants. Gandhiji wanted to eradicate social and cultural CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 224 Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Indigo Visit our site - 225 PREVIOUS YEARS MCQSQuestions Previous Years’ CBSE Board 16. (2 marks) 1. Why did Gandhiji feel that taking the Champaran case to the court was useless? (Delhi 2014) 2. How did the Champaran peasants react when they heard that a Mahatma had come to help them? (AI 2014 C) 18. 3. What made the Lieutenant Governor drop the case against Gandhiji? (AI 2014 C) 19. 4. How were Shukla and Gandhiji received in Rajendra Prasad’s house? (Delhi 2012) 20. 5. Why did the servants think Gandhiji to be another peasant? (Delhi 2010) 6. How was Gandhiji able to influence the lawyers at Champaran? (AI 2009) 7. How did Gandhiji help the peasants of Champaran? (AI 2009) 22. 8. How do we know that ordinary people too contributed to the freedom movement ? (Delhi 2008) 23. ita 17. How was Gandhi treated at Rajendra Prasad’s house? (AI 2015) What were the terms of the indigo contract between the British landlords and the Indian peasants? (AI 2015) How did Gandhi show that he cared for the cultural and social backwardness of Champaran villagers? (Foreign 2015) How is Gandhi critical of the lawyers ? (Foreign 2015) Why did Gandhi tell the court that he was involved in a ‘conflict of duties’ ? (Foreign 2015) Why is Raj Kumar Shukla described as being ‘resolute’ ? (Delhi 2015 C) b SA I yM yK 21. op LA I How did Shukla succeed in persuading Gandhiji to visit Champaran? (Delhi 2008) 10. Why did Raj Kumar Shukla want to take Gandhiji to Champaran? (Delhi 2008) C 9. Why was Gandhiji opposed to C.F. Andrews helping him in Champaran? (Delhi 2016) 12. Why did Gandhiji agree to a settlement of mere 25 percent? (Delhi 2016) 13. At Champaran what did the British landlords want from the sharecroppers? (Foreign 2016) 14. After initial reluctance why did the lawyers tell Gandhiji that they were ready to follow him into jail? (Foreign 2016) 15. How did Rajkumar Shukla establish that he was resolute? (AI 2015) Why is Champaran episode considered to be the beginning of the Indian struggle for Independence? (AI 2014) Gandhiji’s was not a loyalty to abstractions; it was a loyalty to living human beings. Why did Gandhiji continue his stay in Champaran even after indigo sharecropping disappeared? (AI 2014) 24. Describe how according to Louis Fischer, Gandhiji succeeded in his Champaran campaign. (Delhi 2014 C) 25. Exploitation is a universal phenomenon. The poor indigo farmers were exploited by the British landlords to which Gandhiji objected. Even after our independence we find exploitation of unorganised labour. What values do we learn from Gandhiji’s campaign to counter the present day problems of exploitation? (Delhi 2013) SA II (3 marks) 11. (5 marks) LA II (6 marks) 26. What did Gandhiji do to remove the cultural and social backwardness in the Champaran villages? (Delhi 2015 C) Follow us on Facebook - 226 27. Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core How did a visit to Champaran become a turning point in Gandhiji’s life? How does this show Gandhi’s love and concern for the common people of India? (AI 2015 C) 29. 30. LA IV (10 marks) 28. Why did Gandhiji agree to a settlement of 25 per cent refund to the farmers? How did it influence the peasant—landlord relationship in Champaran? (AI 2013) 31. Give an account of Gandhiji’s efforts to secure justice for the poor indigo sharecroppers of Champaran. (AI 2012) Why did Raj Kumar Shukla invite Gandhiji to Champaran ? How did Gandhiji solve the problem of the indigo farmers ? (AI 2012) Why do you think Gandhiji considered the Champaran episode to be a turning-point in his life? (AI 2011) Answers Gandhiji is arrested. Seeing that Gandhiji, being an outsider, was fighting for justice for the poor farmers and was willing to go to jail too, the lawyers felt ashamed. Later when lawyers suggested taking help from Mr. C.F. Andrews, Gandhiji strictly opposed the idea and encouraged them to be self-reliant. In these ways and with his ideas and action, Gandhiji was able to influence the lawyers at Champaran. 2. When the peasants of Champaran heard that a Mahatma had come to help them they came out in large numbers and demonstrated around court house demanding their leader to be set free. 7. Gandhiji went to Champaran to look into the matter himself. He began by studying the problems and getting the facts. He visited the secretary of British Landlord’s Association and met the British Official Commissioner of Tirhut division. He consulted the laywers and chided them for collecting fees from the sharecroppers. He disobeyed the court order to leave Champaran immediately. Gandhiji inspired the peasants, with his talks and actions, to overcome their fear and be self reliant. Gandhiji ensured the triumph of civil disobedience. Eventually the British landlords were obliged to refund 25% of the peasants money. Within a few years the British landlords gave up their estates. yM yK ita b 1. Gandhiji felt that taking the Champaran case to the court was useless because according to him, peasants were quite crushed and fear stricken. Gandhiji felt that there was little hope of getting justice as the case was against the British landlords. Moreover, the lawyers were collecting big fees from the poor peasants. He knew that the actual relief for the peasants would come when they become free from fear. C op 3. The Lt. Governor dropped the case against Gandhiji because he was fighting a just cause because of which he had the support of the peasants and the local people. The authorities felt powerless. Mr. Fischer writes, “Civil disobedience had triumphed, the first time in modern India.” 4. Raj Kumar Shukla and Gandhiji were not well received at Rajendra Prasad’s home. He was out of town. The servants knew Shukla as the peasant who pestered their master. Since Gandhiji accompanied Shukla, the servants took him to be a peasant as well. They allowed him to be on the grounds, but he was not allowed to draw water from the well as servants were unsure about Gandhiji’s caste. They did not want drops from his bucket to pollute the water in the well. 5. Refer to answer 4. 6. Gandhiji chided the lawyers for charging fees from the poor farmers. He even questioned them asking who would help the poor peasants after 8. Raj Kumar Shukla, who was an ordinary peasant, initiated Gandhiji’s fight in Champaran. Later, thousands of people demonstrated around the courtroom where Gandhiji was summoned which made the Britishers feel challenged and baffled. This is how we know that ordinary people too contributed to the freedom movement. 9. Raj Kumar Shukla showed a great deal of patience and perseverance. He accompanied Gandhiji wherever he went. Gandhiji gave Shukla Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - an appointment and asked him to meet the former in Calcutta on a specific date and time several months later. When Gandhiji arrived in Calcutta, he found Shukla waiting for him at the station. Such determination and perseverance of Shukla impressed Gandhiji, who agreed to visit Champaran. 10. Raj Kumar Shukla wanted to take Gandhiji to Champaran to help indigo sharecroppers in their fight against the injustice of the landlord system in Bihar. 11. Gandhiji opposed to C.F. Andrews helping him in Champaran because the Indians were fighting an unequal fight. Therefore, support of an Englishman would show weakness of heart of the Indians. Gandhiji even wanted Indians to rely on themselves and to be free of fear. Ahmedabad ashram. Gandhiji asked Raj Kumar Shukla to come and meet him on a fixed day in Calcutta. But, the appointment day was several months later. When Gandhiji arrived in Calcutta, Raj Kumar Shukla was waiting for him on the appointed day at the appointed spot. 16. Refer to answer 4. 17. Refer to answer 13. 18. Gandhiji genuinely cared for the cultural and social backwardness of Champaran villagers. Therefore, Gandhiji opened primary schools in six villages and called for teachers to teach the children. Kasturba and their son joined. He also called doctors to look into health condition and taught the villages about hygiene and personal cleanliness. 19. Refer to answer 14. 20. Since Gandhiji was a law abiding citizen, he did not want to go against the court’s orders. Gandhiji did not want to set a bad example as a law breaker on one hand and on the other wanted to render humanitarian and national service to the people. For this reason, Gandhiji told the court that he was involved in a conflict of duties. yM yK 12. For Gandhiji the amount of the refund was less important than the fact that the landlords had been forced to return part of the money and with it, part of their prestige too. It was also a lesson in self-reliance for Indians. They learnt that they too had rights and that Britishers were not above the law. Hence, he agreed to settlement of 25 percent refund to the farmers. 227 b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita Indigo C op 13. At Champaran, the British landlords initially insisted that the Indian farmers plant 15% indigo and surrender entire crop as rent. However, when the Britishers learnt that Germany had developed synthetic indigo and that it could affect the demand and price of naturally grown indigo, they asked farmers to pay compensation for release from 15% agreement. 14. Gandhiji, who was an outsider, had come to Champaran to help the peasants in their fight against injustice. He was also willing to go to jail for them. The lawyers, who were locals, who had taken fees from the poor peasants, realised that deserting fellow Indians, especially Gandhiji and his cause, at this point would be shameful. This is why, after initial reluctance, the lawyers told Gandhiji that they were ready to follow him into jail. 15. Raj Kumar Shukla came from Champaran to Lucknow to speak to Gandhiji. He accompanied Gandhiji everywhere even to Cawnpore and his 21. Raj Kumar Shukla is described as being ‘resolute’ because, in order to convince Gandhiji to come to Champaran, Raj Kumar Shukla accompanied him everywhere. He did not leave Gandhiji’s side for weeks, begging him to come to Champaran. He even followed Gandhiji to his ashram in Ahmedabad. Impressed by his perseverance, Gandhiji asked Raj Kumar Shukla to meet him in Calcutta on a particular date and take him from there. On the appointed date, Gandhiji found him at the appointed spot waiting for him. 22. The Champaran episode is considered to be the beginning of the Indian struggle for Independence because it was for the first time that Gandhiji introduced a non-violent resistance, which came to be known as Satyagraha. It was a long drawn out but patient and peaceful agitation against the British. During this struggle, Gandhiji decided to urge the departure of the Britishers for the first time. Therefore, it was also a turning point in Gandhiji’s life. The struggle did not begin as an act of defiance, but it grew out of an attempt to Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - make the sufferings of the poor peasants less severe. The farmers learnt courage to face their fears. They learnt for the first time that they too had rights and that self-raliance is the key to fight any battle. The Champaran episode was the beginning of their liberation from the fear of the Britishers and its success, a triumph of the first civil disobedience movement. labourers, house maids or helpers at ‘dhabas’ who are paid too little for the quantum of work done. Gandhiji showed us the way to counter the present day problems of exploitation. He helped Champaran sharecroppers by infusing courage and freedom from fears. He taught them to be confident and self reliant which in turn enhanced their self esteem. By fighting against injustice by non-violent ways, Gandhiji proved that if the cause is just, then one must not fear anything, only rely on oneself. After Gandhiji made the British landlords refund the sharecroppers’ money, the Indians realised the Englishmen, who acted as their lords were not indispensible. Therefore, when the peasants came together to demonstrate outside the courthouse the British officials found themselves powerless. In a violence-ridden world, he taught the sharecroppers to move towards their goal in a united and tolerant manner. As a result they won their fight against injustice and became self-reliant. These values helped them improve their quality of life and bring relief to present day problems of exploitation. op yM yK 23. Unsatisfied with mere political and economic solutions, Gandhiji wanted to bring about a change in the social and cultural conditions of Champaran. He wanted to make the peasants self-reliant. He noticed the unhealthy living conditions and poor sanitation in the village. He also realised the need for literacy. Hence, he decided to continue his stay in Champaran even after the disappearance of indigo sharecropping. He opened up schools in six different villages, and several of his disciples and family members volunteered as teachers. His wife, Kasturba, worked on the personal cleanliness and community sanitation of the place. Gandhiji also hired a doctor for the improvement of the health conditions. This proves that Gandhiji’s was not a loyalty to abstractions; it was a loyalty to living human beings. This also made him keen to eradicate social and cultural backwardness of Champaran. CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 228 C 24. Gandhiji’s campaign to provide justice to the sharecroppers of Champaran was not an act of defiance. Therefore, the methods he used to win this battle were also non-violent. In order to help the peasants, Gandhiji was even willing to get arrested. He was asked to leave Champaran. However, he refused. He met various high ranking government officials, who could not help but agree with his rational arguments. Seeing the efforts put by Gandhiji to alleviate the distress of the poor peasants even though he was a non-resident of Champaran, he received full support of the common man, his followers and other leaders. His powerful words instilled moral courage in every Indian; he asked fellow Indians to have courage, be self-reliant and united. This is how, Gandhiji eventually succeeded in his Champaran campaign. 25. Exploitation continues in unorganised sectors, such as farm workers, construction site 26. The purpose of Gandhiji’s visit to Champaran was to bring justice to the sharecroppers. During their struggle, Gandhiji made the poor, illiterate peasants realise that they too had rights. He wanted them to become self-reliant and fight for their rights. Gandhiji’s aim was to mould the Indians in such a way that they could stand on their own feet and make India free. He felt that this was possible only if the cultural and social backwardness in the Champaran villages is removed. Therefore, after achieving victory for the Champaran sharecroppers, Gandhiji stayed on to alleviate their sufferings. He started schools in six different villages and clinics. His disciples, wife and sons and many others volunteered to help him. Mrs. Gandhi taught the ashram rules on personal cleanliness and community sanitation. Health conditions were bad. So, Gandhiji and his volunteer doctor took care of that as well by providing the available medical aids. 27. Gandhiji’s fight against the injustice of the landlord system in Bihar made people realise the Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - power of civil disobedience. They became selfreliant and gained courage to stand up against injustice. With Gandhiji’s help and local support, the peasants received 25% compensation out of the full amount. This was a turning point for them, Gandhiji and all those who were involved in the struggle. It was the first time in India that natives won against the British. Gandhiji was not a local yet he fought for the rights of the poor peasants of Champaran. Post victory, he even had his wife, sons and medical representatives work for the welfare of the farmers. This shows Gandhiji’s love and concern for the common people of India. prepared to go to prison for the sake of peasants. Hearing that an outsider had come to help them, who was now in tiff with authorities, thousands of peasants came to Motihari and demonstrated outside the court house. Seeing so much unrest the British officials felt the fear of being challenged by the Indians. Gandhiji inspired the peasants, with his talks and actions, to overcome their fear and be self reliant. Gandhiji ensured the triumph of civil disobedience. He agreed to a 25% refund to make the poor farmers realise that because of their united efforts, the British landlords had no other option than to lose their money as well as their prestige and that was more important. The peasants learned about courage from this incident and that they too had rights. Within a few years the British landlords gave up their estates. These now went back to the peasants. Eventually, indigo sharecropping disappeared. 29. Refer to answer 28. C op yM yK 28. Gandhiji received reports from Raj Kumar Shukla about the Indian farmers being exploited by British landlords. The farmers were forced to grow indigo on 15% of the land that harvest was treated as rent by the landlords. When the news of German synthetic indigo reached the landlords, they agreed to release the sharecroppers but the latter were asked to pay compensation to the landlords for their 15% for their land. Raj Kumar Shukla was one of the few peasants who wanted to complain about the injustice of the landlord system in Bihar. Gandhiji went to Champaran to look into the matter himself. He began at Muzzafarpur by studying the problems and getting the facts. He met the other peasants and consulted the lawyers who briefed him about the situation Gandhiji chided them for collecting fees from the poor sharecroppers. He said that going to the law court was useless; peasants needed to be free from fear. He visited the secretary of British Landlord’s Association and also met the British Official Commissioner of Tirhut Division. However, the meetings were not fruitful. He along with few lawyers went to Motithari to continue investigation. He was on his way to meet a peasant, when the police superintendent’s messenger asked him to return to the town. On returning he served Gandhiji with a notice to leave Champaran. He disobeyed the court order to leave Champaran. As a result, he was summoned to appear in the court; he was 229 b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita Indigo 30. Refer to answer 9 and 28. 31. Gandhiji considered the Champaran episode to be a turning point in his life perhaps because he declared that the British could not order him in his own country. It was for the first time that Gandhiji introduced a non-violent resistance, which came to be known as Satyagraha, against the Britishers. During this struggle, Gandhiji decided to urge the departure of the Britishers for the first time. The Champaran episode grew out of an attempt to alleviate the distress of large number of poor peasants and farmers and became the first civil disobedience movement led by Gandhiji. He, with local support, convinced poor farmers that they too had rights. When his lawyer friends suggested that having Mr. Andrews around would prove to be beneficial for them, Gandhiji told them taking help from a Britisher only shows the weakness in the hearts of the Indians. Gandhiji taught self reliance to his fellow Indians. The Champaran episode proved that if the cause was just there was nothing to fear, not even the Britishers; the victory was inevitable. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab PROSE 6 Visit our site - Going Places – A.R. Barton C op yM yK ita b Topicwise Analysis of Last 11 Years’ CBSE Board Questions (2017-2007) ABOUT THE AUTHOR A. R. Barton is a modern writer, who lives in Zurich and writes in English. He has authored many stories like “Going Places” which are mainly concerned with the problems and stages of adolescence. SUMMARY It is normal for teenagers to dream. They aspire to reach the sky. They feel they can do the impossible. They look upto someone as their role model. This story is about a teenage girl, Sophie, who is a dreamer. She wishes to have the first boutique in the city. She has no money or means as she belongs to a lower middle class family. Her friend Jansie is a practical girl. She is aware of the realities of life. Jansie advises her not to indulge in fantasy. Having a boutique requires a lot of money. However, Sophie thought she would become a manager to have the money. She even dreamt of Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - Sophie lives in a small house with her parents and brothers, Geoff and little Derek. Though, she voices her feelings and desires, her parents belittle her, because they, unlike her, are more mature and know the harsh realities of life. The family goes to watch the football match. Sophie, her father and Derek sit near the goal and Geoff and his friends sit higher to watch the match. Danny exhibits his Irish genius. Witnessing the crowd’s adulation Danny, Sophie glowed with pride. Jansie comes to know about Sophie’s lie. She asks Sophie about it. Sophie is shocked that Jansie knows about her lie. She admits to Jansie that she met the celebrity but Jansie refuses to believe her. Sophie is happy that Geoff kept her secret and did not tell about her date with Danny. Sophie tells Jansie that it was all incidental. Sophie says as there was no pen or paper, she could not get an autograph. Jansie said she may trust Sophie and then leaves. Sophie waits for Danny Casey at her favourite spot along the canal as she thought it was a perfect place for a date. She tries hard to maintain a balance between her dream and reality and keeps on contemplating on the prospect of Danny coming or not to meet her. Her own thoughts make her sad. yM yK Sophie has a fascination for her elder brother Geoff, who in her opinion is tall, strong, handsome but reserved. Geoff is an apprentice mechanic. She envies his silence and often wonders about his thoughts and areas of his life that is not known to her. Sophie wants to meet interesting, exotic people who she thinks are part of her brother’s world. She wants her brother to introduce her to those places and people. However, she knows her father will not allow it. Moreover, Geoff thinks she is too young; Sophie was impatient. She imagines Geoff riding a bike wearing black leathers and she sitting behind him in a yellow dress with a cape. The whole world is applauding them. week and give his autograph. Geoff says that it was the most unlikely thing to happen. b becoming an actor or a fashion designer. Jansie knows they have no other option but to work in the biscuit factory. 231 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Going Places C op Sophie tells Geoff of her meeting with Danny Casey in the arcade. Geoff does not believe her. But Sophie gives the description with such conviction, describing Danny’s physical appearance. Geoff tells the same to their father who waves off the story and discusses Danny’s skill as a player. Her father warns Sophie that cooking up such stories may land her up in some trouble. But Sophie does not give up. She describes it to be a chance encounter at the Royce’s. She asked Danny for an autograph and neither of them had a paper or pen, they discussed clothes and Danny promised her to meet the next Sophie is frightened what will she go and tell her family about Danny not coming to meet her, especially to Geoff. She is unable to accept the reality. Though she feels sad and miserable she does not want to give up on her dream. Sophie once again dreams of meeting Danny at Royce and asking for his autograph. She dreams of discussing his popularity with her family. She fails to come out of her fantasy and is overwhelmed by the memory of the match as this was the only time when she saw Danny Casey in reality. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab 232 Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core PREVIOUS YEARS MCQS Previous Years’ CBSE Board Questions 2. Why did Sophie long for her brother’s affection? (AI 2014) How are Jansie and Sophie different from each other ? (Delhi 2014 C) 3. Why is Sophie attracted to Danny Casey ? (Delhi 2014 C) 4. Why did Sophie like her brother, Geoff more than any other person? (Delhi 2013) Why was Sophie jealous of Geoff ’s silence? (AI 2013) 6. Why did Sophie not want Jansie to know anything about her meeting with Danny Casey? (AI 2012) 7. Why didn’t Sophie want Jansie to know about her story with Danny? (Delhi 2011) 8. Did Geoff keep his promise to Sophie ? How do you know ? (Delhi 2011) 9. How did Sophie’s father react when Geoff told him about her meeting with Danny Casey? (Delhi 2011) 10. What thoughts came to Sophie’s mind as she sat by the canal? (AI 2011) 11. Which was the only occasion when Sophie got to see Danny Casey in person? (AI 2011) 12. SA II (3 marks) 15. Sophie was dreaming of so many thing in her life. What were they? (Delhi 2017) LA I 16. (5 marks) Has Sophie met Danny Casey? What details of her meeting with Danny Casey did she narrate to her brother? (Delhi 2014) What were Sophie’s plans for her future? Why would you call her dreams unrealistic? (Delhi 2014) C op yM yK 5. 14. “Damn that Geoff, this was a Geoff thing not a Jansie thing.” Why did Sophie say so? (Delhi 2010) What did Sophie tell Geoff about her meeting with Danny Casey? (AI 2010) b 1. 13. (2 marks) ita SA I Why did Jansie discourage Sophie from entertaining thoughts about the sports-star, Danny Casey? (AI 2011) 17. LA II (6 marks) 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Teachers always advise their students to dream big. Yet, the same teachers in your classrooms find fault with Sophie when she dreams. What is wrong with Sophie’s dreams? (Delhi 2016) Every teenager has a hero/heroine to admire. So many times they become role models for them. What is wrong if Sophie fantasises about Danny Casey and is ambitious in life? (AI 2016) Given the socio-economic conditions in which Sophie lived should she have big dreams? Why? Why not? (Foreign 2016) How different is Jansie from Sophie? (AI 2015) It is not unusual for a lower middle class girl to dream big. How unrealistic were Sophie’s dreams? (AI 2015) Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 23. It is normal for adolescents to fantasise and indulge in hero worship. How far is it true of Sophie? (Foreign 2015) 24. Sophie lives in a world full of dreams, which she does not know she cannot realise. Comment. (AI 2015) LA IV (10 marks) 25. 233 26. Attempt a character sketch of Sophie as a woman who lives in her dreams. (Delhi 2012) 27. Draw a character sketch of Sophie’s father. (Delhi 2012) 28. Contrast Sophie’s real world with her fantasies. (Delhi 2009) 29. Jansie is just as old as Sophie but she is very different from her. Bring out the contrast between the two friends citing relevant instances from the story ‘Going Places’. (AI 2009) Compare and contrast Sophie and Jansie highlighting their temperament and aspirations. (Delhi 2012) ita Answers b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Going Places 6. Sophie did not want Jansie to know anything about her meeting with Danny Casey because Jansie was a gossip monger. She took interest in knowing things about others, but would not keep any secret. Sophie feared that Jansie would tell the whole neighbourhood about this and Sophie’s fantasy would be exposed. 2. While Jansie is practical, Sophie is a day dreamer. Jansie, is a realistic and grounded girl. Sophie on the other hand wants to escape her reality and yearns to be free. 8. No, Geoff did not keep his promise to Sophie. The moment he learnt that Sophie met Danny Casey, he told his father about it. Later, Jansie confronted Sophie saying that Geoff told her brother, Frank, about Sophie meeting Danny and Frank in turn gave her this information. C op yM yK 1. Geoff was an introvert and Sophie envied her brother’s silence as she thought that he had access to a world that she had never got a chance to visit. She sought her brother’s affection and approval because Geoff was not critical and disapproving of her like her father. To her, Geoff ’s world symbolised freedom and adventure, which Sophie craved for a lot. She, to some extent hero-worshipped Geoff. 3. Sophie is attracted to Danny Casey because he is a famous young Irish football player, who played for the United. Sophie’s attraction for the sports star can be seen as hero-worship by the adolescent girl. 4. Refer to answer 1. 5. Geoff was an introvert by nature. Sophie was jealous of his silence because when he was not speaking, it seemed to Sophie that he was away somewhere, in his own world, the places Sophie had never been to, the people whom she had not met. The mystery of the world to which Geoff belonged fascinated her quite a lot. She wished to be admitted into his world because it symbolised freedom and adventure and she craved for both. 7. Refer to answer 6. 9. When Geoff told their father about Sophie’s meeting with Danny Casey, their father neither believed him nor her. He is aware of Sophie’s habit of lying and indulging in fantasy. He dismisses the information, by calling it another of her ‘wild stories’. 10. As Sophie sat by the canal, she felt that this would be the perfect place for her date with Danny Casey. She thought that when she would meet him here, it would be so romantic. However, the realisation that such a thing is impossible saddened her. Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 11. The only occasion when Sophie got to see Danny Casey in person was on Saturday when she, her father and two brothers went to watch the United play at the stadium. 12. Jansie discouraged Sophie from entertaining thoughts about Danny Casey because she knew it was not worth anything; nothing was going to materialise out of it. 13. Sophie said so because she was angry at Geoff for giving away the secret, which he was supposed to keep to himself and not disclose to anyone. She had told Geoff of her imaginary meeting with Danny Casey. She knew he would easily believe her and not say anything to anybody. Besides, Sophie was also upset on being confronted by Jansie, who, according to Sophie, was extremely nosey. when he spoke, he spoke in an Irish accent. Sophie said that she wanted his autograph for little Derek, but couldn’t get it because neither of them had a paper or a pen. She especially mentioned that Danny Casey did not have any girlfriend and that he asked her to meet him the following week and promised to give her an autograph. 17. Sophie wanted her future to be sophisticated and comfortable. She did not see herself working at the biscuit factory for the rest of her life. Instead, she wanted to have a boutique after leaving school. However, realising that it costs money to own a boutique, she changed her mind and decided to become a shop manager first to earn enough money for the boutique. Alternatively, she considered becoming an actress because, as a profession, it pays well. She changed her mind yet again and revealed that she would be an actress and run a boutique side by side. Her dreams can be called unrealistic because, she came from a poor family who could not provide all the resources needed to fulfil her fantasies. Moreover, Sophie wanted to escape her reality with the help of such dreams and fantasies, but not work hard to make them come true. op yM yK 14. About her meeting with Danny Casey, Sophie told Geoff that she met him in the arcade while she was looking at the clothes in Royce’s window. Then, she described Danny’s looks to Geoff, saying Danny had gentle green eyes and he was not as tall as one would think. Later, she went on to narrate her conversation with Danny, which apparently, she started. She said she asked Danny for an autograph for little Derek. However, she could not get one because neither of them were carrying paper and pen. Sophie then told Geoff that Danny had promised to meet her next week to give her the autograph. CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 234 C 15. Sophie dreamt of owing a boutique. But, that would require money. Therefore, Sophie thought of becoming a manager straight off. Then, she considered becoming an actress as it paid good money. She was going to be either that or a fashion designer. Eventually, once she acquired enough money, she would buy a boutique. 16. No, Sophie has not met Danny Casey in person, but has seen him play football matches in the stadium with her father and brothers. When she lied to Geoff about meeting Danny Casey in person, she narrated that she had met him in the arcade. She was looking at the clothes in Royce’s window, when she spotted him standing beside her. She described his physical appearance saying that Danny Casey had gentle, green eyes and that he was not very tall. He was quiet by nature but 18. Although, it is not wrong to have dreams and aspirations for the future, one may find fault with Sophie when she dreams. She belongs to a weak socio-economic background and to escape from the boring, working class existence she often fantasies of a grand and promising future with less hardship and money constraints. Given to her adolescent age, she is fickle minded as she aspires to be a boutique owner, a manager, an actress or a fashion designer when she grows up. However, she does not take concrete steps to convert any of her aspirations into reality. Sophie feels that a far better world, full of mysteries, awaits to be explored by her. Since her circumstances do not support her, one might also feel that her dreams are not based on reality. Sophie likes her world of fantasy more than the real world and wants to remain in it all the time, that is what is wrong. 19. Every teenager has a hero or an idol to admire. So, many times they become role models for them. Sophie is one such teenager filled with boundless enthusiasm and ambitions. She wants Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 20. Refer to answer 18. C op yM yK 21. Sophie and Jansie are classmates and friends. They belong to lower middle class families. Jansie thinks that they both are earmarked for biscuit factory. While Jansie seems to have no unrealistic dreams, her friend, Sophie, is a daydreamer. She wants to own a boutique when she grows up. Jansie, who is practical and a realistic person, reminds Sophie that it takes a lot of money to own a boutique. Sophie, on the other hand, is fickle minded. She says that she will get a high paying job of a manager or become an actress because they get paid a lot. Sophie shares her dream of becoming an actress/designer/boutique owner with her friend Jansie, which only saddens her. A worldlywise Jansie warns Sophie against such far-fetched and unachievable dreams and is content with her reality, whereas Sophie wants to escape hers and find contentment outside, in a world, which is full of mystery and adventure. Sophie’s adolescent fantasising about having a grand and promising future and hero-worship of Danny Casey stands in total contrast to Jansie’s groundedness and practical temperament. Sophie loves Geoff the most in the family to the extent that she worships him and longs for his affection. Geoff is an introvert, he does not talk to her much and keeps himself busy with his bike. Sophie thinks that when Geoff is silent, he is far away somewhere in the mysterious world he belongs to. She too wants to be a part of Geoff ’s mystery world. She imagines herself riding behind him, wearing a yellow dress hearing the sound of people applauding for them. She wants him to think of her as an adult; it matters to her what Geoff thinks. However Geoff considers Sophie too young. Her hero-worship for Danny Casey develops into a romantic fantasy, which she cherishes and starts to think as real. She lies about meeting him in person at the arcade. Her detailed description of the way he looks, his mannerisms, etc., makes her lie believable to her brother Geoff and her best friend Jansie. Sophie tells Geoff that Danny has asked her to meet him again and insist that he would certainly come, even though Geoff half believes it. Later on the day Sophie is supposed to meet Danny the second time, she imagines him coming and how she would react. Reality hits her hard once again when Danny does not come and it saddens Sophie. The fact is, she and Danny had never met in reality. Sophie had only seen him once playing at the stadium. b to lead a sophisticated life. However, she is not a headstrong girl, who is determined to do things her own way and work hard to pursue her dreams. Instead, she appears to be fickle minded changing her aspirations without giving them much thought. She might even appear unrealistic and impractical on some instances because she prefers her world of fantasy over her reality. Her family is poor and cannot provide all the needed resources to fulfil her fantasises. Her hero-worship is limited to her infatuation with Danny Casey. She fantasises and lies about their somewhat romantic meeting rather than drawing inspiration from his dedication and hard work to achieve his dreams. 235 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Going Places 22. Refer to answer 18. 23. It is normal for adolescents to fantasise and indulge in hero-worship. Same is the case with the protagonist of the story, ‘Going Places’, Sophie. Sophie is someone, who looks for an escape from her harsh reality in her fantasies. In the story, one can see Sophie idolising two individuals. One is of course Danny Casey, the Irish, star football player and the other one is Geoff, her older brother. 24. Sophie is a girl still in her adolescense. She comes from a lower middle class family, but is full of dreams. She is an escapist, who is not satisfied with the reality of her life. Sophie is not ready to accept what life has to offer her. This is why she fantasises of a different life, which would be more exciting. Her best friend Jansie believes that Sophie and she are ear-marked for biscuit factory. However, Sophie dreams of becoming a fashion designer or opening a boutique even though it may not be achievable because of her financial constraints. Sophie’s hero-worship for Danny Casey causes her to make up stories and lie to her loved ones. There is no limit of her imaginations. She fantasises about her dream date with Danny even though she has never once met him in person. She eagerly waits for Danny to come and meet her by the canal, but for apparent reasons, he does not. It is she who Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - gets disappointed in the end. Therefore, this proves that Sophie lives in a world full of dreams which she does not know she cannot realise. 25. Refer to answer 21. vest, hogging shepherd’s pie. He was not able to provide much for his family because of which the family always had to face money constraints and hardships. He is a practical man, who does not entertain his daughter’s fantasies. He does not believe Sophie when she says that she has met Danny Casey. He dismisses her by calling it one of her ‘wild stories’. He wants Sophie to be a hard working and worldly-wise girl. He himself is an ardent fan of football and pays a weekly visit to the stadium to watch the game. 28. Sophie is a school going girl who belongs to a poor family. She lives in a very small, untidy house with her parents and two brothers. She is fickle minded and lives in her own fantasy world. Sophie’s reality is too harsh for her to accept. No one supports her big dreams and considers her impractical. Her friend Jansie thinks they are earmarked for biscuit factory. All these reasons cause Sophie to escape her reality as much as possible and take refuge in her own fantasy world. Her fantasising does not end at owning a boutique after completing school or becoming an actress or a fashion designer. She fantasises about being a part of her elder brother Geoff ’s exotic world. She imagines herself riding behind him and there is a sound of applaud as the world greets them. However, in reality, Geoff does not talk much and considers Sophie immature. Sophie romantically fantasises about meeting Danny Casey and lies about it to her favourite brother and best friend. To her, all of this is real. Once again, she imagines Danny coming to meet her at the canal, she imagines her excitement on seeing him. She becomes sad and feels let down when Danny Casey does not ‘show up’ to give his autograph ‘as promised’. The fact is, she has had never met Danny Casey before she went to see him play at the stadium. C op yM yK 26. The character of Sophie appears to be a girl who lives in her dreams. She belongs to a weak socio-economic background and to escape from the boring, working class existence, she often fantasises of a grand and promising future. She wants her future to have less hardships and money constraints. Given her adolescent age, she is fickle minded. When she grows up, she aspires to be a boutique owner or a manager, or an actress, who is also a fashion designer, who also runs a boutique. However, she does not take concrete steps to convert any of her aspiration into reality. Of all her family members, Sophie admires her brother Geoff the most. She idealises him and at the same time is jealous of him, because he speaks less to Sophie, he seems full of mystery. She wants to be a part of her brother’s mysterious world because it symbolises freedom and adventure, both of which fascinate her immensely. She thinks that she is tailor made for such a world. Also, a part of her dream world is Danny Casey, an Irish footballer. Sophie has watched him play only once and develops a crush on him. Her hero-worship towards Danny Casey is so intense that she fantasises meeting him. She romanticises it and later feels disappointed when her fantasy does not come true. Therefore, it is suffice to say that Sophie is one incurable dreamer who lives in denial. Throughout the story, she has never once thought practically or come out of her dream world. CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 236 27. Sophie’s father belonged to lower middle class. Nevertheless, he was like any other father. He was a hard working man with a realistic approach towards life. He came across as an overweight, dishevelled man, wearing his dirty and sweaty 29. Refer to answer 21. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab POETRY 1 Visit our site - My Mother at Sixty-six – Kamala Das C op yM yK ita b Topicwise Analysis of Last 11 Years’ CBSE Board Questions (2017-2007) ABOUT THE POET Kamala Das (31 March 1934-31 May 2009) was an Indian English poet and at the same time a leading Malayalam author from Kerala, India. Kamala Das received many awards for her literary contributions like ‘Asian Poetry Prize’, ‘Kent Award for English Writing from Asian Countries’ and many more. SUMMARY The poet recalls a trip back to Cochin from her holiday at her parents’ house. It was a Friday morning and that morning she was driving with her mother next to her on the front seat. She was observing her mother who had fallen asleep on the front seat with her mouth slightly open. She could see her mother’s face which was pale and resembled to the nearly white face of a dead body. She realises that her mother is no longer younger and she has started looking very old. This became very hard for her to accept so, she was determined Follow us on Facebook - 238 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - mother and saw her old mother. Again her mind was filled with the same thoughts. She could see her mother appeared extremely pale and lacking vigor. The poet compared her mother’s face with the winter’s moon which is slightly faded on winter’s night. She recalled her childhood fear of losing her mother one day, that her mother would die. This fear afflicted her many times before and again this thought was tormenting her. However, she did not let that fear show itself on her face. She smiled and waved a goodbye to her mother. She gave the assurance that they would soon meet again and throughout the conversation she put a brave face even though she was agonised within. C op yM yK ita b to shift her focus to something else. So, she turned her face away from her aged mother and started looking outside the window of the car. She started looking at the trees they crossed while driving. It seemed to her that the trees were running at full speed past her because of the moving car. It seemed that those trees would have been young if they could move at such a fast pace. She also saw children coming out of their house with their face gleaming with excitement. After crossing these sights they reached airport. Till now, her mind was busy and distracted due to those sights. But now, when they were going through the security check, she was standing a short distance away from her CBSE Champion English Core Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab My Mother at Sixty-six Visit our site - 239 PREVIOUS YEARSBoard MCQS Questions Previous Years’ CBSE (b) What was the poet’s childhood fear? How does Kamala Das try to put away the thoughts of her aging mother? (Delhi 2014) 2. What was the poet’s childhood fear? (AI 2014) 3. Why has the poet’s mother been compared to the ‘late winter’s moon’? (Delhi 2013) 4. Why are the young trees described as ‘sprinting’? (Delhi 2012) 5. What were the poet’s feelings at the airport? How did she hide them? (AI 2012) 6. What were Kamala Das’ fears as a child? Why do they surface when she is going to the airport? (AI 2011) Why are the young trees described as ‘sprinting’? (Delhi 2010) 8. What is the significance of the parting words of the poet and her smile, in ‘My Mother at Sixty-six’? (AI 2010) SA II (3 marks) op 7. Why are the youngsters described as springing? (Delhi 2017) C 9. (c) What do the first two lines tell us about the poet’s feelings for her mother? (d) What does the repeated use of the word, ‘smile’ mean? (Delhi 2016) 12. I saw my mother beside me, doze, open mouthed, her face ashen like that of a corpse and realised with pain …… (a) Who is ‘I’? (b) What did ‘I’ realise with pain? yM yK 1. b (2 marks) ita SA I (c) Why was the realisation painful? (d) Identify and name the figure of speech used in these lines. (AI 2016) 13. I saw my mother, beside me, doze, open mouthed, her face ashen like that of a corpse and realised with pain 10. What were the poet’s feelings as she drove to Cochin airport? (Delhi 2015 C) that she was as old as she SA III (4 marks) put that thought away, .... Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow : 11. Old Familiar ache, my childhood’s fear, but all I said was, see you soon, Amma, all I did was smile and smile and smile... ... ... (a) What does the phrase, ‘familiar ache’ mean? looked but soon (a) What worried the poet when she looked at her mother? (b) Why was there pain in her realisation ? (c) Why did she put that thought away ? (d) Identify the figure of speech used in these lines. (Delhi 2015) 14. looked out at young Trees sprinting, the merry children spilling out of their homes, but after the airport’s security, I looked again at her, wan, pale Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core 16. ... ... ... ... and felt that old out of their homes,... (a) What thought did the poet drive away from her mind? (b) What did she see when she looked out of the car? (c) What did she see that the joyful scene did not help her drive away the painful thought from her mind? (Delhi 2014 C) 19. ……… but soon put that thought away and looked out at young trees sprinting, the merry children spilling out of their homes, (a) Which thought did the poet put away? (b) What do the ‘sprinting trees’ signify? yM yK 15. I looked again at her, wan, pale as a late winter’s moon and felt that old familiar ache, my childhood’s fear, ... ... ... (a) Who is ‘her’? (b) Why did the poet look at ‘her’ again? (c) What was the poet’s childhood fear? (d) Identify the figure of speech used in these lines. (Foreign 2015) looked out at young trees sprinting, the merry children spilling b as a late winter’s moon and felt that old familiar ache, ... ... ... (a) How can the trees sprint? (b) Why did the poet look at her mother again? (c) What did she observe? (d) Identify the figure of speech used in these lines. (AI 2015) ita 240 (c) What are ‘the merry children spilling out of their homes’, symbolic of? familiar ache, my childhood’s fear, but all I said was, see you soon, Amma C op All I did was smile and smile and smile... (a) Name the poem. (b) What was the poet’s childhood fear? (c) What does her smile signify? (d) What does the word ‘ache mean’. (AI 2015 C) 17. Driving from my parent’s home to Cochin last Friday morning, I saw my mother, beside me, doze, open mouthed, her face ashen like that of a corpse and realised with pain that she was as old as she looked... (a) Where was the poet driving to? (b) Why was her mother’s face looking like that of a corpse? (c) What did the poet notice about her (AI 2013) mother? 18. ... but soon put that thought away, and (Delhi 2011) 20. ...and felt that old familiar ache, my childhood’s fear, but all I said was, see you soon, Amma, all I did was smile and smile and smile... (a) What was the childhood fear that now troubled the poet? (b) What do the poet’s parting words suggest? (c) Why did the poet smile and smile? (Delhi 2009) 21. ……… but soon put that thought away, and looked out at young trees sprinting, the merry children spilling out of their homes. (a) Who looked out at young trees? (b) Which thought did she put away? (c) What do young sprinting trees signify? Follow us on Facebook - (Delhi 2008) Downloaded from CopyMyKitab My Mother at Sixty-six Visit our site - 241 Answers 1. Troubled by the thoughts of her aging mother, Kamala Das tries to distract herself by not looking at her mother’s old, ashen face. Instead, she looks out of the car window at young trees sprinting and happy children running out of the their homes. 9. The youngsters in the poem, ‘My Mother at Sixty-six’ are described as springing because they are symbolic of youth, liveliness and joy. In contrast to the poet’s frail and aging mother the children appear to be young and spirited. 2. Poet Kamala Das, in her poem, ‘My Mother at Sixty-six’ says that since childhood, she feared separation from her mother. The thought of losing her mother has been making her uncomfortable ever since she was a little girl. 10. As she drove to Cochin airport, the thought that her mother looked old and withered, disturbed the poet. Her childhood fears haunted her again. b yM yK 4. The poet is in a car on her way to the Cochin airport. She looks outside from the moving car and feels the young trees seem to be running along with them. By describing the young trees as ‘sprinting’ the poet wants to show a striking contrast between their liveliness and her mother’s fading youth. ita 3. The poet’s mother looks pale and worn out, devoid of the energy and enthusiasm of youth. In the twilight of her life, she appears as lackluster as the winter moon. 11. (a) The pain that her mother was growing old and the fear of separation. (b) The poet’s childhood fear was that of her mother growing old and final separation. (c) The poet loves her mother a lot and she feared losing her. (d) The word ‘smile’ was repeatedly used as the poet hid her feeling from her mother by smiling and reassuring herself. C op 5. At the airport, the poet feels worried about her aging mother. She is anxious that soon she is going to lose her mother; final separation (by death) from her mother scared her. To hide her fear and anxiety, she smiles and calls out ‘see you soon Amma’. A cheerful farewell allows her not to show her pain. 6. As a child, Kamala Das feared losing her mother. When she is going to the airport, the fear resurfaces while she gazes at her mother. She realises that her mother is growing old and frail and nearing death. 7. The young trees are described as ‘sprinting’ because the poet wants to show a contrast between the young trees and her old mother. 8. The poet’s parting words of assurance and her smile are a deliberate attempt to hide her anxiety and fear of loss and separation. Alternatively, they are also significant because they reflect poet’s hope to see her mother again, reassuring her mother at the same time. 12. (a) ‘I’ in the above extract is the poet narrating the incident from a daughter’s point of view. (b) The poet realised with pain that her mother is nearing old age. (c) The poet is pained by the realisation because her mother now looked as old as she was, her bodily infirmities that have come, show that she was approaching her death and it was a hard fact to accept for the poet. (d) The figure of speech used is simile and the line is, ‘ashen like that of a corps’. 13. (a) The poet was worried about her mother’s advancing age and she feared final separation from her mother. (b) There was pain in the poet’s realisation because her mother now looked as old as she was, her bodily infirmities that comes with old age were visible on her face. The poet was having a hard time accepting the thought of finally losing her mother. (c) The poet put that thought away because she was going away from her mother and the thought of separation was too painful for her to bear. The realisation that old age was quickly approaching her mother filled her mind with unpleasant thoughts about losing her, which saddened and scared her deeply. Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - (d) The figure of speech used is a simile- “Like that of a corpse”. 14. (a) The trees seem to sprint because as the car moves ahead, the movement of the trees is backward. (b) The poet’s feeling of anxiety and fear for her mother’s health made her look again at her mother. (c) She observed her mother’s pale appearance, resembling the late winter moon. (d) Simile – Pale as a late winter’s moon 15. (a) ‘Her’ is poet’s mother. (b) The poet looked at her mother again due to anxiety and worry. (c) The poet’s childhood fear was that of losing her mother, the pain of ultimate separation. (d) Simile – pale as a late winter’s moon. (b) When the poet looked out of car, she saw sprinting trees, happy children coming out of their homes to enjoy themselves. (c) The poet looked at her mother’s face once again and experienced the old familiar ache, the childhood fear of losing her mother. She gazed at her mother’s pale appearance the joyful scene did not help her drive away the painful thoughts from her mind. 19. (a) The poet put away the thought of her aging mother and her gradual declining health. It pained her to think about losing her mother to death soon and the invertible final separation. (b) ‘Sprinting trees’ signify energy, youth and activity. The poet wants to contrast young trees with her old mother. (c) The merry children spilling out of their homes’ is symbolic of happiness, energy and playfulness. It can also be symbolic of poet’s sad thoughts being contrasted with ‘merry children’. yM yK 16. (a) The name of the poem is ‘My Mother at Sixty-six’. (b) Since childhood, the poet feared her ultimate separation from her mother. (c) She smiles in order to hide her true feelings, fear and anxiety. (d) The word ache means pain. CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 242 C op 17. (a) The poet was driving from her parents’ home to the Cochin airport. (b) Her mother’s face was looking like that of a corpse because she had aged quite a lot, was weak and had lost her youthful energy and enthusiasm. (c) The poet noticed that her mother was sleeping with her mouth open, her face had become ashen, lacking the youthful glow. This made the poet realise that her mother was “as old as she looked”. 18. (a) The poet drove away from her mind the thought of her mother’s impending death. 20. (a) Since her childhood the poet feared that one day she would lose her mother. Now, looking at her aging mother’s ashen face and fragile body the old fear came back to trouble her. (b) The poet’s parting words suggest that she hopes to see her mother again even though she fears she might lose her sooner than later. (c) The poet smiled and smiled because it was a deliberate attempt to hide her fear and anxiety of loss and separation from her mother. 21. (a) The poet looked out at the young trees. (b) She put away the sad thought of her mother’s impending death. (c) The young sprinting trees signify youthfulness, energy and life. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum POETRY 2 – Stephen Spender C op yM yK ita b Topicwise Analysis of Last 11 Years’ CBSE Board Questions (2017-2007) ABOUT THE POET Stephen Spender (1909-1995) was an English poet, novelist and essayist who concentrated on themes of social injustice and political discriminations, especially the class struggle in his work. His poems were often inspired by social protest. SUMMARY The poem describes an elementary school in a slum. The children studying look pathetic. The children studying in the class are far away from the world which is filled with happiness, has bounties of nature and is filled with brighter aspects of life. The bodies of these children are withered and worn out like uprooted weeds. Their hair is unkempt and their faces are pale which clearly indicate their deprived and under-nourished condition. These children are stressed by the burden of their circumstances. They Follow us on Facebook - 244 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core but all this is unreal for these children. He feels that it has a corrupting influence on these children and instigate them to steal and evade from their cramped hole. Their existence is indeed, very sad. These emaciated children are so thin that it gives an appearance of wearing skin. They have broken and mended glass in their spectacles. Their complete personality depicts deprivation. The poet shows his anger by saying that the map must have picture of huge slums rather than a world with scenic beauty something the slum children cannot relate with. The off white and foul smelling walls of the classroom depict the donations given to the school. Besides, there are pictures of Shakespeare, of a cloudless daybreak of civilised cities having buildings with domes, of Tyrolese valley and of a big world map on the wall. However, none of these are of any help to these children living in slums. Their world comprises of only what they are able to see from the windows of their classroom. The view is full of despair where their future seems blurred. They are confined to the narrow streets of the slum that is far away from the open sky and rivers. He makes an appeal to the governor, inspector and visitor. He says that unless the world map becomes a window for these children to explore the outside world and the windows that shut them up from the rest of the world are broken, their future will remain the same as their present. The poet appeals to help these children breakfree from their world which is confined in the slums. He wants that children should see the green fields and to give them freedom to make their own world with proper education and guidance. He believes when sun and hope is the language then only history is created. Similarly, to make their own bright future children need proper education and freedom from their own boundaries. yM yK ita b are exhausted both physically as well as emotionally. There is a tall girl in the class with her head weighed down. There is a skinny boy. His rat-like eyes give a frightening look. The only inheritance they have from their parents is disease and bad luck. One of them cannot even get up from his desk and recite a lesson. However, there is one little boy, sitting at the back of the class, who is younger than others. His eyes are filled with hope and a wish to play in the open. Apparently, gloom has still not enveloped him. C op The poet calls Shakespeare wicked. This is because he misleads the children. The works of Shakespeare talks about beautiful world of ships, love and sun Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum Visit our site - 245 PREVIOUS YEARSBoard MCQS Questions Previous Years’ CBSE 2. To whom does the poet in the poem, “An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum” make an appeal ? What is his appeal? (Delhi 2014 C) Which words/phrases in the poem, ‘An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum’ show that the slum children are suffering from acute malnutrition? (AI 2014 C) What message does Stephen Spender convey through the poem : ‘An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum’? (Delhi 2013) 4. In spite of despair and disease pervading the lives of the slum children, they are not devoid of hope. How far do you agree? (Delhi 2013) 13. How is ‘Shakespeare wicked and the map a bad example’ for the children of the school in a slum? (AI 2016) 14. Stephen Spender in his poem, ‘An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum’ paints a dismal picture of poverty. Comment. (Foreign 2016) 15. How does the map on the wall tempt the slum children ? (Delhi 2015 C) SA III (4 marks) Read the given extract and answer the question that follow : 16. Far far from gusty waves these children’s faces. Like rootless weeds, the hair torn round their pallor; The tall girl with her weighed-down head. (a) Who are these children? (b) Which figure of speech has been used in the first two lines? (c) Why is the tall girl’s head weighed down? (d) What does the word, ‘pallor’ mean? (Delhi 2017) yM yK 3. 12. What does Stephen Spender want to be done for the children of the school in a slum? (Delhi 2016) b 1. SA II (3 marks) (2 marks) ita SA I The poet says, ‘And yet, for these children, these windows, not this map, their world.’ Which world do these children belong to? Which world is inaccessible to them? (Delhi 2013) 6. How does the poet describe the classroom walls? (Delhi 2010) 7. The poet says, “and yet for these children, these windows, not this map, their world”. Which world do these children belong to? Which world is inaccessible to them? (Delhi 2010) 8. “So blot their maps with slums as big as doom”, says Stephen Spender. What does the poet want to convey? (Delhi 2010) 9. Why does Stephen Spender say that the pictures and maps in the elementary school classroom are meaningless? (Delhi 2009) C op 5. 10. How does the world depicted on the classroom walls different from the world of the slum children? (AI 2009) 11. What does the poet wish for the children of the slums? (Delhi 2008) 17. Far far from gusty waves these children’s faces. Like rootless weeds, the hair torn round their pallor; The tall girl with her weighed-down head. (a) Who are these children? (b) What does the poet mean by ‘gusty waves’? (c) What has possibly weighed-down the tall girl’s head? (d) Identify the figure of speech used in these lines. (Delhi 2015) Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 18. On their slag heap, these children Wear skins peeped through by bones and spectacles of steel With mended glass, like bottle bits on stones. (a) Who are these children? (b) What is their slag heap? (c) Why are their bones peeping through their skins? (d) What does ‘with mended glass’ mean? (AI 2015) 22. With ships and sun and love tempting them to steal... For lives that slyly turn in their cramped holes From fog to endless night? (a)Who are ‘them’ referred to in the first line? (b) What tempts them? (c) What does the poet say about ‘their’ lives? (Delhi 2014) 23. And yet, for these Children, these windows, not this map, their world, Where all their future’s painted with a fog, A narrow street sealed in with a lead sky Far far from rivers, capes, and stars of words. (a) Who are the ‘children’ referred to here? (b) Which is their world? (c)How is their life different from that of other children? (AI 2014) yM yK 19. At back of the dim class One unnoted, sweet and young. His eyes live in a dream, Of squirrel’s game, in tree room, other than this. (a) Why is the class dim? (b) Why is the child called ‘sweet and young’? (c) What does the child want to enjoy? (d)What is the significance of the phrase, ‘other than this’? (Foreign 2015) CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 246 C op 20. The stunted, unlucky heir Of twisted bones, reciting a father’s gnarled disease, His lesson, from his desk. At the back of the dim class One unnoted, sweet and young. (a) Who is the unlucky heir? (b) What will he inherit? (c)Who is sitting at the back of the dim class? (AI 2013) 21. On sour cream walls, donations. Shakespeare’s head, Cloudless at dawn, Civilized dome riding all cities Belled, flowery, Tyrolese valley. Open – handed map Awarding the world its world. (a) Name the poem. (b) What are the donations on the wall? (c) What does the map award the world? (d)Why does the poet mention ‘Tyrolese Valley’? (AI 2015 C) 24. And, yet for these Children, these windows, not this map, their world, Where all their future’s painted with a fog, (a) Which map is the poet talking about in the above lines? (b) To what do the words, “these windows, their world”, refer? (c) What sort of future do the slum children have? (Delhi 2014 C) 25. The stunted, unlucky heir Of twisted bones, reciting a father’s gnarled disease, His lesson, from his desk. At back of the dim class One unnoted, sweet and young. His eyes live in a dream, Of squirrel’s game, in tree room, other than this. (a)Who is the ‘unlucky heir’ and what has he inherited? (b) What is the stunted boy reciting? (c)Who is sitting at the back of the dim class? (Delhi 2012) Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - Run naked into books the white and green leaves open History theirs whose language is the sun. (a) To whom does ‘they’ refer? (b) What would they break? (c) What other freedom should they enjoy? (AI 2011) b 28. ....On their slag heap, these children Wear skins peeped through by bones and spectacles of steel With mended glass, like bottle bits on stones. All of their times and space are foggy slum. So blot their maps with slums as big as doom. (a)Which two images are used to describe these slums? (b) What sort of life do these children lead? (c)Which figure of speech is used in the last line? (AI 2010) yM yK 26. Surely, Shakespeare is wicked, the map a bad example, With ships and sun and love tempting them to steal— For lives that slyly turn in their cramped holes From fog to endless night? On their slag heap, these children Wear skins peeped through by bones and spectacles of steel With mended glass, like bottle bits on stones. (a) Why is Shakespeare described as wicked? (b) Explain: ‘from fog to endless night’. (c)What does the reference to ‘slag heap’ mean? (Delhi 2011) 27. Break O break open till they break the town And show the children to green fields, and make their world Run azure on gold sands, and let their tongues 247 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum Answers C op 1. The poet, in the poem “An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum”, makes an appeal to the governor, inspector and visitors. The appeal that he is making is for them to come to the rescue of the slum children from the world of misery and hopelessness shown in the outside world. 2. In the poem, ‘An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum’, there are several words/ phrases, such as “the paper-seeming boy with rats eyes”, “Skins peeped through by bones”, etc., which show that the slum children are suffering from acute malnutrition. 3. In ‘An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum’, Stephen Spender has concentrated on the themes of social injustice and class inequalities. He wants all the barriers that keep true education away from these unfortunate children to be pulled down, so that they can also find their place in the sun. 4. In spite of despair and disease pervading the lives of the slum children, they are not devoid of hope. The little boy at the back of the classroom in “An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum” seems to be full of hope in the future. Despite leading a miserable life, he finds pleasure in a squirrel’s game, in the tree room, etc. Similarly, we come across two slum children in Anees Jung’s “Lost Spring”, Mukesh and Saheb. While the former aspires to become a motor mechanic, the latter wants education. 5. The stinking, dingy slums is the world that belongs to these poverty stricken, miserable, underfed children. The narrow lanes and dark, cramped holes, which provide nothing except hopelessness are also a part of their world. To the slum children, the world of the rich is inaccessible. Such a world is full of luxury, comfort and joy, which is beyond their reach. 6. The sour cream walls of the classroom are decorated with the donated pictures of Shakespeare, buildings with domes, world maps and beautiful Tyrolese valley. 7. Unfortunately, the children of the slum belong to a gloomy world where the dense black fog darkens everything, even their future. The narrow, dirty lanes are a symbol of their poor and miserable life. The world, which belongs to Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - maps is unknown and unrelatable to the slum children. They live in cramped places. The sky above their head is darkened and foggy due to the factory smoke. They are surrounded by slag heap. The maps just tempt them without giving them an opportunity to live in the real world. 16. (a) They are slum children studying in an elementary school classroom in the slum. (b) (i) Repetition – Far far (ii) Metaphor – Gusty waves (iii) Simile – Like rootless weeds (c) The tall girl’s head is weighed down perhaps by the burden of her everyday worries and anxieties. Depression, due to extreme poverty and physical and mental exhaustion, may also be the reason of her head being bowed down. (d) The word ‘pallor’ means pale colouring of the face, especially because of illness. 17. (a) The children referred to in the poem are slum children who attend an elementary school in that slum. (b) By ‘gusty waves’ the poet means all that the slum children have been deprived of, such as better living conditions, happiness, progress, etc. (c) The tall girl’s head is possibly weighed-down because of the troubles and tribulations of living in abject poverty and thinking of a future within the hopeless confines of a slum. (d) (i) Simile – “Like rootless weeds” (ii) Repetition – “far, far” (iii) Metaphor – “gusty waves” (iv) Alliteration – “far, far from” C op yM yK the sophisticated, where everything is sunny and beautiful, the world with clean rivers, mountains, valleys are easily visible, is the world inaccessible to the slum children. 8. “So blot their maps with slums as big as doom.” What Stephen Spender wants to convey here is that the world of the slum children is foggy, bleak and gloomy. They do not know anything beyond this world, the slag heap in it, the “narrow street sealed with a lead sky”; it’s a world, which is far from rivers, capes and Tyrolese valley. An actual map of the world, promising great adventures and a cheerful life, is of no use to them. The slum children should be able to relate with the maps taught to them. 9. Refer to answer 8. 10. Refer to answer 8. 11. For the children of the slum, the poet wishes good education in order to widen their horizon. He wants to take the children closer to nature and liberate them from their miserable condition. 12. Stephen Spender wants the slum children to get education related to their life. He wants nature to be used as a teacher and that the rich and powerful people get involved in solving the problems of the slum children. 13. Here, in this line, the poet means to say that just as Shakespeare and his work are of no use to the children in slum school, maps too do not depict the world the slum children can relate to i.e., “narrow streets .... far far from rivers, capes...”. Both Shakespeare and maps represent a beautiful world and high values, which the slum children have never experienced, which could tempt them to steal. 14. Stephen Spender indeed paints a dismal picture of poverty in his poem ‘An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum’. He describes the children in the slum school as pale and lacking energy. They are malnourished and heir to gnarled diseases. Stephen Spender likens them to the unwanted weeds. The classroom too is dingy, with yellowing walls depicting images, which are of no significance to these children because they cannot relate to the fascinating sights. However, they can relate to their grim surroundings, cramped living, slag heap and a future that is foggy. CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 248 15. The map shows beautiful rivers, mountains and Tyrolese valley. The world depicted in the 18. (a) These children are the poor and impoverished children of the slum. (b) Their slag heap is the slum in which they are living. (c) Their bones are seeping through their skins because the slum children are malnourished and physically weak. (d) ‘With mended glass’ means the slum children are too poor to afford spectacles. They use steel frames, lenses of which are broken. 19. (a) The class is dim because it is poorly lit and the walls have yellowed. It is a slum school, which reflects the deprivation of the surroundings and also the bleak grey world of poverty. Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 20. (a) The ‘unlucky heir’ is the boy with twisted bones and stunted growth. (b) The boy will inherit the gnarled disease and twisted bones from his father. (c) An unnoted, sweet and young boy is sitting at the back of the dim class. 24. (a) In the above lines, the poet is talking about the map of the world displayed on the classroom wall. (b) “These windows, their world” refers to the world of slum, the pathetic living condition of the slum children visible from the windows of their classroom. (c) The future that the slum children have is dark, bleak, hopeless and uncertain. 25. Refer to answer 19. 26. (a) The poet describes Shakespeare as wicked because not only classic literature of Shakespeare is beyond the understanding of slum children, they also cannot relate their life of hardships with the beautiful world depicted in his works; such a world is denied to the slum children. (b) By ‘from fog to endless night’, the poet draws some light upon the miserable, bleak, cheerless and hopeless life of the slum children and their gloomy future. (c) ‘Slag heap’ refers to the miserable and unhygienic living conditions of the slum children due to their extreme poverty. yM yK 21. (a) The name of the poem is ‘An Elementary Schools Classroom in a slum’. (b) The donations on the wall included portrait of Shakespeare, a flowery Tyrolese valley, etc. (c) The map awards the world, its world. (d) The poet mentions Tyrolese Valley because it is beautiful picture of Tyrot an Autrian Alpine province. benefits. Their future is bleak without any hope or progress. b (b) The child is called sweet and young because unaffected by the surroundings, he looks happy and innocent. (c) The child wants to enjoy the freedom of the squirrel, enjoy dreaming of a better world outside the dimly lit classroom. (d) ‘Other than this’ signifies that the child does not want to remain in the class and wants to escape. 249 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum C op 22. (a) The word ‘them’ refers to the poor and deprived children studying in the slum school. (b) The children of the slum school are easily tempted by the ships, sun and love, in other words, the beautiful world outside the slum. (c) According to the poet, the children live in miserable conditions. They live in cramped holes in desolation. Their existence is foggy and there is no hope for their future. 23. (a) The children referred to here are those who study in an elementary school in a slum. (b) Their world is the slum they live in. It is far-far away from rivers, capes and stars. Theirs is a world of poverty and deprivation with narrow streets scaled in with a lead sky. (c) Unlike other children, children in the slums spend their whole life confined in ‘their cramped holes’ like rodents. They lack the basic necessities of life like proper food, clothing, shelter and health 27. (a) The word ‘they’ refers to inspectors, visitors and governor. (b) They would break the mental and physical barriers, break the boundaries of discrimination which would enable the slum children to acquire proper education. (c) The children should enjoy free and happy life away from slum. They deserve the freedom to explore the world of which a clear blue sky, golden sand, green fields, etc. are a part. 28. (a) The two images used to describe these slums are : (i) Slag heap (ii) slums as big as doom (b) In the dirty and unhygienic surroundings of the slum, children lead a pathetic and miserable life full of wants, poverty, hopelessness and uncertainty. (c) The poet has used simile in the last line. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab POETRY 3 Visit our site - Keeping Quiet – Pablo Neruda C op yM yK ita b Topicwise Analysis of Last 11 Years’ CBSE Board Questions (2017-2007) ABOUT THE POET Pablo Neruda (July 1904 - September 1973) was from Spain. He was known as a poet when he was 10 years old. He wrote in a variety of styles including poems, historical epics, political manifestos and autobiography. He got the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971. SUMMARY The poet wants each one of us to practice silence and feel the power of silence. He says that all of us should count to twelve and then be quiet, silent and motionless so that for once no language will be spoken on the surface of the Earth. In this moment of silence, poet doesn’t want anyone to even move their arms. Again the poet reinforces his call not to take a step further, move nor speak. The appeal to not speak in any language is symbolic of asking people to only speak the language of silence. This will give us an opportunity to gather on one platform and introspect. The appeal of not moving arms is made Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - b C op 251 moment of silence humanity would experience complete harmony. The poet says that the silence should not be confused with human inactivity or death. What he is trying to propagate is selflessness and stopping acts to meet one’s selfish ends. They should not focus on their lives streaming smoothly but also take a step back and introspect. They will be able to understand themselves and know what they want in life. When one cannot understand their inner self, their hearts are filled with sadness. Also when we threaten ourselves from death, this moment of silence helps us to listen to our inner self. The poet states that the Earth teaches us that after the end of each process starts a new beginning on one hand, winters make us experience the dormant state of life, whereas, the onset of spring sees the blossoming of new life. Similarly, the peace one will feel in the moment of silence would eradicate all evil thoughts and will initiate a new thought process of positivity. There will be no frenzy to work without a break. We must not only live in harmony with each other but also with the elements of nature. The poet asks to contemplate and think through to achieve brotherhood and understanding. So, the poet starts the process with self. He counts till twelve and goes silent. yM yK so that we must not move or speak but stay at one place and introspect. He wants people to let their thoughts flow without any hurry or rush. He emphasises on the fact that if for once everyone goes silent it will be a different feeling or a different experience to see the world come to a halt, where everything stops, and everyone comes together in strangeness, a sudden moment of inactivity, which the world has not observed before. When this moment of silence will be observed then fishermen will not be catching fish and the whales in the cold water will be safe. This suggests that the destruction of nature by human will also stop, even if for a brief moment. He says that a man who goes out to collect salt will also get time to tend their wounded hands and look after them which otherwise would have not been possible for him. Then the poet refers to wars and those that participate in it as now there is some time to breathe in and out, without being required to do what is usually done or blindly follow orders. Everyone will be able to introspect and realise that in wars there are no real winners. This is what is inferred from ‘put on clean clothes’. The act of putting on new clothes can be seen as taking a different role or adopting a different persona. They would be building mutual trust and brotherhood. In that ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Keeping Quiet Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab 252 Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core PREVIOUS YEARSBoard MCQS Questions Previous Years’ CBSE 1. Which is the exotic moment that the poet refers to in ‘Keeping Quiet’? (Delhi 2014) 2. What is the sadness the poet refers to in the poem ‘Keeping Quiet’? (AI 2014) 3. How, according to Neruda, can keeping quiet change our attitude to life? (Delhi 2014 C) 4. Which images in the poem ‘Keeping Quiet’ show that the poem condemns violence? (AI 2014 C) What are the different kinds of wars mentioned in the poem? What is Neruda’s attitude towards these wars? (AI 2013) 6. How can suspension of activities help? (AI 2012) Do you think the poet, Pablo Neruda advocates total inactivity and death? Why/ Why not? (Delhi 2011) 8. What is the sadness that the poet Pablo Neruda, refers to in the poem, ‘Keeping Quiet’? (AI 2011) op 7. According to the poet, what is it that human beings can learn from nature? (AI 2010) C 9. 16. What will possibly be the effect of keeping quiet? (Foreign 2015) 17. What does the poem, ‘Keeping Quiet’ teach us? (AI 2015 C) SA III (4 marks) Read the given extract and answer the question that follow : 18. Now we will count to twelve and we will all keep still. For once on the face of the Earth let’s not speak in any language, let’s stop for one second, and not move our arms so much. yM yK 5. 15. How will ‘Keeping Quiet’ protect our environment? (AI 2015) b (2 marks) ita SA I 10. What is the exotic moment the poet Pablo Neruda wishes for? (Delhi 2009) SA II (3 marks) 11. What will counting upto twelve and keeping still help us achieve? (Delhi 2015) 12. Which symbol from nature does the poet invoke that there can be life under apparent stillness ? (Delhi 2015) 13. ‘Life is what it is all about, ....’ How is keeping quiet related to life? (AI 2015) 14. Why does one feel ‘a sudden strangeness’ on counting to twelve and keeping quiet ? (AI 2015) (a) What is the significance of the number ‘twelve’? (b) Which two activities does the poet want us to stop? (c) What does the poet mean by ‘let’s not speak in any language’? (d) Describe the pun in the word, ‘arms’. (AI 2016) 19. ... ... ... perhaps a huge silence might interrupt this sadness of never understanding ourselves and of threatening ourselves with death. (a) How can we bring about a ‘huge silence’? (b) Why is silence called ‘huge’? (c) What do we do for lack of understanding? (d) What does this lack ultimately lead to? (Foreign 2016) 20. It would be an exotic moment without rush, without engines, we would all be together in a sudden strangeness. Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - b (a) Why does the poet want us to keep quiet? (b) What does he want us to do for one second? (c) What does he mean by ‘not move our arms’? (Delhi 2012) 24. It would be an exotic moment without rush, without engines, we would all be together in a sudden strangeness. (a) What does ‘it’ refer to? (b) Who is the poet speaking to? (c) What would be the moment like? (AI 2010) 25. Now we will count to twelve and we will all keep still. For once on the face of the Earth let’s not speak in any language, let’s stop for one second, and not move our arms so much. (a) How long does the poet want to stay still? (b) What does he hope to achieve by keeping quiet? (c) What does the poet mean by ‘not move our arms so much’? (AI 2009) 26. Perhaps the Earth can teach us as when everything seems dead and later proves to be alive. Now count up to twelve and you keep quiet and I will go. (a) What does the earth teach us? (b) Why does the poet count up to twelve? (c) What will keeping quiet help us achieve? (Delhi 2008) C op yM yK (a) Which exotic moment is referred to in these lines ? (b) Why would that moment be strange? (c) What does the poet advocate in the poem? (d) What does the poet mean by the word, ‘engines’? (AI 2015 C) 21. If we were not so single-minded about keeping our lives moving, and for once could do nothing, perhaps a huge silence might interrupt this sadness of never understanding ourselves and of threatening ourselves with death. (a) Whom does ‘we’ refer to in the above lines? (b) Why does the poet want us to ‘do nothing’ for once? (c) What is the ‘Sadness’ that the poet refers to in the poem? (AI 2014 C) 22. Perhaps the Earth can teach us as when everything seems dead and later proves to be alive. Now I’ll count upto twelve and you keep quiet and I will go. (a) What does the Earth teach us? (b) What does the poet mean to achieve by counting upto twelve? (c) What is the significance of ‘keeping quiet’? (Delhi 2013) 23. For once on the face of the Earth let’s not speak in any language, let’s stop for one second, and not move our arms so much. 253 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Keeping Quiet Answers 1. The poet talks about the exotic moment when everyone quietens and becomes still. In that moment, no language must be spoken and there must be no movement; it must be a moment of introspection. It would be a moment free from all types of violence and madness of the world. 2. The poet refers to the ‘sadness’ of failing to understand nature and oneself in the monotonous everyday existence. He also finds it sad that the humanity is moving towards its own ruin, owing to its unanalysed actions. He regrets the rush of outdoing others that has made one forget the values of humanity. 3. Silence will give us time to think, to introspect, evaluate our actions and act more responsible. According to Neruda, this is how keeping quiet Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - can change our attitude towards life. 4. “Fishermen not harming Whales”, “Wars with gas”, “ Wars with fire”, “Victory with no survivors”, images in the poem, ‘Keeping Quiet” show that the poet condemns violence. 5. The different kinds of wars mentioned in the poem are green wars, wars with gases and wars with fire. No matter which type of war it is, it is always against either humanity or nature. Therefore, Neruda condemns all kinds of wars saying that wars may bring victories, but there are no survivors to celebrate such victories. He urges us to stop, keep quiet, count to twelve and introspect. 6. Suspension of activities will give us time to introspect and assess our own actions. This self reflection would avoid destruction of mankind, ultimately helping us. 12. The earth is taken as a symbol from nature, which the poet invokes that there can be life under apparent stillness. It is only earth that nurtures life even after death. 13. Keeping quiet must not be confused with total inactivity. Take the example of earth, how it seems still yet, it nurtures life under apparent stillness. This is how keeping quite is related to life. 14. On counting to twelve and keeping quiet makes one feel ‘a sudden strangeness’ because everything comes to a standstill. In this stillness one can enjoy the exotic moment and introspect. 15. Keeping quiet will protect our environment also because in that moment of inactivity man will not exploit nature for his vested interests, fishermen will not harm the whales, there will be no green wars and no wars with gases. 16. The possible effect of keeping quiet would calm us down, help us to introspect, help us live in peace. It will halt destruction and make us realise the need to be happy and united. Keeping quiet teaches us to live in close proximity with nature without harming it. 17. The poem ‘Keeping Quiet’ teach us about how quietness leads to stillness, which further leads to peace and calmness in the world. It also teach us about the importance of introspection. 18. (a) The number twelve represents the twelve hours marks on the clock to measure time. (b) The poet wants us to not speak in any language and stop for one second and not move our hands so much. (c) The poet means that different languages symbolises difference. Keeping silent will ensure peace and give one the chance to introspect. (d) The word ‘arms’ in the extract refers to both the hands and weapons. 19. (a) We can bring about a ‘huge silence’ by keeping quiet and counting upto twelve or by halting all activities. (b) Silence is called ‘huge’ because it is an exotic moment when every person on earth has become quiet. (c) For lack of understanding, we must keep quiet and introspect. (d) This lack ultimately leads to death. yM yK 7. No, the poet does not advocate complete inactivity and death. He makes it clear that stillness should not be confused with ‘total inactivity’. He merely wants every individual to keep quiet and stay still so as to introspect. He says that everyone has lessons to learn from the earth where life sprouts out of even seemingly dead surroundings. CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 254 C op 8. The sadness, which Pablo Neruda refers to in his poem ‘Keeping Quiet’ is the one that comes from never being able to understand ourselves; it is the sadness of isolation, yet no time for introspection. Humans are oblivious of the consequences of their destructive actions, the poet finds it quite saddening. 9. According to the poet, the human beings can learn emergence of new life, uninterrupted, even in stillness. They can also learn to be productive and constructive from nature. 10. Refer to answer 1. 11. Counting upto to twelve and keeping still for this brief interval of time would give us a momentary pause to introspect and understand oneself and each other better. It would also give us an opportunity to stop and think before taking any reckless decision. As a result, we will find inner peace. Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - yM yK 21. (a) ‘We’ in the above lines refers to the people of the world. (b) The poet wants us to ‘do nothing’ for once because he wants us to stop and introspect and in the process take stock of our actions. (c) ‘Sadness’ that the poet refers to in the poem is the due to causing so much destruction to the world and people. C op 22. (a) The Earth teaches us that there is life under seeming stillness. (b) The poet wishes to wipe out the discord in the world and the reason for the imbalance that exists between man and nature. Ultimately, he wants to ensure the survival of the human race. (c) Keeping quiet will provide time for introspection and create oneness among human beings. 255 23. (a) The poet wants as to keep quiet so as to keep stock of our mindless activities and do self-analysis. Keeping quiet will give us mental relaxation, will ensure and eventually save mankind from doom. (b) The poet wants us to keep quiet for a second, not move our arms so much and stop all activities. (c) By ‘not move our arms’ the poet means to not move our hands nor weapons. This will prevent as from harming others thus, resulting in no wars and violence. 24. (a) The word ‘it’ refers to keeping quiet. (b) The poet is speaking to us, the mankind. (c) It would be an exotic moment. There would be stillness and togetherness in that moment, promoting harmony and brotherhood. 25. (a) The poet wants us to count to twelve and keep still in that moment. (b) He hopes to achieve peace and realise the value of self introspection. (c) By the given sentence the poet means that one does not have to use his arms and ammunition so much as it causes violence. Similarly, by ‘not move our arms so much’ perhaps the poet is urging us not to use our hands and fists to fight. 26. (a) The earth teaches us that there is life under apparent stillness. It also teaches us to be alive and possess the power to recover from loss. (b) The poet counts upto twelve, taking time to calm down. (c) Keeping quiet will help us achieve peace and tranquility. b 20. (a) The exotic moment referred to in these lines is the moment when everyone keeps quiet and there are no movements. (b) The moment would be strange because there would be no rush and no noise. It will bring the whole humanity together. (c) In this poem, the poet advocates keeping quiet for twelve seconds and in that time, everyone should introspect. This would save mankind from disaster. (d) By ‘engines’ the poet means machines, automobiles, factories, etc. ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Keeping Quiet Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab POETRY 4 Visit our site - A Thing of Beauty – John Keats C op yM yK ita b Topicwise Analysis of Last 11 Years’ CBSE Board Questions (2017-2007) ABOUT THE POET English romantic poet John Keats was born on October 31, 1795 in London. His first volume of poems was published in 1817. His poems, dealing with mythical and legendary themes of ancient, medieval and Renaissance times, are rich in imagery and phrasing. He died at a young age of twenty five in 1821. SUMMARY In this poem, the poet tells about how nature and its wonders mesmerise us and how they take away all the sorrow that surrounds us from time to time. A beautiful thing is a source of eternal joy, its attractiveness grows with a passage of time and its impact never fades away. It is as cool and pleasant as a quiet lover or like one sleeps a sound sleep with sweet dreams. It ensures good health and tranquility. It provides the one who possess, an ever existing peace and solace. The earth minus the beautiful things is despondent, spiteful place thriving in callous insensitive dearth Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 257 b sees the beauty in innocent human looking out for solace in nature and mother nature in its own way develops a shady abode of relief and consolation. The clause, ‘Lily of the Valley’ is quite well known and incites image of a subtle unique white flower holding up its head amongst a setting of thorns and tips and everything contrary in nature to delicateness, are daffodils cited as an example by the poet. The poet also sees beauty in death of martyrs and legends. ‘The mighty dead’ are the warriors who died for a cause. In order to honour them magnificent and tall sepulchers are erected. One may see beauty in that as well. When we look around there are numerous beautiful things which are immortal and are created by gods above for pitiable human beings so that they are able to cope up with the harshness of life. C op yM yK and is rough towards humans. Each day in life one encounters sadness along with unhealthy spite and darkness. In spite of this, a thing of beauty may eradicate these gloomy clouds which burden our soul. Hence, the poet says that we, human beings, create an ornate bond every day made up of all lovely things we see. This bond keeps us bound to the despondent earth, otherwise we would have lost all hope. Then the poet reiterates few beautiful things that we see on earth. As beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder-everyone of us can find something beautiful in anything. The example given by the poet are of the sun, the moon, trees, flowers, stream, musk-rose blooms, architectural tombs, even fairytales or stories of heroic legends. The ‘simple sheep’ are human beings - the poet sympathises with the human beings and their innocence. Keats ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab A Thing of Beauty Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab 258 Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core PREVIOUS YEARSBoard MCQS Questions Previous Years’ CBSE SA III (4 marks) What does Keats consider an endless fountain of immortal drink and why does he call its drink immortal? (AI 2013) 2. How does a thing of beauty provide shelter and comfort? (AI 2013) 3. How is a thing of beauty a joy forever ? (Delhi 2012) 4. What makes human beings love life in spite of troubles and sufferings? (AI 2012) 5. Describe any three things of beauty mentioned in the poem, ‘A Thing of Beauty’. (AI 2012) 6. Why and how is grandeur associated with the mighty dead? (Delhi 2011) 7. What is the message of the poem, ‘A Thing of Beauty’? (AI 2011) 8. What image does Keats use to describe the beautiful bounty of the earth ? (Delhi 2010) 9. What makes human beings love life in spite of all the troubles they face? (Delhi 2008) Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow : 18. ‘It’s loveliness increases, it will never Pass into nothingness; but will keep A bower quiet for us, and a sleep Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing. (a) Whose loveliness will keep on increasing? (b) Identify the phrase which says that ‘it’ is immortal. (c) What is a ‘bower’? (d) Why do we need sweet dreams, health and quiet breathing in our lives? (Delhi 2016) SA II (3 marks) op yM yK 1. b (2 marks) ita SA I C 10. In the hot season, how do man and beast get comfort? (Delhi 2017) 11. What does a thing of beauty do for us ? (Delhi 2015) 12. What makes human beings love life in spite of all the troubles they face? (Delhi 2015) 13. Mention any four things of beauty that add joy to our life. (AI 2015) 14. Mention any two things which cause pain and suffering. (AI 2015) 15. Which objects of nature does Keats mention as sources of joy in his poem, ‘A Thing of Beauty’? (AI 2015) 16. Life is full of sorrows. What brings joy in it? (Foreign 2015) 17. How do we get joy from life which is otherwise full of sorrows ? (Foreign 2015) 19. And such too is the grandeur of the dooms We have imagined for the mighty dead; All lovely tales that we have heard or read ; An endless fountain of immortal drink ……… (a) Who are the ‘mighty dead’? (b) What have we done for them? (c) What metaphor has been used for ‘lovely tales’ ? (d) How is the grandeur of the dooms related to the theme of the poem? (Foreign 2016) 20. And such too is the grandeur of the dooms We have imagined for the mighty dead; All lovely tales that we have heard or read; An endless fountain of immortal drink, Pouring unto us from the heaven’s brink. (a) Name the poem. (b) Who are the ‘mighty dead’ referred to here? (c) What is the endless fountain of immortal drink ? (d) What does the word, ‘brink’ mean ? (Delhi 2015 C) Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - b 24. Some shape of beauty moves away the pall from our dark spirits. (a) How does beauty help us when we are burdened with grief? (b) Explain : “Some shape of beauty”. (c) Identify the figure of speech used in the above lines. (AI 2014 C) 25. A flowery band to bind us to the Earth, Spite of despondence, of the inhuman dearth Of noble natures, of the gloomy days, Of all the unhealthy and o’er-darkened ways Made for our searching : (a) What are we doing every day? (b) Which evil things do we possess and suffer from? (c) What are the circumstances that contribute towards making humans unhappy and disillusioned with life? (Delhi 2013) 26. Therefore, on every morrow, are we wreathing A flowery band to bind us to the earth, Spite of despondence, of the inhuman dearth Of noble natures, of the gloomy days, Of all the unhealthy and o’er-darkened ways Made for our searching : (a) What are the flowery bands that bind us to the earth ? (b) What message do the above lines, convey? (Delhi 2013) C op yM yK 21. Spite of despondence, of the inhuman dearth Of nobel natures, of the gloomy days, Of all the unhealthy and Q’er darkened ways Made for our searching: yes, in spite of all, Some shape of beauty moves away the pall From our dark spirits. (a) Name the poem. (b) Give one cause of human suffering. (c) What moves away the pall from our lives. (d) What does the word ‘gloomy’ mean? (AI 2015 C) 22. All lovely tales that we have heard or read; An endless fountain of immortal drink. Pouring onto us from the heaven’s brink. (a) Name the poem and the poet. (b) What is the thing of beauty mentioned in these lines? (c) What image does the poet use in these lines? (Delhi 2014) 23. Spite of despondence, of the inhuman dearth Of noble natures, of the gloomy days, Of all the unhealthy and o’er-darkened ways Made for our searching: yes in spite of all, Some shape of beauty moves away the pall From our dark spirits. (a) Name the poem and the poet. (b) Why are we ‘despondent’? (c) What removes ‘the pall from our dark spirits’? (AI 2014) 259 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab A Thing of Beauty Answers 1. It is nature’s beauty, which Keats considers an endless fountain of immortal drink. According to him, the drink is immortal because of the joy and delight it provides, it never passes into nothingness; the joy is forever and its loveliness ever-increasing. 2. A thing of beauty is present in the nature and brings us eternal joy whenever we need it. It keeps a quiet bower for us to take shelter in and comforts us so as to provide us a sound sleep full of sweet dreams, health and quiet breathing. A thing of beauty present in the nature comforts us also by removing the gloom and misery from our lives. 3. A thing of beauty is a joy forever because its loveliness increases and lasts long. It never passes into nothingness and moves away the pall from our dark spirits. 4. In spite of troubles and sufferings, human beings love life because one is able to derive pleasure from the nature as well as one’s surroundings. The ‘things of beauty’, which nature provides take away all the gloom and fills one with hope. 5. Everything in nature is a thing of beauty and a source of pleasure. Some of them are the sun, the moon, old and young trees, daffodil flowers, small streams with clear water, etc. Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 6. The mighty dead were powerful persons during their own times. The tales of their achievements have been read and heard. Their lives and deeds look extraordinary and inspirational. Thus, grandeur of the mighty dead is a thing of beauty. 7. The poem ‘A Thing of Beauty’ gives the message that the things of beauty, which nature provides, never lose their charm. They never move into nothingness. They make a long lasting impression. The things of beauty present in the nature relieve us of worldly worries, thus bringing us eternal joy. 15. The objects of nature, which are a sources of joy are the sun, the moon, trees-young and old, daffodils, sheep, forests, clear rills, the mid forest brake, musk rose, etc. 16. Life is full of sorrows. However, the beautiful things given by God give us immense joy. They bring peace and calmness to the mind. One can remove one’s sorrows by admiring sights of nature. 17. Refer to answer 16. 18. (a) The loveliness of a thing of beauty will keep on increasing. (b) ‘Never pass into nothingness.’ (c) A pleasant, shady place under a tree is called bower. (d) We need sweet dreams, health and quiet breathing in our lives to bear the problems of life, to remove the gloom and to uplift the mood. 19. (a) The ‘mighty dead’ are all the great men. (b) We have heard and read lovely heroic tales about their grandeur. (c) The metaphor used for ‘Lovely tales’ is an endless fountain of immortal drink. (d) The grandeur of the dooms is everlasting beauty; one can find beauty even in death. yM yK 8. The earth is beautiful in terms of lovely scenes and sights. It produces lovely green trees, delicate daffodils and streams. These come as a healing balm to a person in pain or distress. The poet compares them to a fountain of immortal drink from heaven. CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 260 9. Human beings love life in spite of all the troubles they face because they are surrounded by the things of beauty in nature. They remove the gloomy pall from our dark spirits. Nature makes us rise above the spite of our despondence and allows us to become attuned to the beauty of nature. C op 10. In the hot season, man and beast get comfort by taking shelter under the shade of the trees, or being one with absorbing nature and the coolness it provides. The things of beauty, which nature offers are simple. However, they have a calming effect on every living being. 11. A thing of beauty uplifts one’s mood and provides eternal joy. It makes life worth living in spite of despondence, gloomy days, etc. because its loveliness keeps on increasing and never fades away. 12. Refer to answer 9. 13. The sun, clear rills, the mid forest brake and the grandeur of the doom are four of the innumerable things of beauty that add joy to our life. 14. Despondence and lack of noble nature are two of the many things, which cause pain and suffering. 20. (a) The name of the poem is ‘A Thing of Beauty’. (b) Here, the ‘mighty dead’ refers to the great people of the world, the people we respect and/or our ancestors as well. (c) The endless fountain of immortal drink is all the wonderful tales told to us when we were children and all the great books read by us. (d) The word ‘brink’ means the extreme edge at the top. 21. (a) The name of the poem is ‘A Thing of Beauty’. (b) One of the many causes of human sufferings is lack of noble nature. (c) Anything, which we consider beautiful moves away the pall from our lives. (d) The word gloomy means depressed or sad. 22. (a) The given lines are from the poem ‘A Thing of Beauty’ by John Keats. Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 23. (a) The lines have been taken from the poem ‘A Thing of Beauty’ by John Keats. (b) We are despondent because of the unhealthy and over-darkened ways of humans and that the world lacks noble people. (c) According to the poet, even if the world is not worth living because of the innumerable reasons that ultimately result in gloom and depression, the zeal to live a happy and content life can be derived from the sight of the beautiful bounties of nature around us. These beautiful things remove the pall from our dark spirits. 25. (a) Every day we renew our bond with nature and it is the beauty of nature that keeps us attached to this earth. (b) We suffer from lack of goodness in human nature and possess unhealthy and our darkened methods of being human. (c) The trials and tribulations of life that test our bearance make us despondent in life. 26. (a) The flowery band that binds us to the earth are new memories we make and hopes we form every morning when we wake up. These too are few of the many beautiful things, which keeps us grounded and make us happy during our time of grief. (b) The above lines convey that even if the world is full of gloomy days, despondency and lacks people of noble nature, the things of beauty that we are surrounded with bring us hope and joy. C op yM yK 24. (a) Beauty or a thing of beauty removes all sad thoughts, has a soothing effect on our senses and lifts our spirits. 261 (b) ‘Some shape of beauty’ means anything that is beautiful in the world. (c) Personification and metaphor. b (b) The things of beauty mentioned in the given lines are the lovely tales heard or read. (c) In these lines, the poet uses the image of ‘an endless fountain of immortal drink’ to describe the beautiful bounty of the Earth. ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab A Thing of Beauty Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab POETRY 5 Visit our site - Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers – Adrienne Rich C op yM yK ita b Topicwise Analysis of Last 11 Years’ CBSE Board Questions (2017-2007) ABOUT THE POET Adrienne Rich (May 16, 1929 - March 27, 2012) was an American poet, essayist and radical feminist. She was called as one of the most widely read and influential poets of the second half of the 20th century and was credited with bringing the oppression of women to the forefront of poetic discourse. SUMMARY The poet starts with Aunt Jennifer’s visual tapestry of tigers who are fearless animals and they stay valiant in their environment. They are vibrant, coloured living in rich green environment. These tigers are living life with majesty as one would expect the tigers from the forests. There is a certainty and confidence in the way these tigers move. But Aunt Jennifer is weak, feeble and captivated in contrast to the tigers she was knitting. She is suffering from physical and mental trauma. When Aunt Jennifer says that she finds the ivory needle Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers Visit our site - The poet in the last stanza brings in the contrasting picture. When she would die her hands will still reflect the terrors she lived in her life. Throughout her lifetime she suffered. But at the same time her tigers will remain the same courageous, fearless, free which would just be in contrast to the life she lived. They will hold the fort as the reflecting force against the male dominated society. C op yM yK ita b hard to pull she tricks to reveal that she is facing hardship and trouble in her life. Her life has been tiring and hurtful and that her unhappy married life is overbearing and demanding. She even feels that the ring on her finger is a burdensome weight, which denotes that her husband is making her life miserable. She feels that her inner soul has been prisoned by the patriarchal society. 263 Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab 264 Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core PREVIOUS YEARSBoard MCQS Questions Previous Years’ CBSE SA II (3 marks) What are the difficulties that Aunt Jennifer faced in her life? (Delhi 2014) 2. How are Aunt Jennifer’s tigers different from her? (AI 2014) 3. How does Aunt Jennifer express her bitterness and anger against male dominance? (Delhi 2014 C) 4. What will happen to Aunt Jennifer’s tigers when she is dead? (Delhi 2013) 5. What lies heavily on Aunt Jennifer’s hand? How is it associated with her husband ? (AI 2013) 6. Why did Aunt Jennifer choose to embroider tigers on the panel ? (Delhi 2012) 7. How do the words, ‘denizens’ and ‘chivalric’ add to our understanding of Aunt Jennifer’s tigers? (AI 2012) 8. Why do you think Aunt Jennifer created animals that are so different from her own character? (AI 2011) 9. How has Aunt Jennifer created her tigers? What traits of tigers do they reveal? (AI 2010) 13. Aunt Jennifer’s efforts to get rid of her fear proved to be futile. Comment. (Delhi 2016) 14. What picture of male chauvinism (tyranny) do we find in the poem, ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’ ? (AI 2016) 15. How does the poet show the futility of Aunt Jennifer’s efforts ? (Foreign 2016) 16. What is suggested by the phrase, ‘massive weight of uncle’s wedding band’? (Delhi 2015) 17. Why does Aunt Jennifer create animals that are so different from her own character? (Delhi 2015) 18. What will happen when Aunt Jennifer is dead? (Foreign 2015) 19. How is Aunt Jennifer different from her tigers? (Foreign 2015) 20. For Aunt Jennifer, what do the tigers symbolise? (Foreign 2015) C op yM yK 1. b (2 marks) ita SA I 10. Describe the tigers created by Aunt Jennifer. (Delhi 2009) 11. Why did Aunt Jennifer choose to embroider tigers on the panel ? (AI 2009) 12. How does the poet describe Aunt Jennifer’s tigers ? (Delhi 2008) SA III (4 marks) Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow : 21. Aunt Jennifer’s tigers prance across a screen, Bright topaz denizens of a world of green. They do not fear the men beneath the tree; They pace in sleek chivalric certainty. (a) Why are the tigers called Aunt Jennifer’s tigers ? (b) How are they described here? (c) How are they different from Aunt Jennifer? (d) What does the word, ‘chivalric’ mean? (Delhi 2017) 22. Aunt Jennifer’s tigers prance across a screen, Bright topaz denizens of a world of green. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers They do not fear the men beneath the tree; They pace in sleek chivalric certainty. (a) Why are the tigers called ‘Aunt Jennifer’s tigers’? (b) What does the phrase, ‘a world of green’ mean ? (c) How are the tigers different from their creator? (d) Why are the tigers not afraid of the men beneath the trees? (Delhi 2015 C) 265 23. Aunt Jennifer’s tiger prance across a screen, Bright topaz denizens of a world of green. They do not fear the men beneath the tree; They pace in sleek chivalric certainty. (a) How are aunt Jennifer’s tigers described ? (b) Why are they described as denizens of a world of green ? (c) Why are they not afraid of the men ? (Delhi 2010) 6. Aunt Jennifer chose to embroider tigers on the panel because secretly, she wanted to be like the tigers-fearless, proud, unafraid and liberated. 2. Unlike Aunt Jennifer, who feels trapped in a loveless and unhappy marriage, who is terrified of her domineering husband and the patriarchal society, her tigers prance around freely, full of confidence, fearless of the men watching them. The tigers seem to possess all the qualities, which Aunt Jennifer does not. 8. “Aunt Jennifer’s tigers prance across a screen, .... They do not fear the men beneath the tree; they pace in sleek chivalric certainty.” The tigers are so different from Aunt’s own character because they are an expression of her hidden desires. Through them, Aunt Jennifer communicates her unfulfilled wishes. 3. Aunt Jennifer expresses her bitterness and anger against male dominance through her art; by knitting tigers on the panel which symbolise freedom, strength and chivalry. 4. Unlike Aunt Jennifer, her tigers are free from inhibitions. They are liberated and fear no one. After her death, while Aunt Jennifer will continue to be ‘weighed’ down by the constraints of her marriage, her tigers will go on prancing confidently and unafraid. 9. Aunt Jennifer’s tigers are woolen tapestry, which she intricately embroidered on a screen with the help of an ivory needle. She made the tigers to appear as fearless creatures, proud and free, prancing fearlessly unafraid of the men standing underneath the tree. 10. Aunt Jennifer’s tiger are described as bright topaz denizens of a world of green, pacing in chivalric certainty, fearless. They are proud, strong and free. ita 1. Aunt Jennifer lived her life in accordance with the rules laid down by her domineering husband. Her life was overburdened by the demands and duties of her married life and the patriarchal society. It lacked self-expression. Although old and weak, she had to face the ordeals of her oppressive marriage all her life, there was no escape from her husband. C b Answers op yM yK 7. ‘Denizens’ and ‘Chivalric’ describe Aunt Jennifer’s tigers as bold and fearless tigers, who prance around confidently in their natural habitat. Sleek and gallant in their movements, the tigers are certain of themselves. 5. Aunt Jennifer’s wedding band sits heavily on her hand. The weighty wedding band is symbol of all the constraints of married life Aunt Jennifer has had faced being married to a domineering husband. 11. Refer to answer 6. 12. The poet describes Aunt Jennifer’s tigers as topaz, bright-eyed denizens, prancing with sleek and chivalric certainty. The tigers are free and fearless. Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 13. Aunt Jennifer is an obedient wife, often dominated by her husband. Her efforts to get rid of her fear of an unhappy and terrifying marriage proves to be futile because she would have to wear the ‘weighty’ wedding ring, which has made her feel trapped all her life, even when she is dead. In other words, there is no escaping the male dominated society or the ordeals of tyrannous marriage for Aunt Jennifer, even after death. will continue through the prancing tigers on the panel. 19. Aunt Jennifer is scared, oppressed and has no freedom in her married life because of her husband’s authority. There is a stark contrast between her and the tigers’ nature. The tigers are free and fearless in the presence of men; they prance around with confidence. 20. Aunt Jennifer, lived an unhappy life in constant fear of her authoritative husband and the fact that she would never be freed not even after her death. Therefore, for her, the tigers symbolised fearlessness, confidence and freedom, something she lacked but hoped to possess. 21. (a) The tigers are called Aunt Jennifer’s tigers because she embroidered them herself. (b) The tigers are described as bright topaz denizens of the world of green, who prance around fearlessly and with sleek, chivalric certainty. (c) The tigers are different from Aunt Jennifer because unlike her, they do not fear the men. The tigers prance with a certainty in their presence. (d) ‘Chivalric’ means polite and kind behaviour that shows a sense of honour, specially towards women. yM yK 14. The poem, ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’, shows constraints of married life every woman experiences. It shows lack of freedom for Aunt Jennifer, who is forced to live in accordance with rules laid down by her husband. Uncle’s wedding band, which sits ‘heavily’ upon Aunt Jennifer’s finger, symbolises oppressive behaviour of the patriarchal society. Aunt Jennifer feels that she would escape the ordeals of her tyrannous marriage once she is dead. However, such a thought is futile because the patriarchal society would not permit her to take off the wedding band even after death. Therefore, it is suffice to say that she is a victim of male chauvinism. CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 266 op 15. The poet shows the futility of Aunt Jennifer’s efforts by pointing towards her fluttering fingers, which find the ivory needle hard to pull. During her death, she would have to continue to wear her wedding band. C 16. The phrase ‘massive weight of uncle’s wedding band’ refers to the burden of an oppressive marriage in which Aunt Jennifer was trapped. The wedding band is also symbol of bondage; Aunt is bound to her dominating husband by marriage because of her wedding vows. She can’t escape this male dominated society even after she is dead. As a dutiful wife, she must continue to be devoted to her husband. 17. Refer to answer 8. 18. When Aunt Jennifer is dead, she will continue to suffer because she will not be free from her marital bondage. But, her struggle for freedom 22. (a) The tigers are called ‘Aunt Jennifer’s tigers’ because they are her creation. Aunt Jennifer embroidered the tigers on a screen. (b) ‘A world of green’ means green forest, the natural habitat of the tigers. (c) Unlike Aunt Jennifer, the tigers are fearless, confident and free. (d) The tigers are ‘denizens of a world of green’. They are wild beasts. Therefore, they do not fear the men beneath the trees. 23. (a) The tigers are described as bright topaz denizens of a world of green, prancing in chivalric certainty fearlessly. (b) The tigers are the natives of dense green forests. (c) They are ferocious, strong and fearless by nature. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab VISTAS 1 Visit our site - The Tiger King – Kalki C op yM yK ita b Topicwise Analysis of Last 11 Years’ CBSE Board Questions (2017-2007) ABOUT THE AUTHOR Ramaswamy Aiyer Krishanmurthi (9 Sept. 1899-5 Dec. 1954) was a Tamil writer. His pen name was Kalki. He was also a freedom fighter, journalist, poet, critic and social activist. He was born in Purthamangalam in Tanjore district in Tamil Nadu. He got the Sahitya Academy Award for his Novel ‘Alai Osai’ in 1948. SUMMARY This story is about the king of Pratibandapuram who was also known as the ‘Tiger King’ and was famous for his indomitable courage. The Tiger King was rumoured to have spoken when he was ten days old. His miraculous first words proved his intelligence, curiosity and bravery to the astrologers. The astrologers predicted that the young prince would grow to become the mightiest of all, but he would be killed by a tiger. Since it was a period of British dominance, the prince was groomed and the British impact was quite visible. He drank the milk of an English cow, Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - he visited the kingdom. This way he could reach the number up to ninety nine tigers. These ninety nine tiger skins ornated the reception hall of Pratibandapuram palace. Now, only one tiger was left to be killed. The Maharaja became even more uneasy and desired to kill that single tiger and get over his fears. He could then give up tiger hunting. However, the hundredth tiger could not be found. The king became anxious. One day, he got the news that sheep had started disappearing from the hill side village, his hopes rose. He was extremely pleased that he announced a three year exemption from all taxes for the village and set out to find the tiger. But it was in vain. The king got so angry that many officers had to lose their job and in his frenzy he ordered to double up the tax. The dewan was very worried, so in order to find a solution he got an old tiger from the People’s Park in Madras and kept it hidden in his house. When Maharaja went for tiger hunting the dewan along with his wife took the tiger and dragged him out of the car. The old tiger started wandering in the forest. The king spotted and shot the tiger. The exhilarated king took the procession of the dead tiger through the town. After the king left, the other hunters realised that the tiger only fainted due to shock of the bullet. They thought if they will tell Maharaja they might lose their jobs. Therefore, they decided not to tell him the truth. One of the hunters shot the tiger dead. Then they took out the procession and buried the tiger. A tomb was erected over it. After a few days, Maharaja’s son’s third birthday was celebrated. He looked out for a gift. He saw a wooden tiger. That toy was only for two anas but the shopkeeper said it was a rare example of the craftsmanship and sold it to the king for three hundred rupees. He played with that wooden tiger along with his son. It was carved by an unskilled carpenter. The surface of the toy tiger was rough with quills all over it. One of these quills pierced the king’s hand. The king took it out and kept on playing with the prince. Next day, his right hand got infected which spread all over the arm, three renowned doctors from Madras could not save him. Therefore, the hundredth tiger took its final revenge. It killed the Tiger King. C op yM yK was brought up by an English nanny, tutored in English by an Englishman, saw nothing but English films. He was crowned king at the age of twenty. The king of Pratibandapuram was arrogant but brave. As the stories of the predictions resurfaced he killed the first tiger to show his superiority against destiny. Then he called the state astrologer. The astrologer reaffirmed his prediction saying that ninety nine tigers would cause no harm but it was the hundredth tiger that he needs to escape from. This made the king to make a vow to kill at least hundred tigers to show that he was determined to win the challenge against the fate. Maharaja’s sole aim of life was now to hunt tigers. This fixation led him to kill all the tigers of the tiger rich forests of Pratibandapuram. He even pronounced that anybody who dared even to think evil of any of the tiger will have to surrender all wealth and property as he wanted the right to kill all the tigers for himself. To achieve his target to kill hundred tigers he became nonchalant to his duties of a king. During the course of his mission, he faced many life threatening situations. Sometimes he even fought the beast without any weapons but each time he was successful. The high ranking British officer who wanted to go for tiger hunting visited Pratibandapuram. He was fond of clicking photographs of tigers, which he killed. The Maharaja did not allow him as he thought granting permission once would lead to other British officers also making similar requests. As the king refused the permission to the British officer, his kingdom came under the threat. So he discussed with his dewan and thought of sending fifty sample rings to the British officer’s wife. They thought that his wife would choose one ring, but the greedy wife took all the fifty rings. Those rings cost the king three lakh rupees, but the kingdom was saved. After this incident the tiger hunting expedition of the king continued. Within a decade he managed to kill seventy tigers. The population of the tigers drastically began to come down. The king told his dewan to find a princess of a royal family suitable for his marriage and their kingdom should have a large number of tiger population. After his marriage the king killed five to six tigers each time CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 268 Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab The Tiger King Visit our site - 269 PREVIOUS YEARSBoard MCQS Questions Previous Years’ CBSE 1. Why did the Maharaja ban tiger hunting in the state? (Delhi 2014) 2. Why did the Maharaja order the Dewan to double the land tax? (AI 2014) 3. How did the Maharaja please a high-ranking British official? (Delhi 2014 C) 4. What gave the astrologers the greatest surprise of their life while they were studying the horoscope of the ten-day-old prince? (AI 2014 C) 15. Narrate the ultimate end of the Tiger King in the story ‘The Tiger King’. (AI 2009) 16. How did the Tiger King celebrate his victory over the killing of the 100th tiger? (Delhi 2008) 17. What was the Dewan’s tiger like? How did he take it into the forest? (Delhi 2008) 18. Why did the Dewan decide to give up his own tiger to be killed by the Maharaja? b (2 marks) (Delhi 2008) SA II (3 marks) ita SA I 5. Why did the Maharaja decide to get married? ( Delhi 2014 C) 6. How did the Tiger King become the victim of the hundredth tiger? (AI 2014 C) 20. What sort of hunts did the Maharaja offer to organise for the high-ranking British officer? What trait of the officer does it reveal? When he was only ten days old, a prediction was made about the future of the Tiger King. What was ironic about it? (Delhi 2016) 21. How did the ten-day-old baby (the future Tiger King) react to the prediction about his future made by the astrologers?(Delhi 2016) 22. What kind of life was enjoyed by crown prince Jung Bahadur till he reached the age of twenty? (Delhi 2016) 23. Who killed the 100th tiger? Why?(AI 2015 C) The manner of his (the Tiger King’s) death is a matter of extraordinary interest. Comment. How did the Tiger King stand in danger of losing his Kingdom ? How was he able to avert the danger? (Delhi 2012) C 9. op (Delhi 2013) 8. How did the Maharaja deal with a high ranking British officer who wanted to shoot a tiger? (Delhi 2017) yM yK 7. 19. Why was the Maharaja so anxious to kill the hundredth tiger? (AI 2012) 10. What did the British officer’s secretary tell the Maharaja? Why did the Maharaja refuse permission? (AI 2010) 24. 11. Why, do you think, was the Maharaja in danger of losing his throne? (AI 2010) 25. 12. When was the Tiger King in danger of losing his throne? (AI 2015) What led the Maharaja to start out on a tiger hunt? (AI 2010) 26. 13. How did the Tiger King manage to retain his kingdom? (Foreign 2015) How did the Tiger King acquire his name? 27. What made the chief astrologer place his finger on his nose? (Foreign 2015) 28. Why did the Maharaja ban tiger hunting in his state? (Delhi 2015 C) (Delhi 2009) 14. What happened to the tiger provided by the Dewan Saheb? (Delhi 2009) (AI 2015) Follow us on Facebook - 270 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core LA II (6 marks) 29. 30. LA III (7 marks) Giving a bribe is an evil practice. How did the Tiger King bribe the British officer to save his kingdom? How do you view this act of his? (Delhi 2015) Even today so many among us believe in superstitions. An astrologer predicted about ‘The Tiger King’ that he would be killed by a tiger. He ‘killed’ one hundred tigers yet was himself ‘killed’ by a tiger. How did the superstitious belief ‘prevail’? (AI 2015) 31. When did the Tiger King stand in danger of losing his kingdom? How was he able to avert the danger? (Delhi 2010) 32. How did the Tiger King meet his end ? What is ironical about his fate? (AI 2009) 33. Describe the efforts made by the Tiger King to achieve his target of killing a hundred tigers. (AI 2009) Answers ita b in Pratibandapurm. In order to fulfil his vow of killing one hundred tigers the Maharaja decided to get married to a girl from a royal family of a kingdom with a large tiger population. 6. The Tiger King gifted his son a wooden toy tiger. The toy was made by an unskilled carpenter because of which its surface was rough; tiny slivers of wood stood up like quills all over it. A splinter from the wooden tiger pierced his hand, caused suppurating sore, resulting into his death. This is how the Tiger King became the victim of the hundredth tiger. yM yK 1. There were various reasons because of which the Maharaja banned tiger hunting in the state of Pratibandapuram. He vowed to hunt and kill hundred tigers to prove the astrologer wrong who predicted that a tiger would be the cause of his death. However, the tiger population of his kingdom was quickly diminishing because of the Maharaja’s hunting spree. This is why he did not want anyone else to hunt or kill tigers. C op 2. After hearing about disappearances of sheep, the Maharaja set out on an expedition to find the hundredth tiger, which was supposed to be the reason for the disappearances. However, the tiger could not be found anywhere. The Tiger King was becoming impatient day by day. In his rage, the Maharaja ordered the Dewan to double the land tax. 3. A high ranking British officer visited Pratibandapuram and sought permission to hunt tiger from King. Even though the king declined his request, he did not want to displease the officer. So in order to please the high-ranking British officer, he sent fifty diamond rings to his wife which cost the Maharaja three lakh rupees. 4. The fact that the ten-days-old infant prince spoke clearly and coherently and that he raised intelligent questions about life and death, gave the astrologers the greatest surprise of their life while they were studying the horoscope of the infant crown prince. 5. So far, the Maharaja had succeeded in killing only seventy tigers when they become extinct 7. The Maharaja refused to allow the British officer to hunt tigers in his kingdom. Instead, the Maharaja offered to organise a boar hunt or a mouse hunt or even a mosquito hunt. It shows the shallowness and pretence of the British official. 8. A high-ranking British officer, who was fond of hunting tigers, visited Pratibandapuram. The Tiger King refused to allow the British officer to hunt tigers saying it was banned in his kingdom. He did not even permit the officer to get himself photographed with the tiger killed by the king. This annoyed the high-ranking British officer because directly or indirectly, the king was preventing an important man from fulfilling his desire. Anticipating unfavourable consequences of denying a British officer and to avert the danger of losing his kingdom, the Tiger King sent a gift of fifty expensive diamond rings to the British officer’s wife. Although he thought that the duraisani would Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 9. When the Maharaja was only ten days old, an astrologer predicted that a tiger would be the cause of his death. In order to prove the astrologer wrong and also to save himself from getting killed, the Maharaja vowed to hunt and kill hundred tigers. This is why he was so anxious to kill the hundredth tiger. 11. Refer to answer 8. 12. Refer to answer 9. yM yK 10. The British officer’s secretary sent a message to the Maharaja through his dewan that the Maharaja could actually kill the tiger and then allow the British officer to get himself photographed with the tiger while holding the gun and standing over carcass. However, the Maharaja did not agree to him and refused permission because he feared that doing so will encourage other British officers to turn up for tiger hunting. The Maharaja wanted to kill hundred tigers himself. birthday, he wanted to give something special to the crown prince. He went to the shopping centre in Pratibandapuram and searched every shop, but could not find anything suitable. He then saw a wooden toy tiger and thought it was perfect for his son. The toy had been carved by an unskilled carpenter. The surface was rough because slivers of wood were poking out, of the entire toy. One of the quills pierced the Maharaja’s hand. Although the king pulled it out the wound became infected. The infection spread all over the arm. As the situation worsened, three famous surgeons were called from Madras to treat the king. All three surgeons agreed that the king needed to be operated on immediately. After the surgery, the three surgeons announced that the operation was successful but king had passed away. Ultimately, the Tiger King met his end by the hundredth tiger, ironically not by a real tiger but by a wooden one whose splinter injured him proving deadly. b only select a couple of rings, he did not mind that she kept them all. In fact, he was happy to know that he was able to retain his kingdom even though he had to pay three lakh rupees to the British jewellers for the diamond rings. 271 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab The Tiger King C op 13. The Maharaja of Pratibandapuram, the Tiger King had killed ninety-nine tigers to prove the chief astrologer’s prediction wrong. He was so obsessed with killing hundred tigers that he even married the princess whose state was rich in tigers. It was this fixation of his, with killing tigers, which got him the name. 14. The tiger provided by the Dewan Saheb was very old and stood in complete submission. The Maharaja took an aim and fired, but actually the bullet had missed the tiger. Hearing the sharp sound of bullet the tiger fainted. The Maharaja took the procession of the ‘dead’ tiger through the town unaware that it was still alive. Since, the other hunters did not want to offend the Maharaja by telling him what had happened, one of the hunters shot and killed the tiger. 15. The occasion was the Tiger King’s son’s third birthday, he had not been paying much attention to the crown prince because of his obsession of killing hundred tigers. Since, it was his son’s 16. After ‘killing’ the hundredth tiger, the Tiger King was filled with joy. He had proved the astrologers wrong. In order to celebrate his victory, the Maharaja ordered the tiger to be brought in a grand procession. Having fulfilled his vow, the Tiger King had all the time in the world. So, he turned his attention to his son. 17. The Dewan’s tiger was weak and senile. He arranged the tiger from The People’s Park, Madras. Dewan dragged the tiger out at midnight and shoved him into the car, went to the forest, hauled the beast out of the car and pushed him to the ground near Maharaja’s camp. 18. The Dewan decided to give up his own tiger to be killed by the Maharaja because he had to save his job. Otherwise, if the King could not kill the hundredth tiger, he would be furious and the result would be catastrophic. 19. When the high ranking British officer expressed his desire to hunt tiger in Pratibandapurm, the Maharaja denied him permission. He said to the British officer that the latter could hunt anything, even mosquitoes, but not tigers. Later, when the Maharaja realised that refusing the high ranking British officer could jeopardise his kingdom, he sent fifty samples of Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - diamond rings to the British officer’s wife to choose from. She kept them all; it cost the Maharaja three lakhs rupees. 20. The chief astrologer predicted that the Tiger King would die one day. The irony was that, hearing this, the ten days old infant Tiger King, then a crown prince, spoke like a wise man and said that everyone who is born had to die. 21. After listening to the prediction about his death, the ten-days old crown prince responded by saying that death is inevitable for anybody who is born. It does not require prediction. He wished to know about the manner of death as it is more important than the news of his death itself. When he learnt that the cause of his death would be tigers, he said with a growl : “Let tigers beware!” kept the entire lot and replied with a thank you note for the gifts. In two days, a bill of three lakh rupees was sent by the British jewellers, to the Maharaja which he was happy to pay. This is how the Maharaja had managed to retain his kingdom. This act of the king sheds light on the deplorable practice of bribery that perpetuates the vicious cycle of corruption, especially considering the fact that the king had personal interests to protect rather than the welfare of his kingdom. 30. From the moment the Tiger King heard the prediction that a tiger would be the cause of his death, he made it the aim of his life not to lose to the tigers. The Tiger King vowed to kill hundred tigers and not rest until his vow was completed. While the Maharaja believed that he was fighting to change his destiny, it was the other way round. One may find it superstitious, but it was his destiny, which pushed him to act the way he did and eventually die because of a tiger. The Tiger King took lives of the innocent tigers, one after another, until it became an obsession of his. He was selfish, self-centred and to quite an extent, hot-headed, which influenced each of his actions. He banned tiger hunts in Pratibandapuram for others and threatened to confiscate wealth and property of anybody who dared to hurt the tigers. He gave up his royal duties only to fulfil his vow, without once thinking about the effects it would have on his kingdom. He bribed the high ranking British officer, whom he had denied permission to hunt tigers in Pratibandapuram, so that he, the Tiger King, did not lose his kingdom. The Maharaja even married into a royal family only on one condition, the forests of that kingdom had to have tigers. After killing ninety-nine tigers, the Tiger King’s obsession grew. On his last hunting expedition, when the hundredth tiger was nowhere to be seen, the Tiger King became furious and asked Dewan to double the land tax of the village where he had gone to hunt. The Dewan feared that the king’s decision would prove to be catastrophic, if the hundredth tiger was not found and killed quickly; the dewan’s job was in jeopardy too. These chain of events paved way for the death of the Tiger King. The Dewan arranged for a senile yM yK 22. Crown prince Jung Bahadur drank the milk of an English cow. He was brought up by an English nanny and tutored in English by an Englishman, saw nothing but English movies. Until he reached his twenties, the crown prince Jung Bahadur enjoyed everything which other Indian crown princes during British rule were enjoying. CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 272 op 23. The hundredth tiger was killed by one of the hunters accompanying the Tiger King. The Maharaja missed his mark, but loud bang of the gun shot made the old and weak tiger faint. If the king had found out about this, the hunters would have lost their job. C 24. Refer to answer 15. 25. Refer to answer 8. 26. Refer to answer 8. 27. The chief astrologer placed his finger on his nose because he was filled with surprise and wonder on hearing a small baby, just ten days old, speak. 28. Refer to answer 1. 29. The Tiger King dispatched a telegram to a famous British company of jewellers in Calcutta to send samples of expensive diamond rings of different designs. Some fifty rings arrived and the king sent all of it to the British officer’s wife. The king and his minister expected that the duraisani would choose one or two rings and send the rest back. However, it turned out that the duraisani Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 31. Refer to answer 8. C op yM yK 32. The Tiger King wanted to give his son a special gift on his birthday. He went out to look for the ideal present for him. Finally, he found a wooden tiger at a toy shop and gave it to his son. But it had been made by an unskilled carpenter; The surface was rough as up like quills tiny slivers of wood stood all over it. One of these pierced Tiger King’s hand. The infection from the wound spread all over the arm and eventually killed him. In spite of killing ninety-nine tigers, his death comes from the hundredth tiger, just as the chief astrologer had predicted. What is ironic about the Tiger King’s fate is that, the hundredth tiger was not even a real tiger, it was a toy. 273 33. After he took a vow to kill hundred tigers, doing so became the sole aim of his life. The Tiger King made numerous efforts to fulfil his target of killing a hundred tigers. He banned tiger hunting in Pratibandapuram. He announced that anyone who dared to even touch a tiger in his kingdom, would have to surrender their entire wealth and property. Gradually, the Tiger King started paying more attention to hunting tigers and less on his royal duties. By now, he had killed almost all the tigers in the forests of Pratibanapuram. He spent three lakhs rupees on diamond rings, which he presented to the wife of a high ranking British official, whom he offended by refusing to give permission to hunt tigers in Pratibandpuram. The Tiger King was so obsessed with killing tigers that he even married into a kingdom where the tiger population was high. Every time he went to meet his in laws, he would kill five or six tigers. He stayed in the forest for many days and was determined to catch a tiger. But he grew anxious when he couldn’t get one even after many days. He fired many of his officers for this reason. The Maharaja’s Dewan brought an old tiger from the People’s Park in Madras for the king to kill, to finally let him achieve his target of killing hundred tigers. b tiger to be killed by the Maharaja. However, the King’s bullet did not kill the beast; the old tiger merely fainted by the sound of the gun shot. It was one of the king’s hunters who finally killed the tiger, leaving the king content with the thought of killing hundred tigers. Therefore, the king’s death due to the infection caused by the splinter from the wooden toy tiger, was a death caused by his own action, proving that the superstitious belief prevailed. ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab The Tiger King Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab VISTAS 2 Visit our site - The Enemy – Pearl S.Buck C op yM yK ita b Topicwise Analysis of Last 11 Years’ CBSE Board Questions (2017-2007) ABOUT THE AUTHOR Pearl S. Buck (1892-1973) was born in Hillsboro, West Virginia. Pearl had begun to publish stories in 1920. Her novel ‘Good Earth’ became the best selling and won Pulitzer Prize and the Howells Medal. Pearl was the first American lady to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. Buck had a humanistic attitude to the problems of life. She felt that while nations were at war, individuals were humans. SUMMARY ‘The Enemy’ tells the story of a Japanese doctor who hates Americans because of his patriotism. Dr. Sadao Hoki, a Japanese surgeon and scientist, lived with his wife Hana and two children at the Japanese sea-coast. His house was located on the sea-coast where he had spent his childhood. He was greatly influenced by his father whose chief concern was Sadao’s education. When he was twenty two Sadao Hoki was sent to America to study surgery and medicine. Sadao fulfilled his father’s desire and became a famous scientist and surgeon. He returned to serve his nation and people. Even though there was a war going on Dr. Sadao was not sent as he was perfecting a discovery on wounds and the old general might need him for an operation. Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - op C 275 b within themselves. The gardener said that the man should have been left bleeding, the cook said that it was Sadao’s pride due to which he treated the American soldier. Yumi said that the kids would suffer if Sadao was caught. He would be declared a traitor. The prisoner’s name was Tom. He started recovering and in a fortnight recovered completely. Sadao wrote a letter to the chief of police but then put the unfinished letter in his drawer. Hana was not able to understand why she and her husband were in a dilemma about the next step for the prisoner. The General sent out a messenger in an official uniform. Hana got extremely scared and thought the servants would have informed the police. But she took a sigh of relief when the messenger told that he came to call the doctor as the General was suffering from chest pain. Tensed and tired of hiding the enemy, Dr. Sadao revealed the secret to the General when he went to examine him. Looking at his present medical conditions, General realised that he would require Sadao’s medical expertise at any time. So, he was selfish enough to not let Sadao get into any trouble. He assured Sadao that he would send his personal assassins to kill the American and remove his body from Sadao’s house. Dr. Sadao kept this plan a secret and did not disclose it to Hana as he did not want her to be troubled. He could not sleep for two nights as he expected assassins to come at night and kill the American. But each morning he found Tom alive. After three nights of restlessness, panic, anxiety and terror, Sadao decided to get rid of the stranger and the uneasiness his presence caused. He packed him off on a boat, loading the boat with basic necessities like food, water, quilts and he also gave him a flashlight so that he could send signals if required. He sent him to a nearby island to wait for a Korean ship. Thus, Tom departed safely. Sadao then operated the General. When he recuperated after a week the General said that he was apologetic for not being able to send assassins to kill the American. The General admitted to have forgotten his promise to send the assassins because of his own pain. One night, Sadao saw there was no flashlight from the island, so Sadao understood that the prisoner must have been safe and would have boarded the Korean ship. Sadao was left wondering that though he hated Americans and treated them to be enemies why he couldn’t kill the young soldier. yM yK With his father’s consent, Dr. Sadao married Hana whom he met in America. They had two children. Hana was a Japanese lady and had full faith in Japanese values and customs. She was a sympathetic lady. One night as the two of them stood in verandah, they saw something being washed ashore into the close proximity of their house and on closer inspection found that it was an American prisoner of war. The American seemed to have lost a lot of blood due to a bullet wound. Sadao and Hana were in a perplexed situation. Their human instincts demanded them to take care of the wounded person but their patriotic self wanted them to leave the injured person there only. Sadao realised, being a doctor, that the man needed an urgent medical attention. They thought that the servants would oppose their action and may give them away to the authorities. Dr. Sadao requested Hana to allow him to get the man in the house and also to disclose it to the servants. The children’s nanny, Yumi, refused to help in cleaning a white man. Therefore, Hana not only cleaned him but also administered anaesthesia which she had never done before. Hana assisted her husband in the surgery. She wondered if the prisoner of war was tortured in the same way as she heard in the stories. Dr. Sadao successfully took out the bullet which was lodged close to the kidney. Hana saw three red scars on his neck. Dr. Sadao tried his best to keep the prisoner alive. Meanwhile, he thought the reason behind his earnest attempts. He, out of habit, called the man “my friend” forgetting that he was the enemy. Sadao looked after the patient till he regained his consciousness. When the young man realised where he was, he got extremely scared. Hana consoled him. He was surprised to listen them talking in English. She informed him that she was in America for some time. The young man who was about seventeen years old got up after the third day of the operation. He asked what they would like to do with him to which Dr. Sadao replied that he was also not sure if he will hand over the young man to the authorities or not. The servants in the house protested that they would not stay if the American would be there in the house. Dr. Sadao said that it was his professional ethics that made him take care of the young man. He loved the country equally like they did. Though the servants were polite but they showed a callous behaviour as the days passed. The servants made sure that Hana could hear when they spoke ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab The Enemy Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab 276 Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core PREVIOUS YEARS MCQS Previous Years’ CBSE Board Questions What forced Dr. Sadao to be impatient and irritable with his patient? (AI 2013) 2. What made a cool surgeon like Sadao speak sharply to his wife and what was her reaction? (AI 2013) 3. Did Hana think the Japanese tortured their prisoners of war? Why? (Delhi 2012) 4. What help did Dr. Sadao seek from Hana while operating on the wounded white man? (Delhi 2012) 5. How did Dr. Sadao ensure that the American sailor left his house but he himself remained safe and secure? (Delhi 2012) 6. Why did Hana wash the wounded soldier herself? (Delhi 2011) 7. How does the writer indicate that Dr. Sadao’s father was a very traditional and conventional man? (Delhi 2011) 8. Why did the messenger come to Dr. Sadao ? What did Hana think about it? (AI 2010) Where, when and how did Dr. Sadao meet Hana? (Delhi 2016) 17. What conflict in his mind troubled Dr. Sadao when he came to know that the wounded man was an American POW? (Foreign 2016) 18. How did the General plan to get rid of the American POW? (Foreign 2016) 19. How did the servants react when they realised that Dr. Sadao was going to save the life of an enemy? (Foreign 2016) 20. What role did the American professor play in bringing Hana and Sadao together ? (AI 2015) 21. What was Sadao’s father’s dream for him? How did Sadao realise it? (AI 2015) 22. Who did Dr. Sadao think the survivor from the sea was when he first saw him? (Foreign 2015) 23. Why did Dr. Sadao seek Hana’s help to treat the U.S. soldier? (Foreign 2015) 24. On the seventh day after the American soldier was found by Dr. Sadao two things happened. Why did Hana feel scared of the second? (Foreign 2015) Why had Hana to wash the wounded man herself ? (Delhi 2012) op yM yK 1. 16. b (2 marks) ita SA I Why did the General spare the American soldier? (AI 2009) 10. Why was Dr. Sadao not sent to the battlefield ? (AI 2009) 11. How did the gardener react when Dr. Sadao told him about the wounded American soldier? (Delhi 2009) C 9. 12. Hana told Yumi to wash the solider. How did Yumi react? (Delhi 2008) 13. Why did the servants leave Dr. Sadao’s house? (Delhi 2008) SA II (3 marks) 14. What was his father’s chief concern about Dr. Sadao? (Delhi 2016) 15. Why was Dr. Sadao not sent abroad along with the troops? (Delhi 2016) 25. LA I 26. 27. (5 marks) What was the General’s plan to get rid of the American prisoner? Was it executed? What traits of the General’s character are highlighted in the lesson ‘The Enemy’? (AI 2014) Explain the reactions of the servants in Dr. Sadao’s house when he decided to give shelter to an enemy in the house. (AI 2014) LA II (6 marks) 28. Good human values are far above any other value system. How did Dr. Sadao succeed as Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab The Enemy Visit our site - (Delhi 2017) 34. 29. Dr. Sadao was a patriotic Japanese as well as a dedicated surgeon. How could he honour both the values? (Delhi 2015) 35. 30. Dr. Sadao faced a dilemma. Should he use his surgical skills to save the life of a wounded person or hand an escaped American P.O.W. over to the Japanese police? How did he resolve this clash of values? (AI 2015) a doctor as well as a patriot? 31. 32. How did Dr. Sadao help the American POW to escape? What humanitarian values do you find in his act? (Foreign 2015) How did the arrival of the prisoner destroy the peace of Sadao’s home? (Delhi 2015 C) 36. 37. Why did Sadao help the American soldier to escape? How did he do it? (AI 2012) Dr. Sadao was compelled by his duty as a doctor to help the enemy soldier. What made Hana, his wife, sympathise with him in the face of open defiance from the domestic staff? (AI 2011) What explains the attitude of the General in the matter of the enemy soldier? Was it human consideration, lack of national loyalty, dereliction of duty or simply selfabsorption? (AI 2011) How did Dr. Sadao rise above narrow prejudices of race and country to help a human being in need? (Delhi 2009) LA IV (10 marks) 33. 38. b LA III (7 marks) ita Describe the difficulties faced by Dr. Sadao when he decided to help the enemy soldier. (Delhi 2009) yM yK Do you think Dr. Sadao’s final decision was the best possible one in the circumstances? Why/ Why not? Explain with reference to the story, ‘The Enemy’. (Delhi 2013) 277 Answers C op 1. When Dr. Sadao started operating on the wounded American soldier, Hana had to be there to assist him. As someone who had never witnessed surgery before, the sight of blood disgusted Hana and she choked. In a sharp tone, Dr. Sadao told his wife to be strong and not faint. However, Hana ran outside and vomited. Sadao wanted to comfort his wife but at the same time, could not leave the American soldier unattended. This helplessness forced an otherwise calm and composed Dr. Sadao to be impatient and irritable with his patient. 2. Refer to answer 1. 3. Yes, Hana thought the Japanese tortured their prisoners of war. She thought so because she had heard about stories of suffering of prisoners of war. When she saw the tortured body of the American soldier, it confirmed her fears. She remembered General Takima beat his wife cruelly at home and wondered, if he could be so cruel to his wife, he would surely be more cruel to an enemy soldier. 4. First, Dr. Sadao asked Hana to fetch towels. Then he told her that she would have to give the anaesthesia to the wounded soldier. Hana had never done this before. So, Dr. Sadao explained that it was easy. All she had to do was soak the cotton with anaesthesia and hold it near the patient’s nostrils. Since Yumi and the other servants had refused to help, Dr. Sadao tend to the American P.O.W, it was Hana who had to wash his wounds. 5. Dr. Sadao offered his personal boat with food and extra clothing and advised the American soldier to go to a nearby island and escape from there by boarding a Korean fishing boat. One week later, he informed the General about the American soldier’s escape, thus, saving the American and remaining safe and secure himself. 6. Hana had to wash the wounded soldier herself because Yumi, the nanny, refused to wash the American soldier. She and the other servants were frightened when they learned about the enemy being in the house. They did not want to get into trouble of any kind. This is why they refused to help their master and mistress. Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 7. Dr. Sadao’s father wanted his son to marry a girl who had been pure in her race. Dr. Sadao and Hana had fallen in love in America but their marriage was arranged by Dr. Sadao’s father in the traditional Japanese way only after he had approved of Hana. 8. The messenger came to Dr. Sadao to inform him that the old General was in pain again and needed his care. Hana had thought that the servants had betrayed them and the messenger had come to arrest Dr. Sadao for sheltering the American, an enemy soldier. 14. Dr. Sadao’s father’s chief concern was his education. He wanted Dr. Sadao to go abroad for higher studies and to see him as the best surgeon in the world. 15. Dr. Sadao was an eminent surgeon and a scientist. He was perfecting a discovery, which would render wounds entirely clean. Moreover, the old General was being treated medically for a condition for which he might need an operation. This is why Dr. Sadao was not sent abroad with the troops. 16. Dr. Sadao met Hana during his stay in America where he was studying medicine. It was at Professor Harley’s house that Dr. Sadao met Hana for the first time. The professor and his wife organised a party for their foreign students. Dr. Sadao was reluctant to go. Nevertheless he went there, literally by chance and he met Hana, who was a new student. 17. When Dr. Sadao came to know that the wounded man was an American P.O.W., he was troubled by the conflict between patriotism and professional ethics. Dr. Sadao was caught in the dilemma of handing over the wounded soldier to the Japanese authority who would surely end his life and his humanitarian instincts. yM yK 9. The General spared the American soldier because that would keep Dr. Sadao safe as well. The old General was a selfish man. He thought of nothing but his own well-being. He needed Dr. Sadao for his own surgery and didn’t want to lose a skilled surgeon like Dr. Sadao at any cost. The General preferred American sentimentality rather than German ruthlessness. CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 278 10. Dr. Sadao was not sent to the battlefield because the old General was not well and needed a skilled surgeon at his service. Moreover, Dr. Sadao was perfecting a discovery, which would leave the wounds clean. C op 11. When Dr. Sadao told the gardener about the wounded American soldier, he strongly opposed his master for treating the wounds of the enemy. The old gardener pulled a few hairs on his upper lip and said that the sea and gun wound intended to kill the American soldier, now they might take revenge upon his master for treating the enemy soldier. 12. When Hana told Yumi to wash the American soldier’s wounds, Yumi refused to touch him. She had a fierce look of resistance as she said she had nothing to do with him. She even threatened to leave the job, which she eventually did. 13. When the servants realised that Dr. Sadao was going to save the life of an enemy, the servants were not happy. In fact, they disapproved their master saving the wounded American soldier’s life. They refused to serve the patient and quit their job. They were worried for their lives and their master’s and mistress’ too. 18. In order to get rid of the American P.O.W the General planned to send private assassins to quietly kill the prisoner in his sleep and then dispose off his body without trace. 19. Refer to answer 13. 20. Refer to answer 16. 21. Dr. Sadao’s father wanted him to go abroad for higher studies and become the world’s best surgeon. Dr. Sadao worked hard and became an eminent surgeon and scientist. He was perfecting a discovery, which would render wounds entirely clean. 22. When the survivor from the sea first came into Dr. Sadao’s view, the doctor thought that he was a fisherman from nearby village who had been badly wounded. 23. Refer to answer 6. 24. On the seventh day, after the American Soldier Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 25. Refer to answer 6. 28. Dr. Sadao Hoki was not only a trained surgeon but also a fervent patriot who dedicated himself to the cause of serving his country in the wartime through scientific research. However, the dilemma that Dr. Sadao faced on the arrival of the wounded American soldier at his doorstep was a clash between his duties as a doctor and that of a patriotic citizen. Since Dr. Sadao was under the Hippocratic oath to serve the mankind as a whole and put his professional duties first, he decided to save the enemy at any cost. For this he faced difficulties at his home from his wife and servants. He even endangered his own life and that of his family. However, he was able to show his patriotism by informing the General about the wounded American soldier and how he saved him. He requested the General to do whatever was necessary in the matter and even agreed to the arrangement of getting the enemy soldier killed by professional assassins sent by the General. The fact that he informed the General about the American’s escape, even though it was he who helped the soldier, is also a proof that Dr. Sadao was a dedicated surgeon as well as a patriotic Japanese. 29. Refer to answer 28. 30. Refer to answer 28. C op yM yK 26. The General planned to get rid of the American prisoner by sending his private assassins to kill him and then remove his body from Sadao’s house. The plan was not executed since the General forgot his promise to send the assassins because of his own pain. The old General seemed to be a cold, calculated ruthless man. He had an unusual sense of humour and seemed to generate fear in others’ hearts quite effortlessly. In his interaction with Dr. Sadao, he comes across as a man who puts his self-interest above everything else. The only reason he did not get Dr. Sadao arrested for treason was because he feared that no other surgeon would be as good as Dr. Sadao if ever the General is fatally wounded again. To save Dr. Sadao from his unusual predicament, the General suggested getting the American soldier killed by his private assassins and getting rid of his body off at the same time. When he admitted to have forgotten to send the assassins, the General asked Sadao not to speak about this carelessness. Nevertheless, the General is not completely devoid of human considerations. He understood that from a surgeon’s point of view, Dr. Sadao did the right thing by saving the wounded soldier’s life, later he even promises reward to Dr. Sadao for proving his loyalty and patriotism. The wounds took time to heal; Dr. Sadao and Hana took great care of the American soldier. However, None of the servants tried to hide their displeasure and they voiced their opinion loudly for Sadao and Hana to hear. They felt that since both Hana and Dr. Sadao had lived in America for a while, they favoured the American P.O.W. over their own countrymen. The servants constantly pressurised the Hoki family to disclose the secret and get the American caught by the police. Finally, their displeasure at their master’s decision made them leave his household. b was found by Dr. Sadao, two things happened. First, all the household servants quit their job and second, General’s messenger in official uniform came to meet Sadao. Hana felt scared of the uniformed messenger because she thought he had come to arrest Dr. Sadao. 279 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab The Enemy 27. When Dr. Sadao decided to give shelter to the enemy, the servants in Dr. Sadao’s house openly expressed their disapproval. The old gardener expressed his concern saying the bullet and the sea wanted the enemy dead. They might take revenge on their master for healing the white man. Although they remained skeptical of their master’s loyalty, they did not disclose the secret to the world. For them, the white man was an enemy who did not deserve their help. Yumi, the nanny of the children, refused to wash the American POW. 31. After waiting for several days for the General’s private assassins to come and kill the American P.O.W., Dr. Sadao decided to help the latter escape. Dr. Sadao arranged for a boat, provided fresh water, food, quilts, flashlight, etc. and instructed him to go to the nearest deserted island. Dr. Sadao asked the soldier to wait there for a Korean fishing Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - boat. He also told him to flash the torch light twice as signal in case he ran out of food. Dr. Sadao also provided the American soldier with Japanese attire and covered his blond hair with a black cloth as a part of his disguise. The young soldier shook Dr. Sadao’s hand and left without a word. One can find universal value of sympathy, humanitarian consideration, love for fellow human beings and compassion in Dr. Sadao’s actions. Sadao did what he thought was best for his country. He told the General about the American soldier, after all, he had saved an enemy. Dr. Sadao let the General decide the soldier’s fate and agreed with his decision to get him murdered by assassins. However, compassion is a natural instinct in humanitarians. Therefore, after waiting anxiously for the General’s private assassins for three consecutive nights, Dr. Sadao helped the American soldier escape. To have him stay any longer with them was becoming a matter of concern for Dr. Sadao. It could get him imprisoned for treason and jeopardise his family. Besides, Dr. Sadao had already risen above the narrow prejudices of race, hatred and war by saving the American soldier’s life. By letting him escape, the doctor could assuage his conscience; had the General’s plan of the American’s assassination been carried out, it would have bothered Dr. Sadao gravely. 34. First, Dr. Sadao was tired of worrying about the General’s private assassins to murder the American. He had already spent three consecutive sleepless nights waiting for them to show up. It was becoming too much for him to bear. Secondly, perhaps Dr. Sadao was feeling sad and sorry for putting the same man’s life in jeopardy whom he had saved. Lastly, Dr. Sadao was a humanitarian by nature. Life was more important to him than war. These are few of the possible reasons why Dr. Sadao decided to help the American soldier escape. To help the P.O.W. escape, Dr. Sadao loaded his boat with food and bottled water, clothing, food, quilts etc. and asked him to row the boat to the island not far from the coast. He also gave the American a flashlight to be used for signalling. Dr. Sadao told him not to light fire and wait only for a Korean boat. Then, Dr. Sadao gave the American soldier Japanese clothes to wear and covered his blonde hair with a black cloth. At last, both men bid each other adieu. C op yM yK 32. The arrival of the prisoner of war completely destroyed the peace of Sadao household. The servants in Dr. Sadao’s house were against his action of harbouring an American. Yumi refused to wash the wounded soldier. There was a fierce look of resistance on her face. The cook and the gardener criticised Sadao, saying that sea and the gun wanted the white man dead so, why was Sadao trying to save the enemy. They even threatened to leave the house. As the stay prolonged, all the servants quit their jobs and left, it was only Hana, Dr. Sadao’s wife, who stood by him. However, she too lived in constant fear. When the General’s uniformed messenger came for Dr. Sadao Hana thought that he had come to arrest her husband. Hana feared that Dr. Sadao would be condemned as a traitor. Sadao himself was in a dilemma. Being a patriotic Japanese, he doubted whether his action was right since his professional ethics told him to save the wounded American P.O.W. Later, Dr. Sadao had many sleepless nights when the professional assassins did not come to get rid of the American as promised by the General. Only after the American soldier left, things became normal in Sadao household. CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 280 33. In the given circumstances, Dr. Sadao’s final decision to help the American soldier escape was the best possible decision, because Dr. Sadao was a humanitarian. When Dr. Sadao saw the American soldier washed ashore near his house, badly wounded, the doctor could have refused to treat him and handed him over to the authorities instantly. He did not do so because he was duty bound as a doctor to save the American soldier first, even prior to his motherland. Once the soldier recuperated, Dr. 35. While on one hand, her husband was compelled by his duty as a doctor to help the enemy soldier, on the other hand, Hana had to face open defiance from the domestic staff. Amidst the chaos, Hana understood Dr. Sadao’s dilemma is between patriotism and his professional ethics. Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 37. Refer to answer 28. 38. Dr. Sadao found that the injured soldier had a gun wound. He was a white man and if he had given him any treatment or shelter, Dr. Sadao could be arrested on the charge of helping an enemy. Therefore, he was in a fix whether to perform his duty as a doctor or hand over the injured soldier to the authorities and prove his patriotism. Dr. Sadao knew that if he handed him over to the authorities, the American soldier would be surely killed. Thus, he chose his duty as a doctor and decided to save him. Dr. Sadao’s servants refused to help him in treating the soldier for he was an enemy of the country and they did not want to get into trouble if found guilty by association. Finally, he had to decide whether to keep waiting for the General’s assassins to show up and murder him or set him free. Once again Dr. Sadao was in a dilemma. C op yM yK 36. The attitude of the General in the matter of the enemy soldier was strange and unusual. He always portrayed himself as the most patriotic and dutiful General there could ever be. However, when Dr. Sadao told him about treating the American soldier the General did not get Dr. Sadao arrested for treason. He needed the highly skilled surgeon for his own survival. This makes it evident that the General was a self absorbed man, who was concerned only about himself. The fact that he offered to get the American soldier killed by his private assassins, that too as secretly as possible, shows the inhuman side of the General. Dr. Sadao waited for three consecutive nights for the assassins to show up at his house and do their job, but they did not come. Later, the General admitted to have 281 forgotten all about the enemy soldier and the assassins whom he was supposed to send to get rid of the American, because be was distressed by his own pain. Once again, it proves the self-absorbed nature of the General. It is also dereliction of duty to quite an extent on the General’s part because he put himself above his country’s safety. b This made her sympathise with her husband. Hana was a humane and kind person with a tender heart just like Dr. Sadao. She loved and respected her husband and his decisions. She felt that it would be cruel to leave the wounded American soldier to die. This is why she did not give in to the servants’ defiance. She maintained her dignity and selfrespect in front of them. Hana, was proud of her husband and had faith in his expertise, hence she supported Dr. Sadao. ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab The Enemy Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - Should Wizard hit Mommy? VISTAS 3 – John Updike C op yM yK ita b Topicwise Analysis of Last 11 Years’ CBSE Board Questions (2017-2007) ABOUT THE AUTHOR SUMMARY John Hoyer Updike (1932-2009) was an American novelist, poet, short story writer, art critic and literary critic. He was widely known for his careful craftsmanship and realistic but subtle depiction of American protestant, small town middle class life. He graduated from Harvard University. Updike wrote fiction series and poetry with light verse. He won Pulitzer Prize for fiction. The chapter captures a very sensitive reaction of a small girl to an important aspect of the story that her father narrates to her. Jo, a four year old girl is accustomed to hearing stories from her father, Jack, every evening and for Saturday naps. Although, the initial purpose of the story telling session was to make the young girl sleep, it got diluted as she developed a keen interest with Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - Jo did not approve of skunk’s mom hitting the wizard and wanted him to hit her back. Father disagreed and said it was his story and defends Skunk’s mommy. He said mommies should not be hit. However, Jo was not convinced. Father did not like being interrupted. Roger skunk and his mother came back home and they wait for father skunk to come back from Boston in the evening. The three have a hearty meal. Mother skunk hugs and kisses Roger to sleep lovingly. She liked the smell of skunk once again. Skunk now played with other animals as they get used to his smell and did not run away. yM yK On Saturday afternoon as per the custom, Jack starts his story. Jo wanted skunk to be the main character of the story. The story was about Roger skunk who was left lonely because other small animals did not like his foul body odour. To solve this problem he goes to the wise owl who asks him to meet the wizard. Jo was growing fast so after listening to each story she started generating her opinions. She started questioning and asking for logical explanations for magic spell, death, God, etc. Her curiosity and involvement in the story made her interrupt every now and then. All this demonstrated her extent of involvement with the story. extremely happy as other children welcomed him and played lots of games together. Skunk goes home in the evening happy and satisfied. Skunk’s mother did not find the rose smell pleasant and thus, scolds him. Skunk’s mom gets very angry at the wizard and hits him on his head. Wizard agrees and gets skunk’s odour back. Thus, Skunk gets his foul smell back. b every passing day. Jo felt herself involved with the characters and happenings. Jack had customised the basic structure of the story. He used to thread various characters with their unique problems into the story structure. The hero was Roger who went to owl and then the owl redirected the hero to the wizard. The wizard always asked for money. All the stories had a happy ending that his father came back home from Boston. C op Roger skunk gets the smell of roses when he meets the wizard. The wizard charged him seven pennies. However, Roger skunk had only four pennies so, wizard tells him about a place where he could easily find the remaining three pennies. Roger skunk easily managed to find three pennies and gave it to the wizard. Now, Roger skunk was 283 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Should Wizard Hit Mommy? However, Jo remained unconvinced that wizard should not have been defeated and wanted him to hit back mommy. But father tried convincing her that mothers are always right and they are extremely loving. He asked Jo to go to sleep. But Jo is still not convinced. The force with which Jo asked him to change the ending of the story leaves him perplexed. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab 284 Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core PREVIOUS YEARSBoard MCQS Questions Previous Years’ CBSE 1. How was the skunk’s story different from the other stories narrated by Jack? (Delhi 2014) 2. Why did Roger Skunk go to see the old owl? (AI 2014) 3. How does Jo want the story to end? (Delhi 2014 C) 4. Why does Jack insist that it was the wizard that was hit and not the mother? ( Delhi2014 C) 5. What did Jo want the wizard to do when Mommy Skunk approached him? (Delhi 2013) 12. How did the wizard help Roger Skunk? (AI 2009) 13. How does Jo want the story to end and why? (Delhi 2008) SA II (3 marks) 14. Having got rid of his stink, what problem did Roger skunk face? (Delhi 2008) 15. Which do you think is a better ending of Roger Skunk’s story, Jo’s or her father’s? Why? (Delhi 2015) 16. How did Jo want the Roger Skunk story to end? (Delhi 2015) b (2 marks) ita SA I 17. Why did Roger Skunk go to the owl ? What advice did he get? (AI 2015 C) Why does Jo insist that her father should tell her the story with a different ending? (AI 2013) 7. How did the wizard help Roger Skunk? (Delhi 2012) 19. 8. What part of the story did Jack himself enjoy the most and why? (Delhi 2011) How did Jo want the Roger Skunk story to end? Why? (Delhi 2016) 20. 9. Why did Jo think Roger Skunk was better off with the new smell? (Delhi 2010) In case of a difference of opinion it is generally the adult who has his way. Comment on how Jack justifies the mother skunk’s action? (Foreign 2016) 10. Why was Roger Skunk’s mommy angry with him ? What did she finally tell him? (Delhi 2010) 21. How did Jo want the wizard to behave when Mommy Skunk approached him? (Delhi 2010) Why did Jo disapprove of Jack’s ending of the story of Roger Skunk ? How did she want it to end? (Delhi 2009) 22. What impression do you form of Jack as a father? (Delhi 2009) 11. C op yM yK 6. 18. Why does Jo call the Skunk’s Mommy stupid? (Delhi 2015 C) LA II (6 marks) LA III (7 marks) Answers 1. The skunk’s story was different from the other stories narrated by Jack because other stories ended on a happy note. The wizard always resolved the problem by the end of the story, which appealed a lot to Jo. However, Roger Skunk’s story had a twisted ending. In this story, the wizard was unable to help Roger Skunk because mother skunk interfered in the process. Jo had not so much interrupted the narration earlier or challenged Jack’s authority. It was also the only story, the ending of which was unacceptable to Jo. But above all, unlike any of Jack’s stories, the ending of this story remained unresolved. Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 3. Jo wants Roger skunk to smell like roses and not have the skunk’s foul smell. She also wants the wizard to take revenge on the mother by hitting her. 4. Jack insists that it was the wizard that was hit and not the mother because he wanted to teach a moral lesson to Jo that parents know what is best for their children. Jack also wanted, Jo to understand that one should be content with the way one is born and not change just because the society does not accept him/her the way he/she is. Refer to answer 6. 10. Roger Skunk’s mommy was angry with him because he had let the wizard change his original bad smell to that of fragrance of roses. Finally she told him that she found the smell of roses on him awful because skunks were supposed to smell the way they actually smell. 11. When mommy skunk approached the wizard, Jo wanted him to hit her back just as she had hit him on the head with her umbrella and not change Roger Skunk back. 12. Roger Skunk had asked the wizard to make him smell like roses. The wizard took a magic wand and chanted a spell and all of a sudden, the wizard’s whole house smelt of roses and so did Roger Skunk. This is how the wizard helped Roger Skunk. 13. Refer to answer 5. 14. Having got rid of his stink, Roger skunk now had his mother’s wrath to face. When she found out Roger smelt of roses she scolded him badly. Mommy skunk told Roger to embrace himself as he was born and be happy with it. She dragged Roger skunk back to the wizard and forced the latter to give Roger his original stink back. yM yK 5. As the end of the story did not appeal to Jo, she wanted the wizard to hit Mommy Skunk and make Roger Skunk continue to smell like roses. It is evident that the story violated Jo’s sense of fairness for why should Roger Skunk not smell of roses and thus, have more friends. 9. b 2. Roger Skunk went to see the old owl because he was upset that all the other animals refused to come near him or play with him because of his bad smell. Roger needed advice on how to get rid of his stink. 285 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Should Wizard Hit Mommy? C op 6. Jo was not convinced that the little animals eventually got used to the way the little skunk was and smelt. Moreover, Jo felt that Mommy Skunk was being unfair to Roger Skunk by not allowing wizard to make him smell like roses. She wanted Roger Skunk to be accepted by his peers and thus, be happy. 7. Roger skunk was very unhappy because he smelt bad and had no friends. The wizard made his foul smell go away with the magic spell, gave him the beautiful smell of roses and helped him have many friends. 8. The part of the story, which Jack himself enjoyed the most was where Roger goes to the wizard’s house. Jack imitated the wizard’s voice. He felt being an old man suited him. He mixed his own childhood humiliations and experiences with the narration of the story. Jack enjoyed doing so because he liked seeing his daughter holding on to his words, liked seeing her apprehensive and expecting something unexpected. Jack enjoyed the fact that Jo loved the stories narrated by him. 15. In Jack’s version of the Roger Skunk story, the wizard uses reverse magic on Roger so as to give him back his original stink because mother Skunk hit him with her umbrella. From an adult’s perspective, Jack’s version of the story aims at teaching two important lessons acceptance of oneself and that parents are the best judge. However, Jo suggests an alternate ending to the story because she does not agree with Jack’s ending. Jo wants a happy ending. She feels sorry for Roger Skunk and wants him to smell like roses so that Roger Skunk can play with other animals. This shows that peer acceptance is quite important for children. It also shows that the sense of freedom of choice develops at an early age. Therefore, from a child’s perspective, Jo’s version of ending the Roger Skunk’s story is also relevant. 16. Jo wanted the story to have a happy ending i.e., Roger Skunk to smell like roses forever. Also, Jo wanted the wizard to hit mother skunk back because she had no right to interfere in the matter. Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 17. Roger Skunk went to see the old owl as he was upset that all the other animals refused to come near him or play with him because of his bad smell. Roger needed advice on how to get rid of his stink. The wise Owl advised Roger Skunk to go the wizard to get his problem solved. 18. Jo calls the skunk’s mommy stupid because mommy had hit the wizard and made him give Roger Skunk his real stink back. Jo thought Mommy skunk was so stupid that she did not understand Roger Skunk’s problem. skunk is furious at the wizard for making Roger smell of roses. She is not ready to consider that little Roger may not feel comfortable in his original smell. She marches off to the wizard and hits him hard on his head with her umbrella for changing the way Roger smelt. Jack justifies Mommy skunk’s action even though Jo disagrees with the story’s ending and wants to change it. She suggests that wizard should hit Mommy back, that would be a fair ending. However, Jack says that Mommy skunk is right on her part. In fact, parents are always right. Jack tries to reason with Jo by saying that Roger skunk’s mother really loved him and wanted to bring him up with real values. Mommy skunk knew what’s best for her son, unlike Roger who was too young to understand what is right or wrong for him. By justifying Mommy skunk’s action, Jackson wants to make Jo understand that adults are experienced therefore, children should respect and listen to their parents. C op yM yK 19. In Jack’s version of the story, Roger Skunk’s mommy hits the wizard on his head with her umbrella, and told him to cast a reverse spell on Roger skunk and give him his original smell back. However, Jo did not agree with this ending and suggested an alternate end for the story. According to her, the wizard should have hit mommy back and not change Roger Skunk. To Jo, the wizard was a good person who helps ‘Roger skunk’ when he was in trouble and seeking a way out. Witnessing Mommy Skunk’s actions, Jo felt that ‘stupid Mommy’ should have been punished for her unkind behaviour towards the kind wizard. She believed that Mommy Skunk was imposing her will both on Roger Skunk and the wizard without considering her son’s fear of not getting accepted by his peers. Jo also thought that Roger Skunk should be allowed to choose his own life even if it meant to get rid of the stink. CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 286 20. It is evident from the story that in case of difference of opinion, it is generally adult who has his or her way. In Roger skunk’s story, Mommy 21. Refer to answer 19. 22. Jack was an affectionate and caring father, who loved telling bedtime stories to his four year old daughter Jo. He used to be creative and imaginative with his stories and loved watching Jo listening to his stories in awed silence. He was like any typical father. He wanted to instill good morals and virtues in Jo. However, he had to face some opposition from Jo and this irritated Jack. Although, he was a good father and husband, Jack felt caught in the ugly middle, in a cage, i.e., he found himself stuck in a meaningless life, where he lacked personal space and own time. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab On the Face of It VISTAS 4 Visit our site - 287 On the Face of It – Susan Hill C op yM yK ita b Topicwise Analysis of Last 11 Years’ CBSE Board Questions (2017-2007) ABOUT THE AUTHOR Susan Hill was born on February 5, 1942 in Scarborough, Yorkshire, England. She is a writer and a producer, known for ‘The Woman in Black’, ‘The Woman in Black 2 : Angel of Death’. She is a novelist, playwright and a publisher. She wrote her first novel, ‘The Enclosure’ at the age of 15. She won the Somerset Maughan Award and the Whitbread Award for her novels. SUMMARY Derry was a pessimist teenager, who was withdrawn from the mainstream society. He developed this attitude after one side of his face was disfigured by acid. He avoided company of others and remained lonely so that he is not noticed by other people. He believed that no one loved him. His mother, he thought, loved him out of compulsion. His ugliness invites the curiosity of some, the pity of others and disgust of many. He is often subjected to stares of people who are either scared of his ugly face or disgusted by it. His family too, during discussions expressed their concern for his future. This made him withdraw and he is locked in his own world. He developed bitterness and self-pity. He also heard rude remarks from insensitive people who went to the extent of saying that he should have Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - that shapes the man. During their conversation Derry said that he does not like coming near people as he feels they are scared of him. Mr. Lamb then narrated a story to Derry. There was a man who was very timid. He locked himself in a room as he thought that if he moves out he may meet a fatal accident. But one day a picture that was put on the wall of the room fell on his head and he died. Mr. Lamb tried to explain Derry through this story that everyone is destined for certain things or events. Derry laughs at his story and this becomes the beginning of change. Mr. Lamb tells Derry that he does not like curtains as that closes the things and the light entering. Even Derry says he likes the sound of the rain. Derry demonstrates his sensitive side which his bitterness curtailed. He did not like the sympathetic attitude of his family towards him. They were way too concerned for him. Mr. Lamb said he can do whatever he aims for. In fact he could do better than others. Mr. Lamb encourages Derry. He said that he considers Derry to be his friend and explains him the significance of people, saying, “people are never just nothing”. He asked Derry to love everyone as hatred can be more humiliating and dangerous than acid. Derry somehow gets concerned for Mr. Lamb. He asked if Mr. Lamb would climb the ladder to pick up crab apples, What if he falls down. He may die in that case if nobody is there. Mr. Lamb believed in destiny and he reaffirmed by saying that he could. Derry gets worried of getting late and wishes to go home. Lamb says that people worry. Mr. Lamb now understands how Derry had confined himself. So he challenges Derry. He said that he was sure that Derry would never come back to meet him again. He only wanted Derry to break all barriers, insecurities, complexes that were becoming hindrance to his growth. This conversation infused the spirit of overcoming the challenges in Derry. He goes back home and tells his mother that he is going back to Mr. Lamb. But this time his will was very strong. In spite of his mother’s objection he goes back to Mr. Lamb only to find him unconscious/dead. Mr. Lamb had fallen from the ladder and did not respond to his voice. Seeing him in this state Derry begins to cry. C op yM yK been put in a hospital where he would have met people of the same kind. His self confidence was shattered. He used to stay away from the people. One day in order to find some solace he walks in slowly and cautiously to Mr. Lamb’s garden. Mr. Lamb’s voice offering him apples startled him. Mr. Lamb tried to reassure him and also cautioned him to save himself from the fallen apples otherwise it may cause him to trip. Derry gets scared and told him that he was not expecting anyone to be there. Mr. Lamb reassured him and welcomed him to the garden. He said that he saw Derry had climbed the wall even though the gates were open. Derry got angry and said he did not come to steal anything. Mr. Lamb reassured him that young boys steal the apples and Derry was not so young. He should not be scared. Derry said people are scared of him because of his ugly face. Mr. Lamb said that he would get the ladder, pluck apples and make some jelly. This makes Derry think that even Mr. Lamb is trying to avoid the conversation like others. He asked Mr. Lamb if he was not interested in knowing about what happened to his face. To this Mr. Lamb replied that he was interested in everything God has made and outer beauty or physical appearance is inconsequential. He respected each creation’s individuality. Just as Mr. Lamb was old and Derry was young, Derry burned his face and Mr. Lamb had a tin leg. Derry asked him about his leg and he told it was blown off years back. Children used to call him ‘LameyLamb’. But soon everybody got tired of teasing him. He asks Derry to adopt the same attitude. Derry is however filled with bitterness against the world even his mother. He said his mother kisses him on the other side of his face not the burnt side. Mr. Lamb advises him to look at the bright side of the life and the beautiful things of the world. Derry then discusses that he heard two women talking and they were discussing about his face. Mr. Lamb explains to him that he should not listen to everything said by others and concentrate on good things in life. He must think about people who are worse off than him. Mr. Lamb is reminded of his hive of bees that he has to tend to. Some people feel that bees buzz, but he feels bees sing. It is an individual’s perception and the way we look at things. So it is the attitude CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 288 Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - On the Face of It 289 PREVIOUS YEARS MCQS Previous Years’ CBSE Board Questions SA I of such people. (2 marks) 1. In what sense is the friendship between Mr. Lamb and Derry fruitful? (Delhi 2014 C) 2. Why did Mr. Lamb help Derry?(AI 2014 C) 3. If you were to give a different ending to the story, “On The Face of It” how would you end it? (AI 2013) LA II (6 marks) 12. 13. Derry sneaked into Mr. Lamb’s garden and it became a turning point in his life. Comment. (Delhi 2016) Both Derry and Lamb are victims of physical impairment, but much more painful for them is the feeling of loneliness. Comment. (AI 2016) Both Derry and Lamb are victims of physical impairment, yet each has a different attitude from the other. Comment. (Foreign 2016) What change took place in Derry when he met Mr. Lamb? (Delhi 2015 C) 4. How does Mr. Lamb keep himself busy when it is a bit cool? (Delhi 2012) 5. What peculiar things does Derry notice about the old man, Mr. Lamb? (AI 2012) 6. What qualities of Mr. Lamb attracted Deny to him? (AI 2009) 15. 7. What did Derry’s mother think of Mr. Lamb? (AI 2009) LA III (7 marks) 9. How did Derry’s handicap damage his life? op Why did Derry insist that he would go back to Mr. Lamb? (Delhi 2015 C) (5 marks) b ita 16. 8. LA I 14. yM yK SA II (3 marks) (AI 2014) What benefits did Derry reap from his association with Mr. Lamb? (Delhi 2014) 11. Both Derry and Lamb are physically impaired and lonely. It is the responsibility of society to understand and support people with infirmities so that they do not suffer from a sense of alienation. As a responsible citizen, write in about 100 words what you would do to bring about a change in the lives C 10. 17. 18. What is the bond that unites the two- the old Mr. Lamb and Derry, the small boy? How does the old man inspire the small boy? (Delhi 2013) The lesson, ‘On the Face of It’, is an apt depiction of the loneliness and sense of alienation experienced by people on account of a disability. Explain. (Delhi 2011) How did Mr. Lamb try to give courage and confidence to Derry? (AI 2010) LA IV (10 marks) 19. How did Mr. Lamb’s meeting with Derry become a turning point in Derry’s life? (Delhi 2015 C) Answers 1. Mr. Lamb helped Derry overcome his sense of inferiority. He advised him not to pay too much attention to what others thought about him; to celebrate life and its wonders. Mr. Lamb brought about a positive change in Derry’s attitude. 2. Mr. Lamb helped Derry because he too was handicapped, therefore he understood how Derry felt. Also, he was concerned about Derry’s negative attitude towards life. Mr. Lamb wanted to save the little boy from the habit of self-pitying. 3. The play is quite sad and open ended. According to me, the play should have ended on a positive note, giving the reader a sense of hope. I feel, even if Mr. Lamb dies in the end, Derry would Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - show some positive changes in his character. He would not remain his old withdrawn and defiant self. Instead, he would become as cheerful, open and friendly as Mr. Lamb. 4. When it is a bit cool, Mr. Lamb likes to keep himself busy by breaking crab apples and making jelly from them. He enjoys the humming of bees in his garden while he sat in the sun reading books. 5. Derry notices that Mr. Lamb always leaves the gates open for anybody and everybody so as to welcome strangers. Derry is amazed that unlike others old Mr. Lamb treated him with utmost kindness, that he is not repulsed by Derry’s scarred face. Derry also finds it peculiar that Mr. Lamb lives in a huge house with a huge garden but without curtains. his face and pass uncharitable remarks. Once, one side of his face got burnt by acid, which left a scar on his face. This created a complex in his mind. He thinks that people are afraid of him. Mr. Lamb is a physically challenged man, one of whose leg is made of tin. Mr. Lamb is a complete contrast to Derry when it comes to his attitude and outlook towards life. He is an optimist who does not allow trivial teasing and name calling do not bother him. In fact, he likes having company. Mr. Lamb is not repulsed by Derry’s scarred face. Neither he is angry nor put off by the boy’s rudeness. Instead, Mr. Lamb understands Derry’s anguish and tries to make him realise that being handicapped is not a drawback. His meeting with Mr. Lamb becomes a turning point in Derry’s life because Derry is ready to overcome his obstacles and face the world. He finds courage and strength to get what he wants. 11. In the story, both Derry and Lamb are physically impaired and lonely. To bring about a change in the lives of such people, as a responsible citizen, I shall treat them with respect and honour and not punish them with heartless ridicule and pity. People like Derry and Mr. Lamb expect empathy, rather than sympathy from others. Therefore, instead of looking down upon them with a pessimistic approach, I shall be supportive and considerate. They must be treated as equals. That is why I shall encourage them to take part in all activities. They deserve to study in regular educational institutions and get regular jobs. Therefore, advocation of this idea is very important. Only proper awareness and empowerment can make the world view them as equals and at same time make the ‘differently abled’ people feel socially accepted. yM yK 6. Mr. Lamb seems to be a noble soul. He greets Derry in a humble manner and shows no shock or fear on seeing his burnt face. He welcomes him and offers to pluck apples from his garden. He says that things look outwardly different, but inwardly they are all the same. His positive attitude towards life and encouraging words attracted Derry towards Mr. Lamb. CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 290 op 7. Derry’s mother did not have a good impression of Mr. Lamb for she thought that he was not a good man. She did not want Derry to get acquainted with him or see him for any purpose. C 8. Derry insisted that he would go back to Mr. Lamb because it was for the first time that Derry felt comfortable and happy in someone’s presence. That someone was Mr. Lamb. While Derry was jovial with Mr. Lamb, Derry completely forgot about his burnt face. He felt that he too could live an independent life for he had all his faculty intact. Therefore, even though his mother forbade him from meeting Mr. Lamb, Derry insisted on going; he did not want to lose his new found companion. 9. Fourteen years old Derry had half a burnt face, which resulted in poor self image. He became conscious of people’s stares and their comments hurt him. This made him avoid people. Eventually, he become introvert. Thus, Derry’s handicap damaged his life. 10. Derry is a withdrawn and defiant boy. He does not like to be around people because they look at 12. Refer to answer 10. 13. Mr. Lamb and Derry have different sorts of physical disability. While Mr. Lamb has a tin leg, one side of Derry’s face was burnt by acid and now is scarred. Both Derry and Mr. Lamb are victims of physical impairment, but much more painful for them is the feeling of loneliness. Both suffer alienation from the society. Derry feels that he is feared rather than accepted by the society because of his scarred face. Mr. Lamb also has to face name Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - 14. Refer to answer 10. C op yM yK 15. Derry a young boy, angry withdrawn and defiant. One side of his face was burnt because of which he lacked self-confidence. He was lonely because he had no friends. People either feared him, found him disgusting to look at, treated him with pity or made fun of him. Derry had alienated himself from the society completely. One day, Derry sneaked into Mr. Lamb’s garden and it became a turning point in his life. One of Mr. Lamb’s leg was made out of tin. Due to his physical impairment, he could not move around much. As a result, Mr. Lamb too was isolated from the rest; children called him lameyLamb. However, it did not affect him. Instead, he always kept the gates of his garden open. Seeing Derry suffer so much at such a young age Mr. Lamb struck up a conversation with him, spending time with Mr. Lamb made Derry look at the world and love and admire everything he saw and heard. Mr. Lamb encouraged Derry to make friends and not be bothered by their comments. He told the boy not to hate people. Mr. Lamb’s life and attitude inspired Derry quite a lot. In spite of his handicap, Mr. Lamb lived an independent and happy life seeing his positive approach to life, Derry decides to get rid of the habit of self-pity and face the world boldly with his newly gained self-confidence. Their stares, jibes and pity made him frustrated. He suffered a lot due to his burnt face and had a pessimistic approach to life. Mr. Lamb transformed his vision of life and suggested to live it on his own terms. Mr. Lamb discussed his own situation with Derry to make him understand that he should be open-minded. He told him that God has made all the things and one should not keep oneself in a room forever. He also kept his garden gate open and welcomed all. Moreover, Derry could open up the layers of his heart and complexes in front of Mr. Lamb, which unburdened his heart. He got a new ray of hope in his life. He also taught Derry to use whatever God had given to him. The lesson of Mr. Lamb could not be ignored by Derry. He was disheartened to find about his death. To meet Mr. Lamb, defying his mother and his return to Lamb’s garden shows his appreciation for living life as shown by Lamb. He learnt the lesson of optimism. b calling-‘Lamey-Lamb’ although it does not bother him much. Loneliness has caused constant pain for both Derry and Mr. Lamb. They both crave for friends, but neither of them have it. However, while his isolation makes Derry a bitter person, Mr. Lamb has a positive outlook and believes that being a handicap is not a drawback. Both expect that the society would neither treat them differently, as freaks, nor with pity. They want to be treated with empathy as equals. 16. Mr. Lamb turned Derry into a confident boy from a complex one. Both were physically handicapped but with different perspectives towards life. In the beginning Derry was a defiant and withdrawn boy who hated meeting people. 291 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab On the Face of It 17. Refer to answer 13. 18. When Mr. Lamb found Derry in his garden, he did not make him go away. Instead, Mr. Lamb welcomed Derry in a cheerful way accepting him as he was. Although Derry behaved rudely with him, he remained calm and cordial as if Derry’s bad temper and defiance did not bother him at all. Derry was always angry and bitter because one side of his face was burnt. His face seemed to scare everybody. He withdrew himself from the society because of which he lacked courage and self confidence. Mr. Lamb’s behaviour towards Derry was completely different from others. He told Derry that it’s important to see how one is inside than how one looks on the outside. He inspired Derry with love for life and told him one cannot go through life being scared and alienated. Mr. Lamb asked Derry to enjoy simple joys of everyday living with people around and nature, ignoring the unpleasant. He initiated courage and confidence in Derry by telling him not to brood over limitations but count his blessings. 19. Refer to answer 10. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab VISTAS Visit our site - Evans Tries An O-Level 5 – Colin Dexter C op yM yK ita b Topicwise Analysis of Last 11 Years’ CBSE Board Questions (2017-2007) ABOUT THE AUTHOR SUMMARY Colin Dexter (29 September 1930-21 March 2017) was an English crime writer known for his Inspector Morse series of novels. These novels were also adapted as television series. Dexter received several crime writer association awards and was appointed an ‘Officer of the Order of the British Empire’ for his services in literature. Evans was put in the Oxford prison at Carfax for his criminal records including the three jail breaks that he had successfully committed. Therefore, London police had put him in the most secure Oxford prison where jail breaks could not be attempted due to high security. Evans was also aware that it is almost impossible to break the jail Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - op C 293 b these precautions were of no use because if Evans would have had to make mistake he could have easily done so from the Recreational Block. He did not want to take any chances. He believed that “Evans was as safe as houses” he asked the officers to search McLeery. McLeery’s suitcase was searched. There was a small semi-inflated rubber ring but they were politely informed that McLeery was suffering from piles and that rubber ring helped him to sit in a particular position for a long time. The invigilator was allowed to go in the cell when the officers were satisfied. McLeery gave necessary instructions to the candidate regarding writing down the paper’s name, 021-1, index number 313 and centre number 271. Till now, Stephens was inside the cell. Evans objected so the Governor asked Jackson to call him back. The examination started at 9:25 a.m. At 9:40 a.m. the Assistant Secretary for Modern Languages informed the Governor about a correction slip and the necessity of informing the candidate about it. The Governor instructed the necessary precautions and connected the Assistant Secretary’s call to Mr. Jackson in the wing. Evans was told about the corrections on page three line fifteen by the invigilator. At 10:50 a.m. Evans requested for a blanket to be put around his shoulders. He was given the blanket as Stephens thought some of the cells were very cold. Three minutes before the exam got over Stephens was informed by Jackson that the Governor wanted him to accompany McLeery personally to the main gate. Stephens noticed that the invigilator appeared to be thinner than before and had a more prominent Scottish accent. Stephens thought of having one last look at Evans. He was in for a surprise. Stephens saw a man in Evans’ chair with the blanket slipping from his shoulders. His cropped hair were filled with blood. Stephens and Jackson thought it was McLeery hit by Evans and Evans had escaped. The wounded man in the cell told the prison authorities not to worry about him and draws the yM yK this time and it involved a high degree of planning and many other people to help him this time. In the first week Evans requested the Governor that he was genuinely interested in learning German and attain academic qualification. Though the Governor approves his request but with a lot of precautions. There was a hidden microphone hidden in his lock up where Evans took the classes, Governor wanted to be sure that Evans is not asking for help from his tutor. Evans wanted to appear for O-level German Examination to be held on June 8. The Governor called up the Secretary of the Examination Board. After having discussions about the examinee’s nature, the examination room, the security and the candidate being ‘incommunicado’, the Secretary agreed to send one of the parsons from St. Mary Mags to act as an invigilator. Evans’ tutor wished him luck even though he believed that he barely had a chance of getting through. To this, Evans replied “I may surprise everybody”. At 8:30 a.m., on the examination day, two officers, Mr. Jackson and Stephens, who was a new recruit visit Evans. They tease him calling “our little Einstein”. Jackson instructs Stephen to take everything that may injure Evans. He specially advised him to take away the razor after Evans had shaved himself. Jackson was not too fond of the red and white “bobble-hat” which Evans considered to be his lucky charm. Evans was ‘Kleptomaniac’ and he got angry of things being taken away from him. Evans was told to freshen up as there was just half hour left for the exam. Evans started shaving himself. Stephens made the cell ready for the preparation of exam. He brings in two chairs and places it in front of the cell door. Evans is surprised that his cell is bugged. Jackson warned Evans that the Governor would listen to the conversation in the cell. Reverend S. McLeery, the invigilator comes to the prison premises and is headed to Evans’ cell who seems to be busy with his textbook of elementary German grammar. At 9:10 a.m., the Governor switched on the receiver. He believed in his heart of hearts that all ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Evans Tries An O-Level Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - found the parson bound and gagged. He was there since 8:15 a.m. Finally, this made the prison authorities to comprehend that it was Evans impersonating as McLeery and the authorities have helped him to escape unknowingly. Evans was a free man now who escaped from the prison the fourth time. He treated himself with fish and chips. He was not happy that he had to cut his long hair but then he felt fortunate that Jackson did not ask him to take out his bobble hat. When he reached hotel he found a different receptionist there. He gave few necessary instructions to the receptionist and went to his room. On his way to the room, he was thinking about the way he executed the escape plan and appreciated the duplicate McLeery’s plan of wearing double minister’s dress. Deep engrossed in these thoughts he reached his room and is jolted by the presence of the Governor who paved his way to the hotel room based on the instructions given in the photocopied page. Governor told Evans that his game was over. Evans was visibly shaken. Evans understood that the correction slip gave him in. After a bit of explaining about index number 313 and centre number 271 the Governor told him that he found himself in the hotel room. Evans explained further about pig’s blood in the tube and their efforts to check it from clotting. The Governor secretly admires their geniuneness. On asking how he managed to plan all this from the prison. Evans replied “I have get a lot of friends though”. He further revealed that the German teacher was a lot of help. Eventually, Evans was brought out of his room, he winked at the receptionist, was handcuffed and was put at the backseat of the prison van. The Governor said they would meet soon but he did not know that he was bidding farewell. The moment they could not see the Governor, one of the prison officers opened the handcuffs for Evans. He was Evans’ friend disguised as a prison officer. Even the driver was his friend who was then instructed to drive towards Newbury. Therefore, Evans could escape this time as well. C op yM yK attention of the Governor to the photocopied sheet that had been superimposed over the last page of the question paper; instructions were written in German which advised Evans to strictly follow the plan and not to hit the parson too hard. It was also written that three minutes before the exam are very crucial. He was also advised not to overdo the Scottish accent while going out of the prison. Everybody thought that the wounded man was McLeery. The police help was sought and when Detective Superintendent Carter approached McLerry, he told him that he knew where Evans went and directed him to lead him towards Elsfield Way. The Governor, out of sheer bewilderment told Superintendent to take McLeery wherever he wished to go as he was the only clue they had. The Governor called the two officers as ‘morons’ and said he did not make any call three minutes before the exam at 11:22 a.m. since at that time he was trying to get in touch with the Examination Board on phone but in vain. Jackson was taken to task because of his negligence. He had not searched the cell thoroughly the previous evening. This resulted in Evans concealing the ‘clerical paraphernalia’. Then the Governor looked at the photocopied slip at Newbury. He asked his officers to go and meet Chief Inspector Bell at St. Aldates Police Station. The Governor thought about Evans and appreciated his ingenuity. He considered leaving the question paper behind a mistake, as he thought this negligent act on Evans’ part would lead them to ‘Mr. clever-clever Evans’. What the Governor could not sense was that all this was part of the master plan. Meanwhile, Superintendent Carter called him and told him that McLeery headed them towards Elsfield Way but they have missed Evans. The Governor asked them to go to Newbury and gave them his reasons for thinking so. On being asked about McLeery, Carter told him that he was left at Radcliffe hospital. The Governor rings up at Radcliffe but surprisingly McLeery appears to have escaped. This makes the Governor rush to McLeery’s residence at Broad Street and CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 294 Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Evans Tries An O-Level Visit our site - 295 PREVIOUS YEARSBoard MCQS Questions Previous Years’ CBSE SA I What kind of person was Evans ? Why did he want to sit for O-level German examination? (Delhi 2014 C) What could the Governor have done to securely bring Evans back to the prison from the ‘Golden Lion’? (Delhi 2015) What precautions were taken for the smooth conduct of Evans’ O-Level examination? (Delhi 2015) 17. According to the Governor what kind of person was Evans? (Delhi 2015) What were the content of the small brown suitcase that McLeery carried? (Delhi 2012) 18. How did the Governor react to the two phone calls he received in quick succession? (AI 2011) Which important call did the Governor receive when the examination was going on? (Delhi 2015 C) Who was Carter? What did the Governor ask him to do? (Delhi 2012) 3. What did the Detective Superintendent inform the Governor about Evans? (Delhi 2012) 4. 5. LA I 19. (5 marks) Describe the precautions taken by the prison officers to prevent Evans from escaping. (Delhi 2014) yM yK 2. b 16. ita 1. 15. (2 marks) Why did Evans not take off his hat when Jackson ordered him to do so? (AI 2011) 7. What clues did the answer sheet of Evans provide to the Governor? (Delhi 2009) 8. Describe the precautions taken by the prison authorities for a smooth conduct of Evans’ examination. (Delhi 2009) SA II (3 marks) op 6. How did the Governor, Oxford Prison describe Evans to the Secretary, Examination Board ? (AI 2016) 10. What opinion of Evans did the prison authorities convey to the Secretary, Education Board? (AI 2016) C 9. 11. What was his German teacher’s opinion of Evans’ proficiency in German? (AI 2016) 12. Why did ‘Rev. McLeery’ bring a rubber ring with him to the prison? (Foreign 2016) 13. How did Evans have the last laugh at the Governor? (Foreign 2016) 14. Jackson went through the contents of Rev. McLeery’s suitcase. Which object therein puzzled him sorely? What was his comment on that? (Foreign 2016) LA II (6 marks) 20. It was sheer negligence on the part of the prison staff that helped Evans to escape. Comment. (Delhi 2015 C) LA III (7 marks) 21. Give a character-sketch of the Governor of Oxford Prison based on your understanding of the story, ‘Evans Tries an O-Level’. (Delhi 2014) 22. What precautions were taken by the prison authorities to ensure that the German exam was conducted smoothly and also under strict security? (Delhi 2011) 23. How did the question paper and correction slip help the prisoner and the Governor? (Delhi 2010) LA IV (10 marks) 24. How was ‘injured’ McLeery able to befool the prison officers? (AI 2012) Follow us on Facebook - 296 Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core Answers 9. The Governor gave quite a satisfactory report about Evans to the Secretary of the Board. It was stated that Evans had no record of violence and that he was quite a ‘pleasant sort of chap’. He also said that Evans was one of the stars at the Christmas concert. However, he suffered from a weakness, he was just a congenital kleptomaniac. yM yK 3. Superintendent Carter informed the Governor that McLeery had spotted Evans driving off along Elsfield Way. They had got the number of the car all right. They had given a chase immediately, but they had lost him at the Headington roundabout. He assumed that Evans must have doubled back into the city. 8. Fearing that Evans might escape, the exam was conducted in Evans’ prison cell itself. It was installed with a microphone so that the Governor could listen to every talk. The cell was fully checked by the staff who took away anything that could pose a threat. Moreover, the staff was put on high alert, doors and gates were locked. Prison officers Stephens was to peep into Evans’ cell after every few minutes. The parson who came to invigilate, was frisked at the prison gate and his briefcase was checked thoroughly. b 2. Carter was Detective Superintendent. The Governor asked him to take McLeery with him and follow Evans in the direction as told by McLeery. Golden Lion’ in English was actually the name of the hotel where Evans was supposed to go to after escaping from jail. ita 1. Evans was considered a pleasant sort of chap by the prison authorities. They called him ‘Evans the Break’ because of his prior attempts to escape from prison. He was a congenital kleptomaniac. Evans wanted to sit for the O-level German examination because he saw it as another opportunity to escape from the prison. op 4. The small brown suitcase, which Reverend McLeery carried, contained all that he would require for his morning duties, including a sealed question paper envelop, a yellow invigilation form, a special authentication card from the Examination Board, a paper knife, a Bible and a current copy of the Church Times. C 5. The two phone calls the Governor received in quick succession made him suspect that the calls might be fake, that it might be some kind of signal or a secret message. To be completely sure, he dialed the Exam Board number. However, he heard beeps of an engaged line. 6. Evans did not take off his hat when Jackson ordered him to do so because according to Evans it was his lucky Charm. However in reality he wanted to hide his cropped hair so that he could pass off as McLeery. Also, keeping his hat on would hide his plan to escape. 7. The clues, which the Governor found in Evans’ answer sheet, were the index number 313 and centre number 271. This six figure reference helped the Governor to find Evans. In addition to this, the correction slip also carried a clue for .. Evans. ‘Zum golden Lowen; which means ‘The 10. Refer to answer 9. 11. According to Evans’ German teacher, his language ability was not quite up to the mark, in fact, it is doubtful. Evans could not even understand basic pleasantries in German. 12. Rev. McLeery brought a rubber ring with him to the prison for an important reason. Although he told the prison guards that the ring was for him to sit on (due to his piles), the ring contained pig blood, which would eventually help Evans to escape from the prison. Since, there was no other way to carry the blood into the examination room, it was carried in the rubber ring. 13. Evans already had a well thought out plan B in case his initial plan failed. When the Governor recaptured Evans and handed him over to the silent prison officer, the Governor was unaware that the officer as well as the driver of prison van were actually Evans’ accomplices. As Evans finally escaped, he had the last laugh at the Governor. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Evans Tries An O-Level Visit our site - 14. While Jackson went through the contents of Rev. McLeery’s suitcase, the object, which puzzled him the most was the semi-inflated rubber tube. Seeing the rubber tube there Jackson asked the Reverend whether he was thinking of going for a swim. 15. To bring Evans back securely to the prison from the Golden Lion, the Governor could have brought the police force with him from the prison itself. Alternatively, he could have travelled in the van himself with Evans to take him to the prison. The Governor should have been more vigilant and checked the credentials of the officials escorting him to the prison. the prison staff do not check McLeery’s identity or verify the phone call or recognise Evans impersonating McLeery. All this helps him to escape prison easily. Later, though the Governor is able to catch him red-handed, at the capital, Evans escapes once again, this time audaciously in the prison van. Therefore, it proves that it is sheer negligence on the part of the prison staff that helps Evans to escape. 21. The Governor of the Oxford prison was a kind-hearted man, who requested the Secretary of the Examination board to allow Evans to appear for the O-level German Examination. He also seemed smart and efficient fellow, who, knowing that Evans had a tendency to escape prison, took every precaution to prevent that from happening. Yet, by the end of the story, he turned out to be a gullible man with qualities, which are ‘good-for-agiggle’. Never once he doubted Evans’ intentions of appearing for the test even though his German was very bad. The Governor’s men made sure that Evans was not left with anything sharp and informed him that the Governor himself would be listening to each and every conversation going on in the cell. In spite of that neither the Governor nor his men were able to stop Evans from escaping. In the end the Governor was able to catch hold of Evans because of his smart thinking and commendable investigating skills. However, his habit of leaving things on others caused Evans to escape his clutches yet again. Therefore, it is suffice to say that the Governor was alert on some occasions, but on others, quite negligent and over-confident man, with a bad judgment of character. It is for this reason, Evans was able to escape from his prison multiple times. 17. Refer to answer 9. yM yK 18. When the examination was going on, the Governor received two important phone calls. The first call was from the University regarding a correction slip, which was not sent with the question paper. The second call was supposedly from the magistrate’s office requesting for a van and two prison officers. ita b 16. Refer to answer 8. 297 C op 19. During Evans’ O-Level German test, special precautions were taken by the prison staff to prevent him from escaping. The test was scheduled to be taken in his own cell. A parson from St. Mary Mags was called to invigilate and to keep the prisoner incommunicado during the exam. Evans was placed in the heavily guarded Recreational Block. There were two locked doors between his cell and the yard, which boasted of a high wall. Moreover, all the prison officers were on high alert. The Governor got a microphone installed in Evans’ cell, while Stephens kept peeping into the cell every few minutes. Two prison officers, Mr. Jackson and Mr. Stephens, thoroughly checked his cell for any sign of possible escape. His razor, nail filer and nail scissors were also taken away. 20. Even after taking various drastic precautions, for the smooth conduct of the exam, Evans fools the Governor and the prison authority in every step of the way. Stephens notices that Evans is wearing a hat but does not ask him to remove it. The hat concealed Evans’ cropped hair. Similarly, 22. Refer to answer 19. 23. The Governor received a call from the Assistant Secretary of the Examination Board saying that there was a correction slip, which was not attached to the question paper. He requested the Governor if he could read out the correction to Evans. The correction was ‘zum goldenen Lowen’. In reality, it was an indication informing Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - Evans where he was supposed to go after escaping from jail. Although, the Governor did not suspect anything, the correction slip helped Evans to know the name of the hotel and its location. Later, when the Governor learned about Evans’ escape, Rev. McLeery (Evans in reality) showed him the question paper at the back of which, instructions were given to help Evans escape. These instructions were meant to misguide the jail authorities. However, the Governor was able to put together the index and centre numbers. With the six digit reference and the help of a survey map, the Governor came to know Evans had escaped to Chipping Norton. Now, the Governor could work out a plan to arrest Evans. for O-Level German Exam. The one who came to invigilate carried pig blood in a rubber tube. With the help of fake blood McLeery pretended to be bleeding profusely. He pretended to cover his ‘bleeding wound’ with a handkerchief. This was an opportunity for him to hide his face and since he was in so much pain be could not speak. To avoid being taken to the hospital, Evans (as McLeery) offered to help the officers track ‘Evans’, whom they thought had escaped. He even told them that ‘Evans’ had gone towards Elsfield Way. The Governor ordered McLeery to accompany Carter since he was the only one who knew everything that had happened. Thus, Evans (as McLeery) managed to leave the premises with Detective Superintendent Carter without anyone suspecting anything. An unsuspecting Detective Superintendent Carter dropped ‘McLeery’ at the Radcliffe hospital. However, when the Governor called the hospital, he was told that the injured McLeery had escaped. C op yM yK 24. An ‘injured’ McLeery was able to fool the prison officers easily because he was actually Evans dressed as parson, pretending to be Rev. McLeery. Evans was nicknamed ‘Evans the Break’ because earlier he had been able to escape prison thrice already. This time, he requested to appear CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 298 Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab VISTAS 6 Visit our site - Memories of Childhood – Zitkala-Sa and Bama C op yM yK ita b Topicwise Analysis of Last 11 Years’ CBSE Board Questions (2017-2007) ABOUT THE AUTHORS Jitkala-Sa (February 22, 1876-January 26, 1938) birth name Gertrude Simmons was an American who strove to expand opportunities for native Americans and to safeguard their culture. She went to a Quacker Missionary School but she was uncomfortable with the school’s harsh discipline and its curriculum. It was devised to teach EuroAmerican ways and history instead of native American culture. Bama is the pen-name of a Tamil Dalit woman from a Roman Catholic family. She has published three main works : an autobiography, ‘Karukku’, 1992 a novel, ‘Sangati’, 1994; and a collection of short stories, ‘Kisumbukkaaran’, 1996. The following excerpt has been taken from ‘Karukku’, ‘Karukku’ means ‘palmyra’ leaves, which with their serrated edge on both sides, are like doubleedged swords. By a felicitous pun, the Tamil word ‘Karukku’, containing the word ‘Karu’, embryo or seed means freshness, newness. Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - SUMMARY remembered her mother to used say that only warriors captured by the enemy, mourners and cowards wore shingled or short hair. Judewin and most of other girls were willing to submit. But the narrator rebelled. As the moment of cutting of her long hair neared the narrator, unnoticed by everyone, fled the scene. Trying not to make any noise she moved slowly and quietly up the stairs looking for a place to hide. She walked into a large room with beds. The room was quite dark and a perfect place for the narrator to hide. She crawled under bed in the corner farthest from the door. However, soon she heard footsteps and loud voice in the hall, calling out her name. Even though the narrator did all that she could to not get caught, the palefaced woman found her dragged her out and carried her downstairs. She resisted with all her might, kicking and scratching wildly, but it was all in vain. Tied fast in a chair, crying and shaking her head, she felt the cold scissors against her neck as they cut her hair. The narrator say in the end she had faced many indignities since she was taken from her mother. When her hair was cut, she needed her mother to comfort her, but no one came. The day her long hair was cut, the narrator had lost her spirit. 2. We Too are Human Beings The narrator recalls the time when she was studying in third standard. She had not heard of untouchability yet, but she had experienced and humiliated by it. Talking about her childhood, she remembers taking half an hour to one hour to reach home from school, which was merely ten minutes walking distance. She took so much time because on her way back, she stopped to watch the things happening around her. The fun, games, entertaining novelties, oddities in the street, the bazaar, etc. appealed to the narrator a lot. There were so many amazing things to observe, for instance, the performing monkey, the snake charmer and his snake, the cyclist who had been peddling for three consecutive days. She saw Pongal offerings being cooked at Maariyaata temple, heard speeches given by politicians watched street plays, puppet shows, the cooling of coffee, etc. The market, the narrator noticed, C op yM yK 1. The Cutting of My Long Hair The first day in the school was a nippy cold one with snow all around. The narrator recalls that the first day in the land of apples was a nippy cold one with the ground still covered in snow. As the sound of the large metallic bell assaulted the sensitive ears of the narrator, she understood that it was time for breakfast. The harsh racket caused by the clattering noise of the shoes, mixed with an incomprehensible murmur, agitated the narrator to the extent that in spite of putting up a good fight all hope of freedom seemed lost. On her way to the dining room, while standing in a line of girls, the narrator could not help but notice some of the other Indian girls. They wore dresses, which clung to their body and stiff shoes. The small girls had their hair shingled. The narrator felt ashamed because she did not have her blanket. However, it was the group of other Indian girls, who wore tight fitting clothes that seemed immodest to the narrator. Once in the dining room, the narrator heard the sound of a small bell being tapped. At this moment, each of the pupils pulled out a chair from under the table. Thinking that they could sit now, the narrator quickly slipped into hers. Seeing all the pupils still standing, the narrator started to rise. However, a second bell was sounded and the pupils sat on their chairs. A man’s voice was heard muttering something at one end of the hall. The narrator’s eyes wandered to look for the man, she noticed that other pupils were sitting with their heads bowed. As she looked around narrator’s eyes met the palefaced women’s eyes, who had a stern countenance. The man ceased to speak and a third bell was sounded, which was an indication that they could start eating. Overwhelmed by the ‘eating by formula’, and her hopeless situation, the narrator bursts into tears. As the day progressed, narrator’s friend Judewin who knew few words of English, warned narrator that she had overheard palefaced woman talk-the cutting of her and other Indian girls’ heavy long hair. The narrator felt distraught because she CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 300 Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - b to the lower caste; they were untouchables in the eyes of the society. To the people of the upper caste, touching an untouchable would mean the former has been polluted. That is why the elderly man did not hold the packet of vadais from the bottom. Hearing all this, the narrator was furious that such an important elder of the community was reduced to doing such petty and odd jobs. She thought whether the upper caste people were so devoid of human feelings that they did not consider other lower caste people too are human beings. Annan then advised her that since they were born into this community, the only way they could claim respect and honour was by studying hard and making progress. He told the narrator to learn as much as she could. If she was always ahead of everybody in her lessons, people would come to her on their own and attach themselves to her. Therefore, it was important for her to work hard and learn. yM yK was flooded with seasonal fruits and vegetables. A number of desserts and snacks being prepared in sweet shop tempted the narrator. Watching all this while coming back from school delayed her. One day, the narrator saw the landlord seated on a sacking spread over a stone ledge watching the proceedings as the people of her caste worked hard to separate grain from the straw. The narrator found it humorous that muzzled cattles were being driven round and round by the men. She then saw an elderly man from her village coming from the direction of the bazaar. The big man was carrying a small packet of vadai, in such a way that the narrator almost burst out laughing. He held out the packet by its string and tried not to touch it. The man went to the landlord, bowed low and offered him the packet of vadais with both hands, neither of which touched the landlord’s food. When the narrator finally reached home, she narrated the story to her elder brother and started laughing. However, Annan did not laugh. He explained to her that people like the landlord considered themselves belonging to upper caste. For them, people like the elderly man, her brother, she herself and others from her community belonged 301 ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Memories of Childhood C op Those words said by Annan made a deep impact on the narrator’s mind. She studied with great effort and stood first in class. Since she was a bright student many people became her friends, just as Annan had said. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab 302 Visit our site - CBSE Champion English Core PREVIOUS YEARSBoard MCQS Questions Previous Years’ CBSE 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. SA II (3 marks) 14. LA I 17. (5 marks) What activities did Bama witness on her way back home from school? (AI 2014 C) LA II (6 marks) 18. 19. Untouchability is not only a crime, it is inhuman too. Why and how did Bama decide to fight against it? (Delhi 2017) ‘We too are Human Beings’ highlights high caste-low caste discrimination in society. How do low caste people suffer on account of this? What advice is given to Bama to overcome this problem? (Foreign 2015) How did the scene she saw in the market place change Bama’s life? (Delhi 2015 C) b 4. How did Zitkala-Sa’s first day in the land of apples begin? (AI 2016) According to Zitkala-Sa what does ‘eating by formula’ mean? (AI 2016) yM yK 3. 16. 20. LA III (7 marks) 21. op 2. Why did Bama reach home late after school? (Delhi 2014) Which words of her brother made a deep impression on Bama? (Delhi 2014) Why was Zitkala-Sa in tears on the first day in the land of apples? (AI 2014) What is common between Zitkala-Sa and Bama? (Delhi 2014 C) Why did Zitkala-Sa resist the shingling of her hair? (AI 2014 C) What were the articles in the stalls and shops that fascinated Bama on her way back from school? (AI 2013) What did Zitkala-Sa feel when her long hair was cut? (Delhi 2011) What advice did Annan offer Bama? (Delhi 2011) What did Judewin tell Zitkala-Sa? How did she react to it? (AI 2011) Why did the landlord’s man ask Bama’s brother, on which street he lived? What was the significance? (Delhi 2010) Why was Zitakala-Sa terrified when Judewin told her that her hair would be cut short? (AI 2010) When did Bama first come to know of the social discrimination faced by the people of her community? (Delhi 2009) How did Zitkala-Sa try to prevent the shingling of her hair? (Delhi 2009) C 1. 15. (2 marks) ita SA I At the dining table why did Zitkala-Sa begin to cry when others started eating?(AI 2016) 22. 23. 24. Zitkala-Sa’s experience in ‘Memories of Childhood is that of a victim of the racial discrimination. What kind of discrimination does Bama’s experience depict? What are their responses to their respective situations? (AI 2013) What kind of discrimination did Bama and Zitkala experience ? How did they respond to their respective situations? (Delhi 2009) What are the similarities in the lives of Bama and Zitkala though they belong to different cultures? (AI 2009) Describe how Zitkala-Sa tried in vain to save her hair from being cut. Why did she want to save her hair? (AI 2009) Answers 1. Bama spent time watching games and other entertaining sights, which came along the way. She enjoyed herself looking at the shops and bazaar, at the novelties and oddities. All this made Bama reach home late after school. 2. After hearing from Bama what happened on her way home, Bama’s elder brother told her that although people do not get to decide the family they are born into, they can outwit the indignities inflicted upon them if they are well Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - op C 303 b make out Bama’s brother’s caste from his name. Knowing the street name would give away the caste as each street was occupied by a particular caste. 11. When Judewin told her that her hair would be cut short, Zitkala-Sa was terrified because cutting hair short was against her custom. Short hair was a sign of mourning, cowardice and defeat. Long hair, on the other and was a symbol of bravery. 12. Bama was in school when she first came to know of the social discrimination faced by the people of her community. On her way back home from school she saw an elderly man carrying a small packet containing some eatables; he was holding it by its strings and not at all touching it. She found it funny at first but, soon, was shocked to know from her brother that it was a form of discrimination the people of their community had to face because they were Dalits. 13. Zitkala went upstairs in a large room, crawled under a bed to hide herself. But she was caught and dragged downstairs and tied to a chair. She resisted with all her might but it was all in vain. She cried and shook her head all the while, but could not avoid her hair from getting shingled. 14. Refer to answer 3. 