Project Management Inventory For each of the following statements, assign one of the numbers below: 1 - Strongly Disagree | 2 - Disagree | 3 - Agree and Disagree | 4 - Agree | 5 - Strongly Agree 1C. Family, friends, and peers would describe me as a good communicator. 11R. I have the confidence that I am in ____ control of my life and future direction. ____ 2H. I have developed strategies for working through conflicts with others. 12S. When starting something new, I plan before I act. ____ ____ 3R. When I start a new project, I have the confidence I will complete it on time. 4S. Projects that I have influence over don't balloon in size over time. 5C. When someone introduces themselves to me, I immediately remember their name. 6H. Family, friends, and peers would describe me as someone who is friendly and collegial. 7R. I don't worry about school when I am not at school. 8S. If asked to summarize a project I am working on, I can do so clearly and in just a few sentences. 9C. When someone else is talking, I listen intently in order to understand the full meaning of what they are saying. 10H. I try to put myself in other people's shoes, seeing the world from their perspective. 13C. I stay in regular contact with the ____ people in my life who are important to me. 14H. Family, friends, and/or peers have told ____ me that I inspire them or that I am a role model. 15R. When I start a new project, I carefully consider what could go wrong. ____ 16S. I am comfortable telling a peer that his/her new idea lies outside the ____ agreed upon plans for a project. 17C. I am comfortable speaking to medium ____ or large sized groups in public. 18H. When working in groups, peers would describe me as a reliable team ____ member. 19R. Others would describe me as an effective problem solver. ____ 20S. For the projects I am currently working on, I know exactly what I need to ____ accomplish. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Total your responses for each of the C, H, R, and S questions. Scores will range between 5 and 25: 1C __ + 5C __ + 9C __ + 13C __ + 17C __ = ____ C 2H __ + 6H __ + 10H __ + 14H __ + 18H __ = ____ H 3R __ + 7R __ + 11R __ + 15R __ + 19R __ = ____ R 4S __ + 8S __ + 12S __ + 16S __ + 20S __ = ____ S = ____ TO TAL Key: C: H: R: S: Communications Management (e.g., keeping everyone informed about a project's progress) Human Resources Management (e.g., leading and/or working with a project team) Risk Management (e.g., planning for and managing the risks to a project) Scope Management (e.g., delineating the specific requirements for a project) Personal Goal Setting: Background: This project management inventory was developed by David Hutchison, PhD, PMP for The inventory is intended to be used as an entry point for further discussions in project management workshops. It is not intended to be used as a scientific instrument. The project management knowledge areas are referenced with the permission of the Project Management Institute. | Last Update: 2017-03-05 | Contact: