5 FEDERAL TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING INSTITUTE Faculty of Electrical-Electronics and ICT Department of Electrical-Electronics Technology Program B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Technology 1. Instructor Information Melkamu Gamene Name 2. Course Information Electrical Materials and Technology Course Name/Title EACT 2032, Course Code Credit hours 2 Cr.Hrs /4 ECTS Status of the course Core Compulsory/major 3. Course Description and Objectives Course Description: Safety rules and procedures in laboratory, Introduction to basic measuring instruments, Oscilloscope and its operation, Experimental error and color coding, Resistor Networks, Voltage & Current reading using Voltmeter & Ammeter. Course objective: Chapter CHAPTER: 1 Review of atomic theory of matter CHAPTER: 2 Conductivity and superconductivity At the end of this course, the learner will be able to To review fundamentals of atomic theory; the role of electrons in determining the macroscopic electrical behavior of materials. To understand the physical properties of conductors, superconductors, semiconductor, dielectric and magnetic materials. To understand application and manufacturing processes of electrical and electronic materials 4. Detail Course Outline Topics to be covered 1.1 Review of atomic theory of matter 1.1.1 The Rutherford model of atom, 1.1.2 The Bohr atom model, 1.1.3 Quantization of electron energy, 1.1.4 Schroedinger equation, 1.1.5 Atomic bonding, 1.1.6 Energy band diagram. 2.1 Conducting materials 2.1.1 Conduction in conductor materials, 2.1.2 Equation of motion of an electron, 2.1.3 Fermi-Dirac distribution function and the Fermi energy of metals, 2.1.4 Influence of frequency on conductivity, 2.1.5 Factors influencing resistively of conductor materials, 2.1.6 Thermal conductivity of conductors, 2.1.7 Classification and applications. 2.2 Superconductivity 2.2.1 BSC theory of superconductivity, 2.2.2 Meissner effect, 2.2.3 Classification of superconductor materials, 2.2.4 London equation, 2.2.5 Application of superconductor. Mid exam CHAPTER: 3 Semiconductor and dielectric materials CHAPTER: 4 Magnetic materials Text Book 3.1 Semi-conducting materials 3.1.1 Energy band diagrams, 3.1.2 Intrinsic semiconductors, 3.1.3 Extrinsic semiconductors, 3.1.4 Fermi-Dirac distribution and the concentration of charge carriers, 3.1.5 Drift and diffusion current, 3.1.6 P-N Junction, 3.1.7 Hall-Effect, 3.1.8 Manufacturing process of semiconductors. 3.2 Dielectric Materials 3.2.1 Field Relations, 3.2.2 Polarization and mechanisms of polarization in dielectrics, 3.2.3 Lorentz field, Properties of dielectric materials, 3.2.4 Complex permittivity, 3.2.5 Influence of frequency on permittivity, 3.2.6 Mechanisms of electrical breakdown of dielectric materials, 3.2.7 Ferro electricity, 3.2.8 Classification and applications. 4.1 Magnetic materials 4.1.1 Macroscopic characterization of magnetic materials, 4.1.2 Magnetic dipole moment, 4.1.3 Types of magnetism, 4.1.4 Spontaneous magnetization and the Curie Weiss law, 4.1.5 Domain movement in external magnetic field, 4.1.6 Magnetic losses, 4.1.7 Complex permeability, 4.1.8 Hard and soft magnetic materials, 4.1.9 Ferromagnetic materials, 4.1.10 Manufacturing of magnetic materials. 1 Week Final Exam 5. Suggested texts and reference materials Allison: Electrical engineering materials Dekker: Electrical engineering materials and devices Solymar: Lectures on the electrical properties of materials Lovell, Avery, Vernon: Physical properties of materials Pasco: Properties of materials for electrical engineers 6.Assessment methods Mid semester Exam 25%, Final semester Exam 40% Assignment & lab (30%) Reference Books 1. 2. 3. 4.