15. It was a bitter-cold day. The snow still covered the ground. A large bell rang for breakfast. The peace of the morning was disturbed by the annoying clatter of shoes, constant clash of harsh noises and an undercurrent of many voices murmuring in an unknown language. 16. On the very first day, in the city of apples, Zitkala-Sa came across ‘eating by formula’, which was the fixed procedure for breakfast. Once everyone was in the dining room, the sound of the first bell indicated all pupils to pull out their chairs. At the second bell, all had to sit down. At the far end of the dining hall, a man said the prayer and the pupils bowed their heads finally, at sound of the third bell, everyone started eating with forks and knives. This made her feel out of place and overwhelmed her. 17. On her way back home from school, Bama witnessed many activities, which truly caught her attention. As she strolled through the bazaar, she saw many fun activities and games. She saw a monkey performing, a snake charmer putting his snake on display, a cyclist who had been cycling yM yK read and successful. This left a deep impression on her. 3. The narrator felt quite uncomfortable at the dining table. She was not used to eating by formula i.e., wait for the sound of the bell to commence eating. Moreover, the noise and the bedlam of languages and the Matron continuously staring at her, all of it disturbed her. Zitkala-Sa felt embarrassed and out of place. This is why she began to cry at the dining table when others started eating. 4. Both Zitkala-Sa and Bama came from marginalised communities. In their childhood, both women had to face discrimination on the basis of race and caste respectively. Miffed by the social injustice since they were young, they protested against it. They both became writers when they grew up and used their education to fight against discrimination. 5. Zitkala-Sa resisted the shingling of her hair because in her culture, long hair was valued. In her culture, it was only the warriors captured by the enemy, cowards and mourners who wore their hair shingled or short. 6. The articles in the stalls and shops, which fascinated Bama on her way back home from school included dried fish stall by the statue of Gandhi, the sweet stall, the stall selling fried snacks. Other than that the hunter gypsy with his lemur, selling needles, clay beads and instruments to clean out the ears; the way each waiter cooled the coffee, people sitting in front to the shops, chopping onions, etc. all this attracted Bama. 7. When Zitkala-Sa’s long hair was cut, she felt indignant and helpless like a puppet. She felt as if she was an animal driven by a herder and looked for comforting. 8. Annan advised Bama to throw away indignities and study hard and make progress. He said to her, “study with care and learn all you can. If you are always ahead in your lessons, people will come to you on their own accord and attach themselves to you. Work hard.” 9. Judewin was a friend of Zitkala-Sa. She understood some words of English. She had overheard the white woman telling that they would cut her long and heavy hair. She said that ZitkalaSa would have to agree to it. 10. The landlord’s men asked Bama’s brother, on which street he lived because the man could not ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Memories of Childhood Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - experienced discrimination on the basis of her caste. Zitkala-Sa is a native American girl sent to a convent school, where she is treated badly at the hands of white people who consider themselves a superior race. Zitkala-Sa has to abide by many rules and regulations, which overwhelm her on the very first day of her school. She, along with others, is made to ‘eat by formula’ and it distresses her. It is the cutting of her long hair, which makes her hysterical. In her community, only mourners and cowards wear their hair short. So, when it is her turn to get her hair shingled, she decides, she is not going to submit without a struggle. When she is dragged out from under the bed and carried downstairs, she resists by kicking and scratching wildly. She fights getting hair cut by shaking her head. A slightly different, but equally disturbing struggle, Bama has had already seen, felt, experienced and been humiliated by what untouchability is/was. The discrimination, in the beginning, is not quite evident to Bama until she sees an elder member of her community carry a packet of eatables by a string for a man of upper caste. It is from her older brother that she comes to know about the ill-treatment meted out to the Dalits by the members of the upper castes. This information terribly saddened and infuriates Bama as she feels that such discrimination is unfair and unjustified. Even after facing discrimination in their respective lives, Bama and Zitkala-Sa both became powerful writers and used this power to voice their opinion and fight oppression by the so called superior caste or race. C op yM yK for three days non-stop. When the narrator walked past the Maariyata Temple she saw the huge bell tower. She saw Pongal offerings being prepared. She even heard the politician’s speech. As she walked a little further, she saw the dried fish stall near Gandhi statue. The narrator was amazed to see the Narikkuravan hunter gypsies with a wild Lemur in a cage. She enjoyed her walk back home from school. 18. Bama saw one of the elders from her village coming down the street holding a small packet of vadai meant to be given to the landlord. The aged man was being careful not to touch it; he held the packet by its string. An amused Bama, narrated the incident to her older brother. He told her that the old man, being a dalit, was not allowed to touch the vadai brought for the landlord. Bama learnt from her brother that day, about the atrocities and discrimination meted out to the members of her community in the name of caste. He told her to study hard and learn as much as possible; people would come to her on their own. Bama did exactly what her Annan had urged her to do. She studied well and became a famous contemporary writer who raised her voice against the caste inequalities. 19. In ‘We Too are Human Beings,’ Bama highlights the high caste-low caste discrimination prevailing in the society. The high caste people have a firm social standing and enjoy every benefit they can derive because of it. On the other hand, having been segregated and marginalised, the low caste people have to suffer in every walk of their life. The have to face prejudices and social stigma of being born in a low caste community. Whether a child or an adult, man or woman belonging to the backward sections of the society, has to suffer humiliation in some way or the other. In her childhood when Bama felt the indignation caused by learning about untouchability and discrimination, her elder brother advised her to work hard and learn as much as possible because only education can uplift her. It would help her in establishing an identify and thus, a position in the society. 20. Refer to answer 12. 21. Zitkala-Sa’s experience in ‘Memories of Childhood’ is that of a victim of the racial discrimination. Bama, on the other hand, CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 304 22. Refer to answer 21. 23. Refer to answer 21. 24. Zitkala-Sa tried all that she could do to save her hair from being cut. When she heard that her hair were going to be chopped off she ran upstairs into a room where the windows were covered with dark coloured curtains. She hid herself under a bed, but was caught. She cried and resisted with all her might and kept shaking her head all the while her hair was being cut. She lost spirit when she heard the scissors grow off one of her thick braids. Zitkala-sa wanted to save her hair because cutting hair short was an indignity and against her custom. Short hair was a sign of mourning, cowardice and defeat. Long hair on the other hand was a symbol of bravery in her custom. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab NOVELS 1 Visit our site - Silas Marner – George Eliot C op b yM yK Marry Anne Evans was born in 1919 at Warwickshire, England. She was known by her pen name George Eliot, was an English novelist, journalist, translator and one of the leading writers of the Victorian era. She is the author of seven novels, including Adam Bede (1859), The Mill on the Floss (1860), Silas Marner (1861), Middlemarch (1871-72), and Daniel Deronda (1876), most of them set in provincial England and known for their realism and psychological insight. She used a male pen name, she said, to ensure her works would be taken seriously. Female authors were published under their own names during Eliot’s life, but she wanted to escape the stereotype of women only writing lighthearted romances. An additional factor in her use of a pen name may have been a desire to shield her private life from public scrutiny and to prevent scandals attending her relationship with the married George Henry Lewes, with whom she lived for over 20 years. The young Evans was obviously intelligent and a voracious reader. Because she was not considered physically beautiful, and thus not thought to have much chance of marriage, and because of her intelligence, her father invested in an education not often afforded by women. From age five to nine, she boarded with her sister Chrissey at Miss Latham’s School in Attleborough, from age nine to thirteen at Mrs. Wallington’s School in Nuneaton, and from age thirteen to sixteen at Miss Franklin’s School in Coventry. linen weaver residing in a stone cottage near the village of Raveloe. The simple rustic society of the village fears Silas, thinking he is connected with the devil. Silas too is aloof and does not care to socialise with the village people. He does not come and go anywhere, not even to the church. He stays indoors and weaves all day, feeling content by the gold he earns from it. To the people living in Raveloe, Silas Marner appears to be a suspicious character. He is described as one with on odd physical appearance : crooked body, strange and frightening eyes, pale face and much older looking. Since he has good knowledge of medicinal herbs and has occasional cataleptic fits, many of his neighbours think that Silas has other worldly powers. Silas has not always been a resident of Raveloe. He has been here for last fifteen years. Before coming to Raveloe he lived in Lantern Yard, a slum street in an unnamed city in Northern England. There, Silas Marner had been a member of a small Calvanist congregation. He was a Godfearing, virtuous man with a good reputation. He was betrothed to a young woman named Sarah. However, one day, he was falsely accused of murdering the very ill deacon, whom he was watching over and stealing the congregation’s funds. The congregation was presented with two clues : a pocket knife and the very pouch, which formerly contained the money. Silas immediately realised that William Dane, another member of the congregation and his best friend, had framed him. The knife did belong to Silas, but he had lent it to Dane shortly before the crime was committed. Despite being innocent, Silas Marner was proclaimed guilty of the crime. In one night, Marner lost his reputation, friendship and his faith in God. Weeks later, word arrived that Sarah had broken the engagement and was set to marry William Dane. Marner left Lantern Yard after that and moved to Raveloe. ita ABOUT THE AUTHOR SUMMARY The novel tells the tale of Silas Marner, a linen weaver, who, despite many misfortunes, eventually finds his way back into faith, virtue and love. LANTERN YARD Set in the early years of the nineteenth century, the novel introduces Silas Marner to the reader as a Follow us on Facebook - RAVELOE Visit our site - and advice whenever he needs it. Mrs. Winthrop also assists Marner to gradually find a place in the village society. SIXTEEN YEARS LATER Eppie is now a young woman and has grown up to be the pride of the village. Her bond with Silas has strengthened even more with time. Godfrey and Nancy, on the other hand are childless. Dunstan Cass’ skeleton is finally discovered at the bottom of the stone quarry near Silas’ home. Dunsey must have possessed Silas gold when he fell into the quarry because the skeleton is found clutching the same pouch, with the gold intact. Silas’ gold is duly returned to him. This revelation shocks Godfrey Cass and stirs his own conscience; he confesses to Nancy about being married to Molly and Eppie’s biological father. Godfrey fears that Nancy might refuse to accept Eppie because of the formers principles. Nancy, on the contrary, acts with love and sympathy and agrees to bring Eppie home. On finding out about her past and that Silas is not her real father, Eppie does not yearn for her biological father. Instead, she decides never to leave Silas, even after Godfrey reveals himself to be her real father. He and Nancy offer to raise Eppie as a gentleman’s daughter. Eppie, however, refuses to forsake Silas. Silas and Eppie revisit Lantern Yard. Silas wants to know the answers to his questions about the theft which have been haunting him all these years. In other words, Silas wants to find closure. When they arrive at his old neighbourhood, he is shocked to find that it has “swept away”. In its place, stands a large factory. The ambience of present Lantern Yard is grim, full of unhealthy people. No one knows what happened to the old inhabitants. On returning to Raveloe Silas feels like he has come back to his home. He decides to make peace with the fact that he may never come to know the answer to his questions. He agrees with Dolly when she says it does not matter because he was right all along. Silas Marner chooses his happier existence in Raveloe with Eppie by his side. C op yM yK Mr. Squire Cass, the town’s leading landowner has two sons, the good natured, but weak willed, elder son, Godfrey Cass and the dissolute, black sheep of the family, younger son, Dunstan (Dunsey) Cass. Dunsey, being always attracted to wealth and, a man with no conscience, steals Silas Marner’s gold, which he earned as a linen weaver in Raveloe. Since it is common for Dunsey Cass to disappear without a word, nobody suspects him or links the theft to him when Dunsey absconds with Silas’ gold. A deep gloom sets over Silas, even though the villagers try to help him. Godfrey Cass also hides a secret; he is secretly married to Molly Farren, a woman of low birth and an opium addict. Though Godfrey and Molly are estranged, his secret marriage prevents him from marrying the love of his life, Nancy Lammeter. Nancy is a women of high social and moral standing. On a cold winter’s night, Molly grabs her two-year old daughter and makes her way to Squire Cass’ New Year’s Eve party. She plans to out her secret marriage with Godfrey Cass and ruin him. However, on the way, Molly takes opium and lies down to rest. Finding herself free from her mother’s clutches, the child wanders away. She follows a bright light coming from Silas’ cottage, crawls in through the door and straight in front of the fire place. Silas follows her track in the snow and traces them back to Molly. She is still lying in the snow, dead. Silas goes to party for help. There, Godfrey recognises his daughter in Silas arms, but decides to stay quiet. He secretly hopes that the dead woman Silas discovered is Molly. In order to get confirmation of Molly’s death, Godfrey rushes out in panic and arrives at the scene. He is relieved to get confirmation from Dr. Kimble that Molly has been dead for hours. Her death ends the secret marriage between Godfrey and Molly, leaving Godfrey free to marry Nancy Lammeter. Therefore, he resolves not to disclose his secret to anyone. Silas decides to keep the child and raise her as his own daughter. He names the child Eppie (short for Hephzibah). He feels that his ‘stolen gold’ is returned to him in the form Eppie with her golden hair. Godfrey Cass provides financial aids to Silas to help him care for Eppie. However, it is Mrs. Dolly Winthrop, Silas’ neighbour, who helps Marner in bringing up Eppie by providing him with support CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 306 CONCLUSION The story ends with Eppie marrying Dolly Winthrop’s son Aaron, they both move into Silas’ cottage, recently renovated to accommodate Aaron. Silas Marner and his extended family is seen celebrating the joyous occasion. Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Silas Marner Visit our site - 307 PREVIOUS YEARSBoard MCQS Questions Previous Years’ CBSE LA II (6 marks) 1. George Eliot has portrayed Godfrey as a morally weak character. Comment. (Delhi 2017) 11. ‘Evil begets evil.’ In the light of this remark, describe the character of Dunstan Cass. (AI 2015) What kind of life did Silas lead at Lantern Yard? (Delhi 2017) 3. What kind of life did Silas lead before coming to Raveloe? (Delhi 2016) 13. Godfrey Cass is good-natured but weakwilled. Comment. (Foreign 2015) 4. Attempt a character sketch of Nancy Lammeter. (Delhi 2016) 14. How did Dunstan blackmail his brother, Godfrey ? (Delhi 2015 C) 5. How do William Dane’s deceit and Sarah’s desertion affect Silas? (AI 2016) 6. Attempt a character sketch of Eppie. (AI 2016) 15. Bring out the character traits of Godfrey Cass as he appears in the novels, ‘Silas Marner’. (AI 2015 C) 7. After coming to Raveloe, for fifteen years, earning and hoarding money remained a passion for Silas. Comment. (Foreign 2016) ita 16. Bring out the character traits of William Dane as he appears in the novel, ‘Silas Marner’. (AI 2015 C) yM yK op 9. Describe the ironical situation in which Silas Marner had to leave Lantern Yard. (Delhi 2015) Describe Dolly Winthrop as the most lovable character in George Eliot’s ‘Silas Marner’. (Delhi 2015) C 8. b 2. 12. Silas Marner lost his hoard of gold. Describe the circumstances under which his ‘gold’ is restored to him in the form of Eppie. (Foreign 2015) 10. Describe how Silas Marner is betrayed by his friend, William Dane. (AI 2015) 17. Describe Silas’ visit to Lantern Yard after 16 years. (Delhi 2015 C) 18. Describe the circumstances in which Eppie reached Silas cottage. (AI 2015 C) 19. On first seeing Eppie’s golden hair Silas thought that he had got back his gold. But the child proved to be an even better treasure. Comment. (Delhi 2015 C) 20. Dunstan Cass was a man of no virtue, so his tragic end is justified. Bring out the character of Dunstan Cass in the light the above statement. (AI 2015 C) Answers 1. Godfrey Cass was the elder son of Squire Cass. Being so, he was the heir to the Cass estate. Physically, he was a fine looking man. Although he was a good natured man, he was also weak-willed, self-centred and could not think beyond material comfort. He secretly married Molly Farren an opium addict, when he was young and fathered a daughter. However, he refused to accept the marriage and his daughter and behaved in a cowardly manner. This refusal to take the responsibility of Eppie and moral cowardice filled him with guilt. He found happiness with Nancy Lammeter, but feared losing her because of his past. This is why he gives into his brother’s demands when Dunstan Cass blackmails him and threatens to out the secret of his previous marriage. At last, when his life took a positive turn, Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - he decided to accept Eppie as his daughter because it was his ‘right’. Once again the reader comes across Godfrey Cass’ selfish side. 2. Before coming to Raveloe Silas was an her. She is a charming and graceful woman with striking features, an upright posture and lives as expected from a lady. She may not be the smartest woman in the world, but she lives by an inflexible code which influences her moralistic but just approach towards her life. Nancy refuses to adopt a child because her ‘principles’ do not allow her to do so. However, with age, she becomes mature and a sympathetic woman. Nancy deals with her husband’s revelation with dignity even though she has deep regret for his action. But, when she comes to know that Eppie is Godfrey’s daughter, Nancy welcomes her willingly into her house. 5. Initially, Silas was an honest and God fearing man, who was a member of small congregation in Lantern Yard. He was respected and honoured by the community people. However, everything changed after William Dane, his best friend, framed him for the sick deacon’s murder, whom Marner and Dane were supposed to look after together. Dane’s severe allegations and the brethren not believing him made Silas disillusioned; he uttered with great sorrow that, “there is no just God that governs the earth righteously but a God of lies, that bears witness against the innocent”. Soon after, Sarah, his fiancee, broke off the engagement and a months later, married William Dane instead. This made Silas to isolate himself completely and eventually leave Lantern Yard. He moved to Raveloe and there too Marner did not socialise with people around him and lived in seclusion. In return, the town’s people feared him and regarded him with a mixture of suspicion and curiosity. 6. Eppie is Silas Marner’s adopted daughter, who enters his life when she follows a bright light to the door of his cottage and straight in front of the fire place, after her biological mother dies. Eppie is one with a pure heart and sweet nature and her presence in Silas’ life, fills the void left in his heart after the betrayal of William, Sarah and later, the theft of his gold. She is the biological daughter of Godfrey Cass, who refuses to accept Eppie as his own. She is, lively, beautiful and loves Silas more than anything in this world and accepts Marner as a parent without questioning. She is not, in any way, conscious of Marner’s aloofness or his C op yM yK honest man and a faithful member of a religious sect in Lantern Yard. His initial cataleptic fits were seen as an indication of righteousness. He had a very close friend, William Dane. William was jealous of Marner because he loved Sarah, but she was engaged to Marner. However, the kind of life Silas lead changed drastically after a tragedy struck in Lantern Yard. A deacon fell ill and he was put in care of Silas. During his watch, Marner was struck by another cataleptic fit. While he was unconscious William killed the deacon, stole his gold and placed Silas’ pocket knife, which William borrowed from him previously, on the table. He wanted to frame Silas for the deacon’s murder and succeeded in doing so. The church found him guilty of the crime. Silas felt betrayed firstly, by his closest friend William and secondly, by the church for not believing him. He claimed that there is “no just God... but a God of lies.” Unable to prove himself innocent, Silas Marner removed himself from the society. Sometime later, Silas heard the news that Sarah had broken off the engagement and in a months time married William. Soon after, Silas Marner left Lantern Yard, a loner. 3. Refer to answer 2. 4. Nancy Lammeter is one of the major characters of novel ‘Silas Marner’ by George Eliot. She is a pretty and caring young lady married to Godfrey. The heir to the Cass estate. Nancy also comes from a reasonably wealthy family as per the Raveloe standards. Her father, Mr. Lammeter, is a ‘handsome landed gentleman of Raveloe, he owns the Warrens’. It is from him that Nancy has inherited her remarkable strength of character, high principles and hard work. It is because of her strict values that she disapproves of what she sees as her husband’s weakness of character. On many instances it is evident that Nancy is a typical country girl and she is well aware of it. In fact, she is not ashamed of her wealthy yet not so sophisticated upbringing. She is not as refined as the city girls and her hands are coarse from butter making and cheese crushing. However, this does not bother CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 308 Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - C op yM yK Silas Marner of Lantern Yard to Raveloe. He had been falsely accused of murder and theft because his best friend William Dane had set him up. After Silas settled in Raveloe, he spent most of his time inside his cottage, weaving. It kept his mind occupied to revent him from brooding over William’s betrayal. In his solitary moments, the lonely Silas came to love the glitter of gold coins he earned as a linen weaver. Every night, after work, Silas would sit down to enjoy the companionship of his gold. When his gold was stolen Silas became panicstricken and horrid. He had completely lost his spirit and hope after that until one day a little toddler with golden hair crawled into his life. Attracted by the golden locks of the little child Silas Marner believed his gold had been returned to him. 8. The irony of the situation in which Silas Marner had to leave Lantern Yard was not single fold. Marner was an honest man and a devout Christian who was held in high regard by everybody in Lantern Yard. He was betrothed to Sarah and shared great camaraderie with William Dane, a fellow brethren in the same religious sect. However, with the deacon falling ill, William Dane took advantage of the situation and succeeded in framing Silas for the deacon’s murder. William placed the evidence - Silas’ pocket knife and the empty pouch supposedly carrying the deacon’s gold coins - at the crime scene and Marner’s room respectively. When the 309 congregation found the evidence they instantly believed Silas to be the perpetrator. Again, it was ironic that the religion and the religious community he had so much faith in, refused to believe him. The members of the congregation drew lots to be certain of Silas guilt and inevitably declared Silas guilty of the crime without much investigation. They suspended him from Churchmembership. Such an act of treachery broke Silas completely. It destroyed his faith and wounded his spirit. However, that was not the end of despair. Sarah broke her engagement with him and in a month’s time married William Dane. It was then that Silas left Lantern Yard. 9. Dolly Winthrop is the most lovable character in George Eliot’s ‘Silas Marner’. She may not be extremely academic, but she is a simple and content woman, who is always happy to provide comfort and advice as and when required. Dolly herself is devoutly religious. She decides to help Silas as much as possible. She persuades him to always have faith in God and that he should start going to church again for his own good. Dolly Winthrop is kind and patient and at the same time, open and friendly. She quickly befriends Silas and helps him raise Eppie as his own daughter. She guides Silas as to how to take care of Eppie, bathe her, clothe her, feed her, etc. It is she who convinces Silas to have Eppie christened and also advises to punish her when it’s necessary. A friend and guide to Silas Marner, Dolly becomes Eppie’s godmother and later her mother-in-law. Simply put, Dolly Winthrop is a woman of scrupulous conscience. 10. Refer to answer 8. 11. Dunstan Cass is the younger son of Squire Cass. Throughout the novel, he comes off as a man of no virtue. He has a knack for drinking and gambling. He is a man of evil mind, who is always out to harm others. Dunstan Cass is selfish, greedy and a manipulative man, a stark contrast to Godfrey. Dunstan blackmails his own brother, Godfrey into paying his debt. He threatens to tell everybody that Godfrey is married to opium addict Molly Farren. Dunstan is a man with no conscience. He offers to sell Wildfire, Godfrey’s prized horse. But greed gets the horse killed. He is a criminal to the core and a thief. He steals Silas’ money and absconds with it. It is much later that Dunstan’s skeleton is b bent looks. Eppie is an outdoor person and likes to be close to nature. No wonder, she persuades Silas to help her grow a garden in the space around the cottage. She is also resourceful and accepts the help of their neighbour’s son Aaron, to assist them. Eventually, when Silas tells Eppie about her past and that he is not her real father, she does not yearn for her real father. Her sense of gratitude and responsibility to her father remains constant. She is not carried away by class or position and thus, over-rules Godfrey’s attempt to adopt her with the lure of a more comfortable life in the Red House. She chooses to live with Silas and marry Aaron Winthrop, a kind hearted working man, whom she loves and who loves her too. It is because of Eppie Silas changes from a recluse to a loving person. 7. An unfortunate turn of events had brought ita Downloaded from CopyMyKitab Silas Marner Follow us on Facebook - Visit our site - the old Deacon and stealing his gold. Silas was found guilty of the crimes. This disgrace ruined Marner’s reputation. Sarah broke off their engagement and months later, married William Dane. At this point, Silas left Lantern Yard. 17. Silas decided to go to Lantern Yard after all these years to meet the minister and seek answers to the lingering questions regarding the robbery, the drawing of the lots that took place years ago. However, when Eppie and he arrived at Lantern Yard, Silas was surprised to see that his old town had changed completely. It had become an industrial town and all of those whom he knew when he lived there, they too were nowhere to be seen. Most importantly, the chapel no longer stood where it used to, in fact, it was gone. With high buildings and narrow dirty lanes replacing the old establishments, there was nothing left of the old Lantern Yard. Unable to find any information regarding the evident transformation of his old hometown, Silas come back to Raveloe. He realised that his questions will never be answered. Now, with Eppie in his life, it was of no use to live in the past. Therefore, Silas decided to look forward to the future. His visit to Lantern Yard filled him with a sense of peace and rekindled his faith. 18. Refer to answer 12. 19. Finding Eppie sleeping in front of his fireplace, changes Silas life completely and for good. Tragedy had already struck Silas twiceonce when he was accused of murder and robbery in Lantern Yard and second when his own gold was stolen. It is after Silas Marner had lost everything that he gets Eppie. She, with her nature, mischievousness and unconditional love for Silas drives away the melancholy and loneliness prevailing in his life. Suddenly, Eppie becomes the purpose of his life and he becomes possessive about her. Silas organises his life according to her demands and necessities. Gradually, it is not just Eppie whom we see grow, but Silas’ growth as well, with her. She refuses to leave him and go with Godfrey even after knowing that he was her biological father. Therefore, it is relevant to say that Eppie proved to be an even better treasure than gold. 20. Refer to answer 11. C op yM yK found in the stone pits along with Silas’ money. Apparently, he had fallen into a quarry full of water and drowned. In conclusion, one can say that his tragic end is justified. 12. Eppie was the biological daughter of Godfrey Cass and Molly Farren, whom he has secretly married. Molly was an opium addict. Hence, Godfrey, who was the heir to the Cass estate, refused to acknowledge her as his wife in public. Molly decided to take revenge and set out to Squire Cass house with her daughter. However, midway, she fell to the ground due to sheer exhaustion and cold and died. Daughter Eppie crawled out of her mother’s arms and started moving towards the bright light coming from Silas’ house. Eppie toddles in through the open door; Silas found her sleeping in front of the fire place. 13. Refer to answer 1. 14. Dunstan came to know that his brother, Godfrey was secretly married to Molly Farren, an opium addict. He threatened to reveal this truth to their father and blackmailed Godfrey into doing favours for him. Godfrey could not let his secret come out because firstly, he feared that his father might refuse to give him the inheritance. Secondly, this news could ruin his relationship with Nancy Lammeter, whom he was all set to marry. Godfrey borrowed money to help Dunstan. However, Dunstan refused to pay the debt money and told his brother to arrange the money for himself. He even forced Godfrey to sell his prized horse, Wildfire. 15. Refer to answer 1. 16. William Dane was a close friend of Silas Marner and a member of the same church congregation in Lantern yard. He was a treacherous friend, who also lusted after Marner’s fiancee Sarah. In order to acquire Sarah, William Dane betrayed Silas’ trust by spreading rumours that the latter’s cataleptic fit was due to invocation of the devil rather than God. Dane manipulated the matters by creating a crime scene, which suggested that Silas was the culprit. Dane planted Silas’ knife in the house of the Deacon where the money had been kept. The empty money bag was found in Silas’ house. Dane falsely accused Marner of murdering CBSE Champion English Core b Downloaded from CopyMyKitab ita 310 Follow us on Facebook - Downloaded from CopyMyKitab NOVELS 2 Visit our site - The Invisible Man – H.G.Wells SUMMARY C op b yM yK H.G. Wells is best known for his work in the science fiction genre and is rightly called the “Father of Science Fiction”. His most notable science fictions include “The War of the Worlds”, “The Time Machine”, “The Island of Doctor Moreau” and “The Invisible Man”. H.G. Wells was born on 21 September 1866 in England. He was the fourth and last child of Joseph Wells and Sarah Neal. Wells’ Parents had a turbulent marriage. But they managed to educate their son in the best possible way. The book “The Invisible man” was first published in 1897. Originally serialised in “Pearson’s Weekly” in 1897, it was published as a novel in the same year. Wells’ earlier books like “The Time Machine” and “The Island of Doctor Moreau” were written using first-person narrators, whereas in “The Invisible Man” Wells adopts a